M 5.2 in North Of Ascension Island on 14 May 2017 22:11 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 200
Articles about casualties: 34 (17%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

FNO accuses JO of playing dubious

Thu, 18 May 2017 21:59:00 +0200island (en)

May 18, 2017, 11:20 pm By Maheesha Mudugamuwa The Federation of National Organisations (FNO) yesterday accused the opposition which they said was ‘officially and ‘unofficially’ acting in a dubious template for the projects to be launched by the government in cooperation with India and China.

Ученые научатся по небу определять грядущее цунами

Thu, 18 May 2017 21:43:00 +0200kvedomosti (ru)

Ученые из Италии и США стремятся улучшить обнаружение цунами. Они разработали новый подход к наблюдению в режиме реального времени. Группа ученых из Университета Сапиенца в Риме и Лаборатории реактивного движения НАСА в Калифорнии разработала новый метод под названием «Вариометрический подход к....

Tansi: in aumento i Comuni con piani di emergenza

Thu, 18 May 2017 20:02:00 +0200247libero (it)

Netta impennata dei Comuni calabresi dotati di Piano di Emergenza Comunale (PEC), grazie alla forte azione di sensibilizzazione e stimolo svolta dall’U.O.A. di Protezione Civile della Regione Calabria verso tutti i Comuni volta a favorire la redazione dei Piani per come previsto dalla legge n. 225/92, che con le modifiche apportate dalla legge n.

Decades after catastrophic 1980 eruption, Mount St. Helens is 'recharging'

Thu, 18 May 2017 19:43:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980, after two months of increasing volcanic activity. Since its most recent eruption in 2008, there has been a swarm of earthquakes, which are thought to be a result of the magmatic system's "recharging," according to the Pacific North west Seismic Network.

Cambios en la duración del día y otros 4 datos que quizás no conocías de los terremotos

Thu, 18 May 2017 19:28:00 +0200t13 (es)

En este mismo momento en el que estás leyendo esta nota, en algún lugar del mundo, la tierra está temblando. Y es que, en promedio, cerca de un millón de terremotos se producen por año en el planeta. La gran mayoría son tan pequeños que pasan desapercibidos.

Terremoto, Tavecchio: “Una partita di calcio può alleviare le sofferenze”

Thu, 18 May 2017 19:13:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 18 maggio 2017) “Una partita di calcio può alleviare le s of ferenze dei terremotati. Noi ci siamo sempre, anche questa volta come in passato in occasione dello tsunami, dell’Aquila e dell’alluvione in Liguria”. Con queste parole il presidente della Feder calcio , Carlo Tavecchio , ha....

Forte aumento dei Comuni calabresi dotati di Piano Comunale di Emergenza

Thu, 18 May 2017 19:07:00 +0200247libero (it)

Netta impennata dei Comuni calabresi dotati di Piano di Emergenza Comunale (PEC), grazie alla forte azione di sensibilizzazione e stimolo svolta dall’U.O.A. di Protezione Civile della Regione Calabria verso tutti i Comuni volta a favorire la redazione dei Piani per come previsto dalla legge n. 225/92, che con le modifiche apportate dalla legge n.

11:58:43 | Cambios en la duración del día y otros 4 datos sorprendentes que quizás no conocías sobre los terremotos

Thu, 18 May 2017 18:46:00 +0200hoybolivia (es)

Cambios en la duración del día y otros 4 datos sorprendentes que quizás no conocías sobre los terremotos. 18/05/2017 - 11:58:43 BBC.- En este mismo momento en el que estás leyendo esta nota, en algún lugar del mundo, la tierra está temblando. Y es que, en promedio, cerca de un millón de terremotos se producen por año en el planeta.

Terremoto, Tavecchio: “Una partita di calcio può alleviare le sofferenze”

Thu, 18 May 2017 18:40:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

LaPresse/Settonce Roberto Antonella Petris “Una partita di calcio può alleviare le s of ferenze dei terremotati. Noi ci siamo sempre, anche questa volta come in passato in occasione dello tsunami, dell’Aquila e dell’alluvione in Liguria” . Con queste parole il presidente della Federcalcio, Carlo....

Schmiergeldzahlungen - Brasilien sucht schon einen neuen Präsidenten

Thu, 18 May 2017 18:17:00 +0200derStandard (de)

Brisante Tonbandaufnahmen belasten Michel Temer in der Petrobras-Korruptionsaffäre. Die Kommentatoren bemühten in den Abendnachrichten die gewagtesten Metaphern, um die Brisanz der neuesten Enthüllungen im Korruptionsskandal "Lava Jato" fassbar zu machen. Von Erdbeben, Tsunami und Atombombe ist die Rede.

BIG ONE WARNING: New Zealand in store for ‘EXTREME’ earthquake as fault lines collide

Thu, 18 May 2017 18:02:00 +0200express (en)

GETTY Sean Martin New Zealand in store for ‘EXTREME’ earthquake The Oceanic country is still coming to terms with the damage caused by the 2011 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch which claimed the lives of almost 200 people. Researchers are now warning New Zealanders to brace themselves for a quake which could measure 8.

L'algoritmo italiano 'cacciatore' di tsunami

Thu, 18 May 2017 17:40:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 18 maggio 2017) Il prossimo passo ha aggiunto è "implementare questo algoritmo " all'interno della rete del JPL che fornisce dati in tempo reale da circa 230 stazioni in tutto il mondo. : + Ricerca: la Nasa userà un algoritmo italiano per contrastare gli tsunami - : Arriva algoritmo....

Lo sport in campo per la ricostruzione, presentato il progetto 'Il calcio aiuta' Partita a Norcia il 22 maggio, serata dedicata in Rai

Thu, 18 May 2017 17:02:00 +0200247libero (it)

NORCIA – “Lo sport può fare tanto e dare segnali concreti. Questo progetto non serve a togliere l’attenzione dalla ricostruzione post terremoto e da tutto l’impegno per mantenere la promessa del governo di non lasciare sole le popolazioni una volta che i riflettori si sarebbero spenti.

Change Is A Desideratum – Nana Konadu Agyeman...

Thu, 18 May 2017 16:41:00 +0200modernghana (en)

Be silent always when you doubt your sense; and speak, tho' sure with seeming diffidence. Some positive persisting fops we know who if once wrong, will needs be always so; but you, with pleasure own your errors past and make each day a critic on the last.

Terremoto, Tavecchio: il calcio può alleviare le sofferenze

Thu, 18 May 2017 16:21:00 +0200corriere (it)

Noi ci siamo sempre, anche questa volta come in passato in occasione dello tsunami, dell'Aquila e dell'alluvione in Liguria" | Elive - CorriereTv CONTINUA A LEGGERE » Con queste parole il presidente della Federcalcio, Carlo Tavecchio, ha presentato l'iniziativa della Figc 'Il calcio aiuta',....

Cambios en la duración del día y otros 4 datos sorprendentes que quizás no conocías sobre los terremotos

Thu, 18 May 2017 16:21:00 +0200teletica (es)

En este mismo momento en el que estás leyendo esta nota, en algún lugar del mundo, la tierra está temblando. Y es que, en promedio, cerca de un millón de terremotos se producen por año en el planeta. La gran mayoría son tan pequeños que pasan desapercibidos.

Datos sorprendentes que quizás no conocías sobre los terremotos

Thu, 18 May 2017 16:17:00 +0200opinion (es)

En este mismo momento en el que estás leyendo esta nota, en algún lugar del mundo, la tierra está temblando. Y es que, en promedio, cerca de un millón de terremotos se producen por año en el planeta. La gran mayoría son tan pequeños que pasan desapercibidos.

L’influenza del “Grande Perturbatore” e gli eventi meteo estremi sulla Terra

Thu, 18 May 2017 16:13:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Ormai sono anni e anni che Nibiru è diventato un argomento sempre più controverso per i teorici della cospirazione e ricercatori della verità. Una cosa importante va detta: «Il governo ha occultato con la complicità dei media la verità sul massiccio pianeta Nibiru».

Joint Hadr Exercise Commences At Naval Station Karwar

Thu, 18 May 2017 15:52:00 +0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Government of India. Headline: Joint Hadr Exercise Commences At Naval Station Karwar. The Annual Joint Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Exercise involving multiple agencies and being conducted by Indian Navy’s Western Nava Command commenced at Naval Station Karwar this morning with an inaugural session.

Cambios en la duración del día y otros 4 datos sorprendentes que quizás no conocías sobre los terremotos

Thu, 18 May 2017 14:42:00 +0200bbc-spanish (es)

Derechos de autor de la imagen Getty Images Image caption Las consecuencias de un terremoto pueden ser devastadoras. En este mismo momento en el que estás leyendo esta nota, en algún lugar del mundo, la tierra está temblando. Y es que, en promedio, cerca de un millón de terremotos se producen por año en el planeta.

Il Pianeta X e la fine del mondo di agosto sono una bufala

Thu, 18 May 2017 14:01:00 +0200247libero (it)

In sintesi: 1 - Tutte le notizie su un pianeta X che ad agosto dovrebbe provocare la fine del mondo NON hanno alcun fondamento scientifico; 2 - Si tratta di bufale per vendere libri e ottenere visite a siti internet (e vendere pubblicità); 3 - Una regole per il futuro (che ci sarà, state....

Korban Tsunami ini Pilih Disuntik Mati Akibat tak Kuasa Tanggung Derita

Thu, 18 May 2017 13:51:00 +0200antarajateng (id)

Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - Berlin Silalahi (46), korban tsunami yang selama ini menetap di hunian sementara Barak Bakoy, Aceh Besar, mengajukan permohonan euthanasia atau suntik mati ke Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh. Dia menyerahkan rekam medisnya kepada Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh di Banda Aceh, Kamis.

بينها مدينة عربية.. خمس مدن ستختفي عن الخريطة

Thu, 18 May 2017 13:05:00 +0200libyaakhbar (ar)

رغم انشغال العالم بالحرب على الإرهاب وانخفاض أسعار النفط وشبح الأزمات الاقتصادية الذي يلوح بالأفق إلا أن ارتفاع حرارة الأرض والاحتباس الحراري يزحف مع كسل دولي في وضع حدٍ لهذا التهديد الخطير. ودق تقرير على مجلة “ساينس تايمز” الأمريكية ناقوس الخطر بأن خمسة مدن ساحلية حول العالم ستختفي بحلول العام 2070، بسبب ارتفاع مستويات مياه البحار.

Tecnologie dirompenti per l’auto di domani

Thu, 18 May 2017 12:20:00 +0200ilSole24ore (it)

I tagli in Ford sono un ulteriore segnale che nell'industria dell'auto sta per affrontare una trasformazione epocale perché sta cambiando il modo di produrre, vendere e usare un oggetto sempre più tecnologico e meno meccanico dove la componente digitale è centrale, in un futuro volto all’elettrificazione.

Активизируется Тихоокеанское огненное кольцо: Путин предупредил о скором разрушительном мегаземлетрясении в США

Thu, 18 May 2017 12:12:00 +0200obzor (ru)

По словам Владимира Путина, США ожидает мощнейшее мегаземлетрясение, что стало сигналом для подготовки войск Восточного военного округа на фоне грядущих разрушительных подземных толчков и цунами, которые могут опустошить побережье Северной Америки и Камчатку. Об этом пишет издание Данное происшествие связано сдвижением Тихоокеанской плиты.

Out of the Tsunami came the Dune

Thu, 18 May 2017 10:35:00 +0200prospectmagazine (en)

Dimitri Klein sold his Paris-based advertising agency on the crest of the wave that preceded the bursting of the dotcom bubble. He spent five years at Auroville —the utopian spiritual community near Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, founded by Sri Aurobindo and “Mother” Mirra Alfassa—thinking about the big....

Tsunami de robos Mérida

Thu, 18 May 2017 10:29:00 +0200yucatan (es)

La ola de robos a casas habitación en Mérida se extiende como un tsunami. Ayer se conocieron nuevas quejas y denuncias de vecinos de otros fraccionamientos y colonias de la ciudad que fueron víctimas de los amantes de lo ajeno. En las últimas dos semanas propietarios de residencias del norte,....

National tsunami expert shares lifesaving advice

Thu, 18 May 2017 09:07:00 +0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

“The basic questions are, do you have a hurricane go bag? Do you have conversations with your family about, in the unlikely event of — whatever? I think hurricanes down there are a good opportunity to talk about that, and I am sure you are prepared, and have strategies,” he said.

L’Elite di Potere e la NASA hanno nascosto la verità su Planet X-Nibiru

Thu, 18 May 2017 07:28:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Una notizia recente che sta causando grande scalpore nei social e in tutto il web è quella relativa alle dichiarazioni fatte dal ricercatore David Meades che sostiene l’imminente impatto del misterioso Pianeta X , che con il suo avvicinamento potrebbe portare morte e devastazione sulla Terra.

Geologists make 'hot find' along New Zealand fault line

Thu, 18 May 2017 06:07:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

The borehole drilled almost 900 meters deep at Whataroa along the Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island (pictured above) revealed "extreme hydrothermal conditions," according to the journal Nature. An international team led by Wellington geological pr of essor Rupert Sutherland detected....

Geologists make 'hot find' along New Zealand fault line

Thu, 18 May 2017 06:05:00 +0200dw-en (en)

The borehole drilled almost 900 meters deep at Whataroa along the Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island (pictured above) revealed "extreme hydrothermal conditions," according to the journal Nature. An international team led by Wellington geological pr of essor Rupert Sutherland detected....

Many California courthouse buildings are seismically unsafe, state study says

Thu, 18 May 2017 05:45:00 +0200whittierdailynews (en)

More than 140 courthouses across California are seismically unsafe, a study commissioned by state of ficials determined, and fixing just the worst dozen would cost more than $300 million. In a serious earthquake, 145 courthouses could face ȁ#x201c;substantialȁ#x201d; structural damage,....

¿Por qué el emperador de Japón no puede abdicar como cualquier otro monarca?

Thu, 18 May 2017 05:14:00 +0200bbc-es (es)

Derechos de autor de la imagen AFP Image caption Si el emperador expresa públicamente su deseo de abdicar se podría interpretar como interferencia política. El emperador de Japón, Akihito, declaró temer que su deteriorado estado de salud y su edad presentan dificultades para continuar con sus funciones.

Neapels Supervulkan könnte bald erwachen

Thu, 18 May 2017 04:52:00 +0200DerBund (de)

Der Supervulkan Phlegräische Felder bei Neapel könnte einer Eruption näher sein als bislang gedacht. Das behaupten Geologen des University College London (UCL) und des Vesuv-Observatoriums in Neapel. «Wir haben untersucht, wie der Untergrund der Phlegräischen Felder bricht und sich bewegt», sagt....

A tsunami in Japan endangered kids in Cambodia

Thu, 18 May 2017 04:22:00 +0200phnompenhpost (en)

The tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, now threatens the developing brains of children in Cambodia – but not for reasons that were ever expected.Cambodia has long struggled with iodine deficiency. The element is crucial to early brain growth: When pregnant women and their infants have....

Many California courthouse buildings are seismically unsafe, state study says

Thu, 18 May 2017 04:20:00 +0200dailynews (en)

More than 140 courthouses across California are seismically unsafe, a study commissioned by state of ficials determined, and fixing just the worst dozen would cost more than $300 million. In a serious earthquake, 145 courthouses could face ȁ#x201c;substantialȁ#x201d; structural damage,....

Many California courthouse buildings are seismically unsafe, state study says

Thu, 18 May 2017 04:10:00 +0200dailybreeze (en)

More than 140 courthouses across California are seismically unsafe, a study commissioned by state of ficials determined, and fixing just the worst dozen would cost more than $300 million. In a serious earthquake, 145 courthouses could face ȁ#x201c;substantialȁ#x201d; structural damage,....

New Zealand in 'hot water' Seismic fault-line water, much hotter than expected, has been discovered in New Zealand. Geologists say the fluid could be harnessed to generate electricity or heating.

Thu, 18 May 2017 03:43:00 +0200dw-en (en)

The borehole drilled almost 900 meters deep at Whataroa along the Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island (pictured above) revealed "extreme hydrothermal conditions," according to the journal Nature. An international team led by Wellington geological pr of essor Rupert Sutherland detected....

No Whatsapp do PMDB, denúncia é 'tsunami'

Thu, 18 May 2017 03:39:00 +0200valor (pt)

BRASÍLIA - No grupo de Whatsapp dos deputados do PMDB, a gravação que revelaria o presidente Michel Temer negociando a compra do silêncio do ex-presidente da Câmara Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), os comentários variavam de “tsunami” e “é hora de ficar calado”. "Ninguém defendeu, todos estão atônitos", afirmou um parlamentar.

Geologists make 'hot find' along New Zealand fault line Seismic fault-line water, much hotter than expected, has been discovered in New Zealand. Geologists say the fluid could be harnessed to generate electricity or heating.

Thu, 18 May 2017 03:33:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

The borehole drilled almost 900 meters deep at Whataroa along the Alpine Fault on New Zealand's South Island (pictured above) revealed "extreme hydrothermal conditions," according to the journal Nature. An international team led by Wellington geological pr of essor Rupert Sutherland detected....

New book could be the perfect answer to relationship and parenting woes

Thu, 18 May 2017 03:00:00 +0200irishexaminer (en)

Congratulations! You and your beloved are having a baby. You are overjoyed, excited, thrilled, nesting, planning. And under no illusions you know babies are hard work. Your relationship is solid, you’re both ready to roll up your sleeves, share the responsibility, get stuck in. Creating a baby will make you two love each other even more.

Japan restarts another reactor

Thu, 18 May 2017 02:29:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

TOKYO: A Japanese utility on Wednesday switched on a nuclear reactor, the latest to come back in service despite deep public opposition in the aftermath of the Fukushima crisis. Japan shut down all of its dozens of reactors after a powerful earthquake in March 2011 spawned a huge tsunami that led to....

Grandi navi come mostri «Ora salvate la laguna»

Thu, 18 May 2017 01:02:00 +0200nuovavenezia (it)

Una nave da crociera gigantesca, rappresentata come una sorta di “mostro” alieno dotato di braccia che frantuma in mille pezzi al suo passaggio il ponte di Rialto e piomba in Canal Grande, suscitando una sorta di coloratissimo tsunami, che sommerge gondole con turisti in pigiama sgargianti e i....

Counsel argues proposed legislation racist

Wed, 17 May 2017 22:11:00 +0200island (en)

To allow displaced of NE to vote May 17, 2017, 10:33 pm By Chitra Weerarathne The proposed Bill to Register Internally Displaced persons of the North and East to entitle them to vote was a racist piece of legislation. That referred only to people displaced by terrorism and not by tsunami or any other natural disaster.

Katastrophenszenario im grenznahen Atomkraftwerk Cattenom 24 Stunden, um den Super-Gau zu verhindern Cattenom. Rund 100 Männer und Frauen aus ganz Frankreich proben diese Woche im lothringischen Kernkraftwerk Cattenom für den Ernstfall. Sie gehören der schnellen nuklearen Eingreiftruppe "Farn" an. von Hélène Maillasson mehr

Wed, 17 May 2017 22:11:00 +0200saarbruecker-zeitung (de)

Rund 100 Männer und Frauen aus ganz Frankreich proben diese Woche im lothringischen Kernkraftwerk Cattenom für den Ernstfall. Sie gehören der schnellen nuklearen Eingreiftruppe "Farn" an. Diese war nach der Katastrophe von Fukushima vom französischen Staatskonzern EdF gegründet worden, um in jedem....

Scienza e Tecnologia Pianeta X in rotta di collisione con la Terra: una bufala per inutili allarmismi ROMA – Un non meglio identificato pianeta X è in rotta di collisione con...

Wed, 17 May 2017 21:19:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – Un non meglio identificato pianeta X è in rotta di collisione con la Terra e arriverà ad agosto, causando terribili terremoto fino al grado 9.8 della scala Richter, ovviamente corredati da altrettanto giganteschi tsunami. Un’ apocalisse annunciata prima dal The Sun e poi rilanciata da altri....

Akhirnya Pasung Rusli Dibuka...

Wed, 17 May 2017 18:25:00 +0200kompas (id)

MEULABOH, KOMPAS.com - Rusli Jalil (57) warga Desa Kuala Tadu, Kecamatan Kuala, Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Aceh sejak enam bulan terakhir ini terpaksa harus dipasung kakinya dengan ratai besi karena sering mengamuk dan menyerang keluarganya dengan menggunakan senjata tajam.

From Where Will the Next Big Earthquake Hit the City of Istanbul?

Wed, 17 May 2017 18:22:00 +0200sciencenewsline (en)

The city of Istanbul is focus of great concern for earthquake researchers. This 15-million metropole is situated very close to the so-called North Anatolian Fault Zone which runs just outside of the city gates below the Marmara Sea. Here in the underground there is a constant build-up of energy....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iranian Red Crescent ends quake rescue operations in North Khorasan

Wed, 17 May 2017 17:45:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Dr. Seyed Amir Mohsen Ziaee, President of the Iranian Red Crescent visited the earthquake affected areas in North Khorasan and said that Red Crescent was immediately on the scene in the first hours of the earthquake and provided relief assistance besides performing its rescue operation.

38 Atom-Befürworter spielen mit Katastrophen-Ängsten «Vulkan legt Solar-Anlagen lahm!»

Wed, 17 May 2017 16:43:00 +0200blick (de)

Nein, ein Witz finde ich das nicht. Ich finde, man sollte auch die Gefahr eines Vulkanausbruches einberechnen, genau so wie alle andern Gefahren. Einen grossen Unterschied zu einem Unfall in einem Atomreaktor gibt es aber schon: Bei einem Vulkanausbruch könnte uns der Strom ausgehen und wenn es ganz....

4 Atom-Befürworter spielen mit Katastrophen-Ängsten «Vulkan legt Solar-Anlagen lahm!»

Wed, 17 May 2017 15:42:00 +0200blick (de)

Das Märchen zeugt vom Respekt und der Anerkennung gegenüber den Kernenergiegegnern: Diese erzählten vor 6 Jahren das Märchen vom Fukushima-Tsunami in Mühleberg... Höchstwahrscheinlich wird es kein Vulkanausbruch mit derart Gravierenden Folgen geben, aber eben auch bei einem Dammbruch kein....

L’influenza del “Grande Perturbatore” e gli Eventi Meteo estremi sulla Terra

Wed, 17 May 2017 15:21:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Ormai sono anni e anni che Nibiru è diventato un argomento sempre più controverso per i teorici della cospirazione e ricercatori della verità. Una cosa importante va detta: “Il governo ha occultato con la complicità dei media la verità sul massiccio pianeta Nibiru”.

Misterioso pianeta si avvicina alla Terra: “Ad agosto terremoti fino a 9.8 della scala Richter”

Wed, 17 May 2017 15:21:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Un pianeta di un altro sistema solare rischierebbe di entrare in collisione con la Terra provocando terremoti e tsunami distruttivi entro il prossimo mese di agosto. Questo è quanto dichiarato dal ricercatore David Meades che sostiene l’imminente impatto del misterioso Pianeta X , che con il suo....

Zum Beitrag: Notfallübung in Cattenom

Wed, 17 May 2017 13:58:00 +0200sr-online (de)

Die Einsätzkräfte des Atomkraftwerks Cattenom sind geschult, Krisen selbst in den Griff zu bekommen. Wenn aber die vier vorhandenen Sicherheitsgürtel nicht mehr greifen, wird die spezielle Eingreiftruppe FARN aus den vier Zentren im Inneren Frankreichs gerufen.

İstanbul Depreminde Can Kaybı Ne olur?

Wed, 17 May 2017 13:47:00 +0200haber24 (tr)

İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (İBB) Deprem ve Afet Komisyonu, hazırladığı 31 sayfalık deprem raporunde ürkütücü bilgilere yer verdi. Rapora göre olası bir depremde can kaybının 15 ile 30 bin arasında can kaybunın beklendiğini açıkladı. Raporun açıklanmasının ardından CHP’li belediye meclis üyelerinin yönelttiği birçok soru ise cevapsız kaldı.

Il Pianeta X/ "Distruggerà la Terra ad agosto!": cospirazione, complotto o bufala? (17 maggio 2017)

Wed, 17 May 2017 12:52:00 +0200247libero (it)

IL PIANETA X DISTRUGGERA' LA TERRA AD AGOSTO? COMPLOTTO O BUFALA? (17 MAGGIO 2017) - La teoria del ricercatore David Meades sta facendo il giro del mondo: ecco, peccato che pare non essere né un ricercatore né un il suo nome è quello reale; come rileva il sito anti-bufale Butac, il misterioso....

Earthquake could hit Istanbul at any moment

Wed, 17 May 2017 12:24:00 +0200zazoom (en)

(Di mercoledì 17 maggio 2017) Istanbul is overdue for an Earthquake on the North Anatolian Fault Zone which could happen below the gates of the city, say researchers from the GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience.

Court begins hearings in euthanasia lawsuit of tsunami survivor

Wed, 17 May 2017 09:41:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

The wife of Berlin Silalahi, Ratnawati (center), accompanied by Silalahi's lawyers sits at the Banda Aceh District Court in Aceh on May 3. Berlin has sought a court ruling to allow him to legally undergo euthanasia. (Serambinews.com via Tribunnews.com/Masrizal) The Banda Aceh District Court in Aceh....

Pianeta X in rotta di collisione con la Terra: una bufala per inutili allarmismi

Wed, 17 May 2017 08:10:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 17 maggio 2017) Pianeta X in rotta di collisione con la Terra : una bufala per inutili allarmismi ROMA – Un non meglio identificato Pianeta X è in rotta di collisione con la Terra e arriverà ad agosto, causando terribili terremoto fino al grado 9.8 della scala Richter, ovviamente corredati da altrettanto giganteschi tsunami.

Pianeta X in rotta di collisione con la Terra: una bufala per inutili allarmismi

Wed, 17 May 2017 08:02:00 +0200247libero (it)

ROMA – Un non meglio identificato pianeta X è in rotta di collisione con la Terra e arriverà ad agosto, causando terribili terremoto fino al grado 9.8 della scala Richter, ovviamente corredati da altrettanto giganteschi tsunami. Un’ apocalisse annunciata prima dal The Sun e poi rilanciata da altri....

Quake Measuring 4.1 Rattles Santa Barbara County’s South Coast

Wed, 17 May 2017 07:18:00 +0200noozhawk (en)

An earthquake measuring 4.1 on the Richter Scale rattled the South Coast of Santa Barbara County Tuesday night. Several areas reported a sharp jolt at 9:42 p.m., lasting 3-4 seconds, from the temblor that the U.S. Geological Survey said was centered in the ocean about 10 miles west of Isla Vista, at a depth of about 1.

Road repairs expected to be finished by mid-June

Wed, 17 May 2017 06:44:00 +0200ekantipur (en)

May 17, 2017- Repair work on the access road leading to the Upper Trishuli 3A Hydropower Project has gathered momentum, and it is expected to be completed before the upcoming monsoon. The 60 MW hydropower project is located in Rasuwa and Nuwakot districts in the north of Kathmandu.

Turbo Staff relocating 200 people for Kaikoura jobs

Wed, 17 May 2017 06:34:00 +0200Stuff (en)

"We're setting up our own accommodation at a holiday park where we've got some cabins. We also have a couple of houses. "I wasn't too keen on the village idea. I've previously been involved in mining in Australia. They have to be well run," Rongonui said. Turbo Staff's workers would be involved in road construction as well as repair of buildings.

IL PIANETA X/ Distruggerà la Terra ad agosto? Le teorie della cospirazione (17 maggio 2017)

Wed, 17 May 2017 06:25:00 +0200ilsussidiario (it)

IL PIANETA X DISTRUGGERA' LA TERRA AD AGOSTO? LE TEORIE DELLA COSPIRAZIONE (17 MAGGIO 2017) - Il Pianeta X distruggerà la Terra creando tsunami e terremoti ad alta criticità entro agosto di quest'anno. Questa la teoria del ricercatore David Meades, che ha analizzato il transito del misterioso....

Our view: Ready for the big one (or a little one)

Wed, 17 May 2017 05:59:00 +0200eastoregonian (en)

There is a gambler’s chance that in the next half century the Pacific North west will suffer the largest-scale natural disaster in North American history. Scientists put the odds between 20-30 percent that the ȁ#x201c;big oneȁ#x201d; will shake sometime in the next 50 years — about the same odds....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran - 5.8 Mw Earthquake - DG ECHO Daily Map | 16/05/2017

Wed, 17 May 2017 05:48:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 M at a depth of 12 km hit northern Iran on 13 May at 18.01 UTC. The epicenter was located approx. 42 km north north-west of Bojnurd city ( North Khorasan province). USGS PAGER indicates shaking up to "Very Strong" for 2 000 people and up to "Strong" for 8 000 people.

Earthquake thief to spend three years behind bars 29 minutes ago He looted properties during the tsunami evacuations in Christchurch.

Wed, 17 May 2017 04:09:00 +0200newshub (en)

A brazen thief has been sentenced to three years in prison for looting a property during tsunami evacuations. Tama Tapine, 24, broke into a property during evacuations in Christchurch after the Kaikoura earthquake in the early hours of November 14 last year.

Experto explica el porqué del estancamiento en la calidad de vida mostrado por La Serena y Coquimbo

Tue, 16 May 2017 21:54:00 +0200elobservatodo (es)

Si bien hace siete años la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CChC) y el Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales de la Universidad Católica de Chile realizan el Índice de Calidad de Vida Urbana de Ciudades Chilenas (ICVU), desde el 2013 se normalizaron los factores a evaluar y se contó con una metodología comparable año a año.

Sismo de 4,9 grados sacudió gran parte de Costa ecuatoriana

Tue, 16 May 2017 20:38:00 +0200ecuadorinmediato (es)

INOCAR descarta posibilidad de tsunami El Instituto Ge of ísico informó que a las 10:59 se registró un sismo de 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter, registrando su epicentro en la provincia de Santa Elena. El movimiento telúrico tuvo una profundidad de 16,86 kilómetros.

An obituary for Car Nicobar

Tue, 16 May 2017 20:25:00 +0200thehindu (en)

Candles on Waves , a novel by painter S.N. Sreeprakash, is an obituary for Car Nicobar that was reduced to mangled remains by the giant tsunami waves. The book will be released by Kerala Sahitya Akademi president Vaisakhan at the akademi’s Changampuzha hall on Wednesday. Candles on Waves is a journey of redemption, hope, love, and perseverance.

Where will the next major earthquake to strike Istanbul originate?

Tue, 16 May 2017 20:12:00 +0200upi (en)

May 16 (UPI) -- It's only a matter of time before a sizable earthquake hits Istanbul. But scientists have struggled to determine which direction an earthquake is most likely to originate from. New research -- detailed in the Geophysical Journal International -- suggests the next major earthquake to....

An obituary for Car Nicobar

Tue, 16 May 2017 20:05:00 +0200Hindu (en)

Candles on Waves , a novel by painter S.N. Sreeprakash, is an obituary for Car Nicobar that was reduced to mangled remains by the giant tsunami waves. The book will be released by Kerala Sahitya Akademi president Vaisakhan at the akademi’s Changampuzha hall on Wednesday. Candles on Waves is a journey of redemption, hope, love, and perseverance.

Ecuador: Ecuador tras el terremoto: Recuperación temprana a través del PNUD

Tue, 16 May 2017 19:26:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

CONTEXTO. El terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en la escala Richter que azotó la costa norte ecuatoriana el pasado 16 de abril causó considerables pérdidas humanas y materiales en las provincias de Manabí y Esmeraldas. Además de 671 personas fallecidas y 9 personas desaparecidas, se estima unas 218 000 personas afectadas.

Цукерберг следующий. Зачем президент Украины решил высечь море за цунами

Tue, 16 May 2017 19:18:00 +0200focus-ua (ru)

Если завтра СНБО решит, что безопасности Украины вредят слишком ранние восходы или, наоборот, слишком поздние закаты солнца, а глава государства своим указом эти процессы начнёт регулировать, не удивляйтесь. Такое в истории человечества наблюдалось не раз.

Terremoto, scossa magnitudo 6.1 in Papua Nuova Guinea

Tue, 16 May 2017 16:57:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – Nella giornata di lunedì 15 maggio, è stato registrato un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 della scala Richter a largo di Papua Nuova Guinea . Si è trattato di un terremoto importante, anche se non c’è allarme per possibili tsunami nelle prossime ore, sia nella zona di Papua Nuova Guinea, che su gran parte delle coste del Pacifico.

L’Elite di Potere e la NASA hanno nascosto la verità su Planet X-Nibiru

Tue, 16 May 2017 15:53:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Una notizia recente che sta causando grande scalpore nei social e in tutto il web, è quella relativa alle dichiarazioni fatte dall ricercatore David Meades che sostiene l’imminente impatto del misterioso “ Pianeta X “, che con il suo avvicinamento potrebbe portare morte e devastazione sulla Terra.

Misterioso pianeta si avvicina alla Terra: “Ad agosto terremoti fino a 9.8 della scala Richter”

Tue, 16 May 2017 15:53:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Un pianeta di un altro sistema solare rischierebbe di entrare in collisione con la Terra provocando terremoti e tsunami distruttivi entro il prossimo mese di agosto. Questo è quanto dichiarato dal ricercatore David Meades che sostiene l’imminente impatto del misterioso Pianeta X , che con il suo....

Pianeta sconosciuto in collisione con la Terra: probabili terremoti e tsunami di incredibili proporzioni

Tue, 16 May 2017 14:23:00 +0200247libero (it)

. Scienze / 16 maggio, 2017 Pianeta sconosciuto in collisione con la Terra: probabili terremoti e tsunami di incredibili proporzioni Secondo quanto recentemente scoperto da geologi e astr of isici, sembra che alcuni dei più grandi terremoti del mondo potrebbero seguire uno schema, infatti sembrano....

Tumori, Farmindustria: in arrivo uno tsunami positivo di prodotti

Tue, 16 May 2017 14:02:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

16 maggio 2017 - 13:47 Filomena Fotia Passi avanti nella lotta ai tumori grazie alla ricerca sui farmaci, con nuovi prodotti all’orizzonte che lasciano presagire “uno tsunami positivo”. Parola di Massimo Scaccabarozzi, presidente di Farmindustria: “Lo dimostrano i numeri.

Un misterioso “pianeta X” in “rotta di collisione” verso la Terra: “ad Agosto super terremoti fino a magnitudo 9.8, tsunami devastanti e poi…”

Tue, 16 May 2017 13:32:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

David Meade , che ha pubblicato il libro “ Planet X – The 2017 Arrival ” (Kindle Edition, non è ancora stato tradotto in italiano). Secondo gli studi di Meade , un pianeta “X” si starebbe muovendo verso la Terra e pur non colpendola, sarà in “rotta di collisione” toccando un punto ad inizio Agosto....

Puppets not on a string in Northampton

Tue, 16 May 2017 11:30:00 +0200harboroughmail (en)

You might think that for the puppeteer bring the novel War Horse to life on the stage, you might look for a smaller scale project for your next theatrical event. But having downed tools on the West End show, Toby Olie and Finn Caldwell, they took on Michael Morpugo’s Running Wild which comes to....

CHP'nin 'deprem' sorusuna 5 ay sonra yanıt geldi! İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi'nin (İBB) CHP'li Meclis üyelerinin, 2016 Aralık ayında İBB Meclis gündemine taşıdığı, olası

Tue, 16 May 2017 11:06:00 +0200birgun (tr)

DHA'nın haberine göre; İBB Deprem ve Afet Komisyonu AFAD (Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı), İSMEP (İstanbul Sismik Riskin Azaltılması ve Acil Durum Hazırlık Projesi), Çevre Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü, Afet Koordinasyon Merkezi (AKOM), Deprem ve Zemin İnceleme Müdürlüğü, İSKİ, İGDAŞ gibi ilgili....

CHP'li meclis üyeleri olası İstanbul’un depremini sordu, yanıt 5 ay sonra geldi

Tue, 16 May 2017 10:51:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Ezgi ÇAPA/İSTANBUL, () İSTANBUL Büyük Şehir Belediyesi'nin (İBB) CHP'li Meclis üyelerinin, 2016 Aralık ayında İBB Meclis gündemine taşıdığı, olası İstanbul depremine yönelik sorulara 5 ay sonra yanıt geldi. İBB Deprem ve Afet Komisyonu AFAD (Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı), İSMEP (İstanbul....

Terremoto, scossa magnitudo 6.1 in Papua Nuova Guinea

Tue, 16 May 2017 08:47:00 +0200247libero (it)

ROMA – Nella giornata di lunedì 15 maggio, è stato registrato un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 della scala Richter a largo di Papua Nuova Guinea . Si è trattato di un terremoto importante, anche se non c’è allarme per possibili tsunami nelle prossime ore, sia nella zona di Papua Nuova Guinea, che su gran parte delle coste del Pacifico.

Terremoto, scossa magnitudo 6.1 in Papua Nuova Guinea

Tue, 16 May 2017 08:29:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 16 maggio 2017) Terremoto scossa magnitudo 6.1 in Papua Nuova Guinea ROMA – Nella giornata di lunedì 15 maggio, è stato registrato un violento Terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 della scala Richter a largo di Papua Nuova Guinea . Si è trattato di un Terremoto importante, anche se non c’è....

Terremoto, scossa magnitudo 6.1 in Papua Nuova Guinea 16

Tue, 16 May 2017 08:09:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – Nella giornata di lunedì 15 maggio, è stato registrato un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 della scala Richter a largo di Papua Nuova Guinea . Si è trattato di un terremoto importante, anche se non c’è allarme per possibili tsunami nelle prossime ore, sia nella zona di Papua Nuova Guinea, che su gran parte delle coste del Pacifico.

Японская капсула спасения

Tue, 16 May 2017 08:04:00 +0200fishki (ru)

После разрушительного землетрясения и цунами, обрушившихся на Японию в марте этого года, Сёдзи Танака, изобретатель и глава компании Cosmo Power, сконструировал индивидуальную спасательную капсулу, которая может сохранить жизнь человеку в случае наводнения.

Misterioso Pianeta si avvicina alla Terra: “Ad Agosto terremoti fino a 9.8 della scala Richter”

Tue, 16 May 2017 07:57:00 +0200segnidalcielo (it)

Un pianeta di un altro sistema solare rischierebbe di entrare in collisione con la Terra provocando terremoti e tsunami distruttivi entro il prossimo mese di Agosto. Questo è quanto dichiarato dal ricercatore David Meades che sostiene l’imminente impatto del misterioso “ Pianeta X “, che con il suo....

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits 67 miles southeast of Guam

Tue, 16 May 2017 06:25:00 +0200pnc (en)

Guam - The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center reports there is no tsunami threat to Guam or the CNMI from the nearby quake that hit around 1:56 p.m. The 5.5 magnitude earthquake was recorded as being 25 miles deep and about 67 miles southeast of the village of Inarajan, Guam.

Tsunami de cocaína

Tue, 16 May 2017 06:15:00 +0200teletica (es)

Los expertos lo aseguran… Una serie de factores se estarían confabulando para en pocos meses enfrentemos un verdadero tsunami de cocaína.

Mais notícias de Internacional: Papua Nova Guiné registra terremoto

Tue, 16 May 2017 05:40:00 +0200diariodonordeste (pt)

De 6,2 graus. Um terremoto de 6,2 de magnitude foi detectado, ontem, no mar perto de Papua Nova Guiné, informou o serviço geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas nenhum alerta de tsunami foi emitido. O epicentro foi registrado a 450 km de Port Moresby, capital do país. Ligações. Trump nega repasse de segredos à Rússia.

How a tsunami in Japan endangered children in Cambodia

Tue, 16 May 2017 04:14:00 +0200todayonline (en)

NEW YORK — The tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, now threatens the developing brains of children in Cambodia — but not for reasons that were ever expected. Cambodia has long struggled with iodine deficiency. The element is crucial to early brain growth: When pregnant women and their....

5.6-magnitude quake jolts Taiwan

Tue, 16 May 2017 03:23:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) -- A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan's Taitung County at about 7:12 a.m. Tuesday Beijing Time, according to the measurement of the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 23.31 degrees north latitude and 121.49 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 kilometers, according to CENC.

5.6-magnitude quake jolts Taiwan

Tue, 16 May 2017 03:22:00 +0200china.org.cn (en)

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan's Taitung County at about 7:12 a.m. Tuesday Beijing Time, according to the measurement of the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 23.31 degrees north latitude and 121.49 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 kilometers, according to CENC.

5.6-magnitude quake jolts Taiwan

Tue, 16 May 2017 03:05:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

BEIJING -- A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan's Taitung county at about 7:12 am Tuesday Beijing Time, according to the measurement of the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 23.31 degrees north latitude and 121.49 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 kilometers, according to CENC.

5.6-magnitude quake jolts Taiwan

Tue, 16 May 2017 02:52:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) -- A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan's Taitung County at about 7:12 a.m. Tuesday Beijing Time, according to the measurement of the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 23.31 degrees north latitude and 121.49 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 kilometers, according to CENC.

Esteri: terremoto importante di magnitudo 6.1 In Papua Nuova Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 22:46:00 +0200retenews24 (it)

Terremoto Papua Nuova Guinea, scossa M 7.9 a largo dell’isola New Ireland. Allarme Tsunami – Pochi minuti fa è stato registrato un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 della scala Richter a largo di Papua-Nuova Guinea. Si è trattato di un terremoto importante, anche se non c’è allarme per possibili....

Terremoto de 6.2 fue detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 22:03:00 +0200elaragueno (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea , informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby, capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea.

More than 50 per cent Indians living in disaster prone areas: Rajnath Singh

Mon, 15 May 2017 21:36:00 +0200economictimes (en)

NEW DELHI: India is one of the most disaster-prone nations, with more than 50 per cent of the population living in areas vulnerable to natural calamities. Inaugurating a meeting organised by the National Disaster Management Authority in New Delhi on Monday, Singh said that a National Platform for....

6.2-magnitude quake hits off PNG: USGS

Mon, 15 May 2017 20:15:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck of f Papua New Guinea today, the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued. The shallow tremor struck in waters near the sparsely populated New Britain island , 450 kilometres northeast of the capital Port Moresby, the agency reported.

Misterioso pianeta in rotta con la Terra: “Ad agosto terremoti fino a 9.8 della scala Richter”

Mon, 15 May 2017 19:45:00 +0200retenews24 (it)

Un pianeta di un altro sistema solare rischia di entrare in collisione con la Terra provocando terremoti e tsunami distruttivi entro il prossimo mese di agosto. Il ricercatore David Meades sostiene l’imminente impatto di un “Pianeta X” che potrebbe portare morte e devastazione.

Cutremur de 6.2 grade în Papua Noua Guinee. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami

Mon, 15 May 2017 19:32:00 +0200publika (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea estimată la 6,2 s-a produs, luni, la 39 de kilometri în sudul districtului Namatanai din Papua Noua Guinee, informează Xinhua și EFE, potrivit Seismul a avut loc la ora 13:22 GMT, conform Institutului american de studii geologice (USGS) care urmărește activitatea seismică la nivel mondial.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 se registró cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 19:00:00 +0200t13 (es)

AFP. Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) , sin que se generara una alerta de tsunami para las costas del Pacífico. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450....

Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos registra terremoto de 6.2 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:54:00 +0200ntn24 (es)

Foto referencia: Getty Images Internacionales Un terremoto de 6.2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New....

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado perto de Papua Nova Guiné

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:42:00 +0200correiobraziliense (pt)

O epicentro do terremoto foi registrado próximo da ilha de New Britain, 450 km ao noroeste de Port Moresby, capital de Papua Nova Guiné Sydney, Austrália - Um terremoto de 6,2 de magnitude foi detectado nesta segunda-feira no mar perto de Papua Nova Guiné, informou o serviço geológico dos Estados....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:40:00 +0200tvn-2 (es)

Un seísmo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió hoy la isla de Nueva Bretaña, en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami. Según datos preliminares del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, el hipocentro fue a 10....

Terremoto de 6,2 en la escala de Richter detectado cerca de las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:38:00 +0200LaRazon (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby, capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea.

6.2-magnitude quake hits off PNG: USGS

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:31:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck of f Papua New Guinea Monday (May 15), the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued. The shallow tremor struck in waters near the sparsely populated New Britain island , 450 kilometres (280 miles) northeast of the capital Port Moresby, the agency reported.

Sismo de 6,2 na ilha da Nova Bretanha na Papua Nova Guiné

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:17:00 +0200dn (pt)

Não foi emitido alerta de tsunami. Um sismo de magnitude 6,2 sacudiu hoje a ilha da Nova Bretanha, no nordeste da Papua Nova Guiné, sem que tenha sido emitido um alerta de tsunami. De acordo com dados preliminares do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, que regista a atividade sísmica em todo o....

6.2-magnitude quake hits off Papua New Guinea 57 mins ago World

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:09:00 +0200ngrguardiannews (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said no Pacific-wide tsunami threat was expected from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake, and there was no specific threat to Hawaii (AFP Photo/Frederick Florin) A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck of f Papua New Guinea Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued.

11:36 | Fuerte sismo se registró cerca de las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 18:00:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero no se emitió ninguna alerta de tsunami. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby, capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea y ocurrió a las 09:22 hora de Chile (10:22 de Magallanes).

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:47:00 +0200telegrafo (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby, capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea.

Sismo de 6.2 grados sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby Por: Redacción Once Noticias | Fuente: AFP | 15-05-2017 10:03:00

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:45:00 +0200oncenoticias (es)

Acuerdan SEP y SNTE incremento al salario del magisterio nacional y personal no docente Este lunes inicia la temporada de huracanes en el Pacífico; en el Atlántico, hasta el 1 de junio Levantan bloqueos en siete municipios de la región de Tierra Caliente, Guerrero Cuatro personas fallecen por....

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado perto de Papua Nova Guiné

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:45:00 +0200otempo (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 de magnitude foi detectado nesta segunda-feira no mar perto de Papua Nova Guiné, informou o serviço geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas nenhum alerta de tsunami foi emitido. O epicentro do terremoto foi registrado próximo da ilha de New Britain, 450 km ao noroeste de Port Moresby, capital de Papua Nova Guiné.

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado perto de Papua Nova Guiné

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:40:00 +0200em (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 de magnitude foi detectado nesta segunda-feira no mar perto de Papua Nova Guiné, informou o serviço geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas nenhum alerta de tsunami foi emitido. O epicentro do terremoto foi registrado próximo da ilha de New Britain, 450 km ao noroeste de Port Moresby, capital de Papua Nova Guiné.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva…

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:31:00 +0200elsiglo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Un seísmo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió hoy la isla de Nueva Bretaña, en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami. Según datos preliminares del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:29:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Bangkok, 15 may (EFE).- Un seísmo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió hoy la isla de Nueva Bretaña, en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami. Según datos preliminares del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo,....

Terremoto de 6.2 es detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:28:00 +0200elfinanciero (es)

PAPÚA.- Un terremoto de 6.2 grados fue detectado en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea , informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitida. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al noreste de Port Moresby, capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:20:00 +0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Un sísmo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió hoy (15 de mayo de 2017) la isla de Nueva Bretaña, en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea , sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami. Según datos preliminares del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) , que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, el....

6.2-magnitude quake hits off Papua New Guinea: USGS

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:14:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY (AFP) - A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck of f Papua New Guinea Monday (May 15), the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued. The shallow tremor struck in waters near the sparsely populated New Britain island , 450km north-east of the capital Port Moresby, the agency reported.

Un terremoto de 6.2 fue detectado este lunes cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:13:00 +0200noticias24 (es)

(Caracas, 15 de mayo. Noticias24).- Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la isla de New Britain, unos 450....

6.2-magnitude quake hits off Papua New Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:11:00 +0200punchng (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck of f Papua New Guinea Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued. The shallow tremor struck in waters near the sparsely populated New Britain island , 450 kilometres (280 miles) northeast of the capital Port Moresby, the agency reported.

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:09:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido. El epicentro del terremoto fue cercano a la escasamente poblada isla de New Britain, unos 450 kilómetros al....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:02:00 +0200proceso-HN (es)

Bangkok .- Un seísmo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió hoy la isla de Nueva Bretaña, en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami. Según datos preliminares del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, el....

Terremoto de 6,2 detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:00:00 +0200montevideo (es)

Alerta Terremoto de 6,2 detectado cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Un terremoto de 6,2 grados fue detectado este lunes en el mar cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,) pero ningún alerta de tsunami fue emitido.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 a largo della Papua Nuova Guinea

Mon, 15 May 2017 17:00:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Sidney, 15 mag. (askanews) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 è stato registrato a largo della Papua Nuova Guinea. Lo ha reso noto il Servizio geologico Usa. Non è stato lanciato nessun allarme tsunami per la zona del Pacifico interessata dal sisma. La scossa si è verificata in mare, nei pressi....

Minor earthquake detected near Leamington

Mon, 15 May 2017 16:17:00 +0200barrie (en)

A small earthquake was recorded near Leamington, according to the United States Geological Survey. (usgs.gov) There was a small earthquake near Leamington, according to the United States Geological Survey. An earthquake with a magnitude of 2.2 was detected 16 kilometres North East of Leamington near Essex Road 8 and Wheatley Road.

Three British Gurkhas return to Everest, make summit

Mon, 15 May 2017 15:51:00 +0200shanghaidaily (en)

THREE British Gurkha soldiers reached the summit of Mount Everest on Monday, two years after being caught in an avalanche on the mountain sparked by the earthquake that devastated swathes of Nepal. The climbers are the first to summit the world's highest peak from the south side this spring season,....

Small earthquake detected near Leamington

Mon, 15 May 2017 15:29:00 +0200CBC (en)

A small earthquake was detected near Leamington, Ont. on Saturday. (United States Geological Survey) A small earthquake was detected near Leamington, Ont. Saturday night, according to the United States Geological Survey. The magnitude 2.2 quake was recorded at 9:50 p.m.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Mon, 15 May 2017 14:20:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By AFP yesterday in World A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of ....

Over 50 per cent population lives in disaster-prone areas: Rajnath Singh

Mon, 15 May 2017 12:56:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

Home Minister Rajnath Singh today described India as one of the most disaster-prone nations, saying more than 50 per cent population of the country lives in areas that are vulnerable to calamities. By: | New Delhi | Published: May 15, 2017 3:28 PM PTI “We have been working in a planned manner for....

Two Killed, Hundreds Injured in Iran Earthquake

Mon, 15 May 2017 11:23:00 +0200albawaba-en (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed at least two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd,....

Over 50 pc population lives in disaster-prone areas: Rajnath

Mon, 15 May 2017 11:14:00 +0200business-standard (en)

. Home Minister today described India as one of the most disaster-prone nations, saying more than 50 per cent population of the country lives in areas that are vulnerable to calamities. Singh said the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction has been set up by the government to finalise a....

Indonesia Marks Independence Day

Mon, 15 May 2017 09:23:00 +0200newera (en)

By Petronella Sibeene WINDHOEK Last Thursday evening, Indonesia extravagantly celebrated its 61st independence in the form of singing, wining and dancing at a local hotel in Windhoek. The evening also marked the first anniversary of the peace deal signed between the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement.

Japan’s vets form teams to strengthen animal aid during natural disasters

Mon, 15 May 2017 09:15:00 +0200japantimes (en)

A campaign is underway to create emergency response teams across Japan to provide aid for pets and livestock during natural disasters, following the establishment of such services in a number of prefectures. Formed in the wake of failures following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that hit the Tohoku....

12:06 Earthquake near Iran-Turkmenistan border kills two, injures hundreds

Mon, 15 May 2017 08:34:00 +0200ca-news (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, Iranian state media reported on Sunday citing the country’s seismological center. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of ....

Japan launches futuristic luxury sleeper train Let’s face it. Japan is about 50 years ahead of the rest of us.

Mon, 15 May 2017 08:20:00 +0200tenplay (en)

Let’s face it. Japan is about 50 years ahead of the rest of us. And they’ve once again proven this by launching a train which looks like a five star resorts’ penthouse sweet on wheels. The 10-car sleeper train features sky views, bathtubs and dark wood interiors, joining the race for well-heeled tourists.

Magnitude 5.7 quake leaves 2 dead, 400 injured

Mon, 15 May 2017 07:30:00 +0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN – A 5.7-magnitude earthquake that shook the northeastern province of North Khorasan on Saturday night claimed two lives and left more than 400 injured. The earthquake hit 3 cities and 97 villages of the province at 22:30 local time which was followed by 26 aftershocks.

23:21 Tsunami policial

Mon, 15 May 2017 07:13:00 +0200excelsior (es)

15 de Mayo de 2017. Desde la semana pasada, la Dirección General de Asuntos Internos de la SSP ha comenzado a realizar operativos masivos para detectar irregularidades en elementos de la corporación, sobre todo buscan descubrir abusos de autoridad, falta de aplicación de protocolos y actos de....

Odrodzenie węgla w USA? Trendy w Europie a nasz miks energetyczny

Mon, 15 May 2017 06:34:00 +0200wnp (pl)

Jak zaznaczono w opracowaniu katowickiego oddziału Agencji Rozwoju Przemysłu, przeprowadzenie takich badań stanowi kolejny dowód na zapowiadany przez Donalda Trumpa odwrót od polityki klimatycznej, a co za tym idzie - na odrodzenie sektora węgla kamiennego i energetyki opartej na źródłach kopalnych.

2 killed as deadly earthquake hits Iran

Mon, 15 May 2017 05:59:00 +0200authorityngr (en)

At least two people were killed and 370 injured when a 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit Iran’s North Khorasan province, state media reported. Saturday’s quake, which killed a 54-year-old woman and a teenage girl, jolted the town of Pishqaleh, a farming region close to the Turkmenistan border with a population of about 2,000 people.

Veep urges speeding up relief operation in quake-hit N. Khorasan areas

Mon, 15 May 2017 05:48:00 +0200irna (en)

Tehran, May 14, IRNA – First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri stressed the need for deployment of all resources to address problems of those left injured following the earthquake in the city of Pishqaleh in North Khorasan Province. Jahangiri during a telephone conversation on Sunday with governor....

Small Earthquake Reported In Central OK

Mon, 15 May 2017 05:32:00 +0200news9 (en)

LINCOLN COUNTY, Oklahoma - A small earthquake was reported Sunday night in central Oklahoma, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 3.1-magnitude earthquake happened about 9:45 p.m. The epicenter was reported about four miles west of Sparks, seven miles south of Chandler and 76 miles east, northeast of Oklahoma City.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Mon, 15 May 2017 05:30:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

An earthquake around the city of Bojnurd near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two, left over 370 injured and damaged as many as 40 percent of houses (AFP Photo/PEDRO PARDO) Tehran (AFP) - A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and....

Quake Kills 3 Civilians, Injures 220 Others in Northeastern Iran

Mon, 15 May 2017 04:59:00 +0200farsnews-en (en)

The quake struck late Saturday, in the country’s North Khorasan province’s capital Bojnourd at a depth of eleven kilometers. Search and rescue teams, including Red Crescent relief workers, have been dispatched to the region and are currently attending to the injured and searching for survivors.

Greater Wellington Regional Council and MediaWorks building is for sale

Mon, 15 May 2017 03:33:00 +0200Stuff (en)

The building housing broadcaster MediaWorks and the Greater Wellington Regional Council is for sale. The 6400-square-metre building on Walter Street, Wellington was built in 1988. It has three levels of office space, a ground floor showroom, warehouse and 80 car parks. The property has a rateable value of $7.

Første globale undersøkelse viser: Så mye stråling førte Fukushima-ulykken til

Mon, 15 May 2017 01:23:00 +0200dagbladet (no)

(Dagbladet): Den 11. mars 2011 ble Japan rammet av et jordskjelv med styrkegrad 9,0. Jordskjelvet var det kraftigste i landets historie, og førte til at en enorm tsunami skyllet innover land. Ødeleggelsene var enorme. Mer enn 15 000 mennesker mistet livet.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Veep urges speeding up relief operation in quake-hit N. Khorasan areas

Mon, 15 May 2017 01:15:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Tehran, May 14, IRNA – First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri stressed the need for deployment of all resources to address problems of those left injured following the earthquake in the city of Pishqaleh in North Khorasan Province. Jahangiri during a telephone conversation on Sunday with governor....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran: Red Crescent teams respond to 5.8 magnitude earthquake near Bojnord

Mon, 15 May 2017 01:15:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Last night at 22:31 local time, an earthquake magnitude of 5.8 jolted the outskirts of Bojnord, the capital of Iran’s North Khorasan Province. The epicentre of the shallow earthquake was just 22 kilometres from the provincial capital, with tremors felt as far away as Mashhad, the capital of neighbouring Razavi Khorasan Province.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Earthquake kills 2, injures 225 in northeastern Iran

Mon, 15 May 2017 01:15:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Tehran, May 14, IRNA - At least two people were killed and 225 others injured when a 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit city of Pishqaleh in North Khorasan province on Saturday night. According to the seismological center affiliated to Tehran University Geophysics Institute, the quake occurred at 22:30:58 hours local time (18:00 GMT).

BBC: Militärbas i Indiska Oceanen förvarnades om Tsunamin.!!!

Sun, 14 May 2017 21:42:00 +0200flashback (sv)

Thailand HAR Tsunami-VARNINGSSYSTEM!! (Men jänkarna underlät att sända varningar...) Här är en of ficiell lista över alla länder som ingår i Tsunami-varningssystemet, där THAILAND faktiskt ingår som FULLVÄRDIG MEDLEM "There are 26 member countries of the International Coordination Group for the....

Fabián Novak: “El Perú y su presidente están en la agenda de Trump”

Sun, 14 May 2017 20:59:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Fabián Novak es el actual director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la PUCP . Fue pr of esor de derecho internacional de la Academia. Diplomática y de la Universidad de Lima. También ha sido maestro en la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval y del CAEN.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 19:57:00 +0200nation (en)

TEHRAN: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North ....

Particular experiencia teatral: cuatro personas encerradas en una casilla de tres por seis

Sun, 14 May 2017 19:31:00 +0200clarin (es)

Cuatro personas se mueven en una casilla de madera 18 metros cuadrados. Se enroscan, saltan, muestran destrezas, bailan en medio de proyecciones. Pero la escena, lejos de ser placentera, angustia. Es que el espectador sabrá, antes de empezar a involucrarse con la obra "3x6- Informe de una vivienda....

Una segunda vida para el contenedor

Sun, 14 May 2017 19:10:00 +0200lavozdegalicia (es)

Corr�an los a�os 40. Malcon Mclean ten�a 21 a�os y trabajaba como camionero en la zona portuaria de Carolina del Norte. Un buen d�a, observando las dificultades de los estibadores a la hora de descargar las pesadas mercanc�as en las bodegas de los barcos, pens� qu� sencillo ser�a subir el cargamento....

Two killed and hundreds hurt in Iran earthquake

Sun, 14 May 2017 17:44:00 +0200thenational (en)

TEHRAN // A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan province, killed a 54-year-old woman and a teenage girl, ISNA....

Two dead, hundreds injured in Iran earthquake

Sun, 14 May 2017 17:19:00 +0200iran-daily (en)

Two days after several people were wounded in an earthquake in northwestern Iran, another quake claimed the lives of at least two people in the northeastern part of the country on Saturday. The quake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale also wounded more than 400 people in North Khorasan Province’s capital, Bojnourd, late on Saturday, IRNA reported.

Deadly earthquake hits Iran's North Khorasan province

Sun, 14 May 2017 17:02:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least two people were killed and 370 injured when a 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit Iran's North Khorasan province, state media reported. Saturday's quake, which killed a 54-year-old woman and a teenage girl, jolted the town of Pishqaleh, a farming region close to the Turkmenistan border with a population of about 2,000 people.

Iran earthquake causing mass power outage leaves 3 dead and 200 injured

Sun, 14 May 2017 16:02:00 +0200globalnews (en)

state TV is reporting a strong magnitude 5.7 earthquake has left three people dead and about 200 injured in a remote area in the country’s northeast. The quake that struck late Saturday jolted the town of Pishqaleh, a farming region close to the Turkmenistan border, with a population of about 2,000....

Earthquake near Turkmenistan border kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: State ...

Sun, 14 May 2017 14:05:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country’s seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Tres muertos y 370 heridos por un fuerte terremoto en Irán

Sun, 14 May 2017 13:49:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un fuerte sismo cerca de la frontera turkmeno-iraní dejó cientos de heridos y causó numerosos daños materiales en la zona. Un terremoto de magnitud 5,7 sacudió Irán a las 18:00 GMT del sábado 13 de mayo. El foco se ubicó a 42 kilómetros al norte de la localidad de Bojnurd, en el noreste del país, a una pr of undidad de 12,5 kilómetros.

Quake kills 2, injures hundreds in Iran – state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 13:31:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

TEHRAN: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country’s seismological centre. The quake, which struck in Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 13:24:00 +0200terradaily (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

eNCA | Quake in Iran kills two, injures hundreds

Sun, 14 May 2017 11:49:00 +0200enca (en)

TEHRAN - A 5.7-magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported on Sunday. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan province, left a 54-year-old....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 11:33:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported today, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Iran Quake Kills Two, Injures Hundreds

Sun, 14 May 2017 11:28:00 +0200rferl (en)

A 5.7-magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan has killed two people, injured hundreds, and caused widespread damage. The quake struck at 1800 GMT/UTC on May 13 in and around the city of Bojnurd, in North Khorasan Province, killing a 54-year-old woman and a teenage girl, ISNA news agency reported.

Northeast Iran quake leaves 2 dead, 400 injured

Sun, 14 May 2017 11:26:00 +0200trendnews-az (en)

Tehran, Iran, May 14. By Mehdi Sepahvand - Trend: A big earthquake in Iran's North Khorasan Province left two dead and 400 injured, IRNA news agency reported May 14. The quake had hit at 22:30 the night before near Bojnuird city. It measured 5.7 degrees on the Richter scale.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:33:00 +0200emirates247 (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:26:00 +0200newindianexpress (en)

TEHRAN: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North ....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran, state media says

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:26:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

The US Geological Survey put the strength of the quake at 5.8 magnitude, and said it occurred at a depth of 12.5 kilometres (7.8 miles). — AFP pic TEHRAN, May 14 — A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state....

Indahnya Wajah Baru Masjid Baiturrahman Aceh dari Ketinggian

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:22:00 +0200detikcom (id)

Banda Aceh - Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh kini tampilannya semakin menawan. Dilihat dari ketinggian are masjid tampak memesona. Wajah baru Masjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh, Aceh resmi dibuka untuk umum. Wisatawan lokal dan nusantara ramai mengunjunginya.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: Report

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:20:00 +0200khaleejtimes (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 10:03:00 +0200tribune (en)

An earthquake around the city of Bojnurd near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two, left over 370 injured and damaged as many as 40 percent of houses. PHOTO: AFP. TEHRAN: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread....

Iran quake causes heavy casualties and damage: state media An earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan has killed two people and injured hundreds, according to state media. It also caused widespread damage.

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:59:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake has struck a remote farming area in northeastern Iran, causing numerous casualties and severe damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country's seismological center. The quake hit at 1800 UTC on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd in North Khorasan....

Iran quake causes heavy casualties and damage: state media An earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan has killed two people and injured hundreds, according to state media. It also caused widespread damage.

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:54:00 +0200dw-en (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake has struck a remote farming area in northeastern Iran, causing numerous casualties and severe damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country's seismological center. The quake hit at 1800 UTC on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd in North Khorasan....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:47:00 +0200diariodelweb (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

At least three killed, hundreds injured in earthquake in north-eastern Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:45:00 +0200tert (en)

At least three people were killed and 225 injured in a 5.7-magnitude earthquake that hit North Khorasan Province of Iran on Saturday night, Xinhua News Agency reports, citing ISNA. With a depth of 11 km, the earthquake's epicenter was at 37.655 degrees north latitude and 57.224 degrees east longitude.

Iran Earthquake Leaves 2 Dead, Hundreds Injured

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:37:00 +0200voanews (en)

A 5.7-magnitude earthquake has hit the Iranian city of Pishqaleh in North Khorasan province, killing two people and injuring at least 225 more, according to IRNA, Iran's official news agency. The Red Crescent Society said 37 search and rescue teams were sent to the quake-hit region Saturday, immediately after the earthquake struck.

Desbaratan red de drogas en la Operación Maremoto

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:34:00 +0200ElPaisUY (es)

Una organización delictiva que se dedicaba a comercializar drogas en Maldonado fue desbaratada mediante un operativo que se llevó a cabo de forma minuciona por parte de la brigada especializada. La "Operación Maremoto" se inició el pasado 13 de marzo. Ese día, una persona, que conducía por la Ruta 9....

Two killed, hundreds injured in Iran earthquake

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:32:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Earthquake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 09:20:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Tehran: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

Iran earthquake kills two, injures hundreds and causes widespread damage

Sun, 14 May 2017 08:57:00 +0200thenational (en)

TEHRAN // A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported on Sunday, citing the country’s seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT on Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd,....

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 08:47:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 31 mins ago in World A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city....

3 killed, hundreds injured in earthquake in northeastern Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 08:38:00 +0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: China State Council Information Office. Headline: 3 killed , hundreds injured in earthquake in northeastern Iran. At least three people were killed and 225 injured in a 5.7-magnitude earthquake that hit North Khorasan Province of Iran on Saturday night, semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Sunday.

Quake kills two, injures hundreds in Iran: state media

Sun, 14 May 2017 08:28:00 +0200afp-english (en)

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake near Iran's border with Turkmenistan killed two people, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage, state media reported Sunday, citing the country's seismological centre. The quake, which struck at 1800 GMT Saturday in and around the city of Bojnurd, North Khorasan....

2 dead, hundreds injured in northeastern Iran quake

Sun, 14 May 2017 07:40:00 +0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN - Two people were killed and more than 370 injured in a 5.7-magnitude earthquake that hit the northeastern province of North Khorasan on Saturday night. The earthquake hit 3 cities and 97 villages of the province at 22:31 local time. According to Morteza Salimi, the head of the Red Crescent....

College Town: First master’s students graduate from Becker

Sun, 14 May 2017 07:36:00 +0200telegram (en)

By Bonnie Russell, Telegram & Gazette Staff. On May 6, four Becker College students had the singular distinction of being the first master’s students to graduate from Becker College. Rachael Bottone of Leicester, Shianna Maria Cruz of South Grafton and Theresa L. Caney and Michael J. Peters Sr.

2nd LD Writethru: 3 killed, hundreds injured in earthquake in northeastern Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 06:50:00 +0200china.org.cn (en)

At least three people were killed and 225 injured in a 5.7-magnitude earthquake that hit North Khorasan Province of Iran on Saturday night, semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Sunday. With a depth of 11 km, the earthquake's epicenter was at 37.655 degrees north latitude and 57.224 degrees east longitude.

Nu finns överlevnadskapslar för att skydda sig mot tsunami Många invånare förbereder sig för det värsta

Sun, 14 May 2017 06:44:00 +0200expressen (sv)

Köper överlevnadskapslar för att skydda sig mot tsunami. Många invånare förbereder sig för det värsta.


Sun, 14 May 2017 06:04:00 +0200lankaweb (en)

By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando. “The value of life does not lie in the number of years, but in the use you make of them. Whether you have lived enough depends on your will, not on the number of years ”.-Michael de Montaigne. 1553-1592. According to Shakymuni, the term “ Buddha ” is applicable to an “ enlightened one .

3 killed, hundreds injured in earthquake in northeastern Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 05:47:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

TEHRAN, May 14 (Xinhua) -- At least three people were killed and 225 injured in a 5.7-magnitude earthquake that hit North Khorasan Province of Iran on Saturday night, semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Sunday. With a depth of 11 km, the earthquake's epicenter was at 37.655 degrees north latitude and 57.

Sismo de 5.2 sacude el centro de Chile

Sun, 14 May 2017 01:17:00 +0200vanguardia-MX (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 5.2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana y Bernardo O'Higgins, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 13:54 horas (16:54 GMT) de este sábado y su epicentro se....

Small Earthquake Reported In NW OK

Sun, 14 May 2017 01:06:00 +0200newson6 (en)

ALFALFA COUNTY, Oklahoma - A small earthquake was reported Saturday in northwest Oklahoma, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 3.1-magnitude earthquake happened shortly before 5 p.m. in Alfalfa County. The earthquake was about two miles north, northwest of Lambert, 38 miles northwest of Enid and 100 miles north, northwest of Oklahoma City.

Sismo de 5.2 sacude el centro de Chile

Sun, 14 May 2017 01:03:00 +0200tabascohoy (es)

13/05/2017 17:51 / Santiago de Chile, Chile Un temblor de magnitud 5.2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana y Bernardo O'Higgins, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades.

Small Earthquake Reported In NW OK

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:59:00 +0200news9 (en)

ALFALFA COUNTY, Oklahoma - A small earthquake was reported Saturday in northwest Oklahoma, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 3.1-magnitude earthquake happened shortly before 5 p.m. in Alfalfa County. The earthquake was about two miles north, northwest of Lambert, 38 miles northwest of Enid and 100 miles north, northwest of Oklahoma City.

Sismo de 5.2 sacude el centro de Chile

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:56:00 +0200zocalo (es)

Ciudad de México.- Un temblor de magnitud 5.2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana y Bernardo O'Higgins, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 13:54 horas (16:54 GMT) de este sábado y....

17:00 Sismo de 5.2 sacude el centro de Chile

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:52:00 +0200excelsior (es)

SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Un temblor de magnitud 5.2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana y Bernardo O'Higgins , sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 13:54 horas (16:54 GMT) de este sábado y....

تحويل مجرى نهر النيل وبدء تخزين المياه خلف السد العالي

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:40:00 +0200al-khaleej (ar)

تقف ذاكرة اليوم شاهدة على مشروع هندسي يعد ضمن ما أنجزته البشرية في القرن العشرين، تجاوزت أهميته القيمة الاقتصادية المباشرة من تشييده، لتحمل نفقات تمويله تبعات سياسية هائلة ساهمت في تغيير موازين القوى في الشرق الأوسط منذ نهاية الخمسينات، لنصل إلى يومنا هذا من العام 1964 الذي يوافق ذكرى تحويل مجرى....

Medio Ambiente reporta 18 temblores frente la playa Los Cóbanos, de Sonsonate

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:40:00 +0200lapagina (es)

Lina Dolores Pohl, ministra de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARN), reportó 18 movimientos telúricos frente a la playa de Los Cóbanos, departamento de Sonsonate, siendo el último a las 8:13 de la mañana de este sábado. Según la funcionaria, los sismos son provocados por el....

5.7-magnitude quake hits northeastern Iran

Sun, 14 May 2017 00:31:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

TEHRAN, May 13 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 5.7 shook Pish Qaleh region in North Khorasan province of Iran at 22:30 local time (1800 GMT) on Saturday, Iran Seismological Center said. The earthquake, with a depth of 11 km and the epicenter at 37.655 degrees north latitude and 57.

Sismo de 5.7 grados estremece al norte de Irán

Sat, 13 May 2017 23:16:00 +0200informador (es)

TEHERÁN, IRÁN (13/MAY/2017).- Un sismo de magnitud 5.7 estremeció una remota zona en el noreste de Irán, reportó el sábado la agencia noticiosa of icial. El epicentro del terremoto se localizó en una pequeña población localizada a unos 800 kilómetros al noreste de la capital, Teherán, agregó la agencia IRNA.

LEAD Un séisme de magnitude 5,7 a frappé le nord-est de l'Iran

Sat, 13 May 2017 22:19:00 +0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,7 a frappé la région de Pish Qaleh dans la province iranienne du Khorasan du Nord, samedi à 22h30 heure locale (18h00 GMT), a annoncé le Centre sismologique de l'Iran. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre, avec une pr of ondeur de 11 km, a été localisé à 37,655 degrés de latitude nord et 57,224 degrés de longitude est.

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