M 6.7 in Japan on 14 Jan 2016 03:25 UTC

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 6.7M
Depth: 51.39 Km
Lat/Lon: 41.9519 , 142.7205
Event Date: 14 Jan 2016 03:25 UTC
14 Jan 2016 12:25 Local
Exposed Population: About 28000 people in MMI
130000 people within 100km
Source: NEIC
Inserted at: 14 Jan 2016 03:45 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake Tsunami GDACS score
NEIC 0.4 0 0.4
Scaled population (vector) n.a Max wave scenario 0m  
  C1 earthquake n.a Max wave realtime 0m  
  C2 earthquake n.a      
  Country Vulnerability n.a      
  INFORM_normalised n.a      
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1115325 0.5 14 Jan 2016 03:25 6.6M, 78km N/A 130 thousand (in 100km) 0m (at 00:00) 00:06 GEOFON
1115330 0.4 14 Jan 2016 03:25 6.7M, 47km N/A 140 thousand (in 100km) 0m (at 00:00) 00:14 PTWC
1115335 0.5 14 Jan 2016 03:25 6.7M, 42km N/A 140 thousand (in 100km) 0m (at 00:00) 00:16 NTWC    
1115338 0.4 14 Jan 2016 03:25 6.7M, 51.39km N/A N/A (in MMI>=VII) 0m (at 00:00) 00:19 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Exposed population

The earthquake happened in Japan , Region of Hokkaido (population 5,808,054) . The nearest places are Urakawa, Samani, Ogifushi, Nishicha, Kurambetsu, Kerimabu, Utabue, Horoizumi, Panke, Erimo, and Kami-notsuka.

Radius Population
100 km 110000 people
75 km 66000 people
50 km 31000 people
20 km no people
10 km no people
5 km no people
2 km no people

Affected Provinces

Region Province Country Population
Hokkaido Japan 5.8 million people

Affected populated places

Name Region Province Country City class Population Distance
Urakawa Hokkaido Japan Village - 25 km
Samani Hokkaido Japan Village - 28 km
Ogifushi Hokkaido Japan Village - 28 km
Nishicha Hokkaido Japan Village - 28 km
Kurambetsu Hokkaido Japan Village - 32 km
Kerimabu Hokkaido Japan Village - 34 km
Utabue Hokkaido Japan Village - 36 km
Horoizumi Hokkaido Japan Village - 39 km
Panke Hokkaido Japan Village - 43 km
Erimo Hokkaido Japan Village - 46 km
Higashi-shizunai Hokkaido Japan Village - 46 km
Kami mitsuishi Hokkaido Japan Village - 49 km
Chipira Hokkaido Japan Village - 49 km
Shizunai Hokkaido Japan Village 22000 people 51 km
Ichibu Hokkaido Japan Village - 55 km
Niikappu Hokkaido Japan Village - 56 km
Sariwarabe Hokkaido Japan Village - 56 km
Onitoppu Hokkaido Japan Village - 56 km
Hiroo Hokkaido Japan Village - 64 km
Atsugacho Hokkaido Japan Village - 64 km
Kami-toyoni Hokkaido Japan Village - 66 km
Toyoni Hokkaido Japan Village - 69 km
Kami-notsuka Hokkaido Japan Village - 69 km

see full list

Critical infrastructure

Airports, ports, nuclear plants and hydrodams at risk, if affected, are listed below.


Name IATA Code Elevation (m) Usage Runway type IFR Runway Length (ft) Distance
Obihiro OBO 149 Civ. Paved Yes 8200 98 km


Name LOCODE Country Distance
Samani JPSAM Japan 27 km
Tokachi JPTOK Japan 62 km


Reservoir Dam Name River Year Distance
Samaniko Samani Samanigawa 1974 35 km
Horomanko Horomangawadaisan Horomangawa 1954 38 km
Mitsuishi Mitsuishi Mitsuishigawa 1991 49 km
Shizunaichoseichi Shizunai Shizunaigawa 1966 53 km
Takamiko Takami Shizunaigawa 1983 58 km
Higashinosawachoseichi Higashinosawa Koikakushushibicharigawa 1987 60 km
Shimonikappu Shimonikappu Nikappugawa 1969 71 km
Niikappu Niikappu Niikappugawa 1974 75 km
Poroshiriko Okunikappu Nikappugawa 1963 81 km
Nibutaniko Nibutani Sarugawa n/a 89 km
Iwachishi Iwachishi Sarugawa 1958 98 km

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.