M 4.6 in Ecuador on 24 May 2016 21:03 UTC

Event summary

This earthquake can have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

GDACS ID EQ 1086902
Earthquake Magnitude: 4.6M
Depth: 10 Km
Lat/Lon: 0.4136 , -79.8293
Event Date: 24 May 2016 21:03 UTC
24 May 2016 16:03 Local
Exposed Population:
661921 people within 100km
Inserted at: 24 May 2016 21:30 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake GDACS score
NEIC 0 0
Scaled population (vector) n.a  
  C1 earthquake n.a  
  C2 earthquake n.a  
  Country Vulnerability n.a  
  INFORM_normalised n.a  
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.
Virtual OSOCC
Meteo assessment
Satellite products
Analytical products
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

Latest media headlines

Articles: 769 | About casualties: 64 | Last hour: 0

"Ecuador es más fuerte que el terremoto", el reconfortante mensaje de ... Sat, 28 May 2016 20:48:00 +0200.

Muy pocos conocen que la actual Miss Universo, Pía Alonzo Wurtzbach , fue voluntaria en uno de los últimos desastres naturales en Filipinas, donde los tifones y huracanes son frecuentes. Por eso el despliegue de su empatía ante el reciente
13:09 México, preparado para enfrentar tsunamisSat, 28 May 2016 20:42:00 +0200.

México, preparado para enfrentar tsunamis Para minimizar estos fenómenos se cuenta con el Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Tsunamis que integran varias dependencias 28/05/2016 12:09 Notimex. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. Aunque en 200 años solo cuatro ts
Ecuador tries to put the pieces together a month after quakeSat, 28 May 2016 20:32:00 +0200.

PEDERNALES, Ecuador (AP) A month after a devastating earthquake flattened the Ecuadorian beach town of Pedernales, people are still living in tarp shelters and schools remain closed. Just a third of the rubble has been swept from the street
Levantan declaratoria de emergencia por tornadoSat, 28 May 2016 19:44:00 +0200.

La declaratoria de emergencia por tornado en el municipio de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, fue levantada esté sábado por la Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil de la Secretaría de Gobernación (Segob) al considerar que la situación anormal gen

Estimated casualties (PAGER)

USGS estimates the number of casualties for each earthquake for the Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) product.
The graph shows the current fatalities estimate.

Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (41), (3), NEIC (2), OCHA (1), INGV (1), DesInventar (1), WMO (1), INFORM (2), USGS (2),