M 8 Earthquake and Tsunami (3.1 m) in Solomon Islands from 08 Dec 2016 17:38 UTC to 17:38

The list of all calculations completed triggered by the system and users referred to event
M7.8 in Solomon Islands, on 08 Dec 2016 17:38 UTC

realtime7 m810-10.72161.372.88
realtime9 m8.310-10.71161.316.65
realtime11 m840-10.57161.332.63
realtime12 m8.210-10.67161.294.88
realtime12 m840-10.7161.42.29
realtime21 m7.748.66-10.6741161.33511.24
realtime23 m7.738-10.67161.321.49
realtime48 m7.841-10.6648161.33471.63

Tsunami affected locations

Initial conditions