M 7.7 Earthquake and Tsunami (1.8 m) in Chile from 16 Sep 2015 22:54 UTC to 22:54

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a medium humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 7.7M
Depth: 10 Km
Event Date: 16 Sep 2015 22:54 UTC
16 Sep 2015 19:54 Local
Exposed Population: 140000 people within 100km
Source: GEOFON us20003k7a
Inserted at: 16 Sep 2015 23:00 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake Tsunami GDACS score
GEOFON 0.7 2 1.3
us20003k7a Scaled population (vector) n.a Max wave scenario 0m  
  C1 earthquake n.a Max wave realtime 1.75m  
  C2 earthquake n.a      
  Country Vulnerability n.a      
  INFORM_normalised n.a      
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.
Click on image to zoom it.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1097284 1.3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.7M, 10km N/A 150 thousand (in 100km) 1.8m (at 00:22) 00:06 GEOFON
1097285 1.5 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 33km N/A 120 thousand (in 100km) 2m (at 00:12) 00:08 NTWC    
1097294 2 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 33km N/A No people affected (in 100km) 2.1m (at 00:22) 00:17 PTWC
1097296 1.3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 8.29km N/A 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 1.7m (at 00:32) 00:20 NEIC
1097301 1.7 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 12.52km 8.28 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 2.4m (at 00:14) 00:29 NEIC
1097314 2.1 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 25km 8.29 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 3.3m (at 01:00) 00:44 NEIC
1097344 3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 25km 8.37 560 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 3.3m (at 00:40) 01:53 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Tsunami affected locations

The maximum Wave height is  1.8m in Chigualoco, Chile. This height is estimated for 16-Sep-2015 23:16:00.

Alert Date (UTC) Name Country Wave height (m)
16-Sep-2015 23:16:00 Chigualoco Chile  1.8
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Huentelauquen Chile  1.7
16-Sep-2015 23:04:00 Conchali Chile  1.3
16-Sep-2015 23:04:00 Los_Vilos Chile  1.1
16-Sep-2015 22:56:00 Maitencillo Chile  1.1
16-Sep-2015 22:58:00 Angostura Chile  1.0
16-Sep-2015 23:24:00 Gauchal Chile  1.0
16-Sep-2015 22:56:00 Quillaicillo Chile  0.9
16-Sep-2015 23:28:00 Pichidangui Chile  0.7
16-Sep-2015 23:28:00 Quilimari Chile  0.7
16-Sep-2015 23:00:00 Totoralillo Chile  0.7
17-Sep-2015 00:16:00 La_Greda Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:20:00 Concon Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:20:00 Las_Ramaditas Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:16:00 Quintero Chile  0.6
16-Sep-2015 23:14:00 El_Romeral Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:16:00 Caleta_Horcon Chile  0.6
16-Sep-2015 23:48:00 La_Laguna Chile  0.6
16-Sep-2015 23:46:00 Las_Cujas Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:52:00 Algarrobo Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:50:00 Baron Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:50:00 Renaca_Bajo Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:50:00 Valparaiso Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:50:00 Achupallas Chile  0.5
16-Sep-2015 23:54:00 Ritoque Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 La_Boca Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Matanzas Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Navidad Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:46:00 Pite Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:46:00 Papudo Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:06:00 Ingeniero_Santa_Maria Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Choros Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:00:00 Totoral Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:06:00 Guaquen Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:46:00 La_Hacienda Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 La_Compania Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:16:00 Penita Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Maitencillo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Playa_Ancha Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:54:00 Yeco Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 El_Guanaco Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 La_Serena Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:46:00 El_Rincon Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Cerro_Colorado Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Laguna_Verde Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 El_Quisco Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 El_Tabo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:40:00 Agua_Dulce Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Rocas_de_Santo_Domingo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:32:00 Punta_Teatinos Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Llolleo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:18:00 Espantajos Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Totoralillo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 San_Antonio Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:44:00 Guanaquero Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:56:00 El_Barquito Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:56:00 Chanaral Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:42:00 Quintay Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Coquimbo Chile  0.3
16-Sep-2015 23:48:00 Tongoy Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 Guayacan Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:06:00 Cartagena Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Tuman Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 Trigo_Blanco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:22:00 San_Ramon Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:54:00 Loanco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:50:00 Constitucion Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:02:00 Puetro_Aldea Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:40:00 Sarco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:22:00 Boyeruca Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:22:00 Bucalemu Chile  0.2
16-Sep-2015 23:30:00 Las_Cruces Chile  0.2
16-Sep-2015 23:38:00 Los_Ranchones Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 El_Rodeo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Cabeceras Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:42:00 Las_Lomas Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 San_Antonio Chile  0.2
16-Sep-2015 23:52:00 Chanquiuque Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:46:00 Curanipe Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:02:00 Barranquilla Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:14:00 Infiernillo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 Iloca Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 El_Penon Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 El_Peral Chile  0.2
16-Sep-2015 23:52:00 Guilleumo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:52:00 Chevelle Chile  0.2
16-Sep-2015 23:40:00 Pichilemu Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:32:00 Casas_Fundo_El_Medano Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:54:00 Pahuil Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:06:00 Los_Morros Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:06:00 Dichato Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:38:00 Tome Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 Cahuil Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 Chacurra Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Ciruelos Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 La_Villa Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Los_Lobos Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Lipimavida Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:22:00 Calderilla Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:22:00 Caldera Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:28:00 Huasco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:28:00 Huasco_Bajo Chile  0.1
16-Sep-2015 23:38:00 Las_Cruces Chile  0.1
16-Sep-2015 23:38:00 La_Ligua Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Quebrada_Seca Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:14:00 Chanco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:52:00 La_Barra Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:52:00 Hueicolla Chile  0.1
16-Sep-2015 23:58:00 Carrizal_Bajo Chile  0.1
16-Sep-2015 23:40:00 Pichibudi Chile  0.1
16-Sep-2015 23:40:00 Los_Treiles Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 La_Higuera Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:14:00 Angostura Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:14:00 Majadas Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Colmuyao Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Arinia Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Quiriguina_I Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:06:00 Pan_de_Azucar Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:44:00 La_Chimba Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Chanihue Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Boca_de_Itata Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Cajon_de_Mela Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:38:00 Vegos_de_Itata Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 El_Porton Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:40:00 Antofagasta Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:14:00 Laraquete Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:18:00 Lota Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:18:00 Lota_Alto Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:18:00 Coronel Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:24:00 Burro_Muerto Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Mellinto Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Cielo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:40:00 San_Vicente Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:20:00 Puerto_Flamenco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:24:00 Cifuncho Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:28:00 Llico Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Talcahuano Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 Nahuentue Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 Puerto_Saavedra Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Michilla Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Tolten Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:52:00 Bellavista Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:52:00 Pullay Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:52:00 Trogualemo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:52:00 Buchupureo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:50:00 Quiapo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:42:00 Taltal Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:00:00 Quidico Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:58:00 Pichihuechui Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 Playa_Blanca Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:32:00 Cayulfu Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:04:00 Mejillones Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:12:00 Champulli Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:12:00 Peleco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:24:00 Curinanco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:54:00 Cascabeles Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 Aguada_del_Pueblo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:54:00 San_Ramon Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:40:00 Lebu Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Maiquillahue Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 La_Barra Chile  0.1

See full locations list (RSS)

Initial conditions

Title: "M7.7 Near Coast of Central Chile"

Fault parameters

  • Latitude: NaN
  • Longitude: NaN
  • Length: 112 km
  • Width: 31 km
  • Magnitude: 7.7 M

Okada parameters:

  • Slip: 2.9 m
  • Strike: 3 (geogr angle: north=0, south=180)
  • Dip: 15 degree
  • Rake: 90 degree
  • Depth: 10 km

Calculation parameters

  • Calculation space (lon/lat): -82.09, -42.05, -61.09, -21.05
  • Instead of Step -> use Cell size:1.75 minutes

Sea Level

More information

  • Timeline:
    Tsunami calculations performed to this case, click here

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.