Forest Fire (5394 ha) in Brazil 26 Sep 2024

Event summary

This forest fire is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

GDACS ID WF 1022427
Countries: Brazil
Start Date - Last detection*: 26 Sep 2024 - 28 Sep 2024
Duration (days): 2
People affected: 48 in the burned area
Burned area: 5394 ha
More Info: Global Wildfire Information System

*(Last detection of the thermal anomaly of the fire)


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.

Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Impact Timeline

IDAlert colorGDACS ScorePopulation AffectedBurned Area (ha)Last UpdateSource
1 0.5 48 5337 28 Sep 2024 14:00 GWIS
2 0.5 48 5394 01 Oct 2024 18:00 GWIS

Fires Joined

This event includes other close identified fires:

Exposed population

The forest fire happened in Brazil , State of Sao Paulo (population 32,776,560) . The nearest places are Pereira Barreto, Selvíria, Suzanápolis, Nova Canaã Paulista, Andradina, Três Lagoas, Guaraçaí, Santa Fé do Sul, Três Fronteiras, Aparecida do Taboado, and Tupi Paulista.

Radius Population
10 km 2700 people
5 km <1000 people
2 km <1000 people
1 km <1000 people
Burned Area <1000 people

Affected Provinces

Region Province Country Population
Sao Paulo Brazil 32.8 million people
Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil 1.9 million people

Affected populated places

Name Region Province Country City class Population Distance
Pereira Barreto São Paulo Brazil City 22000 people 21 km
Selvíria Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil City - 25 km
Suzanápolis São Paulo Brazil City - 28 km
Nova Canaã Paulista São Paulo Brazil City - 37 km
Andradina São Paulo Brazil City 52000 people 41 km
Três Lagoas Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil City 76000 people 51 km
Guaraçaí São Paulo Brazil City - 52 km
Santa Fé do Sul São Paulo Brazil City 25000 people 53 km
Três Fronteiras São Paulo Brazil City - 53 km
Aparecida do Taboado Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil City 17000 people 55 km
Palmeira d'Oeste São Paulo Brazil City - 56 km
Guzolândia São Paulo Brazil City - 64 km
São Francisco São Paulo Brazil City - 65 km
Mirandópolis São Paulo Brazil City 23000 people 68 km
Santa Salete São Paulo Brazil City - 71 km
Dirce Reis São Paulo Brazil City - 71 km
Aspásia São Paulo Brazil City - 73 km
Jales São Paulo Brazil City 43000 people 83 km
Valparaíso São Paulo Brazil City 16000 people 87 km
São João do Pau d'Alho São Paulo Brazil City - 88 km
Santo Antônio do Aracanguá São Paulo Brazil City - 93 km
Mesópolis São Paulo Brazil City - 93 km
Bento de Abreu São Paulo Brazil City - 94 km
Paranaíba Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil City 32000 people 96 km
Tupi Paulista São Paulo Brazil City 11000 people 98 km

see full list

Critical infrastructure

Airports, ports, nuclear plants and hydrodams at risk, if affected, are listed below.


Name IATA Code Elevation (m) Usage Runway type IFR Runway Length (ft) Distance
Ilha Solteira ILB 380 0 15 km
Fazenda Bonanca 365 0 30 km
Urubupunga 356 Civ. Paved Yes 5500 38 km
Fazenda Sao Joaquim Ob 388 0 42 km
Andradina 380 Civ. Paved No 4900 42 km
Tres Lagoas 320 Civ. Paved No 3200 47 km
Santa Fe Do Sul SFV unknown 0 52 km
Fazenda Santa Marina 344 0 62 km
Fazenda Vista Alegre Ii 451 0 66 km
Fazenda Santo Antonio 4 348 0 80 km
Jales JLS 454 Civ. Paved No 3400 82 km
Tupi Paulista 365 0 99 km
Paranaiba 439 Civ. Paved No 4300 100 km
Fazenda Congonhas 418 0 104 km



Reservoir Dam Name River Year Distance
Tres Irmaos Reservoir Tres Irmaos Tiete 1999 13 km
Repressa de Jupia Ilha Solteira Parana 1973 22 km
Jupia Parana 1968 43 km

Nuclear plants

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.