Overall Green alert Drought for Western Kazakhstan-Southern Urals-2019
in Kazakhstan, Russia

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 1 (3.6%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Meteo Autunno: Gelo precoce in Russia AccuWeather, nubifragi Italia

Sat, 21 Sep 2019 13:33:00 +0200247libero (it)

Il centro meteo di rilevanza mondiale AccuWeather , qualche settimana fa ha proposto la linea di tendenza per l'autunno europeo. La previsione climatica, dopo un'anteprima che fu diffusa in precedenza, prospetta un autunno esageratamente estremo per buona parte dell'Europa.

Centro meteo AccuWeather: Autunno tra Cicloni, Neve, Freddo, persino Siccità

Fri, 20 Sep 2019 18:54:00 +0200247libero (it)

Il centro meteo di rilevanza mondiale AccuWeather , qualche settimana fa ha proposto la linea di tendenza per l'autunno europeo. La previsione climatica, dopo un'anteprima che fu diffusa in precedenza, prospetta un autunno esageratamente estremo per buona parte dell'Europa.

Indonesia haze: Are forest fires as bad as they seem?

Fri, 20 Sep 2019 02:18:00 +0200bbc (en)

And we have concluded that although fires this year have wrought significant damage to the environment, they have been worse in the past. Indonesia's fire season. Smoky haze has spread to Malaysia, Singapore, the south of Thailand and the Philippines, causing a significant deterioration in air quality.

Are forest fires as bad as they seem?

Fri, 06 Sep 2019 10:23:00 +0200bbc (en)

And we have concluded that although fires this year have wrought significant damage to the environment, they have been worse in the past. Amazon ablaze. Around 60% of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil. The number of fires between January and August 2019 is double that of the same period last year,....

Climate change: is it real ?

Fri, 06 Sep 2019 09:05:00 +0200moi-gov-mm (en)

Of course it is! The climate change is really happening and causing havocs all over the Earth. However, most are oblivious to that. It is very regrettable that some people are even denying it is taking place. The numbers of those deniers are quite small, but the problem is: they include people who....

Climate change: is it real ? 2019/09/06 by Global New Light of Myanmar

Thu, 05 Sep 2019 19:47:00 +0200globalnewlightofmyanmar (en)

Climate change is an emergency around the world. Graphic Image : BT. Of course it is! The climate change is really happening and causing havocs all over the Earth. However, most are oblivious to that. It is very regrettable that some people are even denying it is taking place.

Deforestazione illegale e siccità più frequenti stanno mettendo a rischio l’Amazzonia Dom, 25/08/2019 - 09:36

Sun, 25 Aug 2019 09:41:00 +0200tempostretto (it)

Nelle ultime settimane oltre 5 milioni di ettari di foreste , una superficie pari a poco meno della metà dell’intero patrimonio forestale italiano, sono andate in fiamme in Siberia nel solo mese di luglio. Un dato senza precedenti nella storia recente della Russia .

Meteo sino 4 Settembre: Estate tropicale stop, verso il limbo temporali

Sat, 24 Aug 2019 12:40:00 +0200corrierequotidiano (it)

POSSIBILE EVOLUZIONE METEO FINO AL 4 SETTEMBRE. Col trascorre del tempo, il trend meteo climatico del lungo termine sta cambiando poco o nulla. I modelli matematici di previsione continuano a mostrarci uno scenario barico nettamente orientato su frequenze autunnali, perlomeno su gran parte d’Europa.

Climate change could cost the US 10.5% of its GDP by 2100, study warns

Tue, 20 Aug 2019 17:27:00 +0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Plastic pollution found in the world’s oceans and the melting permafrost in the Arctic could have startling economic burdens, perhaps as much as $2.5 trillion and $70 trillion, respectively. And while there may have been some hope that certain countries could escape the brunt of the impact, a new....

Climate change will shrink 'virtually all' economies around the globe by 2100, study warns

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 19:30:00 +0200foxnews (en)

And while there may have been some hope that certain countries could escape the brunt of the impact, a new study suggests that "virtually all" nations will be negatively affected by The study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research , suggests that countries that are warm, cold, rich....

Climate Change To Shrink Economies Of Rich, Poor, Hot And Cold Countries Alike Unless Paris Agreement Holds

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 18:43:00 +0200eurasiareview (en)

However, a new study co-authored by researchers from the University of Cambridge suggests that virtually all countries – whether rich or poor, hot or cold – will suffer economically by 2100 if the current trajectory of carbon emissions is maintained. In fact, the research published by the National....

Under a “business as usual” carbon emissions scenario, the U.S. would lose 10.5% of its GDP by 2100

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 18:11:00 +0200yubanet (en)

Aug. 19, 2019 – Prevailing economic research anticipates the burden of climate change falling on hot or poor nations. Some predict that cooler or wealthier economies will be unaffected or even see benefits from higher temperatures. However, a new study co-authored by researchers from the University....

Climate change to shrink economies of rich, poor, hot and cold countries alike unless Paris Agreement holds

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 15:38:00 +0200sciencedaily (en)

However, a new study co-authored by researchers from the University of Cambridge suggests that virtually all countries -- whether rich or poor, hot or cold -- will suffer economically by 2100 if the current trajectory of carbon emissions is maintained.

Climate change to shrink economies of rich, poor, hot and cold countries alike unless Paris Agreement holds

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:54:00 +0200alphagalileo (en)

Prevailing economic research anticipates the burden of climate change falling on hot or poor nations. Some predict that cooler or wealthier economies will be unaffected or even see benefits from higher temperatures. However, a new study co-authored by researchers from the University of Cambridge....

Climate change to shrink economies of rich, poor, hot and cold countries alike unless Paris Agreement holds

Mon, 19 Aug 2019 09:41:00 +0200eurekalert (en)

Prevailing economic research anticipates the burden of climate change falling on hot or poor nations. Some predict that cooler or wealthier economies will be unaffected or even see benefits from higher temperatures. However, a new study co-authored by researchers from the University of Cambridge....

Meteo Autunno 2019, le Previsioni stagionali di AccuWeather: rischio alluvioni e frane su Italia e Balcani, caldo prolungato sulla Penisola Iberica, tempeste di vento sulle Isole Britanniche

Wed, 14 Aug 2019 16:31:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Previsioni Meteo Autunno 2019, il maltempo dell'Estate si estenderà anche alla nuova stagione su Italia e Balcani, mentre la Penisola Iberica sarà alle prese con un caldo persistente e le Isole Britanniche con molteplici tempeste di vento. La tendenza stagionale di AccuWeather per l'Europa.

Cosa ci insegnano gli incendi nell'Artide National Geographic

Tue, 13 Aug 2019 13:42:00 +0200msn-it (it)

© Fornito da La Repubblica Una foto aerea scattata a bordo di un elicottero mostra un tratto di foresta bruciato dall'incendio ad inizio agosto 2019 nel distretto russo di Boguchansky, in Siberia. Fotografia Ekaterina Ansimova/Afp. Come aveva avvertito Greta Thunberg parlando ai leader del....

TOTAL MELT Huge Iceland glacier has VANISHED as shock photos reveal impact of 'Arctic bake' SHOCKING images of Iceland's first "dead glacier" reveal the ongoing damage of soaring temperatures in the Arctic. The large Okjökull glacier is now completely gone, despite once measuring 16 square kilometres.

Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:55:00 +0200thesun (en)

A 2019 image released by Nasa shows the disappearance of the Ok glacier, and the significant reduction in the size a nearby glacier, now surrounded by blue meltwater after the 2019 heatwave Credit: EPA. Okjökull was part of the iconic Langjökull group of glaciers.

Cosa ci insegnano gli incendi nell'Artide

Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:05:00 +0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Come aveva avvertito Greta Thunberg parlando ai leader del parlamento europeo lo scorso aprile, il nostro pianeta è in fiamme. Ma quella che in aprile 2019 era una metafora della crisi climatica, è diventata una realtà già a giugno 2019, con l'innescarsi senza precedenti di centinaia di incendi soprattutto nell'Artide.

Cosa ci insegnano gli incendi nell'Artico

Mon, 12 Aug 2019 14:29:00 +0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Come aveva avvertito Greta Thunberg parlando ai leader del parlamento europeo lo scorso aprile, il nostro pianeta è in fiamme. Ma quella che in aprile 2019 era una metafora della crisi climatica, è diventata una realtà già a giugno 2019, con l'innescarsi senza precedenti di centinaia di incendi soprattutto nell'Artico.

Cosa ci insegnano gli incendi nell'Artico National Geographic

Mon, 12 Aug 2019 13:59:00 +0200msn-it (it)

© Fornito da La Repubblica Una foto aerea scattata a bordo di un elicottero mostra un tratto di foresta bruciato dall'incendio ad inizio agosto 2019 nel distretto russo di Boguchansky, in Siberia. Fotografia Ekaterina Ansimova/Afp. Come aveva avvertito Greta Thunberg parlando ai leader del....

La Siberia in fiamme mentre arrivano le inondazioni. Greenpeace Russia: «Stiamo annegando e bruciando allo stesso tempo»

Mon, 05 Aug 2019 12:41:00 +0200greenreport (it)

I media ufficiali russi tendono a minimizzare (o a derubricare come “naturale” eccezionalità) i giganteschi incendi che stanno devastando la Siberia, ma quella che è in atto è una eccezionale tragedia ambientale e climatica che ha incenerito miliardi di alberi e animali Secondo l’Agenzia federale....

The Artic is burning: how will it affect us?

Mon, 05 Aug 2019 11:31:00 +0200moi-gov-mm (en)

I HAVEN’T written about the climate change for quite sometime now. The reason is: there are conflicting ideas emerging from those who believe the climate change is really taking place and from those who are denying it. Those conflicting ideas made the situations very confusing.

WHITE HOT Arctic 'engulfed in flame' with wildfires so big you can see them from SPACE THE ARCTIC is warming up so fast that it's currently on fire. The hottest June ever recorded on Earth has seen huge wildfires spreading from Greenland to Siberia to Alaska and now a blanket of smoke is wrapping itself around the upper Northern Hemisphere.

Fri, 26 Jul 2019 13:21:00 +0200thesun (en)

The heatwave in Alaska is making the fires worse Credit: NASA Earth. Thomas Smith, an environmental geographer at the London School of Economics, told USA Today: "These are some of the biggest fires on the planet, with a few appearing to be larger than 100,000 hectares (380 square miles).

Climate Change Is Making It Harder for Us to Feed Ourselves

Thu, 25 Jul 2019 22:17:00 +0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Humankind’s ability to feed itself is under threat from a hastening climate emergency. Increases in extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods, combined with the impact of biodiversity loss, are threatening to undermine our food security for decades to come unless we act now to adapt.

Dozens perish as Europeans smolder in unprecedented heat

Thu, 25 Jul 2019 02:01:00 +0200mercopress (en)

Hannover's airport was clised temporarily closed due to cracks in the tarmac. Record high temperatures were reported in Belgium and Netherlands Wednesday amid a heatwave that hit all Europe and brought 40 degrees Celsius to places like Siberia and leaving over people dead by the dozen in Greece.

Nel 2018, le temperature globali hanno subito un aumento di 1°C rispetto all’era pre industriale. Gli ultimi 4 anni del 2018 sono stati i più caldi mai registrati.

Sat, 06 Jul 2019 04:45:00 +0200euronews-it (it)

Nel 2018, le temperature globali hanno subito un aumento di 1C rispetto all’era pre-industriale. Se guardiamo indietro nel tempo tra gli anni 1980-2010, con focus particolare all'anno che è appena passato, vediamo sicuramente che l’Europa era più calda rispetto alla media in questi anni e per tutto....

Affamato e stremato: un orso polare costretto a cercare cibo tra i rifiuti

Wed, 19 Jun 2019 13:07:00 +0200citynews (it)

Un orso polare affamato si è allontanato centinaia di chilometri dal suo habitat naturale artico ed è stato avvistato mentre vagava, esausto, nella città industriale russa di Norilsk , nel nord della Siberia , in cerca di cibo. Si tratta del primo avvistamento in più di 40 anni, secondo gli ambientalisti locali.

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