Overall Green alert Drought for Central Asia-2021
in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 162
Articles about casualties: 3 (1.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

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Rassegna di Geopolitica - Presentazione ultimo rapporto FAO sulla crisi alimentare globale

2022-10-01T07:21+0200radioradicale (it)

Visualizza la trascrizione automatica Nascondi la trascrizione automatica. Bentrovati era ascolto di radio radicale la rassegna di geopolitica di sabato primo ottobre due mila ventidue oggi torniamo a parlare di fame nel mondo uniche segnalazione un comunicato intitolato la crisi arriva tenere....

Migrazioni e crisi climatica sono più connesse di quanto pensiamo

2022-09-29T17:49+0200basilicata24 (it)

Cosa c’entrano i migranti al confine tra Polonia e Bielorussia con la crisi climatica? Molto, visto che migrazione e clima sono più connesse di quanto pensiamo. Quanto sta succedendo al confine tra Polonia e Bielorussia, con migliaia di migranti iracheni, siriani, ma soprattutto afghani, che ogni....

Cambiamenti climatici: i modelli di prevenzione e adattamento esistono e servono a limitare i danni

2022-09-26T11:53+0200buonenotizie (it)

Gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sono stati particolarmente evidenti quest’estate. Siamo passati in pochi giorni dalla peggiore siccità degli ultimi settanta anni agli a oltre 400 millimetri di pioggia caduti sulle Marche in poche ore. Purtroppo questa altalena di fenomeni metereologici è perfettamente in linea con la crisi climatica in atto.

Climate change affects developing countries: Safma

2022-09-26T03:12+0200thenews-pk (en)

LAHORE:South Asia Free Asia Free Media Association (Safma) had its first interaction among Safma chapters in a video link conference. Speakers from Afghanistan , Sumandar and Karim, from Sri Lanka Lakshmanan and Toha, Prateek from Nepal, Imtiaz Alam, Jabbar and Amir from Pakistan participated in the....

La crisi climatica affama sempre più il mondo

2022-09-23T17:15+0200ecologica (it)

Il 16 settembre 2022 Oxfam, leader mondiale nei progetti di sviluppo in ambito rurale e nel portare acqua e servizi igienico sanitari nelle emergenze, ha pubblicato il report “ Hunger in a heating world – How the climate crisis is fuelling hunger in an already hungry world ” nel quale si evidenzia....

Per colpa di conflitti e crisi climatica quasi un milione di persone potrebbe morire di fame

2022-09-23T10:48+0200greenme (it)

I paesi più a rischio Secondo il rapporto, saranno 26 milioni le persone che dovranno affrontare livelli di insicurezza alimentare di crisi o peggiori in Somalia, Etiopia meridionale e orientale e Kenya settentrionale e orientale. “Senza un’adeguata risposta umanitaria, gli analisti prevedono che....

Extreme hunger has more than doubled in 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots over past six years Ten of the world’s worst climate hotspots – those with the highest number of UN appeals driven by extreme weather events – have suffered a 123% rise in acute hunger over just the past six years, according to an Oxfam report published today.

2022-09-17T06:47+0200oxfam (en)

Less than 18 days of fossil fuel companies’ profits would cover the entire UN humanitarian appeal for 2022. Ten of the world’s worst climate hotspots – those with the highest number of UN appeals driven by extreme weather events – have suffered a 123% rise in acute hunger over just the past six years, according to an Oxfam report published today.

Extreme hunger soars in Africa and the Caribbean, critical points of the climate crisis

2022-09-16T17:33+0200247newsbulletin (en)

Oxfam, the international confederation of 19 NGOs, published a report analyzing 10 of the climatic points most affected in the world, droughts floods storms and others extreme conditions . The countries reviewed were Haiti, Djibouti, Kenya, Nigeria, Afghanistan , Guatemala, Madagascar, Burkina Faso,....

Extreme hunger has more than doubled in 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots

2022-09-16T14:30+0200africa-cgtn (en)

Ten of the world’s worst climate hotspots, those with the highest number of UN appeals driven by extreme weather events have suffered a 123 percent rise in acute hunger over just the past six years, according to an Oxfam International report published Thursday.

Climate crisis aggravates 'acute hunger' in countries most at risk

2022-09-16T02:04+0200thesaxon (en)

Guatemala, badly hit by drought, is one of the countries where hunger is increasingly threatening. Extreme droughts, devastating floods, desertification: in six years, “acute hunger” has more than doubled in the countries most exposed to climate disasters, according to the NGO Oxfam, which calls on....

Due terremoti scuotono l'Afghanistan, causando almeno sei morti

2022-09-06T14:20+0200marketscreener (it)

Due terremoti hanno scosso l' Afghanistan martedì, uno dei quali ha causato la morte di sei persone nel nord-est del Paese, hanno detto i funzionari. La scossa di prima mattina nella provincia nord-orientale di Kunar ha anche ferito nove persone, secondo Mohammad Nassim Haqqani, portavoce del Ministero dei disastri dell'Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: Iacomini (Unicef Italia), “lmeno otto bambini sono stati uccisi questa settimana nelle inondazioni” che hanno colpito il Centro e l’Est

2022-08-26T16:14+0200agensir (it)

“I nostri uffici in Afghanistan ci informano che almeno otto bambini sono stati uccisi questa settimana nelle inondazioni, che hanno spazzato via le case nell’Afghanistan centrale e orientale, e che tanti altri bambini purtroppo risultano scomparsi”: lo dichiara Andrea Iacomini, portavoce di Unicef Italia.

Drought, floods and food insecurity contribute to conflict risk in parts of Africa and Middle East

2022-08-26T11:52+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world. Continuing drought brings food insecurity and risk or emerging or ongoing conflict in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan , according to a new quarterly....

At least 20 dead in Afghanistan as flash floods wreak havoc in crisis-ridden country

2022-08-22T15:19+0200independent-UK (en)

This is also one in a series of natural disasters to hit the vulnerable nation which is going through a humanitarian crisis. A drought and a devastating earthquake earlier this year had left over 1,000 people dead. On Monday, the country’s disaster management agency confirmed at least 20 people....

Worst droughts around the world as nations fail to tackle climate change

2022-08-20T13:10+0200themirror (en)

Australia. The year kicked off with the driest summer in 40 years for Tasmania, Australia’s southern-most state that is typically wet, with the lowest level of rainfall on record. It was also the fourth driest since records began more than a century ago. Total rainfall was 43% below the long-term average.

Wildfires in Portugal, Spain contained

2022-08-18T14:17+0200arabnews (en)

LISBON: Massive wildfires in Portugal and Spain were largely under control Thursday after forcing thousands from their homes and destroying large swathes of land. The fires in both countries followed punishing heatwaves and long dry spells, leaving forests parched and primed to burn.

In Afghanistan, drought poses migration dilemma for villagers

2022-08-16T16:45+0200expressindia (en)

Supplying direct government funding had been simple, but has While the Taliban has provided emergency assistance for recent disasters including floods and is coordinating with NGOs, the group has little cash due to frozen Afghan assets – which the United States this week announced would not be released “in the near-term” – as well as the sanctions.

Il nord dell’Afghanistan colpito dalle alluvioni, 29 morti

2022-08-16T15:30+0200editorialedomani (it)

Forti piogge hanno provocato inondazioni improvvise nel nord dell’ Afghanistan causando almeno 29 vittime. L’agenzia di stampa Bakhtar ha dichiarato che le inondazioni sono avvenute domenica nella provincia settentrionale di Parwan. Lunedì risultavano disperse almeno 100 persone ed erano ancora in corso operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio.

Catastrofi naturali: danni per 65 miliardi di dollari nella prima metà del 2022

2022-08-04T07:06+0200greenreport (it)

Secondo il rapporto di metà anno presentato da Minich Re, «Il quadro delle catastrofi naturali per la prima metà del 2022 è dominato dalle catastrofi meteorologiche. I tornado estremi negli Stati Uniti hanno causato miliardi di danni, parti della costa orientale dell’Australia sono state sommerse da....

H1 2022 half catastrophe losses revealed – report

2022-07-29T14:25+0200insurancebusinessmag (en)

Floods, earthquakes and storms caused overall losses of $65 billion in the first half, compared to $105 billion in the same period last year. At about $34 billion, insured losses were roughly in line with previous years, according to the report. North America.

Middle East Dust Storms Forewarn the Climate Apocalypse

2022-07-29T03:24+0200menafn (en)

- Syndication Bureau) By Jonathan Gornall Fundamentalist Christians believe that the appearance of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, predicted in the Bible’s book of Revelation, heralds the coming of the Last Judgment, the day of reckoning common to all Abrahamic faiths, including Islam. Believers, of course, will be saved on doomsday.

L’Afghanistan sta affrontando un disastro climatico ed è arrivato il momento che il mondo se ne accorga

2022-07-28T15:05+0200valigiablu (it)

Definire la situazione generale dell' Afghanistan profondamente drammatica significherebbe non riconoscerne la gravità. Da quando le forze statunitensi sono andate via il paese non è più sotto i riflettori dei media, nonostante le violazioni dei diritti umani, i disastri ambientali e la minaccia di....

L'Afghanistan sta affrontando un disastro climatico ed è arrivato il momento che il mondo se ne accorga

2022-07-28T10:48+0200247libero (it)

Definire la situazione generale dell' Afghanistan profondamente drammatica significherebbe non riconoscerne la gravità. Da quando le forze statunitensi sono andate via il paese non è più sotto i riflettori dei media, nonostante le violazioni dei diritti umani, i disastri ambientali e la minaccia di....

Trump in Florida davanti agli studenti: “Il cambiamento climatico è una grande bufala”

2022-07-24T09:40+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

Al summit degli studenti conservatori riuniti a Tampa, in Florida, Donald Trump è stato acclamato come un eroe. Ha annunciato e ribadito la sua candidatura alle elezioni del 2024, definendosi “la persona più perseguitata della storia. Se annunciassi di non candidarmi, le indagini finirebbero subito.

El terremoto, última plaga de un Afganistán azotado por el hambre, bajo el talibán y en ruinas

2022-07-22T10:35+0200es-noticias (es)

Un grupo de civiles traslada a un niño herido por el terremoto en la provincia de Paktika. (Photo: via Associated Press) Afganistán tiembla, pero no sólo por el terremoto de 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter de la pasada noche , donde los muertos superan el millar. No. Afganistán temblaba ya antes, de frío, de hambre, de miedo.

Rassegna di Geopolitica - Chi scappa e chi resta in Afghanistan

2022-06-27T07:46+0200247libero (it)

Visualizza la trascrizione automatica Nascondi la trascrizione automatica. Centro dell'ascolto di radio radicale la rassegna di geopolitica ma di lunedì ventisette giugno due mila ventidue oggi torniamo a parlare di avviene essa dopo il ritiro dei paesi occidentali Italia compresa La caduta di Kabul....

Rassegna di Geopolitica - Chi scappa e chi resta in Afghanistan

2022-06-27T07:32+0200radioradicale (it)

Visualizza la trascrizione automatica Nascondi la trascrizione automatica. Centro dell'ascolto di radio radicale la rassegna di geopolitica ma di lunedì ventisette giugno due mila ventidue oggi torniamo a parlare di avviene essa dopo il ritiro dei paesi occidentali Italia compresa La caduta di Kabul....

Afghanistan: il WFP distribuisce alimenti e attrezzature logistiche per far fronte ai terremoti

2022-06-24T17:12+0200esgdata (it)

Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite (WFP) ha rapidamente dispiegato cibo e attrezzature logistiche per sostenere le comunità devastate dal terremoto del 22 giugno che ha colpito la città di Khost. 18 camion sono stati dispiegati nelle aree colpite dal sisma trasportando forniture di....

Mai così tanti i bambini sfollati nel mondo: sono 37 milioni

2022-06-24T09:49+0200welfarenetwork (it)

Secondo le stime dell’ UNICEF , alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi hanno lasciato 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati dalle loro case, il numero più alto registrato dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. Questa cifra comprende 13,7 milioni di bambini rifugiati e richiedenti asilo e quasi....

Afghanistan/Earthquake: Malteser International provides 100,000 euros

2022-06-24T02:39+0200reliefWeb (en)

Cologne. After the severe earthquake in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday night, Malteser International is providing emergency relief in the amount of 100,000 Euros. A first team of the local partner organisation "Union Aid" has set out for the province of Paktika, which has been hit particularly....

Sobreviviente de terremoto en Afganistán: “Perdí a 26 miembros de mi familia”

2022-06-24T01:32+0200larepublica-pe (es)

El terremoto de 5.9 grados que remeció la noche del último martes el este de Afganistán ha dejado más de un millar de muertos y muchos heridos. Diversas familias han perdido miembros por esta catástrofe que ha enlutado al país. En los hospitales de Paktka y Khost , dos de las provincias más afectadas, se puede comprobar el horror por lo ocurrido.

Se complica arribo de ayuda a Afganistán tras terremoto con más de 1,000 víctimas mortales

2022-06-23T22:03+0200lanetaneta (es)

La ayuda comenzó a llegar este jueves a una parte remota de Afganistán donde un terremoto mató a más de 1,000 personas el 22 de junio, pero las malas comunicaciones y la falta de caminos adecuados están obstaculizando los esfuerzos de socorro en un país que ya enfrenta una crisis humanitaria. El terremoto de magnitud 6.

Talibanes piden ayuda internacional

2022-06-23T19:28+0200cambiopolitico (es)

Más de 1.000 personas han perdido la vida y miles han resultado heridas en el mortífero terremoto de Afganistán. Twitter. Hombres afganos revisan los escombros después de un terremoto, en la aldea de Gayan, provincia de Paktika, Afganistán, el 23 de junio de 2022.

Vatican News Newsletter 23 giugno 2022

2022-06-23T19:22+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – gio 23 giugno 2022 Non riesci a vedere la newsletter? [Guardala online](https://r.spclists.va/r.html?uid=D.P2.EbB.Rct.BFzB.A.SczZDu-nLiX0nuLaUYlXgWQ8vOoqv2NN8rFAnC3obH7sLRWFLbqJTJbVkgXoWVbplkLji-DoaIteuzZOh1HpiA) [Vatican News] Le notizie del giorno 23/06/2022 [Il Papa: in Ucraina una....

Afganistán: Miles de víctimas del terremoto siguen sin asistencia

2022-06-23T17:01+0200elmercuriodigital (es)

Las autoridades hacen un llamamiento "desesperado" de ayuda. L amentos, tumbas abiertas en fila ... la escena se repite en numerosas aldeas del este de Afganistán sacudidas el miércoles por el peor terremoto que ha sufrido el país en veinte años. Más de mil personas muertas y más de mil quinientos heridas.

Autoridades de Afganistán piden ayuda desesperada tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T15:49+0200elpais-CO (es)

Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado una petición "desesperada" de ayuda para hacer frente a las consecuencias del seísmo, que ha dejado más de mil muertos y 1.500 heridos en el país.

Afghanistan: terremoto; cosa sta facendo il WFP

2022-06-23T15:13+0200onuitalia (it)

KABUL, 23 GIUGNO – Il World Food Programme ha rapidamente dispiegato cibo e attrezzature logistiche per le comunità colpite dal terremoto del 22 giugno che si è verificato vicino alla città di Khost. Sono in movimento 18 camion nelle aree colpite dal terremoto che trasportano forniture di emergenza,....

Terremoto Afghanistan: Wfp, primi aiuti in arrivo per 3mila famiglie. Verifiche dei danni in corso

2022-06-23T14:54+0200agensir (it)

Il World Food Programme (Wfp) sta dispiegando cibo e attrezzature logistiche per le comunità colpite dal terremoto del 22 giugno che si è verificato vicino alla città di Khost. Sono in movimento 18 camion nelle aree colpite dal terremoto che trasportano forniture di emergenza, tra cui pacchi di....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:24+0200laprovincia (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:20+0200diariodeibiza (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:20+0200diarioInformacion (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:19+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:19+0200laopinioncoruna (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:18+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

5 Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:17+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:17+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:16+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

13:14 Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:15+0200eldia (es)

Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:15+0200lanuevaespana (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:15+0200diarioCordoba (es)

. Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Empieza a llegar la ayuda humanitaria a Afganistán tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T14:14+0200levante-emv (es)

Ese el primer balance del devastador terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el sur de Afganistán . Unas 24 horas después del seísmo, la primera ayuda humanitaria internacional empieza a llegar a cuentagotas en el país centroasiático. Pakistán que también ha resultado afectado, aunque no hubo....

Turchia, evacuate 150 persone per un devastante incendio sulla costa del Mar Egeo

2022-06-23T13:27+0200kmetro0 (it)

K metro 0 – Ankara – Oltre 2.500 vigili del fuoco, con l’aiuto di aerei ed elicotteri che lanciano acqua, sono stati impiegati per combattere le fiamme scoppiate martedì in due località della regione di Bordubet, vicino a Marmaris, sulla costa del Mar Egeo. Le fiamme si sono diffuse rapidamente, alimentate dai venti.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, Intersos: ora più fondi alla risposta umanitaria

2022-06-23T12:33+0200redattoresociale (it)

ROMA - Serve "erogare urgentemente finanziamenti internazionali per consentire alla comunità umanitaria di aumentare rapidamente la sua risposta sulla scia di questo terremoto senza dimenticare i bisogni umanitari in altre parti dell' Afghanistan . È fondamentale finanziare completamente i 4.

Más de mil muertos víctimas del terremoto en el este de Afganistán

2022-06-23T12:24+0200lagacetadesalamanca (es)

“Pedimos igualmente a la comunidad internacional, las organizaciones caritativas y todas las organizaciones humanitarias que ayuden al pueblo de Afganistán a hacer frente a esta gran tragedia”, ha zanjado Ajunzada en su comunicado, publicado por el portavoz de los talibán, Zabihulá Muyahid.

12:06 Afganistán hace una llamada "desesperada" de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T12:15+0200noticiasdenavarra (es)

Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado una petición "desesperada" de ayuda para hacer frente a las consecuencias del seísmo, que ha dejado más de mil muertos y 1.500 heridos en el país.

Las autoridades de Afganistán hacen un llamamiento «desesperado» de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T12:13+0200diariodia (es)

El PMA destaca que el seísmo «se sumará a unas necesidades humanitarias ya masivas» en Afganistán. MADRID, 23 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) – Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado....

5 Los talibanes piden ayuda para hacer frente a un terremoto que deja más de mil muertos

2022-06-23T12:10+0200burgosconecta (es)

Afganistán va de castigo en castigo. Los afganos despertaron este miércoles con la noticia de un devastador terremoto registrado en la noche del martes en el sureste del país que había dejado al menos 90 muertos. Para cuando se acostaron, en cambio, la cifra ya superaba el millar.

Afganistán hace una llamada desesperada de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T12:04+0200deia-eus (es)

Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado una petición "desesperada" de ayuda para hacer frente a las consecuencias del seísmo, que El director del servicio provincial de....

Las autoridades de Afganistán hacen un llamamiento "desesperado" de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T11:58+0200lanacion-AR (es)

El PMA destaca que el seísmo "se sumará a unas necesidades humanitarias ya masivas" en Afganistán MADRID, 23 Jun. 2022 (Europa Press) - Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han....

Las autoridades de Afganistán hacen un llamamiento "desesperado" de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T11:57+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

El PMA destaca que el seísmo "se sumará a unas necesidades humanitarias ya masivas" en Afganistán MADRID, 23 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado una....

Las autoridades de Afganistán hacen un llamamiento "desesperado" de ayuda tras el terremoto

2022-06-23T11:33+0200europapress (es)

El PMA destaca que el seísmo "se sumará a unas necesidades humanitarias ya masivas" en Afganistán MADRID, 23 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) - Las autoridades de la provincia afgana de Paktika, la más afectada por el terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala abierta de Richter registrado el martes, han trasladado....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, almeno 1000 persone morte e più di 1.500 sono ferite

2022-06-23T11:18+0200vita (it)

Secondo le stime attuali, almeno mille persone hanno perso la vita e più di 1.500 sono ferite nel devastante terremoto di magnitudo 5,9 che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan nelle prime ore di mercoledì 22 giugno, ma si prevede che il bilancio delle vittime aumenterà man mano che i soccorritori inizieranno a....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, più di mille morti. I talebani: Il mondo ci aiuti

2022-06-23T10:36+0200247libero (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 6.1 , valore non considerato tra i più elevati a livello internazionale, in questa area del mondo ha lasciato poco scampo ai suoi abitanti, sorpresi verso l’una di notte, mentre dormivano, in case fatte di terra e poco più, in una zona sperduta, a tratti montuosa. Un’ecatombe: oltre mille i morti .

Terremoto in Afghanistan, più di mille morti. I talebani: «Il mondo ci aiuti»

2022-06-23T10:27+0200corriere (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 6.1 , valore non considerato tra i più elevati a livello internazionale, in questa area del mondo ha lasciato poco scampo ai suoi abitanti, sorpresi verso l’una di notte, mentre dormivano, in case fatte di terra e poco più, in una zona sperduta, a tratti montuosa. Un’ecatombe: oltre mille i morti .

Il regime talebano non sembra in grado di gestire l’emergenza provocata dal terremoto

2022-06-23T10:08+0200ilpost (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6 che c’è stato martedì sera nella provincia orientale afghana di Paktika è stato uno dei più gravi degli ultimi decenni in Afghanistan . Sono morte più di mille persone e altre sono ancora disperse, ma le operazioni di soccorso che servirebbero sono rallentate dalla mancanza di risorse, di aiuti e di un governo preparato.

Wildfires rage in parts of Northern Hemisphere amid record-breaking heat

2022-06-23T09:49+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Wildfires and forest fires continue to burn in Northern Hemisphere countries amid sobering reports of record-breaking temperatures throughout the world. Defined as one of the most devastating outcomes of climate change while also accelerating it, the fires continue to wreak havoc on rainforests, which some people call “the world's lungs.

Wildfires Rage In Parts Of Northern Hemisphere Amid Record-Breaking Heat

2022-06-23T09:42+0200haberler-en (en)

Wildfires and forest fires continue to burn in Northern Hemisphere countries amid sobering reports of record-breaking temperatures throughout the world. Defined as one of the most devastating outcomes of climate change while also accelerating it, the fires continue to wreak havoc on rainforests, which some people call "the world's lungs.

Terremoto killer in Afghanistan: l'appello dei talebani all'Occidente, continua la conta di morti e feriti

2022-06-23T09:41+0200247libero (it)

Nel Paese distrutto dalle scosse di terremoto, i talebani faticano a prestare assistenza alla popolazione afghana e chiedono aiuti dall'estero. Di: VirgilioNotizie | Pubblicato il: 23-06-2022 09:37. Continuano le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso in Afghanistan all’indomani del terribile terremoto che ha ucciso almeno 1.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: Biden valuta come aiutare

2022-06-23T09:08+0200periodicodaily (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime del devastante terremoto in Afghanistan . Secondo gli ultimi dati, ci sarebbero oltre mille vittime e oltre 1.500 feriti. Il presidente americano, Joe Biden, sta valutando come aiutare il popolo afghano. Terremoto in Afghanistan: Biden valuta aiuti? Sale a oltre mille....

La tragedia castigó sobre todo a Gayan, en Paktika, donde según la ONU hasta 1.800 viviendas resultaron destruidas o dañadas, lo que representa el 70% de las edificaciones de ese distrito. EFE / VANGUARDIA

2022-06-23T07:15+0200vanguardia-CO (es)

L a ONU está “totalmente movilizada en Afganistán para proveer ayuda tras el terremoto que ha dejado ya 1.030 muertos y más de 1.500 heridos, según dijo ayer su secretario general, António Guterres. En un comunicado, Guterres dijo sentirse muy apenado por el pueblo afgano, “que ya sufre el impacto....

"El terremoto en Afganistán no podría haber ocurrido en un peor momento"

2022-06-23T00:05+0200eldeber (es)

EPA. Devastación sobre un país devastado. El este de Afganistán vive este miércoles las terribles consecuencias de un fuerte terremoto que dejó al menos 1.000 muertos y 1.500 heridos. Se trata del sismo más mortal que vive el país en dos décadas. El terremoto de magnitud 6,1 golpeó con fuerza en la....

Un terremoto con más de mil muertos ahonda la crisis humanitaria en Afganistán

2022-06-22T23:33+0200heraldo (es)

va de castigo en castigo. Los afganos despertaron este miércoles con la noticia de un devastador terremoto registrado en la noche del martes en el sureste del país que había dejado al menos 90 muertos . Para cuando se acostaron, en cambio, la cifra ya superaba el millar .

“El terremoto en Afganistán no podría haber ocurrido en un peor momento”

2022-06-22T22:46+0200ElComercio (es)

El este de Afganistán vive este miércoles las terribles consecuencias de un fuerte terremoto que dejó al menos 1.000 muertos y 1.500 heridos. Se trata del sismo más mortal que vive el país en dos décadas. El terremoto de magnitud 6,1 golpeó con fuerza en la provincia de Paktika, una zona fronteriza....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,1 deja más de mil muertos en Afganistán

2022-06-22T21:10+0200elnuevodia (es)

El Departamento de Información y Cultura de la provincia de Paktika, la más afectada por el seísmo, ha indicado que más de mil personas han muerto y más de 1.500 han resultado heridas en los distrito de Gatan y Barmal, antes de agregar que el balance de fallecidos podría aumentar en las próximas....

El terremoto en Afganistán no podría haber ocurrido en un peor momento

2022-06-22T21:07+0200acento (es)

EPA. Devastación sobre un país devastado. El este de Afganistán vive este miércoles las terribles consecuencias de un fuerte terremoto que dejó al menos 1.000 muertos y 1.500 heridos. Se trata del sismo más mortal que vive el país en dos décadas. El terremoto de magnitud 6,1 golpeó con fuerza en la....

Almeno mille morti in un sisma nell'Afghanistan orientale

2022-06-22T20:22+0200euronews-it (it)

nell' Afghanistan orientale. Il sisma si è verificato nella provincia di Paktika, vicino al confine con il Pakistan, nella notte di martedì. La scossa, di magnitudo 6.1 a una profondità di 50 chilometri, ha distrutto centinaia di abitazioni. È il terremoto più grave da due decenni a questa parte nel....

Mai così tanti i bambini sfollati nel mondo: sono 37 milioni

2022-06-21T13:22+0200buongiornoslovacchia (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ – Secondo le stime dell’ UNICEF , alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi hanno lasciato 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati dalle loro case, il numero più alto registrato dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. Questa cifra comprende 13,7 milioni di bambini rifugiati e....

37 milioni di bambini sfollati nel mondo: mai così tanti

2022-06-20T17:04+0200aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - Secondo le stime dell' UNICEF , alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi hanno lasciato 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati dalle loro case, il numero più alto registrato dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. Questa cifra comprende 13,7 milioni di bambini rifugiati e....

Migranti, Unicef: 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati nel mondo

2022-06-20T12:55+0200redattoresociale (it)

ROMA - Secondo le stime dell'Unicef, alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi hanno lasciato 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati dalle loro case, il numero più alto registrato dalla Seconda guerra mondiale . Questa cifra comprende 13,7 milioni di bambini rifugiati e richiedenti asilo e....

In India la polizia ha hackerato degli attivisti per incastrarli

2022-06-19T07:17+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 giugno 2022) Diversi indizi collegano le prove false trovate sui computer di diversi difensori dei diritti umani alle forze dell'ordine della città di Pune che li hanno arrestati. ... come la siccità nel Corno d'Africa e nel Sahel e le gravi inondazioni in Bangladesh, India e ...

37 milioni di bambini sfollati nel mondo: mai così tanti

2022-06-18T08:41+0200friulisera (it)

Sono 37 milioni i bambini sfollati nel mondo, mai così tanti, eppure i grandi numeri sembrano non impressionare più quasi che l'umanità abbia fatto l'abitudine alle tragedie anche quando riguardano i più piccoli. Secondo le stime dell'UNICEF, alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi....

Migranti, Unicef: 36.5 milioni di bambini sfollati nel mondo

2022-06-17T17:46+0200difesapopolo (it)

Secondo le stime dell'Unicef, alla fine del 2021 conflitti, violenze e ulteriori crisi hanno lasciato 36,5 milioni di bambini sfollati dalle loro case, il numero più alto registrato dalla Seconda guerra mondiale . Questa cifra comprende 13,7 milioni di bambini rifugiati e richiedenti asilo e quasi....

Giornata desertificazione: Wwf, più siccità per 700 milioni

2022-06-17T12:37+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 17 GIU - Circa 4 miliardi di persone (su 7,8 miliardi di esseri umani sulla Terra) sperimentano già una grave carenza d'acqua per almeno un mese all'anno. Sempre più persone (circa 700 milioni) soffrono periodi di siccità più lunghi rispetto al 1950.

Giornata desertificazione: Wwf, più siccità per 700 milioni

2022-06-17T12:34+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 17 GIU - Circa 4 miliardi di persone (su 7,8 miliardi di esseri umani sulla Terra) sperimentano già una grave carenza d'acqua per almeno un mese all'anno. Sempre più persone (circa 700 milioni) soffrono periodi di siccità più lunghi rispetto al 1950.

Oxfam: necessari maggiori finanziamenti per fronteggiare i danni in un’epoca di impatti climatici crescenti

2022-06-07T10:58+0200esgdata (it)

La quantità di denaro necessaria per gli appelli umanitari delle Nazioni Unite che riguardano eventi meteorologici estremi come inondazioni o siccità è oggi otto volte superiore a quella di 20 anni fa, e i donatori non riescono a tenere il passo, ha rivelato un nuovo rapporto dell’Oxfam.

Middle East dust storms forewarn climate apocalypse

2022-05-28T11:10+0200gulfnews (en)

Some Christians believe that the appearance of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, predicted in the Bible’s book of Revelation, heralds the coming of the Last Judgment, the day of reckoning common to all Abrahamic faiths. The outriders of the impending cataclysm — rising temperatures, raging....

Wmo: Ultimi 7 anni i più caldi di sempre, nuovo record per 4 indicatori del cambiamento climatico

2022-05-24T09:38+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

Gli ultimi sette anni sono stati i sette anni più caldi mai registrati. Il 2021 è stato “solo” uno dei sette più caldi a causa di un evento La Niña all’inizio e alla fine dell’anno “temporaneo che ha portato un effetto di raffreddamento, ma non ha invertito la tendenza generale all’aumento delle temperature “.

Iraq’s orange sky is a red flag. Here’s why

2022-05-23T15:24+0200downtoearth (en)

Over eight dust storms hit Iraq in the last six weeks, turning the skies orange and disrupting lives. Climate change may be a driving force, scientists said. The orange hue across the west Asian country was captured in satellite images by the United States National Aeronautics and Space....

2021 sees record numbers displaced globally and in Myanmar

2022-05-20T09:55+0200bnionline (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

2021 sees record numbers displaced globally and in Myanmar

2022-05-20T08:02+0200mizzima (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-20T04:07+0200citizen (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 — an all-time record....

60m people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-20T03:10+0200thenews-pk (en)

GENEVA: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said on Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an....

Nearly 60 mil people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-20T00:05+0200japantoday (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

news Latest climate report underscores urgent need to act on drought

2022-05-19T20:47+0200unccd-int (en)

The State of the Global Climate in 2021 report released on 18 May 2022 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirms that the past seven years have been the warmest seven years on record. According to the Report, drought affected many parts of the world, including the Horn of Africa,....

Nearly 60m internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T20:07+0200omanobserver-om (en)

GENEVA: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said on Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time....

60m people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T19:32+0200newagebd (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said on Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 an all-time record....

PH high on list of displacements due to disasters

2022-05-19T19:05+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

The Philippines had one of the highest numbers of internal displacements due to natural disasters in 2021, with Typhoon Odette resulting in the largest number of disaster displacements of the year worldwide, according to a joint report by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Nearly 60m people million internally displaced last year

2022-05-19T18:45+0200taipeitimes (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said yesterday. About 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide last year — an all-time record....

'Nearly 60M people internally displaced in 2021'

2022-05-19T18:07+0200manilatimes (en)

GENEVA: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people (IDP) to a record high, monitors said on Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021, an....

Nearly 60m people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T15:29+0200parstoday-en (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 an all-time record....

Philippines among nations with most disaster-related internal displacements in 2021 --report

2022-05-19T13:35+0200gmanews (en)

The Philippines had one of the highest numbers of internal displacements due to natural disasters in 2021, with Typhoon Odette resulting in the largest number of disaster displacements of the year worldwide, according to a joint report by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Nearly 60 Mn People Internally Displaced Worldwide Last Year

2022-05-19T13:03+0200aawsat (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million people internally displaced in 2021

2022-05-19T12:34+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 – an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million displaced people worldwide in 2021, a record figure

2022-05-19T11:57+0200tellerreport (en)

The number of displaced people around the world has reached a record high. Conflicts and natural disasters forced millions of people to flee within their own country last year, bringing the total number of displaced people to nearly 60 million, according to a study released Thursday, May 19 by NGOs. Internally displaced people numbered 59.

Nearly 60 million people displaced in 2021 by conflict and natural disaster

2022-05-19T11:51+0200infomigrants (en)

Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record expected to be broken again this year amid mass displacement inside war-torn Around 38 million new internal displacements were reported in 2021, with some people forced to flee multiple times....

Nearly 60-M people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T11:34+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

Nearly 60m people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T11:05+0200enca (en)

PARIS - Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said on Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time....

Nearly 60 million people displaced in 2021 by conflict and natural disaster

2022-05-19T10:58+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

Nearly 60 mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T10:50+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

GENEVA Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time....

Nearly 60 million people displaced within their own country in 2021

2022-05-19T10:35+0200tellerreport (en)

Nearly 60 million displaced people within their own country in 2021. This is the frightening assessment drawn up by several NGOs and published on Thursday. Conflicts and natural disasters are the two main causes put forward. Over the past ten years, 2020 and 2021 respectively occupy the first two places in terms of record number of trips.

Nearly 60 million people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T10:02+0200timesofmalta (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 - an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million people internally displaced worldwide in 2021 – timesofmalta.com

2022-05-19T09:53+0200unravelmalta (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 – an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million people forced to flee homes in 2021

2022-05-19T09:49+0200RTERadio (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said today. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 - an all-time record....

Conflicts, disasters displaced 60mn people within their countries in 2021

2022-05-19T09:31+0200thedailystarBD (en)

"2022 is looking bleak," IDMC director Alexandra Bilak told reporters. The record numbers seen in 2021, she said, marked "a tragic indictment really on the state of the world and on peace-building efforts in particular". NRC chief Jan Egeland agreed, warning: "It has never been as bad as this." "The world is falling apart," he told reporters.

Nearly 60mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T09:23+0200thehindu (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions of people to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said on May 19. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 — an all-time....

Nearly 60 mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T09:21+0200BangkokPost (en)

GENEVA: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time....

59 Million Displaced Globally, Conflicts And Calamities To Blame: Report

2022-05-19T08:57+0200ndtvnews (en)

Geneva: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time....

Nearly 60 mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T08:49+0200al-monitor (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

19/05/2022 Nearly 60 mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T08:45+0200rfi-en (en)

Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record expected to be broken again this year amid mass displacement inside war-torn Ukraine. Around 38 million new internal displacements were reported in 2021, with some people forced to flee multiple....

Nearly 60 mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T08:37+0200digitaljournal (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 — an all-time record....

Nearly 60 million people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T08:34+0200moneycontrol (en)

Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 -- an all-time record....

Nearly 60mn people internally displaced worldwide in 2021

2022-05-19T08:33+0200brecorder (en)

GENEVA: Conflicts and natural disasters forced tens of millions to flee within their own country last year, pushing the number of internally displaced people to a record high, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 – an all-time....

Over 59M people internally displaced around globe in 2021

2022-05-19T08:22+0200dailysabah (en)

Tens of millions of people were forced to flee as a result of conflicts and natural disasters, setting a record in 2021, monitors said Thursday. Some 59.1 million people were registered as internally displaced worldwide in 2021 – an all-time record expected to be broken again this year amid mass displacement inside war-torn Ukraine.

The deployment of flood and drought disaster prevention in seven major river basins has been completed

2022-05-19T01:52+0200tellerreport (en)

This newspaper, Beijing, May 18 (Reporter Wang Hao) At present, according to the deployment of the Ministry of Water Resources, the seven major river basins of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Haihe River, the Pearl River, the Songhua River and the Taihu Lake have a The....

Wmo, la crisi climatica continua ad accelerare: nel 2021 toccati quattro record negativi

2022-05-18T16:21+0200greenreport (it)

Eppure stiamo sussidiando i combustibili fossili con 11 milioni di dollari al minuto Wmo, la crisi climatica continua ad accelerare: nel 2021 toccati quattro record negativi. Guterres: «Le energie rinnovabili sono l'unico percorso verso una vera sicurezza energetica, prezzi dell'energia stabili e....

Wmo: “Ultimi 7 anni i più caldi di sempre, nuovo record per 4 indicatori del cambiamento climatico”

2022-05-18T10:34+0200dire (it)

ROMA – Gli ultimi sette anni sono stati i sette anni più caldi mai registrati . Il 2021 è stato “solo” uno dei sette più caldi a causa di un evento La Niña all’inizio e alla fine dell’anno “che ha portato un effetto di raffreddamento temporaneo, ma non ha invertito la tendenza generale all’aumento delle temperature”.

Clima, WMO: nuovi record nel 2021 per 4 indicatori chiave

2022-05-18T10:22+0200meteoweb (it)

L’Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale (World meteorological organization, WMO) delle Nazioni Unite, ha pubblicato oggi l’ultimo rapporto, dal titolo “ The WMO State of the Global Climate in 2021 “. Dal documento emerge che 4 indicatori chiave del cambiamento climatico – le concentrazioni di gas....

2021 among hottest years on record

2022-05-18T10:08+0200tellerreport (en)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) publishes this Wednesday, May 18 its report on the state of the climate in 2021. If 2016 was warmer, it still beat other sad records. 2021 among hottest years on record. July 11, 2021 in Death Valley National Park, California. AP - John Locher. Text by: Simon Rozé Follow.

In April, various natural disasters caused 2.254 million people to suffer direct economic losses of 2.8 billion yuan

2022-05-17T03:43+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Service, May 17, according to the WeChat public account of the Ministry of Emergency Management, recently, the Ministry of Emergency Management, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources and other departments and units, conducted....

Has Iran entered a 30-year dry spell?

2022-05-16T16:00+0200tehrantimes (en)

While rejecting the country’s entry into the 30-year dry spell, he said that drought is not limited to a 30-year or 10-year period, as rainfall has gradually declined over the past five decades. The rainfall rate is still declining and has gone through a downward trend compared to the past 50 years;....

UN adds Pakistan to list of drought-hit ...

2022-05-16T12:19+0200dailypakistan (en)

NEW YORK The United Nations has placed Pakistan in the list of 23 countries facing drought related emergencies in last two years (2020-2022). The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has issued the 'Global Land Outlook' report as world set to mark the UN Desertification and Drought Day on June 17.

In April, the total number of accidents nationwide dropped, and the safety production situation had "four outstanding"

2022-05-16T11:14+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Service, Beijing, May 16 (Zhang Yilin) ​​Shen Zhanli, spokesperson of the Emergency Management Department and director of the Press and Publicity Department, said at the May regular press conference held on the 16th that in April, the total number of accidents in the country continued for one year.

Ministry of Emergency Management: A total of 1,425 accidents and 1,241 deaths occurred nationwide in April

2022-05-16T10:07+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Service, May 16th, Shen Zhanli, spokesperson of the Ministry of Emergency Management and director of the Information and Publicity Department, introduced at a press conference on the 16th that in April, a total of 1,425 accidents occurred nationwide and 1,241 people died, including 31 major accidents.

Persistent heatwave in India and Pakistan highlights climate crisis devastation

2022-05-11T21:22+0200thejournal (en)

BLISTERING HEAT HITTING South Asia over the last two months has persisted into this week, creating increasingly more difficult conditions. Both India and Pakistan have recorded Celsius temperatures in the high 40s that far surpass expectations for spring, adding to a body of evidence pointing towards the devastating impacts of climate change.

Persistent heatwave in India and Pakistan highlights climate crisis devastation

2022-05-11T21:16+0200digitpatrox (en)

BLISTERING HEAT HITTING South Asia over the past two months has continued into this week, creating more and more tougher situations. Each India and Pakistan have recorded Celsius temperatures within the excessive 40s that far surpass expectations for spring, including to a physique of proof pointing....

Drought causes $107m damage to environment

2022-05-08T16:34+0200tehrantimes (en)

Unfortunately, over 70 percent of the country is suffering from severe drought. The severity of the drought is devastating in areas such as the Zagros, which is both a source of water and natural habitats, he lamented. Perhaps the first and most important damage of drought is the weakening of....

There is a possibility of extreme rainstorms in Jiangxi Province

2022-05-06T09:03+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Service, Nanchang, May 6 (Reporter Liu Zhankun) The reporter learned from the press conference of Jiangxi Province's 2022 "5.12" Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week on the 6th that it is possible for extreme rainstorms to occur in Jiangxi Province.

L’Afghanistan piagato da forti piogge e inondazioni che portano morte e distruzione

2022-05-05T22:42+0200zerounotv (it)

Tempo di Lettura: 2 minuti. L’ Afghanistan è alle prese con forti piogge e inondazioni, che negli ultimi giorni hanno già provocato la morte di 22 persone e il ferimento di altre 40, distrutto centinaia di case e danneggiato i raccolti. La situazione è drammatica in 12 province – circa un terzo del....

L’Afghanistan piagato da forti piogge e inondazioni che portano morte e distruzione, nel silenzio generale

2022-05-05T15:37+0200greenme (it)

L’ Afghanistan è alle prese con forti piogge e inondazioni, che negli ultimi giorni hanno già provocato la morte di 22 persone e il ferimento di altre 40, distrutto centinaia di case e danneggiato i raccolti. La situazione è drammatica in 12 province – circa un terzo del territorio nazionale:....

Guaraníes enfrentan sequía y piden al Gobierno ley de agua

2022-05-02T13:56+0200eldiario (es)

La Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní (APG), el Consejo Continental de la Nación Guaraní y la Confederación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia (Cidob) denunciaron que su territorio en el Chaco está enfrentando un desastre natural como consecuencia de la sequía y demandaron al Gobierno nacional una ley de agua para resolver esa crisis.

Nación Guaraní declara desastre en la región del Chaco

2022-05-02T11:15+0200paginasiete (es)

ANF / La Paz. La Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní (APG), el Consejo Continental de la Nación Guaraní y la Confederación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia (Cidob) denunciaron que su territorio en el Chaco está enfrentando un desastre natural como consecuencia de la sequía y demandaron al Gobierno nacional una ley de agua para resolver esa crisis.

Sustainability, Vol. 14, Pages 5462: Influence of Climatic Factors on Lightning Fires in the Primeval Forest Region of the Northern Daxing’an Mountains, China

2022-05-01T11:32+0200mdpi (en)

Forest fires lead to permafrost degradation and localized drought, and regional droughts increase the probability of forest fires, leading to a positive feedback loop between climate change and fires. However, the relationship between fire occurrence and climatic factors change is unclear for boreal....

Terzo Polo a rischio riscaldamento globale

2022-04-29T14:30+0200greenreport (it)

Nel lungo periodo, nell’Asia meridionale mancherà l’acqua. Aumenta il rischio per molte specie in via di estinzione. [29 Aprile 2022] Secondo li nuovo “A Scientific Assessment of the Third Pole” pubblicato dall’United Nations environment programme (Unep) in collaborazione con Third Pole....

UNEP: nuovo rapporto evidenzia il rischio del riscaldamento globale nel “terzo polo”.

2022-04-29T12:00+0200esgdata (it)

Le montagne ricoperte di ghiacciai dell’Asia meridionale, che forniscono acqua potabile a miliardi di persone, si stanno riscaldando a un ritmo allarmante, secondo un nuovo rapporto del Programma Ambientale delle Nazioni Unite (UNEP). La regione, conosciuta come il Terzo Polo per l’enorme quantità....

Columbia: investire per combattere il cambiamento climatico

2022-04-28T20:22+0200repubblica (it)

La crisi climatica è ormai realtà. Nel 2021 è stata eccezionale la quantità di eventi metereologici estremi che hanno colpito gran parte del mondo. Le inondazioni che si sono abbattute su Europa, Stati Uniti e Cina hanno danneggiato le attività logistiche e produttive.

Ability to feed the planet’s growing population is now at risk

2022-04-28T17:57+0200digitaljournal (en)

Humans have already transformed over 70 percent of the Earth’s land area from its natural state – causing unparalleled environmental degradation and contributing significantly to global warming. This is the conclusion of the United Nation’s second edition of its “Global Land Outlook” analysis, which....

UN warns: Earth's degraded land at 'breaking point' Decades of unsustainable activities have depleted soils worldwide and accelerated global warming National Just now

2022-04-27T16:33+0200dailymonitor (en)

Ibrahim Thiaw is the Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), whose 197 parties -- 196 countries plus the European Union -- meet next month for the first time in three years, in Abidjan. Thiaw spoke to AFP about the crisis of deteriorating land quality, and how it....

PolyU: PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-26T10:15+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

Hong Kong and other southern parts of China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been overlooked; these droughts are also developing at a....

Large-scale wildfires in the southwest of the United States spread to 3 states, many people were evacuated

2022-04-25T05:55+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Service, April 25. According to the Associated Press, a large-scale wildfire in the southwestern United States is spreading in New Mexico, Nebraska and Arizona, killing at least one person and injuring 15 firefighters. On April 19, local time, the Flagstaff, Arizona, wildfires burned.

Los incendios forestales deterioran la capa de ozono

2022-04-22T17:11+0200tiempo-es (es)

Incendios forestales deterioran la Capa de Ozono. Hasta el pasado año existía un consenso científico referente a los plazos de recuperación de la Capa de Ozono,los cuales aseguraban que para 2030 la capa de ozono se habrá recuperado en las latitudes medias, seguido por el hemisferio sur en la década....

Lowering the temperature on a hot topic: A climate change primer

2022-04-21T09:08+0200phys (en)

As science gets better at measuring and deciphering evidence from those atmospheres of the past, researchers are discovering that large climatic episodes are linked to mass extinction events, when much of life on Earth died off. So, if the climate does change and has tended toward the drastic in the....

Lowering the temperature on a hot topic: A climate change primer

2022-04-21T03:28+0200vervetimes (en)

Climate changes. It has done so, often dramatically, over the course of Earth’s geologic timescales, measured in hundreds of thousands and millions of years. Some of these changes might have caused a phenomenon called snowball Earth, a period in which the entire planet froze over. Other changes have taken the planet in the opposite direction.

Lowering the temperature on a hot topic: A climate change…

2022-04-20T22:37+0200samacharcentral (en)

Climate changes. It has done so, often dramatically, over the course of Earth’s geologic timescales, measured in hundreds of thousands and millions of years. Some of these changes might have caused a phenomenon called snowball Earth, a period in which the entire planet froze over. Other changes have taken the planet in the opposite direction.

PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-20T20:30+0200menafn (en)

- The Arabian Post) HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 20 April 2022 – Hong Kong and other southern parts of China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts....

South China becomes more vulnerable to flash droughts

2022-04-20T17:14+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

Hong Kong and other southern parts of Mainland China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been overlooked ; these droughts are also developing....

business PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change Corporate News Media-Outreach

2022-04-20T10:34+0200AsiaOne (en)

, found that southeast China – the region spanning from the Yangtze River Delta to Hainan province – is at a higher risk of experiencing more rapid drying, with an increase in the proportion of flash droughts developed within five days by as much as 18.67 per cent during 2000 - 2020.

PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-20T10:01+0200taiwannews (en)

, found that southeast China – the region spanning from the Yangtze River Delta to Hainan province – is at a higher risk of experiencing more rapid drying, with an increase in the proportion of flash droughts developed within five days by as much as 18.67 per cent during 2000 - 2020.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-20T08:23+0200finanznachrichten-en (en)

HONG KONG April 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Hong Kong and other southern parts of Mainland China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been....

PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-20T08:15+0200prnewswire (en)

HONG KONG April 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Hong Kong and other southern parts of Mainland China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been....

PolyU study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop in a shorter time amid climate change

2022-04-20T08:10+0200streetinsider (en)

HONG KONG April 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Â Hong Kong and other southern parts of Mainland China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been....

Study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop

2022-04-20T07:00+0200nationaltribune (en)

Hong Kong and other southern parts of China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been overlooked; these droughts are also developing at a....

Study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop

2022-04-20T06:39+0200miragenews (en)

Hong Kong and other southern parts of China are known to be vulnerable to typhoons, rainstorms and floods. But a new study by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shown a growing risk of flash droughts that has been overlooked; these droughts are also developing at a....

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