Overall Green alert Drought for Chile - Argentina-2021
in Argentina, Chile

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 153
Articles about casualties: 3 (2%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Científicos buscan los secretos de las plantas del desierto de Atacama

2022-05-17T18:07+0200eju (es)

Investigadores chilenos y franceses estudian la extraordinaria resistencia de las plantas que crecen en la zona más árida del mundo: el desierto de Atacama del norte de Chile . Una tierra inhóspita pero que resguarda misterios biológicos que podrían ser útiles para mejorar la resistencia de los cultivos agrícolas a la sequía.

Lo hizo a través de la resolución 111/2022 publicada este viernes en el Boletín Oficial. Qué pasa con la sequía en el mundo.Seguir leyendo

2022-05-14T00:42+0200economiasustentable (es)

El Ministerio de Agricultura declaró el estado de emergencia agropecuaria en la provincia de Santiago del Estero a las explotaciones de alfalfa, algodón, sorgo, maíz, girasol, pasturas, y a las apícolas, frutihortícolas y de ganado mayor y menor, de carne y leche, en todo el territorio provincial, afectadas por sequías.

Boca gana, River aplasta, y avanzan a cuartos de la Copa de la Liga argentina

2022-05-01T05:34+0200metrolibre (es)

Boca Juniors y River Plate vencieron el sábado a Barracas Central y a Sarmiento, respectivamente, y sellaron su clasificación a los cuartos de final de la Copa de la Liga del fútbol argentino, en los encuentros correspondientes a la decimotercera y penúltima fecha.

Los incendios forestales deterioran la capa de ozono

2022-04-22T17:11+0200tiempo-es (es)

Incendios forestales deterioran la Capa de Ozono. Hasta el pasado año existía un consenso científico referente a los plazos de recuperación de la Capa de Ozono,los cuales aseguraban que para 2030 la capa de ozono se habrá recuperado en las latitudes medias, seguido por el hemisferio sur en la década....

What is soil degradation and why is it so important?

2022-04-19T13:29+0200independent-UK (en)

Soil degradation involves both the physical loss (erosion) and the reduction in quality of topsoil associated with nutrient decline and contamination. It affects soil quality for agriculture and has implications for the urban environment, pollution, and flooding. A total of 2.

En las entrañas del río seco

2022-04-16T12:41+0200eldiariodelapampa (es)

Un viaje por el cauce del Atuel desde el puente viejo de Algarrobo del Águila hasta Paso Maroma, donde las familias de los puestos perdieron la memoria del río, corre el velo a un fantasma del que desde hace décadas solo conocen un zanjón desdibujado por arena y tamariscos. Enviados especiales: Gustavo Silvestre y Adrián Pascual.

San Lorenzo y su sequía en el ataque: la falta de gol de sus delanteros, otra de las preocupaciones de Pedro Troglio

2022-04-08T04:39+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Abril asoma como un mes decisivo para marcar a fuego el semestre de San Lorenzo. Por un lado, porque definirá su destino en la Copa de la Liga, empezando por el encuentro de este viernes ante Sarmiento, en Junín . Por el otro, porque sin participación en los torneos internacionales, la próxima....

COOPERAZIONE Space economy, nasce la agenzia degli Stati dell’America Latina e dei Caraibi 18 Mar 2022

2022-04-06T08:38+0200corrierecomunicazioni (it)

Il Messico sarà sede della Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña del Espacio (Alce) ovvero dell’ agenzia spaziale che riunisce gli stati dell’America Latina e dei Caraibi . L’adesione all’accordo istitutivo, che già identificava nella nazione centro americana il quartier generale delle neonata agenzia , è stata ratificata dal Senado de la República .

Se la guerra in Ucraina causa una nuova primavera araba

2022-03-30T10:27+0200247libero (it)

La Russia è il principale esportatore di grano al mondo, l’Ucraina il quinto. Insieme contribuiscono a oltre un terzo delle esportazioni globali di cereali. Sono anche i principali fornitori di colza, oltre a coprire il 52% del mercato mondiale delle esportazioni di olio di semi di girasole.

Con il clima "pazzo" diminuisce in Puglia la produzione di arance. Importazioni da Spagna, Grecia ed Egitto

2022-03-30T07:20+0200247libero (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente, con l'aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

Economia: Se la guerra in Ucraina causa una nuova primavera araba - Lorenza Formicola

2022-03-30T00:18+0200247libero (it)

La Russia è il principale esportatore di grano al mondo, l’Ucraina il quinto. Insieme contribuiscono a oltre un terzo delle esportazioni globali di cereali. Sono anche i principali fornitori di colza, oltre a coprire il 52% del mercato mondiale delle esportazioni di olio di semi di girasole.

Agrumi, clima taglia raccolti: ma la qualità è “top”

2022-03-29T19:51+0200corrierepl (it)

La siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30 per cento la produzione di arance. Nonostante questo la qualità di quest’anno è stata eccellente, sebbene ci sia stato un aumento delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.


2022-03-29T13:16+0200corriereortofrutticolo (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente , con l’ aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

Clima tropicale in Puglia: a rischio la produzione di arance

2022-03-29T11:55+0200leccesette (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente, con l’aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

Agrumi, clima taglia raccolti: ma la qualità è eccellente...

2022-03-29T11:22+0200corriereditaranto (it)

La siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30 per cento la produzione di arance. Nonostante questo la qualità di quest’anno è stata eccellente, sebbene ci sia stato un aumento delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

La vendita delle arance in Puglia è in aumento con un +4%

2022-03-29T11:19+0200247libero (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente, con l’aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

Gli agrumi pugliesi per una corretta dieta a base di vitamina C e sali minerali

2022-03-29T11:19+0200247libero (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente, con l'aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

La vendita delle arance in Puglia è in aumento con un +4%

2022-03-29T10:49+0200pugliapress (it)

Il clima pazzo con una perdurante siccità alternata a nubifragi improvvisi e violenti ha tagliato in Puglia di almeno il 30% la produzione di arance che risultano di qualità eccellente, con l’aumento esponenziale delle importazioni da Brasile, Messico e Turchia.

Allarme sul grano, con la guerra in Ucraina 1/3 delle importazioni è a rischio e i prezzi volano

2022-03-25T15:03+0100fanpage (it)

Non solo gas e petrolio. La guerra in Ucraina sta mettendo in crisi anche l'approvvigionamento di grano per tutto il mondo, Italia ed Europa comprese. Mosca e Kiev contribuiscono per quasi un terzo alle esportazioni di grano a livello globale e insieme alla Cina riforniscono in tutto 2,5 miliardi di persone.

Dia Mundial del Agua: bajante, sequía de lagunas y quemas amenazan a la fauna del Paraná

2022-03-22T07:16+0100lacapital (es)

De la iniciativa participan el Concejo Municipal, a través de la Oficina del Consumidor, y la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), a través de la Cátedra del Agua. Y su lanzamiento coincide con el Día Mundial del Agua, una iniciativa de la ONU para advertir sobre la importancia de cuidar el recurso.

La siccità continua e l'estate sarà drammatica

2022-03-16T13:59+0100panorama (it)

Secondo l’Ispra (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) l’Italia sta soffrendo un periodo di siccità paragonabile a quello del 2017. Significa che, se nei prossimi due mesi non ci saranno precipitazione significative e ripetute nel tempo, dovremo fronteggiare una grave carenza di risorse idriche.

La siccità continua e l'estate sarà drammatica

2022-03-16T13:09+0100247libero (it)

Secondo l’Ispra (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) l’Italia sta soffrendo un periodo di siccità paragonabile a quello del 2017. Significa che, se nei prossimi due mesi non ci saranno precipitazione significative e ripetute nel tempo, dovremo fronteggiare una grave carenza di risorse idriche.

Sequía: efecto a nivel mundial

2022-03-04T15:08+0100iagua (es)

Este trabajo es la recopilación de información sobre la sequía en los 5 continentes en forma muy resumida, esta información fue estudiada de la información que existe en internet en los distintos país que tocaremos y de la cual la reduje según mi criterio. Se estuvo buscando la información desde 2017 para estar lo más actualizada posible.

Winds, winter drought and wildfires: Everything to know about the environment this week

2022-02-25T16:37+0100europeansting (en)

This weekly round-up brings you some of the key environment stories from the past seven days. Top stories: Madagascar hit by Cyclone Emnati; Portugal may limit irrigation amid winter drought; animals flee Argentina ’s wildfires as a report warns such blazes are here to stay. 1. Environment and climate change stories to read this week.

Argentina wildfires rip through 900,000 hectares destroying land and animals

2022-02-25T13:50+0100metro-uk (en)

Wildfires in Argentina ’s north have burned through nearly 900,000 hectares of land (Getty) Wildfires in Argentina’s north have burned through nearly 900,000 hectares of forest and pasture land, including destroying habitats in wetlands. Images show the destruction the blazes have caused in....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay — and multiply

2022-02-25T00:25+0100ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes. LONDON — Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests , and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing....

Global warming could fuel extreme wildfires, making them 30% more common by 2050

2022-02-24T20:12+0100zmescience (en)

If you feel like you are seeing more news of wildfires around the world, you’re not wrong. From the Amazon basin to Australia, the issue is getting more severe, affecting people’s livelihoods and biodiversity. Now, a new report by the UN is warning this could just be the start, anticipating extreme....

Capybaras, marsh deer, anteaters flee Argentina wildfires; many don't escape

2022-02-24T20:06+0100channelnewsasia (en)

An anteater injured during a wildfire receives treatment by veterinaries at the Aguara Conservation Center in Paso de la Patria, province of Corrientes, Argentina , on Feb 23, 2022. (Photo: REUTERS/Matias Baglietto) The fingers of a monkey injured during a wildfire are pictured at the Aguara....

Capybaras, marsh deer, anteaters flee Argentina wildfires; many don’t escape

2022-02-24T17:53+0100oann (en)

February 24, 2022. By Matias Baglietto and Lucila Sigal. PASO DE LA PATRIA, Argentina (Reuters) – Wildfires in Argentina’s north are forcing local species of wildlife including capybaras, marsh deer and anteaters to attempt to flee ahead of the flames, with many animals killed or injured while trying to escape as the fires spread.

Capybaras, Marsh Deer, Anteaters Flee Argentina Wildfires; Many Don't Escape

2022-02-24T17:20+0100ibtimes (en)

The fingers of a monkey injured during a wildfire are pictured at the Aguara Conservation Center in Paso de la Patria, province of Corrientes, Argentina February 23, 2022. Photo: Reuters / MATIAS BAGLIETTO. Wildfires in Argentina's north are forcing local species of wildlife including capybaras,....

Capybaras, marsh deer, anteaters flee Argentina wildfires; many don't escape By Matias Baglietto and Lucila Sigal PASO DE LA PATRIA, Argentina (Reuters) - Wildfires in Argentina's north are forcing local species of wildlife inc... 51m ago

2022-02-24T15:46+0100kelo (en)

By Matias Baglietto and Lucila Sigal. PASO DE LA PATRIA, Argentina (Reuters) – Wildfires in Argentina’s north are forcing local species of wildlife including capybaras, marsh deer and anteaters to attempt to flee ahead of the flames, with many animals killed or injured while trying to escape as the fires spread.

Capybaras, marsh deer, anteaters flee Argentina wildfires; many don’t escape

2022-02-24T15:15+0100arabnews (en)

PASO DE LA PATRIA, Argentina : Wildfires in Argentina’s north are forcing local species of wildlife including capybaras, marsh deer and anteaters to attempt to flee ahead of the flames, with many animals killed or injured while trying to escape as the fires spread.

Capybaras, marsh deer, anteaters flee Argentina wildfires; many don't escape

2022-02-24T14:56+0100reuters (en)

PASO DE LA PATRIA, Argentina , Feb 24 (Reuters) - Wildfires in Argentina's north are forcing local species of wildlife including capybaras, marsh deer and anteaters to attempt to flee ahead of the flames, with many animals killed or injured while trying to escape as the fires spread.

Wildfires to increase up to 30 per cent by 2050: experts

2022-02-23T15:24+0100frontline (en)

Exhausted firefighters have been battling blazes in northern Argentina for weeks. Fueled by strong winds, little rain and dry conditions brought on by an unusually long drought, wildfires have already destroyed nearly 8,000 square kilometers (3,000 square miles) of forest, swamp and farmland, an area slightly smaller than the island of Puerto Rico.

Catastrophic wildfires could increase 50% by 2100, UN report says

2022-02-23T14:55+0100CBC (en)

A warming planet and changes to land use patterns mean more wildfires will scorch large parts of the globe in coming decades, causing spikes in unhealthy smoke pollution and other problems that governments are ill prepared to confront, according to a UN report being released Wednesday. The western U.

Extreme wildfires are multiplying, sustained by warmer nights, studies find

2022-02-23T13:47+0100CBC (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T11:06+0100kathmandupost (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is expected to increase 30% within the next 28 years.

Extreme Wildfires are Here to Stay and Multiply 23 Feb, 2022 09:27

2022-02-23T09:49+0100chronicle-lu (en)

An aerial view shows a deforested plot of the Amazon near Porto Velho, Rondonia State, Brazil 17 September 2019; Credit: Bruno Kelly / Reuters. LONDON (Reuters) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests and now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires,....

Extreme wildfires expected to increase 30% by 2050: Study

2022-02-23T09:36+0100AsiaOne (en)

LONDON - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T09:35+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A wildfire approaches the Olympic Academy in ancient Olympia in western Greece on Aug 4, 2021. (PHOTO / AFP) LONDON - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it.

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T09:28+0100bdnews24 (en)

With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is expected to increase 30% within the next 28 years. And they are now scorching environments that were not prone to burning in the past, such as the Arctic's tundra and the Amazon rainforest.

Extreme wildfires here to stay

2022-02-23T08:14+0100illawarramercury (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is....

Extreme wildfires expected to increase 30% by 2050: Study

2022-02-23T08:14+0100straitstimesSG (en)

LONDON (REUTERS) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of....

Extreme Wildfires Are Here To Stay - And Multiply

2022-02-23T08:02+0100ibtimes (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is expected to increase 30% within the next 28 years.

Extreme wildfires here to stay

2022-02-23T07:44+0100bordermail (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is....

Extreme wildfires here to stay

2022-02-23T07:37+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is....

Wildfires to increase up to 30% by 2050, experts warn

2022-02-23T07:36+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Exhausted firefighters have been battling blazes in northern Argentina for weeks. Fueled by strong winds, little rain and dry conditions brought on by an unusually long drought, wildfires have already destroyed nearly 8,000 square kilometers (3,000 square miles) of forest, swamp and farmland, an area slightly smaller than the island of Puerto Rico.

Extreme wildfires here to stay

2022-02-23T07:33+0100yahoo-au (en)

Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number of extreme wildfires is....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T07:30+0100gazette (en)

By Gloria Dickie. LONDON (Reuters) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests,....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T07:27+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Gloria Dickie. LONDON (Reuters) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests,....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply , article with image

2022-02-23T07:21+0100reuters (en)

LONDON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes of Argentine wetland have all been ravaged by extreme wildfires, heralding a fiery future and the dire need to prevent it. With climate change triggering droughts and farmers clearing forests, the number....

Extreme wildfires are here to stay - and multiply

2022-02-23T07:03+01004-traders (en)

* Two new reports warn of fiery future. * Extreme wildfires expected to increase 30% by 2050. * Fires are more frequently burning through the night. * More money should be spent on prevention, experts say. LONDON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Indonesia's peatlands, California's forests, and, now, vast swathes....

Amazzonia allo stremo

2022-02-16T13:16+0100lanuovaecologia (it)

Oltre 200 scienziati lanciano l’allarme: “la grande foresta è vicina al punto di non ritorno”, con conseguenze devastanti sul pianeta. Dagli anni ’70 è stata disboscata del 15% e il ritmo della deforestazione non accenna a diminuire . Nell’immaginario collettivo è il polmone verde del pianeta. E si avvicina velocemente al “punto di non ritorno”.

Y los humedales... ¿para cuándo?

2022-02-16T04:30+0100losandes (es)

Un humedal es toda área terrestre que está saturada o inundada de agua de manera estacional o permanente, de Acuerdo al Convenio de Ramsar . Entre los humedales continentales se incluyen acuíferos, lagos, ríos, arroyos, marismas, turberas, lagunas, llanuras de inundación y pantanos.

So far this year, the number of hectares burned in all of 2021 has already doubled

2022-02-13T02:33+0100california18 (en)

In the scarce 40 days that 2022 has been, and taking into account only the fires that affect the province of Corrientes, Argentina has already doubled the number of hectares devastated by the flames that had been registered in all of 2021. The alarming data does nothing but highlight again the....

Fires threaten vital peatland in Chile’s Tierra del Fuego

2022-02-07T19:46+0100mongabay (en)

A forest fire that has been spreading for weeks in Chile ’s Tierra del Fuego is threatening the ancestral land of an Indigenous group and destroying some of the world’s highest concentration of peatlands. The fires, which started in mid-January, have burned approximately 1,250 hectares (nearly 3,100....

Paraguay declara alerta roja ante el desborde del Pilcomayo

2022-02-01T14:54+0100UltimaHora (es)

Arturo Niedhammer, presidente de la Comisión Nacional del río Pilcomayo del Ministerio de Obras Públicas ( MOPC ), dijo en comunicación con Última Hora que con esta declaración se busca que la población esté atenta ante una posible inundación. Asimismo, se insta a los ganaderos a sacar los animales de la zona.

De la seca a la inundación: cómo cambiaron las fotos del campo en pocos días

2022-01-24T18:21+0100clarin (es)

Tras la histórica sequía que afectó a buena parte del país, en varias localidades bonaerenses se registraron lluvias históricas durante la última semana, por lo cual en algunos casos se pasó de la falta de agua a la inundación. Así lo reflejaron diferentes productores y referentes del sector en sus redes sociales.

Lluvias históricas: en algunas zonas pasaron de la sequía a la inundación

2022-01-24T17:17+0100tn-ar (es)

Tras la histórica sequía que afectó a buena parte del país, e n varias localidades bonaerenses se registraron lluvias históricas durante la última semana, por lo cual en algunos casos se pasó de la falta de agua a la inundación. Así lo reflejaron diferentes productores y referentes del sector en sus redes sociales.

Incolpa il maltempo per le bollette più grandi del 2021.

2022-01-24T12:20+0100notizieglobali (it)

I prezzi per tutto, dall’elettricità e il riscaldamento alle case e ai cereali per la colazione, sono aumentati a causa del clima selvaggio in tutto il mondo. I prezzi di gas naturale, legname, mais, soia, grano e altri elementi costitutivi del commercio moderno sono saliti ai massimi pluriennali,....

Corrientes cercada por los incendios forestales y la sequía: piden a Valdés con urgencia la creación de un Comité de Crisis

2022-01-24T00:09+0100misionesonline (es)

Los pronósticos climáticos no son alentadores para el 2022 y desde organizaciones, asociaciones y consorcios productivos pidieron al gobierno de Gustavo Valdés la declaración de la Emergencia Agropecuaria, por un lado, y seguido la creación de un Comité de Crisis Central.

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell’emisfero sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T09:36+0100ecomy-it (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T08:09+0100lasentinella (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T08:07+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T07:40+0100lastampa (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T07:29+0100repubblica (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Il 'costo' dell'emergenza climatica: nel 2021 danni per 170 miliardi di dollari

2022-01-12T10:16+0100247libero (it)

L’uragano Ida, che a fine agosto 2021 ha devastato i Caraibi e il Nord-Est degli Stati Uniti provocando la morte di almeno 95 persone, ha causato danni per 65 miliardi di dollari. Poco meno di un mese prima, violente piogge nel cuore dell’Europa avevano mietuto 240 vittime tra Germania, Belgio,....

bosques nativos No es calor, es desmonte

2022-01-12T05:52+0100aimdigital (es)

Los eventos para escapar del agobio ardiente demuestran una realidad que se impone desde hace unos años ante el incremento en las temperaturas, en donde las medidas de adaptación van demostrando cambios en el comportamiento laboral. “No es calor. Es desmonte”.

No es calor, es desmonte: el vínculo de la deforestación con el cambio climático

2022-01-09T19:58+0100pagina12 (es)

“No es calor. Es desmonte”. La consigna largada en las redes sociales ante la última ola de calor que se vivió en el país al iniciar 2022, y particularmente en Salta por al menos tres días, puso de nuevo en el tapete la incidencia del cambio climático en la cotidianeidad .

Il Brasile alluvionato di Bolsonaro

2022-01-08T06:32+0100unimondo (it)

Le squadre di soccorso hanno usato barche ed elicotteri per raggiungere parti di Ilhéus, Itabuna, Irecê e più di 100 altre città nello stato di Bahia. Gli stati vicini hanno inviato aerei e vigili del fuoco per aiutare la polizia e i membri delle forze armate, mentre i volontari hanno distribuito....

¡Sembremos agua en el 2022!

2022-01-04T05:28+0100acento (es)

(WRI-2019) , para el año 2,035 la escasez de agua afectará a 3,500 millones de personas a nivel mundial. Son diversas las causas que producen la escasez de agua en el mundo, entre las ellas, la deforestación, la desertificación, la erosión y la contaminación de los suelos, así como la sequía y el....

Firefighters battle blaze in rural Argentina

2021-12-31T07:17+0100yahoo-sg (en)

Firefighters battle a forest fire near Bariloche in Argentina 's Patagonia region. The battle against forest fires in five Argentine provinces has been going on for almost a month, in the midst of high temperatures and droughts.

Firefighters battle blaze in rural Argentina

2021-12-31T05:50+0100news-yahoo (en)

Firefighters battle a forest fire near Bariloche in Argentina 's Patagonia region. The battle against forest fires in five Argentine provinces has been going on for almost a month, in the midst of high temperatures and droughts.

Fire Fighting Helicopter Crashes in Argentina’s Patagonia, Killing Two

2021-12-30T12:43+0100sunstkitts (en)

Fire brigades look at a helicopter taking off before fighting forest fires in Alumine, Neuquen, Argentina December 27, 2021. Picture taken December 27, 2021. REUTERS/Fabian Ceballos BUENOS AIRES, Dec 29 (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of....

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina’s Patagonia, killing two

2021-12-29T20:32+0100oann (en)

Fire brigades look at a helicopter taking off before fighting forest fires in Alumine, Neuquen, Argentina December 27, 2021. Picture taken December 27, 2021. REUTERS/Fabian Ceballos. December 29, 2021. BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia....

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina's Patagonia, killing two BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killin... 25m ago

2021-12-29T18:40+0100kelo (en)

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killing two crew members, according to local press reports. The aircraft, which had been contracted by the government to fight the fires, fell in the area....

Incolpa il maltempo per le bollette più grandi del 2021.

2021-12-28T20:24+0100notizieglobali (it)

I prezzi per tutto, dall’elettricità e il riscaldamento alle case e ai cereali per la colazione, sono aumentati a causa del clima selvaggio in tutto il mondo. I prezzi di gas naturale, legname, mais, soia, grano e altri elementi costitutivi del commercio moderno sono saliti ai massimi pluriennali,....

Nel 2021 sono aumentati i disastri climatici estremi

2021-12-28T06:20+0100vasroma (it)

“Counting the cost 2021 A year of climate breakdown”, pubblicato da Christian Aid mette in evidenza i 10 eventi climatici finanziariamente più devastanti del 2021: Uragano Ida (65 miliardi di dollari), Tempesta invernale in Texas ($23 miliardi); Alluvioni in Europa ($43 miliardi); Alluvioni nell’Henan – Cima ($17.

Por qué recomiendan regular la temperatura del aire acondicionado

2021-12-27T20:06+0100hoy-PY (es)

Así lo confirmó el Ing. Artur Niedhammer, director de la CNRP, en diálogo con 1080 AM. A su vez, indicó que un caudal importante llegó hace unos días a la zona de Pozo Hondo, donde el río alcanzó una profundidad de 6,40 metros, faltando 10 centímetros para llegar a los 6,50 metros, que es un nivel....

Permalink to I 10 eventi meteorologici più dannosi del 2021

2021-12-27T11:14+0100ilpost (it)

dell’ong umanitaria britannica Christian Aid ha messo insieme i dati sui danni dovuti ai dieci eventi meteorologici più catastrofici del 2021, che per il quarto degli ultimi cinque anni hanno superato i 100 miliardi di dollari di beni assicurati (quasi 90 miliardi di euro).

Nel 2021 sono aumentati i disastri climatici estremi

2021-12-27T08:22+0100greenreport (it)

I 10 peggiori eventi con danni superiori a 1,5 miliardi di dollari. Nei Paesi poveri sempre più vittime. [27 Dicembre 2021] Il nuovo “Counting the cost 2021 A year of climate breakdown”, pubblicato da Christian Aid mette in evidenza i 10 eventi climatici finanziariamente più devastanti del 2021:....

2021: un anno di disastri climatici, cosa è successo nel mondo e perché preoccuparsi

2021-12-18T14:16+0100247libero (it)

Gli eventi meteorologici estremi nel 2021 hanno toccato tristi record in tutto il mondo. Centinaia sono morti in tempeste e ondate di calore; gli agricoltori hanno lottato contro la siccità, il gelo e, in alcuni casi, le cavallette. Gli incendi hanno alimentato le emissioni di carbonio, mentre inghiottivano foreste, città e case.

Argentina: La ciudad de Pellegrini pasó de la inundación a la sequía

2021-12-16T08:13+0100noticiasambientales (es)

Pellegrini fue uno de los distritos más castigados por las inundaciones del 2017. Las intensas lluvias, más el ingreso de aguas de La Pampa, generaron serios inconvenientes e incluso enorme preocupación en la comunidad en general. Especialmente las miradas en las localidades de De Bary y Bocayuva.

¿Cambio climático? Los últimos 5 años han sido los más cálidos de la historia

2021-11-26T00:54+0100ahoranoticiasandalucia (es)

Las evidencias científicas siguen mostrando año a año los efectos que la crisis climática está teniendo en el mundo: retroceso de los hielos, subidas del nivel del mar sin precedentes a escala mundial, calentamiento de los océanos, ciclones tropicales más intensos, desertificación, etc.

Cop26, cosa manca alle promesse di Glasgow perché l'agricoltura diventi davvero sostenibile

2021-11-13T00:34+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Manghi in Sicilia, uva da champagne in Inghilterra, caffè tropicale in pericolo, cacao a rischio crollo produzione. I sistemi agroalimentari sono messi a dura prova dalle alterazioni del clima. Ondate di caldo sempre più intense, periodi siccitosi sempre più frequenti e perturbazioni atmosferiche....

Cop26, cosa manca alle promesse di Glasgow perché l'agricoltura diventi davvero sostenibile

2021-11-12T23:36+0100lasentinella (it)

Manghi in Sicilia, uva da champagne in Inghilterra, caffè tropicale in pericolo, cacao a rischio crollo produzione. I sistemi agroalimentari sono messi a dura prova dalle alterazioni del clima. Ondate di caldo sempre più intense, periodi siccitosi sempre più frequenti e perturbazioni atmosferiche....

Cop26, cosa manca alle promesse di Glasgow perché l'agricoltura diventi davvero sostenibile

2021-11-12T16:54+0100lastampa (it)

Manghi in Sicilia, uva da champagne in Inghilterra, caffè tropicale in pericolo, cacao a rischio crollo produzione. I sistemi agroalimentari sono messi a dura prova dalle alterazioni del clima. Ondate di caldo sempre più intense, periodi siccitosi sempre più frequenti e perturbazioni atmosferiche....

Cop26, cosa manca alle promesse di Glasgow perché l'agricoltura diventi davvero sostenibile

2021-11-12T16:19+0100repubblica (it)

Manghi in Sicilia, uva da champagne in Inghilterra, caffè tropicale in pericolo, cacao a rischio crollo produzione. I sistemi agroalimentari sono messi a dura prova dalle alterazioni del clima. Ondate di caldo sempre più intense, periodi siccitosi sempre più frequenti e perturbazioni atmosferiche....

Produzione mondiale di vino ai minimi storici

2021-11-05T19:59+0100teatronaturale (it)

Sulla base delle informazioni raccolte in 28 paesi che rappresentano l’85% della produzione mondiale nel 2020, la produzione mondiale di vino 2021 (esclusi succhi e mosti) è stimata tra 247,1 e 253,5 Mio hl, ossia 250,3 Mio hl al centro della forchetta di stima.

Stato del clima nel 2021, Wmo alla Cop26: il pianeta si sta dirigendo verso un territorio inesplorato

2021-11-02T17:36+0100welfarenetwork (it)

L’apertura della 26esima Conferenza delle parti dell’United Nations framework convention on climate change (COP26 Unfccc) in corso a Glasgow, è stata segnata dalla presentazione del drammatico rapporto “State of Climate in 2021” provvisorio della World meteorological organization (WMO) secondo la....

Stato del clima nel 2021, Wmo alla COP26: il pianeta si sta dirigendo verso un territorio inesplorato (VIDEO)

2021-11-02T06:17+0100greenreport (it)

“State of Climate in 2021” provvisorio della World meteorological organization (WMO) secondo la quale «Le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell’atmosfera e il calore accumulato associato hanno spinto il pianeta in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future».

Organizzazione meteo mondiale: "Sempre più caldo, conseguenze imprevedibili per il Pianeta"

2021-10-31T19:22+0100247libero (it)

Secondo l'Organizzazione meteorologica mondiale (Omm), le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell'atmosfera e il calore accumulato associato hanno spinto il pianeta in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future.

Organizzazione meteo mondiale: "Sempre più caldo, conseguenze imprevedibili per il Pianeta"

2021-10-31T18:42+0100lastampa (it)

Secondo l'Organizzazione meteorologica mondiale (Omm), le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell'atmosfera e il calore accumulato associato hanno spinto il pianeta in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future.

Organizzazione meteo mondiale: “Sempre più caldo, conseguenze imprevedibili per il Pianeta”

2021-10-31T18:08+0100ecomy-it (it)

Secondo l’Organizzazione meteorologica mondiale (Omm), le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell’atmosfera e il calore accumulato associato hanno spinto il pianeta in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future.

L'Organizzazione meteo mondiale: "Sempre più caldo, conseguenze imprevedibili per il Pianeta"

2021-10-31T17:58+0100repubblica (it)

Secondo l'Organizzazione meteorologica mondiale (Omm), le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell'atmosfera e il calore accumulato associato hanno spinto il pianeta in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future.

Onu: 'Eventi meteorologici estremi sono la nuova normalità. Emissioni gas serra da record'

2021-10-31T17:22+0100247libero (it)

ROMA – Le concentrazioni record di gas serra nell’atmosfera e l’associato calore accumulato hanno spinto il pianeta “in un territorio inesplorato, con ripercussioni di vasta portata per le generazioni attuali e future”. All’attuale tasso di aumento delle concentrazioni di gas serra “ entro la fine....

In Pictures: How climate change reshaped Earth with extreme weather this year

2021-10-30T11:48+0200pressandjournal (en)

Extreme weather in 2021 has seen fires rage, rivers flood, ice melt and temperatures soar. Climate change has reshaped life on planet Earth through the extreme weather, which has also included droughts and wild storms. A train passes a railroad crossing surrounded by floodwater in Germany (Michael....

In Pictures: How climate change reshaped Earth with extreme weather this year

2021-10-30T11:34+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Extreme weather in 2021 has seen fires rage, rivers flood, ice melt and temperatures soar. Climate change has reshaped life on planet Earth through the extreme weather, which has also included droughts and wild storms. A train passes a railroad crossing surrounded by floodwater in Germany (Michael....

¿Cuánto hace que Unión no vence a un "grande" de visitante?

2021-10-26T22:16+0200unosantafe (es)

La derrota de Unión frente a Independiente como visitante extendió la sequía ante un denominado "grande" del fútbol argentino. Mirá cuánto hace que no gana El fútbol argentino es competitivo, más allá de las opiniones respecto al nivel. En este sentido, Unión , como la mayoría de los habitantes de....

Diez buenas noticias sobre desertización

2021-10-18T16:48+0200noticiasdelatierra (es)

La Convención para Combatir la Desertización de las Naciones Unidas propone el lema “Restaurar la tierra y recuperarnos” para celebrar el Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía de este año. Afortunadamente, también hay buenas noticias: 1. La desertización se puede frenar.

Le manifestazioni delle comunità indigene negli USA, il rapporto di Climate Transparency Report, il più grande impianto eolico collettivo di Italia

2021-10-18T08:21+0200valigiablu (it)

Il round-up settimanale sul cambiamento climatico e i dati sui livelli di anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera. via Global Monitoring Laboratory, Mauna Loa USA, le manifestazioni delle comunità indigene per chiedere a Biden di non approvare più progetti di combustibili fossili.

Weather roiling La Nina arrives, and may stoke droughts or frigid winters

2021-10-14T16:41+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BOSTON (BLOOMBERG) - A weather-roiling La Nina appears to have emerged across the equatorial Pacific, setting the stage for worsening droughts in California and South America, frigid winters in parts of the US and Japan and greater risks for the world's already strained energy and food supplies.

La Nina Arrives, Threatening to Stoke Droughts and Roil Markets

2021-10-14T15:37+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. Due to La Nina, California may see little relief from its ongoing drought, making its wildfire season even worse. The most populous U.S. state usually receives the bulk of its annual water from rain and snow spread between November and April, a pattern La Nina threatens to disrupt by shifting storm tracks north.

Desertificación en la Patagonia: cuáles son los verdadero...

2021-10-03T13:27+0200rionegro (es)

“En gran parte de la Patagonia encontramos tres grandes patrones de la productividad de la vegetación en las diferentes zonas. El primero es que en un 37% de la región, la productividad creció hasta un punto en el que comenzó la degradación. Para el primer patrón, el punto de quiebre sucedió principalmente entre los ’90 y los 2000.

Climate Change: The Impact On People

2021-10-01T12:59+0200barrons (en)

disasters such as. storms and floods. since 2008. Natural disasters. At 2.7oC warming: 122 m people affected. in Mesoamerica, 28 m in Brazil, 31 m in rest. of South America. Water stress. Six-fold increase. between 2020 and 2050. Internal migration. *depends on levels of emissions/extent of development.

clima extremo Crean red de lucha contra la desertificación

2021-09-27T07:14+0200aimdigital (es)

Involucra a la Nación y a seis provincias del NOA y Cuyo, en la búsqueda de una coordinación interjurisdiccional que dé respuesta a esta problemática. El Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, que dirige Juan Cabandié, promovió la conformación de la Red de Comités Multisectoriales,....

Managing flash floods in a changing climate

2021-09-22T07:16+0200thenational-wales (en)

Parts of south Wales have also experienced flash flooding in 2021. Communities in Skewen, Neath Port Talbot, have faced major disruption after intense rainfall. So far, most other parts of Wales have escaped major flash flooding this year, but the country has not always been so lucky.

Ùltimas Noticias: Un gol y un triunfo que significaron más que ganar un simple partido

2021-09-21T08:59+0200eldia-AR (es)

Gimnasia tenía que ganar y ganó. Y el gol de Germán Guiffrey significó más que ganarle simplemente a Unión o sumar tres puntos. Significó el primer triunfo de la “era Gorosito” en su tercer partido en el banco de suplentes, pero también sacarse la “mufa” en varias cosas.

Cambiamenti climatici: il grido della terra

2021-09-08T11:04+0200agoravox (it)

Intanto si constata che le conoscenze delle caratteristiche del permafrost nell’intera area sono ancora poco conosciute. Sembra non si conoscano le emissioni di anidride carbonica e di metano durante l’inverno, perchè le rilevazioni vengono effettuate solo d’estate.

Read 'Brazil’s Fierce Drought'

2021-09-04T03:58+0200dissidentvoice (en)

Photo: Rainforest Trust. The Amazon rainforest is arguably the world’s premier asset. Indeed, it’s the world’s most crucial asset in a myriad of ways, nothing on Earth compares. Yet, it is infernally stressed because of inordinate drought. The bulk of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil,....

La curiosa racha negativa que Norberto Briasco rompió con su gol para Boca ante Platense

2021-08-26T03:33+0200infobae (es)

y así rompió una curiosa racha negativa . El delantero xeneize, que fue titular en el estadio Ciudad de Vicente López por la octava fecha de La Liga Profesional, puso fin a una estadística personal lapidaria. Marcó un tanto luego de 571 minutos disputados con la camiseta azul y oro.

The world is burning.. Learn about the list of burning countries

2021-08-13T18:58+0200archyde (en)

According to the map of the NASA Fire Information System satellite map, known as “FIRMS”, fires have spread to many parts of the world due to the effects of global warming and climate change, the most severe of which were in Turkey and Greece. Many Mediterranean countries are suffering from....

¿Cómo impacta el cambio climático en la Argentina?

2021-08-12T00:22+0200pagina12 (es)

"La Argentina es particularmente vulnerable a los efectos adversos del cambio climático dado que posee zonas costeras bajas, zonas áridas y semiáridas, zonas con cobertura forestal y zonas expuestas al deterioro forestal, zonas propensas a los desastres, zonas expuestas a la sequía y desertificación....

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade: U.N. climate report

2021-08-10T23:54+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

Climate change15 mins ago Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade - UN climate report

2021-08-10T07:59+0200eureporter (en)

Scientists emphasized that these effects of climate change are already here, with events like the heat wave in the US Pacific Northwest killing hundreds in June and Brazil currently experiencing its "The heat wave in Canada, fires in California, floods in Germany, floods in China, droughts in....

World Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade by Jake Spring Heat waves, droughts and torrential rains are set to become more frequent and extreme as the earth warms further, a U.N. climate science report says.

2021-08-10T06:44+0200japantimes (en)

Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a U.N. climate science report said Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -UN climate report

2021-08-10T06:09+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

The report found that we are already experiencing those effects of climate change, as the planet has surpassed more than 1 degree Celsius in average warming. Heat waves, droughts and torrential rains are only set to become more frequent and extreme as the earth warms further. read more. It is the first time that the U.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade – UN climate report

2021-08-10T04:32+0200rappler (en)

The report found that we are already experiencing those effects of climate change, as the planet has surpassed more than 1 degree Celsius in average warming. Heat waves, droughts, and torrential rains are only set to become more frequent and extreme as the earth warms further.

UN climate report depicts fast-warming world where ‘nobody is safe’

2021-08-10T00:42+0200pakobserver (en)

Washington. Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade: UN climate report Reuters

2021-08-09T23:55+0200AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours....

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T20:32+0200menafn (en)

- NewsIn.Asia) August 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming , while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Once-in-50-year heatwaves now happening every decade — UN ...

2021-08-09T19:18+0200thetimes-za (en)

Extreme heatwaves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T18:28+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. Scientists emphasized that these effects of climate change are already here, with events like the heat wave in the U.S. Pacific Northwest killing hundreds in June and Brazil currently experiencing its worst drought in 91 years https://reut.rs/2X3Jsyh.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T18:20+0200oann (en)

August 9, 2021. By Jake Spring. (Reuters) -Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a U.N. climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.

Once-in-50-Year Heat Waves Now Happening Every Decade – U.N. Climate Report

2021-08-09T18:17+0200claimsjournal (en)

Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

'Nowhere to run': UN report says global warming nears limits

2021-08-09T17:08+0200aikenstandard (en)

FILE - In this Monday, July 26, 2021 file photo, a man carries goods on his bicycle as he walks out of the the Yubei Agricultural and Aquatic Products World in Xinxiang in central China's Henan Province. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released on Monday, Aug.

5 key takeaways from the new UN report on climate change

2021-08-09T15:31+0200buffalonews (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

'Nowhere to run': 5 takeaways from the UN report on climate change, plus global reaction

2021-08-09T15:24+0200muscatinejournal (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

'Nowhere to run': 5 takeaways from the UN report on climate change, plus global reaction

2021-08-09T15:22+0200missoulian (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade: U.N....

2021-08-09T15:17+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

'Nowhere to run': 5 takeaways from the UN report on climate change, plus global reaction

2021-08-09T15:03+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

'Nowhere to run': 5 takeaways from the UN report on climate change, plus global reaction

2021-08-09T14:45+0200wcfcourier (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

5 key takeaways from the new UN report on climate change

2021-08-09T14:15+0200wacotrib (en)

The report says almost all of the warming that has occurred since pre-industrial times was caused by the release of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Much of that is the result of humans burning fossil fuels — coal, oil, wood and natural gas.

World Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 y...

2021-08-09T12:46+0200taiwannews (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T12:44+0200euronews-en (en)

By Jake Spring. – Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report By Reuters

2021-08-09T12:20+0200dailymaverick (en)

By Jake Spring. (Reuters) – Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

Heat waves once in 50 years now happening every decade: UN Climate Report

2021-08-09T12:19+0200naveenbharat (en)

A UN climate science report said on Monday that extreme heat waves that previously occurred only once every 50 years are now expected to occur once per decade due to global warming, while rain and drought has become even more. The report found that we are already experiencing those effects of....

IPCC report: Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening each decade

2021-08-09T12:01+0200trust (en)

Heat waves, droughts and torrential rains are only set to become more frequent and extreme as the earth warms further. By Jake Spring. Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while....

Once-In-50-Year Heat Waves Now Happening Every Decade: UN Climate Report

2021-08-09T11:36+0200ndtvnews (en)

Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report found that we are already experiencing those....

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report By Jake Spring (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of gl... 1h ago

2021-08-09T11:19+0200kelo (en)

By Jake Spring. (Reuters) – Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T11:04+0200news-yahoo (en)

By Jake Spring. (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T10:58+0200saltwire (en)

By Jake Spring. (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

UN climate report: Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade

2021-08-09T10:38+0200cyprus-mail (en)

The report found that once-in-a-decade heavy rain events are now 1.3 times more likely and 6.7% wetter, compared with the 50 years up to 1900 when major human-driven warming started to occur. Previously once-in-a-decade droughts could happen every five or six years.

Environment Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report 8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:30+0200reuters-it (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

EnvironmentOnce-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:25+0200ara-reuters (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T10:23+0200metro-us (en)

(Reuters) – Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

EnvironmentOnce-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:22+0200reuters-af (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

EnvironmentOnce-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:22+0200reuters-br (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

EnvironmentOnce-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:20+0200reuters-fr (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Environment Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report 8:05 AM UTC

2021-08-09T10:16+0200reuters-es (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday.

Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade -U.N. climate report

2021-08-09T10:07+02004-traders (en)

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Extreme heat waves that previously only struck once every 50 years are now expected to happen once per decade because of global warming, while downpours and droughts have also become more frequent, a UN climate science report said on Monday. The report https://www.ipcc.

Many of the Andes have no snow due to long-term droughts.

2021-08-08T10:56+0200londonnewstime (en)

In the Andean regions of South America, there is little or no snowfall during periods of heavy snowfall. Satellite images show that many mountains in the famous range running along the western edge of the continent have sparse snow or completely bare ground, Processed via REUTERS by Copernicus....

Desolate images of the Mediterranean fires Cindy Fernández 03 Aug 2021 - 14:42 UTC Temperatures are above 40°C in the Mediterranean and fires are raging out of control. In Turkey alone, 85 fires have been reported, leaving 6 dead and over 200 injured. The situation is bleak.

2021-08-03T17:27+0200yourweather (en)

Desolate images of the Mediterranean fires. Temperatures are above 40°C in the Mediterranean and fires are raging out of control. In Turkey alone, 85 fires have been reported, leaving 6 dead and over 200 injured. The situation is bleak. Meteored Argentina 1 minutes ago 4 min.

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