Overall Green alert Drought for Türkiye-2022
in Greece, Türkiye

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 126
Articles about casualties: 13 (10.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Hydrology, Vol. 10, Pages 134: Editorial to the Special Issue “Drought and Water Scarcity: Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation”

2023-06-19T06:09+0200mdpi (en)

Drought is considered to be among the major natural hazards faced by human society, with significant impacts on environment, society, agriculture and economy stemming from its consequences. It is recognized that there is no universally accepted definition of drought due to the wide variety of....

Will Paris become too hot for tourists?

2023-06-03T10:46+0200slovenia-postsen (en)

If you were to go to Paris this weekend, you would be expecting a summer-like, but still tolerable 26 or 27 degrees Celsius. Next weekend, temperatures will be slightly higher, reaching 30 degrees Celsius. An atmosphere that is not far from Slovenia’s and which is also expected after entering the....

LIVE UNIONE EUROPEA 3 min Preparativi per un'estate "di fuoco"

2023-05-29T20:57+0200tio (it)

BRUXELLES - L'Unione europea si prepara ad affrontare «un'estate movimentata» raddoppiando la flotta aerea antincendio e pre-posizionando 400 vigili del fuoco in Grecia, Francia e Portogallo. Lo ha annunciato il commissario europeo alle emergenze Janez Lenarcic in un'intervista al pool di agenzie di....

L'Ue raddoppia la flotta aerea antincendio in vista dell'estate

2023-05-29T18:49+0200ansa-Europa (it)

BRUXELLES - L'Ue si prepara ad affrontare "un'estate movimentata" raddoppiando la flotta aerea antincendio e pre-posizionando 400 vigili del fuoco in Grecia, Francia e Portogallo . Lo ha annunciato il commissario europeo alle Emergenze, Janez Lenarcic , in un'intervista al pool di agenzie di stampa riunite nell' European Newsroom , tra cui l'ANSA.

L'Ue raddoppia la flotta aerea antincendio in vista dell'estate

2023-05-29T18:00+0200ansa (it)

BRUXELLES - L'Ue si prepara ad affrontare "un'estate movimentata" raddoppiando la flotta aerea antincendio e pre-posizionando 400 vigili del fuoco in Grecia, Francia e Portogallo . Lo ha annunciato il commissario europeo alle Emergenze, Janez Lenarcic , in un'intervista al pool di agenzie di stampa riunite nell' European Newsroom , tra cui l'ANSA.

Conservationists aim to save critically endangered European eels on Italy’s Po River

2023-05-26T19:30+0200mongabay (en)

European eels (Anguilla anguilla) are critically endangered, their population having plummeted by 97% since 1980. Illegal fishing, dams and other barriers to their migration, droughts, pollution and habitat changes are putting the eels’ survival at risk. These eels reproduce once in their lifetime, only in the Sargasso Sea, where they die.

Neutralità climatica: solo il 54% di 11 mila sindaci UE in linea con gli impegni assunti

2023-03-21T11:16+0100primapress (it)

(PRIMAPRESS) - ROMA - Sono più di 11.000 i sindaci firmatari nell’UE, del Patto dei Sindaci Europa per raggiungere la neutralità climatica al 2050. Il Patto dei sindaci è stato istituito nel 2008 e riunisce migliaia di governi locali che, aderendo all’iniziativa, si impegnano volontariamente a....

Más de 500 científicos piden, en un manifiesto, salvar las Tablas de Daimiel

2023-03-17T06:35+0100agrodiario (es)

Más de 500 científicos han firmado un manifiesto en defensa del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel, en el que piden al presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, y al presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, salvar este importante humedal del centro peninsular desde el conocimiento científico.

Más de 500 científicos piden, en un manifiesto, salvar las Tablas de Daimiel

2023-03-17T04:20+0100noticiasncc (es)

Ciudad Real, España. Más de 500 científicos han firmado un manifiesto en defensa del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel , en el que piden al presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez , y al presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page salvar este importante humedal del centro peninsular desde el conocimiento científico.

Quinientos científicos piden, en un manifiesto, salvar las Tablas de Daimiel

2023-03-16T22:05+0100agroclm (es)

Más de 500 científicos han firmado un manifiesto en defensa del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel , en el que piden al presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, y al presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, salvar este importante humedal del centro peninsular desde el conocimiento científico.

Emergenza climaticaLa siccità, una condizione umana alla quale sarà difficile sottrarsi

2023-03-02T06:07+0100cdt (it)

Il rapporto Drought in Numbers 2022 delle Nazioni Unite ha confermato come la siccità sia la nuova normalità globale, non una serie di episodi a cui resistere in attesa di tempi migliori ma una condizione alla quale adattarsi. Il 15% dei disastri naturali degli ultimi 50 anni sono stati dovuti alla....

Francia, Italia, Spagna, Germania, Bulgaria, Turchia: la siccità sta colpendo numerose nazioni in Europa, con gravi conseguenze soprattutto per il settore agricolo

2023-02-27T12:38+0100euronews-it (it)

Una situazione che normalmente si vive in estate, dopo settimane torride e prive di precipitazioni. La siccità che sta colpendo numerose regioni europee, invece, arriva in una stagione inusuale. Dalla Francia all'Italia settentrionale, dalla Spagna alla Germania meridionale, passando per Grecia....

L’industria agricola è ferma per la siccità

2023-01-04T17:30+0100agrigiornale (it)

La siccità di quest’anno nell’emisfero settentrionale, che ha colpito le principali economie tra cui Europa, Stati Uniti e Cina, ha fatto temere alle imprese e ai consumatori il peggio in termini di carenza di cibo e inflazione. Ciò avviene quando le catene di approvvigionamento globali lottano per....

Ci mancava Baba Vanga: un 2023 da incubo? - Le profezie della chiaroveggente mettono i brividi

2023-01-01T20:22+0100247libero (it)

Il periodo che stiamo vivendo non è certamente semplice, tra la paura per le possibili varianti di Covid-19 alla preoccupazione per i molti rincari, senza dimenticare il timore di un conflitto mondiale. La speranza è che il 2023 possa essere un anno migliore, capace di portare un po’ di serenità in più.

Baba Vanga’s 2023 predictions - from 'solar tsunami' to 'nuclear explosion'

2022-12-31T08:58+0100themirror (en)

Blind clairvoyant Baba Vanga claimed to have visions during her lifetime after she went blind as a child. She lost her sight in deadly storm where she was swept off her homeland in Bulgaria, causing a large amount of sand to get into her eyes. Nicknamed the ' Nostradamus of the Balkans', her visions....

2022's US climate disasters: A tale of too much rain - and too little

2022-12-20T14:52+0100polandsun (en)

The year 2022 will be remembered across the U.S. for its devastating flooding and storms - and also for its extreme heat waves and droughts, including one so severe it on the Mississippi River. During a period of five weeks over the summer, occurred in , California's and Dallas , causing devastating and sometimes deadly flash floods.

Meteo. Gli eventi più estremi che hanno...

2022-12-19T19:38+01003bmeteo (it)

Africa meridionale, cicloni devastanti. Il 2022 inizia con una serie di sistemi tropicali alla base di devastazione sull'Africa meridionale. Particolarmente colpiti Madagascar, Mozambico e Malawi dove trovano la morte oltre 120 persone mentre strade e ponti sono spazzati via dalla furia delle acque. Circa 124.

Meteo, weekend con maltempo: lunedì 12 dicembre crollano temperature

2022-12-11T10:33+0100oggitreviso (it)

METEO - Weekend con il ciclone. Maltempo sull'Italia domenica 11 dicembre. Poi, arriva il freddo con il crollo delle temperature da lunedì 12 dicembre . Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali,....

Meteo, weekend col maltempo: da lunedì freddo polare

2022-12-10T12:28+0100quotidianodiragusa (it)

Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

Meteo, dopo il maltempo in arrivo il freddo. Gelo al Nord

2022-12-10T11:47+0100cilentonotizie (it)

Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

Clima Nubifragi e poi il gelo, le previsioni

2022-12-10T11:36+0100askanews (it)

Milano, 10 dic. (askanews) – Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più....

Maltempo in Italia: allerta arancione e crollo delle temperature

2022-12-10T11:35+0100nanopress (it)

Una nuova ondata di maltempo si sta abbattendo sull’Italia e la situazione è particolarmente grave in otto regioni, messe in allerta arancione. Gelo in Italia – Nanopress.it. Da lunedì è previsto un importante crollo delle temperature che ci catapulterà definitivamente dentro l’inverno. Maltempo in Italia.

Meteo, weekend con ciclone: poi 'sciabolata' di gelo

2022-12-10T10:17+0100247libero (it)

Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.


2022-12-10T10:17+01009colonne-it (it)

Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

Meteo, weekend con ciclone: poi ‘sciabolata’ di gelo

2022-12-10T10:16+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del....

Meteo, weekend con ciclone: poi 'sciabolata' di gelo

2022-12-10T09:31+0100adnkronos (it)

Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

Previsioni meteo, maltempo su tutta l'Italia. Da lunedì crollo delle temperature

2022-12-10T09:01+0100247libero (it)

) - Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

PRIMA PAGINA ore 8:33 Meteo intervista al meteorologo Mattia Gussoni: Maltempo, poi arriva la sciabolata di gelo

2022-12-10T08:51+0100ilmeteo (it)

Sabato e Domenica con piogge anche forti, poi arriva il gelo Weekend con il ciclone . Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico.

Previsioni meteo, maltempo su tutta l'Italia. Da lunedì crollo delle temperature

2022-12-10T08:42+0100repubblica (it)

) - Weekend con il ciclone. Una bassa pressione di 995 hPa attraverserà nelle prossime ore l’Italia centrale portando maltempo soprattutto sulle regioni centro-meridionali, con piogge localmente anche intense sul versante tirrenico; al Nord avremo locali pause un po’ più asciutte prima del ritorno di piogge e nevicate a quote di alta collina.

Turning the tide on water wastage

2022-11-18T03:38+0100euranetplus-inside (en)

Extreme weather events. Heat waves and droughts lead to water shortages and forest fires, while heavy rainfall can bring about flooding and mighty storms. Both weather extremes have devastating economic, social and even psychological impact on affected regions.

Stiamo consumando il pianeta

2022-11-17T11:45+0100agoravox (it)

Dallo scorso 28 luglio le risorse consumate dall’umanità sono già finite, e abbiamo tutti cominciato a utilizzare quelle di un secondo pianeta. Da molti anni il Global Footprint Network, il gruppo di ricercatori della Rete per l’Impronta Globale, guidato da Mathis Wackernagel, effettuano questa....

Ambiente Stiamo consumando il pianeta Clima, tendenze globali Dallo scorso 28 luglio le risorse consumate dall’umanità sono già finite, e abbiamo tutti cominciato a...

2022-11-13T10:24+0100contropiano (it)

Dallo scorso 28 luglio le risorse consumate dall’umanità sono già finite, e abbiamo tutti cominciato a utilizzare quelle di un secondo pianeta. Da molti anni il Global Footprint Network, il gruppo di ricercatori della Rete per l’Impronta Globale, guidato da Mathis Wackernagel, effettuano questa....

Agricoltura, clima e burocrazia pesano ancora troppo. L’andamento del meteo ha tagliato le produzioni, mentre la disattenzione politica fa il resto

2022-10-23T21:46+0200difesapopolo (it)

Un taglio netto, che pesa e che fa capire, se ve ne fosse ancora bisogno, quanto il clima pesi sulla produzione di cibo. Anche nelle economie “sviluppate”. Un taglio che deve far pensare molto sulla necessità di non abbassare mai la guardia su alcuni aspetti della produzione agroalimentare: primo....

Pandemia, clima estremo e crisi economica: la sostenibilità è l’unica risposta

2022-10-14T13:16+0200greenreport (it)

La pandemia di Covid-19 ha causato oltre mezzo milione di decessi nell’Ue dal suo inizio e non è terminata. Grazie a vasti programmi di vaccinazione e a una crescente immunità di gregge, la pandemia ha rallentato e la salute delle persone è tutelata meglio, tuttavia nell’ultima settimana sono stati registrati più di 1.

bneGREEN: Europe’s once-in-500-year drought threatens energy, food security 1 month ago

2022-10-13T14:54+0200bne (en)

Europe is facing its worst drought for 500 years, as the European Commission has warned that nearly half of the EU’s territory faces severe water shortages in August, as climate change has caused low rainfall levels and record-high temperatures. The current drought appears to be the worst in Europe....

Cambridge Econometrics: Droughts alone could cost 1% of GDP in CEE in coming years

2022-10-01T03:26+0200roumanie-en (en)

Natural disasters becoming a burden for economies of V4 countries and Romania As heatwaves and droughts in the Summer of 2022 proved again, the number and impact of natural disasters in Europe, and especially in Central Eastern Europe, will continue to grow in coming years with so significant (...

Migrazioni e crisi climatica sono più connesse di quanto pensiamo

2022-09-29T17:49+0200basilicata24 (it)

Cosa c’entrano i migranti al confine tra Polonia e Bielorussia con la crisi climatica? Molto, visto che migrazione e clima sono più connesse di quanto pensiamo. Quanto sta succedendo al confine tra Polonia e Bielorussia, con migliaia di migranti iracheni, siriani, ma soprattutto afghani, che ogni....

Stricter curbs may be imposed on water use in England as supplies run low

2022-09-13T14:54+0200guardian (en)

A ban on all non-essential use of water would forbid carwashing, the cleaning of offices and the filling of swimming pools and ponds. Photograph: Mark Richardson/Alamy. Bans on filling public swimming pools, maintaining ponds, washing cars and cleaning offices and shops could be put in place as England , the Guardian can reveal.

European wildfire emissions hit highest level since 2007

2022-09-07T08:00+0200euractiv-en (en)

The wildfires that swept across Europe this summer, driven by high temperatures and prolonged dry conditions, have caused the highest CO2 emissions from fires in 15 years, Summer 2022 saw more frequent and more intense wildfires in much of western Europe, with Spain, France and Italy particularly affected.

Questa estate gli incendi hanno divorato 425mila ettari di boschi nell’UE: i Paesi più colpiti

2022-09-06T12:59+0200fanpage (it)

Tra luglio e agosto nei Paesi dell' Unione Europea sono stati divorati dagli incendi 425.000 ettari di territorio boschivo. Un dato drammatico che sottolinea l'eccezionalità di questa estate, caratterizzata da un caldo “ iperestremo ” paragonabile a quello registrato nel 2003, quando si verificò l' estate più rovente in assoluto.

bneGREEN: Europe’s once-in-500-year drought threatens energy, food security

2022-08-29T21:26+0200intellinews (en)

Europe is facing its worst drought for 500 years, as the European Commission has warned that nearly half of the EU’s territory faces severe water shortages in August, as climate change has caused low rainfall levels and record-high temperatures. The current drought appears to be the worst in Europe....

Efemérides del 25 de agosto: Esto pasó en el mundo un día como hoy

2022-08-25T06:21+0200ElComercio (es)

OTRAS EFEMÉRIDES. 1580.- Tropas españolas capitaneadas por el duque de Alba derrotan a las portuguesas cerca de Lisboa, en la Batalla de Alcántara . El reino de Portugal pasa a ser de Felipe II. 1859.- Antonio Ríos Rosas y el cardenal Antonnelli validan en el Vaticano la desamortización y venta de bienes eclesiásticos producida en mayo de 1855.

No rains, persistent heatwaves: Europe’s ‘worst drought in 500 years’, explained

2022-08-24T16:28+0200firstpost (en)

As many parts of the world are experiencing extreme weather conditions that have led to flash floods, droughts and wildfires in the recent past, the severe effect of climate change can no longer be disregarded. Now, comes a worrying report from Europe.

Two thirds of Europe threatened by the worst drought in "at least 500 years", EC climate report

2022-08-24T12:52+0200mercopress (en)

The reports says 47% of Europe is under warning conditions, with a clear deficit of soil moisture. A further 17% is in a state of alert, in which vegetation is affected. The European Commission Joint Research Center has reported that two thirds of the European continent is threatened by drought, the worst “for at least 500 years”.

Efemérides del 25 de agosto

2022-08-24T07:51+0200infobae (es)

En un 25 de agosto, pero de 1825, Uruguay proclama su independencia de Brasil y se incorpora a las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata. OTRAS EFEMÉRIDES. 1580.- Tropas españolas capitaneadas por el duque de Alba derrotan a las portuguesas cerca de Lisboa, en la Batalla de Alcántara. El reino de Portugal pasa a ser de Felipe II.

1 Report: Europe Experiencing Its Worst Drought in at Least 500 Years

2022-08-24T07:48+0200farsnews (en)

TEHRAN (FNA)- Europe is experiencing its worst drought in at least 500 years, with hot and dry conditions fueling wildfires, reducing crop yields and reducing electricity generation, according to a preliminary analysis from the European Union’s Joint Research Center.

Europe drought worst in at least 500 years: EU report

2022-08-23T23:15+0200digitpatrox (en)

Europe is experiencing its worst drought in not less than 500 years, with scorching and dry situations fueling wildfires, decreasing crop yields and decreasing electrical energy era, based on a preliminary evaluation from the European Union’s Joint Analysis Heart.

Europe is experiencing its worst drought in at least 500 years

2022-08-23T18:49+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

, with hot and dry conditions fueling wildfires, reducing crop yields and impacting electricity generation, according to a preliminary analysis from the European Union's Joint Research Center. The report said that 47% of Europe is under warning conditions, with a clear deficit of soil moisture, and....

Europe drought worst in at least 500 years: EU report

2022-08-23T18:22+0200vervetimes (en)

Europe is experiencing its worst drought in at least 500 years, with hot and dry conditions fueling wildfires, reducing crop yields and reducing electricity generation, according to a preliminary analysis from the European Union’s Joint Research Center.

Europe is experiencing its worst drought in at least 500 years

2022-08-23T18:06+0200cnbc (en)

, with hot and dry conditions fueling wildfires, reducing crop yields and impacting electricity generation, according to a preliminary analysis from the European Union's Joint Research Center. The report said that 47% of Europe is under warning conditions, with a clear deficit of soil moisture, and....

Children suffering during drought in Africa - UNICEF

2022-08-23T09:32+0200RTERadio (en)

The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) has warned that children suffering during a dire drought across parts of Africa are "one disease away from catastrophe". In recent months, there has been a substantial rise in the number of people affected by drought in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

17.08.2022 Hungary - Farmers build more ponds as drought and heatwaves intensify Building ponds to store water for ongoing fresh produce and other essential agricultural production has become a priority for farmers in Hungary, much like in the rest of Europe.

2022-08-18T15:47+0200agroinsurance (en)

Building ponds to store water for ongoing fresh produce and other essential agricultural production has become a priority for farmers in Hungary, much like in the rest of Europe. The demand for ponds is soaring as producers across Europe experience more frequent record heatwaves and droughts during the hotter and drier summers.

17.08.2022 Hungary - Farmers build more ponds as drought and heatwaves intensify Building ponds to store water for ongoing fresh produce and other essential agricultural production has become a priority for farmers in Hungary, much like in the rest of Europe.

2022-08-18T14:54+0200agroinsurance-en (en)

Building ponds to store water for ongoing fresh produce and other essential agricultural production has become a priority for farmers in Hungary, much like in the rest of Europe. The demand for ponds is soaring as producers across Europe experience more frequent record heatwaves and droughts during the hotter and drier summers.

Wildfires in Portugal, Spain contained

2022-08-18T14:17+0200arabnews (en)

LISBON: Massive wildfires in Portugal and Spain were largely under control Thursday after forcing thousands from their homes and destroying large swathes of land. The fires in both countries followed punishing heatwaves and long dry spells, leaving forests parched and primed to burn.

Even astronauts can see it: the current drought in Europe as seen from satellite data

2022-08-17T23:01+0200zmescience (en)

Western Europe as seen by the Sentinel-3 mission. Image credits European Union / Copernicus Sentinel-3. The Old World is experiencing one of the most severe bouts of drought it has seen in centuries — five centuries, according to expert estimates. These dramatic conditions, which are most prevalent....

Hungarian farmers build more ponds as drought and heatwaves intensify

2022-08-16T14:23+0200freshplaza-nl (en)

Building ponds to store water for ongoing fresh produce and other essential agricultural production has become a priority for farmers in Hungary, much like in the rest of Europe. The demand for ponds is soaring as producers across Europe experience more frequent record heatwaves and droughts during the hotter and drier summers.

The European Climate Megadrought – Which Happened 482 Years Ago

2022-08-14T08:43+0200wattsupwiththat (en)

Europe’s biggest natural disaster. mirror online,by Axel Bojanowski Updated on 07/15/2014. Eleven months of hardly any rain and extreme heat: More than 300 chronicles from all over Europe reveal the gruesome details of a gigantic catastrophe in 1540. And they show that the disaster can happen again.

Drought warning: Nearly half of EU facing emergency amid crop failure and relentless fires EUROPE is facing a drought emergency as dry weather is causing crops to fail, villages to go...

2022-08-08T07:59+0200express (en)

The European Drought Observatory (EDO) has new research to show that 45% of the European Union’s land is under drought “warning” conditions which means the soil has been impaired due to dry weather. Approximately 15 percent of the land is under the “alert” category which means crops have been damaged due to low rain and dry land.

Droughts in Europe in July 2022: Almost half of the EU and UK territory at risk

2022-07-20T14:14+0200freshplaza-nl (en)

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre today published the “Drought in Europe - July 2022” report, an assessment of Europe’s drought situation based on the European Drought Observatory. The analysis of the evolution and impact of the prolonged drought in the EU shows that a staggering....

Severe drought could cancel out gains in EU food production

2022-07-19T12:33+0200europeanbusinessreview (en)

by Natasha Foote. Just under half of the EU’s territory is at risk of severe and prolonged drought, according to a new European Commission report, coming amid warnings this unprecedented heatwave may negate gains in food production supposed to help plug the gap left by the Ukraine war.

Droughts in Europe in July 2022: almost half of the EU +UK territory at risk

2022-07-19T12:26+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

The analysis of the evolution and impact of the prolonged drought in the EU shows that a staggering portion of Europe is currently exposed to warning (44% of EU+UK) and alert (9% of EU+UK) drought levels , associated with soil moisture deficit in combination with vegetation stress. Heatwaves after an atypical spring.

“46% of the territory in Europe is at risk of drought”

2022-07-19T01:29+0200italy24news (en)

“Climate change is increasing the risk of severe droughts and forest fires around the world. The Joint Research Center uses science and technology to monitor climate change. With this report, we have a better understanding of the situation to protect our forests, crops and water “, explained the EU commissioner Mariya Gabriel.

Almost half of the “at risk” EU territory of drought: European Commission

2022-07-19T00:15+0200worldakkam (en)

Almost half of the area The European Commission said on Monday that drought was “at risk” in Europe as water and heat stress warned that crop yields were being pushed down by previous negative outlooks for grains and other crops. rice field. “Analysis of the evolution and impact of long-term....

Fires Scorch France and Spain, as Europe Wilts in Heat Wave

2022-07-18T21:40+0200claimsjournal (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people.

Severe drought could cancel out gains in EU food production

2022-07-18T19:44+0200euractiv-en (en)

Just under half of the EU’s territory is at risk of severe and prolonged drought, according to a new European Commission report, coming amid warnings this unprecedented heatwave may negate gains in food production supposed to help plug the gap left by the Ukraine war.

Map shows devastating scale of wildfires across Europe

2022-07-18T16:07+0200metro-uk (en)

Blazes across Europe have been reported amid high temperatures and strong winds (Picture: Metro.co.uk) Swathes of mainland Europe continue to be hit by wildfires, as exhausted firefighters continue to work to protect communities. The destruction caused has been likened to ‘Dante’s inferno’.

Caldo record e incendi: l’Europa sta andando a fuoco

2022-07-18T15:37+0200money-it (it)

L’Europa sta bruciando : dal Portogallo alla Grecia , ormai sono andati in fumo decine di ettari di terreno. Migliaia di cittadini sono stati evacuati, insieme a chi era lì in vacanza, e ci sono anche state vittime tra vigili del fuoco e volontari. Gli esperti danno la colpa alla siccità estrema....

Droughts in Europe in July 2022: almost half of EU territory at risk

2022-07-18T14:18+0200sofiaglobe (en)

A worrying part of the territory of the European Union is currently exposed to warning drought levels, according to a new report by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, released on July 18. The “Drought in Europe – July 2022” report said that 46 per cent of EU territory is currently....

Droughts in Europe in July 2022: almost half of the EU +UK territory at risk

2022-07-18T12:12+0200EC (en)

The analysis of the evolution and impact of the prolonged drought in the EU shows that a staggering portion of Europe is currently exposed to warning (44% of EU+UK) and alert (9% of EU+UK) drought levels, associated with soil moisture deficit in combination with vegetation stress. Heatwaves after an atypical spring.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-18T09:30+0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

PARIS — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities in....

News Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach 7:32 PM, Jul 17, 2022

2022-07-18T02:49+0200kxxv (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities in Madrid have blamed soaring temperatures for hundreds of deaths.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-18T02:00+0200wsvn (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities....

Wildfire flames reach the beach in Spain and France

2022-07-18T01:44+0200newstalkzb (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities in Madrid....

Fires scorch France and Spain, as Europe wilts in heat wave

2022-07-17T22:32+0200triblive (en)

PARIS Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people.

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:47+0200theherald-au (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:46+0200theage (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:43+0200smh (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:42+0200watoday (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Flames reach the beach as heat and wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T21:39+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Paris: Authorities across southern Europe are battling to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or....

Fires are burning in Spain and France, where flames are reaching the coast

2022-07-17T21:38+0200highlandstoday (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled out-of-control wildfires in Spain and France, flames reaching two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually intense heat wave. So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but officials in Madrid have blamed soaring temperatures for hundreds of deaths.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T21:25+0200tvnz (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Monday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave. A wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France. (Source: Associated Press) So far, there have....

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T21:19+0200denverpost (en)

By ANGELA CHARLTON and JOSEPH WILSON. PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave.

Thousands evacuated as wildfires rage out of control in Spain and France

2022-07-17T20:51+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heatwave. T here have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain so far, but authorities in Madrid have....

Thousands evacuated as wildfires rage out of control in Spain and France

2022-07-17T20:50+0200independent-ie (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heatwave. T here have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain so far, but authorities in Madrid have....

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach - The Associated Press

2022-07-17T20:19+0200google-top-stories (en)

In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defense Department said that “the majority” of its fire-fighting aircraft have been deployed to reach the blazes, many of which are in rugged, hilly....

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:52+0200news-gazette (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in Spain and France, including one whose flames reached two popular Atlantic beaches on Sunday, as Europe wilted under an So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities in Madrid have blamed soaring temperatures for hundreds of deaths.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:39+0200wsoctv (en)

France Wildfires This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in France and Spain as Europe wilts under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities link to a rise in excess mortality.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:30+0200startribune (en)

So far, there have been no fire-related deaths in France or Spain, but authorities in Madrid have blamed soaring temperatures for hundreds of deaths. And two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 16,200 people.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:28+0200actionnewsjax (en)

France Wildfires This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in France and Spain as Europe wilts under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities link to a rise in excess mortality.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:23+0200wftv (en)

France Wildfires This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in France and Spain as Europe wilts under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities link to a rise in excess mortality.

Fires scorch Spain and France, where flames reach the beach

2022-07-17T19:22+0200fresnobee (en)

This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022 . Strong winds and hot, dry weather are frustrating French firefighters' efforts to contain a huge wildfire that raced across pine forests in the....

Fires scorch France and Spain, as Europe wilts in heat wave

2022-07-17T19:20+0200torontosun (en)

Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people. Water-dropping planes zig-zagged the area near Bordeaux, as flames lapped at the edge of a farm field, and smoke blanketed the skyline above a mass of singed trees, in images shared by firefighters.

Fires scorch France and Spain, as Europe wilts in heat wave

2022-07-17T19:15+0200denverpost (en)

PARIS — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people.

Fires scorch France, Spain; temperature-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T19:07+0200ahram-EN (en)

Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people. Water-dropping planes zig-zagged the area near Bordeaux, as flames lapped at the edge of a farm field, and smoke blanketed the skyline above a mass of singed trees, in images shared by firefighters.

Fires scorch France and Spain, as Europe wilts in heat wave

2022-07-17T18:35+0200news-gazette (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people.

Fires scorch France, Spain; temperature-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:54+0200startribune (en)

Two huge blazes, which have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France, have forced the evacuation of some 14,000 people. Water-dropping planes zig-zagged the area near Bordeaux, as flames lapped at the edge of a farm field, and smoke blanketed the skyline above a mass of singed trees, in images shared by firefighters.

Fires scorch France, Spain; temperature-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:24+0200stripes (en)

PARIS — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes that have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France have forced....

11:17a Fires scorch France, Spain; temperature-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:20+0200marketwatch (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes that have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France have forced the....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:04+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defence Department said that “the majority” of its firefighting....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:04+0200oxfordtimes (en)

A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defence Department said that “the majority” of its firefighting....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:03+0200chesterfirst (en)

A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defence Department said that “the majority” of its firefighting....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:01+0200dailyecho (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heatwave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes that have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France have forced the....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T17:00+0200eveningtimes (en)

A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defence Department said that “the majority” of its firefighting....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T16:59+0200yorkpress (en)

Water-dropping planes zigzagged the area, as flames lapped at the edge of a farm field, and smoke blanketed the skyline above a mass of singed trees, in images shared by firefighters. A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T16:54+0200southwalesargus (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heatwave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes that have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France have forced the....

Wildfires scorch France and Spain as heatwave-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T16:53+0200newsandstar (en)

A firefighter tackles a wildfire near Landiras, south-western France (SDIS 33/AP) In Spain, firefighters supported by military brigades tried to stamp out over 30 fires consuming forests spread across the country. Spain’s National Defence Department said that “the majority” of its firefighting....

Fires scorch France, Spain; temperature-related deaths soar

2022-07-17T16:23+0200metro-us (en)

PARIS (AP) — Firefighters battled wildfires raging out of control in France and Spain on Sunday as Europe wilted under an unusually extreme heat wave that authorities in Madrid blamed for hundreds of deaths. Two huge blazes that have consumed pine forests for six days in southwestern France have....

French firefighters battle huge forest blaze and pilot dies in crash in Portugal as wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-17T06:54+0200heart (en)

Strong winds and hot, dry weather have hampered efforts to battle a huge blaze that is burning through pine forests in Bordeaux, while fires have also burned in Portugal, Spain, Greece , Hungary and Croatia. Around 3,000 firefighters supported by water-dumping planes battled the wildfire in southern....

A 117 degree day in Portugal: Record-breaking heat waves hit Europe

2022-07-16T18:06+0200haaretz (en)

An extreme heat wave has washed over Europe over the past few days, with temperatures setting records. Portugal experienced a national high of 47 degrees Celsius (117 Fahrenheit) last week, and firefighters are battling blazes across the continent. The European Union warned earlier this month that....

Heatwave sweeps across Europe

2022-07-13T23:18+0200northernirelandnews (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. World Meteorological Organization spokeswoman Clare Nullis said on Tuesday that a new heatwave was building up in Western Europe, currently affecting mainly Spain and Portugal, which was forecast to intensify and spread. VALLETTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Significant heatwave is....

Heatwave sweeps across Europe

2022-07-13T14:18+0200europesun (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. World Meteorological Organization spokeswoman Clare Nullis said on Tuesday that a new heatwave was building up in Western Europe, currently affecting mainly Spain and Portugal, which was forecast to intensify and spread. VALLETTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Significant heatwave is....

Heatwave sweeps across Europe

2022-07-13T13:32+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

People spend their time at the seaside during a heatwave in Naxxar, Malta, July 6, 2022. (Photo by Jonathan Borg/Xinhua) World Meteorological Organization spokeswoman Clare Nullis said on Tuesday that a new heatwave was building up in Western Europe, currently affecting mainly Spain and Portugal, which was forecast to intensify and spread.

[ July 13, 2022 ] Europe in the grip of blistering heatwave Europe

2022-07-13T07:59+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

Significant heatwave is once again sweeping across Europe, with several countries suffering the threats of disasters and health risks caused by extreme high temperatures. Some countries have issued heat alerts or declared a state of emergency. HEATWAVE BUILDING UP.

Roundup: Heatwave sweeps across Europe

2022-07-13T05:09+0200europesun (en)

VALLETTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Significant heatwave is once again sweeping across Europe, with several countries suffering the threats of disasters and health risks caused by extreme high temperatures. Some countries have issued heat alerts or declared a state of emergency. HEATWAVE BUILDING UP.

Heatwave sweeps across Europe Significant heatwave is once again sweeping across Europe, with several countries suffering the threats of disasters and health risks caused by extreme high temperatures. Some countries have issued heat alerts or declared a state of emergency, reported Xinhua.

2022-07-13T01:41+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

Significant heatwave is once again sweeping across Europe, with several countries suffering the threats of disasters and health risks caused by extreme high temperatures. Some countries have issued heat alerts or declared a state of emergency, reported Xinhua. HEATWAVE BUILDING UP.

Roundup: Heatwave sweeps across Europe

2022-07-13T00:47+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

VALLETTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Significant heatwave is once again sweeping across Europe, with several countries suffering the threats of disasters and health risks caused by extreme high temperatures. Some countries have issued heat alerts or declared a state of emergency. HEATWAVE BUILDING UP.

WWF Gathers Countries Across Europe To Support River And Wetland Restoration

2022-06-04T20:49+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

On June 5th, World Environmental Day, WWF Central and Eastern Europe joins other European countries to highlight the crucial role of healthy rivers and wetlands to halt the collapse in freshwater biodiversity and increase natural protection against extreme weather episodes, in particular droughts and floods.

January 2017 (7)

2022-04-08T12:32+0200unccd-int (en)

(French text follows) Marrakesh, (15/11/16) - “The Kingdom of Morocco will host the Africa Regional coordination Unit of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). This will provide the secretariat with vital support services that the Parties to the Convention need to effectively implement the Convention in Africa.

Meteo: il tempo migliora, ma il weekend delle Palme sarà insidiato da veloci temporali

2022-04-07T13:49+0200247libero (it)

Arriva la burrasca , dal veneziano borasca ‘proprio della bora’. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Meteo: il tempo migliora, ma il weekend delle Palme sarà insidiato da veloci temporali

2022-04-07T09:57+0200cilentonotizie (it)

Arriva la burrasca , dal veneziano borasca ‘proprio della bora’. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Leggi Previsioni meteo, il tempo migliora ma per la Domenica delle Palme arriva la pioggia. A Pasqua soleggiato

2022-04-07T09:40+0200ecomy-it (it)

(iLMeteo.it) – Arriva la burrasca, dal veneziano borasca ‘proprio della bora’. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Previsioni meteo, il tempo migliora ma per la Domenica delle Palme arriva la pioggia. A Pasqua soleggiato La Repubblica

2022-04-07T09:40+0200msn-it (it)

(iLMeteo.it) - Arriva la burrasca, dal veneziano borasca 'proprio della bora'. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Previsioni meteo, il tempo migliora ma per la Domenica delle Palme arriva la pioggia. A Pasqua soleggiato

2022-04-07T09:38+0200247libero (it)

) - Arriva la burrasca, dal veneziano borasca 'proprio della bora'. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Previsioni meteo, il tempo migliora ma per la Domenica delle Palme arriva la pioggia. A Pasqua soleggiato

2022-04-07T09:16+0200repubblica (it)

) - Arriva la burrasca, dal veneziano borasca 'proprio della bora'. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta: da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort, con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

Editoriale Meteo di Giovedì 7 Aprile: il tempo migliora, ma il Weekend sarà insidiato da Veloci Temporali

2022-04-07T08:59+0200ilmeteo (it)

Il tempo migliora, ma il Weekend sarà insidiato da Veloci Temporali Arriva la burrasca, dal veneziano borasca ‘proprio della bora’. Questa volta il vento non sarà di Bora, ma proverrà dalla parte opposta : da ovest sud-ovest, di Ponente e di Libeccio, e soffierà fino ad intensità Burrasca della scala di Beaufort , con raffiche fino a 70-90 km/h.

More information

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