Overall Green alert Drought for Iberian Peninsula-2022
in Spain, Portugal

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 239
Articles about casualties: 3 (1.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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La NASA analiza la DANA que inundó zonas de España

2023-09-06T09:24+0200tiempo-es (es)

La NASA analiza la DANA que inundó zonas de España. Según informes de prensa, el sistema de bajas presiones, DANA, inundó calles al suroeste de Madrid, zonas de Toledo y provocó que los ríos se desbordaran y destruyeran puentes Imagen del 4 de septiembre de 2023 del satélite NOAA-20. NASA 06/09/2023 09:00 3 min.

The dana, “of extraordinary power”, reduces the rain deficit in Spain by four percentage points

2023-09-05T23:26+0200kiratas (en)

What effects the dana has had on the battered swamps of the drought after a dry and hot summer is the big question that many ask when seeing the magnitude of the water that fell in Spain in just three days. The answer to this question is, for the moment, disappointing.

Maltempo in Spagna, tre morti

2023-09-05T12:18+0200rsi-ch (it)

Tre morti e tre dispersi: è il bilancio dell’ondata di maltempo che ha colpito in questi giorni le regioni di Madrid e Castiglia La Mancia. Le intense precipitazioni sono giunte dopo un lungo periodo di siccità e si sono abbattute con estrema forza nella notte tra domenica e lunedì.

La Spagna fa la conta dei danni delle alluvioni, 3 morti e 3 dispersi

2023-09-05T11:18+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Villamanta (Spagna), 5 set. (askanews) - Le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito la Spagna hanno provocato ingenti danni. Almeno tre persone sono morte e altre tre sono disperse, moltissime case si sono allagate, l'acqua e il fango che si sono riversati sulle strade hanno danneggiato le infrastrutture e le automobili.

La Spagna fa la conta dei danni delle alluvioni, 3 morti e 3 dispersi

2023-09-05T11:15+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito la Spagna hanno provocato ingenti danni. Almeno tre persone sono morte e altre tre sono disperse, moltissime case si sono allagate, l'acqua e il fango che si sono riversati sulle strade hanno danneggiato le infrastrutture e le automobili.

La Spagna fa la conta dei danni delle alluvioni, 3 morti e 3 dispersi

2023-09-05T11:12+0200tiscali-it (it)

Villamanta (Spagna), 5 set. (askanews) - Le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito la Spagna hanno provocato ingenti danni. Almeno tre persone sono morte e altre tre sono disperse, moltissime case si sono allagate, l'acqua e il fango che si sono riversati sulle strade hanno danneggiato le infrastrutture e le automobili.

Al menos tres muertos y tres desaparecidos por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-05T09:45+0200eldia-AR (es)

En España, que sufre desde hace meses una sequía histórica, las lluvias torrenciales del fin de semana dejaron al menos tres muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas golpearon sobre todo a las regiones de Madrid y....

Burning questions around spread of wildfires Ecologist Richard Gordon explores the issue of wildfires and climate change, and asks why they are becoming more frequent

2023-09-05T08:15+0200eecho (en)

FIRE has been marauding its way across vast swathes of the western world in recent years, filling our media landscape with churning skies of smoke, crawling red blazes, and citizens clasping rags to their mouths escaping from the encroaching black tide.

Imprevisión y sequía: dos enemigos crónicos de España

2023-09-05T06:43+0200ecoticias (es)

Las condiciones de los campos son cada vez más complicadas. Los embalses están por debajo de los mínimos y en los lugares en los que más falta el preciado líquido, se hacen pactos de gobierno prometiendo que se conseguirá agua para regar. Imprevisión y sequía: dos enemigos crónicos de España.

“Llegaron a las Cataratas”: Lluvias torrenciales inundan el metro de Madrid, el agua entró hasta los vagones

2023-09-04T21:46+0200semana (es)

España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron tres muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Los pronósticos de lluvias torrenciales en el centro....

Fuertes lluvias en España dejan dos muertos y un desaparecido en medio de una sequía histórica

2023-09-04T21:00+0200notiulti (es)

MADRID.- España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y un desaparecido mientras que un niño de 10 años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas....

Tres muertos y tres desaparecidos por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T20:26+0200articulo66 (es)

Las tormentas afectaron especialmente a las regiones de Madrid y Castilla-La Mancha (centro), donde cayeron copiosos aguaceros durante la noche del domingo al lunes. El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, una región al sur de Madrid, Emiliano García-Page, anunció en la red social X (antes Twitter) “el....

Alluvioni Spagna, due vittime accertate, si aggrava la lista dei dispersi | VIDEO

2023-09-04T18:59+0200tag24 (it)

Le alluvioni in Spagna stanno devastando città e territori dopo la siccità degli ultimi mesi, e ora fanno registrare le prime due vittime accertate , mentre prosegue la conta dei dispersi. Alluvioni Spagna, le piogge torrenziali fanno due morti nella provincia di Toledo | VIDEO. Pioggia inarrestabile, forte vento e città allagate.

Dos personas muertas y tres desaparecidas dejaron las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T18:40+0200elcolombiano (es)

España , afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Lea también: Fuertes lluvias obligaron a Juanes a....

Alerta roja en Madrid, España; al menos 2 muertos y 3 desaparecidos dejan tormentas En la región de Madrid, los servicios de emergencia intentaban encontrar con vida a otros dos desaparecidos, uno de ellos un hombre de 83 años arrastrado por una corriente Global | 09:47 hrs.

2023-09-04T18:23+0200excelsior (es)

España , afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y tres desaparecidos , mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas....

Dos muertos y un desaparecido por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T18:02+0200metrolibre (es)

España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y un desaparecido, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas horas....

Dos muertos y tres desaparecidos por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T17:45+0200eldeber (es)

España , afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas....

Inundaciones en España: Dos muertos y tres desaparecidos mientras un niño sobrevive aferrado a un árbol

2023-09-04T17:23+0200debate (es)

Únete a nuestro chat y recibe las Las lluvias torrenciales azotaron a España durante el fin de semana, dejando dos personas fallecidas y tres desaparecidas , mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrado a un árbol. Este desastre natural golpeó con fuerza especialmente en las regiones....

Spagna, dopo la siccità ecco le piogge torrenziali

2023-09-04T16:59+0200tvsvizzera (it)

Le piogge torrenziali provocate dalla Dana, responsabile del maltempo nella metà centrale e occidentale della Spagna, hanno causato almeno due morti nella provincia di Toledo e un disperso dall'alba di questa mattina nella regione di Madrid, a causa della tracimazione del fiume Alberche.

Dana in Spagna: due morti e un disperso a causa della forte pioggia

2023-09-04T16:44+0200flaminiaedintorni (it)

Madrid.- Spagna Colpito da mesi di siccità storica, è esposto dal fine settimana Le forti piogge hanno provocato due morti e un disperso Mentre un bambino di 10 anni è riuscito a sopravvivere aggrappandosi ad un albero. I temporali hanno colpito soprattutto le regioni nelle ultime ore Madrid e....

Fuertes lluvias dejan dos muertos, tres desaparecidos en España

2023-09-04T16:37+0200tiempo (es)

AFP. – España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas....

Dos muertos y un desaparecido por lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T15:57+0200telam (es)

Foto: AFP. Al menos dos personas murieron y una permanece desaparecida como consecuencia de las lluvias torrenciales que golpearon desde este fin de semana a España, afectada desde hace meses por un sequía histórica , mientras que un niño de 10 años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol.

Dos muertos y un desaparecido por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T15:18+0200deperu (es)

España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y un desaparecido, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las últimas horas....

Dos muertos y tres desaparecidos por lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T15:18+0200crhoy (es)

(AFP) España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y tres desaparecidos, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol. Las tormentas afectaron especialmente en las....

Dos muertos y un desaparecido por las lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T14:32+0200talcualdigital (es)

Las lluvias en España se registraron durante el fin de semana de forma improvista tras algunos meses de sequía que afectó al país. En la ciudad de Madrid, el mal tiempo provocó el cierre temporal de varias líneas de metro y de trenes de cercanías. Texto: RFI / AFP España, afectada desde hace meses....

Dos muertos y un desaparecido por lluvias torrenciales en España

2023-09-04T14:07+0200tvn-2 (es)

Madrid, España/ España, afectada desde hace meses por una sequía histórica, se vio golpeada desde el fin de semana por lluvias torrenciales que dejaron dos muertos y un desaparecido, mientras que un niño de diez años logró sobrevivir aferrándose a un árbol.

La Spagna colpita da piogge torrenziali, Madrid in tilt

2023-09-04T13:42+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 settembre 2023) Dopo tanta siccità la Spagna deve fare i conti con le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito gran parte del paese nel weekend, compreso l'arcipelago delle Baleari. E stato battuto il record del giorno ...

La Spagna colpita da piogge torrenziali, Madrid in tilt

2023-09-04T13:17+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Dopo tanta siccità la Spagna deve fare i conti con le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito gran parte del paese nel weekend, compreso l'arcipelago delle Baleari. E stato battuto il record del giorno più piovoso di settembre nelle zone di Madrid, Navarra, Segovia, Toledo e Valladolid.

La Spagna colpita da piogge torrenziali, Madrid in tilt

2023-09-04T13:12+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Madrid, 4 set. (askanews) - Dopo tanta siccità la Spagna deve fare i conti con le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito gran parte del paese nel weekend, compreso l'arcipelago delle Baleari. E stato battuto il record del giorno più piovoso di settembre nelle zone di Madrid, Navarra, Segovia, Toledo e Valladolid.

La Spagna colpita da piogge torrenziali, Madrid in tilt

2023-09-04T13:11+0200tiscali-it (it)

Madrid, 4 set. (askanews) - Dopo tanta siccità la Spagna deve fare i conti con le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito gran parte del paese nel weekend, compreso l'arcipelago delle Baleari. E stato battuto il record del giorno più piovoso di settembre nelle zone di Madrid, Navarra, Segovia, Toledo e Valladolid.

La Spagna colpita da piogge torrenziali, Madrid in tilt

2023-09-04T13:00+0200askanews (it)

Madrid, 4 set. (askanews) – Dopo tanta siccità la Spagna deve fare i conti con le piogge torrenziali che hanno colpito gran parte del paese nel weekend, compreso l’arcipelago delle Baleari. E stato battuto il record del giorno più piovoso di settembre nelle zone di Madrid, Navarra, Segovia, Toledo e Valladolid.

DANA Madrid

2023-09-04T10:49+0200lavanguardia (es)

Segovia, Cádiz y Tarragona registran las acumulaciones de lluvia más importantes de España Las estaciones meteorológicas de San José del Valle (Cádiz), San Rafael(Segovia) y Tortosa-Roquetes (Tarragona) registraron ayer domingo el máximo de precipitación acumulada de España, que en el caso del....

People with asthma and COPD among most vulnerable to climate change, study warns

2023-09-04T07:25+0200inews-co-uk (en)

People living with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will see their lives made harder as climate change increases heatwaves, pollen, dust storms and wildfires, is increasing temperatures, which is pushing up airborne allergens, such as pollen, more of which are produced in warmer weather.

Low Water Levels Reported at Italy's Lakes and Rivers After Months of Heatwaves and Droughts

2023-09-03T03:08+0200natureworldnews (en)

Low water levels have been reported in Italy's lakes and rivers following several months of intense heatwaves and drought, according to reports. Due to extreme weather events, Italy experienced a combination of strong winds, heavy rain, and prolonged scorching temperatures earlier this year.

The climate crisis leads the planet to the hottest summer ever recorded

2023-09-02T05:57+0200kiratas (en)

Addressing climate change only as something that will happen to future generations makes less and less sense. The crisis triggered by humans with the use of fossil fuels is here and its impacts are becoming more and more noticeable. The climate emergency has once again left a trail of tragedy, death....

¿Cómo están los embalses españoles previa llegada del primer temporal otoñal?

2023-09-01T20:03+0200tiempo-es (es)

Explora el estado actual de los embalses en España: niveles críticos, sequía y perspectivas ante lluvias. Un vistazo a la vitalidad de los recursos hídricos en un contexto cambiante. El embalse de Sau (Girona), es famoso por su iglesia románica que emergió de las aguas en 1962 debido a la construcción de la presa.

Patrimonio ovicaprino, continua il calo europeo e italiano

2023-09-01T17:20+0200mangimiealimenti (it)

Per il terzo anno consecutivo continua il calo del patrimonio ovicaprino dell’UE , con circa 1,5 milioni di capi in meno nel 2022 rispetto all’anno precedente, calo che ha interessato soprattutto Spagna e Francia. Innovazione, cooperazione, informazione e sostenibilità sono le parole chiave....

Prime Minister Mitsotakis Estimates Over 150,000 Hectares Burned by Greek Wildfires

2023-09-01T08:05+0200natureworldnews (en)

Greece has experienced one of the worst fire seasons in its history, with devastating wildfires that have burned more than 150,000 hectares of land, killed at least 26 people, and destroyed homes, businesses, and natural habitats. The fires have been fueled by extreme heatwaves, droughts, and strong winds, which are linked to the climate crisis.

Temperatures of 50°C will become much more common around the Mediterranean

2023-09-01T07:18+0200livemint (en)

Spring was a scorcher in the Mediterranean. A heatwave in April saw temperatures up to 20°C higher than usual in Algeria, Morocco, Portugal and Spain . Scientists used to hesitate to blame a particular piece of weather on climate change. These days they are more confident.

Olive Oil Prices Surge as Persistent Drought Ravages Mediterranean Groves

2023-08-31T18:53+0200scientificamerican (en)

As summer winds down in the verdant olive groves across southern Spain ’s region of Andalusia, the tree branches typically bend down, heavy with ripening fruits. But this summer, Cristóbal Cano’s groves25 acres in the city of Alcalá la Real near Granada, Spainlook light and nearly empty, as if the trees have already been harvested.

Warning issued to Prosecco drinkers as beverage could soon be 'wiped out'

2023-08-31T12:54+0200dailyrecord (en)

Anyone who enjoys a glass of Prosecco on a night out has been warned that their favourite drink may not be available for much longer. The popular bubbly beverage may soon be wiped out by climate change, scientists have warned. Mountainside vineyards, where the drink is produced, are highly at risk....

El Imida se integra en el Servicio de Alerta Temprana de Riesgos Climáticos con socios de España, Francia y Portugal

2023-08-31T05:44+0200agrodiario (es)

El Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Medioambiental (Imida), en colaboración con el Servicio de Protección Civil de la Región, participa en el proyecto 'ClimAlert', Servicio de Alerta Temprana de Riesgos Climáticos relacionados con el agua, junto a diversos socios europeos de España, Francia y Portugal .

Navigating The Global Food Crisis

2023-08-30T17:08+0200mfame (en)

Credit; Aaron Favila/ AP Photo. The world faces an alarming confluence of factors – from climate-related disruptions to geopolitical tensions – that are fueling a mounting food crisis. India’s recent ban on non-basmati white rice exports and export restrictions by other countries highlight the fragility of global food supply chains.

The Latest Data Confirms: Forest Fires Are Getting Worse

2023-08-30T02:58+0200reliefWeb (en)

By James MacCarthy, Jessica Richter, Sasha Tyukavina, Mikaela Weisse and Nancy Harris. The latest data on forest fires confirms what we’ve long feared: Forest fires are becoming more widespread, burning nearly twice as much tree cover today as they did 20 years ago.

Amazon's rainforests are at risk of transforming into dry, grassy savannas

2023-08-30T01:27+0200earth (en)

In a potentially alarming revelation for our planet’s climate, a new study led by Rutgers University suggests that vast swaths of the Amazonian lowland rainforest could gradually transform into dry, grassy savannas. These lowland regions of the Amazon play a pivotal role in absorbing carbon dioxide,....

Robert Sulnick: Climate Disasters Are Different from Natural Disasters

2023-08-29T20:37+0200noozhawk (en)

Unless and until we understand the difference between natural disasters and climate disasters there will not be the kind of action necessary to stop climate change, a global phenomenon. The 5.1-magnitude earthquake on Aug. 20 was a natural disaster. In other words, it occurred without any input from our changing climate.

Emergenza roghi, in fumo 59.000 ettari in Italia: le regioni più colpite sono Sicilia e Calabria

2023-08-28T19:12+0200repubblica (it)

Dalla Grecia all'Italia, fino alla Spagna, a luglio gli incendi hanno bruciato le foreste in Europa. Alte temperature, venti forti, siccità e vegetazione secca sono tra le cause che hanno reso i roghi così ostinati e diffusi, minacciando i boschi anche in Croazia e Portogallo.

¿Por qué es malo hacer montoncitos de piedras en playas y montañas?

2023-08-28T18:11+0200heraldo (es)

Hace ya unos años que los expertos advierten de que la moda de hacer montoncitos de piedras y arena en muchos lugares de costa y de la montaña de España es perjudicial para la naturaleza y la biodiversidad. El Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales (CREAF) recuerda que es....

Emergenza roghi, in fumo 59.000 ettari in Italia: le regioni più colpite sono Sicilia e Calabria

2023-08-28T12:59+0200ecomy-it (it)

Dalla Grecia all’Italia, fino alla Spagna, a luglio gli incendi hanno bruciato le foreste in Europa. Alte temperature, venti forti, siccità e vegetazione secca sono tra le cause che hanno reso i roghi così ostinati e diffusi, minacciando i boschi anche in Croazia e Portogallo.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-27T23:41+0200japantoday (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

Why olive oil is getting more expensive

2023-08-27T06:29+0200truemedian (en)

This story is part of Record High , a Grist series examining extreme heat and its impact on how—and where —we live. Inflation is finally easing . Americans are paying less for gas than they were a year ago. Furniture, television, and airfare prices have all fallen since last summer. Even the used car market is cooling off after its meteoric rise.

Why olive oil is getting more expensive

2023-08-27T02:28+0200popsci (en)

This story is part of Record High , a Grist series examining extreme heat and its impact on how—and where —we live. Inflation is finally easing . Americans are paying less for gas than they were a year ago. Furniture, television, and airfare prices have all fallen since last summer. Even the used car market is cooling off after its meteoric rise.

Europe endures another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-25T18:33+0200cde-news (en)

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Hydropower Is Key to a Clean Energy Future—Here’s Why

2023-08-24T23:20+0200energy-gov (en)

This summer, Americans can clearly see and smell the evidence of climate change. Along the Eastern Seaboard, people have inhaled smoke from the nearly 900 wildfires ravaging Western Canada. This July was Earth’s hottest month ever recorded . Dangerous heat waves and heat domes have strangled cities for weeks at a time.

From Europe to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-24T19:27+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

The destructive power of wildfires from Europe to Canada to Hawaii

2023-08-24T12:10+0200naharnet-ar (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-24T06:55+0200inquirer (en)

It’s a ghastly pattern that climate scientists around the world say has been worsened and fueled by human-caused global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions have greatly increased the chances of hot, dry weather that makes severe fires more likely. And while proper management can help — for instance,....

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-24T02:59+0200sunstar (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:58+0200yakimaherald (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:58+0200eagletribune (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:48+0200wacotrib (en)

It's a ghastly pattern that climate scientists around the world say has been worsened and fueled by human-caused global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions have greatly increased the chances of hot, dry weather that makes severe fires more likely. And while proper management can help — for instance,....

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:45+0200apnews (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:45+0200independent-UK (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

From Europe to Canada to Hawaii, photos capture destructive power of wildfires

2023-08-23T23:44+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

The destructive power of wildfire has been a defining feature of a summer of climate extremes. Dozens of people on multiple continents have died. Blazes have reduced homes and businesses to rubble. Thick smoke has darkened skies and carried fine-particle pollution thousands of miles from its source.

Spain: Tenerife fire 'partially stabilised', but not controlled

2023-08-23T14:39+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-08-23T12:37:28.128Z. Highlights: The fire that has ravaged since August 15 the Spanish island of Tenerife, in the very tourist archipelago of the Canaries, is "stabilized for the most part", said Wednesday the local authorities. This fire is the largest in the country since the beginning of the year.

Wildfires continue to rage around the world with 'humans to blame'

2023-08-23T07:07+0200irishmirror (en)

TOPSHOT - Wildfires burn the forests near the village of Vati, just north of the coastal town of Gennadi, in the southern part of the Greek island of Rhodes, on July 25, 2023. Some 30,000 people fled the flames on Rhodes during the weekend, the country's largest-ever wildfire evacuation as the Greek....

700 evacuated as wildfire rages on Italy's Elba Island

2023-08-23T06:21+0200europesun (en)

ROME, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- At least 700 residents had to be evacuated as a vast wildfire scorched the Italian island of Elba late on Monday, authorities said. The blaze was contained on Tuesday. The fire was fueled by back-to-back summer heatwaves and droughts that have left trees and plants in the region dry and brittle.

700 evacuated as wildfire rages on Italy's Elba Island

2023-08-22T20:51+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ROME, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- At least 700 residents had to be evacuated as a vast wildfire scorched the Italian island of Elba late on Monday, authorities said. The blaze was contained on Tuesday. The fire was fueled by back-to-back summer heatwaves and droughts that have left trees and plants in the region dry and brittle.

700 evacuated as wildfire rages on Italy's Elba Island

2023-08-22T20:49+0200english-news-cn (en)

ROME, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- At least 700 residents had to be evacuated as a vast wildfire scorched the Italian island of Elba late on Monday, authorities said. The blaze was contained on Tuesday. The fire was fueled by back-to-back summer heatwaves and droughts that have left trees and plants in the region dry and brittle.

700 evacuated as wildfire rages on Italy's Elba Island

2023-08-22T20:48+0200china.org.cn (en)

ROME, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- At least 700 residents had to be evacuated as a vast wildfire scorched the Italian island of Elba late on Monday, authorities said. The blaze was contained on Tuesday. The fire was fueled by back-to-back summer heatwaves and droughts that have left trees and plants in the region dry and brittle.

'For the entire planet, it is a disaster'

2023-08-22T18:33+0200buzz (en)

were reported as being caught up in infernos in Greece, Spain , Italy, France, Tenerife, Hawaii and more this summer. For some, climate breakdown may have seemed like some far off problem that wasn't going to impact many of us until well into the future. But scenes in from across the globe this summer tell a very different story.

Europe endures another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-22T17:05+0200economictimes (en)

GREECE Eighteen burned bodies, possibly of migrants, were found on Aug. 22 as wildfires have been raging uncontrollably near Alexandroupolis. The blaze, which started on Aug. 19, forced the evacuation of dozens of hospital patients. Another person was found dead on Aug. 21. Fires have been scorching Greece since the beginning of summer.

Fire on the island of Tenerife: firefighters see "the end of the tunnel"

2023-08-22T16:52+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-08-22T14:49:41.262Z. Highlights: Falling night temperatures and weaker winds helped firefighters. The fire broke out after a heat wave hit the archipelago, drying out many places. Spain is on the front line in Europe in the face of global warming and its consequences.

Europe endures another summer of wildfires, droughts amid scorching temperatures

2023-08-22T16:47+0200france24-en (en)

Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires .

Factbox-Europe endures another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-22T13:56+02004-traders (en)

Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires. This year, temperatures could exceed Europe's current record of 48.8 degrees Celsius, recorded in Sicily in August 2021. Below is a list of the most recent blazes and heat-related warnings issued in Europe.

Widespread Evacuations in Greece as Two Die due to Wildfires

2023-08-22T11:25+0200albaniannews (en)

A series of ferocious wildfires that are continuing to wreak havoc across Greece have triggered mass evacuations from tourist hotspots across the nation. Firefighters are desperately trying to douse the flames with water but the blaze is raging though northeastern Greece and close to the capital of Athens.

Extreme Weather Strengthens, El Nino Predicted until February 2024

2023-08-21T14:34+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. KOMPAS/DIONISIUS REYNALDO TRIWIBOWO. A joint team of forest and land firefighters in Palangkaraya city struggled to put out a fire in peatlands suspected to have been caused by human activity on Hiu....

Wildfire on popular Spanish tourist island Tenerife was started deliberately, official says

2023-08-20T21:53+0200CBC (en)

Local residents try to reach their houses in Benijos village as fire advances in La Orotava in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain on Saturday. Firefighters battled through the night to try to bring under control the worst wildfire in decades on the Spanish Canary Island of Tenerife.

Siccità: in Spagna si è (nuovamente) prosciugata la più grande laguna del parco andaluso sito UNESCO

2023-08-18T17:42+0200greenme (it)

Minaccia ambientale nel Parco Nazionale di Doñana: la Laguna di Santa Olalla in secca per il secondo anno consecutivo a causa dell'attività umana e dei cambiamenti climatici Nel Parco Nazionale di Doñana , in Spagna , la laguna di Santa Olalla ha sperimentato per la seconda estate consecutiva un....

Si vives en uno de estos lugares de España, es posible que vivas una catástrofe natural

2023-08-18T15:33+0200elperiodico (es)

Un ejemplo de los daños provocados por un terremoto son los que se sucedieron en Murcia en el año 2011 cuando la zona fue sacudida por un temblor de magnitud de 5,1 . Pero que esto suceda en la Región de Murcia no es casualidad, el suelo de esta Comunidad Autónoma ha demostrado que Lorca es la zona....

Already in midst of dire climate crises, US faces prospect of worsening disasters

2023-08-18T14:35+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

The climate change-induced disasters are only slated to accelerate, Zong-Liang Yang, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s Jackson School of Geosciences told Anadolu. “We are entering a stage from global warming to global boiling,” Yang said, echoing a warning from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Already in midst of dire climate crises, US faces prospect of worsening disasters

2023-08-18T13:20+0200aa-en (en)

HOUSTON, United States. This year has seen wave after wave of extreme weather batter the US from mass flooding in drought-stricken California to record-shattering heatwaves in the Southwest, and wildfires in Hawaii that have produced death tolls not seen in over a century.

Already In Midst Of Dire Climate Crises, US Faces Prospect Of Worsening Disasters

2023-08-18T11:36+0200haberler-en (en)

This year has seen wave after wave of extreme weather batter the US – from mass flooding in drought-stricken California to record-shattering heatwaves in the Southwest, and wildfires in Hawaii that have produced death tolls not seen in over a century.

Mario Picazo alerta: un huracán llegará a España en las próximas semanas

2023-08-17T19:08+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

No es la primera vez que el experto usa su perfil de Twitter para advertir sobre algún hecho, ya lo hizo con la sequía, los reventones térmicos o la Dana. Debido al cambio climático, estas anomalías atmosféricas han ido en aumento , por ejemplo con las fuertes inundaciones o los aumentos extremos de la temperatura.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July b... 56m ago

2023-08-17T15:26+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month re... 53m ago

2023-08-17T15:26+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-17T15:11+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-17T15:03+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Tenerife wildfires burn ‘out of control’ as top tourist area is closed off and more villages and holiday homes are evacuated

2023-08-17T15:03+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Bordering on Spain , the Pyrenees-Orientales region has been affected worse than any other French region by a devastating drought. Last week, firefighters battled another wildfire near the southwestern city of Bordeaux that forced around 8,000 people to flee their homes and holiday villas.

© Saw San Teo | Dreamstime.com UK will face greater food insecurity as climate crisis deepens, analysts say The UK will face ever greater food insecurity as long as greenhouse gas emissions continue heating the Earth’s atmosphere, analysts have said. Around half the food consumed here is from....

2023-08-17T14:44+0200hortidaily (en)

The UK will face ever greater food insecurity as long as greenhouse gas emissions continue heating the Earth’s atmosphere, analysts have said. Around half the food consumed here is from abroad, and a quarter of those imports are from the Mediterranean.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-17T14:34+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching temperatures which have reached worrying levels globally, with July being the hottest month recorded on both land and sea. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe Sees Another Year of Droughts and Wildfires

2023-08-17T14:32+0200usnews (en)

FILE PHOTO: An aerial view shows the Santa Olalla lagoon, the largest permanent lagoon in the Donana wetlands of southern Spain , completely dried out for the second summer in a row amid the country's prolonged drought and the overexploitation of aquifers, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)....

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-08-17T14:31+02004-traders (en)

Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires. This year, temperatures could exceed Europe's current record of 48.8 degrees Celsius, recorded in Sicily in August 2021. Below is a list of the most recent blazes and heat-related warnings issued in Europe.

Tenerife wildfires burn 'out of control' as top tourist area is closed off and more villages and holiday homes are evacuated

2023-08-17T10:04+0200dailymail (en)

Authorities deployed 14 aircraft and a combined 250 firefighters and military personnel. A waterbombing seaplane arrived on Wednesday afternoon from the mainland and two others were expected on Thursday morning. Vicky Palma, a wildfire adviser to the Tenerife council, told Canarias Radio the....

10 EU states cutting firefighters, despite summer wildfires

2023-08-16T11:16+0200euobserver (en)

July was the hottest month ever recorded by the EU's climate monitoring agency, Copernicus. Temperatures in Greece reached 46 degrees Celsius. Southern Europe was the area most affected by severe heat waves, with anomalies of around 4°C recorded in Italy, Greece, and Spain .

Is climate change affecting tourism in southern Europe?

2023-08-16T08:38+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Although devastating wildfires rage each year around the Mediterranean, heat waves bring temperatures above 40 degrees (104°F) and droughts are commonplace, southern European countries such as Spain , Greece and Italy are once again seeing record numbers of tourists this summer.

Montana Court Ruling: Young Plaintiffs Victorious in Landmark Climate Lawsuit

2023-08-15T18:39+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-15 15:08:00. A district judge in the US state of Montana has ruled that the state government is violating the basic rights of young plaintiffs by supporting the extraction and use of fossil fuels and requiring environmental impact assessments to ignore the negative effects of greenhouse gases.

Mediterranean fruit and veg to become more scarce and expensive due to climate change

2023-08-15T17:19+0200irishexaminer (en)

Fresh fruit and vegetables from the Mediterranean will become more expensive and scarce if droughts and extreme weather continue each year due to climate change. Irish shoppers had been warned earlier in the year to brace themselves for shortages as cold winter weather and surging energy prices squeezed Mediterranean supplies.

France wildfires rip through homes and campsite as thousands of tourists flee

2023-08-15T13:29+0200themirror (en)

Thousands of tourists have been evacuated from a holiday hotspot after ferocious wildfires destroyed homes and campsites. At least 3,000 tourists have fled after the blaze ripped through 500 hectares of land in an area of close to the Spanish border that has been sweltering for months.

More than 3,000 tourists evacuated from Brit holiday hotspot as 'catastrophic' wildfires ravage homes and campsite near French seaside resort

2023-08-15T12:33+0200dailymail (en)

More than 3,000 tourists have been evacuated from a British holiday hotspot in France after 'catastrophic' wildfires ravaged homes and holiday campsites. The blazing wildfires have ripped through 500 hectares of land and seen thousands of terrified tourists flee for their lives from their holiday homes and campsites close to the Spanish border.

Is climate change affecting tourism in southern Europe?

2023-08-15T11:37+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

Although devastating wildfires rage each year around the Mediterranean, heat waves bring temperatures above 40 degrees (104°F) and droughts are commonplace, southern European countries such as Spain , Greece and Italy are once again seeing record numbers of tourists this summer.

Is climate change affecting tourism in southern Europe?

2023-08-15T11:19+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Although devastating wildfires rage each year around the Mediterranean, heat waves bring temperatures above 40 degrees (104°F) and droughts are commonplace, southern European countries such as Spain , Greece and Italy are once again seeing record numbers of tourists this summer.

Climate, Vol. 11, Pages 171: Generation Z Worries, Suffers and Acts against Climate Crisis—The Potential of Sensing Children’s and Young People’s Eco-Anxiety: A Critical Analysis Based on an Integrative Review

2023-08-14T07:47+0200mdpi (en)

The adverse and severe impacts of climate-induced natural hazards, which are expected to be aggravated by climate change, are forming a wider outline of the environmental crisis, being a source of negative emotions for human societies. Children and young people, in particular, are one of the most vulnerable social groups to this distress.

Earth on the Brink: New Climate Projections Detail Future Risks for Many People Worldwide

2023-08-12T13:00+0200scitechdaily (en)

A recent study, built to enable local action, highlights the severe climate impacts resulting from a 2°C temperature rise. This summer, the headlines have been dominated with reports of extreme weather: from raging wildfires in Canada to perilous floods in India, Japan, and the Eastern US; intense....

Study Finds Extreme Weather Events Will Worsen as Planet Warms

2023-08-11T16:28+0200azocleantech (en)

Extreme weather events have dominated the news this summer, with reports on extensive wildfires in Canada; dangerous flooding in India, Japan, and the Eastern US; severe heat waves in Spain , China, the United States, and Mexico; and the hottest day ever recorded on Earth.

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:13+0200diarioCordoba (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:13+0200laopiniondemalaga (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:11+0200eldia (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:10+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:10+0200superdeporte (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:10+0200diariodeibiza (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:09+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:09+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:08+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:08+0200FaroDeVigo (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:07+0200laopinioncoruna (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:06+0200laprovincia (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Antídoto contra la desertificación de España: aumentar la materia orgánica del suelo

2023-08-11T08:04+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

El programa de Naciones Unidas contra la desertificación alertaba hace pocos años de que el 75% de la superficie de España sufre riesgo de sufrir este problema, que acaba con la producción agrícola, entre otras muchas cosas. "Los suelos [en España] están muy degradados como consecuencia de un....

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-10T22:17+0200japantoday (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Climate projections detail future risks for many people worldwide

2023-08-10T21:30+0200phys (en)

Extreme weather events have dominated the news this summer, with reports on extensive wildfires in Canada; dangerous flooding in India, Japan, and the Eastern U.S.; severe heat waves in Spain , China, the United States, and Mexico; and the hottest day ever recorded on Earth.

Diez desafíos medioambientales que impactan en España

2023-08-10T18:23+0200soziable (es)

ha querido mostrar, en imágenes, algunos de los principales impactos medioambientales sobre los paisajes, los ecosistemas, la biodiversidad y el territorio, agravados por el cambio climático. Sequía. La organización apunta a las evidencias científicas que existen acerca de u na progresiva expansión....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-10T07:37+0200bssnews (en)

MADRID, Aug 10, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Temperatures soared across Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. As huge forest fires raged across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that the average....

Portugal, Spain Battle Wildfires Amid Heatwave Alerts

2023-08-10T05:53+0200menafn (en)

- Jordan Times) LISBON - Hundreds of firefighters were on Tuesday battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighbouring Spain , is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain, Portugal

2023-08-10T05:49+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Personnel of the Protection and Relief Intervention Group (GIPS) specialised in combating forest fires, arrive to battle a wildfire in Reguengo, Portalegre district, south of Portugal , on August 8, 2023. Photo by Patricia DE MELO MOREIRA / AFP. Temperatures soared across Spain and Portugal on....

Emergenza roghi, in fumo 59.000 ettari in Italia: le regioni più colpite sono Sicilia e Calabria

2023-08-09T21:27+0200247libero (it)

Dalla Grecia all'Italia, fino alla Spagna, a luglio gli incendi hanno bruciato le foreste in Europa. Alte temperature, venti forti, siccità e vegetazione secca sono tra le cause che hanno reso i roghi così ostinati e diffusi, minacciando i boschi anche in Croazia e Portogallo.

Emergenza roghi, in fumo 59.000 ettari in Italia: le regioni più colpite sono Sicilia e Calabria

2023-08-09T21:10+0200repubblica (it)

Dalla Grecia all'Italia, fino alla Spagna, a luglio gli incendi hanno bruciato le foreste in Europa. Alte temperature, venti forti, siccità e vegetazione secca sono tra le cause che hanno reso i roghi così ostinati e diffusi, minacciando i boschi anche in Croazia e Portogallo.

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T21:09+0200europesun (en)

Madrid (AFP) - Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Celsuis in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that the....

Record Heat Warning As Forest Fires Rage In Spain And Portugal

2023-08-09T19:27+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Madrid: Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain, Portugal

2023-08-09T18:52+0200newagebd (en)

A firefighter plane drops water over a wildfire in Odeceixe, south of Portugal , on Tuesday. — AFP photo. Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer.

Spain braces for record temperatures, with nearly the whole country on 'red weather alert' as Europe basks in another summer heatwave

2023-08-09T18:10+0200dailymail (en)

Holidaymakers are bracing for temperatures to soar record temperatures in Spain , with forecasters predicting highs of up to 44C in parts of the country and Portugal as they boil under their third heatwave of the summer. Spain's weather service has warned that the average temperature nationwide....

Portugal, Spain battle fires amid heat alerts

2023-08-09T18:06+0200manilatimes (en)

LISBON: Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which, like neighboring Spain , is sweltering in a heat wave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe,....

EU pledges €400m for flood-hit Slovenia

2023-08-09T16:46+0200digitpatrox (en)

The EU will make a minimum of €400 million obtainable to Slovenia after devastating floods there killed a minimum of six folks and affected tens of hundreds of households, European Fee President Ursula von der Leyen has mentioned. Hundreds of individuals have been evacuated from houses round....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T16:42+0200phys (en)

Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heat wave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T16:15+0200terradaily (en)

Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that the....

July hottest month on record: EU climate observatory

2023-08-09T16:15+0200terradaily (en)

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, the European Union's climate observatory confirmed Tuesday, warning of dire consequences. Marked by heatwaves and fires all around the world, the previous month was 0.33 degrees Celsius higher than the record set in July 2019 when the average temperature was 16.

Record Heat Warning As Forest Fires Rage In Spain And Portugal

2023-08-09T16:06+0200barrons (en)

Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that the....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T15:35+0200kuwaittimes (en)

Personnel of the Protection and Relief Intervention Group (GIPS) specialised in combating forest fires, arrive to battle a wildfire in Reguengo, Portalegre district, south of Portugal , on August 8, 2023. Madrid Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal 09 August 2023

2023-08-09T15:16+0200enca (en)

SPAIN - Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned....

Wildfires rage Spain, Portugal as temperatures expected to hit 44C

2023-08-09T14:54+0200ahram-EN (en)

With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain 's weather service warned that the average temperature across the country could hit a 70-year record. "This will probably be the hottest five August days in 73 years," said AEMET, the state meteorological....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T14:53+0200mb-com-ph (en)

MADRID, Spain - Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T14:32+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Madrid: Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned....

Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T14:29+0200timesofmalta (en)

Temperatures are expected to hit 44 degrees Centigrade (111 Fahrenheit) in Spain and Portugal on Wednesday as the two countries boil under their third heatwave of the summer. With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain's weather service warned that the....

EU pledges €400m for flood-hit Slovenia

2023-08-09T14:28+0200RTERadio (en)

The EU will make at least €400 million available to Slovenia after devastating floods there killed at least six people and affected tens of thousands of households, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has said. Thousands of people have been evacuated from homes around northwest and....

09/08/2023 Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal

2023-08-09T14:07+0200rfi-en (en)

With huge forest fires raging across southern Portugal for the fifth successive day, Spain 's weather service warned that the average temperature across the country could hit a 70-year record. "This will probably be the hottest five August days in 73 years," said AEMET, the state meteorological....

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T06:27+0200dunyanews (en)

LISBON (AFP) Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe,....

Portugal, Spain Battle Wildfires Amid Heatwave Alerts

2023-08-09T05:01+0200ibtimes (en)

Firefighters are using water bombers to battle fierce blazes in Portugal AFP. Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal, which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts.

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T04:56+0200ibtimes-uk (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. Firefighters are using water bombers to battle fierce blazes in Portugal AFP News.

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T02:37+0200digitaljournal (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires.

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T02:24+0200heraldsun (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing....

09/08/2023 Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T02:23+0200rfi-en (en)

The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. The temperature rose to 46.4 degrees Celsius (115.5 Fahrenheit) in Santarem, central Portugal , on Monday, a record for 2023 according to provisional data from the meteorological office.

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T02:18+0200couriermail (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Tuesday battled a wildfire that has burned for four days in southern Portugal , which like neighbouring Spain is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing....

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-09T02:07+0200inquirer (en)

Tourists cool off in a fountain in Cordoba, southern Spain on August 8, 2023. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. The met office in Spain said the heat there was expected to top 44C today and....

Spagna: incendio boschivo al confine con il Portogallo, 20 evacuati

2023-08-09T00:27+0200meteoweb (it)

A causa di un incendio boschivo scoppiato ieri pomeriggio a Valencia de Alcantara , circa venti persone sono state evacuate. Il rogo è scoppiato nella provincia spagnola di Caceres , vicino al confine con il Portogallo . Purtroppo, i forti venti hanno complicato le operazioni di spegnimento delle fiamme.

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-08T23:30+0200jordantimes (en)

LISBON — Hundreds of firefighters were on Tuesday battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighbouring Spain , is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe,....

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heat wave alerts

2023-08-08T18:45+0200phys (en)

Hundreds of firefighters were on Tuesday battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighboring Spain , is sweltering in a heat wave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heat waves, droughts and wildfires.

Portugal, Spain Battle Wildfires Amid Heatwave Alerts

2023-08-08T16:54+0200barrons (en)

Hundreds of firefighters were on Tuesday battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighbouring Spain , is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires.

Over 1,000 evacuated as wildfires burn in Portugal

2023-08-08T16:30+0200thejournal (en)

HUNDREDS OF FIREFIGHTERS are battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighbouring Spain , is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts. The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires.

AFP - Portugal-Spain-weather-fires

2023-08-08T16:21+0200nampa (en)

Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts =(Video+Picture)= Lisbon, Aug 8, 2023 (AFP) - Hundreds of firefighters were on Tuesday battling a wildfire that has burned for four days in Portugal , which, like neighbouring Spain, is sweltering in a heatwave that has triggered widespread weather alerts.

08/08/2023 Portugal, Spain battle wildfires amid heatwave alerts

2023-08-08T15:55+0200rfi-en (en)

The Iberian Peninsula is bearing the brunt of climate change in Europe, witnessing increasingly intense heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. The temperature rose to 46.4 degrees Celsius (115.5 degrees Fahrenheit) in Santarem, central Portugal , on Monday – a record for 2023 -- according to provisional data from the meteorological office.

Diez desafíos medioambientales en España a vista de pájaro

2023-08-08T09:10+020020minutos (es)

Sequía. Cultivos de regadío intensivo en torno a un meandro del río Ebro a su paso por Osera de Ebro, en Zaragoza. Al fondo, el desierto de los Monegros. El uso intensivo del regadío genera una especie de oasis ficticios en medio de paisajes áridos. No hay agua para tanto regadío.

Incendi che devastano il mondo: non dimentichiamo le emergenze secondarie

2023-08-08T00:44+0200interris (it)

. Ora le fiamme stanno bruciando in Sardegna . Ma non è solo l’Italia ad essere compita da questi eventi estremi : negli USA, in Canada, in Francia, in Spagna, in Algeria, in Tunisia e in Portogallo ampie aree sono devastate da fuochi incontrollabili (per una visione in tempo reale degli incendi più....

Caldo record, nuovo allarme in Italia: quando saliranno le temperature, di quanto e dove

2023-08-07T21:19+0200247libero (it)

Una nuova ondata di caldo africano raggiungerà l’Italia, e avvilupperà la nostra penisola, portando con sé temperature record. Temperature record e fenomeni estremi con le quali la Spagna sta già facendo i conti. Infatti, l’ Aemet (ossia l’ Agenzia Statale di Meteorologia ) ha avvisato che il caldo è già molto intenso.

Caldo record, nuovo allarme in Italia: quando saliranno le temperature, di quanto e dove

2023-08-07T20:27+0200money-it (it)

Una nuova ondata di caldo africano raggiungerà l’Italia, e avvilupperà la nostra penisola, portando con sé temperature record. Temperature record e fenomeni estremi con le quali la Spagna sta già facendo i conti. Infatti, l’ Aemet (ossia l’ Agenzia Statale di Meteorologia ) ha avvisato che il caldo è già molto intenso.

Fires in Portugal and Spain: forest fires destroy thousands of hectares of land

2023-08-07T09:54+0200tellerreport (en)

Zoom Image. Proença-a-Nova in Portugal : fighting the fire. Photo: PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / AFP. Several forest fires destroyed huge areas on the Iberian Peninsula over the weekend. More than a thousand firefighters fought a forest fire in central Portugal on Sunday, which has already claimed the lives of around 7000 hectares of land.

Fire in Portugal covers over 17,000 acres, injures 11

2023-08-07T09:32+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Aug. 07 (MNA) – A wildfire in Portugal has covered an area of 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) and injured at least 11 people. "The estimated area of burning is 7,000 hectares ...Unfortunately, to date, we have recorded 11 victims with minor injuries," CNN Portugal quoted the commander of the....

Fire in Portugal covers over 17,000 acres, injures 11

2023-08-07T09:20+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Aug. 07 (MNA) – A wildfire in Portugal has covered an area of 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) and injured at least 11 people. "The estimated area of burning is 7,000 hectares ...Unfortunately, to date, we have recorded 11 victims with minor injuries," CNN Portugal quoted the commander of the....

Fire in Portugal covers 17,300 acres, injures at least 11

2023-08-07T06:43+0200uniindia (en)

Lisbon, Aug 7 (UNI) A wildfire in Portugal has covered an area of 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) and injured at least 11 people, Jose Guilherme, the commander of the regional authority for emergency and civil protection of the Alentejo region, said Sunday. "The estimated area of burning is 7,000 hectares .

Spain Worries Over 'Lifeless Land' Amid Creeping Desertification

2023-08-07T04:58+0200news18 (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil" which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden. “There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-06T17:00+0200malaymail (en)

MADRID, Aug 6 — Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil” which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden. Wearing dusty trainers and with a canvas hat on his head, this specialist in....

In focus – Economic losses related to weather and climate in EU countries

2023-08-03T17:35+0200eliamep (en)

Climate change makes EU countries increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters as it leads to extreme weather events such as high temperatures, heavy rainfall and droughts that threaten human life and the environment. At the same time, they cause significant economic losses as they damage property....

Crisi climatica e attività umana: Spagna in lotta contro la ‘desertificazione’

2023-08-02T11:56+0200geagency (it)

Suoli aridi, senza microrganismi, senza vita: in Spagna ripetute siccità e sovrasfruttamento industriale o agricolo fanno temere un’irreversibile progressione di “terre sterili “, capaci di trasformare l'”orto d’Europa” in un territorio inospitale. “ La Spagna non diventerà un deserto, con dune come....

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-02T08:02+0200inquirer (en)

‘Complicated position’ Although the situation is extreme, it’s not only happening in Almeria. According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, 75 percent of Spain ’s land is battling climatic conditions that could lead to desertification, making it the European nation most threatened by the problem.

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-02T06:10+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil” which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden.”There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren,” says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-02T01:19+0200citizen (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil” which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden. “There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren,” says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain's Ongoing Droughts, Land Exploitation Spark Concerns Over 'Sterile Soil' and Desertification Threatening Europe's Kitchen Garden

2023-08-01T17:52+0200sciencetimes (en)

Spain is facing fears of "sterile soil" and desertification due to ongoing droughts and land overexploitation, potentially devastating Europe's kitchen garden. Gabriel del Barrio, a desertification specialist, monitors the daily degradation in Almeria, southern Andalusia, where once a holm oak forest stood but now only stunted shrubs remain.

01/08/2023 Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T15:05+0200rfi-en (en)

"There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain. Wearing dusty trainers and with a canvas hat on his head, this specialist in desertification has been worriedly monitoring the daily degradation of....

Spain Worries Over 'Lifeless Land' Amid Creeping Desertification

2023-08-01T14:56+0200barrons (en)

Wearing dusty trainers and with a canvas hat on his head, this specialist in desertification has been worriedly monitoring the daily degradation of the landscape in Almeria, in the southern Andalusia region. " Spain is not going to be a desert with dunes like in the Sahara, that's morphologically....

Mario Picazo dispara las alarmas por la llegada de un huracán a España en las próximas fechas

2023-08-01T14:43+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

Así de claro lo ha dejado el reputado meteorólogo Mario Picazo : en las próximas semanas podríamos enfrentarnos en España ni más ni menos que a un huracán que podría alterar gravemente la meteorología e nuestro país. El experto en interpretar el tiempo atmosférico, que siempre se mantiene muy activo....

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T10:55+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Almería, Spain : Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here..

Spain Worries over 'Lifeless Land' amid Creeping Desertification

2023-08-01T10:40+0200aawsat (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T10:14+0200phys (en)

"There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain. Wearing dusty trainers and with a canvas hat on his head, this specialist in desertification has been worriedly monitoring the daily degradation of....

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T08:25+0200thesundaily (en)

ALMERIA : Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil” which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden. “There used to be a holm oak forest here..

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T07:46+0200timesofmalta (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T06:57+0200urdupoint (en)

Almer�a, Spain , Aug 1 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st Aug, 2023 ) :Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both 's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren," says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain worries over 'lifeless land' amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T06:50+0200channelnewsasia (en)

ALMERIA: Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden. "There used to be a holm oak forest here ..

Spain Worries Over 'Lifeless Land' Amid Creeping Desertification

2023-08-01T06:22+0200ibtimes (en)

The ruins of the Church of Mediano, normally submerged in the waters of the Mediano reservoir, are now visible due to the ongoing drought AFP. Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of "sterile soil" which could devastate Europe's kitchen garden.

Spain worries over ‘lifeless land’ amid creeping desertification

2023-08-01T06:17+0200digitaljournal (en)

Ongoing droughts and an over-exploitation of land for both agriculture and industry have stoked fears in Spain over the creeping spread of “sterile soil” which could devastate Europe’s kitchen garden. “There used to be a holm oak forest here.. but now the land is barren,” says Gabriel del Barrio, pointing to a hill where only stunted shrubs remain.

Spain: with desertification, the worrying progression of "lifeless" land

2023-08-01T05:14+0200tellerreport (en)

"Here, before, there was a forest of holm oaks (...) Today, it's an inert landscape," says Gabriel del Barrio, dusty sneakers and canvas hat on his head, pointing to a hill with gully slopes where only stunted shrubs remain. A researcher at the Experimental Station for Drylands (Eeza) in Almeria,....

Mario Picazo alerta de la llegada de un huracán a España en las próximas semanas

2023-07-31T17:57+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

No es la primera vez que el experto usa su perfil de Twitter para advertir sobre algún hecho, ya lo hizo con la sequía, los reventones térmicos o la Dana. Debido al cambio climático , estas anomalías atmosféricas han ido en aumento , por ejemplo con las fuertes inundaciones o los aumentos extremos de la temperatura.

July 2023 expected to be hottest month ever recorded

2023-07-31T13:20+0200euractiv-en (en)

July 2023 has broken multiple temperature records and is expected to be the hottest month ever recorded, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation and EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service. The first weeks of July were the warmest three-week period on record and it is “virtually....

Huracán en España: Mario Picazo pone fecha al terrible fenómeno que llega en las próximas semanas

2023-07-31T13:13+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

No es la primera vez que Picazo se vale de su cuenta en Twitter (ahora 'X') para advertir a la población sobre algún suceso devastador como la sequía, 'El Niño', la DANA o los reventones térmicos. Desde hace años, además, el cambio climático ha recrudecido las anomalías térmicas: con temperaturas....

One Scottish area set to become hotspot for Mediterranean heat, weather expert warns

2023-07-28T12:30+0200dailyrecord (en)

Recent weeks have seen extreme heat with temperatures of 46C scorch southern Europe as wildfires raged across Greece and Spain . And according to Jim N R Dale, a senior meteorologist from British Weather Services, the UK could be set for a similar 'chaotic' fate in the coming decades.

La sequía de 2023 en España

2023-07-28T12:21+0200iagua (es)

Catedrático de Economía Agraria. Grupo WEARE. Universidad de Córdoba. La sequía es parte del clima Mediterráneo y, en los últimos treinta años, hemos sufrido sequías de larga duración en los periodos de 1990-1995 y 2005-2008, cada una de ellas con daños a la producción agraria (directos), estimados en más de mil millones de euros anuales.

As Europe battles blazes, experts warn wildfires now a year-round threat

2023-07-26T15:00+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. As Europe swelters under scorching heat, the effects of what has been a spell of record-shattering weather are clear to see in the wildfires raging in different parts of the continent. Now experts are warning that Europe’s “fire season” is no longer a period of months, but instead a yearlong affair.

As Europe Battles Blazes, Experts Warn Wildfires Now A Year-Round Threat

2023-07-26T13:49+0200haberler-en (en)

As Europe swelters under scorching heat, the effects of what has been a spell of record-shattering weather are clear to see in the wildfires raging in different parts of the continent. Now experts are warning that Europe's "fire season" is no longer a period of months, but instead a yearlong affair.

Flash Drought Hotspots: Iberian Peninsula

2023-07-26T13:15+0200planet (en)

” and “ Charon .” Others call it by a simpler moniker: heat wave. It’s the third spell this summer to afflict the Iberian Peninsula, the stretch of land jutting out of southwestern Europe that contains the countries of Spain and Portugal (among others).

Dalla Spagna alla Grecia, il Mediterraneo è in fiamme

2023-07-25T18:23+0200agi (it)

AGI - Dall'Europa meridionale al Nord Africa, tutti i Paesi affacciati sul Mediterraneo stanno bruciando e sono in lotta per spegnere devastanti incendi alimentati da venti forti e irregolari oltre che da temperature record, con una nuova ondata di caldo tra 45 e 50 gradi, causando ingenti danni al turismo estivo.

Factbox: Europe Sees Another Year of Droughts & Wildfires 25 Jul, 2023 09:25

2023-07-25T10:33+0200chronicle-lu (en)

A firefighting helicopter drops water as a wildfire burns in Mandra, Greece, 18 July 2023; Credit: Reuters/Alkis Konstantinidis. (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June 2023 having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring.

Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-25T09:04+0200expressindia (en)

Croatia. A bushfire near the coastal town of Sibenik quickly spread on July 13, fuelled by strong southerly winds. The fire was difficult to control, despite the efforts of 56 firefighters, along with 20 vehicles and three aircraft. The village of Grebastica suffered significant damage, including the destruction of cars and homes.

Factbox: Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-25T07:31+0200inquirer (en)

FRANCE. About six small-scale blazes have been recorded in the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Grand Est, Bouches-Du-Rhone and Corsica island. Mid-April, the French geological service BRGM said that very low groundwater levels had put France on course for a worse summer drought than last year, mainly in the southern part of the country.

Summer Holidays: Heatwaves, Fires… Despite Overheating, Tourism Sector Unfazed

2023-07-25T00:41+0200thetimeshub (en)

Tourism On the one hand, a historic drought in Spain , the heat wave in Italy and the fires in Greece, particularly on the island of Rhodes. On the other, tourism in these three countries, looking good and announcing a near-record summer 2023 ; : Heatwaves, fires Despite overheating, tourism sector....

Fires on Rhodes rage on - special flights for tourists

2023-07-24T16:08+02004-traders (en)

ATHENS (dpa-AFX) - Emergency forces in constant use, evacuated tourists and canceled flights to the vacation island of Rhodes: Greece continued to fight the consequences of severe forest fires on Monday. In the southeast of Rhodes, a major fire remained out of control despite massive deployment of Losch aircraft and helicopters.

Xinhua Headlines: Heatwaves scorch North Hemisphere, ring alarm about global warming

2023-07-24T16:05+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Since June, temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have continued to rise, and many countries, gripped by the most intense heatwave, have issued high temperature warnings. Forecasts show that 2023 is likely to be the hottest year ever.

Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-24T15:48+0200dunyanews (en)

(Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heat waves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Could cooler Sweden replace the Med as Europe's top summer tourist destination?

2023-07-24T15:37+0200thelocal-se (en)

According to the European Travel Commission (ETC), the number of people planning to travel to the Mediterranean between June and November this year was already down 10 percent on last year, when the region was also hit by droughts and wildfires. The impact of this year's intense Cerberus heatwave is....

Era of the British summer holiday is over, it’ll be too hot to bear, says Dr KEVIN COLLINS

2023-07-24T13:53+0200express (en)

The wildfires in Rhodes and Corfu have led to mass evacuations of towns and tourist resorts as hotels burn and smoke affects populated areas. Elsewhere in Greece day-time temperatures are regularly exceeding 35C in the shade, and only falling to 25C at night. Italy has had red heat alerts for all of its 23 major cities.

Scandinavian, American heatwaves European rainfall sparking catastrophes, says global weather office

2023-07-23T13:22+0200turkishpress (en)

GENEVA. Scandinavian heatwaves, lethal Western European rainfall, Siberian smoke and record North American heat causing devastating wildfires are among the catastrophes that include “human-made climate change,” the global weather office said Friday. At a bi-weekly UN news conference in Geneva, World....

What impact will the European heatwave have on Irish supermarket shelves?

2023-07-23T01:42+0200thejournal (en)

AS SOUTHERN EUROPE continues to grapple with an ongoing heatwave, some may worry if it will affect the produce available on Irish supermarket shelves in the coming weeks. The UN’s World Meteorological Agency has warned that the trend shows “no signs of decreasing” and many of the knock-on effects of....

Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-21T15:09+0200cde-news (en)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. #Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

A roundup of the extreme heat hitting the globe

2023-07-21T15:01+0200terradaily (en)

The world has been buffeted by fires, dire health warnings and broken temperature records in the past week. Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe. - Wildfires, closures in Greece - Greece said Thursday that archaeological sites, including the....

A roundup of the extreme heat hitting the globe

2023-07-21T14:01+0200EgyptianGazette (en)

LONDON – The world has been buffeted by fires, dire health warnings and broken temperature records in the past week. Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe. Wildfires, closures in Greece. Greece said that archaeological sites, including the....

Heat waves and tipping points

2023-07-21T05:10+0200theindependent (en)

“What we’re seeing is climate impacts that scientists thought would accompany certain temperatures happening far more rapidly, with far more devastating effects than had been forecast,” said Dr. Simon Nicholson of the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment at American University.

A roundup of the extreme heat hitting the globe

2023-07-21T00:18+0200BangkokPost (en)

PARIS - The world has been buffeted by fires, dire health warnings and broken temperature records in the past week. Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe. - Wildfires, closures in Greece - Greece said Thursday that archaeological sites,....

A roundup of the extreme heat hitting the globe

2023-07-20T21:23+0200phys (en)

Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe. Wildfires, closures in Greece. Greece said Thursday that archaeological sites , including the Acropolis, will be closed during the hottest hours of the day due to a new heatwave.

A Roundup Of The Extreme Heat Hitting The Globe

2023-07-20T19:21+0200ibtimes (en)

Heatwave in Europe and around the Mediterranean AFP. The world has been buffeted by fires, dire health warnings and broken temperature records in the past week. Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe.

A roundup of the extreme heat hitting the globe

2023-07-20T19:07+0200heraldsun (en)

Here is a roundup of the prolonged spell of extreme heat scorching millions around the globe. - Wildfires, closures in Greece - Greece said Thursday that archaeological sites, including the Acropolis, will be closed during the hottest hours of the day due to a new heatwave.

A Roundup Of The Extreme Heat Hitting The Globe

2023-07-20T18:51+0200barrons (en)

The nation is preparing for further high temperatures until Sunday, with peaks of 43 degrees Celsius (109 degrees Fahrenheit) expected in the centre of the country on Thursday. As Greece announced the restrictions, firefighters were still battling wildfires west of Athens, which have so far burned thousands of hectares (acres).

Where is the heatwave in Europe and when will it end?

2023-07-20T13:07+0200lbc (en)

20 July 2023, 11:59 The European heatwave has brought temperatures of up to 46 degrees in some places. Picture: Alamy/Getty Europe is currently seeing staggering heatwave temperatures causing wildfires and sever health warnings - so when does it end? Here's the latest news.

Europe Stays Tough Despite Scorching Heatwaves

2023-07-19T16:44+0200vieuws (en)

Europe has names for the intense heatwaves the continent is experiencing right now – Cerberus and Charon. Whatever you call it, they have one thing in common, bringing extreme temperatures. These severe conditions can devastate the environment, lives, and economy. Droughts and Wildfires Continue to Devastate Throughout Europe.

Millions hit by extreme heat on three continents

2023-07-19T15:21+0200terradaily (en)

By Yannick PASQUET Athens (AFP) July 19, 2023 A sustained spell of dangerous heat was impacting the lives of millions of people across three continents on Wednesday as fires raged and health worries mounted. Greece was battling wildfires that have been exacerbated by scorching weather and....

Incendi in Spagna, Grecia e Italia. L'Europa del sud sta bruciando

2023-07-19T13:57+0200247libero (it)

Caronte è appena arrivato e ha già messo a ferro e fuoco l’Europa meridionale. Dalla alla Grecia sono tantissimi gli incendi scoppiati nella regione. Nella notte tra venerdì e sabato sull’isola de La Palma, che fa parte dell’arcipelago spagnolo delle Canarie si è sviluppato un vasto incendio boschivo.

Incendi in Spagna, Grecia e Italia. L’Europa del sud sta bruciando

2023-07-19T13:30+0200editorialedomani (it)

Caronte è appena arrivato e ha già messo a ferro e fuoco l’Europa meridionale. Dalla alla Grecia sono tantissimi gli incendi scoppiati nella regione. Nella notte tra venerdì e sabato sull’isola de La Palma, che fa parte dell’arcipelago spagnolo delle Canarie si è sviluppato un vasto incendio boschivo.

IPCC Scientists Develop Annually Updated Climate Change Indicators

2023-07-19T04:55+0200climateadaptationplatform (en)

Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent worldwide as global average temperature increases. The earth’s temperature has already warmed above 1.1°C since preindustrial times. For every devasting flood, hurricane, typhoon, or wildfire, people want to know the role of climate change in it.

What is the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe?

2023-07-18T20:10+0200euronews-en (en)

As Europe faces a second heatwave this summer, we look at the highest temperatures ever recorded across the continent. Large parts of southern Europe have been struck by an intense and prolonged period of extreme heat. Temperatures are expected to reach 40C in Spain today and the early 40s in Sicily.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperat... 1h ago

2023-07-18T20:06+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperat... 43m ago

2023-07-18T19:46+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperat... 42m ago

2023-07-18T19:44+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires 23m ago

2023-07-18T19:26+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-18T19:20+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe Sees Another Year of Droughts and Wildfires

2023-07-18T19:15+0200usnews (en)

Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires. This year, temperatures could exceed Europe's current record of 48.8 Celsius (119.84 Fahrenheit), recorded in Sicily in August 2021.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-18T19:07+0200streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-18T19:05+02004-traders (en)

Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires. This year, temperatures could exceed Europe's current record of 48.8 Celsius (119.84 Fahrenheit), recorded in Sicily in August 2021.

Factbox-Europe sees another year of droughts and wildfires

2023-07-18T19:04+0200reuters (en)

July 18 (Reuters) - Europe is battling the effects of scorching weather, with June having been the hottest month on record in the 174-year history of temperature monitoring. Last year, heatwaves resulted in over 61,600 heat-related fatalities across 35 European countries and triggered devastating wildfires.

Mundo Más de dos mil personas son evacuadas por incendio forestal fuera de control en islas Canarias de España

2023-07-16T15:59+0200LaTercera (es)

Más de 2.000 personas fueron evacuadas por un incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma , en las Islas Canarias españolas, que destruyó alrededor de una decena de viviendas, informaron las autoridades. Las llamas han afectado a una superficie de unas 4.

España: Evacúan a más de 2.000 personas por incendio forestal fuera de control en las Islas Canarias

2023-07-16T07:07+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Más de 2.000 personas han sido evacuadas por un incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma , en las Islas Canarias españolas, que destruyó alrededor de una decena de viviendas, informaron las autoridades. Las llamas han afectado a una superficie de unas 4.500 hectáreas (11.

Evacuan a 2 mil por incendio en España

2023-07-16T05:01+0200elmanana (es)

España. Más de 2.000 personas fueron evacuadas por un incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma, en las Islas Canarias españolas, que destruyó alrededor de una decena de viviendas, informaron las autoridades. Las llamas han afectado a una superficie de unas 4.500 hectáreas (11.

Más de 2.000 personas son evacuadas por incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma, España

2023-07-16T00:23+0200elnuevoherald (es)

BARCELONA. Más de 2.000 personas fueron evacuadas por un incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma, en las Islas Canarias españolas, que destruyó alrededor de una decena de viviendas, informaron las autoridades. Las llamas han afectado a una superficie de unas 4.500 hectáreas (11.

Diario Más de 2.000 personas son evacuadas por incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma, España

2023-07-16T00:20+0200elpaso (es)

BARCELONA (AP) Más de 2.000 personas fueron evacuadas por un incendio forestal fuera de control en La Palma, en las Islas Canarias españolas, que destruyó alrededor de una decena de viviendas, informaron las autoridades. Las llamas han afectado a una superficie de unas 4.500 hectáreas (11.

Spagna: incendio in isola La Palma, 500 evacuati, in fiamme 140 ettari

2023-07-15T16:13+0200meteoweb (it)

Un incendio è scoppiato nella notte in un’area boschiva abitata dell’isola spagnola di La Palma, nel municipio di Puntagorda che si trova nella zona nordovest dell’isola, le fiamme hanno colpito un’area di 140 ettari, bruciando 11 abitazioni, e 500 persone sono state evacuate.

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