Overall Green alert Drought for D.R. Congo-2021
in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 174
Articles about casualties: 3 (1.7%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

La guerra dell’acqua

2021-07-22T07:37+0200ecomy-it (it)

Pur non condividendo l’opzione militare, Mohamed Nasreddin Allam, ministro dell’Irrigazione egiziano tra il 2009 e il 2011, spiega che per la sopravvivenza del suo Paese non rimangono molte altre strade: “Con il riempimento ordinato dal premier etiope, in questi giorni nel corpo della diga si stanno....

Meteo: la seconda ondata di calore dell’estate avrà l’apice fra oggi e domani

Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:45:00 +0200cinquecolonne (it)

Le previsioni meteo sul Mediterraneo centrale e sull’Italia ci dicono che è in espansione il promontorio di matrice nord-africana che sta causando una nuova impennata delle temperature, destinate a superare i 35 gradi in molte zone fino a salire localmente verso i 40 gradi sulle regioni....


Wed, 07 Jul 2021 08:53:00 +0200ladeadellacaccia (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Cumulative growth and stress responses to the 2018-2019 drought in a European floodplain forest

Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:57:00 +0200biorxiv (en)

Abstract. Droughts increasingly threaten the worlds forests and their potential to mitigate climate change. In 2018-2019, Central European forests were hit by two consecutive hotter drought years, an unprecedented phenomenon that is likely to occur more frequently with climate change.

Western farmers fight for fairness, businesses amid drought 'like Hurricane Katrina'

Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:18:00 +0200foxnews (en)

Ron Gibson manages 1,500 head of cattle in Northern Utah but may soon lack the resources to sustain his herd. Scorching temperatures and the absence of rain have created a depletion in feed supply for cattle farmers like Ron. With watering rights in his area cut about 70% in efforts to preserve the....

Incendi: Coldiretti, Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 18:02:00 +0200filodirettonews (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna, dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo, con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. È quanto emerge dal monitoraggio di Coldiretti dal quale....

La visualizzazione e l'analisi dei dati spaziali stanno aiutando a risolvere alcuni dei problemi più urgenti per affrontare a livello aziendale eventi futuri di portata eccezionale.

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 15:41:00 +0200technologyreview-it (it)

Molte aziende non sanno ancora come il cambiamento climatico cambierà la loro attività, ma altre stanno prendendo sul serio il problema e ricordando alle altre di proteggersi dal rischio sistemico, mantenendo allo stesso tempo positivo il rapporto con la clientela.

Coldiretti, Incendi: Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 11:03:00 +0200247libero (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Coldiretti, Incendi: Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 10:24:00 +0200politicanews (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Incendi: Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 10:03:00 +0200247libero (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi , dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo, con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Cittadini e Imprese Emergenza Incendi al Sud: l’allarme di Coldiretti L’allarme di Coldiretti: con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud. Con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo ... lentepubblica.it • 5 Luglio 2021

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 00:05:00 +0200lentepubblica (it)

L’allarme di Coldiretti: con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud. Con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi sono andati a fuoco.

European heatwave: Which countries face the biggest risk from wildfires?

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 17:56:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

Parts of the Mediterranean and central Europe are set to experience intensely high summer temperatures in the coming weeks, putting them at high risk from wildfires. The continent saw this season’s first heatwave in mid-June as the mercury climbed to 35 degrees celsius in many places.

Alarmingly low rain levels prime California for fire danger in summer, fall

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 16:50:00 +0200phys (en)

for other parts of the state. But Southern California didn't fare much better. "Rain years" are measured from the beginning of July to the end of June, and the last 12 months were the seventh driest in Los Angeles' 144 years of records, said Jan Null, meteorologist and founder of Golden Gate Weather Services.

Incendi: Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 14:14:00 +0200notizieinunclick (it)

al Sud con il divampare di roghi. Dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’ Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal quale si evidenzia che le temperature tropicali e l’assenza di precipitazioni....

Incendi: Puglia e Sud devastati. Coldiretti: «Danni per 15 anni, il 60% dei roghi è doloso». Nuova ondata di caldo africano

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:00:00 +0200quotidianodipuglia (it)

Quindici anni di tempo per riparare i danni causati dal fuoco di questi giorni di caldo torrido, con l'aggravante che nel 60% dei casi dietro ci sarebbe l'azione dell'uomo. In più, temperature di gran lunga superiori alla media e mancanza di piogge hanno fatto scattatare l'emergenza incendi al Sud....

Incendi: Coldiretti, Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 12:47:00 +0200ilcittadinodimessina (it)

lunedì 5 luglio 2021 Incendi: Coldiretti, Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia. Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna, dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco.


Mon, 05 Jul 2021 12:17:00 +02009colonne-it (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Incendi: Puglia e Sud devastati. L'allarme di Coldiretti: «Occorrono 15 anni per rimediare ai danni». Il 60% dei roghi è doloso

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:56:00 +0200quotidianodipuglia (it)

Quindici anni di tempo per riparare i danni causati dal fuoco di questi giorni di caldo torrido, con l'aggravante che nel 60% dei casi dietro ci sarebbe l'azione dell'uomo. In più, temperature di gran lunga superiori alla media e mancanza di piogge hanno fatto scattatare l'emergenza incendi al Sud....

Incendi. Sud Italia in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:48:00 +0200agricultura (it)

ROMA – Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti....

Incendi: Coldiretti, Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:32:00 +0200agensir (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna, dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. È quanto emerge dal monitoraggio di Coldiretti dal quale....

Incendi: Sud in fiamme con estate senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:29:00 +0200radiosubasio (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud. Stanno divampando roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. Emerge dal monitoraggio di Coldiretti dal quale si evidenzia....

Incendi, Coldiretti, sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 10:38:00 +0200agricolae (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco. E’ quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal....

Incendi: Sud Italia in fiamme in un’estate rovente senza piogge

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 10:24:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Con il caldo anomalo e la mancanza di pioggia è scattata l’emergenza incendi al Sud con il divampare di roghi, dalla Sicilia alla Sardegna dalla Puglia all’Abruzzo con decine di ettari di macchia mediterranea, boschi e ulivi andati a fuoco: è quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della Coldiretti dal quale....

Vasto incendio nel sud di Cipro: il rogo boschivo è finalmente “sotto controllo”

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 10:24:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Il gigantesco incendio che ha provocato la morte di 4 persone e devastato le foreste del sud di Cipro è finalmente “ interamente sotto controllo ” a circa 48 ore dalla fase di emergenza: lo ha reso noto questa mattina il dipartimento alle Foreste di Nicosia. Cipro sta affrontando un’ondata di calore con temperature che hanno superato i +45°C .

Ambiente: Coldiretti, Sud in fiamme con estate rovente senza pioggia (2)

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 10:09:00 +0200agenzianova (it)

Roma, 05 lug 09:56 - (Agenzia Nova) - L’assenza di pioggia è causa della siccità con il fiume Po che soffre un crollo delle portate, fino al 30 per cento rispetto alla media storica con una situazione di siccità che riguarda l’intero bacino padano dove si ottiene oltre 1/3 della produzione agricola italiana.

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Mon, 05 Jul 2021 00:07:00 +0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 19:19:00 +0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 19:05:00 +0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento Ansa

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 17:51:00 +0200msn-it (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. © ANSA Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento.

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 17:01:00 +0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol, bruciando....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 16:53:00 +0200globodiroma (it)

. (ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 16:04:00 +0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 15:59:00 +0200corrierequotidiano (it)

(ANSA) – VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG – Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L’incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Grande incendio a Cipro, 4 morti e 55 km quadrati di verde in fumo

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 15:50:00 +0200interris (it)

Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato intere aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro . La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L’incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol.

Cipro: incendio quasi domato, ma si teme il forte vento

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 15:39:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - VAVATSINIA, 04 LUG - Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L'incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol,....

Vasto incendio a Cipro, 4 morti

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 15:37:00 +0200cdt (it)

Quattro lavoratori egiziani sono morti nel vasto incendio che ha devastato aree di una foresta nel sud di Cipro. La conferma è arrivata dalle autorità, dopo che i quattro erano risultati dispersi. L’incendio si è sviluppato ieri a nord della città portuale di Limassol, bruciando il fianco....

Lluvia de más de nueve horas provocó importantes inundaciones en varios sectores de Caracas

Fri, 02 Jul 2021 21:15:00 +0200cronica-uno (es)

Desde la mañana de este 2 de julio los vecinos del estado Aragua reportaron varias zonas afectadas, luego de nueve horas seguidas de lluvia en la entidad, como la comunidad Paraparal de Linares de Alcántara, el sector El Mácaro en Turmero, la avenida Intercomunal de Maracay y el desbordamiento del río Madre Vieja.

Pequeños productores se quedan sin frijoles y maíz por falta de lluvia en San Isidro, Matagalpa

Fri, 02 Jul 2021 08:33:00 +0200laprensa (es)

Unos 90 pequeños y medianos productores de las comunidades San Andrés, El Bocón, Llano del Boquerón y El Plan, en San Isidro, Matagalpa, decidieron no sembrar sus cultivos de frijol y maíz durante el período de primera en este ciclo agrícola 2021-2022, —que inició en mayo— debido a la escasez de lluvias en esa zona norte del país.

Carbon accounting may be inaccurate due to impacts of floods

Fri, 02 Jul 2021 00:27:00 +0200innovationnewsnetwork (en)

A novel global analysis has revealed that floods may be as influential on plants’ carbon uptake as droughts, signifying that current carbon accounting may be inaccurate. The investigation, conducted by researchers at Stanford University , has indicated that carbon uptake – the process in which....

Firenados Are Threatening Weed Farms in a City Literally Called ‘Weed’

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 22:15:00 +0200vice-com-uk (en)

“You can see it coming, and it’s flaring up pretty good in front of the house. The only thing you think about is everything you worked your whole life for is going to be gone in a flash,” Shane Phillps, the 39-year-older owner of Lemurian Industries, a cannabis business in the city, told VICE News.

‘An absolute disgrace’: BBC Bitesize condemned for listing ‘positive’ impacts of climate crisis The Independent

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:48:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

BBC Bitesize has been condemned as an “absolute disgrace” for publishing a list of the “positive” effects of global warming. © BBC Bitesize. A GCSE study aide on the BBC Bitesize website lists “warmer temperatures and increased CO2 levels” among the “positives” of climate change - BBC Bitesize.

‘An absolute disgrace’: BBC Bitesize condemned for listing ‘positive’ impacts of climate crisis

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 17:17:00 +0200independent-UK (en)

BBC Bitesize has been condemned as an “absolute disgrace” for publishing a list of the “positive” effects of global warming. A GCSE study aide on the educational website features a bullet-pointed list of “positive and negative impacts of climate change”.

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:32:00 +0200smartwatermagazine (en)

In a 34-year global analysis, researchers found that photosynthesis – an important process for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in soil – was controlled by extreme wet events nearly as often as droughts in certain locations. Stanford is one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions.

Floods may be important in future

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:40:00 +0200cambodiantimes (en)

Washington [US], July 1 (ANI): In a global analysis of vegetation over more than three decades, Stanford University researchers found that photosynthesis -- the process by which plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere- was primarily influenced by floods and heavy rainfall nearly as often as droughts in many locations.

Floods may be important in future

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:36:00 +0200longbeachstar (en)

Washington [US], July 1 (ANI): In a global analysis of vegetation over more than three decades, Stanford University researchers found that photosynthesis -- the process by which plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere- was primarily influenced by floods and heavy rainfall nearly as often as droughts in many locations.

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:49:00 +0200business-standard (en)

In a global analysis of vegetation over more than three decades, Stanford University researchers found that photosynthesis -- the process by which plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere- was primarily influenced by floods and heavy rainfall nearly as often as droughts in many locations.

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:34:00 +0200stanford (en)

Plants play an essential role in curbing climate change, absorbing about one-third of the carbon dioxide emitted from human activities and storing it in soil so it doesn’t become a heat-trapping gas. Extreme weather affects this ecosystem service, but when it comes to understanding carbon uptake,....

Deadly Canadian Heatwave Eases but Continues to Shatter Records

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 22:49:00 +0200theepochtimes (en)

WINNIPEG, Manitoba— Canada ’s deadly heatwave, the most severe on record, is moderating slightly, but still looks this week to erase high-temperature marks set decades ago, a government climatologist said on Wednesday. At least 233 people died in the Pacific coast province of British Columbia....

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 20:11:00 +0200sciencedaily (en)

In a global analysis of vegetation over more than three decades, Stanford University researchers found that photosynthesis -- the process by which plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere -- was primarily influenced by floods and heavy rainfall nearly as often as droughts in many locations.

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 19:32:00 +0200phys (en)

Plants play an essential role in curbing climate change, absorbing about one-third of the carbon dioxide emitted from human activities and storing it in soil so it doesn't become a heat-trapping gas. Extreme weather affects this ecosystem service, but when it comes to understanding carbon uptake,....

Several Western U.S. Cities Impose Bans on July 4 Fireworks to Prevent Wildfires

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 19:02:00 +0200greenmatters (en)

Over the last several years, wildfires across U.S. West coast have become increasingly prevalent due to climate change, which is why many cities are looking to ban fireworks . Although they are considered to be a July 4 American pastime, they often end up igniting surrounding trees and vegetation —....

Dal caldo africano a temporali e neve in Alto Adige

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 18:53:00 +0200ansa (it)

Caldo africano e poi temporali e neve nel giro di poche ore in Alto Adige. Un fronte freddo ha portato rovesci e temporali, facendo precipitare le temperature. A Bolzano a mezzogiorno sono stati toccati i 30 gradi, mentre nel pomeriggio dopo i temporali solo 17 gradi. Si sono registrati alcuni interventi dei vigili del fuoco.

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 18:26:00 +0200eurekalert (en)

Plants play an essential role in curbing climate change, absorbing about one-third of the carbon dioxide emitted from human activities and storing it in soil so it doesn't become a heat-trapping gas. Extreme weather affects this ecosystem service, but when it comes to understanding carbon uptake,....

Floods may be nearly as important as droughts for future carbon accounting

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 18:14:00 +0200miragenews (en)

Plants play an essential role in curbing climate change, absorbing about one-third of the carbon dioxide emitted from human activities and storing it in soil so it doesn’t become a heat-trapping gas. Extreme weather affects this ecosystem service, but when it comes to understanding carbon uptake,....

Canada heatwave live: 250 die in historic ‘heat dome’ across Pacific Northwest as price gougers rip off victims The Independent

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:33:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

LIVE – Updated at 16:03 © via REUTERS Canada heatwave.jpg. Temperatures have soared close to 50C as the Pacific north-west and Canada is gripped by a heatwave that has already contributed to dozens of deaths. The sweltering heat is being caused by a “heat dome” according to meteorologists, as temperatures climbed to 49.

Germany braces for more storms and torrential rain

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 12:32:00 +0200thelocal-de (en)

In a weather report on Wednesday morning, DWD said that the eastern and northern states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania shoud brace themselves for heavy rainfall that could see up to 80mm of rainfall over the next twelve hours.

Expertos alertan “condiciones secas” para el invierno en zona central: déficit de lluvias llega a 60%

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 07:53:00 +0200entornointeligente (es)

Entornointeligente.com / Investigador de la Universidad de Chile explica que “los pronósticos globales actualizados al día de hoy, corroboran que entre julio y septiembre las zonas más secas serían Valparaíso y la región de Los Río”. Compartir Twittear Compartir Imprimir Enviar por mail Rectificar.

Expertos alertan “condiciones secas” para el invierno en zona central: déficit de lluvias llega a 60%

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 06:57:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

Las lluvias registradas en la zona centro sur del país durante la semana pasada sirvieron poco. La Región Metropolitana se mantiene actualmente con un déficit de precipitaciones cercano al 60%, mientras que en la mayoría de las otras zonas del país esta cifra fluctúa entre 40% y 50%.

Caldo africano, sono le ore più bollenti: punte di 43°. Le previsioni dei prossimi giorni

Tue, 29 Jun 2021 14:30:00 +0200IlGazzettino (it)

Il caldo non dà tregua all'Italia. Anzi, nei prossimi giorni si toccheranno i valori più alti a causa dell'anticiclone africano che è tornato a premere: al Sud termometri quasi ovunque sui 40C, fino a 42/43C a metà settimana in Sicilia . Oggi sarà la giornata più calda mentre dalla metà della....

Caldo africano, sono le ore più bollenti: punte di 43°. Le previsioni dei prossimi giorni

Tue, 29 Jun 2021 14:04:00 +0200ilmessaggero (it)

Il caldo non dà tregua all'Italia. Anzi, nei prossimi giorni si toccheranno i valori più alti a causa dell'anticiclone africano che è tornato a premere: al Sud termometri quasi ovunque sui 40C, fino a 42/43C a metà settimana in Sicilia . Oggi sarà la giornata più calda mentre dalla metà della....

Agricultural Ministry: tornado caused 1.5 bn in damage to southern Moravian farms

Mon, 28 Jun 2021 15:59:00 +0200radio-cz-en (en)

The amount of damage caused by the tornado to crops, livestock, vineyards and more generally farms in South Moravia amounts to at least 1.5 billion crowns, according to initial estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture. The ministry said on Monday that it would soon submit a proposal to the....

South Sulawesi's flooding severely affects 123 Inalipue villagers

Sun, 27 Jun 2021 09:27:00 +0200antaranews-en (en)

. 41 minutes ago Some houses damaged after a flash flood hit Wajo District, South Sulawesi on Saturday (June 26, 2021). ANTARA/HO-Wajo Disaster Mitigation Agency. Makassar, S Sulawesi (ANTARA) - The South Sulawesi Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) announced on Sunday that the flash floods that hit....

Foresters brace for brutal fire season as drought adds to threat to Minnesota's trees

Sun, 27 Jun 2021 02:49:00 +0200startribune (en)

And they're worried about the impact a prolonged drought will have on Minnesota's trees. More wildfires had already broken out across the state by mid-June than in all of last year. The state typically has fewer than 1,200 wildfires a year, burning roughly 25,000 acres.

Foresters brace for brutal fire season as drought adds to threat to Minnesota's trees

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 23:21:00 +0200startribune (en)

And they're worried about the impact a prolonged drought will have on Minnesota's trees. More wildfires had already broken out across the state by mid-June than in all of last year. The state typically has fewer than 1,200 wildfires a year, burning roughly 25,000 acres.

'Enrique' podría volverse huracán

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 13:18:00 +0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) estimó que la tormenta tropical Enrique, que se ubica en el sur de las costas de Guerrero, Michoacán y Colima, se intensifique a huracán en el transcurso de hoy. Esto pasará frente a las costas de Michoacán, así lo destacó la coordinadora general del servicio, Alejandra Margarita Méndez Girón.

Prevén que tormenta tropical Enrique se convierta en huracán en costas de Michoacán

Sat, 26 Jun 2021 04:22:00 +0200eluniversal-MX (es)

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) estimó que la tormenta tropical Enrique ubicada al sur de las costas de Guerrero, Michoacán y Colima, se intensifique a huracán en el transcurso del sábado 26 de junio, frente a las costas de Michoacán. La coordinadora general del SMN, Alejandra Margarita....

Las lluvias vuelven a demostrar que el sistema de drenaje de Caracas necesita mantenimiento y modernización

Fri, 25 Jun 2021 22:48:00 +0200cronica-uno (es)

Hasta este 25 de junio ha llovido 72,7 mm, el promedio histórico para este mes es de 110,3 mm. El aguacero de este jueves 24 de junio fue el más importante en lo que va de mes con 26,0 mm de lluvia que provocaron grandes inundaciones en diversos puntos de la ciudad. Caracas.

Climate Change: The Impact On People

Fri, 25 Jun 2021 06:01:00 +0200barrons (en)

storms and floods. since 2008. Natural disasters. At 2.7oC warming: 122 m people affected. in Mesoamerica, 28 m in Brazil, 31 m in rest. of South America. Water stress. Six-fold increase. between 2020 and 2050. Internal migration. *depends on levels of emissions/extent of development. Source: IPCC WGII Sixth Assessment Report / AFP Photos.

WFP appeals for funds to address hunger situation in southern Madagascar

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:08:00 +0200africa-cgtn (en)

UN World Food Program (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley on Tuesday appealed for $78.6 million to help address the dire hunger situation facing Madagascar. The funds are aimed at providing life-saving food in the next lean season from September to March and are needed urgently because, Beasley....

Manuale di sopravvivenza per animali e piante nell'Italia del 2050

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 06:14:00 +0200laprovinciapavese (it)

“Una moltiplicazione costante di cinghiali, cornacchie e altre specie invasive, allevatori costretti a tenere gli animali al coperto per non farli sfiancare dal caldo con una riduzione della produzione di latte e carne, scomparsa graduale al sud di colture simbolo come l’ulivo e la vite e al nord delle mele che verranno soppiantate da orzo e kiwi.

Manuale di sopravvivenza per animali e piante nell'Italia del 2050

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 06:08:00 +0200lasentinella (it)

“Una moltiplicazione costante di cinghiali, cornacchie e altre specie invasive, allevatori costretti a tenere gli animali al coperto per non farli sfiancare dal caldo con una riduzione della produzione di latte e carne, scomparsa graduale al sud di colture simbolo come l’ulivo e la vite e al nord delle mele che verranno soppiantate da orzo e kiwi.

A "Mega Drought" Mark-John Clifford Fresno County, CA

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 05:15:00 +0200newsbreak-USA (en)

The year is 2014, and then-Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought state of emergency. On April 2, 2017, he lifted the state of emergency, but at the same time, announced that all Californians must continue water conversation efforts. Here we are in 2021 and facing one of the worst droughts in the....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 04:35:00 +0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 00:28:00 +0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

U.S. President Biden’s Remarks Before a Meeting with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and Homeland Security Advisor and Deputy

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 00:20:00 +0200miragenews (en)

Roosevelt Room. 2:06 P.M. EDT. THE PRESIDENT: Well, our FEMA Director Administrator is here today. We’re going to talk about was the sever- severe weather patterns we’re facing which keeps likely increase every year. And I want to make sure that we’re in a position to be able to help Americans all....

Australia, ragni coprono di ragnatele una intera regione

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 00:16:00 +0200globodiroma (it)

. Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da Channel 7,....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 00:15:00 +0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

Remarks by President Biden Before a Meeting with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and Homeland Security Advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:44:00 +0200Whitehouse (en)

Roosevelt Room. 2:06 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, our FEMA Director — Administrator is here today. We’re going to talk about was the sever- — severe weather patterns we’re facing which keeps — likely increase every year. And I want to make sure that we’re in a position to be able to help Americans....

Remarks by President Biden Before a Meeting with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and Homeland Security Advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:44:00 +0200thepoliticianspost (en)

Roosevelt Room. 2:06 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Well, our FEMA Director — Administrator is here today. We’re going to talk about was the sever- — severe weather patterns we’re facing which keeps — likely increase every year. And I want to make sure that we’re in a position to be able to help Americans....

Australia, ragni coprono di ragnatele una intera regione

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:25:00 +0200ansa (it)

Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da Channel 7, un'emittente....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele Ansa

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:05:00 +0200msn-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. © ANSA Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele.

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:01:00 +0200corrierequotidiano (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 22 GIU – Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell’Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l’ecologo dell’Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 21:58:00 +0200globodiroma (it)

. (ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:44:00 +0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragna...

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:42:00 +0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da Channel....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:35:00 +0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:32:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Un esercito di ragni ha ricoperto vaste zone del Gippsland (sudest dell'Australia) di distese di ragnatele, utilizzate dai ragni per potersi muovere sopra ai terreni inondati, dove normalmente vivono. Secondo l'ecologo dell'Università di Sydney Dieter Hochuli, interpellato da....

La lluvia por sí sola no resolverá el impacto de la sequía en California

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 01:58:00 +0200iagua (es)

en las que se presentan las previsiones de temperatura y precipitación en los Estado Unidos para el próximo trimestre. Mientras que millones de ciudadanos aguardan la llegada de El Niño, con la esperanza de que aporte grandes cantidades de lluvia y nieve sobre California, numerosos meteorólogos han....

Tres meses y medio completa la temporada de lluvias en el país

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 21:01:00 +0200elnuevosiglo (es)

La primera temporada de lluvias de este año completó tres meses y medio, generando intensas precipitaciones en gran parte del territorio nacional. De acuerdo con el Ideam y los expertos de la Unidad Nacional para la Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres (Ungrd), estas son generadas por el paso de ondas....

Businessinsider.co.za | The US could be facing its worst drought in 1,200 years

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 16:47:00 +0200news24 (en)

California is bone-dry after a heat-wave hit the state, with water levels dipping to all-time lows. Experts say climate change is responsible for what may become the worst drought the US has seen in 1,200 years. In the meantime, the West and South West continues to sizzle - and summer has yet to hit its peak.

The US could be facing its worst drought in 1,200 years

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 16:11:00 +0200businessinsider-za (en)

California is bone-dry after a heat-wave hit the state, with water levels dipping to all-time lows. Experts say climate change is responsible for what may become the worst drought the US has seen in 1,200 years. In the meantime, the West and South West continues to sizzle - and summer has yet to hit its peak.

The US could be facing its worst drought in 1,200 years, and summer hasn't even reached its peak yet.

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 09:23:00 +0200insider-com (en)

California is bone-dry after a heat-wave hit the state, with water levels dipping to all-time lows. Experts say climate change is responsible for what may become the worst drought the US has seen in 1,200 years. In the meantime, the West and South West continues to sizzle — and summer has yet to hit its peak.

La ONU alertó sobre una nueva “pandemia”: la falta de lluvias y la consecuente sequía

Mon, 21 Jun 2021 02:56:00 +0200misionesonline (es)

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) advirtió que es posible que se aproxime otro problema a nivel global que podría “convertirse en la próxima pandemia”. Se trata de un fenómeno para el cual no existe ninguna vacuna. El aviso de la entidad trasnacional tiene que ver con el problema de la....

Gorski Kotar's Eco-system, Tourism Suffer Due to Climate Change

Sun, 20 Jun 2021 17:05:00 +0200total-croatia-news (en)

ZAGREB, 20 June, 2021 - Climate change has left a huge mark on the forests of the Gorski Kotar mountain region in central Croatia, causing its tourism value to drop, experts say. Over the past decade, ice, wind and the bark beetle have destroyed large parts of Gorski Kotar, whose economy, including tourism, is based on natural resources.

The record temperatures enveloping the West are not your average heat wave This record-setting heat wave's remarkable power, size and unusually early appearance is giving meteorologists and climate experts yet more cause for concern about the routinization of extreme weather in an era of climate change.

Sun, 20 Jun 2021 00:02:00 +0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

Visitors feel the heat in California's Death Valley earlier this week. This record-setting heat wave's remarkable power, reach and unusually early appearance is giving meteorologists yet more cause for concern about extreme weather in an era of climate change. It might be tempting to shrug at the scorching weather across large swaths of the West.

Drought in the West: 'If we do nothing, it’s going to be really bad' USA TODAY

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 23:49:00 +0200msn-nl (en)

Typically, states use massive reservoirs to store extra water from years with above-average precipitation so it can be used during drier times. It’s a complex system involving more than just rain water: melted snow from mountainous regions is among one of the biggest concerns. But these are not normal times.

The Record Temperatures Enveloping The West Are Not Your Average Heat Wave

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 15:04:00 +0200npr (en)

It might be tempting to shrug at the scorching temperatures across large swaths of the West: This just in, it gets hot in the summer. But this record-setting heat wave's remarkable power, size and unusually early appearance is giving meteorologists and climate experts yet more cause for concern....

Grass bans, 'water police,' prayers for rain: Drought in the West threatens 'our way of life'

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 13:01:00 +0200azcentral (en)

Typically, states use massive reservoirs to store extra water from years with above-average precipitation so it can be used during drier times. It’s a complex system involving more than just rain water: melted snow from mountainous regions is among one of the biggest concerns. But these are not normal times.

The West is drying up in a drought that threatens…

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:52:00 +0200usaToday (en)

About 40% of the country is currently experiencing drought conditions, according to U.S. Drought Monitor. Doing nothing to reduce water usage could lead to an unimaginable future for the West: “If we do nothing, it’s going to be really bad.” Agriculture, which uses about 90% of ground and surface....

When the rivers run dry: Grim climate forecasts for NSW

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:31:00 +0200theherald-au (en)

Dams will fill less frequently, farmers will face water cuts and rivers will cease flowing more often in areas across northern NSW as the climate warms and dries, putting at risk communities and wildlife alike. The grim outlook is contained in a slew of draft regional water strategies for major....

Grass bans, 'water police,' prayers for rain: Drought in the West threatens ‘our way of life’

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:29:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

It's all happening at a pace that is surprising and alarming experts. Some worry that without major water conservation efforts, the West could be on track for unprecedented water shortages. States and local governments are ramping up rules aimed at cutting back water usage, and most of the initial....

Trabaja Municipio en conservación de suelos y ecosistemas

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 20:44:00 +0200tiempo-mx (es)

Estas acciones son con el fin de atender las tierras que están en malas condiciones y también para conmemorar el Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía que fue ayer 17 de junio. Mauro Parada Muñoz, director de Desarrollo Rural Municipal señaló que la inversión de dichas obras fue de 18 millones de pesos desde hace dos años.

L’UE riconferma il sostegno in aiuti umanitari e allo sviluppo

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:45:00 +0200apiceuropa (it)

L’UE stanzia un fondo di 18,5 milioni di EURO in aiuti umanitari e allo sviluppo a Messico e America centrale. La Commissione europea, in occasione dell’evento “ Solidarietà per gli sfollati forzati e le comunità ospitanti in America centrale e Messico “, ha dichiarato che stanzierà 18,5 milioni di....

Climate refugees – the world’s forgotten victims

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 10:55:00 +0200europeansting (en)

Data on climate refugees – those forced to flee due to disasters and other weather events – is limited, which is why they’re called the “forgotten victims of climate change”. Australian think tank IEP predicts that at least 1.2 billion people could be displaced by such climate-related events by 2050.

Stilo Huracán, depresión o tormenta tropical ¿cuáles son las diferencias?

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 09:05:00 +0200diarioelmercurio (es)

Cada año en México entre el verano y el otoño se registra un periodo conocido como la “temporada de huracanes”, si bien es cierto los estragos por las lluvias generadas por dichos fenómenos climáticos son un dolor de cabeza para los gobiernos de los tres niveles, también es cierto que beneficia a....

Victoria' s wild storms show how easily disasters can threaten our water ...

Fri, 18 Jun 2021 08:15:00 +0200menafn (en)

- The Conversation) The wild storms that recently raged across eastern Victoria caused major property and environmental damage, and loss of lives. They've also triggered serious water contamination incidents. Yarra Valley Water issued an urgent health warning to not to drink tap water — not even if....

El compromiso con un suministro reforzado en un contexto de profunda escasez hídrica

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 20:52:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

Hoy se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Desertificación y la Sequía y, en ese escenario, la principal sanitaria del país, Aguas Andinas, ratifica su compromiso con reforzar el suministro de agua potable a pesar de la profunda escasez hídrica que atraviesa la Región Metropolitana como una de las manifestaciones del Cambio Climático.

DF Lab Opinión: Políticas sobre desertificación y sequía: comprender el ciclo hidrológico de Chile

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 18:19:00 +0200df-CL (es)

La sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas es crucial para garantizar la seguridad hídrica de la humanidad; así lo confirmó un reporte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas de 2015. Hoy 17 de junio se conmemora el Día Mundial contra la Desertificación y la Sequía , instancia que obliga una reflexión....

Solo 2 italiani su 10 preoccupati per le risorse idriche

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 15:17:00 +0200ansa (it)

Solo 2 italiani su 10 sono preoccupati per le risorse idriche attuali nel nostro paese: il 70% ritiene sia una problematica esclusiva di specifiche aree e periodi dell'anno. La preoccupazione varia in base all'area geografica di provenienza degli intervistati: 16% nord ovest, 19% nord est, 22% centro, 25% sud e isole.

Luchar contra la sequía es luchar contra el hambre

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 14:45:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

Por María Emilia Undurraga , ministra de Agricultura, y Federico Errázuriz , secretario ejecutivo de la Comisión Nacional de Riego. El Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía se conmemora hoy 17 de junio, siendo su objetivo el promover la conciencia pública sobre la pérdida global de tierras y la sequía.

Giornata contro la siccità, Anbi e Ipsos accendono un faro sul Sud

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 13:17:00 +0200quotidianoenergia (it)

ROMA; 17 giugno 2021 Giornata contro la siccità, Anbi e Ipsos accendono un faro sul Sud L’associazione: “Mezzogiorno a rischio desertificazione”. Sondaggio della società di ricerca: “Per 78% del campione dispersione idrica molto preoccupante” nel Meridione. Il Mite: “Contrasto al degrado del suolo è un obiettivo concretizzato nel Pnrr”.

Report calls for global action for better resilience to droughts

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:52:00 +0200EC (en)

Marking today’s World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, a new report calls for better coordination to manage the risk of severe droughts, as climate change brings increasing global temperatures and disrupts rainfall patterns. The report highlights the deep and widespread impacts of droughts, beyond the already high direct costs.

Giornata mondiale desertificazione. Pollastrini, è uno dei flagelli di questo millennio

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:51:00 +0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – gio 17 giugno 2021 Ufficio stampa Gruppo Partito Democratico sito web: www.deputatipd.it Giornata mondiale desertificazione. Pollastrini, è uno dei flagelli di questo millennio Post su Fb di Barbara Pollastrini, deputata Pd Oggi è la Giornata mondiale per combattere la desertificazione e la siccità.

Exploring the Possible Risks, Benefits of Geoengineering

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 17:49:00 +0200homelandsecuritynewswire (en)

Climate change is creating impacts that are widespread and severe — and in many cases irreversible — for individuals, communities, economies, and ecosystems around the world. 2020 was one of the three warmest years on record, bringing with it a number of costly climate disasters, including the worst wildfire season ever recorded in the Western U.

Find a “sweet spot” for managed aquifer recharge

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 15:52:00 +0200floridanewstimes (en)

Excessive pumping can squeeze the sponge, permanently exhaust the aquifer’s storage capacity, and release toxic arsenic into the water supply. Years of overdrafts have been rampant in California’s fertile Central Valley, lacking many low-income, predominantly Latino communities, depleting wells, and....

Obtain updates on disasters, risk alerts from reliable sources: BNPB

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:58:00 +0200antaranews-en (en)

. 2 minutes ago Residents took refuge following a 6.1- magnitude quake on Seram Island, Central Maluku District, Maluku Province, on Wednesday (June 16, 2021). ANTARA/HO-BNPB/am. Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) called on Indonesians to update their information....

493 killed in 1,423 natural disaster events this year: BNPB

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 13:25:00 +0200antaranews-en (en)

. 15 minutes ago According to the BNPB, Indonesia recorded 592 floods in the first half of this year. (ANTARA/Bayu Pratama Syahputra) Jakarta (ANTARA) - At least 493 people died and 68 others went missing in 1,423 natural disaster events in different parts of Indonesia between January 1 and June....

Alerta de desertificación: los climas semiáridos en España aumentan

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 12:17:00 +0200tiempo-es (es)

. La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas designó en 1994 que el 17 de junio fuese el Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía. Este problema afecta a más de 110 países en el mundo pero, ¿de qué se trata y cómo afecta a España? Hace 11 minutos 5 min Estudios recientes afirman que....

Beautiful places most under threat from climate change Love Exploring

Wed, 16 Jun 2021 02:05:00 +0200msn-nl (en)

As global temperature continues to rise, bringing with it a slew of freak effects from flooding and drought to wildfires and heatwaves, many of the world’s most stunning landmarks are under threat. While lockdown measures in the past year have mitigated some of the impacts, it’s possible that these changes will only be temporary.

Autumn rains likely to start later than normal

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:19:00 +0200tehrantimes (en)

Since the beginning of the current water year (September 23, 2020), the whole country received 130 millimeters of rain over the last month, showing that precipitation has declined by 40 percent compared to the long-term average, he explained. Pointing out that almost all the provinces are facing a....

Today's Headlines: Biden's diplomacy at work

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:11:00 +0200latimes (en)

President Biden tries to rebuild bridges with the United States’ NATO allies, as his first overseas trip as president continues. TOP STORIES. Biden’s Diplomacy at Work. President Biden is trying to repair critical ties with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an alliance set in place to preserve global peace since World War II.

Burkina Faso: Cáritas alerta sobre la crisis climática que afecta al Sahel en África y al «corredor seco» en Centroamérica

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:08:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

El avance de la desertificación en ambas regiones añade incertidumbre y precariedad a las comunidades rurales más vulnerables. Con motivo de la celebración, el 17 de junio, del Día Mundial de la lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía, Cáritas alerta sobre la crítica situación provocada por una....

Dangerous Heat Forecast In South-West; Temperatures To Soar Past 120F

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 13:36:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

The heatwave sweeping the U.S. South-West is set to intensify this week, with some areas expected to see temperautes higher than 120F, or 49C , and raising the dangers of new fires in a region already facing extremely dry conditions. On Monday, the National Weather Service issued heat warnings over....

Cáritas alerta de los problemas que vive la África y Centroamérica más afectada por los efectos de la sequía

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 13:36:00 +0200cope (es)

Este jueves, 17 de junio, se celebra el Día Mundial de la Lucha Contra la Desertificación y la Sequía. Con este motivo, Cáritas alerta de los problemas climáticos a los que se tiene que enfrentar territorios subdesarrollados como en la Franja del Sahel en África o el ‘corredor seco’ de Centroamérica’.

Wildfires and droughts advance in California and Arizona

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 10:36:00 +0200archyde (en)

As of last week, California has already faced nearly double the area burned this year compared to last year, with 2,733 fires burning a total of 5,074 hectares from January 1 to June 6, 2021, in compared to January 1, 2020 to June 6, 2020, when 2,570 hectares were burned in 2,025 fires.

Misery continues as record high heat soars, worsening the Western drought All-time records are in jeopardy this week as a dangerous heat wave bakes much of the Western United States, an area already begging for moisture due to exceptional drought. US & CANADA | PHOENIX · 47% Left coverage from 15....

Tue, 15 Jun 2021 07:10:00 +0200ground-news (en)

Dangerous heatwave grips US south-west as temperatures hit 120F in some areas. California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah face extreme heat, worsening drought and raising risk of wildfiresDangerously hot temperatures across the US south-west will continue to climb this week, reaching higher than 120F....

Biggest heat wave of the year heightens drought and fire fears in California, West

Sun, 13 Jun 2021 06:42:00 +0200bendbulletin (en)

LOS ANGELES — With a worsening drought gripping the West and wildfire season looming, California is bracing for the most severe heat wave of the year — one that promises to tax the state’s power supplies while also offering a grim preview of challenging months to come.

Biggest heat wave of the year heightens drought and fire fears in California, West

Sun, 13 Jun 2021 00:11:00 +0200tri-cityherald (en)

LOS ANGELES — With a worsening drought gripping the West and wildfire season looming, California is bracing for the most severe heat wave of the year — one that promises to tax the state’s power supplies while also offering a grim preview of challenging months to come.

Biggest heat wave of the year heightens drought and fire fears in California, West

Sat, 12 Jun 2021 22:33:00 +0200theolympian (en)

LOS ANGELES — With a worsening drought gripping the West and wildfire season looming, California is bracing for the most severe heat wave of the year — one that promises to tax the state’s power supplies while also offering a grim preview of challenging months to come.

Australia: inondazioni nel sudest, case invase dai ragni

Sat, 12 Jun 2021 16:57:00 +0200ansa (it)

Eccezionali inondazioni hanno colpito il sudest dell'Australia causando una fuga di massa di animali e insetti verso i centri abitati, e molte case sono state letteralmente invase dai ragni. Lo riporta la Cnn. Nell'area piove da giovedì scorso ma la situazione è diventata particolarmente critica....

La innovación es vital para enfrentar la sequía

Sat, 12 Jun 2021 08:50:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

El próximo 17 de junio se celebra el Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía. En esta fecha es importante sensibilizar y recordar que se puede combatir la falta de agua a través de la búsqueda de soluciones, con una firme participación de la comunidad y cooperación en todos los niveles.

climate change is already in Chile

Sat, 12 Jun 2021 02:58:00 +0200archyde (en)

Wednesday they started swells in the central zone, with waves of more than eight meters, a phenomenon that has spread to a large part of the Chilean coastline. That same Wednesday, in the south of the country, a waterspout washed away more than 50 trees, it started a fire and injured people.

Don Paul: There's a nuisance rain shortfall in WNY, but it's a growing crisis out west

Fri, 11 Jun 2021 19:48:00 +0200buffalonews (en)

Owing to the climatology of central and southern California, meaningful rainfall in the summer and much of fall is a nonentity. It just doesn't happen, drought or no drought. This is now the dry season for the southwest, apart from the underlying drought.

In tutto il mondo, gli incendi boschivi stanno diventando più frequenti e più difficili da estinguere. Quali sono le conseguenze per gli esseri umani e per gli ecosistemi?

Wed, 09 Jun 2021 16:19:00 +0200euronews-it (it)

Quest’anno, a Natale, nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, Australia, le temperature sono state più alte del solito. Le fiamme hanno cominciato a bruciare il territorio a settembre e non danno tregua: è la peggiore stagione per numero di incendi dal 2003. All’inizio di dicembre, questi “mega incendi” senza....

Arizona Wildfire Burns at Least Five Structures; Firefighters' Equipment Sparking Small Blazes The Weather Channel

Wed, 09 Jun 2021 16:01:00 +0200msn-nl (en)

As firefighters continue to battle the Telegraph Fire near the town of Superior, Arizona, they're running into problems with the public entering closed areas and their own equipment creating sparks in the extremely dry brush. "Even our own fire equipment is starting fires," Dean McAlister, a fire....

Arizona Wildfires Grow But Some Residents Allowed to Return Home The Weather Channel

Tue, 08 Jun 2021 19:47:00 +0200msn-nl (en)

Firefighters appeared to have the upper hand on one of two major wildfires burning in central Arizona on Tuesday but the other continued to spread. The growth of the Mescal Fire, burning southeast of Globe, Arizona, was slowed on Monday , according to Wildfire Today. It was 23% contained Tuesday morning after , according to Inciweb.

Arizona Wildfires Have Burned More Than 109,000 Acres Of Land

Tue, 08 Jun 2021 14:14:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

KEY POINTS The Telegraph and Mescal wildfires have prompted the evacuation of people from several areas in Arizona; The causes of the two wildfires remain under investigation, according to officials; No deaths due to the two wildfires have been reported thus far.

Graphic reveals troubling level of US drought this year The Independent

Mon, 07 Jun 2021 19:11:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

The drought in the western US is worsening, with affected areas facing extreme conditions more than doubling in size. © National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A map depicting drought conditions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Graphic reveals troubling level of US drought this year

Mon, 07 Jun 2021 18:40:00 +0200independent-UK (en)

The drought in the western US is worsening, with affected areas facing extreme conditions more than doubling in size. Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that in 2020 – the worst fire season on record – drought conditions reached "severe" status in parts of northern....

Urban South Africa is ill-Prepared for the Coming Climate Change Storm

Mon, 07 Jun 2021 12:17:00 +0200greenbuildingafrica (en)

More weather disasters together with surging informal settlements, poor land use and inadequate infrastructure will cause significant losses. South Africa is no stranger to the devastating impacts of weather-related hazards such as floods, wildfires, storms and droughts.

Las Cámaras de Comercio del Sureste aseguran que la desalación no constituye una alternativa al trasvase

Mon, 07 Jun 2021 06:22:00 +0200agrodiario (es)

La sustitución del caudal del trasvase Tajo-Segura por agua desalada no solo tendrá consecuencias económicas y sociales derivadas del aumento del coste del agua del 20%, que en años de sequía podría alcanzar hasta el 130%, sino también medioambientales, como riesgo de desertificación o sobreexplotación de acuíferos, entre otras.

Urban South Africa Is Ill-Prepared for the Coming Climate Change Storm

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:47:00 +0200allafrica (en)

South Africa is no stranger to the devastating impacts of weather-related hazards such as floods, wildfires, storms and droughts. These events have wreaked havoc on infrastructure and communities, causing devastating economic and social losses. Without urgent adaptation measures, South African....

Disastri ambientali, conflitti, migrazioni forzate: la crisi climatica si abbatte sull’Africa nonostante sia fra i continenti a più basse emissioni globali di gas serra

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 08:31:00 +0200unita-news (it)

dell’IDMC, International Displacement Monitoring Centre , del Norvegian Refugee Council , il 98% sul totale degli sfollamenti dovuti a disastri sono stati causati da condizioni meteorologiche estreme, come alluvioni e tempeste. L’aumento delle temperature ha determinato l’intensità e la frequenza di....

Disastri ambientali, conflitti, migrazioni forzate: la crisi climatica si abbatte sull’Africa nonostante sia fra i continenti a più basse emissioni globali di gas serra

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 06:00:00 +0200valigiablu (it)

dell’IDMC, International Displacement Monitoring Centre , del Norvegian Refugee Council , il 98% sul totale degli sfollamenti dovuti a disastri sono stati causati da condizioni meteorologiche estreme, come alluvioni e tempeste. L’aumento delle temperature ha determinato l’intensità e la frequenza di....

Combating climate change factors into defense budget request

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 01:20:00 +0200aerotechnews (en)

reflects that reality. Droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, increasing numbers of destructive storms and more are concerns for DOD. “If you think about what generates missions, we know that extreme weather events … are affecting conditions on the ground in lots of places around the world,” Joe Bryan, DOD’s senior climate adviser, said.

Utah governor urges residents to pray for rain as drought bites

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 22:58:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

The Republican governor of Utah has invited residents of his state to join him in a “weekend of prayer” for rain, to combat a drought emergency. “I’ve already asked all Utahns to conserve water by avoiding long showers, fixing leaky faucets and planting water-wise landscapes,” Spencer Cox said in a posted to Twitter.

Utah governor urges residents to pray for rain as drought bites

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 22:44:00 +0200guardian (en)

Spencer Cox posted a video on Twitter saying efforts to conserve water had not been enough. ‘We need more rain and we need it now.’ Photograph: Rick Bowmer/AP. The Republican governor of Utah has invited residents of his state to join him in a “weekend of prayer” for rain, to combat a drought emergency.

Utah governor urges residents to pray for rain as drought bites

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 22:42:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

The Republican governor of Utah has invited residents of his state to join him in a “weekend of prayer” for rain, to combat a drought emergency. “I’ve already asked all Utahns to conserve water by avoiding long showers, fixing leaky faucets and planting water-wise landscapes,” Spencer Cox said in a posted to Twitter.

The Western Drought Is Bad. Here’s What You Should Know About It.

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 19:18:00 +0200nytimes (en)

ALBUQUERQUE — Much of the Western half of the United States is in the grip of a severe drought of historic proportions. Conditions are especially bad in California and the Southwest, but the drought extends into the Pacific Northwest, much of the Intermountain West, and even the Northern Plains. Drought emergencies have been declared.

Cámaras del sureste: La desalación no constituye una alternativa al trasvase

Fri, 04 Jun 2021 17:13:00 +0200cope (es)

La sustitución del caudal del trasvase Tajo-Segura por agua desalada no solo tendrá consecuencias económicas y sociales derivadas del aumento del coste del agua del 20 %, que en años de sequía podría alcanzar hasta el 130 %, sino también medioambientales, como riesgo de desertificación o sobreexplotación de acuíferos, entre otras.

‘Mind-blowing’: tenth of world’s giant sequoias may have been destroyed by a single fire

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 07:40:00 +0200guardian (en)

A massive fire in California last year may have destroyed up to a tenth of the world’s mature giant sequoia population, according to a draft report produced by scientists working for the National Park Service. From August to December 2020, the Castle fire tore through Sequoia national park, burning....

‘Mind-blowing’: tenth of world’s giant sequoias may have been destroyed by a single fire

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 07:19:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

A massive fire in California last year may have destroyed up to a tenth of the world’s mature giant sequoia population, according to a draft report produced by scientists working for the National Park Service. From August to December 2020, the Castle fire tore through Sequoia national park, burning....

Combating Climate Change Factors Into Defense Budget Request

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 05:55:00 +0200globalsecurity (en)

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has said there is little that the department does that isn't impacted by climate change. The President's Fiscal 2022 Defense Budget Request reflects that reality. Droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, increasing numbers of destructive storms and more are concerns for DOD.

Combating Climate Change Factors Into Defense Budget Request

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 22:57:00 +0200thepoliticianspost (en)

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has said there is little that the department does that isn’t impacted by climate change. The President’s Fiscal 2022 Defense Budget Request reflects that reality. Droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, increasing numbers of destructive storms and more are concerns for DOD.

Combating Climate Change Factors Into Defense Budget Request

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 22:23:00 +0200defense (en)

Droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, increasing numbers of destructive storms and more are concerns for DOD. "If you think about what generates missions, we know that extreme weather events are affecting conditions on the ground in lots of places around the world," Joe Bryan, DOD's senior climate advisor, said.

Previsioni Meteo: in arrivo rovesci e temporali diffusi al Centro/Sud, FOCUS sulle regioni più colpite dal maltempo tra 7 e 8 giugno

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 16:28:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Previsioni meteo per tempo che inizierebbe a mostrarsi più instabile, nel corso del fine settimana prossimo, a causa dell’inserimento di correnti più umide, inizialmente atlantiche, anche nord-atlantiche a seguire. Le ultime elaborazioni dei modelli matematici propongono una protratta azione....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 11:59:00 +0200nottinghampost (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 09:26:00 +0200bristolpost (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:59:00 +0200thanetgazette (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:50:00 +0200coventrytelegraph (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:49:00 +0200bathchronicle (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:40:00 +0200essexchronicle (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:38:00 +0200surreymirror (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:34:00 +0200derbytelegraph (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:31:00 +0200exeterexpressandecho (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:25:00 +0200gloucestercitizen (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:22:00 +0200cambridge-news (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:20:00 +0200brentwoodgazette (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:15:00 +0200leicestermercury (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Bluebells, leatherback turtles, emperor penguins and even Arabica coffee all appear on the list

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:08:00 +0200hulldailymail (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

From puffins to hippos: 12 species at risk from rising temperatures

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:07:00 +0200icWales (en)

Conservation charity WWF is calling on world leaders meeting for Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow in November to ensure action to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb global temperature rises to 1.5C and limit the damage to nature and people. WWF’s Feeling The Heat report warns that climate change is....

Researchers identify the causes of the extreme drought that affected the Pantanal

Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:16:00 +0200smartwatermagazine (en)

The extreme drought suffered by the Pantanal in 2019-20, considered the worst in the last 50 years, was caused by natural climate conditions similar to those underlying the 2014-16 water crisis in São Paulo state. The Pantanal is one of the world’s largest wetlands.

Climate change has influenced global drought risk for ‘more than a century’

Mon, 31 May 2021 14:04:00 +0200carbonbrief (en)

The influence of human-caused climate change on global drought risk could extend back for more than a century, a study finds. By studying tree-ring records from across the world, researchers have, for the first time, traced the “fingerprint” of climate change on drought risk back to 1900 – a time....

Une éruption volcanique en Islande responsable de la Révolution française ?

Mon, 31 May 2021 13:44:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Les vulcanologues ont les yeux tournés vers la république démocratique du Congo, où l’irruption du Nyiragongo a poussé les autorités à faire évacuer la ville de Goma. Face à la nature déchaînée, on se sent parfois bien peu de choses. Au 18e siècle une irruption volcanique a été l'une de causes de la....

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