Forest Fire (9001 ha) in Ecuador 29 Nov 2022

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 3
Articles about casualties: 0 (0%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 28 Nov 2022

Extreme Weather and Global Growth

2022-12-25T11:12+0100thenewdawnliberia (en)

CAMBRIDGE Until recently, the usual thinking among macroeconomists has been that short-term weather fluctuations don’t matter much for economic activity. Construction hiring may be stronger than usual in a March when the weather is unseasonably mild, but there will be payback in April and May.

What was the greatest loss of life wildland fire in the United States costing the lives of 1500 people and burning 2400 mi ²?

2022-12-06T13:17+0100frojeostern (en)

The Breath of the Black Dragon in Russia and China, The New York Times (1 October 1988) Fung, May; So, Sanna (26 January 1997). "Black days in HK's history". The Standard. Hong Kong. Archived from the original on 26 March 2014 . Retrieved 3 November 2011 "Israel's Worst Forest Fire Is Finally Put Out; from google (israel fire 1995) result 3".

¿Sabías que...? Áreas Naturales Protegidas: un frente estratégico para la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático

2022-12-02T00:17+0100portalambiental (es)

De acuerdo con el Global Forest Review 2021 de Global Forest Watch (GFW), durante 2021, los trópicos perdieron 11.1 millones de hectáreas de bosques. Tan sólo el ritmo de pérdida de bosques primarios alcanzó los 10 campos de futbol por minuto, lo cual liberó el dióxido de carbono equivalente a las e misiones generadas anualmente en India .

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