M 8 Earthquake and Tsunami (3.1 m) in Chile on 01 Apr 2014 23:46 UTC

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a high humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 8.0M
Depth: 10 Km
Lat/Lon: -19.846 , -70.786
Event Date: 01 Apr 2014 23:46 UTC
01 Apr 2014 18:46 Local
Exposed Population: 220000 people within 100km
Source: USGS pt14091000
Inserted at: 08 Apr 2014 06:38 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake Tsunami GDACS score
USGS 0 3 2.1
pt14091000 Scaled population (vector) Max wave scenario 0m  
  C1 earthquake Max wave realtime 3.1m  
  C2 earthquake      
  Country Vulnerability      
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.

ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1045418 0.9 01 Apr 2014 23:46 7.7M, 24km N/A 230 thousand (in 100km) 1.1m (at 00:10) 00:08 GEOFON
1045420 2.1 01 Apr 2014 23:46 8M, 10km N/A 230 thousand (in 100km) 3.1m (at 00:16) 00:09 NEIC
1045427 2.1 01 Apr 2014 23:46 8M, 10km N/A 980 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 3.1m (at 00:16) 00:19 NEIC
1045437 2 01 Apr 2014 23:46 8.2M, 20.13km N/A 980 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 3.2m (at 00:16) 01:01 NEIC
1046140 2.1 01 Apr 2014 23:46 8M, 10km N/A 230 thousand (in 100km) 3.1m (at 00:16) 6d 06:51 USGS
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Exposed population

The earthquake happened in Chile ,of Tarapaca (population 478,287) . The alertlevel for this event is Orange

Intensity Population
480000 people
310000 people
no people

Shakemaps Timeline

AlertShake id #ScoreepisodeidLat/LonMagnitudeDepthMax MMIDate shake (UTC)Delay (hh:mm) 
1 0 1045437 -19.642/-70.817 8.2 20.13 0 17 Oct 2016 09:55 929d 10:08 (new episode)

Affected Provinces

Intensity Region Province Country Population
Tarapaca Chile 480000 people
Tarapaca Chile 27000 people
Tacna Peru 270000 people
Antofagasta Chile <1000 people

Affected populated places. Areas of interest

Intensity Name Region Province Country City class Population Distance
Quiuña Tarapacá Chile Village - 83 km
Cuya Tarapacá Chile Village - 86 km
Zapiga Tarapacá Chile Village - 90 km
Iquique Tarapacá Chile Major city 220000 people 95 km
Oficina Angela Tarapaca Chile Village - 96 km
Negreiros Tarapacá Chile Village - 104 km
Turiza Tarapacá Chile Village - 108 km
Huara Tarapacá Chile Village - 117 km
Humberstone Tarapacá Chile Village - 124 km
Pozo Almonte Tarapacá Chile Village - 128 km
Azapa Chico Tarapacá Chile Village - 142 km
Pintados Tarapacá Chile Village - 164 km
Pisagua Tarapacá Chile Village - 65 km
Chaca Tarapacá Chile Village - 115 km
Minimine Tarapacá Chile Village - 115 km
Camarones Tarapacá Chile Village - 122 km
Cruz de Quimpasa Tarapacá Chile Village - 128 km
Arica Tarapacá Chile City 180000 people 138 km
Tarapacá Tarapacá Chile Village - 141 km
Miñita Tarapacá Chile Village - 142 km
Amazac Tarapacá Chile Village - 144 km
Poconchile Tarapacá Chile Village - 153 km
China Tarapaca Chile Village - 156 km
Laonsana Tarapacá Chile Village - 156 km
Central Tarapacá Chile Village - 166 km
Calera Tarapacá Chile Village - 169 km
Buenaventura Tarapacá Chile Village - 174 km
Mamiña Tarapacá Chile Village - 175 km
Matilla Tarapacá Chile Village - 180 km
Molles Tacna Peru Village - 181 km
Pica Tarapacá Chile Village - 183 km
Puauiro de Nunez Tarapaca Chile Village - 186 km
Yalata Tacna Peru Village - 187 km
Tacna Tacna Peru City 270000 people 189 km
Lagunas Tarapacá Chile Village - 190 km
Tomasiri Tacna Peru Village - 201 km

see full list

Critical infrastructure

Airports, ports, nuclear plants and hydrodams at risk, if affected, are listed below.


Intensity Name IATA Code Elevation (m) Usage Runway type IFR Runway Length (ft) Distance
Zapiga 1160 0 95 km
Los Condores 520 0 102 km
Canchones West 914 0 151 km
Oficina Victoria 1000 0 174 km
Diego Aracena International IQQ 48 Civ. Paved Yes 10900 119 km
Chacalluta ARI 55 Civ. Paved Yes 7100 152 km
Cor Fap Carlos C Santa Rosa TCQ 468 Civ. Paved Yes 8200 185 km


Intensity Name LOCODE Country Distance
Pisagua CLPIS Chile 62 km
Iquique CLIQQ Chile 94 km
Patillos Cove CLPTI Chile 139 km
Arica CLARI Chile 138 km

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.