M 4.7 in Tajikistan on 13 Dec 2015 20:09 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 164
Articles about casualties: 46 (28%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

The Disaster Most Likely to Cause Global Famine Is Not an Earthquake, Storm, Tsunami, or Flood

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 19:51:00 +0100gizmodo-in (en)

The world has faced down some incredibly large-scale natural disasters lately-and the wreckage they left in their wake has been considerable. But the one that is most threatening to our food supply is a natural disaster that has been unfolding very slowly.

Klagewelle wegen Atomausstieg rollt

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 19:49:00 +0100mittelbayerische (de)

Wogegen richten sich die Klagen? Das Moratorium für die ältesten deutschen Blöcke hatten die Bundesregierung und die Ministerpräsidenten der Atomländer wenige Tage nach Fukushima vereinbart. Kurz danach folgte die Änderung des Atomgesetzes mit dem endgültigen Aus für zunächst acht Kraftwerke und dem....

The Disaster Most Likely to Cause Global Famine Is Not an Earthquake, Storm, Tsunami, or Flood

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 19:30:00 +0100gizmodo (en)

The world has faced down some incredibly large-scale natural disasters lately—and the wreckage they left in their wake has been considerable. But the one that is most threatening to our food supply is a natural disaster that has been unfolding very slowly.

Conmoción en el mundo por la inquietante última profecía de la "Nostradamus de los Balcanes"

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 18:06:00 +0100tctelevision (es)

Una anciana, fallecida en 1996, es responsable de predecir grandes conmociones mundiales, como el tsunami de 2004, o el atentado al Wall Trade Center. Ahora, un último y macabro presagio parece comenzar a cumplirse inexorablemente. Se trata de Baba Vanga, una mujer nacida en la ciudad de Strumica,....

Arginare il disastro

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 16:19:00 +0100247libero (it)

Si teme che l’opera sul fiume Zambezi, che alimenta due centrali idroelettriche, possa franare, minata dalla erosione del letto del fiume. Una catastrofe che travolgerebbe anche la diga di Cahora Bassa, in Mozambico. I lavori di ripristino sono previsti nel 2016. Ma il tempo stringe. L’Africa australe è inquieta.

This farmer watched in horror as his entire flock of sheep was swept away by a 'wall' of flood water

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 15:47:00 +0100icWales (en)

A farmer frantically swam across flooded fields in a desperate bid to save 170 sheep swept away in a torrent of water. But despite his efforts, 66 of them drowned or died from exhaustion. Paul Williams watched in horror as his flock, most of which were likely to be in-lamb, was carried away after a section of embankment gave way.

Pruebe su ataúd: el negocio de la muerte prospera en Japón

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 15:12:00 +0100gestion (es)

(Bloomberg) .- Akira Okomoto se incorporó y salió de un ataúd. “Fue muy relajante”, proclamó después, cuando le llegó el turno a su hija de 27 años, Miwa, quien se acostó inquieta para pasar cinco minutos en el recinto oscuro que algún día sería su última morada.

Schüler üben für den Notfall

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 14:30:00 +0100derwesten (de)

Hast du in der Schule schon mal eine Feuer-Übung gemacht? Dabei sollen Schüler lernen, wie man sich im Fall eines Feuers richtig verhält. Im Land Indonesien in Asien üben Schüler für eine andere Notsituation: einen Tsunami. Das ist eine Riesenwelle, die über Land hereinbricht. Sie wird meist durch ein Erdbeben auf dem Meeresgrund ausgelöst.

Japon: des robots "décontaminateurs" pour la centrale de Fukushima

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:45:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

Plusieurs groupes japonais ont présenté mercredi en banlieue de Tokyo une équipe de robots " décontaminateurs " pour nettoyer les bâtiments des réacteurs nucléaires inaccessibles à l'homme à la centrale accidentée de Fukushima. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), Toshiba et Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy....

Pruebe su ataúd: el negocio de la muerte prospera en Japón

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:24:00 +0100gestion (es)

(Bloomberg) .- Akira Okomoto se incorporó y salió de un ataúd. “Fue muy relajante”, proclamó después, cuando le llegó el turno a su hija de 27 años, Miwa, quien se acostó inquieta para pasar cinco minutos en el recinto oscuro que algún día sería su última morada.

Escaparates navideños

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:56:00 +010020minutos (es)

Simulacro de tsunami. Un estudiante es atendido por enfermeras de su colegio como parte de un simulacro de tsunami en Banda Aceh (Indonesia), (Hotli Simanjuntak / EFE) Lo sentimos, pero en esta información no está permitido escribir comentarios.

Tajikistan: Rapid Emergency Assessment and Coordination Team (REACT) Murghob, Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan: 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Situation Update No. 5 (as of 15 December 2015)

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:26:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Highlights The actual number of damaged and destroyed houses appears to be lower than initially estimated and currently stands at 799. The Agency on State Material Reserves has been appointed by the Government to receive and distribute international assistance.

RWE will Schadensersatz für Biblis-Aus

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:19:00 +0100Heute (de)

Wegen des abrupten deutschen Atomausstieges 2011 haben die Energiekonzerne zahlreiche Klagen angestrengt. Dem Fiskus drohen hohe Schadensersatzansprüche. In einem der ersten Verfahren verlangt RWE 235 Millionen Euro vom Bund und vom Land Hessen. Fast fünf Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Fukushima vom 11.

Biblis-Aus: RWE will Schadensersatz

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:12:00 +0100ZDF (de)

Wegen des abrupten deutschen Atomausstieges 2011 haben die Energiekonzerne zahlreiche Klagen angestrengt. Dem Fiskus drohen hohe Schadensersatzansprüche. In einem der ersten Verfahren verlangt RWE 235 Millionen Euro vom Bund und vom Land Hessen. Fast fünf Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Fukushima vom 11.

Engenheiros nucleares começam a retirar placas de combustível de Fukushima este mês

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 11:08:00 +0100hojeemdia (pt)

BRASÍLIA - Os engenheiros nucleares japoneses estão prontos para iniciar a retirada das placas de combustível de urânio e de plutônio do tanque do Reator 4 da central da Usina Nuclear de Fukushima, no Nordeste do Japão. Essa é considerada a operação mais difícil e perigosa desde o acidente no....

Fukushima und die Folgen: Huch, 300 Milliarden Becquerel!

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:52:00 +0100taz (de)

Hier wurde gepfuscht: Blick auf den Katastrophenreaktor Fukushima Daiichi. Foto: reuters. GÖTTINGEN taz | Eine Studie von Wissenschaftlern der Universität Hannover zu den Umweltauswirkungen des Atomunglücks von Fukushima hat weitere massive Versäumnisse des AKW-Betreibers Tepco aufgedeckt: Durch....

Heavy flooding as 'Nona' death toll climbs to 11

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:46:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA - Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Nona (international name: Melor) killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused....

'Nona' weakens into tropical depression

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:46:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Nona is forecast to remain stationary and weaken into a low pressure area by Friday. Only Pangasinan and Zambales remain under signal number 1. These areas should expect winds of 30 to 60 kph in 36 hours. AT LEAST 11 DEAD. Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the....

'Nona' downgrades into severe tropical storm

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:46:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA - Slow-moving ''Nona'' (International name: ''Melor'') has been downgraded into a severe tropical storm, state weather bureau PAGASA said Wednesday. In its 5 p.m. advisory, PAGASA said Nona was last spotted 70 kilometers southwest of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Olongapo City, Zambales.

Tropical Storm Melor Kills 11 In Philippines

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 08:01:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

Everything You Need To Know, Right Now. The IBT Pulse Newsletter keeps you connected to the biggest stories unfolding in the global economy. Residents are seen in a coastal area battered by strong winds and heavy rains brought by Typhoon Melor in Legazpi City, central Philippines, Dec. 15, 2015. Photo: Reuters.

“Aiutiamoli”, così la voce dei lettori si trasforma in intervento concreto

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 07:05:00 +0100lastampa (it)

Sabato 17 dicembre 1955 fu un giorno speciale per la storia di questo giornale: a pagina 2, per decisione dell’allora direttore Giulio De Benedetti, nasceva la rubrica Specchio dei tempi destinata a diventare una lettura obbligata per generazioni di piemontesi, un appuntamento che è mancato solo per un giorno in sessant’anni.

Pruebe su ataúd: el negocio de la muerte prospera en Japón

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 05:09:00 +0100elfinanciero (es)

REFRÁN “Un antiguo refrán japonés reza: ‘un pájaro no arruina el nido cuando se va’ y tradicionalmente la familia se hacía cargo de la persona cuando esta fallecía”, dijo Akio Doteuchi, investigador del NLI Research Institute. “Ahora, no sólo los ancianos, sino también los de mediana edad e incluso....

Melor Leaves 11 Dead In Philippines As New Storm Approaches

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 04:50:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

Everything You Need To Know, Right Now. The IBT Pulse Newsletter keeps you connected to the biggest stories unfolding in the global economy. Residents are seen in a coastal area battered by strong winds and heavy rains brought by Typhoon Melor in Legazpi City, central Philippines, Dec. 15, 2015. Photo: Reuters.

Defensa Civil

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 04:14:00 +0100peru (es)

El epicentro de este movimiento telúrico se ubicó a 20 kilómetros al oeste de la ciudad de Huánuco y a 28 kilómetros de profundidad. De acuerdo al informe del IGP , el epicentro de este movimiento telúrico se ubicó a 68 kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Ilo y a 11 kilómetros de profundidad.

Facebook ativa ferramenta para notificar quem está bem

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 04:04:00 +0100hojeemdia (pt)

A rede social Facebook ativou nesta sexta-feira, após os ataques em Paris, uma ferramenta que permite aos usuários informar amigos, seguidores e familiares de que está tudo bem. A ferramenta propõe aos usuários que eventualmente se encontrem nas zonas afetadas, que digam que estão bem e enviem mensagens a seus contatos na rede.

Melor Leaves 11 Dead, New Storm Approaches Philippines

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 04:03:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

Everything You Need To Know, Right Now. The IBT Pulse Newsletter keeps you connected to the biggest stories unfolding in the global economy. Residents are seen in a coastal area battered by strong winds and heavy rains brought by Typhoon Melor in Legazpi City, central Philippines, Dec. 15, 2015. Photo: Reuters.

Japon: des robots "décontaminateurs" pour la centrale de Fukushima

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 00:30:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Présentation d'un robot destiné à nettoyer les bâtiments de réacteurs nucléaires inaccessibles à l'homme, le 16 décembre 2015 à Chiba au JaponTORU YAMANAKA. Plusieurs groupes japonais ont présenté mercredi en banlieue de Tokyo une équipe de robots "décontaminateurs" pour nettoyer les bâtiments des....

Japon: des robots "décontaminateurs" pour la centrale de Fukushima

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 00:30:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

1/2 réagir Présentation d'un robot destiné à nettoyer les bâtiments de réacteurs nucléaires inaccessibles à l'homme, le 16 décembre 2015 à Chiba au Japon (AFP/TORU YAMANAKA) Plusieurs groupes japonais ont présenté mercredi en banlieue de Tokyo une équipe de robots "décontaminateurs" pour nettoyer....

Fiscal relató las causas por las que la fallida alerta de tsunami aún no llega a juicio

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 23:20:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

20151216 18:59 AQUÍ Fiscal relató las causas por las que la fallida alerta de tsunami aún no llega a juicio La fiscal regional metropolitana Occidente, Solange Huerta, aclaró en GPS los motivos por los cuales la causa por la fallida alerta de tsunami del 27-F aún no llega a juicio y que, tras seis....

Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo celebró 50 años

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 23:11:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Con el lema “50 años construyendo ciudades, construyendo país” los funcionarios que forman parte del MINVU en la región de Coquimbo celebraron este 16 de diciembre las 5 décadas del Ministerio trabajando en los ámbitos de ciudad, barrio y vivienda. Para conmemorar el aniversario, se llevó a cabo un....

¿Cómo se produce un tsunami?

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:43:00 +0100radiomundial (es)

En los últimos años hemos oído hablar de tsunamis en los medios de comunicación, especialmente después de los sucedidos en el océano Indico en 2004, que causó la muerte de 230.000 personas y más recientemente en Japón en 2011, que además causó el accidente en la central nuclear de Fukushima.

Tsunamis Fast Facts

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:35:00 +0100cnn (en)

10 years since Indian Ocean tsunami The 10th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, which killed almost 250,000 people, will be remembered on December 26. Here, people walk through the streets of Tsunami-damaged Phi Phi Village on January 25, 2005, almost one month after the storm hit Ton Sai Bay in Kho Phi Phi, Thailand.

Give flood aid to women, men may waste it on liquor: PIL

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:11:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

CHENNAI: Taking note of post-tsunami scenario where much of the cash relief given to men was squandered on liquor, Madras high court has asked the government to consider the suggestion of a PIL-petitioner to hand over relief to womenfolk. The first bench of Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and....

Ragusa, una camminata di solidarietà per la ricerca sulla fibrosi

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:05:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015) Con il patrocinio del Comune di Ragusa , si terrà il prossimo 23 dicembre, alle ore 18, una camminata di solidarietà tra le vie di Ragusa dal titolo “Nel mio passo il tuo respiro”, organizzata dalle associazioni “Amunì” e “Siemu a Peri” di Ragusa , in collaborazione....

Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 11; floods persist

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 18:39:00 +0100arabnews (en)

MANILA: Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across the....

Cele mai mari catastrofe din 2015. Vezi cutremurele care au zguduit lumea

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 18:02:00 +0100romaniatv (ro)

Cel mai distructiv seism din anul care a trecut a fost înregistrat în Nepal, în 25 aprilie. El a avut 7,8 grade pe scara Richter și a fost simțit și în India și Bangladesh, fiind de 700 de ori mai puternic decât bomba de la Hiroshima, potrivit unui seismolog grec.

Top Stories Typhoon spawns floods, traffic 18 mins ago

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 17:20:00 +0100manilastandardtoday (en)

They added that the number of casualties would likely rise because most of the affected provinces remained isolated after the storm took down telecommunication and power lines. A barrage of rain in the Metro Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in....

RETROSPECTIVĂ 2015 Dezastre naturale - cutremure și erupții vulcanice

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:31:00 +0100agerpres (ro)

Cel mai distructiv seism din anul care a trecut a fost înregistrat în Nepal, în 25 aprilie. El a avut 7,8 grade pe scara Richter și a fost simțit și în India și Bangladesh, fiind de 700 de ori mai puternic decât bomba de la Hiroshima, potrivit unui seismolog grec.

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:09:00 +0100ChinaPost (en)

Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across central....

Philippines again left to count the cost of brutal weather as death toll from Typhoon Melor rises to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:02:00 +0100scmp (en)

Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across central....

16 decembrie 1920: Un cutremur puternic zguduia China. Peste 240.000 de persoane şi-au pierdut vieţile, unele râuri au fost stăvilite, iar altora li s-au schimbat cursul

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:38:00 +0100a1 (ro)

Ziua de 16 decembrie va fi întotdeauna o zi neagră pentru China, căci în urmă cu 95 de ani, în regiunea Haiyuan, fostă provincie Hansu, avea loc unul dintre cele mai devastatoare cataclisme natural ale secolului XX. Atunci, un cutremur puternic a răpit vieţile a peste 200.000 de persoane.

WOC and Maersk Line partner with University of Hawai’i to advance tsunami detection at sea

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:02:00 +0100hellenicshippingnews (en)

16/12/2015. International Shipping News Maersk Line vessels operating across the North Pacific are hosting instruments that create a network of low-cost tsunami sensors to augment existing detection systems. Maersk’s involvement in the project was organized by the World Ocean Council (WOC) “Smart....

Indonesia: los incendios de 2015 han costado más dinero que el tsunami de 2004

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:42:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

ESTIMACIÓN DEL BANCO MUNDIAL Indonesia: los incendios de 2015 han costado más dinero que el tsunami de 2004. El Gobierno ha tenido que pedir, incluso, ayuda a Japón, Malasia, Rusia y Singapur para combatir el humo tóxico Compartir; Compartido veces Indonesia ha destinado 16.

eNCA | Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:40:00 +0100enca (en)

Meteorologists from the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) monitor and plot the direction of powerful Typhoon Melor. Photo: AFP / Jay Directo\ MANILA - Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on....

A lógica da Terra

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:35:00 +0100ogloboglobo (pt)

Então, a Terra, a velha Mãe Terra tem uma lógica? Sim, meu filho, a Terra tem lógica. Ela trata com canhestra igualdade todos os seus filhos. Como assim? É simples. Nas fábulas modernas, certas coletividades que se constituíram como nações e projetaram seus valores num dado espaço geográfico,....

In carcere per droga Bianca Giudice

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:15:00 +0100corrierediragusa (it)

Cronache - La donna era stata coinvolta nelloperazione antidroga "Tsunami" In carcere per droga Bianca Giudice Rigettati i ricorsi in appello e cassazione. E’ stata rinchiusa nella sezione femminile del carcere di piazza Lanza a Catania in esecuzione dell’ordinanza della procura distrettuale....

Heavy flooding as 'Nona' death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:14:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA - Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon "Nona" (international name: Melor) caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night also submerged some roads and caused....

'Nona' weakens but new cyclone coming

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:14:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA Typhoon ''Nona'' (international name: Melor) weakened further as it slowly moved over the West Philippine Sea, state weather bureau PAGASA said. In its 11 a.m. weather bulletin, PAGASA said Nona was packing maximum sustained winds of 120 kilometers per hour near the center and gusts of up to 150 kph.

UPDATED: Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:41:00 +0100ahram-EN (en)

Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across central....

Cuatro muertos por tifón en Filipinas en medio de evacuación masiva

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:38:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Al menos cuatro personas murieron y miles resultaron evacuadas en Filipinas por el impacto del tifón Melor, que dejó a millones sin electricidad, informaron hoy las autoridades. De las víctimas mortales reportadas hasta el momento en la isla de Samar, tres perecieron por las inundaciones, mientras otro falleció en un derrumbe.

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:58:00 +0100ahram-EN (en)

Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least nine people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the....

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:34:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across central islands and also dumped heavy rain on the sprawling capital of Manila. The worst appeared to be over on Wednesday with the typhoon drifting into the South China Sea.

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:33:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Manila (AFP) - Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding....

Heavy Flooding as Philippine Typhoon Death Toll Climbs to 11

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:27:00 +0100naharnet-en (en)

Rescuers on speedboats hauled rain-soaked residents off rooftops in the Philippine countryside on Wednesday after Typhoon Melor killed at least 11 people and cut power for millions. The typhoon, which tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon, caused widespread flooding across central....

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:23:00 +0100gulf-times (en)

A motorist drives past long queue of stranded cargo trucks and passenger buses caused by typhoon Melor, near the town of Matnog Sorsogon province, south of Manila yesterday. AFP. AFP/Manila Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy....

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 08:30:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Manila (AFP) - Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least nine people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although....

Heavy Flooding as Philippine Typhoon Death Toll Climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 08:26:00 +0100naharnet-en (en)

Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the....

CM issues audio clip to boost morale of state's flood victims

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 08:10:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

CHENNAI: Chief minister J Jayalalithaa on Tuesday chose Whatsapp to make an emotive statement expressing anguish for the sufferings of flood-affected people and said her government would re-establish that it was well capable of overcoming natural calamities.

Methane gas leak forces S. California residents out of their homes

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 08:02:00 +0100cnn (en)

The utility vows it's working around the clock to stop the leak, first reported on October 23. Relief wells and no-fly zones. The gas company's prime focus now, after other failed capping attempts, is drilling a relief well, a process that will take months.

Tufão Haiyan chega ao Vietnã após matar ao menos 10 mil nas Filipinas

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:46:00 +0100hojeemdia (pt)

TACLOBAN (Filipinas) - O tufão Haiyan tocou terra no Vietnã na manhã desta segunda-feira (noite de domingo no Brasil), informaram meteorologistas, depois de deixar ao menos 10.000 mortos e 2.000 desaparecidos em sua passagem pelas Filipinas. O Centro de Alerta Conjunto de Tufões dos Estados Unidos....

Typhoon Melor: Death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:25:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops today after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the megacity of 12 million had subsided by today morning.

Philippine typhoon death toll hits 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 07:11:00 +0100emirates247 (en)

Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the....

Heavy flooding, 9 dead in wake of Philippine typhoon

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 06:22:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the megacity of 12 million had subsided by Wednesday morning. The death toll climbed after authorities on Mindoro, a large farming island of 1.

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 06:01:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the megacity of 12 million had subsided by Wednesday morning. The death toll climbed after authorities on Mindoro, a large farming island of 1.

Philippines: Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 05:49:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Manila, Philippines | AFP | Wednesday 12/16/2015 - 03:35 GMT. Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some....

Heavy flooding as Philippine typhoon death toll climbs to 9

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 05:26:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Rain-soaked residents in the rural Philippines huddled on rooftops Wednesday after Typhoon Melor caused heavy flooding and killed at least 9 people, authorities said. A barrage of rain in the capital Manila on Tuesday night submerged some roads and caused traffic chaos, although flooding in the....

When Chennai\'s tragedy hit home

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 04:41:00 +0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Asha Iyer Kumar Opinion An entire city that had looked as pretty as a bride was violated by the odious arms of nature. The closest I have come to witnessing a deluge in the real sense of the term, yet far from what Chennai endured recently, was when cyclone Gonu ravaged Oman in 2007.

New fuel cell technology breakthroughs pave way for more alternative energy sources

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 03:53:00 +0100ibtimes-au (en)

The latest innovation on fuel cell technology comes in the form of socks embedded with miniaturised microbial fuel cells (MFCs). It is fuelled with urine pumped by the wearer's footsteps that powers a wireless transmitter to send a signal to a PC. Published in a paper in Bioinspiration and....

Los incendios en Indonesia este año han costado más que el tsunami de 2004

Wed, 16 Dec 2015 01:36:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Los incendios en Indonesia este año le han costado al país más que la rehabilitación de la destrucción causado por el tsunami de 2004, que causó unos 230.000 muertos, la mayoría en territorio indonesio, indicó hoy el Banco Mundial (BM). Los fuegos le han salido a Indonesia por unos 16.100 millones de dólares (14.

Agencia France Presse destaca a Chile en dos de sus mejores imágenes de 2015

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 23:34:00 +0100t13 (es)

Como cada año, la agencia de noticias France Presse ( AFP ) destacó a las "Fotos del año", que destacaron por marcar la pauta noticiosa alrededor del mundo. En medio de las crudas fotografías que dejó la crisis de inmigrantes o el horror de los enfrentamientos en Medio Oriente con el Estado....

Four dead as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 23:10:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least four people dead and millions without power, officials say. Three people were killed in floods in Northern Samar province in the Visayas region, municipal disaster officer Jonathan Baldo said.

Chaos in the Philippines: Typhoon Melor Stormed in leaving Three People Dead

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 21:23:00 +0100newswire (en)

. Millions left without electricity and at least three people are dead as Typhoon Melor swept through the central part of the Philippines on Tuesday, bringing heavy rain and wind. -- December 15, 2015) --One person died from hypothermia while two drowned in the floods that swept Katarman, a poor....

Eerie ghost forest appears

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 21:17:00 +0100foxnews (en)

It looked like your average beach, but in 1998 an astonishing discovery was made here when the sand started to vanish due to a storm. Underneath hundreds of years of sand lay the remains of a huge ancient sitka spruce forest dating back approximately 2000 years.

Caso Tsunami: Audiencia preparatoria de juicio oral quedó programada para marzo 2016

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:18:00 +0100radioagricultura (es)

Mientras que, este miércoles se discutirá el sobreseimiento de funcionarios del SHOA. Para el 14 de marzo de 2016 a las 9 horas fue reprogramada la audiencia preparatoria del juicio oral del denominado caso Tsunami, la decisión fue adoptada luego que la defensa de uno de los acusados renunciará a su....

Typhoon kills four in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:17:00 +0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Bulan: Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the....

Los incendios en Indonesia este a�o le han costado al pa�s m�s que la rehabilitaci�n de la destrucci�n causado por el tsunami de 2004, que caus� unos 230,000 muertos, la mayor�a en territorio indonesio, indic� hoy el Banco Mundial.

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 20:08:00 +0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

Bangkok. (EFE).- Los incendios en Indonesia este a�o le han costado al pa�s m�s que la rehabilitaci�n de la destrucci�n causado por el tsunami de 2004, que caus� unos 230,000 muertos, la mayor�a en territorio indonesio, indic� hoy el Banco Mundial (BM). Los fuegos le han salido a Indonesia por unos "16,100 millones de d�lares (14.

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 18:43:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the traditional....

Tsunami of change will be painful for Lungu - Mumba

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 18:13:00 +0100postzambia (en)

THE “tsunami” of change coming next year when the country goes to the polls will be very painful for President Edgar Lungu, says Nevers Mumba. And the MMD president says the party will give more money to current MMD councillors for their campaigns next year so that they can retain their seats.

Typhoon Nona cuts power on eve of Christmas vigil

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:40:00 +0100bworldcom (en)

Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the traditional nine-day Christmas vigil that Filipinos observe with dawn masses and rice cakes. Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the Philippines, where 80% of its 100 million people are Catholic, and decorations such as....

Noche de pesadilla dejó 11 muertos y 9 heridos:El mundo se solidariza con Chile

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:39:00 +0100tiempo (es)

CHILE- Al menos once muertos y nueve heridos dejó el potente terremoto de 8,3 grados que azotó al centro y norte de Chile el miércoles, cuando los chilenos vivieron “una noche de pesadilla”, con decenas de réplicas y un posterior tsunami. Cinco años después de que las costas del sur de Chile fueran....

4 killed, millions lose power as ‘Nona’ rages

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:31:00 +0100manilastandardtoday (en)

Nona blew out the windows of Pesigan’s two-story brick and wood house in Bulan, a small farming town, and she survived the storm by sheltering in a nearby shop. The typhoon tore in off the Pacific Ocean on Monday afternoon and hit farming and fishing communities in the eastern Philippines with winds of up to 185 kilometers an hour.

Il tifone Melor ha colpito le Filippine

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 16:18:00 +0100internazionale (it)

Più di 700mila persone hanno dovuto abbandonare le loro case nella parte centrale delle Filippine a causa degli tsunami, delle alluvioni e delle frane causate dal tifone Melor che ha colpito il paese il 14 dicembre. Ogni anno una ventina di tifoni si abbatte sulle Filippine e di solito quelli del mese di dicembre sono i più forti.

In carcere per droga la 38ennne di Vittoria Bianca Giudice

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 15:37:00 +0100corrierediragusa (it)

Cronache - La donna era stata coinvolta nelloperazione antidroga "Tsunami" In carcere per droga la 38ennne di Vittoria Bianca Giudice Rigettati i ricorsi in appello e cassazione. E’ stata rinchiusa nella sezione femminile del carcere di piazza Lanza a Catania in esecuzione dell’ordinanza della....

Millions without power, four dead as Typhoon Melor hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 15:11:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Bulan, Philippines | AFP | Tuesday 12/15/2015 - 11:17 GMT. by Charism SAYAT. Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas.

Millions without power, 4 dead as Typhoon Melor hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 14:12:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

BULAN, Philippines (AFP) - Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday (Dec 15) after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas.

Cambio de defensor amenaza con postergar preparación de juicio por Caso Tsunami

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 13:32:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Luego que el abogado del Daniel Medina ex jefe de Alerta Temprana de la Onemi Johaziel Jammet , renunciara a la defensa del imputado en el marco del Caso Tsunami , la audiencia de preparación del juicio oral contra los seis imputados por la causa podría ser suspendida.

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:58:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the traditional nine-day Christmas vigil that Filipinos observe with dawn masses and rice cakes. Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the Philippines, where 80 percent of its 100 million people are Catholic, and decorations such....

Los incendios en Indonesia este año han costado más que el tsunami de 2004

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:23:00 +0100andaluciainformacion (es)

Los incendios en Indonesia este año le han costado al país más que la rehabilitación de la destrucción causado por el tsunami de 2004, que causó unos 230.000 muertos, la mayoría en territorio indonesio, indicó hoy el Banco Mundial (BM). Los fuegos le han salido a Indonesia por unos "16.100 millones de dólares (14.

Los incendios en Indonesia este año han costado más que el tsunami de 2004

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:20:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Los incendios en Indonesia este año le han costado al país más que la rehabilitación de la destrucción causado por el tsunami de 2004, que causó unos 230.000 muertos, la mayoría en territorio indonesio, indicó hoy el Banco Mundial (BM). Los fuegos le han salido a Indonesia por unos "16.100 millones de dólares (14.

Los incendios en Indonesia este año han costado más que ...

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:11:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Los incendios en Indonesia este año le han costado al país más que la rehabilitación de la destrucción causado por el tsunami de 2004, que causó unos 230.000 muertos, la mayoría en territorio indonesio, indicó hoy el Banco Mundial (BM). Los fuegos le han salido a Indonesia por unos "16.100 millones de dólares (14.

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:17:00 +0100arabnews (en)

BULAN, Philippines: Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve....

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 11:00:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Bulan, Philippines | AFP | Tuesday 12/15/2015 - 07:08 GMT. by Charism SAYAT. Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas.

Four dead as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:54:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least four people dead and millions without power, officials say. Three people were killed in floods in Northern Samar province in the Visayas region, municipal disaster officer Jonathan Baldo said.

"Habría más evidencias de la Biblia con estudios volcánicos"

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:47:00 +0100diariodesevilla (es)

Es un acercamiento a las Sagradas Escrituras desde la arqueología y la historia, sin renunciar al componente religioso de los relatos que se narran. La serie documental Misterios de la Biblia estrena hoy temporada en Discovery Max, a partir de las 22:30.

"Habría más evidencias de la Biblia con estudios volcánicos"

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:42:00 +0100europasur (es)

Es un acercamiento a las Sagradas Escrituras desde la arqueología y la historia, sin renunciar al componente religioso de los relatos que se narran. La serie documental Misterios de la Biblia estrena hoy temporada en Discovery Max, a partir de las 22:30.

Typhoon leaves Philippines in the dark

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:21:00 +0100iafrica (en)

Philippines' flag. Wikipedia Commons. Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas.

Philippines: Typhoon Melor kills three, affects millions

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:13:00 +0100vietnamplus-en (en)

Hanoi (VNA) – Typhoon Melor swept through the central Philippines on December 15, killing at least three and leaving millions without power. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), the tropical storm uprooted trees and cut off electricity supply in at least seven central provinces.

Four dead, millions without power as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:12:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least four people dead and millions without power, officials say. Three people were killed in floods in Northern Samar province in the Visayas region, municipal disaster officer Jonathan Baldo said.

Four dead, millions without power as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 10:06:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least four people dead and millions without power, officials say. Three people were killed in floods in Northern Samar province in the Visayas region, municipal disaster officer Jonathan Baldo said.

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 09:53:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

BULAN, Philippines - Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the....

'Çözüm mimarı'ndan hükümet ve HDP'ye öneriler

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 09:51:00 +0100radikal (tr)

RADİKAL - Dünyanın farklı kriz bölgelerindeki çözüm süreçleri konusunda yaptığı çalışmalarla 'çözüm süreçleri mimarı' olarak tanınan Vicenç Fisas Türkiye'de Kamu Güvenliği Müsteşarşılığı, HDP ve CHP temsilcileri ile görüşmelerde bulundu. Fisas'ın Türkiye'deki çatışma ortamının geleceğine ilişkin....

Typhoon Melor kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 09:22:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least four people dead. Posted 15 Dec 2015 10:55; Updated 15 Dec 2015 16:05. Big waves spilling over a wall onto a coastal road in the city of Legaspi in Albay province, south of Manila.

Millions Without Power, Three Dead as Typhoon Hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 09:01:00 +0100naharnet-en (en)

Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the traditional....

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:51:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the traditional nine-day Christmas vigil that Filipinos observe with dawn masses and rice cakes. Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the Philippines, where 80 percent of its 100 million people are Catholic, and decorations such....

Typhoon Melor turns deadly in Philippines As typhoon season reaches its apex in the Philippines, Melor began to blast the central part of the country. At least three casualties were reported and hundreds of thousands were forced to flee.

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:48:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

At least three people were killed and millions were without power as Typhon Melor battered the central Philippines on Tuesday. Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from coastal regions and moved to inland shelters as the often-deadly typhoon season reached a fever pitch.

Typhoon kills 4 in Philippines, cuts power ahead of Christmas

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:46:00 +0100gulf-times (en)

AFP/Manila. Tattered lanterns, festive lights and tin roofs littered towns in the central Philippines on Tuesday after Typhoon Melor swept through, killing at least four people and leaving millions without power ahead of Christmas. Distraught survivors surveyed their damaged homes on the eve of the....

Millions without power, 3 dead as

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:31:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

LEGAZPI - Typhoon "Nona" (international name Melor) carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor....

The dam called 'Trouble': Lewisville Lake Dam among most dangerous, putting over 400,000 at risk

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:30:00 +0100dallasnews (en)

The solution: a cofferdam, a watertight enclosure pumped dry to enable heavy-duty construction work below the reservoir’s waterline. The cofferdam “will prevent any further damage to the dam,” says Sarwenaj Ashraf, who was recently appointed the district’s dam safety program manager, succeeding Vazquez.

Three dead, millions without power as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:20:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least three people dead and millions without power, officials say. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the town of Catarman in northern Samar province in the....

Three dead as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:16:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least three people dead and millions without power, officials say. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the town of Catarman in northern Samar province in the....

Philippines: Millions without power, three dead as typhoon hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 07:10:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Legazpi, Philippines | AFP | Tuesday 12/15/2015 - 02:43 GMT. Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned....

Three dead, millions without power as Typhoon Melor tears through Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 06:59:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Typhoon Melor has ripped through the central Philippines, bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left at least three people dead and millions without power, officials say. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the town of Catarman in northern Samar province in the....

Millions without power, three dead as Typhoon Melor hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 06:09:00 +0100dnaindia (en)

Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines today bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor fishing town of Catarman in Northern Samar....

World › Millions without power, three dead as typhoon hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 06:04:00 +0100japantoday (en)

LEGASPI, Philippines. Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor fishing town of....

Typhoon Melor: Millions without power in Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 05:58:00 +0100emirates247 (en)

Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor fishing town of Catarman in Northern....

Major blackouts, 3 dead as typhoon hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 05:32:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

LEGASPI, Philippines - Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor fishing town of....

Pakistan: Crisis Response Bulletin, December 14, 2015 - Volume:1, Issue: 48

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 05:07:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Highlights: KP CM pledges to rehabilitate infrastructure of quake, flood-hit areas. Is a discussion on climate change even relevant to a third world country like Pakistan? Floods and earthquake damages stands at $40m in KPK: PDMA. Awareness drive on clean environment. Volunteers to be inducted for disaster management in Mansehra.

Millions without power, three dead as typhoon hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 04:48:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor fishing town of Catarman in Northern Samar province in the Visayas region south of Manila, municipal disaster officer Jonathan Baldo told DZMM radio. The storm toppled trees and cut electricity to at least seven provinces,....

Las cinco playas escondidas para un mochilero o alguien que viaje en bus por el Maule

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 04:41:00 +0100elamaule (es)

Lipimávida Ubicada al norte de la localidad de Iloca , en la costa de la provincia de Curicó, es un sector de amplias playas de arenas negras, que invitan al descanso en un entorno natural único y apartado de todo bullicio citadino. La zona se caracteriza por el cultivo de papayas y la confección de mantas y frazadas a telares.

Millions without power, three dead as Typhoon Melor hits Philippines

Tue, 15 Dec 2015 04:36:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

LEGAZPI, Philippines (AFP) - Typhoon Melor carved through the central Philippines on Tuesday (Dec 15), bringing heavy rain and strong winds that left millions without power and at least three people dead, officials said. One person died of hypothermia while two others drowned in floods in the poor....

La ‘guerra del Estado Islámico’ una predicción del 1996 (Video)

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 23:52:00 +0100latribuna (es)

La incertidumbre y el terror se está apoderando de la población que conoce las predicciones de la “Nostradamus de los Balcanes”. Una anciana, fallecida en 1996, es responsable de predecir grandes conmociones mundiales, como el tsunami de 2004, o el atentado al Wall Trade Center.

Tamil Nadu schools reopen after month-long holidays

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:46:00 +0100deccanherald (en)

After a month-long extended holidays, school-goers in Tamil Nadu returned to their routine on Monday, with recent floods dominating discussions in many classrooms. Many children traded stories of the recent rains and about their flood-ravaged houses, while parents who accompanied them to the schools....

Acklins Island Slowly Bouncing Back after Hurricane Joaquin

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:36:00 +0100bahamas-gov (en)

ACKLINS, Bahamas -- “I was frightened!” said Acklins’ Administrator Harvey Roberts of Hurricane Joaquin, which slammed into the southeast Family Island in October. Mr. Roberts expressed sentiments similar to that of many other testimonies shared by residents who experienced the wrath of Joaquin as....

Neue IOS App ermöglicht das Senden von Mitgefühls-Bekundungen und gleichzeitig eine Spende zu für eine anerkannte Hilfsorganisation zu tätigen.

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 17:59:00 +0100prmaximus (de)

[MYSYMP AG - 14.12.2015] Neue IOS App ermöglicht das Senden von Mitgefühls-Bekundungen und gleichzeitig eine Spende zu für eine anerkannte Hilfsorganisation zu tätigen. Zurzeit verändert sich der Umgang mit dem Sterben und Beerdigungen immens, eingeleitet durch Globalisierung und neue Kommunikationstechnologien.

Cabalgan para festejar a la Virgen de Guadalupe en Rosario

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 17:58:00 +0100debate (es)

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Apoyado por una ruidosa afición que llenó el estadio Teodoro Mariscal, Javier Villegas correspondió a la cortesía y conquistó con toda temeridad el espectacular X-Pilots Monster Energy. El piloto chileno hizo alarde de dos de las acrobacias más demandantes en el Freestyle....

pressrelations.de/Neue IOS App ermöglicht das Senden von Mitgefühls-Bekundungen und gleichzeitig eine Spende zu für eine anerkannte Hilfsorganisation zu t...

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 17:33:00 +0100finanzen (de)

Zurzeit verändert sich der Umgang mit dem Sterben und Beerdigungen immens, eingeleitet durch Globalisierung und neue Kommunikationstechnologien. Heutzutage geschieht es immer häufiger, dass die nächsten Angehörigen aus vielerlei Gründen nicht mehr wie noch vor 100 Jahren beim Abschiednehmen persönlich präsent sein können.

Noche de llovizna provoca accidentes

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 17:12:00 +0100debate (es)

Minutos después a la base de Cruz Roja pedían el apoyo de una ambulancia por la avenida Pasadena, en el Santa Fe, también había otra persona derrapada. Los paramédicos atendieron y estabilizaron a Johanna García Cristerna, de 18 años, con domicilio en el mismo asentamiento quien resultó con lesiones....

Operazione tsunami, trafficante arrestata a Vittoria

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 17:04:00 +0100siciliainformazioni (it)

Gli agenti della polizia di Stato hanno arrestato Stefania Giudice Bianca, 38 anni, di Vittoria, in provincia di Ragusa. La donna, raggiunta da un’ordinanza della Procura distrettuale antimafia di Catania, e’ accusata di associazione a delinquere finalizzata al traffico di droga.

La donna era stata coinvolta nelloperazione antidroga "Tsunami"

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 15:00:00 +0100corrierediragusa (it)

Cronache - La donna era stata coinvolta nelloperazione antidroga "Tsunami" Ordinanza della procura distrettuale antimafia di Catania: in carcere per droga la 38ennne di Vittoria Bianca Giudice Rigettati i ricorsi in appello e cassazione. E’ stata rinchiusa nella sezione femminile del carcere di....

Ragusa, arrestata donna coinvolta in operazione Tsunami

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 14:40:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 14 dicembre 2015) La Squadra Mobile di Ragusa ha catturato, in esecuzione all’ordinanza della Procura della Repubblica Distrettuale Antimafia di Catania, Giudice Bianca 38enne di Vittoria per aver fatto parte di un’associazione per delinquere finalizzata al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti.

Japan: Die Kinder des Tsunami

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 14:07:00 +0100br-online (de)

Am 11. März 2011 verwüstete ein verheerender Tsunami die Nordostküste Japans, hundertausende Häuser wurden zerstört, tausende Menschen verloren ihr Leben. An der Okawa-Grundschule am Kitakami-Fluss starben 10 Lehrer und 74 Schüler. Der 10jährige Rikku beschreibt Erdbeben und Tsunami.

06:00 - 14/12/2015 Marina v� avalanche de solidariedade ap�s rompimento de barragem

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:58:00 +0100em (pt)

Se o rompimento da Barragem do Fund�o, em Mariana, em 5 de novembro, � a maior trag�dia socioambiental da hist�ria brasileira, a onda de doa��es vindas de todas as partes do pa�s, que chega diariamente � cidade hist�rica tamb�m � impressionante. E a tend�ncia � este movimento solid�rio aumentar....

Gempa Jailolo Terkait Aktivitas Vulkanik

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:48:00 +0100kompas (id)

KOMPAS.com - Gempa bumi berkepanjangan yang melanda Jailolo, Kabupaten Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara, diduga tak berasosiasi dengan sesar aktif sekitar kawasan itu. Namun, gempa itu kemungkinan terjadi karena aktivitas vulkanik. Untuk memastikan sumber gempa, perlu pengamatan lebih rinci dengan jaringan seismik lebih rapat.

Typhoon Melor threatens central Philippines, hundreds of thousands evacuated

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:31:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Hundreds of thousands of people evacuated from the central Philippines as a typhoon with winds of up to 150 kilometres per hour made landfall, dumping heavy rain that could cause flooding, landslides and storm surge. About 40 domestic flights were grounded, while 73 ferries and hundreds of fishing....

Estudiantes reúnen dinero para niños de bajos recursos

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:28:00 +0100debate (es)

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Apoyado por una ruidosa afición que llenó el estadio Teodoro Mariscal, Javier Villegas correspondió a la cortesía y conquistó con toda temeridad el espectacular X-Pilots Monster Energy. El piloto chileno hizo alarde de dos de las acrobacias más demandantes en el Freestyle....

Maremoto y tsunami no son sinónimos

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:24:00 +0100deperu (es)

En algunas informaciones relacionadas con el tsunami que asoló Japón hace algunos meses, se confunden los términos tsunami y maremoto . usándolos como sinónimos, debido al desconocimiento de sus respectivos significados. Maremoto es un terremoto que se produce en el fondo del mar , es decir, cuyo....

Typhoon Melor threatens central Philippines, hundreds of thousands evacuated

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:19:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Hundreds of thousands of people evacuated from the central Philippines as a typhoon with winds of up to 150 kilometres per hour made landfall, dumping heavy rain that could cause flooding, landslides and storm surge. About 40 domestic flights were grounded, while 73 ferries and hundreds of fishing....

Mejor higiene contra la brecha de género en la pesca de India

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:01:00 +0100ipsnoticias (es)

No había nada de higiene personal en los refugios, añadió Behera, de 34 años. Las mujeres representan 49 por ciento de la mano de obra de la industria pesquera, que emplea a unas 14,49 millones de personas en India, pero el sector no atiende bien sus necesidades en materia de agua y saneamiento e higiene personal.

Descubre en cuál país se celebra un concurso de embellecimiento de cadáveres

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:56:00 +0100elsiglo (es)

En Japón asear y arreglar a los cadáveres es todo un arte. Sayuri Takahashi se arrodilla con gracia junto a una mujer inmóvil, le toma un brazo, luego otro, las piernas … y la viste a la luz de velas artificiales. A sus 27 años participó en un concurso de especialistas en el arreglo y vestido de....

Typhoon Melor threatens central Philippines, 750,000 evacuated

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:25:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Hundreds of thousands of people evacuated from the central Philippines as a typhoon with winds of up to 150 kilometres per hour made landfall, dumping heavy rain that could cause flooding, landslides and storm surge. About 40 domestic flights were grounded, while 73 ferries and hundreds of fishing....

En Japón, un concurso premia el embellecer cadáveres

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:18:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

En Japón asear y arreglar a los cadáveres es todo un arte. Sayuri Takahashi se arrodilla con gracia junto a una mujer inmóvil, le toma un brazo, luego otro, las piernas ... y la viste a la luz de velas artificiales. A sus 27 años participó en un concurso de especialistas en el arreglo y vestido de....

11:30 4.7-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Tajikistan

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:13:00 +0100ca-news (en)

4.7-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Tajikistan Bishkek (AKIpress) - Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 was recorded in eastern Tajikistan on November 14 at 1:09 am local time, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center reported. The epicenter of the quake was located in 370 km east of Dushanbe. Information on victims or damages was not reported.

› M4.2 quake jolts Tottori Prefecture

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 09:12:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. An earthquake measuring a preliminary magnitude of 4.2 shook Tottori Prefecture in western Japan on Monday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The quake occurred at around 3:01 p.m., originating near the center of the prefecture at a depth of around 10 kilometers. No tsunami warning was issued.

Lesenswert: Buchtipps der Redaktion

Mon, 14 Dec 2015 00:45:00 +0100br-online (de)

Der weihnachtliche Literaturtipp von Notizbuch-Redakteur Ludwig Gruber führt nach Frankreich aufs Land, wie es im frühen 20. Jahrhundert war. Inmitten einer traumhaften Landschaft, an der Grenze zur Dordogne, wurde Marie des Brebis als Säugling von einem Schäfer unter einem Wacholderbusch gefunden. Die Natur war von Anfang an ihre Lehrmeisterin.

TERREMOTO OGGI/ Porto Rico, scosse di M 2.8 e M 2.9 a largo dell'isola (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 23:09:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SCOSSE DI MAGNITUDO 2.8 E 2.9 A LARGO DELL'ISOLA (13 DICEMBRE 2015) Oltre che in Italia, la terra ha tremato anche a largo di Porto Rico. Prima alle 13:00 (ora italiana) e poi alle 16:26), ci sono state scosse di Magnitudo rispettivamente 2.8 e 2.9. La profondità degli epicentri è stata rispettivamente di 43 e 44 km.

Box Office USA: Pustki w kinach. Czyżby zapowiadały tsunami za tydzień?

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:39:00 +0100frazeo (pl)

Zanim nadejdzie fala tsunami, następuje gwałtowny odpływ wody odsłaniając szerokie połacie plaży normalnie zalane wodą. Ten sam efekt można było zaobserwować w amerykańskich kinach w ten weekend. Nastąpił bezprecedensowy odpływ widzów. W efekcie łączne wpływy ze sprzedaży biletów szacuje się na 75 milionów.

Schools in flood-hit TN to open today

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:11:00 +0100deccanherald (en)

After a month-long spell of holidays necessitated by rain and floods, schools in the affected parts of Tamil Nadu, particularly in Chennai and neighbouring Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur and Cuddalore districts, will open on Monday. The heavy rainfall in the state and the consequent floods had forced....

Crean en Japón concurso de ‘vestir cadáveres’

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 20:47:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Japón.- AFP En Japón asear y arreglar a los cadáveres es todo un arte. Sayuri Takahashi se arrodilla con gracia junto a una mujer inmóvil, le toma un brazo, luego otro, las piernas ... y la viste a la luz de velas artificiales. A sus 27 años participó en un concurso de especialistas en el arreglo y....

TERREMOTO OGGI/ Sicilia, scossa di M 1.4 in provincia di Siracusa (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 19:06:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SCIAME SISMICO E SCOSSA DI MAGNITUDO 1.2 TRA UMBRIA E MARCHE (13 DICEMBRE 2015) Una nuova serie di scosse sismiche, la più alta con Magnitudo 1.2, si è verificata in Umbria, interessando anche una zona delle Marche. Dalle 16:05 alle 17:24, 5 terremoti sono stati registrati nella....

Death toll in Chile quake rises to eight; tsunami warning lifted

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:37:00 +0100dalje-en (en)

The death toll in Chile’s magnitude-8.3 earthquake rose to at least eight with dozens of people injured, local media reported Thursday, citing rescue services. About 1 million people have been evacuated from their homes, particularly around the country’s coastal areas for fear of a tsunami, the Interior Ministry said.

Terremoto oggi/ Umbria, sciame sismico e scossa di M 1.6 in provincia di Perugia (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:36:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SISMA DI MAGNITUDO 1.4 IN SICILIA (13 DICEMBRE 2015) La terra ha tremato oggi pomeriggio anche in Sicilia. I sismografi hanno infatti registrato un sisma di Magnitudo 1.4 con epicentro a una profondità di 9.4 km. Nell'arco di 20 km sono tre i comuni che sono stati interessati dalla scossa, tutti in provincia di Siracusa.

Blatter admite que las detenciones por corrupción fueron un “tsunami” sin señal de alarma

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 17:50:00 +0100opinion (es)

El presidente dimisionario de la FIFA, Joseph Blatter, actualmente suspendido 90 días, declaró que la detención en mayo de siete dirigentes del fútbol mundial fue "un tsunami†sin señal de alarma, en una entrevista a un periódico de Japón, informó paginasiete.bo que cita como fuente a AFP "Aquello fue un tsunami.

TERREMOTO OGGI/ Umbria e Marche, Scossa di M 1.1 in provincia di Perugia e Pesaro Urbino (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 16:35:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SCIAME SISMICO E SCOSSA DI MAGNITUDO 1.6 TRA UMBRIA E MARCHE (13 DICEMBRE 2015) Nell'ultima ora la terra ha tremato diverse volte in Umbria, facendo sentire i suoi effetti anche nelle Marche. Dopo la scossa delle 12:27 di Magnitudo 1.1 di cui abbiamo riferito nel precedente....

TERREMOTO OGGI/ Messico, scossa di M 3.0 ai confini con la California (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 14:04:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SISMA DI MAGNITUDO 3.0 IN MESSICO (13 DICEMBRE 2015) I sismografi non rivelano eventi sismici nel nostro Paese. Ma nelle scorse ore se ne sono verificati un paio in America Centrale. In Messico, nei pressi dei confini con la California, è stata registrata una scossa di magnitudo 3 alle 5:36 ora italiana.

Tsunami, siccità, alluvioni: gli effetti sulla Terra

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 13:03:00 +0100247libero (it)

Aprire i rubinetti e veder scendere solo un filo d'acqua. Desiderare una zuppa di cereali e doverla pagare a peso d'oro. Fare immersione in paradisi esotici e trovare coralli senza più colore. Le montagne, invece, senza più neve. Bastano solo due gradi in più di temperatura del Pianeta per dover cambiare anche alcune nostre abitudini.

TERREMOTO OGGI / Campania, scossa di M 2.0 in provincia di Benevento (in tempo reale, oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 12:02:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SISMA DI MAGNITUDO 2.0 IN CAMPANIA (13 DICEMBRE 2015) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2 gradi della scala Richter si è verificata intorno alle 2 di notte in provincia di Benevento in Campania. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 11 chilometri alle coordinate geografiche 41.

Wapres Jusuf Kalla Makan Bersama Nelayan dan Anak Yatim Aceh

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 10:54:00 +0100antarajateng (id)

Banda Aceh, Antara Jateng - Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla makan siang bersama nelayan dan anak yatim korban tsunami dalam acara Khanduri Laot di Banda Aceh, Minggu. Khanduri Laot dilaksanakan usai puncak peringatan Hari Nusantara 2015 di sekitar Pelabuhan Lampulo.

TERREMOTO OGGI / Le scosse in Italia e nel mondo: sisma in Turchia (oggi 13 dicembre 2015)

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 08:00:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, SISMA DI MAGNITUDO 2.5 IN TURCHIA (13 DICEMBRE 2015) - Nelle prime ore di domenica 13 dicembre 2015 non sono state ancora segnalate scosse sul territorio italiano. Il centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo però segnala che un sisma è stato avvertito in Turchia.

Detenciones de mayo fueron un “tsunami”

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 07:44:00 +0100paginasiete (es)

AFP / Tokio El presidente dimisionario de la FIFA, Joseph Blatter, actualmente suspendido 90 días, declaró que la detención en mayo de siete dirigentes del fútbol mundial fue "un tsunami” sin señal de alarma, en una entrevista a un periódico de Japón. "Aquello fue un tsunami.

Will Bay of Bengal transform into a Bay of hope or fear?

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 05:58:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

By I. Ramamohan Rao. New Delhi, Dec. 13 (ANI): The world is becoming increasingly aware of the impact of climate change, and India is no exception. During the last few weeks, Chennai and a large section of landmass on the east coast experienced incessant rains.

The Netherlands: The safest delta in the world

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 05:06:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Anti-storm barriers, 17,500km of dykes and dunes and a spirit of constant innovation to hold back the seas. These are some of the key ingredients which allow the Netherlands to boast that it is the "world's safest delta". GEOGRAPHY. The Netherlands is essentially a large delta....

Tajikistan: A governmental commission created for elimination of the consequences of the earthquake

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 03:32:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

A governmental commission has been created this morning following the consequences of the earthquake in Badakhshan Region under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Azim Ibrohim. The structure of the commission included the first heads of the ministries of transport, health and social....

Tajikistan: Regular meeting of the Government to address the consequences of the earthquake in Badakhshan Region

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 03:32:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

A regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan today morning was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Head of Government of the country, Emomali Rahmon. The purpose of this meeting was to examine the ways to address the consequences of the earthquake in Badakhshan Region.

Utah's top cops call for action to tackle 'heroin tsunami'

Sun, 13 Dec 2015 01:06:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2015 5:17 pm. Associated Press 0 comments SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah's top law enforcement officials are sounding the alarm about a rise in heroin-fueled violent robberies, calling on state lawmakers to approve more money for heroin recovery centers. U.S.

Tokyo Electric Power : Radioactivity level rises 4,000-fold in duct water at Fukushima plant

Sat, 12 Dec 2015 22:45:00 +01004-traders (en)

The concentration of radioactive materials in water in an underground duct at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant soared 4,000 times from a year ago, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. TEPCO , operator of the crippled plant, said Dec. 9 that highly contaminated water stored at a nearby building may have leaked into the duct.

Concurso de embellecimiento de cadáveres en Japón

Sat, 12 Dec 2015 21:33:00 +0100vanguardia-CO (es)

A sus 27 años participó en un concurso de especialistas en el arreglo y vestido de los muertos antes de las exequias y la incineración, una profesión en declive en las grandes ciudades japonesas , y en menor medida en los pueblos. Un arte célebre en el mundo gracias a 'Despedidas', Oscar en 2009 a....

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