M 5.2 in China on 20 Apr 2015 11:20 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 432
Articles about casualties: 35 (8.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Confirman 21 muertos tras la inundación de una mina en China

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:38:00 +0200elnacional (es)

Los salvadores llevan a un hombre herido durante una operación de rescate después del terremoto del domingo en el condado Ludian de ciudad Zhaotong en la Provincia Yunnan de China sudoeste, el lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014. Los salvadores se cavaron por casas trastornadas el lunes que buscan a los....

"Het meest geïsoleerde volk ter wereld": zelfs de tsunami kreeg hen niet klein

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:16:00 +0200hln (nl)

Vanuit de lucht lijkt het een idyllisch eiland, met prachtige stranden en dichte bossen. Van toeristen is echter geen sprake op dit stukje ongerepte natuur in de Indische Oceaan. Wie te dicht in de buurt komt, riskeert immers aangevallen te worden door de leden van een inheemse stam. De bevolking leeft al zo'n 60.

"Het meest geïsoleerde volk ter wereld": zelfs de tsunami kreeg hen niet klein

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 13:20:00 +0200demorgen (nl)

Als er toch eens contact komt met de buitenwereld is er vaak geweld mee gemoeid. Negen jaar geleden werden twee vissers -die daar uiteraard niet hoorden te zijn- zonder pardon omgebracht. Piloten die de omgeving willen verkennen en daarom laag over het North Sentinel Island vliegen, krijgen te maken met pijl en boog of worden bekogeld met stenen.

Natural Disasters

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:32:00 +0200reuters (en)

- Torrential rain triggered flooding on the streets of Houston and sent spectators fleeing from a circus south of the Texas city, officials said on Saturday, as the storm system headed east toward Louisiana and neighboring states. GENEVA - 'Isis' has been removed from the official list of names of....

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:04:00 +0200pzc (nl)

Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale Organisatie voor Migranten (IOM) zal het overgrote deel van de slachtoffers naamloos blijven. Van de 600 lotgenoten die tot half maart dit jaar verdronken op dezelfde route zijn er tot op heden nog geen 100 geïdentificeerd.

Drone achado na casa de premiê do Japão poderia ter césio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:57:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Seguranças investigam um drone marcado com o símbolo radioativo que pousou na cobertura do prédio da residência oficial do primeiro-ministro japonês, Shinzo Abe, em Tóquio. O aeromodelo apresentava sinais 'minúsculos' de radiação, segundo autoridades (Foto: Reuters/Kyodo) As autoridades japonesas....

El dron hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 11:18:00 +0200eldia (es)

Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

Japan first reactor restart may be delayed -regulator

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:48:00 +0200trust (en)

TOKYO, April 23 (Reuters) - Japan's nuclear regulator on Thursday poured cold water on the schedule for the first restart of a reactor under new safety rules introduced since the 2011 Fukushima disaster, a day after a court cleared the way for the resumption of operations.

El dron hallado en la residencia de Shinzo Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:37:00 +0200eleconomista-es (es)

Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según han dicho este jueves fuentes de la investigación.

'Japan's 1st reactor restart may be delayed'

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 09:36:00 +0200economictimes (en)

ET SPECIAL: Love visual aspect of news? Enjoy this exclusive slideshows treat! TOKYO: Japan's nuclear regulator on Thursday poured cold water on the schedule for the first restart of a reactor under new safety rules introduced since the 2011 Fukushima disaster, a day after a court cleared the way for the resumption of operations.

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:53:00 +0200ed (nl)

Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale Organisatie voor Migranten (IOM) zal het overgrote deel van de slachtoffers naamloos blijven. Van de 600 lotgenoten die tot half maart dit jaar verdronken op dezelfde route zijn er tot op heden nog geen 100 geïdentificeerd.

El dron hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:33:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:12:00 +0200bndestem (nl)

Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale Organisatie voor Migranten (IOM) zal het overgrote deel van de slachtoffers naamloos blijven. Van de 600 lotgenoten die tot half maart dit jaar verdronken op dezelfde route zijn er tot op heden nog geen 100 geïdentificeerd.

El drone hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:03:00 +0200lavozdegalicia (es)

Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un drone que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima , según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

El dron hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:02:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Tokio, 23 abr (EFE).- Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:59:00 +0200gelderlander (nl)

Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale Organisatie voor Migranten (IOM) zal het overgrote deel van de slachtoffers naamloos blijven. Van de 600 lotgenoten die tot half maart dit jaar verdronken op dezelfde route zijn er tot op heden nog geen 100 geïdentificeerd.

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:58:00 +0200destentor (nl)

Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale Organisatie voor Migranten (IOM) zal het overgrote deel van de slachtoffers naamloos blijven. Van de 600 lotgenoten die tot half maart dit jaar verdronken op dezelfde route zijn er tot op heden nog geen 100 geïdentificeerd.

Slachtoffers bootdrama zijn anonieme sloebers

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:46:00 +0200ad (nl)

Bob van Huet 23-4-15 - 07:38 EU-top over tragedies met bootvluchtelingen © epa. Hoeveel van de 850 mannen, vrouwen en kinderen die zaterdagnacht verdronken in de Middellandse Zee zullen ooit worden geïdentificeerd? Niet veel, vreest het IOM. Afgaande op recente ervaringen van de Internationale....

Japón: dron hallado en casa de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:46:00 +0200rpp (es)

Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron fuentes de la investigación.

Presidente que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:35:00 +0200elsalvador (es)

Mi�rcoles, 22 de Abril de 2015. Al que gracias a Dios se fue, lo recordamos por rubias, Ferraris y por llegar tarde hasta al Vaticano. Al actual, lo "memiamos" por pausado, porque no da pie con bola, por su sonrisa congelada y por dormirse a la par de Obama.

Drone achado na casa de primeiro-ministro poderia levar césio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:30:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Tóquio, 23 abr (EFE).- As autoridades japonesas averiguam a possibilidade de o césio radioativo detectado em um drone encontrado na cobertura da residência oficial do primeiro-ministro do país, Shinzo Abe, pertencer à usina nuclear de Fukushima, disseram nesta quinta-feira fontes ligadas à investigação.

El dron hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 06:22:00 +0200negocios (es)

Tokio, 23 abr.- Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

El dron hallado en la residencia de Abe podría llevar cesio de Fukushima

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 06:17:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 23 abr (EFE).- Las autoridades niponas investigan la posibilidad de que el cesio radiactivo detectado en un dron que aterrizó sobre la residencia del primer ministro nipón proceda de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, según dijeron hoy fuentes de la investigación.

NSW power workers warned workplace agreements under threat

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 05:54:00 +0200smh (en)

The Rail Tram and Bus Union will warn NSW MP Fred Nile✓ that any protections offered to power workers as part of an agreement to partially privatise the state electricity network may be only temporary. The national rail union has also warned that a controversial Fair Work Commission decision to....

NSW power workers warned workplace agreements under threat

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 05:33:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

The Rail Tram and Bus Union will warn NSW MP Fred Nile✓ that any protections offered to power workers as part of an agreement to partially privatise the state electricity network may be only temporary. The national rail union has also warned that a controversial Fair Work Commission decision to....

Hoy simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Arica

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 05:27:00 +0200elmorrocotudo (es)

Un sonido distinto al utilizado en otras regiones del país, acompañado de una voz femenina que anuncia la necesidad de evacuar la zona costera, será lo que emitirán las sirenas de Tsunami durante el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami que se desarrolla hoy en la mañana en Arica.

Korkutan iddia! Patlarsa insanlığın sonu gelir

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 04:56:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

Dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran vakfın bilim adamları, insanlığın sonunu getirecek dev yanardağ patlaması ihtimalinin bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu savundu. Bilim adamları, ’da 1815’te Tambora Yanardağı ’nın patlaması sonucu yaklaşık 100 bin kişinin öldüğünü....

Piano prodigy Umi Garrett to perform in Los Gatos on May 3

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 03:41:00 +0200mercurynews (en)

At just 14 years old, Umi Garrett is one of the best young pianists in the country, winning multiple awards and accolades throughout her young life. Not only did she perform Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 3 with the Desert Symphony in Palm Desert, but she has performed for a VIP broadcast of NPR's "From the Top" at Joshua Bell's home in New York City.

What India needs to learn from #YemenEvacuation

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 03:31:00 +0200economictimes (en)

By Manmohan Bahadur. #YemenEvacuation has stopped trending on Twitter. The C-17s of the Indian Air Force have retarded throttles at their base in Hindon. The Indian Navy’s ships have ‘pulled alongside’. Air India’s aircraft are back to commercial duties and Syed Akbaruddin, the eversmiling....

Yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir!

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 02:01:00 +0200netgazete (tr)

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

Food Story

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:47:00 +0200kompas (id)

Kangen dengan tahu gejrot asal Cirebon yang sudah sangat populer atau nasi lengko yang bercita rasa manis dan gurih? Ayam tangkap sudah menjadi ikon kuliner Aceh. Bahkan saat Aceh dilanda bencana tsunami, ayam tangkap mendapat julukan baru, yaitu ayam tsunami karena penyajiannya yang memang tampak porak poranda.

Reconstruir mejor, nueva estrategia universal para reducir desastres

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:31:00 +0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Reconstruir mejor (build back better). Esa debe ser la política que deberán aplicar los gobiernos del mundo para enfrentar las amenazas naturales y reducir posteriores desastres, que, en la última década, dejaron 700 mil muertos, 1,4 millones de heridos, 23 millones de personas sin hogar y 1,5....

El significado de las distintas alertas por la actividad de los volcanes

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 23:42:00 +020013-CL (es)

La Onemi decretó este miércoles Alerta Roja por la erupción del Volcán Calbuco. Cabe destacar que existen diferencias respecto de la información que entrega en estos casos el Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (Sernageomin) y la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias del Ministerio del Interior....

Agua radiactiva de Fukushima llega a la costa oeste de EE.UU.

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 23:41:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

En abril se registraron rastros de agua radiactiva de la central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima en algunos puntos de la costa occidental de Estados Unidos , según resultados de una investigación realizada por la Institución Oceanográfica Woods Hole, en Massachusetts.

Autoridades entregaron información previo a simulacro regional

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:42:00 +0200onemi (es)

22/04/2015 | 17:26 | Arica y Parinacota. Durante la jornada, recorrieron el centro y norte de la capital regional entregando cerca de 9 mil trípticos con información del ejercicio que se realizará en las comunas de Arica y Camarones mañana jueves 23 de abril.

Deze 55.000 jaar oude stam overleefde de tsunami

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:41:00 +0200nieuwsblad (nl)

Op het Noord-Sentineleiland in de Indische Oceaan houdt zich een inheemse stam schuil die de verwoestende tsunami van 2004 heeft overleefd. De bevolking leeft er al 55.000 jaar in afzondering, weigert elk contact met de buitenwereld en is nog niet beïnvloed door de moderne samenleving.

Quattro anni dopo Fukushima: il Giappone si ferma per ricordare

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:26:00 +0200romagnanoi (it)

Era l'11 marzo 2011 quando un terremoto di magnitudo 9 della scala Richter e uno tsunami colpivano il Giappone, causando oltre 18mila morti e dispersi nel nordest del Paese, e provocando l'incidente nucleare nella centrale di Fukushima. In diverse celebrazioni per ricordare la tragedia è stato osservato un minuto di silenzio alle 14.

Japan completes repairs on first tsunami-damaged F-2B fighter

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:16:00 +0200janes (en)

The Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) rolled out the first of 13 F-2B fighter aircraft to undergo repairs to damage caused by the March 2011 tsunami. A ceremony to mark to the completion of repairs on the first aircraft (serial number 03-8106) by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Lockheed....

Japón registra primer superávit comercial en casi tres años

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 18:48:00 +0200lahora-GT (es)

Por ELAINE KURTENBACH, TOKIO Agencia AP. Japón registró en marzo su primer superávit comercial mensual en casi tres años, gracias a la caída de los costos de importación por la baja del precio del petróleo, junto con una modesta recuperación en las exportaciones.

Earthquake potential where there is no earthquake history

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 17:40:00 +0200phys (en)

Seismogram being recorded by a seismograph at the Weston Observatory in Massachusetts, USA. Credit: Wikipedia. It may seem unlikely that a large earthquake would take place hundreds of kilometers away from a tectonic plate boundary, in areas with low levels of strain on the crust from tectonic motion.

Giappone: bocciato ricorso per stop riapertura reattori vicino a vulcano

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:56:00 +0200arezzoweb (it)

Tokyo, 22 apr. (AdnKronos/dpa) – Il tribunale del distretto di Kagoshima ha respinto il ricorso presentato dai cittadini che chiedevano di fermare la riapertura dei due reattori nucleari della centrale di Sendai, prevista per luglio. I reattori dell’impianto gestito dalla Kyushu Electric Power Co,....

Giappone: bocciato ricorso per stop riapertura reattori vicino a vulcano

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:52:00 +0200adnkronos (it)

Articolo pubblicato il: 22/04/2015. Il tribunale del distretto di Kagoshima ha respinto il ricorso presentato dai cittadini che chiedevano di fermare la riapertura dei due reattori nucleari della centrale di Sendai, prevista per luglio. I reattori dell'impianto gestito dalla Kyushu Electric Power....

Families encounter foamy phenomenon at Avoca Beach homes during storm

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:46:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

For a brief moment Sylvia Freedman thought a tsunami was about to beat her down, but instead she and her family encountered a foamy phenomenon. Ms Freedman's extraordinary footage looks like something out of a space opera as the wild storm and massive surf that hit the Central Coast on Tuesday....

KAA 2015: Ini Hasil Pertemuan Jokowi dengan Jepang & China

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:23:00 +0200bisnis (id)

Kabar24.com, JAKARTA--Presiden Joko Widodo telah menggelar empat pertemuan bilateral dengan Jepang, Tiongkok, Yordania, dan Singapura di sela-sela rangkaian Konferensi Asia Afrika 2015. Sekretaris Kabinet Andi Widjajanto memaparkan hasil pertemuan kepala negara dengan Presiden China Xi Jinping dan Perdana Menteri Jepang Shinzo Abe.

Families encounter foamy phenomenon at Avoca Beach homes during storm

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:20:00 +0200smh (en)

For a brief moment Sylvia Freedman thought a tsunami was about to beat her down, but instead she and her family encountered a foamy phenomenon. Ms Freedman's extraordinary footage looks like something out of a space opera as the wild storm and massive surf that hit the Central Coast on Tuesday....

Radyasyon 'dalga dalga' yayılıyor

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:19:00 +0200havadiskibris (tr)

Fukuşima Daiiçi Nükleer Santrali'ni işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerji Şirketi (TEPCO), 2011'deki deprem ve tsunami sırasında tamamı hasar gören drenaj yolundaki sekiz aktarma pompasından Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyonlu su sızdığını açıkladı. TEPCO yetkilileri okyanusa pompalardan ne kadar su sızdığını belirlemeye çalıştıklarını belirtti.

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı: Bu yüzyılda insanlığın sonu gelebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:48:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

Büyük bir yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:45:00 +0200stargazete (tr)

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan bilim adamları, bir yanardağ patlamasının bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar insanlığın sona ermesine yol açabileceğini öne sürdü. Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin....

Arupa Bilim Vakfı'dan önemli açıklama! İnsanlığın sonunu getirebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:18:00 +0200havadiskibris (tr)

Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

World: The risk of disaster-induced displacement in South Asia

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 15:14:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. This technical paper provides evidence-based estimates of the likelihood of disaster-induced displacement in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It attempts to better quantify human displacement risk.

RTBU warns Aurizon: enterprise agreements termination risks disputes 'tsunami'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:49:00 +0200smh (en)

The rail union has warned a controversial Fair Work Commission ruling to terminate a dozen enterprise agreements at operator Aurizon​ could provoke a "tsunami" of industrial disputes. The Rail Tram and Bus Union will now write to NSW MP Fred Nile warning that any protections offered to power workers....

Tokyo, drone radioattivo sull'ufficio del premier. FOTO

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:38:00 +0200tg24-sky (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno accertato emissioni radioattive, seppur di basso livello, su un piccolo aereo senza pilota atterrato sul tetto dello studio di Shinzo Abe. Il ritrovamento del drone è avvenuto alle 10.27 del mattino locali (3.27 in Italia) da un funzionario che stava accompagnando un....

RTBU warns Aurizon: enterprise agreements termination risks disputes 'tsunami'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:27:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

The rail union has warned a controversial Fair Work Commission ruling to terminate a dozen enterprise agreements at operator Aurizon​ could provoke a "tsunami" of industrial disputes. The Rail Tram and Bus Union will now write to NSW MP Fred Nile warning that any protections offered to power workers....

İnsanlığın sonu bu şekilde gelebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:18:00 +0200haber-mynet (tr)

Strazburg merkezli vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim insanları, dev bir patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı: Bu yüzyılda insanlığın sonu gelebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:10:00 +0200ensonhaber (tr)

Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

Alexandre Garcia sobre tornado em SC: 'Imprevidência e improviso'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:03:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Uma tragédia dessa e o único radar meteorológico do estado quebrado é lamentável. Não tem prevenção, estamos sempre correndo atrás do prejuízo. São palavras de meteorologista: não se consegue fazer previsão de tornado no ano de 2015, em um país tropical que nos últimos anos, há registros de tornados....

Dark matter wiped out the dinosaurs and could end human race, scientist claims

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:54:00 +0200express (en)

GETTY Jon Austin Did dark matter kill off the dinosaurs? New York University professor and geologist Michael Rampino carried out research which suggests dark matter - the mysterious invisible stuff making up most of the mass in the universe - could come into contact with the earth more often than....

Büyük bir yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:52:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Strazburg merkezli vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim insanları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

Büyük Bir Yanardağ Patlaması İnsanlığın Sonunu Getirebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:30:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti. Söz konusu iddia, Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'nın sitesinde yer aldı.

Yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonu olacak

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:28:00 +0200haberaktuel (tr)

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan bilim insanları, bir yanardağ patlamasının bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar insanlığın sona ermesine yol açabileceğini öne sürdü. Strasbourg merkezli vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim insanları, dev bir yanardağ....

RTBU warns Aurizon: enterprise agreements termination risks disputes 'tsunami'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:18:00 +0200smh (en)

The rail union has warned a controversial Fair Work Commission ruling to terminate a dozen enterprise agreements at operator Aurizon​ could provoke a "tsunami" of industrial disputes. The Rail Tram and Bus Union will now write to NSW MP Fred Nile warning that any protections offered to power workers....

Giapppne, drone radiattivo atterra su ufficio premier a Tokyo. Ma Abe era a Giacarta

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:15:00 +0200quotidiano (it)

Tokyo, 22 aprile 2015 - Le autorità giapponesi hanno aperto un'indagine sul drone atterrato stamattina sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier Shinzo Abe a Tokyo. Lo ha fatto sapere un portavoce del governo, Yoshihide Suga, aggiungendo che l'esecutivo potrebbe valutare delle misure per disciplinare l'utilizzo dei velivoli senza equipaggio.

Taiwans space programme offers tsunami satellite images to aid relief

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:54:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Taiwan's space programme offers tsunami satellite images to aid relief. Space Daily Wednesday 22nd April, 2015. Taiwan's national space programme offered Wednesday its satellite images of the damage caused by powerful tsunamis that ravaged Asia at the weekend to affected countries and aid groups for free.

Yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir!

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:53:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

Bilim adamları, bir yanardağ patlamasının bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar insanlığın sona ermesine yol açabileceğini öne sürdü. Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu....

Work on Seismic Research Station begins shortly

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:47:00 +0200abstvradio (en)

A team from the UWI Seismic Research Centre in Trinidad will be back on island shortly to complete work on an earthquake monitoring station in Bethesda. For the past month, work has been ongoing on the station that feeds into the Caribbean Tsunami Warning System, capable of recording large sized....

'Yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:44:00 +0200stargundem (tr)

(AA) - Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan bilim adamları, bir yanardağ patlamasının bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar insanlığın sona ermesine yol açabileceğini öne sürdü. Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan....

İnsanlığın sonunu getirebilir

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:32:00 +0200dunyagazetesi (tr)

Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'nın ainternet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan neslinin sonunu getirebileceğini ve bu durumun meydana gelme ihtimalinin yüzyıl sonuna kadar yüzde 5 ile 10 arasında olduğunu iddia etti.

'Yanardağ patlaması insanlığın sonunu getirebilir'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:24:00 +0200aa (tr)

ANKARA Avrupa Bilim Vakfı'ndan bilim adamları, bir yanardağ patlamasının bu yüzyıl sonuna kadar insanlığın sona ermesine yol açabileceğini öne sürdü. Vakfın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, dünyayı tehdit eden afet risklerini araştıran bilim adamları, dev bir yanardağ patlamasının insan....

Sanitasi, Kunci Kenyamanan

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:18:00 +0200kompas (id)

Oleh ADRIAN FAJRIANSYAH Zakaria (34) cekatan mengeruk pupuk berwarna hitam pekat, seperti arang, dalam ruang pengeringan. Ia memasukkan kerukan pupuk itu satu per satu dalam karung. Sekilas tidak ada yang aneh dengan pupuk yang berbentuk layaknya tanah gembur itu. Bentuk pupuk itu pun mirip pupuk komersial yang dijual di pasaran.

Bertemu Jokowi, PM Jepang Sepakat Reformasi PBB Diperlukan

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:06:00 +0200detikcom (id)

Jakarta - Di sela-sela acara Konferensi Asia Afrika di JCC, Senayan, Presiden Joko Widodo melakukan pertemuan bilateral dengan PM Jepang Shinzo Abe. Apa yang dibahas dalam pertemuan tersebut? Sekretaris Kabinet Andi Widajanto mengatakan, pertemuan dua kepala negara itu membahas lebih lanjut tentang kerja sama Selatan-Selatan.

Giappone: drone radioattivo sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier Abe

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:55:00 +0200iltempo (it)

Ha destato clamore e preoccupazione il piccolo aereo trovato sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier giapponese, Shinzo Abe. Non portava esplosivo, bensì una piccola macchina fotografica, una bottiglia d'acqua e una torcia, ma il piccolo velivolo - è lungo circa mezzo metro - era marcato con il simbolo....

Forces of Nature: 21st Century Disasters on Display

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:47:00 +0200rian-en (en)

In this January 10, 2005 photo, an elephant which belongs to forest ministry removes debris in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. One of the deadliest natural disasters in world history: a tsunami, triggered by a massive earthquake off the Indonesian coast, leaving more than 230,000 people dead in 14 countries and causing about $10 billion in damage.

Tokyo, un drone radioattivo sull’ufficio del premier Abe

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:45:00 +0200corriere (it)

Un piccolo drone con il simbolo di materiale radioattivo è atterrato sul tetto dell’ufficio del premier giapponese Shinzo Abe a Tokyo. Secondo quanto riportato dai media locali, i test hanno confermato che il drone trasportava un piccolo pacco con del liquido che, in base ai primi riscontri, «sembra....

Japan court supports planned restart of 2 nuclear reactors

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:41:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " A court rejected an injunction requested by local residents opposed to resuming operations of two nuclear reactors in southern Japan, giving the go-ahead Wednesday for their restart as planned this summer. The Kagoshima District Court decision regarding the Sendai No. 1 and No.

Indian Ocean island is home to Sentinelese community who kill outsiders

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:28:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

It is too dangerous to approach them due to their hostility to outsiders, meaning they are rarely photographed up close and almost never seen on video. Most of the photos and video clips that do exist are of poor quality. There are also conflicting reports on the tribe’s population, with most....

RTBU warns Aurizon: enterprise agreements termination risks disputes 'tsunami'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:19:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

The rail union has warned a controversial Fair Work Commission ruling to terminate a dozen enterprise agreements at operator Aurizon​ could provoke a "tsunami" of industrial disputes. The Rail Tram and Bus Union will now write to NSW MP Fred Nile warning that any protections offered to power workers....

Radyasyon 'dalga dalga' yayılıyor

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:13:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Fukuşima Nükleer Santrali, Pasifik Okyanusu'na da lu su sızdırıyor. radyasyon Fukuşima Daiiçi Nükleer Santrali'ni işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerji Şirketi (TEPCO), 2011'deki deprem ve tsunami sırasında tamamı hasar gören drenaj yolundaki sekiz aktarma pompasından Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyon lu su sızdığını açıkladı.

RTBU warns Aurizon: enterprise agreements termination risks disputes 'tsunami'

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:02:00 +0200smh (en)

The rail union has warned a controversial Fair Work Commission ruling to terminate a dozen enterprise agreements at operator Aurizon​ could provoke a "tsunami" of industrial disputes. The Rail Tram and Bus Union will now write to NSW MP Fred Nile warning that any protections offered to power workers....

The island that is too dangerous to visit: Mysterious Sentinelese tribe has rejected outsiders for 60,000 years... and will try to kill anyone who sets foot on their land

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:51:00 +0200dailymail (en)

It is too dangerous to approach them due to their hostility to outsiders, meaning they are rarely photographed up close and almost never seen on video. Most of the photos and video clips that do exist are of poor quality. There are also conflicting reports on the tribe’s population, with most....

Tsunami-ravaged city releases 10,000 images of disaster, reconstruction

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:22:00 +0200ajw (en)

KESENNUMA, Miyagi Prefecture--This tsunami-ravaged northeastern city has released 10,500 images online of the destruction caused by the 2011 disaster and subsequent reconstruction work. The city made the photos and video footage available in the hope that they will assist in enhancing disaster preparedness and prevention.

Tsunami-hit Miyagi railway to resume full operation

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:22:00 +0200ajw (en)

HIGASHI-MATSUSHIMA, Miyagi Prefecture--The tsunami-hit JR Senseki Line is gearing up to resume full operations next month after a trial run was held April 21 on a previously damaged section of track. Operator East Japan Railway Co. gave media representatives a ride on a segment of the line that has....

Gericht stärkt Japans Atomkurs Niederlage für Japans Atomkraftgegner: Ein Gericht hat das Wiederanfahren zweier Atomreaktoren erlaubt. Dabei hatte Premier Abe mit seinem Atomkurs gerade erst einen juristischen Dämpfer einstecken müssen.

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:03:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (li)

Vier Jahre nach der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima ist Japan der Rückkehr zur Kernenergie einen Schritt näher gekommen. Anwohner des Atomkraftwerks Sendai scheiterten mit einer Klage gegen die Wiederinbetriebnahme zweier Reaktoren durch den Betreiber Kyushu Electric Power.

Giappone: drone sul tetto ufficio Abe, e' lievemente radioattivo

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:35:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(AGI) - Tokyo, 22 apr. - Le autorita' nipponiche hanno accertato emissioni radioattive, seppur di basso livello, su un drone atterrato sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier giapponese, Shinzo Abe. La polizia di Tokyo, che inizialmente aveva escluso che il piccolo aereo senza pilota portasse esplosivo,....

Radyasyon 'dalga dalga' yayılıyor

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:21:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

HAVA DURUMU; NAMAZ VAKİTLERİ; ÜYELİK GİRİŞİ. Radyasyon 'dalga dalga' yayılıyor Fukuşima Nükleer Santrali, Pasifik Okyanusu'na da radyasyonlu su sızdırıyor. Eklenme: 22 Nisan 2015, 10:00 Güncelleme: 22 Nisan 2015, 10:00 196 Okunma Daiiçi Nükleer Santral i'ni işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerji Şirketi....

Giappone: drone radioattivo sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier Abe

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:05:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(AGI) - Tokyo, 22 apr. - Sul tetto dell'ufficio del premier giapponese, Shinzo Abe, e' atterrato un piccolo drone: non portava esplosivo, bensi' una piccola macchina fotografica, una bottiglia d'acqua e una torcia, ma il piccolo velivolo - e' lungo circa mezzo metro - era marcato con il simbolo....

Alla vill bli affärsängel: "En tsunami på väg"

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:48:00 +0200dagens_ps (sv)

Antalet affärsänglar som är anslutna till entreprenörs- och investerarföreningen Connect Sverige har på ett år ökat med tio procent. Experter som Ekot talat med bekräftar trenden där allt fler privatpersoner vill satsa riskkapital i nystartade företag. Affärsängeln Anette Nordvall tror på fortsatt ökning.

Tsunami nu a început în Gorj!

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:10:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Declaraţii incendiare , făcute în exclusivitate în cadrul emisiunii *Punctul pe I*, de către social democratul Cristian Toader Pasti . Acesta a declarat că în judeţul Gorj tsunami nu a început încă , dar şi că cine a furat va plati pentru faptele sale . Pasti a susţinut cu tărie că judetul Gorj şi ţara sunt conduse de mafii transpartinice .

New Plans To Keep Residents Safe

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 07:34:00 +0200abstvradio (en)

As plans continue to develop to keep residents of Antigua and Barbuda safe during and after natural disasters, the National Office of Disaster Services, NODS, is ensuringthat the twin islands are on par with regional and international standards. Recently, additional improvement work was carried out....

World: Inventions for disaster risk reduction

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 07:10:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

By Jonathan Fowler. GENEVA, 20 April 2015 – Inventors aiming to reduce the risk of disasters have flocked to Geneva to pitch a whole range of cutting-edge ideas, from earthquake-resistant buildings to lamps that make evacuations easier. Tucked in among hundreds of fellow exhibitors from 48 countries....

Estádio Record: Tsunami bávaro varreu o estádio

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:32:00 +0200sabado (pt)

Por Record No fim, os telemóveis começaram a tocar. Jorge Amaral explicou as motivações de quem se dava ao trabalho de contactar os amigos portistas: "É só para dar baile, já os atendo". Acabou em lamento e preocupação o fim de tarde que os ilustres convidados Record abordaram com otimismo.

Estádio Record: Tsunami bávaro varreu o estádio

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 06:26:00 +0200record (pt)

No fim, os telemóveis começaram a tocar. Jorge Amaral explicou as motivações de quem se dava ao trabalho de contactar os amigos portistas: "É só para dar baile, já os atendo". Acabou em lamento e preocupação o fim de tarde que os ilustres convidados Record abordaram com otimismo.

Simulacro de terremoto y tsunami: El inusual 23 de abril que viviremos en Arica y Camarones

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:50:00 +0200elmorrocotudo (es)

Las sirenas de los vehículos de emergencia serán protagónicas durante el 23 de abril. En en un horario desconocido por la comunidad, marcará el momento ficticio en que se desarrolla un terremoto de grandes proporciones. En ese momento, las personas deberán refugiarse en zonas seguras, tal y como si estuviera ocurriendo un terremoto.

Fukuşima'daki nükleer kaza

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:52:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Japonya'da 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunaminin ardından nükleer felakete sahne olan Fukuşima santralinde drenaj yolundaki pompalardan Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyonlu su sızdığı tespit edildi. Fukuşima Daiiçi Nükleer Santrali'ni işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerji Şirketi (TEPCO), 2011'deki....

Commodities Corner The uranium trade is about to go nuclear

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Commodities Corner: The uranium trade is about to go nuclear. MarketWatch Wednesday 22nd April, 2015. caused the worst nuclear disaster in a quarter century, the uranium market is showing signs of life. Japan has plans to restart some nuclear reactors this year, the first since all of them in the....

Food Story

Wed, 22 Apr 2015 02:07:00 +0200kompas (id)

Ayam tangkap sudah menjadi ikon kuliner Aceh. Bahkan saat Aceh dilanda bencana tsunami, ayam tangkap mendapat julukan baru, yaitu ayam tsunami karena penyajiannya yang memang tampak porak poranda. Di kedai jamu Suwe Ora Jamu, jamu disajikan dengan kemasan pop berupa ”mocktail” jamu sebagai upaya untuk memperkenalkan jamu kepada anak-anak muda.

School Particpates in Tsunami Drill

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 23:31:00 +0200abstvradio (en)

Students at the Villa Primary School got a First Hand experience Of a Tsunami Exercise as The National Office of Disaster Services bring awareness to Disaster Preparedness. Here’s more in this Report.

Fallan bombas que trasladan agua radiactiva en la planta de Fukushima

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 21:26:00 +0200veracruzanos (es)

Tokio, 21 de abril 2015.- La compañía Tokio Electric Power Co. (Tepco) informó hoy que todas las bombas de transferencia de agua en la dañada planta nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi se detuvieron y el agua contaminada se filtró en el Océano Pacífico. En un comunicado, la empresa afirmó este martes que....

[Fotos] Belleza checa se dejará caer en Lota para inaugurar escuelita Nuevo Futuro

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 21:25:00 +0200lacuarta (es)

Espectacular. [Fotos] Belleza checa se dejará caer en Lota para inaugurar escuelita Nuevo Futuro. La sanita Petra Nemcova se gasta un corazón de oro y encabeza fundación encargada de ir en ayuda de niños de escasos recursos. El corazón más lindo del mundo (además de las piernas) se gasta la top....

Nükleer Santrali'nden Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyonlu su sızmış

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 20:35:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Japonya'da 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunaminin ardından nükleer felakete sahne olan Fukuşima santralinde drenaj yolundaki pompalardan Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyonlu su sızdığı tespit edildi. Fukuşima Daiiçi Nükleer Santrali'ni işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerji Şirketi (TEPCO), 2011'deki....

Fukuşima daki Nükleer Kaza

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 20:34:00 +0200haberler (tr)

Japonya'da 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunaminin ardından nükleer felakete sahne olan Fukuşima santralinde drenaj yolundaki pompalardan Pasifik Okyanusu'na radyasyonlu su sızdığı tespit edildi. 'da 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunaminin ardından nükleer felakete sahne olan....

Hemau zeigt Herz für Waisenkinder

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 19:42:00 +0200donau (de)

Hemau. Kinder in Indien zu helfen, ist das oberste Ziel, das sich eine Gruppe aus der Tangrintelstadt und der Umgebung gesetzt hat. Vor einigen Wochen haben sich der Hemauer Hans Gnann, Vorsitzender des Missionswerk-Fördervereins EWM und die Hemauerin Berta Kiendl zusammen mit Brigitta Meier aus See....

Bilanz einer Epidemie: Späte Reue bei Ebola

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 19:34:00 +0200taz (de)

Für dieses und weitere Bilder aus den von Ebola betroffenen Regionen wurde Fotograf Daniel Berehulak mit dem Pulitzerpreis ausgezeichnet. Bild: reuters. BERLIN taz | Ebola. Epidemie mit fünf Buchstaben, mindestens 10.000 Toten und 25.000 registrierten Infizierten seit Dezember 2013 in den....

"Vi väntade oss vågor men drabbades av en tsunami"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:34:00 +0200hbl (sv)

Jag har beskrivit situationen som att vi nog väntade oss vågor men drabbades av en tsunami. Beskedet om nya samarbetsförhandlingarna kom inte som en total överraskning eftersom bolagets minusresultat sedan flera år tillbaka var välkänt. Pyrhönen sade att det också fanns de som spekulerat om att jobb eventuellt kan komma att läggas ut.

Are whales committing mass suicide to warn us of a coming tsunami?

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 18:21:00 +0200metro-uk (en)

Whales in Japan (Picture AFP) Today saw a 6.6 magnitude earthquake which Japanese forecasters feared would trigger a tsunami affecting the Okinawa area. But some believe that there could be something worse on the way – and that we have already received a warning.

S&P lancia l'allarme: "La natura si ribella, più catastrofi naturali e più effetti sui rating delle imprese"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:28:00 +0200repubblica (it)

MILANO - Aziende, attente alle catastrofi. La natura si ribella, e il riscaldamento globale chiederà presto il conto alle stesse imprese che stanno contribuendo a crearlo. Non è l'anatema di una Ong ambientalista a sostenerlo, ma un'organizzazione molto profittevole e conservativa come Standard & Poor's.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies tyrmistyi yt-luvuista: ”Tulikin tsunami”

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:35:00 +0200IltaSanomat (fi)

– Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa. Myös mahdollista ulkoistamista oli Pyrhösen mukaan pienessä piirissä uumoiltu.

Ärzte ohne Grenzen: "Tausende hätten vor Ebola gerettet werden können"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:09:00 +0200spiegel (de)

Für Ärzte ohne Grenzen steht fest: Die Weltgemeinschaft hat im Kampf gegen die Ebola-Epidemie versagt. Die Hilfsorganisation fordert jetzt dringend mehr Forschung zu Impfstoffen und Medikamenten. Das Interesse an Nachrichten über die Ebola-Epidemie in Westafrika sinkt.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:51:00 +0200ilkka (fi)

– Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa. Myös mahdollista ulkoistamista oli Pyrhösen mukaan pienessä piirissä uumoiltu.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:51:00 +0200kaleva (fi)

MTV:n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. - Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:50:00 +0200kp24 (fi)

MTV:n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. - Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa.

Nicaragua realiza simulacros de terremoto y tsunami en colegios

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:48:00 +0200laprensa (es)

El simulacro estará coordinado por el Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres (Sinapred), y su realización forma parte de un plan nacional y contingente que desarrollan las autoridades. El fin de ese ejercicio es fortalecer la capacidad de respuesta ante emergencias....

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:47:00 +0200pohjalainen (fi)

– Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa. Myös mahdollista ulkoistamista oli Pyrhösen mukaan pienessä piirissä uumoiltu.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: "Odotettiin aaltoja, tulikin tsunami"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:45:00 +0200iltalehti (fi)

Tiistai 21.4.2015 klo 16.27. Pääluottamusmiehen mukaan yt-uutinen sinänsä ei yllättänyt, vaan sen mittakaava. MTV:n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. - Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo.

المشنوق طلب مساعدة سويسرا في مكافحة التلوّث وعـرض مـع سفير اليابـان تأثيرات النزوح بيئياً

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:45:00 +0200almarkazia (ar)

المركزية- لمناسبة "يوم الارض 2015"، وجّه وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق نداء إلى المواطنين جاء فيه "في 22 نيسان، يحتفل العالم بـ"يوم الأرض". إنها مناسبة لنتذكر كمواطنين مسؤوليتنا بالاعتناء بهذه الأرض من خلال الاستخدام المستدام لمواردها الطبيعية من جهة، مياه وتربة وهواء، ومنع تلوّثها من جراء نشاطاتنا اليومية من جهة أخرى".

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:38:00 +0200hameensanomat (fi)

MTV :n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. - Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:33:00 +0200savonsanomat (fi)

MTV:n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. - Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa.

MTV:n pääluottamusmies: Odotettiin aaltoja, tuli tsunami

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:23:00 +0200ts (fi)

MTV:n pääluottamusmies Kari Pyrhönen kuvaa yhtiön ilmoittamaa henkilöstön vähennystarvetta tyrmistyttävän suureksi. – Olen kuvannut tätä niin, että odotettiin korkeita aaltoja, mutta tulikin tsunami, Pyrhönen sanoo. Tieto uusista yt-neuvotteluista ei tullut täytenä yllätyksenä, koska yhtiön useita vuosia tekemä tappio on ollut tiedossa.

وزير البيئة التقى سفيري سويسرا واليابان ووجه نداء الى المواطنين بمناسبة "يوم الارض"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 15:08:00 +0200nna-ar (ar)

وطنية - وجه وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق نداء الى المواطنين لمناسبة يوم الارض 2015، قال فيه: "في 22 نيسان، يحتفل العالم بيوم الأرض. إنها مناسبة لنتذكر كمواطنين مسؤوليتنا بالاعتناء بهذه الأرض من خلال الاستخدام المستدام لمواردها الطبيعية من جهة، مياه وتربة وهواء، ومنع تلوثها من جراء نشاطاتنا اليومية من جهة أخرى.

محمد المشنوق وجه نداء الى المواطنين لمناسبة يوم الارض 2015

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 14:57:00 +0200elnashra (ar)

وجّه وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق نداء الى المواطنين لمناسبة يوم الارض 2015، جاء فيه "في 22 نيسان، يحتفل العالم بيوم الأرض. إنّها مناسبة لنتذكّر كمواطنين مسؤوليتنا بالاعتناء بهذه الأرض من خلال الاستخدام المستدام لمواردها الطبيعية من جهّة، مياه وتربة وهواء، ومنع تلوّثها من جرّاء نشاطاتنا اليوميّة من جهّة أخرى".

Disaster robots slow to gain acceptance from responders

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 14:12:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

To date, robots have been used in 43 disasters worldwide, according to data provided by the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR). It seems like a no-brainer. Robots can act as valuable tools during disasters, sifting rubble or delivering life-saving supplies to trapped victims after an earthquake.


Tue, 21 Apr 2015 13:54:00 +0200misna-es (es)

A pesar de las proclamas, compromisos y promesas. La situación de las zonas devastadas por el tsunami y el accidente nuclear que trajo como consecuencia, el 11 de marzo del 2011, sigue siendo difícil, sobre todo con la parálisis sustancial de la rehabilitación de las áreas afectadas.

Tsunami orphans sing at Gerry Andersons grave in tribute to the man who kept their plight in the public eye

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:20:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Tsunami orphans sing at Gerry Anderson's grave in tribute to the man who kept their plight in the public eye. Belfast Telegraph Tuesday 21st April, 2015. Seven Thai children from a tsunami orphanage, who are in Northern Ireland to say thanks for the generosity of people here who are funding their....

Tokyo, 40 anni per smantellare centrale di Fukushima. Ma mancano i lavoratori

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:13:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 21 aprile 2015) smantellare la centrale nucleare di Fukushima numero 1 (Daiichi), danneggiata da terremoto e tsunami l’11 marzo 2011, non sarà un lavoro facile. Per stare nei tempi promessi – secondo il governo di Tokyo ci vorranno tra i 30 e i 40 anni da qui alla fine dei lavori – la....

Tokyo, 40 anni per smantellare centrale di Fukushima. Ma mancano i lavoratori

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:09:00 +0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Smantellare la centrale nucleare di Fukushima numero 1 (Daiichi), danneggiata da terremoto e tsunami l’ 11 marzo 2011 , non sarà un lavoro facile. Per stare nei tempi promessi – secondo il governo di Tokyo ci vorranno tra i 30 e i 40 anni da qui alla fine dei lavori – la Tokyo Electric Power Company....

Investiti 7.000 milioni di dollari per TSU il nuovo social che spera di battere Facebook

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 11:04:00 +0200blastingnews (it)

TSU il social che divide le entrate pubblicitarie con gli utenti. TSU è la nuova proposta del web per quanto riguarda i social network . L'azienda è stata fondata nel 2013 dagli imprenditori Sebastian Sobczak, Drew Ginsburg, Thibault Boullenger, e Jonathan Lewin, i quali sono riusciti a far....

La Californie, zone à fort risque de tsunami majeur !

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:58:00 +0200lnt (fr)

La faille géologique de Ventura, au sud de la Californie, un Etat fréquemment exposé aux séismes, risque d’entraîner un violent tremblement de terre de magnitude 8 ainsi que de puissants tsunamis, préviennent des experts. Un tel séisme le long de cette faille serait beaucoup plus violent que le....

Fukushima, 4 anni dopo il disastro nucleare le prime immagini dall'interno del reattore

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 09:53:00 +0200zazoom (it)

VIDEO YouTube : Fukushima - robot nel reattore danneggiato a 4 anni dallo tsunami : TOKYO - Quattro anni dopo il disastro di Fukushima avvenuto a seguito al tremendo terremoto e tsunami che colpì il Giappone, un robot è stato inviato per la prima volta all’interno del reattore nucleare.

Timau in ginocchio: "Dopo i supermercati ci hanno tolto i soldi"

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 09:28:00 +0200messaggeroveneto (it)

TIMAU. Nel 1966 c’erano mille 219 abitanti. Oggi non arrivano a 400. Una differenza di 800 persone che vale qualsiasi spiegazione sociologica senza necessariamente rispolverare denatalità, emigrazione, spopolamento, abbandono della montagna, crisi economica. Tutto era già successo nel viaggio senza ritorno di Timau.


Tue, 21 Apr 2015 09:27:00 +0200Misna (it)

Nonostante proclami, impegni e promesse, la situazione nelle aree devastate l’11 marzo 2011 resta assai difficile, con un blocco sostanziale della riabilitazione delle aree colpite. Le ultime statistiche segnalano come alla fine di marzo, almeno 80.000 abitanti risultassero ancora ospitati in rifugi....

Terremoto de 6.8 grados dejó un muerto en Taiwán

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 09:15:00 +0200panamericana (es)

Una persona falleció en una explosión producida tras el terremoto de 6.8 grados que sacudió Taiwán . El movimiento telúrico activó la alerta de tsunami en Japón , aunque fue anulada poco después. Foto: AP. Quieres comentar en esta noticia? Identifícate con tu cuenta de Facebook o Twitter. Panamericana Televisión S.

Tsunami orphans sing at Gerry Anderson's grave in tribute to the man... new Seven Thai children from...

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:59:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The Stroke City presenter, who died last August, was a massive supporter of the orphans and with his widow Christine and daughter Kirsty by their side the children spent an emotional 45 minutes by his grave in the City Cemetery in Londonderry. Gerry regularly promoted the cause of the Portrush-based....

04/20 20:13 Magnitude 5.7 earthquake rattles eastern Taiwan

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:57:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 5.7 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 8:00 p.m. Monday, following a magnitude 6.3 earthquake and three other big jolts that struck the same region earlier in the day, the Central Weather Bureau said. The epicenter of the latest quake was located at 78.6 km east of Hualien County at a depth of 15.

Encontrarnos en el barro

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:34:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

Porque descubrimos que es en la carencia cuando más nos reconocemos y es ahí cuando no tenemos nada más que el contar unos con otros, reconociéndonos como en un espejo, para el orgullo y para la vergüenza. Al caminar por el barro nos topamos con algo más que hedor, infecciones y ruinas: nos encontramos con semejantes.

Mueren 2 robots

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 08:17:00 +0200ojo (es)

21 de Abril del 2015 - 01:00 - Tragedia. Dos robos no pudieron contra la terrible radiación de la accidentada central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima, afectada por el terremoto y tsunami de 2011 y que es una bomba tiempo para toda la humanidad. En efecto, tras dejar de funcionar irreversiblemente una....

Taiwán: terremoto causa pánico, pero pocos daños

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 07:10:00 +0200lahora (es)

TAIPEI, EFE El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió ayer el norte de Taiwán causó solo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la Isla.

Four strong earthquakes hit Taiwan

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 05:51:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake - the strongest recorded so far this year - struck the northeastern coast of Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. yesterday. The temblor was followed by magnitude 5.5, 5.8 and 5.7 earthquakes at 7:20 p.m., 7:45 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., respectively. The magnitude 6.

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:34:00 +0200nation (en)

TAIPEI - One man died and another was hospitalised Monday after a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Four strong earthquakes hit Taiwan

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 04:19:00 +0200asianewsnet (en)

Enru Lin. The China Post. Publication Date : 21-04-2015. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake the strongest recorded so far this year struck the northeastern coast of Taiwan at 9:42am yesterday. The temblor was followed by magnitude 5.5, 5.8 and 5.7 earthquakes at 7:20pm, 7:45pm and 8pm, respectively. The magnitude 6.

L' impatto dei disastri nautrali sullo sviluppo dell' agricoltura mondiale

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 02:03:00 +0200fao-it (it)

17 Marzo 2015, Sendai, Giappone - Circa un quarto dei danni provocati da calamità naturali nei paesi in via di sviluppo sono a carico del settore agricolo - una quota più elevata di quanto non si pensasse - secondo i primi risultati di un nuovo studio della FAO pubblicato oggi, in occasione della....

Erdbeben in Südjapan und Taiwan forderte ein Todesopfer

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:55:00 +0200kleinezeitung (de)

Das Erdbeben erschütterte auch das 500 Kilometer entfernte Taiwan. In der Stadt New Taipei City habe das Beben die Explosion eines Stromtransformator ausgelöst, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo unter Berufung auf die lokalen Behörden. Dadurch sei ein Wohngebäude in Brand geraten. Zwei Männer wurden ins Krankenhaus gebracht.

Peringatan Tsunami di Jepang Dicabut

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:39:00 +0200MediaIndonesia (id)

PELAJAR dievakuasi ke lokasi yang lebih tinggi di sejumlah sekolah dan bangunan di Taipei bergetar setelah sebuah gempar kuat mengguncang wilayah laut di sebelah timur Taiwan dan selatan Okinawa, Senin (20/4). Badan Meteorologi Jepang mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami yang diperkirakan bisa mencapai ketinggian 3 meter.

Un muerto por el fuerte sismo que afectó parte de Japón y Taiwán El terremoto fue de 6,8 grados y provocó un incendio en una casa por la explosión de un transformador. La víctima tenía 84 años.

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:33:00 +0200losandes (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

Susto en Japón por un fuerte sismo de 6,8 grados En un primer momento, las autoridades emitieron una alerta de tsunami, que anularon poco tiempo después. Hubo evacuados por precaución.

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:33:00 +0200losandes (es)

Un alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después , indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami, aseguró la agencia, que con anterioridad había facilitado informaciones sobre una posible subida de las aguas tras un gran sismo de magnitud 6,8 grados.

Tremors again recorded off Muscat coast

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:27:00 +0200omanobserver-om (en)

By Vinod Nair — MUSCAT: April 20: Tremors measuring 2.54 on the Richter Scale were recorded at 2.25 pm yesterday off Muscat coast, the same place from where it was reported on Saturday, said Dr Issa al Hussain, Director, Earthquake Monitoring Centre, Sultan Qaboos University, told the Observer.

Tremors again off Muscat coast, but of low intensity

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:27:00 +0200omanobserver-om (en)

Vinod Nair. Tremors that measured 2.5 on Richter scale was recorded at 2.25pm today off Muscat coast, the same place from where it was reported on Saturday, said Dr Issa al Hussain, director, Earthquake Monitoring Centre, Sultan Qaboos University , told Oman Observer.

04/20 10:12 Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes eastern Taiwan

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:26:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

(From the Central Weather Bureau website) Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday, the Central Weather Bureau said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.2 kilometers east of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 18 km, bureau officials said.

04/20 12:41 Taiwan records biggest earthquake for the year: CWB

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:26:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude-6.3 earthquake that struck off the northeastern coast of Taiwan Monday morning was the biggest temblor recorded in the country so far this year, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.

04/20 11:39 No major damage reported after magnitude 6.3 quake

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:26:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) No major damage or injuries or were reported Monday morning in the wake of a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck northern and eastern Taiwan, neither were there any significant disruptions to the country's rail transportation systems, authorities said.

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:25:00 +0200notimundo (es)

Muchos taiwaneses sintieron fuertes sacudidas, que pudieron notarse también a nivel subterráneo en el metro de Taipei, la capital isleña, aunque los mayores temores se vivieron en edificios altos, donde el seísmo movió muebles y lámparas y causó leves daños en algunas fachadas.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:10:00 +0200reuters (en)

TOKYO/TAIPEI (Reuters) - A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country....

280 topics

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:09:00 +0200cyprusweekly (en)

An Egyptian criminal court on Monday sentenced 22 people to death after convicting them of storming a police station outside Cairo and killing an officer on July 3, 2013 — the day the military overthrew an elected but divisive Islamist president. The United States and China contributed most to....

Japonia: Silne trzęsienie ziemi na Okinawie

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:04:00 +0200radiozet (pl)

Trzęsienie ziemi o sile 6,8 w skali Richtera na wyspie Okinawa w południowej części Japonii. Nie ma informacji o ofiarach. Nie ma także większych zniszczeń. Jak poinformowała japońska telewizja NHK, dla kilku niewielkich wysp w pobliżu Okinawy wydano ostrzeżenie przed niewielkim tsunami. Alarm szybko jednak odwołano.

Anulan un aviso de tsunami tras un s�smo de magnitud 6,8 en Jap�n

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:04:00 +0200deperu (es)

Una alerta de tsunami emitida en la ma�ana de este lunes para las islas del sur de Jap�n fue anulada poco despu�s, inform� la Agencia Meteorol�gica japonesa. Al final no se midi� ning�n tsunami tras un se�smo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Jap�n, indic� la agencia, que con anterioridad hab�a....

Ni un robot aguanta las radiaciones de la central nuclear de Fukushima

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 00:51:00 +0200sipse (es)

Imagen facilitada por el operador de la accidentada central de Fukushima, Tepco, que ha observado por primera vez fugas de agua provenientes de la vasija del reactor 1, uno de los más afectados por el tsunami de 2011, gracias a unas imágenes tomadas con un robot. (EFE/Archivo) EFE TOKIO, Japón.

Anulan aviso de tsunami tras sismo de magnitud 6,8 en extremo sur de Japón

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 00:32:00 +0200lahora (es)

AFP. Una alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la agencia, que con anterioridad había....

Dos fuertes terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 afectan Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 23:49:00 +0200eju (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se han registrado dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 a 67 kilómetros al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni. El epicentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 39 kilómetros. No hay alerta de tsunami. De momento, no hay información sobre daños ni víctimas.

Jap�n, a cuatro a�os del tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 22:46:00 +0200cnnMexico (es)

Google Street View muestra im�genes de la reconstrucci�n de Jap�n. La plataforma de Google mostr� nuevas fotograf�as del pa�s asi�tico a cuatro a�os del tsunami que lo azot� ....

Back to say thanks The Thai tsunami orphans helped by donations from Ulster public

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 22:14:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Back to say thanks: The Thai tsunami orphans helped by donations from Ulster public. Belfast Telegraph Tuesday 21st April, 2015. Seven Thai children from a tsunami orphanage, who have arrived in Northern Ireland to say thank you to big-hearted fundraisers here who have helped them, will be going....

Reportan nuevo sismo en Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 21:37:00 +0200radiohc (es)

Taiwán, 20 de abr (RHC). Un sísmo de 5.2 grados en la escala de Richter, sacudió este lunes el este y centro de Taiwán, sin cobrar víctimas, reportes o daños, informa el Servicio Meteorológico Central de la isla. El epicentro ocurrió a las 18H55 hora local (10.

Un muerto por terremoto que sacudió el sur de Japón y Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 21:01:00 +0200vanguardia-MX (es)

Naha, Japón.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 sacudió la isla de Okinawa, en el sur de Japón, y el vecino Taiwan, donde causó la muerte de una persona, informaron las autoridades. En Japón no hubo informaciones sobre daños o heridos. Al mediodía (local) fue levantada además una advertencia por....

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:40:00 +0200ecuavisa (es)

El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Terremoto en Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:24:00 +0200laprensa (es)

El terremoto de 6.3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla. Muchos taiwaneses sintieron fuertes sacudidas,....

Sismo en Taiwan provoca alerta de Tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:14:00 +0200eleconomista-mx (es)

Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón, dijeron sitios oficiales de monitorización, y provocó una alerta de un tsunami de un metro para la cadena de islas de Okinawa por un breve período. de los dos países tras el movimiento telúrico, que remeció edificios en la capital taiwanesa Taipéi.

Dos fuertes terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 sacuden a Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:01:00 +0200nuevaya (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se registraron dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni. El epicentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 39 kilómetros. Anteriormente se había registrado otro terremoto de....

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted.

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 19:25:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Taipei - One man died and another was hospitalised Monday after a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far south-western Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Terremoto de 5.2 sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 19:14:00 +0200vtv (es)

Caracas, 20 de abril de 2015.- Un sismo de 5.2 grados sacudió este lunes el este y centro de Taiwán, sin cobrar víctimas, reportes o daños, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Central de la isla. El epicentro ocurrió a las 18H55 hora local (10.55 GMT), y se ubicó a 9,6 kilómetros al noroeste de la....

Un muerto en Taiwán por incendio tras fuerte sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 19:04:00 +0200el-mexicano (es)

TAIPEI.- Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón el lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

Un muerto en Taiwán por incendio tras fuerte sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:53:00 +0200telemetro (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón el lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

Japón: aviso de tsunami tras sismo de magnitud 6.8 en extremo sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:52:00 +0200elnuevoherald (es)

La Agencia japones de meteorología emitió un alerta de tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6.8 en el extremo sur de Japón. Una primera subida de las aguas evaluada en un metro podría alcanzar la isla de Miyako como consecuencia de un terremoto registrado a las 10H43 locales (01H43 GMT) en la isla Yonaguni, indicó la cadena pública NHK.

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:50:00 +0200emtempo (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do....

Earthquake fault in Ventura poses tsunami risk, experts say

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:17:00 +0200therepublic (en)

VENTURA, California Scientists say the earthquake fault that runs through the coastal city of Ventura can produce strong shaking and dangerous tsunamis, prompting state officials to study whether to revise hazard maps. The Los Angeles Times reports ( http://lat.

Four strong earthquakes hit Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:12:00 +0200ChinaPost (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A magnitude 6.3 earthquake — the strongest recorded so far this year — struck the northeastern coast of Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. yesterday. The temblor was followed by magnitude 5.5, 5.8 and 5.7 earthquakes at 7:20 p.m., 7:45 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., respectively. The magnitude 6.

Allarme tsunami in Giappone per un forte terremoto sottomarino ad est di Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:12:00 +0200blastingnews (it)

L'agenzia meteorologica giapponese ha diramato un allarme per uno tsunami alto fino ad un metro , per le zone Miyakojima e Yaeyama , cancellato fortunatamente circa un'ora dopo, in seguito ad un forte terremoto avvenuto la mattina di lunedì 20 aprile sotto le acque ad est di Taiwan ed a sud di Okinawa .

Sismo en Taiwan provoca alerta de Tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:59:00 +0200correodelorinoco (es)

La Oficina Climática Central ubicó el epicentro del sismo a unos 75 kilómetros de la costa este de la isla y a una profundidad de unos 17 kilómetros. Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.8 grados estremeció este lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón y provocó una alerta de un tsunami....

Levantan alerta de tsunami tras fuerte sismo en Japón y Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:56:00 +0200eluniversal (es)

Tokio.- Un fuerte sismo remeció este lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón, dijeron sitios oficiales de monitorización, y provocó una alerta de un tsunami de un metro para la cadena de islas de Okinawa por un breve período. No hubo reportes inmediatos de daños ni lesionados en....

Poderosos terremotos sacuden Japón y Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:54:00 +0200radiolaprimerisima (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se han registrado dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 a 67 kilómetros al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni. El epicentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 39 kilómetros. No hay alerta de tsunami. De momento, no hay información sobre daños ni víctimas.

Poderosos terremotos sacuden Japón y Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:53:00 +0200rlp (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se han registrado dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 a 67 kilómetros al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni. El epicentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 39 kilómetros. No hay alerta de tsunami. De momento, no hay información sobre daños ni víctimas.

Nuevo terremoto se registró este lunes en Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:53:00 +0200avn (es)

Caracas , 20 Abr. AVN.- Un nuevo terremoto de magnitud 5,2 en la escala de Richter se registró este lunes en Taiwán, sin dejar víctimas y daños materiales, informó el Servicio Meteorológico Central de esta isla. De acuerdo con datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, el epicentro de este....

TAIWAN: Terremoto causa escenas de pánico y deja daños materiales

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:46:00 +0200almomento (es)

TAIPEI.- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Taiwán: Un muerto por incendio tras fuerte sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:42:00 +0200peru21 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 en la escala de Richter sacudió este lunes la isla de Okinawa (sur de Japón) y Taiwán, donde causó la muerte de una persona, informaron las autoridades. En Japón no hubo información sobre daños o heridos. Además, una advertencia por peligro de tsunami para las islas....

Reportan nuevo sismo en Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:41:00 +0200dominicanoshoy (es)

Fuentes ExternasUn fuerte terremoto sacude de nuevo Taiwan, es el segundo en las últimas horas. Un fuerte terremoto sacude de nuevo Taiwan, es el segundo en las últimas horas. Un sísmo de 5.2 grados en la escala de Richter, sacudió este lunes el este y centro de Taiwán, sin cobrar víctimas, reportes....

Fuerte sismo sacude a Japón y Taiwán, levantan alerta de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:31:00 +0200reuters-lta (es)

TOKIO/TAIPÉI (Reuters) - Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón, dijeron sitios oficiales de monitorización, y provocó una alerta de un tsunami de un metro para la cadena de islas de Okinawa por un breve período.

Dos fuertes terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 sacuden a Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:31:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Autoridades emitieron una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada posteriormente tras el movimiento telúrico registrado en la isla Yonaguni. Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se registraron dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni.

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:26:00 +0200latribuna (es)

Taipei, (EFE).- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Terremoto desata el pánico en Taiwán; sólo daños materiales

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:17:00 +0200sipse (es)

Fotografía facilitada por el Departamento de Bomberos de Taipei que muestra varios coches amontonados y con destrozos ocasionados por un terremoto en un aparcamiento de Taipei, Taiwán. (EFE) EFE TAIPEI, China .- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte....

L'Européen bienvenu dans n'importe quelle ambassade de l'UE

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:16:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Par: rédaction 20/04/15 - 16h50 Source: Belga Illustration © epa. Un Européen en difficulté dans un pays tiers pourra bénéficier de l'assistance consulaire et diplomatique d'un autre État membre comme s'il en était ressortissant, en vertu de nouvelles règles adoptées lundi dans l'Union européenne.

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:14:00 +0200elmundo-sv (es)

Fotografía facilitada por el Departamento de Bomberos de Taipei que muestra varios coches amontonados y con destrozos ocasionados por un terremoto en un aparcamiento de Taipei, Taiwán, hoy, lunes 20 de abril de 2015. EFE. El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió....

Japón: cancelan alerta de tsunami tras terremoto

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:11:00 +0200expreso-PE (es)

Japón. Una alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la agencia, que con anterioridad había....

Anulan aviso de tsunami tras sismo de magnitud 6,8 en extremo sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:08:00 +0200tiempo (es)

TOKIO - Una alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la agencia, que con anterioridad había....

Japón emite alerta local tras sismo de 6.8 grados cerca de Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200veracruzanos (es)

Tokio, 20 de abril 2015.- La Agencia japones de meteorología emitió un alerta de tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6.8 en el extremo sur de Japón. Una primera subida de las aguas evaluada en un metro podría alcanzar la isla de Miyako como consecuencia de un terremoto registrado a las 10:43 locales (01.

Japón cancela advertencia de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200veracruzanos (es)

Tokio, 20 de abril 2015.- Las autoridades japonesas declararon la mañana de este lunes canceladas las advertencias de tsunami emitidas luego de un sismo de 6.8 grados en la escala de Richter, que se registró cerca de las islas Ryukyu y las costas orientales de Taiwán.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,8 de sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200elaragueno (es)

Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón, dijeron sitios oficiales de monitorización, y provocó una alerta de un tsunami de un metro para la cadena de islas de Okinawa por un breve período. No hubo reportes inmediatos de daños ni lesionados en ninguno....

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico y deja daños materiales

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:02:00 +0200noticiassin (es)

Muchos taiwaneses sintieron fuertes sacudidas, que pudieron notarse también a nivel subterráneo en el metro de Taipei, la capital isleña, aunque los mayores temores se vivieron en edificios altos, donde el seísmo movió muebles y lámparas y causó leves daños en algunas fachadas.

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:55:00 +0200ebc (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago....

Otro fuerte terremoto de 5.2 sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:51:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

Un fuerte terremoto sacude de nuevo Taiwan, es el segundo en las últimas horas. Un seísmo de 5.2 grados en la escala de Richter, sacudió este lunes el este y centro de Taiwán, sin cobrar víctimas, reportes o daños, informa el Servicio Meteorológico Central de la isla. El epicentro ocurrió a las 18H55 hora local (10.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,8 de sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:48:00 +0200ultimasnoticias (es)

Reuters | ÚN.- Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes Taiwán y las pequeñas islas en el extremo sur de Japón, dijeron sitios oficiales de monitorización, y provocó una alerta de un tsunami de un metro para la cadena de islas de Okinawa por un breve período. No hubo reportes inmediatos de daños ni....

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:41:00 +0200economictimes (en)

Japan sits at the confluence of four of the earth's tectonic plates and records more than 20 percent of the planet's most powerful earthquakes every year. ET SPECIAL: Love visual aspect of news? Enjoy this exclusive slideshows treat! TAIPEI: One man died and another was hospitalised today after a....

Emiten alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Taiwán y Japón No se reportaron lesionados ni daños materiales por el movimiento de 6.8 grados de magnitud Por: Redacción Once Noticias | Fuente: Once Noticias | 20-04-2015 08:52:00

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:39:00 +0200oncenoticias (es)

Emiten alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Taiwán y Japón. No se reportaron lesionados ni daños materiales por el movimiento de 6.8 grados de magnitud. Por: Redacción Once Noticias | Fuente: Once Noticias | 20-04-2015 08:52:00. Este lunes, un fuerte sismo sacudió Taiwán y parte del sur de Japón, por lo....

6.6-magnitude earthquake strikes off Taiwan coast

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:35:00 +0200cnn (en)

Cars pile up on top of each other in an automated parking tower after an earthquake struck off the eastern coast of Taipei, Taiwan on April 20. The 6.6-magnitude earthquake was located some 47 miles (76 kilometers) east-northeast of Hualian, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:32:00 +0200bemparana (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago....

Ola de sismos en Asia

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:26:00 +0200juventudrebelde (es)

Cuatro terremotos se han registrado este lunes en Japón y la isla de Taiwán, China , con saldo de un fallecido y algunos daños materiales en este último territorio. Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés), se han registrado dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2....

Sabia que o seu smartphone pode servir para detetar sismos?

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:24:00 +0200visao (pt)

O investigador Benjamin Brooks da U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) e a sua equipa propõem a utilização de smartphones para detetar sismos num artigo publicado na revista Science Advances . Estes telemóveis estão equipados com sistemas de navegação (GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System e INS,....

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:21:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago de Okinawa, foi dirigido a várias ilhas. Foto: Divulgação/Tepco. A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em....

Series of aftershocks hit Taiwan following magnitude 6.3 jolt

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:19:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A series of aftershocks hit Taiwan in the evening after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday, leaving one dead in a fire caused by an explosion of electricity transformer. The magnitude 5.8 quake and the 5.7 quake that occurred at 7:45 p.m. and 8:00 p.

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:19:00 +0200radioagencianacional (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago....

Mundo Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter 20/04/2015 10:24

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:15:00 +0200folhape (pt)

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter Agência japonesa alertou possibilidade de ondas de até um metro devido a tremor. Comentários. Os comentários postados abaixo representam a opinião do leitor e não necessariamente a do Portal FolhaPE. A responsabilidade é do autor da mensagem.

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:14:00 +0200tribunadabahia (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago....

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:06:00 +0200diariodonordeste (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu nesta segunda-feira (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa , no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz....

Les dauphins ont-ils prédit le tremblement de terre à Taïwan ?

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:02:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Le dauphin : lanceur d'alerte de séismes ? Pour quelques Taïwanais, c'est certain, l'animal marin peut flairer l'arrivée de prochaines secousses. Ce lundi, à 10h43 (3h43 heure française), le pays a été frappé par un tremblement de terre à 71 kilomètres des côtes est de Taïwan , lequel a été mesuré à....

L'UE se veut plus solidaire pour protéger ses ressortissants à l'étranger

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:02:00 +0200lacapitale (fr)

Négociée pendant trois ans, cette directive doit par exemple permettre à un Maltais qui vient de se faire voler ses papiers à Jakarta, où La Valette n’a pas d’ambassade, de frapper à la porte des représentations française ou britannique, précise un communiqué de la Commission européenne.

L’UE se veut plus solidaire pour protéger ses ressortissants à l’étranger

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:55:00 +0200lameuse (fr)

Négociée pendant trois ans, cette directive doit par exemple permettre à un Maltais qui vient de se faire voler ses papiers à Jakarta, où La Valette n’a pas d’ambassade, de frapper à la porte des représentations française ou britannique, précise un communiqué de la Commission européenne.

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico y daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:47:00 +0200proceso-HN (es)

Taipei.- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Sul do Japão tem alerta de tsunami após tremor de 6,8 na escala Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:45:00 +0200agenciabrasil (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje (20) alerta de tsunami após tremor de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, no extremo-Sul do país, informou a televisão pública NHK. Segundo a emissora, o aviso, emitido na sequência do terremoto registrado na pequena ilha de Yonaguni, que faz parte do arquipélago....

L’UE se veut plus solidaire pour protéger ses ressortissants à l’étranger

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:42:00 +0200laprovince (fr)

Négociée pendant trois ans, cette directive doit par exemple permettre à un Maltais qui vient de se faire voler ses papiers à Jakarta, où La Valette n’a pas d’ambassade, de frapper à la porte des représentations française ou britannique, précise un communiqué de la Commission européenne.

Japón levanta alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de 6,8 grados

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:41:00 +0200diario-extra (es)

Las autoridades habían estimado que una primera subida de las aguas evaluada en un metro iba a alcanzar la isla de Miyako Redacción Digital Una alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa.

Directive européenne - Les Européens mieux protégés à l'étranger

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:39:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un Européen en difficulté dans un pays tiers pourra bénéficier de l'assistance consulaire et diplomatique d'un autre État membre comme s'il en était ressortissant, en vertu de nouvelles règles adoptées lundi dans l'Union Européenne. Négociée pendant trois ans, cette directive doit par exemple....

Robot captó imágenes desde dentro de un reactor en Fukushima

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:38:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

20150420 09:54 Robot captó imágenes desde dentro de un reactor en Fukushima En marzo del 2011 un terremoto y posterior tsunami azotó las costas de Japón, donde uno de los focos más peligrosos fue el reactor nuclear de Fukushima. Tras años de investigación este segundo robot confirmó el liquido toxico que se encuentra en el interior.

Terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:36:00 +0200diariolibre (es)

TAIPEI. - El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Powerful Quake Hits Taiwan And Japan, Tsunami Warning Lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:32:00 +0200leadership (en)

One man died and another was hospitalised Monday after a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Pământul s-a zguduit puternic! A avut loc un nou cutremur

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:32:00 +0200a1 (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade a avut loc luni dimineaţa, în estul coastelor Taiwanului, potrivit Institutului american de geofizică. Seismul a fost înregistrat luni, la ora locală 9.42 (4.42, ora României), la aproximativ 130 de kilometri de Keelung, un oraş cu 400.000 de locuitori.

Reportan nuevo sismo en Taiwán (+ Video)

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:31:00 +0200cubadebate (es)

de 5.2 grados en la escala de Richter, sacudió este lunes el este y centro de Taiwán, sin cobrar víctimas , reportes o daños, informa el Servicio Meteorológico Central de la isla. El epicentro ocurrió a las 18H55 hora local (10.55 GMT), y se ubicó a 9,6 kilómetros al noroeste de la aldea Xiulin, y....

6.6 magnitude quake jolts Taiwan and Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:15:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

TAIPEI: One man died and another was hospitalized Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Dos fuertes terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 afectan Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:14:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), se han registrado dos terremotos de magnitud 6,2 y 6,5 a 67 kilómetros al suroeste de la isla japonesa de Yonaguni. El epicentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 39 kilómetros. No hay alerta de tsunami. De momento, no hay información sobre daños ni víctimas.

Un muerto en Taiwán por incendio tras fuerte sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:08:00 +0200panamaamerica (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón el lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

Terremoto de 6.3 en Taiwán causó escenas de pánico

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:04:00 +0200globovision (es)

l terremoto de 6,3 que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla. Muchos taiwaneses sintieron fuertes sacudidas, que pudieron notarse también a nivel....

Cancelan alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:01:00 +0200aztecanoticias (es)

Taipei, Taiwán.- La alerta de tsunami en Japón fue cancelada una hora después de haber sido emitida, tras el sismo de 6.8 grados registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón. La alerta fue emitida luego de que el sismo ocasionara olas de hasta un metro de altura (3 pies).

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:54:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.6 magnitude earthquake could cause a tsunami as high as one metre (three feet) affecting several islands in the Okinawa chain, but lifted the alert around an hour later, with no abnormal waves recorded. No damage was reported in Japan, but a four-storey....

Nuevo sismo 6,5 Richter en Japón deja a una persona muerta en Taiwán tras incendio

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:54:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón el lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

6.0 magnitude quake rattles Indonesia

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:54:00 +02009news (en)

A powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake has struck off Indonesia's western Sumatra island, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage. The undersea tremor hit at 4:05pm (1905 AEST) on Monday at a depth of 10 kilometres, 215km south of Bengkulu, and almost 500km....

10:32 Uhr Erdbeben erschüttert Südjapan und Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:52:00 +0200bild (li)

Naha/Taipei – Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,8 hat am Montag das südjapanische Urlaubsparadies Okinawa sowie das benachbarte Taiwan erschüttert. Während es in Japan weder Berichte über Schäden noch über Verletzte gab, meldeten Medien einen Toten in Taiwan. Eine für die südjapanischen Inseln Miyakojima....

Cancelan alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:49:00 +0200tabascohoy (es)

La alerta de tsunami en Japón fue cancelada una hora después de haber sido emitida, tras el sismo de 6.8 grados registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón. La alerta fue emitida luego de que el sismo ocasionara olas de hasta un metro de altura (3 pies).

Academia Sinica proposes suggestions to reduce quake damage

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:48:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) Academia Sinica, Taiwan's top research institute, published a report Monday with suggestions on reducing the damage caused by earthquakes, even as a magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan earlier that day. To reduce the damage earthquakes can cause, the report....

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake rattles eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:48:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 5.5 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 7:20 p.m. Monday, following a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck the same region earlier in the day, the Central Weather Bureau said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 42.4 kilometers south of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 32.

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake hits eastern Taiwan, four...

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:48:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 5.8 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 7:45 p.m. Monday, following magnitude 6.3, 5.0 and 5.5 earthquakes that struck the same region earlier in the day, the Central Weather Bureau said. The latest earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 81.8 kilometers east of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 19.

Magnitude 5.7 earthquake rattles eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:48:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 5.7 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 8:00 p.m. Monday, following a magnitude 6.3 earthquake and three other big jolts that struck the same region earlier in the day, the Central Weather Bureau said. The epicenter of the latest quake was located at 78.6 km east of Hualien County at a depth of 15.

Indonesia's Sumatra rattled by 6.0 magnitude quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:44:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

JAKARTA - A powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's western Sumatra island on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage. The undersea tremor hit at 4:05 pm (0905 GMT) at a depth of 10 kilometres (six....

Magnitude-6.4 quake hits Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:36:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan about half an hour ago. According to a preliminary report from the China Earthquake Networks Center, the quake hit at a depth of seven kilometers. The local seismological agency said the epicenter was about 80 kilometers off Hualien County.

El segundo en las últimas horas: un fuerte terremoto vuelve a sacudir Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:29:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Según datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS por sus siglas en inglés), el terremoto de magnitud 5,2 se ha producido a unos 39 kilómetros al sur de la región de Hualian. El foco sísmico se ubicó a una profundidad de 34,2 kilómetros. De momento, no hay reportes de daños ni víctimas.

Otro fuerte terremoto de 5.1 sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:26:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Lu Pei-ling, subdirectora del Centro Sismológico Observación taiwanés señala gráfico después de un terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud sacudió la costa de Hualien | Foto: EFE Un fuerte terremoto sacude de nuevo Taiwan, es el segundo en las últimas horas. Un seísmo de 5.

Genocide 100: Dashnak leader says “tsunami” has begun

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:26:00 +0200armenianow (en)

Giro Manoyan, director of the International Secretariat of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) Bureau in Yerevan, says the predicted “tsunami” of publicity has occurred ahead of commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

Avis de tsunami levé après un fort séisme au large du Japon et de Taïwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:17:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un avis de tsunami émis lundi matin pour des îles du sud du Japon a été levé peu de temps après un séisme qui a secoué la capitale taïwanaise Taipei, faisant un mort et un blessé mais aucun dégât matériel significatif. Le séisme survenu à 10H43 (01H43 GMT) à 71 kilomètres des côtes est de Taïwan, et....

Cancelan alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:11:00 +0200elpaso (es)

Tokio Escolares fueron evacuados a tierras más altas en algunas islas y algunos edificios temblaron en Taipéi tras un fuerte sismo registrado ayer por la mañana en aguas al este de Taiwán y al sur de la isla japonesa de Okinawa. La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón emitió una alerta de tsunami para....

Un muerto en Taiwán por incendio tras un terremoto de 6.8 en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:10:00 +0200diariouno (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón este lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

Otro robot se perdió en las entrañas de Fukushima

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:05:00 +0200causaabierta (es)

El segundo robot operado por control remoto que ha sido introducido en el reactor 1 de la accidentada central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima será abandonado allí después de que la operadora de la planta confirmara que la radiación ha dañado una de sus cámaras.

Cutremur de 6,4 în estul coastelor Taiwanului, ALERTĂ de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:50:00 +0200dcnews (ro)

. Un puternic cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade s-a produs luni dimineața în estul coastelor Taiwanului. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 a avut loc luni dimineaţa în estul coastelor Taiwanului, potrivit Institutului american de geofizică USGS, fără să fie raportate imediat victime sau....

Terremoto de 6,8 en costas taiwanesas

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:48:00 +0200cre (es)

06:27 Taiwán.- Un sismo de 6.8 grados se registró la mañana de este lunes entre la isla de Taiwán y el sureño archipiélago japonés de Ryukyu. Hay hasta el momento una víctima, producto de un incendio. La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón (JMA) emitió una advertencia local de tsunami, en la que recomendó .

El segundo en las últimas horas: Otro fuerte terremoto sacude Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:43:00 +0200rt-es (es)

De nuevo un fuerte terremoto sacude Taiwán: es el segundo que se produce en las últimas horas. Anteriormente se había registrado otro terremoto de magnitud 6,4 en el mar de China Oriental cerca de las costas de Taiwán. Las autoridades niponas han declarado alerta de tsunami para los territorios del....

Un segundo robot abandonado en el interior del reactor 1 de Fukushima

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:33:00 +0200globovision (es)

El segundo robot operado por control remoto que ha sido introducido en el reactor 1 de la accidentada central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima será abandonado allí después de que la operadora de la planta confirmara que la radiación ha dañado una de sus cámaras.

Un terremoto de 6,3 grados desata el pánico en Taiwán, pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:24:00 +0200UltimaHora (es)

Taipei, 20 abr (EFE).- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de 6,4 luni dimineață

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:21:00 +0200libertatea (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4, a avut loc luni dimineaţa în estul coastelor Taiwanului, potrivit Institutului american de geofizică USGS. Alerta de tsunami a fost emisă, dar a fost anulată după o oră. Seismul a fost înregistrat luni, la ora locală 9.42 (4.

One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:20:00 +0200heraldscotland (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway and people there rushed into the streets.

6.0 quake rattles Indonesia

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:12:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

A powerful 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's western Sumatra island Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage. The undersea tremor hit at 4.05pm at a depth of 10 kilometres, 215 kilometres south of....

Earthquake that struck between Japan and Taiwan kills 1

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:10:00 +0200irishsun (en)

. CTV News Monday 20th April, 2015. An employee of the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau points at the seismic chart showing the moment an earthquake that struck off the island's eastern coast in Taipei, Taiwan on April 20, 2015.

Un segundo robot abandonado en el interior del reactor 1 de Fukushima

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:05:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 20 abr (EFE).- El segundo robot operado por control remoto que ha sido introducido en el reactor 1 de la accidentada central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima será abandonado allí después de que la operadora de la planta confirmara que la radiación ha dañado una de sus cámaras.

Indonesia, sisma di magnitudo 6 al largo di Sumatra

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:04:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Giacarta, 20 apr. (askanews) - Un sisma di magnitudo 6 sulla scala Richter si è verificato oggi al largo dell'isola indonesiana di Sumatra: lo ha indicato l'Istituto americano di geofisica senza lanciare un allerta tsunami. Al momento non si hanno informazioni su eventuali vittime o danni gravi. La scossa ha avuto luogo alle 16.

6.0 magnitude quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra: USGS

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:03:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

JAKARTA - A powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's western Sumatra island on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage. The undersea tremor hit at 4:05 pm (0905 GMT) at a depth of 10 kilometres (six....

Taipei, terremoto 6.8 nel mare

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:01:00 +0200metronews (it)

Scene di terrore in un ufficio di un palazzo a Taipei. Tanta paura per una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 si è verificata nel mare tra l'isola giapponese di Okinawa e il Taiwan, spingendo le autorità di Tokyo a dichiarare per un breve lasso di tempo un'allerta tsunami, poi revocata.

Un segundo robot abandonado en el interior del reactor 1 de Fukushima

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:57:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

El segundo robot operado por control remoto que ha sido introducido en el reactor 1 de la accidentada central nuclear japonesa de Fukushima será abandonado allí después de que la operadora de la planta confirmara que la radiación ha dañado una de sus cámaras.

Descartan alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:54:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami del Pacífico canceló este lunes la alerta de tsunami anunciada hace varias horas tras el que sacudió Un comunicado emitido por el organismo detalla que en las próximas horas podrían registrarse olas de poca altura, como las que se han reportado desde el puerto de....

Toter bei schwerem Erdbeben in Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:43:00 +0200oe24 (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,8 hat am Montag das südjapanische Urlaubsparadies Okinawa sowie das benachbarte Taiwan erschüttert. Während es in Japan weder Berichte über Schäden noch über Verletzte gab, meldeten Medien einen Toten in Taiwan. Eine für die südjapanischen Inseln Miyakojima und Yaeyama....

KAA 2015: Jepang Usul 5 November Sebagai Hari Tsunami Internasional

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:39:00 +0200bisnis (id)

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA--Jepang mengusulkan penetapan tanggal 5 November sebagai Hari Tsunami Internasional. Hal tersebut disampaikan Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Kazuyuki Nakane dalam pertemuan tingkat menteri yang merupakan rangkaian acara peringatan 60 tahun Konferensi Asia Afrika.

13h29 Indonésie: séisme de magnitude 6,0 au large de Sumatra (AFP)

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:36:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,0 s'est produit lundi au large de l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, a indiqué l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais il n'y a pas eu d'alerte au tsunami ni d'informations sur des victimes ou dommages dans l'immédiat. La secousse sous-marine a eu lieu à 16H05 (09H05....

Silne trzęsienie ziemi na Tajwanie

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:32:00 +0200tvn24 (pl)

Jedna osoba zginęła. Epicentrum znajdowało się na głębokości 17 km w odległości 76 km od Hualian, miasta na wschodnim wybrzeżu. W Tajpej zostało uszkodzonych 11 samochodów. Wstrząsy spowodowały pożar w skrzynce transformatorowej, doszło do eksplozji, na skutek której zginęła jedna osoba. Lokalne media donoszą również o jednej osobie rannej.

Taiwan: terremoto magnitudo 6.3, un morto e un ferito

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:26:00 +0200adnkronos (it)

Articolo pubblicato il: 20/04/2015. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 sulla scala Richter ha colpito questa mattina la costa orientale di Taiwan provocando un morto e un ferito. Lo riferiscono i media locali specificando che la vittima, un uomo di 84 anni, è deceduta in un incendio scatenato dal sisma in una zona residenziale di New Taipei City.

Japan tsunami warning lifted after 6.6 magnitude quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:22:00 +0200dailymail (en)

A warning for a tsunami as big as one metre (three feet) forecast to hit islands in Japan's far south after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan was cancelled on Monday. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very....

House fire sparked by undersea earthquake between Taiwan and Japan kills 1 in Taiwan's capital

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:14:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan - A strong undersea earthquake struck between Taiwan and southern Japan on Monday, sparking a house fire that killed a person outside of Taiwan's capital and causing Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a tsunami precaution.

6.0 magnitude quake rattles Sumatra

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:14:00 +0200nst (en)

JAKARTA: A powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia’s western Sumatra island today, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage. The undersea tremor hit at 4.05pm (0905 GMT) at a depth of 10 kilometres (six miles),....

Allarme tsunami in Giappone per un forte terremoto sottomarino ad est di Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:11:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 20 aprile 2015) L'agenzia meteorologica Giappone se ha diramato un Allarme per uno tsunami alto fino ad un metro, per le zone Miyakojima e Yaeyama, cancellato fortunatamente circa un'ora dopo, in seguito ad un forte terremoto avvenuto la mattina di lunedì 20 aprile sotto le acque ad est di Taiwan ed a sud di Okinawa.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 al largo di Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:11:00 +0200zazoom (it)

in Sicilia - magnitudo 3.6 nell'area dell'Etna : Roma, 20 aprile 2015 - Un sisma di magnitudo 3.6 è avvenuto alle 3,07. Ne dà notizia l'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia. Il Terremoto è stato localizzato nell'Etna a una profondità di 2.7 km.

6.0 magnitude quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra: USGS

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:10:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Jakarta. A powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's western Sumatra island on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no reports of casualties or damage, AFP reported. The undersea tremor hit at 4:05 pm (0905 GMT) at a depth of 10....

Un terremoto sacudió Taiwán

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:59:00 +0200lavoz901 (es)

Los sismos son frecuentes en la zona Un terremoto sacudió Taiwán Fecha: 20/04/2015 Hora: 04:00 - Fue de 6,1 grados de magnitud; Tuvo epicentro en el mar, a 76,2 kilómetros de la ciudad oriental de Hualien; Fue sucedido, siete minutos después, por una réplica de 5 grados en la escala de Richter. Un terremoto sacudió ayer Taiwán a las 9.

Levantado alerta de tsunami no Japão

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:56:00 +0200sabado (pt)

Um sismo na escala de 6,8 na escala da Ritcher (que vai até 10) atingiu o Japão esta segunda-feira, 20 de Abril, às 10h43 locais (2h43 em Lisboa) em Yonaguni, ilha que faz parte do arquipélago de Okinawa, perto de Taiwan. O alerta de tsunami foi activado, mas as autoridades retiraram-no cerca de uma hora depois.

One killed in Japan-Taiwan quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:52:00 +0200bbc (en)

One person has been killed in Taiwan's capital Taipei in a house fire following a 6.6 magnitude earthquake. The quake struck near Japan's Yonaguni on Monday morning. Buildings swayed in Taipei and people were seen rushing on to the street, but no significant damage was reported.

Major earthquake hits off Taiwan coast as Japan lifts tsunami warning

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:52:00 +0200ibtimes-in (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck off the east coast of Taiwan early Monday (20 April), setting off tsunami alerts in Japan. The epicentre of the earthquake was located between Okinawa in Japan and Taiwan, about 75 km from Taiwans eastern coast at a depth of approximately 29 km, according to the US Geological Survey.

Erdbeben in Südjapan und Taiwan forderte ein Todesopfer

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:52:00 +0200Vorarlberg (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,8 hat am Montag das südjapanische Urlaubsparadies Okinawa sowie das benachbarte Taiwan erschüttert. Während es in Japan weder Berichte über Schäden noch über Verletzte gab, meldeten Medien einen Toten in Taiwan. Eine für die südjapanischen Inseln Miyakojima und Yaeyama....

15:01 Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:50:00 +0200ca-news (en)

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted Bishkek (AKIpress) A strong earthquake struck off the coast of Taiwan early Monday, causing some damage on land. The 6.6-magnitude earthquake was located some 47 miles (76 kilometers) east-northeast of Hualian, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

Tsunami warning after 6.8 magnitude quake hits Okinawa: NHK

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:43:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Tokyo--A tsunami as big as one metre (three feet) was reportedly forecast to hit the Okinawa island chain Monday after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck far-southern Japan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan.

Japan tsunami warning lifted: meteorologists

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:43:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Tokyo--Japanese meteorologists cancelled a tsunami warning Monday an hour after a powerful quake struck off the coast of Taiwan. No tsunami was recorded following the 6.6 magnitude quake, which struck near Yonaguni, a remote island at the end of the Okinawa chain, near to Taiwan.

De fortes secousses ont touché Taïwan et le sud du Japon

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:42:00 +0200cctv-fr (fr)

04-20-2015 15:33. Un tremblement de terre d'une ampleur de 6,4 sur l'échelle de Ritcher a frappé Taïwan il y a quelques heures. Selon un rapport préliminaire du Centre des réseaux de séisme de Chine, le séisme s'est produit à 7 kilomètres de profondeur.

Japan warnt nach heftigem Erdbeben vor Tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:34:00 +0200Welt (li)

Die Version Ihres Browsers wird nicht mehr durch unseren Video-Player unterstützt. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Browser oder verwenden einen anderen Browser. Stärke 6,8 Japan warnt nach heftigem Erdbeben vor Tsunami. Wände und Lampen wackeln: Ein Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 6,8 hat Taiwan und....

Susto por dos fuertes sismos que sacudieron Japón y Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:26:00 +0200tandildiario (es)

. 06:25 | En el país nipón se registró un movimiento de 6,8 grados magnitud, mientras que el de la isla de Taiwán fue de 6,3. Se emitió una alerta de tsunami que horas más tarde quedó desactivada. Un terremoto de 6,8 grados magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió anoche la isla japonesa de....

Ein Toter bei Erdbeben in Taiwan und Südjapan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:22:00 +0200diepresse (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,8 hat am Montag das südjapanische Urlaubsparadies Okinawa sowie das benachbarte Taiwan erschüttert. Während es in Japan weder Berichte über Schäden noch über Verletzte gab, meldeten Medien einen Toten in Taiwan. Eine für die südjapanischen Inseln Miyakojima und Yaeyama....

Forte terremoto atinge a costa do Japão e Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:21:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

TÓQUIO/TAIPÉ - Um forte terremoto sacudiu atingiu neste domingo a costa de Taiwan e pequenas ilhas no extremo sul do Japão nesta segunda-feira, provocando um alerta de tsunami de 1 metro para o arquipélago de Okinawa. Não houve relatos imediatos de danos após o terremoto nos dois países.

Powerful quake kills one in Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:15:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

TAIPEI, April 20 -- One person was killed and another injured after a powerful earthquake in waters off Taiwan on Monday morning caused a fire. The 6.4 magnitude quake, off the east coast of Hualien, Taiwan, struck at 9:42 a.m.. The quake caused a junction box near a residential building in New Taipei City to explode, which stared the fire.

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:06:00 +0200omaha (en)

HOGP 1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan. In a photo provided by the Taipei Fire Department, vehicles are seen piled on themselves in an automated parking tower after the lift system failed during the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck off the island's eastern coast in Taipei, Taiwan, Monday, April 20, 2015.

Anulan un aviso de tsunami tras un seísmo de magnitud 6,8 en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:03:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Una alerta de tsunami emitida en la mañana de este lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, informó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un seísmo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la agencia, que con anterioridad había....

Video shows glow in Japanese nuclear plant

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:58:00 +0200krcrtv (en)

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) deployed the second remote-controlled robot last week after the first one broke down. The robot detected lower radiation levels and temperature than expected, an indicator that cooling systems were working effectively, according to a statement released by TEPCO.

08:21 One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:57:00 +0200argus (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

Japonya'da şiddetli deprem

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:56:00 +0200ulusalkanalcom (tr)

Japonya'nın Okinawa adaları açıklarında 6.4 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. Depremden sonra küçük çapta bir tsunami uyarısı yapıldı.. CNN TÜRK. Yorum yazmak için bu alanı kullanabilirsiniz. Yorum yazarken lütfen aşağıda yazılan uyarıları göz önünde bulundurunuz! ....

Comment on Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan i Japan: nema opasnosti od tsunamija

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:56:00 +0200DnevniList-sr (sr)

Snažan potres pogodio je u danas Tajvan i male otoke južnog Japana, objavili su seizmolozi, a za Okinawu je nakratko bila objavljena i opasnost od tsunamija. Zasad nema podataka o stradalima ili šteti od potresa koji je zanjihao uredske zgrade u glavnome gradu Tajvana Taipeiju.-prenosi Hina.

AVANCE: Alerta por tsunami tras terremoto de 6,8 grados en sur de … – Pueblo en linea

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:53:00 +0200contacto-latino (es)

Pueblo en linea TOKIO, 20 abr (Xinhua) — Un terremoto de 6,8 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió el lunes las aguas cercanas a Taiwan de China , y a la isla japonesa de Okinawa, lo que ha provocado que se emita una alerta por tsunami en las zonas cercanas a las … Terra Colombia. Al enviar, Ud. está de acuerdo con nuestra Politica de Publicación.

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:50:00 +0200todayonline (en)

TAIPEI (Taiwan) — A strong undersea earthquake that struck between Taiwan and southern Japan today (April 20) sparked a house fire that killed a man outside of Taiwan’s capital, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1m in Japan that was lifted after just over an hour.

Pogledajte kako se 'ljuljaju' zgrade pod snažnim potresom

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:48:00 +020024sata (hr)

Snažan potres od 6,4 po Richteru pogodio je jutros Tajvan, ali i otoke južnog Japana. Za sada još nema podataka o stradalima ni o materijalnoj šteti Ponedjeljak, 20. 4. 2015. u 10:24, zadnja izmjena prije 5 minuta Piše: Potres je bio tako snažan da je zaljuljao uredske zgrade u glavnom gradu Tajvana Taipeiju.

'One dead' as strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:41:00 +0200sbs (en)

There are reports that one person has died in a fire caused by a strong earthquake that has rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan. The 6.6- magnitude tremor shook buildings in Taipei and sparked a blaze in a residential building. The US Geological Survey said the quake hit some....

08:21 One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:39:00 +0200sligochampion (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:38:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

CEDAR FALLS | The University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art will present a bachelor of fine arts group exhibition from April 27 through May 9 CEDAR FALLS | The Beyond Pink TEAM will host its next “Meet, Mingle and Learn” event from 4:30 to 7 p.m. April 21 at the Cedar Valley Unitaria.

Tsunami-Warnung in Japan wieder aufgehoben

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:36:00 +0200Tagespiegel (li)

Ein schweres Erdbeben hat in Taiwan einen tödlichen Brand ausgelöst. Durch das Feuer seien am Montag in Taipeh ein Mann getötet und ein weiterer Mensch verletzt worden, wie Feuerwehr und örtliche Medien berichteten. Das Beben der Stärke 6,6 hatte mehrere Gebäude in der taiwanischen Hauptstadt ins Wanken gebracht.

Terremoto di magnitudo 3.6 sull'Etna, paura a Catania

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:35:00 +0200zazoom (it)

a Taiwan - scossa di magnitudo 6.6. Trema anche Okinawa : Tokyo, 20 aprile 2015 - Un sisma di magnitudo 6.6 è stato registrato al largo della costa dell'isola di Taiwan alle 9:43 ora locale (le 3:43 in Italia). Secondo i rilevamenti dello United States geological survey (Usgs), il sisma ha avuto....

Japon : L’alerte au tsunami levée

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:32:00 +0200lnt (fr)

Le Japon a levé un avis de tsunami qui a été émis lundi matin après un séisme de magnitude 6,8 ayant frappé l’extrême-sud du pays, a indiqué l’Agence nippone de météorologie. Aucun raz-de-marée n’a finalement été mesuré après un séisme de magnitude 6,8, a indiqué la même source, bien que des....

Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:31:00 +0200hrt (hr)

Potres jačine 6,8 prema Richteru pogodio je Tajvan i male otoke na jugu Japana. Nakratko je zbog toga bila proglašena uzbuna za tsunami za Okinawu. Zasad nema izvještaja o šteti ili stradalima. Tajvanska meteorološka služba priopćila je da je epicentar potresa bio oko 75 kilometara od istočne obale Tajvana, na dubini od 17 kilometara.

Magnitude-6.8 undersea earthquake east of Taiwan sparks deadly fire

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:30:00 +0200foxnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan – A strong undersea earthquake that struck between Taiwan and southern Japan on Monday sparked a house fire that killed a person outside of Taiwan's capital, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3 feet in Japan that was lifted after just over an hour.

08:21 One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:27:00 +0200kerryman (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

Un muerto en Taiwán por incendio tras fuerte sismo en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:25:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Un fuerte terremoto submarino registrado entre Taiwán y el sur de Japón el lunes por la mañana provocó un incendio en una vivienda en el que falleció una persona en las afueras de la capital taiwanesa e hizo que las autoridades japonesas evacuasen a algunos escolares como precaución ante un posible tsunami.

One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:24:00 +0200herald-ie (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

08:21 One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:22:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

Un cutremur foarte puternic a avut loc în largul coastelor Taiwanului

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:21:00 +0200moldpres-ro (ro)

Taipei, 20 apr. /MOLDPRES/. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4, a avut loc luni dimineaţa în estul coastelor Taiwanului. O alertă de tsunami pentru Okinawa a fost emisă la momentul seismului, dar a fost anulată după o oră, transmite realitatea.net, preluată de MOLDPRES. Seismul a fost înregistrat la ora 4.

Terremoto de 6,8 graus de magnitude atinge a costa do Japão e Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:20:00 +0200extra (pt)

TÓQUIO/TAIPÉ - Um forte terremoto sacudiu atingiu neste domingo a costa de Taiwan e pequenas ilhas no extremo sul do Japão nesta segunda-feira, provocando um alerta de tsunami de 1 metro para o arquipélago de Okinawa. Não houve relatos imediatos de danos após o terremoto nos dois países.

Un seísmo en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:19:00 +0200diariodenavarra (es)

El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió este lunes el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:17:00 +0200drogheda-independent (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

1 dead, 1 injured in New Taipei electrical transfo...

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:15:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) An 84-year-old man was killed and a 28-year-old man suffered minor injuries in a fire in New Taipei, right after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck northern and eastern Taiwan, according to the local fire department. The fire broke out in an apartment in the city's Xinzhuang....

Japon: avis de tsunami levé sur des îles du sud de l'archipe

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:14:00 +0200nna-fr (fr)

ANI - (AFP) Un avis de tsunami émis lundi matin pour des îles du sud du Japon a été levé peu de temps après, a indiqué l'Agence nippone de météorologie. Aucun tsunami n'a finalement été mesuré, a indiqué la même source, bien que des informations de possible montée d'eau ait été données précédemment. ============M.

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:10:00 +0200timesdaily (en)

HOGP 1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan. In a photo provided by the Taipei Fire Department, vehicles are seen piled on themselves in an automated parking tower after the lift system failed during the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck off the island's eastern coast in Taipei, Taiwan, Monday, April 20, 2015.

Chine : un mort suite à un séisme à Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:10:00 +0200french-news (fr)

(Xinhua/Wu Jingteng) TAIPEI, 20 avril (Xinhua) -- Une personne a été tuée et une autre blessée suite à un incendie provoqué lundi matin par un puissant séisme survenu dans les eaux au large de Taiwan. Le séisme de magnitude 6,4, a eu lieu à 9h42 au large de la côte est de Hualien, à Taiwan.

Un terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:10:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Taipei (Efe).- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:07:00 +0200iol (en)

REUTERS Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura (not in picture) points on the map showing the quake centre (star mark). Picture: Issei Kato Tokyo/ Taipei - A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on....

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:06:00 +0200corkman (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

One dead in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:04:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

The quake also led Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a precaution against a possible tsunami. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets.

Man killed in fire as 6.6 earthquake hits off Japan coast

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:04:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura points on the map showing the quake centre during a news conference in Tokyo REUTERS/Issei Kato Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura (not in....

Robotic probe releases new video from Fukushima plant

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:02:00 +0200cnn (en)

"It is a great step forward towards the decommissioning work as we can earn necessary data for the next investigation," said Akira Ono, the chief of Fukushima Daiichi plant. The shape-shifting robots were sent in to assess the damage in one of the reactors that suffered a meltdown after a devastating earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Emitido alerta de tsunami após sismo de magnitude 6,8 no sul do Japão

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:01:00 +0200dn (pt)

A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão emitiu hoje um alerta de tsunami na sequência de um sismo de magnitude 6,8 em Okinawa, informou a televisão pública NHK. O forte sismo atingiu Okinawa, no extremo-sul do Japão, às 10:43 (02:43 em Lisboa). Segundo a emissora pública, o alerta de tsunami, emitido na....

Levantado alerta de tsunami no Japão emitido após forte sismo

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:01:00 +0200dn (pt)

As autoridades do Japão levantaram o alerta de tsunami emitido hoje após a ocorrência de um forte sismo no extremo sul do país. Não foi registado qualquer tsunami na sequência do terramoto registado perto de Yonaguni, ilhote remoto que faz parte do arquipélago de Okinawa, localizado perto de Taiwan,....

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:56:00 +0200argus (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:55:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) " A strong undersea earthquake struck between Taiwan and southern Japan on Monday, sparking a house fire that killed a person outside of Taiwan's capital and causing Japanese authorities to evacuate some schoolchildren as a tsunami precaution.

Sismo de magnitude 6,8 no sul do Japão

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:54:00 +0200tvi24 (pt)

As autoridades do Japão levantaram o alerta de tsunami emitido esta segunda-feira após a ocorrência de um forte sismo no extremo sul do país. Não foi registado qualquer tsunami na sequência do terramoto registado perto de Yonaguni, ilhote remoto que faz parte do arquipélago de Okinawa, localizado....

08:21 Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:51:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

Levantado alerta de tsunami no Japão emitido após forte sismo

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:50:00 +0200sic (pt)

As autoridades do Japão levantaram o alerta de tsunami emitido hoje após a ocorrência de um forte sismo no extremo sul do país. Não foi registado qualquer tsunami na sequência do terramoto registado perto de Yonaguni, ilhote remoto que faz parte do arquipélago de Okinawa, localizado perto de....

Video: Nach Erdbeben: Japan gibt Tsunami-Warnung heraus

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:50:00 +0200stern (li)

Bis zu ein Meter hoch soll die Flutwelle sein: Japan warnt im vor einem Tsunami. Ein Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 6,8 hatte Taiwan und kleinere Inseln im äußersten Süden von Japan erschüttert. Ein Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 6,8 hat am Montag Taiwan und kleinere Inseln im äußersten Süden von Japan erschüttert.

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:46:00 +0200drogheda-independent (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

Avis de tsunami levé après un fort séisme au large du Japon et de Taïwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:40:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Taipei (AFP) Un avis de tsunami émis lundi matin pour des îles du sud du Japon a été levé peu de temps après un séisme qui a secoué la capitale taïwanaise Taipei, faisant un mort et un blessé mais aucun dégât matériel significatif. Le séisme survenu à 10H43 (01H43 GMT) à 71 kilomètres des côtes est....

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Okinawa, Japan, around 10:40 a.m., Monday, NHK reported.

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:40:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Okinawa, Japan, around 10:40 a.m., Monday. The quake occured near Yonaguni, a remote island at the end of the Okinawa chain. Japanese meteorologists had immediately issued a tsunami warning but lifted it later in the day. 1.

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:39:00 +0200herald-ie (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:38:00 +0200sligochampion (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan i Japan: nema opasnosti od tsunamija

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:38:00 +0200rtl-hr (hr)

Snažan potres pogodio je u ponedjeljak Tajvan i male otoke južnog Japana, objavili su seizmolozi, a za Okinawu je nakratko bila objavljena i opasnost od tsunamija. Zasad nema podataka o stradalima ili šteti od potresa koji je zanjihao uredske zgrade u glavnome gradu Tajvana Taipeiju.

Man dies in fire caused by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:36:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A man has died in a blaze sparked by a strong undersea earthquake which struck between Taiwan and southern Japan, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of....

Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:34:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

08:21 Man killed in fire sparked by quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:34:00 +0200corkman (en)

The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3ft (1m) in Japan which was lifted after just over an hour. It caused buildings in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei to sway, and people there rushed into the streets. A man was killed in a house fire in the Taipei suburb of Xinzhuang which was....

Japan lifts tsunami advisory after earthquake off south

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:24:00 +0200aa-en (en)

TOKYO. A magnitude-6.8 hit remote islands off Japan's southern coast Monday, causing the country’s weather agency to briefly issue a advisory to Miyako island. tsunami The earthquake occurred in waters off Yonaguni island, part of the Yaeyama island group of Okinawa prefecture at around 10.43 a.m.

Avis de tsunami levé après un fort séisme au large du Japon et de Taïwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:22:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Taipei (AFP) Un avis de tsunami émis lundi matin pour des îles du sud du Japon a été levé peu de temps après un séisme qui a secoué la capitale taïwanaise Taipei, faisant un mort et un blessé mais aucun dégât matériel significatif. Le séisme survenu à 10H43 (01H43 GMT) à 71 kilomètres des côtes est....

Au Japon - Avis de tsunami levé après un fort séisme

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:21:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Aucun tsunami n'a finalement été mesuré après un séisme de magnitude 6,8, malgré des informations de possible montée d'eau données précédemment. Un violent tremblement de terre était survenu à 10h43 locales (3h43 heure luxembourgeoise) sur l'île Yonaguni, près de Taïwan.

Séisme de magnitude 6,6 Avis de tsunami levé au Japon et au Taïwan 06h51 37 lectures

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:19:00 +0200lematin (fr)

Un avis de tsunami émis lundi matin pour des îles du sud du Japon a été levé peu de temps après un séisme qui a secoué la capitale taïwanaise Taipei, faisant un mort et un blessé mais aucun dégât matériel significatif. Le séisme survenu à 10h43 (01h43 GMT) à 71 kilomètres des côtes est de Taïwan, et....

El terremoto en Taiwán causa escenas de pánico pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:19:00 +0200eldia (es)

El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan i Japan, nema opasnosti od tsunamija

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:18:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

Foto: usgs.gov. SNAŽAN potres pogodio je u ponedjeljak Tajvan i male otoke južnog Japana, objavili su seizmolozi, a za Okinawu je nakratko bila objavljena i opasnost od tsunamija. Zasad nema podataka o stradalima ili teti od potresa koji je zanjihao uredske zgrade u glavnome gradu Tajvana Taipeiju.

1 Dead in Taiwan From Fire Sparked by Quake off South Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:16:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

. A strong undersea earthquake that struck between and southern Japan on Monday sparked a house fire that killed a man outside of Taiwan's capital, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet) in Japan that was lifted after just over an hour.

Un terremoto de 6,3 grados desata el pánico en Taiwán, pero apenas causa daños

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:15:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Taipei, 20 abr (EFE).- El terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió hoy el norte de Taiwán causó sólo dos heridos y apenas dejó daños materiales importantes, aunque sí se vivieron escenas de pánico en la zona, la más densamente poblada de la isla.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 în estul coastelor Taiwanului

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:14:00 +0200jurnal (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 s-a produs dimineaţa în estul coastelor Taiwanului, scrie mediafax.ro. Seismul a avut loc la aproximativ 130 de kilometri sud-est de Keelung, un oraş cu aproximativ 400.000 de locuitori. Centrul american pentru alerte de tsunami la Pacific a anunţat că nu există o....

Anulan alerta de tsunami en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:14:00 +0200periodicocorreo (es)

AFP. TOKIO, Jap.- Una alerta de tsunami emitida para las islas del sur de Japón la mañana del lunes (tiempo del país insular) fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa. Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6.

1 dead in Taiwan from fire sparked by quake off south Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:13:00 +0200therepublic (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan A strong undersea earthquake that struck between Taiwan and southern Japan on Monday sparked a house fire that killed a man outside of Taiwan's capital, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet) in Japan that was lifted after just over an hour.

20.04.2015. 09:03 Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan i Japan, nema opasnosti od tsunamija

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:13:00 +0200novilist (hr)

Snažan potres pogodio je u ponedjeljak Tajvan i male otoke južnog Japana, objavili su seizmolozi, a za Okinawu je nakratko bila objavljena i opasnost od tsunamija. Zasad nema podataka o stradalima ili šteti od potresa koji je zanjihao uredske zgrade u glavnome gradu Tajvana Taipeiju.

Terremoti: Okinawa,scossa magnitudo 6,8

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:12:00 +0200virgilio-notizie (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 20 APR - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 è stato registrato a sudovest di Okinawa durante la notte ed ha spinto le autorità a lanciare un allarme tsunami che però è stato annullato poco più di un'ora dopo la scossa. Le autorità avevano previsto un possibile tsunami di un metro di altezza.

Powerful quake kills one in Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:11:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

TAIPEI, April 20 (Xinhua) -- One person was killed and another injured after a powerful earthquake in waters off Taiwan on Monday morning caused a fire. The 6.4 magnitude quake, off the east coast of Hualien, Taiwan, struck at 9:42 a.m.. The quake caused a junction box near a residential building in....

Schweres Erdbeben fordert ein Todesopfer auf Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:10:00 +0200wienerzeitung (li)

Taipeh. Ein schweres Erdbeben hat auf Taiwan einen tödlichen Brand ausgelöst. Durch das Feuer seien am Montag in Taipeh ein Mann getötet und ein weiterer Mensch verletzt worden, wie Feuerwehr und örtliche Medien berichteten. Das Beben der Stärke 6,6 hatte mehrere Gebäude in der taiwanischen Hauptstadt ins Wanken gebracht.

Tsunami warning lifted after magnitude6.8 q...

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:08:00 +0200nna-en (en)

NNA - Japanese authorities issued a warning for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet) after a strong earthquake struck Monday in the seas south of Okinawa and east of Taiwan. The warning was cancelled just over an hour later. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the epicenter of the magnitude-6.8 quake was at a shallow point near Yonaguni.

Terremoti: Okinawa,scossa magnitudo 6,8

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:08:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 20 APR - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 è stato registrato a sudovest di Okinawa durante la notte ed ha spinto le autorità a lanciare un allarme tsunami che però è stato annullato poco più di un'ora dopo la scossa. Le autorità avevano previsto un possibile tsunami di un metro di altezza.

Snažan potres pogodio Tajvan i Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:07:00 +0200tportal (hr)

Zasad nema podataka o stradalima ili šteti od potresa koji je zanjihao uredske zgrade u glavnome gradu Tajvana Taipeiju. Japanska meteorološka agencija izdala je upozorenje da malim otocima u regiji Okinawe prijeti metar visok tsunami. Među tim je otocima i Miyakojima, popularno ronilačko turističko odredište.

Taiwan: Cutremur de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:06:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade, a avut loc, luni dimineaţa, în estul coastelor Taiwanului, potrivit Institutului american de geofizică USGS, informează Seismul a fost înregistrat luni, la ora locală 9.42 (4.42, ora României), la aproximativ 130 de kilometri sud-sud-est de Keelung, un oraş cu aproximativ 400.

Earthquake Shakes Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:05:00 +0200rian-en (en)

An earthquake has caused damage to buildings in the Taiwanese capital Taipei; the city's authorities have issued warnings to residents to move away from coastal areas to higher ground. The earthquake's epicenter was off the east coast of the island. According to reports, one man was killed and....

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:05:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

TAIPEI - One man died and another was hospitalised Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

House fire sparked by strong undersea earthquake kills 1 in Taiwan's capital

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:03:00 +0200startribune (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — A strong undersea earthquake that struck between Taiwan and southern Japan on Monday sparked a house fire that killed a man outside of Taiwan's capital, authorities said. The quake triggered an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet) in Japan that was lifted after just over an hour.

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 09:00:00 +0200gulf-times (en)

Japan's Meteorological Agency official Koji Nakamura speaks at a press conference in Tokyo on Monday after an earthquake hit remote islands off Okinawa. AFP/Taipei. One man died and another was hospitalised on Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in....

Earthquake Hits Taiwan, Japan; Tsunami Warning Lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:50:00 +0200ibtimes-in (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country after the quake, which....

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:41:00 +0200vietnamnews (en)

. TAIPEI — One man died and another was hospitalised on Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the Taipei city and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Tsunami warning lifted after strong quake near Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:36:00 +0200MaltaToday (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country after the quake, which....

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Off of Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:33:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale was felt last night (Sunday) off the east coast of Taiwan and near the Japanese island of Okinawa. The epicenter was measured at a depth of 17 km. Aside from buildings shaking in the capital city of Taipei, no damage was reported.

Japan cancels tsunami alert after quake off Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:22:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

One man died and another was hospitalised in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters on Monday had warned the 6.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:16:00 +0200ChinaPost (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday, the Central Weather Bureau said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.2 kilometers east of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 18 km, bureau officials said.

Earthquake prompts short-lived tsunami warning for Okinawa islands

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:15:00 +0200abc-au (en)

Taiwan earthquake: Strong quake rattles Taiwan, prompting short-lived tsunami warning for Okinawa. Updated April 20, 2015 15:15:15. One man has died and another has been hospitalised in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far south-western Japan.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:03:00 +0200ekantipur (en)

Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura (not in picture) points on the map showing the quake centre (star mark) during a news conference in Tokyo April 20, 2015. Photographer: REUTERS/ Issei Kato.

6.6-magnitude earthquake strikes near Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:57:00 +0200krcrtv (en)

(CNN) - A strong earthquake struck off the coast of Taiwan early Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 6.6-magnitude earthquake was located 47 miles (76 kilometers) east-northeast of Hualian, the USGS said. The quake had a reported depth of 18 miles (28.9 kilometers). Initially, the USGS had estimated the depth at 0.

Taiwan earthquake: Strong quake rattles Taiwan, prompting short-lived tsunami warning for Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:47:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

One man has died and another has been hospitalised in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far south-western Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.6-magnitude earthquake could cause a tsunami as....

One killed in fire after quake off coast of Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:47:00 +0200scmp (en)

One man died and another is receiving treatment in hospital after a fire caused by a powerful earthquake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:46:00 +0200cyprus-mail (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country after the quake, which....

Japan cancels tsunami alert after quake off Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:43:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

One man died and another was hospitalised in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters on Monday had warned the 6.

Japon. Séisme de magnitude 6,8, mais pas de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:34:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 6,8 a été ressenti à Taiwan et à Okinawa, dans les îles situées au sud du Japon, lundi, provoquant une brève alerte au tsunami qui a été par la suite levée. Aucun dégât n'a été signalé bien que des immeubles de Taipei, la capitale de Taiwan, aient été secoués....

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:31:00 +0200trust (en)

(Updates with cancellation of tsunami warning, paragraphs 1-4) TOKYO/TAIPEI, April 20 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain.

Japan lifts tsunami warning after quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:30:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A tsunami warning issued by the Japanese authorities for a tsunami after a strong earthquake struck in the seas was cancelled an hour later. The Japan Meteorological Agency said the epicentre of the magnitude 6.8 quake was at a shallow point near the Yonaguni islands.

Taiwan earthquake: Strong quake rattles Taiwan, prompting short-lived tsunami warning for Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:28:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

One man has died and another has been hospitalised in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far south-western Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.6-magnitude earthquake could cause a tsunami as....

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:23:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Taipei. One man died and another was hospitalised Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan, AFP reported. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Japón levanta alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de 6,8 grados

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:21:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Tokio. Una alerta de tsunami emitida la mañana del lunes para las islas del sur de Japón fue anulada poco después, indicó la Agencia Meteorológica japonesa Al final no se midió ningún tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la agencia, que con anterioridad había....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:13:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday, the Central Weather Bureau said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.2 kilometers east of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 18 km, bureau officials said.

Taiwan records biggest earthquake for the year: CWB

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:13:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude-6.3 earthquake that struck off the northeastern coast of Taiwan Monday morning was the biggest temblor recorded in the country so far this year, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.

04/20 11:39 No major damage reported after magnitude 6.3 quake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:13:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) No major damage or injuries or were reported Monday morning in the wake of a magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck northern and eastern Taiwan, neither were there any significant disruptions to the country's rail transportation systems, authorities said.

Taiwan earthquake: Strong quake rattles Taiwan, prompting one-metre tsunami warning for Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:06:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A strong earthquake has rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan, official monitoring sites say, prompting a warning for a one-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage after the quake in either country. The Japan Meteorological Agency said a 6.

Susto por dos fuertes sismos que sacudieron Japón y Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:05:00 +0200clarin (es)

Un terremoto de 6,8 grados magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió anoche la isla japonesa de Okinawa, situada al suroeste de Japón, lo que encendió las alarmas de tsunami por la intensidad del movimiento telúrico, según informó la televisión pública NHK. Hasta el momento no se reportaron víctimas ni daños materiales.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:00:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

TOKYO/TAIPEI, 0 hours, 41 minutes ago A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in....

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:56:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura (not in picture) points on the map showing the quake centre (star mark) during a news conference in Tokyo April 20, 2015. Photo: Reuters. A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far....

Tsunami advisory lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:55:00 +0200denverpost (en)

TOKYO (AP) School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Video: Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 al sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:51:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 se ha registrado en el mar de China Oriental cerca de las costas de Taiwán. Las autoridades niponas han declarado alerta de tsunami para los territorios del país cercanos a Taiwán, informó la cadena japonesa NHK. El Servicio Meteorológico del país informó que el....

Tsunami advisory lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:50:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:50:00 +0200mid-day (en)

Tokyo: A tsunami as big as three feet was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan's far south today after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan.

Shake-up for earthquake disaster readiness

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:48:00 +0200Triniad-guardian (en)

The jolt of a 5.2 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday served as a chilling reminder of the need to develop modern building codes for structures in Trinidad and Tobago. It’s a matter that comes up for discussion when natural disasters strike elsewhere in the Caribbean, but the continued good fortune of....

Magnitude-6.8 undersea earthquake east of Taiwan forces evacuations

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:44:00 +0200foxnews (en)

TOKYO – School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 3 feet, but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Taiwan earthquake: Strong quake rattles Taiwan, prompting one-metre tsunami warning for Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:43:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A strong earthquake has rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan, official monitoring sites say, prompting a warning for a one-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage after the quake in either country. The Japan Meteorological Agency said a 6.

Tsunami advisory lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:35:00 +0200usnews (en)

TOKYO (AP) — School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:32:00 +0200torontosun (en)

Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and volcano observations division director Koji Nakamura (not in picture) points on the map showing the quake centre (star mark) during a news conference in Tokyo April 20, 2015. A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan....

Tsunami warning in Japan after quake off Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:25:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

Japan's national broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan. Witnesses said buildings swayed in Taipei but there was no visible damage in the Taiwan capital.

Japan issues tsunami alert after quake off Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:21:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

A tsunami as large as one metre was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan\'s far south on Monday after a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan.

Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:21:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Last Updated On 20 April,2015 About 1 hour ago A tsunami warning was issued after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck far-southern Japan. TOKYO (AFP) - A tsunami as big as one metre (three feet) was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan s far south Monday after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan.

Powerful quake hits Taiwan and Japan, tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:18:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.6 magnitude earthquake could cause a tsunami as high as one metre (three feet) affecting several islands in the Okinawa chain, but lifted the alert around an hour later, with no abnormal waves recorded. No damage was reported in Japan, but a four-storey....

Magnitude-6.4 quake hits Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:18:00 +0200cctv-en (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan about half an hour ago. According to a preliminary report from the China Earthquake Networks Center, the quake hit at a depth of seven kilometers. The local seismological agency said the epicenter was about 80 kilometers off Hualien County.

Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:13:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

Tokyo: A tsunami as big as one metre (three feet) was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan´s far south Monday after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow....

Tsunami Warning after 6.6 Magnitude Quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:13:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

One man died and another was hospitalized Monday in a fire caused by a powerful quake off Taiwan that also set buildings shaking in the capital Taipei and sparked a short-lived tsunami warning in far southwestern Japan. Japanese forecasters had warned the 6.

Tsunami advisory lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:12:00 +0200therepublic (en)

TOKYO School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Japan issues tsunami alert after quake off Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:12:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

A tsunami as large as one metre was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan's far south on Monday after a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan.

Tsunami warning lifted after strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:10:00 +0200sbs (en)

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country after the quake, which shook office buildings in the Taiwanese capital, Taipei. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a warning for a 1-metre tsunami in small islands that are part of Okinawa, including Miyakojima, popular with tourists for diving.

Tsunami Advisory Lifted After Quake Hits South of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:09:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

. School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of and south of Okinawa. Taiwan Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Strong quake hits Japan, Taiwan; tsunami warning lifted

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:09:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

TOKYO/TAIPEI (Reuters) - A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country....

Tsunami advisory lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:08:00 +0200timesdaily (en)

Posted: Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:42 pm Updated: 11:00 pm, Sun Apr 19, 2015. Associated Press 0 comments TOKYO (AP) — School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa.

Major earthquake hits off Taiwan coast as Japan lifts tsunami warning

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:05:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck off the east coast of Taiwan early Monday (20 April), setting off tsunami alerts in Japan. The epicentre of the earthquake was located between Okinawa in Japan and Taiwan, about 75 km from Taiwan's eastern coast at a depth of approximately 29 km, according to the US Geological Survey.

Taiwan, Japan Islands Hit by 6.8 Earthquake

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:03:00 +0200voanews (en)

TOKYO/TAIPEI— A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-meter tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in either country after the....

Tsunami advisory issued and then lifted after quake hits south of Japan's Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:01:00 +0200startribune (en)

TOKYO — School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued an advisory for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:00:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

TOKYO - A tsunami as big as one metre was reportedly forecast to hit islands in Japan's far south Monday after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off eastern Taiwan. National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan.

Strong quake hits off eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:55:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck off the eastern coast of northern Taiwan on Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS said the quake struck 71 kilometers southeast of Su'ao port in northeastern Taiwan. The China Earthquake Networks Center said in a statement that the quake occurred at 9:42 a.

Tsunami warning lifted after quake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:48:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of Taiwan and south of Okinawa. Japan's Meteorological Agency issued a warning for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Terremoto de magnitud 6.8 sacudió el sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:48:00 +0200avn (es)

Caracas, 19 Abr. AVN.- Este domingo se registro un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 en el mar de China Oriental, cerca de las costas de Taiwán, por lo que las autoridades niponas decretaron en primer momento un alerta de tsunami para los países cercanos, pero fue levantada cerca de una hora después, informó la cadena japonesa NHK.

Declaran alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 al sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:48:00 +0200correodelorinoco (es)

El Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. informó que el sismo se registró a unos 76 kilómetros de la localidad de Hualian, Taiwán. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 se ha registrado en el mar de China Oriental cerca de las costas de Taiwán. Las autoridades niponas han declarado alerta de tsunami para los....

Tsunami warning lifted after earthquake hits south of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:47:00 +0200economictimes (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency said the epicenter of the magnitude 6.8 quake was at a shallow point near the Yonaguni islands. ET SPECIAL: Love visual aspect of news? Enjoy this exclusive slideshows treat! TOKYO: Japanese authorities issued a warning for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet) after a....

Magnitude 6.6 earthquake hits off Taiwan; tsunami waves of up to one metre 'possible'

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:44:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A shallow magnitude 6.6 earthquake has struck off the coast of eastern Taiwan at a depth of one kilometre, the US Geological Survey says. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre did not issue a tsunami warning following the quake, but Japan's national broadcaster NHK said a tsunami as big as one metre was forecast to hit the Okinawa island chain.

04/20 10:12 Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes eastern Taiwan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:41:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 20 (CNA) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolted eastern Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday, the Central Weather Bureau said. The earthquake's epicenter was located at sea about 76.2 kilometers east of Hualien County Hall at a depth of 18 km, bureau officials said.

Tsunami warning after 6.6 magnitude quake in Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:40:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

National broadcaster NHK said waves were possible on several islands in the southern Okinawa chain after a very shallow quake centred on Yonaguni in the southwest, near Taiwan. Witnesses said buildings swayed in Taipei but there was no visible damage in the Taiwan capital.

National › Tsunami alert lifted after M6.8 quake hits off Okinawa

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:40:00 +0200japantoday (en)

TOKYO. The Japan Meteorological Agency lifted a tsunami alert about one hour after it was issued following a 6.6 magnitude earthquake that struck off eastern Taiwan on Monday morning. The agency issued the alert at 10:43 a.m. for a tsunami as big as one meter for islands in Japan’s far south.

Japan-Taiwan quake sparks alert

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:40:00 +0200bbc (en)

Japan briefly issued an alert about a 1m (3ft) tsunami after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the southern island chain of Okinawa. the quake occurred near Yonaguni island, near Taiwan. The alert advised residents of nearby islands to "get out of the water and leave the coast immediately", but added that no damage was expected.

Tsunami Warning Lifted After Quake Hits South of Japan

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:38:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

. School children were evacuated to higher ground on some islands and buildings swayed in Taipei after a strong earthquake struck Monday in seas east of and south of Okinawa. Taiwan Japan's Meteorological Agency issued a warning for a tsunami of up to 1 meter (3 feet), but it was cancelled just over an hour later.

Japón: Terremoto de 6,8 grados genera alerta de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:10:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Tokio. La agencia japonesa de meteorología emitió un alerta de tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, específicamente en la isla de Una primera subida de las aguas evaluada en un metro podría alcanzar la isla de Miyako como consecuencia de un terremoto registrado a las 10:43 locales (01:43 GMT) en la isla Yonaguni.

Terremoto de 6,8 grados en Japón genera alerta de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:07:00 +0200debate (es)

Tokio. La agencia japonesa de meteorología emitió un alerta de tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón indicó la cadena pública NHK. Una primera subida de las aguas evaluada en un metro podría alcanzar la isla de Miyako como consecuencia del terremoto registrado a las 10:43 locales (01:43 GMT) en la isla Okinawa.

6.4-magnitude quake hits Taiwan: CENC

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:07:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, April 20 -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted the sea off the east coast of Hualien, Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday(Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center said. The epicenter was monitored at 24.0 degrees north latitude and122.5 degrees east longitude.

Japón: Terremoto de 6,8 grados genera alerta de tsunami

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:58:00 +0200atv (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón , en la isla de Okinawa, provocó una alerta de tsunami, según informó la agencia nipona de meteorología. El epicentro del sismo se localizó a 71 kilómetros al este de Hualian, Taiwan. Su hipocentro se ubicó a una profundidad de 28 kilómetros, según el USGS.

Anuncian peligro de tsunami en Japón a causa de terremoto

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:40:00 +0200rian-sp (es)

Según informó AFP citando el canal japonés NHK, el tsunami podría alcanzar un metro de altura. El servicio geológico de EEUU comunicó además que tuvo lugar un temblor de 6,6 grados cerca de Taiwan, el epicentro del sismo se encontraba a unos 28 kilómetros de profundidad. Por el momento no hay información sobre posibles víctimas o daños materiales.

Declaran alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 al sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:40:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 se ha registrado en el mar de China Oriental cerca de las costas de Taiwán. Las autoridades niponas han declarado alerta de tsunami para los territorios del país cercanos a Taiwán, informó la cadena japonesa NHK. El Servicio Meteorológico del país informa que el tsunami,....

6.4-magnitude quake hits Taiwan: CENC

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:39:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua) -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted the sea off the east coast of Hualien, Taiwan at 9:42 a.m. Monday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center said. The epicenter was monitored at 24.0 degrees north latitude and 122.5 degrees east longitude.

Declaran alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 al sur de Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:34:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 se ha registrado en el mar de China Oriental cerca de las costas de Taiwán. Las autoridades niponas han declarado alerta de tsunami para los territorios del país cercanos a Taiwán, informó la cadena japonesa NHK. El Servicio Meteorológico del país informa que el....

Medios internacionales reportan alerta de tsunami tras fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.8 en Japón

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:32:00 +0200ntn24 (es)

Internacionales. Internacionales El sismo se registró a 71 kilómetros al este de Hualian, Taiwan. Google Maps. La Agencia japones de meteorología emitió un alerta de tsunami tras un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en el extremo sur de Japón, indicó la cadena pública NHK, que interrumpió sus programas.

Bayerische Motoren Werke : Entrepreneur builds a happy life by giving back to society

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:21:00 +02004-traders (en)

Businessman believes community responsibility works both ways. Li Chuanmin, an entrepreneur from the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, said, to him happiness is "being busy doing the things I like". Helping disadvantaged children in the remote mountains of Guangxi is one of these things and he has devoted himself to it for more than 20 years.

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