M 4.6 in Off Coast Of Central America on 23 Feb 2016 16:09 UTC

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 109 (19.6%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Video interactivo muestra cómo se originó el tsunami del 27F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 15:31:00 +0100chilevision (es)

27/02/2016 | 11:05 Video interactivo muestra cómo se originó el tsunami del 27F. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico publicó la infografía a seis años del terremoto y maremoto. Este sábado 27 de febrero se cumplen seis años del sismo 8,8 que afectó la zona central del país y que produjo una serie de tsunamis en la costa chilena.

Terremoto político social

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 15:24:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Señor director: Hoy se cumplen seis años del último gran terremoto y maremoto que ha tenido Chile. Si midiéramos los terremotos y maremotos en el plano político, empresarial y ciudadano, probablemente los indicadores Mercalli y Richter serían similiares a los de 2010.

Bachelet visita Vichuquén y entrega escrituras de viviendas definitivas

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 15:24:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

La mandataria recorrerá junto a los ministros del MOP y Minvu, algunas de las zonas que más sufrieron con el terremoto y posterior tsunami. Este sábado y a seis años del terremoto 8,8 Richter y posterior tsunami que sacudieron al país el 27 de febrero de 2010, la presidenta Michelle Bachelet junto....

27-F: Alcalde de Constitución criticó ausencia de Michelle Bachelet en su comuna

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 15:19:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

Seis años se cumplen este sábado tras la tragedia vivida por el terremoto y posterior tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010 que afectó a la zona central de Chile , donde , en la Región del Maule. En conversación con El Diario de Cooperativa , el alcalde de esa comuna, Carlos Valenzuela (UDI) , acusó que....

[Video] A 6 años del 27F: el PTWC publica un nuevo registro del alcance del tsunami en el mundo

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 14:56:00 +0100elmostrado (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico, o PTWC por sus siglas en inglés, publicó un nuevo y más perfeccionado modelo de lo que en aquella oportunidad ocurrió en gran parte del mundo. El tsunami causó una gran devastación en todo el mundo, dejando sólo en Chile 124 muertes.

Seven percent of public housing units for disaster victims unoccupied: survey

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 14:41:00 +0100japantimes (en)

SENDAI – About 7 percent of public housing units built in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures for people whose homes were destroyed by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami were unoccupied as of late January, a Kyodo News survey showed Saturday. A total of 909 units were vacant out of 13,933....

Gobierno se despliega este sábado para conmemorar un nuevo aniversario del 27-F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 13:23:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- Con motivo de un nuevo aniversario del terremoto y posterior maremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010, la Presidenta de la República, Michelle Bachelet, y los ministros de Obras Públicas, Alberto Undurraga, y de Vivienda y Urbanismo, Paulina Saball, recorrerán el Biobío y el Maule.

En Vichuquén: Bachelet recordará el terremoto del 27/F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 13:12:00 +0100publimetro (es)

La mandataria saldrá en la mañana desde el Palacio de La Moneda para luego trasladarse vía aérea hacia el sector de “Los Culenes de Lipimávida” ubicado en dicha comuna de la región del Maule donde hará entrega de escrituras de viviendas definitivas a damnificados en el marco de la conmemoración del terremoto.

انخفاض عدد سكان اليابان مليون نسمة خلال 5 سنوات

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 12:45:00 +0100paltoday (ar)

تراجع عدد سكان اليابان، بحوالي مليون نسمة، خلال خمسة أعوام، وسط مخاوف ديموغرافية في البلاد تجاه العزوف عن الإنجاب وارتفاع الشيخوخة وانخفض عدد سكان اليابان، في الخريف الماضي، إلى 127.1 مليون نسمة، بهبوط قدره 0.7 بالمائة مقارنة مع 128.1 مليون نسمة في عام 2010 وكشف إحصاء أجري عام 2015، وصدرت نتائجه....

Icefall doctors off to base camp to fix Everest route for climbers

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 12:19:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Yaks carrying mountaineering equipment return to base camp after Mount Everest expeditions were cancelled in Solukhumbu district April 27, 2014. Photo: Reuters. SOLUKHUMBU: Icefall doctors have made their way to the Mount Everest base camp to carve out a safe route for the mountaineers to scale the world’s highest peak.

Séisme au large de Calais en mai 2015 : le centre sismologique rend ses conclusions

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:51:00 +0100lavoixdunord (fr)

Son épicentre a été localisé dans le comté du Kent, au sud-est de l’Angleterre, à côté de Douvres et de Ramsgate. Selon le rapport, « le sud-est de l’Angleterre est le siège d’une sismicité régulière » et a connu deux séismes importants, en 1580 et en 1884.

Presidenta Bachelet visitará zona en reconstrucción en sexto aniversario del 27-F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:49:00 +0100t13 (es)

A seis años desde que un terremoto de 8.8 grados Richter y un posterior tsunami azotaran duramente la zona centro sur de nuestro país, este fin de semana la presidenta Michelle Bachelet visitará en terreno la zona que aún sigue en reconstrucción tras el desastre natural.

Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico publica un nueva animación del 27F en su sexto aniversario

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:49:00 +0100t13 (es)

. El PTWC (por sus siglas en inglés) puede crear animaciones históricas de los tsunami usando la misma herramienta que utilizan para la determinación de riesgos de tsunamis en tiempo real, gracias a sus sensores instalados en el océano Pacífico. Hace exactos seis años, un terremoto de 8.

A seis años del 27-F el fisco mantiene 52 demandas vigentes por más de $91 mil millones

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:07:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- A seis años del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010, se han interpuesto en los juzgados civiles un total de 63 demandas indemnizatorias "por falta de servicio", ya que las autoridades no dieron la alerta de maremoto. Las acciones judiciales han sido presentadas por familiares de parte de....

06:05 Las deudas pendientes que persisten desde el terremoto de 2010 en Bío Bío

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 10:29:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Aún quedan Eliana Véjar deudas pendientes a 6 años del terremoto y tsunami que azotó, particularmente, a la región del Bío Bío. Talcahuano, Arauco y Tomé fueron algunas de las comunas más afectadas por el terremoto 8,8 grados Richter y el tsunami, que la madrugada del 27 de febrero afectó, con especial crudeza, a la Región del Bío Bío.

Video Advisory (Feb. 27) Access to damaged office to be banned

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 10:08:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

The following is the latest available news video. Access to damaged of fice to be banned. -- Japan's northeastern prefecture of Miyagi decided Feb. 26, 2016, to prohibit public access to a disaster response office in the town of Minamisanriku, damaged by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, for two....

Police officers transferred to Tohoku disaster region elect to remain

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 10:07:00 +0100japantimes (en)

A total of 67 police officers who were seconded to Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures devastated by the massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 have decided to work permanently in the disaster-struck areas, National Police Agency officials said Saturday.

Fukushima town to preserve blackboards with messages of hope

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 09:41:00 +0100ajw (en)

NAMIE, Fukushima Prefecture--Blackboards in classrooms of an abandoned school here provided the perfect canvas for rescue workers to scribble messages to bolster the morale of evacuees of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Town authorities removed the blackboards on Feb.

CDE: demandas contra el Estado suman $91 mil millones

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 09:17:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

El Consejo de Defensa del Estado (CDE) realizó un balance sobre la situación actual de las causas que revisa el organismo sobre el 27/F. De acuerdo a cifras entregadas por la institución, en las 52 demandas contra el Estado se solicita una indemnización total de $ 91.371 millones.

Une carte postale de Futuna

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 07:56:00 +0100ladepeche (fr)

Après avoir passé 7 ans à la tête du collège Kervallon, Anne-Marie Verwilghen a rejoint sa nouvelle affectation à Futuna en août 2015. à l'occasion de la visite de François Hollande sur cette île polynésienne, elle nous a envoyé une carte postale pour nous parler de sa nouvelle vie, à quelque 16 000 kilomètres de Marcillac.

Crime › 67 seconded police officers to permanently work in disaster-hit areas

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 07:50:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. A total of 67 police officers who were seconded to Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures devastated by the massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 have decided to work permanently in the disaster-struck areas, National Police Agency officials said Saturday.

67 seconded police officers to permanently work in disaster-hit areas

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 07:08:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

A total of 67 police officers who were seconded to Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures devastated by the massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 have decided to work permanently in the disaster-struck areas, National Police Agency officials said Saturday.

00:28 | A 6 años del 27/F Caso Tsunami podría terminar en juicio abreviado

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 06:08:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Para el Óscar Tucas lunes 14 de marzo está fijada la audiencia de preparación de juicio oral para los formalizados en el denominado caso Tsunami. Luego de la catástr of e natural ocurrida el 27 de febrero del 2010 y que le costó la vida a 156 personas y dejó a 25 desaparecidas.

Encore un derby renversant

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 05:36:00 +0100lalsace (fr)

L’incroyable scénario du match aller a encore eu cours, hier, lors du deuxième face-à-face entre les deux clubs qui souhaitent replacer l’Alsace dans l’élite du handball français. Au niveau technique affiché lors de ce derby, bien moins électrique que les précédents, on en est encore loin.

Japan’s Population Has Fallen by 1 Million People

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 05:22:00 +0100newsweek (en)

A woman with a baby buggy looks at items outside a discount store at a shopping district in Tokyo on February 25. New government data shows Japan's population has fallen by nearly 1 million people in five years. Yuya Shino/Reuters. Japan’s population has fallen by nearly 1 million people in the....

Alejandro Aravena: the star of social housing

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 04:25:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By Alfons Luna (AFP) 10 hours ago in World Award-winning Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena has built a global reputation not by designing prestige buildings but by creating social housing, distancing his craft from purely aesthetic concerns. Following the 2010 earthquake in his country, Aravena,....

En Vichuquén, Bachelet recordará el terremoto del 27/F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 03:30:00 +0100lanacion-CL (es)

La l ocalidad de Lipimávida, en la comuna de Vichuquén, fue la escogida por la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet para recordar lo sucedido a fines de su primer gobierno, cuando se produjo un terremoto y tsunami el 27 de febrero de 2010. Así lo indicó la prensa de la Presidencia la tarde de este vienes,....

Constitución conmemora los seis años del 27-F

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 03:29:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

Desde este viernes la ciudad de Constitución , ubicada en la costa de la Región del Maule, realizará diversas actividades conmemorativas de los seis años del terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010. La primera cita es para las 22:00 horas, en una misa de recuerdo por las ocho víctimas del....

Presidenta Bachelet visitará Vichuquén para conmemorar 6 años de terremoto del 27/F viernes 26 febrero | 21:40 La Presidenta de la República Michelle Bachelet visitará este sábado comuna Vichuquén para conmemorar seis años del mega terremoto y tsunami ...

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 01:54:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

comuna de Vichuquén para conmemorar seis años del mega terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero. La mandataria saldrá en la mañana desde el Palacio de La Moneda para luego trasladarse vía aérea hacia el sector de “Los Culenes de Lipimávida” ubicado en dicha comuna de la región del Maule donde hará....

Tsunami cometh: 1.8 million trees to be planted in Charsadda

Sat, 27 Feb 2016 00:14:00 +0100tribune (en)

He issued this statement after a tree was planted at a civil court in Shabqadar by additional sessions judge Asad Ali. Rehman said plantation would take place over 1,800 hectares of land in the district. He added a farmer with a hectare of land would be provided trees free of cost and Rs10 for the plantation of each one.

Crime › 3 ex-TEPCO execs to be indicted Monday over Fukushima nuclear disaster

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 23:05:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. Three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) will be indicted Monday for allegedly failing to take measures to prevent the tsunami-triggered crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex, a lawyer in charge of the case said Friday.

Chile ha aprendido muchas lecciones desde el terremoto 2010, según expertos

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:58:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El terremoto de magnitud 8,8 en la escala de Richter que azotó Chile en 2010 puso en duda la capacidad del país austral para hacer frente a una emergencia, y seis años después los expertos aseguran que se han aprendido muchas lecciones. "Chile ha avanzado mucho en materia de gestión en la reducción....

Chile ha aprendido muchas lecciones desde el terremoto ...

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:52:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

El terremoto de magnitud 8,8 en la escala de Richter que azotó Chile en 2010 puso en duda la capacidad del país austral para hacer frente a una emergencia, y seis años después los expertos aseguran que se han aprendido muchas lecciones. "Chile ha avanzado mucho en materia de gestión en la reducción....

Chitty La Roche: ¿Cómo es posible que Maduro y Cabello critiquen la Ley de Producción Nacional?

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:32:00 +0100noticierodigital (es)

ND / Michelle Figueredo / 21 ene 2016.- El escritor y político venezolano, Nelson Chitty La Roche se refirió este viernes a la ley de Producción Nacional asegurando que es un sincero esfuerzo para mejorar la crisis. Así lo dijo en entrevista en Vladimir a la 1 por Globovisión donde criticó que el....

Japoneses relatam aparições de espíritos em área devastada por tsunami

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:28:00 +0100noticias-r7 (pt)

A poucos dias do quinto aniversário do terremoto de 9 graus de magnitude seguido de tsunami no Japão, voltam à tona relatos de moradores da região sobre fenômenos sobrenaturais, como aparições de espíritos. Pr of issionais de diferentes áreas já vinham investigando as razões desses relatos desde que....

سدّ الموصل والتهويل الأميركي

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:18:00 +0100almadapaper (ar)

كثـر الحديث مؤخرًا، وزاد اللغط بشأن قرب انهيار سدّ الموصل وما سيترتب على ذلك من مخاطر وأضرار في البنية التحتية وفي ممتلكات المواطنين، في حالة حصول الكارثة التي تحدثت عنها جهات أميركية بشيءٍ من التهويل الذي لا مبرَّرَ له. فالسدّ المذكور، كما نعلم جميعًا، يخضع منذ إنشائِه في عام 1986، لسلسلة يومية من....

French relief supplies, Australian military arrive

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:13:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

FIRST aid kits, tarpaulins and shelter tools have been delivered to Taveuni, Vanua Levu, by the French Airforce CASA. The four-manned military aircraft, captained by Major Goujon Frederic, made its second trip to Matei via Labasa carrying 2.5 tonnes of supplies yesterday. It made its first trip on Wednesday.

Partner nations gather in Singapore to plan Pacific Partnership 2016

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 21:21:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. Navy News Service. Story Number: NNS160226-09 Release Date: 2/26/2016 11:07:00 AM. By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Madailein Abbott, CTF 73 Public Affairs. SINGAPORE (NNS) -- Members of the Pacific Partnership staff and partner nation representatives gathered in Singapore, Feb.

Chile conmemora aniversario del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:52:00 +0100lahora (es)

Santiago de Chile, EFE. La presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, viajará este sábado a zonas devastadas por el terremoto que el 27 de febrero de 2010 causó más de medio millar de muertos, un millón de damnificados y daños por 30.000 millones de dólares, informaron hoy fuentes of iciales.

Japoneses relatam aparições de espíritos em área devastada por tsunami

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:49:00 +0100bbc-portuguese-brasil (pt)

comentários Compartilhar A poucos dias do quinto aniversário do terremoto de 9 graus de magnitude seguido de tsunami no Japão, voltam à tona relatos de moradores da região sobre fenômenos sobrenaturais, como aparições de espíritos. Pr of issionais de diferentes áreas já vinham investigando as razões....

Japoneses relatam aparições de espíritos em área devastada por tsunami

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:03:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

e deixou mais de 15 mil mortos. Japão Para especialistas, essas pessoas podem estar s of rendo algum tipo de transtorno psicológico causado pelo trauma de ter sobrevivido a um dos piores desastres naturais já ocorridos no Japão. Mas a graduanda de sociologia Yuka Kudo, da Universidade Tohoku Gakuin,....

Chitty La Roche: ¿Cómo es posible que Maduro y Cabello critiquen la Ley de Producción Nacional?

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 19:33:00 +0100noticierodigital (es)

ND / Michelle Figueredo / 21 ene 2016.- El escritor y político venezolano, Nelson Chitty La Roche se refirió este viernes a la ley de Producción Nacional asegurando que es un sincero esfuerzo para mejorar la crisis. Así lo dijo en entrevista en Vladimir a la 1 por Globovisión donde criticó que el....

Alejandro Aravena: the star of social housing

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 19:26:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By Alfons Luna (AFP) 1 hour ago in World Award-winning Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena has built a global reputation not by designing prestige buildings but by creating social housing, distancing his craft from purely aesthetic concerns. Following the 2010 earthquake in his country, Aravena,....

Alejandro Aravena: the star of social housing

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:30:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Following the 2010 earthquake in his country, Aravena, 48, masterminded the reconstruction of Constitucion, a coast al town devastated by six-metre (20-foot) tsunami waves that followed the shock. His work has been honoured with the 2016 Pritzker Prize, considered the equivalent of a Nobel in....

Chile conmemora aniversario del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:15:00 +0100panamaamerica (es)

La presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, viajará este sábado a zonas devastadas por el terremoto que el 27 de febrero de 2010 causó más de medio millar de muertos, un millón de damnificados y daños por 30.000 millones de dólares, informaron hoy fuentes of iciales.

Il 29 febbraio si avvicina: anno bisesto, anno funesto?

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:15:00 +0100statoquotidiano (it)

Roma . ”Anno bisesto, anno funesto”, dicevano i Romani. ”Anno bisteso, ne’ baco, ne’ moglie, ne’ innesto”, incalzava mille e 400 anni dopo lo scienziato Michele Savonarola, nonno del domenicano Girolamo. Insomma, fermi tutti: niente nuove imprese, ne’ passioni, quando l’anno ha un giorno in più.

Gobierno llamó a no sacar "réditos políticos" en aniversario del 27-F

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:03:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

La vocera (s) de Gobierno Javiera Blanco pidió no sacar réditos políticos por los seis años del terremoto y posterior tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010 , luego que la mañana de este viernes sostuvo el PRI con el ex Presidente Sebastián Piñera para agradecerle su gestión en la reconstrucción.

Don’t forget ‘Yolanda’, bets say

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:53:00 +0100thestandard-ph (en)

“It must be noted that the day before Yolanda made its first landfall, President Benigno Simeon Aquino III appeared on national television assuring the nation that the government is well-prepared to meet the effects of the typhoon, even claiming that a number of aircrafts, helicopters and ships are....

Chile conmemora el aniversario del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:45:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

Santiago de Chile, 26 feb (EFE).- La presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, viajará este sábado a zonas devastadas por el terremoto que el 27 de febrero de 2010 causó más de medio millar de muertos, un millón de damnificados y daños por 30.000 millones de dólares, informaron hoy fuentes of iciales.

Micronesia (Federated States of): Federated States of Micronesia: Typhoon Maysak DREF No MDRFM001 - Final Report

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:42:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

A. Situation analysis. Description of the disaster. Typhoon Maysak formed from a tropical depression off Pohnpei State in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) which tracked west and intensified, making landfall in Chuuk lagoon on 29 March 2015 with damaging winds and torrential rainfall which also affected many of the outer islands.

La operadora de la central nuclear nipona de Fukushima prev� contener las filtraciones de agua dentro de los edificios de los reactores da�ados para 2020, lo que frenar�a la acumulaci�n de l�quido radiactivo en la central, seg�n anunci� hoy.

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:42:00 +0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

Tokio. (EFE).- La operadora de la central nuclear nipona de Fukushima prev� contener las filtraciones de agua dentro de los edificios de los reactores da�ados para 2020, lo que frenar�a la acumulaci�n de l�quido radiactivo en la central, seg�n anunci� hoy.

12:32 27F: Bachelet participará de actividades relacionadas con la reconstrucción y gobierno llama a no politizar la conmemoración

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:24:00 +0100lasegunda (es)

La Presidenta Michelle Bachelet participará mañana, a 6 años del terremoto y posterior maremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010, en actividades relacionadas con la reconstrucción, informó la ministra vocera (s), Javiera Blanco. "La decisión de estar en terreno en las tareas de reconstrucción es para....

Un 40% aumentó el ingreso de turistas por paso fronterizo Juntas del Toro

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:19:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Un alza de un 40% de extranjeros controlados por el paso fronterizo Juntas Del Toro, ubicado en la comuna de Vicuña, registra la Policía de Investigaciones De Chile. Desde que se realizó su apertura el 01 de noviembre del año 2015, las cifras señalan que los detectives han contralado a 37.558, turistas que han ingresado al país y a otros 29.

Gobierno llama a no sacar “réditos políticos” por avance en reconstrucción del 27F

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:17:00 +0100radioagricultura (es)

La Presidente viajará a la zona afectada para evaluar el tema de arreglos de viviendas Este sábado se cumple un nuevo aniversario del terremoto y posterior tsunami que afectó a gran parte de la zona centro sur del país, en 2010. Es por lo mismo que la ministra vocera de Gobierno (s) Javiera Blanco,....

Gobierno llama a "no sacar réditos políticos pequeños" en conmemoración del 27-F

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:17:00 +0100t13 (es)

Con ministros y la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet en terreno el Gobierno conmemorará este sábado un nuevo aniversario del terremoto 8,8 Richter y posterior tsunami que afectó al país el 27 de febrero de 2010. Según explicó la vocera (s) de La Moneda, Javiera Blanco , el titular del Ministerio de Obras....

PRI realiza reconocimiento a Piñera por reconstrucción

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:14:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- Hasta la Fundación Avanza Chile llegó este viernes la directiva del PRI para reunirse con el ex Presidente Sebastián Piñera, ocasión en que el partido le realizó un reconocimiento por la labor realizada en el proceso de reconstrucción efectuado tras el terremoto y posterior tsunami del pasado 27 de febrero del 2010.

11:17 | El pescado de Fukushima tiene otro sabor

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:31:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Los peces que Satoshi Nakano Agencia AFP pesca con sus redes no tienen el mismo sabor. La vida era muy distinta antes de la catástr of e de Fukushima , el 11 de marzo de 2011. En cinco años Satoshi vivió momentos de duda, de rencor, de desolación y de resignación. A finales de 2013 la pesca se reanudó, pero a otro ritmo.

Por Laureano Márquez El año en que nació Zapata

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:21:00 +0100elperiodicovenezolano (es)

Mañana Pedro León Zapata habría cumplido 87 años. Al momento de su nacimiento, gobernaba el país un dictador ante cuyos caprichos la voluntad de la sociedad venezolana estaba amilanada, sometida y pisoteada. Naturalmente, como suele suceder con todas las dictaduras, un pequeño grupo se beneficiaba y....

27-F: Gobierno emplaza a no sacar "réditos políticos" por proceso de reconstrucción

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:14:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- Un emplazamiento a no sacar "réditos políticos" por el proceso de reconstrucción por el terremoto y posterior tsunami que afectó al país el pasado 27 de febrero de 2010, realizó este viernes la ministra vocera de Gobierno (s), Javiera Blanco, a seis años de que este sábado se cumpla un nuevo aniversario de la tragedia.

Was passiert, wenn "The Really Big One" Seattle erschüttert? Welt der Wunder vor 27 Min.

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:14:00 +0100msn-de (de)

© Imago / Westend61 Sie analysieren Millionen Daten, um Regierungen und Konzerne auf die Gefahren im Jahr 2016 vorzubereiten. Geheimdienste und Think Tanks gehen jedes mögliche Szenario durch. Welt der Wunder geht in einer wöchentlichen Reihe mögliche Worst Case Szenaren 2016 durch.

Cheers and Christmas lights for four Yorkshire mums from the school run who rowed across the Atlantic

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 15:58:00 +0100YorkshirePost (en)

Four mothers from Yorkshire who set a new Guinness world record as the oldest all-female crew to row across an ocean have described their pride in completing the feat. Clinical researcher Janette Benaddi, 51, solicitor Frances Davies, 47, entrepreneur Niki Doeg, who celebrated her 46th birthday on....

Marcelo Lagos, a seis años del 27F: "Claramente estamos atrasados en gestión de desastres"

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 15:34:00 +0100lasegunda (es)

"Estamos mucho mejor, claramente seis años después han decantado varias cosas. El convivir con el riesgo de terremotos y tsunamis es parte de nuestro país y claramente hay desafíos. Hoy la sociedad visibiliza el riesgo. La amenaza es permanente. Pero la gente visibiliza el tsunami cuando ocurre el terremoto.

The aftereffects of acid rain: Osteoporosis hits Canada's lakes

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:34:00 +0100rabble (en)

Like this article? rabble is reader-supported journalism. Chip in to keep stories like these coming. This article is part one of Our Warming World , a larger series on the everyday impacts of environmental change. Why had all the crayfish disappeared? This is the question renowned naturalist John....

Laureano Márquez: El año en que nació Zapata

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:18:00 +0100lapatilla (es)

Publicado en: Opinión Mañana Pedro León Zapata habría cumplido 87 años. Al momento de su nacimiento, gobernaba el país un dictador ante cuyos caprichos la voluntad de la sociedad venezolana estaba amilanada, sometida y pisoteada. Naturalmente, como suele suceder con todas las dictaduras, un pequeño....

'Pray for Rainfall On Wologisi Mountain'

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:52:00 +0100allafrica (en)

One of Liberia's leading Geologists and former Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy, Dr. Eugene Shannon has described the forest fire currently consuming the top of the Wologisi Mountain in Lofa County as a continuous combustion, ruling out volcano eruption as being insinuated by Liberians.

Deux mois en solitaire au phare de Tévenne "pour y mettre de la vie"

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:47:00 +0100franceinfo (fr)

L'opération "Lumière sur Tévennec" commence samedi pour un reclus volontaire. Un passionné de la vie maritime va vivre deux mois, en solitaire, dans un phare au large du Finistère. Après plus de cent ans d'abandon, le phare de Tévennec, au large de l'île de Sein et de la pointe du Raz, va retrouver un gardien.

Japan’s Population Shrinks For First Time Since 1920

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:33:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

Japan's population has declined for the first time since of ficial census records began in 1920. Pictured: An overview of Shinjuku's nightlife district of Kabukicho in Tokyo, Aug. 27, 2015. Photo: REUTERS/Thomas Peter. Latest census figures released in Japan showed the country’s population at just over 127.

Japan’s Population Declines By 0.7% From 2010, First Fall Since 1920

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:25:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

Japan's population has declined for the first time since of ficial census records began in 1920. Pictured: An overview of Shinjuku's nightlife district of Kabukicho in Tokyo, Aug. 27, 2015. Photo: REUTERS/Thomas Peter. Latest census figures released in Japan showed the country’s population at just over 127.

Aventure : deux mois en solitaire au phare de Tévennec

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:18:00 +0100franceinfo (fr)

Le phare de Tévennec est inhabité depuis plus de cent ans © MaxPPP. L'opération "Lumière sur Tévennec" commence samedi pour un reclus volontaire. Un passionné de la vie maritime va vivre deux mois, en solitaire, dans un phare au large du Finistère. Après plus de cent ans d'abandon, le phare de....

Muž bodl hosta baru přímo do srdce, soud ho poslal na 13,5 roku do vězení

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:12:00 +0100aktualne (cs)

"A co říkáš tomuhle, já tě zabiju, mně je to jedno," řekl Filip Plíhal a bodl 26centimetrovým nožem hosta baru přímo do srdce. Za pokus o vraždu ho soud poslal na 13,5 roku do vězení. Původně mu hrozilo až 18 let. Svou vinu přiznal, ale proti výroku o trestu se na místě odvolal. Incident se stal loni v létě v baru Tsunami v Praze na Černém Mostě.

Giappone: annunciato il riavvio del quarto reattore nucleare

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:12:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 26 febbraio 2016) E’ stato annunciato il riavvio di un reattore nucleare in Giappone . Si tratta del quarto reattore a tornare operativo in Giappone dopo lo tsunami del 2011, che provocò il disastro di Fukushima. Il governo del premier Shinzo Abe richiedono l’accensione di questi....

Muž bodl hosta baru přímo do srdce, ten zázrakem přežil. Soud ho poslal na 13,5 roku do vězení

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:43:00 +0100aktualne (cs)

"A co říkáš tomuhle, já tě zabiju, mně je to jedno", řekl Filip Plíhal a bodl 26 centimetrovým nožem hosta baru přímo do srdce. Za pokus o vraždu ho soud potrestal na 13,5 roku do vězení. Původně mu hrozilo až 18 let. Svou vinu přiznal, ale proti výroku o trestu se na místě odvolal.

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:26:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 10 hours ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

Con ópera sobre tragedia de Isla Orrego se conmemorará el 27/F en Constitución

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:26:00 +0100diariolaprensa (es)

Talca. Este año la conmemoración del 27/F en el Maule estará marcada por un homenaje artístico a las 36 víctimas que dejó el mar en Isla Orrego aquella madrugada. Se trata de la ópera “La isla de los peces”, de Guillermo Eisner, que narra la historia de quienes acampaban ahí esa noche, frente a Constitución, para despedir el verano 2010.

Three ex-TEPCO executives to be indicted over Fukushima nuclear disaster

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:23:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Co. will be indicted Monday for the allegedly failing to take measures to prevent the tsunami-triggered disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, a lawyer in charge of the case said Friday. The three, who will face charges of professional....

Giappone riavvia reattore nucleare, quarto da disastro Fukushima

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:16:00 +0100news-yahoo-it (it)

Tokyo, 26 feb. (askanews) - Una società elettrica giapponese ha annunciato il riavvio di un reattore nucleare, il quarto a tornare operativo in Giappone dopo lo tsunami del 2011 che provocò il disastro di Fukushima. Il governo del premier Shinzo Abe e le utilities premono per riaccendere i reattori....

Alejandro Aravena: the star of social housing

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:03:00 +0100expatica (en)

. 26th February 2016, 0 comments. Award-winning Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena has built a global reputation not by designing prestige buildings but by creating social housing, distancing his craft from purely aesthetic concerns. Following the 2010 earthquake in his country, Aravena, 48,....

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 11:27:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 9 hours ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

Tsunami Thohir, rivoluzionato l’organigramma dell’Inter in due anni: ecco cosa è cambiato

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:10:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 26 febbraio 2016) Dal suo arrivo all’Inter sono passati poco più di due anni , ma Erick Thohir una passo alla volta ha rivoluzionato l’organigramma nerazzurro, che oggi si presenta così Con l’arrivo di Giov anni Gardini dall’Hellas Verona, Erick Thohir sembra aver finalmente completato....

Five years on, Greenpeace assessing marine contamination off Fukushima

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:05:00 +0100japantimes (en)

ONAHAMA, FUKUSHIMA PREF. – Fish market vendor Satoshi Nakano thinks he knows which fish caught in the radiation-tainted sea of f the Fukushima coast should be kept away from dinner tables. Yet five years after the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl there is still no consensus on the true extent....

What's a Meltdown? Fukushima Chiefs Didn't Read the Manual

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:27:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect that TEPCO attributed the delay in not reporting the meltdown to of ficials having not read a section about meltdowns in its own manual. The story previously reported TEPCO misread the manual. TOKYO — The operator of Japan's Fukushima power plant....

تعداد سكان اليابان ينخفض بنحو مليون نسمة

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:19:00 +0100sabanews (ar)

[26/فبراير/2016] طوكيو ـ سبأ: أظهر أحدث مسح أجري في اليابان أن تعداد السكان انخفض بنحو مليون نسمة على مدى خمس سنوات. وقالت وزارة الشؤون الداخلية اليابانية اليوم الجمعة أن هذا أول هبوط في تعداد السكان يسجل في مسح سكاني منذ أن بدأ إجراء المسح في عام 1920.

تعداد سكان اليابان يهبط بنحو مليون نسمة

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 08:55:00 +0100petra (ar)

طوكيو 26 شباط (بترا)- أظهر أحدث مسح أجري في اليابان أن تعداد السكان انخفض بنحو مليون نسمة على مدى خمس سنوات. ويذكر أن هذا أول هبوط في تعداد السكان يسجل في مسح سكاني منذ أن بدأ إجراء المسح في عام 1920. وأصدرت وزارة الشؤون الداخلية اليوم الجمعة تقريرا أوليا عن نتائج مسح جرى عام 2015.

تعداد سكان اليابان ينخفض بنحو مليون نسمة

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 08:49:00 +0100bna (ar)

طوكيو في 26 فبراير/ بنا / أظهر أحدث مسح أجري في اليابان أن تعداد السكان انخفض بنحو مليون نسمة على مدى خمس سنوات. وقالت وزارة الشؤون الداخلية اليابانية اليوم الجمعة أن هذا أول هبوط في تعداد السكان يسجل في مسح سكاني منذ أن بدأ إجراء المسح في عام 1920. وقال تقرير اولي صادر عن الوزارة عن نتائج مسح جرى....

Boat that drifted to Hawaii after 2011 tsunami heading back to Japan

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 08:34:00 +0100japantimes (en)

HONOLULU – A Tohoku fishing boat that washed up in Hawaii after being pulled out to sea by the March 2011 tsunami was headed back home Wednesday. Loaded onto a larger vessel that came to Hawaii to collect it, the Katsu Maru No. 2 left Honolulu with about 60 Japanese high school students and crew....

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 07:23:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 5 hours ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

La Armada de Chile busca empresa para mantener su red de alerta de tsunamis

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 06:55:00 +0100infodefensa (es)

La Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante (Directemar) de la Armada de Chile ha abierto una licitación pública para contratar el servicio de soporte y de mantenimiento de 220 módulos de alerta de tsunami por 36 meses. La empresa seleccionada deberá realizar diagnóstico y....

13 tornadoes touched down Tuesday: NWS

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 06:38:00 +0100nola (en)

The National Weather Service says 13 tornadoes touched down in southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi on Tuesday (Feb. 23). The weather service's revised damage assessment released Thursday night shows four more tornadoes than what was reported the previous day.

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 06:23:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 4 hours ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 05:23:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 3 hours ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

Fukushima prevé contener las acumulación de agua radiactiva en 4 años

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 05:07:00 +0100negocios (es)

Tokio, 26 feb.- La operadora de la central nuclear nipona de Fukushima prevé contener las filtraciones de agua dentro de los edificios de los reactores dañados para 2020, lo que frenaría la acumulación de líquido radiactivo en la central, según anunció hoy.

Für mehr Transparenz in der Internationalen Atomenergie-Organisation sowie eine starke und unabhängige Weltgesundheitsorganisation

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 04:57:00 +0100bundestag (de)

Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 18/7658 18. Wahlperiode 24.02.2016 Antrag der Abgeordneten Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, Annalena Baerbock, Bärbel Höhn, Oliver Krischer, Christian Kühn (Tübingen), Steffi Lemke, Peter Meiwald, Dr. Julia Verlinden, Agnieszka Brugger, Uwe Kekeritz, Kordula Schulz-Asche, Jürgen....

Nation Now Death toll reaches 8 from brutal storm system Death toll reaches 8 from brutal storm system Residents up and down the East Coast were facing cleanup from fast-moving storms. Nation Now 6 hours, 13 minutes ago

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 04:53:00 +0100usaToday (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — Rattled residents in communities across the South and East picked through rubble Thursday after a line of vicious storms and tornadoes blasted through the region, killing eight people, injuring dozens and destroying scores of homes. Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses from....

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:57:00 +0100denverpost (en)

Police did not release any further details about the victims, but a state lawmaker and neighbors described Turner as a caring neighbor, fun-loving guy, and concerned citizen who was deeply involved in his community. The toddler's mother was Turner's girlfriend, and Stringfield was her brother, said neighbor Timothy Williams.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:37:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

Rescue Task Force team members check a chicken house that was blown down during a storm Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, on Millwood Road in Salisbury Township, Pa. Strong storms have moved through Pennsylvania causing multiple building collapses, tearing ro of s off homes and downing trees and power lines.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:34:00 +0100startribune (en)

The storms Wednesday claimed at least a half-dozen lives, three of them in the tiny town of Waverly, Virginia, where a 2-year-old child and two men, ages 50 and 26, were killed during the storm, said Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller. Their bodies were found about 300 yards from their mobile home.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:32:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Rescue Task Force team members check a chicken house that was blown down during a storm Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, on Millwood Road in Salisbury Township, Pa. Strong storms have moved through Pennsylvania causing multiple building collapses, tearing ro of s off homes and downing trees and power lines.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:33:00 +0100wxow (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and STEVE SZKOTAK Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe....

How two schools used the Japanese tsunami to forge

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:31:00 +0100direktbroker (en)

26.02.2016 - 01:36 Uhr How two schools used the Japanese tsunami to forge a special bond. After big waves and later a boat from Japan’s stricken coast washed up in Crescent City, Calif., a tie was forged.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:20:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

Weather Service: Virginia Tornado Had Winds of up to 165 Mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:12:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

Weather Service: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:09:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

The Latest: Virginia tornado had winds of up to 165 mph

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 02:04:00 +0100usnews (en)

The National Weather Service says a tornado that carved a path through Appomattox County in Virginia had estimated winds of up to 165 mph Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va.

Japan Utility Admits It Delayed Report of Fukushima Meltdown

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:33:00 +0100chosun (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant admitted Thursday that in 2011 it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Company said its officials had no knowledge of a company emergency manual that described a....

EQC battler: 'I want some quality of life in my old years'

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:30:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Pauline O'Connor​ was trapped in her home for two days following the Valentines Day earthquake, after the sinkhole in her driveway flooded. It happens after every major earthquake and reminds her that she can't move on with her life. Like many with unresolved Earthquake Commission (EQC) claims, the....

States digging out from deadly tornadoes

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:21:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

Gov. Terry McAuliffe met privately with several relatives of the victims. He said the family lost everything and does not have money to bury the child. A deputy sheriff held reporters at bay as the family members left the meeting. The deputy said they did not want to talk to the news media.

East Coast, Midwest Battered by Strong Storm Systems

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:12:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:08:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

AP PHOTOS: Virginia, Pennsylvania cleaning up tornado damage

Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:02:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

National › TEPCO admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 23:24:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. The operator of Japan’s damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that....

Plane goes missing in Nepal with 21 on board

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 23:18:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. News24 Wednesday 24th February, 2016 Kathmandu - Rescue teams were on Wednesday scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight....

US East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:34:00 +0100csmonitor (en)

Waverly, Va. — Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

18:00 | En Constitución se conmemora el 27/F con ópera sobre la tragedia de isla Orrego

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:23:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Este año la conmemoración del 27F estará marcada por un homenaje artístico a las 36 víctimas que dejó el mar en isla Orrego aquella madrugada. Se trata de la ópera “La isla de los peces” , de Guillermo Eisner, que narra la historia de quienes acampaban ahí esa noche, frente a Constitución, para despedir el verano 2012.

The Latest: Police identify Virginia tornado victims

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:00:00 +0100usnews (en)

Virginia State Police have released the names of the three people who were killed when a tornado demolished a mobile home Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:42:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Rescue Task Force team members check a chicken house that was blown down during a storm Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, on Millwood Road in Salisbury Township, Pa. Strong storms have moved through Pennsylvania causing multiple building collapses, tearing ro of s off homes and downing trees and power lines.

Fijians embark on road to recovery

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:35:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

FEBRUARY 20, 2016, will be a date that will be forever etched in the minds of many. It is a date many will remember. It is a date many will never forget. For this was a day of unimaginable suffering, widespread misery and agonising pain for thousands through the destruction brought by Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston.

Health and safety risks after a natural disaster

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:35:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

After a natural disaster, there are always health and safety risks that need to be taken into consideration for the safety and wellbeing of the family and community at large. Many health risks are associated with the state of the surroundings, whether it is clean and hygienic or littered with rubbish.

Do not send clothes, help Fiji in other ways

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:32:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

If you follow the news then you already know that Fiji was hit hard by one of the strongest cyclones to hit the southern hemisphere in a very long time. Parts of Fiji were hit so hard that roads were washed away, the most robust buildings torn to pieces by strong winds and many people left homeless.

Fifa: uma eleição em campo minado

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:16:00 +0100afp-portugues (pt)

O sucessor de Joseph Blatter será escolhido nesta sexta-feira, em Zurique, mas além da questão de saber quem levará a melhor entre os dois favoritos, o xeque Salman e Gianni Infantino, o que está em jogo é a capacidade do vencedor de tirar a Fifa da maior crise desde a sua criação, em 1904.

Fifa - Uma eleição em campo minado

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 21:09:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

O sucessor de Joseph Blatter será escolhido nesta sexta-feira, em Zurique, mas além da questão de saber quem levará a melhor entre os dois favoritos, o xeque Salman e Gianni Infantino, o que está em jogo é a capacidade do vencedor de tirar a Fifa da maior crise desde sua criação, em 1904.

16:37 - 25/02/2016 Fifa - Uma elei��o em campo minado

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:51:00 +0100em (pt)

O sucessor de Joseph Blatter ser� escolhido nesta sexta-feira, em Zurique, mas al�m da quest�o de saber quem levar� a melhor entre os dois favoritos, o xeque Salman e Gianni Infantino, o que est� em jogo � a capacidade do vencedor de tirar a Fifa da maior crise desde sua cria��o, em 1904.

East Coast, Midwest Battered by Strong Storm Systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:41:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Utility trucks make their way down West Main street in the Town of Waverly, Va.,, after it was hit by a tornado earlier in the day, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. (L. Todd Spencer/The Virginian-Pilot via AP) MAGS OUT. Tornadoes tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:33:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

tore through towns as far north as Pennsylvania, heavy snow canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages left tens of thousands of residents from the Carolinas to New England in the dark as severe weather raked across a broad swath of the country for a third day.

Lancaster County battered by 1 of 2 tornadoes to hit state

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:28:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 10 minutes ago LANCASTER — A powerful storm that blew through Pennsylvania spawned at least two tornadoes, one that damaged dozens of buildings over a five-mile stretch of rural eastern Lancaster County, where daylight Thursday revealed rooftops ripped off, some homes collapsed and an Amish schoolhouse leveled.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:28:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 10 hours ago WAVERLY, Va. — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

System that spawned tornadoes descends on Virginia farm town

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:28:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 16 hours ago WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast,....

El pescado de Fukushima tiene otro sabor

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:16:00 +0100lavozdegalicia (es)

Los peces que Satoshi Nakano pesca con sus redes no tienen el mismo sabor. La vida era muy distinta antes de la catástr of e de Fukushima, el 11 de marzo del 2011. En cinco años Satoshi vivió momentos de duda, de rencor, de desolación y de resignación. A finales del 2013 la pesca se reanudó, pero a otro ritmo.

Обрушение дома в Киеве глазами очевидцев: "Я увидел цунами из пыли, которое накрыло двор!"

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:05:00 +0100segodnya (ru)

В Киеве случилось серьезное ЧП : в старом 5-этажном доме по адресу Б. Хмельницкого, 1214, возле станции метро "Театральная", рухнули межэтажные перекрытия. Под завалами оказались люди, занятые здесь строительными работами (67 человек). Их доставали из-под обломков больше 4-х часов: и госпитализировали, Один ОДИН ВЫБЕЖАЛ СРАЗУ.

The Latest: Tornado levels Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:59:00 +0100usnews (en)

The National Weather Service has confirmed that a tornado struck an area of eastern Pennsylvania where dozens of buildings were damaged and an Amish schoolhouse was leveled Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va.

Japan utility 'delayed meltdown report'

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:50:00 +0100couriermail (en)

TOKYO Electric Power Co. on Thursday said its of ficials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 per cent of a reactor's fuel. Instead, TEPCO described the condition of the reactors as less serious "core damage" for two months after the plant was hit....

The Latest: Tornado levels Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:41:00 +0100therepublic (en)

1:15 p.m. Utility crews are working to restore power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses across southern New England after early morning thunderstorms and strong winds knocked down tree limbs and wires. Nearly 49,500 Connecticut customers of Eversource and United Illuminating remained....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:35:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast — killing four in Virginia — heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages that left hundreds of thousands across several states in the dark. A girl in Michigan died following a three-vehicle crash on a snowy roadway.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:35:00 +0100ChinaPost (en)

TOKYO--The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

Japan Utility Admits It Delayed Report of Fukushima Meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:27:00 +0100voanews (en)

TOKYO— The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:22:00 +0100denverpost (en)

"I'm just a little nervous and jittery, but overall I'm OK," Williams said. In Appomattox County, a funnel cloud left an 8- to 10-mile path of destruction, injuring seven people and killing one man, state police said. At least 15 structures were destroyed and 25 injuries were reported when the storm....

Peixe de Fukushima tem outro sabor

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:21:00 +0100em (pt)

Os peixes que Satoshi Nakano pesca com sua rede n�o t�m mais o mesmo sabor. A vida era muito diferente antes da cat�str of e de Fukushima, em 11 de mar�o de 2011. Em cinco anos Satoshi viveu momentos de d�vida, desconsolo e resigna��o. No final de 2013 a pesca foi retomada, mas em outro ritmo.

Peixe de Fukushima tem outro sabor

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:04:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

Os peixes que Satoshi Nakano pesca com sua rede não têm mais o mesmo sabor. A vida era muito diferente antes da catástr of e de Fukushima, em 11 de março de 2011. Em cinco anos Satoshi viveu momentos de dúvida, desconsolo e resignação. No final de 2013 a pesca foi retomada, mas em outro ritmo.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 19:00:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast — killing four in Virginia — heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages that left hundreds of thousands across several states in the dark. A girl in Michigan died following a three-vehicle crash on a snowy roadway.

'Can you turn off the wildfire smoke?' Locals who live in holiday destinations reveal the most ridiculous questions tourists ask them

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:45:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

Despite the fact that the Florida wetland is known for its alligators, on visitor felt the need to ask whether he is 'allowed' to swim in the water. Kinnakeet reflected over the time that he worked at a ski area in North Carolina and a tourist from Florida asked where the snow went in the summer.

East Coast, Midwest Battered by Strong Storm Systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:40:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Utility trucks make their way down West Main street in the Town of Waverly, Va.,, after it was hit by a tornado earlier in the day, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. (L. Todd Spencer/The Virginian-Pilot via AP) MAGS OUT. Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast — killing four in Virginia — heavy....

The Latest: Experts say at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:33:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

'Can you turn off the wildfire smoke?' Locals who live in holiday destinations reveal the most ridiculous questions tourists ask them

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:29:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Despite the fact that the Florida wetland is known for its alligators, on visitor felt the need to ask whether he is 'allowed' to swim in the water. Kinnakeet reflected over the time that he worked at a ski area in North Carolina and a tourist from Florida asked where the snow went in the summer.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:27:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

Roads leading into the town had to be closed because of downed trees and debris tossed by winds gusting to 60 mph, Geller said. A 7:30 p.m. curfew was imposed so search and rescue teams could go door to door checking on people. Witnesses said the storm swept through Waverly with little warning.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:27:00 +0100wxow (en)

By KEVIN MCGILL and CHEVEL JOHNSON Associated Press. KENNER, La. (AP) - Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:27:00 +0100wxow (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A girl in Michigan died following a three-vehicle crash on a snowy roadway.

The Latest: Experts say at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:24:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

Fukushima admite que demoró informar de fusión

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:19:00 +0100telemetro (es)

El operador de la dañada planta nuclear de Fukushima, Japón, reconoció el jueves que durante dos meses no anunció que hubo fusión en los núcleos de tres reactores. Tokyo Electric Power Co. dijo que sus funcionarios no estaban al tanto del manual de emergencia de la compañía que definía una fusión....

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:12:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

The Latest: Experts Say at Least 10 Tornadoes Hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:10:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. The National Weather Service now says at least ten tornadoes hit Louisiana on Tuesday, including four EF-2 tornadoes that were responsible for the extreme....

Powerful Storm Kills 4 in Virginia, Raising Death Toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:10:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Laundromat manager Brad Poindexter, of Danville, Va., jumps over bricks at his damaged business after a deadly storm that swept through Waverly, Va., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. (AP Photo/Steve Helber) A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia....

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:10:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A girl in Michigan died following a three-vehicle crash on a snowy roadway.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 8

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:09:00 +0100AP (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A girl in Michigan died following a three-vehicle crash on a snowy roadway.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:06:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

TOKYO The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

The Latest: Experts say at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 18:00:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

The five other tornadoes were an EF-0, with winds of 65-85 mph. They were in Lacombe, Kenner, Madisonville, Manchac, Montpelier, and Prairieville. Grigsby said survey teams are investigating several other suspected sites for tornado damage. 10:45 a.m. One day after Virginia was battered by at least one tornado, Gov.

The Latest: Experts say at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:58:00 +0100usnews (en)

The National Weather Service now says at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisiana on Tuesday, including four EF-2 tornadoes that were responsible for the extreme damage in Convent and LaPlace, and an EF-2 in Livingston Parish and one in Paincourtville Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb.

Opposition withdraws support for rebuild bill

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:57:00 +0100rnzi (en)

Parliament's local government and environment committee has reported back on the legislation, saying it should be passed with minor changes. But the Labour and Green parties, which both supported the legislation in its first reading in Parliament, say it is flawed and will hamper the city's development.

The Latest: Experts say at least 10 tornadoes hit Louisisana

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:57:00 +0100wxow (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. The National Weather Service now says at least ten tornadoes hit Louisiana on Tuesday, including four EF-2 tornadoes that were responsible....

Powerful storms sweeping East Coast kill 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:48:00 +0100foxnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful East Coast storm system kills 4 in Virginia, raising overall death toll to 7 - Freezing winds hampering rescue of 68 people from icebreaker ship in Antarctica - FOX NEWS WEATHER CENTER

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:48:00 +0100foxnews (en)

Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast -- killing four in Virginia -- heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages that left hundreds of thousands across several states in the dark. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday....

Japón: Fukushima admite que demoró informar de fusión

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:47:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. dijo que sus funcionarios no estaban al tanto del manual de emergencia de la compañía que definía una fusión como un daño que excedía 5% del combustible del reactor. En su lugar, TEPCO calificó la condición de los reactores de "daño al núcleo", un desperfecto menos menos....

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:47:00 +0100todayonline (en)

TOKYO — The operator of Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power said Thursday (Feb 25) its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

Japón: Fukushima admite que demoró informar de fusión

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:36:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. dijo que sus funcionarios no estaban al tanto del manual de emergencia de la compañía que definía una fusión como un daño que excedía 5% del combustible del reactor. En su lugar, TEPCO calificó la condición de los reactores de "daño al núcleo", un desperfecto menos menos....

4 killed as storm swirls up East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:34:00 +0100usaToday (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — Rattled residents of communities across the South and East were picking through rubble Thursday after a line of vicious storms and tornadoes that blasted through the region killed eight people, injured dozens more and destroyed scores of homes.

The Latest: Virginia governor surveys damage

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:33:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Dominick says the closure affected the morning commute, but of ficials hope lanes will reopen by the evening rush hour. She says water couldn't drain off the roadway, but crews are working to clear any blocked drains in the area. The names of those killed in a tornado that struck a Louisiana RV park have been released.

Storm system update: Baltimore-Washington Parkway partially closed

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:28:00 +0100news-gazette (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:30 a.m. Flooding brought on by torrential rain from a storm system that caused damage along the East Coast has closed a section of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in south Baltimore.

Las medidas 'post Fukushima' cuestan 30 millones de euros a cada nuclear española

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:26:00 +0100antena3noticias (es)

EFE | Madrid | Actualizado el 25/02/2016 a las 17:16 horas Las medidas de seguridad 'post- Fukushima ' que están aplicando las nucleares españolas tendrán un coste final de unos 30 millones de euros para cada una de ellas, de los que más de 10 millones corresponden a los nuevos centros de emergencia.

The Latest: Virginia governor surveys damage

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:25:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:45 a.m. One day after Virginia was battered by at least one tornado, Gov. is heading out to three of the hardest-hit regions of the state to assess the destruction.

The Latest: Virginia governor surveys damage

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:21:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

Dominick says the closure affected the morning commute, but of ficials hope lanes will reopen by the evening rush hour. She says water couldn't drain off the roadway, but crews are working to clear any blocked drains in the area. The names of those killed in a tornado that struck a Louisiana RV park have been released.

Killer tornadoes wreak havoc on the East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:11:00 +0100nypost (en)

Residents walk through debris left by a deadly storm that swept through Waverly, Virginia. Photo: AP. WAVERLY, Va. — Storm systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov.

The Latest: Virginia Governor Surveys Damage

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:10:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:45 a.m. One day after Virginia was battered by at least one tornado, Gov. Terry McAuliffe is heading out to three of the hardest-hit regions of the state to assess the destruction.

Comentarios sobre Segovia se acerca a la cultura de Japón para recuperar a sus turistas y convertirse en destino de referencia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:04:00 +010020minutos (es)

La edil de Patrimonio Histórico y Turismo, Claudia de Santos, en rueda de prensa junto con la alcaldesa, Clara Luquero, ha explicado que se pretende sensibilizar a la población local y of recerle las pautas para potenciar el trato con los turistas que llegan de Japón, de manera que se genere un intercambio que.

Las medidas "post Fukushima" cuestan 30 millones a cada...

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:00:00 +0100finanzas (es)

Las medidas de seguridad "post-Fukushima" que est�n aplicando las nucleares espa�olas tendr�n un coste final de unos 30 millones de euros para cada una de ellas, de los que m�s de 10 corresponden a los nuevos centros de emergencia. En rueda de prensa, el presidente de la Sociedad Nuclear Espa�ola....

The Latest: Virginia governor surveys damage

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:57:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

McAuliffe's first stop Thursday is Appomattox, where one of the state's four storm deaths was recorded. A funnel cloud left an 8- to 10-mile path of debris, injuring seven people. McAuliffe's next stop is Waverly, where three people were killed as a tornado carved a 5-mile path of destruction. The governor's final stop is Tappahannock.

The Latest: Baltimore-Washington Parkway partially closed

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:57:00 +0100usnews (en)

One day after Virginia was battered by at least one tornado, Gov. Terry McAuliffe is heading out to three of the hardest-hit regions of the state to assess the destruction Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va.

Utility admits delaying report of nuke meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:56:00 +0100sltrib (en)

FILE - In this Nov. 12, 2011 file photo, the Unit 4 reactor building of the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station is seen through a bus window in Okuma, Japan when the media was allowed into Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant for the first time.

The Latest: Baltimore-Washington Parkway partially closed

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:55:00 +0100wxow (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:30 a.m. Flooding brought on by torrential rain from a storm system that caused damage along the East Coast has closed a section of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in south Baltimore.

System that spawned tornadoes descends on Virginia farm town

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:52:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 12 hours ago WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast,....

Segovia se acerca a la cultura de Japón para recuperar a sus turistas y convertirse en destino de referencia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:52:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Segovia acogerá en marzo unas jornadas sobre cultura japonesa con el objetivo de que los ciudadanos, en especial niños, hosteleros y comerciantes, conozcan los gustos y costumbres del viajero nipón de cara a convertir la ciudad en un destino cultural y turístico de referencia para los visitantes del país asiático.

مصر واليابان تاريخ طويل من العلاقات المثمرة

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:51:00 +0100dostor (ar)

يقوم الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي بزيارة يوم ٢٨ فبراير الجاري لليابان ضمن جولته الآسيوية التي تشمل أيضا كازاخستان وكوريا الجنوبية، على خلفية علاقات صداقة تاريخية ومميزة تجمع بين البلدين على مختلف الأصعدة. ويعقد الرئيس السيسي في طوكيو، لقاءات مع كل من إمبراطور اليابان أكيهيتو ورئيس الوزراء الياباني شنزو....

The Latest: Baltimore-Washington Parkway Partially Closed

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:40:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Nick Mobley helps clean up a house owned by a family friend, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, after a storm hit Appomattox County, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

Japan Utility Admits It Delayed Report of Fukushima Meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:40:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

The Latest: Baltimore-Washington Parkway partially closed

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:39:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 10:30 a.m. Flooding brought on by torrential rain from a storm system that caused damage along the East Coast has closed a section of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in south Baltimore.

Tornadoes thrash southeastern US: What to do when a twister hits

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:32:00 +0100csmonitor (en)

A system of storms swept across the US East Coast Wednesday, killing several people, tearing down homes, and causing power outages. Dozen of tornadoes were recorded, as well as hail the size of golf balls. More than 2,800 flights have since been cancelled. In Virginia, Gov.

Powerful Storm Kills 4 In Virginia, Raising Death Toll To 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:02:00 +0100baltimore-cbslocal (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 16:01:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

WAVERLY, Va. - Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast — killing four in Virginia — heavy snow that cancelled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages that left hundreds of thousands across several states in the dark. Virginia Gov.

India: Post-disaster shelter in India: A study of the long-term outcomes of post-disaster shelter projects

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:53:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

1.1 Background. Over the last 15 years CARE India and other NGOs have repeatedly responded to natural disasters where large numbers of people have lost their homes. These responses have frequently included both provision of short-term emergency shelter and construction of more durable housing, often designated transitional or permanent.

Nuclear meltdown revealed 'months late'

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:51:00 +0100cnn (en)

A TEPCO employee walks past the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on February 10, 2016. Next month, Japan will mark the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, when an earthquake and tsunami hit on March 11, 2011, leaving more than 15,000 people dead.

'İllegal göç milyonu aşınca AB'de alarm çanları çalmaya başladı'

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:48:00 +0100memurlar (tr)

Avrupa Birliği ( AB ) Bakanı ve Başmüzakereci Volkan Bozkır , Beykoz'daki Türk-Alman Üniversitesini ziyaretinde yaptığı konuşmada, AB üyeliğine başvuru tarihinden bugüne Türkiye 'nin üzerine düşeni yaptığını ve önemli kazanımlar elde ettiğini anlattı. Suriye 'de yaşanan terör ve savaş durumu....

Japan Utility Admits It Delayed Report of Fukushima Meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:40:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant acknowledged Thursday it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:32:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

In Virginia, the tiny town of Waverly took the brunt of the storm. The Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said a 2-year-old child and two men, ages 50 and 26, were killed there during the storm. Their bodies were found about 300 yards from their mobile home.

Tornadoes, storms kill 7 on U.S. East Coast, in South

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:29:00 +0100cnn (en)

The numbers. • Four people were killed in Virginia on Wednesday. • Three were killed in the South on Tuesday. • Sixteen tornadoes -- eight in Virginia, five in North Carolina and three in Florida -- have been reported on the East Coast, according to a preliminary report from the National Weather Service.

'İllegal göç milyonu aşınca AB'de alarm çanları çalmaya başladı'

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:29:00 +0100aa (tr)

İSTANBUL. Avrupa Birliği ( AB ) Bakanı ve Başmüzakereci Volkan Bozkır , Beykoz'daki Türk-Alman Üniversitesini ziyaretinde yaptığı konuşmada, AB üyeliğine başvuru tarihinden bugüne Türkiye 'nin üzerine düşeni yaptığını ve önemli kazanımlar elde ettiğini anlattı.

El pescado de Fukushima tiene otro sabor

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:09:00 +0100afp-espanol (es)

Los peces que Satoshi Nakano pesca con sus redes no tienen el mismo sabor. La vida era muy distinta antes de la catástr of e de Fukushima, el 11 de marzo de 2011. En cinco años, Satoshi ha vivido momentos de duda, de rencor, de desolación y de resignación. A finales de 2013, la pesca se reanudó, pero a otro ritmo.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:58:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The operator of Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

Utility crews busy in Pennsylvania, possible tornado near Lancaster

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:51:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 56 minutes ago LANCASTER — Utility crews in central and eastern Pennsylvania are working to restore electricity after strong storms moved across the state and possibly caused a tornado. There are 19,707 homes and businesses without power Thursday morning. PECO says most of its 10,154 outages are in Bucks County.

Tornadoes kill 4 in Virginia, including toddler

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:40:00 +0100nola (en)

WAVERLY, Va. -- Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:39:00 +0100sunherald (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:32:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:32:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:31:00 +0100nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:29:00 +0100startribune (en)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its of ficials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel. Instead, TEPCO described the condition of the reactors as less serious "core damage" for two months after the plant was hit by a....

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:24:00 +0100lepopulaire (fr)

(AFP) - Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques.

Japan utility admits it delayed report of Fukushima meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:24:00 +0100therepublic (en)

TOKYO The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:23:00 +0100tampabay (en)

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state. Elsewhere, officials in South Carolina said a man was killed Wednesday when a tree fell on him. In Virginia, the tiny town of Waverly took the brunt of the storm.

Japan Utility Admits It Delayed Report of Fukushima Meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:09:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The operator of Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has acknowledged it failed for two months to announce that meltdowns had occurred in the cores of three of the reactors. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday its officials were unaware of a company emergency manual that defined a meltdown as damage exceeding 5 percent of a reactor's fuel.

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:04:00 +0100lamontagne (fr)

(AFP) - Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques.

U.S. East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:57:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

WAVERLY, Va. - Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast — killing four in Virginia — heavy snow that cancelled hundreds of flights in the Midwest and power outages that left hundreds of thousands across several states in the dark. Virginia Gov.

AB Bakanı ve Başmüzakereci Bozkır:

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:53:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

Avrupa Birliği (AB) Bakanı ve Başmüzakereci Volkan Bozkır, AB ülkelerinin mültecilere yönelik ikazlarını dikkate almadığını ifade ederek, "AB ülkelerinde illegal göçün milyonu aşması üzerine alarm çanları çalmaya başladı. Ne yapacağını bilememek, sıkıntıları panik havası içinde çözmeye çalışmak,....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:40:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

In Waverly, witnesses said the storm swept through with little warning. Timothy Williams said a friend had just come by to take his new car for a drive when the storm hit. "It picked the car right of f the ground, and put it right back on the ground," said Williams, 44. He said they remained in the car until the storm passed.

Cleanup begins after severe storm kills 4 in Virginia, leaves power outages

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:39:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

Residents from the Gulf coast to the Northeast faced flooding, toppled trees and power outages Thursday after severe storms brought lightning-lit downpours and touched of f tornadoes. At least seven people were killed , including three in a small Virginia town. In Virginia, Gov.

Parliament braced for Energy Union ‘tsunami of legislation’

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:31:00 +0100euractiv-en (en)

Members of the European Parliament fear they will be swamped by a sudden flood of energy legislations this year, with some urging their colleagues to resist the temptation of “optimising” laws in endless negotiating rounds. The European Commission is preparing a make-or-break “year of delivery” on....

East Coast, Midwest Battered by Strong Storm Systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:28:00 +0100voanews (en)

WAVERLY, VA.— Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Fukushima : 5 ans après la catastrophe, Tepco avoue avoir minimisé les dégâts

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:10:00 +0100TF1 (fr)

de Fukushima pour reconnaitre avoir minimisé la gravité des dégâts suite à la catastrophe de mars 2011, notamment sur le fait que trois des réacteurs étaient en fusion. "Nous nous excusons pr of ondément pour avoir affirmé par erreur que rien ne permettait de déterminer qu'une fusion du cœur de....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:02:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 13:00:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

WAVERLY, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

52 tornadoes reported from line of storms this week

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:58:00 +0100cnn (en)

The numbers. -- Four people were killed in Virginia on Wednesday. -- Three were killed in the South on Tuesday. -- Sixteen tornadoes -- eight in Virginia, five in North Carolina and three in Florida -- have been reported on the East Coast, according to a preliminary report from the National Weather Service.

Fukushima: Tepco avoue avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs Le Parisien

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:57:00 +0100msn-fr (fr)

© Le Parisien Un employé de Tokyo Electric Power Co. devant le site de la central e japonaise Fukushima Daiichi, le 10 février 2016. Il aura fallu attendre . L'opérateur de la centrale de Fukushima a admis mercredi avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs en ne reconnaissant pas aussi....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:48:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:31:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Tornado damage along Richmond Highway in Appomattox County is shown on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. State police say at least seven people have been injured in Appomattox County, where a funnel cloud left an 8- to 10-mile path of destruction. (The News & Advance/News & Daily Advance via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT.

National Weather Service to investigate possible tornado in Lancaster County

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:30:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

The National Weather Service plans to send a storm survey team to the area today to determine if a tornado touched down in Lancaster, where strong storms caused major damage. Meteorologist John LaCorte says the Wednesday night storm caused multiple buildings to collapse, tore ro of s off homes and downed trees and power lines.

La vie houleuse des pêcheurs de Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:05:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

Satoshi Nakano est pêcheur, mais les poissons qu'il remonte dans ses filets ces dernières années n'ont plus la même saveur. Sa vie était toute autre sur son bateau avant le 11 mars 2011, avant la catastrophe de Fukushima. En cinq ans, il a vécu des périodes de doute, de rancoeur, de désolation, de patience.

Fukushima Chiefs Apologize for Failing to Reveal Meltdown

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:04:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

TOKYO — The operator of Japan's Fukushima power plant has apologized for not announcing its nuclear reactors were in meltdown for months after a huge earthquake and tsunami devastated the facility five years ago. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) denied for two months after the disaster that a meltdown had taken place.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:55:00 +0100usnews (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER, Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after....

Deadly storm system blasts East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:47:00 +0100krcrtv (en)

More than a dozen tornadoes touched down. Hail the size of golf balls rained from the sky. And near-100 mph winds were recorded in Florida. The severe threat in regards to hail and tornadoes is over, however the backside of this low-pressure system could bring snow to the Great Lakes and blustery....

Taiwanische Studenten gewinnen iF Award in Deutschland

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:46:00 +0100politikexpress (de)

Ein Tsunami-Warnsystem und ein von Studenten der National Taiwan University of Science and Technology entwickeltes Orientierungssystem haben Designpreise beim 2016 Public Value Student Award in Deutschland gewonnen. Das Tsunami-Warnsystem, „Richtiger Weg“, ist ein Straßenschild welches sofort auf....

Killer weather pounds way from South up East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:44:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

WAVERLY, Va. -- Storms systems killed at least five people on the East Coast Wednesday, four from tornadoes, and brought heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. That brought the death toll from two days of severe weather to at least eight. Virginia Gov.

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:36:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques. Marqué par le séisme de 2010 dans son pays,....

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:35:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques. Marqué par le séisme de 2010 dans son pays,....

29 febbraio: riti, tradizioni e scaramanzie del giorno

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:29:00 +0100247libero (it)

ROMA – “Anno bisesto, anno funesto”. Lo dicevano i romani, i primi a guardare con sospetto alle annate da 366 giorni in calendario . Ma non sono stati gli unici. Michele Savonarola , nonno del religioso Girolamo , rincarava infatti la dose più di mille anni dopo: “Anno bisesto, né baco, né moglie, né innesto”.

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:29:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques. Marqué par le séisme de 2010 dans son pays,....

Alejandro Aravena, l'architecte star qui fait des logements sociaux

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:26:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Londres - Le Chilien Alejandro Aravena a bâti sa réputation et décroché le prix Nobel d'architecture, le Pritzker, en construisant des logements sociaux et non des bâtiments de prestige, dans un souci de sortir son art des préoccupations purement esthétiques.

Taiwanische Studenten gewinnen iF Award in Deutschland

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:24:00 +0100mittelstandcafe (de)

Ein Tsunami-Warnsystem und ein von Studenten der National Taiwan University of Science and Technology entwickeltes Orientierungssystem haben Designpreise beim 2016 Public Value Student Award in Deutschland gewonnen. Das Tsunami-Warnsystem, „Richtiger Weg“, ist ein Straßenschild welches sofort auf....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:20:00 +0100wxow (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after....

29 febbraio: riti, tradizioni e scaramanzie del giorno

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:19:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – “Anno bisesto, anno funesto”. Lo dicevano i romani, i primi a guardare con sospetto alle annate da 366 giorni in calendario . Ma non sono stati gli unici. Michele Savonarola , nonno del religioso Girolamo , rincarava infatti la dose più di mille anni dopo: “Anno bisesto, né baco, né moglie, né innesto”.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:18:00 +0100denverpost (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Fukushima : Tepco avoue avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:05:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

Un employé de Tokyo Electric Power Co. devant le site de la central e japonaise Fukushima Daiichi, le 10 février 2016 (AFP/TORU HANAI) Il aura fallu attendre . L'opérateur de la centrale de Fukushima a admis mercredi avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs en ne reconnaissant pas aussi....

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:54:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

Utility trucks make their way down West Main street in the Town of Waverly, Va.,, after it was hit by a tornado earlier in the day, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. (L. Todd Spencer/The Virginian-Pilot via AP) MAGS OUT. Tornado damage along Richmond Highway in Appomattox County is shown on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:54:00 +0100startribune (en)

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state. The tiny town of Waverly took the brunt of the storm. The Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said a 2-year-old child and two men,....

La vie houleuse des pêcheurs de Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:54:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Onahama (Japon) - Satoshi Nakano est pêcheur, mais les poissons qu'il remonte dans ses filets ces dernières années n'ont plus la même saveur. Sa vie était toute autre sur son bateau avant le 11 mars 2011, avant la catastrophe de Fukushima. En cinq ans, il a vécu des périodes de doute, de rancoeur, de désolation, de patience.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:51:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

WAVERLY, Va. - Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that cancelled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:47:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:43:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 3 minutes ago WAVERLY, Va. — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:42:00 +0100AP (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

East Coast, Midwest Battered by Strong Storm Systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:39:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

East Coast, Midwest battered by strong storm systems

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:36:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia Storms systems brought tornadoes to the East Coast, killing four in Virginia, and heavy snow that canceled hundreds of flights in the Midwest. Virginia Gov. declared a state of emergency Wednesday night after tornadoes damaged homes and left thousands without power across the state.

Comment les pêcheurs vivent-ils cinq ans après la catastrophe de Fukushima?

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:36:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Depuis la catastrophe de Fukushima, de l'eau fortement contaminée s'écoule tous les jours, compliquant alors le travail des pêcheurs sur place. Satoshi Nakano est pêcheur, mais les poissons qu'il remonte dans ses filets ces dernières années n'ont plus la même saveur.

La vie houleuse des pêcheurs de Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:36:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Satoshi Nakano est pêcheur, mais les poissons qu'il remonte dans ses filets ces dernières années n'ont plus la même saveur. Sa vie était toute autre sur son bateau avant le 11 mars 2011, avant la catastrophe de Fukushima. En cinq ans, il a vécu des périodes de doute, de rancoeur, de désolation, de patience.

Tornadoes, storms leave at least 4 dead in Virginia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 10:04:00 +0100CBC (en)

Violent thunderstorms and tornadoes lashed the U.S. Southeast and mid-Atlantic region on Wednesday, killing at least four people in Virginia a day after twisters claimed three lives along the Gulf Coast, authorities said. The National Weather Service (NWS) warned of tornado activity along a line of storms stretching from Raleigh, N.

Survey: 138 hospital deaths were preventable in 3/11 aftermath

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:40:00 +0100ajw (en)

Shortages of doctors, nurses and medicines and insufficient availability of artificial respirators after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami led to 138 preventable deaths at hospitals in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. The deaths could have been avoided if the medical institutions had....

7 dead as tornadoes hit across U.S.

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:35:00 +0100cnn (en)

The numbers. -- Four people were killed in Virginia on Wednesday. -- Three were killed in the South on Tuesday. -- Sixteen tornadoes -- eight in Virginia, five in North Carolina and three in Florida -- have been reported on the East Coast, according to a preliminary report from the National Weather Service.

Death toll in Fiji rises to 44 with a 10-month-old baby among those presumed dead after catastrophic Cyclone Winston tore through the country wiping out whole village

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:34:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

Fiji is in a state of natural disaster and its people are in urgent need after Cyclone Winston ripped through the Island nation and left a trail of destruction and heartbreak with 44 dead, more than 35,000 homeless and everyone - babies, families and the elderly - with nothing.

Japon : Tepco reconnaît avoir menti sur la gravité de la catastrophe de Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:19:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

L'opérateur de la central e, dévastée par un tsunami en 2011, a reconnu, mercredi, qu'il n'avait minimisé la gravité de l'accident. La centrale dévastée de Fukushima Daiichi (Japon), le 10 février 2016. (TORU HANAI / AFP) Tepco fait son mea culpa. Cinq ans après la catastrophe de Fukushima , en....

Death toll in Fiji rises to 44 with a 10-month-old baby among those presumed dead after catastrophic Cyclone Winston tore through the country wiping out whole village

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 09:11:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Fiji is in a state of natural disaster and its people are in urgent need after Cyclone Winston ripped through the Island nation and left a trail of destruction and heartbreak with 44 dead, more than 35,000 homeless and everyone - babies, families and the elderly - with nothing.

The Latest: Virginia State Police confirm 4th fatality

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:57:00 +0100usnews (en)

Virginia State Police say a man who had been missing since a funnel cloud destroyed his home has been found dead, bringing to four the number of deaths in the state amid severe weather Wreckage of the Sugar Hill RV Park is scattered in Convent, La., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:57:00 +0100usnews (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER, Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:49:00 +0100denverpost (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills three people in Virginia, raising death toll to six

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:49:00 +0100denverpost (en)

WAVERLY, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

System that spawned tornadoes descends on Virginia farm town

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:40:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 4 hours ago WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast,....

US Weather Update: At Least 3 Killed In Virginia As Storms Rip Through East Coast, Virginia Gov. Declares State Of Emergency

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:37:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

A powerful storm ripped through Virginia Wednesday, killing three people and cutting the power lines for several buildings, reports said. In this photo, wreckage is seen at a mobile home park a day after it was hit by a tornado, in Convent, Louisiana in a photo provided by the Louisiana Governor's....

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:30:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

In Virginia, Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency Wednesday evening. The tiny farming town of Waverly in the state's peanut-growing region took the brunt of the storm. The Virginia State Police said at least five structures were damaged in the town of approximately 2,000.

Tepco informierte zu spät über Kernschmelze in Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:26:00 +0100faz (de)

Basierend auf der Strahlung rund um die Reaktoren wusste Tepco von der Schwere der Schäden schon wenige Tage nach dem Unfall und hätte Klartext reden können. Doch erst Mitte Mai begann das Unternehmen, den Begriff Kernschmelze zu verwenden. Erst in den vergangenen Wochen will Tepco entdeckt haben,....

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:17:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Business: Researchers tap GPS for faster tsunami warnings

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:17:00 +0100standardmedia (en)

Researchers at University of California, Berkeley, believe that global position system (GPS) instruments could provide more rapid and more accurate warning of a tsunami. In a paper to be published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the researchers said, by analyzing GPS signals, which....

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:16:00 +0100wxow (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two....

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:15:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:09:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

Roads leading into the town had to be closed because of downed trees and debris tossed by winds gusting to 60 mph, Geller said. A 7:30 p.m. curfew was imposed so search and rescue teams could go door to door checking on people. Witnesses said the storm swept through Waverly with little warning.

Powerful Storm Kills 4 in Virginia, Raising Death Toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:07:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana , Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:00:00 +0100AP (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:00:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm system sweeping East Coast kills 4 in Virginia, raising death toll to 7

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:00:00 +0100foxnews (en)

WAVERLY, Va. – A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing four people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Lille : les Moules se sont refermées après une épopée de 85 ans (VIDÉO)

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:56:00 +0100lavoixdunord (fr)

La patronne n’a eu aucune proposition de reprise de la part d’un confrère ? Ses propres enfants qui tenaient le comptoir n’ont pas assuré tout naturellement la relève ? D’après vous pourquoi ? Toute la pr of ession connait trop bien la Patronne et que dire de sa descendance. Ce n’est pas tant l’authenticité et la survie de la tradition qui l’anime.

5 dead as severe weather strikes from S.C. to N.Y.

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:55:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

CONVENT, La. -- Four people, including a toddler, were killed Wednesday in Virginia as a severe storm system moved north after leaving a path of death and destruction in the Deep South. Police in Sussex County, Virginia, told CBS affiliate WTVR a 50-year-old man, a 26-year-old man and two-year-old....

At Least 3 Killed As Storms Slam Virginia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:39:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

A powerful storm ripped through Virginia Wednesday, killing three people and cutting the power lines for several buildings, reports said. In this photo, wreckage is seen at a mobile home park a day after it was hit by a tornado, in Convent, Louisiana in a photo provided by the Louisiana Governor's....

Fukushima : 5 ans après, Tepco avoue avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:28:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

, l'opérateur japonais de la central e, Tepco, a avoué mercredi avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs en ne reconnaissant pas aussi rapidement que possible le fait que trois d'entre eux étaient en fusion. "Nous nous excusons pr of ondément". "Nous nous excusons profondément pour avoir....

Fukushima : 5 ans après, Tepco avoue avoir minimisé la gravité de l’état des réacteurs

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:17:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Cinq ans après la catastrophe de Fukushima en mars 2011, l’opérateur de la central e a avoué avoir minimisé la gravité de l’état des réacteurs en ne reconnaissant pas aussi rapidement que possible le fait que trois d’entre eux étaient en fusion. «Nous nous excusons pr of ondément pour avoir affirmé par....

Fukushima: 5 ans après, Tepco avoue avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 07:01:00 +0100levif (fr)

"Nous nous excusons pr of ondément pour avoir affirmé par erreur que rien ne permettait de déterminer qu'une fusion du coeur de réacteur était en cours", a déclaré Tepco lors d'une conférence de presse et dans un communiqué. Il a fallu attendre deux mois, en mai 2011, pour que l'exploitant, Tokyo....

Fierce storm hits NYC, flipping tractor-trailer on GW bridge

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:56:00 +0100nydailynews (en)

Strong winds and heavy rains pummeled the city Wednesday night, toppling a tractor-trailer on the George Washington Bridge and seriously injuring a man in the Bronx. The wicked weather was part of a deadly storm that ravaged the Gulf states before battering the East coast .

Deadly storm system hits East; 4 die in Virginia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:32:00 +0100krcrtv (en)

A possible tornado hit Waverly, Virginia, killing three people, one a 2-year-old boy, Corinne Geller, a spokeswoman for the state police, said in a news release. Another man was found dead in Appomattox County, Virginia. The news brought the two-day death toll from the storm to seven. The town put a curfew into effect at 7:30 p.

Fierce storm hits NYC, knocks down Bronx building

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:31:00 +0100nydailynews (en)

A fierce storm pummeled the city Wednesday night, taking down a vacant building in the Bronx, flipping a tractor-trailer on the George Washington Bridge and causing delays at area airports. A severe thunderstorm watch was in effect until 2 a.m. for the New York City metro area, Long Island, lower....

Alejandro Aravena, el premio Pritzker que diseña viviendas sociales

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:20:00 +0100lacapital (es)

El chileno Alejandro Aravena cimentó la reputación que le llevó a ganar el último premio de arquitectura más importante del mundo, el Pritzker, con la construcción de viviendas sociales, y no rascacielos en Manhattan, pero enseguida aclara que lo suyo no es una cuestión de bondad ni caridad.

The Latest: Storms bring heavy rains, winds to NYC area

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:14:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia The Latest on a deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast and damage along the East Coast (all times local): 11 p.m. A line of thunderstorms moved across the New York City area, bringing strong winds and heavy rains that knocked down trees and caused scattered power outages.

STATE OF EMERGENCY 6 dead as powerful system surges up East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 06:01:00 +0100foxnews (en)

WAVERLY, Va. – A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Deadly storm threatens East Coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:55:00 +0100cnn (en)

Some 209,000 customers were without power, of ficials with utility companies in several states and the District of Columbia said. One witness told CNN affiliate WAVY that the destruction in the small town of Waverly was "completely devastating." "Cars were crumpled on the highway.

4 dead after powerful storms rip through eastern Virginia

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:47:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

CONVENT, La. -- Four people, including a toddler, were killed Wednesday in Virginia as a severe storm system moved north after leaving a path of death and destruction in the Deep South. Police in Sussex County, Virginia, told CBS affiliate WTVR a 50-year-old man, a 26-year-old man and two-year-old....

Thunderstorms depart after delivering strong winds, small hail, and some flooding

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:44:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

8:50 p.m. update: With storms of f to our east, it should be a mostly calm if breezy night. It stays mostly cloudy as winds shift to the west and northwest. Lows are in the low-to-mid 40s. We’ll see those winds pick up with time, especially on Thursday when gusts past 35 mph are possible.

System that spawned tornadoes descends on Virginia farm town

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:41:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 57 minutes ago WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf....

Fukushima: Tepco avoue avoir minimisé les dégâts

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:36:00 +0100tdg (fr)

Il n'a notamment pas reconnu aussi rapidement que possible le fait que trois réacteurs étaient en fusion. «Nous nous excusons pr of ondément pour avoir affirmé par erreur que rien ne permettait de déterminer qu'une fusion du coeur de réacteur était en cours», a déclaré Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco).

Tasik Kenyir quake caused by volume of dam water

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:34:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

PETALING JAYA: The 2.7 magnitude earthquake at Tasik Kenyir was not a natural occurrence but an induced seismicity quite common in a large and deep artificial lake, said Meteorological Department deputy director-general Dr Mohd Rosaidi Che Abbas. While the earthquakes in Ranau last year and the more....

Fukushima: Tepco avoue avoir minimisé les dégâts

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:29:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

Expression effrayante. 24 février 2016 Tepco a évité durant des semaines d'employer l'expression effrayante «fusion du coeur» de réacteur. Pourtant, la compagnie disposait des informations qui permettaient de déterminer qu'un tel processus était en cours dans les tout premiers jours suivant le 11....

Winter storm brings heavy snow, strong winds through Midwest

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:28:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

As the evening rush hour got underway, the National Weather Service warned the wet snow falling in Chicago, its southern suburbs and northwest Indiana could make travel very dangerous. The weather service said motorists should avoid the roadways if possible.

‘Cuentos del Pacífico Sur’

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:22:00 +0100LaRazon (es)

El título Cuentos del Pacífico Sur me trasladó inmediatamente a los libros de Jack London, uno de mis escritores favoritos, autor, entre otros textos, de El lobo del mar y La llamada de la selva; me sugería algo salvaje en territorios en los que los seres humanos tenemos que enfrentarnos a la naturaleza en una lucha constante por la sobrevivencia.

Christchurch: Five buildings cordoned off as dangerous

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:21:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Five unoccupied buildings on Christchurch's New Regent Street have been cordoned of f, after an engineering report identified them as dangerous and earthquake prone. A member of the public called the City Council concerned about the buildings' safety following the Valentines Day earthquake - and the....

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:20:00 +0100bostonglobe (en)

WAVERLY, Va. A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Japon : Tepco avoue avoir menti sur Fukushima

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:19:00 +0100RTLFrance (fr)

Cinq ans après la catastrophe de Fukushima en mars 2011, l'entreprise Tepco a avoué avoir minimisé la gravité de l'état des réacteurs mercredi 24 février, en ne reconnaissant pas aussi rapidement que possible le fait que trois d'entre eux étaient en fusion.

Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:17:00 +0100khaleejtimes (en)

Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western district of Myagdi and bodies could be seen scattered around it.

As drought hammers countryside, many in Haiti go hungry

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:15:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

ORIANI: Only shriveled carrots and potatoes grow in Carole Joseph's small vegetable plot. The family's chickens are long gone. She sold her only tools to buy food, then the wooden bed she shared with her children. The family now sleeps on the floor of their shack.

5 Years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:12:00 +0100nipponnews (en)

Error establishing a database connection ....

Powerful Storm Kills 3 in Virginia, Raising Death Toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:09:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana , Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:05:00 +0100AP (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging....

Blue Ridge Engages with Pacific Partner in Osaka

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:58:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. Navy News Service. Story Number: NNS160224-16 Release Date: 2/24/2016 3:14:00 PM. By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Timothy Hale, USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) Public Affairs. OSAKA, Japan (NNS) -- U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) arrived in Osaka, Japan, Feb.

Del Huracán Z a analista de España

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:57:00 +0100diariodeleon (es)

Antolín Gonzalo Martín (Puebla de Sanabria, 1973) se incorporó al cuerpo técnico de la selección española tras la marcha de Paco Jiménez. El entrenador del Huracán Z de la temporada 2010/2011, tras sustituir en aquel momento al destituido Luis Cembranos, recibió el testigo de Paco Jiménez, quien se....

Fukushima: Tepco avoue avoir minimisé les dégâts

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:53:00 +010024heures (fr)

Expression effrayante. a évité durant des semaines d'employer l'expression effrayante «fusion du coeur» de réacteur. Pourtant, la compagnie disposait des informations qui permettaient de déterminer qu'un tel processus était en cours dans les tout premiers jours suivant le 11 mars, quand la central e....

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:49:00 +0100AP (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging....

STORMS SLAM SOUTH 6 dead as powerful system sweeps through East coast

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:37:00 +0100foxnews (en)

WAVERLY, Va. – A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Severe weather in the South

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:22:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

In Sussex County, Virginia, three people were killed after an unconfirmed tornado hit the town of Waverly on Feb. 24, 2016, raising the death toll from the tornadoes and severe weather in the South to six. In this photo from Thursday, Feb. 24, a mobile home shows significant damage after an apparent tornado ripped through Waverly.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:21:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Forecasters warned the threat wasn't over and that more than 88 million people were at risk Wednesday of seeing some sort of severe weather. In the Midwest, heavy snow and biting winds led to mass flight cancellations at Chicago airports and school closings in several states.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:20:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

WAVERLY, Va. (AP) — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

الكويت.. أكثر من نصف قرن من النمو والتطور والازدهار

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:19:00 +0100alriyadh (ar)

تحتفي دولة الكويت الشقيقة اليوم الخميس، بالذكرى الخامسة والخمسين لاستقلالها، والذكرى الخامسة والعشرين على التحرير. ومرت الكويت منذ إعلان الاستقلال حتى الآن بمراحل تطور وتنمية هائلة سعت من خلالها إلى تحقيق أعلى المراكز بين صفوف الدول المتقدمة، وانتهجت خططًا تنموية طموحة من أجل استكمال مسيرة بناء الدولة الحديثة على الأصعدة كافة.

Powerful Storm Kills 3 in Virginia, Raising Death Toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:04:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned about two dozen tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana , Mississippi and Florida.

New tornado warning issued for Raleigh as storms move through

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:58:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

Two waves of thunderstorms bearing high winds, heavy rain and repeated reports of funnel clouds kept much of the Triangle on high alert Wednesday. Some schools closed early, while others kept students inside late, worried about releasing them into the storms. As of 6 p.m.

Storms Kill 6 in Across East Coast and South

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:49:00 +0100time (en)

(CONVENT, La.)A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned at least 10 tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:25:00 +0100wxow (en)

By LARRY O'DELL and MAX BECHERER Associated Press. WAVERLY, Va. (AP) - A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:20:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WAVERLY, Virginia A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned at least 10 tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Another earthquake off Ono-i-Lau

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:18:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 11:10AM A 5.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded 312 kilometres southwest from Nukuni on Ono-i-Lau this morning. The earthquake at 5.09am was recorded at a depth of 206 kilometres. It was 657km west-southwest from Nuku'alofa in Tonga and 409km south from Suva.

Powerful storm system kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:16:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

Briaxton Lott, 23, was in the trailer park when the tornado hit. The pad where his trailer once sat was empty and he pointed to the remnants of it about 100 feet away. "The whole front end came up and slammed back down, and I grabbed up the baby and the next thing I know we just went rolling end over end," Lott said.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:13:00 +0100usnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing two people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the Carolinas This aerial photo shows damage after a tornado ripped through the Sugar Hill Recreational Park in the town of Convent, in southern La.

Powerful storm kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:11:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

WAVERLY, Va. — A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned at least 10 tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm system sweeping East Coast kills 3 in Virginia, raising death toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:06:00 +0100foxnews (en)

WAVERLY, Va. – A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned at least 10 tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful Storm Kills 3 in Virginia, Raising Death Toll to 6

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:04:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful storm system swept across the East Coast on Wednesday, killing three people in Virginia and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses in the region. A day earlier, the system spawned at least 10 tornadoes along the Gulf Coast, damaging hundreds of homes in Louisiana , Mississippi and Florida.

Powerful storm kills 2 in Virginia, raising death toll to 5

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:03:00 +0100denverpost (en)

When asked his plans for the future Lott said: "Just keep moving forward. We'll definitely be going to church Sunday, definitely." The storms dumped several inches of rain in Alabama, Georgia and elsewhere, causing flash flood watches. Schools were closed in parts of Georgia, Florida and the Carolinas ahead of the storms.

Tornadoes kill at least 3 in southeastern U.S.

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:02:00 +0100CBC (en)

In Alabama and Georgia, forecasters issued flash flood watches ahead of the storm system, which was expected to drop up to five centimetres of rain. The warnings were expected to be in effect through Wednesday afternoon. The northern part of Georgia was also under a wind advisory.

Tepco admitió que hubo fusión nuclear en Fukushima tras accidente

Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:00:00 +0100uniradioinforma (es)

Tokio,(Notimex).- Casi cinco años después del peor accidente nuclear de Japón, la compañía Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) admitió hoy que negó durante dos meses que se había producido una fusión en dos reactores de la dañada planta de Fukushima Daichii.

Tornado warnings expire in the Triangle as storms move through

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:25:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

The second wave of thunderstorms is passing through the Triangle, bring gusty winds, heavy downpours and the threat of tornadoes. The National Weather Service had issued numerous tornado warnings for the Triangle, as the line of storms moved through from the west.

The Latest: Severe storm causing damage in Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:18:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Snow likely early. Tonight. Snow will taper of f and end this evening but skies will remain cloudy late. Low 29F. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 80%. About one inch of snow expected. Updated: February 24, 2016 @ 3:52 pm; State Police Sgt.

مليارات الدولارات «سندويتشات» الفلافل - نبيه البرجي

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:08:00 +0100charlesayoub (ar)

ضناً بدماء العرب، وسواء كانوا سعوديين ام سوريين ام عراقيين ام يمنيين، نقول لاشقائنا السعوديين( اشقاؤنا حتما) ان الساعة ازفت لوقف مطحنة الدم التي هي ايضا مطحنة الزمن. و ليكن وقف النار في سوريا، إن طبق، نقطة البداية... لا يعني هذا اننا نحملّهم وحدهم وزر الجحيم الذي نختال فيه، هم الذين لاحظوا كيف تعصف....

3 dead after powerful storms rip through eastern Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:06:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

One of the hardest-hit areas along the Gulf Coast on Tuesday was a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana. RVs were tossed about and lay on top of wrecked cars and pickup trucks. Two people were killed there, and 31 injured people were taken to area hospitals, said St.

Tornadoes ravage U.S. South, threat remains for more twisters [Photos]

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:52:00 +0100torontosun (en)

CONVENT, La. -- Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. More than 88 million people were at risk of seeing severe weather from the sprawling storm.

18:10 | Alejandro Aravena, el premio Pritzker que diseña viviendas sociales

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:49:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Forjado, como muchos otros arquitectos chilenos, por el sismo de 2010, Aravena, 48 años, diseñó la reconstrucción de Constitución, una ciudad costera devorada por las olas de seis metros del tsunami que siguió al temblor. Lee también Alejandro Aravena recibe el Premio Pritzker 2016, el Nobel de....

Carolinas brace for deadly storm system that swept across Gulf Coast states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:35:00 +0100foxnews (en)

CONVENT, La. – Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. More than 88 million people were at risk of seeing severe weather from the sprawling storm.

Alejandro Aravena, el premio Pritzker que diseña viviendas sociales

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:35:00 +0100laprensa (es)

El chileno Alejandro Aravena cimentó la reputación que le llevó a ganar el último premio de arquitectura más importante del mundo, el Pritzker, con la construcción de viviendas sociales, y no rascacielos en Manhattan, pero enseguida aclara que lo suyo no es una cuestión de bondad ni caridad.

Marcelo Lagos y las lecciones del 27-F

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:35:00 +0100t13 (es)

El sábado se cumplen 6 años del trágico terremoto de 8.8 richter que afectó a la zona centro sur del país. El geográfo Marcelo Lagos - en su primera columna en Tele13 Radio- habló sobre las lecciones a sacar tras el 27-F. Para el experto, dicho desastre natural "marcó un antes y después ya que a partir de ahí hay más visibilidad.

Tornadoes ravage Gulf Coast; threat remains for more twisters (w/video)

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:25:00 +0100tampabay (en)

More than 88 million people were at risk of seeing severe weather from the sprawling storm. Three people were killed Tuesday and dozens were injured, some critically. One of the hardest-hit areas along the Gulf Coast on Tuesday was a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:13:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 6 hours ago KENNER, La. — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. Meteorologists at the national Storm Prediction....

The Latest: Severe storm causing damage in Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:12:00 +0100usnews (en)

Police are reporting storm damage in Sussex County in southeastern Virginia from a system that has spawned tornadoes and ravaged the South Wreckage of the Sugar Hill RV Park is scattered in Convent, La., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday,....

Powerful storms roll across US South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:11:00 +0100saudigazette (en)

KENNER, Louisiana — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

The Latest: Severe Storm Causing Damage in Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:02:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 2:30 p.m. Police are reporting storm damage in Sussex County in southeastern Virginia from a system that has ravaged the South. State Police Sgt. Michele Anaya says troopers were called to assist local authorities Wednesday afternoon.

The Latest: Severe storm causing damage in Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:01:00 +0100therepublic (en)

PENSACOLA, Florida The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 2:30 p.m. Police are reporting storm damage in Sussex County in southeastern Virginia from a system that has ravaged the South. State Police Sgt. Michele Anaya says troopers were called to assist local authorities Wednesday afternoon.

The Latest: Severe storm causing damage in Virginia

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:54:00 +0100wxow (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 2:30 p.m. Police are reporting storm damage in Sussex County in southeastern Virginia from a system that has ravaged the South. State Police Sgt.

Tornadoes kill at least 3 in southeastern U.S., more could hit

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:53:00 +0100CBC (en)

In Alabama and Georgia, forecasters issued flash flood watches ahead of the storm system, which was expected to drop up to five centimetres of rain. The warnings were expected to be in effect through Wednesday afternoon. The northern part of Georgia was also under a wind advisory.

Killer tornadoes rampage through the South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:45:00 +0100nypost (en)

CONVENT, La. — Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. More than 88 million people were at risk of seeing severe weather from the sprawling storm.

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:41:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 16 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Tornadoes Ravage South, Threat Remains for More Twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:32:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. More than 88 million people were at risk of seeing severe weather from the sprawling storm.

Tornado-spawning storms slam Deep South; 3 dead

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:27:00 +0100cnn (en)

"They were praying, and I was crying. I was so scared," Portish told CNN affiliate WVUE from St. James Parish, Louisiana. "I heard a big rumbling sound, the whole entire house started shaking and I just knew that it was a tornado." Portish and the others were unhurt when the twister -- one of 27....

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:16:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana.

Tornadoes rip through South, killing at least 3 people

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:51:00 +0100nydailynews (en)

KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

Nepalese plane crash kills 23

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:37:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

Rescuers have found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that crashed into a mountainside in Nepal yesterday, killing all 23 people on board, officials said. The Twin Otter turboprop aircraft lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking off from the tourist town of Pokhara early yesterday.

Tornadoes ravage South, threat remains for more twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:33:00 +0100denverpost (en)

CONVENT, La. (AP) Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. At least three people were killed and dozens of people were injured, some critically.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:32:00 +01007online (en)

A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. Meteorologists at the national Storm Prediction Center warned of the potential for....

Tornado cleanup on from Louisiana to Florida on Wed.

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:28:00 +0100nola (en)

CONVENT, La. — Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday as the deadly storm system moved to the East Coast. At least three people were killed and dozens of people were injured, some critically.

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:15:00 +0100sunherald (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana. Forecaster Robert Ricks says one of the paths takes a....

Five Scottish charities travelling the world to give back

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:14:00 +0100TheScotsman (en)

Scottish charities work tirelessly to better the life of those all over the country but for some, the work doesn’t stop there. We look at five Scottish charities who have made it their mission to help people on the other side of the world. Mary’s Meals. touches down on four different continents to help change to the lives of others.

Gulf Coast storms cause deaths, damage; Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola (w/video)

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:14:00 +0100tampabay (en)

Forecaster Robert Ricks said one of the paths takes a possible tornado over the western part of LaPlace, where as many as 200 homes were damaged late Tuesday afternoon. Only minor injuries were reported. Off icials said that many residents who lost homes during the storm were previously affected by Hurricane Isaac in August 2012.

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:11:00 +0100usnews (en)

The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana Wreckage of the Sugar Hill RV Park is scattered in Convent, La., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday,....

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:07:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. — The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana.

The Latest: Teams Investigate Tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:02:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Forecaster Robert Ricks says one of the paths takes a possible....

Tornado threat remains after twisters ravage South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:59:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

At least three people were killed and dozens of people were injured, some critically. One of the hardest-hit areas along the Gulf Coast on Tuesday was a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana. RVs were tossed about and lay on top of wrecked cars and pickup trucks.

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:59:00 +0100therepublic (en)

PENSACOLA, Florida The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana.

Taiwanese students win iF design award

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:58:00 +0100taipeitimes (en)

A tsunami warning system and an orientation system designed by students at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology have won design prizes at the iF Public Value Student Award in Germany. The tsunami warning system, dubbed “Right Way,” is a roadside sign system that instantly switches to....

The Latest: Teams investigate tornadoes in Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:51:00 +0100wxow (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 11:30 a.m. The National Weather Service is investigating two distinct tornado paths that crossed through St. John the Baptist Parish in Louisiana.

The Latest: Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:29:00 +0100sunherald (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. A tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex in the Pensacola area. Winds ripped off the top floors of two of the two-story buildings.

The Latest: Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:21:00 +0100wxow (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. A tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex in the Pensacola area. Winds ripped off the top floors of two of the two-story buildings.

Los cambios en el monitoreo que trajo consigo el terremoto del 27/F

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:20:00 +0100radioagricultura (es)

A seis años de ocurrido el terremoto 8.8 que azotó la zona centro sur de Chile, el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile realiza un recuento de los cambios que ha experimentado la institucionalidad encargada del monitoreo sísmico del país.

The Latest: Governor: About 100 homes, apartments damaged

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:15:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10 a.m. Florida Gov. Rick Scott says an apparent tornado significantly damaged more than 70 homes and 24 apartments in the Pensacola area, leaving three people with minor injuries.

The Latest: Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:14:00 +0100therepublic (en)

PENSACOLA, Florida The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. A tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex in the Pensacola area. Winds ripped off the top floors of two of the two-story buildings.

Tornadoes ravage South, threat remains for more twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:14:00 +0100therepublic (en)

PENSACOLA, Florida Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida as a deadly storm system rolled across the South, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday along the East Coast.

The Latest: Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:11:00 +0100usnews (en)

The day after an apparent tornado hit the Pensacola area, a tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex Destroyed trailers and vehicles are all that remain of the Sugar Hill RV Park after a suspected tornado hit the park in Convent, La., Tuesday, Feb.

Tornadoes ravage South, threat remains for more twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:11:00 +0100usnews (en)

Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida as a deadly storm system rolled across the Gulf Coast Wreckage of the Sugar Hill RV Park is scattered in Convent, La., Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016.

The Latest: Governor: About 100 homes, apartments damaged

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:09:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Sun and clouds mixed. A few flurries are possible. High 39F. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. Mainly cloudy with snow showers around this evening. Low 29F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 50%. Updated: February 24, 2016 @ 10:52 am; The rough weather ripped....

Tornadoes ravage South, threat remains for more twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:06:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. — Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida as a deadly storm system rolled across the South, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday along the East Coast.

The Latest: Roofs ripped off buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:06:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. — The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. A tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex in the Pensacola area. Winds ripped off the top floors of two of the two-story buildings.

The Latest: Roofs Ripped off Buildings in Pensacola, Florida

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:02:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10:40 a.m. A tangled wall of tree limbs and power lines partially blocked the entrance to The Moorings apartment complex in the Pensacola area. Winds ripped off the top floors of two of the two-story buildings.

Tornadoes Ravage South, Threat Remains for More Twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:02:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida as a deadly storm system rolled across the South, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday along the East Coast. At least three people were killed and dozens of people were injured, some critically.

Tornadoes ravage South, threat remains for more twisters

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:51:00 +0100wxow (en)

By MELISSA NELSON and KEVIN McGILL Associated Press. PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - Tornadoes ripped through an RV park in Louisiana and significantly damaged nearly 100 homes and apartments in Florida as a deadly storm system rolled across the South, and forecasters warned that more twisters were possible Wednesday along the East Coast.

Qld teen to announce third Everest attempt

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:38:00 +01009news (en)

Queensland teenager Alyssa Azar will of ficially announce she will make a third attempt at becoming the youngest Australian to climb Mount Everest. The Toowoomba mountaineer was forced to call off her record-breaking bid in both 2014 and 2015 because of unforseen events while stationed at Everest's base camp with other climbers.

The Latest: Governor: About 100 Homes, Apartments Damaged

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:31:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10 a.m. Florida Gov. Rick Scott says an apparent tornado significantly damaged more than 70 homes and 24 apartments in the Pensacola area, leaving three people with minor injuries.

Powerful Storms Roll Across South, Causing Death and Damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:31:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Meteorologists at the national Storm Prediction Center warned of the potential for more tornadoes — including some possibly strong twisters — along parts of the Atlantic coast , including the Carolinas and Virginia. In a Wednesday morning briefing, forecaster Jaret Rogers said large hail and a few....

The Latest: Governor: About 100 homes, apartments damaged

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:28:00 +0100therepublic (en)

PENSACOLA, Florida The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10 a.m. Florida Gov. Rick Scott says an apparent tornado significantly damaged more than 70 homes and 24 apartments in the Pensacola area, leaving three people with minor injuries.

The Latest: Governor: About 100 homes, apartments damaged

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:21:00 +0100wxow (en)

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The Latest on deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes along the Gulf Coast (all times local): 10 a.m. Florida Gov. Rick Scott says an apparent tornado significantly damaged more than 70 homes and 24 apartments in the Pensacola area, leaving three people with minor injuries.

Gulf Coast storms cause deaths, damage; Scott to visit site of possible Pensacola tornado

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:07:00 +0100tampabay (en)

Scott's of fice says the governor will be in the Pensacola area Wednesday morning. A possible tornado ripped through the city Tuesday evening, snapping trees, downing power lines and destroying at least 24 units at The Moorings apartment complex. The National Weather Service was surveying the damage....

LaPlace neighborhoods face rebuilding after tornado

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:53:00 +0100nola (en)

People say a tornado sounds like a freight train. Ricco Wheat said it's much louder than that. The tornado that tore through his LaPlace neighborhood sounded like "10 or 15 Amtraks together," he said, standing in his driveway on Sawgrass Drive in the Spring Meadows subdivision.

Tornado hits Pensacola, damages apartment buildings

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:53:00 +0100nola (en)

First responders inspect damage at the Moorings Apartments on Old Spanish Trail Road Tuesday night, Feb. 23, 2016, in Pensacola, Fla. A tornado roared through the Pensacola just after 8 p.m. (Tony Giberson/Pensacola News Journal via AP) (Tony Giberson) A tornado hit Pensacola, Florida, on Tuesday (Feb.

113 Rumah Rusak akibat Gempa di Halmahera Barat

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:51:00 +0100kompas (id)

TERNATE, KOMPAS.com - Gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,1 skala Ritcher di Halmahera merusak 113 unit rumah di Desa Idamdehe Gamsungi dan Desa Bobo, Kecamatan Jailolo, Kabupaten Halmahera, Maluku Utara, Rabu (24/2/2016) tadi pagi. "Gempa dengan kekuatan 5,1 SR, dampak kerusakannya di Desa Idamdehe Gamsungi sebanyak 111 rumah rusak ringan.

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:37:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 11 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

As drought hammers countryside, many in Haiti go hungry

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:51:00 +0100sltrib (en)

"We get a little bit to eat and drink each day, but it's never enough to get our strength back. I don't know what to do anymore," she said, her voice hoarse as she cradled her toddler twins, their hair brittle and taking on a yellowish tinge, a sign of malnutrition.

Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:42:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

KATHMANDU (AFP) - Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday (Feb 24) found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the....

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:35:00 +0100antiguaobserver (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Southern storms: Tornadoes kill 3 in Louisiana, Mississippi; Carolinas now in path

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:32:00 +0100mercurynews (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) -- A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:06:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 10 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:05:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

KENNER, La. - A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. Meteorologists at the national Storm Prediction Center warned of the....

Powerful storms roll across Gulf Coast, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:02:00 +0100tampabay (en)

The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the hardest-hit areas in the Gulf Coast appeared to be a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana. Two people were killed there, said St.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:36:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 36 minutes ago KENNER, La. — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three....

UPDATE1: TEPCO could have known Fukushima meltdown days after disaster

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:34:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it could have determined nuclear core meltdown occurred at the Fukushima plant sooner than it did following a massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. The utility known as TEPCO initially said reactors cores had been damaged, but did not admit until May 2011 that core meltdown occurred.

Pedalando sulle frontiere: serata di proiezioni e racconti di viaggio, giovedì a Campogalliano

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:29:00 +0100reggio2000 (it)

Giovedì 25 febbraio, alle 21, il Museo della Bilancia di Campogalliano (via Garibaldi 34) propone “Pedalando sulle frontiere”, una serata di proiezione di immagini e racconti di viaggio su due ruote, lungo i confini di ieri e di oggi tra la Cortina di Ferro e i Balcani. Gli ospiti saranno la giornalista Giulia Bondi e il fotografo Luigi Ottani.

Pedalando sulle frontiere: serata di proiezioni e racconti di viaggio, giovedì a Campogalliano

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:22:00 +0100sassuolo2000 (it)

Giovedì 25 febbraio, alle 21, il Museo della Bilancia di Campogalliano (via Garibaldi 34) propone “Pedalando sulle frontiere”, una serata di proiezione di immagini e racconti di viaggio su due ruote, lungo i confini di ieri e di oggi tra la Cortina di Ferro e i Balcani. Gli ospiti saranno la giornalista Giulia Bondi e il fotografo Luigi Ottani.

Trees "snapped off like twigs" as twisters thrash South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:12:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

More than two dozen tornadoes were reported across five Southern states Tuesday in a deadly outbreak of storms that punished the Gulf, reports CBS News correspondent David Begnaud. The Sugar Hill Trailer Park in Convent, Louisiana was demolished. Two people were killed and another seven are in critical condition.

Russia Wants to Turn Old Missiles Into an Asteroid Defense System

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:12:00 +0100smithsonianmag (en)

smithsonian.com February 18, 2016. Danny Lewis During the Cold War, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs, for short) were some of the most feared weapons of the nuclear age. First deployed by the Soviet Union in 1958, ICBMs were designed as deterrents and weapons of last resort with the....

Powerful storms roll across South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:07:00 +0100newschannel5 (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:36:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 8 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Nepal plane crashes, killing all 23 on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:32:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

The Twin Otter turboprop aircraft lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking of f from the tourist town of Pokhara early on Wednesday. The army had deployed helicopters and foot soldiers to search Myagdi, a mountainous district around 220 kilometres (160 miles) west of....

23 Dead in Nepal Plane Crash

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:32:00 +0100time (en)

A passenger airplane with close to two dozen people on board crashed in Nepal on Wednesday, after disappearing from contact with air-traffic control soon after take of f. The Twin Otter aircraft operated by Tara Air was carrying 23 people including two children ; all were confirmed dead, according to....

Nepal plane crash kills all 23 passengers aboard

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:27:00 +0100thenational (en)

KATHMANDU // A small plane crashed in Nepal on Wednesday in bad weather, killing all 23 people on board in the country’s second air disaster in as many years. The Twin Otter aircraft, operated by private Tara Air, was on a flight from Pokhara, 125km west of the capital of Kathmandu, to Jomsom when it lost contact with the control tower.

Denizler Altında Bulunan En Garip 10 Şey

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:23:00 +0100haber-mynet (tr)

Açık deniz korkunuz artacak biliyoruz, ama hakikaten de örümcek. Su örümcekleri, salgıladıkları özel ağ sayesinde kendilerine nefes alabilmek için günlerce yetecek bir hava kabarcığı oluşturabiliyorlar, o kabarcıkla birlikte denizin altında avlanıyorlar. Yeryüzündeki örümcek türlerinden çok daha büyük, çok daha güçlüler.

Tornadoes coupled with severe storms claim at least 3 lives in Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 13:04:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana.

Tornado rips through Fla. apartment

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:52:00 +0100azcentral (en)

Many of the residents who were transported, like D’Assia Lewis, a resident of Apartment 20B, lost everything. “My apartment’s caved in. I heard something at first before I ran for the bathroom,” Lewis said. “I just laid down and called my mom and she called help for me. I’m trying to find where to go.

El DT de Huracán duro con la Conmebol por haber tenido que j...

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:48:00 +0100eldia-AR (es)

La medida de protesta fue convocada contra los despidos en el sector público y para pedir la eliminación del Impuesto a las Ganancias. También rechazan el protocolo de Seguridad porque "criminaliza la protesta" Posponen hasta mañana el tratamiento del decreto Ya salió la cuarta tanda de números del....

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:40:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Bodies found 'scattered everywhere among burning wreckage' at crash site of passenger plane which vanished shortly after take-off in Nepal

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:38:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

Tara Air said the Twin Otter had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking of f from the tourist town of Pokhara early on Wednesday. A statement on its website said weather conditions were good when the plane took off for Jomsom, a popular trekking destination in the Himalayas about 20 minutes' flight from Pokhara.

Alejandro Aravena, el Pritzker que diseña viviendas sociales

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:36:00 +0100afp-espanol (es)

El arquitecto chileno Alejandro Aravena cimentó la reputación que le llevó a ganar el último premio de arquitectura más importante del mundo, el Pritzker, con la construcción de viviendas sociales, y no rascacielos en Manhattan, pero enseguida aclara que lo suyo no es una cuestión de bondad ni caridad.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:33:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

One of the hardest-hit areas in the Gulf Coast appeared to be a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana. Two people were killed there, said St. James Parish Sheriff Willy Martin, speaking on local television. Authorities were working into the early morning to look for....

La escasa mano de obra debilita la recuperación de Japón tras el tsunami

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:25:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

TOKIO.- La creciente escasez de mano de obra en el área noreste de Japón golpeada por el tsunami de 2011 está minando su recuperación económica cinco años después de la tragedia, según dijo el miércoles un académico de la principal universidad de la región.

Nepal finds burnt-out wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:07:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

KATHMANDU - Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said that Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western district....

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:06:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 7 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 12:01:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

KENNER, La. — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Bodies found 'scattered everywhere among burning wreckage' at crash site of passenger plane which vanished shortly after take-off in Nepal

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:56:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Tara Air said the Twin Otter had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking of f from the tourist town of Pokhara early on Wednesday. A statement on its website said weather conditions were good when the plane took off for Jomsom, a popular trekking destination in the Himalayas about 20 minutes' flight from Pokhara.

Nepal plane crash kills all 23 aboard

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:34:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

KATHMANDU: Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western district of....

Missing Nepal plane: Wreckage found in 'completely burnt state'

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:25:00 +0100gulfnews (en)

The wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in Nepal on Wednesday with 23 people on board has been found, the aviation minister said. "The wreckage of the plane was found in a completely burnt state in Solighopte in Myagdi district," Aananda Prasad Pokharel told AFP, adding that bodies could be seen scattered around the wreckage.

La Terra è stata colpita da una meteora luminosa molto grande.

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:23:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016) La Terra è stata colpita da una meteora luminosa molto grande . L’evento è stato registrato dalla Nasa. Il bolide è esploso sopra l’oceano Atlantico, a circa mille chilometri dalla costa del Brasile, lo scorso 6 febbraio.

Tremblement de terre : nouveau séisme au Maroc

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:18:00 +0100malijet (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 5,4 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter a été ressenti au large de la côte nord du Maroc. Nouvelle secousse au Maroc où un séisme de magnitude 5,4 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter a été ressenti au large de la côte nord du Maroc. L’annonce a été faite par l’Institut Géographique national espagnol, dans un communiqué.

Severe storms, reported tornadoes kill at least 3 in Louisiana, Mississippi - FOX NEWS WEATHER CENTER

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:17:00 +0100foxnews (en)

KENNER, La. – A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Three killed as powerful storms spark tornadoes across Gulf Coast states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:16:00 +0100breakingnews-ie (en)

At least three people have been killed as a storm system spawned tornadoes in the Gulf Coast states of the US. Two people were killed at a motorhome park in the town of Convent in southern Louisiana, police said, and authorities are searching for people possibly trapped under the debris.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:15:00 +0100680news (en)

KENNER, La. – A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Three killed as powerful storms spark tornadoes across Gulf Coast states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:13:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

Two people were killed at a motorhome park in the town of Convent in southern Louisiana, police said, and authorities are searching for people possibly trapped under the debris. Thirty-one people were taken to hospital with seven in critical condition, officers said.

09:46 Three killed as powerful storms spark tornadoes across Gulf Coast states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:13:00 +0100independent-ie-regional (en)

Two people were killed at a motorhome park in the town of Convent in southern Louisiana, police said, and authorities are searching for people possibly trapped under the debris. Thirty-one people were taken to hospital with seven in critical condition, officers said.

Wreckage of plane found in Nepal: Hong Kong tourist believed to be among 23 people on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:13:00 +0100scmp (en)

A Hong Kong citizen is among 21 people feared dead after a passenger plane crashed this morning in central Nepal. Ying Mak-siu, a female Chinese tourist was among those on board, according to Tara Air passenger manifest, but also used a Hong Kong passport to book her flight, the Post understands.

eNCA | Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:12:00 +0100enca (en)

KATHMANDU - Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western district....

Rescue teams in Nepal find wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:11:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Kathmandu (AFP) - Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western....

Rescue teams in Nepal find wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:02:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had been found in the western district of Myagdi and bodies could be seen scattered around it. "The wreckage of the plane was found in a completely burnt state in Solighopte in Myagdi district," said Pokharel, minister for culture, tourism and civil aviation.

Three killed as powerful storms spark tornadoes across Gulf Coast states At least three people have been killed as a storm system spawned tornadoes in the...

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:00:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Thirty-one people were taken to hospital with seven in critical condition, of ficers said. St James Parish Sheriff Willy Martin said: "We never had anything like this, we never had this many people injured in one event, and so much destruction in one event. We won't stop searching until we're satisfied we've searched every pile.

Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:59:00 +0100tribune (en)

File photo taken on June 1, 2010 shows a Tara Air DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft, similar to one that went missing early on February 24, 2016 with 21 people on board, at the Lamidanda airstrip some 120 kms east of Kathmandu. A Tara Air Twin Otter plane went missing in a mountainous area of Nepal early on....

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:54:00 +0100denverpost (en)

Thirty-one people were taken to area hospitals and seven of them were in critical condition, he said. "We never had anything like this; we never had this many people injured in one event, and so much destruction in one event," Martin told WVUE news. "We won't stop searching until we're satisfied we've searched every pile.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:46:00 +0100wxow (en)

By KEVIN MCGILL and CHEVEL JOHNSON Associated Press. KENNER, La. (AP) - A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from....

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:39:00 +0100therepublic (en)

KENNER, Louisiana A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Linux Mint ora può rilevare la backdoor TSUNAMI

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:35:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016) Come un fulmine a ciel sereno, qualche giorno fa abbiamo appreso che il sito web di Linux Mint , insieme con l’intero forum, fosse stato vittima di un attacco informatico: oltre ai dati degli utenti rubati dal forum, il link a Linux Mint 17.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:32:00 +0100AP (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:31:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By Paavan Mathema (AFP) 51 mins ago in World Rescue teams in Nepal on Wednesday found the burnt-out wreckage of a passenger plane that went missing in a remote mountainous area with 23 people on board, the aviation minister said. Aananda Prasad Pokharel said the Twin Otter turboprop aircraft had....

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:31:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

KENNER, La. - Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

23 killed as Nepal plane crashes in thick fog

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:30:00 +0100RTERadio (en)

A small plane has crashed in bad weather in Nepal killing all 23 people on board, police have said. It is the country's second air disaster in as many years. The Twin Otter aircraft, operated by private Tara Air, was on a flight from Pokhara, 125km west of the capital, Kathmandu, to Jomsom when it lost contact with the control tower.

Powerful Storms Roll Across South, Causing Death and Damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:29:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in and , authorities said.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:29:00 +0100foxnews (en)

KENNER, La. – A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Powerful storms roll across South, causing death and damage

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:24:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

A deadly storm system that spawned tornadoes in Gulf Coast states Tuesday night was expected to bring severe weather to the Carolinas by Wednesday afternoon. The Tuesday storms mangled trailers at an RV park, ripped ro of s from buildings and killed at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Arica, Coquimbo y Valdivia, las ciudades más amenazadas con el alza del nivel del mar

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:12:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

La actual temporada estival en la zona costera ha estado marcada por dos fenómenos: la fragata portuguesa y las marejadas. Ambos fenómenos se han incrementado en parte por el cambio climático, el que podría generar una nueva transformación, aún más radical en las costas chilenas: la desaparición o....

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 10:06:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 5 hours ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Nepal finds wreckage of missing plane

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:48:00 +0100focus-news-en (en)

Kathmandu. Rescue teams were Wednesday scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children, AFP reported. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking off from the....

Atl.Nacional le ganó 2-0

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:46:00 +0100eldia-AR (es)

El cierre de la cárcel en Cuba contempla 13 sitios dentro de EE UU para transferir a entre 30 y 60 presos Se sospecha que Joel Santana cobró sumas millonarias de una firma investigada por el caso Petrobras Posponen hasta mañana el tratamiento del decreto Se abrió el diálogo entre el Gobierno y....

Aircraft Carrying 23 Passengers Crashes in Nepal

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:45:00 +0100time (en)

. Local police said there were no survivors. A passenger airplane with close to two dozen people on board crashed in Nepal Wednesday, after disappearing from contact with air traffic control soon after take of f. The Twin Otter aircraft operated by Tara Air was carrying 23 people including two children, the Nepali Times newspaper reported.

Plane goes missing in Nepal with 21 on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:41:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. News24 Wednesday 24th February, 2016 Kathmandu - Rescue teams were on Wednesday scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight....

Pacific partners practice humanitarian assistance during Cope North

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:27:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. By Staff Sgt. Alexander Riedel, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces Public Affairs / Published February 23, 2016. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (AFNS) -- Military members from six nations joined together for a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief deployment throughout the region of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Feb.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:22:00 +0100denverpost (en)

The reported tornadoes are part of a line of severe weather and storms that ripped through the region. At least seven tornadoes hit southeast Louisiana and southwest Mississippi, said Ken Graham, the meteorologist in charge for the National Weather Service's southeast Louisiana office.

هزة أرضية تضرب جزيرة هالماهيرا بإندونيسيا

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:09:00 +0100sabanews (ar)

تمكنت القوة الصاروخية للجيش واللجان الشعبية اليوم من تدمير بارجة حربية تابعة لتحالف العدوان قبالة سواحل الخوخة بمحافظة الحديدة. تستعد روسيا والولايات المتحدة لتقديم مشروع قرار بشأن تأييد اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في سوريا إلى مجلس الأمن . ناقش اجتماع اليوم بمبنى البنك المركزي اليمني برئاسة محافظ البنك....

5.1 magnitude earthquake jolts Indonesia's Halmahera island

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 09:00:00 +0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Jakarta: An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale hit on Wednesday Halmahera Island, 35 kilometers northeast of Ternate, Indonesia. There was no threat of tsunami following the earthquake. There were no reports of casualties or material losses so far. QNA. COPYRIGHT © 2015 PENINSULA NEWSPAPER.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:58:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

Woman dies as another avalanche hits French Alps

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:53:00 +0100thelocal-fr (en)

Une avalanche dans le Queyras fait trois blessés dont un grave via @francebleu — France Bleu Provence (@bleuprovence) February 23, 2016 Despite the efforts of paramedics on hand, the woman died at the scene. Local authorities have launched an investigation into the death, with police warning other....

CONGO-B : Sassou 2016 : clan, matraques et grosse ficelle !

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:44:00 +0100africaintelligence (fr)

Sauf tsunami ou violentes secousses sismiques à Brazzaville, Denis Sassou Nguesso devrait aborder la campagne pour sa réélection en mars dans un fauteuil molletonné, non sans avoir méthodiquement manipulé le processus de bout en bout. Resserré sur son carré de [...] (599 mots) 8,2 EUR.

Plane goes missing in Nepal with 21 on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:37:00 +0100sinacom (en)

Rescue teams were Wednesday scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking off from the popular tourist town of Pokhara in western Nepal early on Wednesday.

Plane goes missing in Nepal with 21 on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:30:00 +0100RTERadio (en)

Rescue teams are scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking off from the popular tourist town of Pokhara in western Nepal early this morning.

Survivors recount psychic ‘reunions’ with March 2011 fatalities

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:17:00 +0100japantimes (en)

SENDAI – A young woman who lost her father during the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami is one of many people who continue to speak about mysterious experiences they have had involving lost relatives and other loved ones. About 10 days after the quake, Ayane Suto, 28, went to a public bathhouse near....

Hong Kong tourist believed to be among 21 people on board plane feared crashed in Nepal

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:10:00 +0100scmp (en)

A passenger plane with 21 people on board was feared to have crashed in central Nepal, police said on Wednesday. A female Chinese tourist – believed to be from Hong Kong – was among those on board, a Tara Airlines spokesman said. “We have dispatched three helicopters on a search and rescue mission.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة يضرب إندونيسيا

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 08:04:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

ضربت هزة أرضية بلغت قوتها 5,1 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم الأربعاء جزيرة هالماهيرا على بعد 35 كم شمال شرق جزيرة تيرناتي بإندونيسيا. ولم تؤد الهزة إلى حدوث أمواج المد البحري العاتي تسونامي. ح.

Plane goes missing in Nepal with 21 on board

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 07:46:00 +0100focus-news-en (en)

Kathmandu. Rescue teams were Wednesday scouring a remote mountainous area of Nepal where a passenger plane went missing with 21 people on board, two of them children, AFP reported. Tara Air said the Twin Otter aircraft had lost contact with air traffic control eight minutes after taking off from the....

At least 3 dead as southeastern U.S. battered by tornadoes, storms

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 07:16:00 +0100CBC (en)

Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent, in southern Louisiana.

Tornadoes kill three along Gulf Coast

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 07:10:00 +0100mercurynews (en)

"The wind was blowing a little bit, but then it stopped. Then all of a sudden all kinds of wind and rain started. It was so bad, I had to go inside the house or I would have been blown away with it," Picou said. In Mississippi, officials are still sorting through reports of damage to some buildings,....

World: Through Hub and Spoke: Pacific Partners Practice Humanitarian Assistance during Cope North 16

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 07:01:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

By Staff Sgt. Alexander Riedel. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS -- Military members from six nations joined together for a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief deployment throughout the region of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Feb. 14-18. The deployment is part of Cope North 16, a multilateral exercise, including the U.

Peligro en acantilados de Costa Verde por falta de mallas de seguridad

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:59:00 +0100panamericana (es)

. Peligro en acantilados de Costa Verde por falta de mallas de seguridad. Varias zonas rocosas de la Costa Verde no cuentan con mallas de seguridad, poniendo en riesgo la vida de los veraneantes que transitan cerca del lugar. A pesar de los anuncios, los de la Costa Verde siguen sin mallas de....

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:42:00 +0100AP (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:40:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

As drought hammers countryside, many in Haiti go hungry

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:39:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

ORIANI, Haiti (AP) — Only shriveled carrots and potatoes grow in Carole Joseph's small vegetable plot. The family's chickens are long gone. She sold her only tools to buy food, then the wooden bed she shared with her children. The family now sleeps on the floor of their shack.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:31:00 +0100washtimes (en)

, La. Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational vehicle park in the town of Convent , in southern Louisiana.

Japan's LNG imports surge

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:26:00 +0100seatrade-global (en)

Tokyo: Japan's imports of liquefied natural gas surged 23% in April compared with the same month in 2010, after the March earthquake and tsunami shut down several of the country's nuclear reactors, according to data published by ship tracking service Waterborne.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:24:00 +0100wxow (en)

By KEVIN MCGILL and CHEVEL JOHNSON Associated Press. KENNER, La. (AP) - Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said.

Southeast Tornadoes, Storms Kill Three, Head for Atlantic Coast

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:11:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

A damaging storm system that spun of f multiple tornadoes from Louisiana to Florida killed at least three people and critically injured at several others as it moved through the South, with more twisters likely to come Wednesday along the Atlantic coast .

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:09:00 +0100kimt (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

Abe Promises Stronger Japan Ahead of Tsunami Anniversary

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:07:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged to promote a strong nation capable of withstanding disasters, ahead of a ceremony to mark the fifth anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan in 2011, and claimed 18,000 lives.

At least 3 dead as storms, tornadoes rip through Gulf states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:04:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

KENNER, La. (AP) — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through the Gulf Coast on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in Louisiana and Mississippi, authorities said. One of the most hard-hit areas appeared to be a recreational....

Weak earthquake felt at Tasik Kenyir in Terengganu

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:58:00 +0100malaysiakini (en)

A weak earthquake of 2.7 magnitude on the Richter scale was detected in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu, last night. The Meteorological Department said in a statement released in Kuala Lumpur that the tremors could be felt in Kuala Berang, 42km away. According to the statement, there was no threat of tsunami following the earthquake at 9.

Deep South reels from tornadoes

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:41:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 31 minutes ago KENNER, La. — Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at an RV park, ripping ro of s from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Moderate Earthquake In Halmahera

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:34:00 +0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 24 (Bernama) -- A moderate earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 on the Richter scale was detected in Halmahera, 35 kilometres northeast of Ternate, Indonesia at 4.52 am today. The Malaysian Meteorological Department in its website said the quake occurred 1065 km southeast of Semporna, Sabah.

3 dead as storms hit Mississippi and Louisiana

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 05:24:00 +0100cnn (en)

Video from the park showed dozens of motor homes and trailers blown over and apart. The road through the park was filled with ambulances, fire trucks and pickups. Seven people were critically injured after severe weather hit the park, St. James Parish Sheriff Willy J. Martin told reporters.

Tornadoes kill 3, injure dozens in Louisiana, Mississippi

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 04:54:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

KENNER (LOUISIANA): Tornadoes and severe weather ripped through southern Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, mangling trailers at a recreational vehicle park, ripping of f roofs from buildings and killing at least three people in both states, authorities said.

Deep South in Louisiana and Mississippi lashed by severe storms and high winds

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 04:33:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Earlier Tuesday a reported tornado caused some damage but no injuries near New Orleans' main airport. Emergency of ficials and the National Weather Service said the reported tornado was spotted near Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in the suburban city of Kenner. It was believed to have touched down in a nearby field.

Earthquake off Nukuni village in Lau

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 04:16:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 2:57PM AN earthquake was recorded of f Nukuni village on Ono-i-Lau this afternoon. The 5.2 magnitude earthquake was recorded at a depth of 40 kilometres at 1.32pm. It was 525 kilometres southwest from Nukuni village and 576km south from Suva. The Mineral Resources Department said it was a....

'Particularly dangerous' storms kill 3

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:38:00 +0100cnn (en)

In Prairieville, the storm ripped the ro of off the gym as people quickly halted their workouts. Kenneth Phillips was at the gym with his wife. He told CNN that they were using the squat rack near a glass wall that fell. Phillips said the roof began to peel up. "That's when we dodged the debris to make it to the locker rooms," he said.

Hitachi High Technologies : New Wearable Optical Topography System (NIRS) "WOT-HS" to Enable Brain Activity Measurement at the Scalp

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:37:00 +01004-traders (en)

TOKYO, Japan, February 24, 2016 - Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation (TOKYO: 8036, Hitachi High-Tech) and Hitachi Kokusai Yagi Solutions Inc. (HYS) announced today that both companies have jointly developed new wearable optical topography system 'WOT-HS' *1, which enables measurement of brain activity at the scalp.

Tornadoes Injure At Least 12 In Louisiana; Damage Widespread

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:31:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

Several tornadoes cut a swath of damage across southeast Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, injuring at least a dozen people, knocking down a water tower, and destroying homes and businesses, according to forecasters and emergency officials. More severe weather was expected Tuesday evening as the storm system moved east, forecasters said.

Deep South lashed by severe storms, high winds

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:08:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Earlier Tuesday a reported tornado caused some damage but no injuries near New Orleans' main airport. Emergency of ficials and the National Weather Service said the reported tornado was spotted near Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in the suburban city of Kenner. It was believed to have touched down in a nearby field.

Tornado damages homes in LaPlace; no injuries

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:00:00 +0100nola (en)

Emergency personnel in St. John the Baptist Parish are advising residents to keep of f the streets after a severe storm that spawned a tornado in LaPlace moved through the area Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 23). Sheriff Mike Tregre is reporting "significant damage to homes," downed power lines and trees, and debris on roadways.

WATCH: Tornadoes injure at least 12 in Louisiana, damages widespread

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:40:00 +0100torontosun (en)

Debris from a damaged water tower is shown in this handout photo provided by Assumption Parish Sheriff's Off ice, west of New Orleans, Louisiana, February 23, 2016. (REUTERS/Assumption Parish/Handout via Reuters) BATON ROUGE, La. - Several tornadoes cut a swath of damage across southeast Louisiana....

Weak quake at Tasik Kenyir, tremors felt in Kuala Berang

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:34:00 +0100nst (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: A weak earthquake of 2.7 magnitude on the Richter scale was detected in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu, last night. The Meteorological Department in a statement said the tremors could be felt in Kuala Berang. According to the statement, there was no threat of tsunami following the earthquake at 9.

Tornadoes, Storms Kill 3 in La., Miss. Before Moving East

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:28:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

A damaging storm system that spun of f multiple tornadoes in Louisiana and Mississippi killed at least three people and critically injured at least seven more as it moved through the South, with more twisters likely to come Wednesday along the Gulf and Atlantic coast s.

At least 2 dead as dangerous storms slam Deep South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:26:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

GULFPORT, Miss. -- A tough day is turning into a rough night in much of the Deep South. Multiple tornadoes were spotted Tuesday, including a waterspout near New Orleans. At least two deaths were reported at an RV park in St. James Parish, Louisiana. About 100 RVs there were "tossed like toys,"....

UPDATE 3-Tornadoes injure at least 30 in Louisiana, damages widespread

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:19:00 +0100reuters-uk (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. Several tornadoes cut a swath of damage across southeast Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, injuring at least a dozen people, knocking down a water tower, and destroying homes and businesses, according to forecasters and emergency officials.

Three dead as storms slam Gulf Coast states

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:05:00 +0100krcrtv (en)

Two people died and seven people were critically injured after severe weather hit a recreational vehicle park in Convent, Louisiana, St. James Parish Sheriff Willy J. Martin says. About 30 people suffered injuries to lesser degrees, he said. A total of three people have been killed by the storm. [Previous story, posted at 7:50 p.

3 dead as storms hit Mississippi, Louisiana; Alabama prepares

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 02:00:00 +0100cnn (en)

There were no reports of other deaths or injuries in the county, according to Smith. The damaging storms also wrecked parts of Louisiana. Multiple people were injured as storms hit St. James Parish, about 50 miles west of New Orleans, Sgt. Steven Brignac with the sheriff's office told CNN.

Se registra un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 cerca de la costa antártica del Pacífico

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:53:00 +0100nuevaya (es)

Este martes se ha producido un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 en el sur del océano Pacífico, cerca de la costa de Antártida, según informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se registró a una pr of undidad de 7,7 kilómetros y 454 kilómetros al este de la estación antártica científica francesa Dumont d’Urville.

Tornadoes, Storms Kill Two in La., Miss. Before Moving East

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:43:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

A damaging storm system that spun of f multiple tornadoes in Louisiana and Mississippi was blamed for at least two deaths as it moved through the South, with more twisters likely to come Wednesday along the Gulf and Atlantic coast s. The victims were killed as high winds swept through Convent,....

Tornadoes injure at least 12 in Louisiana, damages widespread

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:35:00 +0100reuters (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. Several tornadoes cut a swath of damage across southeast Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, injuring at least a dozen people, knocking down a water tower, and destroying homes and businesses, according to forecasters and emergency officials.

Weak quake at Kenyir, tremors felt in Kuala Berang

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:26:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

KUALA LUMPUR,: A weak earthquake measuring 2.7 magnitude on the Richter scale was detected in Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu on Tuesday night. The Meteorological Department in a statement said the tremors could be felt in Kuala Berang. According to the statement, there was no threat of a tsunami following the earthquake at 9.

Tornadoes injure at least 12 in Louisiana, damages widespread

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:22:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - Several tornadoes cut a swath of damage across southeast Louisiana and Mississippi on Tuesday, injuring at least a dozen people, knocking down a water tower, and destroying homes and businesses, according to forecasters and emergency officials.

California earthquake: Moderate tremor hits near Wasco and Bakersfield

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:16:00 +0100bnonews (en)

The earthquake, at 4:02 p.m. PT on Tuesday, was centered about 4 miles southwest of Wasco and 6 miles northwest of Shafter, or 22 miles northwest of Bakersfield. It struck about 0.2 miles deep, making it a very shallow earthquake, according to the United States Geological Survey. The U.S.

At least 3 dead as dangerous storms slam Deep South

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 01:10:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

GULFPORT, Miss. -- A tough day is turning into a rough night in much of the Deep South. Multiple tornadoes were spotted Tuesday, including a waterspout near New Orleans. At least two deaths have been reported at an RV park in St. James Parish, Louisiana. About 100 RVs there were "tossed like toys," according to the manager.

Tornadoes, Storms Kill One in Louisiana Before Moving East

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 00:57:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

A damaging storm system that spun of f multiple tornadoes in Louisiana and Mississippi was blamed for at least one death as it moved through the South, with more twisters likely to come Wednesday along the Gulf and Atlantic coast s. The victim was killed as high winds that may have included a tornado....

Se registra un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 cerca de la costa antártica del Pacífico

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 00:40:00 +0100rt-es (es)

. Este martes se ha producido un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 en el sur del océano Pacífico, cerca de la costa de Antártida, según informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( El sismo se registró a una pr of undidad de 7,7 kilómetros y 454 kilómetros al este de la estación antártica científica francesa Dumont d'Urville.

Tornado Damage Reported In Louisiana As Storm Moves East

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 00:08:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

By Rich McKay. ATLANTA (Reuters) - A tornado and strong winds tore a ro of off a health club and flipped a delivery truck in Louisiana on Tuesday, and more severe weather was expected as the storm system moved east, forecasters said. Damage was localized to spots near New Orleans and east of Baton....

India: South Asia Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning (MEAL) Manager

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 23:43:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

About CRS: Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. We welcome as a part of our staff and as partners, people of all faiths and secular....

Tornado damage reported in Louisiana as storm moves east

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 22:30:00 +0100reuters (en)

ATLANTA Rich McKay A tornado and strong winds tore a ro of off a health club and flipped a delivery truck in Louisiana on Tuesday, and more severe weather was expected as the storm system moved east, forecasters said. Damage was localized to spots near New Orleans and east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana,....

Tornado damage reported in Louisiana as storm moves east

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 22:18:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

ATLANTA (Reuters) - A tornado and strong winds tore a ro of off a health club and flipped a delivery truck in Louisiana on Tuesday, and more severe weather was expected as the storm system moved east, forecasters said. Damage was localized to spots near New Orleans and east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana,....

رئيس وزراء البحرين: الأمير أرسى دعائم وطن مزدهر وعصري سفارات الكويت بمختلف العواصم احتفلت بالأعياد الوطنية بحضور كبار المسؤولين والديبلوماسيين

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 22:16:00 +0100al-seyassah (ar)

عواصم- كونا: احتفلت سفارات الكويت في مختلف عواصم العالم بالأعياد الوطنية بحضور كبار المسؤولين بهذه الدول وأعضاء السلك الديبلوماسي للدول العربية والأجنبية الذين أشادوا بدور الكويت في مختلف المجالات أشاد رئيس الوزراء البحريني الأمير خليفة بن سلمان آل خليفة بما تشهده دولة الكويت من نهضة وتقدم في مختلف....

Tornado rips wall off Gold's Gym in Prairieville

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 21:56:00 +0100nola (en)

Photos from the scene where a tornado ripped the wall of f the Gold's Gym on Highway 61 in Prairieville on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. Tornado Touches Down In Prairieville A tornado struck Prairieville, blowing out a wall on the Gold's Gym on Route 61. Interactive weather maps including local radar, satellite, severe, forecast maps, and more .

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet? AT&T, Intel Test Drones on LTE

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 21:18:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

BARCELONA — When your drone takes to the skies, it's staying in touch with its pilot back on the ground over Bluetooth, RF or Wi-Fi. AT&T and Intel want to see what happens when they fly a drone that's connected over LTE. The two tech giants are teaming up to test drones that use the wireless....

Tremblement de terre : nouveau séisme au Maroc !

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 21:12:00 +0100afrik (fr)

Nouvelle secousse au Maroc où un séisme de magnitude de 5,4 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter a été ressenti au large de la côte nord du Maroc. L’annonce a été faite par l’Institut Géographique national espagnol, dans un communiqué. Selon Bladi.net, la secousse s’est produite exactement à 3h46 heure....

سفاراتنا حول العالم احتفلت بالأعياد: الكويت وأهلها وعلى مر التاريخ على قلب واحد

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 20:36:00 +0100alanba (ar)

أقامت سفاراتنا حول العالم حفل استقبال بمناسبة العيد الوطني الـ 55 لاستقلال الكويت والذكرى الـ 25 لتحريرها والذكرى العاشرة لتولي صاحب السمو الامير الشيخ صباح الاحمد مقاليد الحكم. وفي البداية، رفع سفيرنا لدى المملكة العربية السعودية الشيخ ثامر الجابر خالص التهاني والتبريكات الى صاحب السمو الامير....

Antarctica earthquake: Strong tremor strikes south of Australia

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 19:59:00 +0100bnonews (en)

The earthquake, which struck at about 5:08 a.m. Sydney time on Wednesday, was centered about 454 kilometers (282 miles) northeast of the French scientific station Dumont d'Urville in Antarctica, or about 2,261 kilometers (1,405 miles) south of Hobart on Tasmania. The earthquake struck at a depth of about 7.

Taiwanese students' designs win iF awards in Germany

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 19:19:00 +0100ChinaPost (en)

TAIPEI--A tsunami warning system and an orientation system, both designed by students of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, have won design prizes at the 2016 iF Public Value Student Awards in Germany. The tsunami warning system, dubbed "Right Way," is a roadside sign system....

Earthquake swarm in New Brunswick community starting to settle down

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 19:11:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

MCADAM, N.B. - The mayor of a small village in western New Brunswick says the earth - and residents' nerves - are calming down following a recent swarm of earthquakes. McAdam Mayor Frank Carroll says that while the area is still experiencing tremors, they are nowhere near the strength of a 3.

Hautes-Alpes : mort d'une randonneuse à ski, ensevelie dans une avalanche

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:28:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

Alors qu'elle skiait hors piste en compagnie d'une vingtaines de membres du Club alpin français d'Albertville (Savoie), une femme de 59 est décédée ce mardi après-midi après avoir été ensevelie dans une avalanche à Ceillac, dans le massif du Queyras (Hautes-Alpes).

Venture capital firm pays the price for 'free' labor - CNET

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:28:00 +0100cnet (en)

Fenox Venture Capital must pay back wages and damages of more than $331,000, according to the US Labor Department. David Hitch/Illustration Works/Corbis. At the end of 2014, a founding partner of a Silicon Valley venture capital firm seemed to make a generous donation, giving the proceeds of his....

Noynoy’s sendoff

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:21:00 +0100thestandard-ph (en)

Apparently, the Yellows have learned their lesson from the last time the faithful held a similar send of f-cum-anniversary in 1992, when Cory Aquino was bidding adieu to the presidency. And they don’t want a repeat of that sad non-event. When Cory was about to leave, a lot of the goodwill that had....

Backyard observatory brings the cosmos to Pearl River

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 16:24:00 +0100nola (en)

Between Jan. 22 and Feb. 10, backyard stargazers were treated to a special display: for the first time in more than 10 years, the five planets closest to Earth — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter — could be viewed together by the naked eye in the early morning sky.

No radiation found in B.C. fish after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 16:05:00 +0100vancouversun (en)

Nearly five years after a massive earthquake resulted in the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, researchers in B.C. have found no detectable levels of contamination in fish along the West Coast. Contamination in fish had been expected to increase, as levels for radioisotopes cesium-134 and 137 are....

How a venture capital firm almost got away with slave labor

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 15:41:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Fenox Venture Capital must pay back wages and damages of more than $331,000, according to the US Labor Department. David Hitch/Illustration Works/Corbis. At the end of 2014, a founding partner of a Silicon Valley venture capital firm seemed to make a generous donation, giving the proceeds of his....

How a venture capital firm almost got away with slave labor - CNET

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 15:27:00 +0100cnet (en)

The US Department of Labor busted a venture capital firm for misclassifying 56 employees as unpaid interns. Now, the firm must pay them back for three years of work. David Hitch/Illustration Works/Corbis. At the end of 2014, a founding partner of a Silicon Valley venture capital firm seemed to make....

Tornadoes Fast Facts

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:27:00 +0100cnn (en)

Most tornadoes move at less than 35 miles per hour. Most tornadoes last only a few minutes. The most destructive and deadly tornadoes occur from supercells, which are rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone. Supercells can also produce damaging hail, severe....

Jugadores de Huracán que sufrieron grave accidente carretero: "Vamos a volver"

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:26:00 +0100publimetro (es)

El Gráfico Chile. El pasado 10 de febrero el plantel de Huracán de Argentina sufrió un grave accidente carretero en Caracas, luego de que el bus que los trasladaba al aeropuerto cortara sus frenos dejando varios heridos, aunque los más complicados fueron Patricio Toranzo y Diego Mendoza.

Séisme: 4,6 sur l’échelle de Richter au large d’Al Hoceima et Nador

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:04:00 +0100aujourdhui (fr)

Une secousse tellurique d’une magnitude de 4,6 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter a été enregistrée mardi matin 23 février 2016 au large d’Al Hoceima et de Nador. Selon l’Institut national de géophysique ING, relevant du Centre national pour la recherche scientifique et technique (CNRST), la secousse a été enregistrée vers 08h46.

Terremoti: nuove prospettive per i sistemi di allerta tsunami

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 13:34:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 23 febbraio 2016) Secondo uno studio riportato sul sito “Airicerca”, l’associazione dei ricercatori italiani nel mondo, le metodologie già utilizzate per l’ allerta Terremoti possono fornire indicazioni sui tempi di arrivo ed ampiezza anche delle onde di tsunami .

JAPAN MONARCHY - Japanese prince turns 56, remembers those affected by 2011 tsunami

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 13:04:00 +0100efe (en)

Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito has used the occasion of his 56th birthday on Tuesday to remember those affected by the 2011 tsunami, ahead of the anniversary of the tragedy, which claimed the lives of 18,000 people in the northeast of the country. Naruhito told the press that both he and his wife,....

Encore une nouvelle secousse à Nador et Al Hoceima

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 12:53:00 +0100bladi (fr)

. 23 février 2016 - 12h05 - Maroc Un nouveau tremblement de terre de 4,6 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter s’est produit ce matin au large des villes d’Al Hoceima et Nador. D’après l’ Institut national de géophysique , la secousse s’est produite 08h46 heure marocaine.

LIGO prototype to come up near Chennai

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:58:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

Pr of essor Anil Prabhakar of IIT Madras electrical engineering department is one of six scientists from Chennai who will be actively involved in the setting up of the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) detector in India. He talks to TOI about the LIGO prototype that will be....

سفارة دولة الكويت في اليابان تحتفل بالأعياد الوطنية

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:29:00 +0100kuna (ar)

طوكيو - 23 - 2 (كونا) -- اقامت سفارة دولة الكويت في العاصمة اليابانية طوكيو احتفالا بمناسبة حلول الذكرى ال55 لعيد الاستقلال وال25 لعيد التحرير والعاشرة لتولي سمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح مقاليد الحكم. وحضر الحفل الذي اقيم مساء الاثنين جمع من كبار الوزراء والمسؤولين والعسكريين....

سفارة دولة الكويت في اليابان تحتفل بالأعياد الوطنية

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:16:00 +0100kuna-en (ar)

طوكيو - 23 - 2 (كونا) -- اقامت سفارة دولة الكويت في العاصمة اليابانية طوكيو احتفالا بمناسبة حلول الذكرى ال55 لعيد الاستقلال وال25 لعيد التحرير والعاشرة لتولي سمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح مقاليد الحكم. وحضر الحفل الذي اقيم مساء الاثنين جمع من كبار الوزراء والمسؤولين والعسكريين....

For some Fukushima mothers, protecting children from radiation comes at heavy price

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 10:55:00 +0100ajw (en)

Three-and-a-half years after fleeing to central Japan, a mother received a package from her husband who had opted to remain at their home in Fukushima Prefecture despite the nuclear disaster. From Tamura, about 35 kilometers west of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the father sent snacks for the couple’s two children.

Crown prince turns 56 by paying tribute to his parents

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 10:55:00 +0100ajw (en)

Crown Prince Naruhito marked his 56th birthday by expressing his admiration for his parents, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and their fervent quest for world peace while paying tribute to those who died in World War II. The heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne also talked about the lives of people....

Schlieren Bald liegen Chilenen in den «Limmi»-Betten 23.2.2016 um 10:21 Uhr

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 10:45:00 +0100azonline (de)

Es kommt nicht alle Tage vor, dass ein Sattelschlepper mit einem Seefrachtcontainer vor dem Spital Limmattal vorfährt und der chilenische Botschafter aus Bern anreist, um beim Verladen von ausgedienten Spitalbetten mit anzupacken. 90 Betten, die nicht mehr den Schweizer Anforderungen entsprechen,....

Abe promete crear "una nación fuerte" en vísperas del aniversario de tsunami

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 09:46:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, se comprometió hoy a promover "una nación fuerte ante los desastres" ante la celebración de una ceremonia por el quinto aniversario del terremoto y tsunami que causaron 18.000 muertos en el país. En un comunicado difundido hoy por su of icina para anunciar el....

Abe promete crear "una nación fuerte" en vísperas del ...

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 09:20:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

El primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, se comprometió hoy a promover "una nación fuerte ante los desastres" ante la celebración de una ceremonia por el quinto aniversario del terremoto y tsunami que causaron 18.000 muertos en el país. En un comunicado difundido hoy por su of icina para anunciar el....

02/23 14:45 Taiwanese students win iF design award

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 08:22:00 +0100focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, Feb. 23 (CNA) A tsunami warning system and an orientation system designed by students at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology have won design prizes at the 2016 iF Public Value Student Award in Germany. The tsunami warning system, dubbed "Right Way," is a roadside sign system....

Crown Prince turns 56, hopes Tohoku can recover soon, says wife is improving

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 08:08:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Crown Prince Naruhito, ahead of his 56th birthday Tuesday, said he and Crown Princess Masako hope residents of the Tohoku region will recover from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami and rebuild their lives as soon as possible. “I have pain in my heart for the fact that a number of people are still living in severe conditions.

Japanese Prince Turns 56, Remembers Those Affected by 2011 Tsunami

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:59:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito has used the occasion of his 56th birthday on Tuesday to remember those affected by the 2011 tsunami, ahead of the anniversary of the tragedy, which claimed the lives of 18,000 people in the northeast of the country.

MOP: reconstrucción por 27/F concluirá en 2018 y aún falta ejecutar $ 13 mil millones

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:53:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

A casi seis años del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010, la reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas está casi terminada, según el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, que cifró en $ 151 mil millones los montos gastados a la fecha en esta materia y a los que se sumarán otros $ 4.

National › Crown prince turns 56; hopes disaster-hit area can recover soon

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:52:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. Crown Prince Naruhito, ahead of his 56th birthday on Tuesday, said he and Crown Princess Masako hope residents of northeastern Japan, hit hard by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, will be able to rebuild their lives as soon as possible. “I have pain in my heart for the fact that a number of people are still living in severe conditions.

Ethiopia faces severe drought and food aid may soon run out, rekindling memories of 1984 famine

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 06:53:00 +0100scmp (en)

Ethiopia is in the grip of a devastating drought sparked by the worst El Niño in a generation, and aid agencies warn that food aid could run out as soon as May. Unlike in the past, the government and aid groups have kept food shipments flowing to areas ravaged by drought in recent months.

Fukushima governor dismayed at cancellation of Seoul promotional event

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 06:34:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Fukushima Gov. Masao Uchibori expressed regret Monday over the cancellation of an event that the Foreign Ministry had planned to hold in Seoul over the weekend to promote recovery in Tohoku after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. “I know that it will take time to eliminate the unfavorable....

Tlemcen: Les pompiers parés contre les feux de forêts

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 06:16:00 +0100lequotidien-oran (fr)

La protection civile de la wilaya de Tlemcen s'est équipée en ce début d'année de cinq nouveaux camions-citernes de 6 000 et 12 000 litres et d'un fourgon d'incendie tout-terrain pour attaquer le feu en forêt mais aussi en zone industrielle, a-t-on appris auprès du directeur de la protection civile de Tlemcen, le colonel Brahimi Belkacem.

News : Fiji: UN and Fijian Government assess needs in wake of ‘catastrophic’ Cyclone Winston [22/02/2016 - Fiji]

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 05:57:00 +0100pina (en)

The United Nations has begun its assessment of the needs for international assistance to the islands of Fuji, hit by a powerful tropical cyclone that left at least 21 people dead and more than 8,000 people sheltering in evacuation centres over the weekend.

Naruhito recuerda en su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:11:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 23 feb (EFE).- El príncipe heredero de Japón, Naruhito, ha querido recordar con motivo de su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011 en vísperas de que se cumplan cinco años de la tragedia que dejó 18.000 muertos y desaparecidos en el noreste del país.

Fiji storm: Death toll 29, massive reconstruction required (Updated Tuesday)

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:10:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

Vocabulary: activate : to make something such as a device or chemical process start working - กระตุ้น, ทำให้เกิดปฏิกริยาตอบสนอง. address : a formal speech - คำปราศรัย. admitted (verb) : agreed that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it - ยอมรับ. aid : help; assistance - ความช่วยเหลือ.

Fukushima Public Health Intact as Locals Suffer Mental Illness, Report Says

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 03:59:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – Radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant accident has not had any significant impact on the health of residents in proximity to the plant, says a report presented by Japanese health experts on Monday. The vast majority of citizens were exposed to very minor doses of radiation from the....

Tonga: Pilot Project for reducing vulnerability in Mo'unga'one underway

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 03:58:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

22nd February 2016 A Partnership Pilot Project is being implemented on the remote Ha'apai Island of Mounga'one by the Government of Tonga, through its Meteorology and Emergency Managements Departments, the Tonga Red Cross, the Secretariat of the Pacific Environmental Program (SPREP), the Government....

Evacuees from island wiped out by Winston traumatised

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 03:38:00 +0100rnzi (en)

Women and children from a small Fijian island directly hit by Cyclone Winston are recovering in Suva after their village was wiped out. Yacata island in Fiji's northern Lau Group took the brunt of the category 5 storm as it swept in on Saturday afternoon.

Naruhito recuerda en su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 03:04:00 +0100negocios (es)

Tokio, 23 feb.- El príncipe heredero de Japón, Naruhito, ha querido recordar con motivo de su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011 en vísperas de que se cumplan cinco años de la tragedia que dejó 18.000 muertos y desaparecidos en el noreste del país.

Naruhito recuerda en su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 02:47:00 +0100caracol (es)

El príncipe heredero de Japón, Naruhito, ha querido recordar con motivo de su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011 en vísperas de que se cumplan cinco años de la tragedia que dejó 18.000 muertos y desaparecidos en el noreste del país. El heredero al Trono del Crisantemo explicó, en....

Naruhito recuerda en su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 02:46:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El príncipe heredero de Japón, Naruhito, ha querido recordar con motivo de su 56 cumpleaños a los afectados por el tsunami de 2011 en vísperas de que se cumplan cinco años de la tragedia que dejó 18.000 muertos y desaparecidos en el noreste del país. El heredero al Trono del Crisantemo explicó, en....

UN relief chief concerned by impact of Tropical Cyclone Winston on Fiji

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 02:38:00 +0100sinacom (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Stephen O'Brien, the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, on Monday voiced his concern about "the devastating impact" on Fiji of Tropical Cyclone Winston, which has so far claimed at least 21 lives and affected hundreds of thousands of more people.

UN relief chief concerned by impact of Tropical Cyclone Winston on Fiji

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 02:08:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Stephen O'Brien, the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, on Monday voiced his concern about "the devastating impact" on Fiji of Tropical Cyclone Winston, which has so far claimed at least 21 lives and affected hundreds of thousands of more people.

A more sustainable approach is needed

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 02:01:00 +0100TheScotsman (en)

Farmland has an vital role to play in tackling flooding and climate change writes Pr of essor Davy McCracken. Farmland has an important role to play in tackling flooding and climate change. However, for it to do so effectively our farming systems will need to change significantly.

Severe weather including two twisters leaves wake of damage across South Florida

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 00:14:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

A fast-moving rush-hour storm roared through South Florida on Tuesday morning, spinning of f two tornadoes in South Florida and leaving a wide path of damage — from an overturned boat that trapped its owner to an apartment roof collapse. Combined with power outages and an accident on Interstate 95....

Un nuevo terremoto en el mar de Alborán de magnitud 5,1 se siente en Melilla

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 00:02:00 +0100rtve (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,1 con epicentro en sur del mar de Alborán se ha sentido en Melilla sobre las 04.45 horas de este lunes, según los datos del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. El movimiento sísmico se ha registrado a 74 kilómetros de la ciudad autónoma frente a la costa de la ciudad marroquí de Alhucemas.

Ethiopia faces severe drought, and food aid may soon run out

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 23:50:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Ethiopia is in the grip of a devastating drought sparked by the worst El Niño in a generation, and aid agencies warn that food aid could run out as soon as May. Unlike in the past, the government and aid groups have kept food shipments flowing to areas ravaged by drought in recent months.

Survivors tell their stories

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 23:34:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

SOME of the most harrowing tales of survival were told in Rakiraki yesterday of homes being uprooted from the floor, and hurricane force winds sweeping terrified and screaming families in the air before dumping them on the ground. Scared and sure that the hands of death was nigh, many still can't....

From earthquake write-off to award winning home for Christchurch couple

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 23:26:00 +0100Stuff (en)

With fancy renovations completed just weeks earlier, Daryl and Tara Hewitt were readying their beautifully reworked house for a home and garden tour. Then the February 2011 earthquake struck. Stone feature walls crashed through the five-level Christchurch hillside house.

Crown Prince turns 56, hopes disaster-hit Tohoku recovers soon, says wife getting better

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 23:22:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Crown Prince Naruhito, ahead of his 56th birthday on Tuesday, said he and Crown Princess Masako hope residents of northeastern Japan, hit hard by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, will be able to rebuild their lives as soon as possible. “I have pain in my heart for the fact that a number of people are still living in severe conditions.

Cyclone-hit Fiji disease outbreak risk

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 22:07:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

7:34 AM ANDREA HAMBLIN, TIFFANY KORSSEN and WES HOSKING LATEST: THE bus company involved in the horror South Melbourne bridge smash has defended covering up its name and logo at the crash scene, as footage emerges of the moment of impact. 7:34 AM ANDREA HAMBLIN, TIFFANY KORSSEN and WES HOSKING....

Cyclone-hit Fiji disease outbreak risk

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 21:19:00 +01009news (en)

Aid agencies fear there could be widespread disease outbreaks in cyclone ravaged Fiji with clean water supplies cut of f and thousands left homeless. CARE Australia spokeswoman Sarah Boxall says thousands of people are sheltering in overcrowded evacuation centres and are at increased risk of....

Linux Mint: Kriminelle verbreiten Linux-Version mit Hintertür

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 20:00:00 +0100zeit (de)

Hacker haben die Website von Linux Mint infiltriert und eine manipulierte Version des Betriebssystems verbreitet. Die betr of fenen Rechner werden Teil eines Botnetzes. Das Betriebssystem Linux Mint ist Windows sehr ähnlich und spricht daher vor allem Umsteiger an. Linux Mint ist nutzerfreundlich und die Oberfläche an Windows angelehnt .

Fiji reeling after devastating Cyclone Winston, among the strongest ever to strike land

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 19:51:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

A handout photo taken on Feb. 21, 2016 shows the damage to the settlement of Tavua on the main Fiji island of Viti Levu after the most powerful cyclone in Fiji’s history battered the Pacific island nation. The category five super-storm lashed the popular tourist destination overnight on February 20,....

Sismo de 6,1 afectó centro de Chile

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 19:44:00 +0100elaragueno (es)

Un temblor de 6,1 se registró la madruga de este lunes en el centro de Chile, según informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). El temblor “de mediana intensidad” se registró a las 03H37 hora local (06H37 GMT) en el mar a 75 km al oeste de la localidad de Tongoy, en la región de Coquimbo (465....

15:06 | Intendente dice que avance en Parque Fluvial de Constitución es de un 76%

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 19:31:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

El Vivimos la Noticia intendente de la región del Maule , Pablo Meza minimizó las críticas ante un supuesto “nulo avance” en construcción del Parque Fluvial de Constitución , asegurando que existe un adecuado ritmo de trabajo en la obra, que está diseñada para reducir el impacto de tsunamis e inundaciones.

Sismo de 6.1 grados afectó el centro de Chile

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 19:17:00 +0100elquetzalteco (es)

Un temblor de 6,1 grados se registró la madruga de este lunes en el centro de Chile, según informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). El temblor "de mediana intensidad" se registró en el mar a 75 km al oeste de la localidad de Tongoy, en la región de Coquimbo (465 km al norte de Santiago)....

FACTBOX - Cyclones: What are they and what is their impact?

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:47:00 +0100trust2 (en)

LONDON, Feb 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Fiji began a massive cleanup on Monday after one of the most powerful storms recorded in the southern hemisphere, Cyclone Winston, tore through the Pacific island nation, flattening remote villages and raising fears of a widespread health crisis.

Moderate earthquake shakes Spanish enclave of Melilla, northern Morocco

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:43:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

MADRID, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Spanish enclave of Melilla and the northern coast of Morocco were shaken by a magnitude-5.1 earthquake in the early hours of Monday morning, according to Spanish seismological authorities. The quake, happened at 4:46 a.m.

Sismo de magnitud 6,1 afectó el centro de Chile sin dejar heridos ni daños

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:39:00 +0100ntn24 (es)

Un temblor de 6,1 grados América Latina se registró la madruga de este lunes en el centro de Chile , según informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). Puede interesarle: Reportan daños materiales tras sismo de magnitud 5.8 en Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda El temblor "de mediana intensidad" se....

Facebook uses AI to map people's homes

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:32:00 +0100bbc (en)

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Facebook has used its AI tools to identify human-made structures in 20 countries. Facebook has announced it will make highly detailed maps of where it believes people are living available to the public later this year.

5. Un temblor de 6,1 grados sacudió la zona central de Chile

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:23:00 +0100losandes (es)

Un temblor de 6,1 grados se registró la madrugada de este lunes en el centro de Chile, según informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). El temblor "de mediana intensidad" se registró a las 03H37 hora local en el mar a 75 km al oeste de la localidad de Tongoy, en la región de Coquimbo, con....

Unicef: sempre più bimbi perdono la vita in mare

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:15:00 +0100varesenews (it)

Da settembre 2015 oltre 340 bambini sono annegati nel Mediterraneo orientale , in media 2 al giorno 19 febbraio 2016 – Da settembre 2015 in media due bambini al giorno hanno perso la vita in mare nel tentativo di attraversare con le loro famiglie il Mediterraneo orientale.

Autoroute Tétouan-Fnideq : L'ADM lève le péage

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:50:00 +0100menara (fr)

A cause de la coupure de la route nationale, la Société nationale des autoroutes du Maroc lève le péage sur la section autoroutière entre Tétouan et Fnideq. La Société nationale des autoroutes du Maroc (ADM) a annoncé qu'elle a procédé, samedi soir, à la levée du péage sur la section autoroutière....

Sismo de 6,1 grados en el centro de Chile no deja heridos ni daños

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:42:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Un temblor de 6,1 grados se registró la madruga de este lunes en el centro de Chile, según informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). El temblor "de mediana intensidad" se registró a las 03H37 hora local (06H37 GMT) en el mar a 75 km al oeste de la localidad de Tongoy, en la región de....

Sismo de 6.1 grados sacude centro de Chile sin dejar heridos ni daños

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:41:00 +0100elheraldo-HN (es)

. Chile, al encontrarse en el llamado cinturón de fuego, una zona de fuerte actividad sísmica, ha sido en los últimos años foco de fuertes terremotos El temblor 'de mediana intensidad' se registró a las 03H37 hora local (06H37 GMT) en el mar a 75 km al oeste de la localidad de Tongoy, en la región de Coquimbo.

Giappone, pozza d’acqua radioattiva in reattore nucleare a Takahama. Impianto dovrebbe riaprire a fine mese

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:41:00 +0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Kansai Electric Power ( Kepco ), utility giapponese che genera energia anche attraverso il nucleare, ha riferito sabato che i propri tecnici hanno rinvenuto una pozza d’acqua contaminata in un reattore che – dopo anni di stop – dovrebbe essere riavviato alla fine di febbraio .

Moderate earthquake shakes Spanish enclave of Melilla, northern Morocco

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 17:38:00 +0100sinacom (en)

MADRID, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Spanish enclave of Melilla and the northern coast of Morocco were shaken by a magnitude-5.1 earthquake in the early hours of Monday morning, according to Spanish seismological authorities. The quake, happened at 4:46 a.m.

More information

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