M 5.2 in Japan on 03 Mar 2016 07:11 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 219
Articles about casualties: 2 (0.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Recuerdan en Japón a víctimas del tsunami de hace 5 años

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:52:00 +0100televisa (es)

TOKIO, Japón, mar. 6, 2016.- Algunas localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde....

Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:44:00 +0100direktbroker (de)

Regensburg (ots) - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11. März 2011 vergangen, die zu Kernschmelzen im Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi geführt hatten. Und am 26. April jährt sich ...

اخبار عالمية

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:43:00 +0100sonara (ar)

2016-03-06 21:15:36. أكد رئيس الوزراء التركي، أحمد داود أوغلو، خلال زيارته إلى طهران ضرورة تطوير الرؤية المشتركة بين تركيا وإيران من أجل إنهاء الصراع الدائر في المنطقة. وأوضح أوغلو أن الخلاف بين البلدين حول الحرب في سوريا يكمن في أن... 2016-03-06 19:07:05.

Vos photos 2016

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:20:00 +0100arcinfo (fr)

1/214 - Cette semaine, le contraste et la diversité du temps est saisissante. Témoin lecteur 2/214 - Cette semaine, le contraste et la diversité du temps est saisissante. Témoin lecteur 3/214 - Cette semaine, le contraste et la diversité du temps est saisissante.

Quelle: meedia.de, vor 3 Minuten veröffentlicht

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 04:58:00 +0100adhoc (de)

presseportal.de schreibt weiter: Regensburg (ots) - Der große Verlierer des Super-Samstags bei den Republikanern heißt Marco Rubio . Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zur US-Vorwahl: Rechtsaußen, von Thomas Spang. Der Wortführer der "Stop-Trump-Bewegung" ging in Louisiana, Kentucky und Kansas weit....

Milhares de japoneses continuam em abrigos temporários cinco após após tsunami

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 04:33:00 +0100destak (pt)

Milhares de pessoas retiradas de suas casas devido ao tsunami que arrasou o nordeste do Japão em março de 2011 continuam em abrigos temporários e muitas não regressarão aos locais onde viviam até 2021, informaram hoje as autoridades. Cerca de 59 mil pessoas de Iwate, Miyagi e Fukushima continuam a....

Milhares de japoneses continuam em abrigos temporários cinco após após tsunami

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 04:05:00 +0100cmjornal (pt)

Milhares de pessoas retiradas de suas casas devido ao tsunami que arrasou o nordeste do Japão em março de 2011 continuam em abrigos temporários e muitas não regressarão aos locais onde viviam até 2021, informaram hoje as autoridades. Cerca de 59 mil pessoas de Iwate, Miyagi e Fukushima continuam a....

Cinco anos após desastre, saiba como está a vida na região de Fukushima

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 03:13:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Três histórias ganharam um novo rumo há praticamente cinco anos. No dia 11 de março de 2011, o Japão foi atingido pelo maior terremoto da história do país. O epicentro foi no fundo do Oceano Pacífico e o tremor de nove graus provocou um tsunami com ondas de até 15 metros de altura.

Pacific Northwest is overdue for a devastating earthquake and tsunami, experts say

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:55:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Experts also say the seismic event has the potential to be the greatest natural disaster ever experienced in the country, displacing one million people. 'This would be like five or six Katrinas all at once, up and down from California to Canada, would be the closest thing I can think of,' Chris....

Drei Wochen vor dem hundertsten Jahrestag des Osteraufstands ...

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:45:00 +0100adhoc (de)

Dazu presseportal.de weiter: Regensburg (ots) - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11 . Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu Fukushima/Tschernobyl: Menschheit hat nichts gelernt, von Louisa Knobloch.

Fallecieron más de tres mil 400 afectados por radiaciones de Fukushima

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:39:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Autoridades japonesas situaron este domingo en tres mil 407 las víctimas mortales entre quienes sobrevivieron al accidente ocurrido en la planta electronuclear de Fukushima, el 11 de marzo de 2011. Esa es la cifra ofrecida por la Agencia de reconstrucción, encargada de recopilar datos sobre las....

Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu Fukushima/Tschernobyl: Menschheit hat nichts gelernt, von Louisa Knobloch

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:27:00 +0100finanznachrichten (de)

Regensburg (ots) - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11. März 2011 vergangen, die zu Kernschmelzen im Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi geführt hatten. Und am 26. April jährt sich die Atomkatastrophe von Tschernobyl zum 30.

Regensburg - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige ...

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 01:59:00 +0100adhoc (de)

Regensburg (ots) - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11 07.03.16 | 01:05 Uhr | 1 mal gelesen | presseportal.de Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu Fukushima/Tschernobyl: Menschheit hat nichts gelernt, von Louisa Knobloch.

Podemos espera que el PSOE puede negociar sin Ciudadanos

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 01:45:00 +0100rtve (es)

El Secretario de Organización de Podemos, Sergio Pascual, ha dicho que espera que el Partido Socialista pueda negociar a solas y no tenga que llevar de escudero a Ciudadanos. 17 feb 2016 Proyecto digital Memoria de vida, espacio alojado de forma permanente en RTVE.

Blumen killen, süsse Monster verkloppen oder vielleicht ...

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 00:25:00 +0100adhoc (de)

aktiencheck.de schreibt: Regensburg - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11 . Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu Fukushima/Tschernobyl: Menschheit hat nichts gelernt, von Louisa Knobloch.

Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Kommentar zu Fukushima/Tschernobyl: Menschheit hat nichts gelernt, von Louisa Knobloch

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 00:05:00 +0100presseportal (de)

Regensburg (ots) - In diesen Wochen stehen gleich zwei traurige Gedenktage an: Fünf Jahre sind seit dem Erdbeben und Tsunami in Japan am 11. März 2011 vergangen, die zu Kernschmelzen im Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi geführt hatten. Und am 26. April jährt sich die Atomkatastrophe von Tschernobyl zum 30.

On assignment in Japan: 5 years on from Fukushima

Mon, 07 Mar 2016 00:01:00 +0100cnbc (en)

3/11. Or san ichi-nichi for short. Like saying 9/11 in the United States, it's a number that reminds Japan ese of one of the darkest days in their history. March 11, 2011, was a Friday. People were looking forward to the weekend. Children were about to flood out of schools for home. Then at 2:46 p.m. JST, a magnitude 9.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:38:00 +0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

إسلاميون وحزب الله الإرهابي.. يرون القذى ويُغمضون عن الجذع

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:36:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

(إنما أهلك من كان قبلكم كان إذا سرق فيهم الشريف تركوه وإذا سرق فيهم الضعيف أقاموا عليه الحدّ، والله لو أن فاطمة بنت محمد سرقت لقطعت يدها) هذا الخطاب المحمدي لم يكن خطاباً شرعياً فحسب بل كان خطاباً يرسم الدورة الحضارية السننية في التعامل مع الظلم والإجرام والقتل؛ ولذا قال الأئمة الأعلام: إن دول الكفر....

National › 'High-tech' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:27:00 +0100japantoday (en)

Fujimi ( Japan ) (AFP) Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the....

National › Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:27:00 +0100japantoday (en)

OKUMA. Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

’11 Tohoku disaster-displaced to remain in shelters up to 10 years, study finds

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:22:00 +0100japantimes (en)

SENDAI – Some of the people affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan will have to stay in temporary housing up to 10 years after the disaster, a Kyodo News survey found Sunday. Around 59,000 people, many of whom are elderly, were still living in the prefabricated makeshift housing....

Fukushima-Tsunami 5 Jahre nach der Katastrophe

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:19:00 +0100bild (de)

Fukushima ( Japan ) – Wo vor fünf Jahren Trümmerberge von einer der schlimmsten Katastrophen in der jüngsten Geschichte der Menschheit zeugten, schmiegen sich wieder asphaltierte Straßen und schmucke Reihenhäuser in die Landschaft. Am 11. März 2011 traf ein verheerender Tsunami die Ostküste Japans,....

VIDEO : Actrițele Florina Cercel, Adela Mărculescu și Rodica Popescu-Bitănescu au primit câte o stea pe Aleea Celebrităților

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 23:18:00 +0100monitorulvn (ro)

Actrițele Florina Cercel, Adela Mărculescu și Rodica Popescu-Bitănescu au primit, sâmbătă, câte o stea pe Aleea Celebrităților, din Piața Timpului din București. "Întotdeauna am dăruit, prin puterea mea de creație, dragoste, respect și multă, multă recunoștință publicului, care a umplut sălile de....

Mueren más de tres mil personas sobrevivientes a catástrofe de Fukushima

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:50:00 +0100radiohc (es)

La Habana, 6 mar (RHC) El gobierno de Japón informó este domingo la muerte, hasta el momento, de 3 407 personas que sobrevivieron al accidente nuclear de Fukushima el 11 de marzo de 2011. Esa es la cifra emitida por la Agencia de Reconstrucción, encargada de recopilar datos sobre las muertes....

Fukushima 'dark tourism' serves to aid process of ...

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:49:00 +0100khaleejtimes (en)

Shinichi Niitsuma enthusiastically shows visitors the attractions of the small town of Namie: its tsunami-hit coastline, abandoned houses and hills overlooking the radiation-infested reactors of the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant. Five years after the nuclear disaster emptied much of Japan 's....

Fukushima ist eine Katastrophe ohne Ende

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:30:00 +0100Tagespiegel (de)

zurückgekehrt. Etwa 100 000 Menschen leben weiterhin in Notunterkünften. Einige von ihnen haben Smital berichtet, dass die Regierung angekündigt habe, vom kommenden Jahr an eine Rückkehr in die Sperrgebiete zuzulassen. Das hat nach Smitals Informationen für die Betroffenen vor allem eine Konsequenz:....

Barnacles make Pacific's plastic trash inviting home, could hitch a ride to Monterey Bay

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:13:00 +0100mercurynews (en)

A torrent of plastic flows into the ocean. Scientists estimate 8 million tons wash into the sea globally each year. But the researchers think much of their plastic may have come from Japan . The country's devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011 swept more than a million tons of debris into....

Mueren más de tres mil 400 personas sobrevivientes de Fukushima

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 20:38:00 +0100correodelorinoco (es)

La Agencia de reconstrucción confirmó que mil 876 personas perdieron la vida dentro de los tres meses posteriores a la catástrofe. Autoridades japonesas situaron este domingo en tres mil 407 las víctimas mortales entre los que sobrevivieron al accidente nuclear de Fukushima del 11 de marzo de 2011.

Sobreviventes da tragédia nuclear de Fukushima podem ficar até 10 anos sem ter onde morar

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 20:15:00 +0100noticias-r7 (pt)

Podem ser necessários mais cinco anos para transferir os desabrigados pela tragédia nuclear de Fukushima, no Japão, dos centros de acolhimento onde vivem até hoje para moradias permanentes. Atualmente, 59 mil pessoas estão abrigadas em estruturas pré-fabricadas para receber os desalojados pela catástrofe de 11 de março de 2011.

15:36 | Caso Tsunami: Acuerdo entre Fiscalía e imputados impedirá conocer testimonio de Bachelet

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 20:05:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

caso Tsunami , para evitar ir a un juicio oral, impedirá conocer testimonios en estrado, como la declaración de la presidenta, Michelle Bachelet. Las condiciones para aplicar la suspensión condicional del procedimiento incluyen pedir perdón, no reincidir por un año y pagar compensaciones económicas....

Buoy tidak Lagi Memasok Data Sejak 2011, kehadiran buoy tidak dirasakan dalam sistem peringatan dini tsunami di Sumatra Barat. 0 ... 7 Maret 2016, 01:35 WIB

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 19:39:00 +0100MediaIndonesia (id)

DUA perangkat pendeteksi tsunami alias buoy di Sumatra Barat sejak 2011 sudah tidak memasok data ke Stasiun Geofisika, Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika Padangpanjang. Kepala Stasiun Geofisika Padangpanjang Rahmat Triyono pun menganggap buoy itu sudah hilang.

5 Earthquake Time Bombs Which Could Devastate America

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 18:36:00 +0100dailycaller (en)

This earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the Pacific Northwest called Cascadia in a massive magnitude 9.0 earthquake which would also spawn an enormous tsunami. The question isn’t if, it is when. In 2011, Japan was devastated by the Mag. 9.0 Japanese Tohoku earthquake.

Only a matter of time: The disaster awaiting Pacific Northwest

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 16:53:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

March 6, 2016, 10:32 AM Five years ago a 9.0 mag earthquake and tsunami devastated eastern Japan in 2011, and scientists say it's a question of when, not If, it happens here in the Pacific Northwest; research shows the region is overdue for a major quake.

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami recordam tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 16:47:00 +0100diariodonordeste (pt)

Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram hoje (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março de 2011 , dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata, onde o desastre deixou quase 2 mil mortos , cerca de cem pessoas, sendo a maioria familiares das vítimas, se juntaram em um memorial.

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami recordam cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 16:19:00 +0100ne10 (pt)

Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram neste domingo (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março de 2011, dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata, onde o desastre deixou quase 2 mil mortos, cerca de cem pessoas, sendo a maioria familiares das vítimas, se juntaram em um memorial.

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami lembram cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 16:13:00 +0100otempo (pt)

Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram neste domingo (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março de 2011, dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata, onde o desastre deixou quase 2 mil mortos, cerca de cem pessoas, sendo a maioria familiares das vítimas, se juntaram em um memorial.

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami recordam cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:54:00 +0100radioagencianacional (pt)

Estudantes visitam monumento em Rikuzentakata, onde mais de 2 mil pessoas morreram depois de um terremoto seguido por tsunami, há cinco anos Kimimasa Mayama/EPA/Agência Lusa. Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram hoje (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março....

Cinco anos depois, japoneses recordam tsunami

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:51:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram hoje (6) as vítimas do terremoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março de 2011, dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata, onde o desastre deixou quase 2 mil mortos, cerca de cem pessoas, sendo a maioria familiares das vítimas, se juntaram em um memorial.

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami recordam cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:37:00 +0100jconline (pt)

Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram neste domingo (6) as vítimas do terremoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março de 2011, dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata, onde o desastre deixou quase 2 mil mortos, cerca de cem pessoas, sendo a maioria familiares das vítimas, se juntaram em um memorial.

Cidades atingidas por tsunami recordam cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:34:00 +0100bemparana (pt)

Estudantes visitam monumento em Rikuzentakata, onde mais de 2 mil pessoas morreram depois de um terremoto seguido por tsunami, há cinco anos (foto: Kimimasa Mayama/EPA/Agência Lusa) Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram nesta sexta-feira (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a....

Cidades japonesas atingidas por tsunami recordam cinco anos da tragédia

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:17:00 +0100agenciabrasil (pt)

Estudantes visitam monumento em Rikuzentakata, onde mais de 2 mil pessoas morreram depois de um terremoto seguido por tsunami, há cinco anos Kimimasa Mayama/EPA/Agência Lusa. Algumas cidades do nordeste do Japão lembraram hoje (6) as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu a região em 11 de março....

Viewing Japan’s disaster town

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:07:00 +0100thestandard-ph (en)

Five years after the nuclear disaster emptied much of Japan ’s northeastern coast, tourism is giving locals of the abandoned town a chance to exorcise the horrors of the past. Like the Nazi concentration camps in Poland or Ground Zero in New York, the areas devastated by the Fukushima disaster have....

Fukushima, zone de non-droit qui attire encore quelques tristes touristes

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:03:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire ", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Temblor de Manabí también se sintió en Guayaquil

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:03:00 +0100cre (es)

El Instituto Geofísico (IG) en su cuenta de Twitter reportó un sismo de 5,5 grados a la escala de Richter, con epicentro en Jipijapa Provincia de Manabí y con una profundidad de 10,16 kilómetros. El temblor se sintió en algunas otras provincias del país.

Le «désespoir» de Fukushima, cinq ans plus tard

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 15:01:00 +0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a cinq ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Desvalijaron una casa y un tambo en Candioti

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:54:00 +0100derf (es)

Una casa de familia y un establecimiento agropecuario de Gobernador Candioti fueron saqueados en la última semana. Los delincuentes habrían aprovechado la noche de la tormenta para cometer uno de los robos. Fuentes policiales confirmaron este sábado que se encuentran trabajando en al menos dos....

Japón inicia los homenajes a las víctimas del terremoto de 2011

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:46:00 +0100rtve (es)

El 11 de marzo se cumplen 5 años del terremoto y el tsunami que devastaron el noreste de Japón. Una tragedia que costó 18.000 vidas y que dañó gravemente la central nuclear de Fukushima. Miles de personas fueron evacuadas debido a la radiación.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:33:00 +0100lavoixdunord (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Tokyo, la un pas de catastrofă nucleară în 2011

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:32:00 +0100digi24 (ro)

Tokyo a fost la un pas de catastrofă nucleară în urmă cu cinci ani din cauza dezastrului de la Fukushima. Este mărturia premierului japonez de atunci, care a declarat pentru publicaţia britanică The Telegraph că a fost la un pas de a evacua capitala cu cei 50 de milioane de locuitori ai săi.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:30:00 +0100nordeclair (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:05:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:04:00 +0100courrier-picard (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

En Japón comienzan las celebraciones en honor de las víctimas del tsunami en 2011

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 13:27:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Varias localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará durante esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 13:18:00 +0100izf (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5....

Japon. Plongée dans la zone de non droit autour de Fukushima

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 13:11:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Localidades niponas recuerdan a las víctimas del tsunami de hace cinco años

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 12:53:00 +0100UltimaHora (es)

En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.000 muertos, un centenar de personas, en su mayoría familiares de las víctimas, participaron en un memorial. En una playa de Kesennuma, en la prefectura de Miyagi, unos 50 residentes realizaron una ofrenda floral y....

Schools in disaster zones regroup as students decline

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 12:43:00 +0100japantimes (en)

SENDAI, KYODO – Parts of the Tohoku area hit hardest by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami now have fewer school-age children, creating pressure to close or consolidate schools, school board data suggests. The number of elementary and junior high school students in 42 of the hardest hit....

Volunteer became a hero in tsunami-hit town

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 12:06:00 +0100TorontoStar (en)

When a group of American high school students recently visiting Japan were asked to name the highlight of their trip, they didn’t mention sushi or the bullet train or the warm welcome they had received — although all those things had been great. ȁ#x201c;She’s so impressive,ȁ#x201d; said Carter....

JEZIVO PRIZNANJE BIVŠEG PREMIJERA: ‘Za dlaku smo izbjegli nuklearnu katastrofu i evakuaciju 50 milijuna ljudi’

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:49:00 +0100net (hr)

Naoto Kan bio je japanski premijer 2011. kada su posljedice potresa i tsunamija uništile nuklearku u Fukušimi. No, tek danas je poznat razmjer katastrofe koja je mogla uslijediti. U razgovoru za The Telegraph , povodom pete godišnjice prirodne katastrofe, Priznao je da je razmišljalo o evakuaciji....

10h52 - Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:48:00 +0100lamanchelibre (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Evacuees to remain in shelters up to 10 yrs after 2011 quake: survey

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:42:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

Some of the people affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan will have to stay in temporary housing up to 10 years after the disaster, a Kyodo News survey found Sunday. Around 59,000 people, many of whom are elderly, were still living in the prefabricated makeshift housing in Iwate,....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:40:00 +0100corsematin (fr)

Par Shingo ITO, Quentin TYBERGHIEN. Namie (Japon) (AFP) - "A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:34:00 +0100lamontagne (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:30:00 +0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

0 LIKES 0 TWEETS Actualités du monde Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:26:00 +0100ipreunion (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:18:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

En naviguant sur notre site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies et leur communication à des tiers, afin de vous offrir contenus et publicités liés à vos centres d'intérêt. Ok Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel,....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:17:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

"A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:10:00 +0100lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:07:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Namie (Japon) - "A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 11:06:00 +0100ladepeche (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Indonesia issues tsunami warning after massive 7.9

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:59:00 +0100timesofoman (en)

Indonesian rescue team officials prepare at their logistics warehouse in Padang, West Sumatra province on March 3, 2016, as they wait for updates from remote islands after a 7.8 magnitude, shallow undersea quake hit late on March 2 off Sumatra. AFP PHOTO Jakarta: Indonesia issued a tsunami warning....

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:55:00 +0100laprovence (fr)

Par Shingo ITO, Quentin TYBERGHIEN. Namie (Japon) (AFP) - "A part Tchernobyl, il n'y a pas d'autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l'horreur d'un accident nucléaire", se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon.

Fukushima: tristes touristes dans une zone de non-droit

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:54:00 +0100lepopulaire (fr)

Alors que les Japonais s'apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans sur la côte Pacifique de l'archipel, nombreux sont ceux qui désirent observer de leurs yeux ces lieux de mémoire que sont devenus le littoral ravagé par le tsunami et les environs de la centrale saccagée Fukushima Daiichi.

Japón recuerda a las víctimas del tsunami de hace cinco años

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 10:35:00 +0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

TOKIO. Algunas localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron hoy a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.

Dead honored by ceremonies before fifth anniversary of 3/11 calamity

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 09:42:00 +0100japantimes (en)

SENDAI – Those killed by the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Tohoku were remembered by residents and families Sunday in ceremonies held ahead of the fifth anniversary of the calamity. In Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, about 100 people mourned the dead and missing. “The calamity brought us sadness and regret.

Japão recorda vítimas do tsunami de 2011

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 09:19:00 +0100cmjornal (pt)

Algumas localidades do nordeste do Japão recordaram este domingo as vítimas do terramoto e tsunami que atingiu esta região a 11 de março de 2011, dias antes do quinto aniversário da catástrofe. Em Rikuzentakata (Iwate), onde o desastre causou quase 2.000 mortos, uma centena de pessoas, na sua maioria familiares das vítimas, participou num memorial.

Les tristes mais «nécessaires» touristes de Fukushima

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 08:33:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

«À part Tchernobyl, il n’y a pas d’autre lieu au monde que Fukushima pour voir l’horreur d’un accident nucléaire», se désole Shinichi Niitsuma, reconverti en guide touristique dans la zone sinistrée du nord-est du Japon. Alors que les Japonais s’apprêtent à commémorer le drame survenu il y a 5 ans....

Localidades niponas recuerdan a las víctimas del tsunami de hace cinco años

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 08:19:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 6 mar (EFE).- Algunas localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron hoy a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.

National › Victims remembered in ceremonies before 5th anniversary of 2011 disaster

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 07:56:00 +0100japantoday (en)

SENDAI. Local residents and families of those killed in the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan remembered the victims Sunday in ceremonies held ahead of the fifth anniversary of the disaster. In Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, about 100 people mourned for those who lost their lives in the calamity.

Localidades niponas recuerdan a las víctimas del tsunami de hace cinco años

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 07:52:00 +0100caracol (es)

Algunas localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron hoy a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.

Localidades niponas recuerdan a las víctimas del tsunami de hace cinco años

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 07:48:00 +0100negocios (es)

Tokio, 6 mar.- Algunas localidades del noreste de Japón recordaron hoy a las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami que golpearon esta región el 11 de marzo de 2011 días antes del quinto aniversario de la tragedia que se conmemorará esta semana. En Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, donde el desastre se causó con casi 2.

Victims remembered in ceremonies before 5th anniv. of 2011 disaster

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 07:10:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

Local residents and families of those killed in the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan remembered the victims Sunday in ceremonies held ahead of the fifth anniversary of the disaster. In Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, about 100 people mourned for those who lost their lives in the calamity.

los + online de la semana

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 06:51:00 +0100lahora (es)

Madre de argentina asesinada no cree en Serrano Gladys Steffani, madre de María José Coni, dijo que quiere encontrarse cara a cara con José Serrano, para decirle que no cree en su versión. Señales obscenas de Gerente de Bomberos El Gerente de Bomberos hizo una señal obscena a la multitud que....

Fukushima panse ses plaies cinq ans après le terrible tsunami

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 06:05:00 +0100journaldemontreal (fr)

Plus d’une centaine de personnes, dont des réfugiés de Fukushima, ont manifesté samedi à Tokyo pour demander au gouvernement d’agir. Le mouvement antinucléaire s’est fortement développé au Japon depuis le 11 mars 2011. Ce jour-là, un séisme de magnitude 9, le plus important jamais enregistré au....

Puchar ZPL – 2016: Krok w kierunku rozgrywek eliminacyjnych

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 05:54:00 +0100znadwilii (lt)

Koszykówka. Wyniki spotkań: RKL 53-38 Landwarów Polonus 72-73 Herbalife Suderwa Team 60-53 BC Drakonai TG Sokół 46-57 KSP Stare Troki 67-40 Tsunami LPK Liberna Gierwiaty 46-48 Skojdziszki Spo.Co 31-44 Awiżenie „TuneSquad” Tablica: Grupa A ( Drużyna, zwycięstwa, porażki): Irsana (3/0) KSP (3/1)....

Sismo de 5,6 sacude costa de Ecuador sin generar alerta de tsunami

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 05:39:00 +0100lapatilla (es)

Un sismo de 5,6 sacudió la noche de este sábado a la costa de Ecuador sin dejar víctimas ni daños materiales, al tiempo que las autoridades descartaron una alerta de tsunami. “Este sismo no reúne las características necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas ecuatorianas y la región insular”,....

اخبار عالمية

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 05:37:00 +0100sonara (ar)

2016-03-06 06:23:02. قال نائب وزير الخارجية الأمريكي أنتوني بلينكن، إن تطبيق نظام وقف إطلاق النار في سوريا، أدى إلى انخفاض في مستوى العنف بالبلاد، ما يشكل أساسا لاستئناف مفاوضات السلام. واضاف في حديث لصحيفة "بلومبيرغ" الأميركية أن نظام... 2016-03-05 21:51:45.

Greenpeace alerta sobre Fukushima

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 05:20:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

Leído 13 veces. Internacional La activista del grupo ecologista Greenpeace en Japón, Kendra Ulrich, alertó hoy que el programa gubernamental de descontaminación en Fukushima no tendrá efectos positivos. Después de cinco años de estudios, la organización no gubernamental concluyó que no terminará la....

Sismo de 5.6 grados sacude costa de Ecuador

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 05:11:00 +0100eleconomista-mx (es)

Un sismo de 5.6 grados de magnitud sacudió la noche de este sábado a la costa de Ecuador sin dejar víctimas ni daños materiales, al tiempo que las autoridades descartaron una alerta de tsunami. "Este sismo no reúne las características necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas ecuatorianas y....

Rosario en Multinoticias (5 de marzo 2016)

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 04:56:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Declaraciones de Rosario en Edición del Mediodía de Multinoticias Canal 4. 5 de Marzo del 2016: Muy buenas tardes, queridas Familias nicaragüenses; buenas tardes desde esta Sala Blanca donde nos reunimos a trabajar y a procurar servirles mejor. Aquí hacemos todas nuestras Sesiones de Búsqueda,....

Gobierno pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias y todas las rutas de trabajo

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 04:56:00 +0100el19digital (es)

La Coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Compañera Rosario Murillo, manifestó este sábado en una sesión especial del Gabinete Nacional, que el Gobierno Sandinista se mantiene pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias nicaragüenses y de todas las rutas de trabajo del Gobierno Sandinista.

¿Clientes fantasmas en Japón?

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 04:49:00 +0100caracol (es)

Después de casi cinco años del tsunami que devastó las costas de Japón, se ha dado a conocer nuevamente el misterio detrás del desastre natural, debido al estudio realizado por la socióloga Yuka Kudo, en el cual se indaga la presencia de fenómenos paranormales en las zonas que fueron más afectadas por el desastre natural que arrasó con más de 15.

Sismo de 5,6 grados sacude costa de Ecuador

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 03:27:00 +0100ABCDigital (es)

05 de Marzo de 2016 23:04 Sismo de 5,6 grados sacude costa de Ecuador. Por AFP QUITO. Un sismo de 5,6 grados de magnitud sacudió la noche de este sábado a la costa de Ecuador sin dejar víctimas ni daños materiales, al tiempo que las autoridades descartaron una alerta de tsunami.

Der Landessportbund befürchtet hohe Schäden durch die ...

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 03:24:00 +0100adhoc (de)

dpa.de schreibt: Jakarta (dpa) - Auf den Mentawai-Inseln vor Indonesien hat es nach dem starken Erdbeben vom Mittwoch mindestens zwei größere Nachbeben gegeben . Nachbeben erschüttern Inseln vor Indonesien. Wie schon am Vortag seien jedoch keine Schäden verzeichnet worden, berichtet die für die Region zuständige Behörde für Katastrophenschutz.

In 2011, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami destroyed ...

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 01:06:00 +0100adhoc (en)

foxsports.com schreibt dazu weiter: Live: Leicester look to pull five clear with win at Watford . Live: Leicester look to pull five clear with win at Watford. weiterlesen ... washingtonpost.com meldet: This story is developing NEW ORLEANS — The 2016 election pressed forward Saturday as voters began....

5 Jahre Fukushima – Fragen und Antworten

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:59:00 +0100sonnenseite (de)

06.03.2016 5 Jahre Fukushima Fragen und Antworten Fünf Jahre nach dem schwerwiegenden Unfall im Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Dai-ichi hat das Öko-Institut Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen zum Unfallhergang, dessen heutiger Bewertung sowie zur aktuellen Lage in Fukushima zusammengestellt. Fukushima vor fünf Jahren und heute.

Gobierno pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias y todas las rutas de trabajo

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:37:00 +0100nuevaya (es)

La Coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Compañera Rosario Murillo, manifestó este sábado en una sesión especial del Gabinete Nacional, que el Gobierno Sandinista se mantiene pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias nicaragüenses y de todas las rutas de trabajo del Gobierno Sandinista.

Groundbeaking new martial arts venture for Tullamore

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:10:00 +0100offalyexpress (en)

THE locality of Tullamore is set to benefit from a groundbreaking new venture in Martial Arts and Training when this September The Midlands Martial Arts and Training Centre opens its doors. The venture is a completely non-profit enterprise which will provide a purpose built facility for all Martial....

فجوات مصرية تفاقم الأزمة الشبابية

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:07:00 +0100daralhayat (ar)

على وقع الشعور المعمق والمؤلم بالخذلان في أعقاب ثورتين شعبيتين شارك بقوة في صناعتهما، يصارع شباب مصر هذه الأيام فجوات ثلاثاً، تنذر بتحول تلك الفئة العمرية الضاربة التي تشكل نسبة 60 في المئة من سكان مصر، من نعمة يمكن أن تشكل قوة جبارة تدفع باتجاه بناء مجتمع أفضل، وأمواج هادرة تزج بمصر نحو الأمام....

National › Areas hit hard by 2011 disaster threatened by loss of students

Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:00:00 +0100japantoday (en)

SENDAI. Areas of northeastern Japan hit hardest by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami now have fewer school-aged children, creating pressure to close or consolidate schools, school board data gathered by Kyodo News suggested Saturday. The number of elementary and junior high school students in 42....

Declaraciones de Rosario Murillo (05/03/2016) (Texto íntegro)

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 23:51:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Muy buenas tardes, queridas Familias nicaragüenses; buenas tardes desde esta Sala Blanca donde nos reunimos a trabajar y a procurar servirles mejor. Aquí hacemos todas nuestras Sesiones de Búsqueda, Reflexión, y Compromiso de Prácticas que eleven nuestra Capacidad de Trabajo para fortalecer esas....

"Bilo je za dlaku, u zadnji smo tren izbjegli kataklizmu i evakuaciju Tokija!"

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 23:48:00 +0100monitor (hr)

Bivši japanski premijer Naoto Kan, koji je dužnost predsjednika vlade obnašao u vrijeme katastrofalnog potresa koji je prije pet godina izazvao razorni tsunami otkrio je dosad nepoznate i šokantne detalje drame koja je nastala nakon udara plimnog vala.

'U zadnji tren smo izbjegli katalizmu i evakuaciju Tokija'

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:45:00 +010024sata (hr)

Naoto Kan, bivši japanski premijer je otkrio za Daily Telegraph kakve je dramatične trenutke zemlja zapravo proživljavala tijekom tragedije u Fukushimi . Kan je rekao da su za dlaku izbjegli nuklearnu kataklizmu koja bi zahtijevala evakuaciju 50 milijuna ljudi.

Gobierno pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias y de las demás rutas de trabajo

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 22:44:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

La Coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Compañera Rosario Murillo, manifestó este sábado en una sesión especial del Gabinete Nacional, que el Gobierno Sandinista se mantiene pendiente de la tranquilidad de las familias nicaragüenses y de todas las rutas de trabajo del Gobierno Sandinista.

'Robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:31:00 +0100khaleejtimes (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Brugg-Windisch Hartnäckige Atomkraftgegner bereiten sich auf 1000. Mahnwache vor 5.3.2016 um 05:45 Uhr

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:20:00 +0100azonline (de)

Zum fünften Mal jährt sich die Katastrophe von Fukushima: Am 11. März 2011 kam es in den Reaktorblöcken des japanischen Atomkraftwerks – nach einem Erdbeben und der folgenden Überflutung durch einen Tsunami – zu Kernschmelzen. Radioaktives Material wurde freigesetzt. Mit der 1000.

L'Hymne anti-nucléaire du dernier fermier de Fukushima – 7 à la Une

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:04:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

François Mazure est retourné au Japon dans les zones interdites de Fukushima. Il est parti à la recherche d’un homme qui l’avait accueilli avec son caméraman Garry Wantiez après la catastrophe. Il raconte ses retrouvailles avec Yasami Yoshizawa, le dernier fermier de Fukushima, un homme qui a....

اليابان: 3400 ناج من زلزال 2011 توفوا لأسباب صحية

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:36:00 +0100petra (ar)

طوكيو 5 اذار (بترا)-ذكرت الحكومة اليابانية أن أكثر من 3400 من الناجين من زلزال وتسونامي عام 2011 توفوا بعدها لأسباب صحية سببها اضطراب المعيشة لفترة ممتدة. يذكر أن وكالة إعادة البناء اليابانية، تجمع بيانات كل ستة أشهر حول الوفيات المتصلة بالكارثة وما أعقبتها من حادثة نووية في شمال شرق اليابان.

Animales y plantas sufren mutaciones tras desastre de Fukushima

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:15:00 +0100ElComercio (es)

En un comunicado, la organización evidenció el impacto medioambiental en la zona, donde científicos han constatado "altas concentraciones de radiación en hojas nuevas de cedros y en el polen", además de "mutaciones de crecimiento en árboles como el abeto".

Vor fünf Jahren kam die See

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:04:00 +0100diepresse (de)

Trauriges Finale, aber kein Schlussstrich. Schweigend verbrennen Frauen und Männer in der nordostjapanischen Stadt Sendai Schulranzen, Rucksäcke, Sporttaschen, Musikinstrumente. Drei Tage lang. Die Sachen waren nach dem Seebeben und dem folgenden Tsunami am 11.

La Madeleine: une belle fête pour dire «sayonara» à l’École japonaise

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 19:31:00 +0100lavoixdunord (fr)

L’école est finie. Au Japon en tout cas… Car l’année scolaire se termine fin mars et coïncide avec l’arrivée du printemps. Au Japon comme en France, on fête l’événement en réunissant élèves, professeurs, parents et proches autour d’un spectacle concocté pour l’occasion, et d’animations de kermesse.

Greenpeace alerta sobre radiactividad en Fukushima

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 19:19:00 +0100agn (es)

Prensa Latina. Tokio, 5 mar (PL) La activista del grupo ecologista Greenpeace en Japón, Kendra Ulrich, alertó hoy que el programa gubernamental de descontaminación en Fukushima no tendrá efectos positivos. Después de cinco años de estudios, la organización no gubernamental concluyó que no terminará....

Dalle sanatorie alla difesa dei maxi stipendi È la Finanziaria della restaurazione e dei privilegi

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 18:58:00 +0100247libero (it)

PALERMO - Tra i tetti e i sottotetti ecco spuntare di nuovo la Sicilia dei privilegi , delle varie caste che sembrava dovessero essere spazzate via dalla rivoluzione crocettiana. E invece, eccole lì le sacche del favore e dei vantaggi. Sostenute persino da questo governo che sembrava volerle archiviare nella storia a chiaroscuro dell'Isola.

Desvalijaron una casa y un tambo en Candioti

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 18:11:00 +0100derf (es)

Una casa de familia y un establecimiento agropecuario de Gobernador Candioti fueron saqueados en la última semana. Los delincuentes habrían aprovechado la noche de la tormenta para cometer uno de los robos. Fuentes policiales confirmaron este sábado que se encuentran trabajando en al menos dos....

Fukushima, 5 anni fa il disastro atomico

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:57:00 +0100lasicilia (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 5 MAR - A distanza di 5 anni dal triplice disastro di Fukushima, la zona di evacuazione attorno a quel che rimane della centrale nucleare rappresenta il 7% del territorio della prefettura: il governo di Tokyo ha speso 150 miliardi di dollari per la bonifica, ma l'area rimane ancora inospitale.

The world's best photographers show us ourselves

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:54:00 +0100nation-ke (en)

The photograph by Warren Richardson shows a father putting his young child through barbed wire in the dead of the night in an effort to cross over from Serbia into Hungary, in the European refugee crisis. One is left wondering just how bad the life they were living had to be to make them cross an ocean in such circumstances.

Dalle sanatorie alla difesa dei maxi stipendi È la Finanziaria della restaurazione e dei privilegi

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:46:00 +0100seranews (it)

PALERMO - Tra i tetti e i sottotetti ecco spuntare di nuovo la Sicilia dei privilegi , delle varie caste che sembrava dovessero essere spazzate via dalla rivoluzione crocettiana. E invece, eccole lì le sacche del favore e dei vantaggi. Sostenute persino da questo governo che sembrava volerle archiviare nella storia a chiaroscuro dell'Isola.

Dalle sanatorie alla difesa dei maxi stipendi È la Finanziaria della restaurazione e dei privilegi

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:41:00 +0100livesicilia (it)

PALERMO - Tra i tetti e i sottotetti ecco spuntare di nuovo la Sicilia dei privilegi , delle varie caste che sembrava dovessero essere spazzate via dalla rivoluzione crocettiana. E invece, eccole lì le sacche del favore e dei vantaggi. Sostenute persino da questo governo che sembrava volerle archiviare nella storia a chiaroscuro dell'Isola.

Desvalijaron una casa y un tambo en Candioti

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:40:00 +0100ellitoral (es)

El Litoral sucesos@ellitoral.com. Una casa de familia y un establecimiento agropecuario de Gobernador Candioti fueron saqueados en la última semana. Los delincuentes habrían aprovechado la noche de la tormenta para cometer uno de los robos. Fuentes policiales confirmaron este sábado que se....

Fukushima, 5 anni fa il disastro atomico

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:29:00 +0100virgilio-notizie (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 5 MAR - A distanza di 5 anni dal triplice disastro di Fukushima, la zona di evacuazione attorno a quel che rimane della centrale nucleare rappresenta il 7% del territorio della prefettura: il governo di Tokyo ha speso 150 miliardi di dollari per la bonifica, ma l'area rimane ancora inospitale.

Fukushima, 5 anni fa il disastro atomico

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:19:00 +0100ecodibergamo (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 5 MAR - A distanza di 5 anni dal triplice disastro di Fukushima, la zona di evacuazione attorno a quel che rimane della centrale nucleare rappresenta il 7% del territorio della prefettura: il governo di Tokyo ha speso 150 miliardi di dollari per la bonifica, ma l'area rimane ancora inospitale.

Fukushima, 5 anni fa il disastro atomico

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:05:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 5 MAR - A distanza di 5 anni dal triplice disastro di Fukushima, la zona di evacuazione attorno a quel che rimane della centrale nucleare rappresenta il 7% del territorio della prefettura: il governo di Tokyo ha speso 150 miliardi di dollari per la bonifica, ma l'area rimane ancora inospitale.

Alertan sobre elevada radioactividad en Fukushima

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:58:00 +0100granma (es)

La activista del grupo ecologista Greenpeace en Japón, Kendra Ulrich, alertó este sábado que el programa gubernamental de descontaminación en Fukushima no tendrá efectos positivos, dijo Prensa Latina. Después de cinco años de estudios, la organización no gubernamental concluyó que no terminará la....

Actriţele Florina Cercel, Adela Mărculescu şi Rodica Popescu-Bitănescu au primit câte o stea pe Aleea Celebrităţilor

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:00:00 +0100dcnews (ro)

. Actriţele Florina Cercel, Adela Mărculescu şi Rodica Popescu-Bitănescu au primit, sâmbătă, câte o stea pe Aleea Celebrităţilor, din Piaţa Timpului din Bucureşti. 'Întotdeauna am dăruit, prin puterea mea de creaţie, dragoste, respect şi multă, multă recunoştinţă publicului, care a umplut sălile de....

Inget asteroidhot nu – men en krock är bara en tidsfråga

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 16:00:00 +0100SVTSweden (sv)

Asteroiden har beräknats till cirka 30 meter i diameter. Beräkningarna av banan har lämnat ett mått av osäkerhet: 24.000 kilometer är det närmaste avståndet (mycket närmare oss än månens bana), men mer sannolikt är att det blir betydligt längre bort. – Vi vet att asteroiden är lite större än den som....

Explaining the unexplainable to children with ‘The Extraordinary Voyage of Kamome’

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:45:00 +0100japantimes (en)

This month marks the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. A number of books aimed at children and young adults have appeared in the ensuing years based on those tumultuous events. In “The Extraordinary Voyage of Kamome,” a bilingual picture book suitable for....

Tohoku is literally still waiting to move on

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:45:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Earlier this month, the NHK travel series, “Tsurube Toasts Families,” in which rakugo (traditional comic storyteller) performer Shofukutei Tsurube and a guest visit a town and talk to residents on an impromptu basis, went to some new communities in the area destroyed by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011.

Ce ascund blocurile în care locuiesc românii. Un specialist spune adevărul de care autoritățile se tem-exclusiv

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:30:00 +0100dcnews (ro)

Marius Marinescu, inginer constructor, a vorbit în exclusivitate pentru DC News despre efectele unui mare cutremur care va lovi în curând România. Specialistul a răspuns la două dintre cele mai importante întrebări ale oamenilor: când va fi următorul seism puternic și care vor fi consecințele sale?....

En fotos: así se ve Japón tras cinco años del terremoto y del tsunami

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:12:00 +0100noticias24 (es)

(Caracas, 05 de marzo. Noticias24).- El próximo 11 de marzo se cumplirán cinco años del terremoto y tsunami que desoló a Japón, que provocó la muerte de 16.000 personas y la desaparición de 2.500 más. La central de Fukushima Daiichi sufrió daños a causa de la gran ola que barrió la costa japonesa....

Actrițele Florina Cercel, Adela Mărculescu și Rodica Popescu-Bitănescu au primit câte o stea pe Aleea Celebrităților (FOTO/VIDEO)

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 15:05:00 +0100agerpres (ro)

"Întotdeauna am dăruit, prin puterea mea de creație, dragoste, respect și multă, multă recunoștință publicului, care a umplut sălile de teatru sau de cinematograf", a spus Florina Cercel, iar Adela Mărculescu a invitat la "aducerea unui gând pentru cei care nu mai sunt printre noi și care au format școala românească de teatru".

Earthquake upgrades completed at Temelín

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 14:49:00 +0100PraguePost (en)

Nuclear reactor should be ready for at least a 5 magnitude earthquake Energy company ČEZ was taken steps to upgrade earthquake protection at the Temelín nuclear reactor in South Bohemia. The final part of a Kč 20 million program was spending Kč 8 million on storage containers for heavy equipment, according to a statement on the ČEZ website.

Google mostra novas imagens antes e depois de maremoto de 2011

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 13:24:00 +0100dn (pt)

A catástrofe de 11 de março de 2011 causou mais de 18 mil mortos e desaparecidos e o pior acidente nuclear desde Chernobil. O serviço de cartografia digital do Google publicou esta semana novas imagens que mostram toda a costa nordeste do Japão antes e depois do maremoto de março de 2011.

3/11 evacuees and their supporters hold emotional ceremony in Tohoku

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 11:13:00 +0100ajw (en)

IWAKI, Fukushima Prefecture--Hundreds of people who were forced to evacuate their homes after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster gathered on a beach here March 5 with supporters to remember the day that transformed their lives. The event involving 800 or so people was held in the leadup to the fifth anniversary of the event on March 11.

Dorfen – Die nach dem schweren Erdbeben im Himalaya des ...

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 11:02:00 +0100adhoc (de)

dpa.de berichtet: Jakarta (dpa) - Auf den Mentawai-Inseln vor Indonesien hat es nach dem starken Erdbeben vom Mittwoch mindestens zwei größere Nachbeben gegeben . Nachbeben erschüttern Inseln vor Indonesien. Wie schon am Vortag seien jedoch keine Schäden verzeichnet worden, berichtet die für die Region zuständige Behörde für Katastrophenschutz.

زلزال يهز #جزيرة سومطرة الإندونيسية

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 10:23:00 +0100bab (ar)

كوالالمبور/ ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 3 .5 درجات على مقياس ريختر جنوب غربي جزيرة سومطرة في إندونيسيا اليوم. وأوضحت إدارة الأرصاد الجوية الماليزية أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 604 كيلومترات من جنوب غربي منطقة (سيبيروت) في إندونيسيا، و110,1 كيلومترات من جنوب غربي منطقة (بورت ديكسون) بولاية نغري سمبيلان الماليزية.

Fukushima - 05.03.2016 Fukushima: Die Zeit heilt nicht alle Wunden Fünf Jahre nach der Fukushima-Tragödie – Ein Besuch bei den Menschen in der japanischen Katastrophenregion:

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 10:05:00 +0100szon-de (de)

Fukushima: Die Zeit heilt nicht alle Wunden Die Verzweiflung der Überlebenden war groß: Am 11. März 2011 hatte ein Tsunami im Nordosten Japan s Zerstörungen von unvorstellbarem Ausmaß angerichtet. Etwa 16 000 Menschen starben. Das Bild vom 15. März 2011 zeigt eine Explosion im Atomkraftwerk von Fukushima.

زلزال بقوة 3ر5 درجات يضرب جنوب غربي جزيرة سومطرة الإندونيسية

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 09:47:00 +010026sep (ar)

السبت 05 مارس - آذار 2016 الساعة 11 صباحاً / 26 سبتمبرنت: متابعات هز زلزال بلغت قوته 3ر5 درجات على مقياس ريختر منطقة جنوب غربي جزيرة سومطرة في إندونيسيا اليوم. وأفادت إدارة الأرصاد الجوية الماليزية أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 604 كيلومترات من جنوب غربي منطقة ( سيبيروت ) في إندونيسيا، و 110,1....

National › Marine life still hitchhiking on tsunami debris 5 years later

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 08:31:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. As debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in northeast Japan wended its way over the Pacific Ocean’s currents, concerns about potential radioactive contaminants following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster briefly gripped residents of Hawaii and North America’s west coast.

Hadal zone: Ten things you never knew about the ocean's deepest places

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 08:01:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

The ocean is deep. In fact, most of it is deep. Officially anything deeper than just 200 metres is considered the "deep sea", but the average depth of the entire ocean is about 3.5km and the deepest point – the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, in the western Pacific – is a little short of 11km down.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions AFP

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:41:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 05:15:00 +0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Takayuki Ueno, 43, who lost his parents, daughter and son in the March 11, 2011 tsunami, stands in front of his house that was damaged by the disaster in Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan , February 15, 2016. Survivors exposed themselves to high levels of radiation five years ago while....

Japon: au pays des robots, les chiens renifleurs ont encore du sens

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 04:07:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

Terre de nombreux séismes, le Japon imagine depuis des années confier aux robots des tâches de sauvetage, mais pour l'heure, le meilleur capteur sensoriel reste peut-être encore la truffe d'un vrai chien, constate un chercheur. Équipé d'un mini-sac à dos plein d'équipements high-tech, l'épagneul....

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 00:43:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Sat, 05 Mar 2016 00:26:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

National › Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 22:38:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

No closure five years on

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 21:33:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

OKUMA, Japan - Takayu­ki Ueno did not hesitate to expose him­self to high radiati­on five years ago while searching for fami­ly members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika we­re found.

New Zealand: Christchurch re-born after five years

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 21:03:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

By Denis McClean. GENEVA, March 4, 2015: Five years after it was devastated by two major earthquakes, Christchurch, New Zealand, is continuing its transformation into one of the world’s most resilient cities with much to share with other urban centers on how to reduce disaster risk in an earthquake zone.

'Robo' dogs for rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 20:05:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Mutations seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 19:09:00 +0100ChinaPost (en)

TOKYO--Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Tohoku rises from the tsunami with an agricultural revolution

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 18:43:00 +0100euronews-en (en)

In this first episode of “Focus” Special Japan we discover how the Tsunami-struck region of Tohoku has begun to recover, five years after the disaster. Twenty thousand hectares of prime arable land were destroyed, but today new initiatives have spread around the region, which has seen a surge in....

‘Cyberdogs’ trained for quake missions in Japan

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 18:31:00 +0100taipeitimes (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack, but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Cinq ans après le tsunami, le Japon parie sur l'agriculture high-tech

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 18:08:00 +0100euronews-fr (fr)

Pour ce premier épisode de “Focus” Special Japon nous sommes allés dans la région de Tohoku, frappée par le tsunami il y a cinq ans. Une région en plein essor. Si 20 000 hectares de terre ont été détruits, aujourd’hui de nouvelles initiatives voient le jour, comme cette exploitation ultra-moderne,....

Japón apuesta por la tecnología punta agrícola cinco años después del tsunami

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 17:54:00 +0100euronews-es (es)

Cinco años después del devastador tsunami de Japón, la región más afectada Tohoku, en el noreste del país, vuelve a florecer, gracias a inovadores proyectos en la agricultura. No se lo pierda en unos momentos en “Focus” en Euronews. En este primer programa de “Focus” Especial Japón descubrimos cómo....

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 16:07:00 +0100iran-daily (en)

The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake off Japan 's northeastern coast sparked a massive tsunami that swamped cooling systems and triggered reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, AFP reported. Radiation spread over a wide area and forced tens of thousands of people....

Japan ‘robo’ dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 13:19:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

FUJIMI ( Japan ) — Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key....

A phone booth for contacting the dead; renewal after the tsunami; CM of the week: Brother

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 13:17:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Starting March 5 and airing every night for the next week, NHK will present a series of hour-long specials dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. Suffice to say that only NHK could produce the kind of detailed and comprehensive reports the anniversary deserves.

Japón: Greenpeace denuncia mutaciones en flora y fauna en Fukushima

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 12:30:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

En un comunicado publicado a través de su página web, la organización evidenció el impacto medioambiental en la zona, donde investigadores científicos han constatado "altas concentraciones de radiación en hojas nuevas de cedros y en el polen", además de "mutaciones de crecimiento en árboles como el abeto".

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 10:54:00 +0100geo-tv (en)

FUJIMI: Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of....

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 10:53:00 +0100tengrinews (en)

Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come, reports. AFP The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 10:09:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions AFP

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 09:26:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

Ten-year-old Gonta helped search for survivors after the 9.0 magnitude Japan ese earthquake and tsunami in 2011 -- back then he, like other rescue dogs, relied on their olfactory instincts to look for survivors but now a researcher says he has developed an idea that uses technology to augment nature....

Japon: au pays des robots, les chiens renifleurs ont encore du sens

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 09:24:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

L'épagneul breton Gonta, 10 ans et 14 kg, doté entre autres d'une caméra et d'une puce de localisation GPS avec transmission en temps réel, est pris en photo le 14 février 2016 lors d'une session d'eKAZUHIRO NOGI. Terre de nombreux séismes, le Japon imagine depuis des années confier aux robots des....

Japan: Japan's 2011 Disaster - 5th Anniversary

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:55:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Singapore, 2 March 2016 – At the launch of its 5th anniversary Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami photo exhibition today, the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) announced the concluding disbursement of the S$35.7M Japan Disaster Fund to six rehabilitation projects worth S$4M (~300 million yen), targeted....

RPT-Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:50:00 +0100reuters (en)

(Repeats with TV link) By Kiyoshi Takenaka OKUMA, Japan , March 4 Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Japon: au pays des robots, les chiens renifleurs ont encore du sens

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:47:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

Terre de nombreux séismes, le Japon imagine depuis des années confier aux robots des tâches de sauvetage, mais pour l'heure, le meilleur capteur sensoriel reste peut-être encore la truffe d'un vrai chien, constate un chercheur. Équipé d'un mini-sac à dos plein d'équipements high-tech, l'épagneul....

Fukushima : l’art au service de la mémoire

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:27:00 +0100le-perche (fr)

Mortagne-au-Perche Fukushima : l'art au service de la mémoire Onze artistes se sont réunis, de façon spontanée et bénévole, afin de monter une exposition commune en mémoire de la tragédie qui a touché Fukushima au Japon le 11 mars 2011. A découvrir du 11 au 28 mars à Mortagne. 01/03/2016 à 09:49 par nathalie.

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:20:00 +0100tribune (en)

JAPAN: Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

eNCA | Mutations, DNA damage in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:17:00 +0100enca (en)

TOKYO - Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:16:00 +0100phys (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, wearing a backpack providing a live video feed and GPS data for rescuers, search for survivors during a training session. Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:09:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

By Kiyoshi Takenaka. OKUMA, Japan (Reuters) - Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Google Maps: mira en 360 grados el antes y después del tsunami de 2011 02:00 hrs

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 08:03:00 +0100peru (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, de Google Maps , publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:52:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer dogs in saving lives when buildings collapse, such as in earthquakes or explosions. Ten-year-old Gonta helped search for survivors after the massive 9.

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:52:00 +0100thetimes-za (en)

The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake off Japan 's northeastern coast sparked a massive tsunami that swamped cooling systems and triggered reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Radiation spread over a wide area and forced tens of thousands of people from their homes....

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:36:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake off Japan 's northeastern coast sparked a massive tsunami that swamped cooling systems and triggered reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Radiation spread over a wide area and forced tens of thousands of people from their homes....

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:36:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer dogs in saving lives when buildings collapse, such as in earthquakes or explosions. Ten-year-old Gonta helped search for survivors after the massive 9.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:23:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer dogs in saving lives when buildings collapse, such as in earthquakes or explosions. Ten-year-old Gonta helped search for survivors after the massive 9.

Mutations, DNA damage in Fukushima forests - Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:07:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake off Japan 's northeastern coast sparked a massive tsunami that swamped cooling systems and triggered reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Radiation spread over a wide area and forced tens of thousands of people from their homes....

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:05:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

OKUMA, Japan : Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

The conservation group said its report relies largely on research published in peer-reviewed international journals.

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 07:00:00 +0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Tokyo: Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Japan ‘robo’ dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:56:00 +0100todayonline (en)

FUJIMI ( Japan ) — Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key....

Five years on, Fukushima parents continue search for lost children

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:55:00 +0100timesofmalta (en)

Closure has yet to come to parents still searching for their children five years after a triple disaster on Japan 's northeastern coast. In March 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake and towering tsunami tore through the area, triggering a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant nearby. Nearly 16,000 people were killed , and more than 2,500 left missing.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:51:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

Friday, 4 March 2016 | MYT 1:07 PM Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents. by kiyoshi takenaka OKUMA, Japan (Reuters) - Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that....

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:46:00 +0100reuters-af (en)

By Kiyoshi Takenaka OKUMA, Japan (Reuters) - Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:42:00 +0100reuters-uk (en)

OKUMA, Japan Kiyoshi Takenaka Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Mutations and DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests, says Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:42:00 +0100scmp (en)

Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Tohoku tsunami debris, some with invasive life, still turning up on North American West Coast

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:34:00 +0100japantimes (en)

When debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in northeast Japan first wended its over through the Pacific Ocean’s currents, concerns about potential radioactive contaminants from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant disaster briefly gripped residents of Hawaii and North America’s West Coast.

Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:32:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Conservation group Greenpeace warned on Friday that the environmental impact of the Fukushima nuclear crisis five years ago on nearby forests is just beginning to be seen and will remain a source of contamination for years to come. The March 11, 2011 magnitude 9.

Virtual reality gives drivers tsunami scenario

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 06:07:00 +0100ajw (en)

GAMAGORI, Aichi Prefecture--With the dark waters of a tsunami rapidly menacing, the “driver” punches the gas pedal to get away, but the rising deluge causes the engine to conk out. The hapless driver is trapped and can only listen to the sound of the onrushing water as it envelops the car.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:45:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

Japan - Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:45:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

Rescue workers make their way through a sea of debris as they search for victims of a tsunami in devastated Rikuzentakat on March 21, 2011. Photo: Reuters. Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors.

The Great Wall of Japan divides a country still reeling from 2011's earthquake

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:28:00 +0100smh (en)

But seawalls are dividing more than the ocean and the land as locals vow to learn from the lessons of 2011. "In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, the idea of protecting the land with giant structures became a kind of symbol," says Associate Professor Satoquo Seino of Kyushu University's school of engineering.

The Great Wall of Japan divides a country still reeling from 2011's earthquake

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:19:00 +0100brisbanetimes (en)

Seawall advocates point to the village of Fudai, where 3000 people escaped the perils of the mega tsunami thanks to a 15m wall and floodgates that were built – and largely ridiculed – in the 1970s. Yet, not only was Fudai spared the largest surge, but none of the new seawalls come close to reaching....

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 02:46:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

OKUMA, Japan Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 02:32:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

OKUMA, Japan (Reuters) - Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

Five years on, closure has yet to come to Fukushima parents

Fri, 04 Mar 2016 02:30:00 +0100reuters (en)

OKUMA, Japan Takayuki Ueno did not hesitate one moment to expose himself to high radiation five years ago while searching for family members swept away by the tsunami that triggered meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The bodies of his mother and daughter Erika were found.

National › NYC exhibition to open on Tohoku earthquake's 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 22:39:00 +0100japantoday (en)

This photo provided by Japan Society on March. 2, 2016, shows Ota Yasusuke's 2011, "Deserted Town," from a series on the abandoned animals of Fukushima, in an exhibit in New York marking the fifth anniversary of Japan's earthquake and tsunami. NEW YORK.

NARL unveils earthquake measures

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 19:07:00 +0100taipeitimes (en)

National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) has developed an earthquake disaster prevention system that can issue early warnings and assess damage when an earthquake occurs, in addition to a pre-disaster mitigation program that helps reinforce vulnerable school buildings. Following the Feb.

Shark attacks, shipwrecks, and earthquakes threaten global communications

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:31:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

On February 29th, network issues in Singapore and Malaysia were discovered, causing headaches for network administrators tasked with rerouting traffic and end users from service degradation. The culprit behind the issue was damage to the Asia Submarine-cable Express (ASE) system, which connects Japan to the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Shark attacks, shipwrecks, and earthquakes threaten global communications

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:28:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

On February 29th, network issues in Singapore and Malaysia were discovered, causing headaches for network administrators tasked with rerouting traffic and end users from service degradation. The culprit behind the issue was damage to the Asia Submarine-cable Express (ASE) system, which connects Japan to the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

A townhouse may be pricey, but the pros include a unique ...

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 14:59:00 +0100adhoc (en)

Meldung von nydailynews.com: An 85-year-old student psychologist is suing the city for age discrimination, the Daily News has learned . Woman, 85, says NYC Education Dept. fired her for being old. weiterlesen ... Dazu voanews.com: Following a string of wins on Super Tuesday, former Secretary of....

Drones can offer the public sector a treasure trove of data: we can't just view them as a threat from the skies

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 14:44:00 +0100publictechnology (en)

Drones have got themselves a bad name as a “pest” of the air. Dutch police are training eagles to take down illegal drones, leading to interest from the Metropolitan Police; Japan uses unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAVs ) carrying nets to clear rogue drones; a US technology firm has started to sell a drone “death-ray” to airports.

FIVE YEARS AFTER: Google updates Street View images of tsunami-hit areas to show recovery

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 08:23:00 +0100ajw (en)

Images showing the current transition and recovery of disaster areas in the Tohoku region and elsewhere can now be viewed on Google Inc.’s Street View feature in its Google Maps online service. Google updated its Street View shots on March 2 for parts of Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki....

10 weird things you never knew about the ocean’s deepest places

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 07:05:00 +0100sciencealert (en)

This article was written by from the University of Aberdeen and was originally published by The Conversation. The ocean is deep. In fact, most of it is deep. Officially anything deeper than just 200 metres is considered the 'deep sea', but the average depth of the entire ocean is about 3.

World Briefs: Debris may be from Flight 370

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 06:22:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

WASHINGTON Debris that washed up in Mozambique has been tentatively identified as a part from the same type of aircraft as the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a U.S. official said Wednesday. Photos of the debris discovered over the weekend appear to show the fixed leading edge of the....

Google’s 360 Degree View of Japan, Before and After 2011 Tsunami

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 06:14:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – Google’s Street View service posted Wednesday new images displaying 360-degree views of the northwestern coast of Japan , before and after the tsunami that battered the country in March 2011. A few days before the 5th anniversary of the catastrophe, which left over 18,000 people dead and....

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 05:15:00 +0100direktbroker (en)

03.03.2016 - 04:23 Uhr NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary. NEW YORK (AP) — An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan's earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy.

5 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake: 'Drinkers alley' stands at crossroads

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 05:10:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

Tsueko Takahashi chats with a regular customer at her izakaya Tombo in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture. Photo: The Yomiuri Shimbun. KAMAISHI - A dozen bars from a district that was washed away by tsunami following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake are currently running in a temporary building in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture.

5 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake: School bag of a special little one

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 05:10:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

But it seems like there are more than just memories that are still haunting some people. Taxi drivers working near the affected areas have reportedly picked up "ghost passengers". Yuka Kudo, 22, a sociology student at Japan 's Tohoku Gakuin University discovered this as she interviewed over 100....

Following a string of wins on Super Tuesday, former ...

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 04:56:00 +0100adhoc (en)

Following a string of wins on Super Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a public rally Wednesday in New York City where she spoke of her "commitment to raise wages and break down the barriers that hold too many families back " Supporters queued in a line that coiled around New....

The United Nations is considering new measures to crack down ...

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 04:56:00 +0100adhoc (en)

The United Nations is considering new measures to crack down on sexual abuse by peacekeepers, including local prosecutions and registering personal details on blue helmets to make it easier to identify perpetrators, a U N 03.03.16 | 04:39 Uhr | 1 mal gelesen | So gefunden auf voanews.

FEATURE: Marine life still hitchhiking on tsunami debris 5 years later

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 04:02:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

As debris from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in northeast Japan wended its way over the Pacific Ocean's currents, concerns about potential radioactive contaminants following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster briefly gripped residents of Hawaii and North America's west coast.

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 03:14:00 +0100usnews (en)

An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan 's earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy This photo provided by Japan Society on March. 2, 2016, shows Ota Yasusuke's 2011, "Deserted Town," from a series on the....

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 03:13:00 +0100nzherald (en)

NEW YORK (AP) " An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan 's earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy. "In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11" opens March 11 at the Japan Society Gallery and runs through June 12.

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:24:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

NEW YORK (AP) — An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan ’s earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy. “In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11″ opens March 11 at the Japan Society Gallery and runs through June 12.

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:23:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

This photo provided by Japan Society on March. 2, 2016, shows Ota Yasusuke's 2011, "Deserted Town," from a series on the abandoned animals of Fukushima, in an exhibit in New York marking the fifth anniversary of Japan's earthquake and tsunami. The exhibit, "In the Wake: Japanese Photographers....

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:15:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

NEW YORK (AP) — An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan 's earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy. "In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11" opens March 11 at the Japan Society Gallery and runs through June 12.

NYC exhibition to open on Japan earthquake 5th anniversary

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:09:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

An exhibition opening in New York City on the fifth anniversary of Japan 's earthquake and tsunami features photographs, video and other artworks in response to the tragedy. "In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11" opens March 11 at the Japan Society Gallery and runs through June 12.

Imágenes de Google muestran el Japón devastado por el ...

Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:05:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Imágenes de Google muestran el Japón devastado por el tsunami. El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó este miércoles nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011.

Google muestra en 360° un Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 19:55:00 +0100diariocorreo (es)

, del gigante Google , publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

NEWS ALERT: China to release three missing booksellers: H.K. police

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 18:49:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

NEWS ALERT: China envoy says U.N. resolution should be starting point for solving nuke issue NEWS ALERT: Japan PM Abe "strongly urges" N. Korea not to undertake further nuke tests NEWS ALERT: Japan Prime Minister Abe hails N. Korea sanctions resolution NEWS ALERT: Japan Foreign Minister Kishida hails adoption of U.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 18:47:00 +0100heraldo (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital , del gigante Google , publicó este miércoles nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Ahead of Fukushima anniversary residents worry about future of affected areas

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 17:56:00 +0100euronews-en (en)

"It became an environment where people could not live safely and comfortably ever again" Five years after the earthquake and tsunami that triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster, bags full of radioactive dirt and debris are still visible nearby. Ahead of the anniversary on March the 11th reporters....

Google revela imágenes 360° del antes y después del Japón devastado por tsunami del 2011

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 17:29:00 +0100publimetro (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011.

NEWS ALERT: China envoy says U.N. resolution should be starting point for solving nuke issue

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 17:19:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

NEWS ALERT: Japan PM Abe "strongly urges" N. Korea not to undertake further nuke tests NEWS ALERT: Japan Prime Minister Abe hails N. Korea sanctions resolution NEWS ALERT: Japan Foreign Minister Kishida hails adoption of U.N. resolution on N. Korea NEWS ALERT: Indonesia meteorological agency lifts tsunami warning NEWS ALERT: N.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 17:13:00 +0100LaRazon (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

03/02 22:50 Taiwan, Japan holding fishery talks in Taipei

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 17:01:00 +0100focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, March 2 (CNA) The fifth meeting of a Taiwan- Japan fishing commission opened Wednesday in Taipei, discussing fishing regulations in waters near the disputed Diaoyutai Islands in the East China Sea and other issues that cause conflicts between fishermen from both sides.

Google muestra el antes y después del devastador tsunami en Japón

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 16:34:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Publicado 9:27 am por archivado en El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011.

Gambia Intensifies Disaster Response

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 16:18:00 +0100allafrica (en)

The Gambia is intensifying preparedness to tackle disasters, with the launching of an International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) Report at the Kairaba Beach Hotel yesterday. The legal research report on the International Disaster Law Programme of The Gambia was developed by Bandirabeh Consultancy....

Japan to mark 5th anniv. of 2011 quake while rebuilding remains slow

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 15:21:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, March 2, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on Feb. 27, 2016 shows a reconstruction site of Miyagi-ken in Japan . Japan will mark the fifth anniversary of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, while reconstruction programs in the disaster-hit regions are slow.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:46:00 +0100HoyDigital-DO (es)

Tokio. El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Google muestra imágenes 360° de Japón antes y después del tsunami de 2011

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:28:00 +0100telam (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. Las instantáneas muestran, entre otras localidades, la ciudad de Onaga, en....

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del tsunami de 2011 en Japón

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:00:00 +0100montevideo (es)

Devastador. Google Street View publicó nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas niponas devastadas por el tsunami de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 11:50:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó este miércoles nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Street View muestra el antes y el después del tsunami de Japón

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 11:33:00 +0100diariodenavarra (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View , del gigante Google , publicó nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 11:02:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Google muestra en 360° el antes y después del Japón devastado por el tsunami

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:48:00 +0100caracol (es)

El servicio de cartografía digital Street View, del gigante Google, publicó hoy nuevas imágenes que muestran en 360 grados fotografías del antes y el después de las costas nororientales niponas devastadas por el tsunami de marzo de 2011. A pocos días de que se cumpla el quinto aniversario de la catástrofe que dejó más de 18.

Japón acogerá en abril un foro global sobre el desmantelamiento de Fukushima

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:30:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

La ciudad nipona de Iwaki acogerá el 10 y 11 de abril un foro global sobre el desmantelamiento de la accidentada central Nuclear de Fukushima con el objetivo de aglutinar y captar conocimientos técnicos que hagan progresar este complejo proceso que durará décadas.

Japón acogerá en abril un foro global sobre el ...

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:26:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

La ciudad nipona de Iwaki acogerá el 10 y 11 de abril un foro global sobre el desmantelamiento de la accidentada central Nuclear de Fukushima con el objetivo de aglutinar y captar conocimientos técnicos que hagan progresar este complejo proceso que durará décadas.

Japón acogerá en abril un foro global sobre el desmantelamiento de Fukushima

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:18:00 +0100caracol (es)

La ciudad nipona de Iwaki acogerá el 10 y 11 de abril un foro global sobre el desmantelamiento de la accidentada central Nuclear de Fukushima con el objetivo de aglutinar y captar conocimientos técnicos que hagan progresar este complejo proceso que durará décadas.

Japan to mark 5th anniv. of 2011 quake while rebuilding remains slow

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:04:00 +0100peopledaily (en)

Photo taken on Feb. 27, 2016 shows a reconstruction site of Miyagi-ken in Japan . Japan will mark the fifth anniversary of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, while reconstruction programs in the disaster-hit regions are slow. (Xinhua/Liu Tian) (For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily....

La rivière Creuse va bénéficier de travaux d’entretien dans la traversée d’Aubusson

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 07:26:00 +0100lepopulaire (fr)

La Creuse, dans la traversée d'Aubusson, est envahie par la renouée du Japon. Elle est également livrée aux arbrisseaux et à des plantes invasives. La situation, qui s'est sérieusement dégradée ces dernières années, devrait enfin bientôt évoluer positivement.

La rivière Creuse va bénéficier de travaux d’entretien dans la traversée d’Aubusson

Wed, 02 Mar 2016 07:19:00 +0100lamontagne (fr)

La Creuse, dans la traversée d'Aubusson, est envahie par la renouée du Japon. Elle est également livrée aux arbrisseaux et à des plantes invasives. La situation, qui s'est sérieusement dégradée ces dernières années, devrait enfin bientôt évoluer positivement.

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