M 5.3 Off-shore on 05 Nov 2016 13:18 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 842
Articles about casualties: 16 (1.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 04 Nov 2016

Comienza campaña vacunación contra cólera en Haití tras paso de huracán

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 12:59:00 +01007dias (es)

PUERTO PRÍNCIPE.- Haití comenzó ayer una gran campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en el sur del país, para hacer frente al rebrote de la enfermedad tras el paso del huracán Matthew en octubre pasado. El programa de prevención se inició en el sur del país, donde el Gobierno, Unicef y varias....

Sexual exploitation of IDPs

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 12:32:00 +0100dailytimes-NG (en)

Three days ago, President Muhammadu Buhari ordered the immediate investigation into alleged sexual abuse and exploitation of women and girls in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps. His orders came on the heels of a damning report by Human Rights Watch (HRW).

BĂSESCU ANUNŢĂ DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:57:00 +0100indexstiri (ro)

09.11.2016 09.11.2016 BĂSESCU ANUNŢĂ DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA Băsescu anunță DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA: Dacă anchilozata UE nu citește corect semnalul, acest tsunami lansat de Brexit și acum de SUAexit va mătura BĂSESCU ANUNŢĂ DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA.

Извержение вулкана могло стать причиной исчезновения Минойской цивилизации на Крите - ученые

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:54:00 +0100zn-ua (ru)

заявили о том, что причиной уничтожения загадочной Минойской цивилизации на острове Крит могли стать гигантские цунами, вызванные извержением большого количества магмы в Эгейское море, которое было результатом взрыва супервулкана на соседнем острове Санторин. Результаты исследований ученых были опубликованы в журнале Nature Communications.

Băsescu anunță DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA: Dacă anchilozata UE nu citește corect semnalul, acest tsunami lansat de Brexit și acum de SUAexit va mătura Europa (VIDEO)

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:34:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

UPDATE: Donald Trump a fost ales noul președinte al Statelor Unite. (Detalii AICI) Alegerea lui Donald Trump drept nou președinte al SUA, alături de votul pro-Brexit, reprezintă semnale de alarmă pe care anchilozata Uniune Europeană trebuie să le interpereteze corect, altfel blocul comunitar va fi....

Les Américains du Poitou réagissent à l'élection de Donald Trump

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:29:00 +0100francebleu (fr)

image/svg+xml Blank map of France 09-2008 Eric Gaba (user Sting) for Wikipedia NGDC World Data Base II data Lambert-93 projection ; RGF-93 datum Scale: 1:2,000,000 Paris Région France Bleu Paris Région France Bleu Alsace France Bleu Elsass France Bleu Armorique France Bleu Auxerre France Bleu Azur....

Dezastru pentru PSD in Prahova. Tsunami de dezertari la PNL EXCLUSIV

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:18:00 +0100ziuanews (ro)

Postat la: 09.11.2016 - 11:59 | Scris de: Ziua News. 0 Redacția PSnews.ro vă prezintă, în cele ce urmează, dezastrul cu care se confruntă organizația PSD în județul Prahova, unde tocmai a suferit un tsunami de dezertări exact către principalul adversar, PNL.

Dieci forti scosse sismiche di 5.9 magnitudo, hanno colpito diverse regioni del sud del Cile

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:03:00 +0100segnidalcielo (it)

Come riportato dal quotidiano El Espectador. dieci scosse di terremoto, la più forte di magnitudo 5.9, hanno colpito Martedì 8 Novembre 2016 quattro regioni del sud del Cile, che coprono un vasto territorio di 500 chilometri. Secondo le autorità locali, i terremoti non hanno causato vittime, ma....

Herzog addresses US election results: 'Social tsunami'

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:54:00 +0100israelnationalnews (en)

Head of Opposition Yitzhak Herzog addressed Donald Trump's victory in the US general election. "The US elections continue a trend in the world of disdain for ruling elites, and a desire for clear and sharp change." "Trump's election continues a social, economic, and governmental tsunami that we....

Opposition leader Herzog: Trump victory part of global Tsunami of change

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:52:00 +0100jpost (en)

Opposition leader Isaac Herzog responded to Donald Trump's presidential victory as a "continuation of a global trend of disgust with the old, power elite and the desire for swift and direct change." He called the Trump election a "social, economic and leadership Tsunami" that is apparent the world....

Psycholoog: 'Winst Trump is een geestelijke tsunami'

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:09:00 +0100rtvnoord (nl)

'Niemand had dit verwacht. Het is bijna onvoorstelbaar en ik merk aan mezelf dat ik een beetje angstig ben.' Dit zegt psycholoog Jeffrey Wijnberg in Groningen, vlak voordat Donald Trump wordt uitgeroepen tot de nieuwe president van de Verenigde Staten. Wijnberg is geboren in Amerika en hij heeft een Amerikaans paspoort.

Băsescu anunță DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA: Dacă anchilozata UE nu citește corect semnalul, acest tsunami lansat de Brexit și acum de SUAexit va mătura Europa

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:06:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Alegerea lui Donald Trump drept nou președinte al SUA, alături de votul pro-Brexit, reprezintă semnale de alarmă pe care anchilozata Uniune Europeană trebuie să le interpereteze corect, altfel blocul comunitar va fi măturat de un tsunami, a comentat fostul președinte Traian Băsescu , pentru B1 TV,....

Elections Américaines : réactions politiques en Lorraine

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:02:00 +0100francebleu (fr)

image/svg+xml Blank map of France 09-2008 Eric Gaba (user Sting) for Wikipedia NGDC World Data Base II data Lambert-93 projection ; RGF-93 datum Scale: 1:2,000,000 Paris Région France Bleu Paris Région France Bleu Alsace France Bleu Elsass France Bleu Armorique France Bleu Auxerre France Bleu Azur....

Băsescu anunță DEZASTRUL după rezultatul alegerilor din SUA: Dacă anchilozata UE nu citește corect semnalul, acest tsunami lansat de Brexit și acum de SUAexit va mătura Europa

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:00:00 +0100roumanie-ro (ro)

Alegerea lui Donald Trump drept nou președinte al SUA, alături de votul pro-Brexit, reprezintă semnale de alarmă pe care anchilozata Uniune Europeană trebuie să le interpereteze corect, altfel blocul comunitar va fi măturat de un tsunami, a comentat fostul președinte Traian Băsescu, pentru B1 TV,....

Donald Trump président : un tremblement de terre géopolitique

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:46:00 +0100nouvelobs (fr)

Avec l'élection de Donald Trump (ici le 3 octobre dans le Colorado), le monde entre dans l’une des périodes les plus dangereuses depuis les années 60 (Theo Stroomer / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP) L'élection du candidat républicain résonne comme un tremblement de terre géopolitique aux conséquences potentiellement dramatiques.

RC, attivato al "Centro Difesa del Malato" UNC Calabria sportello per l'endometriosi

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:39:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Terremoto Centro Italia Ottobre 2016 : ri il numero solidale per donazioni : E’ stato riattivato dalla protezione civile il numero solidale attivato che permette di inviare tramite SMS o chiamata telefonica una donazione ai terremotati per il nuovo Terremoto che ha colpito il Centro Italia .

Tsunami politique et psychologique : Trump à la Maison Blanche !!!

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:35:00 +0100lnt (fr)

Le candidat républicain à la présidentielle US Donald J. Trump a été élu, dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, 45è Président des Etats Unis d’Amérique. La candidate démocrate Hillary Clinton a appelé le président élu Donald Trump pour concéder la défaite, rapportent les médias américains.

Regulators order more wells to be closed in Oklahoma

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:19:00 +0100vindy (en)

Associated Press. OKLAHOMA CITY. Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a 5.0-magnitude earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within....

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:12:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Oklahoma quake means more wells to be shut down

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:01:00 +0100omaha (en)

Omaha, NE (68102) Today. A mainly sunny sky. High 62F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low around 40F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Updated: November 9, 2016 @ 12:52 am; OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.

Ventana abierta – Buenas acciones de Anderson Perdomo

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100elimpulso (es)

Para recordar: “Todo lo que tu mano halle para hacer, hazlo según tus fuerzas; porque no hay actividad, ni propósito, ni conocimiento, ni sabiduría en el Seol (la tumba) adonde vas” (Eclesiastés 9:10). El día de los difuntos, es una tradición católica y se celebró entre el 01 y 02 de Noviembre.

Gobierno de Nicaragua reconstruirá más de dos mil viviendas

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 08:36:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

La portavoz del gobierno nicaragüense, Rosa Murillo, informó este domingo que a partir del lunes se inicia el proceso de reconstrucción completa o parcial a unas dos mil 354 viviendas en todo el país que se vieron afectadas por los dos últimos terremotos que afectaron la nación centroamericana.

Joya arquitectónica que lucha por sobrevivir

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 08:33:00 +0100semanariouniversidad (es)

Tras el terremoto de Santa Mónica, ocurrido el 4 de mayo de 1910, no solo quedó destruida la ciudad de Cartago, sino también la moral de sus pobladores. La devastación causada por el evento de gran magnitud hizo que las familias más adineradas de la antigua capital de Costa Rica optaran por traer....

Tohoku University institute analyzes huge tsunamis over past 400 years

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:41:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Tohoku University’s International Research Institute of Disaster Science has released a report analyzing major tsunamis across the globe over the past 400 years in a bid to raise awareness about tsunami hazards. The report, published late last month ahead of the first World Tsunami Awareness Day....

19th Earthquake in a Week Rattles Oklahoma

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:33:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

The temblor triggered fears that key infrastructure may have been damaged and century-old buildings left unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries were reported.

Dinden imandan… İhsan Eliaçık gün geçtikçe bizim Rowan Williams’ımız oluyor, herhalde farkındasınızdır. Tıpkı Anglikan Kilisesi’nin eski

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:07:00 +0100birgun (tr)

İhsan Eliaçık gün geçtikçe bizim Rowan Williams’ımız oluyor, herhalde farkındasınızdır. Tıpkı Anglikan Kilisesi’nin eski başpiskoposlarından Williams gibi o da inandığı dinin pratiğine uzun zamandan beri çok ciddi eleştiriler getiriyor. Bu konuda cesur davrandığı söyleniyor ki, herhalde doğrudur.


Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:59:00 +0100haitienmarche (fr)

Le Gouvernement américain a tout doucement recommencé à déporter les Haïtiens. Les déportations avaient été stoppées temporairement après le passage de l’ouragan Matthew, dans la nuit du 4 au 5 novembre. Port Salut, Haiti, on Oct. 9, 2016, C’est un article du Miami Herald qui l’annonce Ces déportations se font tout doucement , sans faire de bruit.

La OMS pone en marcha una campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en Haití

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:55:00 +0100Expansion (es)

MADRID, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha anunciado este martes la puesta en marcha en Haití de la campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en las comunidades más golpeadas por el huracán 'Matthew', que arrasó parte del país el 4 de octubre.

Notice to members - Petition No 1420/2015 by C. F. (Cypriot), on behalf of the Movement for the Defence of the Pan-Cypriot High School, on the review of the plans to renovate and expand the Pan-Cypriot High School in Nicosia with a view to protecting and preserving its architectural character - PE 593.

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:31:00 +0100europarl (en)

European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on Petitions 28.10.2016 NOTICE TO MEMBERS Subject: Petition No 1420/2015 by C. F. (Cypriot), on behalf of the Movement for the Defence of the Pan-Cypriot High School, on the review of the plans to renovate and expand the Pan-Cypriot High School in Nicosia with....

Haití comienza a vacunar contra el cólera

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:20:00 +0100sipse (es)

EFE PUERTO PRÍNCIPE, Haití.- Haití comenzó una gran campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en el sur del país, para hacer frente al rebrote de la enfermedad tras el paso del huracán Matthew en octubre pasado. El programa de prevención se inició en el sur del país, donde el Gobierno, Unicef y varias....

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:07:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

Damage in Cushing, Okla., is seen on Monday, Nov. 7, 2016, caused by Sunday night’s 5.0 magnitude earthquake. Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Bomberos de Coya recibieron su nuevo Cuartel

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:07:00 +0100elrancahuaso (es)

Los vecinos de Machalí celebraron junto a Bomberos la inauguración del nuevo Cuartel para la 2° Compañía del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Machalí, ubicada en la localidad de Coya. El antiguo Cuartel de los voluntarios de la 2° Compañía sufrió severos daños en el terremoto del año 1985 y también el del año....

La OMS pone en marcha una campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en Haití

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:03:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha anunciado este martes la puesta en marcha en Haití de la campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en las comunidades más golpeadas por el huracán 'Matthew', que arrasó parte del país el 4 de octubre. El portavoz del organismo, Tarik Jasarevic, ha detallado....

La OMS pone en marcha una campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en Haití

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:58:00 +0100telecinco (es)

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha anunciado este martes la puesta en marcha en Haití de la campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en las comunidades más golpeadas por el huracán 'Matthew', que arrasó parte del país el 4 de octubre. El portavoz del organismo, Tarik Jasarevic, ha detallado....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:57:00 +0100ohio (en)

Damage in Cushing, Okla., is seen on Monday caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

4.0 magnitude earthquake shakes parts of northern Oklahoma

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100news9 (en)

MEDFORD, Okla. (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake has shaken parts of northern Oklahoma. The 4.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday about 12 miles northwest of Medford, about 120 miles north of Oklahoma City and 100 miles northwest of Cushing, a key oil hub where a magnitude 5.

What caused the tsunami that destroyed 'Atlantis'?

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:42:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

The giant tsunami responsible for the demise of the ancient Minoan civilisation may have been caused by pyroclastic flow of volcanic material falling into the sea in the aftermath of the destructive Santorini volcanic eruption. This hypothesis contradicts previous reports that the waves were formed when the volcano's caldera collapsed.

Reparan los tres ojos del monumento de Buda de Katmandú

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:31:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath, el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara. Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores....

4.0 magnitude earthquake shakes parts of northern Oklahoma

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +0100krmg (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake has shaken parts of northern Oklahoma. The 4.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday about 12 miles northwest of Medford, about 120 miles north of Oklahoma City and 100 miles northwest of Cushing, a key oil hub where a magnitude 5.0 on Sunday night damaged homes and businesses.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,9 pe Richter. Aflaţi unde a avut loc seismul

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +0100stiri (ro)

Seismul a avut loc la ora 04:55:44 GMT, a informat Serviciul de monitorizare geologică al Statelor Unite (U.S. Geological Survey, USGS), citat de Xinhua. Epicentrul seismului, cu o adâncime de 17,3 de kilometri, a fost inițial determinat la 36,5806 grade latitudine sudică și 73,6355 grade longitudine vestică.

Ortswechsel Ich im Trumpland

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 05:02:00 +0100freitag (de)

Foto: privat. diaphanoskopie Vor 200 Jahren muss die Straße, die ich gerade mit meinem Mietwagen entlangfahre, schwer vorstellbar gewesen sein. Links der Straße fällt die Küste steil ab, geformt von flüssigem Gestein, welches auf dem Weg zum Pazifik erkaltete. Rechts dicht bewachsene Hänge, die ebenso steil in den Himmel ragen.

Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake Strikes Oklahoma; Shaking Felt in Nearby States

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +0100patch (en)

CUSHING, OK — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing, Oklahoma, on Sunday, and residents in nearby states reported feeling shaking from the temblor. About 40 residents were evacuated from a retirement home due to the earthquake, and schools were closed Monday to assess damage and assure the safety of students.

Survival capsules offer tsunami protection

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 03:33:00 +0100wwlp (en)

(KGW) – They look a bit like something you’d see in space, but they could save your life in the event of a tsunami. At least, that’s according to Seattle aerospace engineer Julian Sharpe. “I had the idea while weekending in Cannon Beach and I thought… what if a tsunami comes now,” Sharpe said.

Nepal: Situation Analysis of Earthquake-Affected Districts of Nepal

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 03:16:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and....

Comienza campaña vacunación contra cólera en Haití tras paso de huracán

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:19:00 +0100informador (es)

PUERTO PRINCIPE, HAITÍ (08/NOV/2016).- Haití comenzó hoy una gran campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en el sur del país, para hacer frente al rebrote de la enfermedad tras el paso del huracán Matthew en octubre pasado. El programa de prevención se inició en el sur del país, donde el Gobierno,....

Oklahoma regulators target more disposal wells following Cushing quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:17:00 +0100trust (en)

By Liz Hampton. HOUSTON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) on Tuesday said it was implementing an action plan that shuts or reduces volumes from 58 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation of Oklahoma following Sunday's magnitude 5.0 earthquake.

San Pedro woman, 98, angry that oil drilling may have caused Long Beach quake that killed brother

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:09:00 +0100dailynews (en)

At 98, Selma Lorenzi’s memory slips on occasion. But one day of her past – March 9, 1933 – will always be clear. The sun had set as she played with her younger sister on her parent’s wide San Pedro porch when the earth jolted. It was ȁ#x201c;We didn’t know where it was coming from,ȁ#x201d; Lorenzi said in a voice shaky with age.

West Java to prioritize disaster education

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:04:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

In light of potential natural disasters countrywide and specifically in West Java province, the provincial administration plans to prioritize disaster preparedness materials in schools to educate students on disaster mitigation and other knowledge. The materials would be included in local content or....

Oklahoma regulators target more disposal wells following Cushing quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:21:00 +0100reuters (en)

HOUSTON The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) on Tuesday said it was implementing an action plan that shuts or reduces volumes from 58 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation of Oklahoma following Sunday's magnitude 5.0 earthquake. In a statement, the state's oil and gas regulator....

Oklahoma regulators target more disposal wells following Cushing quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:21:00 +0100wsau (en)

By Liz Hampton. HOUSTON (Reuters) - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) on Tuesday said it was implementing an action plan that shuts or reduces volumes from 58 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation of Oklahoma following Sunday's magnitude 5.0 earthquake.

Oklahoma regulators target more disposal wells following Cushing quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:17:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

By Liz Hampton. HOUSTON (Reuters) - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) on Tuesday said it was implementing an action plan that shuts or reduces volumes from 58 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation of Oklahoma following Sunday's magnitude 5.0 earthquake.

San Pedro woman, 98, angry that oil drilling may have caused Long Beach quake that killed brother

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:16:00 +0100dailybreeze (en)

At 98, Selma Lorenzi’s memory slips on occasion. But one day of her past – March 9, 1933 – will always be clear. The sun had set as she played with her younger sister on her parent’s wide San Pedro porch when the earth jolted. It was ȁ#x201c;We didn’t know where it was coming from,ȁ#x201d; Lorenzi said in a voice shaky with age.

Oklahoma regulators target more disposal wells following Cushing quake

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:15:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

By Liz Hampton. HOUSTON (Reuters) - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) on Tuesday said it was implementing an action plan that shuts or reduces volumes from 58 wastewater disposal wells in the Arbuckle formation of Oklahoma following Sunday's magnitude 5.0 earthquake.

USA. Fusillade en Californie : au moins quatre blessés

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:15:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un tireur aurait ouvert le feu à proximité d'un bureau de vote à Azusa, près de Los Angeles, en Californie. Selon les médias locaux, il y aurait au moins quatre personnes blessées. Des écoles et deux bureaux de vote ont été confinés. La police parle d'un suspect lourdement armé. Plus d'informations à venir.

At 99, OK Woman Casts Ballot In 21st Presidential Election

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 01:11:00 +0100newson6 (en)

TULSA, Oklahoma - A record number of people voted early in Tulsa County this presidential year; one of those was 99-year-old Georgie Harris. She's voted in every presidential election since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and she wasn't about to miss this one.

Temblores en el Biobío son réplicas del 27/F y se esperan más sismos

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 00:08:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

El director del Centro Sismológico Nacional Sergio Barrientos , se refirió a la seguidilla de sismos que la madrugada de este martes afectó a la Región del Biobío asegurando que "lo más probable es que este sismo ocurra como parte del proceso de reajuste de tensiones en la zona".

Comienza campaña vacunación contra cólera en Haití tras paso de huracán

Wed, 09 Nov 2016 00:04:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Puerto Príncipe, 8 nov (EFE).- Haití comenzó hoy una gran campaña de vacunación contra el cólera en el sur del país, para hacer frente al rebrote de la enfermedad tras el paso del huracán Matthew en octubre pasado. El programa de prevención se inició en el sur del país, donde el Gobierno, Unicef y....

Enorme "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:34:00 +0100zazoom (it)

"occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile. "C'è la grande opportunità di studiare quello che accade quando due galassie si sfiorano" Astronomia : un Enorme “occhio cosmico” disegnato da uno tsunami di stelle e gas [FOTO] : Gli astronomi passano....

Terremoto Oggi / Ultime scosse Macerata e Centro Italia: sisma M 3.3 a Perugia (dati INGV in diretta, 8 novembre 2016, ora 21.55)

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:33:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI CENTRO ITALIA, SCOSSE A MACERATA, M 3.3 A PERUGIA (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 8 NOVEMBRE 2016, ORA 20:00) - Continuano le scie sismiche sul centro Italia con diverse scosse che si sono verificate giorno dopo giorno. Alle ore 21.00 c'è stato un altro terremoto da 3.3 Magnitudo in provincia di Perugia.

Chile | Reportan al menos 10 temblores en zona central del país

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:01:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Publicado 3:30 pm por archivado en Al menos 10 temblores se registraron la madrugada de este martes sin causar víctimas en Chile, entre ellos uno de 5,9 y otro de 5,1 grados, en las regiones centrales de Maule, Biobío, La Araucanía y Los Ríos, informó el gobierno.

Trabajan en el desazolve de los ríos Chico y Chamotete para evitar inundaciones

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:54:00 +0100eldiario-EC (es)

Así lo informó Joan López, director de Riego y Drenaje del GPM, quien indicó que se están empleando dos máquinas en Riochico y cuatro en Calderón, para así dejar la sección de cauce ideal que evite inundaciones en invierno. Juan Farías, presidente del Gobierno Parroquial de Calderón, dijo que se....

Diputado Godoy pide que Gobierno explique falla de alarma durante simulacro en Valparaíso

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:52:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

A una semana del simulacro binacional Maximiliano Ortiz de tsunami entre Chile y Japon, el diputado Joaquin Godoy emplazó al Gobierno a dar explicaciones respecto a la falla registrada en una de las alarmas. El parlamentario además emplazó al director nacional de la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias....

Help sought to replace stolen emergency items

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:21:00 +0100tricitynews (en)

Irvine elementary has been rated a high risk for structural failure in an earthquake and had a container full of emergency supplies and equipment on the school grounds. But one night, the locks were cut and the food, shelter, first aid kits and other equipment were stolen.

آخر الأخبار

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:18:00 +0100al-fadjrr (ar)

توقيف شخص بتهمة حمل سلاح أبيض بالمسيلة. قامت قوات الشرطة التابعة للأمن الحضري الأول بأمن ولاية المسيلة، بتقديم المدعو (و.و) أمام وكيل الجمهورية لدى محكمة المسيلة، وذلك بخصوص حمل سلاح أبيض محظور، وقائع القضية تعود إلى تاريخ 5 نوفمبر الجاري، حين لفت انتباه عناصر الأمن السالف الذكر هو يترصد المارة....

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:10:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Centro Sismológico explica que seguidilla de temblores son réplicas del 27-F

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:41:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Seis años después: Centro Sismológico explica que seguidilla de temblores son réplicas del 27-F De acuerdo al organismo, es muy probable que en las próximas horas se registren más sismos en el Biobío, donde este martes se han producido 14 temblores en sólo doce horas. SANTIAGO.

"تسونامي من النجوم والغاز".. صور مذهلة لتصادم المجرات

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:38:00 +0100rt-ar (ar)

التقط واحد من التلسكوبات الأكثر قوة في العالم صورا لعاصفة من الغبار والغاز تحدث عندما تصطدم المجرات بعضها ببعض في الفضاء السحيق. ويُشغل التلسكوب بمساعدة خبراء من المرصد الأوروبي الجنوبي والمرصد الوطني الراديوي الممول من قبل أمريكا، وغيرها من وكالات الفضاء الدولية، ويتواجد مصفوف مرصد أتاكاما....

16:53 | Con temor vivieron sismo de este martes vecinos de controversial condominio en Talcahuano

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:21:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

La seguidilla de temblores generó el que se registró en horas de esta madrugada temor en los vecinos de la población Mirador del Pacífico de Talcahuano. Las pésimas condiciones en las que se encuentran los edificios , provocaron la incertidumbre y angustia en sus habitantes, quienes pensaron que la....

Experto aclara qué ocurre con los reiterados sismos ocurridos en los últimos días en Chile 17:11 Esta madrugada se registró un sismo de 5.9 que fue percibido en las regiones del Maule, Bío Bío, Araucanía y Los Ríos. Posterior a ......

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:21:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Esta madrugada se registró un sismo de 5.9 María Fernanda Moraga que fue percibido en las regiones del Maule, Bío Bío, Araucanía y Los Ríos. Posterior a ello, se sintieron una series de movimientos telúricos que variaron entre los 3.9 y los 5.1 grados en la escala de Richter.

Haiti: ACTED Haiti: 'After Hurrician Matthew, agricultural recovery is a priority'

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:11:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, especially the Sud and Grand’Anse departments, on October 4, leaving a trail of devastation behind. Pictures of the catastrophe and the destruction it has brought to Haiti continue to emerge, displaying the emergency situation Haitians are living in.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:43:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:41:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Want to become a subscriber? Purchase a digital-only subscription now for unlimited online access to local news and information. Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Abundant sunshine. High near 60F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low around 30F. Winds light and variable.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:40:00 +0100newsok (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

State of emergency declared due to Cushing earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:39:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A state of emergency has been declared for Payne County following a magnitude 5.0 earthquake near Cushing. Gov. Mary Fallin issued the declaration Tuesday after the Sunday night quake damaged numerous buildings in Cushing and was felt in several states. Fallin said in a news release that damage assessments are still underway.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:39:00 +0100news9 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:32:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:31:00 +0100therepublic (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close More Disposal Wells After Oklahoma Quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:29:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 struck. earthquake The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:25:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:15:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:13:00 +0100mynews13 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY -- (AP) Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:08:00 +0100sunherald (en)

Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 20:05:00 +0100nzherald (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) " Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Regulators: Close more disposal wells after Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:59:00 +0100foxnews (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma regulators are ordering the shutdown of more disposal wells and restricting the volume of others near where a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck. The plan released Tuesday by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division requires seven wells within six miles of the epicenter to be shut down by Nov.

Governor declares state of emergency for Payne County after quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:53:00 +0100newsok (en)

Damage in downtown Cushing on Monday, Nov. 7, 2016, caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake. Photo by Jim Beckel, The Oklahoman Workers remove a large pane of a broken window on the front of the Cushing City Hall. Damage in downtown Cushing on Monday, Nov. 7, 2016, caused by Sunday night's 5.

Fallin Declares State of Emergency For Payne County After 5.0 Earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:45:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Gov. Mary Fallin has declared a state of emergency for Payne County after Sunday's 5.0 earthquake near Cushing. Officials say the earthquake caused substantial damage to more than 40 buildings in Cushing as damage assessments remain ongoing.

OCC Releases Action Plan Following 5.0 Earthquake In Cushing

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:45:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division (OGCD) released a new action in response to the 5.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Sunday night near Cushing. The plan covers a total of 58 disposal wells that inject into the Arbuckle formation, Four of the disposal....

OCC Releases Action Plan Following 5.0 Earthquake In Cushing

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:40:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division (OGCD) released a new action in response to the 5.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Sunday night near Cushing. The plan covers a total of 58 disposal wells that inject into the Arbuckle formation, Four of the disposal....

Terremoto oggi / Ultime scosse Centro Italia: Rieti, sisma M 2.7 ad Amatrice (dati INGV in diretta, 8 novembre 2016, ora 18)

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:30:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI CENTRO ITALIA, SCOSSE A RIETI, M 2.7 AD ACCUMOLI E CITTAREALE (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 8 NOVEMBRE 2016, ORA 18:00) - Proseguono le scosse di terremoto in tempo reale dal centro Italia con le zone di Amatrice e Norcia che restano sempre nell’occhio del ciclone per lo sciame sismico....

Earthquake State Of Emergency Declared For Payne County

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:10:00 +0100newson6 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY - Governor Mary Fallin has declared a state of emergency for Payne County due to Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing. That earthquake was felt in multiple states and has resulted in damage to numerous buildings in downtown Cushing. In a news release, Gov.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:08:00 +0100laprensa-HN (es)

Katmandú, Nepal. Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath , el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara. Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores dejaron, además de cerca de 9.

Sismos de los últimos días se deberían a fractura de placas no vinculada al 27F

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 19:05:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

A una nueva fractura en las placas Maximiliano Ortiz -no vinculada a la que provocó el terremoto de 2010- atribuyen los expertos la seguidilla de temblores que afectaron a 4 regiones del país consistente en 9 sismos, de los cuales 5 fueron perceptible s desde las regiones del Maule a Los Ríos.

Downtown Becoming More Accessible As Cushing Cleanup Continues

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 18:59:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Cleanup efforts continue in Cushing, Tuesday, after the 5.0 magnitude earthquake caused damage to more than 40 buildings around town. Crews are still cleaning up debris and trying to get to any other loose and dangerous parts of those damaged buildings. Downtown remains mostly blocked off to the public.

Comunidad internacional da la espalda a crisis en Haití

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 18:53:00 +0100uniradioinforma (es)

Puerto Príncipe, 8 Nov (Notimex).- Haití, el país más pobre de América, se encuentra sumido en una crisis alimentaria tras el paso del huracán Matthew hace un mes, que dejó casi 900 muertos y destruyó miles de casas. Ha pasado casi un mes del paso del meteoro climático, y la petición de ayuda....

Progress Made In Cushing Recovery Efforts

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 18:40:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Recovery continues in Cushing following Sunday's 5.0 earthquake. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier says much of the work has been focused on clearing and securing the downtown area. Crews are out again Tuesday moving bricks and debris out of right of ways to help with traffic and businesses.

Coloquio por el cambio clmático entre RD y Haití

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 18:15:00 +0100almomento (es)

BARAHONA, República Dominicana.- Reconociendo que la República Dominicana (RD) es el octavo país más afectado por el cambio climático en el mundo y Haití el tercero más impactado a escala global, el Centro para la Observación Migratoria y Desarrollo Social en el Caribe (OBMICA) y la Agrupación de....

Maxima à la rencontre des kiwis et des Maoris

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:50:00 +0100parismatch (fr)

En voyage d’Etat en Nouvelle-Zélande, la reine Maxima et le roi Willem-Alexander des Pays-Bas ont rencontré à Christchurch, ce mardi, Maoris, Néerlandais et même kiwis. Willem-Alexander a caressé sa petite tête, Maxima a posé une main sur son plumage et touché ses pattes.

NGO’s journey to help survivors

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:49:00 +0100sunstar (en)

BAD weather and the challenges it faced in procuring materials did not stop Caritas Switzerland from building typhoon-resilient houses made of Interlocking Compressed Earth Blocks (ICEB) in different areas of Bantayan Island. Caritas Switzerland was one of many non-government organizations (NGO)....

Nuevos datos sobre la erupción que barrió a la civilización minoica

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:42:00 +0100vozpopuli (es)

En algún momento entre el año 1600 y 1500 a.C. los habitantes de la isla de Creta fueron testigos de un evento de proporciones apocalípticas que sacudió a la civilización minoica y a la postre terminó con su declive. La , situado a varios kilómetros, provocó un tsunami que arrasó las costas....

Nuevo terremoto de magnitud sacude el centro de Italia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:40:00 +0100laverdad-VE (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Grecia, Santorini: ecco cosa generò lo tsunami che sterminò la civiltà Minoica

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:30:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 8 novembre 2016) Santorini , 1628 a.C.. Il Mediterraneo è attraversato da una gigantesca onda di tsunami alta 9 metri, causando forse la fine della civiltà Minoica . Pare che il catastrofico evento fu generato dalla caduta in mare dell’enorme flusso di detriti espulsi dall’esplosione del vulcano di Santorini .

At least 40 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:10:00 +0100thedenverchannel (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Comunidad internacional da la espalda a crisis en Haití

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:05:00 +0100veracruzanos (es)

Puerto Príncipe, 8 de noviembre 2016 (Notimex).- Haití, el país más pobre de América, se encuentra sumido en una crisis alimentaria tras el paso del huracán Matthew hace un mes, que dejó casi 900 muertos y destruyó miles de casas. Ha pasado casi un mes del paso del meteoro climático, y la petición....

En Coquimbo se realiza feria comunitaria de gestión de riesgo de tsunami

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 16:37:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

A raíz de una investigación realizada por los alumnos de la carrera de Pedagogía en Historia y Geografía de la Universidad de La Serena (ULS), que abordó la forma en que las personas conocen los estados de alerta frente a riesgo de tsunami, entregadas por las instituciones pertinentes, estudiantes....

Disponen sistema online para consultar zonas de riesgo y evacuación ante catástrofes

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 16:37:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Los últimos días han estado marcados por el trabajo de coordinación para el simulacro de sismo y tsunami del próximo jueves 10 de noviembre en las seis comunas costeras de la región de Coquimbo. En medio de estas coordinaciones, se realizó una reunión entre autoridades locales y representantes....

Cholera : D-1 before the beginning of the mass vaccination campaign

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 16:27:00 +0100haitian-truth (en)

Ahead of a large-scale cholera vaccination campaign to begin in Haiti Tuesday, November 8, some 350 Red Cross volunteers were trained and ready to participate. In teams of two, they’ll visit 16 areas devastated by Hurricane Matthew to spread the word about the campaign, encourage vaccinations and....

l’inondation dans le Nord : Une idée provisoire de la situation des dégâts enregistrés moins de 24h de pluie dans le Nord et Nord-est d’Haïti

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 16:27:00 +0100haitian-truth (en)

The FLAME OF TRUTH is flickering near oblivion. We are dedicated to fanning them with facts. Truth will empower Haitians. l’inondation dans le Nord : Une idée provisoire de la situation des dégâts enregistrés moins de 24h de pluie dans le Nord et Nord-est d’Haïti.


Tue, 08 Nov 2016 16:22:00 +0100chilevision (es)

Agencia UNO. 08/11/2016 | 11:40 Sismo de menor intensidad afectó a dos regiones del norte. Movimiento telúrico fue de "4.7 Richter, localizado 46 Km al Este de Taltal". Un sismo de menor intensidad afectó a dos regiones del norte del país, específicamente a las de Antofagasta y Atacama.

TERREMOTO OGGI / Ultime scosse Centro Italia: Macerata, sisma M 2.5 a Castelsantangelo (dati INGV in diretta, 8 novembre 2016, ora 12:30)

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:59:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI CENTRO ITALIA, SCOSSE A RIETI, M 2.8 AD ACCUMOLI E CITTAREALE (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 8 NOVEMBRE 2016, ORA 15:20) - Ennesima scossa di terremoto avvenuta in centro Italia e ancora il Lazio nella zona presso Amatrice che segnala un sisma di grado superiore a M 2.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:37:00 +0100laprensagrafica (es)

Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath, el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara. Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores dejaron, además de cerca de 9.

I peggiori terremoti degli ultimi anni in Italia e nel mondo

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:22:00 +0100nanopress (it)

Quali sono i terremoti peggiori degli ultimi dieci anni in Italia e nel mondo? La lista è lunga perché la terra continua a tremare un po’ ovunque e negli ultimi anni ci sono stati diversi terremoti molto forti che hanno provocato morte e distruzione. Va ricordato che la posizione dei terremoti è....

Puppy saved from quake rubble will become a rescue dog

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:21:00 +0100thelocal-it (en)

Rescue workers freed the border collie after days trapped in ruins in Norcia, one of the worst-hit towns by the October 29th tremblor. Although they reunited the dog with his owner, the pup's grateful family have said that the local fire service can keep him, in order to train him as a rescue dog.

Stadt Bamberg macht gegen „üble“ AfD-Hetze mobil

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:11:00 +0100news-yahoo-de (de)

Der Bamberger Erzbischof Ludwig Schick sagt, ein Bundespräsident könnte auch muslimischen Glaubens sein. Die Religionszugehörigkeit spiele für die demokratische Wahl keine Rolle. Im erntet er dafür Hass – ausgelöst durch ein Posting der Bundes-AfD bei Facebook.

Leer más sobre Buenas noticias para los amantes de la Luna, la podrán ver más cerca que nunca

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:38:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

El fenómeno de la súper luna completa aparecerá el 14 de noviembre de 2016 y será un espectáculo extraordinario. Esta súper luna tendrá un efecto dramático en las mareas, en noviembre la luna llena será la más grande y más brillante luna llena que podrán observar desde hace varios siglos.

Sismo de 5.9 se registra frente a las costas de Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100lahora (es)

AFP. Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico, señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Captan en Chile impresionantes imágenes de "tsunami" de estrellas

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100publimetro (es)

El radiostelecopio Alma, en el norte de Chile, captó una estructura con forma de párpado generado tras un "tsunami" de estrellas que confirma la teoría sobre la colisión de galaxias, vital para entender el origen del universo, informaron este viernes en Santiago los investigadores.

Éditorial COP22 : pour un « écoféminisme » d’urgence

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:16:00 +0100jeuneafrique (fr)

Le changement climatique est un défi lancé au développement durable, avec de larges incidences sur l’environnement et sur le développement. Il aggrave la vulnérabilité face aux catastrophes naturelles, les migrations climatiques, les difficultés d’accès aux matières premières et touche de plein....

Tsunami de estrellas produce deslumbrante ojo galáctico | FOTOS

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:16:00 +0100laprensa-PE (es)

Un grupo de astrónomos utilizado el telescopio ALMA han descubierto un tsunami de estrellas y gas que choca a mitad de camino con un disco de una galaxia espiral conocida como IC 2163 . Esta colosal ola de material – que se desencadenó cuando IC 2163 recientemente desplazó lateralmente otra galaxia....

Un sismo de 5,9 se registró frente a las costas de Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:12:00 +0100elaragueno (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico , señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00 GMT, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:11:00 +0100telemetro (es)

Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath, el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara. Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores dejaron, además de cerca de 9.

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró frente a las costas de Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:05:00 +0100elsol (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico, señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00 GMT, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:43:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

. Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath, el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:21:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Los tres ojos de Buda que coronan la gran estupa Boudhanath, el monumento budista más emblemático del valle de Katmandú construido para albergar las reliquias de una santidad, vuelven a ver después de que el terremoto de 2015 los cegara. Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores dejaron, además de cerca de 9.

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró en Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100noticias24 (es)

(Caracas, 08 de noviembre – Noticias24).- Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico, señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00 GMT, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Los tres ojos de Buda vuelven a ver tras el terremoto en Nepal

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:01:00 +0100ABCDigital (es)

Aquella devastadora sacudida y sus réplicas posteriores dejaron, además de cerca de 9.000 muertos, graves daños y en parte de los otros seis conjuntos de monumentos y edificios del valle de Katmandú reconocidos por la UNESCO desde 1979 como patrimonio de la humanidad.

Livro da mulher de Crivella critica gay e piercing, e sugere filha na cozinha

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 12:23:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Formada em Letras, escritora e mãe dedicada – de duas mulheres e de um rapaz –, Sylvia Jane Crivella assina "O desafio de criar filhos", que se propõe a orientar mães com princípios bíblicos. Publicado em 2014, o livro da primeira-dama do Rio custa menos de R$ 2 na internet e reacende temas controversos.

Steady U.S. gas prices mask underlying volatility

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 12:22:00 +0100upi (en)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- Retail gasoline prices moved slightly lower on average over the last week, though U.S. infrastructure issues made for a volatile market, motor club AAA said. AAA reports a national average retail price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.

Una unidad coordinará las actuaciones de emergencia en el patrimonio en catástrofes

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 12:03:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

El pasado mes de agosto, un terremoto sacudía fuertemente la localidad italiana de Amatrice, dejando tras de sí centenares de muertos. Sólo tres meses más tarde, hace dos semanas escasas, la tierra volvía a temblar bruscamente el centro de este país europeo.

Hillary Clinton à Little Haiti pour son dernier meeting en Floride

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 11:49:00 +0100lenouvelliste (fr)

Le samedi 5 novembre dernier, la candidate démocrate Hillary Clinton était de passage dans l’Etat de la Floride où elle a notamment fait un arrêt dans un bureau de campagne dans la communauté de Little Haiti à Miami. Cependant, une forte averse, informent les médias américains, a contraint Hillary....

Concepción: seguidilla de réplicas se registró tras sismo 5,9 Richter

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 11:36:00 +0100t13 (es)

. El epicentro del primer movimiento se generó en la costa de Concepción, posterior a él, se registraron otros nueve sismos. Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 5.9 Richter se registró en el sur del país a las 01:56 horas de la madrugada de este martes. Según información de Sismología, el epicentro se generó a 53 kms al noroeste de Concepción.

5.0 quake shakes Oklahoma town

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 11:31:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage had been reported at the oil terminal.

Un sismo moderado se registra frente a las costas de Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 11:13:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico, señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00 GMT, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Tsunami aus Gas erzeugt augenförmige Struktur

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 11:08:00 +0100krone (de)

D ie Aufnahmen zeigen die Balkenspiralgalaxie IC 2163 (links), die derzeit mit der größeren Spiralgalaxie NGC 2207 (rechts) kollidiert. Das Galaxienpaar ist rund 114 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt und steht im Sternbild Großer Hund. Das Duo rauscht hart aneinander vorbei, wobei sich die Außenseiten seiner Spiralarme berührt haben.

Perù, sisma di magnitudo 6.1 in mare

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:41:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 8 novembre 2016) (Ultime Notizie - Ultim'ora) Un sisma di magnitudo pari a 6.1 è stato registrato registrato davanti alla costa centrale del Perù . Secondo l'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e l'Agenzia geologica statunitense (Usgs) il terremoto ha avuto epicentro....

Scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6 in Indonesia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:41:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 8 novembre 2016) Una Scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6 si è verificata sulla costa sud-occidentale dell’isola di Java, Indonesia : lo rende noto l’Agenzia nazionale per la meteorologia, climatologia e geofisica (BMKG). L’evento è stato rilevato a circa 271 chilometri a sud-ovest della....

Un sismo de 5,9 se registró frente a las costas de Chile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:36:00 +0100globovision (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 se registró el martes frente a las costas de Chile, en el Pacífico, señaló el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor tuvo lugar hacia las 05H00 GMT, a unos 60 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Concepción y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros, indicó la agencia.

Cimarron Tower Residents Spend Second Night In Emergency Shelter

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:05:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake crumbled parts of the Cimarron Tower apartment complex Sunday. The structural integrity of the building remains uncertain Monday night. The building was evacuated after the quake, and residents are spending a second night at the American Red Cross emergency shelter.

Gempa Bumi 6,0 SR Guncang Lebak, Belum Ada Laporan Kerusakan

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:02:00 +0100bisnis (id)

Bisnis.com , LEBAK - Gempa bumi berkekuatan 6,0 SR dengan pusat gempa di kedalaman 10 kilometer di dasar laut terjadi pukul 04.31 WIB di wilayah Provinsi Banten. Sejauh ini, gempa tersebut dilaporkan tidak menimbulkan kerusakan. "Kami belum menerima laporan adanya kerusakan infrastruktur maupun....

Charles and Camilla to visit humanitarian centre and hospital on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 10:01:00 +0100express (en)

PA Prince Charles and Camilla continue their tour of the Middle East in Dubai and Bahrain They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits Indonesia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:50:00 +0100wam-en (en)

JAKARTA, 8th November, 2016 (WAM) -- An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale has hit near Banten province in Western Indonesia. The Meteorological and Geophysics Agency said the quake's epicentre was located 271 km southwest of Lebak city in the province, at a depth of 10 km below sea level.

زلزال بقوة 6 درجات يضرب غربي إندونيسيا

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:38:00 +0100dostor (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6 درجات على مقياس ريختر قبالة مقاطعة بانتين غربي إندونيسيا اليوم، بحسب هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء. وذكرت الهيئة أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 271 كم جنوب غربي مدينة ليباك في المقاطعة وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات تحت سطح البحر. ولم تصدر أخبار فورية عن وقوع خسائر بشرية أو مادية جراء....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:16:00 +0100eldia (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió ayer el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Cile, forte scossa di terremoto sulla costa: magnitudo 6.1

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 09:13:00 +0100leggo (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto, di magnitudo 6.1 è stata registrata all'1:55 ora locale (le 5:55 in Italia) davanti la costa centrale del Cile. Secondo i dati ricevuti dall'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e quelli dell'agenzia geologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto....

L'Europa costa all'Italia in soldoni più di tutti i terremoti

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:57:00 +0100247libero (it)

Milano 8 Novembre – In soldoni, quanto costa un terremoto? La domanda è d’obbligo in questo momento di dolore e di rabbia. Una risposta univoca ovviamente non c’è. Ogni sisma fa storia a sé, e questa triste contabilità è purtroppo destinata ad aggiornarsi di ora in ora visto che in Umbria e nelle Marche la terra non si è fermata.

EEUU: terremoto de 5 grados sacude Oklahoma y provoca daños

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:45:00 +0100panamericana (es)

EEUU: terremoto de 5 grados sacude Oklahoma y provoca graves daños Hace 18 minutos. Un fuerte temblor de 5 grados en la escala de Ritcher sacudió al estado de Oklahoma, en Estados Unidos . El movimiento telúrico se registró la noche del último domingo cerca de la localidad de Cushing.

Scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6.1 al largo del Cile

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:24:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 8 novembre 2016) Una Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 è stata rilevata alle 05:55 ora italiana innanzi alla costa centrale del Cile . Secondo l’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10 km. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni a persone o cose.

زلزال قوي يضرب غربي إندونيسيا

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:19:00 +0100al-sharq (ar)

. منوعات الثلاثاء 08-11-2016 الساعة 09:08 ص. جاكرتا - وكالات. ضرب زلزال بقوة 6 درجات على مقياس ريختر قبالة مقاطعة "بانتين" غربي إندونيسيا اليوم الخميس. وذكرت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء، أن مركز الزلزال وقع على بعد 271 كم جنوب غربي مدينة "ليباك" بالمقاطعة على عمق 10 كم تحت سطح البحر. ولم تصدر الهيئة أي تحذير من موجات المد العاتي تسونامي.

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,9 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs marți la 48 de kilometri nord vest de orașul Talcahuano, din Chile.

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:19:00 +0100stiri (ro)

Seismul a avut loc la ora 04:55:44 GMT, a informat Serviciul de monitorizare geologică al Statelor Unite (U.S. Geological Survey, USGS), citat de Xinhua. Epicentrul seismului, cu o adâncime de 17,3 de kilometri, a fost inițial determinat la 36,5806 grade latitudine sudică și 73,6355 grade longitudine vestică.

Señor de los Milagros, El Cristo Morado de Pachacamilla (*)

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 08:16:00 +0100eldiario (es)

Octubre tiene en sus días un profundo acento de fe cristiana. Tiene el rostro morado, rostro de incienso, de sudor de multitud apiñada. Este mes tiene en Lima (Perú) el rostro de la fiesta brava, de represión, de canto religioso, de caras moradas y también el rostro de los milagros.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:53:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

CUSHING: Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50....

عام / زلزال بقوة 6 درجات يضرب غربي إندونيسيا

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:50:00 +0100spa (ar)

جاكرتا 08 صفر 1438 هـ الموافق 08 نوفمبر 2016 م واس ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 6 درجات على مقياس ريختر قبالة مقاطعة بانتين غربي إندونيسيا اليوم. وذكرت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 271 كم جنوب غربي مدينة ليباك في المقاطعة و على عمق 10 كيلو مترات تحت سطح البحر .

У берегов Чили произошло землетрясение

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:42:00 +0100vz (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,9 произошло у побережья Чили, сообщила геологическая служба США. Эпицентр подземных толчков находился примерно в 48 км к западу от города Талькауно, очаг залегал на глубине 17,3 км, передает Данные о пострадавших или разрушениях, а также об угрозе возникновения цунами не поступали.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,9 grade în Chile. Este al doilea mare seism produs în mai puţin de o săptămână

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:37:00 +0100romanialibera (ro)

de 08 noiembrie 2016 - stire actualizata la ora 08:27, 08 noiembrie 2016. Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,9 grade în Chile. Este al doilea mare seism produs în mai puţin de o săptămână. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,9 grade pe scara Richter s.a produs, marţi, la o distanţă de 48 de kilometri....

Collaboration, compliance are must as state deals with quakes

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:33:00 +0100newsok (en)

ON Thursday of last week, following a magnitude-4.3 earthquake near Pawnee, state and federal regulators took steps to try to lessen the likelihood of disposal wells triggering seismic activity in the region. Three days after that action, Oklahoma experienced a magnitude-5.0 earthquake about 30 miles away, in Cushing.

Cushing oil infrastructure suffers no damage in earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:33:00 +0100newsok (en)

Storage tanks, pipelines and other oil infrastructure escaped Sunday's magnitude-5.0 earthquake without problems, industry leaders and regulators said Monday. Cushing is home to the country's largest commercial oil storage hub. "The OCC's (Oklahoma Corporation Commission's) Pipeline Safety....

Sisma, scossa di magnitudo 6.1 in mare davanti alla costa del Perù

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:28:00 +0100tgcom (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 è stata registrata all'1.55 ora locale (le 5.55 in Italia) davanti alla costa centrale del Perù. Secondo i dati ricevuti dall'Ingv e quelli dell'agenzia geologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 15 km di profondità ed epicentro 59 km a ovest di Concepciòn.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall will continue...

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:19:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site. The IHC is within eight hours by air of two-thirds of the world's population and has....

زلزال بقوة 6 درجات يضرب غربي إندونيسيا

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:12:00 +0100bna (ar)

جاكرتا في 08 نوفمبر/ بنا / ضرب زلزال قوته 6 درجات على مقياس ريختر قبالة مقاطعة بانتين غربي إندونيسيا اليوم، بحسب هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء. وذكرت الهيئة أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 271 كم جنوب غربي مدينة ليباك في المقاطعة و على عمق 10 كيلو مترات تحت سطح البحر.

L’Europa costa all’Italia in soldoni più di tutti i terremoti

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:11:00 +0100milanopost (it)

Milano 8 Novembre – In soldoni, quanto costa un terremoto? La domanda è d’obbligo in questo momento di dolore e di rabbia. Una risposta univoca ovviamente non c’è. Ogni sisma fa storia a sé, e questa triste contabilità è purtroppo destinata ad aggiornarsi di ora in ora visto che in Umbria e nelle Marche la terra non si è fermata.

Sismo de mediana intensidad se percibe en la zona centro sur del país

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:03:00 +0100t13 (es)

Sismo de mediana intensidad se percibe en la zona sur del país. Según información de Sismología, el epicentro se generó en la costa de Concepción. Un fuerte sismo de magnitud de 5.9 Richter se percibió en el sur del país a las 01:56 horas de la madrugada de este martes.

Pasaporte, un libro con destino al éxito

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:21:00 +0100cronicadelquindio (es)

John Jairo Cardona Berrío emigrante quindiano residente en Londres, Inglaterra, presentó su libro Pasaporte en Armenia. Un año después del terremoto del 25 de enero de 1999 que destruyó gran parte del Eje Cafetero y que afectó de manera nefasta a la capital quindiana, debido a las consecuencias....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:21:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Roma, 7 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:18:00 +0100wandsworthguardian (en)

They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site.

40 to 50 buildings reported damaged in Okla. quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:16:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 1 hour ago CUSHING, Okla. — Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

A Magnitude-5.0 Earthquake Rattles Oklahoma

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:06:00 +0100laht (en)

WASHINGTON – A magnitude-5.0 earthquake was recorded Sunday evening at 7:44 p.m. (0144 GMT Monday), some 3 kilometers from the town of Cushing, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) after initially reporting it as a magnitude-5.3 tremble. The earthquake struck at a shallow depth of about 5 km (3.

Ways To Safeguard Your Home During An Earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:04:00 +0100news9 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY - On Sunday, On September 3, 2016, Oklahoma felt its largest earthquake to date. The 5.8 magnitude quake in Pawnee measured 5.8, slightly larger than the 5.6 in Prague back in 2011. The increase in quakes has prompted some homeowners to take action to prevent damage to their homes.

Moderate Earthquake Strikes South West Sumatera

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:01:00 +0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 (Bernama) -- A moderate earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale occurred in South West Sumatera at 5.31am today. The Malaysian Meteorological Department in a statement here today said the epicentre of the quake was 319km south west of Sukabumi, Indonesia and 1,115km south east of Johor Bahru, Johor.

5.7 Quake Hits Papua New Guinea

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 06:01:00 +0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 (Bernama) -- A moderate earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale occurred in Eastern New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea at 8.58am today. The Malaysian Meteorological Department in a statement here today said the epicentre of the quake was 95km north west of Lae, Papua New Guinea and 3,317km south east of Semporna, Sabah.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:55:00 +0100worcesternews (en)

They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100yorkpress (en)

They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100oxfordtimes (en)

They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site.

diaphanoskopie 3

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100freitag (de)

In diesen Wäldern soll Bigfoot wohnen. Doch zur Zeit wohnt hier ein anderes Schreckgespenst. Seine Anhängerschaft ist mindestens so leidenschaftlich, wie die des mythischen Affenmenschen der pazifischen Regenwälder. Und genauso in der Realität verhaftet.

Un nuevo terremoto sacudió Italia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

El temor se apoderó una vez más de Italia, luego de que un terremoto de 4 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudiera AYER lunes el centro del país, la misma zona en la que se registraron los sismos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV).

Ways To Safeguard Your Home During An Earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:41:00 +0100newson6 (en)

On September 3, 2016, Oklahoma felt its largest earthquake to date. The 5.8 magnitude quake in Pawnee measured 5.8, slightly larger than the 5.6 in Prague back in 2011. The increase in quakes has prompted some homeowners to take action to prevent damage to their homes. However, Campbell has seen firsthand what could happen after an earthquake.

Cushing Residents Worried As Earthquake Shakes Town

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:41:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Many people in Cushing aren't sure what to think after a 5.0-magnitude earthquake rattled and wrecked their town. There’s quite a bit of damage, and a lot of cleanup ahead. Monday, crews spent much of the day downtown assessing the damage. People who live in Cushing say the earthquakes are starting to get a little scary.

Humanitarian centre and hospital among next stops on royal tour

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:39:00 +0100dailyecho (en)

They will first visit the International Humanitarian City (IHC), where warehouses used by humanitarian organisations are located. Doors to some of the warehouses will be open to allow Charles and Camilla see the scale of operations. They will meet frontline aid workers from charities and private sector companies as they tour the site.

Los municipios que sufren estos temblores son los mismos afectados por los terremotos que se sucedieron entre el 26 y el 30 de octubre, el mayor de 6,5 grados, que devastaron numerosos pueblos de esta zona montañosa entre las regiones de Umbria y Las Marcas.

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:39:00 +0100panamaamerica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia Los municipios que sufren estos temblores son los mismos afectados por los terremotos que se sucedieron entre el 26 y el 30 de octubre, el mayor de 6,5 grados, que devastaron numerosos pueblos de esta zona montañosa entre las regiones de Umbria y Las Marcas.

6.0 magnitude quake hits Indonesia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100newindianexpress (en)

JAKARTA: An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale struck off Indonesia's Banten province on Tuesday, but was not potential for tsunami, weather officials said. The quake epicenter was at 271 km southwest Lebak of the province, at 10 km under sea bed, an official of the meteorology and geophysics agency said.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder ‘unknown’

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100therepublic (en)

WICHITA, Kan. Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100therepublic (en)

CUSHING, Okla. The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night.

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:11:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night.

Official: 40 to 50 Buildings Damaged in Oklahoma Quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:02:00 +0100tristateupdate (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) -- Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Maltempo: scuole chiuse Ladispoli, quasi 400 interventi VVF

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:02:00 +0100infooggi (it)

ROMA, 07 NOVEMBRE - Scuole chiuse a Ladispoli dopo il violento nubifragio con una tromba d'aria che si e' abbattuto ieri pomeriggio poco dopo le 17, sul litorale nord del Lazio e che ha investito anche Roma. Il bilancio nella cittadina balneare lungo l'Aurelia e' stato di un morto colpito da....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 05:00:00 +0100ohio (en)

Damage in Cushing, Okla., is seen on Monday caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

OKCPS Considers School Calendar Change

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:57:00 +0100news9 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY - Board members with Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) are considering a change in the district's calendar. According to a special committee, since the current calendar was implemented five years ago, achievement has gone down in some areas.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:56:00 +0100cjonline (en)

CUSHING, Okla. Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50....

Substantial damage after magnitude-5 quake in quiet US state

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:54:00 +0100tvnz (en)

A magnitude-5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday (overnight New Zealand time),....

'Quite a shake' - Strong early-morning earthquake rattles Taranaki

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:54:00 +0100tvnz (en)

The Geonet automatic earthquake report showed the quake was centred 10km northwest of Opunake at a depth of 14km. "Well if you weren't already awake, that will have done it. It was quite a shake," Shona Glentworth tweeted. Other Twitter users reported the quake was felt as far away as Whanganui,....

PM to visit UTKHP site

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Kathmandu, November 7. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal is scheduled to visit Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project (UTKHP) site in Dolakha district tomorrow to observe the progress of the largest capacity hydropower project of Nepal. UTKHP, the 456 MW run-of-river (RoR) project, being developed....

Terremoto en San Marcos, “la ayuda nunca llegó” dicen víctimas

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 04:25:00 +0100guatevision (es)

Por: Andrea López | 7 noviembre, 2016 - 8:42 PM A las 10.35 de la mañana de este 7 de noviembre, sonaron las sirenas de Bomberos Voluntarios y Policía Nacional Civil -PNC-, recordando el terremoto de hace 4 años, cuando 31 personas murieron en San Marcos, por ello se realizaron 7 minutos de oración para recordar a las víctimas.

İstanbul’da Tsunami nereleri vurabilir? İşte en riskli iki ilçe...

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:52:00 +0100turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi’nde (KRDAE) “Dünya Tsunami Günü”nde düzenlenen basın toplantısı ile deprem ve tsunami gibi afetlerin zararlarının azaltılması için yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verildi. Bölgesel Deprem-Tsunami İzleme ve Değerlendirme Merkezi’nin, geçtiğimiz günlerde tsunami hizmet sağlayıcısı olduğunu belirten Prof.

Otra vez en el suelo: Haití tras el paso de huracán Matthew

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:39:00 +0100t13 (es)

. Hace casi un mes Haití nuevamente fue remecido por la naturaleza. En 2010 un terremoto dejó cerca de 250 mil fallecidos, ahora el huracán Matthew arrasó con gran parte del país. Se estima que los muertos bordean las 900 víctimas. Teletrece viajó a la isla y fue testigo de las necesidades de un pueblo azotado por el hambre y la pobreza.

Three dozen pagodas sustained worst extent of earthquake damage

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:38:00 +0100mmtimes (en)

A Restoration committee led by Vice President U Myint Swe has identified 36 pagodas badly damaged by August’s earthquake that are in need of urgent repairs. A second group of 53 ancient buildings, less badly affected, will also undergo renovation, as well as 224 others with relatively minor damage.

Christchurch quake victims honored in New Zealand memorial wall

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:32:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The names of the 185 people who died in the earthquake that struck New Zealand's second city in February 2011 are now on public display. The final inscribed marble panel on the front of Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial in Christchurch was placed Tuesday,....

Christchurch quake victims honored in New Zealand memorial wall

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:09:00 +0100sinacom (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The names of the 185 people who died in the earthquake that struck New Zealand's second city in February 2011 are now on public display. The final inscribed marble panel on the front of Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial in Christchurch was placed Tuesday,....

Envían más de 18 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria a Haití

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:08:00 +0100excelsior (es)

La ayuda fue enviada a las víctimas y personas que resultaron afectadas por el paso del huracán Matthew que azotó la isla hace cerca de un mes 07/11/2016 19:40 Luis Pérez Courtade / Texto y Fotos. La ayuda fue enviada a las víctimas y personas que resultaron afectadas por el paso del huracán Matthew que azotó la isla hace cerca de un mes.

Magnitude 6 quake hits western Indonesia; no tsunami alert issued

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 03:03:00 +0100sunstar (en)

JAKARTA -- An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale struck off Banten province of western Indonesia earlier Tuesday, but was not potential for tsunami, the meteorology and geophysics agency said. The quake epicenter was at 271 km southwest Lebak of the province, at 10 km under sea bed, an official of the agency said.

[VIDEO[ Violento tornado azota Italia a días de los terremotos

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:54:00 +0100t13 (es)

Dos fuertes sismos , uno de magnitud 5,5 y otro de 6,1 sacudieron el pasado 26 de octubre el centro de Italia , causando importantes daños materiales y decenas de heridos leves, dos meses después del terremoto que dejó casi 300 muertos. El primer sismo de magnitud se produjo a las 19:10 (hora local) y otro de 6,1 a las 21:18 (hora local).

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:44:00 +0100newindianexpress (en)

CUSHING, Okla: Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50....

‘Substantial damage’ after earthquake hits Oklahoma town

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:15:00 +0100TorontoStar (en)

In recent years, Oklahoma regulators have asked oil and gas producers to either close waste water injection wells or cut back on the volume of fluids injected. The reductions have generally led to a drop-off in quakes and their severity, though not always.

Memorial Wall progress reaches milestone

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:12:00 +0100voxy (en)

The final inscribed marble panel on the front of Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial is being placed today, says Associate Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration Nicky Wagner. "The Memorial Wall consists of 517 panels of Italian marble, which have been placed on a concrete base wall over the past two months.

40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:08:00 +0100trendnews-az (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal, Associated Press reported.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission To Shut Down More Disposal Wells

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:05:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission announced Monday afternoon that it plans to shut down more disposal wells following Sunday's 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing. The Oil and Gas Division of the OCC is planning to implement a new action in response to the earthquake in the Cushing area.

Los héroes del Usar

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 02:02:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

En Nueva York hay una verdadera devoción por su cuerpo de bomberos. Cuando tu pasas por alguna de sus tantas estaciones, que no tienen ninguna apariencia pomposa ni mucho menos, hay un pequeño altar en un lateral con una o dos fotografías y una veladora de pilas siempre encendida.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:47:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:42:00 +0100bostonglobe (en)

Spears said an assisted living community had been evacuated after damage was reported. The Cushing Public School District canceled Monday classes. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation reported Sunday night that no highway or bridge damage was found within a 15-mile radius of the earthquake’s epicenter.

At least 40 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:42:00 +0100wkbw (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

1st LD: 6.0 magnitude quake hits western Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:37:00 +0100sinacom (zh)

JAKARTA, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.0 Richter scale struck off Banten province of western Indonesia earlier Tuesday, but was not potential for tsunami, the meteorology and geophysics agency said. The quake epicenter was at 271 km southwest Lebak of the province, at 10 km under sea bed, an official of the agency said.

Urgent: 6.0 magnitude quake hits western Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:37:00 +0100sinacom (zh)

JAKARTA, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.0 Richter scale struck off Banten province of western Indonesia early Tuesday, but was not potential for tsunami, the meteorology and geophysics agency said. SINA English is the English-language destination for news and information about China.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,0 sacude el centro de Indonesia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:36:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Este martes, 8 de noviembre, un sismo de magnitud de 6,0 ha sacudido la costa suroccidental de la isla indonesia de Java, según informa RIA citando a la Agencia de Meteorología y Geofísica (BMKG) del país asiático. El foco se ubicó en el océano Índico cerca de la entrada al estrecho de Sonda, a 10....

Oklahomans Take To Social Media To Report On Cushing Earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:35:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake rattled the Cushing community Sunday night, and the news spread quickly on social media. You might think most Oklahomans would be used to feeling earthquakes by now, but many say the ones strong enough to shake the pictures on the wall still surprise them.

Italia no tiene paz: tornado y terremoto en el mismo día

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:34:00 +0100diaadia (es)

Italia vuelve a ser noticia por cuestiones climáticas. Es que en la jornada de este lunes un y un terremoto azotaron al país europeao. El sismo de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió el centro de Italia, según indicó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología de aquel país.

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:17:00 +0100eagletribune (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night.

At least 40 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:17:00 +0100newschannel5 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

5.0 quake prompts shut down of Oklahoma injection wells

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:16:00 +0100annistonstar (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — An estimated 40 to 50 structures in Cushing received substantial damage as a result of Sunday's 5.0-magnitude earthquake, city manager Steve Spears said during a news conference Monday morning. The quake prompted the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to shut down some injection wells....

The Latest: Regulators Plan to Shut Down Wells in Quake Area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:15:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night.

At least 40 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:11:00 +0100abcactionnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

5.0 quake prompts shut down of Oklahoma injection wells

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:09:00 +0100smithvilleherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — An estimated 40 to 50 structures in Cushing received substantial damage as a result of Sunday's 5.0-magnitude earthquake, city manager Steve Spears said during a news conference Monday morning. The quake prompted the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to shut down some injection wells....

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 01:02:00 +0100startribune (en)

5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division said Monday that more than 700 square miles are included in the new....

Terremoto de 4 grados sacudió centro de Italia

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:51:00 +0100ABCDigital (es)

El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.56 hora local (18.56 GMT) y el epicentro se ubicó en la provincia de Macerata, entre los municipios de Castelsantangelo sul Nera, Ussita y Visso. Unos veinte minutos después, a las 20.16 locales (19.

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:51:00 +0100newsok (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

The Latest: Regulators plan to shut down wells in quake area

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:37:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 5:20 p.m. Oklahoma regulators say they will shut down some disposal wells and reduce volume in others after a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing on Sunday night.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder 'unknown'

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:36:00 +0100nzherald (en)

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) " Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor " a magnitude 5.

Red Cross Shelter Providing For Those In Need After Cushing Earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:34:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - One of the buildings damaged by an earthquake that shook Cushing Sunday night was the Cimarron Tower, which houses apartments for senior citizens. More than 40 people had to be removed from the building and more than a dozen are still at a shelter the Red Cross set up.

U.S. oil hub works to resume normal operations after 5.0 earthquake

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:24:00 +0100reuters (en)

NEW YORK U.S. pipeline companies with operations at the heart of the country's commercial oil industry restarted on Monday after a 5.0-magnitude earthquake late on Sunday triggered safety shutdowns. The epicenter of the earthquake was just 2 miles (3.2 km) from Cushing, Oklahoma, the delivery point....

تسونامي الهبوط يهدد ثلثي فرق الدوري

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:23:00 +0100raya (ar)

متابعة ـ سمير البحيري : قرار هبوط 4 فرق من الأندية الــ 14 بنهاية النسخة الحالية لدوري النجوم، جاء بمثابة الضربة القاضية لثلثي فرق الدوري فبعد مُضي 6 جولات من المسابقة، وارتفاع وتيرة المنافسة بقوة أصبحت هناك فرق مهددة بالهبوط من البداية وأخرى تصارع من أجل عدم السقوط إلى منطقة الخطر، وهو ما خلق صراعاً على "النقطة" سيبقى محتدماً إلى نهاية الدوري .

Cushing Schools Back In Session Tuesday After Earthquake Cleanup

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:19:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Cushing Public Schools announced Monday that classes will go on as usual Tuesday following a Sunday night earthquake. In on post on its Facebook page, the district said, “All of our buildings are safe, secure, and ready for students.” The post also said there was no structural or utility damage at any of the campuses.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder 'unknown'

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:07:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder 'unknown'

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:06:00 +0100newsok (en)

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder 'unknown'

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:01:00 +0100startribune (en)

Purchase: Order Reprint WICHITA, Kan. — Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder ‘unknown’

Tue, 08 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

WICHITA, Kan. Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Borde costero de la región de Coquimbo vivirá simulacro de terremoto y tsunami

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:52:00 +0100adnradio (es)

El ejercicio se realizará durante el jueves 10 de noviembre. Podría durar hasta una hora. El 16 de septiembre del año pasado, la región de Coquimbo fue azotada por uno de los terremotos de mayor magnitud de las que se haya tenido registro y que obligó a la evacuación de miles de personas, especialmente, desde el borde costero.

Geologists explain Oklahoma earthquakes, ponder ‘unknown’

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:50:00 +0100wivb (en)

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Geologists Explain Oklahoma Earthquakes, Ponder 'Unknown'

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:45:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Thousands of earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma and neighboring states in recent years, with the most significant portion traced to the underground injection of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. The latest strong temblor — a magnitude 5.

Un sismo de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:45:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió el 7 de noviembre del 2016 el centro de Italia , la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV) El temblor se registró a trece....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:37:00 +0100tvn-2 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Cushing Schools Back In Session Tuesday After Earthquake Cleanup

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:35:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Cushing Public Schools announced Monday that classes will go on as usual Tuesday following a Sunday night earthquake. In on post on its Facebook page, the district said, “All of our buildings are safe, secure, and ready for students.” The post also said there was no structural or utility damage at any of the campuses.

Ciudadanía se alista a participar en simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en región de Coquimbo

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:35:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

El 16 de septiembre del año pasado, y cerca de las 20 horas, la Región de Coquimo fue azotada por uno de los terremotos de mayor intensidad de las que se haya tenido registro. Un escenario de emergencia que gatilló en la evacuación de miles de personas, especialmente, desde el borde costero.

Nuevo terremoto sacudió el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:21:00 +0100el-nacional (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacudió este lunes el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los sismos de las últimas semanas , según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). Los municipios que sufren estos temblores son los mismos afectados por los....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacudió nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:17:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

EFE. Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió este lunes el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:11:00 +0100lacrossetribune (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:05:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

Italia: sismo de magnitud 4 vuelve sacudir el centro de ese país

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:05:00 +0100diariocorreo (es)

Los municipios que sufren estos temblores son los mismos que fueron afectados por los terremotos ocurridos entre el 26 y el 30 de octubre Italia: sismo de magnitud 4 vuelve sacudir el centro de ese país Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia , la misma....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:02:00 +0100bnd (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:02:00 +0100hjnews (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 23:00:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:58:00 +0100startribune (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday's earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Un sismo de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:57:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Terremoto en occidente del país deja saldo mortal

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:48:00 +0100prensalibre (es)

El presidente Otto Pérez Molina declaró tres días de duelo nacional y alerta roja institucional, además giró órdenes a la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (Conred), que atendiera la emergencia. Las autoridades a cargo de la emergencia indicaron que ejecutarían tres fases de....

Earthquake Strikes Oklahoma Near Major Oil Hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:45:00 +0100npr (en)

A strong earthquake rattled central Oklahoma over the weekend. The magnitude 5.0 temblor struck not far from one of the state's major oil hubs.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:44:00 +0100opinion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los sismos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de....

40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:40:00 +0100fox35orlando (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:38:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

¡Atención! Dos sismos sacuden nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:31:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió este lunes el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Campaigners hope to save vital island ferry service

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:31:00 +0100heraldscotland (en)

Campaigners took to the seas on Monday in a bid to save a vital island ferry service which is facing the axe. The service could be moved to another port and potentially make travel to the mainland more difficult for island passengers. Many people who live on Arran hope to keep the ferry sailing to....

Terremoto de magnitud 4 vuelve a sacudir el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:27:00 +0100critica (es)

Roma / EFE. Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 22:19:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió este lunes el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:59:00 +0100laregion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Comentarios sobre Un terremoto de magnitud 4 Richter sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:51:00 +010020minutos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió este lunes el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Nuevo terremoto sacudió el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:50:00 +0100unionradio (es)

ROMA.- Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los sismos de las últimas semanas , según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). Los municipios que sufren estos temblores son los mismos afectados por los....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:49:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:47:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:47:00 +0100laprensagrafica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Haiti's staple crop is cheap labour

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:43:00 +0100mondediplo (en)

T he workforce from Factory 4, Caracol Industrial Park (CIP) in northern Haiti, mostly women, emerged into the dazzling sunlight at 11am in their regulation aprons and caps, and those not heading for the canteen looked for a shady spot for lunch. About 40 women are allowed into the park to sell homemade meals for 50 gourdes ($0.

Enorme "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:41:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 4 novembre 2016) Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile. "C'è la grande opportunità di studiare quello che accade quando due galassie si sfiorano" Astronomia : un Enorme “occhio cosmico” disegnato da uno tsunami di stelle e gas [FOTO] : Gli astronomi passano il loro tempo ad osservare....

Magnitude 4 quake in Macerata area (2)

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:39:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (en)

Rome, November 7 - A magnitude 4 earthquake occurred at 19:56 at a depth of 13 kilometers in Macerata province, the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported Monday. The city of Macerata lies in the central Marche region. The emergency started with an August 24, 6.0-magnitude quake that killed 298 people.

Magnitude 4 quake in Macerata area (2)

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:39:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (en)

Rome, November 7 - A magnitude 4 earthquake occurred at 19:56 at a depth of 13 kilometers in Macerata province, the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported Monday. The city of Macerata lies in the central Marche region. The emergency started with an August 24, 6.0-magnitude quake that killed 298 people.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 sacude nuevamente el centro de Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:36:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el centro de Italia, la misma zona en la que se registraron los seísmos de las últimas semanas, según confirmó el Instituto Nacional de Geofísica y Vulcanología del país (INGV). El temblor se registró a trece kilómetros de profundidad a las 19.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:33:00 +0100chicagotribune (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:29:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

A television reporter takes video as she walks past a damaged building in Cushing, Okla. caused by Sunday night's 5.0 magnitude earthquake, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Cushing, home to one of the world's key oil....

Despiden a un cura que vincula el terremoto de Italia a "pecados del hombre como la homosexualidad"

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:28:00 +0100laregion (es)

Radio María ha anunciado el despido del sacerdote Giovanni Cavalcoli después de que éste vinculara los terremotos que han asolado en las últimas semanas el centro de Italia con los pecados del hombre como las uniones civiles de personas del mismo sexo.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:24:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Magnitude 4 quake in Macerata area (2)

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:21:00 +0100GazzettaDelSud-en (en)

Rome, November 7 - A magnitude 4 earthquake occurred at 19:56 at a depth of 13 kilometers in Macerata province, the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported Monday. The city of Macerata lies in the central Marche region. The emergency started with an August 24, 6.0-magnitude quake that killed 298 people.

As The World Looks Elsewhere, Haiti's Disaster Is Just Beginning

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:14:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

I returned from my shortest trip to Haiti last week, back to DeKalb, Illinois, an agribusiness hub, hosting Nestle and Monsanto processing plants. Most cornfields have been harvested. The Cubs won the world series for the first time in 108 years . Another of Illinois' home grown, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has an 84% likelihood of being elected the U.

Keystone pipeline at risk near Okla. quake, study says

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:13:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A federal agency devoted to reducing risks from earthquakes concluded in a 2015 study that Cushing, Okla., the site of Sunday’s 5.0 magnitude earthquake, which carries part of the Keystone pipeline, is a major source of risk. “Cushing, Oklahoma is an area of concern because it is a major hub of the U.

Red Cross Hosts 450+ For Earthquake Preparedness Presentation In Bend Tonight

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:13:00 +0100mycentraloregon (en)

Bend, Ore. – The American Red Cross, in partnership with Mid Oregon Credit Union and the Bend Bulletin, is helping Oregonians to better understand the Cascadia Subduction Zone, the regional impact of a Cascadia earthquake and the simple steps they can take now to be ready for disasters of all kinds by holding Prepare Out Loud in Bend.

Cushing Earthquake Shakes Up Business District

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:03:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - With up to 50 buildings damaged, Cushing city crews and business owners face a big cleanup. Bricks and concrete from buildings fell onto the sidewalks, and business owners are out looking at the damage. "It's gonna scare everybody just like it scared me last night. I thought the house was shifting off," said Dan Winnie.

El FBI, un desagradable invitado sorpresa

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:00:00 +0100elperiodico (es)

El director de la agencia de investigación, James Comey, está en el ojo del huracán por su gestión de las pesquisas del caso de los e-mails de Clinton. A James Comey , el director del FBI , quizá le consuele saber que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, sigue a día de hoy “confiando....

Rige resolución sobre importación para Manabí y Esmeraldas, afectadas por terremoto en Ecuador

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:57:00 +0100confirmado (es)

. 14:00 - 07/11/2016 Desde este lunes 7 de noviembre está vigente la resolución 029-2016 del Comité de Comercio Exterior (Comex) que permite hasta el 20 de mayo de 2017, la importación de bienes de capital no producidos en Ecuador que sean destinados a procesos productivos o a la prestación de....

Tsunami de estrellas produce deslumbrante ojo galáctico | FOTOS

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:52:00 +0100laprensa-PE (es)

Un grupo de astrónomos utilizado el telescopio ALMA han descubierto un tsunami de estrellas y gas que choca a mitad de camino con un disco de una galaxia espiral conocida como IC 2163 . Esta colosal ola de material – que se desencadenó cuando IC 2163 recientemente desplazó lateralmente otra galaxia....

Feriado fue un éxito, asegura Presidente Correa [www.ecuadorinmediato.com]

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:51:00 +0100ecuadorinmediato (es)

La mejor forma de demostrar solidaridad fue visitando playas de Manabí y Esmeraldas, destacó El Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, calificó como un "éxito" las cifras que arrojaron el feriado de 5 días. Según el gobernante, los turistas repletaron las playas de Manabí y Esmeraldas,....

Sunday’s quake struck town with millions of barrels of oil in storage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:43:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck Cushing, Okla., on Sunday, a town that happens to be one of the largest oil hubs in the world, with tens of There have not yet been any reports of damage at any of the oil facilities, according to Jeremy Frazier, the assistant city manager in Cushing.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:43:00 +0100krmg (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

City Of Cushing Officials Assess Stability Of Structures Following Earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:33:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Downtown Cushing streets are still roped off as emergency crews assess the stability of the buildings following that 5.0 magnitude quake. Sunday's magnitude earthquake rattled the Payne County community of Cushing, and nearly 50 buildings were damaged in the quake that also prompted evacuations Sunday night.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:20:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Get a free doughnut from Krispy Kreme on Election Day

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:18:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

CHATTANOOGA, TN (WRCB) - Get yourself a freebie for voting! Participating Krispy Kreme locations across the United States are offering a free doughnut to any guest indicating (sticker) that he or she voted on November 8th. No coupon is required. Information about locations not participating can be....

Official: 40 to 50 Buildings Damaged in Oklahoma Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:14:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Okla. quake site major area of concern on Keystone pipeline, 2015 study says

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:12:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A federal agency devoted to reducing risks from earthquakes concluded in a 2015 study that Cushing, Okla., the site of Sunday’s 5.0 magnitude earthquake, which carries part of the Keystone pipeline, is a major source of risk. “Cushing, Oklahoma is an area of concern because it is a major hub of the U.

Cushing Earthquake Damage Revealed in Daylight

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:10:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - The day after the 5.0 magnitude earthquake outside Cushing, damage is apparent citywide. Most of the buildings in town are older, many built in the early 1900s, but the 3-year-old public safety building also suffered significant damage. Insurance commissioners are touring Cushing to do assessments.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 20:06:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Atraso del Hospital Cabral y Báez se debe a su cercanía a una falla sísmica

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:59:00 +0100diariodigital-RD (es)

Francisco Pagán dijo que este Centro Asistencial está a 7 kilómetros de la falla Septentrional y su estructura fue una réplica de 8 hospitales que se cayeron en México en el terremoto del 1985. Por: José A. Toribio. Santiago-El director de la Oficina de Ingenieros Supervisores de Obras del Estado....

ENPA aids over 900 animals in quake area

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:48:00 +0100GazzettaDelSud-en (en)

Rome, November 7 - The National Animal Protection Agency (ENPA) said Monday it has assisted a total of 912 animals in the earthquake-stricken area of central Italy since the latest tremors wreaked further havoc at the end of October. ENPA assistance includes food, medicine, and deworming, with ENPA....

ENPA aids over 900 animals in quake area

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:37:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (en)

Rome, November 7 - The National Animal Protection Agency (ENPA) said Monday it has assisted a total of 912 animals in the earthquake-stricken area of central Italy since the latest tremors wreaked further havoc at the end of October. ENPA assistance includes food, medicine, and deworming, with ENPA....

Oklahoma quake sounded ‘like someone drove a very large truck’ into the house

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:14:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

— Governor Mary Fallin (@GovMaryFallin) November 7, 2016 Cushing officials continue to check on building safety & for natural gas leaks. No damage reported from the storage tank farms at this time. — Governor Mary Fallin (@GovMaryFallin) November 7, 2016 Cushing is located about 70 miles from Oklahoma City.

Earthquake Shakes Oklahoma Oil Storage Hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:13:00 +0100npr (en)

Article continues after sponsorship This is not the first significant earthquake to damage central Oklahoma. The governor declared a state of emergency in September after a magnitude 5.3 earthquake. "This little patch of prairie in northwestern Oklahoma is one of the most important places in the U.S.

Early morning quake rattles Taranaki

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:02:00 +0100newshub (en)

A 5.0 magnitude earthquake has rattled Taranaki just before 6am on Tuesday. The "strong" quake struck 10km northwest of Opunake at a depth of 19km. The quake has been felt widely across the North Island particularly along the west coast stretching from New Plymouth down to Wellington. Many people are describing the quake as a "sharp jolt".

Leer más sobre Inventan tecnología que protege a los vinos de los terremotos en Chile

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:59:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente para proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos. El proyecto, según informa la universidad en un comunicado, busca revertir....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:58:00 +0100AP (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:58:00 +0100taipeitimes (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor might have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:55:00 +0100news-herald (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday’s earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Rige resolución sobre importación para Manabí y Esmeraldas, afectadas por terremoto en Ecuador

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:55:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Desde este lunes 7 de noviembre está vigente la resolución 029-2016 del Comité de Comercio Exterior (Comex) que permite hasta el 20 de mayo de 2017, la importación de bienes de capital no producidos en Ecuador que sean destinados a procesos productivos o a la prestación de servicios que se realicen....

Sunday’s quake struck town with millions of barrels of oil in storage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:42:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck Cushing, Okla., on Sunday, a town that happens to be one of the largest oil hubs in the world, with tens of There have not yet been any reports of damage at any of the oil facilities, according to Jeremy Frazier, the assistant city manager in Cushing.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:36:00 +0100financialexpress (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained ”substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Earthquake Causes Major Damage In Downtown Cushing

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:32:00 +0100newson6 (en)

TULSA, Oklahoma - The Cushing Fire Department says there is significant damage to downtown Cushing, but it says it has not transported anyone to the hospital for injuries. The preliminary indication is that it was a 5.3 magnitude centered near Cushing. The US Geological Survey later downgraded it to 5.

Conmemoran Día Mundial para la Concienciación sobre los Tsunamis

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:31:00 +0100diariocolatino (es)

@AlmaCoLatino. C ada 5 de noviembre ha quedado establecido como el Día Mundial para la Concienciación sobre los Tsunamis, fecha aprobada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el 22 de diciembre de 2015. Japón propuso esta fecha debido al terremoto en el distrito de Nankai, ocurrido el 5 de noviembre de 1854.

ALMA capta imágenes de un "tsunami" de estrellas que confirma la teoría de colisión de las galaxias

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:30:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Los astrónomos detallaron que estas formaciones sólo duran por " algunas decenas de millones de años", por lo que es "oportunidad excepcional para estudiar lo que sucede cuando una galaxia roza otra". SANTIAGO.- El observatorio ALMA, en el norte de Chile, captó una estructura con forma de párpado....

Strong early morning quake hits Taranaki 16 minutes ago

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:29:00 +0100newstalkzb (en)

UPDATED 6.26am: A strong 5.2-magnitude earthquake has struck Taranaki, with hundreds of people reporting feeling the tremor. The quake struck 10km north of Opunake at a depth of 19km about 6am on Tuesday, Geonet says. More than 1300 people reported feeling it, with more than 60 saying it was strong or extreme.

Strong 5.0 quake rattles Opunake, Taranaki

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:28:00 +0100nzherald (en)

The earthquake was centred 10km north of Opunake and was felt widely throughout central New Zealand. Photo / GeoNet. A strong quake measuring 5.0 has shaken Taranaki this morning. The earthquake was centred 10km north of Opunake and was felt widely throughout central New Zealand.

Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:13:00 +0100thespec (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday's earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

New video shows Okla. earthquake damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:08:00 +0100kgw (en)

New video shows Okla.

ODOT Crews Inspect Bridges Following Cushing Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:02:00 +0100newson6 (en)

PAYNE COUNTY, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) went to work quickly to inspect the integrity of bridges, , Sunday night. following the 5.0 earthquake near Cushing Crews visually inspected 110 state highway system bridges within a 30-mile radius of the earthquake’s epicenter and found no damage.

About 40-50 buildings with earthquake damage in Cushing, Oklahoma, hotline set up

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:00:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING — About 30-40 buildings were damaged by the Sunday 5.0-magnitude quake, Cushing city officials reported during a Monday news conference. The buildings are in a 16-block area that covers downtown. The 7:44 p.m. Sunday quake did not cause any injuries.

The Latest: Oil operations resume after Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:00:00 +0100newsok (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake; no reports of damage in Arkansas

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:53:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday's earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Dozens of buildings damaged after moderate 5.0 earthquake rattles Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:47:00 +0100globalnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. – Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations, school closures

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:46:00 +0100fox5sandiego (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

'Pipeline Crossroads of the World' hit with strong earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:45:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

- A large earthquake rattled residents all over the state of Oklahoma Sunday night, causing "significant damage" in the city of Cushing. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the quake was a 5.0 magnitude earthquake. The central Oklahoma city of Cushing, which dubs itself the "Pipeline Capital of the....

ODOT Crews Inspect Bridges Following Cushing Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:44:00 +0100news9 (en)

PAYNE COUNTY, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) went to work quickly to inspect the integrity of bridges, , Sunday night. following the 5.0 earthquake near Cushing Crews visually inspected 110 state highway system bridges within a 30-mile radius of the earthquake’s epicenter and found no damage.

The Latest: Oil Operations Resume After Oklahoma Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:55 a.m. State regulators in Oklahoma say normal operations have resumed at the Cushing oil storage terminal after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Sunday night.

Official: 40+ buildings damaged in OK quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:42:00 +0100abc15 (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

The Latest: Oil operations resume after Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:39:00 +0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:55 a.m. State regulators in Oklahoma say normal operations have resumed at the Cushing oil storage terminal after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Sunday night.

40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:39:00 +0100news-gazette (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:38:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

7 Drei Wochen vor der Abstimmung sind 56 Prozent für den Atomausstieg Noch glauben alle an einen Sieg

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:37:00 +0100blick (de)

Ja wenn das Risikos eines Erdbebens in der Schweiz kleiner ist als in Japan oder sonst wo, jedoch das Risiko eines Flugzeugabsturzes in ein AKW der Schweiz jedoch viel höher, ja was dann? Ein Airbus A380 auf ein AKW der Schweiz, dann gute Nacht. Unsere Stromkönige kann man nur mit Druck zum Umdenken....

The Latest: Oil operations resume after Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:35:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:55 a.m. State regulators in Oklahoma say normal operations have resumed at the Cushing oil storage terminal after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Sunday night.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:31:00 +0100fox10tv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Collision of two distant galaxies creates tsunami of stars forming giant 'eye in the sky'

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:30:00 +0100themirror (en)

M. Kaufman; B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF); ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope A swirl of stars in the shape of an eye, formed by the glancing collision of two galaxies, has been captured in stunning detail by a telescope in Chile. As a spiral galaxy known as IC 2163 brushed past....

Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake Strikes Oklahoma, Shaking Felt in Nearby States

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:29:00 +0100patch (en)

CUSHING, OK — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near Cushing, Oklahoma on Sunday and residents in nearby states reported feeling shaking from the tremblor. The earthquake struck roughly 2 kilometers west of the town of Cushing, which is located 25 miles south of Pawnee, the town where another major earthquake struck in early September.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:26:00 +0100wfsb (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Oklahoma quake damaged 40 to 50 buildings, official says

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:25:00 +0100barrie (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:23:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

CUSHING, Okla. Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50....

mystiskt ljud från havsbotten i territoriet Nunavut

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:21:00 +0100flashback (sv)

Djur är ju duktiga på att känna av förändringar, typ jordbävningar och grejer. Om det sker en enorm kalvning av is eller ett ras på havsbotten av utsläppt metangas (gissar hära va) så vet nog djuren instinktivt om att en tsunami kan vara i antågande eller att vattentemperaturen kan stiga snabbt eller vafan som helst.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub damaged up to 50 buildings: official

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:20:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:17:00 +0100wsvn (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma earthquake (w/video)

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:16:00 +0100tampabay (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday's earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:16:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Oklahoma bridges inspected following Cushing earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100newsok (en)

Oklahoma Department of Transportation bridge crews began responding within 15 minutes of the 7:44 p.m. Sunday 5.0-magnitude earthquake just west of Cushing in Payne County, according to a news release from ODOT. Crews visually inspected 110 state highway system bridges within a 30-mile radius of the....

The Latest: Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100newsok (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

The Latest: Oil operations resume after Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

CUSHING, Okla. - The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:55 a.m. State regulators in Oklahoma say normal operations have resumed at the Cushing oil storage terminal after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck Sunday night.

National Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:14:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Mayors of Italy's quake towns feel they've been 'abandoned'

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:14:00 +0100thelocal-it (en)

"It's not clear who needs to do what, or how," Sergio Pirozzi, Amatrice's mayor, said in reference to the recovery efforts in his town, which was the worst hit in the August 28th earthquake. "The impression is that someone is abandoning us." "I'm sure it's not the case," he added, but went on to say....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100fox19 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. Full Story > CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:10:00 +0100denverpost (en)

Map locates Cushing, Oklahoma. CUSHING, Okla. — Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:07:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:04:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:04:00 +0100kptv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Une trombe marine s'abat sur la banlieue de Rome

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:03:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Une tornade a déferlé sur la banlieue de Rome dimanche. Ce phénomène climatique impressionnant a occasionné de nombreux dégâts matériels. La catastrophe a tué deux personnes et blessé une dizaine d'autres. Dix jours après le tremblement de terre qui a agité le centre du pays, la banlieue de Rome a....

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:01:00 +0100newson6 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub damaged up to 50 buildings: official

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 17:00:00 +0100chicagotribune (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:59:00 +0100eagletribune (en)

North Andover, MA (01845) Today. Sunny. High around 50F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low 34F. Winds light and variable. Updated: November 7, 2016 @ 9:54 am; Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake. CUSHING, Okla.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:58:00 +0100bnd (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

€224,873 raised to help Italy earthquake victims

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:57:00 +0100timesofmalta (en)

€224,873 were raised to help the victims of the earthquake in Central Italy in August in which some 300 people died, the Church said. Fund-raising, which was handled by Caritas, has now ended. The funds have been handed to Caritas Italia which is helping the victims of the earthquake, notably the homeless.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub damaged up to 50 buildings: official

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:53:00 +0100sun-sentinel (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Official: 40 to 50 Buildings Damaged in Oklahoma Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:53:00 +0100theepochtimes (en)

CUSHING, Okla.—Dozens of buildings sustained “substantial damage” after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that’s home to one of the world’s key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50....

Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100krmg (en)

Updated: 9:15 a.m. Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 | Posted: 9:15 a.m. Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake. © 2016 Cox Media Group .

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100krmg (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

The Latest: Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:10 a.m. An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained "substantial damage" in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.

Officials Update Cushing Earthquake Situation While Clean-Up Begins

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained "substantial damage" in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.0 earthquake includes cracks in buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100news9 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Detectada alta radiación en autolavados en Fukushima

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:52:00 +0100globovision (es)

El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superior a lo permitido a raíz al accidente nuclear de 2011, adelantó este domingo la agencia Kyodo.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:51:00 +0100wxow (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:50:00 +0100startribune (en)

Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were damaged in Sunday's earthquake, which was the third in Oklahoma this year with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater. No major injuries have been reported, and Spears said the damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:49:00 +0100wsfa (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. More >> CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:47:00 +0100wbrc (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. More >> CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

Official: 40 to 50 buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:45:00 +0100wafb (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal.

The Latest: Dozens of Buildings Damaged in Oklahoma Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:10 a.m. An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained "substantial damage" in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.

Oklahoma City Official Says 40 to 50 Buildings Sustained 'Substantial Damage' in Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Oklahoma City Official Says 40 to 50 Buildings Sustained 'Substantial Damage' in Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake. city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.

Official: 40 to 50 Buildings Damaged in Oklahoma Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Dozens of buildings sustained "substantial damage" after a 5.0 magnitude earthquake struck an Oklahoma town that's home to one of the world's key oil hubs, but officials said Monday that no damage has been reported at the oil terminal. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said 40 to 50 buildings were....

Reports of Oklahoma earthquake damage start rolling in

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:41:00 +0100kansascity (en)

The damage has been mostly downtown, according to Audra Forgusom, an administrator at the Cushing Chamber of Commerce. Most of the damage has been to the exterior of buildings downtown, including the Duncan Theater and the town paper, the Cushing Citizen, where photos showed large parts of the walls in the streets.

Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:34:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — Oklahoma city official says 40 to 50 buildings sustained 'substantial damage' in magnitude 5.0 earthquake.

The Latest: Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:34:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:10 a.m. An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained "substantial damage" in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.

Cushing Earthquake Recovery Underway

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:31:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - A 5.0 earthquake caused walls to topple and ceilings to collapse in Cushing Sunday night. The downtown area saw the most damage. The city manager said most of the buildings were built in the early 1900s. Emergency management crews updated the media and public about the extent of the damage in a news conference Monday morning.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:29:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

The Latest: Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:29:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

CUSHING, Okla. - The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:10 a.m. An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained "substantial damage" in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.

Trending Now 7 things to know now: No charges for Clinton; man says he killed 7; Ross Harris trial

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:27:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

Here's a roundup of news trending across the nation and world today. What to know now: 1. No charges on new emails : With the presidential election only hours away, FBI director James Comey announced Sunday afternoon that the bureau had found no new emails that would warrant criminal charges against....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:27:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

The Latest: Dozens of buildings damaged in Oklahoma quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:25:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 9:10 a.m. An official says 40 to 50 buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma, sustained “substantial damage” in an earthquake Sunday night. Cushing City Manager Steve Spears said Monday that the damage from the magnitude 5.

SAMU enfrenta posible traslado de su centro regulador a la región del Maule

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:13:00 +0100elrancaguino (es)

 La medida, que surge desde el Ministerio de Salud, propone que el Servicio de Urgencias de la Región de O’Higgins deje de funcionar en Rancagua para ser operado desde Talca. Valentina Bustamante. Hasta la oficina de diario El Rancagüino llegó Iván Pérez Pezón, funcionario del SAMU y dirigente de....

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:12:00 +0100wcvb (en)

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa. The United States Geological Survey had originally recorded it to be a 5.3 magnitude before downgrading the quake slightly.

Suspendieron el programa de un cura que dijo que el terremoto fue castigo divino por la homosexualidad

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:10:00 +0100diariouno (es)

Una radio suspendió el programa de un cura que dijo que el terremoto en Italia fue un "castigo divino" por el matrimonio homosexual. El Vaticano también condenó estas declaraciones que formuló en Radio María, una emisora católica. La emisora católica Radio María anunció la suspensión del programa....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage, aftershocks feared

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:09:00 +0100cleveland (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:06:00 +0100krmg (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:05:00 +0100news9 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Earthquakes Continue To Rumble Around Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:05:00 +0100news9 (en)

FAIRVIEW, Oklahoma - The Earth under Oklahoma continues to move, as a 3.2 magnitude quake rumbled near Fairview. This most recent quake was recorded at approximately 7:43 a.m., 14 miles northwest of Fairview at a depth of three miles. It was the second earthquake near Fairview since 1:30 a.m., when a 3.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:04:00 +0100whittierdailynews (en)

As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed widespread, substantial damage to buildings, with piles of bricks and other debris littering the ground following the earthquake the previous evening. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries had been reported.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:04:00 +0100wsfa (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. More >> CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:02:00 +0100dailybreeze (en)

As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed widespread, substantial damage to buildings, with piles of bricks and other debris littering the ground following the earthquake the previous evening. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries had been reported.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 16:00:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:57:00 +0100AP (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:57:00 +0100dailynews (en)

As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed widespread, substantial damage to buildings, with piles of bricks and other debris littering the ground following the earthquake the previous evening. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries had been reported.

Substantial damage after earthquake rattles major Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:56:00 +0100foxnews (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage, minor injuries

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:50:00 +0100baltimoresun (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

John Rollins Success Primary Helping Children In Haiti

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:50:00 +0100caribseek (en)

Principal of the John Rollins Success Primary School in Rose Hall, St. James, Yvonne Miller Wisdom (right); Administrative Assistant, Hervilyn Forbes (centre); Teacher, Margaret Harwood; and students, stand beside the attractively decorated drum in which the school is accepting relief supplies for Haitian students.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:46:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:44:00 +0100wsvn (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake Near Oklahoma Oil Hub Causes Substantial Damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:41:00 +0100fox19 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. Full Story > CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Sunday’s quake struck town with millions of barrels of oil in storage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:40:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck Cushing, Okla., on Sunday, a town that happens to be one of the largest oil hubs in the world, with tens of There have not yet been any reports of damage at any of the oil facilities, according to Jeremy Frazier, the assistant city manager in Cushing.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:40:00 +0100wbrc (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. More >> CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:39:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations, school closures

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:39:00 +0100wqad (en)

(CNN) -- A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:38:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:33:00 +0100kptv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:33:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Radio María cesa a un cura que dijo que el terremoto en Italia fue un «castigo divino» por el matrimonio homosexual

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:33:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

Sociedad Radio María cesa a un cura que dijo que el terremoto en Italia fue un «castigo divino» por el matrimonio homosexual. El Vaticano también ha condenado estas declaraciones La emisora católica Radio María Sociedad ha anunciado la suspensión del programa del sacerdote italiano Giovanni....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:30:00 +0100newson6 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage, minor injuries

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:28:00 +0100chicagotribune (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:28:00 +0100wafb (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

‘It felt like a train was going right through the building’: Earthquake near Oklahoma oil storage hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:25:00 +0100vancouversun (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centred near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries were reported.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:24:00 +0100wfsb (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:23:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:22:00 +0100nzherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) " The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

Earthquake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage, minor injuries

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:20:00 +0100sun-sentinel (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:17:00 +0100startribune (en)

As the sun rose Monday, television news footage showed widespread, substantial damage to buildings, with piles of bricks and other debris littering the ground following the earthquake the previous evening. Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries had been reported.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub causes substantial damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:16:00 +0100wxow (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.2 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:11:00 +0100bakersfieldnow (en)

CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.0-magnitude quake. The temblor was reported at 7:44 p.m. Sunday, with the epicenter about 1.2 miles west of Cushing.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:07:00 +0100foxnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. – The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

5.0 quake in Okla., the 19th in one week

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:07:00 +0100kgw (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

OCC Working With Cushing For Best Course Of Action

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:00:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - The Corporation Commission is active this morning with crews looking for possible damage in what the federal government has deemed "critical infrastructure." The oil industry is so vital for the small city that currently serves as a major trading hub for crude oil.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.2 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:59:00 +0100fox11online (en)

Earthquake damage in Cushing, Okla. (KOKH/Steven Anderson) Update report: USGS: 5.0 magnitude quake reported 1 mile west of Cushing. CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:57:00 +0100newsok (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:55:00 +0100krqe (en)

Published: November 6, 2016, 9:58 pm Updated: November 7, 2016, 6:43 am Associated Press This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:54:00 +0100eagletribune (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

EE.UU. negó el TPS para ecuatorianos

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:54:00 +0100teleamazonas (es)

A través de un Comunicado Oficial, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana informó que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América negó el pedido de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los ciudadanos ecuatorianos que se encuentran en Estados Unidos de forma irregular.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:53:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:51:00 +0100wwlp (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:47:00 +0100startribune (en)

7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing. The Oklahoma Geological Survey says the aftershocks near Cushing are expected to continue and that there is a 5 percent chance of an aftershock stronger than the initial quake.

The Latest: Aftershocks Rumbling After Oklahoma Earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:43:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:41:00 +0100wivb (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

The Latest: Aftershocks rumbling after Oklahoma earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 7:10 a.m. Geologists have recorded several aftershocks in Oklahoma following a 5.0 earthquake that struck Sunday night, causing damage in the town of Cushing.

Maltempo sul litorale: la conta dei danni tra vittime e distruzione

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100cinquequotidiano (it)

Scuole chiuse a Ladispoli dopo il violento nubifragio con una tromba d’aria che si è abbattuto ieri pomeriggio poco dopo le 17, sul litorale nord del Lazio e che ha investito anche Roma. Il bilancio nella cittadina balneare lungo l’Aurelia è stato di un morto colpito da cornicioni del muro crollato da un palazzo, e una ventina di feriti.

Cushing Public Buildings Closed As Earthquake Damage Assessed

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:30:00 +0100newson6 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Residents of one Cushing apartment complex are in a shelter after their building was damaged during Sunday night's 5.0 earthquake. The quake caused walls to topple and ceilings to collapse. Cushing Public Schools, Cushing Senior Citizens Center, Cushing Public Library and Cushing Youth Center closed Monday as clean-up begins.

Sismo de magnitud 5.0 sacudió Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:28:00 +0100diariodelosandes (es)

El terremoto tuvo su hipocentro a 5 kilómetros de profundidad, agregó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense Un sismo de 5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró hoy a 2 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing, del estado de Oklahoma (EEUU), informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS).

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:26:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

Cushing Earthquake Clean-Up Underway

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:26:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Oklahoma - Residents of one Cushing apartment complex are in a shelter after their building was damaged during Sunday night's 5.0 earthquake . The quake caused walls to topple and ceilings to collapse. The downtown area saw the most damage. The city manager said most of the buildings were built in the early 1900s.

11/07 21:04 Magnitude 5 earthquake strikes off Taitung

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:25:00 +0100focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, Nov. 7 (CNA) A magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred off Taiwan's southeastern coast at 7:56 p.m. Monday, which was felt with an intensity of 3 in Taitung County's Donghe Township, according to the Central Weather Bureau. There were no reports of damage or injuries. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 33.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:21:00 +0100washtimes (en)

, Okla. (AP) A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure. Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a....

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.8 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:19:00 +0100cbs12 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.0-magnitude quake. The temblor was reported at 7:44 p.m. Sunday, with the epicenter about 1.8 miles west of Cushing.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:17:00 +0100theglobeandmail (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:16:00 +0100startribune (en)

6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area. Fallin tweeted that officials in Cushing are checking for building damage and natural gas leaks following Sunday night's quake. It was the third earthquake with a magnitude 5.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.8 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:14:00 +0100cbs6albany (en)

CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.0-magnitude quake. The temblor was reported at 7:44 p.m. Sunday, with the epicenter about 1.8 miles west of Cushing.

The Latest: Governor Says No Damage at Oklahoma Oil Hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:13:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.8 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:13:00 +0100fox11online (en)

CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.0-magnitude quake. The temblor was reported at 7:44 p.m. Sunday, with the epicenter about 1.8 miles west of Cushing.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:13:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Extensive damage reported from Okla. quake near major oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:12:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

Fearing aftershocks, police cordoned off older parts of the city to keep gawkers away late Sunday. Frazier said an assisted living community had been evacuated after damage was reported. Part of the building collapsed, The Cushing Public School District canceled Monday classes.

Oklahoma earthquake strikes key oil hub, brings down buildings

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:11:00 +0100newsday-USA (en)

CUSHING, Okla. - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake reported 1.8 miles west of Cushing, Okla. updated

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:10:00 +0100bakersfieldnow (en)

CUSHING, Okla. ( KOKH ) - The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.3-magnitude earthquake centered a mile west of Cushing, Oklahoma. It has since been downgraded to a 5.0-magnitude quake. The temblor was reported at 7:44 p.m. Sunday, with the epicenter about 1.8 miles west of Cushing.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:07:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

The Latest: Governor says no damage at Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 14:00:00 +0100wncn (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — The Latest on a magnitude 5.0 earthquake that struck Cushing, Oklahoma, a major oil storage hub (all times local): 6:45 a.m. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin says there are no immediate reports of damage at a major oil storage hub following a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in the area.

This city is the happiest in Alabama

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:58:00 +0100al (en)

Where is the happiest place in Alabama? Leada Gore | lgore@al.com. How happy are you? That's a relative question, of course, but a website recently attempted to identify the "happiest" place in each state. Did they get it right? in several ways: places with greater education and employment levels;....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub injures a few, prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:57:00 +0100chicagotribune (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Oklahoma earthquake causes serious damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:56:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

November 7, 2016, 7:39 AM Emergency officials are checking damage after an earthquake rattled the central part of Oklahoma. The 5.0 quake shook homes and other buildings in Cushing, Oklahoma. Chris Gilmore of Oklahoma affiliate KWTV reports.

Trending Now 7 things to know now: No charges for Clinton; man says he killed 7; Ross Harris trial

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:53:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

Here's a roundup of news trending across the nation and world today. What to know now: 1. No charges on new emails : With the presidential election only hours away, FBI director James Comey announced Sunday afternoon that the bureau had found no new emails that would warrant criminal charges against....

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations, school closures

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:50:00 +0100fox2now (en)

A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Damage reported after moderate 5.0 earthquake rattles Oklahoma oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:39:00 +0100globalnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. – A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centred near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:34:00 +0100woodtv (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows in a central Oklahoma city, rendering century-old buildings unsafe and raising concerns about key infrastructure.

Oklahoma sacudida por terremoto

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:34:00 +0100acn (es)

Un terremoto de 5 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió la noche de este domingo el estado de Oklahoma , en el centro-sur de los Estados Unidos, causando algunos daños materiales pero sin víctimas, hasta el momento. Así lo informó la agencia geológica estadounidense (USGS), la cual en....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub injures a few, prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:26:00 +0100sun-sentinel (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

LIVE BLOG: Dylann Roof trial

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:16:00 +0100nbc12 (en)

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The federal death penalty trial of Dylann Roof, accused in the shooting deaths of nine parishioners of Mother Emanuel AME Church on June 17, 2015, begins on Monday. MOBILE USERS Roof is charged with nine counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr.

WATCH: Earthquake Hits Oklahoma; Damage Reported

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

{"id":43354725,"title":"Earthquake Hits Oklahoma; Damage Reported","duration":"1:03","description":"An earthquake rattled central Oklahoma tonight, reportedly damaging multiple buildings in Cushing, about 50 miles northeast of Oklahoma City, and was felt as far away as Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri.

Detectada alta radiación en lavaderos de coches en Fukushima

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100montevideo (es)

El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superior a lo permitido a raíz al accidente nuclear de 2011, adelantó hoy la agencia Kyodo.

Quake Near Oklahoma Oil Hub Prompts Infrastructure Concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:55:00 +0100theepochtimes (en)

CUSHING, Okla.—A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:51:00 +0100barrie (en)

CUSHING, Okla. - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:44:00 +0100startribune (en)

Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries were reported. He said the damage appeared to be contained to downtown, where piles of debris sat at the base of some commercial buildings. Fearing aftershocks, police cordoned off older parts of the city to keep gawkers away.

La tierra se mueve en Santomera con un pequeño terremoto

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:38:00 +0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Un pequeño terremoto de 2.2 grados de intensidad se pudo sentir el domingo en Santomera y sus alrededores, según la información del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. El movimiento sísmico se produjo unos minutos después de las nueve de la noche. El temblor se produjo a 11 kilómetros de profundidad y alcanzó una magnitud de 2,2 en la escala de Richter.

Difendere la grande bellezza

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:30:00 +0100panorama (it)

Qualunque città moderna, qualunque periferia, in America e in Europa, può avere una "Nuvola" di Fuksas, ma soltanto l'Italia quei conventi e quei monasteri che oggi rimpiangiamo: la Basilica di San Benedetto a Norcia, l'Abbazia di Sant'Eutizio a Preci.

USGS: 5.0-magnitude earthquake rattles Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:24:00 +0100khou (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake hits Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:23:00 +0100abc15 (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Strong earthquake rattles central Oklahoma, prompts evacuations

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:21:00 +0100fox59 (en)

40 60 See complete forecast Strong earthquake rattles central Oklahoma, prompts evacuations. Strong earthquake rattles central Oklahoma, prompts evacuations. CUSHING, Okla. — A strong earthquake shook central Oklahoma Sunday night , damaging buildings and leading to evacuations. The U.S. Geological Survey’s preliminary report said it was a 5.

Oklahoma fue sacudida por fuerte sismo de de 5,3

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:21:00 +0100notiactual (es)

Un fuerte terremoto sacudió la noche del domingo el centro de Oklahoma, causando daños en edificios y provocando la evacuación de los residentes de la zona. El Servicio Geológico de Oklahoma registró un sismo de magnitud 5,0 cerca de Cushing, unas 50 millas al suroeste de Tulsa.

Darío Benedetto lleva tatuado el escudo y Boca tiene su sello: el goleador que le devolvió el alma al equipo

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 12:04:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

LA PLATA - No fue titular ante Rosario Central, en uno de los encuentros más trascendente que tuvo Boca en el semestre; ése que le abortó la posibilidad de ser campeón en 2016 y que lo dejó sin copas internacionales en 2017. Sin embargo, ese día, Darío Benedetto ingresó y dejó su huella.

5:38 Condiciones meteorológicas inestables prevalecen en Roma tras tornado

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:59:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Tras una jornada tormentosa cuyos resultados se hicieron más visibles desde la media tarde hasta la noche, la situación en Roma y su entorno descendió del nivel de alerta naranja al amarillo, con pronóstico de lluvias y viento, pero en los niveles habituales para esta época del año.

Buildings to be closed Monday in Cushing due to earthquake damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:55:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING -- Several buildings will be closed in Cushing Monday as crews work to clean up from earthquake damage from Sunday night, police report. The Cushing Senior Citizens Center, Cushing Public Library and the Cushing Youth Center will be closed as crews work Monday. A 5.0 magnitude earthquake damaged buildings Sunday night.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:19:00 +0100fox35orlando (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what a police statement described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:18:00 +0100caspionet (en)

An earthquake measuring magnitude 5.0 shook central Oklahoma on Sunday, causing damage to a number of buildings. The epicentre of the quake struck the city of Cushing, about 50 miles (80km) northeast of Oklahoma City, at 19:44 local time (01:44 GMT Monday). Tremors were felt as far away as Texas.

Italy earthquake divine punishment for same-sex unions – Catholic priest

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:18:00 +0100dailypost (en)

Cavalcoli said this on radio on the day central Italy was hit by a 6.6 quake, its worst in 36 years. It was the third major quake in the same region in just over two months. The radio where the priest made the comment, Radio Maria, has hurriedly distanced itself from his claim and the Vatican has....

Priest claims Italy's earthquakes are 'punishment' for civil partnerships

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:08:00 +0100standard (en)

An Italian priest has sparked anger by saying the country's deadly earthquakes were “divine punishments” for gay civil partnerships. Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a theologian known for his hardline views, made the remarks on October 30 – the day central Italy was struck by a 6.

Cushing Assesses Earthquake Damage In Daylight

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:07:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - Crews are surveying extensive damage left behind from a 5.0 of magnitude earthquake in Payne County. In downtown Cushing, there is everything from moderate to severe damage. Cushing Public Schools has gone ahead and canceled classes for the day.

Priest claims Italy’s earthquakes are ‘punishment’ for civil partnerships Evening Standard

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:06:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

An Italian priest has sparked anger by saying the country's deadly earthquakes were “divine punishments” for gay civil partnerships. Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a theologian known for his hardline views, made the remarks on October 30 – the day central Italy was struck by a 6.6-magnitude earthquake – the most powerful to hit the country in 36 years.

Small quake hits Larnaca area

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:03:00 +0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter scale was felt in Larnaca, Limassol and Nicosia on Sunday night. The earthquake, which had its epicentre 16 kilometres south of Larnaca and was located at a depth of 30 kilometres was recorded by the geological survey department at 9.46pm. No injuries or major damages were reported.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:51:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

5.3 magnitude earthquake hits US State of Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:43:00 +0100wam-en (en)

WASHINGTON, 7th November, 2016 (WAM) -- A 5.3-magnitude earthquake has hit the US State of Oklahoma, the US Geological Survey, USGS, has reported. According to the USGS, the quake was centred 3 kilometres west of the town of Cushing at a depth of 6.1 kilometres. The quake was also felt in the neighbouring states of Missouri and Arkansas.

Earthquake near Cushing damages Cimarron Towers

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:39:00 +0100krmg (en)

By Don Bishop A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night is raising concerns that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure. Cushing Youth Center Director Mike Wilson tells us a 4-story retirement residence has damage.

Damage reported, no injuries as 5.0 earthquake rattles central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:35:00 +0100emirates247 (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Галактическое цунами создало взирающие на Землю "глаза монстра"

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:26:00 +0100life (ru)

Американские астрономы, используя данные Атакамской большой антенной решётки миллиметрового диапазона (ALMA), обнаружили "цунами" из волн звёзд и газа, столкнувшихся в центре далёкой спиральной галактики. В результате там образовалась структура, похожая на пару "глаз", устремлённых к земному наблюдателю.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:25:00 +0100fox19 (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in....

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations, school closures

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:21:00 +0100newsok (en)

A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Earthquake breaks facades, windows in Oklahoma oil hub town

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:14:00 +0100bostonglobe (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Work to upgrade disaster maps to commence shortly

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:11:00 +0100antiguaobserver (en)

Slight adjustments will be made to update a list of places where residents could seek safety in the event a tsunami should occur. The work to update the seismic hazards maps in Antigua & Barbuda is in keeping with internationally recognized standards. The hazard map is the regular map of the twin island state.

Un leve terremoto sacude parte de la Vega Baja

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 10:00:00 +0100diarioInformacion (es)

El Instituto Geográfico Nacional registró ayer domingo a las 21.04 horas un pequeño terremoto con epicentro en el municipio murciano de Santomera y, según varios lectores de INFORMACIÓN, se dejó sentir en diferentes municipios de la Vega Baja. El temblor se produjo a 11 kilómetros de profundidad y....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:54:00 +0100eastoregonian (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:44:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 5 en el estado de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:42:00 +0100larazon-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la madrugada de este lunes el estado estadounidense de Oklahoma (centro), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El epicentro del terremoto se ha ubicado unos dos kilómetros al oeste de la....

23 mins ago Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:40:00 +0100yourerie (en)

(CNN) A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:36:00 +0100wivb (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:32:00 +0100gainesville (en)

Justin Juozapavicius, The Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) " A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:32:00 +0100wwlp (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Observan un enorme «tsunami cósmico» avanzando dentro de una galaxia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:31:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

un descomunal "tunami" cósmico , una ola gigantesca de gas y estrellas avanzando a toda velocidad a través del disco de una galaxia espiral conocida como IC 2163. Esta formidable oleada de materiales, que se originó cuando, recientemente, la galaxia IC 2163 desplazó lateralmente a otra galaxia....

Séisme. La fracturation hydraulique menace 7 millions d’Américains

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:25:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

L’Oklahoma est l'État le plus à risque selon la nouvelle carte de la sismicité aux États-Unis publiée par l'USGS. De « fort » tremblements de terre y ont été enregistrés - le dernier en date dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi -, des séismes qui peuvent provoquer des dommages aux constructions.

German factory orders unexpectedly drop 0.6 pct in September

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:22:00 +0100wafb (en)

BERLIN (AP) - Factory orders in Germany unexpectedly fell in September following two months of gains, led by lower demand from other countries in the eurozone. The Economy Ministry said Monday that orders in Europe's biggest economy were down 0.6 percent compared with the previous month. Economists had forecast a gain of 0.

Nepal: Nepal Community Feedback Report - Issue: Water - November 2016

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:15:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

KEY FINDINGS. As early as July 2015 concerns over access to water began to be heard from earthquake affected communities. The first issue of Open Mic Nepal highlighted comments from Gorkha and Dhading that water sources had dried up. Over time the Common Feedback Project registered more and more....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:15:00 +0100wfsb (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:14:00 +0100wsfa (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in....

El centro de Italia sigue inestable una semana después de sismo

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:07:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

A una semana del terremoto de 6,5 grados que devastó una extensa zona del centro de Italia, la región afectada continúa bajo el impacto del mayor sismo ocurrido en este país en los últimos 36 años. Aumenta el número de evacuados, persiste la secuencia sísmica y las condiciones climatológicas se....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100krmg (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:03:00 +0100wbrc (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:03:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:02:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in....

Earthquake rattles Oklahoma town, causing some damage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:00:00 +0100cleveland (en)

This image made from video provided by KFOR-TV shows damage on a street in Cushing, Okla., after an earthquake Sunday. (KFOR via Associated Press) CUSHING, Oklahoma — An 5.0-magnitude earthquake hit Sunday night, damaging buildings, forcing some evacuations and closing schools for Monday, reports say.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:59:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

By JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS Associated Press. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:58:00 +0100wncn (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:54:00 +0100AP (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:53:00 +0100timesfreepress (en)

Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries were reported. He said the damage appeared to be contained to downtown, where piles of debris sat at the base of some commercial buildings. Fearing aftershocks, police cordoned off older parts of the city to keep gawkers away.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:52:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 5 en el estado de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:51:00 +0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 7 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la madrugada de este lunes el estado estadounidense de Oklahoma (centro), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El epicentro del terremoto se ha ubicado unos dos....

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:49:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:48:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:47:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100kiro7 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake Near Oklahoma Oil Hub Prompts Infrastructure Concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:42:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:42:00 +0100therepublic (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A magnitude 5.0 earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:40:00 +0100mynews13 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- (AP) A 5.0-magnitude earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs brought down building facades and shattered windows, triggering fears the temblor may have damaged key infrastructure and rendered century-old buildings unsafe in the latest Oklahoma town rattled by increasingly strong quakes.

Quake near Oklahoma oil hub prompts infrastructure concerns

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:36:00 +0100startribune (en)

Cushing Assistant City Manager Jeremy Frazier told a news conference late Sunday that a few minor injuries were reported. He said the damage appeared to be contained to downtown, where piles of debris sat at the base of some commercial buildings. Fearing aftershocks, police cordoned off older parts of the city to keep gawkers away.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:32:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Regresa de Haití el segundo bombero cordobés desplazado tras el huracán

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:19:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

COOPERACIÓN Regresa de Haití el segundo bombero cordobés desplazado tras el huracán. La población quedó muy afectada por Matthew, que provocó más de 900 muertos El pasado 29 de octubre regresó a Córdoba desde Haití José A. Castro, segundo bombero cordobés, perteneciente a Bomberos Unidos Sin....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:11:00 +0100business-standard (en)

A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:11:00 +0100wcfcourier (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 5 en el estado de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:07:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la madrugada de este lunes el estado estadounidense de Oklahoma (centro), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El epicentro del terremoto se ha ubicado unos dos kilómetros al oeste de la....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5 grade, produs în Oklahoma, SUA

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:05:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

LA MULȚI ANI de SFINȚII MIHAIL și GAVRIL. Cu ocazia acestei sărbători putem trimite cele mai frumoase mesaje și urări celor care-și serbează ziua de nume pe 8 noiembrie. LA MULȚI ANI de SFINȚII MIHAIL și GAVRIL. Fie ca sfintii ce te protejaza… "Cred că echipa a jucat fotbal, exceptând primele 20 de minute.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 5 en el estado de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:04:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la madrugada de este lunes el estado estadounidense de Oklahoma (centro), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El epicentro del terremoto se ha ubicado unos dos kilómetros al oeste de la....

Pourquoi la France compte-t-elle tant de centenaires ?

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 08:04:00 +0100la-croix (fr)

L’étude, menée par des démographes de l’Insee, Nathalie Blanpain et Guillemette Buisson, précise que cinq centenaires sur six sont des femmes et que, parmi les « supercentenaires » (110 ans et plus), il n’y a quasiment plus d’hommes. Si les tendances actuelles se prolongent, la France pourrait....

Oklahoma quake strikes near one of world's largest oil storage terminals

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:52:00 +0100CBC (en)

A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Me negué a que me provocaran el parto y el médico me amenazó con llevarme ante el juez

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:52:00 +0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Hoy es el cumpleaños de la Peque. Todavía recuerdo cuando nació y lo mal que lo pasé. No por ella, ni por el parto, sino por el calvario de médicos que tuve que soportar. Estando embarazada me visitaba en Marruecos. Todo iba fenomenal. Una ginecóloga estupenda. Una clínica modernísima. Pero yo quería parir en España.

Louisiana Man Dies After Head On Collision Near Kingfisher

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:51:00 +0100news9 (en)

KINGFISHER COUNTY, Oklahoma - A Louisiana man was pronounced dead on arrival after a crash on Highway 33 two miles south of Omega. Lee Bamburg, 41, of Elm Grove, La., suffered extreme injuries after he drifted left of center and drove head on into a semi truck. The driver of the semi truck was not hurt.

États-Unis. L'Oklahoma frappé par un séisme de magnitude 5,3

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:49:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,3 a frappé le centre des États-Unis dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi. L'épicentre de ce tremblement de terre se situe à 85 kilomètres au Nord-Est d'Oklahoma City, selon l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été ressentie dans plusieurs États.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 5 en el estado de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:49:00 +0100Expansion (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la madrugada de este lunes el estado estadounidense de Oklahoma (centro), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El epicentro del terremoto se ha ubicado unos dos....

Cutremur de suprafata cu magnitudinea de 5 grade, produs în Oklahoma, SUA

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:49:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

În încercarea de a aduna voturi pe ultima sută de metri, principalii candidaţi la funcţia de preşedinte al Statelor Unite şi susţinătorii lor au străbătut neobosiţi ţara. Donald Trump a spus din nou că alegerile ar putea fi fraudate şi le-a cerut simpatizanţilor să fie vigilenţi.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:46:00 +0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Cushing, Oklahoma: A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Strong Earthquake Shakes Central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:43:00 +0100voanews (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:32:00 +0100messenger-inquirer (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

USGS: 5.0-magnitude quake rattles Oklahoma near key oil hub

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:20:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:16:00 +0100yourerie (en)

Copyright 2016 Cable News Network/Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. (CNN) A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents.

Scott Davidson/Wikimedia Commons

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:12:00 +0100news4jax (en)

(CNN) - A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:12:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

CUSHING: A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as “quite a bit of damage” in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Comentarios sobre Sismo en Oklahoma; lo asocian al fracking

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:12:00 +010020minutos (es)

Un sismo de 5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este domingo a 2 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing , del estado de Oklahoma (EEUU), informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS). El terremoto tuvo su hipocentro a 5 kilómetros de profundidad, agregó el USGS.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:09:00 +0100denverpost (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as “quite a bit of damage” in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:09:00 +0100wcvb (en)

A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Efemérides: ¿qué pasó el 7 de noviembre?

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:08:00 +0100laprensa-PE (es)

- Otras efemérides: 1792.- Las tropas revolucionarias francesas se apoderan de Bélgica, tras la batalla de Jammapes, ganada a los austriacos. 1808.- El patriota dominicano Juan Sánchez Ramírez, al frente del movimiento armado “La Reconquista”, derrota a las tropas francesas de Haití en Palo Hincado....

Large Earthquake Damages Downtown Cushing, Rattles Residents Across The State

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:59:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - An earthquake rattled residents Sunday night all over the state of Oklahoma and caused "significant damage" to downtown Cushing. The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported the quake as a 5.3 magnitude but downgraded it to a 5.0 magnitude. The earthquake happened at 7:44 p.m.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:59:00 +0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Italy Earthquakes God’s Punishment For Gay Marriage, Catholic Priest Says

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:58:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

An Italian priest refused to back down after his comments blaming the recent devastating earthquakes on gay civil unions invited the ire of several people, including a top Vatican official. Fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli first made these comments a day after Italy witnessed its most powerful earthquake in about 36 years.

Damage reported, no injuries as 5.0 earthquake rattles central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:54:00 +0100foxnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. – A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

6.6-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Central Italy

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:51:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

UPDATE: 5:22 a.m. EDT — Italy’s civil protection guard said Sunday a number of people were injured in the 6.6-magnitude earthquake that rattled the central part of the country, but so far. no deaths were reported The mayors of the villages of Ussita and Arquata said many buildings had collapsed there.

Italian Priest Blames Earthquakes On Gay Marriage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:51:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

An Italian priest refused to back down after his comments blaming the recent devastating earthquakes on gay civil unions invited the ire of several people, including a top Vatican official. Fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli first made these comments a day after Italy witnessed its most powerful earthquake in about 36 years.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:49:00 +0100arabtimes (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) – A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as “quite a bit of damage” in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Scott Davidson/Wikimedia Commons

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:46:00 +0100clickondetroit (en)

(CNN) - A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Oklahoma earthquake measured at 5.0 magnitude forces town evacuation

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:45:00 +0100dailymail (en)

The earthquake was less than four miles deep and occurred around 50 miles northeast of Oklahoma City. The Cushing Fire Department said that nobody in the 7,900-person city had been taken to hospital due to injuries at the moment. However, the downtown area has been evacuated as officials check damaged gas lines and buildings.

Mueren siete personas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales en el norte de Haití

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:43:00 +0100Expansion (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos siete personas han muerto y otras cuatro han sido dadas por desaparecidas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales registradas desde el sábado en el norte de Haití. Fuentes oficiales citadas por la agencia haitiana de noticias AlterPresse han indicado que entre las....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:40:00 +010012news (en)

Magnitude 5.

Scott Davidson/Wikimedia Commons

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:40:00 +0100click2houston (en)

(CNN) - A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Oil and Gas Division and the Oklahoma Geological Survey recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake near Cushing, about 50 miles southwest of Tulsa.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma near oil hubs

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:38:00 +0100denverpost (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as “quite a bit of damage” in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Mueren siete personas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales en el norte de Haití

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:37:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Al menos siete personas han muerto y otras cuatro han sido dadas por desaparecidas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales registradas desde el sábado en el norte de Haití. Fuentes oficiales citadas por la agencia haitiana de noticias AlterPresse han indicado que entre las víctimas mortales hay tres....

Why Haiti Needs New Narratives: An Interview With Gina Athena Ulysse

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:34:00 +0100repeatingislands (en)

. An interview by On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew roared through Haiti’s southwest peninsula taking with it homes, centuries-old structures, and over 800 lives. In the storm’s wake, media outlets observed the undeniable damage of this specific natural event by projecting recycled,....

AP Top U.S. News at 12:23 a.m. EST

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:34:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

Black pastors issue urgent plea to voters at Sunday services. Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma. The Latest: Oklahoma earthquake closes schools. Police locate 'person of interest' in New Jersey stabbings. Mormon brothers among Utah residents pushing for medical pot. Mixed martial arts off to fast start in New York state.

Mueren siete personas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales en el norte de Haití

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:34:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

Al menos siete personas han muerto y otras cuatro han sido dadas por desaparecidas a causa de las lluvias torrenciales registradas desde el sábado en el norte de Haití. Fuentes oficiales citadas por la agencia haitiana de noticias AlterPresse han indicado que entre las víctimas mortales hay tres....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:32:00 +0100wsvn (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as “quite a bit of damage” in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:31:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 7, 2016- An earthquake measuring magnitude 5.0 shook central Oklahoma on Sunday, causing damage to a number of buildings. The epicentre of the quake struck the city of Cushing, about 50 miles (80km) northeast of Oklahoma City, at 19:44 local time (01:44 GMT Monday). Tremors were felt as far away as Texas.

AP Top U.S. News at 12:11 a.m. EST

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:28:00 +0100kiro7 (en)

Black pastors issue urgent plea to voters at Sunday services. Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma. The Latest: Oklahoma earthquake closes schools. Police locate 'person of interest' in New Jersey stabbings. Mormon brothers among Utah residents pushing for medical pot. Mixed martial arts off to fast start in New York state.

'Quite a bit of damage' in Oklahoma town after 5.0 earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:26:00 +0100CBC (en)

A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Nation-Now USGS: 5.0-magnitude earthquake rattles Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:21:00 +0100wtsp (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:19:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

5.0-magnitude earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:15:00 +0100israelnationalnews (en)

. A 5.0-magnitude earthquake was felt in central Oklahoma on Sunday night. It was felt as far away as Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. Numerous buildings were damaged, but there were no reports of injuries.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:13:00 +0100680news (en)

CUSHING, Okla. – A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:12:00 +0100nola (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Late night Oklahoma earthquake causes 'quite a bit of damage'

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:12:00 +0100wcvb (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Terremoto de magnitud 5.3 deja daños en edificios del centro de Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:12:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Un seísmo de 5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró la noche de este domingo a 2 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing, del estado de Oklahoma (EE.UU.), informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS). El terremoto tuvo su hipocentro a 5 kilómetros de profundidad, agregó el USGS.

Oklahoma earthquake forces evacuations, school closures

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:09:00 +0100cnn (en)

Story highlights No injuries reported after 5.0-magnitude earthquake in central Oklahoma; School will be closed in Cushing, Oklahoma, Monday to assess damage. (CNN) A strong earthquake that rumbled through central Oklahoma Sunday night has caused damage to buildings and resulted in the evacuation of nearby residents.

Nov 06, 2016 11:35PM ESTpublished: Nov 06, 2016 9:15PM EST

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:09:00 +0100theglobeandmail (en)

A sharp earthquake centred near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Massive Earthquake Hits Oklahoma 5.0 magnitude quake felt in Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:07:00 +0100thedailybeast (en)

A 5.0 magnitude earthquake rattled central Oklahoma on Sunday night, damaging buildings but reportedly causing no injuries. The quake hit just before 8 p.m. and was felt in Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas. Authorities in Cushing, about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, said several buildings were damaged but there were no reported injuries.

Газопылевое "цунами" спровоцировало яркое явление в галактике IC 2163

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 06:05:00 +0100kvedomosti (ru)

Астрономы полагают, что процесс формирования таких волн позволит более детально изучить появление галактик. "Цунами" из звезд и газов, разбивающихся об спиральную галактику IC 2163, которая находится около 130 миллионов световых лет от Земли, напоминает пару глаз, как видно на новых потрясающих....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:59:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:58:00 +0100wishtv (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake Shakes Central Oklahoma. 3 hours ago

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:57:00 +0100bloomberg (en)

Cushing, Okla. (AP) -- A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Un sismo de 5,0 grados sacude Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

El terremoto tuvo su hipocentro a 6,1 kilómetros de profundidad, a 3 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing, del estado de Oklahoma Un seísmo de 5,0 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este domingo a 3 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing, del estado de Oklahoma, EEUU, informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS).

Trending Now 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

An earthquake shook parts of Green County around 7:45 p.m. Sunday, monitors said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a preliminary magnitude 5.3 earthquake centered near Cushing. Payne County Emergency Management officials confirm power was cut off to Cushing following the earthquake. This is a developing story.

Earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100bbc (en)

Image copyright Erin Stump Image caption The earthquake that struck Cushing on Sunday was one of 19 to hit Oklahoma in the past week. An earthquake measuring magnitude 5.0 shook central Oklahoma on Sunday, causing damage to a number of buildings. The epicentre of the quake struck the city of....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100newsok (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what a police statement described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

5.0 magnitude quake hits Cushing, rumbles Central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100newsok (en)

The fifth strongest earthquake to hit Oklahoma came Sunday night about 7:44 p.m., rattling people's nerves and shaking buildings across Central Oklahoma. The 7:44 p.m. temblor, with a initially reported magnitude of 5.3, was centered about a mile west of Cushing in Payne County, according to the U.S.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:51:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma (w/video)

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:50:00 +0100tampabay (en)

CUSHING, Okla. — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100kiro7 (en)

An earthquake shook parts of Green County around 7:45 p.m. Sunday, monitors said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a preliminary magnitude 5.3 earthquake centered near Cushing. Payne County Emergency Management officials confirm power was cut off to Cushing following the earthquake.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100lacrossetribune (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Taking the Quake Safe message to the classrooms

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:48:00 +0100voxy (en)

7 Nov 2016. It was going to be a big call for EQC to compete with sirens, uniforms, hoses and police dogs at last week’s Civil Defence Day at Trentham School in Upper Hutt. Over the course of the day, the school’s 400 children broke up into 16 groups to learn about NZ Rural Fire, Red Cross,....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100chicagotribune (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Comentarios sobre Un sismo de 5 grados sacude Oklahoma, donde hay riesgo elevado por fracking

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +010020minutos (es)

Un sismo de 5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este domingo a 2 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing , del estado de Oklahoma (EEUU), informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS). El terremoto tuvo su hipocentro a 5 kilómetros de profundidad, agregó el USGS.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:46:00 +0100mynews13 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. -- (AP) A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

That 5.0 earthquake was a big deal. Eagle reporter Oliver Morrison explains why

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:40:00 +0100kansascity (en)

The deaf interpreter signing Gov. Nikki Haley's press conferences on Hurricane Matthew has created quite a buzz thanks to his particularly animated facial expression. But his animated facial expressions are no accident. An Observer investigation uncovered dozens of N.C.

Sunday’s quake struck town with millions of barrels of oil in storage

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:40:00 +0100kansascity (en)

A magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck Cushing, Okla., on Sunday, a town that happens to be one of the largest oil hubs in the world, with tens of There have not yet been any reports of damage at any of the oil facilities, according to Jeremy Frazier, the assistant city manager in Cushing.

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:39:00 +0100wkbw (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what a police statement described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:38:00 +0100abcactionnews (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what a police statement described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:35:00 +0100tristateupdate (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Earthquake felt in Weld County

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:32:00 +0100coloradoan (en)

WELD COUNTY - The USGS is reporting a 3.1 magnitude earthquake in Weld County. 9NEWS viewers contacted the station at 10 a.m. Sunday morning saying they had felt the earthquake in Greeley, Evans and LaSalle. William Yeck, a research geophysicist at the National Earthquake Information Center says....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:31:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to causing what police described as "quite a bit of damage" in the Oklahoma prairie town of Cushing.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100wsfa (en)

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the Oklahoma Geological Survey were investigating after the quake, which struck at 7:44 p.m. and was felt as far away as Iowa, Illinois and Texas. "The OCC's Pipeline Safety Department has been in contact with pipeline operators in the Cushing oil....

Daños materiales deja fuerte terremoto en Oklahoma, EE.UU.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

Por el momento, se desconoce si el movimiento telúrico ha causado víctimas | Foto: @StumpStumpStump También fue percibido en la ciudad de Tulsa, la segunda más grande del Estado, y en la ciudad de Joplin (Estado de Misuri). Un terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacudió al estado de Oklahoma en Estados....

OSBI’s Forensic Artist To Retire After 50 Years Of Solving OK Crimes

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:24:00 +0100news9 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY - The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation works some of the state's most horrific cases. For the past 50 years, they used an artistic approach to help solve them. “I probably would have never done another drawing if I’d failed,” said Harvey Pratt, a forensic artist with OSBI.

Trending Now 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:22:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

An earthquake shook parts of Green County around 7:45 p.m. Sunday, monitors said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a preliminary magnitude 5.3 earthquake centered near Cushing. Payne County Emergency Management officials confirm power was cut off to Cushing following the earthquake.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:21:00 +0100AP (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and....

5.0-magnitude Oklahoma earthquake felt in Dallas

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:14:00 +0100dallasnews (en)

Updated at 9:25 p.m.: Revised to include the downgraded magnitude. A 5.0-magnitude earthquake in Oklahoma on Sunday night rattled residents all the way to Dallas. The quake hit at 7:44 p.m. near Cushing, about 52 miles east of Tulsa. It was about 3.8 miles deep, said in its initial report. the U.S.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:14:00 +0100wfsb (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:12:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:11:00 +0100cbs46 (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Punto Final: el Perú está indefenso ante los terremotos

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:09:00 +0100latina (es)

. En nuestro país no existen hospitales de campaña para enfrentar un sismo de grado 8. Qué duda cabe que en Lima va haber un terremoto probablemente mayor a 8 grados. Casi todos los días tenemos movimientos sísmicos. Sabemos que también tenemos problemas de preparación frente a un terremoto.

Un sismo de 5 grados sacude Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 05:08:00 +010020minutos (es)

Por el momento, se desconoce si el movimiento telúrico ha causado víctimas o daños. Varios especialistas asocian el sismo con el fracking en la región. Un sismo de 5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter se registró hoy a 2 kilómetros de la localidad de Cushing, del estado de Oklahoma (EEUU), informó el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS).

The Latest: No major quake damage reported at tank farm

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:59:00 +0100statesman (en)

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission and the Oklahoma Geological Survey report that there the OCC's Pipeline Safety Department has been in contact with pipeline operators at the Cushing, Oklahoma, oil storage terminal and that there have been no immediate reports of any problems in the wake of the Magnitude 5.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:59:00 +0100statesman (en)

A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world's key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the Oklahoma Geological....

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake shakes central Oklahoma.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:55:00 +0100therepublic (en)

CUSHING, Okla. A sharp earthquake centered near one of the world’s key oil hubs Sunday night triggered fears that the magnitude 5.0 temblor might have damaged key infrastructure in addition to damaging buildings in an Oklahoma prairie town. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it and the....

Mentime que me gusta Hay una sola manera de evitar que las mentiras crezcan en las personas como olas de un tsunami: ser intolerantes con las pequeñas, con las iniciales. No dar oportunidad a que estas, de tantas y groseras, terminen anestesiando el cerebro.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +0100losandes (es)

1 . Se sabe que mientras en algunos países los políticos juegan al ajedrez, aquí lo hacen al truco. La mentira no es un defecto "descalificante" para nuestros dirigentes, como sí lo es (o ha sido) en otras sociedades. (Digo ha sido, porque, por ejemplo, Estados Unidos pasó de echar a un presidente por espiar y mentir.

Cushing evacuated and buildings damaged as Oklahoma is shaken by 5.0 magnitude earthquake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:45:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Struck: Cushing, Oklahoma (pictured) has been struck by a 5.0 magnitude earthquake on Sunday evening that broke gas lines, cut power and damaged buildings. The earthquake was less than four miles deep and occurred around 50 miles northeast of Oklahoma City.

The Latest: No major quake damage reported at tank farm

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:38:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission and the Oklahoma Geological Survey report that there the OCC's Pipeline Safety Department has been in contact with pipeline operators at the Cushing, Oklahoma, oil storage terminal and that there have been no immediate reports of any problems in the wake of the Magnitude 5.

Earthquake Causes Major Damage In Downtown Cushing

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:23:00 +0100newson6 (en)

TULSA, Oklahoma - The Cushing Fire Department says there is significant damage to downtown Cushing, but it says it has not transported anyone to the hospital for injuries. The preliminary indication is that it was a 5.3 magnitude centered near Cushing. The quake hit at 7:44 p.m. on November 6, 2016.

5.0-magnitude earthquake shakes central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:16:00 +0100nydailynews (en)

A 5.0-magnitude quake shook an Oklahoma city near its epicenter Sunday night. The tremor caused “significant damage” in Cushing around 7:45 p.m. about 50 miles northeast of Oklahoma City where photos appear to show mangled awnings and piles of toppled bricks, according to KWTV-TV.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake hits central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:11:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake hits central Oklahoma A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma.

News 1 HRS AGO A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 04:00:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Haiti: Defenseless against natural disasters 07.11.2016 | 06:16 mins. Hurricane Matthew pounded like a sledgehammer on an island that was still reeling from a major earthquake in 2010. The storm flattened many villages on Haiti’s southern coast. People there are dependent on aid that doesn’t come.

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:59:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Global 3000 Haiti: Defenseless against natural disasters. Hurricane Matthew pounded like a sledgehammer on an island that was still reeling from a major earthquake in 2010. The storm flattened many villages on Haiti’s southern coast. People there are dependent on aid that doesn’t come.

Man Lying On Tracks Hit By Train, Miami Police Say

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:53:00 +0100newson6 (en)

MIAMI, Oklahoma - A train hit a man who was lying on the tracks, according to Miami Police. Police said the responded to an accident call at 4:50 p.m. Sunday afternoon near the intersection of 2nd Street and D Street NE. They said the conductor of the train told them the train had struck a man who was lying on the tracks.

Quake felt in Wichita area Sunday night

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:47:00 +0100kansascity (en)

At around 7:46 p.m. Sunday, an earthquake was felt in the Wichita area. The quake, which struck near Cushing, Okla., had a magnitude of 5.3, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Check back at Kansas.com for more information as it becomes available.

Large Earthquake Rattles Residents Across The State

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:46:00 +0100news9 (en)

CUSHING, Oklahoma - An earthquake rattled residents Sunday night all over the state of Oklahoma, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported the quake as a 5.3 magnitude but downgraded it to a 5.0 magnitude. The earthquake happened at 7:44 p.m.

A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:41:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

CUSHING, Okla. (AP) — A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma.

A Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake Has Shaken Central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:38:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. A Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake Has Shaken Central Oklahoma.

5.3 Earthquake Hits Oklahoma; Damage Reported

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:38:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

An earthquake rattled central Oklahoma tonight, reportedly damaging multiple buildings in Cushing, about 50 miles northwast of Oklahoma City, and felt as far away as Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake hit at 7:44 p.m. The USGS initially measured the quake at 5.

EE.UU.: Se registra un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 5,3 en Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:30:00 +0100rt-es (es)

El intenso movimiento telúrico se ha dejado sentir en la ciudad de Tulsa, la segunda más grande del Estado, y en la ciudad de Joplin (Estado de Misuri). Un sismo de magnitud 5,3 ha sacudido el Estado norteamericano de Oklahoma a la 01:44 (GMT), informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS).

5.3 magnitude earthquake reported near Cushing

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:29:00 +0100newsok (en)

Another strong earthquake hit the state Sunday evening. The temblor, with a reported magnitude of 5.3, was centered about a mile west of Cushing in Payne County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. No injuries or building collapses were immediately reported in Cushing, police said. Check back to NewsOK for updates.

A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:28:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

. CUSHING, Okla. (AP) - A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:27:00 +0100krmg (en)

At 7:44pm, a M5.3 earthquake was located near Cushing, Oklahoma. Did you feel it? Updated: 8:11 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016 | Posted: 8:11 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016 A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has shaken central Oklahoma.

Bay of Plenty alert systems test a success

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:06:00 +0100voxy (en)

Coinciding with World Tsunami Awareness Day, Civil Defence tested their alert systems across the Bay of Plenty on Saturday. Bay of Plenty Emergency Management Director Clinton Naude says they tested text alerts, email and social media updates as well fixed sirens in eastern Bay of Plenty and vehicle mounted sirens in other parts of the Bay.

Italy: Center of the Country Still Unstable a Week after Quake

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 02:46:00 +0100periodico26 (en)

Rome.- Just a week after the earthquake that devastated a long zone of the center of Italy, still this region of Italy presents affectations by the impact of the quake of 6.5 Richter scale degrees, the biggest occurred in Italy in the last 36 years. The number of evacuated people in Italy increases, seismic sequence , too.

Sacerdote culpa a homosexuales por los terremotos en Italia

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 02:09:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

El sacerdote italiano Giovanni Cavalcoli aseguró que la causa de los fuertes terremotos que han azotado al país europeo en los últimos meses, se debe a los matrimonios gay. Los sismos son un "castigo divino" por las uniones civiles del mismo sexo que "ofenden a la familia y la dignidad del....

لغمان يضعهما «حزب الله» أمام جهود تشكيل الحكومة في لبنان

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 01:36:00 +0100alriyadh (ar)

أنهى رئيس الحكومة المكلّف سعد الحريري المشاورات النيابية بمحصلة غير مسبوقة من طلبات التوزير في حكومة بات شبه مؤكد أنها ستكون مؤلفة من ثلاثين وزيرا. وبدأ النزاع السياسي بين الأحزاب الرئيسية حول توزيع الحقائب السيادية: المالية والخارجية والدفاع والداخلية، وهي توزّع عادة مناصفة بين المسلمين والمسيحيين....

Small earthquake hits northern Colorado early Sunday

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 00:14:00 +0100denverpost (en)

A small earthquake hit northern Colorado on Sunday about 1 mile north-northwest of Kersey, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake had a magnitude of 3.1 and struck at about 9:57 a.m. Fifty-three members of the public reported the quake, which was felt 7 miles away in Greeley, the USGS said.

أميركا باعتبارها… عربية! - علي بردى

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 00:02:00 +0100annahar (ar)

لم يشهد تاريخ أميركا سباقاً رئاسياً كالذي يخوضه دونالد ترامب وهيلاري كلينتون. دنت ساعة الحقيقة بين الملياردير الذي اقتحم الحلبة السياسية فانتزع بطاقة الجمهوريين والمرشحة الديموقراطية التي "أدْمتها" المعارك السياسية في واشنطن. هو من المريخ وهي من الزهرة... حتى بالنسبة الى العرب. هذان خياران متباعدان للغاية.

Micronesia (Federated States of): Federated States of Micronesia: Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2016

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 23:36:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Executive Summary. A natural disaster is 30 times more likely to occur in the Pacific Islands than in the U.S. The pressing issues include the region’s vulnerability to disasters and the impacts of climate change. Even small disasters can overwhelm small-island economies like the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).

Perempuan Berperan dalam Kebangkitan Aceh PEREMPUAN dan anak memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan Aceh pascabencana tsunami. 7 November 2016, 03:30 WIB

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 22:13:00 +0100MediaIndonesia (id)

PEREMPUAN dan anak memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan Aceh pascabencana tsunami. Sikap gotong royong dan bahu-membahu antara kaum laki-laki dan perempuan terlihat jelas dalam pembangunan di berbagai sektor di daerah ini. "Salah satunya ialah kebangkitan KUKM dan penguatan ekonomi kerakyatan.

Afrique: Journée de sensibilisation aux tsunamis - L'ONU souligne la nécessité de réduire et prévenir les risques

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 21:51:00 +0100allafrica-fr (fr)

A l'occasion de la première Journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis (5 novembre), le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a rappelé samedi l'importance de réduire les risques existants et de prévenir de nouveaux risques. Depuis 1996, 250.900 personnes ont péri dans 21 pays frappés par 30 tsunamis.


Sun, 06 Nov 2016 21:06:00 +0100latribuna (es)

OTRAS CONSECUENCIAS MAYORES. Una potentísima marejada que venciera totalmente la capacidad de la magnetósfera podría tener la capacidad de provocar una inversión de los polos magnéticos del planeta. Es decir, el polo norte se convertiría en polo sur y viceversa. Un suceso como éste, actualmente, sería catastrófico.

بنك الدم المركزي وخطر الجفاف (1) .. بقلم: د. إيمان المازري

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 21:01:00 +0100sudanile (ar)

ببالغ الحزن والأسى أفتتح مقالي اليوم، الذي خصصته لإدارة تقبع في ركن قصي بعد أن أظلمت عليها وزاره صحتنا ومنعت عنها الهواء والماء و(الخدرة) والوجه الحسن فباتت تتقرفص في سرداب من (زقاقات) السير لي استاك ، خيط النور اليوم يحاول جاهداً أن يزيل (كتاحه) و(تسونامي) مأساة حقيقيه لفريق كامل من منقذي الحياه....

3.1 magnitude earthquake strikes near Greeley

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 20:36:00 +0100thedenverchannel (en)

GREELEY, Colo. -- Did you feel it? A 3.1 magnitude earthquake struck east of Greeley Sunday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The earthquake hit at 9:57 a.m., more than half-a-mile north-northwest of Kersey, Colo. The temblor had a depth of three miles, the USGS reports.

Предупреждать о разрушительных цунами в России будут за 9 минут

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 20:04:00 +0100rg (ru)

Для расчета параметров землетрясения, которое чаще всего и становится причиной "большой волны", и размера волны нужно 7 минут, и еще 2 - на оповещение, рассказал глава Росгидромета Александр Фролов на пресс-конференции в "Российской газете", посвященной Всемирному дню распространения информации о проблеме цунами.

Tanzania: Foundation Hailed Over Donation for Quake Victims

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 19:46:00 +0100allafrica (en)

The Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC), Salim Kijuu, has thanked the Islamic Foundation (Tanzania) and the People of Qatar for the timely donation of 70 tonnes of food aid worth 200m/- to assist the region's September earthquake victims. Mr Kijuu made the remarks in his office when he received the....

En la costa de Jalisco realizaron simulacro por alerta de tsunami

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100elmanana (es)

Apuntó que posterior al ejercicio de evacuación se impartió una plática a los participantes en el simulacro sobre las condiciones geográficas de los lugares que habitan. En un comunicado, la dependencia indicó que esta actividad se realizó en el marco del 'Primer Día Mundial de la Concienciación....

Bomberos asegura estructuras dañadas tras terremoto en Italia

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 19:16:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

Bomberos italianos trabajan para asegurar la dañada torre cívica en Norcia, que se vio gravemente afectada con el terremoto 6,5 Richter que afectó a Italia el pasado 30 de noviembre.

Japan holds hundreds of tsunami drills on awareness day

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 19:08:00 +0100ChinaPost (en)

The Japan News/Asia News Network--Tsunami evacuation drills were held across Japan on Saturday, as the United Nations General Assembly designated Nov. 5 as World Tsunami Awareness Day. According to the Cabinet Office, 261 municipalities and companies have conducted or will conduct evacuation drills on or around the date.

"J'ai traversé la France sur mon petit bateau, à 2 km/h"

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 18:27:00 +0100nouvelobs (fr)

Il m’a fallu du temps pour trouver ma voie et encore davantage pour l’admettre, mais aujourd’hui, je n’ai plus la moindre réticence à dire ce que je fais dans la vie : j’ai 52 ans et je suis aventurier. J’ai commencé à travailler dans le milieu de la finance internationale lorsque j’avais une vingtaine d’années.

11:11 Italy: Center of the Country Still Unstable a Week after Quake

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100plenglish (en)

06 de noviembre de 2016, 11:11 Rome, Nov 6 (Prensa Latina) Just a week after the earthquake that devastated a long zone of the center of Italy, still this region of Italy presents affectations by the impact of the quake of 6.5 Richter scale degrees, the biggest occurred in Italy in the last 36 years.

Detectada alta radiación en lavadoras de automóviles en Fukushima

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 17:11:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superio r a lo permitido a raíz del accidente nuclear de 2011 , adelantó este domingo 6 de noviembre de 2016 , la agencia Kyodo.

Realizan simulacro por de tsunami en costas de Jalisco

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 16:23:00 +0100informador (es)

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO (06/NOV/2016).- La Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil y Bomberos de Jalisco (UEPCBJ) informó que ayer sábado realizó un simulacro de evacuación por alerta de tsunami en algunas localidades en la costa de Jalisco. Apuntó que posterior al ejercicio de evacuación se impartió una....

Regresa de Haití el segundo de los efectivos de Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteras

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:56:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

El pasado 29 de octubre ha regresado a Córdoba desde Haití José Castro, segundo bombero cordobés perteneciente a Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteras (BUSF) que se desplazó al país caribeño para llevar a cabo tareas de ayuda humanitaria a la población haitiana, la cual se vio gravemente afectada por el Huracán Matthew, provocando más de 900 muertos.

Regresa de Haití el segundo de los efectivos de Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteras

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:50:00 +010020minutos (es)

Según se informa en un comunicado de la Diputación, los miembros del contingente al cual pertenecía ese bombero han sido relevados por compañeros de Guatemala y Nicaragua, que continuarán su labor suministrando agua potable a la población más necesitada, evitando de esta forma el avance de enfermedades como el cólera.

Weak Earthquake Reported Off Long Island

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:21:00 +0100patch (en)

A weak earthquake was reported off Long Island Sunday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey. The earthquake struck at 7:15 a.m. about 13 miles southwest of Long Beach. The earthquake had a magnitude of 2.0, a level that usually cannot be felt on land, but can be recorded by seismograph, the USGS says.

Five-year disaster risk management plan for Barpak

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 14:01:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

FILE: After 18 months of 7.6 earthquake, people in Barpak of Gorkha district still reside in temporary huts. Since youths of the village have gone abroad, the reconstruction of the village has slowed. Photo: RSS. GORKHA : A local disaster risk management and climate change adaptation plan has been....

Cuando un tuit define en 140 caracteres a la persona que lo ha escrito

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:55:00 +0100andaluciainformacion (es)

“Ya no nos quedará ni París”, dicen algunos socialistas de San Fernando retorciendo la última frase de la película Casablanca. Pero eso lo explicaremos más tarde. Primero hay que entender qué está ocurriendo en el PSOE de San Fernando, que a pesar de que no trascienda porque unos se arriesgan a....

Astronomers Spot Massive ‘Eye’ Created By Collision Of Two Distant Galaxies

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:44:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

Annotated image showing dazzling eyelid-like features bursting with stars in galaxy IC 2163 formed from a tsunami of stars and gas triggered by a glancing collision with galaxy NGC 2207 (a portion of its spiral arm is shown on the right side of the image).

6:19 Inestable centro de Italia a una semana del sismo de 6,5 grados

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:35:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Aumenta el número de evacuados, persiste la secuencia sísmica y las condiciones climatológicas se tornan adversas con la proximidad del invierno y el descenso de las temperaturas. De acuerdo con la más reciente información brindada por el Departamento de Protección Civil (DPC), el número de personas....

Astronomers Spy Massive ‘Eye’ In Galactic Collision

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 11:56:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

Annotated image showing dazzling eyelid-like features bursting with stars in galaxy IC 2163 formed from a tsunami of stars and gas triggered by a glancing collision with galaxy NGC 2207 (a portion of its spiral arm is shown on the right side of the image).

Detectada alta radiación en lavaderos de coches en Fukushima

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 11:00:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 6 nov (EFE).- El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superior a lo permitido a raíz al accidente nuclear de 2011, adelantó hoy la agencia Kyodo.

Vital la protección antes de un desastre

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 10:59:00 +0100elvocero (es)

La tierra no para de temblar y ya lo han sentido recientemente, con notables experiencias, en lugares cercanos como Colombia, y con un saldo de grandes pérdidas al otro lado del mundo, en Italia, donde las réplicas han sido continuas hacia el interior del país en los pasados días.

Detectada alta radiación en lavaderos de coches en Fukushima

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 10:52:00 +0100andaluciainformacion (es)

El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superior a lo permitido a raíz al accidente nuclear de 2011, adelantó hoy la agencia Kyodo.

Detectada alta radiación en lavaderos de coches en Fukushima

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 10:25:00 +0100diariodenavarra (es)

El lodo almacenado en las fosas sépticas de algunas instalaciones para el lavado de automóviles en la prefectura de Fukushima registra niveles de radiación hasta siete veces superior a lo permitido a raíz al accidente nuclear de 2011, adelantó este domingo la agencia Kyodo.

التقرير السابع والأربعون لتوضيح الحقائق حول ما يثار في وسائل الإعلام

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 10:10:00 +0100ahram (ar)

في إطار حرص مركز المعلومات ودعم اتخاذ القرار بمجلس الوزراء, على المتابعة والرصد الدوري للموضوعات المثيرة للجدل في وسائل الإعلام وعلى شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي والمواقع الإخبارية المختلفة ومتابعة ردود الأفعال وتحليلها بهدف توضيح الحقائق كاملة حول تلك الموضوعات, فإنه خلال الفترة من (21 أكتوبر حتى 2....

Enorme 'occhio cosmico' nato dallo scontro fra galassie

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 09:53:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 6 novembre 2016) Un gigantesco ' occhio cosmico ' ci osserva da una distanza di 114 milioni di anni luce: le sue 'palpebre' sono disegnate da uno tsunami di stelle e gas, generato dall'incontro ravvici nato tra due ... "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile.

Periodista nariñense se llevó premio nacional

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 09:07:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Por el excelente cubrimiento durante el terremoto que afectó a la costa ecuatoriana, la periodista nariñense Claudia Ortega Sarria recibió el Premio Simón Bolívar. Durante una ceremonia que se llevó a cabo en el teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo de Bogotá, se entregó el reconocimiento en la....

العثور على رواسب طينية مشعة في محطات غسيل السيارات في فوكوشيما اليابانية

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 08:35:00 +0100elfagr (ar)

ذكرت وكالة "كيودو" اليابانية للانباء اليوم الاحد أن الخزانات في مرافق غسيل السيارات بالقرب من محطة يابانية للطاقة النووية متوقفة عن العمل تحتوي على رواسب طينية أعلى سبع مرات من الحد القانوني للاشعاع. وذكرت وثيقة لكيودو أن فحصا لمرافق غسيل السيارات في مقاطعة فوكوشيما أسفر عن العثور على رواسب طينية....

Para lá do fim do mundo

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 08:28:00 +0100ogloboglobo (pt)

Saiu a delação de Marcelo Odebrecht e seus 75 executivos. Trezentos novos casos de corrupção devem inundar o noticiário. Os políticos a chamam de delação do fim do mundo. O próprio Sérgio Moro teria comentado: espero que o Brasil sobreviva. Sobreviverá. Olho Lisboa da janela do avião.

Met Dept denies issuing tsunami warning

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 08:05:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 — The Malaysian Meterological Department has denied issuing any warning that a tsunami would hit the country. The Department in a statement here today advised the public not to believe rumours spread on social media especially via WhatsApp and Facebook.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 4,7 degrés secoue M'sila

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 07:51:00 +0100presse-dz (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude de 4,7 degrés sur l'échelle ouverte de Richter a été ressenti, samedi à 21h43 à Beni Ilmane dans la wilaya de M'sila, a annoncé le centre de recherche en astronomie, astrophysique et géophysique (CRAAG) dans un communiqué.

Riesgos de pólizas de terremoto y erupción volcánica tendrán nueva regulación

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 07:42:00 +0100elfinancierocr (es)

Un nuevo reglamento será la guía para que las aseguradoras manejen suficiente capital para responder a eventuales riesgos catastróficos, sobre las pólizas que venden de terremoto y erupción volcánica. Se trata de una reforma propuesta por la Superintendencia General de Seguros (Sugese) que dará un....


Sun, 06 Nov 2016 06:56:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

1 - ATATÜRK HAVALİMANI'NDA SİLAH SESLERİ. -ATATÜRK HAVALİMANI'NDA POLİSİN 'DUR' İKAZINA UYMAYAN 2 KİŞİ OPERASYONLA YAKALANDI. * Atatürk Havalimanı'na polisin 'dur' ihtarına uymayıp motosikletle girmeye çalışan 2 kişiden biri havaya ateş açılarak, diğeri de yaşanan kovalamaca sonucu yakalandı.

Dha İstanbul Bülteni- 1

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 06:51:00 +0100haberler (tr)

1 - ATATÜRK HAVALİMANI'NDA SİLAH SESLERİ -ATATÜRK HAVALİMANI'NDA POLİSİN 'DUR' İKAZINA UYMAYAN 2 KİŞİ OPERASYONLA YAKALANDI Atatürk Havalimanı'na polisin 'dur' ihtarına uymayıp motosikletle girmeye çalışan 2 kişiden biri havaya ateş açılarak, diğeri de yaşanan kovalamaca sonucu yakalandı.

DHA İSTANBUL BÜLTENİ- 1 başlıklı haberin yorum sayısı

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 06:44:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

Kâğıthane'de, bir inşaat şantiyesinin temelinde kullanılan beton pompası kamyonu yokuş aşağı kayarak yan yattı. Kamyon ve beton pompası iki apartmana zarar verirken olayda şans eseri yaralanan olmadı. Olay saat 22 30 sıralarında Talatpaşa Mahallesi Aydoğan Caddesi Beyözü Sokak üzerinde meydana geldi.

Earthquake Rattles Northern Oklahoma

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 05:32:00 +0100news9 (en)

PERRY, Oklahoma - An earthquake rattled Saturday night in northern Oklahoma, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 3.6-magnitude earthquake happened at 10:20 p.m. Its epicenter was about three miles southeast of Perry, 13 miles northwest of Stillwater and 55 miles north, northeast of Oklahoma City.

World: Journée de sensibilisation aux tsunamis : l'ONU souligne la nécessité de réduire et prévenir les risques

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 05:27:00 +0100reliefWeb (fr)

5 novembre 2016 – A l'occasion de la première Journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis (5 novembre), le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a rappelé samedi l'importance de réduire les risques existants et de prévenir de nouveaux risques. Depuis 1996, 250.900 personnes ont péri dans 21 pays frappés par 30 tsunamis.

Un fuerte sismo remeció el centro de Chile

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:53:00 +0100rpp (es)

. El epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó a 39 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Curicó. La Onemi inicialmente reportó que el sismo tuvo una magnitud de 6.1 grados, pero luego rectificó, para cifrar el remezón en 6.4 grados. | Fuente: RPP. Un fuerte sismo de 6.

Jesús vence a la muerte

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:20:00 +0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

Por: P. Enrique Cases. Resurrección y Ascensión Resucita al tercer día y se aparece a sus discípulos y a las mujeres. La acción de José de Arimatea y Nicodemo fue rápida y eficaz. Antes de que los judíos puedan darse cuenta de la muerte, ya está enterrado Jesús en un lugar que responde a la piedad de los suyos.

Asia-Pacific nations vow to work for disaster risk

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 03:07:00 +0100asianage (en)

India and nearly 50 other countries of the Asia-Pacific region have resolved to work together for handling all natural disasters through a common global framework. In a joint statement, which was termed as the “New Delhi Declaration”, nations participating in a three-day Asian Ministerial Conference....

NOREENA HERTZ: Start praying - we face an economic earthquake if Donald Trump becomes President

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 02:39:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Leading hedge fund managers I’ve spoken to estimate a fall of around 5 per cent. And this would not be confined to America – in our interconnected world it would also mean falls in Frankfurt, Tokyo, and London. Anyone with a UK pension, or a stocks and shares Isa would see the value of their investments fall.

Terremoto de Italia la gran señal

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 02:05:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Algunos creen posible que el mundo se acabe, mientras otros ya son escépticos, sin embargo los expertos también aportan a las cientos de teorías existentes. El reciente terremoto de Italia ha despertado la incertidumbre de muchos, entre ellos creyentes y científicos, quienes describen el suceso como....

Ecuador duplica inversiones en 10 años

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 00:56:00 +0100rlp (es)

En los últimos 10 años se duplicó el promedio de inversiones en Ecuador, aseguró este sábado en esta capital el presidente del país, Rafael Correa. La creación de nuevas carreteras, aeropuertos y el desarrollo en diversos sectores son algunos de los atractivos que generan inversión en esta nación sudamericana.

Vídeo: El tsunami que pudo crear las dunas de Maspalomas, Canarias

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 00:30:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

En la mañana del 1 de noviembre de 1755, un gran terremoto sacudió la capital de Portugal, Lisboa. Este suceso provocó un tsunami que llegó a Canarias. De ese tsunami, hay expertos de la que apuntan que surgió las dunas de Maspalomas islas Canarias. Este sábado, las autoridades norteamericanas....

Tragédia de Mariana completa um ano em meio a reclamações

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 00:12:00 +0100em (pt)

Um ano depois da maior cat�strofe ambiental do Brasil, familiares das 19 v�timas do rompimento da Barragem de Fund�o, em Mariana, que devastou v�rias localidades no sudeste do pa�s, ainda pedem por justi�a ao recordar a trag�dia. Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem da mineradora brasileira Samarco....

Vídeo: El tsunami que pudo crear las dunas de Maspalomas, Canarias

Sun, 06 Nov 2016 00:08:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

que apuntan que surgió las dunas de Maspalomas islas Canarias. Este sábado, las autoridades norteamericanas especializadas en el seguimiento de terremotos y maremotos hizo público una simulación en vídeo de la onda del tsunami que afectó a Gran Canaria.

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 23:23:00 +0100www2unt (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 23:19:00 +0100BT (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

Crean dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos 16:50 hrs

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 23:01:00 +0100peru (es)

Un equipo de investigadores chilenos desarrolló un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos. (Foto: EFE Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado....

Italian Priest Blames Earthquake On Gay Civil Unions

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:48:00 +0100newnownext (en)

A priest has blamed a deadly earthquake in Italy In an interview with Radio Maria, Father Giovanni Cavalcoli said the 6.6-magnitude tremors were “divine punishment” for same-sex unions, which Cavalcoli called such partnerships an “offense to the family and the dignity of marriage.

Olası deprem geciktikçe büyüklüğü artıyor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:35:00 +0100memurlar (tr)

'Dünya Tsunami Farkındalık Günü' nedeniyle tsunami konusunda farkındalık yaratmak üzere Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü'nde basın toplantısı düzenlendi. Rasathanenin Üsküdar'daki yerleşkesinde bulunan Bölgesel Tsunami Gözlem Merkezi'ndeki toplantıya Kandilli....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:31:00 +0100Sydsvenskan (sv)

Två spiralgalaxer 114 miljoner ljusår bort var nära att kollidera med varandra. Till höger syns den ena, till vänster den andra. Resultatet blev en storm av stjärnor och gas. Orange färg visar hur gasen koloxid sprids i stjärnsystemen. Bild: Nasa/Esa. Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i....

L’entreprise Gestibo montrée du doigt

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:30:00 +0100lnr-dz (fr)

Les propriétaires de terrains au niveau de la zone d’activité se plaignent des contrariétés et du harcèlement quotidien qu’ils endurent chaque fois qu’ils reçoivent des factures trimestrielles d’un montant très excessif où il est fait mention de s’acquitter d’une quote-part.

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:28:00 +0100pitea-tidningen (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:25:00 +0100metro-se (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:23:00 +0100trelleborgsallehanda (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:21:00 +0100corren (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:16:00 +0100hd (sv)

Två spiralgalaxer 114 miljoner ljusår bort var nära att kollidera med varandra. Till höger syns den ena, till vänster den andra. Resultatet blev en storm av stjärnor och gas. Orange färg visar hur gasen koloxid sprids i stjärnsystemen. Bild: Nasa/Esa. Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:16:00 +0100ystadsallehanda (sv)

Astronomer har fångat hur det ser ut när två galaxer är nära att kollidera med varandra. Resultatet blir som en stor våg av stjärnor och gas. Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra.

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:15:00 +0100smalandsposten (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:15:00 +0100sydostran (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:13:00 +0100blekinge_lans_tidning (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

En tsunami av stjärnor

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:07:00 +0100vt (sv)

Med hjälp av det så kallade ALMA-teleskopet i Atacama-öknen i Chile har astronomer fångat på bild hur det kan se ut när två spiralgalaxer nästan kolliderar med varandra. Platsen för det dramatiska skådespelet ligger 114 ljusår från jorden i riktning mot stjärnbilden Stora hunden, som är synlig på....

First world tsunami day

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 22:03:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

WORLD Tsunami Awareness Day serves as a reminder of the importance of reducing current and future levels of risk, says United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon. This year marks the first observance of World Tsunami Day, which is celebrated on November 5 to highlight the significance of early warning systems.

4:30 Clausuran hospital en centro de Italia por daños tras terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 21:39:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

05 de noviembre de 2016, 16:30 Roma, 5 nov (PL) El hospital de la localidad de Amandola, en la región central del país, fue clausurado hoy totalmente tras los daños estructurales sufridos por la secuencia sísmica que afecta a Italia desde hace poco más de dos meses.

Italie: nouvelles secousses

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:58:00 +0100bbc-french-africa (fr)

Image caption Partager Le séisme a détruit plusieurs villages dans le centre du pays. Le pape François a annoncé sa volonté de se rendre "dès que possible" dans les zones touchées par le séisme dans le centre de l'Italie, pour consoler les rescapés. "Je veux dire une fois de plus à ces chères....

3:10 Ecuador duplica inversiones en 10 años

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:37:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

La creación de nuevas carreteras, aeropuertos y el desarrollo en diversos sectores son algunos de los atractivos que generan inversión en esta nación sudamericana. Durante la emisión 499 del programa semanal Enlace Ciudadano, el mandatario explicó que la obra de la revolución ciudadana permitió....

Prof. Dr. Özener: Tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki gibi büyük olmayacak

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:28:00 +0100sozcu (tr)

'DÜNYA Tsunami Farkındalık Günü' nedeniyle tsunami konusunda farkındalık yaratmak üzere Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü'nde basın toplantısı düzenlendi. Rasathanenin Üsküdar'daki yerleşkesinde bulunan Bölgesel Tsunami Gözlem Merkezi'ndeki toplantıya Kandilli....

Series of earthquakes shake parts of north-central Oklahoma

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:11:00 +0100news9 (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) - A series of earthquakes has shaken parts of north-central Oklahoma. The U.S. Geological Survey says two earthquakes were recorded Saturday near Pawnee in Pawnee County and a third in Yale in Payne County. The earthquakes were recorded in the same area where a record-setting 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred two months ago.

مصـرع شخص وإصابة آخر في حادثة سيــــر بسطات .

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:04:00 +0100hesleaks (ar)

حادث مأساوي مؤلم ينضاف الى تسونامي حوادث السير القاتلة التي ذهب ضحيتها العديد من المواطنين الأبرياء بطرقات وشوارع المدينة والاقليم نتيجة تهور بعض السائقين، حيث لقي شخص مصرعه جراء حادثة سير مروعة وقعـــت فصولهــا الدمويــة صباح يوم : السبت 5 نونبر 2016 بالطريق الوطنية رقم 9 الرابطة بين سطات ومراكش....

Series of earthquakes shake parts of north-central Oklahoma

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 20:00:00 +0100newsok (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — A series of earthquakes has shaken parts of north-central Oklahoma. The U.S. Geological Survey says two earthquakes were recorded Saturday near Pawnee in Pawnee County and a third in Yale in Payne County. The earthquakes were recorded in the same area where a record-setting 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred two months ago.

¿Está a punto de llegar el temido 'Big One'?

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:49:00 +0100libertaddigital (es)

Cada cierto tiempo se especula con la llegada del bautizado como Big One : un enorme terremoto en las cercanías de Los Ángeles, con gran capacidad destructiva, que afectaría a buena parte de California. Sus habitantes, habituados a los frecuentes movimientos sísmicos, lo saben bien y están....

Prof. Dr. Özener: Tsunamiler Hiçbir Zaman Japonya ...

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:43:00 +0100haberler (tr)

'DÜNYA Tsunami Farkındalık Günü' nedeniyle tsunami konusunda farkındalık yaratmak üzere Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü'nde basın toplantısı düzenlendi. Rasathanenin Üsküdar'daki yerleşkesinde bulunan Bölgesel Tsunami Gözlem Merkezi'ndeki toplantıya Kandilli....

Series of earthquakes shake parts of north-central Oklahoma

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:37:00 +0100krmg (en)

A series of earthquakes has shaken parts of north-central Oklahoma. The U.S. Geological Survey says two earthquakes were recorded Saturday near Pawnee in Pawnee County and a third in Yale in Payne County. The earthquakes were recorded in the same area where a record-setting 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred two months ago.

Con éxito se realizó el simulacro de sismo y tsunami en San José

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:34:00 +0100rpp (es)

El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Regional (COER) calificó de exitoso el simulacro de sismo y tsunami que realizó en el distrito lambayecano de San José. El evento de prevención se inició desde las 9:30 am y la población participo activamente en la evacuación y traslado de las personas heridas y fallecidas.

Prof. Dr. Özener: Tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki gibi büyük olmayacak

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:29:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

DÜNYA Tsunami Farkındalık Günü' nedeniyle tsunami konusunda farkındalık yaratmak üzere Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü'nde basın toplantısı düzenlendi. Rasathanenin Üsküdar'daki yerleşkesinde bulunan Bölgesel Tsunami Gözlem Merkezi'ndeki toplantıya Kandilli....

Se conmemora por primera vez el Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre Tsunamis Un Tsunami es una secuencia de olas que se producen por terremotos en el fondo marino; por deslizamientos submarinos y erupciones de volcanes sumergidos Por: Redacción Once Noticias | Fuente: Once Noticias | 05-11-2016 10:36:00

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:17:00 +0100oncenoticias (es)

Este 5 de noviembre se festeja el primer año del Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre Tsunamis, designado oficialmente en diciembre de 2015 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). De acuerdo con el organismo internacional, los Tsunamis son eventos raros, pero pueden ser extremadamente mortales.

زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة يضرب جزيرة سومطرة الاندونيسية

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:09:00 +0100bna (ar)

جاكرتا في 5 نوفمبر/ بنا / ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 5.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم شواطئ جزيرة "سيمولو آتشيه" الواقعة بجزيرة سومطرة شمال غرب إندونيسيا. وذكرت الوكالة الإندونيسية للأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء أن مركز الزلزال جاء على بعد 92 كلم شمال غرب جزيرة "سيمولو" وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات. وأشارت الى ان الزلزال لم يؤدي إلى وقوع أمواج مد عاتية "تسونامي".

Four killed after building collapses in Haiti

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:05:00 +0100jamaicaobserver (en)

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (CMC) At least four people were killed and several others injured when a building collapsed in the capital earlier this week, Haitian authorities have confirmed. They said the dead and injured were among several people who were seeking scrap materials, including rebar for....

الأمين العام: اليوم العالمي للتوعية بأمواج تسونامي هو مناسبة للتذكير بأهمية الحد من مستويات الخطر الحالية والمستقبلية

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 19:00:00 +0100unmultimedia-ar (ar)

تحتفل الأمم المتحدة اليوم الموافق الخامس من تشرين الثاني نوفمبر، لأول مرة، باليوم العالمي للتوعية بأمواج تسونامي. وفي رسالته بمناسبة هذا اليوم، قال الأمين العام بان كي مون، إن اليوم العالمي للتوعية بأمواج تسونامي هو مناسبة للتذكير بأهمية الحد من مستويات الخطر الحالية والمستقبلية.

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:49:00 +0100paraguay (es)

El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un comunicado, busca revertir las pérdidas de la industria vitivinícola tras los eventos sísmicos que han afectado aChile en los últimos años. "Lo últimos terremotos demostraron que los estanques de acero inoxidable de pared delgada para la guarda y....

John Rollins Success Primary Helping Children in Haiti

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:36:00 +0100jis (en)

Principal of the John Rollins Success Primary School in Rose Hall, St. James, Yvonne Miller Wisdom (right); Administrative Assistant, Hervilyn Forbes (centre); Teacher, Margaret Harwood; and students, stand beside the attractively decorated drum in which the school is accepting relief supplies for Haitian students.

Tragédia de Mariana completa um ano em meio a reclamações

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:35:00 +0100ne10 (pt)

Um ano depois da maior catástrofe ambiental do Brasil, familiares das 19 vítimas do rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, em Mariana, que devastou várias localidades no sudeste do país, ainda pedem por justiça. Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem da mineradora brasileira Samarco - co-propriedade da....

Chile desarrolla sistema de aislamiento para proteger reserva de vinos antes los sismos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:27:00 +0100tvn-2 (es)

El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un comunicado, busca revertir las pérdidas de la industria vitivinícola tras los eventos sísmicos que han afectado a Chile en los últimos años. "Lo últimos terremotos demostraron que los estanques de acero inoxidable de pared delgada para la guarda y....

Study links dementia, natural disasters

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:25:00 +0100krqe (en)

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – With many in the east still reeling from Hurricane Matthew, a new study linking dementia to natural disasters could add insult to injury. The Harvard University study found that the loss of property and loved ones in the wake of natural disasters like Matthew can increase the symptoms of dementia in elderly people.

Sismo de magnitude 6.4 em Talca, no Chile 04/11

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:17:00 +0100observador (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,4 na escala de Richter abalou esta sexta-feira a região de Talca, no centro do Chile. De acordo com o Instituto Geológico dos Estados Unidos da América, o abalo foi sentido às 16h20, hora de Lisboa, com epicentro a 66 quilómetros da cidade de Talca, a uma profundidade de 116 quilómetros.

Sergio Vergara, el delantero que triunfa en México y que hoy es el máximo artillero chileno en el extranjero

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 18:07:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- A lo largo de la historia, el fútbol mexicano ha contado con una numerosa presencia de futbolistas chilenos. Algunos han dejado su huella, como Carlos Reinoso, Alberto Quintano, Fabián Estay, Rodrigo Ruiz y Humberto "Chupete" Suazo. Pero existe otro grupo ha que ha pasado sin pena ni gloria.

Tragédia de Mariana completa um ano em meio a reclamações

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:52:00 +0100afp-portugues (pt)

Um ano depois da maior catástrofe ambiental do Brasil, familiares das 19 vítimas do rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, em Mariana, que devastou várias localidades no sudeste do país, ainda pedem por justiça. Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem da mineradora brasileira Samarco - co-propriedade da....

Tragédia de Mariana completa um ano em meio a reclamações

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:49:00 +0100istoe (pt)

Um ano depois da maior catástrofe ambiental do Brasil, familiares das 19 vítimas do rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, em Mariana, que devastou várias localidades no sudeste do país, ainda pedem por justiça. Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem da mineradora brasileira Samarco – co-propriedade da....

غابة اوكيجاهارا غابة الأنتحار في اليابان؟!

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:48:00 +0100sotaliraq (ar)

ولكن هذا هو الخبر الذي نشرته صحيفة المشرق الغراء في عددها 3610 ليوم السبت الموافق 29/10/2016. حيث يقول الخبر( بأن حالات الأنتحار أزدادت في اليابان الى 78 حالة انتحار عام 2002 وسنويا يعثر رعاة الغابات الذين يقومون بتنظيف الغابات على حوالي 70 جثة لأناس منتحرين! حالات الأنتحار هذه أضطرت الشرطة....

Un prêtre qualifie les séismes de "punition divine

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:48:00 +0100RTLFrance (fr)

Les propos du père Giovanni Cavalcoli ont été qualifiés "d'offensants pour les croyants et scandaleux pour les non-croyants". Ces dernières semaines, les séismes se succèdent en Italie. 300 personnes ont perdu la vie le 24 août après un tremblement de terre survenu à Amatrice dans le centre du pays.

Cuarto traslado de la Ciudad de Guatemala

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:44:00 +0100prensalibre (es)

Simplemente se lanza a empezarlo y a ver cómo le va. Definitivamente, mal. Algo así sucedió con la Ciudad de Guatemala. Empezó bien, con un trazo reticular —calles y avenidas—, considerando la topografía para la extracción y posterior evacuación de las aguas, analizando las entradas y salidas de las....


Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:36:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

- İSTANBUL'DA 'DÜNYA TSUNAMİ FARKINDALIK GÜNÜ' TOPLANTISI *İstanbul'da Dünya Tsunami Farkındalık Günü nedeniyle basın toplantısı düzenlendi. *Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Haluk Özener: "Bizim bir deprem sonucu oluşacak tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki gibi....


Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:36:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

- İSTANBUL'DA 'DÜNYA TSUNAMİ FARKINDALIK GÜNÜ' TOPLANTISI. *İstanbul'da Dünya Tsunami Farkındalık Günü nedeniyle basın toplantısı düzenlendi. *Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Haluk Özener: "Bizim bir deprem sonucu oluşacak tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki....

Un dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos se desarrolló en Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:28:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente a proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos , frecuentes en el país austral. El proyecto, según informó este 5 de noviembre del 2016 la....


Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:27:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

İSTANBUL DA DÜNYA TSUNAMİ FARKINDALIK GÜNÜ TOPLANTISI *İstanbul'da Dünya Tsunami Farkındalık Günü nedeniyle basın toplantısı düzenlendi.*Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Haluk Özener:"Bizim bir deprem sonucu oluşacak tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki gibi büyük....


Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:27:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

İSTANBUL DA DÜNYA TSUNAMİ FARKINDALIK GÜNÜ TOPLANTISI. *İstanbul'da Dünya Tsunami Farkındalık Günü nedeniyle basın toplantısı düzenlendi. *Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Haluk Özener: "Bizim bir deprem sonucu oluşacak tsunamiler hiçbir zaman Japonya'daki gibi....

Ingenieros chilenos crean dispositivo para proteger los vinos en un terremoto

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:21:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

Investigadores de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica, de Diseño-Ingeniería y de Mecánica y Metalúrgica de la Universidad Católica (UC), desarrollaron un sistema de aislación sísmica para contenedores de líquidos, orientado a proteger los estanques de vinos frente a nuevos terremotos.

Tragédia de Mariana completa um ano em meio a reclamações

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:09:00 +0100em (pt)

Um ano depois da maior cat�strofe ambiental do Brasil, familiares das 19 v�timas do rompimento da Barragem de Fund�o, em Mariana, que devastou v�rias localidades no sudeste do pa�s, ainda pedem por justi�a. Em 5 de novembro de 2015, a barragem da mineradora brasileira Samarco - co-propriedade da....

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:58:00 +0100UltimaHora (es)

El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un comunicado, busca revertir las pérdidas de la industria vitivinícola tras los eventos sísmicos que han afectado a Chile en los últimos años. "Lo últimos terremotos demostraron que los estanques de acero inoxidable de pared delgada para la guarda y....

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:56:00 +0100lahora (es)

Santiago de Chile, EFE. Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente a proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos, frecuentes en el país austral.

Concluye proceso de restauración de patrimonio documental de Manabí

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:50:00 +0100ecuadorinmediato (es)

Este proceso forma parte del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de capacidades locales para la conservación emergente de archivos históricos de zonas afectadas por el terremoto Junto a la subsecretaria de Memoria Social del Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio, Andrea Nina; y el vicerrector de la Universidad....

Presidente Correa agradece a ciudadanía por solidaridad con Manabí y Esmeraldas en este feriado [www.ecuadorinmediato.com]

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:50:00 +0100ecuadorinmediato (es)

"Esto permite reactivar la economía en estas zonas", destacó Desde Cayambe, durante el Enlace Ciudadano 499, el Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, agradeció a la población ecuatoriana por la solidaridad que ha demostrado durante estos días de feriado con Manabí y Esmeraldas.

Estados Unidos no dio paso a pedido de TPS de Ecuador

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:17:00 +0100cre (es)

Quito.- Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto de abril, alegando que el país sudamericano puede “manejar adecuadamente” el retorno de sus ciudadanos, informó el jueves pasado la Cancillería ecuatoriana.

Minister declares country prepared for tsunami

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:15:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 5 ― Malaysia is always prepared to face natural disasters such as tsumani, says Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau. He said the country has the technology and expertise for early detection of tsunami to enable the issuing of timely warning to the people.

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:09:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente a proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos, frecuentes en el país austral. El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un....

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:06:00 +0100caracol (es)

Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente a proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos, frecuentes en el país austral. El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un....

Crean en Chile dispositivo para proteger vinos de terremotos

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 16:03:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Investigadores de la Universidad Católica de Chile desarrollaron un sistema de aislamiento sísmico para contenedores de líquidos, destinado específicamente a proteger los estanques de vinos de los terremotos, frecuentes en el país austral. El proyecto, según informó hoy la universidad en un....

Earthquake standards are on shaky ground

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:32:00 +0100japantimes (en)

No one died in the recent earthquake that struck Tottori Prefecture, but the temblor was strong enough to cause extensive damage. Several thousand people are still in evacuation centers, which means it is not safe for them to live in their homes. Most of these houses were probably built before the....

زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة يضرب شمال غرب اندونيسيا

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:24:00 +0100sabanews (ar)

جاكرتا ـ سبأ : ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم شواطئ جزيرة "سيمولو آتشيه" الواقعة بجزيرة سومطرة بشمال غرب إندونيسيا. وذكرت الوكالة الإندونيسية للأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء أن مركز الزلزال جاء على بعد 92 كلم شمال غرب جزيرة سيمولو وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات.

Italie : un prêtre prétend que les séismes sont une «punition divine», colère du Vatican

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:12:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

S es propos lui avaient valu les foudres du Vatican. Dimanche 30 octobre, alors qu'un puissant tremblement de terre de 6,5 frappait la région italienne de l'Ombrie, le prêtre Giovanni Cavalcoli avait qualifié les séismes de «punition divine» liée aux unions civiles homosexuelles.

Journée de sensibilisation aux tsunamis : l'ONU souligne la nécessité de réduire et prévenir les risques

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:09:00 +0100un-org-newscentre (fr)

5 novembre 2016 #150 A l'occasion de la première Journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis (5 novembre), le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a rappelé samedi l'importance de réduire les risques existants et de prévenir de nouveaux risques. Depuis 1996, 250.900 personnes ont péri dans 21 pays frappés par 30 tsunamis.

Malaysia Fully Prepared To Face Tsunami - Madius

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:08:00 +0100bernama (en)

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 5 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is always prepared to face natural disasters such as tsumani, says Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau. He said the country had the technology and expertise for early detection of tsunami to enable the issuing of timely warning to the people.

Sergio Vergara, el chileno que triunfa en México y que hoy es el máximo artillero nacional en el extranjero

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:04:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- A lo largo de la historia, el fútbol mexicano ha contado con una numerosa presencia de futbolistas chilenos. Algunos han dejado su huella, como Carlos Reinoso, Alberto Quintano, Fabián Estay, Rodrigo Ruiz e Iván Zamorano. Pero existe otro grupo ha que ha pasado sin pena ni gloria.

Este 5 de noviembre es el Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre los Tsunamis

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:03:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Los tsunamis son eventos raros, pero pueden ser extremadamente mortales. En los últimos 100 años, 58 de ellos han cobrado más de 260 000 vidas, o un promedio de 4 600 por desastre, superando a cualquier otro riesgo natural. El mayor número de muertes en ese período fue en el tsunami del océano índico de diciembre de 2004.

Tumbes: Hoy se realizará simulacro mundial de tsunami

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:56:00 +0100diariocorreo (es)

Este simulacro se realiza en mérito al Día Mundial de la Concienciación sobre Tsunami, declarado por Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Tumbes: Hoy se realizará simulacro mundial de tsunami Hoy a las 9 a.m. se realizará el simulacro de tsunami a nivel de todo el litoral peruano.

Japanese students and educators mark World Tsunami Awareness Day

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:47:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Japanese students and educators at an event marking World Tsunami Awareness Day stressed the importance of preparing for disasters and urged people to think about and discuss what they should do in case such a catastrophe strikes. At an event in the nation’s capital on Saturday, junior high school....

Chile, zguduită de un seism cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:39:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur de magnitudine 6,4 a avut loc în Chile, vineri. Autorităţile nu au emis alertă de tsunami. Epicentrul seismului a fost situat la 66 kilometri de localitatea Talca, însă clădirile s-au zguduit puternic şi în capitala Santiago. Seismul s-a produs la o adâncime de 90 de kilometri.

Missing WWII Veteran Found Safely In Bixby

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:18:00 +0100newson6 (en)

TULSA, Oklahoma - A missing World War II veteran was found safely in Bixby Friday night. Police say 90-year-old Howard Chapman was last seen at his home in the 8800 block of East 62nd Court on November 3rd. They say Chapman told his wife of 70 years that he was going to test the cruise control on....

3.7 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Residents In Pawnee Co.

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 14:18:00 +0100newson6 (en)

PAWNEE COUNTY, Oklahoma - Residents felt quite a jolt early Saturday morning after an earthquake struck near Pawnee. The 3.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded just before 4:40 a.m. Its epicenter was located eight miles east, southeast of Pawnee, 26 miles east, northeast of Stillwater, 32 miles west,....

Nach Fukushima: Atompolitik in Japan

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 13:59:00 +0100sonnenseite (de)

05.11.2016 Nach Fukushima: Atompolitik in Japan "Ohne AKW keine Atombombe. Und solange es Atombomben gibt, besteht die Gefahr von Atomkriegen. Ein Atomkrieg wäre der letzte Krieg in der Geschichte der Menschheit. Denn danach gäbe es keine Menschen mehr, die noch Kriege führen könnten," Franz Alt.

Italy quake: Vatican chastises Catholic radio for “offensive” remarks

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 13:19:00 +0100pulse (en)

The suggestions by an ultraconservative Catholic radio network that Italy has been punished by God with devastating earthquakes after legalising gay unions are offensive and scandalous, a top Vatican official said. Archbishop Angelo Becciu , who acts as the Vatican’s Deputy Prime Minister, told....

3.7 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Residents In Pawnee Co.

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 13:17:00 +0100news9 (en)

PAWNEE COUNTY, Oklahoma - Residents felt quite a jolt early Saturday morning after an earthquake struck near Pawnee. The 3.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded just before 4:40 a.m. Its epicenter was located eight miles east, southeast of Pawnee, 26 miles east, northeast of Stillwater, 32 miles west,....

Reconstrucción del Mercado de Talcahuano requiere acuerdo de co-propietarios para avanzar

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

enviar. Carolina Reyes A más de 6 años del terremoto y tsunami en Talcahuano aún no se repone el mercado en el corazón de la comuna puerto. Y es que se requiere la aprobación de los co-propietarios para que la reconstrucción siga su curso. Nuestros comentarios son un espacio de conversación y debate.

Caspian oil platform workers evacuated after quake

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 13:07:00 +0100azernews (en)

BY Trend SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) has evacuated a number of workers from the offshore platform #10 at the Gunashli field due to the earthquake in the Caspian Sea, SOCAR said in a message. “Yesterday, aftershocks were recorded on the platform following the earthquake in the Caspian Sea at 23:00 Baku time (UTC/GMT +4 hours).

Caspian oil platform workers evacuated after quake

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 12:33:00 +0100trendnews-az (en)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 5. By Anvar Mammadov – Trend: SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) has evacuated a number of workers from the offshore platform #10 at the Gunashli field due to the earthquake in the Caspian Sea, SOCAR said in a message. “Yesterday, aftershocks were recorded on the platform....

Alistan los detalles para simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en región de Coquimbo

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 12:26:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Este jueves 10 de noviembre, durante la mañana y a una hora aún por determinar, se realizará un nuevo ejercicio de simulacro de terremoto de gran intensidad, con efecto de tsunami. A pocos días de efectuarse esta acción, que busca movilizar a unas 100 mil personas, el Intendente Claudio Ibáñez....

Un terremoto de 6,4 Richter sacude Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 12:10:00 +010020minutos (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 Richter sacudió este viernes varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de desgracias personales o daños materiales. La sacudida de tierra ocurrió a las 13.20 horas locales (16.20 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 38 kilómetros al....

7:05 Terremoto de 6,5 grados centró atención en Italia esta semana

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 12:07:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

El domingo 31 de octubre, a las 07.40 hora local, el mayor sismo registrado en la península itálica en los últimos 36 años, sacudió con fuerza descomunal una zona ya duramente golpeada por otros tres movimientos telúricos anteriores en apenas dos meses, uno de 6,0 grados el 24 de agosto y otros dos,....

“El terremoto de Lisboa de 1755 afectó en Galicia a 37 monumentos, varios de ellos en O Ribeiro"

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:56:00 +0100laregion (es)

La arquitecta Begoña Ces Fernández, vecina de Melón, ofreció ayer una charla en el Museo Etnolóxico de Ribadavia sobre los efectos del Gran Terremoto de Lisboa (1755) en algunos de los monumentos históricos de O Ribeiro. Begoña Ces tiene un master en rehabilitación arquitectónica y es doctora en arquitectura.

Malaysia sentiasa sedia hadapi tsunami, kata menteri

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:43:00 +0100themalaymailonline (ms)

Gempa bumi besar yang kerap berlaku di Manila Trench mungkin menghasilkan tsunami dan melanda kawasan Kudat, kata ahli akademik. ― Foto Reuters KOTA KINABALU, 5 Nov ― Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau berkata Malaysia sentiasa bersiap siaga menghadapi bencana alam tsunami.

Terremoto débil frente a las costas de Torrevieja

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Seismo Terremoto débil frente a las costas de Torrevieja El temblor, de magnitud 1,3, se ha producido a las 2.30 horas, localizado seis kilómetros mar adentro, al sureste del casco urbano d. pamies 05.11.2016 | 11:19. El Instituto Geográfico Nacional (ING)ha registrado un terremoto leve frente a las costas de Torrevieja.

'No tengo las agallas de comer el pescado del río Doce'

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100sipse (es)

Agencias COLATINA, Brasil.- Un año después de que una presa reventara y provocara un enorme tsunami de lodo contaminado con residuos mineros en uno de los ríos más importantes de Brasil, la gente que vive en sus márgenes no bebe el agua del río y los pescadores no se atreven a comer sus capturas.

Researchers fill gap about Bhutan’s seismic history

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:28:00 +0100kuenselonline (en)

Research: After the massive Nepal earthquake in 2015 that claimed lives and destroyed properties, seismologists have begun ask if the region where Bhutan is located is perhaps the only segment of the Himalayas that has not experienced a major earthquake over the past half millennia.

زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة يضرب شمال غرب اندونيسيا

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:17:00 +0100al-watan (ar)

جاكرتا- قنا- ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم شواطئ جزيرة "سيمولو آتشيه" الواقعة بجزيرة سومطرة بشمال غرب إندونيسيا. وذكرت الوكالة الإندونيسية للأرصاد الجوية والجيوفيزياء أن مركز الزلزال جاء على بعد 92 كلم شمال غرب جزيرة سيمولو وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات.

زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة يضرب شمال غرب إندونيسيا

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:11:00 +0100al-sharq (ar)

. منوعات السبت 05-11-2016 الساعة 11:23 ص. زلزال في إندونيسيا.. صورة أرشيفية كلمات دالة; جاكرتا – قنا. ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم شواطئ جزيرة "سيمولو آتشيه" الواقعة بجزيرة سومطرة بشمال غرب إندونيسيا. ووقع مركز الزلزال على بعد 92 كلم شمال غرب جزيرة سيمولو وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات،....

Япония отметила День противостояния цунами

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:07:00 +0100armenpress-ru (ru)

13:29, 5 Ноябрь, 2016 Япония отметила День противостояния цунами, который впервые в этом году получил статус всемирного события. В 2011 году, через полгода после сильнейшего землетрясения и цунами, обрушившегося на Японию 11 марта, по решению парламента страны 5 ноября стал Днем противостояния цунами.

Terremoto de magnitude 6,4 sacode três regiões do Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:06:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Um forte tremor de magnitude 6,4 na escala Richter sacudiu nesta sexta-feira várias regiões do centro e do sul do Chile, sem que até o momento tenha havido informações sobre vítimas ou danos materiais. O abalo sísmico foi registrado às 13h20 (hora local; 14h20 de Brasília), com profundidade de 87,5....

Temblor en Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 10:24:00 +0100republica-UY (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Terremoto débil frente a las costas de Torrevieja

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 10:13:00 +0100diarioInformacion (es)

El Instituto Geográfico Nacional (ING)ha registrado un terremoto leve frente a las costas de Torrevieja. El temblor, de magnitud 1,3, se ha producido a las 2.30 horas, localizado seis kilómetros mar adentro, al sureste del casco urbano. La información sísmica no recoge la profundidad del epicentro.

Pensez-vous messieurs et dames aux vrais sinistrés de Matthew?

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 09:27:00 +0100lenouvelliste (fr)

L’universitaire Hérold Toussaint, professeur et chercheur dans l’âme, actuel vice-recteur de l’Université d’État d’Haïti, est revenu d’une tournée dans les zones frappées par le cyclone Matthew et raconte à qui veut l’entendre le témoignage de ses pérégrinations.

Tremblement de terre Italie : la solidarité active de la CTC et des Corses

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 09:11:00 +0100corsematin (fr)

Suite au séisme qui a frappé le centre de l'Italie le 24 octobre dernier, la Collectivité Territoriale de Corse avait lancé un appel aux dons auprès de la population insulaire. "La mobilisation des corses a été très forte et de nombreux dons en produits de première nécessité sont parvenus dans les....

Haiti: Project HOPE Airlifts Medicines and Supplies to Haiti

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 09:04:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Millwood, VA, November 4, 2016. Project HOPE announced an airlift of medicines and supplies to Haiti today as health needs persist one month after Hurricane Matthew blasted through the Caribbean nation. The global health development organization has been working closely with Haiti's Ministry of Health and other NGOs in response to the disaster.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب وسط تشيلي

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 08:35:00 +0100dostor (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6.4 درجات على مقياس ريختر وسط شيلي امس دون أن يصدر تحذير من تسونامي. وحدد مركز الزلزال على بعد 38 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة كوريكو -200 كلم من العاصمة سانتياجو- بحسب المركز الوطني للزلازل. وقال مراسلون إن الزلزال في فترة بعد الظهر أدى إلى اهتزاز المباني في العاصمة سانتياجو وتسبب بذعر بين السكان.

В Чили произошло землетрясение магнитудой 6,4 балла

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 08:25:00 +0100ukranews2-ru (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 6,4 в пятницу произошло в 25 километрах от чилийского Курико. Об этом сообщается на сайте Эпицентр землетрясения находился на глубине 90,8 километров. Сообщений о разрушениях в результате землетрясения и угрозе цунами не поступало.

Magnitude 6.4 quake shakes central Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 07:21:00 +0100in-cyprus (en)

A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported. Chile ‘s emergency office Onemi called it a “major” seismic event, and said it was evaluating whether any damage had taken place.

Estados Unidos no dio paso a pedido de TPS de Ecuador

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 07:10:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto de abril, alegando que el país sudamericano puede “manejar adecuadamente” el retorno de sus ciudadanos, informó el jueves pasado la Cancillería ecuatoriana.

World Tsunami Awareness day: 'When the sea goes out, it's time to run'

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 07:08:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

World Tsunami Awareness Day is held for the first time this 5 November. These natural disasters know no borders, so the UN came up with the date to foster international cooperation and increase public awareness and prevention efforts. Tsunamis remain rare, but they cost many lives – in the last....

Byggnader i Santiago skakar i skalv

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 07:00:00 +0100goteborgpost (sv)

En kraftig jordbävning skakar centrala Chile. I huvudstaden Santiago svajar byggnader, men det finns inga rapporter om några omkomna eller skadade människor eller om någon omfattande materiell förödelse. Chilenska marinen befarar ingen tsunami längs landets långa Stillahavskust.

زلزال "قوي" يضرب وسط تشيلي

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 06:49:00 +0100charlesayoub (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6،4 درجات على مقياس ريختر وسط تشيلي، الجمعة، من دون أن ترد تقارير فورية عن حجم الأضرار، بحسب ما أعلن مسؤولون. وقال مراسلو وكالة "فرانس برس" إن الزلزال الذي ضرب تشيلي في فترة بعد الظهر، هز المباني في العاصمة سانتياغو وتسبب بذعر بين السكان. ووصف مكتب الطوارئ أونيمي الزلزال بأنه حادث "كبير" تركز على العاصمة ووسط البلاد.

ODPM: Be aware of tsunami warnings

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 06:27:00 +0100newsday-tt (en)

THE Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) is calling on citizens, especially those living in low-lying coastal communities, to develop tsunami evacuation plans along with disaster management unit of municipal corporations, and to practice regular drills.

Takwimu ya miaka 400 inaonyesha tsunami bado ni tishio kote duniani

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 06:25:00 +0100unmultimedia (sw)

Hii leo tarehe 5 Novemba ikiwa ni siku ya maadhimisho ya kimataifa ya mara ya kwanza kuhamasisha dunia kuhusu athari za Tsunami, mwakilishi maalum wa Katibu mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa wa upunguzaji wa hatari ya majanga Robert Glasser, ameonya dhidi ya kulegeza hatua, wakati huu ambapo kuna tishio la kimataifa la tsunami.

Un fuerte sismo de 6,4 grados afectó a la zona central de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100rionegro (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile ayer por la tarde provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13.

Primeiro Dia de Atenção Mundial para Tsunamis celebrado neste sábado

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:42:00 +0100unmultimedia-pt (pt)

Laura Gelbert, da Rádio ONU em Nova York.* Este sábado, 5 de novembro, é o primeiro Dia de Atenção Mundial para Tsunamis. Nesta data, em 1854, um líder de um vilarejo no Japão reconheceu os sinais de um tsunami que se aproximava e improvisou um sistema de alerta eficaz: colocou fogo em ramos de....

5 ноября – Всемирный день распространения информации о цунами

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:41:00 +0100unmultimedia-ru (ru)

5 ноября 1854 года японский крестьянин Горио Хамагучи поджег весь свой урожай риса, чтобы предупредить односельчан о приближении цунами и помочь им найти в темноте дорогу к ближайшей возвышенности. Именно поэтому Всемирный день распространения информации о проблеме цунами в ООН решили отмечать 5 ноября.

1. Captaron en Chile increíbles imágenes tras un "tsunami" de estrellas

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:37:00 +0100losandes (es)

El radiostelecopio Alma , en el norte de Chile , captó una estructura con forma de párpado generado tras un "tsunami" de estrellas que confirma la teoría sobre la colisión de galaxias , vital para entender el origen del universo, informaron ayer en Santiago los investigadores.

Fuerte sismo de 6,4 remece edificios en Santiago

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:33:00 +0100laverdad-VE (es)

El sismo se sintió a la 1.20 de la tarde local, sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio, mencionó AP. Según los primeros datos el epicentro estuvo a unos 25 kilómetros de Curicó, 190 kilómetros al sur de Santiago.

5 opiniones

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100mdzol (es)

Yo agregaría: "el miedo, vende... " Hoy más que nunca, los medios de comunicación hacen del horror, la desgracia y el sufrimiento, un infame comercio que se alimenta de publicidad. Hace un tiempo, un cronista de televisión, micrófono en mano, decía ante un escape de material inflamable en un barrio....

Terremoto en Mendoza: vivimos muertos, en vida, de miedo

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100mdzol (es)

Algunos hombres son buenos, porque tienen miedo ", Andrés Calamaro. El miedo nos une. Bueno, nada nos une: cierto es que somos chivos feos y solitarios y que andamos a tontas y a locas con nuestros diversos argumentos y ejercicios para la subsistencia, en estas tierras de pastos duros.

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 remece edificios en Santiago de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:27:00 +0100eluniversal (es)

Santiago de Chile.- Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró este viernes en Santiago y en ciudades del centro-sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a la 1:20 pm local, sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños.

Barbados marks World Tsunami Awareness Day tomorrow

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:22:00 +0100nationnews (en)

BARBADOS WILL JOIN the rest of the world in the first international recognition of World Tsunami Awareness Day tomorrow, Saturday, November 5. To mark this first observance of the United Nations-designated day for tsunami awareness, the Department of Emergency Management (DEM), in conjunction with....

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:19:00 +0100lajornadanet (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 se ha registrado en el centro del país sudamericano. Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN).

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:18:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

6.4-magnitude Quake Shakes Central Chile: Officials

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:16:00 +0100modernghana (en)

Santiago (AFP) - A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of "great intensity" struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:11:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

Il confronto, anche aspro, di opinioni diverse espresse in buonafede, costituisce la base di ogni crescita culturale. Tuttavia, quando alle opinioni si sostituisce odio e preconcetto nei confronti di una categoria di cittadini, nella fattispecie cittadini onesti e incensurati, allora viene meno ogni possibilità di contraddittorio e si giunge a dover ribattere a delle farneticazioni. (.....)

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:08:00 +0100spoletonline (it)

Ambiente e Territorio , 04 Novembre 2016 alle 12:23:16 Del terremoto e dello sciacallaggio: ogni scusa è buona per gli anticaccia: dura nota di Federcaccia Persino la tragedia del sisma è presa a pretesto dall’Enpa per chiedere la chiusura della caccia Il confronto, anche aspro, di opinioni diverse....

Moderate Earthquake Strikes Northern Sumatra

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:01:00 +0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 (Bernama) -- A moderate earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale struck in the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia at 7.26am today. The Meteorological Department in a statement said the epicentre of the quake was 22 kilometres (km) West of Simeulue, Indonesia and 566 km southwest of Lumut, Perak.

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile, no hay alerta de tsunami

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:01:00 +0100diario-expreso (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes 4 de noviembre, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales.

Haiti: Haiti one month after the storm

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 05:00:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Humanitarian response in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. PREPARING FOR THE WORST. One month ago on October 4th Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, devastating coastal areas in the northwest, southwest and south of the country. While the capital, Port-au-Prince, was spared the full strength of....

6.4-magnitude quake shakes Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:56:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

SANTIAGO, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook central and south Chile early Friday afternoon, causing some jitters, but no major damage, officials said. "Preliminary reports say the quake caused no injuries, disruption of basic services or damage to infrastructure," the National....

eNCA | 6.4 magnitude quake shakes central Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:53:00 +0100enca (en)

SANTIAGO – A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported. Chile's emergency office Onemi called it a "major" seismic event, and said it was evaluating whether any damage had taken place.

Zware aardbeving schudt centrale deel van Chili dooreen

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +0100deredactie (nl)

vr 04/11/2016 - 17:41 Update: vr 04/11/2016 - 18:21 Rik Arnoudt Volgens de eerste berichten had de beving een magnitude van 6.3. Het epicentrum lag zo'n 200 kilometer ten zuiden van de hoofdstad Santiago, iets ten oosten van het stadje Curicó. Over eventuele schade of slachtoffers is nog geen duidelijkheid.

Terremoto de 6,4 grados Richter sacudió la zona central de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:50:00 +0100elcordillerano (es)

El temblor duró más de un minuto, se registró a 38 kilómetros al sureste de la localidad de Curicó y se sintió en las regiones de O'Higgins, Metropolitana y El Maule. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró este viernes a 38 kilómetros al sureste de la localidad de Curicó y....

Magnitude 6.4 quake shakes central Chile; no damage, injuries reported

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:41:00 +0100triblive (en)

Updated 35 minutes ago SANTIAGO — A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported. Chile's emergency office Onemi called it a “major” seismic event, and said....

Tsunami awareness urged around the world

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:37:00 +0100newshub (en)

People are being urged to find out more about tsunamis as the first World Tsunami Awareness Day is held. The UN General Assembly decided to mark the day on Saturday to highlight the risks and New Zealand officials are getting behind it because all of New Zealand's coastline is at risk of tsunami.

Inslee forms group to guide preparations for quake, tsunami

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:36:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

Gov. Jay Inslee on Friday announced the creation of a subcabinet group to boost disaster preparedness and improve the state’s ability to recover from a major earthquake and tsunami. The Resilient Washington subcabinet will bring together representatives from state agencies to identify vulnerable....

الصحف السعودية

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 04:27:00 +0100spa (ar)

الرياض 05 صفر 1438 هـ الموافق 05 نوفمبر 2016 م واس طالعتنا الصحف السعودية الصادرة اليوم بالعناوين الرئيسية التالية.. - خادم الحرمين يرعى المؤتمر السعودي الدولي الرابع لتقنية المعلومات.. غداً - خالد الفيصل يشكر طلاب الأسنان بجامعة أم القرى على خدمة الحجاج - سعود بن نايف يرعى ملتقى المتحدثين الرسميين....

Housing aid signing process begins in Valley

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 03:55:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 5, 2016- More than one-and-a-half years since the Gorkha earthquake, the government has started signing agreements in the Valley for the distribution of the first tranche of the house reconstruction aid. District authorities and municipalities in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur have started....

World ‘Tsunami Day’ today

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 03:38:00 +0100pakobserver (en)

Islamabad—International ‘Tsunami Day’would be observed Today, the day would served as a reminder of the importance of reducing current and future levels of risk. This should be a clear guiding principle for all those working in the public and private sectors who have to take decisions on major....

Simulacro de terremoto y tsunami espera movilizar 100 mil personas en Coquimbo

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 03:31:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

20161104 23:15 AQUÍ Simulacro de terremoto y tsunami espera movilizar 100 mil personas en Coquimbo Para el jueves 10 de noviembre está programado un simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en las comunas de La Higuera, Coquimbo, La Serena, Ovalle, Canela y Los Vilos, en la Región de Coquimbo, en el cual....

World observes tsunami day

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 03:17:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 1:46PM TODAY marks the first observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day. United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon said this was to highlight the importance of reducing current and future levels of risk of tsunamis. Mr Ki-Moon said early warning systems should be a guiding principle for....

Moderate earthquake strikes northern Sumatra

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 03:07:00 +0100nst (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: A moderate earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale struck in the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia at 7.26am today. The Meteorological Department in a statement said the epicentre of the quake was 22 kilometres (km) West of Simeulue, Indonesia and 566 km southwest of Lumut, Perak.

Chili. Un important séisme mais pas de dégâts majeurs

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:57:00 +0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

. Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué, hier, le centre du Chili. Le tremblement de terre, dont... Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, pour en profiter, ....

Tsunami of stars and gas keeps an 'eye' on the universe

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:28:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

When galaxy IC 2163 collided with galaxy NGC 2207 (a portion of its spiral arm is shown on right side of image), the huge wave of stars and gas created this galactic eye. M. Kaufman; B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF); ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Sometimes it's tough to see the beauty of the forest for the trees.

Pakar: Kudat mungkin dilanda tsunami

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:27:00 +0100themalaymailonline (ms)

Gempa bumi besar yang kerap berlaku di Manila Trench mungkin menghasilkan tsunami dan melanda kawasan Kudat. ― Foto Reuters KOTA KINABALU, 5 Nov ― Pensyarah Geologi Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Prof Dr Felix Tongkul menjelaskan kenyataan Jabatan Meteorologi berhubung kemungkinan tsunami setinggi....

Imágenes del fuerte sismo que sacudió Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:19:00 +0100univision (es)

La presidenta Michelle Bachelet decretó este miércoles el estado de emergencia en las regiones de Arica, Parinacota y Tarapacá, en el norte del país, que fue el área más afectada por el terremoto de 8.2 de magnitud. Foto: EFE | Univision.com Bachelet estuvo acompañada de los ministros Álvaro....

Tsunami of stars and gas keeps an 'eye' on the universe

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:17:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

When galaxy IC 2163 collided with galaxy NGC 2207 (a portion of its spiral arm is shown on right side of image), the huge wave of stars and gas created this galactic eye. M. Kaufman; B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF); ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Sometimes it's tough to see the beauty of the forest for the trees.

Así sería una evacuación en Madrid ante un devastador terremoto

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 02:04:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

Madrid Lee la primera edición de ABC del sábado 5 de noviembre en Kiosko y Más Así sería una evacuación en Madrid ante un devastador terremoto. La Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME) y la Comunidad de Madrid realizan un simulacro de evacuación aérea de bajas masivas ante un seísmo en las....

Fuerte temblor de 6,4 remece edificios de Santiago de Chile

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 01:36:00 +0100elnacional (es)

El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio. Según los primeros datos el epicentro estuvo a unos 25 kilómetros de Curicó, 190 kilómetros al sur de Santiago.

Una ayuda de gran altura

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 01:12:00 +0100ideal (es)

. Así hay que definir la acción humanitaria llevada a cabo por un grupo de nueve montañeros granadinos que acaban de regresar de Nepal, donde han participado en las labores de reconstrucción de Langtang, un pueblo del Himalaya devastado por el terremoto de 2015.

Tsunami of stars and gas keeps an 'eye' on the universe - CNET

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 01:12:00 +0100cnet (en)

When galaxy IC 2163 collided with galaxy NGC 2207 (a portion of its spiral arm is shown on right side of image), the huge wave of stars and gas created this galactic eye. M. Kaufman; B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF); ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Sometimes it's tough to see the beauty of the forest for the trees.

USGS: Small Earthquake Recorded Near Hennessey

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 00:42:00 +0100news9 (en)

HENNESSEY, Oklahoma - Residents near Hennessey felt a jolt after a small earthquake struck Friday evening. The 3.3 magnitude quake hit at approximately 6:06 p.m. Its epicenter was located about 13 miles east, northeast of Hennessey, and 21 miles southeast of Enid, 22 miles northwest of Guthrie, 32....

Inslee issues directive on earthquake, tsunami response

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 00:28:00 +0100eastoregonian (en)

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Gov. Jay Inslee is directing several state agencies to work together to prepare for a coordinated plan in case of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami. Friday's directive creates a subcabinet group of the Washington Military Department's Emergency Management Division to work....

Strong quake shakes Chile's capital

Sat, 05 Nov 2016 00:25:00 +0100newshub (en)

A 6.4-magnitude quake has rattled Chile's capital Santiago, shaking buildings, but authorities say there have been no immediate reports of damage. Chile's emergency office Onemi called it a "major" seismic event centred on the capital region and central Chile.

Italie: dans les villages frappés par le séisme, la vie entre les ruines

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:47:00 +0100rfi-fr (fr)

Le 30 octobre dernier, un tremblement de terre secouait le centre de l’Italie. L'épicentre qui a atteint 6,5 sur l'échelle de Richter se trouvait dans les monts Sibyllins qui font partie de la chaîne des Apennins. Une semaine plus tard, les communes de la région sont toujours désertes.

Earthquake hits central Chile but no tsunami alert

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:43:00 +0100mercopress (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.4 points in the Richter scale was felt in central Chile on Friday afternoon, hitting the Santiago Metropolitan Area, O'Higgins and Maule, but no tsunami likely to hit shores. A tremor was felt Friday afternoon between Coquimbo and La Araucanía, reaching 6.4 points in the Richter scale for more than a minute.

زلزال "قوي" يضرب وسط تشيلي ولا تحذير من تسونامي

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:43:00 +0100alalam-ir (ar)

وحدد مركز الزلزال على بعد 38 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة كوريكو (200 كلم من سانتياغو) بحسب المركز الوطني للزلازل. وقال مراسلو وكالة فرانس برس ان الزلزال في فترة بعد الظهر ادى الى اهتزاز المباني في العاصمة سانتياغو وتسبب بذعر بين السكان. واوضح المركز الوطني للزلازل ان التقارير الاولى لم تشر الى حصول اضرار كبيرة.

National › Japan holds annual quake, tsunami preparedness drill

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:32:00 +0100japantoday (en)

School children gather in an evacuation shelter on a hill during a tsunami simulation drill ahead of World Tsunami Awareness Day at Futaba elementary school in Choshi, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday. TOKYO. Japan held an annual drill Friday to prepare the disaster-prone country for a major earthquake....

Picture of the Day › Tsunami simulation drill

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:32:00 +0100japantoday (en)

School children wearing padded hoods to protect them from falling debris make their way to an evacuation shelter on a hill during a tsunami simulation drill ahead of World Tsunami Awareness Day at Futaba elementary school in Choshi, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday.

6.4-magnitude quake shakes Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:21:00 +0100sinacom (en)

SANTIAGO, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook central and south Chile early Friday afternoon, causing some jitters, but no major damage, officials said. "Preliminary reports say the quake caused no injuries, disruption of basic services or damage to infrastructure," the National....

Potężne trzęsienie ziemi w środkowym Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:19:00 +0100frazeo (pl)

​Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 6,4 nawiedziło w piątek środkowe Chile. Zatrzęsły się budynki m.in. w stolicy kraju, Santiago. Na razie nie ma informacji o ofiarach ani o zniszczeniach. Wykluczono możliwość powstania tsunami... Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 6,4 nawiedziło w piątek środkowe Chile. Zatrzęsły się budynki m.

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:11:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

عام / زلزال بقوة 6،4 درجات يضرب وسط تشيلي

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:09:00 +0100spa (ar)

سانتياغو 04 صفر 1438 هـ الموافق 04 نوفمبر 2016 م واس ضرب زلزال بلغ قوته 6،4 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم وسط تشيلي . وأفاد المركز الوطني للزلازل في بيان : أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 38 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة كوريكو (200 كلم من سانتياغو) , موضحاً أن التقارير الأولى لم تشر إلى حصول أضرار كبيرة.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 يضرب مدينة كوريكو في تشيلي

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 23:06:00 +0100ekhbariya (ar)

ضرب زلزال بلغ قوته 6.4 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم وسط تشيلي . وأفاد المركز الوطني للزلازل في بيان : أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 38 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة كوريكو (200 كلم من سانتياغو)، موضحاً أن التقارير الأولى لم تشر إلى حصول أضرار كبيرة. من جانبه ذكر الجيش أن هذا الزلزال لا تتوافر فيه الظروف الضرورية لحدوث تسونامي على السواحل التشيلية.

Samantha Bee On The ‘Tsunami Of Misogyny’ That Will Follow A Woman President

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:59:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

Samantha Bee is under no illusions that sexism will disappear if Hillary Clinton becomes president. The “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” host spoke with Fast Company editor KC Ifeanyi at the on Thursday in New York. Bee shared lessons from creating the first season of her much-lauded late-night show, which airs on TBS.

Les nominations du Comex: Erwann Menthéour, Voltaire...

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:53:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

Les nominations du Comex: Erwann Menthéour, Voltaire et Rudy Gobert - 04/11 Au sommaire: Erwann Menthéour, ancien sportif de haut niveau et désormais patron de Fitnex.com. La prise de position remarquée de Voltaire lors du tremblement de terre de Lisbonne, le 1er novembre 1755.

Temblor de 6,4 estremece Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:50:00 +0100almomento (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud preliminar 6,4, en la escala Richter, según el Instituto Sismológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur de Chile. El sismo se sintió a las 1:20 de la tarde, hora local (16H20 GMT). No hay informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños.

Enlace permanente a ¡Tremendo susto! Fuerte sismo en Chile se siente hasta en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:50:00 +0100elperiodicovenezolano (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado este viernes en el centro de Chile, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños personales o alteración de los servicios básicos e infraestructura, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El sismo se produjo a la 1:20 p.

400 سنة من البيانات: أعاصير تسونامي يمكن أن تحدث في معظم مناطق العالم

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:39:00 +0100unmultimedia-ar (ar)

حذر روبرت غلاسر الممثل الخاص للأمين العام للحد من مخاطر الكوارث من التهاون في مواجهة تهديد تسونامي العالمي الذي غالبا ما يـُنسى في أنحاء العالم التي تأثرت به في الماضي البعيد. جاء ذلك عشية أول يوم عالمي للتوعية من التسونامي والذي يصادف غدا، الخامس من تشرين الثاني نوفمبر.

Estados Unidos rechazó pedido de TPS para migrantes ecuatorianos

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:14:00 +0100confirmado (es)

. 16:00 - 04/11/2016 Ecuador sufrió un terremoto de 7.8 en abril pasado. Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto de abril, alegando que el país sudamericano puede “manejar adecuadamente” el retorno de sus....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 ressenti au Chili

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:10:00 +010024heures (fr)

Aucune victime, ni aucun dégât ne sont signalés. Les services de secours nationaux, qui parlent d'une secousse «majeure», continuent à évaluer la situation. L'épicentre a été localisé à 191 km au sud de la capitale et à 90 km de profondeur, selon le centre américain de veille sismique.

Los turistas de la Sierra visitaron Pedernales

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:05:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

La playa de Pedernales Manabí , luce llena de turistas este 4 de noviembre de 2016. La mayoría son de la Sierra de Ecuador. Ellos empezaron a llegar desde el 3 de noviembre al cantón manabita, que fue afectado por el terremoto del pasado 16 de abril. Juan Peralta asegura que fue difícil decidir el....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 ressenti au Chili

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:04:00 +0100tdg (fr)

Aucune victime, ni aucun dégât ne sont signalés. Les services de secours nationaux, qui parlent d'une secousse «majeure», continuent à évaluer la situation. L'épicentre a été localisé à 191 km au sud de la capitale et à 90 km de profondeur, selon le centre américain de veille sismique.

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:55:00 +0100elsol (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro a....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 ressenti au Chili

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:54:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

Aucune victime, ni aucun dégât ne sont signalés. Les services de secours nationaux, qui parlent d'une secousse «majeure», continuent à évaluer la situation. L'épicentre a été localisé à 191 km au sud de la capitale et à 90 km de profondeur, selon le centre américain de veille sismique.

Tembló la tierra en el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:53:00 +0100radiohc (es)

Santiago de Chile, 4 nov (RHC) Un sismo de 6,4 grados en la escala de Richter ocurrió este 4 de noviembre, cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, sin que se reportaran víctimas fatales hasta el momento de redactar esta información. El Centro Sismológico Nacional del país suramericano....

Un terremoto de 6,4 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:51:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 r sacudió, este viernes, varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de desgracias personales o daños materiales. La sacudida de tierra ocurrió a las 13.20 horas locales (16.20 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 38 kilómetros al....

Expertos alertan que España podría sufrir un tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:51:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Hoy entra en vigor el acuerdo contra el cambio climático al que hace un año se comprometieron casi cien países, en París. Se trata de cuidar nuestro planeta que, cada vez más a menudo, sorprende con fenómenos como el tsunami que arrasó las playas del sudeste asiático hace casi doce años, una amenaza....

Temblor en Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:46:00 +0100elcolombiano (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a la 1:20 de la tarde, hora local, sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Gobierno estadounidense rechazó solicitud de TPS para migrantes ecuatorianos

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:45:00 +0100rlp (es)

Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto de abril, alegando que el país sudamericano puede "manejar adecuadamente" el retorno de sus ciudadanos, informó este jueves la cancillería ecuatoriana.

Terremoto atinge cidade chilena de Curicó; ainda não há registro de feridos

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:37:00 +0100radioagencianacional (pt)

Um terremoto sacudiu a Zona Central do Chile, nesta sexta-feira (4). O tremor teve magnitude de 6,4 e durou apenas um minuto. O epicentro foi perto do município de Curicó, que fica a quase 200 quilômetros ao Sul da capital, Santiago. As autoridades locais disseram que não há perigo de tsunami, e....

Terremoto, forte scossa in Cile: magnitudo 6.4, nessun rischio Tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:23:00 +0100ilmattino (it)

Trema il Sudamerica. Un forte terremoto, di magnitudo 6.4, ha colpito le regioni centrali e del Sud del Cile. Lo riporta il centro sismologico nazionale, riferendo che l'epicentro della scossa, durata quasi un un minuto, è stato registrato nella città di Curico, a circa 200 chilometri dalla capitale Santiago.

Temblor de 6,4 remeció edificios de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:16:00 +0100unionradio (es)

SANTIAGO, Chile— Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Şili'de 6,4 üyüklüğünde deprem

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:15:00 +0100sabah_mardin (tr)

Latin Amerika ülkesi Şili'de 6,4 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldiği geldi. Latin Amerika ülkesi Şili'de 6,4 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) tarafından, başkent Santiago'nun 192 kilometre güneyinde kaydedilen 6,4 büyüklüğündeki depremin yerin 87 kilometre altında meydana geldiği belirtildi.

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude el centro y el sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:12:00 +0100elprogreso (es)

El seísmo no reunió las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas del país ni ocasionó daños personales Viernes 4 de Noviembre de 2016 | Efe. Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió este viernes siete regiones del centro y el sur de Chile, sin....

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:06:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile - A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Temblor de 6,4 estremece Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:05:00 +0100voanoticias (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud preliminar 6,4, en la escala Richter, según el Instituto Sismológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur de Chile. El sismo se sintió a las 1:20 de la tarde, hora local (16H20 GMT). No hay informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños.

Séisme de 6,4 au Chili: pas de victimes

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 21:03:00 +0100arcinfo (fr)

Secousse Le centre du Chili a été touché par un séisme de magnitude 6,4 vendredi. Malgré l'ampleur du tremblement, aucune victime n'est à déplorer et aucun dégât n'a été signalé. Un séisme de 6,4 degrés de magnitude s'est produit vendredi dans le centre du Chili et a été ressenti à Santiago. Aucune victime, ni aucun dégât ne sont signalés.

6.4-Magnitude Quake Shakes Central Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:58:00 +0100almanar-en (en)

A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of “great intensity” struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة على مقياس ريختر يضرب تشيلي

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:50:00 +0100dostor (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوي بلغت قوته 4ر6 عاصمة تشيلي ومناطق متفرقة في البلاد، دون أن ترد تقارير فورية عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار. وذكر مركز المسح الأميركي الجيولوجي - حسبما أفادت قناة سكاي نيوز الإخبارية اليوم الجمعة - أن الزلزال وقع على عمق 87 كيلومترا جنوب العاصمة سانتياجو.

12:00 PM Fuerte temblor de 6,4 remece edificios de Santiago de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:49:00 +0100el-mexicano (es)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Erdbeben der Stärke 6,4 erschüttert Zentralchile südöstlich von Curico Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,4 hat Chile erschüttert, Berichte über Opfer oder größere Schäden liegen noch nicht vor. Nach Angaben des Nationalen Erdbebenzentrums befand sich das Epizentrum des... Mehr»

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:46:00 +0100epochtimes (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,4 hat Chile erschüttert, Berichte über Opfer oder größere Schäden liegen noch nicht vor. Nach Angaben des Nationalen Erdbebenzentrums befand sich das Epizentrum des Bebens 38 Kilometer südöstlich der Stadt Curico, die ihrerseits 200 Kilometer südlich von Santiago liegt.

زلزال ب4ر6 درجة بتشيلي

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:45:00 +0100elkhabar (ar)

ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 4ر6 درجة على سلم ريشتر, اليوم الجمعة عاصمة تشيلي ومناطق متفرقة في البلاد, دون أن ترد تقارير فورية عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار. وذكر مركز المسح الأميركي الجيولوجي, أن الزلزال وقع على عمق 87 كيلومترا جنوب العاصمة سانتياغو. واستبعدت السلطات البحرية في تشيلي احتمال وقوع موجات مد عاتية....

Sismo de magnitud 6.4 sacude tres regiones del centro y sur de Chile; no hay amenaza de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:44:00 +0100ntn24 (es)

Tomado de: Google Maps América Latina Un sismo de magnitud 6.4 se registró este viernes cerca de la ciudad de Talca, en el centro de Chile, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). La Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y....

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile; no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:42:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13:20 locales (11:20 de....

Se estima que el sismo se prolongó por un minuto y medio

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:40:00 +0100elpaso (es)

Santiago, Chile Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud 6.4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

ضرب زلزال قوى شدته 6.4 درجة سانتياجو عاصمة تشيلى اليوم الجمعة وهز المبانى لكن السلطات قالت إنه لم ترد تقارير فورية عن أضرار.

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:34:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوى شدته 6.4 درجة سانتياجو عاصمة تشيلى اليوم الجمعة، وهز المبانى لكن السلطات قالت إنه لم ترد تقارير فورية عن أضرار. ووصف مكتب الطوارئ أونيمى الزلزال بأنه حادث "كبير" تركز على العاصمة ووسط البلاد. وقالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 72.42 كيلومتر من تالسا وجنوب شرقى العاصمة وعلى عمق نحو 90 كيلومترا.

Sismo de 6,4 estremeció el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:34:00 +0100elsiglo (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 6.4 grados de magnitud remeció el centro de Chile, aunque sin generar alerta de tsunami, informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública (Onemi) del vecino país. El epicentro del movimiento telúrico, sentido a la 1:20 p.m.

Chile: 6.4-magnitude quake shakes buildings, no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:29:00 +0100dnaindia (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake of "great intensity" struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Magnitude 6.4 quake shakes central Chile; no damage, injuries reported

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:27:00 +0100trust (en)

(Adds details on quake, copper mines, background) SANTIAGO, Nov 4 (Reuters) - A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported.

Magnitude 6.4 quake shakes central Chile; no damage, injuries reported

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:25:00 +0100economictimes (en)

Chile's emergency office Onemi called it a "major" seismic event, and said it was evaluating whether any damage had taken place. SANTIAGO: A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported.

Un fuerte sismo de 6,4 sacudió el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:23:00 +0100cronista (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile esta tarde, provocando el pánico en la población, pero sin ocasionar daños mayores , ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El epicentro del terremoto ocurrió a 38 km al sureste de la ciudad de....

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile, no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:22:00 +0100telegrafo (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13:20 locales (16:20 GMT),....

Son Dakika 6.4 Büyüklüğünde Deprem Can Kaybı Varmı Yokmu!

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:22:00 +0100haber-mynet (tr)

Latin Amerika ülkesi Şili’de 6,4 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) tarafından, başkent Santiago’nun 192 kilometre güneyinde kaydedilen 6,4 büyüklüğündeki depremin yerin 87 kilometre altında meydana geldiği belirtildi. Depremin ardından Şili donanması, olası tsunami felaketine karşı önlemler almaya başladı.

6.4-magnitude quake shakes central Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:21:00 +0100tribune (en)

SANTIAGO: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of “great intensity” struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Un terremoto de 6,1 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:20:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este viernes Chile, dejándose sentir en la capital del país, según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) del Ministerio del Interior chileno. Por su parte, el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile ha....

VIDEO. Chili : un séisme de magnitude 6,4 secoue le centre du pays

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:20:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

U n séisme de magnitude 6,4 a secoué le centre du Chili à 13h20 heure locale. Les autorités ont d'ores et déjà annoncé qu'il n'y avait aucun risque de tsunami. Selon le Centre national des séismes (CSN) , l'épicentre du séisme se situe à 38 km au sud-est de Curico, à 87 km de profondeur.

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:19:00 +0100elnuevosiglo (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro a....

Un terremoto de 6,1 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:17:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este viernes el centro y el sur de Chile, según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI). El temblor se ha sentido también en la capital y en varias regiones. Las autoridades no tienen constancia de daños materiales graves, según los medios locales.

Italia aprueba más ayuda para las víctimas de los sismos

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 20:04:00 +0100el-mexicano (es)

MILAN.- El gobierno de Italia aprobó medidas adicionales para ayudar a las víctimas de los sismos recientes en el centro del país, incluyendo uno de magnitud 6,6 —el más fuerte en 36 años— que se sintió el domingo, se anunció el viernes. Las medidas anunciadas facilitarán la vivienda temporal para....

Sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:52:00 +0100elespectador (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a la 1:20 de la tarde (hora....

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:50:00 +0100eju (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 se ha registrado en el centro del país sudamericano. Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el (CSN). Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile, no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:50:00 +0100elnuevodia (es)

El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro a 38 km al sureste de la ciudad de Curicó, según el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi) calificó el sismo como de "mayor intensidad", mientras las primeras informaciones desde la zona del....

Sismo de 6,4 sacude a Chile, no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:48:00 +0100lanacion-PY (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT),....

6.4-magnitude quake shakes central Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:45:00 +0100thenews-pk (en)

Latest : World SANTIAGO: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of "great intensity" struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude el centro y el sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:43:00 +0100diariodesevilla (es)

. El movimiento telúrico se notó en las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O'Higgins, Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía con diferentes intensidades. De momento no hay que lamentar daños personales ni materiales. EFE | Actualizado 04.11.2016 - 19:07.

6.4-magnitude quake shakes central Chile: officials

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:42:00 +0100gulfnews (en)

Santiago: A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of "great intensity" struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Estados Unidos rechazó pedido de protección temporal para ecuatorianos indocumentados

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:41:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto de abril, alegando que el país sudamericano puede "manejar adecuadamente" el retorno de sus ciudadanos, informó este jueves la cancillería ecuatoriana.

Chili: séisme de magnitude 6,4 dans le centre du pays mais pas d'alerte au tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:36:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais il n'y a pas eu d'alerte au tsunami, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre se situait à 38 km au sud-est de la ville de Curico (200 km au sud de Santiago), selon le Centre....

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude el centro y el sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:35:00 +0100europasur (es)

. El movimiento telúrico se notó en las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O'Higgins, Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía con diferentes intensidades. De momento no hay que lamentar daños personales ni materiales. EFE | Actualizado 04.11.2016 - 19:07.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 dans le centre du Chili mais pas d’alerte au tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:33:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué ce vendredi le centre du Chili, mais il n’y a pas eu d’alerte au tsunami. Le tremblement de terre, dont l’épicentre se situait à 38 km au sud-est de la ville de Curico (200 km au sud de Santiago), selon le Centre national des séismes....

Chile tiembla con un fuerte seísmo de magnitud 6,4

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:33:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este viernes Chile, dejándose sentir en la capital del país, según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) del Ministerio del Interior chileno. Según la ONEMI, el hipocentro del seísmo se ha localizado a más de 87 kilómetros de profundidad.

Sismo magnitud 6.4 sacude centro-sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:32:00 +0100aztecanoticias (es)

Santiago, Chile.- Un sismo de magnitud 6.4 sacudió la zona central de Chile, provocando la oscilación de los edificios de gran altura en Santiago y alarma entre la población, aunque autoridades no reportaron lesionados ni daños a la infraestructura pública. El movimiento se produjo a las 13.

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacudió el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:32:00 +0100elpais-CO (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile este viernes. El terremoto tuvo su epicentro a 38 km al sureste de la ciudad de Curicó, según el Centro Sismológico Nacional, CSN. La oficina Nacional de Emergencias, Onemi, calificó el sismo como de mayor....

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile, no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:31:00 +0100teletica (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT),....

Se ha dejado sentir en Santiago Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 sacude Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:30:00 +0100ondacero (es)

Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar, recoger datos estadísticos y mostrarle publicidad relevante. Si continúa navegando, está aceptando su uso. Puede obtener más información o cambiar la configuración en Se ha dejado sentir en Santiago Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 sacude Chile Un....

Sismo de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile, pero no hay alerta de tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:29:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, ni activar alerta de tsunami, según reportes oficiales. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT),....

Sismo de 6,4 en escala de Richter sacude centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:28:00 +0100cre (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes 4 de noviembre de 2016, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales....

Fuerte sismo de 6,4 sacudió Chile, no hubo reporte de daños

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:28:00 +0100notiactual (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacudió la zona central de Chile, provocando la oscilación de los edificios de gran altura en Santiago, aunque autoridades no reportaron preliminarmente lesionados ni daños a la infraestructura pública. El movimiento se produjo a las 13.

Terremoto sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:28:00 +0100rlp (es)

Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

6.4-magnitude quake shakes central Chile: officials

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:26:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Santiago (AFP) - A 6.4-magnitude earthquake of "great intensity" struck central Chile on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage, officials said. The quake shook buildings in the capital Santiago, causing panic among residents, whose frantic phone calls clogged cellular networks and land lines, AFP correspondents said.

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:23:00 +0100telemetro (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro a....

Chile Earthquake: Magnitude 6.4 quake shakes Santiago; no damage, injuries reported

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:22:00 +0100financialexpress (en)

A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported. Chile’s emergency office Onemi called it a “major” seismic event, and said it was evaluating whether any damage had taken place.

14:18:43 | Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:22:00 +0100hoybolivia (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile. 04/11/2016 - 14:18:43 ACTUALIDAD.-Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

Un terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude el centro y el sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:21:00 +0100eldia (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy siete regiones del centro y el sur de Chile, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de daños personales o materiales, según las autoridades. El seísmo se produjo a las 13.20 hora local (16.

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:20:00 +0100montevideo (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro....

Terremoto de 6,4 grados sacudió este viernes a Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100vanguardia-CO (es)

La sacudida de tierra ocurrió a las 13.20 horas locales (16.20 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 38 kilómetros al sureste de Curicó, a unos 240 kilómetros de Santiago, a una profundidad de 87,5 kilómetros, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional, de la Universidad de Chile.

Chili: un séisme de 6,4 secoue le centre du pays

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:17:00 +0100nna-fr (fr)

ANI - (AFP) - Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais n'a pas fait de dégâts majeurs selon les premières constatations, a annoncé le Centre national des séismes (CSM). Le tremblement de terre, qui a eu lieu en début d'après-midi, a été ressenti....

Las superlunas son súper tontas

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:14:00 +0100publimetro (es)

El término "superluna" se refiere a una luna llena que ocurre cuando la luna llega al punto de mayor acercamiento a la Tierra durante su órbita mensual. Suena como algo digno de atención, ¿cierto? En realidad no. Aunque las denominadas superlunas son más grandes y brillantes que la luna promedio, la diferencia es apenas notoria.

Sismo de 6.4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:13:00 +0100LaPrensaPA (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 16H20 GMT, con epicentro a 38 kilómetros....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacude Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:11:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Santiago.- Excélsior Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 sacudió la zona central de Chile, provocando la oscilación de los edificios de gran altura en Santiago de Chile, aunque autoridades no reportaron preliminarmente lesionados ni daños a la infraestructura pública.

Buildings rattle in Santiago as 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits central Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:08:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

the Chilean emergency office called the quake a "major" event, though no damage has so far been reported. The Chilean Navy told the news agency that the seismic event did not meet the level to create a tsunami. EMSC said that the earthquake struck 174km south of Santiago, estimating that 9.5m people will have felt the tremors.

Análisis Social Media: Esta fue la reacción de la gente en redes sociales frente al temblor

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:08:00 +0100laopinon (es)

Durante esta tarde, específicamente a las 13:24hrs, las distintas regiones del país percibieron un sismo que registró su epicentro a 38 kms al sureste de Curicó, ciudad donde la intensidad en la escala de Mercalli arrojó 7 grados. Este sismo de una intensidad no menor, se percibió adempas en las....

Un terremoto de 6,4 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:07:00 +0100europapress (es)

SANTIAGO, 4 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este viernes Chile, dejándose sentir en la capital del país, según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) del Ministerio del Interior chileno.

Chili : séisme de magnitude 6,4, pas d’alerte au tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:05:00 +0100normandie (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais il n’y a pas eu d’alerte au tsunami, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre, dont l’épicentre se situait à 38 km au sud-est de la ville de Curico (200 km au sud de Santiago), selon le Centre....

Terremoto de 6.4 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:05:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, 4 de noviembre del 2016 provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13:20 locales....

¡Terremoto en sudamérica! Sismo de 6.4 grados sacude frontera entre Chile y Argentina

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:02:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Una grabación casera documentó el paso de varios cuerpos de luces volando en hilera sobre el cielo, el increíble suceso impresionó a quienes... Según Damba Ayusheev, actual lama de la comunidad rusa budista de Ulán-Udé, la aparición del lama fallecido podría representar una señal importante...

Al menos 600.000 niños haitianos necesitan ayuda tras el huracán Matthew

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 19:01:00 +0100elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Al menos 600.000 niños haitianos necesitan asistencia humanitaria tras el paso del huracán Matthew el pasado octubre, según explica Unicef. El ciclón, según el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, dejó alrededor de 570 muertos, 75 desaparecidos y 1.900 de dólares en daños.

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:59:00 +0100latribuna (es)

Santiago Chile AFP Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20....

Sismo de 6,4 en escala de Richter sacude centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:58:00 +0100ecuavisa (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de este viernes 4 de noviembre de 2016, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales....

EE.UU. rechaza pedido de protección temporal para ecuatorianos indocumentados

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:58:00 +0100ecuavisa (es)

Estados Unidos rechazó un pedido de protección temporal que Ecuador hizo para sus emigrantes indocumentados tras el terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016, alegando que el país sudamericano puede "manejar adecuadamente" el retorno de sus ciudadanos, informó la Cancillería ecuatoriana.

Gobierno analiza otras medidas tras negativa de EEUU para protección a ecuatorianos indocumentados

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:58:00 +0100ecuavisa (es)

El Gobierno ecuatoriano explora otras medidas para dar más apoyo a sus ciudadanos en el exterior, en especial a aquellos que se encuentran en situación migratoria irregular, luego de que EE.UU. le negase el pedido de Estatus de Protección Temporal ( , por sus siglas en inglés).

Sismo de 6,4 en la escala de Richter sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:51:00 +0100lostiempos (es)

SANTIAGO | Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile la tarde de hoy, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El terremoto se produjo a las 13H20 locales (16H20 GMT), con epicentro....

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:50:00 +0100ynetnews (en)

SANTIAGO- A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Al menos 600.000 niños haitianos necesitan ayuda tras el huracán Matthew

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:49:00 +0100elpais (es)

Al menos 600.000 niños haitianos necesitan asistencia humanitaria tras el paso del huracán Matthew el pasado octubre, según explica Unicef. El ciclón, según el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, dejó alrededor de 570 muertos, 75 desaparecidos y 1.900 de dólares en daños.

Chili : séisme de magnitude 6,4, pas d'alerte au tsunami

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:48:00 +0100romandie (fr)

Santiago du Chili - Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais il n'y a pas eu d'alerte au tsunami, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre se situait à 38 km au sud-est de la ville de Curico (200 km au sud de....

Italie : à L’Aquila, la double peine du séisme et de la corruption

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:47:00 +0100france24 (fr)

Alors que la péninsule italienne est secouée par ses séismes à répétition depuis quelques semaines, France 24 est retourné dans la ville de L'Aquila, meurtrie par un puissant tremblement de terre en 2009. Sept ans plus tard, les habitants attendent toujours que leurs maisons soient reconstruites.

BNO News: 6.4-magnitude quake shakes central Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:45:00 +0100focus-news-en (en)

Santiago. A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 has struck Chile, centered near Curico in the central region of Maule, or south of the capital Santiago, seismologists. Shaking has also been felt in neighboring Argentina, BNO News reported. The earthquake, which struck at 1:20 p.m.

6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Central Chile, No Damage Reported

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:45:00 +0100news18 (en)

Santiago: A 6.4-magnitude quake rattled central Chile on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital, but authorities said there were no immediate injuries or damage to infrastructure or mines reported. Chile's emergency office Onemi called it a "major" seismic event, and said it was evaluating whether any damage had taken place.

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:43:00 +0100larazon-es (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de desgracias personales o daños materiales. La sacudida de tierra ocurrió a las 13.20 horas locales (16.

Chili : un séisme de 6,4 secoue le centre du pays (autorités)

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:42:00 +0100lacapitale (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais n’a pas fait de dégâts majeurs selon les premières constatations, a annoncé le Centre national des séismes (CSM). Le tremblement de terre, qui a eu lieu en début d’après-midi, a été ressenti à Santiago, et....

Chile: un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 sacudió la zona central del país

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:41:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacudió la zona central de Chile, provocando la oscilación de los edificios de gran altura en Santiago, aunque autoridades no reportaron preliminarmente lesionados ni daños a la infraestructura pública. El movimiento se produjo a las 13.

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:40:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Sunny. High around 70F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low 41F. Winds light and variable. Updated: November 4, 2016 @ 11:52 am; SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday,....

Sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacudió el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:40:00 +0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado en el centro de Chile este viernes, provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El movimiento telúrico se produjo a las 13:20 (hora local), con epicentro a 38 km al....

Un fuerte sismo sacude el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:40:00 +0100presidencia-NI (es)

Un intenso movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,4 se ha percibido este viernes cerca de las 13:21, hora local, en el centro de Chile, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile (CSN). Las autoridades han descartado la posibilidad de que pueda generar un tsunami.

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:36:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile’s capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake’s magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:35:00 +0100newsok (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.

Chili : un séisme de 6,4 secoue le centre du pays (autorités)

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:35:00 +0100lameuse (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais n’a pas fait de dégâts majeurs selon les premières constatations, a annoncé le Centre national des séismes (CSM). Le tremblement de terre, qui a eu lieu en début d’après-midi, a été ressenti à Santiago, et....

Chile: Sismo de 6,4° Richter remece zona central del país

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:35:00 +0100ElComercio (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter fue registrado este viernes en el centro de Chile , provocando el pánico en la población pero sin ocasionar daños mayores, de acuerdo con los primeros reportes. El sismo se produjo a la 1:20 p.m. (11:20 a.m. en el Perú), con epicentro a 38 km.

Terremoto de 6,4 grados Richter sacudió la zona central

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:35:00 +0100misionesonline (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 en la escala de Richter se registró este viernes a 38 kilómetros al sureste de la localidad de Curicó y se sintió en toda la zona central del país, informó la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública (ONEMI).

Intenso movimiento telúrico

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:32:00 +0100larepublica-pe (es)

Se lanzó una alerta de tsunami a raíz del sismo de 8,4 grados en Chile. Usuarios compartieron rápidamente los inquietantes momentos en vídeos Este miércoles se registró u a 36 kilómetros al Oeste de Canela Baja, en Chil n terremoto de 8,4 grados en la escala de Ritcher e.

Expertos explican por qué hay tantos temblores en Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:32:00 +0100t13 (es)

Por qué en Chile tiembla tanto? Es la pregunta que muchas personas se realizan cada vez que la tierra se sacude. El evento más reciente, este viernes 4 de noviembre, donde un sismo de 6,4 Richter se registró a 20 kilómetros al Este de Romeral, en la región del Maule.

Un terremoto de 6,1 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:31:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este viernes Chile, dejándose sentir en la capital del país, según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) del Ministerio del Interior chileno. Por su parte, el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile ha....

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:29:00 +0100nzherald (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) " A strong earthquake has shaken Chile's capital and other regions of the country, but there are no immediate reports of damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey puts the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and says it hit at 1:20 p.m. (1620 GMT).

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Chili

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:29:00 +0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Le tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre se situait à 38 km au sud-est de la ville de Curico (200 km au sud de Santiago), selon le Centre national des séismes (CSN), a été ressenti en début d'après-midi à Santiago, et provoqué des mouvements de panique, selon des journalistes de l'AFP.

Fuerte temblor de 6.4 remece edificios de Santiago de Chile.

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:29:00 +0100laprensagrafica (es)

El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio. 4 de Noviembre de 2016 a la(s) 11:13 / AP. Archivado en Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud preliminar 6.

Fuerte temblor de 6,4 remece edificios de Santiago de Chile.

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:29:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud preliminar 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Gobierno busca otras medidas tras negativa de EE.UU. a petición para protección a ecuatorianos indocumentados

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:27:00 +0100cre (es)

El Gobierno de Ecuador busca otras medidas para dar más apoyo a sus ciudadanos en el exterior, en especial a aquellos que se encuentran en situación migratoria irregular, luego de que Estados Unidos le negase el pedido de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:25:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.

Un terremoto de 6,4 Richter sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:24:00 +010020minutos (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,4 Richter sacudió este viernes varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de desgracias personales o daños materiales. La sacudida de tierra ocurrió a las 13.20 horas locales (16.20 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 38 kilómetros al....

Chili : un séisme de magnitude 6,4 secoue le centre du pays

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:23:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

Le Chili a été secoué par un séisme de magnitude 6,4 vendredi, sans faire de dégâts majeurs selon un premier bilan. Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais n'a pas fait de dégâts majeurs selon les premières constatations, a annoncé le Centre national des séismes (CSM).

Fuerte sismo sacude centro-sur de Chile; no hay reporte de daños

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:22:00 +0100elfinanciero (es)

SANTIAGO.- Un sismo de magnitud 6.4 sacudió la zona central de Chile , provocando la oscilación de los edificios de gran altura en Santiago, aunque autoridades no reportaron preliminarmente lesionados ni daños a la infraestructura pública. El movimiento se produjo a las 13.

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:21:00 +0100chron (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Un terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:21:00 +0100antena3noticias (es)

SIN PROVOCAR VÍCTIMAS SIN PROVOCAR VÍCTIMAS Un terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude varias regiones del centro y sur de Chile El seísmo ocurrió a las 13:20 horas locales y su epicentro se localizó a 38 kilómetros al sureste de Curicó, a unos 240 kilómetros de Santiago, a una profundidad de 87,5 kilómetros.

Strong Quake Shakes Chile; No Reports of Damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:20:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Un terremoto de 6,4 grados sacude a Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:20:00 +0100clarin (es)

Un terremoto de 6,4 grados en la escala de Ritcher sacudió esta tarde suelo chileno entre Coquimbo y Biobío, relativamente cerca de la frontera con Argentina ( a la altura de Mendoza ) durante más de un minuto, informó la prensa chilena, citando al centro sismológico nacional.

Pritzker winner specializes in post-disaster reconstruction

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:17:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (en)

Macerata, November 4 - Pritzker-winning Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, known for his innovative work with paper and recycled cardboard tubes to quickly and efficiently house disaster victims, visited the quake-stricken town of Camerino in central Italy on Friday.

Strong Quake Shakes Chile, Tsunami Warning Issued

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:17:00 +0100theepochtimes (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile—A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile’s capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake’s magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.m. (1620 GMT).

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:17:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile — A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile’s capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury and authorities discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake’s magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.

Fuerte temblor de 6,4 remece edificios de Santiago de Chile.

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:11:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Un fuerte y prolongado temblor de magnitud preliminar 6,4 según el Servicio Sismológico de Estados Unidos se registró en Santiago y en ciudades del centro sur chilenos. El sismo se sintió a las 13.20 horas, (16.20 GMT), sin informes inmediatos sobre posibles heridos o daños. Se estima que el temblor se prolongó por un minuto y medio.

Un terremoto de 6,1 sacude Chile y se deja sentir en Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:11:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este viernes Chile, dejándose sentir en la capital del país , según ha informado la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) del Ministerio del Interior chileno. Por su parte, el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile ha....

Terremoto de 6,4 sacudió el centro de Chile

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:08:00 +0100tandildiario (es)

14:01 | Un sismo de 6,4 se presentó este viernes en Chile según la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública, Onemi. Inicialmente se reportó que la intensidad había sido de 6,1, pero se revisó. El epicentro fue a 39 kilómetros al sureste de Curicó.

Japan's archstar Shigeru Ban in Camerino

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:07:00 +0100GazzettaDelSud-en (en)

Macerata, November 4 - Pritzker-winning Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, known for his innovative work with paper and recycled cardboard tubes to quickly and efficiently house disaster victims, visited the quake-stricken town of Camerino in central Italy on Friday.

18h41 Chili : un séisme de 6,4 secoue le centre du pays (AFP)

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:05:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué vendredi le centre du Chili, mais n'a pas fait de dégâts majeurs selon les premières constatations, a annoncé le Centre national des séismes (CSM). Le tremblement de terre, qui a eu lieu en début d'après-midi, a été ressenti à Santiago, et....

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 18:00:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile - A strong earthquake rattled buildings in Chile's capital and other regions of the country on Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey calculated the quake's magnitude at 6.4 and said it hit at 1:20 p.m. (1620 GMT).

Strong quake shakes Chile; no reports of damage

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:59:00 +0100wivb (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A strong earthquake has shaken Chile’s capital and other regions of the country, but there are no immediate reports of damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey puts the quake’s magnitude at 6.4 and says it hit at 1:20 p.m. (1620 GMT).

BREAKING: Earthquake shakes buildings in Chile’s capital Santiago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:49:00 +0100express (en)

PUBLISHED: 16:34, Fri, Nov 4, 2016 | UPDATED: 16:43, Fri, Nov 4, 2016 Laura Mowat There have been reports that telephone lines are not working following an earthquake in Santiago, Chile but no injuries or deaths have been reported. The navy have said that the earthquake is unlikely to generate a tsunami off the coastline.

Le séisme en Italie est un "châtiment divin" contre le mariage homosexuel, assure un animateur radio Quelques heures après le séisme de 6,6 qui a frappé le centre de l'Italie dimanche, l'animateur d'une radio catholique a assimilé le phénomène...

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:48:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

Les trois tremblements de terre qui ont frappé le centre de l'Italie fin octobre sont un "châtiment divin". C'est ce qu'a très sérieusement estimé dimanche lors de sa chronique un animateur de Radio Maria , une radio catholique diffusée en Italie et dans plusieurs autres pays, dont la France.

Women join forces to rebuild Haiti

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:27:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

It’s been a month since Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, taking the lives of hundreds of people in the South, Grand’Anse and Nippes departments ( districts) and leaving more than 1.4 million in need of humanitarian assistance, but the women and girls in the most affected areas remember it as if it was yesterday.

UN Agency Working To Address Women’s Health And Protection Needs In Storm-Hit Haiti

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:18:00 +0100caribseek (en)

NEW YORK, NY, U.S.A. (UN) -- With some 546,000 women of reproductive age in Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has urged greater attention to women’s vulnerability in the aftermath of the storm, which devastated not only people’s livelihoods but health facilities and other vital infrastructure.

World: 400 years of data show tsunami threat ever-present across the world

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:42:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

04 November 2016, GENEVA/NEW DELHI – The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mr. Robert Glasser, today warned against complacency in the face of the global tsunami threat which is often forgotten in parts of the world that have been affected in the distant past.

Ecuador: Drones in Humanitarian Action Case Study No.13: Natural disaster Mapping Assessment Using drones to inspect post-earthquake road damage in Ecuador

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:42:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

In April 2016, a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck north-west Ecuador, damaging homes, buildings and infrastructure and killing more than 660 people. Thousands of buildings and homes were damaged or destroyed, as well as other infrastructure such as roadways and bridges.

This little-known Google Street View feature lets you travel back in time - check out YOUR home's history

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:32:00 +0100themirror (en)

Want to see what your street looked like back in the day? There's a clever little trick on Google Street View that'll let you find out. Google Street View has been good for so many things: checking a potential neighbourhood, planning a holiday, smirking at And now it seems you can All you have to....

'Over 22,700 tremors since August 24'

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:13:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (en)

Rome, November 4 - There have been over 22,700 aftershocks since the 6.0-magnitude earthquake that killed 298 people in central Italy on August 24, the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) said Friday. As of 10:00 am local time Friday, of those 649 were quakes of magnitudes....

'Over 22,700 tremors since August 24'

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:02:00 +0100GazzettaDelSud-en (en)

Rome, November 4 - There have been over 22,700 aftershocks since the 6.0-magnitude earthquake that killed 298 people in central Italy on August 24, the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) said Friday. As of 10:00 am local time Friday, of those 649 were quakes of magnitudes....

MASSOB to Buhari: You’re acting like Pharaoh

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 13:18:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

By Chimaobi Nwaiwu. Nnewi—The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, has replied President Muhammadu Buhari on his recent declaration that “anybody who wants to leave Nigeria is free,” saying that those who wish to play Pharaoh against the people of Biafra, will certainly experience the consequences.

We will soon delete Nigeria – MASSOB

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 13:15:00 +0100dailytimes-NG (en)

The Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of witch-hunting pro-Biafra agitators while the country continues to depreciate. The group said Nigeria will soon be deleted in order to give way for the emergence of Biafra.

Here's why Italy can expect more earthquakes USA TODAY

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:55:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

ROME — When Italy was shaken by its fourth earthquake in a week early Thursday, the jolt was part of the country's most significant streak of seismic activity in a generation. Nearly 250 earthquakes strong enough to cause structural damage have hit Italy since the massive Aug.

Italian mayor asks to swap migrants for earthquake victims

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:43:00 +0100thelocal-it (en)

Last week, mayor Giorgio Valoti from the far-right Northern League party, complained about the arrival of 59 migrants in Cene, a town of 4,000 in Bergamo. He used road signs usually reserved for traffic updates to inform residents that the migrants had been assigned to the area without his being notified.

No Georgian deaths after earthquake in Italy

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:40:00 +0100messenger (en)

Georgia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has re-announced two hotline numbers for Georgian citizens in Italy and Georgia in the wake of a powerful earthquake near Norcia, central Italy, on Sunday. The Ministry said no deaths of Georgian citizens had been reported following the earthquake.

Massob to Buhari - You're Acting Like Pharaoh

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:31:00 +0100allafrica (en)

The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, has replied President Muhammadu Buhari on his recent declaration that "anybody who wants to leave Nigeria is free," saying that those who wish to play Pharaoh against the people of Biafra, will certainly experience the consequences.

Nigeria will soon be deleted – MASSOB

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:29:00 +0100dailypost (en)

The group said Nigeria will soon be deleted in order to give way for the emergence of Biafra. MASSOB made the accusation while reacting to Buhari’s recent pronouncement that, “anybody who wants to leave Nigeria is free.” Buhari had made the declaration while meeting Niger Delta leaders and....

3 000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 12:18:00 +0100lafranceagricole (fr)

Habitation effondrée après le séisme d’août © Terremocentroitalia Quelque 3 000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis la fin d’août dans le centre de l’Italie, a indiqué mardi 1er novembre, la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole.

Quakes like Italy’s would “raze” Lisbon, expert says

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:36:00 +0100theportugalnews (en)

The warning was made by specialist Cristina Oliveira, who recalled that this week marks the 261st anniversary of the catastrophic Lisbon earthquake of 1755. Ms. Oliveira is a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal’s School of Technology, in Barreiro, and travelled to the Italian village....

Foundation Hailed Over Donation for Quake Victims

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:27:00 +0100allafrica (en)

The Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC), Salim Kijuu, has thanked the Islamic Foundation (Tanzania) and the People of Qatar for the timely donation of 70 tonnes of food aid worth 200m/- to assist the region's September earthquake victims. Mr Kijuu made the remarks in his office when he received the....

Télécoms Sans Frontières completes mission in Haiti

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:04:00 +0100inmarsat (en)

Read all about it – find out how people, businesses and communities are using Inmarsat to meet their own mission-critical communication needs. Télécoms Sans Frontières completes mission in Haiti. 4 November 2016: Inmarsat-sponsored aid agency Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) has completed its mission in Haiti following Hurricane Matthew.

14:09 Italian National Institute of Geophysics expects more earthquakes

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 10:05:00 +0100ca-news (en)

Bishkek (AKIpress) - When Italy was shaken by its fourth earthquake in a week early Thursday, the jolt was part of the country's most significant streak of seismic activity in a generation, reports Nearly 250 earthquakes strong enough to cause structural damage have hit Italy since the massive Aug.

SNAPSHOT: Japan holds annual quake, tsunami preparedness drill

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 08:12:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

Japan held an annual drill Friday to prepare the disaster-prone country for a major earthquake and tsunami, a day before World Tsunami Awareness Day. While the government tested its system for sending emergency bulletins warning people of an impending massive quake, more than 400,000 people in....

Japan: FEATURE: Feudal-era Japanese village leader stands as beacon for tsunami education

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 07:35:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Mr. Sakiyama explained that in tsunami-prone places, measures have been taken to prevent causalities and damage, such as building sea walls, embankments and other structures. “It’s natural that people feel a sense of security when they see these big, stark structures, but in reality, people may just....

Answer - Earthquake in central Italy - E-006387/2016

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 07:11:00 +0100europarl (en)

1. On the basis of the partnership agreement with Italy, the European Structural and Investment Funds can support the protection, preservation and especially the enhancement of cultural heritage. The 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) regional programme (ROP) for Marche (1) ,....

Disaster-related stress, displacement may worsen cognitive decline in elderly: study

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 06:57:00 +0100japantimes (en)

LONDON – Elderly people forced out of their homes and separated from neighbors in the aftermath of a natural disaster may be more prone to dementia than survivors who are able to remain in their dwellings, a new study suggests. This, at least, is how things unfolded after the 2011 tsunami and....

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 06:22:00 +0100nzherald (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) " Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

A month after hurricane, Haitians urgently need food

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 06:17:00 +0100bostonglobe (en)

Emergency help is arriving, but there is not enough of it, and it will take several more weeks to reach remote mountain communities where officials say the destruction was total. The desperation is so explosive that truckloads of food and medical supplies have been looted by crowds gathered along the roadways.

21 october, 15:26 6.2 quake hits western Japan

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 06:13:00 +0100tengrinews (en)

A strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit western Japan Friday, the US Geological Survey said, but there was no tsunami risk. The quake, at a shallow depth of 10 kilometres (six miles), struck shortly after 2:00 pm (0500 GMT) in Tottori prefecture. Initially, the USGS had pegged the quake's magnitude at 6.

Tech Survival Capsule could save lives in tsunami Survival Capsule could save lives in tsunami Tech 4 hours ago

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:53:00 +0100kgw (en)

They look a bit like something you'd see in space. But they could save your life in the event of a tsunami. At least, that's according to Seattle aerospace engineer Julian Sharpe. "I had the idea while weekending in Cannon Beach and I thought... what if a tsunami comes now," Sharpe said.

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:33:00 +0100news9 (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) - Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

What the world was like when the Cubs last won the World Series

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100globalpost (en)

Let's take a look back. Life for most Americans then was nasty, brutish and short. There was incredible poverty. Many people lacked even basic sanitation, much less access to higher education or health care. The Civil War had ended just 43 years before. That made it about as recent as the Vietnam War is to us right now.

Long drought hits potato production in Dolakha

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:03:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 4, 2016- Potato production in Dolakha has dropped sharply this year due to a prolonged winter drought. The drop in output has occurred when farmers in the district had been preparing to brand their products. Potato is a major crop in Dolakha district, and it is very popular in major cities of the country.

Madrigal music to raise funds for the Taranaki Cathedral remediation

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 04:14:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Director of The Madrigal Companie Paul Cooke is organising a charity concert to raise money for the Taranaki Cathedral's earthquake strengthening. The Madrigal Companie are putting on a concert to raise money for the work needed to earthquake strengthening of Taranaki Cathedral.

UN agency working to address women's health and protection needs in storm-hit Haiti

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 03:55:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. UN Friday 4th November, 2016 3 November 2016 -- With some 546,000 women of reproductive age in Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has urged greater attention to women"s vulnerability in the aftermath of the storm, which devastated not only people"s....

FEATURE: Feudal-era Japanese village leader stands as beacon for tsunami education

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 03:55:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. UN Friday 4th November, 2016 3 November 2016 -- Japan's. initiative to raise the awareness of the risks posed by tsunamis will this. weekend mark a milestone when World Tsunami Awareness Day makes its debut on 5. November " an occasion that goes beyond paying tribute to the victims of tsunamis. Tsunamis are rare, but extremely deadly.

Haiti: Methodist Church of Haiti and UMCOR Rebuild Historic School

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 03:54:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

By James L. Gulley* On September 5, 2016, representatives of the Methodist Church of Haiti (EMH) and of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) celebrated the dedication of a new secondary school building at historic New College Bird (NCB). The new building replaces one of three NCB school....

Earthquake hits already battered central Italy, no casualties

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 02:52:00 +0100arabnews (en)

ROME: A strong earthquake hit the same area of central Italy on Thursday that has already been battered by a spate of recent tremors, but there were no reports of casualties or further serious damage. The US Geological Survey (USGS) initially measured the quake at 5.0 but later revised it to 4.8.

Why Italy should expect more earthquakes

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 02:34:00 +0100azcentral (en)

ROME — When Italy was shaken by its fourth earthquake in a week early Thursday, the jolt was part of the country's most significant streak of seismic activity in a generation. Nearly 250 earthquakes strong enough to cause structural damage have hit Italy since the massive Aug.

Why Italy should expect more earthquakes

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 02:13:00 +0100usaToday (en)

ROME — When Italy was shaken by its fourth earthquake in a week early Thursday, the jolt was part of the country's most significant streak of seismic activity in a generation. Nearly 250 earthquakes strong enough to cause structural damage have hit Italy since the massive Aug.

UNESCO concerned about reconstruction of world heritage sites

Fri, 04 Nov 2016 00:55:00 +0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Bouddhanath Stupa, one of the World Heritage sites, undergoing reconstruction after being damaged by last year’s devastating earthquake, in Bouddha of Kathmandu, on Friday, May 20, 2016. Photo: RSS. Kathmandu, November 3. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation has....

UN agency working to address women’s health and protection needs in storm-hit Haiti

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:26:00 +0100un-org (en)

Of the 2.1 million people affected, about 546,000 are women of reproductive age, with an estimated 13,650 women expected to give birth in the next three months. UNFPA also estimates that 10,920 women and adolescent girls are at risk of sexual violence.

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:23:00 +0100wwlp (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:19:00 +0100eastoregonian (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake strikes off Davao Occidental

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:09:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA A magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck off Davao Occidental before midnight on Thursday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. The quake's epicenter was located 63 kilometers southeast of Don Marcelino, Davao Occidental. The quake struck at 11:21 p.m.

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:09:00 +0100wncn (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

Oklahoma Regulators Close Wells, Reduce Volumes After Quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:01:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude shook northern Oklahoma. earthquake The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38 disposal wells....

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 22:00:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

PAWNEE, Okla. (AP) — Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38....

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:54:00 +0100krmg (en)

Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38 disposal wells....

World: Putting women and girls at the centre of disaster risk reduction

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:50:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen: Good morning. I am truly pleased to be with you today in representation of Dr Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, as Asia-Pacific countries map out a regional strategy aimed at reducing disaster risk.

Oklahoma regulators close wells, reduce volumes after quake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 21:45:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

Oil and natural gas regulators in Oklahoma are ordering the operators of 70 disposal wells to either shut them down or reduce disposal volumes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook northern Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said Thursday the new guidelines affect 38 disposal wells....

FEATURE: Feudal-era Japanese village leader stands as beacon for tsunami education

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 19:24:00 +0100un-org (en)

In a unique effort, the Cabinet Office of Japan has “appointed” mascot characters as “envoys” for raising tsunami risk awareness. They participate in various events and lead tsunami evacuation drills across the country. Their message is clear: when a tsunami occurs, each person should evacuate immediately and as fast as possible.

Haïti : Les dégâts de Matthew sont naturels et systémiques

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 19:17:00 +0100alterpresse (fr)

Par Marc-Arthur Fils- Aimé* Soumis à AlterPresse le 31 octobre 2016. Les dégâts causés par le cyclone Matthew ne sont pas seulement naturels. Il est vrai qu’Haïti se situe définitivement sur des failles tectoniques et dans une zone cyclonique qui chaque année, avec plus ou moins de violence,....

FEATURE: Feudal-era Japanese village leader stands as beacon in tsunami education

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:23:00 +0100un-org (en)

Around 130 million people live on these regions’ shores, which also include the Adriatic, Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas. The population rises sharply during the summer tourist season, meaning that risk reduction also needs to target visitors. “There has to be an effort to make sure that messages....

Another quake strikes central Italy

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:19:00 +0100newshub (en)

A strong earthquake has hit the same area of central Italy that has already been battered by a spate of recent tremors, but there were no reports of casualties or further serious damage. The US Geological Survey (USGS) initially measured the quake at 5.0 but later revised it to 4.8.

Haiti: Haiti: Hurricane Matthew - Situation Report No. 19 (2 November 2016)

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 17:44:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Highlights Of the 1.4 million people who require humanitarian assistance, 806,000 need food assistance urgently. 894,000 of the 2.1 million people affected by the hurricane are children. The official list of affected schools shared by the Ministry of Education has increased from the initial 230 schools to 733.

Wellington, lower North Island, Marlborough rattled by 4.4 magnitude earthquake

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 16:56:00 +0100Stuff (en)

The earthquake 30km north-west of Wellington was felt widely in the capital, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Kapiti Coast and Marlborough. Central New Zealand got an early morning wake-up call in the form of a 4.4 magnitude earthquake on Friday. The quake struck off the Porirua coast, Rated as moderate in....

Haiti: Logisticien (H/F) - Haïti

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 13:41:00 +0100reliefWeb (fr)

Médecins du Monde, association médicale militante de solidarité internationale, s'engage depuis plus de 30 ans à soigner les populations les plus vulnérables ici et là-bas, à témoigner des entraves constatées quant à l’accès aux soins, à obtenir des améliorations durables des politiques de santé pour tous.

Séisme en Italie: sauvetage d'un chien piégé dans les décombres à Norcia

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:58:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

Les travaux pour restaurer les lieux se sont intensifiés ces derniers jours suite au puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,6 qui a dévasté le centre de l'Italie. Les pompiers de la petite ville de Norcia ont sorti un chien des décombres lundi, au milieu de gravats d'un bâtiment ravagé.

Séisme en Italie : 26 000 personnes prises en charge

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:55:00 +0100parismatch (fr)

26 000 personnes ont été prises en charge en Italie après les violents séismes qui ont touché le pays depuis la fin du mois d'août. Quelque 26.000 personnes sont prises en charge par les autorités après les trois séismes qui ont frappé le centre de l'Italie depuis fin août, a indiqué jeudi la protection civile italienne.

12h27 Italie/séisme: 26.000 personnes prises en charge (AFP)

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:29:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Quelque 26.000 personnes sont prises en charge par les autorités après les trois séismes qui ont frappé le centre de l'Italie depuis fin août, a indiqué jeudi la protection civile italienne. Le nombre total de ces "sfollati", personnes déplacées, est inconnu, beaucoup ayant choisi de partir chez des....

La région n'en finit pas de trembler

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:27:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

La protection civile italienne a fait savoir jeudi que des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été prises en charge par l'Etat italien. En revanche, le nombre de personnes déplacées «sfollati» parties chez des proches sans se signaler reste inconnu. Mais le chiffre pourrait dépasser les 40'000, selon la presse italienne.

La région n'en finit pas de trembler

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:13:00 +010024heures (fr)

La protection civile italienne a fait savoir jeudi que des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été prises en charge par l'Etat italien. En revanche, le nombre de personnes déplacées «sfollati» parties chez des proches sans se signaler reste inconnu. Mais le chiffre pourrait dépasser les 40'000, selon la presse italienne.

La région n'en finit pas de trembler

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 11:06:00 +0100tdg (fr)

La protection civile italienne a fait savoir jeudi que des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été prises en charge par l'Etat italien. En revanche, le nombre de personnes déplacées «sfollati» parties chez des proches sans se signaler reste inconnu. Mais le chiffre pourrait dépasser les 40'000, selon la presse italienne.

Italie/séisme: 26.000 personnes prises en charge

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 10:38:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

Quelque 26.000 personnes sont prises en charge par les autorités après les trois séismes qui ont frappé le centre de l'Italie depuis fin août, a indiqué aujourd'hui la protection civile italienne. Le nombre total de ces "sfollati", personnes déplacées, est inconnu, beaucoup ayant choisi de partir....

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l'Italie: "Je suis à Perugia, je l'ai ressentie alors que j'étais dans mon lit"

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 07:22:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Le centre de l'Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. À Pérouse, Pauline a été réveillée en pleine nuit. " Il vient encore d'y avoir un tremblement de terre, je l'ai ressenti alors que j'étais dans mon lit ", nous dit-elle Une magnitude....

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l'Italie la nuit passée

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 06:56:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Le centre de l'Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. La secousse, enregistrée très tôt jeudi dans la province de Macerata, était d'une magnitude de 4,8, et d'une profondeur de 8,4km, selon l'institut italien de surveillance sismique (INGV).

Nouveau séisme de magnitude 5 dans le centre de l'Italie

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 06:35:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

Les habitants craignent que ces nouvelles secousses ne fragilisent encore un peu plus les bâtiments.@ AFP. Le centre de l'Italie, déjà touché par plusieurs séismes importants depuis deux mois, a été à nouveau secoué jeudi matin par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5.

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l’Italie

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 05:27:00 +0100metrotime (fr)

Le centre de l’Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. La secousse, enregistrée très tôt jeudi dans la province de Macerata, était d’une magnitude de 4,8, et d’une profondeur de 8,4km, selon l’institut italien de surveillance sismique (INGV), cité par l’agence ANSA.

Séisme en Italie: un chien extrait des décombres à...

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 05:01:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

Séisme en Italie: un chien extrait des décombres à Norcia C’est un survivant. Des secouristes ont extrait un chien vivant des décombres mardi à Norcia, deux jours après le séisme de magnitude 6,5 qui a secoué la région d’Ombrie, en Italie. Prénommé Ulysse, le canidé a été détecté grâce aux....

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l'Italie

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:22:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Le centre de l'Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. La secousse, enregistrée très tôt jeudi dans la province de Macerata, était d'une magnitude de 4,8, et d'une profondeur de 8,4km, selon l'institut italien de surveillance sismique (INGV), cité par l'agence ANSA.

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l'Italie

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:07:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

(Belga) Le centre de l'Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. La secousse, enregistrée très tôt jeudi dans la province de Macerata, était d'une magnitude de 4,8, et d'une profondeur de 8,4km, selon l'institut italien de surveillance sismique (INGV), cité par l'agence ANSA.

Nouvelle secousse dans le centre de l'Italie

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 04:03:00 +0100skynet (fr)

Le centre de l'Italie a une nouvelle fois été secoué par un tremblement de terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. La secousse, enregistrée très tôt jeudi dans la province de Macerata, était d'une magnitude de 4,8, et d'une profondeur de 8,4km, selon l'institut italien de surveillance sismique (INGV), cité par l'agence ANSA.

Le combat titanesque du Népal contre la fonte des glaces

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 14:50:00 +0100la-croix (fr)

Le Népal vient de procéder au drainage du lac Imja Tsho de l’Himalaya pour écarter le risque de débâcle glaciaire qui menaçait des dizaines de milliers de villageois. Le lac népalais Imja Tsho est l’un des témoins les plus spectaculaires des changements climatiques actuels.

Enseveli durant le séisme, un chien est extrait des...

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 14:16:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

Enseveli durant le séisme, un chien est extrait des décombres à Norcia C’est un survivant. Des secouristes ont extrait un chien vivant des décombres mardi à Norcia, deux jours après le séisme de magnitude 6,5 qui a secoué la région d’Ombrie, en Italie.

3 000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 12:37:00 +0100lafranceagricole (fr)

Habitation effondrée après le séisme d’août © terremocentroitalia Quelque 3 000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l’Italie, a indiqué mardi 1er novembre, la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole.

Un tremblement de terre signalé dans le sud de l’Arménie

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 10:58:00 +0100armenews (fr)

Le Service sismique d’Arménie a enregistré un léger tremblement de terre. Le ministère des Urgences a déclaré que le séisme de magnitude 2,7 a été enregistré à 12h05, heure locale. L’épicentre était à une profondeur de 10 km, la force de tremblements dans l’épicentre était de 3-4 points.

Italie : un chien sorti des décombres après le séisme à Norcia

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 08:28:00 +0100euronews-fr (fr)

Il a survécu sous les décombres après le puissant séisme qui a frappé l’Italie ce dimanche : un chien a été sauvé par des pompiers à Norcia, tout près de l‘épicentre. Ce tremblement de terre de magnitude 6.5 était le troisième survenu en Italie en deux mois, et le plus violent depuis 1980.

Séismes en Italie : les images d'un chien miraculé sorti des décombres

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 08:22:00 +0100midilibre (fr)

D es milliers de personnes ont été chassées de leur maison dans le centre de l'Italie par un nouveau tremblement de terre ce dimanche 31 octobre. Lors de l'inspection des habitations, des pompiers italiens ont notamment secouru un chien enfoui sous les décombres.

Meurthe-et-Moselle : les Italiens de Villerupt solidaires de l’Italie sinistrée par le tremblement de terre

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 06:07:00 +0100vosgesmatin (fr)

Solidarité - Solidarité La terre a encore tremblé en Italie. Des secousses dont l’onde de choc se propage jusqu’au Pays-Haut et particulièrement à Villerupt où de nombreux habitants sont issus des régions les plus touchées Meurthe-et-Moselle : les Italiens de Villerupt solidaires de l’Italie sinistrée par le tremblement de terre.

VIDEO. Italie: Un chien sauvé des décombres après le séisme

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +010020minutes (fr)

. TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE Après le séisme qui a sévi dimanche dernier, les pompiers ont sauvé un chien des décombres. Le chien a été enseveli au cours d'un séisme dans la ville de Norcia - AFP. Adrien Briand Publié le 01.11.2016 à 18:08; Mis à jour le 01.11.2016 à 18:08.

VIDEO. Séisme en Italie : un chien miraculé dans les décombres

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 21:11:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

L es images, aussi étonnantes que touchantes, montrent une patte noire s'agiter, puis une truffe émerger sous la poussière et un sauveteur retirer doucement les débris. La vidéo a été tournée lundi par les pompiers italiens au-milieu des gravats d'un bâtiment écroulé à Norcia ( Italie ), après le....

« L’effet de série commence à attaquer les nerfs »

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 20:49:00 +0100LeMonde (fr)

Eclairage. Deux mois après le séisme qui a fait près de 300 morts dans la région d’Amatrice, un nouveau tremblement de terre a touché le centre de l’Italie dimanche 30 octobre. S’il n’y a miraculeusement pas de victimes à déplorer cette fois-ci, plusieurs milliers de personnes sont sans toit.

Le niveau du sol a bougé de 70 cm après le séisme

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 18:04:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

Le niveau du sol a bougé par endroits de 70 cm tant a été forte la secousse sismique qui a frappé dimanche le centre de l'Italie. En conséquence des trois séismes survenus successivement depuis la fin août, quelque 3000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées.

Le niveau du sol a bougé de 70 cm après le séisme

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:56:00 +010024heures (fr)

Le niveau du sol a bougé par endroits de 70 cm tant a été forte la secousse sismique qui a frappé dimanche le centre de l'Italie. En conséquence des trois séismes survenus successivement depuis la fin août, quelque 3000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées.

Le niveau du sol a bougé de 70 cm après le séisme

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:53:00 +0100tdg (fr)

Le niveau du sol a bougé par endroits de 70 cm tant a été forte la secousse sismique qui a frappé dimanche le centre de l'Italie. En conséquence des trois séismes survenus successivement depuis la fin août, quelque 3000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées.

Italie: le niveau du sol a bougé de 70 cm

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:30:00 +0100arcinfo (fr)

C'est dans la région de Castelluccio, près de Norcia - distant de six km de l'épicentre du séisme de magnitude 6,5 - que le niveau du sol s'est le plus déplacé. keystone Séisme Suite à la forte secousse qui a touché le centre de l'Italie dimanche, le niveau du sol a bougé de 70 centimètres par endroits, selon des images satellitaires.

Séisme en Italie : des milliers de personnes sans toit, le patrimoine touché au cœur

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100LeMonde (fr)

Séisme en Italie : des milliers de personnes sans toit, le patrimoine touché au cur. Le tremblement de terre survenu dimanche dans le centre montagneux de la péninsule est le plus puissant depuis 1980. Le Monde 01.11.2016 à 16h45.

Séismes en Italie : un chien miraculé extrait des décombres

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:47:00 +0100parismatch (fr)

Des pompiers italiens ont secouru un chien enfoui sous les décombres de la ville italienne de Norcia. Après un puissant tremblement de terre dimanche, le chien est resté prisonnier plusieurs heures avant d'être libéré lundi. Le coeur de l'Italie tremble depuis quelques semaines.

3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées en Italie suite au séisme

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:32:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

Les trois séismes qui ont touché l'Italie depuis le mois d'août ont des conséquences désastreuses sur l'agriculture du pays. 3.000 exploitations sont menacées. Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre....

De nouveaux effondrements après une forte réplique en Italie

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100skynet (fr)

Une nouvelle réplique sismique de 4,7 sur l'échelle de Richter a engendré des effondrements mardi matin dans le centre de l'Italie. Le pays est la proie de multiples secousses depuis le tremblement de terre de dimanche dernier. Le maire d'Ussita, Marco Rinaldi, a confirmé ces nouveaux effondrements.

Séismes en Italie: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100skynet (fr)

Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, l'activité d'élevage prédomine et quelque 100.

Nouvelles répliques et nouveaux effondrements en Italie: par endroits, le sol s'est affaissé de 70 cm

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Une nouvelle réplique sismique de 4,7 sur l'échelle de Richter a engendré des effondrements mardi matin dans le centre de l'Italie. Le pays est la proie de multiples secousses depuis le tremblement de terre de dimanche dernier. Le maire d'Ussita, Marco Rinaldi, a confirmé ces nouveaux effondrements.

Séismes en Italie: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, l'activité d'élevage prédomine et quelque 100.

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:38:00 +0100france24 (fr)

ROME (AFP) - Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, où l'activité d'élevage prédomine, quelque 100.

De nouveaux effondrements après une forte réplique en Italie

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:26:00 +0100metrotime (fr)

Une nouvelle réplique sismique de 4,7 sur l’échelle de Richter a engendré des effondrements mardi matin dans le centre de l’Italie. Le pays est la proie de multiples secousses depuis le tremblement de terre de dimanche dernier. Le maire d’Ussita, Marco Rinaldi, a confirmé ces nouveaux effondrements.

Séismes en Italie: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:26:00 +0100metrotime (fr)

Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l’Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, l’activité d’élevage prédomine et quelque 100.

Séismes en Italie : le patrimoine en ruines

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:16:00 +0100parismatch (fr)

Clochers effondrés, églises éventrées, facades fissurées : la série de séismes qui frappe le centre de l'Italie depuis deux mois a dévasté le patrimoine souvent très ancien de cette region, l'un des plus riches de la péninsule. «On reconstruira, peut-être, mais jamais on ne reverra ces lieux tels....

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:13:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, où l'activité d'élevage prédomine, quelque 100.

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:11:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Rome - Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, où l'activité d'élevage prédomine, quelque 100.

De nouveaux effondrements après une forte réplique en Italie

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:10:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Une nouvelle réplique sismique de 4,7 sur l’échelle de Richter a engendré des effondrements mardi matin dans le centre de l’Italie. Le pays est la proie de multiples secousses depuis le tremblement de terre de dimanche dernier. Le maire d’Ussita, Marco Rinaldi, a confirmé ces nouveaux effondrements.

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

Q uelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, où l'activité d'élevage prédomine, quelque 100.

13h00 Italie/séisme : 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées (AFP)

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de l'Italie, a indiqué mardi la Coldiretti, principal syndicat agricole. Dans cette région montagneuse, l'activité d'élevage prédomine et quelque 100.

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Vue générale de la région montagneuse autour de Norcia, épicentre du séisme de magnitude 6,5 qui a frappé dimanche le centre de l'ItalieFILIPPO MONTEFORTE. Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le centre de....

De nouveaux effondrements après une forte réplique en Italie

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Une nouvelle réplique sismique de 4,7 sur l'échelle de Richter a engendré des effondrements mardi matin dans le centre de l'Italie. Le pays est la proie de multiples secousses depuis le tremblement de terre de dimanche dernier. Le maire d'Ussita, Marco Rinaldi, a confirmé ces nouveaux effondrements.

Italie/séisme: 3.000 exploitations agricoles menacées

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:00:00 +0100challenges (fr)

Vue générale de la région montagneuse autour de Norcia, épicentre du séisme de magnitude 6,5 qui a frappé dimanche le centre de l'Italie-AFP/Archives/FILIPPO MONTEFORTE. Quelque 3.000 exploitations agricoles sont menacées dans leur activité après les trois séismes intervenus depuis fin août dans le....

Italie : quand le maire d'une ville détruite par le séisme vantait la solidité de ses bâtiments

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 11:42:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

REPORTAGE. Cette fois, la ville a été détruite. Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mercredi le centre de l'Italie n'a pas épargné Norcia. Pourtant, après le tremblement de terre du mois d'août, le maire avait vanté les constructions antisismiques de sa ville. Des commentaires qui résonnent aujourd'hui.

Eurozapping : séisme en Italie et nouvelles purges en Turquie

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 11:20:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

Le tour d'horizon de l'actualité vue par les médias de nos voisins européens. Au lendemain du nouveau séisme qui a touché le centre de l'Italie, certaines zones ont été très durement touchées, des villages entiers s'étant effondrés . Le tremblement de terre a en outre causé une faille....

Vidéo : les dégâts des séismes vus par des drones

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 10:38:00 +0100laprovence (fr)

Depuis maintenant deux mois, le centre de l'Italie est loin d'être épargné par de violents séismes dévastateurs. La protection civile a indiqué lundi être venue en aide à plus de 15 000 personnes, frappées dimanche par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,5 dont l'épicentre se trouvait à six km au....

Moyen Orient et Monde

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 05:14:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Religion Lors d'un rassemblement œcuménique dans un stade de Malmö, dont les recettes iront à l'aide aux réfugiés en Syrie, une prière a été prononcée pour ce pays. Syrie Même en cas de succès militaire, l'opposition ne sortirait pas indemne de cette bataille, où elle a déjà perdu une partie de son crédit sur le plan politique et médiatique.

Italie: Après le séisme, des milliers de personnes sont désormais sans-abri

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 05:07:00 +010020minutes (fr)

. TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE Aucun chiffre officiel n’a été communiqué sur le nombre de ces sfollati Une rue de Norcia, en Italie, après le tremblement de terre survenu le 30 octobre 2016. Capture d'écran d'un reportage de la chaîne italienne Sky. - HO / AFP. 20 Minutes avec AFP Publié le 31.10.2016 à 14:40; Mis à jour le 31.

En Afrique du Sud, un projet de piste cyclable a réveillé les soupçons de racisme

Tue, 01 Nov 2016 04:58:00 +0100franceinter (fr)

Cycliste le long du tarmac de l'aéroport de Johannesburg © Getty / Bloomberg. Vous serez tous d'accord pour dire qu'aménager des pistes cyclables, ça fait partie des lieux communs de tous les candidats à une élection municipale. A Paris, par exemple, dans son programme de candidate, Anne Hidalgo a....

Séisme en Italie : 30 à 40 000 personnes sans toit

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 22:29:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

En Italie, le village de Pescara del Tronto a été entièrement rasé. Sur des images tournées par les pompiers italiens, on découvre l'ampleur des dégâts. Nous sommes à 170 kilomètres au nord-est de Rome. Dans cette zone montagneuse, tous les villages ont été très durement touchés.

JT 20H - Séisme en Italie : les habitants de Visso craignent de nouvelles répliques

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 21:50:00 +0100metrofrance (fr)

JT 20H - Pour la troisième fois en deux mois, l’Italie s'est réveillée sous le choc au lendemain du séisme qui a frappé le centre du pays. Le plus puissant tremblement de terre depuis près de 40 ans. Aucun mort n'est à déplorer mais les dégâts matériels sont très importants.

Vidéo impressionnante - Le séisme en Italie a déchiré une montagne

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 19:58:00 +0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Le monte Redentore, près d'Arquata del Tronto dans les Marches, a souffert lors du dernier séisme qui a touché le centre de l'Italie. Sur des images prises par les pompiers depuis un hélicoptère, on peut voir une fente de 20 cm de haut et plusieurs centaines de mètres de long sur le versant....

Séismes : abattement et désolation dans le centre de l'Italie

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 19:38:00 +0100euronews-fr (fr)

Le petit village médiéval de Castellucio a été dévasté. Comme beaucoup d’autres dans cette région du centre de l’Italie, des églises, maison anciennes et édifices publics sont détruits. Jusqu‘à 5 000 sites historiques ont été touchés par les différents séismes qui ont eu lieu en deux mois.

Italie: les dégâts impressionnants des séismes vus du ciel

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 17:06:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Le centre de l’Italie vit au rythme de nombreuses secousses depuis une semaine. Des images enregistrées par un drone montrent l’ampleur du désastre. Des maisons écroulées, des toits arrachés, des façades fissurées, des rues envahies de gravats: les dégâts engendrés dans le centre de l’Italie par les....

L'Italie promet de reloger tous les sinistrés des séismes

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:37:00 +0100lapresse-CA (fr)

La secousse de magnitude 6,6 qui a frappé dimanche matin, la plus puissante à survenir en Italie en près de 40 ans, a gonflé le nombre de sinistrés à environ 15 000. Ce séisme n'a toutefois pas fait de victimes, puisque les résidants avaient déjà évacué les secteurs et immeubles fragilisés par les secousses précédentes.

Séisme en Italie : des villages sinistrés

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 15:19:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

Un village est entièrement détruit, sur des images tournées par les pompiers italiens, on découvre l'ampleur des dégâts . Nous sommes à 170 kilomètres au nord-est de Rome (Italie), c'est la troisième fois que toute cette zone est touchée par un tremblement de terre depuis le mois d'août.

Séisme en Italie - «Le changement d'heure nous a tous sauvés»

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 13:55:00 +0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

La ville d'Amatrice, dévastée par le tremblement de terre survenu le 24 août dernier, n'a pas été trop durement touchée par la nouvelle secousse qui a frappé le pays dimanche. Mais dans la zone la plus meurtrie de la localité, de nouveaux écroulements ont eu lieu après le séisme.

Les séismes

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 13:23:00 +0100france24 (fr)

ROMA (ITALIE) (AFP) - Des milliers de personnes chassées de leur maison, dans le centre de l'Italie, par le tremblement de terre le plus puissant depuis 1980 se sont réveillés lundi après une première nuit dehors. Par Elise d'Epenoux, Olivier Devos, Stéphane Koguc.

Italie : des milliers de sans-abri après le nouveau séisme

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 13:21:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

À Norcia (Italie), de la basilique San Benedetto bâtie au XIVe siècle il ne reste qu'un pan de façade, à côté le campanile fissuré menace de s'effondrer. Dans ce village situé à seulement 6 km de l'épicentre, les bâtiments entiers ne sont plus que des gravats.

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