M 4.8 in Solomon Islands on 14 Dec 2016 05:14 UTC

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All headlines on this Alert

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Powerful earthquake hits off Papua New Guinea A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Coastal tides were still being monitored, but the threat of a tsunami has receded.

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 05:09:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

The magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck east of Taron, New Ireland, on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported. The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) issued a tsunami threat warning for regions closer to the epicenter, including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Nauru, Kosrae and Vanuatu.

Magnitude 7.9 quake off the coast of Papua New Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 05:05:00 +0100piratefm (en)

A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Papua New Guinea. The quake was 61 miles deep with its epicentre 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. Strong aftershocks hit the area of the original quake within the space of an hour, with the USGS reporting 5.

Levantan la alerta de tsunami tras el sismo cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 05:01:00 +0100deperu (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami, pero la alerta se retiró después, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros de....

Suspenden la alerta de tsunami por el seísmo cercano a Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 05:01:00 +0100ideal (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés) suspendió este sábado su alerta de tsunami anunciada unas horas antes debido al seísmo de magnitud 7,9 que se había registrado en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami para....

Terremoto Papua Nuova Guinea: magnitudo 8.1, rientra allarme tsunami

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:57:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

. Pubblicato il 17 dicembre 2016 14:21 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 17 dicembre 2016 17:54. ROMA – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 8.1 è stata registrata nella mattinata di sabato 17 dicembre a circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron, davanti alla costa sudorientale dell’isola di Nuova Irlanda, in Papua Nuova Guinea.

Trzęsienie ziemi na Oceanie Spokojnym. Ostrzeżenie przed tsunami wczoraj 17.12.2016 12:47

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:56:00 +0100radiozet (pl)

Potężne trzęsienie ziemi o sile prawie 8 stopni nawiedziło w sobotę Papuę Nową Gwineę. Wydano ostrzeżenie przed falą tsunami. Niszczycielskie fale grożą nie tylko wybrzeżu Papui Nowej Gwinei, lecz także wyspom Salomona, Indonezji, Nauru i mniejszym wyspom Oceanii. Wstrząs miał miejsce ok. 60 km od wybrzeża wyspy Nowa Irlandia na głębokości ok.

Magnitude 7.9 quake off the coast of Papua New Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:51:00 +0100heart (en)

A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Papua New Guinea. The quake was 61 miles deep with its epicentre 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. Strong aftershocks hit the area of the original quake within the space of an hour, with the USGS reporting 5.

Fim do alerta de tsunami perto de Papua-Nova Guiné

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:51:00 +0100portalangop (pt)

O PTWC havia mencionado a a possibilidade de ondas de entre um e três metros nas zonas costeiras de Papua-Nova Guiné, Indonésia, Nauru, Ilhas Salomão, assim como na Nova Zelândia, mas a ameaça não se concretizou e o alerta foi cancelado. O tremor aconteceu às 10H51 GMT no mar, 60 quilómetros ao....

Alerta de tsunami após terramoto de 7,9 de magnitude perto de Papua-Nova Guiné

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:51:00 +0100portalangop (pt)

O PTWC mencionou a possibilidade de ondas de entre um e três metros nas zonas costeiras de Papua-Nova Guiné, Indonésia, Nauru, Ilhas Salomão. O ministério da Defesa Civil da Nova Zelândia emitiu um alerta para toda a costa do país. O tremor aconteceu às 10H51 GMT no mar, 60 quilómetros ao leste de....

Cancelan alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico tras sismo en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:51:00 +0100televisa (es)

SÍDNEY, Australia, dic. 17, 2016.-Las personas que viven a lo largo de la costa de Papúa Nueva Guinea evacuaron el sábado hacia zonas altas después de un sismo de magnitud 7,9 que sacudió el este de la nación del Pacífico, provocando advertencias de tsunami para partes de su archipiélago.

Sismo de ocho grados sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea; activan alerta de tsunami

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:51:00 +0100televisa (es)

SIDNEY, Australia, dic. 17, 2016.- Un potente sismo azotó las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea y se emitió una alerta de tsunami para las zonas cercanas al epicentro. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el sismo de ocho grados de magnitud se presentó el sábado a 46 kilómetros, al este de Taron, en Papúa Nueva Guinea.

Tsunami ‘threat’ after 7.9 magnitude quake hits off Papua New Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:50:00 +0100rt (en)

A powerful earthquake, initially measured at magnitude 8.0, has hit east of Papua New Guinea, according to the US Geological Survey. The tremor prompted New Zealand’s Civil Defense to issue a tsunami warning, which was soon canceled. The quake initially struck about 157 kilometers east of the port....

Terremoto sacude al este de Papúa Nueva Guinea, las advertencias de tsunami se disipan

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:49:00 +0100reuters-lta (es)

Por Jonathan Barrett y Harry Pearl SÍDNEY (Reuters) - Las personas que viven a lo largo de la costa de Papúa Nueva Guinea evacuaron el sábado hacia zonas altas después de un sismo de magnitud 7,9 que sacudió el este de la nación del Pacífico, provocando advertencias de tsunami para partes de su archipiélago.

Retirado alerta de tsunami na Papua-Nova Guiné

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:48:00 +0100observador (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 7,9 na escala de Richter abalou este sábado a zona de Nova Irlanda, no arquipélago Bismarck, na Papua-Nova Guiné. De acordo com o Instituto Geológico dos Estados Unidos da América, o abalo terá sido sentido pelas 10h51, hora de Lisboa, a 46 quilómetros do Monte Taron, a uma profundidade de 103,2 quilómetros.


Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:44:00 +0100sinchew (zh)

(澳洲.悉尼17日讯)美国地质调查所通报,巴布亚新几内亚拉布尔(Rabaul)以东157公里处,周六下午6时51分发生规模7.9级地震,震源深度73公里。当局发布海啸预警,但于较后取消。 太平洋海啸预警中心指,巴布亚新几内亚当日发生的地震可能引发大范围海啸。 据指,巴布亚新几内亚沿海、所罗门群岛、印尼、瑙鲁和其他岛屿在震后3小时内可能会出现海啸巨浪。 warnings have been issued after a 8.0 magnitude #earthquake struck 157km east of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. TSS News (@thedailysunshi1) 8.

رحمة ربي واسعة!

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:17:00 +0100ech-chorouk-ar (ar)

شعار الكثير من الوزراء هذه الأيام "رحمة ربي واسعة"، وهم يتلقفون من هنا وهناك إشاعات تـُنذر بتغيير حكومي وشيك، بعد ما لم يتوقع الولاة حركة مباغتة في سلكهم، تمّ بموجبها اقتلاع عدد من الولاة بتهمة ارتكابهم "تجاوزات"، وهي نفس التهمة التي سيُواجهها وزراء بعد تنحيتهم، ليدخلوا بيوتهم سالمين متقاعدين! رحمة....

Scientists studying Kaikoura tsunami need your help

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:57:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Scientists are still trying to understand the strange tsunami activity that occurred in last month's 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake - and have called upon people to help them. Environment Canterbury geological hazard analyst Helen Jack said those who self-evacuated after the November 14 midnight quake "did the right thing".

Trump, on Twitter, says China should keep the seized U.S. drone

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:55:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

WASHINGTON U.S. President-elect Donald Trump continued to take jabs at China on Twitter on Saturday after Beijing agreed to give back an underwater U.S. drone it seized this week. "We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back - let them keep it!" Trump tweeted.

'Perahu Nabi Nuh' di Aceh yang Tidak Pernah Sepi Wisatawan

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:43:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Banda Aceh - 12 Tahun berlalu sejak tsunami meluluhlantakkan Aceh. Salah satu yang tersisa dari tragedi adalah perahu di atas rumah di Banda Aceh, yang selalu dikunjungi turis. Salah satu yang menjadi bukti dahsyatnya terjangan air itu yakni sebuah perahu yang 'parkir' di atas sebuah rumah di Gampong Lampulo, Banda Aceh.

7.9-magnitude quake hits PNG, tsunami threat over

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:33:00 +0100sinacom (en)

Sydney - A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.

After the quake

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:54:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

There's an old saying that Thailand is a paradise on the blue planet. A place of natural beauty and wonder, one could easily believe that Mother Nature is kind to the people here. But in the past few years, mounting cases of natural disasters -- rising sea levels, flooding and a fear-rattling....

PNG provinces assess impacts of 7.9 quake

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:03:00 +0100rnzi (en)

Provincial administrations in New Ireland and New Britain of Papua New Guinea are assessing impacts of last night's big earthquake. A magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck about 50 kilometres east of Taron, on the south eastern coast of New Ireland, shortly before midnight NZT, or around 9pm PNG time.

زلزال بقوة 8 درجات يضرب سواحل بابوا غينيا الجديدة.

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:00:00 +0100ekhbariya (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 8 درجات على مقياس ريختر أمس السبت سواحل بابوا غينيا الجديدة، وفق ما أعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية. ووقع الزلزال على بعد 60 كيلومترا شرق تارون في جزيرة نيو أيرلندا ، على عمق 73.4 كيلومترا. ودفعت قوة الزلزال مركز الإنذار من "تسونامي" في المحيط الهادىء إلى إطلاق تحذير من المد البحري في عدة مناطق ساحلية.

Terremoto en Papúa Nueva Guinea: Levantan alerta de tsunami

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:00:00 +0100ElComercio (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 en las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres....

Sismo de 7,9 de magnitud azotó Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 01:45:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

El sismo provocó advertencia sobre peligrosas olas de tsunami en la región. En Chile, en tanto, el SHOA descartó que el sismo reúna las condiciones para generar un tsunami en las costas del país. Un sismo de magnitud 7,9 se registró el sábado a unos 157 kilómetros al este de Rabaul, Papúa Nueva....

Residents flee to hills after quake off PNG; tsunami threat passes

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 01:34:00 +0100arabnews (en)

SYDNEY: People living along Papua New Guinea’s coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said....

Magnitude 7.9 quake hits Papua New Guinea Sky News

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 01:21:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

© Getty Funafuti Atoll in the South Pacific. A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Papua New Guinea. The quake was 61 miles deep with its epicentre 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. Strong aftershocks hit the area of the original....

Forte terremoto causa pequeno tsunami

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:48:00 +0100diarioweb (pt)

Um forte terremoto que ocorreu perto da costa de Papua Nova Guiné neste sábado gerou um pequeno tsunami, porém sem deixar feridos nem causar estragos. Partes da ilha do Pacífico tiveram o fornecimento de energia interrompido após o tremor. O terremoto de magnitude 7,9 ocorreu 46 quilômetros a leste....

حلب.. والقوى السورية القادمة

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:46:00 +0100enabbaladi (ar)

وتظاهر السوريون والأتراك في اسطنبول أمام القنصليتين الروسية والإيرانية، وفي معظم المدن التركية، وملأت عواصم العالم التظاهرات السورية ضد الاحتلال الروسي الإيراني، الذي يَفلَح المدن السورية، ويحيلها دمارًا وخرابًا مع جيش الأسد الذي يستجر القتلة من كل الأنحاء، لتدمير البلاد وتهجير أهلها..

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:28:00 +0100nuevaya (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 se sintió este sábado en la costa oriental de Papúa Nueva Guinea, en las proximidades de la isla de Nueva Irlanda, cuyo epicentro se localizó a 157 kilómetros al este de Rabaul y a una profundidad de 73 kilómetros, de acuerdo a la información facilitada por el....

Papua New Guinea Residents Flee to Higher Ground After 7.9-Magnitude Quake

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:24:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. VOA Sunday 18th December, 2016 Residents along Papua New Guinea's coastal areas fled to higher ground Saturday after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake with a depth of 103 kilometers struck the New Ireland region of the southwestern pacific nation. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

زلزال يهز شرقي بابوا غينيا وتحذيرات من أمواج مد

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:24:00 +0100almustaqbal (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية، إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 8 درجات هز المنطقة على بعد 157 كيلومترا شرقي رابول في بابوا غينيا الجديدة امس، ما أدى إلى إصدار تحذيرات من أمواج مد عاتية (تسونامي). وقال مركز المحيط الهادي للتحذير من أمواج المد في رسالة عقب الزلزال الذي وقع على عمق 73 كيلومترا «من المحتمل حدوث أمواج مد خطيرة واسعة النطاق«.

Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:20:00 +0100peru (es)

En Internacional | 23 nov. La internacional inglesa Alex Scott visitó esta semana Papúa Nueva Guinea en condición de embajadora de la FIFA para trasladar su pasión por el fútbol. En Internacionales | 09 abr. Tres hombres naufragaron en una isla pequeña y deshabitada en el Océano Pacífico, pero....

Terremoto de magnitud 7,9 genera una alerta de tsunami en Papúa

Sun, 18 Dec 2016 00:20:00 +0100peru (es)

Terremoto de 7,9 grados de magnitud en Papúa Nueva Guinea causó una alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico. (Foto: EFE Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 causó hoy una alerta de tsunami en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea , en el Océano Pacífico, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de víctimas o daños.

Papua New Guinea: Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 23:47:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Tsunami waves possible along some coasts of not only Papua New Guinea but also Indonesia, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Quake downgraded to magnitude 7.9 from 8; PTWC says tsunami threat has passed, cancels earlier alert; PNG hospital evacuated - nurse (Updates with local residents, tsunami threat passing) By Jonathan Barrett and Harry Pearl.

Powerful earthquake strikes PNG

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 23:19:00 +0100watoday (en)

Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox. Become a WA Today member today. Create your account now! Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and....

Presidenta Bachelet enviará proyecto de ley para decretar feriado el 2 de enero de 2017

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 23:08:00 +0100adnradio (es)

El feriado de Año Nuevo cae un día domingo. La Presidenta Michelle Bachelet anunció en Tongoy que enviará un proyecto de ley para decretar feriado el 2 de enero de 2017 , ya que el feriado de Año Nuevo en esta ocasión recaerá en un día domingo. Desde Tongoy, Pdta. @mbachelet anuncia envío de Proyecto de Ley que decreta el día 2 de enero del 2017.

Alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea tras un fuerte terremoto

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:52:00 +0100elperiodicomediterraneo (es)

Un terremoto de 8 grados en la escala de Ritcher ha sacudido este sábado Papúa Nueva Guinea, en el suroeste del Pacífico, al norte de Australia, y las autoridades han lanzado un aviso de tsunami. De momento no se ha informado de víctimas. Las autoridades han advertido que el tsunami podría llegar a....

Suspenden la alerta de...

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:46:00 +0100elheraldo (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico suspendió este sábado el aviso de tsunami anunciado unas horas antes debido al seísmo de magnitud 7,9 que golpeó en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami para este terremoto ya ha pasado", señaló el centro en su página web.

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence - No text needed

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:42:00 +0100voxy (en)

An assessment by Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Group at 12.30am last night found that no tsunami text warning was needed. Emergency Management Bay of Plenty Director Clinton Naude said that large earthquakes occur quite often in the Pacific. "It's common for a tsunami threat to be issued as soon as....

UPDATE: Tsunami warning after major 8.0 earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:27:00 +0100qt (en)

UPDATE Dec 17 11.10pm: THE Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has issued a tsunami threat to coastal areas of Papua New Guinea after an earlier 8.0 earthquake. Waves of up to one to three metres have been forecast to possibly hit the coast. INITIAL REPORT 10.

Papua Naujojoje Gvinėjoje – stirpus žemės drebėjimas

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:06:00 +0100kaunodiena (lt)

Prie Papua Naujosios Gvinėjos krantų etadienį įvykęs smarkus 7,9 balo žemės drebėjimas didesnės žalos veikiausiai nepadarė nebuvo jokių praneimų apie aukas, o paskelbtas cunamių pavojus vėliau buvo atauktas. Kaip nurodo JAV Geologijos tarnyba (USGS), 10 val. 51 min. Grinvičo (12 val. 51 min.

Powerful earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:48:00 +0100nzherald (en)

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said.

Tsunami threat cancelled

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:42:00 +0100voxy (en)

Auckland Civil Defence has been advised by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management that the tsunami threat, following the 7.9 magnitude earthquake near Papua New Guinea, has been cancelled for New Zealand. No evacuations are required for the Auckland region. All articles and comments on Voxy.

Hundreds evacuated as flooding hits Fiji

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:29:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Hundreds of people have spent the night in evacuation centres as flooding hits parts of Fiji. The country has been hit by a tropical depression which is bringing low pressure and rain. Rakiraki town has been closed off as water levels rose 0.78 metres above warning level. The Fijian government issued a warning to the area.

PAPUA: Descartan tsunami por terremoto de magnitud 7,9

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:13:00 +0100almomento (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros de alto que afectarían zonas....


Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:10:00 +0100gds-it (it)

ROMA. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 è stata registrata oggi circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron, davanti alla costa sudorientale dell'isola di Nuova Irlanda, in Papua Nuova Guinea: lo rende noto l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). La scossa di magnitudo 7,9 è stata seguita, sempre....

Silne trzęsienie ziemi u wybrzeży Papui-Nowej Gwinei. Odwołano ostrzeżenie przed tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 21:03:00 +0100frazeo (pl)

Odwołano ostrzeżenie o tsunami, które wydano w sobotę po trzęsieniu ziemi o magnitudzie 7,9 u wschodnich wybrzeży Papui-Nowej Gwinei - poinformowało centrum ostrzegania przed tsunami na Pacyfiku (PTWC)... Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 8,0 u wschodniego wybrzeża Papui-Nowej Gwinei.

У берегов Папуа-Новой Гвинеи произошло сильное землетрясение: есть угроза цунами

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:49:00 +0100atn-ua (ru)

У берегов Папуа-Новой Гвинеи в субботу, 17 декабря, произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,9, сообщили в Геологической службе США. Как передает Reuters, эпицентр подземных толчков находился в районе острова Новая Ирландия. Очаг залегал на глубине 103,2 км.

Suspenden la alerta de tsunami por el seísmo de magnitud 7,9 en Papúa

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:41:00 +0100lostiempos (es)

BANGKOK | El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico suspendió hoy el aviso de tsunami anunciado unas horas antes debido al seísmo de magnitud 7,9 que golpeó en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami para este terremoto ya ha pasado", señaló el centro en su página web.

Sismo de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea generó una alerta de tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:28:00 +0100telegrafo (es)

El temblor se produjo a las 10:51 GMT en el mar, a 60 kilómetros al este de Taron, una localidad de la isla de Nueva Irlanda, a 75 kilómetros de profundidad. Foto: Archivo. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada,....

Terremoto 7.9 se registró en Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:23:00 +0100radio-uchile (es)

Un terremoto 7.9 se regiistro esta mañana en las cercanías de las islas Papúa Nueva Guinea, en Oceanía. Producto de la magnitud del sismo, hubo una alerta de tsunami, al menos, en las costas de Oceanía. Mientras, el SHOA , de la Armada de Chile, descartó que exista riesgo de tsunami para las costas chilenas.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:17:00 +0100woodtv (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

بكين ستعيد المسبار الاميركي الذي صادرته في بحر الصين الجنوبي

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:15:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

القاهرة (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 17:28. القاهرة ستسلم رفات ضحايا طائرة مصر للطيران التي تحطمت في ايار/مايو لاسرهم; بكين (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 17:15. الصين تندد ب"الضجة الاعلامية" الاميركية بعد مصادرتها مسبارا للبحرية الاميركية; اسطنبول (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 13:19.

Se registra sismo de 7.9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:04:00 +0100elpaso (es)

Sídney Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres....

Tsunami warning cancelled after Papua New Guinea quake 56 minutes ago

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:04:00 +0100newstalkzb (en)

A very large earthquake in Papua New Guinea had Civil Defence scrambling overnight, to decide if there was a tsunami threat. The quake itself was just before midnight, with a magnitude of 7.9. National Civil Defence Controller Sarah Stuart-Black said the protocol in situations like this it is to play it safe.

Terremoto, allarme dei geologi: “In Calabria 11 mila edifici pubblici a rischio”

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:00:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 17 dicembre 2016) Secondo l’Ordine dei geologi della Calabria nella regione ci sono 11 mila edifici pubblici in condizioni di “Rischio crollo” e solo meno della meta’ delle amministrazioni e’ provvisto di Piani di emergenza comunali da applicare in caso di “calamita’”.

Terremoto Papua Nuova Guinea: magnitudo 8.1, rientra allarme tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 20:00:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Nuova Guinea : sospesa l’allerta tsunami : Il Centro Allerta tsunami del Pacifico ha sospeso l’allarme diramato a seguito del violento Terremoto magnitudo 7.9 che ha colpito il nord est della Papua Nuova Guinea . “Secondo i dati disponibili, la minaccia di uno tsunami correlato a questo Terremoto è trascorsa“, rende noto il Centro.

Sismo de ocho grados sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:55:00 +0100lasillarota (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 8.0 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este sábado la costa este de Papúa Nueva Guinea, al norte de Australia, y una amenaza de tsunami ha sido emitida en las zonas cercanas al epicentro. Como consecuencia del sismo, se ha activado una alerta de tsunami ante la posibilidad que....

Tsunami threat as residents flee to hills after earthquake off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:52:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the....

Suspenden alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:43:00 +0100globovision (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico suspendió este sábado el aviso de tsunami anunciado unas horas antes debido al seísmo de magnitud 7,9 que golpeó en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami para este terremoto ya ha pasado", señaló el centro en su página web.

Quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:31:00 +0100vnexpress (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning....

Enlace permanente a ¡Peligro! Alerta de tsunami después de terremoto en Papua Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:23:00 +0100elperiodicovenezolano (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 se sintió en la tarde de este sábado en la costa oriental de Papúa Nueva Guinea, en las proximidades de la isla de Nueva Irlanda, cuyo epicentro se localizó a 157 kilómetros al este de Rabaul y a una profundidad de 73 kilómetros, de acuerdo a la información....

Cutremur puternic, cu alertă de tsunami (Video)

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:19:00 +0100cotidianul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7,9 grade a avut loc sâmbătă în largul Papua Noua Guinee, în vestul Oceanului Pacific, fiind emisă alertă de tsunami, transmite AFP. Centrul de alertă pentru tsunami din Pacific (PTWC) a anunțat că țărmurile Papua Noua Guinee ar putea fi lovite de valuri de trei metri,....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 in Papua Nuova Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:13:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Papua Nuova Guinea : magnitudo 8.1 - allarme tsunami : ROMA Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 8.1 è stata registrata nella mattinata di sabato 17 dicembre a circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron, davanti alla costa sudorientale dell'isola di Nuova. 7.9 in Papua Nuova Guinea : allerta tsunami anche in Nuova Zelanda : Una scossa di magnitudo 7.

Un terremoto de 7.9 grados en escala de Richter sacudió la costa este de Papúa Nueva Guinea; no hay reporte de heridos o muertos

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:12:00 +0100elmanana-mx (es)

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA.- Las personas que viven a lo largo de la costa de Papúa Nueva Guinea evacuaron el sábado hacia zonas altas después de un sismo de magnitud 7.9 que sacudió el este de la nación del Pacífico, provocando advertencias de tsunami para partes de su archipiélago.

Wstrząsy o magnitudzie 7,9. Potężne trzęsienie ziemi w Nowej Irlandii

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:11:00 +0100tvn24 (pl)

Po ogromnym trzęsieniu ziemi tuż przy Nowej Irlandii, wyspie na Pacyfiku, ogłoszono alert przed tsunami. Wstrząsy o magnitudzie 7,9 nie wywołały jednak ogromnej fali. Wstrząsy wystąpiły o godz. 11:51 (polskiego czasu) na głębokości 103 kilometrów u wybrzeży Nowej Irlandii, wyspy na Pacyfiku,....

Strong Earthquake Hits Papua New Guinea, Tsunami Generated

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:07:00 +0100theepochtimes (en)

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Silne trzęsienie ziemi u wybrzeży Papui-Nowej Gwinei. Odwołano ostrzeżenie przed tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:07:00 +0100rmf24 (pl)

Odwołano ostrzeżenie o tsunami, które wydano w sobotę po trzęsieniu ziemi o magnitudzie 7,9 u wschodnich wybrzeży Papui-Nowej Gwinei - poinformowało centrum ostrzegania przed tsunami na Pacyfiku (PTWC). Wcześniej podawano, że wstrząsy miały magnitudę 8.

7.9 şiddetinde deprem şiddetli tsunami uyarısı yapıldı

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:06:00 +0100internethaber (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi (USGS), merkez üssü Yeni İrlanda Adası'ndaki Taron kentinin 46 kilometre doğusu olan depremin, 103 kilometre derinlikte kaydedildiğini açıkladı. Depremde ölen ya da yaralanan olup olmadığına ilişkin henüz bilgi verilmedi.

Появилось первое видео 8-балльного землетрясения в Папуа-Новой Гвинее

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:04:00 +0100obozrevatel (ru)

В сети появилось первое видео землетрясения, которое произошло в субботу, 17 декабря, у берегов Папуа-Новой Гвинеи. Видео ЧП опубликовали на канале Videos Express. После подземных толчков сейсмологи предупредили о возможном возникновении цунами. Эпицентр землетрясения располагался на глубине 73 км.

Retiran alerta de Tsunami en El Salvador por terremoto en Papua Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:02:00 +0100rlp (es)

El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN) en combinación con Protección Civil dieron por fializada la alerta que habían emitido ante una posible variación en el oleaje, que podría haberse convertido en un tsunami en las costas salvadoreñas. Esto a raíz del terremoto registrado este sábado en Papua Nueva Guinea de magnitud 7.

Levantan alerta de tsunami tras el sismo cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:02:00 +0100tabascohoy (es)

17/12/2016 11:49 / SÍDNEY, AUSTRALIA Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami, pero la alerta se retiró después, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:01:00 +0100denverpost (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Tsunami threat over after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:01:00 +0100newindianexpress (en)

SYDNEY: A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.

Starkes Seebeben bei Papua-Neuguinea - Tsunamiwarnung herausgegeben

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 19:00:00 +0100extremnews (de)

Seismograph Lizenz: Public domain Die Originaldatei ist zu finden. hier In der Nähe von Papua-Neuguinea hat sich am Samstag ein starkes Seebeben ereignet. Geologen gaben zunächst eine Stärke von 7,3 an. Diese Werte werden oft später korrigiert. Das Beben ereignete sich um 20:50 Uhr Ortszeit (11:50 Uhr deutscher Zeit) in der Nähe von Neuirland.

Papua Naujojoje Gvinėjoje – stirpus žemės drebėjimas <span style=color:red;>(atnaujinta)</span>

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:59:00 +0100kaunodiena (lt)

Prie Papua Naujosios Gvinėjos krantų etadienį įvykęs smarkus 7,9 balo žemės drebėjimas didesnės žalos veikiausiai nepadarė nebuvo jokių praneimų apie aukas, o paskelbtas cunamių pavojus vėliau buvo atauktas. Kaip nurodo JAV Geologijos tarnyba (USGS), 10 val. 51 min. Grinvičo (12 val. 51 min.

Cutremur de 7,9 grade în Papua Noua Guinee

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:58:00 +0100realitatea (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7,9 s-a produs sâmbătă la 157 km est de Rabaul, Papua Noua Guinee, informează Reuters și AFP, citând Institutul de geofizică american. UPDATE: Alerta de tsunami emisă sâmbătă după seismul cu magnitudinea 7,9 din largul Papua Noua Guinee a fost ridicată, a anunțat Centrul....

Descartan tsunami tras sismo 7,9 en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:53:00 +0100voanoticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros de alto que afectarían zonas....

Terremoto em Papua Nova Guiné causa tsunami, sem provocar danos

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:52:00 +0100jconline (pt)

Um forte terremoto que ocorreu perto da costa de Papua Nova Guiné neste sábado (17) gerou um pequeno tsunami, porém sem deixar feridos nem causar estragos. Partes da ilha do Pacífico tiveram o fornecimento de energia interrompido após o tremor. O terremoto de magnitude 7,9 ocorreu 46 quilômetros a....

Retirado alerta de tsunami após terremoto em Papua Nova Guiné

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:50:00 +0100cearaagora (pt)

Um terremoto de 8 graus na escala Richter (que vai até 10) assustou os moradores de Papua Nova Guiné neste sábado (17). Segundo o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, o epicentro do terremoto ocorreu a 103 quilômetros de profundidade, em uma área a 46 quilômetros da cidade de Taron. Não há registro de vítimas.

Levantan la alerta de tsunami tras el sismo cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:49:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Sidney.- AFP Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami, pero la alerta se retiró después, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 in Papua Nuova Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:48:00 +0100247libero (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 é stata registrata oggi circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron, davanti alla costa sudorientale dell’isola di Nuova Irlanda , in Papua Nuova Guinea: lo rende noto l’Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). L’ipocentro del sisma è stato localizzato a una profondità di 103 chilometri.

Papua-Nowa Gwinea: Odwołano ostrzeżenie przed tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:47:00 +0100gazetaprawna (pl)

Odwołano ostrzeżenie o tsunami, które wydano w sobotę po trzęsieniu ziemi o magnitudzie 7,9 u wschodnich wybrzeży Papui-Nowej Gwinei - poinformowało centrum ostrzegania przed tsunami na Pacyfiku (PTWC). Wcześniej podawano, że wstrząsy miały magnitudę 8.

17.12.2016 20:02 : Землетрясение магнитудой 8 произошло в океане недалеко от Папуа-Новой Гвинеи

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:39:00 +0100echomsk (ru)

Информации о пострадавших или о разрушениях пока нет. Объявлялась угроза цунами, но позже ее отменили. Рядом с островом Новая Гвинея часто происходят землетрясения. Он находится в районе так называемого Тихоокеанского огненного кольца — области с большим количеством действующих вулканов.

Alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea tras un fuerte terremoto

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:34:00 +0100diariodeleon (es)

Un terremoto de 8 grados en la escala de Ritcher ha sacudido este sábado Papúa Nueva Guinea, en el suroeste del Pacífico, al norte de Australia, y las autoridades han lanzado un aviso de tsunami. De momento no se ha informado de víctimas. Las autoridades han advertido que el tsunami podría llegar a....

Alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea tras un fuerte terremoto

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:33:00 +0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Un terremoto de 8 grados en la escala de Ritcher ha sacudido este sábado Papúa Nueva Guinea, en el suroeste del Pacífico, al norte de Australia, y las autoridades han lanzado un aviso de tsunami. De momento no se ha informado de víctimas. Las autoridades han advertido que el tsunami podría llegar a....

Reportan sismo de 8.0 grados en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:30:00 +0100veracruzanos (es)

Hong Kong, 17 de diciembre 2016.- Un fuerte sismo de 8.0 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este sábado la costa este de Papúa Nueva Guinea, al norte de Australia, y una amenaza de tsunami ha sido emitida en las zonas cercanas al epicentro. Como consecuencia del sismo, se ha activado una alerta....

Retirado alerta de tsunami após terremoto em Papua Nova Guiné

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:26:00 +0100bemparana (pt)

Um terremoto de 8 graus na escala Richter (que vai até 10) assustou os moradores de Papua Nova Guiné neste sábado (17). Segundo o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, o epicentro do terremoto ocorreu a 103 quilômetros de profundidade, em uma área a 46 quilômetros da cidade de Taron. Não há registro de vítimas.

Peringatan Tsunami di Papua Nugini Dicabut

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:25:00 +0100kompas (id)

SYDNEY, KOMPAS.com - Beberapa jam usai gempa berkekuatan 7,9 magnitudo yang melanda Papua Nugini, Sabtu (17/12/2016), Pusat Peringatan Tsunami Pasifik (PTWC), menyatakan ancaman tsunami telah berlalu. "Ancaman tsunami dari gempa ini sekarang telah berlalu," dalam pernyataan terbaru PTWC, dikutip Reuters.

Papuu-Novou Guineu zasáhlo silné zemětřesení, v Pacifiku hrozilo tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:20:00 +0100ct24 (cs)

Otřesy podle USGS vycházely z hloubky 103 kilometrů a jejich epicentrum bylo 157 kilometrů východně od města Rabaul na ostrově Nová Británie. Zasáhly severovýchodní provincii Papuy-Nové Guineje Nové Irsko. Tichomořské centrum pro varování před tsunami uvedlo, že po otřesech hrozí nebezpečná vlna,....

Se descarta tsunami tras sismo 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:17:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros....

Sismo de 8.0 grados en Papúa Nueva Guinea; amenaza de tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:17:00 +0100uniradioinforma (es)

Hong Kong, 17 Dic (Notimex).- Un fuerte sismo de 8.0 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este sábado la costa este de Papúa Nueva Guinea, al norte de Australia, y una amenaza de tsunami ha sido emitida en las zonas cercanas al epicentro. Como consecuencia del sismo, se ha activado una alerta de....

Papuu-Novou Guineu zasáhlo silné zemětřesení

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:16:00 +0100eurozpravy (cs)

. Aktualizováno 18:00 17. prosince 2016, 13:41 Autor: ČTK Port Moresby - Mohutné zemětřesení o síle 7,9 stupně dnes zasáhlo Papuu-Novou Guineu, informovala americká geologická služba (USGS). Místní úřady vydaly varování před cunami, které o několik hodin později odvolaly.

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 ha colpito la Papua Nuova Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:15:00 +0100ilsecoloxix (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,9 é stata registrata oggi circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron, davanti alla costa sudorientale dell’isola di Nuova Irlanda , in Papua Nuova Guinea: lo rende noto l’Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). L’ipocentro del sisma è stato localizzato a una profondità di 103 chilometri.

Se descarta tsunami tras sismo 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:10:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros....

Actualités du monde Papouasie: alerte au tsunami après un fort séisme

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:08:00 +0100ipreunion (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée samedi après un séisme de magnitude de 7,9 au large de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, dans l'ouest du Pacifique, a annoncé le Centre d'alerte au tsunami dans le Pacifique (PTWC). Des vagues de un à trois mètres de hauteur pourraient s'abattre sur des côtes du....

Retirado alerta de tsunami ap�s terremoto em Papua Nova Guin�

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:06:00 +0100correiobraziliense (pt)

Um terremoto de 8 graus na escala Richter (que vai at� 10) assustou os moradores de Papua Nova Guin� neste s�bado (17/12). Segundo o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos, o epicentro do terremoto ocorreu a 103 quil�metros de profundidade, em uma �rea a 46 quil�metros da cidade de Taron. N�o h� registro de v�timas.

رفع التحذير من موجات تسونامي بابوا غينيا الجديدة

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:05:00 +0100elfagr (ar)

تم رفع التحذير من موجات المد العاتية تسونامي الذي سبق أن تم تفعيله بعد زلزال بقوة 9ر7 درجات على مقياس ريختر قبالة ساحل بابوا غينيا الجديدة، حسبما أفادت السلطات. وأصدر مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادئ وزارة الدفاع المدني وإدارة الطوارئ في نيوزيلندا تحذيرات من موجات مد عاتية ، إلا أنه ألغى ذلك التحذير بعد ذلك بعد أن قرر عدم وجود تهديد.

ALERTĂ de tsunami după un cutremur cu magnitudinea iniţială de 8,0 grade, în Papua Noua Guinee/ Alarma a fost anulată

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:05:00 +0100stiri-financiare (ro)

PORT MORESBY, (astăzi, 14:10) ALERTĂ de tsunami după un cutremur cu magnitudinea iniţială de 8,0 grade, în Papua Noua Guinee/ Alarma a fost anulată de 3098 afişări. Olimpia Nicolae Un cutremur cu magnitudineaa preliminară de 8,0 grade, revizuită la 7,9 grade, s-a produs sâmbătă la 157 km de oraşul....

Cutremur puternic de 7,9 grade în Papua Noua Guinee, urmat de 12 replici

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:05:00 +0100stiri-financiare (ro)

UPDATE 16.05 Alerta de tsunami după cutremurul devastator din Papua Noua Guinee a fost anulată de către oficialii neozeeandezi, informează presa internaţională. UPDATE 16.00 - Încă patru replici au urmat după seismul de 7,9. Cel mai marte dintre acestea avut magnitudinea de 5,4, potrivit USGS. UPDATE 15.

В Папуа-Новой Гвинее произошло мощное землетрясение

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:04:00 +0100ura-inform (ru)

У берегов Папуа-Новой Гвинеи в субботу, 17 декабря, произошло землетрясение магнитудой 8,0, что может привести к цунами. Об этом сообщает Геологическая служба США. произошло в 157 км (98 милях) к востоку от Рабаул, Папуа-Новой Гвинеи в субботу, что вызвало предупреждения о цунами в регионе", - сказано в сообщении.

News No damage after powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea No damage after powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea News 34 minutes ago

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:03:00 +0100khou (en)

SYDNEY A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Papuu-Novou Guineu zasáhlo silné zemětřesení, hrozí tsunami v Indonésii a na Novém Zélandu

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 18:02:00 +0100aktualne (cs)

Mohutné zemětřesení o síle 7,9 stupně udeřilo na Papuu-Novou Guineu. Podle místních úřadů mohlo vyvolat vlnu tsunami, která v příštích třech hodinách může ohrozit pobřeží Indonésie, Šalamonových ostrovů nebo mikronéských ostrovů Nauru, Vanuatu, Pohnpei, Kosrae a Chuuk.

Terremoto de 7.9 grados sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:57:00 +0100debate (es)

Nueva Guiena (El Universal) Un terremoto de magnitud 7.9 causó hoy una alerta de tsunami en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, en el Pacífico, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de víctimas o daños. El epicentro del temblor se localizó a 103.2 kilómetros de profundidad y 46 kilómetros al este....

NUEVA GUINEA: Alerta de tsunami por terremoto de magnitud 7,9 en Papúa

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:55:00 +0100almomento (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 motivó una alerta de tsunami para la costa de Papúa Nueva Guinea, en el suroeste del Pacífico. No se informaron de víctimas o daños. El epicentro del sismo se localizó a 103 kilómetros de profundidad y 157 kilómetros al este de la ciudad portuaria de Rabaul, según....

Terrificante terremoto a Papua Nuova Guinea Scossa 8.1 sulla costa, rientra allarme tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:55:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

Terremoto Papua Nuova Guinea: magnitudo 8.1, rientra allarme tsunami. Pubblicato il 17 dicembre 2016 14:21 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 17 dicembre 2016 17:54. ROMA – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 8.1 è stata registrata nella mattinata di sabato 17 dicembre a circa 46 chilometri a est di Taron,....

7.9-magnitude quake hits Papua New Guniea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:54:00 +0100Hindu (en)

A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.51 pm local time (4.21 p.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,9 sacudió a Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:54:00 +0100elsiglo (es)

El temblor ha afectado a la costa oriental de la isla de Nueva Guinea y existe amenaza de tsunami. Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 se sintió en la tarde de este sábado en la costa oriental de Papúa Nueva Guinea, en las proximidades de la isla de Nueva Irlanda, cuyo epicentro se localizó a 157....

Oceánii zasáhlo silné zemětřesení. Nový Zéland odvolal varování před tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:51:00 +0100lidovky (cs)

Mohutné zemětřesení o síle 7,9 stupně dnes zasáhlo Papuu-Novou Guineu, informovala americká geologická služba (USGS). Místní úřady vydaly varování před cunami, které o několik hodin později odvolaly. Zatím nejsou informace o hmotných škodách či případných zraněných.

Levantado alerta de tsunami no Pacífico

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:47:00 +0100expresso (pt)

O alerta de tsunami acionado este sábado após um terramoto de magnitude de 7,9 no nordeste da Papua Nova Guiné, no Pacífico Ocidental, foi levantado rapidamente, anunciou o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico. Segundo o organismo, o terramoto ocorreu no mar às 10:51 GMT (mesma hora em Lisboa), a....

Sismo de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, fin de alerta de tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:46:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado un tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés). El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía generar olas de entre uno y tres metros....

Supendida la alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea tras sismo de magnitud 7.9

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:45:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico suspendió este sábado el aviso de tsunami anunciado hace algunas horas tras el sismo de magnitud 7,9 que sacudió el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami para este terremoto ya ha pasado", señaló el centro en su página web.

Terremoto de 7. 9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea, fin de alerta de tsunami

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:43:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,9 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea hizo temer este sábado 17 de diciembre del 2016 de un posible tsunami pero luego la alerta fue levantada, anunció el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por sus siglas en inglés) . El PTWC había estimado que el temblor podía....

Descartado en Chile el riesgo de tsusami por terremoto en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:43:00 +0100elmostrado (es)

Las autoridades chilenas descartaron la posibilidad de un tsunami en las costas del país tras el terremoto de 7,9 grados de magnitud ocurrido hoy en el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, informaron fuentes oficiales. El sismo "no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7,9 în Papua Noua Guinee. Alerta de tsunami a fost ridicată

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:43:00 +0100libertatea (ro)

Un cutremur foarte puternic a avut loc în largul coastelor Papuei Noua Guinee, iar o alertă de tsunami a fost lansată în zone din apropiere de epicentru, relatează AP. UPDATE 17.00: Alerta de tsunami declanșată după cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,9 a fost ridicată după două ore, Centrul de alertă pentru tsunami la Pacific (PTWC).

Forte terremoto atinge Papua-Nova Guiné, mas tsunami é descartado

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:42:00 +0100valor (pt)

RIO - (Atualizada às 14h15) Um forte terremoto de magnitude 7,9 foi registrado na costa Leste de Papua-Nova Guiné e gerou um alerta de tsunami na região do Oceano Pacífico, que acabou suspenso no início da tarde deste sábado. Inicialmente, o Centro de Avisos de Tsunami do Pacífico (PTWC, na sigla em....

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:41:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

A tsunami warning was sounded in Papua but the danger passed. — AFP pic SYDNEY, Dec 18 — People living along Papua New Guinea’s coastline fled to higher ground today after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago.

بطولة ايطاليا: فوز مهم لامبولي يبعده عن منطقة الخطر

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:40:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

القاهرة (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 17:28. القاهرة ستسلم رفات ضحايا طائرة مصر للطيران التي تحطمت في ايار/مايو لاسرهم; بكين (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 17:15. الصين تندد ب"الضجة الاعلامية" الاميركية بعد مصادرتها مسبارا للبحرية الاميركية; اسطنبول (أ ف ب) - 17/12/2016 - 13:19.

7.9-magnitude quake hits Papua New Guniea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:32:00 +0100thehindu (en)

A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.51 pm local time (4.21 p.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:30:00 +0100business-standard (en)

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea today, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said.

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:15:00 +0100vanguardngr (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru,....

Quake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:05:00 +0100in-cyprus (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. “Tsunami waves have been observed,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:05:00 +0100newsok (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:03:00 +0100trust (en)

Tsunami waves possible along some coasts of not only Papua New Guinea but also Indonesia, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. * Quake downgraded to magnitude 7.9 from 8. * PTWC says tsunami threat has passed, cancels earlier alert. * PNG hospital evacuated - nurse (Updates with local residents, tsunami....

Magnitude-7.9 quake strikes near Papua New Guinea, tsunami threat issued

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:00:00 +0100TorontoStar (en)

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA—A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicentre. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Small tsunami triggered after earthquake near Papua New Guinea, no damage reported

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:53:00 +0100globalnews (en)

SYDNEY, Australia – A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Residents flee to hills after PNG quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:46:00 +0100dailytelegraph (en)

On Saturday a couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the threat had largely passed, although it said government agencies should continue to monitor coastal tides. "Based on all available data ... the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed," the....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:45:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was a threat of a tsunami in Papua New Guinea and nearby areas. It said tsunami waves reaching 1-3 meters (yards) high were possible along the coasts of Papua New Guinea, while waves in other areas, including the Solomon Islands, would likely be less than 0.

Papua New Guinea Residents Flee to Higher Ground After 7.9-Magnitude Quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:41:00 +0100voanews (en)

Residents along Papua New Guinea's coastal areas fled to higher ground Saturday after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake with a depth of 103 kilometers struck the New Ireland region of the southwestern pacific nation. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea, tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:40:00 +0100abc-au (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline have fled to higher ground after a magnitude-7.9 earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of the archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said the threat had....

Papua New Guinea suffers earthquake measuring 7.9

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:40:00 +0100israelnationalnews (en)

. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami alert after Papua New Guinea suffered an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale. Possible tsunami zones include Indonesia, Nauru, and the Solomon Islands, as well as Papua New Guinea.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:38:00 +0100nation (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the....

Fuerte terremoto de 7.9 sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:35:00 +0100correodelorinoco (es)

Tras registrarse el sismo, se ha alertado de posible amenaza de tsunami que en la próximas tres horas podría alcanzar las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea, las islas Salomón, Nauru, Vanuatu, Nueva Caledonia y Hawái, advierte el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC).

No damage after quake hits off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:33:00 +0100usaToday (en)

SYDNEY — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Tsunami warning after strong earthquake off Papua New Guinea A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific...

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:30:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles (46km) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said. The quake was deep, at 61 miles (103km). Deeper earthquakes tend to cause less damage than shallow ones. The USGS initially said the quake's magnitude was 8.0, but later downgraded its strength.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:28:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

Muscatine, IA (52761) Today. Becoming windy. Intermittent snow or snow showers becoming steadier and heavier late. High around 20F. Winds NNW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 80%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.. Tonight. Windy. Snow will end this evening giving way to some clearing late. Low -9F. Winds NW at 20 to 30 mph.

Magnitude 7.9 quake hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:23:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

- Quake downgraded to magnitude 7.9 from 8. - PTWC says tsunami threat has passed, cancels earlier alert. - PNG hospital evacuated: nurse. People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground today after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:23:00 +0100therepublic (en)

SYDNEY A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:22:00 +0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY - People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:21:00 +0100wwlp (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:18:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Residents flee to hills after PNG quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:17:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

On Saturday a couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the threat had largely passed, although it said government agencies should continue to monitor coastal tides. "Based on all available data ... the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed," the....

Magnitude-8 quake off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:17:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

The quake occurred 60 kilometres east of Taron on New Ireland island at 9.51pm AEDT on Saturday at a depth of 73.4 kilometres. According to the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre there is no tsunami threat to the Australian mainland, islands or territories. New Zealand issued an official tsunami warning for the whole of the country.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:16:00 +0100scmp (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea’s coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:11:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

SYDNEY A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

15:01 Tsunami warning after strong earthquake off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:09:00 +0100independent-ie-regional (en)

The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles (46km) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said. The quake was deep, at 61 miles (103km). Deeper earthquakes tend to cause less damage than shallow ones. The USGS initially said the quake's magnitude was 8.0, but later downgraded its strength.

Papua New Guinea tsunami threat passes as residents run to hills after earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:08:00 +0100brisbanetimes (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said the....

Tsunami warning after strong earthquake off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:06:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles (46km) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said. The quake was deep, at 61 miles (103km). Deeper earthquakes tend to cause less damage than shallow ones. The USGS initially said the quake's magnitude was 8.0, but later downgraded its strength.

Papua New Guinea Quake Causes Small Tsunami, No Damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:03:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:58:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

SYDNEY People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:57:00 +0100wkrn (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:56:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

SYDNEY — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Tsunami danger recedes following earthquake in Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:55:00 +0100newstalk (en)

Updated 14:35. A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Papua New Guinea. The earthquake struck 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There are no reports of casualties. A strong aftershock hit the area of the original quake within the space of an hour, with the USGS reporting 5.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:53:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said....

Papua New Guinea tsunami threat passes as residents run to hills after earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:50:00 +0100theage (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said the....

7.9-magnitude quake hits PNG, tsunami threat over

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:47:00 +0100capitalfm (en)

The quake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.51 pm local time (1051 GMT) and was originally recorded at 8.0-magititude © AFP/File / Nicolas Asfouri. By Sydney, Australia, Dec 17 – A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey....

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:44:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

SYDNEY - A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Papua New Guinea tsunami threat passes as residents run to hills after earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:43:00 +0100smh (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said the....

7.9-magnitude quake hits PNG, tsunami threat over

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:42:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Sydney (AFP) - A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.

7.9-magnitude quake hits PNG, tsunami threat over

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:40:00 +0100afp-english (en)

A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.51 pm local time (1051 GMT) at a depth of some 75 km, the USGS said.

7.9 magnitude quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:39:00 +0100cnbc (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning....

Magnitude 7.9 quake hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:36:00 +0100skynews (en)

The earthquake struck 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There are no reports of casualties. A strong aftershock hit the area of the original quake within the space of an hour, with the USGS reporting 5.5 and 6.3 magnitude quakes.

7.9-magnitude quake hits PNG, tsunami threat over

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:35:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 2 hours ago in Environment A major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but no immediate casualties were reported and an initial tsunami threat was later deemed to have passed. The earthquake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.

7.9 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea, tsunami warning issued in several nations

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:33:00 +0100firstpost (en)

Sydney: AFP Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea,....

PNG tsunami threat passes as residents run for ...

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:33:00 +0100watoday (en)

People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said the....

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:32:00 +0100timesofisrael (en)

SYDNEY, Australia — Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru, the Solomon Islands and others.

No damage after powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:32:00 +0100usaToday (en)

SYDNEY — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Magnitude 7.9 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:25:00 +0100post-gazette (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 98 miles east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea today, the U.S. Geological Survey reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

Pacific tsunami warning after magnitude 7.9 quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:22:00 +0100heart (en)

A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck off the east coast of Papua New Guinea, according to reports. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre says hazardous tsunami waves of between three and nine feet are possible. The earthquake struck 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:22:00 +0100reuters (en)

SYDNEY People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said....

Magnitude 7.9 tremor hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:21:00 +0100skynews (en)

The earthquake struck 29 miles to the east of Taron on Saturday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There are no reports of casualties. A strong aftershock struck the area of the original quake within the space of an hour, with the USGS reporting 5.5 and 6.3 magnitude quakes.

In Papua New Guinea: Tsunami alert issued following 7.9 earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:15:00 +0100pulse (en)

A 7.9-magnitude earthquake on Saturday, December 17, struck in the sea off Papua New Guinea , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a preliminary alert. According to CNN, citing the US Geological Survey, the quake struck in the ocean about 45 kilometers east of Papua New Guinea's New Ireland island, also known as Latangai, at about 8:51 p.

Residents flee to hills after quake off Papua New Guinea; tsunami threat passes

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 15:12:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - People living along Papua New Guinea's coastline fled to higher ground on Saturday after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck east of the Pacific nation, triggering a tsunami warning for parts of its archipelago. A couple of hours after the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center....

Powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea; no damage reported

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:59:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Magnitude 7.9 earthquake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:57:00 +0100smh (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 kilometres east of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said, warning that....

Tsunami warning issued after earthquake hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:54:00 +0100newstalk (en)

On Air: 7-10pm Monday - Thursday, 7-9pm Friday, 1-6pm Saturday and 12-6pm Sunday. *Pleas Off The Ball Ireland's most popular sports show and the winner of a record nine PPI radio awards Monday to Thursday from 7-10pm, Fridays from 7-9pm, Saturdays from 1-6pm and Sundays from 12-6pm.

Quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:51:00 +0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY - A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami....

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:49:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru,....

Powerful quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:46:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Papua New Guinea earthquake: Magnitude-7.9 quake hits east of Taron, tsunami warnings scaled back. Updated December 18, 2016 00:19:51. A magnitude-7.9 earthquake has struck 46 kilometres east of Taron, Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a widespread warning about tsunami waves in the region.

New Zealand on tsunami alert after massive earthquake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:44:00 +0100thejournal (en)

TSUNAMI WARNINGS HAVE been issued for several nations after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru, and the....

Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:43:00 +0100dailysabah (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the U.S. Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru, the Solomon Islands and others.

7.9 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea; tsunami alert issued

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:43:00 +0100nna-en (en)

NNA - Dangerous waves could be headed to some South Pacific coasts after an 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck in the sea off Papua New Guinea on Saturday night, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a preliminary alert. The quake struck in the ocean about 45 kilometers east of Papua New Guinea's....

Papua New Guinea earthquake: Magnitude-7.9 quake hits east of Taron, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:43:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake hits 46 kilometres east of Taron, Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey reports, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region. A magnitude-7.9 earthquake has struck 46 kilometres east of Taron, Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported,....

Papua New Guinea Earthquake Live Updates: Tsunami Alert Issued After 7.9-Magnitude Quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:41:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

UPDATE: 7:22 a.m. EST — The government of Fiji said Saturday there is no 'significant tsunami threat' to the country following the 7.9-magnitude earthquake off Papua New Guinea. Officials said they will keep monitoring the situation. UPDATE: 7:09 a.m.

Magnitude 8.0 quake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:39:00 +0100cnbc (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning....

Tsunami alert after quake in New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:38:00 +0100iafrica (en)

A tsunami hits the coast of Japan after an 8.9-magnitued earthquake on Friday 11 March, 2011. AFP/HO/CCTV. Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 7.9 earthquake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:37:00 +0100brisbanetimes (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 kilometres east of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said, warning that....

Magnitude 8.0 quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, Tsunami alert issued

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:36:00 +0100expressindia (en)

Papua New Guinea sits on the Ring of Fire, the arc of seismic faults around the Pacific Ocean where earthquakes are common. (Image source: USGS) A magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region.

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:36:00 +0100gulfnews (en)

SYDNEY: Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations on Saturday after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia,....

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake: US Geological Survey

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:34:00 +0100financialexpress (en)

. Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake: US Geological Survey A great 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea today, the US Geological Survey said, prompting the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre to issue an alert in several coastal areas. The quake struck 60 km to the east of Taron, New Ireland, at 8.

Papua Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:34:00 +0100laprensa-PE (es)

6 noticias para: Papua Nueva Guinea Hace 59 minutos | El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami avisó de un posible tsunami, que también podría afectar también a las Islas Salomón, Indonesia y Nauru, así como otras islas cercanas. 05/05/2015 | El Centro de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico alertó....

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:26:00 +0100business-standard (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations today after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru, and....

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude PNG quake: USGS/PTWC

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:26:00 +0100business-standard (en)

A great 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea today, the US Geological Survey said, prompting the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre to issue an alert in several coastal areas. Hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Nauru and....

Papua New Guinea earthquake: Magnitude-7.9 quake hits east of Taron, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:25:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake hits 46 kilometres east of Taron, Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey reports, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region. A magnitude-7.9 earthquake has struck 46 kilometres east of Taron, Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported,....

Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 quake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:22:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami....

Quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:22:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

SYDNEY A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami....

Quake hits east of Papua New Guinea, tsunami warnings scaled back

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:21:00 +0100reuters (en)

SYDNEY A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami....

Magnitude 7.9 earthquake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:20:00 +0100theage (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 kilometres east of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the US Geological Survey reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves in the region. "Tsunami waves have been observed," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said, warning that....

Powerful earthquake centered near Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:19:00 +0100bostonglobe (en)

SYDNEY A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the US Geological Survey said.

Tsunami alert after 7.9-magnitude Papua New Guinea quake

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:18:00 +0100deccanherald (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued for several nations today after a major 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and the US Geological Survey said. The PTWC said hazardous tsunami waves could hit coastal areas of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Nauru, and....

Powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea; no damage reported

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:16:00 +0100globalnews (en)

SYDNEY, Australia – A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometres east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

7.9 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea; tsunami alert issued 1 HR

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:15:00 +0100news4jax (en)

(CNN) - Dangerous waves could be headed to some South Pacific coasts after an 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck in the sea off Papua New Guinea on Saturday night, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a preliminary alert. The quake struck in the ocean about 45 kilometers east of Papua New....

Powerful quake hits off Papua New Guinea; no damage reported

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:13:00 +0100wncn (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 46 kilometers (29 miles) east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Powerful earthquake hits off Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:13:00 +0100woodtv (en)

SYDNEY (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, and a tsunami threat was issued to areas near the epicenter. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The magnitude-7.9 quake struck 29 miles east of Taron in Papua New Guinea, the U.

Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 quake hits east of Papua New Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 14:11:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck 157 km (98 miles) east of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, prompting a warning about tsunami waves across parts of the archipelago.

Articulo completo Alerta de tsunami en Papúa Nueva Guinea tras sismo de magnitud 8,0

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 13:19:00 +0100globovision (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 8,0 se sintió este sábado en la costa oriental de Papúa Nueva Guinea en las proximidades de la isla de Nueva Irlanda, lo que activó e l alerta de tsunami en la próximas tres horas. El fenómeno podría alcanzar las costas de Papúa Nueva Guinea, las islas Salomón, Nauru,....

Terremoto de 7,9 ° Richter sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea y SHOA descarta tsunami para Chile

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 13:10:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Según el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU., el fuerte sismo tuvo su epicentro 899 km al NE de Port Moresby -zona cercana a la isla de New Ireland- y a una profundidad de 103.2 km. Este terremoto se suma al que hubo la semana pasada de magnitud 7,8 en la escala Richter en las Islas Salomón, en el....

Última Hora | Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de 8 grados en Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sat, 17 Dec 2016 13:01:00 +0100ideal (es)

ÚLTIMA HORA | Alerta de tsunami tras un seísmo de magnitud 8,0 cerca de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Un terremoto de 8.0 grados ha golpeado a 157 kilómetros al este de Rabaul, en Papúa Nueva Guinea. El sistema de alarmas de tsunamis del Pacífico avisa de que es "posible un tsunami".

Séisme : plus de peur que de mal

Wed, 14 Dec 2016 08:34:00 +0100lnc (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7, 8 a été enregistré tôt hier matin au large des îles Salomon, mais sans provoquer d’importants dommages, selon les autorités locales. « Certaines maisons ont été endommagées mais personne n’a été blessé », a déclaré Donald Tehimae, un porte-parole de la station de....

Îles Salomon: les premiers secours sont arrivés

Tue, 13 Dec 2016 11:39:00 +0100radioaustralianews-fr (fr)

Le gouvernement a réévalué ses chiffres à la hausse. Il estime qu'environ 7000 personnes, dispersées entre trois provinces ont été touchées par le tremblement de terre qui a eu lieu vendredi sur l'archipel. Et non pas 3700 comme il l'avait annoncé. Le bilan reste provisoire.

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