M 5.9 in Mauritius on 19 Jul 2017 12:16 UTC

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Articles about casualties: 6 (2.2%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Недоступный Бодрум: как россияне пытаются покинуть курорт и добраться до него

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 13:08:00 +0200360tv (ru)

Мощное землетрясение произошло 21 июля на юго-западе Турции. Эпицентр находился в 10,3 километра к югу от курортного города Бодрум. Оно вызвало цунами, а также повредило несколько зданий и вызвало отключение электричества. О пострадавших среди россиян не сообщалось.

Robot shows suspected melted nuclear fuel at Fukushima reactor – video

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 12:51:00 +0200guardian (en)

An underwater robot has captured images of what is believed to be suspected debris of melted nuclear fuel inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Locating and analysing the fuel debris is crucial for decommissioning the plant, which was destroyed in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami Source: Reuters.

В Турции случилось землетрясение магнитудой 6,7. В Бодруме

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 12:39:00 +0200e-gorlovka (ru)

Опубликовано: 23 Июля, 2017, 11:37 | Автор: Назаровa Валентина Сергеевна. Цунами образовалось у берегов Турции и Греции после землетрясения. Минувшей ночью на известном среди русских туристов турецком курорте Бодрум случилось разрушительное землетрясение магнитудой 6,9. Как сообщает replyua.

Un robot puede haber hallado combustible nuclear fundido en Fukushima

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:44:00 +0200deperu (es)

Un robot localizó por primera vez lo que podría ser combustible nuclear fundido en el reactor 3 de la central japonesa accidentada de Fukushima, anunció este domingo la empresa gerente. Durante tres días de inspección, un robot submarino detectó grandes cantidades de residuos y depósitos....

Dans le ciel, la Terre est sans frontières

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:40:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Nous vivons sur une petite planète et les plus beaux couchers de soleil nous rappellent que les panaches d’aérosols volcaniques ne s’arrêtent pas plus aux frontières que les nuages radioactifs. Sur une planète entourée par une couche atmosphérique en perpétuel mouvement, rien n’arrête l’expansion et....

В Турции случилось землетрясение магнитудой 6,7. В Бодруме

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:26:00 +0200belrynok (ru)

Более сильные толчки ощущались в турецком Бодруме и на греческом острове Кос. Об этом в ночь на пятницу сказали в Геологической службе США (USGS). Европейский средиземноморский сейсмологический центр отмечает, что вызвало небольшое цунами в Эгейском море.

У берегов Турции случилось землетрясение. Есть пострадавшие

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:23:00 +0200emigrados (ru)

По сообщению профессионалов, очаг подземных толчков находился на глубине около 10 км в 10, 3 км от курортного города Бодрум на юго-западе Турции . В провинции Мугла, на которую пришлись основные удары, власти уже , что , а кроме этого цунами землетрясение , последовавшее за ним, не вызвало серьезных разрушений.

Туристы из Ярославля — о землетрясении в Турции: «Впервые узнали, что такое страх»

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:21:00 +0200krasnews (ru)

Подземные толчки вызвали цунами , амплитуда которого составила приблизительно 25 сантиметров. Самый мощнейший из серии подземных толчков был силой в 5,1 балла по шкале Рихтера. Сообщается, что было магнитудой 6,7 баллов. землетрясение Подземные толчки начались в 1:31 по здешнему времени (совпадает с киевским).

Roboti yagundua mafuta ya nuklia katika kinu cha Fukushima nchini Japan

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:19:00 +0200bbc-swahili (sw)

Haki miliki ya picha AFP Image caption Roboti yagundua mafuta ya nuklia katika kinu cha Fukushima. Roboti ya chini ya maji imenasa picha zinazoaminika kuwa za kwanza kabisa ya mafuta ya nuklia yaliyoyeyuka ndani ya kinu cha Japan kilichoharibiwa cha Fukushima. Viwango vikubwa vya vitu vinayoonekana kama mawe vimeonekana katika kinu chake cha tatu.

Lavaähnliche Klumpen - Roboter entdeckt hohe Ablagerungen im Fukushima-Reaktor

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:18:00 +0200RP (de)

Tokio. Auf dem Boden eines havarierten Atomreaktors in Fukushima hat ein Unterwasserroboter massive Ablagerungen entdeckt. Es könnte sich um geschmolzenen Kernbrennstoff handeln. Kamerabilder zeigten lavaähnliche Steine und Klumpen, die etwa einen Meter hoch auf dem Podest unterhalb des Reaktorkerns lägen, teilte der Betreiber Tepco mit.

Detectan posible combustible fundido en la base del reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:15:00 +0200caracol (es)

La propietaria de la central nuclear de Fukushima ha detectado lo que parecen restos de combustible fundido y escombros en la base del reactor 3 de la accidentada planta en el último examen robótico realizado en el interior de la unidad. El robot anfibio introducido esta semana en la vasija del....

Fukushima: Roboter entdeckt "lavaähnliche Steine"

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:07:00 +0200t-online (de)

Wie sieht es im Inneren der havarierten Atomreaktoren in Fukushima aus? Der Betreiber der Anlage wollte das herausfinden und schickte einen Roboter hinein. Dessen Aufnahmen zeigen wohl auch den geschmolzenen Kernbrennstoff. Die Kamerabilder zeigten lavaähnliche Steine und Klumpen, die etwa einen....

В Турции после землетрясения было зафиксировано окола 40 повторных подземных толчков

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 11:00:00 +0200kremlinpress (ru)

На греческом острове Кос из-за землетрясения передает погибли два человека. Сообщается, что в клиники города обратились около 70 человек. Подземные толчки затронули также юго-запад Турции. Самый мощнейший афтершок имел магнитуду 5,1. Это землетрясение сегодня вызвало небольшое цунами , которое....

Fukushima: robot localizza il combustibile nucleare fuso nel reattore 3

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:32:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 23 luglio 2017) Un robot sarebbe riuscito a individuare quello che potrebbe essere del combustibile nucleare fuso nel reattore 3 della centrale nucleare di Fukushima (Giappone) distrutta dal terremoto e dallo tsunami del 2011. Dopo tre giorni di perlustrazioni, sono state scoperte....

Un robot aurait trouvé du combustible fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:26:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Des analyses supplémentaires vont être effectuées pour le vérifier. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot....

Un robot aurait trouvé du combustible fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:25:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Des analyses supplémentaires vont être effectuées pour le vérifier. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot....

Holidaymakers in Greece and Turkey spend second night in the open amid earthquake fears

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:16:00 +0200express (en)

BRITISH holidaymakers spent a second night sleeping outside on the Greek island of Kos and at the Turkish resort of Bodrum amid fears of another earthquake. , killing two men, a 39-year-old Turk and a Swede, aged 20, in Kos and injuring more than 360 people.

Nachbeben auf Kos treibt viele dazu, im Freien zu übernachten

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:08:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

Starke Nachbeben halten die Menschen auf der griechischen Ägäisinsel Kos in Atem. Am Samstagabend bebte die Erde innerhalb kurzer Zeit mit einer Stärke von 4,6 und 4,7, wie das griechische Institut für Geodynamik mitteilte. Die Nachbeben ereigneten sich gegen 20 Uhr, viele Menschen verbrachten die....

Ailesi, onu ‘depremde öldü’ sanmıştı ama…

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:07:00 +0200sozcu (tr)

Deprem sırasında denizin daha güvenli olduğunu, bu nedenle karaya çıkmadığını söyleyen Sağlam, “Salladı gitti, bana zararı olmadı, olan karadakilere oldu. Denizin ortasında kahvaltı yapıp yola çıktım” ifadesini kullandı. Habertürk’ten Mehmet İnmez’in haberine göre, Ege Denizi'nde yaşanan 6.

Nachbeben auf Kos treibt viele dazu, im Freien zu übernachten

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:58:00 +0200DerBund (de)

Starke Nachbeben halten die Menschen auf der griechischen Ägäisinsel Kos in Atem. Am Samstagabend bebte die Erde innerhalb kurzer Zeit mit einer Stärke von 4,6 und 4,7, wie das griechische Institut für Geodynamik mitteilte. Die Nachbeben ereigneten sich gegen 20 Uhr, viele Menschen verbrachten die....

Fukushima: robot localizza il combustibile nucleare fuso nel reattore 3

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:42:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Fukushima (Giappone) distrutta dal terremoto e dallo tsunami del 2011. Dopo tre giorni di perlustrazioni, sono state scoperte grandi quantità di residui e depositi solidificati nel primo perimetro attorno al reattore 3 della centrale, ha indicato il gestore Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Co).

Nachbeben auf Kos treibt viele dazu, im Freien zu übernachten

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:40:00 +0200tagesanzeiger (de)

Starke Nachbeben halten die Menschen auf der griechischen Ägäisinsel Kos in Atem. Am Samstagabend bebte die Erde innerhalb kurzer Zeit mit einer Stärke von 4,6 und 4,7, wie das griechische Institut für Geodynamik mitteilte. Die Nachbeben ereigneten sich gegen 20 Uhr, viele Menschen verbrachten die....

وقود نووي ذائب في فوكوشيما .. هذا ما عليكم معرفته!

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:34:00 +0200alwakeelnews (ar)

الوكيل الاخباري - التقط روبوت يعمل تحت الماء صورا لرواسب ضخمة يعتقد أنها وقود نووي ذائب يغطي أرضية مفاعل فوكوشيما النووي الياباني المعطل عن العمل. وقالت الشركة المشغلة للمفاعل، شركة طوكيو للطاقة الكهربائية، إن صخورا متجمدة تشبه الحمم البركانية تراكمت من القاع داخل الهيكل الرئيسي الذي يطلق عليه....

'Her şeyi devletten beklememek lazım'

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:32:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Eski yapıların kentsel dönüşümle düzeltilmeye çalışıldığını belirten uzmanlar, yine de çok sayıda binanın yetersiz olduğunu kaydetti. Damla Peker ANKARA - Türkiye’de son zamanlarda meydana gelen depremlerin ardından yapıların dayanıklılığı tekrardan tartışılmaya başladı.

ظهور رواسب "وقود نووي" في فوكوشيما

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 09:09:00 +0200alwafd (ar)

التقط روبوت يعمل تحت الماء صورا لرواسب ضخمة يعتقد أنها وقود نووي ذائب يغطي أرضية مفاعل فوكوشيما النووي الياباني المعطل عن العمل. وقالت الشركة المشغلة للمفاعل، شركة طوكيو للطاقة الكهربائية، إن صخورا متجمدة تشبه الحمم البركانية تراكمت من القاع داخل الهيكل الرئيسي الذي يطلق عليه القاعدة الواقعة أسفل....

Depremde öldü sanılan balıkçı denizde ortaya çıktı

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:50:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

Ege Denizi'nde gerçekleşen 6.6 şiddetindeki deprem sonrasında ailesinin öldüğü sandığı balıkçı Hasan Sağlam'ın denizde olduğu ortaya çıktı. Deprem sırasında denizde olan Sağlam "Salladı gitti, bana zararı olmadı, olan karadakilere oldu. Denizin ortasında kahvaltı yapıp yola çıktım" dedi.

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:45:00 +0200france24 (fr)

TOKYO (AFP) - Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:35:00 +0200izf (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima : un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:31:00 +0200Europe1 (fr)

Les photos du coeur du réacteur 3 montrent un amas de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts solidifiés@ AFP PHOTO / IRID. Les investigations du robot sous-marin ont montré de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts solidifiés dans l'enceinte de confinement primaire du réacteur 3 de la centrale nucléaire.

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:29:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:28:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:27:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 08:03:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:58:00 +0200romandie (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:51:00 +0200afp (fr)

Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et dépôts....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:50:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

Tokyo - Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant. Lors de trois jours d'inspection par un robot sous-marin, de grandes quantités de résidus et....

North Korea Missile Threat ‘Unlikely,’ But Hawaii Prepares

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:48:00 +0200voanews (en)

HONOLULU — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

Fukushima: un robot pourrait avoir trouvé du combustible nucléaire fondu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:33:00 +0200challenges (fr)

L'enceinte de confinement du réacteur 3 de la centrale de Fukushima dans le nord-est du Japon, le 10 février 2016-POOL/AFP/Archives/TORU HANAI. Un robot a repéré pour la première fois ce qui pourrait être du combustible nucléaire fondu dans le réacteur 3 de la centrale japonaise accidentée de Fukushima, a indiqué dimanche l'exploitant.

Expertos explican causas del minitsunami en el Magdalena

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 07:00:00 +0200elheraldo (es)

La onda de tsunami que el miércoles golpeó la franja costera entre Ciénaga y Pueblo Viejo, dejó intranquilos a los habitantes de esa zona, pero también tareas pendientes para científicos y autoridades administrativas. Aunque la Dimar a través del Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e....

Aquatic Robot Finds Possible Melted Fuel in Fukushima’s No. 3 Reactor

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:49:00 +0200laht (en)

TOKYO – The aquatic robot recently introduced to the No. 3 reactor of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan has captured images of what appears to be melted fuel, with further exploration due to take place on Saturday, the plant’s operator said. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) released images on....

Balıkçı, daha güvenli diye geceyi denizde geçirmiş

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:33:00 +0200memurlar (tr)

Gazete Habertürk'ten Mehmet İnmez'in haberine göre Muğla'nın Bodrum İlçesi'nde 30 yıldır balıkçılık yapan Hasan Sağlam (59), depremin meydana geldiği gecenin öncesinde denize açıldığını belirterek, "Balığa çıktığımı bilen ailem dalgaların beni yuttuğunu, öldüğümü düşünmüş. Haber verdikleri Sahil Güvenlik beni bulup deprem olduğunu söyledi" dedi.

Una alerta temprana

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:27:00 +0200elheraldo (es)

Muy pocos países están “preparados” para resistir el embate de un tsunami. Incluso las grandes potencias se ven en aprietos a la hora de atender emergencias naturales con esa capacidad devastadora. Por eso, un fenómeno marino como el que el miércoles azotó las costas del Magdalena y alcanzó a....

كارثة الطائرة الماليزية تكشف أسرار المحيط الخفية

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:25:00 +0200rt-ar (ar)

ذكر علماء المحيطات أن موقع البحث عن الرحلة المفقودة "MH370" يمكن أن يصبح قبلة للباحثين عن كنوز الثروة البحرية. ورسم العلماء خريطة للمنطقة المجهولة، سابقا، من المحيط الهندي، حيث فشلوا آنذاك في العثور على حطام طائرة الخطوط الجوية الماليزية، في المنطقة التي تبلغ مساحتها 120 كلم مربع.

Hawaii prepares for North Korea attack

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 06:09:00 +0200presstv (en)

The US state of Hawaii is preparing the public for a possible ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency said on Friday that it would launch an education program for the public in November. The agency will begin monthly tests of an "attack-warning" siren.

Terremoto a Kos, il rientro dei turisti: "Una scossa fortissima, poi il panico" / FOTO e VIDEO

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:53:00 +0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Bologna, 22 luglio 2017 – Palazzi che ballano, urla, black out e panico nelle strade. I turisti che sono tornati da Kos hanno negli occhi il terrore della terribile esperienza vissuta l'altro giorno, quando un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha sconvolto la piccola isola greca, meta di tantissimi turisti.

Giappone, viaggio dentro il cuore radioattivo di Fukushima

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:38:00 +0200quotidiano (it)

Un piccolo robot è entrato dentro al reattore 3 della centrale nucleare giapponese, esplosa in seguito al terremoto e conseguente tsunami del 2011: il drone è riuscito a catturare delle immagini che mostrano quello che potrebbe essere del combustibile atomico fuso all'interno del reattore.

Hawái será el primer estado de EEUU en instalar una alerta contra un posible ataque nuclear de Corea del Norte

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:25:00 +0200diariosigloxxi (es)

NUEVA YORK, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) El estado norteamericano de Hawái instalará a partir de noviembre un sistema de alerta temprana ante la posibilidad de un ataque nuclear de Corea del Norte, a la que separan unos 5.000 kilómetros de océano, según ha podido saber la cadena filial de la CNN en el archipiélago, la KNHL.

Ege Denizi’nde 6.3 büyüklüğünde deprem

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:11:00 +0200netgazete (tr)

Ege Denizi Gökova Körfezi’nde saat 01.3’de 6.3 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD)’ın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre 6.3 şiddetindeki deprem yerin 10 km altında meydana geldi. Deprem çevre illerden de hissedildi.

KILLER QUAKE FEARS Brit holidaymakers forced to queue outside Kos airport over aftershock safety fears

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 05:10:00 +0200thesun (en)

Thousands of British holidaymakers were caught up in Friday’s earthquake. Pictured are the queues at Kos International Airport yesterday. Many have forced to wait outside the airport so authorities can easily evacuate the building in the event of an aftershock, it reported.

Nell’incubo del terremoto in Grecia: «Siamo vivi per miracolo»

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:55:00 +0200LaNazione (it)

Lucca, 22 luglio 2017 - « Scusa se piango, ma ho appena salutato mia mamma ». Lo sfogo, comprensibilissimo, è quello di Michela Nelli, 33 anni di San Martino in Freddana , la ragazza che insieme al suo compagno e ai suoi due figli di 7 anni e mezzo e 9, ha visto davanti ai suoi occhi l’inferno.

خيارات جعجع الانتخابية في كسروان - جبيل

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:25:00 +0200elnashra (ar)

فارس صديق لا يفرقنا عنه سوى الموت عبارة وردت في الإعلام نقلا عن الدكتور سمير جعجع وصلت الى جرود قرطبا حيث تحلو المشاوير للدكتور فارس سعيد مع القدامى يقضي فيه الوقت المستقطع بين شوطين بعد معاركه اليائسة في الأمانة العامة القوى 14 اذار ونتائجها الفالصو وتحضيراته للمعركة الانتخابية بحلتها الجديدة.

Alçaklara geçit vermediniz

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:16:00 +0200yenisafak (tr)

Başbakan Binali Yıldırım, Muğla'nın Seydikemer ilçesinde düzenlenen 19. Yörük Türkmen Kültür Şöleni'nde konuştu. Yıldırım, konuşmasında, "Siz yörükler, 15 Temmuz'da Marmaris'te alçaklara geçit vermediniz, milletin adamı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'a sahip çıktınız. Şehit verdik, gazilerimiz oldu, Allah'a şükürler olsun ki vatanımızı vermedik.

"Deniz güvenli" dedi karaya çıkmadı!

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 04:11:00 +0200haberturk (tr)

Gazete Habertürk'ten Mehmet İnmez'in haberine göre Muğla’nın Bodrum İlçesi’nde 30 yıldır balıkçılık yapan Hasan Sağlam (59), depremin meydana geldiği gecenin öncesinde denize açıldığını belirterek, “Balığa çıktığımı bilen ailem dalgaların beni yuttuğunu, öldüğümü düşünmüş. Haber verdikleri Sahil Güvenlik beni bulup deprem olduğunu söyledi” dedi.

Sloganımız: Tatile devam

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 02:28:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Depremin ardından Bodrum’da hayat normale dönüyor. İlçede yaşayanların ve tatilcilerin deprem şokunu kısa sürede atlattığını belirten Bodrum Belediye Başkanı Mehmet Kocadon şunları söyledi: KAÇAN YOK “Deprem uzmanlarının söylediği gibi şu anda Türkiye’de en güvenilir yer Bodrum. Bodrum’dan kaçan da yok.

Two new earthquakes hit coast of Greek island

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 02:20:00 +0200trendnews-az (en)

Two new earthquakes occurred late on Saturday near the coast of the Greek resort island of Kos in the Aegean Sea, Athens’ Institute of Geodynamics said, Sputnik reported. On Friday, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the Turkish and Greek coastline of the Aegean Sea, leaving two people on the island of Kos dead and over a hundred more injured.

Conoce el caso de los 547 niños abusados en el coro del hermano de Benedicto XVI

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 02:07:00 +0200ultimasnoticias (es)

ÚN.- El canto del gorrión nunca más será el mismo en Alemania. Al centro de Baviera, en una ciudad fundada en el año 975, detonó el nuevo escándalo que sacude la Iglesia católica: ¡547 niños fueron abusados en coro que dirigió el hermano del papa emérito, Benedicto XVI! Los Gorriones de la Catedral....

Walesa joins justice protest

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 02:01:00 +0200thesundaytimes (en)

The former Polish president Lech Walesa yesterday joined protests over plans by the ruling Law and Justice Party to put the judicial system under government control. Walesa, who led the pro-democracy movement Solidarity under communist rule, told demonstrators in Gdansk: “You must use all means to take back what we achieved for you.

Walesa joins justice protest

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:55:00 +0200thetimes (en)

The former Polish president Lech Walesa yesterday joined protests over plans by the ruling Law and Justice Party to put the judicial system under government control. Walesa, who led the pro-democracy movement Solidarity under communist rule, told demonstrators in Gdansk: “You must use all means to take back what we achieved for you.

Training for a nightmare: How first responders prepare for the worst

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:41:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

As rescuers scanned for life in sub-zero temperatures after the Thredbo landslide, the dangerously unstable site and freezing conditions stalled search efforts and caused equipment to seize. One of Australia's most popular holiday spots became the site of one of our greatest tragedies when 18 people died in the landslide in 1997.

Su altı robotu Fukuşima'da nükleer sızıntıyı görüntüledi

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:22:00 +0200internethaber (tr)

Japonya'da 2011'deki deprem ve tsunami felaketinde ağır hasar gören Fukuşima Nükleer Santrali'ne gönderilen su altı robotu ilk görüntülerini gönderdi. Nükleer santrali işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerjisi Şirketi (TEPCO) tarafından yapılan açıklamada, "Little Sunfish (Küçük Güneşbalığı)" adı verilen su....

Una famiglia di bolzanini nell’inferno di Kos

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:21:00 +0200altoadige (it)

BOLZANO. «Eravamo appena entrati in barca, quando abbiamo sentito un forte boato e la barca ha iniziato a oscillare forte». Era la una e 31 minuti dell’altra notte quando la vacanza sull’isola di Kos della trentacinquenne bolzanina Monica Nicolasi s’è trasformata in un incubo. La scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.

World news in brief

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:17:00 +0200thetimes (en)

Walesa joins justice protest The former Polish president Lech Walesa yesterday joined protests over plans by the ruling Law and Justice Party to put the judicial system under government control. Walesa, who led the pro-democracy movement Solidarity under communist rule, told demonstrators in Gdansk:....

Una famiglia di bolzanini nell’inferno di Kos

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:17:00 +0200trentinocorrierealpi (it)

BOLZANO. «Eravamo appena entrati in barca, quando abbiamo sentito un forte boato e la barca ha iniziato a oscillare forte». Era la una e 31 minuti dell’altra notte quando la vacanza sull’isola di Kos della trentacinquenne bolzanina Monica Nicolasi s’è trasformata in un incubo. La scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.

World news in brief

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:16:00 +0200thesundaytimes (en)

Walesa joins justice protest The former Polish president Lech Walesa yesterday joined protests over plans by the ruling Law and Justice Party to put the judicial system under government control. Walesa, who led the pro-democracy movement Solidarity under communist rule, told demonstrators in Gdansk:....

Training for a nightmare: How first responders prepare for the worst

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 01:12:00 +0200abc-au (en)

As rescuers scanned for life in sub-zero temperatures after the Thredbo landslide, the dangerously unstable site and freezing conditions stalled search efforts and caused equipment to seize. One of Australia's most popular holiday spots became the site of one of our greatest tragedies when 18 people died in the landslide in 1997.

En video | Así se sintió el mini tsunami en las playas de Puerto Colombia

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:58:00 +0200elheraldo (es)

Las poblaciones del Magdalena no fueron las únicas que sufrieron con el mini tsunami del miércoles en horas de la mañana. Hasta las playas de Pradomar y Salgar llegó el fenómeno, donde destruyó 27 casetas.

Powerful shake more...

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:43:00 +0200fijitimes (en)

Powerful shake. A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.8 off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula triggered a tsunami warning, but the threat has now passed. The quake struck at 11.34am yesterday, about 200km from the city of Nikolskoye on Bering island off the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Two people killed in 6.7 quake on Greek island

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:43:00 +0200fijitimes (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.7 earthquake killed two people and injured scores more when it struck near major Turkish and Greek tourist destinations in the Aegean Sea early on Friday, Turkish and Greek officials said. Local officials said at least two people died and 100 were injured on the Greek holiday island of Kos, a popular holiday destination.

Costa Rica tiene la segunda comunidad de América preparada para un tsunami

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:36:00 +0200elpais-cr (es)

San José, 22 jul (EFE).- La comunidad de Ostional, provincia de Guanacaste, fue declarada como la segunda del Pacífico americano preparada para un tsunami (tsunami ready), informó hoy la Comisión Nacional de Emergencias de Costa Rica (CNE). La distinción fue otorgada por la Comisión Oceanográfica....

Diez sirenas para alertar tsunamis se instalan en diferentes puntos de Pichilemu

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:19:00 +0200elrancaguino (es)

El alcalde de Pichilemu, Roberto Córdova, destacó la importancia de esta noticia para su comuna, indicando que se trata de un proyecto que Onemi ha trabajado con todas las comunas de la Región de O’Higgins que poseen costa. Fernando Ávila Figueroa. Una importante noticia entregó el alcalde de la....

خيارات جعجع الانتخابية في كسروان - جبيل - كلادس صعب

Sun, 23 Jul 2017 00:11:00 +0200charlesayoub (ar)

«فارس صديق لا يفرقنا عنه سوى الموت» عبارة وردت في الإعلام نقلا عن الدكتور سمير جعجع وصلت الى جرود قرطبا حيث تحلو المشاوير للدكتور فارس سعيد مع القدامى يقضي فيه الوقت المستقطع بين شوطين بعد معاركه اليائسة في الأمانة العامة القوى 14 اذار ونتائجها «الفالصو» وتحضيراته للمعركة الانتخابية بحلتها الجديدة.

Costa Rica tiene la segunda comunidad de América preparada para un tsunami

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 23:48:00 +0200caracol (es)

La comunidad de Ostional, provincia de Guanacaste, fue declarada como la segunda del Pacífico americano preparada para un tsunami (tsunami ready), informó hoy la Comisión Nacional de Emergencias de Costa Rica (CNE). La distinción fue otorgada por la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental de la....

Fukuşima'ya indirilen su altı robotu nükleer sızıntıyı görüntüledi

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 23:26:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Santrali işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerjisi Şirketinden (TEPCO) yapılan açıklamada, "Little Sunfish" adı verilen su altı robotunun santralin hasarlı 3 numaralı reaktörünün tabanındaki kaide bölümünde öbekler halinde erimiş nükleer yakıt tespit ettiği belirtildi.


Sat, 22 Jul 2017 22:27:00 +0200ntv-tr (tr)

Japonya'da Fukuşima nükleer santralinde inceleme yapan su altı araştırma robotu, santralin hasar gören reaktörünün tabanına çöken eriyik haldeki nükleer yakıtı görüntüledi. Santrali işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerjisi Şirketinden (TEPCO) yapılan açıklamada, "Little Sunfish" adı verilen su altı....

Su altı robotu Fukuşima'da nükleer sızıntıyı görüntüledi

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 22:15:00 +0200ensonhaber (tr)

Japonya'da Fukuşima nükleer santralinde inceleme yapan su altı araştırma robotu, santralin hasar gören reaktörünün tabanına çöken eriyik haldeki nükleer yakıtı görüntüledi. 1 METRE KALINLIĞINDA ERİMİŞ NÜKLEER YAKIT. Santrali işleten Tokyo Elektrik Enerjisi Şirketinden (TEPCO) yapılan açıklamada, su....

Daddy Yankee escribió un mensaje conmovedor a los fans de Chester Bennington

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 21:51:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

El pasado 20 de julio el mundo de la música se estremeció luego de conocerse la noticia de la muerte del vocalista de Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, y de inmediato sus colegas de todas partes del mundo enviaron su mensaje. Uno de ellos fue el artista puertoriqueño, Daddy Yankee, quien compartió en....

Touristen berichten: Erbeben auf der Urlaubsinsel Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 21:43:00 +0200euronews-de (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in der Ägäis bleibt die Lage auf der griechischen Urlaubsinsel Kos angespannt. Die Behörden melden zwei Tote, rund 200 Menschen sind verletzt worden. Ein Tourist, erzählt, wie er das Erbeben erlebt hat: “Der Boden bebte. Leute haben angefangen zu schreien. Alles fiel auseinander.

Tras el terremoto: "Yo me quedo en Kos"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 21:11:00 +0200euronews-es (es)

“Yo me quedo en Kos”. Lo que podría parecer un eslogan para promover el turismo es lo que están haciendo decenas de miles de visitantes que estaban en esta isla griega cuando fue sacudida el viernes de madrugada por un fuerte terremoto que dejó dos muertos y más de medio centenar de heridos.

Après le séisme, l'île de Kos craint le départ des touristes

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 20:40:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Ils ont eu peur, mais pas assez pour quitter Kos. Cette île grecque située dans la mer Egée a été frappée vendredi par un séisme de magnitude 6,7. Bilan : deux morts, une centaine de blessés, beaucoup de dégâts matériels… et des touristes choqués par cette expérience peu commune : “Le sol a tremblé, les gens ont commencé à crier.

La scena spettrale dentro il reattore di Fukushima: cosa ha trovato il drone

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 20:10:00 +0200libero-news (it)

Un piccolo robot è entrato dentro al reattore 3 della centrale nucleare giapponese, esplosa in seguito al terremoto e conseguente tsunami del 2011: il drone è riuscito a catturare delle immagini che mostrano quello che potrebbe essere del combustibile atomico fuso all'interno del reattore.

Tokio afina detalles

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 20:06:00 +0200expreso-PE (es)

Para que los terremotos, maremotos y ataques terroristas no afecten las actividades de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020, Tokio se prepara al mínimo detalle con la intención de no causar accidentes con los deportistas y turistas que asistirán al magno evento. “Japón es vulnerable a los terremotos, pero las....

19:05 - Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da tsunami olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 19:50:00 +0200memurlar (tr)

Habertürk Gazetesi'nden Melis Apaydın İde, Öznur Karslı, Mehmet İnmez ve Kadir Tamer'in haberine göre, Ege'deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi. İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü'nden Doç.

Petani Aceh Temukan Kerangka Diduga Anggota Brimob Korban Tsunami

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 19:29:00 +0200detikcom (id)

Banda Aceh - Warga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya digegerkan oleh penemuan kerangka manusia. Kerangka tersebut diduga anggota Brimob yang menjadi korban tsunam belasan tahun silam. Kabid Humas Polda Aceh Kombes Goenawan, mengatakan, kerangka manusia tersebut awalnya ditemukan oleh seorang petani bernama Muhammad Taufik (40) saat sedang menggarap sawah.

Hawaii prepares for N Korean nukes

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 18:40:00 +0200taipeitimes (en)

Hawaii is the first US state to prepare its public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea, with the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency on Friday announcing a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

KILLER QUAKE FEARS Brit holidaymakers forced to queue outside Kos airport due to fears that aftershock might cause terminal to collapse HOLIDAYMAKERS are still sitting in massive queues while they wait for flights to take them off the Greek island

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 18:08:00 +0200thesun (en)

Thousands of British holidaymakers were caught up in Friday’s earthquake. Pictured are the queues at Kos International Airport yesterday. Flights in and out of the island were also cancelled yesterday causing delays, but it’s hoped schedules will return to normal today.

Alberto Frepoli: "Ora possibili altri movimenti minori ma l'area più a rischio resta Creta"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:51:00 +0200repubblica (it)

"L'area colpita dal terremoto di ieri notte è una zona a rischio sin dall'antichità. Bodrum, l'antica città greca di Alicarnasso, ha sempre registrato forti movimenti sismici". Alberto Frepoli è un ricercatore dell'Ingv che recentemente ha posizionato una stazione sismica di rilevamento a metà....

Muestran imágenes del interior del reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:42:00 +0200elmundo-sv (es)

La operadora de la accidentada central de Fukushima ha difundido las primeras imágenes captadas por el robot acuático que se ha introducido en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la planta para analizar el interior de las instalaciones atómicas. Tras sumergirse el pasado miércoles en el corazón del....

Japanese Swimming Droid Examined Underwater Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:33:00 +0200capitalotc (en)

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster took place on 11 March 2011 due to the Tohoku earthquake that generated a massive tsunami. Six years later, the area is still a toxic site despite Japan’s efforts to decontaminate it. Humans would be exposed to severe life risks after a prolonged staying in the region.

Wstrząsy wtórne na Kos. Utrudnienia dla turystów. ZDJĘCIA

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:27:00 +0200wpolityce (pl)

Życie na wyspie Kos, gdzie w nocy z czwartku na piątek doszło do silnego trzęsienia ziemi, powoli wraca do normy. Jednak turystyczna część, gdzie znajduje się twierdza joannitów czy słynny meczet, nadal jest zamknięta dla zwiedzających. Dostępu do tych miejsc pilnie strzeże policja. Ostatnie wstrząsy wtórne zarejestrowano dziś o piątej nad ranem.

Possible melted fuel seen for first time at Fukushima plant

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:00:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " An underwater robot captured images of lava-like lumps Thursday inside a damaged reactor at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, spotting for the first time what is believed to be nuclear fuel that melted six years ago. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Italia s-a CUTREMURAT din nou: Ce magnitudine a avut seismul

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:58:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,2 grade s-a produs sâmbătă în centrul Italiei fără a provoca daune materiale sau victime , potrivit unui anunț al Protecției civile citat de AFP și Cutremurul a fost înregistrat la ora 04:13 (02:13 GMT), iar epicentrul a fost localizat la 3 km de localitatea....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:56:00 +0200mia-mk (en)

Honolulu, 22 July 2017 (MIA) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea, AP reports. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

U’khand disaster management body plans to rope in scientific experts

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:32:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

In a first, the Uttarakhand government is set to rope in scientific experts into the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) the apex body for disaster management to revamp the hill state’s response to natural calamities. In principle agreement has been arrived at to bolster the structure of the....

Hawaii prepares for North Korea attack

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:31:00 +0200presstv (en)

The US state of Hawaii is preparing the public for a possible ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency said on Friday that it would launch an education program for the public in November. The agency will begin monthly tests of an "attack-warning" siren.

Kos kämpft mit den Spuren der Verwüstung

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:29:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

in der Ägäis haben auf der griechischen Insel Kos Hunderte Menschen die Nacht im Freien verbracht. Angesichts der Schäden und zahlreicher Nachbeben waren Einwohner und Touristen zu besorgt, um in ihre Häuser und Hotelzimmer zurückzukehren. Stattdessen campierten sie die Nacht zu Samstag über in Parks, Olivenhainen, ihren Autos oder Liegestühlen.

Kos kämpft mit den Spuren der Verwüstung

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:18:00 +0200tagesanzeiger (de)

in der Ägäis haben auf der griechischen Insel Kos Hunderte Menschen die Nacht im Freien verbracht. Angesichts der Schäden und zahlreicher Nachbeben waren Einwohner und Touristen zu besorgt, um in ihre Häuser und Hotelzimmer zurückzukehren. Stattdessen campierten sie die Nacht zu Samstag über in Parks, Olivenhainen, ihren Autos oder Liegestühlen.

Depremde ölen Sinan Kurtoğlu'nun kuzeni o anları anlattı

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 16:06:00 +0200yenisafak (tr)

Yunanistan'ın İstanköy Adası'nda teyzesinin oğlu Sinan Kurtoğlu'nun hayatını kaybettiği Ege Denizi'ndeki deprem nedeniyle adada mahsur kalan ve feribotla Muğla'nın Bodrum ilçesine getirilen yaralılardan Selim Çaydamlı, hala olayın şokunu yaşıyor. Ege Denizi'nde meydana gelen 6,6 büyüklüğündeki....

Kos kämpft noch immer mit der Zerstörung

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:58:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

in der Ägäis haben auf der griechischen Insel Kos Hunderte Menschen die Nacht im Freien verbracht. Angesichts der Schäden und zahlreicher Nachbeben waren Einwohner und Touristen zu besorgt, um in ihre Häuser und Hotelzimmer zurückzukehren. Stattdessen campierten sie die Nacht zu Samstag über in Parks, Olivenhainen, ihren Autos oder Liegestühlen.

Auf Kos beginnt das grosse Aufräumen

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:28:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

in der Ägäis haben auf der griechischen Insel Kos Hunderte Menschen die Nacht im Freien verbracht. Angesichts der Schäden und zahlreicher Nachbeben waren Einwohner und Touristen zu besorgt, um in ihre Häuser und Hotelzimmer zurückzukehren. Stattdessen campierten sie die Nacht zu Samstag über in Parks, Olivenhainen, ihren Autos oder Liegestühlen.

Auf Kos beginnt das grosse Aufräumen

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:17:00 +0200tagesanzeiger (de)

in der Ägäis haben auf der griechischen Insel Kos Hunderte Menschen die Nacht im Freien verbracht. Angesichts der Schäden und zahlreicher Nachbeben waren Einwohner und Touristen zu besorgt, um in ihre Häuser und Hotelzimmer zurückzukehren. Stattdessen campierten sie die Nacht zu Samstag über in Parks, Olivenhainen, ihren Autos oder Liegestühlen.

”Bodrum depremi yeni şiddetli tsunamilere işaret”

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:15:00 +0200havadiskibris (tr)

Ege’de yaşanan 6.6 büyüklüğündeki depremi ve Bodrum kıyılarında meydana gelen tsunamiyi değerlendiren Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şube Başkanı Alim Murathan, depremin yeni şiddetli tsunamilerin işareti olduğunu söyledi. Evrensel’de yer alan habere göre Murathan, Ege Bölgesi’nde yaşanan 6.

Linkin Park Rap Metali Nasıl Ölümsüzleştirdi?

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:50:00 +0200haberler (tr)

41 yaşında hayatını kaybeden Linkin Park solisti Chester Bennington, nu metali, yazdığı şarkı sözleri ve müzik merakı ile değiştirdi. Linkin Park, metal ve rap müzik türlerini birleştiren ilk grup değildi, ancak bunu en başarılı yapan grup oldu. Grubun ilk albümü, 'Hybrid Theory', ABD 'de 10 milyon....

Zwei Tote und 120 Verletzte bei Erdbeben auf Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:49:00 +0200badische-zeitung (de)

Griechische Insel Zwei Tote und 120 Verletzte bei Erdbeben auf Kos. Zwei Tote und 120 Verletzte bei Erdbeben auf der griechischen Insel Kos / Erdstoß bringt Häuser zum Einsturz und löst Tsunami aus. KOS. Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,6 hat in der Nacht zu Freitag die griechische Insel Kos erschüttert. Zwei Menschen wurden getötet, viele verletzt.

الطفولة المغتصبة..

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:06:00 +0200alalam-ir (ar)

في الحروب يكون الحجر والشجرة من اسهل الاشياء التي يمكن اعادة اعمارها، لكن المعضلة الحقيقية تكمن في البشر، حيث تشرد الحروب الملايين ويكون للاطفال نصيب الاسد منها، وبعد كل حرب تعاني الدول من جيلين الى ثلاثة من التي تربت او نشأت في ظل المعارك والفلتان الامني وانعدام الامن الغذائي والدراسي والصحي، ويكون....

Fukushima : un robot capable d'inspecter l'intérieur d'un des réacteurs

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:00:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Un robot a été dépêché cette semaine dans l'enceinte de confinement du réacteur 3 de la centrale saccagée de Fukushima, au nord-est du Japon, et les images prises montrent un amas qui pourrait être une partie du combustible fondu, selon l'exploitant. L'engin télécommandé, de 30 centimètres de long....

Terremoto, paura per una coppia di Quinto nell’isola di Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:41:00 +0200tribunatreviso (it)

QUINTO . Erano partiti per una bellissima vacanza nelle isole greche. Relax, mare, cibo, poi il sogno è svanito in un boato notturno, quello che ha svegliato Barbara Sottana e il fidanzato Fabio Pattaro mentre dormivano in una struttura alberghiera di Kos, una delle aree colpite dal sisma che ha....

Hawái será el primer estado de EEUU en instalar una alerta contra un posible ataque nuclear de Corea del Norte

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:30:00 +0200teinteresa (es)

El sistema incluirá un protocolo específico en el caso de que se produzca el temido impacto de un misil nuclear, pero la mayor parte de los esfuerzos se centrarán en la creación de una red de alerta -- con sirenas y luces blancas intermitentes -- repartido por todas las islas, así como mensajes en....

TERREMOTO KOS M 6.7/ Grecia, scossa e tsunami: il rientro dei turisti, "Era il panico"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:25:00 +0200ilsussidiario (it)

Il ricordo del terremoto a Kos di magnitudo 6.7 sulla scala Richter è ancora limpido nella mente di chi la notte scorsa si trovava nella piccola isola della Grecia situata nel sud-est del Mar Egeo. Il bilancio del sisma, per ora, è di due morti, trovati in strada e probabilmente investiti dal muro....

„Eine drei Meter hohe Welle kam auf uns zu“

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:21:00 +0200kreiszeitung (de)

Diepholz/Kos - Von Eberhard Jansen. „Unser Zimmer wackelte in alle Himmelsrichtungen – und auch nach oben und unten. So etwas habe ich noch nicht erlebt.“ Stephan Schumacher war am Freitagmittag immer noch schockiert. Der Diepholzer und seine Frau Elisabeth erlebten und überlebten das schwere nächtliche Erdbeben auf der griechischen Insel Kos.

07:17:24 | Potente sismo golpea a isla turística en Grecia y Turquía

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:19:00 +0200hoybolivia (es)

Potente sismo golpea a isla turística en Grecia y Turquía. 22/07/2017 - 07:17:24 EL PAIS.- Un potente sismo acabó con la vida de dos personas en la turística isla griega de Kos en la madrugada del viernes, provocando la huida de los turistas por las calles y problemas en el cercano balneario turco de Bodrum.

TERREMOTO KOS M 6.7/ Grecia, scossa e tsunami: il rientro dei turisti, "Era il panico"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:19:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 22 luglio 2017) TERREMOTO Kos M 6.7: la violentissima scossa che ha colpito la località della Grecia ha provocato 2 morti e circa 500 feriti. Il racconto dei turisti italiani scappati da scosse e tsunami .(Pubblicato il Sat, 22 Jul 2017 12:58:00 GMT) : Terremoto a Kos Morti due turisti....

Wstrząsy wtórne na Kos. Utrudnienia dla turystów

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:09:00 +0200tvp (pl)

Życie na wyspie Kos, gdzie w nocy z czwartku na piątek doszło do silnego trzęsienia ziemi, powoli wraca do normy. Jednak turystyczna część, gdzie znajduje się twierdza joannitów czy słynny meczet, nadal jest zamknięta dla zwiedzających. Dostępu do tych miejsc pilnie strzeże policja. Ostatnie wstrząsy wtórne zarejestrowano dziś o piątej nad ranem.

Turisti bellunesi in ferie in Grecia, l'sms tranquillizzante: «Stiamo bene»

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 13:01:00 +0200IlGazzettino (it)

di Eleonora Scarton BELLUNO - Sono due i bellunesi rimasti bloccati nell'isola greca di Kos , dove si è registrato un forte terremoto che ha causato la morte di due persone ed oltre 200 feriti. Stiamo bene l'sms rassicurante inviato ai titolari dell'agenzia viaggi di Belluno 45. strada che si erano occupati di organizzare il loro viaggio.

Urbino, dieci liceali in vacanza dopo la maturità bloccati nell'inferno di Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:43:00 +0200corriereadriatico (it)

URBINO - Festeggiavano la maturità dopo un faticoso esame: mare, sole e isole greche fino al prossimo fine settimana. Li ha sorpresi il terremoto nel pieno della vacanza e adesso non vedono l’ora di rientrare a casa. Ma non possono: sono bloccati a Kos, una delle perle dell’Egeo sconvolta dal sisma di magnitudo 6.

Danske Sidsel var få meter fra dødsdiskotek: Jeg troede, at jeg skulle dø

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:43:00 +0200ekstrabladet (da)

Kos, Grækenland (Ekstra Bladet): Caroline Clante Sidsel Borg troede i starten bare, at hun var lidt småfuld, siden hele jorden gyngede. Så begyndte flaskerne at falde ned fra væggene – og der gik alvoren op for hende. Den 20-årige pige har den seneste måned arbejdet på Kos som bartender.

Robot finds possible melted fuel in Fukushima reactor

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:22:00 +0200business-standard (en)

An aquatic robot introduced to the No. 3 reactor of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan has captured images of what appears to be melted fuel, with further exploration due to take place on Saturday, the plant's operator said. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) released images on Friday evening of....


Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:15:00 +0200yeniduzen (tr)

Türkiye’nin Muğla ili açıklarında, Ege Denizi’nde 6,3 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Yunanistan'ın Kos adasında biri Türk iki kişi hayatını kaybetti, çok sayıda kişi yaralandı. Birçok ilde de panikle yüksekten atlayan kişi yaralanarak hastanelere başvurdu. Gökova Körfezi'nde saat 01.31'de 6,3 büyüklüğünde deprem kaydedildi.

Bodrum'da deprem korkusu: Geceyi dışarıda geçirdiler

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:38:00 +0200ensonhaber (tr)

Muğla'da meydana gelen deprem sonrasında Bodrumlular ve yerli ile yabancı turistler ikinci gecede de tedirginlik yaşadı. Muğla'nın Bodrum İlçesi'nde önceki gün meydana gelen 6.6 şiddetindeki depremin ardından bu gece de sabaha kadar ikisi 4.9- 5.0 şiddetinde olmak üzere onlarca meydana geldi.

Kos - Zwei Touristen sterben bei Beben auf Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:31:00 +0200RP (de)

Es sollte ein unbeschwerter, ausgelassener Abend werden, in der beliebten Bar "White Corner" in der Altstadt von Kos. Doch für zwei Urlauber wurde das Eckhaus zur Todesfalle. Als gestern Morgen um 1.31 Uhr ein schweres Erdbeben die Mauern des ersten Stocks zum Einsturz brachte, wurden sie von herabstürzenden Trümmern erschlagen.

Terremoto nel mar Egeo: a Bodrum il mini tsunami durante la festa di compleanno

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:20:00 +0200corriere (it)

Le immagini da Twitter mostrano i momenti di paura | Corriere TV CONTINUA A LEGGERE » Paura per la scossa di terremoto di 6.7 nel mar Egeo. Epicentro nell’isola greca di Kos. a Bodrum dopo il sisma un mini tsunami. L’onda ha sorpreso i i turisti: in queste immagini il panico durante una festa di compleanno.

«Il letto sbatteva contro il muro». Il terrore dei varesini nel terremoto a Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:18:00 +0200laprovinciadivarese (it)

«Il letto ballava e sbatteva contro il muro» così Francesco e Alice si sono svegliati ieri all’1.30, ora locale a Mastichari, 15 chilometri da Kos sulla costa nord. La coppia varesina in vacanza con la figlia è tra i tanti turisti che hanno scelto come meta il Mar Egeo, tra Grecia e Turchia, zona colpita dal forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.


Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:16:00 +0200ntv-tr (tr)

Bodrum açıklarında meydana gelen depremin ardından sadece Gümbet Koyu'ndaki 1 kilometrelik sahil şeridinde yaşanan tsunaminin nedeni belli oldu. Bodrum'a 3 mil mesafedeki tarihi ılıcası ile ünlü Karaada'nın, Bodrum merkezi için dalgalara bariyer görevi yaptığı belirtildi.

Napoletani in Grecia dopo il sisma: 'Abbiamo paura, anche anche l'Italia è a rischio' - Video in aeroporto

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:16:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 22 luglio 2017) Una forte scossa fa tremare ancora la Grecia e più precisamente l'isola di Creta dopo quella registrata a Kos, dove sono morti due turisti. La paura è tanta per i viaggiatori che proprio in queste ore ... : RT @VoceDiNapoliWeb: +++ ULTIMISSIMA ORA +++ VIDEO.

Vlaams acteurskoppel moet ook vluchten voor ramp in Kos en Bodrum: “Ik dacht dat ik een heel slechte droom had”

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:13:00 +0200hbvl (nl)

Als je constant naschokken voelt en je loopt het gevaar toch nog gewond te raken, dan is het vakantiegevoel ver zoek. We willen hier weg.” De ongeveer drieduizend Belgen in het Griekse Kos en Turkse Bodrum bleven donderdagnacht dan wel ongedeerd, maar van volop genieten op de vakantieoorden is bij velen voorlopig weinig sprake.

Fukushima : un robot capable d'inspecter l'intérieur d'un des réacteurs

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:09:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Un robot a été dépêché cette semaine dans l'enceinte de confinement du réacteur 3 de la centrale saccagée de Fukushima, au nord-est du Japon, et les images prises montrent un amas qui pourrait être une partie du combustible fondu, selon l'exploitant. L'engin télécommandé, de 30 centimètres de long....

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da tsunami olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 10:00:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi. İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü’nden Doç.Dr. Sinan Özeren Marmara Bölgesi’nde tsunami ihtimalinin düşük olduğunu ancak....

‘Bodrum depremi yeni şiddetli tsunamilere işarettir’

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:58:00 +0200evrensel (tr)

Ege’de yaşanan 6.6 şiddetindeki depremi ve Bodrum kıyılarında meydana gelen tsunamiyi değerlendiren Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası İzmir Şube Başkanı Alim Murathan, depremin yeni şiddetli tsunamilerin işareti olduğunu söyledi. Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği (TMMOB) Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası....

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da tsunami olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:53:00 +0200birgun (tr)

Sinan Özeren Marmara Bölgesi’nde tsunami ihtimalinin düşük olduğunu ancak sualtı heyelanlarının tsunami üretebileceğini, bunun da Tuzla ve Kadıköy arasını sular altında bırakabileceğini söyledi. Habertürk Gazetesi'nden Melis Apaydın İde, Öznur Karslı, Mehmet İnmez ve Kadir Tamer 'in haberine göre,....

В результате землетрясения на популярных курортах погибли двое туристов

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:52:00 +0200newstes (ru)

Были повреждены здания, в том числе и те, которым было несколько столетий. Эпицентр землетрясения находился в Эгейском море, между двумя популярными туристическими направлениями – город Бодрум в Турции и греческий остров Кос. Стихийное бедствие, которое произошло в половину второго ночи, также вызвало небольшое цунами.

Il violento terremoto di Kos innesca un effetto di scosse a catena sull’Italia: torna la paura al Centro/Nord [MAPPE e DATI]

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:51:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 che nella notte di ieri, Venerdì 21 Luglio, ha colpito l’isola greca di Kos provocando uno tsunami nel mar Egeo e seminando morte e distruzione in una delle più ambite mete turistiche del Mediterraneo, ha innescato un effetto di scosse a catena in tutta l’area italo-balcanica.

THROWN OUT OF THEIR BEDS Family caught up in Manchester terror attack forced to flee deadly Kos earthquake JULIE McKay, 45, and 14-year-old Nieve woke in terror in the early hours as their hotel room shook

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:50:00 +0200thesun (en)

Nieve’s sister Natalie, 19, who was with her mum and sister told STV News: “We had just gone to bed around 1.30am. The earthquake threw me out my bed. “I woke up screaming, so did my mum and my sister. We ran into the hallway. Someone was shouting ‘Tsunami’. “A big chandelier had fallen to the floor.

Sismo golpea al turismo

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:48:00 +0200elsol (es)

Los daños de anoche podrían ser apenas los primeros causados por el terremoto en el mar Egeo, que obligó a miles de turistas a pasar la noche a la intemperie, y ahora dejaría vacíos hoteles y centros vacacionales en la que se perfilaba como una buena temporada en Grecia y Turquía.

Sisma in Grecia: turisti in fuga da Kos, tutto calmo a Kalymnos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:31:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 22 luglio 2017) Dopo il violento Sisma che ieri ha colpito tra la Grecia e la Turchia, in turisti che si trovavano in vacanza in quelle... : RT @repubblica: Sisma di magnitudo 6,7 tra Grecia e Turchia. Due morti a Kos. A Bodrum 'piccolo tsunami' - : Sisma sull'isola di Kos (Grecia), le....

Tsunami sull'isola dei turisti, paura a Kos: 'Rivissuto l'incubo di Amatrice'

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:31:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 22 luglio 2017) Kos - Sa ra Mancini ha riccioli scuri e il terremoto nel destino. Alle sette di sera se ne sta seduta con il fidanzato al tavolino di un chiosco davanti all'aeroporto. Ha la faccia stropicciata di chi ...

Terremoto en isla griega causa muerte de turistas

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:27:00 +0200eldiario (es)

Atenas.- Cuando apenas intentaba recuperarse de los estragos turísticos que ha dejado la crisis de refugiados, la idílica isla griega de Kos fue golpeada esta madrugada por un terremoto de una magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que ha dejado dos turistas muertos y más de un centenar de heridos. A las 01.

Sismo del Egeo causó dañó a barcos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:27:00 +0200eldiario (es)

Estambul.- El terremoto que esta madrugada sacudió la costa occidental de Turquía y la isla griega de Kos causó un pequeño tsunami, que provocó daños a algunas embarcaciones en el puerto de Bodrum. El observatorio sismográfico de Kandilli confirmó que se había registrado una ola de cerca de medio....

Rapperswiler erlebt Beben in Bodrum

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:26:00 +0200suedostschweiz (de)

Der Reiseanbieter Hotelplan Suisse hatte am Freitagmorgen mitgeteilt, man habe Kenntnis von einer leicht verletzten Kundin. Es befänden sich 379 Reisegäste auf Kos und sechs Kunden im nur rund 15 Kilometer entfernten türkischen Bodrum. TUI Schweiz sprach von 671 Kunden in der Region, die alle....

Tsunami sull'isola dei turisti, paura a Kos: 'Rivissuto l'incubo di Amatrice'

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:17:00 +0200gossip-libero (it)

Ha la faccia stropicciata di chi non dorme da parecchio tempo. Vi ve a Roma, ma la sua famiglia è di Amatrice. 'Laggiù abbiamo una casa per l'estate, ma quest'anno è inagibile per via dei danni causati dal sisma. È così io e Matteo siamo venuti in ... AMATRICE Torna la paura nel centro Italia: una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.

بالصور.. احتشاد آلاف السياح أمام مطارات تركيا واليونان للمغادرة

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:12:00 +0200charlesayoub (ar)

احتشد آلاف السياح أمام المطارات التركية واليونانية الراغبين في العودة لبلادهم بعد قطع عطلاتهم بسبب زلزال مدمر ضرب البلاد، فجر اليوم الجمعة. ورصدت صحيفة ديلي ميل البريطانية هروب السياح اليائسين إلى بوابات المطارات، بعد انقطاع عطلاتهم بسبب الزلزال الذي أسفر عن مصرع شخصين وإجبار عشرات الآلاف للفرار خارج البلاد.

Terremoto a Kos, il rientro dei turisti: "Una scossa fortissima, poi il panico"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:11:00 +0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Bologna, 22 luglio 2017 – Palazzi che ballano, urla, black out e panico nelle strade. I turisti che sono tornati da Kos hanno negli occhi il terrore della terribile esperienza vissuta l'altro giorno, quando un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha sconvolto la piccola isola greca, meta di tantissimi turisti.

Séisme en Grèce: les autorités au chevet de l’île de Kos pour un bilan des dégâts

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:04:00 +0200rfi-fr (fr)

Le séisme sur l’île grecque de Kos a fait deux morts et plus d’une centaine de blessés. Certains ont dû être transférés à l’hôpital de Héraklion, en Crète. Toute la journée, puis la nuit, de petites répliques sans gravité ont suivi. Les autorités grecques font tout leur possible pour un rapide retour à la normale en pleine saison touristique.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 09:04:00 +0200tristateupdate (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Aargauerin erlebt das Erdbeben auf Kos hautnah mit: «Ich bin beinahe aus dem Bett geflogen» vor 18 Stunden

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:45:00 +0200azonline (de)

Unter den betroffenen Feriengästen befindet sich auch eine junge Frau aus der Region Baden. Sie machte gerade eine Woche Urlaub auf Kos, als das Erdbeben die Insel erschütterte. «Wir waren im Hotel wurden von den Beben überrascht», erzählt die Aargauerin, die nicht namentlich genannt werden möchte. «Ich bin beinahe aus dem Bett geflogen.

Uzmanlardan korkutan açıklama İstanbul'da bu ilçeler sular altında kalabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:44:00 +0200internethaber (tr)

İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü’nden Doç.Dr. Sinan Özeren, Marmara Bölgesi’nde tsunami ihtimalinin düşük olduğunu ancak sualtı heyelanlarının tsunami üretebileceğini, bunun da Tuzla ve Kadıköy arasını sular altında bırakabileceğini söyledi. YATAY DÜŞÜMLÜ : Tsunami olması için deniz tabanınının....

World Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:43:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Uzmanlar Marmara'da tsunami riskine dikkat çektiler!

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:40:00 +0200haber-sol (tr)

Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi. Habertürk gazetesinde yer alan habere göre Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen....

Gobierno atiende a familias afectadas por las lluvias

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:38:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Afectaciones por lluvias | Redacción Central | 22/07/2017. Un total de 23 viviendas se vieron afectadas por anegaciones a causa de las recientes lluvias en varios municipios del país, y nueve familias fueron evacuadas, detalló este viernes la Compañera Rosario Murillo.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:38:00 +0200wbrc (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Tsunami sull’isola dei turisti, paura a Kos: «Rivissuto l’incubo di Amatrice» |

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:36:00 +0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Kos - Sa ra Mancini ha riccioli scuri e il terremoto nel destino. Alle sette di sera se ne sta seduta con il fidanzato al tavolino di un chiosco davanti all’aeroporto. Ha la faccia stropicciata di chi non dorme da parecchio tempo. Vi ve a Roma, ma la sua famiglia è di Amatrice.

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:36:00 +0200ulusalkanalcom (tr)

Gökova Körfezi’nin Bodrum açıklarında dün saat 01.31’de meydana gelen ve 17 saniye süren 6.6 büyüklüğündeki deprem, 2 can kaybıyla sonuçlandı. Bodrum ve Datça ile Yunanistan’ın Kos Adası’nda çok büyük paniğe yol açan depremde Kos Adası’nda bir eğlence merkezinin duvarının çökmesi sonucu İzmirli Sinan Kurtoğlu ile 1 İsveçli yaşamını yitirdi.

Tsunami sull'isola dei turisti, paura a Kos: 'Rivissuto l'incubo di Amatrice'

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:35:00 +0200247libero (it)

Kos - Sa ra Mancini ha riccioli scuri e il terremoto nel destino. Alle sette di sera se ne sta seduta con il fidanzato al tavolino di un chiosco davanti all’aeroporto. Ha la faccia stropicciata di chi non dorme da parecchio tempo. Vi ve a Roma, ma la sua famiglia è di Amatrice.

Uzmanlar uyardı! Bu iki ilçe tamamen gider

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:34:00 +0200habervaktim (tr)

Gökova Körfezi’nin Bodrum açıklarında dün saat 01.31’de meydana gelen ve 17 saniye süren 6.6 büyüklüğündeki deprem, 2 can kaybıyla sonuçlandı. Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi.

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da tsunami olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:17:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Habertürk Gazetesi'nden Melis Apaydın İde, Öznur Karslı, Mehmet İnmez ve Kadir Tamer'in haberine göre, Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi. İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü’nden Doç.

Bodrum'da tsunami araçları böyle sürükledi

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:12:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

GÜNCEL / 22.07.2017 09:04 Bodrum'da tsunami araçları böyle sürükledi Ege Denizi'nde gece yarısı meydana gelen 6.6'lık deprem özellikle Bodrum'da çok şiddetli hissedilmişti. Depremin hemen ardından Gümbet İnceburun'da meydana gelen tsunami araçları sürüklemiş, kaydedilen görüntüler hasarı gözler önüne sermişti.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:10:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Toby Clairmont, the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency's executive officer, shows new informational materials to a reporter in Honolulu on Friday, July 21, 2017. Hawaii announced a new public education campaign to prepare for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea.

Sismo sacude la isla griega de Kos y deja dos turistas muertos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:08:00 +0200opinion (es)

ATENAS La idílica isla griega de Kos fue golpeada ayer por un terremoto de una magnitud de 6.6 en la escala de Richter que ha dejado dos turistas muertos y más de un centenar de heridos. El sismo, cuyo epicentro se encontraba entre Kos y la ciudad turística rusa de Bodrum, a unos 10 kilómetros....

Tsunami sull’isola dei turisti, paura a Kos. Un’italiana: “Ho rivissuto l’incubo di Amatrice”

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:06:00 +0200lastampa (it)

L’orologio caduto dalla parete della taverna sul lungomare segna ancora l’ora sciagurata: 1.31. In Italia era mezzanotte e mezza quando una scossa di magnitudo 6.7 ha sconvolto la vita di Kos. Dormivamo, abbiamo sentito un boato tremendo, sembrava di stare dentro una trottola impazzita, racconta Simona Radice, turista milanese di 45 anni.

Vlaams acteurskoppel moet ook vluchten voor ramp in Kos en Bodrum: “Ik dacht dat ik een heel slechte droom had” Als je constant naschokken voelt en je loopt het gevaar toch nog gewond te raken...

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:05:00 +0200gva (nl)

Als je constant naschokken voelt en je loopt het gevaar toch nog gewond te raken, dan is het vakantiegevoel ver zoek. We willen hier weg.” De ongeveer drieduizend Belgen in het Griekse Kos en Turkse Bodrum bleven donderdagnacht dan wel ongedeerd, maar van volop genieten op de vakantieoorden is bij velen voorlopig weinig sprake.

Terremoto centro Italia a 8 km da Amatrice -

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:03:00 +0200247libero (it)

Trema la terra in centro Italia. Alle 4,13 una scossa di terremoto di 4,2 gradi Richter si è registrata in Abruzzo, ma a 8 Km da Amatrice, a Campotosto (AQ). La scossa è stata avvertita in Abruzzo, Lazio, Umbria e Marche. Anche a Terni, il terremoto si è sentito distintamente anche se è stato di breve durata.

Paura a Kos: 'Almeno 100 scosse, abbiamo dormito all'aperto'

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:03:00 +0200247libero (it)

TRENTO. Arriverà a Trento in nottata il gruppo di sei trentini che aveva prenotato le vacanze all'Isola di Kos, in Grecia, con l'Agenzia Viaggi Bolgia: «Per fortuna tanto spavento, ma nessun problema particolare. Hanno preferito lo stesso interrompere la vacanza e tornare a Trento e noi li abbiamo....

Robot capta posible combustible fundido en reactor japonés

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 08:00:00 +0200debate (es)

TOKIO, JAPÓN. (EFE).- El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushimaha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido, informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado.

Hawaii dusts off cold war safety kits as it become first US state to prepare for North Korean missile attack

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:57:00 +0200scmp (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Ege sallandı, uzmanlar İstanbul'u uyardı: Tuzla, Kadıköy tamamen gider

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:47:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Ege depreminin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremini akıllara getirdi. Uzmanı uyardı: Sualtı heyalanı tsunami üretir, Tuzla ve Kadıköy arası sular altında kalır. 'in haberine göre, Ege 'deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen....

Robot acuático capta posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:22:00 +0200elcomercio-EC (es)

El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima ha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido, informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) se dispone a realizar el....

Terremoto a Kos: reggiani salvi a pochi metri dalla tragedia

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:21:00 +0200gazzettadireggio (it)

REGGIO EMILIA . Le strutture turistiche hanno tutte retto altrimenti sarebbe potuto essere un’ecatombe». Damiano Pezzi è salvo anche se ha riportato qualche ferita. È scampato insieme a due amici reggiani alla devastazione del terremoto che ha scosso il Mar Egeo facendo franare interi palazzi....

<![CDATA[Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da olabilir>

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:16:00 +0200vatanim (tr)

Çok sayıda binanın hasar gördüğü Bodrum ve Datça’da vatandaşlar ve turistler büyük panik yaşadı. Muğla genelinde deprem sonrasında panik nedeniyle yüksekten atlayanların ağırlıkta olduğu 358 kişi hastanelere başvurdu. Küçük çaplı hasar oluşan Bodrum Devlet Hastanesi’nde bazı hastalar başka hastanelere gönderildi.

Terremoto sacude isla griega de Kos y deja dos muertos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 07:11:00 +0200paginasiete (es)

Cuando apenas intentaba recuperarse de los estragos turísticos que ha dejado la crisis de refugiados, la idílica isla griega de Kos fue golpeada la madrugada de ayer por un terremoto de una magnitud de 6,7 en la escala de Richter que ha dejado dos turistas muertos y más de un centenar de heridos.

В Турции произошло мощное землетрясение: есть погибшие (ВИДЕО)

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:50:00 +0200newstes (ru)

[media=] Землетрясение в Эгейском море, от которого пострадали прибрежные районы Турции и Греции. Основной удар стихии пришелся на курортный город Бодрум и греческий остров Кос. Сейсмологи также сообщили о небольшом цунами, вызванном толчками. facenews.ua.

‘Deprem Dede’ dönemi kapanmış yeni uzmanlar dönemi açılmış

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:46:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Gökova Körfezi’nin dibinde Akbük’teydi. Depremi o haber verdi. O saatten itibaren sabah 07.00’ye kadar televizyonlardan Bodrum depremi ile ilgili haberleri izledim... Bu okuyacaklarınız depremi uzaktan yaşayan bir Türk vatandaşının notlarıdır. İlk gözlemim şu: Televizyonda deprem uzmanlığı....

Bekend Vlaams acteurskoppel moest vluchten voor dodelijke aardbeving: “Leven was in gevaar”

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:43:00 +0200nieuwsblad (nl)

“Na de aardbeving hebben we 18 uur lang op nieuws zitten wachten. We brachten de nacht door op ligzetels naast het zwembad. Sommige hotelgasten bouwden met onderlakens tentjes tussen de bomen. Of ze verzamelden kussens om wat zachter te kunnen liggen.” Aan het woord is Thomas Dupont (26) uit Lier.

Tokyo Electric Power : Aquatic robot finds possible melted fuel in Fukushima's No. 3 reactor

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:33:00 +02004-traders (en)

Tokyo Jul 22 (EFE).- The aquatic robot recently introduced to the No. 3 reactor of the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan has captured images of what appears to be melted fuel, with further exploration due to take place on Saturday, the plant's operator said.

Potente sismo golpea a isla turística en Grecia y Turquía

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:23:00 +0200elpaisonline (es)

Un potente sismo acabó con la vida de dos personas en la turística isla griega de Kos en la madrugada del viernes, provocando la huida de los turistas por las calles y problemas en el cercano balneario turco de Bodrum. Un ciudadano turco y un turista sueco, de 39 y 22 años, respectivamente,....

Robot acuático capta posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:23:00 +0200informador (es)

TOKIO, JAPÓN (21/JUL/2017).- El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima ha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido, informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado.

Bodrum'u Büyük Bir Tsunami Felaketinden Karaada Korumuş

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:17:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Bodrum açıklarında meydana gelen 6.6 büyüklüğündeki depremin yarattığı tsunaminin çok daha büyük olacağı, kıyıdan 3 mil açıktaki Karaada'nın doğal bir dalgakıran görevi yaparak felaketi önlediği ortaya çıktı. Bodrum açıklarında meydana gelen 6.6 şiddetindeki depremin ardından yaşanan tsunaminin,....

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:15:00 +0200haber-mynet (tr)

Gökova Körfezi’nin Bodrum açıklarında dün saat 01.31’de meydana gelen ve 17 saniye süren 6.6 büyüklüğündeki deprem, 2 can kaybıyla sonuçlandı. Ege Bölgesi, dün akşam saatlerinde 5 büyüklüğündeki depremle yeniden sarsıldı. AFAD’a göre, Muğla, Datça açıklarında saat 20.09’da yaşanan depremin büyüklüğünü 5; Kandilli de 4.

Robot captura imágenes de combustible derretido en Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:09:00 +0200listin (es)

Un robot sumergible capturó imágenes ayer de algo parecido a lava solidificada dentro de un reactor dañado en la planta nuclear de Fukushima, la primera vez que se ve lo que se cree es el combustible que se derritió tras el desastre de 2011. El operador de la planta, Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Hawaii first U.S. state to prepare for ‘unlikely’ North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:07:00 +0200japantimes (en)

HONOLULU – Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

Paura a Kos: «Almeno 100 scosse, abbiamo dormito all’aperto»

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:06:00 +0200trentinocorrierealpi (it)

TRENTO. Arriverà a Trento in nottata il gruppo di sei trentini che aveva prenotato le vacanze all'Isola di Kos, in Grecia, con l'Agenzia Viaggi Bolgia: «Per fortuna tanto spavento, ma nessun problema particolare. Hanno preferito lo stesso interrompere la vacanza e tornare a Trento e noi li abbiamo....

Robots Catch First Glimpse of Melted Fukushima Nuclear Fuel

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:00:00 +0200popularmechanics (en)

An underwater robot captured images of lava-like lumps Thursday inside a damaged reactor at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, spotting for the first time what is believed to be nuclear fuel that melted six years ago. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Ege'yi Sarsan Deprem Sonrası Kandilli'den Açıklama: Bodrum'da 10 cm Tsunami Ölçüldü

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:55:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Ege'deki 6.3'lük depremin ardından açıklama yapan Kandilli Rasathanesi, Bodrum'da deniz suyunun 10 cm yükselerek küçük tsunami dalgaları meydana getirdiğini söyledi. Depremin ardından 'nden yapılan açıklamada, '' Bodrum deniz seviyesi istasyonunda 10 cm tsunami dalgası ölçülmüştür. Bodrum ve civarı kıyı bölgelerimizde tsunami gözlenmiştir.

Ege'deki Deprem Sonrası Kandilli'den Açıklama: Büyüklüğü 6.6, Tsunaminin Boyutu 13 cm

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:55:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Kandilli Rasathanesi, dün gece Ege 'de saat 01.31'de meydana gelen ve vatandaşlara korku dolu anlar yaşatan depremle ilgili açıklama yaptı. Kandilli , depremin büyüklüğünü 6.6, 10 cm olarak açıkladığı tsunami büyüklüğünü de 13 cm olarak güncelledi. Açıklamada "Tsunami Bodrum liman içindeki istasyonda maksimum 13 cm olarak görüldü.

Terremoto 6.7 nel Mar Egeo, due morti e 100 feriti a Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:53:00 +0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Turchia, il sisma colpisce l'isola greca di Kos: vittime e crolli Sull'isola greca di Kos due persone sono morte a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 gradi che ha colpito la costa turca. Nel video, pubblicato su Twitter, i danni alla moschea dell'isola.

Quake off Greece and Turkey kills two (VIDEO)

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:50:00 +0200cyprusweekly (en)

A powerful earthquake killed two people on the Greek holiday island of Kos in the early hours of Friday, sending tourists fleeing into the streets, and causing disruption in the nearby Turkish tourist hub of Bodrum. A Turkish and a Swedish tourist, aged 39 and 22 years, died when the roof of a popular bar collapsed, Greek police said.

Hawaii prepares for ballistic missile threat from North Korea

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:50:00 +0200telegraph (en)

H awaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii legislators have been urging emergency management officials to update....


Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:49:00 +0200ntv-tr (tr)

"Depremin büyüklüğü 6.6, sonrasında ise 13 santimetre büyüklüğünde bir tsunami dalgası ölçüldü..." AFAD'ın büyüklüğünü, önce 6.3 sonra 6.5 olarak duyurduğu depremle ilgili bu açıklama Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi'nden geldi. Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof.

Hawaii prepares for ‘unlikely’ North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:48:00 +0200wkbn (en)

Toby Clairmont, the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency's executive officer, shows new informational materials to a reporter in Honolulu on Friday, July 21, 2017. Hawaii announced a new public education campaign to prepare for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea.

Uzmanları uyardı! Bu iki ilçe tamamen gider

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:46:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

Gökova Körfezi’nin Bodrum açıklarında dün saat 01.31’de meydana gelen ve 17 saniye süren 6.6 büyüklüğündeki , 2 can kaybıyla sonuçlandı. deprem Ege’deki depremin ardından yakın dönemde ilk kez görülen tsunami, beklenen Marmara depremi ve sonrasında tsunami olasılığına ilişkin tartışmaları bir kez daha gündeme getirdi.

Strong quake off Turkish and Greek coasts kills two, injures dozens

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:46:00 +0200saudigazette (en)

By Tuvan Gumrukcu and Renee Maltezou ANKARA/KOS, Greece — A powerful earthquake killed two people on the Greek holiday island of Kos in the early hours of Friday, also causing disruption in the Turkish tourist hub of Bodrum. A Turkish and a Swedish tourist, aged 39 and 22 years, died when the roof of a popular bar collapsed, Greek police said.

Robot acuático capta posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:45:00 +0200elpais-cr (es)

Tokio, 22 jul (EFE).- El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima ha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido, informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado.

Jordbävning och tsunami i Grekland

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:45:00 +0200flashback (sv)

Två personer på den grekiska ön Kos ska ha dött i skalvet och omkring 30 personer uppges ha skadats. Skalvet inträffade vid 01.30-tiden, lokal tid, sydväst om den turkiska turistorten Marmaris och nära den grekiska ön Kos i ögruppen Dodekaneserna i Egeiska havet.

Tsunami traf Hafen 40

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:45:00 +0200krone (de)

Ein Seebeben der Stärke 6,5 bis 6,7 vor der griechischen Ägäis- Insel Kos hat mindestens zwei Menschen das Leben gekostet und Panik unter den Bewohnern ausgelöst. Bei den Toten handelt es sich um Touristen, einen türkischen und einen schwedischen Staatsbürger. Mindestens 120 Personen wurden verletzt.

Katastrofer Så skyddar du dig i en katastrof Du är på semester utomlands när en jordbävning plötsligt slår till. Vet du hur du ska skydda dig? Här är våra experters viktiga och handfasta råd.

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:45:00 +0200redcross-se (sv)

Att hamna mitt i en katastrof kan vara livsfarligt. Men genom att försöka hålla sig lugn och agera på rätt sätt så ökar dina chanser att klara dig. Här är några praktiska råd som kan rädda dig vid en jordbävning, orkan eller översvämning. Jordbävning (om du är inomhus): Är du inomhus är det bäst att vänta ut jordbävningen.

Vidéo. Grèce: un séisme en pleine saison touristique fait deux morts sur l'île de Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:44:00 +0200le360 (fr)

La secousse d'une magnitude évaluée entre 6 et 6,7 survenue au milieu de la nuit a également été fortement ressentie en Turquie. Selon les premières informations de la police, l'une de victimes est d'origine turque et l'autre suédoise. Pour le moment, la police n'a pas révélé d'autres éléments de leur identité.

Robot acuático captó posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:43:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima ha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido , informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) se dispone a realizar....

Ein Erdstoß nahe der türkischen Stadt Bodrum hatte die Stärke 6,7. Auf der griechischen Insel Kos hat es zwei Tote gegeben. Die Opfer stammen aus Schweden und der Türkei.

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:39:00 +0200heute-AT (de)

Ein starkes Erdbeben hat am frühen Freitagmorgen die Ägäis erschüttert. Bei dem Beben, das die Südküste der Türkei und vor allem die griechische Insel Kos traf, kamen nach Behördenangaben zwei Menschen ums Leben. Mehr als 120 seien verletzt worden. Auf Kos erlitten laut dem Bürgermeister der....

Seebeben vor Kos versetzt Urlauber in Angst - so sieht die Insel nun aus

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:38:00 +0200rga-online (de)

Mitten in der Nacht bebt die Erde. Menschen fliehen aus den Bars, Trümmer stürzen auf die Straßen. Tsunamiwellen überschwemmen den Hafen. Touristen und Anwohner auf der stehen unter Schock. Kos - Schock im Urlaubsparadies der südlichen Ägäis: Ein starkes Seebeben hat die beliebte Reiseregion in Griechenland und der Türkei erschüttert.

Sismo deja dos muertos en isla griega de Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:37:00 +0200lostiempos (es)

Atenas | Cuando apenas intentaba recuperarse de los estragos turísticos que ha dejado la crisis de refugiados, la idílica isla griega de Kos fue golpeada la madrugada de ayer por un terremoto de una magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que ha dejado dos turistas muertos y más de un centenar de heridos.

Grecia, sisma di 6.7 ha provocato 2 morti e 100 feriti a Kos. Mini trunami anche a Bodrum 21/07/2017, di Chiara Fossati

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:34:00 +0200infooggi (it)

KOS, 21 LUGLIO - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha scosso il Mar Egeo, tra la Grecia e la Turchia. Sono state colpite in particolare l'isola greca di Kos e il paese turco Bodrum. La scossa è avvenuta alla 1.31 di questa notte ed è stata avvertita anche a Creta e Rodi.

Terremoti. Sisma 6.7 in Mar Egeo,morti e feriti

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:34:00 +0200infooggi (it)

ATENE, 21 LUGLI - Due persone sono morte e oltre 100 sono rimaste ferite a causa di un forte terremoto, magnitudo 6.7, che ha colpito il Mar Egeo, tra Grecia e Turchia. La scossa e' stata avvertita all'1.31 del mattino (mezzanotte e mezza in Italia), con epicentro a circa 10 chilometri a Sud di....

Powerful Earthquake in Greece and Turkey Kills Two

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:34:00 +0200newsweek (en)

A powerful earthquake killed at least two people and injured scores when it struck near major Turkish and Greek tourist destinations in the Aegean Sea early on Friday, officials said. Local officials said 100 people were injured on the Greek holiday island of Kos, a destination favored by British holidaymakers.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:33:00 +0200ksl (en)

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

21 Luglio Lug 2017 08 06 21 luglio 2017 Terremoto, scossa di 6,7 nel Mar Egeo: vittime a Kos Terremoto di 6,7 nel Mar Egeo: due vittime a Kos Due persone sono morte e un centinaio sono rimaste ferite nell'isola greca di Kos. Il sisma è stato avvertito anche nella città turca di Bodrum.

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:30:00 +0200lettera43 (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 ha provocato due morti e ha seminato il terrore nella notte nel Mar Egeo nell'isola greca di Kos, famosa già nell'antichità perchè lì nacque e fondò la prima scuola di medicina Ippocrate, e in tempi più recenti per la tragedia del piccolo Aylan, il bambino....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:30:00 +0200newswest9 (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Videos muestran tsunami inundando sectores de Turquía tras fuerte terremoto

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:29:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

enviar. Christian Leal Escenas de angustia se vivieron en Turquía y Grecia luego de que un terremoto de 6.7 grados asolara la zona , dejando 2 muertos hasta el momento y provocando un tsunami que inundó varias localidades costeras. Dos zonas especialmente afectadas fueron el puerto de Bodrum en....

Europas grösste Erdbeben-Region

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:29:00 +0200DerBund (de)

Griechenland ist in vieler Hinsicht von der Natur gesegnet – mit wunderschönen Inseln, angenehmem Klima, warmem Meer. Aber mit dem Untergrund hat das Land Pech gehabt. Auch wenn die Schäden in den vergangenen Jahren in Italien grösser waren: Nirgendwo in Europa gibt es so viele Erdbeben wie unter der Ägäis.

Terremoto 6.7 nel Mar Egeo, due morti e 100 feriti a Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:24:00 +0200mattinopadova (it)

Turchia, il sisma colpisce l'isola greca di Kos: vittime e crolli Sull'isola greca di Kos due persone sono morte a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 gradi che ha colpito la costa turca. Nel video, pubblicato su Twitter, i danni alla moschea dell'isola.

Zerstörung auf der Urlauberinsel

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:23:00 +0200diepresse (de)

Bei einem schweren Erdbeben in der Ägäis-Region sind mindestens zwei Touristen ums Leben gekommen. Die Opfer kamen aus der Türkei und Schweden. Rund 120 weitere Menschen wurden durch das Beben verletzt, fünf von ihnen schwer. (c) REUTERS (SOCIAL MEDIA) Die beiden Touristen waren in einem belebten....

Al menos dos muertos tras fuerte terremoto en mar Egeo

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:23:00 +0200elpaisonline (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,8 grados en la escala Richter sacudió esta madrugada la ciudad turca de Bodrum y la isla griega de Kos, provocando al menos dos muertos y un centenar de heridos según las autoridades locales. En Turquía las autoridades no comunicaron pérdidas humanas, pero el gobernador....

Strong earthquake hits Greece, Turkey At least two people were killed when a 6.7 magnitude quake struck the Greek island of Kos and Turkey's Aegean coast, sending tourists out to the streets. USGS put the epicenter near the Turkish resort of Bodrum.

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:22:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Rescuers were checking for people trapped indoors on the Greek island of Kos after a powerful earthquake killed two people and injured at least 120 others early on Thursday. At least one building collapsed during the 6.7 magnitude tremor. The island's port was damaged, as well as the 14th-century....

Quake damages buildings on Greek island; 120 hurt

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:22:00 +0200khaleejtimes (en)

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.7 killed two people and injured scores more when it struck near major Turkish and Greek tourist destinations in the Aegean Sea early on Friday, Turkish and Greek officials said. Local officials said at least two people died and 120 were injured on the Greek....

Un robot acuático capta posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:21:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Fotografías cedidas por Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) en las que se puede ver el robot acuático que se ha introducido en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la planta para analizar el interior de las instalaciones atómicas (foto arriba) y una de las imágenes captadas por el robot (foto abajo),....

Incredible drone footage reveals the damage after 6.5 magnitude Greek earthquake

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:20:00 +0200tvnz (en)

Greek health officials say 13 people have been airlifted to hospitals in Athens and on the islands of Rhodes and Crete following Friday's (local time) earthquake that killed two people on Kos after striking the Aegean coast. The two tourists died after a wall collapsed onto a bar, the White Corner Club, in the Old Town of the island's main port.

Al menos dos muertos tras fuerte terremoto en mar Egeo

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:16:00 +0200granma (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 6,8 grados en la escala Richter sacudió esta madrugada la ciudad turca de Bodrum y la isla griega de Kos, provocando al menos dos muertos y un centenar de heridos según las autoridades locales. En Turquía las autoridades no comunicaron pérdidas humanas, pero el gobernador....

Turquia: terremoto de 6,7 causa pequeno tsunami, diz agência

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:16:00 +0200noticias-terra-br (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,7 na costa sudoeste da Turquia causou um pequeno tsunami na região, disse a agência europeia de terremotos EMSC, embora as autoridades turcas afirmem que grandes ondas eram mais prováveis do que um tsunami. "Um pequeno tsunami está confirmado.

CANTONE / GRECIA Ticinesi in Grecia: «Il letto si muoveva». «Sembrava di essere dentro a un frullatore» la paura dei turisti a Kos: «Ho dormito in giardino dopo 3 forti scosse». E da B...

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:12:00 +0200tio (it)

All'inizio non abbiamo capito cose stesse accadendo, poi ci siamo affacciati alla finestra e abbiamo visto un sacco di turisti che si erano riversati per strada. In quel momento abbiamo capito che si trattava di un terremoto. La scossa, spiega Nicola è stata lunga e intensa: È durata mezzo minuto.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,7 sacude Grecia y Turquía y causa al menos dos muertos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:09:00 +0200bbc-es (es)

Derechos de autor de la imagen OSMAN TURANLI/REUTERS Image caption El sismo tuvo su epicentro en el mar Egeo, 10 kilómetros al sur del balneario turco de Bodrum. En esta foto la isla de Kos. Al menos dos personas murieron en la isla griega de Kos como consecuencia de un terremoto de magnitud 6,7....

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit the Aegean coast of Turkey and Greece early on July 21. At least two people, including one Turkish citizen, were killed on the Greek island of Kos due to the strong earthquake

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:09:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

LOCAL > 6.6 magnitude quake hits Aegean, Turkish citizen among two killed in Greece’s Kos. KOS / BODRUM A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit the Aegean coast of Turkey and Greece early on July 21. At least two people, including one Turkish citizen, were killed on the Greek island of Kos due to the strong earthquake.

Coastal Towns of Turkey and Greece Jolted by 6.4 Magnitude Quake

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:06:00 +0200plenglish (en)

Istanbul, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) A quake in the southeastern Aegean Sea past midnight jolted the coasts of Greece and Turkey, reportedly killing two people, injuring 150 in the Greek island of Kos and damaging vessels in the Turkish port of Bodrum. Local media and authorities said the strong tremor....

Dundee-born ex-Scotland international reveals Turkish earthquake terror

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:02:00 +0200thecourier (en)

Dundee-born former Scotland international Kevin McNaughton “grabbed the kids and did a runner” after an early morning earthquake off the coast of Greek islands and Turkey. The former Aberdeen and Cardiff City star is on holiday in the city of Dalaman, around 120 miles from the Turkish city of Bodrum.

Hawaii to Prepare for Possible North Korean Missile

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:01:00 +0200northkoreatimes (en)

North Korea's ongoing nuclear tests , Hawaii will begin rolling out an educational campaign on Friday hoping to teach residents and visitors what to do should a missile launch from the reclusive country reaches the island's shores. The Hawaii Emergency Management System began working on the campaign....

Robot acuático capta posible combustible fundido en el reactor 3 de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:00:00 +0200caracol (es)

El robot acuático introducido esta semana en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima ha captado imágenes de lo que parece ser combustible fundido, informó la propietaria de la planta en un comunicado. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) se dispone a realizar....

Imágenes captadas por el robot de Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:00:00 +0200elperiodico (es)

acuático que se ha introducido en la vasija del reactor número 3 de la planta para analizar el interior de las instalaciones atómicas. Tras sumergirse el pasado miércoles en el corazón del reactor, el autómata ha obtenido imágenes que podrían apuntar a la presencia de combustible atómico fundido,....

Hawaii prepares for potential missile strike from North Korea

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:57:00 +0200guardian (en)

Hawaii has become the first US state to prepare the public for the possibility of a from North Korea. ballistic missile strike The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

Terremoto 6.7 nel Mar Egeo, due morti e 100 feriti a Kos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:57:00 +0200iltirreno (it)

Turchia, il sisma colpisce l'isola greca di Kos: vittime e crolli Sull'isola greca di Kos due persone sono morte a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 gradi che ha colpito la costa turca. Nel video, pubblicato su Twitter, i danni alla moschea dell'isola.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:56:00 +0200wboc (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Sisma 6.7, notte di paura nel Mar Egeo: sull'isola di Kos 2 morti e 200 feriti

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:55:00 +0200gds-it (it)

ROMA. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 ha provocato due morti, due turisti turco e svedese, e ha seminato il terrore nella notte nel Mar Egeo nell'isola greca di Kos, famosa già nell'antichità perchè lì nacque e fondò la prima scuola di medicina Ippocrate, e in tempi più recenti per la....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:53:00 +0200whig (en)

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Silne trzęsienie ziemi na wyspie Kos. Są ofiary śmiertelne

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:51:00 +0200radiozet (pl)

Co najmniej dwie osoby zginęły, a ponad 100 zostało rannych na greckiej wyspie Kos w wyniku silnego trzęsienia ziemi, które nawiedziło rejon wyspy w nocy z czwartku na piątek - poinformowały greckie media. Według amerykańskiej służby geologicznej USGS, trzęsienie miało magnitudę 6,7.

News - Ägäis-Seebeben löst Tsunami aus - Bildquelle: Uncredited/Kalymnos-news.gr/AP/dpa

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:51:00 +0200sat1-de (de)

Das Seebeben vor der Ägäis-Insel Kos hat Augenzeugen zufolge einen kleinen Tsunami ausgelöst und mindestens zwei Menschenleben gefordert. Bei den beiden Opfern handele es sich um jüngere Menschen, sagte der Bürgermeister der gleichnamigen Inselhauptstadt Kos, Giorgos Kyritsis, im griechischen Staatsrundfunk (ERT).

Terremoto oggi Kos M 6.7/ Grecia, video: la Codacons sostiene i viaggiatori (ore 18.50)

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:50:00 +0200ilsussidiario (it)

La Codacons ha deciso di schierarsi dalla parte dei viaggiatori di fronte a una tragedia enorme come quella che si è verificata a Kos in Grecia. Sicuramente infatti molte persone che avevano già da tempo prenotato un viaggio potrebbero aver deciso di rinunciarvi proprio per questo terribile e inaspettato evento.

"Let's get the hell out of here" - quake off Greece and Turkey

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:50:00 +0200trust (en)

Sea levels rise in tremor aftermath. * Two die, scores injured in powerful Aegean quake. * Tremor causes small tsunami, minor coastal damage. * Greek resort of Kos and Turkey's Bodrum take brunt of quake. * Many tourists spend night in the open (Recasts with more quotes and colour) By Vassilis Triandafyllou and Tuvan Gumrukcu.

2 doden op Griekse eiland Kos na aardbeving, geen Belgen bij de gewonden

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:48:00 +0200deredactie (nl)

De beving had volgens het Amerikaanse geofysisch instituut USGS een kracht van 6,7. Ze vond plaats om 1.31 uur lokale tijd, het epicentrum lag op zowat tien kilometer ten zuidoosten van Bodrum. Nadien volgden verschillende naschokken. Op het moment van de beving was het erg druk in de bars op Kos.

5 noticias del día: 21 de julio

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:25:00 +0200eleconomista-mx (es)

1. Precio de gasolina baja menos que los factores para determinarlo. La baja en el precio de la gasolina en la Zona del Golfo en Estados Unidos y la recuperación de la cotización del peso frente al dólar nos lleva a plantear el porqué de la baja moderada en el precio de la gasolina en la Ciudad de....

Hawaii prepares for ‘unlikely’ North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:23:00 +0200680news (en)

HONOLULU, Hawaii – Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state’s Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:22:00 +0200thegardenisland (en)

The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update Cold War-era plans for coping with a nuclear attack as North Korea develops nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that can reach the islands.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:22:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

HONOLULU — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

Hawaii prepares for ‘unlikely’ North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:19:00 +0200triblive (en)

Updated 21 minutes ago. HONOLULU — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:17:00 +0200wrcbtv (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Robot captura imágenes de combustible derretido en Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 04:00:00 +0200elnacional (es)

TOKIO, JAPON, (AP).- Un robot sumergible capturó imágenes el viernes de algo parecido a lava solidificada dentro de un reactor dañado en la planta nuclear de Fukushima, la primera vez que se ve lo que se cree es el combustible que se derritió tras el desastre de 2011. El operador de la planta, Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Irish tourists were 'blessed' to survive as earthquake hits Greece and Turkey

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:56:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

Four Irish friends holidaying in Kos have said they were "blessed" to have avoided the devastating quake as they had visited the bar, which was ultimately destroyed, every night of their holiday except for the night of the quake. "The one night we decided to not go out. We're just kind of blessed," Paddy Leonard told Independent.

Uzmanlar uyardı: Marmara'da da olabilir

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:44:00 +0200haberturk (tr)

Gazete Habertürk'ten Melis Apaydın İde, Öznur Karslı, Mehmet İnmez ve Kadir Tamer'in edindiği bilgilere göre; Bodrum ve Datça ile Yunanistan’ın Kos Adası’nda çok büyük paniğe yol açan depremde Kos Adası’nda bir eğlence merkezinin duvarının çökmesi sonucu İzmirli Sinan Kurtoğlu ile 1 İsveçli yaşamını yitirdi.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:37:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:26:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:25:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:22:00 +0200theolympian (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:19:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:15:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....


Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:06:00 +0200pidp (en)

HONIARA, Solomon Islands (SIBC, Oct. 27) – A hospital and clinics affected by April's earthquake and tsunami in Western Province will receive nearly US$83,000 from the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia for improved health facilities. Villages and areas with clinics and hospitals that will....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:03:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:01:00 +0200houstonchronicle (en)

HONOLULU (AP) Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:57:00 +0200AP (en)

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:56:00 +0200sanluisobispo (en)

Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to update....

Robot captura imágenes de combustible derretido en Fukushima

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:51:00 +0200telemetro (es)

Un robot sumergible capturó imágenes el viernes de algo parecido a lava solidificada dentro de un reactor dañado en la planta nuclear de Fukushima, la primera vez que se ve lo que se cree es el combustible que se derritió tras el desastre de 2011. El operador de la planta, Tokyo Electric Power Co.

În Indonezia au descoperit „Cronica tsunamiurilor“ din ultimii 5000 de ani

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:48:00 +0200noi (ro)

Arheologii au descoperit într-o peșteră din Indonezia Cronica tsunamiurilor“ din ultimii 5000 de ani. Ei au povestit despre descoperirea lor revistei Nature Communications. Peștera în formă de L, formată în urma activității valurilor apelor coastei este situată pe coasta de vest a Sumatrei, în....

TEPCO Sacrifices Another "Swimming Robot" At Fukushima: Still "No Sign Of Melted Nuclear Core"

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:43:00 +0200zerohedge (en)

While Elon Musk is fearful of the future of AI and robots destroying man, it appears the Japanese are taking the battle to the robots as they send a third 'swimming' robot into the destroyed Fukushima reactors in search of the melted nuclear core material. , a swimming robot showed just how bad the damage at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant is.

Sismo en costas de Grecia y Turquía causa ‘minitsunami’

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:36:00 +0200informador (es)

ESTAMBUL, TUEQUÍA (21/JUL2017).- El terremoto que esta madrugada sacudió la costa occidental de Turquía y la isla griega de Kos causó un pequeño tsunami, que provocó daños a algunas embarcaciones en el puerto de Bodrum. El observatorio sismográfico de Kandilli confirmó que se había registrado una....

Hawaii prepares for â unlikelyâ North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:28:00 +0200sltrib (en)

Honolulu • Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:15:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

HONOLULU — Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management officials to....

FGR allana negocios de pandillas que operaban en ferias de pueblos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:08:00 +0200laprensagrafica (es)

La tarde de este viernes 21 de julio, la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) informó desde su cuenta oficial de Twitter la puesta en marcha de una serie de allanamientos a varios negocios ubicados en diversos puntos del país. Específicamente, la Fiscalía, en conjunto con la Policía Nacional Civil....

Feribotla Türkiye’ye

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:06:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Ege'de dün gece meydana gelen deprem nedeniyle Kos'ta mahsur kalan 400 Türk vatandaşı, adaya gönderilen feribotla dün öğleden sonra 'a getirildi. 'DENİZ TAŞTI YER YARILDI' Bodrum Feribottan indirilen yaralılar ambulanslarla Bodrum'daki hastanelere kaldırıldı.

Bodrum’da tsunami

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:06:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Ege'de dün gece yaşanan 6.6’lık sonrası Bodrum ’da yüksekliği 30-40 santimi bulan tsunami dalgaları oluştu. Sular 100 metre içeri girdi. Tekneler alabora oldu, araçlar sürüklendi. Kos’ta ise bir Türk vatandaşı yaşamını yitirdi. 'nde Gökova körfezi açıklarında önceki gece saat 01.31'de meydana gelen 6.

En büyüğü 5’lik 160 artçı sarsıntı

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:06:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Muğla Gökova Körfezi'nde dün meydana gelen deprem le ilgili olarak Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (BÜ) Kandilli Rasathanesi 'nde bir toplantı düzenlendi. Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsi Müdürü Haluk Özener, son verilere göre depremin büyüklüğünün 6.6 olduğunu açıkladı.

I maremoti in Europa non sono così insoliti

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 02:00:00 +0200lastampa (it)

Non abbiamo immagini, ma lo tsunami del 1600 a.C., causato dall’eruzione di Santorini, raggiunse le coste del Mediterraneo orientale con ondate più alte di venti metri. E molte volte nell’Egeo si sono scatenati maremoti in seguito a sismi con epicentro in mare e magnitudo superiore a 6,5 Richter.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:56:00 +0200wsfa (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

News Prepare to be on your own in a major Pacific Northwest disaster Prepare to be on your own in a major Pacific Northwest disaster Local disaster relief may not be ready for mass response to a major event. Here's how you can watch out for you. News 55 minutes ago

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:45:00 +0200krem (en)

If you're viewing this story in the KING 5 app, Are you ready to be on your own for days if not weeks in a major natural disaster? Experts say it’s not a matter of if but when. KING 5 is helping you and your family get ready with all day coverage on Monday, July 24. You're on your own. If a 9.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:39:00 +0200newschannel6now (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

TAKE US HOME Brit tourists make a dash for the airport to escape Mediterranean holiday hell after earthquake FLIGHTS in and out of the island were cancelled yesterday but will be back to normal today

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:29:00 +0200thesun (en)

Many resorted to lying down on the tarmac outside the airport as they waited for a flight home. Flights in and out of the island were cancelled yesterday causing delays, but schedules are due to return to normal today. Many travellers were forced to sit on the ground outside the terminal with their luggage.

Potente terremoto sacude la isla griega de Kos y deja dos turistas muertos

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:24:00 +0200UltimaHora (es)

A las 01.31 de la madrugada hora local (22.31 GMT) el seísmo, cuyo epicentro se encontraba entre Kos y la ciudad turística rusa de Bodrum, a unos 10 kilómetros de profundidad, sacudió durante casi medio minuto la isla. Según muestran las imágenes transmitidas por los medios locales, en cuestión de....

Egeo e Anatolia si scontrano Gli italiani sull’isola: «Come ad Amatrice» In fuga|Foto

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:14:00 +0200corriere (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.4, con epicentro a bassa profondità nel braccio di mare tra l’isola greca di Kos e la penisola turca di Bodrum, si è probabilmente verificato in un sistema di fratture parallelo alla faglia Gökova, che corre di lato alla costa della Turchia.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:13:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:09:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do. Hawaii lawmakers have been urging emergency management....

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:06:00 +0200newswest9 (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Hawaii prepares for 'unlikely' North Korea missile threat

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:06:00 +0200tristateupdate (en)

By JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER Associated Press. HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea. The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.

Il s'est produit ce mercredi à 16h18 Un séisme de 5,9 au large de nos côtes mais pas de dégâts

Thu, 20 Jul 2017 12:10:00 +0200ipreunion (fr)

Ce mercredi 19 juillet, un séisme s'est produit au large de La Réunion à 16h18 heure locale. Avec une intensité de 5,9 sur l'échelle de Richter (qui compte 9 échelons), le phénomène a pris naissance à 10 km de profondeur. Etant situé à environ 2000 km de nos côtes, le risque aurait été un tsunami. Cela ne s'est pas produit.

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