M 4.5 in Mexico on 18 Dec 2017 10:41 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 19
Articles about casualties: 2 (10.5%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

La Farn : vers une sûreté nucléaire unique au monde

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 18:02:00 +0100lenergeek (fr)

Le nucléaire suscite de nombreuses peurs dans un climat qui s’est particulièrement tendu depuis plusieurs années. La catastrophe de Fukushima et les attentats perpétrés en France depuis 2012 constituent de sérieuses menaces à prendre en compte pour la sûreté du parc nucléaire français.

El mexicano Cruz-Atienza y la niña Emily Whitehead, entre los "10" de Nature

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:45:00 +0100ecodiario (es)

Londres, 18 dic (EFE).- La revista británica Nature publicó hoy la lista de diez personalidades que marcaron la diferencia en el terreno científico durante 2017, en la que figura el geofísico mexicano Víctor Cruz-Atienza o la niña Emily Whitehead, la primera en recibir una innovadora inmunoterapia contra el cáncer.

El mexicano Cruz-Atienza y la niña Emily Whitehead, entre los "10" de Nature

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:38:00 +0100caracol (es)

La revista británica Nature publicó hoy la lista de diez personalidades que marcaron la diferencia en el terreno científico durante 2017, en la que figura el geofísico mexicano Víctor Cruz-Atienza o la niña Emily Whitehead, la primera en recibir una innovadora inmunoterapia contra el cáncer.

Pangandaran residents relive 2006 nightmare

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 16:05:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

PREMIUM Late on Friday, residents of Pangandaran in West Java had to relive the catastrophe of 2006, when a 6.8-magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami and killed at least 668 people. Friday’s quake measured 6.9 on the Richter scale, and, having learned from the experience 11 years ago, the first....

Piñera y Bachelet: de la foto en Caburgua a la “relación republicana”

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 15:02:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Eran las 20.12 horas de ayer cuando la Presidenta Bachelet llamó por teléfono desde La Moneda a Sebastián Piñera para felicitarlo por su triunfo. “Quería desearle una muy buena gestión en su mandato. Usted y yo queremos a Chile, queremos lo mejor para todos. Le deseo mucho éxito”, le dijo la jefa de Estado.

BNPB: 22 Alat Pendeteksi Tsunami tidak Berfungsi INDONESIA tidak mempunyai alat pendeteksi tsunami atau yang disebut buoy. Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho,... 18 December 2017, 20:24 WIB

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 14:52:00 +0100MediaIndonesia (id)

INDONESIA tidak mempunyai alat pendeteksi tsunami atau yang disebut buoy . Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, mengatakan, pantauan datangnya tsunami dilakukan oleh petugas secara manual dari bibir pantai. Sutopo mengatakan 22 buoy milik Indonesia tak lagi berfungsi.

Nicola Fiasconaro e la favola del suo panettone siciliano: “Sfatiamo un mito, ormai non è solo meneghino”

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 14:38:00 +0100tgcom (it)

Maestro Fiasconaro, il panettone è ormai un dolce diffuso e imitato in tutto il mondo. Esiste il rischio concreto che si possa perdere per strada la sua unicità? Crede sia abbastanza tutelato? Assolutamente no. Noi italiani dovremmo tutelare maggiormente questo patrimonio.

Scossa di terremoto in Papua Guinea: scatta l’allarme per possibile onda anomala

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 14:22:00 +0100retenews24 (it)

Papua Guinea, una forte scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita e registrata questa mattina come confermato dal sito di monitoraggio dei terremoti Usgs. La scossa ha raggiunto una potenza di 5.2 di magnitudo. Accertamenti in corso in Papua Guinea. Sono in corso accertamenti per verificare se vi sono stati danni a cose o persone.

Pentingnya Pendidikan untuk Penanggulangan dan Darurat Bencana

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 11:53:00 +0100kompas (id)

AKHIR-AKHIR ini, bermacam jenis bencana singgah di Tanah Air. Mulai dari Gempa (Sukabumi), banjir (Medan dan Jogjakarta), banjir bandang (Pacitan dan Lombok Timur), gunung meletus (Gunung Agung, Bali), puting beliung (Sidoarjo), dan beberapa bencana lainnya terjadi tanpa mengenal musim.

Tsunami Warning After Earthquake Off Southern Java

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 11:26:00 +0100thejakartaglobe (en)

Jakarta. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, or BMKG, issued a tsunami warning after an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of West Java on Friday night (15/12). The warning is for the southern coast of Central Java and West Java.

KMA Strengthens Public Info System on Earthquake, Tsunami

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 11:07:00 +0100kbs-en (en)

South Korea is set to strengthen its public information service on earthquakes and tsunamis after two strong earthquakes struck the country this and last year. The Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) on Monday announced a plan to expand the areas to be constantly monitored under its early warning system.

El día que México estuvo a prueba

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 09:25:00 +0100periodicocorreo (es)

El 19 de septiembre… otra vez. La tragedia que llegó con el sismo de 7.1 grados no derrumbó a México, lo mantuvo en pie, solidario como siempre y fuerte como nunca. Manuel Mora. CDMX. El jueves 7 la zona del Istmo se sacudió con un temblor de 8.2 grados, el de mayor magnitud en los últimos 100 años; el saldo fue de 102 muertos.

El rey del fascismo

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 07:53:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

En junio de 1946, los italianos optaron en referéndum por abolir la monarquía e instaurar la república. La segunda obtuvo el 54,3% de los votos. Jamás se ha planteado en serio revertir esta decisión, que se tomó como consecuencia de los traumas del fascismo y de la II Guerra Mundial. Pero el trato a los Saboya sigue levantando controversia.

Necesario trabajar con Al-Assad para construir paz: Macron

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 05:50:00 +0100debate (es)

TE PUEDE INTERESAR. Tres sismos sacuden la costa y sierra de Ecuador. Ecuador.- Tres sismos, uno de ellos de magnitud 4,8 en la escala abierta de Richter se registraron en las últimas horas en Ecuador, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de víctimas o daños materiales.

Terremoto di 6.5 in Indonesia: morti, edifici crollati

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 05:02:00 +0100quotidiano (it)

Giacarta, 15 dicembre 2017 - Un forte terremoto ha colpito l' Indonesia . La scossa di magnitudo 6.5 registrata sulle coste dell'isola di Giava ha causato un imprecisato numero di morti , oltre al crollo di alcuni edifici. Lo hanno riferito le autorità che hanno revocato l' allerta tsunami emessa subito dopo il potente sisma.

Al menos un sismo es sentido cada 17 horas en el territorio

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 04:19:00 +0100laprensagrafica (es)

Determinar la ubicación precisa, magnitud e intensidad de los sismos es una de las capacidades del personal técnico del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN), la que fue fortalecida con apoyo de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Japón (JICA).

Carpinteria still rosy after California wildfires spare flower farms

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 03:28:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

By Ben Klayman. (Reuters) - Dani Hahn was terrified as she watched dozens of firefighters racing to light a small blaze that they hoped would clear enough space to halt the giant wildfire advancing on her rose farm at the foot of Southern California's Santa Ynez Mountains.

Strong earthquake rattles Indonesia's Java island; 2 dead

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 01:53:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Patients are evacuated outside a hospital following an earthquake in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia, Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017. A strong earthquake shook the island of Java just before midnight Friday triggering a tsunami warning for parts of the main island's coastline.

Toll rises to three dead after Indonesia quake

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 00:49:00 +0100terradaily (en)

At least three people have been killed following a strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake on Indonesia's main island of Java, an official said Saturday. The quake struck at a depth of 91 kilometres (56 miles) just outside the coastal town of Cipatujah on Java island late Friday, the US Geological Survey said.

Grande Fratello Vip, da Aida Yespica a Cecilia Rodriguez il cast di Temptation Island (Vip) è servito?

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:14:00 +0100iltempo (it)

Il Grande Fratello Vip è stato uno tsunami di sentimenti, veri, finti o presunti tali. Cecilia Rodriguez e il fratello Jeremias Giulia De Lellis Ivana Mrázová Luca Onestini Daniele Bossari e Aida Yespica sono stati i protagonisti: coppie salde e coppie scoppiate, corna e fedeltà, amore e lacrime. E c’è già chi li sogna a Temptation Island Vip.


Sun, 17 Dec 2017 18:54:00 +0100pidp (en)

No harm reported. By Ferdie de la Torre SAIPAN, CNMI (Saipan Tribune, May 3, 2010) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale jolted the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) yesterday morning. The Emergency Management Office (EMO) said there was no tsunami threat to the Marianas.

Au moins trois morts dans un séisme

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 18:48:00 +0100lnc (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6, 5 a frappé vendredi soir Java, la principale île d’Indonésie, faisant au moins trois morts et secouant des bâtiments de la capitale Jakarta. La secousse a été enregistrée à une profondeur de 91 kilomètres et à moins d’un kilomètre de la ville côtière de Cipatujah, a annoncé l’Institut géologique américain (USGS).

Small earthquake off South Texas coast in Gulf of Mexico

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 18:04:00 +0100kxxv (en)

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas (AP) - A small earthquake has been detected off the coast of South Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey says the rare 3.0 magnitude temblor Saturday afternoon northeast of South Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico likely wasn't felt by many people.

Small earthquake off South Texas coast in Gulf of Mexico

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 18:00:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas (AP) — A small earthquake has been detected off the coast of South Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey says the rare 3.0 magnitude temblor Saturday afternoon northeast of South Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico likely wasn't felt by many people.

Small earthquake off South Texas coast in Gulf of Mexico

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:22:00 +0100newschannel6now (en)

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas (AP) - A small earthquake has been detected off the coast of South Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey says the rare 3.0 magnitude temblor Saturday afternoon northeast of South Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico likely wasn't felt by many people.

Small earthquake off South Texas coast in Gulf of Mexico

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:18:00 +0100kswo (en)

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas (AP) - A small earthquake has been detected off the coast of South Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey says the rare 3.0 magnitude temblor Saturday afternoon northeast of South Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico likely wasn't felt by many people.

Small earthquake off South Texas coast in Gulf of Mexico

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:18:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas (AP) — A small earthquake has been detected off the coast of South Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey says the rare 3.0 magnitude temblor Saturday afternoon northeast of South Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico likely wasn’t felt by many people.

Toll rises to three dead after Indonesia quake

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 16:21:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Jakarta (AFP) - At least three people have been killed following a strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake on Indonesia's main island of Java, an official said Saturday. The quake struck at a depth of 91 kilometres (56 miles) just outside the coastal town of Cipatujah on Java island late Friday, the US Geological Survey said.

State-level earthquake mock exercise in Haryana on 21st December

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 16:13:00 +0100business-standard (en)

on 21 st December Haryana Preparations are on in full swing across Haryana for the earthquake mock exercise to be held on December 21, 2017 across the State. The mock exercise, which is being conducted by the Haryana State Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with the National Disaster....

Bantu Korban Gempa, Polda Jabar Kirim Satu Peleton Brimob

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:20:00 +0100kompas (id)

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com Kapolda Jabar Irjen Pol Agung Budi Maryoto menerjunkan satu peleton satuan Brimob ke masing-masing lokasi terdampak gempa di Ciamis, Pangandaran, Tasikmalaya dan Garut. “Anggota sedang berangkat lagi masih ada satu desa yang rusak sekarang satu peleton berangkat kesana untuk....

Tres sismos sacuden la costa y sierra de Ecuador

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 15:01:00 +0100debate (es)

Ecuador.- Tres sismos, uno de ellos de magnitud 4,8 en la escala abierta de Richter se registraron en las últimas horas en Ecuador, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de víctimas o daños materiales. Según el Instituto Geofísico, el sismo de mayor magnitud ocurrió a las 04.16 hora local (09.

Josean Echauri: “Sacar fuera lo que uno sufre por dentro ayuda a normalizar las situaciones”

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 14:29:00 +0100diariodenavarra (es)

josean echauri tijeras, doctor en psicología Josean Echauri: “Sacar fuera lo que uno sufre por dentro ayuda a normalizar las situaciones” Psicólogo especialista en emergencias, Josean Echauri trabaja en México con niños, psicólogos y bomberos involucrados en el terremoto del pasado 19 de septiembre.


Sun, 17 Dec 2017 14:14:00 +0100pidp (en)

VICTIMS Japan is the primary tourism market in CNMI. By Emmanuel T. Erediano SAIPAN, CNMI (Marianas Variety, May 2, 2011) – The downturn in the Japanese economy caused by the earthquake and tsunami that hit it last month will continue to affect the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands....

Soal Lokasi NYIA Rawan Tsunami, BMKG: Harus Ada Tempat Evakuasi

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 13:15:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Sleman - Lokasi pembangunan New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) di Kulon Progo tak lepas dari potensi tsunami. Kepala BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati menyampaikan beberapa sarannya terkait hal itu. "Kalau ada bangunan di tepi pantai yang melibatkan publik, itu harus disiapkan tempat evakuasi,"....

Events of 2017 will make better travelers in 2018

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 12:30:00 +0100sentinelsource (en)

Safety experts recommend that visitors should develop their own security plans in case they get caught in unsafe situations. That may include taking a class such as Depart Smart’s Travel Heroes Safety Certification, a 60-minute, Web-based course that helps travelers develop personalized, downloadable emergency-action plans for their next trip.

Fuerte sismo deja dos muertos

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 12:25:00 +0100cuartopoder (es)

Al menos dos muertos y numerosos edificios dañados dejó un fuerte terremoto en la isla indonesia de Java, mientras la alerta de tsunami se levantó tres horas después de registrado el movimiento. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos indicó que el epicentro del sismo de magnitud 6.5 se situó a solo 0.

More information

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