M 4.5 in Chile on 26 Dec 2012 09:46 UTC
EQ parameters

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 4.5M
Depth: 116.6 Km
Lat/Lon: -21.0983 , -68.5738
Event Date: 26 Dec 2012 09:46 UTC
26 Dec 2012 06:46 Local
Exposed Population:
About 16000 people within 100km
Source: NEIC usc000eg52
Inserted at: 26 Dec 2012 10:33 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake GDACS score
NEIC 0.5 0.5
usc000eg52 Scaled population (vector) n.a  
  C1 earthquake n.a  
  C2 earthquake n.a  
  Country Vulnerability n.a  
  INFORM_normalised n.a  
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
121628 0.5 26 Dec 2012 09:46 4.5M, 116.6km N/A 20 thousand (in 100km) 00:46 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Exposed population

The earthquake happened in Chile , Region of Antofagasta (population 423,780) . The nearest places are Yuma, Ujina, Aucanquilcha, Collaguasi, Collahuasi, Casa de Piedra, Puquios, Cosca, Cenoicha, Cuspe, and Condoroma.

Radius Population
100 km 11000 people
75 km 5100 people
50 km 2400 people
20 km <1000 people
10 km <1000 people
5 km <1000 people
2 km <1000 people

Affected Provinces

Region Province Country Population
Antofagasta Chile 420000 people
Tarapaca Chile 350000 people
Potosi Bolivia 820000 people

Affected populated places

Name Region Province Country City class Population Distance
Yuma Antofagasta Chile Village - 9 km
Ujina Tarapacá Chile Village - 11 km
Aucanquilcha Antofagasta Chile Village - 17 km
Collaguasi Tarapaca Chile Village - 18 km
Collahuasi Tarapaca Chile Village - 20 km
Casa de Piedra Tarapacá Chile Village - 21 km
Puquios Antofagasta Chile Village - 21 km
Cosca Antofagasta Chile Village - 23 km
Cenoicha Potosi Bolivia Village - 24 km
Cuspe Potosi Bolivia Village - 24 km
Alojamiento Sallihuinca Tarapacá Chile Village - 25 km
Chusquina Tarapaca Chile Village - 26 km
Amincha Antofagasta Chile Village - 28 km
Saitoco Tarapaca Chile Village - 29 km
Chela Antofagasta Chile Village - 30 km
Lagunita Potosi Bolivia Village - 30 km
Aguada de Poruncha Potosí Bolivia Village - 33 km
Laguani Potosí Bolivia Village - 34 km
Buenaventura Antofagasta Chile Village - 35 km
Ollagüe Antofagasta Chile Village - 36 km
Tilla Potosi Bolivia Village - 36 km
Tolar Tarapacá Chile Village - 37 km
El Chocal Tarapaca Chile Village - 38 km
Cuesta Apacheta Tarapacá Chile Village - 40 km
Caracote Antofagasta Chile Village - 41 km
Chela Potosí Bolivia Village - 42 km
Quehuita Tarapaca Chile Village - 42 km
Pacu-Pacu Potosi Bolivia Village - 42 km
Pasaca Tarapacá Chile Village - 43 km
Caya Tarapaca Chile Village - 43 km
Loma Potosi Bolivia Village - 46 km
La Carillana Potosí Bolivia Village - 47 km
Estancia Laguna Verde Potosí Bolivia Village - 49 km
Cautenicsa Tarapaca Chile Village - 50 km
Coripilla Potosí Bolivia Village - 50 km
Aguada de Jaraloma Potosí Bolivia Village - 50 km
Alojamiento de Quitala Tarapacá Chile Village - 52 km
Mina San Pedro Tarapaca Chile Village - 52 km
Manuel Vilca Potosi Bolivia Village - 52 km
Empexa Potosí Bolivia Village - 55 km
Alto de Tuna Tarapaca Chile Village - 56 km
Pelcoya Potosi Bolivia Village - 57 km
Alto del Molino Tarapaca Chile Village - 58 km
Estancia Tapis Potosí Bolivia Village - 59 km
Bala Potosí Bolivia Village - 60 km
Chictusa Tarapaca Chile Village - 60 km
Aimani Antofagasta Chile Village - 61 km
Lipita Tarapaca Chile Village - 61 km
Guatacondo Tarapacá Chile Village - 61 km
Napa Potosí Bolivia Village - 62 km
Chiguana Potosí Bolivia Village - 62 km
Agua Potosí Bolivia Village - 62 km
Estancia Chituka Potosí Bolivia Village - 64 km
Tamentica Tarapaca Chile Village - 64 km
Lequena Antofagasta Chile Village - 64 km
Maicota Potosi Bolivia Village - 64 km
Estancia Towe Potosí Bolivia Village - 66 km
Alona Tarapaca Chile Village - 66 km
Chara Tarapacá Chile Village - 66 km
Mani Tarapacá Chile Village - 69 km
Condoroma Antofagasta Chile Village - 69 km

see full list

Critical infrastructure

Airports, ports, nuclear plants and hydrodams at risk, if affected, are listed below.


Name IATA Code Elevation (m) Usage Runway type IFR Runway Length (ft) Distance
Coposa 3788 0 38 km

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.