M 7.6 in Chile on 25 Dec 2016 14:22 UTC

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 7.6M
Depth: 34.59 Km
Event Date: 25 Dec 2016 14:22 UTC
25 Dec 2016 11:22 Local
Exposed Population: About 29000 people in MMI
About 60000 people within 100km
Source: NEIC us10007mn3
Inserted at: 25 Dec 2016 15:24 UTC
Maximun Wave Height observed: 0.08 m


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake Tsunami GDACS score
NEIC 0 0.3 0.3
us10007mn3 Scaled population (vector) n.a Max wave scenario 0m  
  C1 earthquake n.a Max wave realtime 0.33m  
  C2 earthquake n.a      
  Country Vulnerability n.a      
  INFORM_normalised n.a      
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.
Click on image to zoom it.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1151863 1 25 Dec 2016 14:22 7.6M, 55km N/A 110 thousand (in 100km) 0.4m (at 04:14) 00:08 GEOFON
1151865 1 25 Dec 2016 14:22 7.7M, 15km N/A 30 thousand (in 100km) 0.8m (at 01:30) 00:12 NTWC    
1151869 1 25 Dec 2016 14:22 7.7M, 14.9km N/A 20 thousand (in 100km) 0.8m (at 01:30) 00:15 PTWC
1151872 0.7 25 Dec 2016 14:22 7.7M, 33.01km N/A 60 thousand (in 100km) 0.7m (at 03:56) 00:19 NEIC
1151880 0.3 25 Dec 2016 14:22 7.6M, 34.59km 8.05 30 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 0.3m (at 00:38) 01:01 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Estimated Tsunami affected locations

The maximum observed wave height is 0.08m in Puerto Melinka Cl;
The maximum Wave height is  0.5m in Yaldad, Chile. This height is estimated for 25-Dec-2016 18:37:00.

Alert Date (UTC) Name Country Wave height (m)
25-Dec-2016 18:37:00 Yaldad Chile  0.5
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Trincao Chile  0.4
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Quellon Chile  0.4
25-Dec-2016 15:04:00 Bajo_Palena Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 Paildad Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 San_Jose Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 San_Miguel Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 Tranqui Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 Detico Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:28:00 Aitui Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:23:38 Auchac Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:23:38 Mapue Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:23:38 Alqui Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 17:29:38 Queilen Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Puqueldon Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Quinched Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Chulchui Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Carahue Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Rauco Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 18:23:38 Chonchi Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:50:64 Marico Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:50:64 Lincay Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:50:64 Arachildu Chile  0.3
25-Dec-2016 15:52:00 Detif Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 15:46:00 Chelin Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 15:46:00 San_Jose Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 15:26:64 Melinca Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 15:47:38 Terao Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 16:23:38 Conico Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 16:23:38 Quilquico Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 16:23:38 Pello_Yutui Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 16:23:38 Castro Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 15:50:64 Ahoni Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:46:00 Huyar Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:46:00 Palqui Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:46:00 Quetalco Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:46:00 Quiquel Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Rilan Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:53:38 Linlin Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:53:38 Calen Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:46:00 Tenaun Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:50:64 Llingua Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:35:38 Molinos Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 18:35:38 San_Javier Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 18:35:38 Curaco Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 16:32:64 Conao Chile  0.2
25-Dec-2016 17:28:00 La_Chamiza Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:46:00 Colaco Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:50:64 Achao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:52:00 Quicavi Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Dao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Quigua Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 San_Jose Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 15:47:38 Matao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:08:64 Rahue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:08:64 Cucao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 15:47:38 Lelbun Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:32:64 Quinchao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:53:38 Huilque Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:53:38 Meulin Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:58:00 Guabun Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:58:00 Traiguen Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:58:00 El_Banco Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:58:00 Quetalmahue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:47:38 Chepu Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:47:38 Pumillahue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:22:00 Quillaipe Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:58:00 Teguaco Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 15:26:64 Vilcun Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 15:28:00 Chaiten Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 16:14:64 Huentemo Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:29:38 Puerto_Montt Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 La_Arena Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 Lenca Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:17:38 El_Cardonal Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:40:00 Bahia_Pargua Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:59:38 Mechuque Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 15:44:64 Capilla_Nueva Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:23:38 Alao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:04:00 Cabach Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:26:64 Caleta_Chaparano Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Pargua Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Chacao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:37:00 Caicaen Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:37:00 Calbuco Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:37:00 San_Agustin Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Llancahue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:28:00 Hualaihue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:28:00 Caleta_Manzano Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:11:38 Chaurahue Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:58:00 Apiao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:35:38 Lliuco Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:35:38 Carelmapu Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:28:00 Punie Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:17:38 La_Poza Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Pallo Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:17:38 Alto_Choen Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Linao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Manao Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:04:00 Puerto_Aguirre Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:34:00 Cholgo Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Lliguiman Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:34:00 Huequi Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:32:64 Refugio Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:23:38 Queullin Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:26:64 Ensenada_Rolecha Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 17:50:64 Tolten Chile  0.1
25-Dec-2016 18:17:38 Buill Chile  0.0
25-Dec-2016 18:29:38 La_Poza_de_Chumilden Chile  0.0
25-Dec-2016 18:22:00 Ayacara Chile  0.0

See full locations list (RSS)

Initial conditions

Title: "39km SSW of Puerto Quellon"

Fault parameters

  • Latitude: -43.416
  • Longitude: -73.88
  • Length: 100 km
  • Width: 28 km
  • Magnitude: 7.6 M

Okada parameters:

  • Slip: 2.5 m
  • Strike: 10 (geogr angle: north=0, south=180)
  • Dip: 20 degree
  • Rake: 90 degree
  • Depth: 35 km

Calculation parameters

  • Calculation space (lon/lat): -82.88, -52.416, -64.88, -34.416
  • Instead of Step -> use Cell size:1.4 minutes

Sea Level

More information

  • Timeline:
    Tsunami calculations performed to this case, click here

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.