M 4.9 in China on 11 Nov 2016 22:25 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1847
Articles about casualties: 158 (8.6%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Vacas atrapadas en Nueva Zelanda fueron rescatadas por granjeros

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 22:24:00 +0100t13 (es)

Tres vacas que habían quedado atrapadas sobre un montículo de hierba después del terremoto del domingo en Nueva Zelanda, fueron finalmente rescatadas. La imagen dio la vuelta al mundo por lo asombrosa y como un registro gráfico de la fuerza del movimiento de tierra que afectó a la isla sur del país.

Nuova Zelanda: attesa una nuova forte scossa

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 22:16:00 +0100247libero (it)

Era già successo prima del terremoto di Sumatra: nel 2004 una serie di sismi con magnitudo prossima a 8.0 o poco più precedettero quello del 26 dicembre, quando si scaricò il sisma di magnitudo 9.1 e il relativo tsunami che causò la morte di 200.000 persone. Ora, dopo il terremoto di magnitudo 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Doctor determined to stay put and rebuild broken home

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 21:46:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Earthquake scientist Ken Gledhill, who oversees the GeoNet network of 600 earthquake detectors throughout New Zealand, described this quake as a complicated sequence of tremors that moved north from the epicentre by "jumping from a rupture on one plane to another plane".

New Zealand earthquake: Doctor determined to stay put and rebuild broken home

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 21:44:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Earthquake scientist Ken Gledhill, who oversees the GeoNet network of 600 earthquake detectors throughout New Zealand, described this quake as a complicated sequence of tremors that moved north from the epicentre by "jumping from a rupture on one plane to another plane".

Scenes of New Zealand’s Quake Aftermath By The Daily Beast

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 21:40:00 +0100thedailybeast (en)

A day after a massive 7.5-magnitude quake struck New Zealand, scenes of profound damage emerged from across the island nation. The midnight tremor left at least two dead and thousands of people stranded as series of aftershocks continued to roil the country.

Las extrañas luces captadas en el cielo durante el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 20:58:00 +0100repretel (es)

Pese a los pocos segundos, su presencia fue suficiente para llamar la atención y ser capturada por uno de los afectados por el evento sísmico. El pasado domingo 13 de noviembre un terremoto de 7,8 grados afectó a Nueva Zelanda, el que dejó al menos a dos personas muertas y que causó la evacuación de....

Japão leva 48 horas para tapar cratera de 15 metros de profundidade em avenida

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 20:51:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

Eficiência Japão leva 48 horas para tapar cratera de 15 metros de profundidade em avenida Via foi liberada para o tráfego nesta terça-feira, uma semana após buraco ser aberto durante obras de ampliação de uma linha do metrô. Uma cratera aberta no meio de uma avenida na cidade japonesa de Fukuoka....

NZ's 7.5 magnitude earthquake a monster in the making, Geonet director says

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 20:40:00 +0100Stuff (en)

In terms of the tsunami, I said it here in the M7.1 East Cape Earthquake . Because we do not have a 24/7 monitoring centre we have to wake people and get them out of bed to look at complex data and make serious calls very quickly. It is not an ideal situation given the past few months, and I'd like....

Terremoto, forte scossa tra Afghanistan e Pakistan: magnitudo 5.3, paura a Kabul e Islamabad

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 20:38:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 15 novembre 2016) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 5,3 sulla scala aperta Richter ha interessato oggi una vasta regione dell’Hindu Kush a cavallo fra Afghanistan e Pakistan , senza che per il momento si abbiano notizie di vittime o danni.

Criza în încalzirea populației. O treime din locuințe, fara lemne de foc

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 19:22:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

Cele două țări sunt foarte diferite, dar ambele sunt divizate între influența rusă și aspirația europeană. Bulgaria, membră a UE din anul 2007, dorește în continuare să intre în spațiul Schengen, dar se lovește de rezistența altor țări, la fel ca România.


Tue, 15 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100dagospia (it)


Continúan evacuación de turistas y residentes tras terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 18:23:00 +0100elmanana (es)

Las autoridades mantienen el estado de emergencia en la turística localidad costera de Kaikoura, epicentro del movimiento telúrico, donde hay alrededor de mil 200 turistas atrapados por cortes de carretera causados por los deslizamientos de tierra. Varios helicópteros, entre ellos cuatro de la....

Nueva Zelanda evacúa a turistas y residentes bloqueados tras terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 17:57:00 +0100uniradioinforma (es)

Wellington, 15 Nov (Notimex).- Equipos de rescate continúan hoy la evacuación de turistas y residentes bloqueados tras el terremoto de 7.8 grados en la escala de Richter en Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, el cual provocó dos muertos y unos 100 mil deslizamientos de tierra.

Clima: siccità e inondazioni costano ad aziende 14 mld dlr

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 17:52:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 15 NOV - Siccità, inquinamento e inondazioni costeranno alle aziende 14 miliardi di dollari nel 2016, il quintuplo rispetto al 2015, eppure le imprese non fanno abbastanza per proteggersi dal rischio idrico. A dirlo è uno studio condotto dal Carbon Disclosure Project su 600 grandi....

Olası İstanbul depremi meclisin gündeminde

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 17:52:00 +0100sozcu (tr)

İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında AKP Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine “İstanbul'da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar” konulu sunum yaptı. “ERKEN UYARI SİSTEMİ 512 SANİYELİK ZAMAN KAZANDIRACAK” Kuzey Anadolu Fayının İstanbul'u etkileyecek ve yıkıcı bir....

Nueva Zelanda evacúa a turistas y residentes bloqueados tras terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 17:39:00 +0100veracruzanos (es)

Wellington, 15 de noviembre 2016 (Notimex).- Equipos de rescate continúan hoy la evacuación de turistas y residentes bloqueados tras el terremoto de 7.8 grados en la escala de Richter en Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, el cual provocó dos muertos y unos 100 mil deslizamientos de tierra.

المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي: العالم يشهد أولى مراحل الثورة الصناعية الرابعة

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 16:41:00 +0100akhbarelyom (ar)

المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي: العالم يشهد أولى مراحل الثورة الصناعية الرابعة. الثلاثاء , 15 نوفمبر 2016 - 05:04 مساءٍ قال رئيس ومؤسس المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي كلاوس شواب، إن العالم يشهد المراحل الأولية للثورة الصناعية الرابعة التي ستظل على مدار 10 إلى 20 عاما المقبلة على الأقل.

المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي: العالم يشهد أولى مراحل الثورة الصناعية الرابعة

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 16:09:00 +0100akhbaralyom (ar)

المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي: العالم يشهد أولى مراحل الثورة الصناعية الرابعة. الثلاثاء , 15 نوفمبر 2016 - 05:04 مساءٍ قال رئيس ومؤسس المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي كلاوس شواب، إن العالم يشهد المراحل الأولية للثورة الصناعية الرابعة التي ستظل على مدار 10 إلى 20 عاما المقبلة على الأقل.

Urlauber nach schweren Erdrutschen in Neuseeland ausgeflogen

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 16:05:00 +0100faz (de)

Das Bild, das von der jüngsten Naturkatastrophe in Neuseeland vielen in Erinnerung bleiben wird, ist ziemlich schräg. Es zeigt drei Rinder, zwei Kühe und ein Kälbchen, die wie auf einer rettenden Insel auf einem kleinen Fleckchen mit Gras bedeckter Erde stehen, während um sie herum der Boden meterweit in die Tiefe gesackt ist.

Two dead after NZ quake, residents flee tsunami

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 15:46:00 +0100saudigazette (en)

Christchurch, New Zealand – Rescuers in New Zealand were scrambling Monday to reach the epicentre of a powerful 7.8 earthquake that killed at least two people and sparked a tsunami alert that sent thousands fleeing for higher ground. The jolt, one of the most powerful ever recorded in the....

Naturkatastrophen forderten 2015 fast 30.000 Tote

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 15:12:00 +0100Salzburger (de)

. 2015 gab es laut dem "World Disasters Report 2016" 22.724 Tote durch Naturkatastrophen, was dem höchsten Wert seit 2011 entspricht. 2014 waren es noch 8.000 Tote gewesen - der niedrigste Wert der Dekade. Dass sich die Zahl nun mehr als verdoppelt hat, ist vor allem auf die Erdbeben in Nepal zurückzuführen.

Naturkatastrophen forderten 2015 fast 30.000 Tote

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 15:10:00 +0100Vorarlberg (de)

2015 gab es laut dem “World Disasters Report 2016” 22.724 Tote durch Naturkatastrophen, was dem höchsten Wert seit 2011 entspricht. 2014 waren es noch 8.000 Tote gewesen – der niedrigste Wert der Dekade. Dass sich die Zahl nun mehr als verdoppelt hat, ist vor allem auf die Erdbeben in Nepal zurückzuführen.

Luna “grossa” aiuta i terremoti, un po’ sì. Troppe coincidenze

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 15:03:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – Terremoti e Luna. L’idea che quel che accade in cielo possa influenzare quel che accade sulla Terra è un’idea che ha sempre esercitato una fortissima fascinazione sull’uomo. Una fascinazione che porta e ha portato a conclusioni ingenue, come quella secondo cui chi nasce sotto questo o....

Nueva Zelanda evacua a personas atrapadas en la zona afectada por el terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:56:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

Sociedad Nueva Zelanda evacua a personas atrapadas en la zona afectada por el terremoto. Hay un 32% de posibilidades de que se produzca otro gran terremoto de 7 grados o más dentro del próximo mes Compartir; Compartido veces Vista de un lago creado por el terremoto en el río Conway cerca de Kailoura (Nueva Zelanda).

Naturkatastrophen forderten 2015 über 20.000 Tote

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:53:00 +0100ORF (de)

. 2015 gab es laut dem World Disasters Report 2016 22.724 Tote durch Naturkatastrophen, was dem höchsten Wert seit 2011 entspricht. 2014 waren es noch 8.000 Tote gewesen, was dem niedrigsten Wert der Dekade entspricht. Dass sich die Zahl nun mehr als verdoppelt hat, ist vor allem auf die Erdbeben in....

Nuevo terremoto de 6,2 se registró en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:49:00 +0100acn (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 ha sido registrado en la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, según reportes del Servicio Geológico de EEUU. Otro terremoto de 7,8 dejó dos muertos y dañó edificios a lo largo de la costa este de la isla Sur. El último terremoto se produjo a las 00:45 GMT.

Olası İstanbul Depreminin Muhtemel Bilançosu Korkuttu

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:47:00 +0100sondakika (tr)

Bilim insanlarının İstanbul'da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi'ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine 'İstanbul'da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalarö konulu sunum yaptı.

Nueva Zelanda evacua a personas atrapadas en la zona afectada por el terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:46:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

se ve dificultada por tormentas y fuertes vientos , se ha dado prioridad a los ancianos, niños, mujeres embarazadas y otras personas vulnerables, según Radio New Zealand. El terremoto, que afectó a Kaikoura y la región de Marlborough, en la Isla Sur, y Wellington, en la Isla Norte, causó dos muertos....

(Görüntülü Haber) Olası İstanbul depremi meclisin gündeminde

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:37:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

Ezgi ÇAPA/İSTANBUL,() Bilim insanlarının İstanbul’da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi’ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine “İstanbul’da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar” konulu sunum yaptı.

Chinese FM sends condolences to New Zealand over major earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:26:00 +0100peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 15 -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday sent a message of condolences to his New Zealand counterpart, Murray McCully, over a strong earthquake that has inflicted casualties and caused property damage. An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale jolted South Island of New....

World set for hottest year on record: World Meteorological Organization

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:18:00 +0100business-standard (en)

2016 is set to be the world’s hottest year on record. According to the World Meteorological Organization’s preliminary statement on the global climate for 2016, global temperatures for January to September were 0.88C above the long-term (1961-90) average, 0.11C above the record set last year, and about 1.

Tokyo 2020 gymnastics arena bid doubles original estimate

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:06:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: Tokyo Olympic organisers said Tuesday (Nov 15) that the bid cost of constructing a new gymnastics arena is more than double the initial estimate, the latest expensive setback to plague the 2020 event. Japanese contractor Shimizu won the right to build the facility in the capital's waterfront Ariake area with a bid of 20.

İstanbul ile ilgili korkutan gündem: 90 bin ölü olabilir

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:03:00 +0100ulusalkanalcom (tr)

Kuzey Anadolu Fayının İstanbul'u etkileyecek ve yıkıcı bir deprem üretebilecek nitelikte olduğunu söyleyen Faruk Aydın, fayın İstanbul'un karasal alanında olmayıp, güneyinde Marmara Denizi içerisinde yer aldığını söyledi. İstanbul ve civarındaki depremlerin izlenmesi için 2000'li yıllardan bu yana....

Chinese FM sends condolences to New Zealand over major earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 13:59:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday sent a message of condolences to his New Zealand counterpart, Murray McCully, over a strong earthquake that has inflicted casualties and caused property damage. An earthquake measuring 7.

Enorme "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 13:47:00 +0100zazoom (it)

"occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile. "C'è la grande opportunità di studiare quello che accade quando due galassie si sfiorano" "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile.

Mais de mil turistas retirados da zona afetada pelo sismo na Nova Zelândia

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 13:44:00 +0100sic (pt)

As equipas de socorro vão retirar hoje da Nova Zelândia mais de mil turistas que estão retidos na zona atingida pelo sismo de domingo, que causou dois mortos. Um navio da marinha neozelandesa saiu de Auckland e deve chegar esta manhã à cidade de Kaikoura para retirar pelo menos 500 pessoas que aí se encontram retidas.

Olası İstanbul depremi meclisin gündeminde

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 13:06:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

Ezgi ÇAPA/İSTANBUL,() Bilim insanlarının İstanbul’da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi’ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine “İstanbul’da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar” konulu sunum yaptı.


Tue, 15 Nov 2016 13:06:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

Ezgi ÇAPA / İstanbul Bilim insanlarının İstanbul’da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi’ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine “İstanbul’da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalarö konulu sunum yaptı.

Sistem hazır... 5-12 saniye kazandıracak

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 12:54:00 +0100hurriyetim (tr)

Bilim insanlarının İstanbul’da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi’ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine "İstanbul’da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar" konulu sunum yaptı.

Bou se lesionó y estalló la polémica

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 12:50:00 +0100clarin (es)

Fue un acto de irresponsabilidad , más allá de que su decisión haya sido impulsada por el afecto y la gratitud hacia el ilustre compañero que le marcó el camino. Gustavo Bou no podrá estar ante Huracán, el sábado en Parque Patricios, y su presencia en el clásico de Avellaneda, el domingo siguiente en el Cilindro, es un gran signo de interrogación.

New Zealand earthquake: Live updates as cleanup hampered by storm after major tremors cause 'utter devastation'

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 12:41:00 +0100themirror (en)

Hayley Turner, 30, and friends who were staying at Abel Tasman National Park during the New Zealand earthquake (Photo: Hayley Turner) Hayley said: “At 4:30am we were woken by Rona and told we needed to evacuate immediately as there were tsunami warnings in place.

New hospital to be built in Ecuador's quake-hit city with Chinese aid

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 12:22:00 +0100china (en)

A new hospital is to be built with Chinese assistance in the earthquake-stricken Ecuadorian city of Chone in northwestern Manabi province, to replace the one that was seriously damaged in the devastating earthquake in April. Daniel Santos, with Ecuador's disaster relief and reconstruction....

Olası İstanbul depremi meclisin gündeminde

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:47:00 +0100sozcu (tr)

Bilim insanlarının İstanbul’da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi’ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine “İstanbul’da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar” konulu sunum yaptı.

Olası İstanbul Depremi Meclisin Gündeminde

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:45:00 +0100haberler (tr)

Bilim insanlarının İstanbul'da olacağını öngördüğü deprem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Meclisi'ne taşındı. İBB Meclisi Kasım ayı toplantılarında İBB Ak Parti Grup Başkan Vekili Yardımcısı Faruk Aydın meclis üyelerine "İstanbul'da deprem riski ve İBB tarafından yapılan çalışmalar" konulu sunum yaptı.

2004 Apply 2004 filter

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100MSF-it (it)

Philippe Guérin è epidemiologo. Lavora a Epicentre, il partner di MSF per gli studi epidemiologici. Gli abbiamo chiesto di parlarci delle conseguenze mediche dello tsunami... Medici Senza Frontiere (MSF) ha iniziato oggi a portare soccorso medico alla popolazione di Aceh, provincia indonesiana nel Nord dell'isola di Sumatra.

Terremoto Nuova Zelanda : Dopo forte scossa di magnitudo 7.8 è emergenza frane

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:31:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Oggi magnitudo 4 vicino Norcia : Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 4 è stata registrata alle 2:33 tra Marche, Umbria e Lazio. Secondo i rilevamenti dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv), il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a 11 km di profondità ed epicentro 4 km da Castelsantangelo....

Wojsko ewakuuje turystów z Nowej Zelandii

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:26:00 +0100rzeczpospolita (pl)

Pierwszych turystów z grupy liczącej około 1 200 osób, która utknęła w miasteczku Kaikoura w północno-wschodniej części Wyspy Południowej, podjęły cztery śmigłowce. Okręt marynarki wojennej HMNZS Canterbury, mogący ewakuować kilkaset osób, najprawdopodobniej zabierze poszkodowanych w środę.

البنك الدولي: الكوارث الطبيعية تكلف العالم 500 مليار دولار سنوياً

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:13:00 +0100albawaba-ar (ar)

قال البنك الدولي في تقرير نشره أمس "إن الكوارث الطبيعية تدفع نحو 26 مليون شخص إلى الفقر كل عام وتتسبب في خسائر تزيد على 500 مليار دولار". وبحسب "الفرنسية" أضاف التقرير الذي نشر على هامش مؤتمر الأطراف بشأن المناخ المنعقد في مراكش في المغرب، أن "هذه الأرقام سترتفع خلال العقود المقبلة نظرا لأن التغير....

Two Oxford girls trapped in New Zealand after devastating earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:10:00 +0100oxfordtimes (en)

TWO friends from Oxford are trapped in New Zealand after a devastating earthquake which killed two people and destroyed the town they were staying in. Bethan Morris and Connie Kelly, from Marston, thought they were going to die when the disaster struck the country in the middle of Monday night.

Operation to rescue people stranded in NZ quake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:05:00 +0100skynews (en)

Four military helicopters were flying in relay to the town of Kaikoura, which has been cut off by a series of massive landslides. Two navy vessels are heading to the area to assist with the evacuation and bring in supplies. New Zealand has also accepted offers of help from United States and Japanese....

Nowa Zelandia: trwa ewakuacja uwięzionych turystów

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 11:03:00 +0100wpolityce (pl)

Wojskowe śmigłowce zaczęły we wtorek ewakuować ponad tysiąc turystów uwięzionych przez silne trzęsienie ziemi, które w niedzielę nawiedziło środkową część Nowej Zelandii i zdewastowało wschodnie wybrzeże Wyspy Południowej. Pierwszych turystów z grupy liczącej około 1 200 osób, która utknęła w....

Pakistan cricket coach describes "scary" moment team fled hotel in fear when New Zealand earthquake hit

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:34:00 +0100themirror (en)

Pakistan cricket coach Mickey Arthur has opened up about the "scary" moment his team experienced the from a hotel. The second-ranked Test side in the world were in separate rooms when the 7.8 magnitude quake hit and some players fled in fear of their safety.

Sismo en Nueva Zelanda podría desencadenar "megaterremoto"

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:26:00 +0100rpp (es)

/ Hans Huerto) El reciente terremoto de 7,8 grados que remeció Nueva Zelanda ha venido generando numerosas réplicas desde que se desencadenó el evento sísmico principal, el domingo. Hasta 250 nuevos movimientos de tierra han sido registrados en la zona oceánica, con intensidades que van desde el....

Trani, un ambulatorio allestito in parrocchia

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:25:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

di NICO AURORA. TRANI - Si parla tanto di delocalizzazione della cura alla persona, ma difficilmente ci si aspetterebbe che una parte di questo decentramento trovi spazio in una parrocchia. Il progetto prenderà forma la prossima primavera, ma la comunità parrocchiale dello Spirito Santo,....

Nowa Zelandia: Śmigłowce wojskowe zaczęły ewakuować turystów

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:21:00 +0100gazetaprawna (pl)

Pierwszych turystów z grupy liczącej około 1 200 osób, która utknęła w miasteczku Kaikoura w północno-wschodniej części Wyspy Południowej, podjęły cztery śmigłowce. Okręt marynarki wojennej HMNZS Canterbury, mogący ewakuować kilkaset osób, najprawdopodobniej zabierze poszkodowanych w środę.

Violento terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, ci sono vittime e feriti: tsunami sulla costa orientale, evacuata la zona

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:03:00 +0100tgcom (it)

Secondo il ministro neozelandese per la protezione civile, Gerry Brownlee, al momento non è ancora possibile quantificare il numero delle vittime . Certa la presenza di un morto a Kaikoura, a causa del crollo di un edificio. Il sisma, ha precisato Brownlee, è stato avvertito in maniera forte in tutto il Paese.

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, il racconto dei lucchesi. "Un incubo"

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:46:00 +0100247libero (it)

Lucca, 15 novembre 2016 - Sono scappati in giardino, svegliati in piena notte dal frastuono e dalle scosse di terremoto che hanno toccato punte di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter. Un boato spaventoso: loro, per fortuna, sono al sicuro, ma hanno vissuto ore drammatiche.

Owners pick up the pieces after tsunami hits historic bach

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:37:00 +0100newshub (en)

While the earthquake clean-up continues, a Canterbury couple are sorting through rubble of a different kind. Their historic holiday cottage, on the shore line at Little Pigeon Bay, was pushed in and knocked off its piles by a four-metre tsunami. Over the years, the beach-front view has attracted hundreds of holiday-makers.

الجيش النيوزيلندي يطلق عمليات نقل جوية وبحرية لإجلاء سياح من بلدة (كايكورا)

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:31:00 +0100kuna-en (ar)

كوالالمبور - 15 - 11 (كونا) -- أطلق الجيش النيوزيلندي اليوم الثلاثاء عملياته الجوية والبحرية لإجلاء حوالي ألف سائح عالق من بلدة (كايكورا) السياحية الواقعة شمال شرق ولاية (ساوث آيلاند) والتي يصعب الوصول إليها بعد أن ضربت البلاد سلسلة من الزلازل. وقالت قوات الدفاع النيوزيلندية في بيان صحفي انه من....

Así quedaron tres vacas tras el terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:28:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Estaban pastando tranquilamente, y de pronto todo se derrumbó a su alrededor: así quedaron tres vacas tras el terremoto de 7,5 grados que sacudió Nueva Zelanda, dejando dos muertos este fin de semana. Foto: Newshub via AP. Un helicóptero de noticias de Newshub mostró la peculiar escena, donde los....

الجيش النيوزيلندي يطلق عمليات نقل جوية وبحرية لإجلاء سياح من بلدة (كايكورا)

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:28:00 +0100kuna (ar)

كوالالمبور - 15 - 11 (كونا) -- أطلق الجيش النيوزيلندي اليوم الثلاثاء عملياته الجوية والبحرية لإجلاء حوالي ألف سائح عالق من بلدة (كايكورا) السياحية الواقعة شمال شرق ولاية (ساوث آيلاند) والتي يصعب الوصول إليها بعد أن ضربت البلاد سلسلة من الزلازل. وقالت قوات الدفاع النيوزيلندية في بيان صحفي انه من....

Earthquake relief efforts continue in New Zealand amid aftershocks and heavy rain

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:13:00 +0100newstalk (en)

Heavy rain and strong winds have been hampering earthquake relief efforts in New Zealand. The South Island town of Kaikoura has been cut off by landslides, with hundreds of aftershocks also continuing to shake the region. The aftershocks follow the major quake just after midnight local time on....

Vacas salvan de morir tras terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 09:07:00 +0100panamericana (es)

fue sacudida por un terremoto de 7.8 de magnitud en la escala de Richter, el último domingo. El movimiento telúrico que dejó como saldo dos muertos, así como viviendas completamente destruidas y pistas agrietadas. En medio de deslizamientos causados por el fuerte terremoto, tres vacas quedaron....

Feature: New hospital to be built in Ecuador's quake-hit city with Chinese aid

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:44:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

QUITO, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- A new hospital is to be built with Chinese assistance in the earthquake-stricken Ecuadorian city of Chone in northwestern Manabi province, to replace the one that was seriously damaged in the devastating earthquake in April. Daniel Santos, with Ecuador's disaster relief....

Australia dan Indonesia Uji Pengaturan Bantuan Internasional dalam Latihan Tsunami Skenario latihan dikembangkan oleh DMInnovation, suatu program sains di bidang penanggulangan bencana sebagai upaya Australia dan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memperkuat kemampuan dalam merespon krisis kemanusiaan. 15 November 2016, 14:26 WIB

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:28:00 +0100MediaIndonesia (id)

MENTERI Kehakiman Australia Michael Keenan dan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Willem Rampangilei membuka secara resmi latihan gabungan penanganan darurat bencana gempa dan tsunami yang berlangsung di Ambon selama tiga hari, 15-17 November 2016.

Comienzan las evacuaciones en la localidad neozelandesa de Kaikoura, aislada tras el seísmo

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:26:00 +0100euronews-es (es)

Comienzan las evacuaciones en la turística localidad neozelandesa de Kaikoura, aislada tras el seísmo de 7,8 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sur del país el domingo por la noche. Una operación que se está llevando a cabo en helicóptero y en la que se está dando prioridad a ancianos,....

Une entreprise chinoise participe à la reconstruction de l’hôpital de Junin

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:17:00 +0100cctv-fr (fr)

En Équateur, une entreprise de construction chinoise est en train de reconstruire un hôpital public dans le canton de Junin, qui a été gravement frappé par un séisme en avril. L'entreprise, qui fait partie des plus grandes organisations de construction en Chine, commencera vendredi les travaux.

Feature: New hospital to be built in Ecuador's quake-hit city with Chinese aid

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:16:00 +0100sinacom (en)

QUITO, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- A new hospital is to be built with Chinese assistance in the earthquake-stricken Ecuadorian city of Chone in northwestern Manabi province, to replace the one that was seriously damaged in the devastating earthquake in April. Daniel Santos, with Ecuador's disaster relief....

Così la Luna può influenzare i terremoti

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:12:00 +0100247libero (it)

. Dopo il forte sisma in Nuova Zelanda, avvenuto alla vigilia della Superluna, si rivaluta l'ipotesi che l'attrazione gravitazionale del nostro satellite e del Sole influenzi la dinamica delle placche terrestri. Anche se non mancano gli scettici di ELENA DUSI. (afp) L’ultima Superluna si verificò il 26 gennaio 1948.

1000 de cutremure si 100.000 de alunecari de teren in ultimele ore in Noua Zeelanda. Imagini surprinse din elicopter

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:03:00 +0100stirileprotv (ro)

100.000 de alunecari de teren care au taiat caile de acces rutiere si feroviare catre Kaikoura. In aceasta localitate de aproximativ 2.000 de locuitori, situata la 90 de kilometri nord de Christchurch, se afla intre 600 si 1.000 de turisti veniti sa admire balenele.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 07:57:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

Two people are confirmed dead, after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The US Geological Survey said the quake hit the South Island at 11.02am GMT (0.02am, 14 November), 57 miles northeast of the city. New Zealands Prime Minister John Key has confirmed....

Così la Luna può influenzare i terremoti

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 07:50:00 +0100repubblica (it)

. Dopo il forte sisma in Nuova Zelanda, avvenuto alla vigilia della Superluna, si rivaluta l'ipotesi che l'attrazione gravitazionale del nostro satellite e del Sole influenzi la dinamica delle placche terrestri. Anche se non mancano gli scettici di ELENA DUSI. (afp) L’ultima Superluna si verificò il 26 gennaio 1948.

Groningers in Nieuw-Zeeland: 'We verlangen heel erg naar huis'

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 07:44:00 +0100rtvnoord (nl)

'Sommige naschokken zijn heel groot en dat sta je weer even te schudden op je benen. Ook verwachten ze nog een grote naschok', vertelt Jeroen. 'Het is heel raar dat je de grond niet kan vertrouwen omdat deze zo onder je weg kan zakken of open kan scheuren', zegt Jeroen's vriendin Yvonne Tichelaar.

¡Increíble! Estas vacas jugaron vivo

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 07:22:00 +0100elsiglo-PA (es)

El trozo de tierra quedó rodeado de profundas zanjas y los animales, atrapado. Insólito. Tres vacas quedaron atrapadas en medio de la nada tras el terremoto de 7.8 grados en la escala de Richter que estremeció el domingo a Nueva Zelanda y provocó un deslave de tierra a su alrededor, que las dejó varadas en un pequeño islote de pasto.

PCB must consider cancelling NZ Test in wake of earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 07:07:00 +0100tribune (en)

A tsunami warning alert is seen on a notice board above State Highway 1 in Wellington early on November 14, 2016 following an earthquake north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch. PHOTO: AFP. It was well after midnight — when the players should have been asleep but weren’t — that they felt the earth literally shake below their feet.

Government fails to learn from Christchurch quake - NZ First

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:26:00 +0100voxy (en)

Lessons that should have been learned from the Christchurch earthquake were not implemented in this week’s disastrous earthquake, says New Zealand First Deputy Leader Ron Mark. "The 111 phone line and Civil Defence site crashed and delays occurred in sounding tsunami warning sirens in Christchurch beach suburbs and other parts of the country.

Cutremur în Noua Zeelanda: Aproape o mie de turisti asteapta sa fie evacuati

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:21:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

HMNZS Canterbury , nava marinei neo-zeelandeze, a plecat din Auckland urmand sa ajunga miercuri dimineața (ora locala) la Kaikoura , in Insula de Sud pentru a evacua circa 500 de turiști. Alunecari mari de teren provocate de seism au blocat caile ferate care duc spre Kaikoura . In aceasta localitate de aproximativ 2.

Dos personas muertas y 24 heridas deja el terremoto de 7.8 en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:14:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Dos personas muertas y 24 heridas deja hasta el momento las réplicas que se han presentado en Nueva Zelanda tras el fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7.8 en la escala de Ritcher que se presentó en el país el pasado domingo. Una de las víctimas mortales murió debido a un ataque al corazón y la otra por el....

Korkutan süper ay iddiası! Depremi tetikledi mi?

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:09:00 +0100haber7 (tr)

Yeni Zelanda’da Christchurch kenti yakınlarında meydana gelen ve sadece 2 kişinin ölmesine neden olan 7.8 büyüklüğündeki deprem i, dün ve önceki gün gerçekleşen doğa olayı Süper Ay ’ın tetiklemiş olabileceği belirtiliyor. Bilim insanları, Süper Ay ile hemen hemen aynı döneme denk gelen depremin bu....

Nueva Zelanda: autoridades evacúan a personas afectadas tras terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:03:00 +0100larepublica-pe (es)

En la evacuación aérea, que se ve dificultada por , se ha dado prioridad a los tormentas y fuertes vientos ancianos, niños, mujeres embarazadas y otras personas vulnerables , según Radio New Zealand. El terremoto, que afectó Kaikoura y la región de Marlborough, en la Isla Sur, y Wellington, en la....

Evacuations begin from New Zealand town Emergency crews in New Zealand have begun evacuating hundreds of people left stranded in the town of Kaikoura after a powerful earthquake cut off road access. Rain and strong winds have hampered the rescue effort.

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 06:01:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Four military helicopters started ferrying up to 1,000 trapped tourists out of quake-hit Kaikoura on Tuesday, the defense force said. The coastal town on New Zealand's rugged South Island, a popular whale-watching spot, was near the epicenter of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck in the early hours of Monday morning.

Aġġornat: New Zealand milqut mit-tieni terremot

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:59:00 +0100L-Orizzont (mt)

Terremot ta’ qawwa 7.8 gradi fuq l-Iskala Richter reġa’ laqat liċ-ċentru ta’ New Zealand kmieni dalgħodu fejn qatel tal-inqas żewġ persuni u għamel ħsarat kbar lil bini u għad ta’ toroq u kien segwit minn għadd kbir ta’ repliki. Ħaddiema tas-salvataġġ ttieħdu bil-ħelikopters lejn ir-reġjun....

Cutremur de 7,8 grade în Noua Zeelandă. Autorităţile au emis alertă de tsunami

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:59:00 +0100stiri (ro)

Institutul național geologic al SUA a revizuit la 7,8 magnitudinea puternicului seism care s-a produs după miezul nopții în Noua Zeelandă și care a fost urmat de replici moderate, autoritățile emițând alerta de tsunami și cerând expres populației de pe coasta estică a Insulei de Sud să caute adăpost....

Canterbury police confirm eight burglaries during post-quake evacuations

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Police investigating looting during yesterday's quake evacuations say eight burglaries took place and they have stepped up patrols since then. Detective Sergeant Damon Wells said police were now working closely with the victims to ensure they were supported and understood where investigations were at.

Q&A: Useful tips to help cope with disaster

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Feeling on edge after Monday's earthquake? Associate Professor Sarb Johal of Massey University's School of Psychology answered these questions from the NZ Science Media Centre. How are people likely to be feeling following yesterday's earthquake and subsequent aftershocks? After a complex event like....

GeoNet: There's a 22 per cent chance of a massive aftershock above 7.0 this month

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100nzherald (en)

The probability of another huge quake over magnitude 7 in the next 24 hours has been put at four per cent - although the likelihood stands at 14 per cent within the next week and 22 per cent across the next 30 days. published by GeoNet this afternoon also show a reduced probability of a 6.0 to 6.9 aftershock quake compared with yesterday.

Nueva Zelanda evacúa a personas atrapadas en zona afectada por el terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:55:00 +0100caracol (es)

Las autoridades neozelandesas evacúan hoy a turistas y residentes de la localidad de Kaikoura, que ha quedado aislada a causa del terremoto de 7,8 grados que sacudió el sur del país domingo por la noche. En la evacuación aérea, que se ve dificultada por tormentas y fuertes vientos, se ha dado....

Massive earthquake in the Kaikoura region, New Zealand - At least 2 people killed

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100earthquake-report (en)

Update 08:54 UTC : Picture from the damage in Picton (known by a lot our readers). Dr. James Daniell, the CEDIM geophysicist was staying in Picton when the earthquake struck. He made this picture on Sunday. Picton is approx. 185 km from the epicenter. Update 08:33 UTC : Update 12:41 UTC : In....

New Zealand Earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:51:00 +0100india (en)

Wellington, Nov 14: At least two people were killed on Monday after a series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand’s South Island, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country, officials said. The first, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight on Monday near the....

Erstmals seit fast 60 Jahren Der Supermond ist da! All diejenigen, die einen klaren Himmel haben, können kommende Nacht einen Supermond bestaunen. Der Vollmond wird dann etwa 30.000 Kilometer näher an der Erde sein als sonst.

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100deutschewelle-de (de)

Falls es am Montag gerade wolkig ist, muss man die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben. Der Supermond werde schon am Wochenende und auch noch einige Tage danach sichtbar sein, sagt Noah Petro, ein Projektwissenschaftler beim Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) der NASA.

13.11.2016: Ein schweres Erdbeben sorgte in Neuseeland für große Zerstörung. Auch ein Tsunami wurde ausgelöst.

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:46:00 +0100heute-AT (de)

BILDER DES TAGES 13.11.2016: Ein schweres Erdbeben sorgte in Neuseeland für große Zerstörung. Auch ein Tsunami wurde ausgelöst. (Foto: Reuters) Leser haben auch diese Fotoshows angesehen ....

Tremores secundários atingem Nova Zelândia País registrou novos abalos de até 6,3 na escala Richter, além de tsunami de dois metros. Defesa Civil avalia estragos e pede que moradores procurem abrigo em áreas mais altas.

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:38:00 +0100deutschewelle-pt_BR (pt)

Fortes tremores voltaram a abalar a Nova Zelândia nesta segunda-feira (14/11), agravando a devastação deixada pelo terremoto que atingiu o país por volta da 00h00 de domingo. Foram registrados desmoronamentos e tsunamis em decorrência dos abalos sísmicos, cujo prejuízo já é estimado na casa dos bilhões de dólares.

Permalink to ‘Utter devastation’ after major quake, aftershocks hit New Zealand

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100omanobserver-om (en)

Powerlines and telecommunications were down, with huge cracks in roads, land slips and other damage to infrastructure making it hard to reach the worst-affected areas. WELLINGTON: A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummelled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging....

Comentarios sobre Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +010020minutos (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de magnitud 7,8 registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo , que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Nova Zelândia registra "réplicas de tremor"

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +0100tribunadonorte (pt)

Roma (ABr) - Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas ontem na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude. A informação é da Agência Ansa.

Earthquake: What Kiwis were Googling after the big one struck

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:28:00 +0100Stuff (en)

When a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs just after midnight on Monday New Zealanders took to Google to find out more about the quake. There was a massive spike in searches for 'Christchurch' and 'Wellington' immediately after the first quake struck.

Earthquake: A guide to getting through the aftershocks

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:28:00 +0100Stuff (en)

"Petrol is important – I'm always on empty, and Mum has anxiety triggered by quakes, and I couldn't get to her Sunday night because my car was on empty. And lots of people I know who were evacuated from the tsunami had to stop off at the petrol station.

Huge New Zealand quake may actually be two quakes

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:26:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

CHRISTCHURCH • The powerful earthquake that struck central New Zealand yesterday may have been closely spaced double tremors on separate fault lines, one triggering the other, said scientists. What remains unknown, and disconcerting, is whether the high number of aftershocks that continue was just....

In Pictures: New Zealand earthquake aftermath

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:26:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

New Zealand is still experiencing aftershocks after being hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake yesterday (Nov 14) which triggered landslides and a small tsunami. A handout photo taken and received on Nov 15, 2016, shows a New Zealand Defence Force helicopter evacuating some of 1,200 of tourists from Kaikoura stranded by a 7.

Tremores secundários atingem Nova Zelândia e causam estragos

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:23:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Por volta de 13h45 (hora local), o país insular foi atingido por centenas de tremores secundários. Segundo a agência de monitoramento de terremotos GeoNet, o mais forte deles teve uma magnitude de 6,3 e profundidade de 35 quilômetros. Não há registros de novas vítimas até o momento.

Vacas ilhadas: a imagens da destruição causada por terremoto na Nova ...

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:23:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Vacas ilhadas: a imagens da destruição causada por terremoto na Nova Zelândia. Imagens aéreas de animais dão dimensão da força dos tremores, que foram seguidos por tsunami; duas pessoas morreram.

فيديو: تسونامي وصراخ ودمار في زلزال نيوزيلندا

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:23:00 +0100sonara (ar)

أعلنت السلطات النيوزيلندية، اليوم الاثنين، تحذيراً من أمواج تسونامي، بعدما ضرب زلزال ثانٍ بقوة 6.2 على مقياس ريختر منطقة ساوث أيلاند بنيوزيلندا يوم الاثنين؛ وذلك بعد ساعات من وقوع زلزال أقوى بلغت قوته 7.8، أدى إلى قتل شخصين، وإلحاق أضرار بمبانٍ على امتداد الساحل الشرقي لساوث أيلاند.

Today's News: Nov. 14, 2016

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:22:00 +0100theatlantic (en)

Ifill covered seven presidential campaigns during her long career in Washington. She moderated the 2004 vice-presidential debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards, the 2008 vice-presidential debate between John Biden and Sarah Palin, and the final Democratic primary debate last year.

Nueva Zelanda evacúa a personas atrapadas en zona afectada por el terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:20:00 +0100columbia (es)

Las autoridades neozelandesas evacúan hoy a turistas y residentes de la localidad de Kaikoura, que ha quedado aislada a causa del terremoto de 7,8 grados que sacudió el sur del país domingo por la noche. En la evacuación aérea, que se ve dificultada por tormentas y fuertes vientos, se ha dado....

Severe earthquake hits New Zealand, killing 2

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:20:00 +0100finlandtimes (en)

One fatality occurred at Mount Lyford, north of Christchurch, on the east of the South Island, and the other at a reported collapsed property in Kaikoura, on the northeast coast of the South Island, according to police. Key and Acting Civil Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee said in a televised press....

Australian, Indonesian authorities begin tsunami preparation training

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:15:00 +0100sinacom (en)

CANBERRA, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Australian and Indonesian authorities have commenced training drills to prepare for a possible catastrophic tsunami in the region. Michael Keenan, Australia's Minister for Justice, said that the "tabletop" Ambon DiREx 2016 exercises would focus on exploring the....

Christophe Lime, président national de France Eau Publique : « La nouvelle gestion de l’eau : un tsunami »

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:11:00 +0100estrepublicain (fr)

Economie - Christophe Lime, président national de « France Eau Publique », revient sur les enjeux du transfert de compétence Christophe Lime, président national de France Eau Publique : « La nouvelle gestion de l’eau : un tsunami » Christophe Lime, président national de « France Eau Publique »....

Aġġornat: New Zealand milqut mit-tieni terremot

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:10:00 +0100inewsmalta (mt)

Terremot ta’ qawwa 7.8 gradi fuq l-Iskala Richter reġa’ laqat liċ-ċentru ta’ New Zealand kmieni dalgħodu fejn qatel tal-inqas żewġ persuni u għamel ħsarat kbar lil bini u għad ta’ toroq u kien segwit minn għadd kbir ta’ repliki. Ħaddiema tas-salvataġġ ttieħdu bil-ħelikopters lejn ir-reġjun....

Un second séisme ébranle la Nouvelle-Zélande

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:10:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

Mais c'est dingue comme vous avez une vision etriquee des choses.... l'humour, la derision permettent de s'elever face au desastre... ne pas tout prendre au pied de la lettre, avoir un peu de legerete aident a avancer et a tourner la page... et non ca ne mimise pas le malheur des autres, ou le notre....

Superlua traz ondas mais altas e mais brilho sobre a Terra

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:09:00 +0100opovo (pt)

Na Superlua, o sat�lite chegar� quase 30 mil quil�metros mais pr�ximo da Terra do que o habitual. Fen�meno poder� ser observado por v�rios dias e ser motivo de alegria para os surfistas.Nesta segunda-feira (14/11), a Lua atingir� a menor dist�ncia da Terra desde 1948, criando o efeito de uma "Superlua extra".

Stranded cows reportedly rescued following earthquake-triggered landslide 10 hours ago

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:09:00 +0100newstalkzb (en)

UPDATED 11.57AM The cows stranded on a grass island in the middle of a massive earthquake-triggered landslide have reportedly been rescued. The two adult cattle and a calf of cows were spotted from the air yesterday and reports of their plight have gone around the world. Federated Farmers spokeswoman Katie Milne was not aware of the rescue.

Rosario en Multinoticias (14 de noviembre 2016)

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:06:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Declaraciones de Rosario en Edición del Mediodía de Multinoticias Canal 4, 14 de Noviembre del 2016. Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes, queridas Familias; buenas tardes de hoy lunes 14 de Noviembre... Otra Semana de Trabajo, para la Prosperidad; bendecid@s, como estamos, por Dios Nuestro Señor, en esta nuestra Nicaragua, Linda, Libre.

Réplicas sacuden a Nueva Zelanda tras fuerte terremoto que causa 2 muertos

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:05:00 +0100reuters-lta (es)

Por Charlotte Greenfield y Greg Stutchbury WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Un nuevo sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió el lunes a la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, horas después de que un terremoto más poderoso dejó al menos dos muertos, causó daños en edificios y carreteras y llevó a la evacuación de miles de....

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake - experts

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:58:00 +0100trust (en)

"Let's hope this is not a foreshock of something bigger to come, which is certainly a possibility" By James Regan Jamie Freed. SYDNEY, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday.

الكوارث الطبيعية توقع سنويا خسائر بقيمة 520 مليار دولار تقرير البنك الدولي: الكوارث الطبيعية تدفع نحو 26 مليون شخص إلى الفقر كل عام وتتسبب بخسائر تزيد عن 500 مليار دولار 2016-11-14

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:56:00 +0100arabs48 (ar)

وأضاف التقرير الذي نشر على هامش مؤتمر الأطراف بشأن المناخ المنعقد في مراكش بالمغرب، أن هذه الأرقام سترتفع خلال العقود المقبلة نظراً لأن التغير المناخي سيضاعف القوة التدميرية للإعصارات والفيضانات وموجات الجفاف. وحتى الآن فإن الحسابات العالمية للأضرار التي تلحقها الطبيعة بالمجتمعات لم تأخذ في الحسبان....

צונאמי הכה בחוף המזרחי של ניו זילנד לאחר רעש האדמה בעוצמה 7.8

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:54:00 +0100calcalist (he)

הגל הראשון פגע באי הדרומי ופורסמה הודעה לפיה צפויים גלים נוספים לאורך החוף בשעות הקרובות. מוקד הרעש היה במרחק 95 ק"מ מהעיר קרייסטצ'רץ', שעדיין מתאוששת מרעידת אדמה קשה שפקדה את במקום ב-2011. צונאמי הכה בחוף המזרחי של ניו זילנד, כשעתיים לאחר רעידת אדמה בעוצמה 7.8 בסולם ריכטר, שפגעה באי הדרומי של המדינה.

New Zealand’s latest earthquake could trigger a mega-quake Monday’s earthquake was relatively close to a major fault that hasn’t ruptured since 1717, raising fears that an even bigger quake could be triggered soon

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:53:00 +0100newscientist (en)

By Alice Klein. New Zealand is continuing to shake after being hit by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake, and there are fears the underground stress could set off even bigger tremors nearby. “We currently calculate a 12 per cent probability of a magnitude 7 or larger earthquake within the next day, and 32....

PHOTOS: Cornish Charity 'On Standby' After New Zealand Earthquakes

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:52:00 +0100piratefm (en)

A second powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand. Sunday's tremors claimed two lives on South Island. Truro based Shelterbox is on standby. The Cornish disaster relief charity says it is "monitoring" the situation on the ground. ShelterBox Canada tweeted: "Largest quake in region since 1929 hits South Island of New Zealand.

En Video: Así se sintió el terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:51:00 +0100carasycaretas (es)

Algunos videos publicados en las redes dan cuenta de la magnitud del sismo de 7,4 en la escala Richter que afectó recientemente a Nueva Zelanda. Al menos dos personas fallecidas y cuantiosas pérdidas materiales es el saldo preliminar del fuerte sismo que sufrió este domingo Nueva Zelanda.

فيديو وصور .. دمار هائل بعد زلزال قوي وتوابع في نيوزيلندا

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:51:00 +0100medi1tv (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 7.8 درجة وسط نيوزيلندا في ساعة مبكرة اليوم الاثنين 14 نونبر، فقتل شخصين على الأقل وألحق أضرارا بطرق ومبان وخلفته المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال الذي وقع بعيد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش بجزيرة ساوث أيلاند وسط تقارير عن إصابات وانهيار مبان.

Three cows left stranded after New Zealand earthquakes have been RESCUED - now recovering from ordeal

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:42:00 +0100themirror (en)

Three cows left stranded after powerful earthquakes struck New Zealand have been saved. Incredible aerial showed the two beef cows and a calf stuck on a tiny patch of grass surrounded by devastation. The trio were lucky to be left alive after a huge 7.8 magnitude quake struck in Christchurch, with a second 6.

Most astonishing photos of the supermoon

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:39:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

The full moon is 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than normal due to the fact that it is 30,000 kilometres closer to earth than usual. It will not reach this close again until 2034. Incredible shots from around the country show it rising over Brisbane and the Sydney Opera House.

More than 1000 donors give $40,000 to family burgled after tsunami evacuation

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:30:00 +0100Stuff (en)

On top of those giving money, random visitors bringing donations and goodwill ranged from strangers to Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Canterbury District Commander Superintendent John Price. "I had a man just come before and he didn't speak, he just handed me an envelope . . .

Australian, Indonesian authorities begin tsunami preparation training

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:24:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

CANBERRA, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Australian and Indonesian authorities have commenced training drills to prepare for a possible catastrophic tsunami in the region. Michael Keenan, Australia's Minister for Justice, said that the "tabletop" Ambon DiREx 2016 exercises would focus on exploring the....

El marketing de la Superluna

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:21:00 +0100larazon-es (es)

Han sido cinco años esperando terremotos, maremotos y demás catástrofes de toda índole... que, afortunadamente, no se han producido. La moda, si puede llamarse así, de la Superluna comenzó en 2011. El 11 de marzo de aquel año se registró el terremoto y el consecuente tsunami de Japón, que segó la vida de casi 16.

New Zealand Lifts Post-Quake Tsunami Alert

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:09:00 +0100laht (en)

SYDNEY – New Zealand authorities have lifted the tsunami warning following the magnitude-7.8 earthquake that struck the country late on Sunday, killing two people and causing extensive damage. On its Facebook page, the Civil Defense agency said on Monday the tsunami threat has passed but warned that....

Nova Zelândia sofre com réplicas

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:07:00 +0100diariodonordeste (pt)

Kaikoura . Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas ontem na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude. A informação é da Agência Ansa.

Empresa china ayuda a reconstrucción de hospital de Junín en Ecuador

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 04:06:00 +0100cctv-es (es)

11-15-2016 08:27 Reportaje especial : En Ecuador, una compañía china está reconstruyendo el único hospital público del cantón de Junín, severamente dañado durante el terremoto de abril. La empresa, uno de las mayores compañías constructoras de China , comenzará los trabajos de reconstrucción el viernes.

Construction in Chile: Key Trends & Opportunities to 2020

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:41:00 +0100prnewswire (en)

NEW YORK Nov. 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Synopsis In real terms, the Chilean construction industry registered a growth rate of 2.8% in 2015. This was preceded by an annual growth rate of 1.6% in 2014, 3.2% in 2013, 7.0% in 2012 and 6.8% in 2011. Economic recovery, coupled with government investments....

Un terremoto de 7 grados podría atacar a Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:39:00 +0100debate (es)

Sídney (Australia).- Las autoridades neozelandesas evacúan hoy a turistas y residentes de la localidad de Kaikoura, que ha quedado aislada a causa del terremoto de 7.8 grados que sacudió el sur del país domingo por la noche, según informa EFE. En la evacuación aérea, que se ve dificultada por....

Update: 2:30PM SIX students of Marist Brothers High School have been invited by the Government of Japan as Youth Ambassadors for World Tsunami Awareness Day. more...

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:33:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 2:30PM SIX students of Marist Brothers High School have been invited by the Government of Japan as Youth Ambassadors for World Tsunami Awareness Day. Accompanied by their teacher Tagutu Raicebe, the Youth Ambassadors will depart for Japan on Sunday November 20, 2016.

7.5 Quake: five big questions answered

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:27:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Could Monday's quake trigger a sleeper tsunami or an Alpine Fault quake? Are we living in an era of quakes? Science reporter Jamie Morton tackles five big questions facing scientists. 1. Has the quake increased the chance of a sleeper tsunami? One potentially increased threat is a rapid-fire tsunami....

Nueva Zelanda evacúa a personas de zonas del terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:13:00 +0100ultimasnoticias (es)

ÚN.- Las autoridades neozelandesas evacuaron a turistas y residentes de la localidad de Kaikoura, quedó aislada a causa del terremoto de 7,8 en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sur del país domingo por la noche. En la evacuación aérea, que se ve dificultada por tormentas y fuertes vientos, se ha....

People climb up rooftops to catch supermoon’s rare glimpse Islamabad 15-Nov-16

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:08:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

ISLAMABAD: People across the country on Monday night climbed up rooftops for catching a peculiar glimpse of the ‘supermoon’, a rare phenomenon occurred after 68 years. According to a spokesman for the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), the phenomenon happens when the moon is full at the same....

A 4.6-magnitude earthquake was detected in waters off Japan’s Ibaraki Prefecture on Tuesday 1:15 a.m., according to Japan’s state weather agency.

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:03:00 +0100koreatimes (en)

A 4.6-magnitude earthquake was detected in waters off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture on Tuesday 1:15 a.m., according to Japan's state weather agency. The tremor was felt across the prefecture, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or property damage. The agency said the quake was not powerful enough to trigger tsunami.

Le nucléaire a survécu à Fukushima

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 03:03:00 +0100laliberte (fr)

Energie » Les images sont inoubliables. Le 11 mars 2011, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 9 se produisait au nord-est du Japon, provoquant un raz-de-marée dévastateur. Des villes et des villages côtiers furent complètement détruits. On dénombra près de 18 000 victimes, en sus des dégâts infligés....

دمار هائل بعد زلزال قوي وتوابع في نيوزيلندا

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:57:00 +0100al-madina (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 7.8 درجة وسط نيوزيلندا في ساعة مبكرة أمس فقتل شخصين على الأقل وألحق أضرارا بطرق ومبان وخلفت المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال الذي وقع بعيد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش بجزيرة ساوث أيلاند وسط تقارير عن إصابات وانهيار مبان.

القنصلية بنيوزيلندا: لا إصابات بين السعوديين جراء الزلزال

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:57:00 +0100al-madina (ar)

أكّدت القنصلية العامة للسعودية في نيوزيلندا، أنه لم يردها حتى تاريخه أيّ بلاغات عن إصابات بين المواطنين السعوديين جرّاء الزلزال الذي ضرب نيوزيلندا أمس وبلغت قوته 6.8 بمقياس ريختر. وأوضحت في بيانٍ أمس، أنها كوّنت فريق عمل لتلقي الاتصالات والبلاغات والاستفسارات؛ مبيِّنة أنها تتابع مستجدات الأحداث.

Superluna habría provocado el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:56:00 +0100radiomundial (es)

Un especialista en sismología neozelandés afirmó que el influjo de la Luna en las mareas podría haber causado el fuerte terremoto que sacudió a Nueva Zelanda la noche del domingo. El miembro del instituto de investigación GNS Sciense -orientado en geología, geofísica y ciencia nuclear- John Ristau....

More than 1,000 stranded in Kiwi town after massive earthquake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:30:00 +0100arabnews (en)

SYDNEY: New Zealand was planning to send in military helicopters and a navy ship to rescue about 1,000 tourists and hundreds of residents who remain stranded in the coastal town of Kaikoura after a powerful earthquake on Monday cut off train and vehicle access.

Earthquake: A guide to getting through the aftershocks

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:06:00 +0100Stuff (en)

"Petrol is important – I'm always on empty, and Mum has anxiety triggered by quakes, and I couldn't get to her Sunday night because my car was on empty. And lots of people I know who were evacuated from the tsunami had to stop off at the petrol station.

Firearms stolen in Nelson during tsunami evacuation

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 02:06:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Firearms were stolen from a home in Riwaka, near Nelson when the residents had evacuated due to a tsunami warning. Several firearms, some antique pieces were stolen from the Riwaka address, early on Monday morning following the 7.5-magnitude earthquake near Kaikoura.

القنصلية السعودية في نيوزيلندا: لا إصابات لمواطنينا جراء الزلزال

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 01:25:00 +0100alriyadh (ar)

أكدت القنصلية العامة للمملكة العربية السعودية في نيوزيلندا، عدم تلقيها بلاغات عن إصابات بين المواطنين السعوديين جراء الزلزال الذي ضرب نيوزيلندا اليومين الماضيين، وتراوحت قوة الهزات ما بين 3-6.8 درجات وأحدثت موجات تسونامي لمناطق الساحل الشرقي من الجزيرة الجنوبية.

Supermarkets reopening, challenges for New World Kaikoura

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 01:18:00 +0100Stuff (en)

More supermarkets are reopening after being forced closed due to Monday morning's earthquake. A number of supermarkets in Wellington, Canterbury and Kaikoura were closed due to earthquake damage or tsunami risk. As of Tuesday morning, all Foodstuffs stores in Wellington and Canterbury are open. Foodstuffs owns Pak 'n Save, New World, Four Square.

В Новой Зеландии после землетрясения начали эвакуировать жителей

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:50:00 +0100rg (ru)

В Новой Зеландии после мощного землетрясения началась эвакуация сотен туристов и жителей из города Каикоура на восточном побережье Южного острова. Об этом информирует В прошлые выходные в Новой Зеландии произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,9, спровоцировавшее цунами, также в регионе зафиксировано еще два подземных толчка.

Malaysians in NZ shaken but safe

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:50:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

Tuesday, 15 November 2016 Malaysians in NZ shaken but safe. by rahimy rahim Holiday shock: Siti Nurbayah (right) and her fellow travellers Nur Hadila Ismail (left) and Nur Fadhilah Abd Wahab did not expect to experience an earthquake in New Zealand. PETALING JAYA: Malaysians in New Zealand were left shaken when a powerful earthquake measuring 7.

خسائر الكوارث الطبيعية سنوياً: نحو 26 مليون فقير إضافي.. و520 مليار دولار

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:50:00 +0100almustaqbal (ar)

قال البنك الدولي في تقرير امس ان الكوارث الطبيعية تدفع نحو 26 مليون شخص الى الفقر كل عام وتتسبب بخسائر تزيد على 500 مليار دولار. واضاف التقرير الذي نشر على هامش مؤتمر المناخ المنعقد في مراكش بالمغرب، ان هذه الارقام سترتفع خلال العقود المقبلة نظراً لان التغير المناخي سيضاعف القوة التدميرية للاعصارات والفيضانات وموجات الجفاف.

دمار هائل بعد زلزال قوي في نيوزيلندا

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:42:00 +0100albayan (ar)

استفاق النيوزيلانديون على دمار هائل، بعد زلزال قوي ضرب، ليل الأحد الاثنين، أسفر عن مقتل شخصين على الأقل، وألحق أضراراً بطرق ومبان وتتالت عقبه المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال، الذي وقع بُعيد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلو متراً شمال شرقي مدينة....

Lifeline Aotearoa experience high demand after quake

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:18:00 +0100voxy (en)

Lifeline Aotearoa experienced a significant increase in demand following yesterday morning’s 7.5 magnitude earthquake. Between just after midnight when the earthquake struck through to 10am on Monday, Lifeline experienced a surge in calls. "In the first ten hours after the earthquake we had a 30%....

Centenas de abalos atingem Nova Zelândia após forte terremoto

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:11:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Centenas de abalos secundários sacudiram a Nova Zelândia depois do forte terremoto de domingo (13), que matou duas pessoas. Um novo tremor nesta segunda-feira (14) chegou a 6,3 de magnitude. Apesar do número pequeno de vítimas, o governo fala em grande devastação. As estradas parecem ter sido rasgadas.

Looters wore diving gloves to rob evacuated earthquake house

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:10:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Almost $40,000 has been donated to help a Christchurch family whose seaside home was burgled after they evacuated during yesterday's earthquake and tsunami warning. Melissa and Matt Mill left their Bower Ave home in New Brighton at about 2am yesterday with their two daughters Skyla and Alisha. Alisha, 12, has muscular dystrophy.

Quake leaves communities stranded

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:04:00 +0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:04:00 +0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

TERREMOTO OGGI, CENTRO ITALIA E NUOVA ZELANDA / Tsunami e ultime scosse: 3.9M a Ussita, Macerata (14 novembre 2016 ore 18.30, dati INGV in ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:59:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, NUOVA ZELANDA E ULTIME SCOSSE CENTRO ITALIA: SISMA DI 3.9M A USSITA, PROVINCIA DI MACERATA (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 14 NOVEMBRE 2016) - La situazione in Centro Italia continua ad apparire allarmante, soprattutto alla luce del terremoto di 3.9M che ha colpito la provincia di Macerata.

What happened in New Zealand’s magnitude 7.5 earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:41:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Reports are emerging of at least one major fracture in the ground surface that could be related to strike-slip faulting in the Clarence region. More traces may yet be found given the complexity of the earthquake. Tide gauge analysis will help to understand if a similar trace offshore caused the tsunami.

Quake leaves communities stranded

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:38:00 +0100illawarramercury (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:38:00 +0100illawarramercury (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

New Zealand: New Zealand – Earthquake/Tsunami - ECHO Daily Map | 14/11/2016

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:31:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION. • An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 M at a depth of 23 km occurred in the area north of Christchurch, in the South Island of New Zealand on 13 November at 11.02 UTC. The epicentre was located 53 km north-northeast of Amberley (Hurunui district). USGS PAGER indicated a shaking up to "Very Strong" for 240 000 people.

Dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda tras un fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:29:00 +0100diariolibre (es)

WELLINGTON. El potente terremoto que golpeó Nueva Zelanda el lunes provocó deslizamientos de tierra y un pequeño tsunami, resquebrajó carreteras y viviendas y mató a dos personas, aunque el país se libró en gran parte de la devastación de hace cinco años cuando un mortal sismo golpeó la misma región.

Superluna pudo haber provocado el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:28:00 +0100elsiglo (es)

El pasado 13 de noviembre, la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda vivió un fuerte movimiento telúrico de magnitud 7,9, que ocasionó la muerte de dos personas y dejó varios heridos. Al parecer la influencia de la Luna en las mareas desencadenó el fuerte terremoto de Nueva Zelanda, en el que fallecieron al menos dos personas, señaló un sismólogo neozelandés.

О землетрясении предупредили за шесть недель

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:27:00 +0100gazeta-ua-ru (ru)

13 ноября в Новой Зеландии произошло землетрясение силой 7,8 балла. Погибли двое людей. Жителей прибрежных регионов эвакуировали в глубь островов. Власть ожидает мощных цунами после толчков. Мы были готовы, говорит местный Джереми Вайя. О возможном землетрясении предупреждали еще шесть недель назад.

Quake leaves communities stranded

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:24:00 +0100maitlandmercury (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:24:00 +0100maitlandmercury (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

Firearms stolen during tsunami evacuation 54 minutes ago

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:22:00 +0100newstalkzb (en)

Thieves stole a number of firearms from a South Island house while the occupants were evacuated due to yesterday's tsunami warning. Police said the firearms, some of them antiques, were stolen from an address in Riwaka in the Nelson area at about 7.30am.

Huge NZ quake may actually be two quakes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:22:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

CHRISTCHURCH • The powerful earthquake that struck central New Zealand yesterday may have been closely spaced double tremors on separate fault lines, one triggering the other, said scientists. What remains unknown, and disconcerting, is whether the high number of aftershocks that continue was just....

Quake leaves communities stranded

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:21:00 +0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:21:00 +0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

Quake leaves communities stranded

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:18:00 +0100bordermail (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:18:00 +0100bordermail (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

Un gran seísmo deja al menos dos muertos en nueva zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:15:00 +0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

Sydney - Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó al menos dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser....

Quake leaves communities stranded

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:14:00 +0100theherald-au (en)

Dozens of tourists and stranded residents are waiting to be evacuated from quake-hit Kaikoura. Battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks, visitors and residents will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The township remains unreachable by road, due to....

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:14:00 +0100theherald-au (en)

Stranded Kaikoura residents battered by thunderstorms and aftershocks will be given the option to fly out of the region on Tuesday - if the weather permits. The New Zealand township remains unreachable by road, due to massive slips and damage on State Highway 1 after a magnitude 7.5 quake hit just after midnight on Monday morning.

Gun thieves target evacuated Nelson home

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:10:00 +0100rnzi (en)

Thieves have stolen guns from a Nelson home after the occupants had fled during the tsunami alert following yesterday's Hanmer Springs earthquake. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs at 12.02am yesterday and triggered tsunami waves and widespread alerts.

LIVE: The wet and shaky quake aftermath

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:10:00 +0100rnzi (en)

As strong aftershocks continue after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, a rescue effort is gearing up for Kaikoura. Key facts: A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs at 12.02am on Monday. There have been two confirmed deaths. One person died in a house that collapsed in Kaikoura, and a....

Firearms stolen during tsunami evacuation

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:10:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Thieves stole a number of firearms from a South Island house while the occupants were evacuated due to yesterday's tsunami warning. Police said the firearms, some of them antiques were stolen from an address in Riwaka in the Nelson area at about 7.30am.

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:08:00 +0100smh (en)

Hundreds of aftershocks had since followed, keeping residents of North Canterbury on edge. High winds and seas may hamper the military's ability to help people stuck in Kaikoura, Minister of Defence Gerry Brownlee says. Hotel guests gather in a car park after an earthquake in Wellington.

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:07:00 +0100brisbanetimes (en)

Hundreds of aftershocks had since followed, keeping residents of North Canterbury on edge. High winds and seas may hamper the military's ability to help people stuck in Kaikoura, Minister of Defence Gerry Brownlee says. Hotel guests gather in a car park after an earthquake in Wellington.

4:53 Experto japonés en tsunamis aportará su experiencia en Nicaragua

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:02:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

14 de noviembre de 2016, 16:53 Managua, 14 nov (PL) El experto del Departamento de Sismología y Vulcanología de Japón, Tomoaki Ozaki, compartirá su experiencia en el pronóstico y la prevención de tsunamis en Nicaragua, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales.

Firearms stolen in Nelson during tsunami evacuation

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:53:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Firearms were stolen from a home in Riwaka, near Nelson when the residents had evacuated due to a tsunami warning. Several firearms, some antique pieces were stolen from the Riwaka address, early on Monday morning following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake near Kaikoura. "For someone to take advantage of others at a time like this is a deplorable act.

New Zealand earthquake: Weather hampers rescue of stranded residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:47:00 +0100theage (en)

Hundreds of aftershocks had since followed, keeping residents of North Canterbury on edge. High winds and seas may hamper the military's ability to help people stuck in Kaikoura, Minister of Defence Gerry Brownlee says. Hotel guests gather in a car park after an earthquake in Wellington.

VIDEO. Nouvelle-Zélande : après le séisme, un millier de touristes à évacuer

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:44:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

U n tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a de nouveau frappé la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans l'île du Sud, quelques heures après un premier séisme qui avait fait deux morts, rapporte le site de la BBC . Cette réplique est survenue lundi à 13 h 45 (1 h 45 en France) au nord-est de la ville de....

Weather hampers rescue of residents stranded by ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:41:00 +0100watoday (en)

Hundreds of aftershocks had since followed, keeping residents of North Canterbury on edge. High winds and seas may hamper the military's ability to help people stuck in Kaikoura, Minister of Defence Gerry Brownlee says. Hotel guests gather in a car park after an earthquake in Wellington.

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A strong earthquake that hit New Zealand could cause a tsunami and residents on the South Island's east coast should seek higher ground, New Zealand's Civil Defence said on its twitter feed on Monday. more...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:31:00 +0100fijitimes (en)

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A strong earthquake that hit New Zealand could cause a tsunami and residents on the South Island's east coast should seek higher ground, New Zealand's Civil Defence said on its twitter feed on Monday. The US Geological Survey said the 7.

Los diez efectos devastadores del cambio climático

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:17:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

El cambio climático ha intensificado los fenómenos extremos, como las olas de calor, sequías e inundaciones. Según la Organización de Meteorología Mundial los episodios de temperaturas altas extremas, se han multiplicado por diez. Estos son algunos ejemplos de los fenómenos extremos que se han registrado en el planeta.

Terremoto en Nueva Zelanda: la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado, pero las costas pueden experimentar corrientes fuertes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:12:00 +0100eldiario-EC (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Declaraciones de Rosario Murillo (14/11/2016) (Texto íntegro)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:10:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

, iniciamos con el Informe Sismológico… Hemos tenido 12 sismos en nuestro Territorio : 4 en Fallamiento Local, y 1 en nuestras Costas. Hemos tenido también sismos grandes fuera del Área Centroamericana : en Japón el sábado; luego, amanecer Domingo, 7.8, en Nueva Zelandia un terremoto, y después una cantidad de réplicas de 6.

Nueva Zelanda: locutora de radio transmite con mucha calma sismo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:09:00 +0100peru (es)

La conductora de radio Vicki McKay demostró que tiene nervios de acero al mantener con total calma un programa en vivo durante el terremoto de 7,8 grados que sacudió Nueva Zelanda el domingo. La locutora se mantuvo serena y hasta se animó a bromear a pesar de las circunstancias, según un audio....

Vacas quedan atrapadas tras terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:04:00 +0100informador (es)

WELLINGTON, NUEVA ZELANDA (14/NOV/2016).- Como en los dibujos animados, tres vacas se quedaron atrapadas en un pequeño islote de pasto y tierra después del terremoto que afectó este domingo a Nueva Zelanda y que, con magnitud de 7.8 grados Richter, provocó las muertes de al menos dos personas.

Superluna habría provocado el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:04:00 +0100ultimasnoticias (es)

El miembro del instituto de investigación GNS Sciense – orientado en geología, geofísica y ciencia nuclear- John Ristau sostiene que la influencia que tiene el satélite terrestre sobre las mareas “aumenta las tensiones en la corteza terrestre” lo que significa, que si al norte de la región de....

Un seísmo de 7,8 grados de magnitud sacude el centro de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:57:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

Compartir; Compartido veces Video: Atlas España - 14/11/2016 a las 20:58h. Guardado en: Internacional Estas imágenes tenían lugar en Wellington, Nueva Zelanda. El violento movimiento y el derrumbe de los palos de golf y otras mercancías muestran como el edificio está siendo sacudido por un fuerte terremoto.

Un seísmo de 7,8 grados de magnitud sacude el centro de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:46:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Estas imágenes tenían lugar en Wellington, Nueva Zelanda. El violento movimiento y el derrumbe de los palos de golf y otras mercancías muestran como el edificio está siendo sacudido por un fuerte terremoto. En las primeras horas del lunes se registró un seísmo de magnitud 7,8 en el centro de Nueva Zelanda.

World set for hottest year on record in 2016

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:39:00 +0100qt (en)

2016 is set to be the world's hottest year on record. According to the World Meteorological Organisation's preliminary statement on the global climate for 2016, global temperatures for January to September were 0.88C above the long-term (1961-90) average, 0.11C above the record set last year, and about 1.

Most astonishing photos of the supermoon

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:39:00 +0100dailytelegraph (en)

Astronomers say the best time to spot the moon is when it rises as this is when it will appear larger to the naked eye than it normally does. In Thailand, astrologers were variously predicting the supermoon would bring disaster or great fortune. Soraja Nuan-yoo, renowned for predicting the 2004....

Justin Ross Harris verdict - GUILTY on all counts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:26:00 +0100wrcbtv (en)

UPDATE: Justin Ross Harris has been charged with killing his 22-month-old son Cooper Harris by leaving him in a hot car in a Vinings office park in June, 2014. Count 1 Malice Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY. Count 2 Felony Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY. Count 3 Felony Murder (Mandatory life sentence) - GUILTY.

Nova Zelândia planeja resgate de turistas após terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:14:00 +0100ogloboglobo (pt)

WELLINGTON - O governo da Nova Zelândia pretende utilizar helicópteros militares e uma embarcação da Marinha para resgatar cerca de mil pessoas, entre turistas e moradores, que ficaram presos na cidade litorânea de Kaikoura. O acesso de trens e de veículos à cidade foi interrompido Kaikoura, cidade....

Most astonishing photos of the supermoon

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:13:00 +0100couriermail (en)

The full moon is 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than normal due to the fact that it is 30,000 kilometres closer to earth than usual. It will not reach this close again until 2034. Incredible shots from around the country show it rising over Brisbane and the Sydney Opera House.

Northlanders urged to take tsunami sirens seriously

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:09:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Northlanders are being urged to take tsunami sirens seriously after some punters ignored advice to head away from the coast and instead did the opposite. Northlanders living on the coast were evacuated early yesterday after a magnitude 7.5 earthquake, 15km northeast of Culverden in the South Island, at a depth of 15km.

Rotorua couple stranded after Kaikoura earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:09:00 +0100nzherald (en)

On an impulse, Jamie Brosnahan and Jonathon O'Neill spent Sunday night in Kaikoura. The Rotorua couple were heading for Hanmer Springs - they had their mountain bikes and were looking forward to checking out more of the South Island trails. On a whim, they decided to stop off for the night in Kaikoura.

Polonahý Čech našel skrýš před cunami na kopci u hřbitova

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:09:00 +0100tyden (cs)

Ničivé zemětřesení na Novém Zélandu vyhnalo z domova i čtyřicetiletého Čecha. Dům na pláži v Rarangi opouštěl Robert Voráček z Hlučína na Opavsku polonahý, první noc strávil na kopci u hřbitova. Nyní se stěhuje ke známým ve vnitrozemí. Mimořádně silné zemětřesení, které si vyžádalo dva lidské životy....

Most astonishing photos of the supermoon

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:04:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

The full moon is 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than normal due to the fact that it is 30,000 kilometres closer to earth than usual. It will not reach this close again until 2034. Incredible shots from around the country show it rising over Brisbane and the Sydney Opera House.

New Zealand: Tourists, Residents (And Cows) Stranded After Powerful Quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:58:00 +0100yalibnan (en)

Amora Hotel guests gather in a parking lot in Wellington, New Zealand on Monday, a day after a powerful earthquake struck the region. A series of aftershocks kept residents and tourists on guard. Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images. After a powerful earthquake struck New Zealand on Sunday, several vital....

Nuevo terremoto de 5,8 grados, sacude a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:57:00 +0100laprensa-HN (es)

Sídney, Australia. Un seísmo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas han golpeado Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,5 sacude Nueva Zelanda y provoca un tsunami de dos metros

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:57:00 +0100rtve (es)

El temblor ocurrió a las 00.02 hora local (11.02 GMT) y su hipocentro se localizó a 23 kilómetros de profundidad, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo. Este organismo informó previamente de que la magnitud era de 7,4 y posteriormente lo....

LVMH mise sur les griffes asiatiques premium

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:52:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

Cosmétiques, mode, bars branchés... Le fonds d'investissement dont le géant du luxe est actionnaire a pris des participations dans 24 sociétés afin de profiter de l'essor des classes moyennes en Chine et en Asie du Sud-Est. Sous la pluie diluvienne de Chongqing, le costume bleu éclatant de Ravi....

Vacas ilhadas: as imagens da destruição causada por terremoto na Nova ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:51:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 atingiu o sul da Nova Zelândia nesse domingo e deixou ao menos dois mortos. Os impactos atingiram 200 km de distância - os tremores foram sentidos na capital do país, Wellington. Segundo autoridades, uma pessoa morreu na cidade de Kaikoura, na costa leste, e outra em Mount Lyford, em um resort de ski.

Blackcaps looking for fast start in Test series against Pakistan

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:49:00 +0100newshub (en)

Speedster Matt Henry believes the Black Caps can provide the perfect distraction for New Zealanders frazzled by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake which hit the country early on Monday morning. The earthquake, centred near Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury, was felt throughout New Zealand, triggering....

Terremoto y réplica dejan graves daños en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:24:00 +0100lahora-GT (es)

Christchurch DPA. El primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda, John Key, dijo tras sobrevolar las zonas afectadas por el terremoto de ayer en la costa este de la Isla Sur que ha habido una enorme devastación que llevará meses poder reconstruir y costará probablemente miles de millones de dólares.

Un nou cutremur puternic a lovit Noua Zeelanda luni. Doi morti si pagube de miliarde de dolari

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:22:00 +0100stirileprotv (ro)

Cutremurul a fost urmat de un tsunami, care a lovit coasta de nord-est a tarii. Oamenii care locuiesc in apropierea plajelor au fost sfatuiti sa-si paraseasca de urgenta casele. Seismul a avut loc la ora locala 12:02:56 (11.02 GMT) si s-a produs la o adancime de 23 de km, la nord-est de Amberley si la 93 km nord de localitatea Christchurch.

Un violent séisme fait deux morts en Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:21:00 +0100libe (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 a ébranlé à nouveau la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi, quelques heures après le puissant tremblement de terre survenu dimanche matin qui a fait au moins deux morts et conduit des milliers d'habitants à fuir vers des zones élevées. La nouvelle secousse, survenue à 01h45 (00h45 GMT)....

Vacas ilhadas: a destruição causada por terremoto na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:20:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

. Imagens aéreas de animais dão dimensão da força dos tremores, que foram seguidos por tsunami; duas pessoas morreram.

VIDEO: La increíble salvación de tres vacas tras terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:12:00 +0100diarioelmercurio (es)

En un video captado por el portal neozelandés Newshub se aprecia cómo tres vacas permanecen varadas en una pequeña elevación de terreno no afectada por los fuertes deslizamientos de tierra registrados en la costa al norte de la localidad de Kaikoura tras el fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 que sacudió este domingo la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda.

نيوزيلندا: الزلزال أحدث دمارا هائلا يتطلب شهورا من العمل أعلن رئيس الوزراء النيوزيلندي جون كي أن دمارا هائلا لحق بمنطقة الزلزال يتطلب شهورا من العمل. ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:08:00 +0100ekhbariya (ar)

أعلن رئيس الوزراء النيوزيلندي جون كي أن دمارا هائلا لحق بمنطقة الزلزال يتطلب شهورا من العمل. وذكرت رويترز إن رئيس الوزراء النيوزلندي وصف في بيان أصدره، "الانهيارات الأرضية في المنطقة بأنها بشعة" ، وأن تكلفة إعادة الإعمار تتطلب مليارات الدولارات. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز....

Nueva Zelanda sigue temblando: Más de 400 réplicas suceden al fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 20:01:00 +0100lasexta (es)

NUMEROSOS DAÑOS MATERIALES NUMEROSOS DAÑOS MATERIALES Nueva Zelanda sigue temblando: Más de 400 réplicas suceden al fuerte terremoto Unas 400 réplicas han sucedido al terremoto de 7,8 en la escala Richter, que ha dejado dos muertos y más de una veintena de heridos.

NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE - Fort séisme suivi d’un tsunami, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:55:00 +0100ladepeche-pf (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit d’hier les zones côtières après qu’un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, eut secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

Colombia expresa su pesar a Nueva Zelanda por terremoto que mató dos personas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:46:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

El Gobierno de Colombia, a través del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, expresó hoy sus "profundos sentimientos de pesar y solidaridad" con el Ejecutivo y el pueblo de Nueva Zelanda por el terremoto de magnitud 7,8 que sacudió el domingo el país y causó la muerte a dos personas.

Fuerte terremoto de 6.3 vuelve a sacudir Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:44:00 +0100vanguardia-MX (es)

Nueva Zelanda se vio sacudida hoy por una réplica de magnitud 6.3 mientras las autoridades aún intentaban evaluar los daños del terremoto de este domingo que provocó una alerta de tsunami y dejó dos muertos. La agencia de seguimiento sismológico GeoNet informó de que el temblor se produjo a las....

Photos: Large earthquake hits NZ - Day 2

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:41:00 +0100Stuff (en)

KAIKOURA, NEW ZEALAND - NOVEMBER 14: Prime Minister John Key and Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee meets with stranded tourists and locals during their visit to Kaikoura on November 14, 2016 in New Zealand. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs at 12.

'Tax tsunami' to continue in 2017

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:37:00 +0100naftemporiki (en)

Another favorite Greek “pastime”, sipping coffee, will also become more expensive, with hikes of between 10 and 20 percent tacked on to retail prices. By Giorgos Kouros gkouros@naftemporiki.gr. The “tax tsunami” that began in 2016 as a result of the signing of the third memorandum will continue....

Colombia expresa su pesar a Nueva Zelanda por terremoto que mató dos personas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:30:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El Gobierno de Colombia, a través del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, expresó hoy sus "profundos sentimientos de pesar y solidaridad" con el Ejecutivo y el pueblo de Nueva Zelanda por el terremoto de magnitud 7,8 que sacudió el domingo el país y causó la muerte a dos personas.

Vacas ilhadas: a imagens da destruição causada por terremoto na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:22:00 +0100bbc-portuguese-brasil (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 atingiu o sul da Nova Zelândia neste domingo e deixou ao menos dois mortos. Os impactos atingiram 200 km de distância - os tremores foram sentidos na capital do país, Wellington. Segundo autoridades, uma pessoa morreu na cidade de Kaikoura, na costa leste, e outra em Mount Lyford, em um resort de ski.

Vacas ilhadas: a imagens da destruição causada por terremoto na Nova ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 atingiu o sul da Nova Zelândia neste domingo e deixou ao menos dois mortos. Os impactos atingiram 200 km de distância - os tremores foram sentidos na capital do país, Wellington. Segundo autoridades, uma pessoa morreu na cidade de Kaikoura, na costa leste, e outra em Mount Lyford, em um resort de ski.

Nouvelle-Zélande: fort séisme suivi d'un tsunami, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

Séisme et tsunami en Nouvelle-Zélande : au moins deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:19:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande , eut secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

Cows marooned by earthquake capture world's attention

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:16:00 +0100newstalkzb (en)

The fate of three cows marooned on a tiny island in earthquake devastated farmland is unknown but word of their dilemma has spread across the globe. Video footage shows two adult cattle and a calf left on a small grassed patch on a farm outside Kaikoura, which was devastated by the magnitude 7.5 earthquake yesterday.

Arménio Carlos: “600 euros em 2019? É muito curtinho”

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:13:00 +0100dinheirovivo (pt)

A CGTP foi esta tarde o segundo parceiro social a ser recebido pelo Presidente da República na ronda de reuniões que Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa decidiu fazer para verificar as possibilidades de entendimento e de ser obtido um acordo de concertação social de médio prazo.

'Absolutely terrifying' moments as massive quake rattles young family

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:09:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Former Dunedin woman Susanne Dunnett with her children (from left) Jordan, Ben and Neve during a trip to Dunedin in September. Photo / Linda Robertson. A Kaikoura mother of three yesterday described the ''absolutely terrifying'' moments when a ''massive'' 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck.

Locals share earthquake experiences

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:09:00 +0100nzherald (en)

Mark Fletcher was driving a 50-tonne truck towards Wellington when he found himself struggling to keep it in a straight line. "I couldn't control the truck, it was all over both lanes." The Taupo man was driving the 23m truck along the Himatangi Straight near Foxton about midnight yesterday.

New Zealand is no stranger to earthquakes. Here are the biggest of the last 150 years

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:04:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

New Zealand has experienced a 7.8 magnitude earthquake – the biggest quake to hit the country in 85 years. Since it struck - just after midnight (local time) on Monday (14 November 2016) - there have been several aftershocks measuring 5.6 and 5.8. Scientists are currently working out how it happened....

FOTOS:Fuerte sismo de magnitud 7,9 sacude Nueva Zelanda, Alerta de Tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:03:00 +0100notiactual (es)

Se ha producido un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en una isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. El epicentro del sismo se situó a 53 kilómetros al nordeste de la localidad de Amberley y a unos 93 kilómetros de la ciudad de Christchurch , a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

Superluna habría provocado el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:59:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

Al parecer la influencia de la Luna en las mareas desencadenó el fuerte terremoto de Nueva Zelanda, en el que fallecieron al menos dos personas, señaló un sismólogo neozelandés. Un especialista en sismología neozelandés afirmó que el influjo de la Luna en las mareas podría haber causado el fuerte....

Un fort séisme fait deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:46:00 +0100lnc (fr)

Nouvelle-Zélande. Dimanche soir, un séisme de magnitude 7,8, l’un des plus forts jamais enregistrés dans le pays, a fait deux morts. Si des routes et des bâtiments ont été endommagés, le phénomène n’a pas engendré de tsunami destructeur. Vous avez atteint votre quota mensuel de visionnage gratuit de nos articles.

Nueva Zelanda se recupera tras terremoto que mató a dos personas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:44:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

El seísmo afectó a las localidades de Kaikoura y la región de Marlborough, en el noreste de la Isla Sur, y en menor medida a la capital neozelandesa, Wellington, en la Isla Norte, y provocó una alerta de tsunami que obligó a la evacuación de miles de residentes de la zona costera.

7.8 magnitude quake hits New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:39:00 +0100wkbw (en)

A Major Earthquake ��������� And Hundreds Of Aftershocks ��������� Hit New Zealand. At least two people are dead after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck part of New Zealand early Monday morning. The earthquake hit near the city of Kaikoura, which is home Kaikoura's main road into the neighboring....

Large Earthquake Damages New Zealand Ports and Infrastructure

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:38:00 +0100marinelink (en)

Wellington authorities said both the port and wharf gates will remain closed for the next week, and no ship or cargo operations will be permitted. As and when certain sections are cleared by engineers selective operations may be allowed to recommence during this period, ISS said.

Aparece misteriosa luz en el cielo durante terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:36:00 +0100laprensa-HN (es)

Wellintong, Nueva Zelanda Un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, horas después de producirse un terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud, seguido de varias réplicas. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser evacuadas debido a las olas que se esperaban de hasta 5 metros.

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, mucche intrappolate

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:36:00 +0100oggitreviso (it)

Le mucche abbandonate su un pezzo di terra galleggiante, sono l'immagine simbolo della Nuova Zelanda devastata dal terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 verificatosi il 13 novembre. La forte scossa che ha colpito l'isola, oltre a causare delle vittime e un'allerta tsunami, ha provocato inoltre numerose frane e smottamenti in diverse zone del paese.

Chinese technology improves Ecuador’s emergency-reaction capability

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:34:00 +0100al-wihda (en)

Thanks to an emergency warning and monitoring system developed by Chinese companies, Ecuador has significantly improved its capability in dealing with public security risks as well as its reaction speed towards disasters. The ECU911, designed and built by China National Electronics Import and Export....

Mais de 1.000 pessoas estão isoladas após terremotos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:33:00 +0100veja (pt)

Pelo menos 1.000 turistas e centenas de moradores ainda estão presos em uma cidade na costa oriental da Ilha Sul da Nova Zelândia após o de 7,8 graus de magnitude na escala Richter que atingiu o país na madrugada desta segunda-feira no horário local (9h02 do domingo no Brasil).

Double Tectonic Shifts May Have Teamed Up in New Zealand Earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:31:00 +0100scientificamerican (en)

By James Regan Jamie Freed. SYDNEY, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.

Verwüstungen nach Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:27:00 +0100ORF (de)

. In Neuseeland hat sich heute ein weiteres schweres Erdbeben mit der Stärke 6,2 ereignet - nur Stunden nach dem Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8 mit zwei Toten. Wegen der zahlreichen Beben brach ein Damm auf der Südinsel. Die Behörden ordneten Evakuierungen an. Das erste Beben hatte eine Tsunamiwarnung ausgelöst.

Skygazers gawp at extra bright 'supermoon'

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:16:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

"I've never seen a moon this big," said Lee Pak-kan, 44, who was watching at the Hong Kong waterfront. "The moon is quite orange too... it's quite special." In the Taiwanese capital Taipei, more than 100 people queued up to get a look at the spectacle through telescopes outside a major public hall,....

Primer Ministro de Nueva Zelanda suspendió su visita a la Argentina

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:13:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

El primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda, John Key, suspendió la visita oficial a la Argentina que iba a realizar debido la situación que atraviesa su país, luego del fuerte terremoto que causó dos muertos e importantes daños. Según se informó oficialmente en Casa Rosada, "con motivo del terremoto....

الكوارث الطبيعية توقع سنويا خسائر بقيمة 520 مليار دولار

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:12:00 +0100arabs48 (ar)

عــ48ـرب ووكالات. تحرير : هاشم حمدان قال البنك الدولي في تقرير نشره اليوم، الإثنين، إن الكوارث الطبيعية تدفع نحو 26 مليون شخص إلى الفقر كل عام، وتتسبب بخسائر تزيد عن 500 مليار دولار. وأضاف التقرير الذي نشر على هامش مؤتمر الأطراف بشأن المناخ المنعقد في مراكش بالمغرب، أن هذه الأرقام سترتفع خلال....

نيوزيلندا: زلزالان في ضغون ساعات

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:12:00 +0100bbc-arabic (ar)

قتل شخصات بعد أن ضرب زلزالين الجزيرة الجنوبية في نيوزيلندا. و أدى الزلزالان إلى انهيار في الأراضي الزراعية وانهيار طيني بالإضافة إلى انقطاع الكهرباء. وبلغت قوة الزلزال الأول 7.8 على مقياس ريختر. كما تسبب بتسونامي ما دفع السلطات المحلية إلى الطلب من السكان الانتقال إلى المناطق المرتفعة مخافة تعرضهم لأذى.

All Blacks legend Richie McCaw joins earthquake rescue effort as he flies helicopter missions to aid survivors

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:05:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

KAIKOURA, NEW ZEALAND - NOVEMBER 14: Prime Minister John Key and former All Black captain Richie McCaw are seen during a visit to Kaikoura on November 14, 2016 in New Zealand. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs at 12.02am and triggered tsunami warnings for many coastal areas.

7.8 magnitude quake hits New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:03:00 +0100thedenverchannel (en)

TheDenverChannel.com National News Partner A Major Earthquake ��������� And Hundreds Of Aftershocks ��������� Hit New Zealand. At least two people are dead after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck part of New Zealand early Monday morning. The earthquake hit near the city of Kaikoura, which is home....

LIVE: New Zealand's 7.5 quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:58:00 +0100rnzi (en)

As strong aftershocks continue after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, a rescue effort is gearing up for Kaikoura. Key facts: A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs at 12.02am on Monday. There have been two confirmed deaths. One person died in a house that collapsed in Kaikoura, and a....

Terremoto de magnitud 7.8 en Nueva Zelanda deja saldo de dos muertos y millonarios daños materiales

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:52:00 +0100ntn24 (es)

Foto: AFP Internacionales Las intemperies dificultaban este lunes las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un fortísimo terremoto de magnitud 7.8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. Puede interesarle: Registran tsunami de 2 metros en Nueva Zelanda tras terremoto de magnitud 7.

¿Será la superluna la causante de los recientes terremotos?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:50:00 +0100tiempo (es)

Para expertos como George Helffrich, sismólogo de la Universidad de Bristol, “la Luna no tiene ningún efecto significativo sobre el desencadenamiento de terremotos”. Con estas afirmaciones coincide el geofísico colombiano Gonzalo Duque, quien dijo a BLU Radio que los recientes fenómenos solo se....

Nueva Zelanda fue sacudida por varios sismos durante el fin de semana

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:50:00 +0100univision (es)

Nueva Zelanda fue sacudida por varios sismos tras el terremoto de 7.8 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que dejó un saldo de dos muertos. La Isla Sur es la que más se ha visto afectada por los movimientos telúricos, incluido uno de 6.3 que le siguió al primero y más fuerte durante la madrugada de este lunes, hora de Nueva Zelanda.

Devastation caused by quake will cost billions to fix: NZ PM

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:47:00 +0100todayonline (en)

WELLINGTON — The devastating quake that struck New Zealand will cost the country billions of dollars, while months would be needed to clear the debris and blocked roads, said Prime Minister John Key. “It’s just utter devastation, I just don’t know ... that’s months of work,” Mr Key told Civil....

Un segundo terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda, luego de que...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:42:00 +0100guatevision (es)

Un segundo potente terremoto de magnitud 6,3 golpeó en la madrugada de este lunes a la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, tal como había sucedido 24 horas antes en la misma zona. El primero había sido de magnitud 7,8 y ocurrió a la medianoche local de este domingo (11:02 GMT), dejando dos personas muertas, informó el primer ministro, John Key.

Cutremur de 7,8 grade în Noua Zeelandă

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:41:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (en)

POWERFUL EARTHQUAKE STRIKES NEW ZEALAND 14 NOV 2016: A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, causing damage to buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves.

Pris au piège par une tempête de neige, 160.000 moutons échappent à la mort en Chine (vidéo)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:38:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Un groupe de bergers et leurs 162.915 moutons ont été secourus ce lundi dans la région autonome Ouïghour du Xinjiand en Chine, après avoir passé plus de 70 heures pris au piège d’un puissant blizzard. Les routes étaient complètement recouvertes et ils se sont retrouvés avec de la neige jusqu'aux genoux.

Estiman daños por sismo en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:35:00 +0100elmanana (es)

Sydney , Australia.-Nueva Zelanda se recupera hoy del terremoto de 7.8 grados que anoche sacudió al país, donde al menos dos personas murieron y las autoridades evalúan los daños que las primeras estimaciones valoran en cientos de millones de dólares. El sismo, que afectó a las localidades de....

El Primer Ministro de Nueva Zelanda suspendió su visita a la Argentina por el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:35:00 +0100clarin (es)

El primer ministro de Nueva Zelanda, John Key, suspendió su visita a la Argentina, debido al terremoto que afectó al país oceánico y dejó un saldo de por lo menos dos muertos. La suspensión de la visita oficial fue informada a través de un comunicado de Presidencia de la Nación.

Guarda che superluna...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:34:00 +0100euronews-it (it)

Una superluna è semplicemente la luna piena che sorge al momento in cui il nostro satellite si trova in prossimità del punto dell’orbita più vicino alla terra, ossia al perigeo. L’effetto, ottico e minimo, in realtà, è un aumento apparente delle dimensioni (non più del 14%) e della luminosità riflessa della luna (non più del 30%) .

Presentato il progetto dell'ambulatorio medico-solidale polispecialistico "San Giuseppe Moscati"

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:28:00 +0100cassanolive (it)

Presentata oggi l’idea di dare vita ad un Ambulatorio Medico Solidale nella Parrocchia dello Spirito Santo di Trani con la fattiva collaborazione dell’Associazione Orizzonti e la Caritas Cittadina al fine di contrastare un preoccupante default della Famiglia.

Enlace permanente a ¡Mire! ¿Qué tuvo que ver la superluna con el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:19:00 +0100elperiodicovenezolano (es)

Mientras esta noche esperamos contemplar la superluna más brillante y de mayor tamaño del siglo XXI hasta la fecha, un sismólogo ha especulado con la posibilidad de que ese fenómeno podría haber desencadenado el poderoso terremoto que azotó Nueva Zelanda este 13 de noviembre.

Le débrief du jour : Une super Lune ce soir | Les images du chaos en Nouvelle-Zélande | Tué par un bloc de béton sur le ring

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:19:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

La Lune fait sa star ce soir, un séisme a semé le chaos en Nouvelle-Zélande, un automobiliste est mort en recevant un bloc de béton dans son pare-brise, les suites du match des Diables rouges : voici le condensé de l'actualité de ce lundi 14 novembre 2016. 1. C'est ce soir qu'il ne faut pas manquer la super Lune.

Sisma in Nuova Zelanda, piano di evacuazione di turisti e abitanti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:18:00 +0100gds-it (it)

WELLINGTON. Il governo della Nuova Zelanda sta pianificando l'invio di elicotteri militari e di una nave della Marina per evacuare circa 1000 turisti e centinaia di residenti che sono rimasti bloccati nella città costiera di Kaikoura dopo il potente sisma che ha colpito il paese. Ieri una prima potente scossa di magnitudo 7.

Эксперты предупредили об опасностях грядущего суперлуния

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:15:00 +0100life (ru)

Специалисты по безопасности и сотрудники экстренных служб советуют не совершать длинных походов и морских путешествий из-за риска потопов и цунами. По прогнозам учёных, в ночь на 15 ноября произойдёт рекордное за 70 лет суперлуние — явление, при котором Луна максимально приближается к Земле и....

Ancora scosse in Nuova Zelanda, al via piano di evacuazione di turisti e abitanti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:14:00 +0100247libero (it)

WELLINGTON. Il governo della Nuova Zelanda sta pianificando l'invio di elicotteri militari e di una nave della Marina per evacuare circa 1000 turisti e centinaia di residenti che sono rimasti bloccati nella città costiera di Kaikoura dopo il potente sisma che ha colpito il paese. Ieri una prima potente scossa di magnitudo 7.

After powerful quake, tourists, residents (and cows) stranded in New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100antiguaobserver (en)

An aerial photo taken Monday shows earthquake damage to State Highway One near Ohau Point in New Zealand, a day after a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed two people and caused massive infrastructure damage. Mark Mitchell/AFP/Getty Images. After a powerful earthquake struck New Zealand on....

Today's News: Nov. 14, 2016

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

—New Zealanders are recovering from a powerful earthquake that struck early Monday, triggering a tsunami and dozens of aftershocks. At least two people died in the quake. —Iraqi forces continue their push into Mosul, the Islamic State’s last stronghold in Iraq.

Sismo en Nueva Zelanda deja 2 muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100sertv (es)

Al menos dos personas fallecieron a causa del terremoto de magnitud 7.8 que golpeó a la Isla del Sur de Nueva Zelanda, anunció el primer ministro, John Key. Horas después del temblor, registrado a unos 90 km de la ciudad de Christchurch, el jefe de gobierno neozelandés confirmó dos víctimas fatales....

Un segundo potente terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda en 24 horas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:12:00 +0100teletica (es)

Un segundo potente terremoto de magnitud 6,3 golpeó en la madrugada de este lunes a la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, tal como había sucedido 24 horas antes en la misma zona. El primero había sido de magnitud 7,8 y ocurrió a la medianoche local de este domingo (11:02 GMT), dejando dos personas muertas, informó el primer ministro, John Key.

Nightmare in New Zealand: Pakistan team jolted and ‘sleepless’ amid tremors

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:04:00 +0100tribune (en)

KARACHI: Pakistan team manager Wasim Bari admitted on Monday that players were facing an unprecedented challenge to focus on the two-match Test series against New Zealand as aftershocks continue to haunt the visitors in Christchurch. Pakistan travelled from Nelson to Christchurch where they are....

New Zealand earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:03:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake rattled New Zealand’s South Island just after midnight on November 14, 2016. The earthquake was centered 20 km southeast of Hanmer Springs and triggered tsunami warnings for many coastal areas. In this photo, a landslide caused by the earthquake blocks State Highway One north of Kaikoura, New Zealand.

Gempa di Selandia Baru, WNI Terpantau Aman

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:00:00 +0100kompas (id)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Wellington, Selandia Baru menyatakan bahwa warga negara Indonesia tak ada yang menjadi korban gempa bumi di negara tersebut. WNI di kota Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, dan Nelson dalam kondisi aman.

Sigue temblando en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17:00:00 +0100voanoticias (es)

Una fuerte réplica del terremoto del domingo sacudió este lunes la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, alterando los nervios de los agotados vecinos, mucos de los cuales pasaron la noche en vela huyendo de un posible tsunami. "Es una completa devastación... Son meses de trabajo", dijo el primer ministro,....

10:40:15 | Provocó la superluna el poderoso terremoto de Nueva Zelanda?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:59:00 +0100hoybolivia (es)

Provocó la superluna el poderoso terremoto de Nueva Zelanda? 14/11/2016 - 10:40:15 ACTUALIDAD.- Un sismólogo neozelandés afirma que el influjo de la Luna en las mareas podría haber causado el fuerte terremoto de Nueva Zelanda, en el que murieron al menos dos personas.

La relación entre la superluna y los temblores en el...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:55:00 +0100midiario (es)

Cuatro países fueron sacudidos por fuertes temblores durante las últimas 24 horas, situación que ha generado alarma en las distintas redes sociales. Cientos de internautas creen que la "superluna" podría ser la causa de los sismos que se registraron este domingo en varios lugares del mundo.

Cutremur de magnitudine mare în Noua Zeelandă

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:49:00 +0100digi24 (ro)

Un cutremur de magnitudine mare a lovit astăzi Noua Zeelandă. Seismul s-a produs la adâncime mică. A fost emisă alertă de tsunami. Cutremurul s-a produs în apropiere de orașul Christchurch, devastat în 2011 de un seism cu magnitudinea 6,3. Autoritățile au anunțat că două persoane și -au pierdut viața.

Sismo en Nueva Zelanda DEJA DOS MUERTOS

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:49:00 +0100elmanana (es)

Wellington, Nueva Zelanda. Un fuerte terremoto sacudió el sur de Nueva Zelanda en las primeras horas del lunes, cuando todavía era domingo en la mayoría del mundo, dejando dos muertos y causando daños en inmuebles y obras de infraestructura. Los servicios de emergencia exhortaron a los residentes de....

Superluna: secondo la rivista scientifica Nature, l’influenza del satellite potrebbe causare Terremoti e Tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:44:00 +0100segnidalcielo (it)

Le famose influenze “gravitazionali possono creare terremoti e maremoti e la superluna di questa sera 14 Novembre, secondo uno studio scientifico pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista scientifica Nature, potrebbe appunto causare fenomeni sismici e tsunami.

México activa líneas de emergencia por sismo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:38:00 +0100tabascohoy (es)

13/11/2016 14:20 / Ciudad de México La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) activó el número de emergencia para protección a mexicanos tras el sismo de 7.8 grados ocurrido en Nueva Zelanda, que provocó diversos daños. La dependencia, en su cuenta de Twitter @SRE_mx informó que ante los....

تواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:23:00 +0100dostor (ar)

تواصلت الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا منذ الزلزال العنيف الذي ضرب البلاد امس وبلغت قوته 5ر7 درجة على مقياس ريختر، واسفر عن وفاة شخصين والحاق اضرار كبيرة بالطرق والبنية التحتية تشير تقديرات الحكومة الى انها تتجاوز ملياري دولار. وذكرت الاذاعة النيوزيلندية، أن الآلاف من سكان المنطقة المتضررة تركوا....

Terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:22:00 +0100elsiglodetorreon (es)

Al menos dos personas han muerto a causa del terrmoto de magnitud 7.8 que azotó hoy Nueva Zelanda, informó el primer ministro, John Key. Key advirtió que el número de fallecidos podría aumentar, pero dijo que carecían de precisiones, dados los problemas de comunicación con la zona afectada.

17:20 الكوارث الطبيعية تكلف الاقتصاد العالمي نصف تريليون دولار

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:18:00 +0100almasryalyoum (ar)

وأوضح البنك الدولي أن هذه التقديرات للخسائر تقدر بنحو 60% عن تقديرات الأمم المتحدة، مشيرا إلى أن البنك يعتمد في أرقامه على الأضرار التي يتكبدها الأكثر فقرا. وقال البنك في تقرير، إن العواقب الاقتصادية والإنسانية المترتبة على الكوارث الطبيعية «أكثر بكثير مما كنا نعتقد.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake: Experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:17:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY (REUTERS) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday (Nov 14). An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.

Hunderte Nachbeben erschüttern Neuseeland nach schwerem Erdbeben

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:17:00 +0100suedostschweiz (de)

Das Beben in der Nacht zu Montag hatte die Südinsel erschüttert und war bis in die Hauptstadt Wellington auf der Nordinsel zu spüren gewesen. Die Erdbebenwarte GeoNet gab die Stärke mit 7,5 an. Nach Tsunami-Alarm schwappten in der Nacht bis zu zwei Meter hohe Wellen an die Küsten, richteten aber keine zusätzlichen Schäden an.

This year is set to break temperature records - again

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:13:00 +0100oneworld (en)

It is very likely that 2016 will be the hottest year on record, with global temperatures even higher than the record-breaking temperatures in 2015. Preliminary data shows that 2016’s global temperatures are approximately 1.2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels, according to an assessment by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Video: Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand's South Island A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:09:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city....

Dos muertos y daños materiales tras muy fuerte terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:07:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Las intemperies dificultaban este lunes las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés, se registró a las 00:02 del lunes (11:02 GMT del domingo).

Major quake, aftershocks hit New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:01:00 +0100buenosairesherald (en)

A railway track lies damaged alongside State Highway One near Kaikoura on the upper east coast of New Zealand''s South Island following an earthquake. A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummeled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks.

Still think global warming isn't real? Once again we are set to have the hottest year on record

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:01:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

2016 is set to be the world's hottest year on record. According to the World Meteorological Organisation's preliminary statement on the global climate for 2016, global temperatures for January to September were 0.88°C above the long-term (1961-90) average, 0.11°C above the record set last year, and about 1.

New Zealand earthquake: Cows stranded as powerful tremors rip through South Island

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:51:00 +0100standard (en)

We use cookies to enhance your visit to our site and to bring you advertisements that might interest you. Read our and Policies to find out more. New Zealand earthquake: Cows stranded as powerful tremors rip through South Island Monday 14 November 2016 14:41 BST; The cows managed to find one small safe piece of earth to stand on during the quake.

In Neuseeland bebte die Erde

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:44:00 +0100derwesten (de)

Mitten in der Nacht zum Montag hat in Neuseeland an manchen Orten die Erde gebebt. Dabei wurden viele Häuser und Straßen beschädigt. Das heftige Erdbeben verursachte auch Erdrutsche. Die gelöste Erde verschüttete mehrere Straßen. Erde rutschte auch in einen Fluss und staute das Wasser.

New Zealand earthquake: Cows stranded as powerful tremors rip through South Island Evening Standard

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:43:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

By using this service and related content, you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalised content and ads. It is not yet known who the cows belong to or what will be done to rescue them. The first tremors sparked a tsunami warning with those on the island’s east coast warned to take to higher ground.

Increíble pero real: tres vacas se quedaron atrapadas en medio del sismo en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:38:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

WELLINGTON.- Tres vacas neozelandesas quedaron atrapadas en medio de la nada después de que un terremoto provocara deslaves de tierra a su alrededor y las dejara varadas en una pequeña porción de pasto. Un video tomado por el servicio de noticias Newshub desde un helicóptero en la localidad de....

[Diaporama] La Nouvelle-Zélande frappée par une série de puissants séismes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:37:00 +0100rfi-fr (fr)

Le séisme a frappé une zone rurale, à mi-chemin entre les villes de Christchurch et de Wellington, à la pointe méridionale de l'ïle du Nord. La secousse est survenue tôt lundi 14 novembre, peu après minuit heure locale, et a duré deux longues minutes. Une éternité pour ces habitants qui ont vécu il....

Earthquake Hinders Port Operations in New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:30:00 +0100worldmaritimenews (en)

New Zealand’s ports of Wellington and Picton have issued damage notifications while Wellington authorities said that both the port and wharf gates will remain closed for the next seven days in the aftermath of an earthquake measuring a magnitude of 7.5 which struck the upper South Island of New Zealand on November 14.

¿Provocó la superluna el poderoso terremoto de Nueva Zelanda?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:30:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Un sismólogo neozelandés afirma que el influjo de la Luna en las mareas podría haber causado el fuerte terremoto de Nueva Zelanda, en el que murieron al menos dos personas. Mientras esta noche esperamos contemplar la superluna más brillante y de mayor tamaño del siglo XXI hasta la fecha, un....

4 Mundo Nova Zelândia tem áreas devastadas e cidade turística isolada após terremoto O mau tempo, com fortes chuvas, dificultou o trabalho das equipes de emergência no dia seguinte ao forte terremoto, de 7,8 graus...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:28:00 +0100emtempo (pt)

O mau tempo, com fortes chuvas, dificultou o trabalho das equipes de emergência no dia seguinte ao forte terremoto, de 7,8 graus de magnitude, atingir a Nova Zelândia na madrugada desta segunda-feira (14). O tremor deixou dois mortos e causou danos sérios à infraestrutura do país, como soterramentos e destruição de estradas.

This could be hottest year ever

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:24:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

“Another year. Another record. The high temperatures we saw in 2015 are set to be beaten in 2016,” WMO secretary-general Petteri Taalas said in a statement. The El Nino weather phenomenon had boosted temperatures in the early months of the year, but even after its effects dissipated, the mercury stayed high.

Segundo terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacude a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:21:00 +0100cre (es)

Sydney.- Un fuerte sismo de 6,5 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió nuevamente este lunes 14 de noviembre a Nueva Zelanda, a las 13:34 locales (0:34 GMT), sin que se reportaran víctimas ni daños materiales, ni tampoco se emitió ninguna alerta de tsunami.

المحكمة العليا في اسرائيل ترفض طلب تأجيل هدم بؤرة استيطانية عشوائية في الضفة الغربية المحتلة

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:19:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

بروكسل (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 14:58. الاتحاد الاوروبي يفرض عقوبات على 17 وزيرا وحاكم المصرف المركزي في سوريا (بيان) القدس (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 14:22. المحكمة العليا في اسرائيل ترفض طلب تأجيل هدم بؤرة استيطانية عشوائية في الضفة الغربية المحتلة; مراكش (المغرب) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 13:02.

Nova Zelândia é atingida por centenas de réplicas do tremor desse domingo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:18:00 +0100clicfolha (pt)

Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas hoje (14) na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude. A informação é da Agência Ansa.

Nova Zelândia tem áreas devastadas e cidade turística isolada após terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:14:00 +0100folhape (pt)

O mau tempo, com fortes chuvas, dificultou o trabalho das equipes de emergência no dia seguinte ao forte terremoto, de 7,8 graus de magnitude, atingir a Nova Zelândia na madrugada de segunda-feira (14). O tremor deixou dois mortos e causou danos sérios à infraestrutura do país, como soterramentos e destruição de estradas.

New Zealand earthquake – port and infrastructure update

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:13:00 +0100hellenicshippingnews (en)

Aftershocks are continuing in the upper South Island and Wellington region, some over a magnitude of 6. A tsunami warning was withdrawn early this morning, with unusual tidal surges and currents continuing throughout the day. ISS was involved in the evacuation of a number of ships to sea overnight after a tsunami warning was issued.

Terremotazo de 7.8 y tsunami en Nueva Zelanda ponen en alerta al mundo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:13:00 +0100ojo (es)

Al menos dos personas murieron a causa del terremoto de 7.8 grados que golpeó a la Isla del Sur de Nueva Zelanda pasada la medianoche del domingo. El temblor también provocó cuantiosos daños materiales en la capital, Wellington, donde se sintió con fuerza. Cayeron casas, puentes y las carreteras sufrieron rajaduras.

Superlua traz ondas mais altas e mais brilho sobre a Terra

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:12:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Na Superlua, o satélite chegará quase 30 mil quilômetros mais próximo da Terra do que o habitual. Fenômeno poderá ser observado por vários dias e ser motivo de alegria para os surfistas.Nesta segunda-feira (14/11), a Lua atingirá a menor distância da Terra desde 1948, criando o efeito de uma "Superlua extra".

Fuerte seísmo seguido de tsunami deja al menos dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:11:00 +0100jornadanet (es)

Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser evacuadas debido a las olas que se esperaban, de hasta 5 metros. Según los medios locales, se produjeron cortes de electricidad y los servicios de emergencia acudieron a rescatar a algunas personas en helicóptero.


Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:10:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

El Gobierno español trasladó este lunes sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas mortales del terremoto que afectó a la región de Christchurch, en la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda, en la noche del sábado al domingo, al tiempo que deseó una “pronta recuperación a los heridos”.

VIDEO. Nouvelle-Zélande : un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le pays

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:07:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

U n tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a de nouveau frappé la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans l'île du Sud, quelques heures après un premier séisme qui avait fait deux morts, rapporte le site de la BBC . Cette réplique est survenue lundi à 13 h 45 (1 h 45 en France) au nord-est de la ville de....

Superlua traz ondas mais altas e mais brilho sobre a Terra

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:04:00 +0100deutschewelle-pt_BR (pt)

Nesta segunda-feira (14/11), a Lua atingirá a menor distância da Terra desde 1948, criando o efeito de uma "Superlua extra". Embora Superluas sejam algo bastante comum – ocorrendo geralmente a cada 14 meses –, o fenômeno desta segunda-feira não se repetirá até 2034. De acordo com a Nasa, nosso solitário satélite estará a somente 356.

Nova Zelândia tem áreas devastadas e cidade turística isolada após terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:03:00 +0100diariodonordeste (pt)

O mau tempo, com fortes chuvas, dificultou o trabalho das equipes de emergência no dia seguinte ao forte terremoto, de 7,8 graus de magnitude , atingir a Nova Zelândia na madrugada de segunda-feira (14). O tremor deixou dois mortos e causou danos sérios à infraestrutura do país , como soterramentos e destruição de estradas.

Čech prchal po zemětřesení na Novém Zélandu do bezpečí polonahý

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:02:00 +0100ceskapozice (cs)

Mimořádně silné zemětřesení, které si vyžádalo dva lidské životy a vyvolalo i menší přívalovou vlnu tsunami, dosáhlo síly 7,8 stupně. „Bylo to šílené. Země se třásla. Probudilo mě to. Věděl jsem, že musím rychle pryč. Bydlím jen 100 metrů od pláže. Kdyby přišla vlna tsunami, nepřežil bych to,“ uvedl....

زلزال جديد بقوة 6.8 درجات قبالة ساوث أيلاند بنيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:02:00 +0100islammemo (ar)

أعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية, الإثنين , أن زلزالا قويا جديدا بلغت قوته 6.2 درجة هز منطقة ساوث أيلاند بنيوزيلندا. ووقع الزلزال نحو الساعة 23.00 بالتوقيت المحلي (10:00 توقيت غرينتش) على بعد 90 كلم من مدينة كرايستشورش على الجزيرة الجنوبية. وكانت سلطات نيوزيلندا أصدرت امس الأحد، تحذيرا من أمواج مد بحري (تسونامي) إثر زلزال بقوة 7.

Ödeläggelse efter skalv på Nya Zeeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:59:00 +0100barometern (sv)

De kraftiga jordskalven som under söndagen drabbade Nya Zeeland fick marken att skaka och röra på sig. 100 000 jordskred har rapporterats från norra Canterbery och södra Marlborough, enligt New Zealand Herald. Det kraftigaste drabbade floden Clarence Rivers mynning där en damm skadats, vilket har....

Čech prchal po zemětřesení na Novém Zélandu do bezpečí polonahý

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:58:00 +0100lidovky (cs)

Mimořádně silné zemětřesení, které si vyžádalo dva lidské životy a vyvolalo i menší přívalovou vlnu tsunami, dosáhlo síly 7,8 stupně. „Bylo to šílené. Země se třásla. Probudilo mě to. Věděl jsem, že musím rychle pryč. Bydlím jen 100 metrů od pláže. Kdyby přišla vlna tsunami, nepřežil bych to,“ uvedl....

Les Tsunamis

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:51:00 +0100france24 (fr)

CHRISTCHURCH (NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE) (AFP) - De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami. VIDEOGRPAPHIE.

Declaran la emergencia en poblado del estado Mérida tras desbordamiento de quebradas que dejó más de 60 viviendas afectadas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:50:00 +0100ntn24 (es)

El gobernador del estado Mérida, Alexis Ramírez declaró la emergencia en el municipio Miranda de la entidad andina, tras las fuertes lluvias que ocasionaron el desbordamiento de las quebradas Chijos y Luz Caraballo. Vea también: A través de su cuenta en Twitter, el mandatario local dijo que....

Nova Zelândia é atingida por centenas de réplicas do tremor de domingo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:49:00 +0100ne10 (pt)

Terremoto foi sentido neste domingo (13) na Nova Zelândia Foto: Alex PERROTTET / RADIO NEW ZEALAND / AFP Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas nesta segunda (14) na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição.

Enlace permanente a ¡Pánico a medianoche! Tsunami y sismo estremecen Nueva Zelanda (Fotos)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:48:00 +0100elperiodicovenezolano (es)

Al menos dos personas murieron después de que un poderoso terremoto sacudió Nueva Zelanda cerca de la ciudad de Christchurch, la madrugada del domingo, dijo el primer ministro, John Key, durante una conferencia de prensa. Un terremoto de 7,8 grados sacudió el centro de justo después de la medianoche....

Tsunami hits after powerful New Zealand quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:48:00 +0100sunstar (en)

(UPDATED) -- New Zealand authorities say the powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the country's South Island. A tsunami has been generated, the first wave has arrived in the North Eastern Coast of the South Island.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake — experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:47:00 +0100arabnews (en)

SYDNEY, Australia: The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummeled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

Nova Zelândia tem áreas devastadas e cidade turística isolada após terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:47:00 +0100bemparana (pt)

SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) - O mau tempo, com fortes chuvas, dificultou o trabalho das equipes de emergência no dia seguinte ao forte terremoto, de 7,8 graus de magnitude, atingir a Nova Zelândia na madrugada de segunda-feira (14). O tremor deixou dois mortos e causou danos sérios à infraestrutura....

Nova Zelândia deverá continuar com réplicas do sismo durante meses

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:46:00 +0100expresso (pt)

Centenas de réplicas, uma das quais com magnitude de 6,3, continuaram a abalar a Nova Zelândia. após o sismo inicial de 7,5 ocorrido à 00h02 desta segunda-feira (12h02 de domingo em Lisboa), que causou dois mortos. Foi lançado um alerta de tsunami, que entretanto já foi suspenso.

10:04 | Terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en Nueva Zelanda registra 2 muertos y daños materiales

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:45:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Nueva Zelanda , donde un fortísimo terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés, se registró a las 00H02 del lunes (11H02 GMT del domingo).

2 dead, widespread damage in New Zealand quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:44:00 +0100cknw (en)

At least two people are dead and damage is widespread after a powerful earthquake hit New Zealand early Monday morning. The 7.8 magnitude quake struck just after midnight on the South Island at the coastal town of Kaikoura, a popular tourist destination. Hundreds of tourists were forced out into the streets as hotels were evacuated.

Leer más sobre Dos personas muertas y 24 heridas deja el terremoto de 7.8 en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:43:00 +0100hsbnoticias (es)

Dos personas muertas y 24 heridas deja hasta el momento las réplicas que se han presentado en Nueva Zelanda tras el fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7.8 en la escala de Ritcher que se presentó en el país el pasado domingo. Una de las víctimas mortales murió debido a un ataque al corazón y la otra por el....

¿Afectará a la costa salvadoreña el terremoto y tsunami en Nueva Zelanda? Esto dice el MARN

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:43:00 +0100laprensagrafica (es)

En Nueva Zelanda, las autoridades recomendaron a los habitantes de la costa este del país que se desplacen "hacia zonas elevadas o lo más posible tierra adentro", así como subir a los pisos superiores de los edificios o incluso a los árboles. 13 de Noviembre de 2016 a la(s) 9:34 / Beatriz Calderón / EFE.

Dos muertos y daños materiales tras muy fuerte terremoto en Nueva ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:41:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Las intemperies dificultaban este lunes las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un fortísimo terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés, se registró a las 00H02 del lunes (11H02 GMT del domingo).

Nova Zelândia registra pequenos tremores

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:41:00 +0100odia (pt)

Nova Zelândia - Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas nesta segunda na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo, deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude.

Hunderte Nachbeben nach Erdstoß in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:39:00 +0100krone (de)

D as Beben in der Nacht zum Montag war das zweitschwerste in der Geschichte des Landes, zwei Menschen wurden getötet. In Neuseeland ist das schwere Erdbeben der Stärke 6,3 von 2011 noch in wacher Erinnerung, bei dem 185 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Experten wiesen am Montag aber darauf hin, dass das....

Nova Zelândia é atingida por centenas de novos tremores

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:35:00 +0100valor (pt)

ROMA - Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas hoje (14) na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7,8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6,2 graus de magnitude.

Se salvaron del terremoto al quedar en el único lugar que no se derrumbó

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:34:00 +0100unosantafe (es)

Tres vacas fueron protagonistas de una historia de supervivencia en Nueva Zelanda. Los animales lograron sobrevivir de forma increíble al terremoto de 7,8 Richter que afectó al país durante este domingo. Las vaquitas quedaron ubicadas justo en el único sitio que zafó de un masivo derrumbe posterior al sismo, pudiendo salvar sus vidas.

Un potente segundo terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda en 24 horas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:33:00 +0100ecuavisa (es)

Un segundo potente terremoto de magnitud 6,3 golpeó en la madrugada de este lunes a la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, tal como había sucedido 24 horas antes en la misma zona. El primero había sido de magnitud 7,8 y ocurrió a la medianoche local de este domingo (11:02 GMT), dejando dos personas muertas, informó el primer ministro, John Key.

Nova Zelândia é atingida por mais centenas de réplicas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:32:00 +0100noticias-r7 (pt)

Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas nesta segunda-feira (14) na Nova Zelândia após um o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude. De acordo com o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (Usgs), o....

El terremoto fue de magnitud 7.8

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:23:00 +0100elpaso (es)

Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda Al menos dos personas murieron a causa del terremoto de magnitud 7.8 que golpeó la Isla del Sur de Nueva Zelanda, anunció el primer ministro, John Key, un movimiento telúrico que desató una alerta de tsunami, que desplazó a miles de personas.

Neuseeland nach Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8 von hunderten Nachbeben erschüttert Nach dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 ist Neuseeland am Montag nicht zur Ruhe gekommen. Experten wiesen am Montag aber darauf hin, dass das Epizentrum auf der Südinsel des Landes diesmal 23... Mehr»

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:23:00 +0100epochtimes (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 ist Neuseeland am Montag nicht zur Ruhe gekommen. Mehrere hundert Nachbeben mit einer Stärke von bis zu 6,0 erschütterten das Land, während die Rettungsarbeiten durch starke Niederschläge behindert wurden. Das Beben in der Nacht zum Montag war das....

البنك الدولي: الكوارث الطبيعية تتسبب بخسائر تقارب 520 مليار دولار في السنة

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:18:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

مراكش (المغرب) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 13:02. الكوارث الطبيعية تتسبب بخسائر تقارب 520 مليار دولار في السنة (البنك الدولي) كانو (نيجيريا) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 12:54. مقتل عشرة نيجيريين من الشيعة على الاقل في مواجهات مع الشرطة في كانو; كربلاء (العراق) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 08:08.

Nova Zelândia é atingida por centenas de réplicas do tremor desse domingo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:17:00 +0100bemparana (pt)

Centenas de réplicas foram sentidas hoje (14) na Nova Zelândia, após um terremoto de 7.8 graus na escala Richter ter atingido o país no último domingo (13), deixando dois mortos, alguns feridos e destruição. O tremor mais forte desta segunda foi de 6.2 graus de magnitude. A informação é da Agência Ansa.

Dos muertos y daños materiales tras fuerte terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:17:00 +0100lostiempos (es)

CHRISTCHURCH | Las intemperies dificultaban hoy las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un fortísimo terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés ,....

Dos muertos y daños materiales deja terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:14:00 +0100elmundo-ve (es)

08:28 a.m. | AFP .- Las intemperies dificultaban este lunes las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés,....

Les Tsunamis

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:14:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami. VIDEOGRPAPHIE.

La increíble salvación de tres vacas tras el fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:13:00 +0100diariouno (es)

En un video captado por el portal neozelandés Newshub se aprecia cómo tres vacas permanecen varadas en una pequeña elevación de terreno no afectada por los fuertes deslizamientos de tierra registrados en la costa al norte de la localidad de Kaikoura tras el fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 que sacudió este domingo la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda.

New Zealand’s Clarence river dam breaches after earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:12:00 +0100news-am (en)

reported. RNZ According to the radio, Civil Defence earlier feared for 16 rafters and six kayakers on the Clarence River. They have now been found safely. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 which occurred on Sunday in New Zealand, provoked a tsunami. After that, two more tremors were recorded in the region.

Desastres Naturais

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:10:00 +0100observador (pt)

Os desastres naturais atiram para a pobreza 26 milhões de pessoas todos os anos e provocam perdas anuais de 520 mil milhões de dólares no consumo, revela um relatório publicado pelo Banco Mundial. As autoridades da Nova Zelândia reduziram os níveis de alerta de tsunami no país às zonas costeiras,....

Fuerte sismo de 6.3 vuelve a sacudir Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:07:00 +0100prensalibre (es)

La agencia de seguimiento sismológico GeoNet informó de que el temblor se produjo a las 13:34 horas (local) a una profundidad de 35 kilómetros, en un área similar a la del terremoto anterior. Varios automóviles quedan atrapados bajo un edificio que se derrumbo por sismo de hoy en Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda.

'Utter devastation' after major quake, aftershocks hit New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:06:00 +0100cnbc (en)

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummeled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks. Emergency response teams flew by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the tremor, which struck just....

Así ha quedado el paisaje de Nueva Zelanda tras el potente terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:05:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

Nueva Zelanda se recupera del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche sacudió el país, donde al menos dos personas murieron y las autoridades evalúan unos daños que las primeras estimaciones valoran en cientos de millones de dólares. El seísmo , que afectó a las localidades de Kaikoura y la región de....

Hunderte Nachbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:05:00 +0100Vorarlberg (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 ist Neuseeland am Montag nicht zur Ruhe gekommen. Mehrere hundert Nachbeben mit einer Stärke von bis zu 6,0 erschütterten das Land, während die Rettungsarbeiten durch starke Niederschläge behindert wurden. Das Beben in der Nacht zum Montag war das....

Nuova Zelanda, perché il terremoto non è stato una tragedia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:05:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 14 novembre 2016) La facciata della cattedrale di Christchurch, dopo il terremoto del 2011 in Nuova Zelanda Quattro terremoti hanno scosso la Nuova Zelanda in due ore. In più, è scattato l’allarme tsunami. Ma perché il sisma di 7,8 gradi nella scala di Richter ha provocato panico nella....

Hunderte Nachbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:58:00 +0100Salzburger (de)

Mehrere hundert Nachbeben mit einer Stärke von bis zu 6,0 erschütterten das Land, während die Rettungsarbeiten durch starke Niederschläge behindert wurden. Das Beben in der Nacht zum Montag war das zweitschwerste in der Geschichte des Landes, mindestens zwei Menschen wurden getötet.

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:56:00 +010020minutos (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo , que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Nuevo terremoto volvió a sacudir a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:53:00 +0100ellitoral (es)

El Litoral. DPA. Nueva Zelanda se vio sacudida hoy por una réplica de magnitud 6,3 mientras las autoridades aún intentaban evaluar los daños del terremoto de este domingo que provocó una alerta de tsunami y dejó dos muertos. La agencia de seguimiento sismológico GeoNet informó de que el temblor se....

Neuseeland nach Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8 von hunderten Nachbeben erschüttert

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:52:00 +0100donaukurier (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 ist Neuseeland am Montag nicht zur Ruhe gekommen. Mehrere hundert Nachbeben mit einer Stärke von bis zu 6,0 erschütterten das Land, während die Rettungsarbeiten durch starke Niederschläge behindert wurden. Das Beben in der Nacht zum Montag war das....

Yeni Zelanda'da 7.8 büyüklüğünde deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:46:00 +0100bbc-turkce (tr)

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Wellington'daki Amora Oteli'nde kalanlar battaniye altında ısınmaya çalıştı. Yeni Zelanda'nın Christchurch kentinin 91 kilometre güneyinde 7.8 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. Polis, depremde iki kişinin hayatını kaybettiğini açıkladı.

Ancora scosse in Nuova Zelanda, al via piano di evacuazione di turisti e abitanti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:45:00 +0100gds-it (it)

. WELLINGTON. Il governo della Nuova Zelanda sta pianificando l'invio di elicotteri militari e di una nave della Marina per evacuare circa 1000 turisti e centinaia di residenti che sono rimasti bloccati nella città costiera di Kaikoura dopo il potente sisma che ha colpito il paese. Ieri una prima potente scossa di magnitudo 7.

Povertà, a Trani nasce l'ambulatorio medico solidale "Giuseppe Moscati"

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:44:00 +0100gravinalife (it)

E' stato ufficialmente inaugurato il centro medico poli-specialistico "Giuseppe Moscati" nella struttura dello Spirito Santo. Il progetto nasce da un'idea della parrocchia, da sempre devota al santo, e grazie a una fattiva collaborazione della Caritas cittadina e l'associazione Orizzonti.

Neuseeland nach Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8 von hunderten Nachbeben erschüttert

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:43:00 +0100dtoday (de)

In Neuseeland ist das schwere Erdbeben der Stärke 6,3 von 2011 noch in wacher Erinnerung, bei dem 185 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Experten wiesen am Montag aber darauf hin, dass das Epizentrum auf der Südinsel des Landes diesmal 23 Kilometer unter der Erdoberfläche lag - wodurch die Ausbreitung der Erdstöße gedämpft wurde.

Nouvelle-Zélande: violente réplique du séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:39:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

'Utter devastation' after major quake, aftershocks hit New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:38:00 +0100ATAP-en (en)

14/11/2016 11:25, Wellington /New Zealand (TAP) - A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake pummeled central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks. Emergency response teams flew by helicopter to the region at....

Dos muertos y daños materiales tras fuerte terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:37:00 +0100ABCDigital (es)

El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés, se registró a las 00:02 del lunes (08:02 del domingo en Paraguay). Sacudió las regiones de la Isla Sur y su epicentro se localizó a 23 km de profundidad y a unos 90 km de la ciudad de Christchurch, ciudad en la que un sismo....

Alertan del tsunami que podría sacudir la costa andaluza

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:27:00 +0100DiarioVasco (es)

DIARIOVASCO.COM Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.A. Registro Mercantil de Gipuzkoa, Libro de Sociedades 49, Folio 118, Hoja n� 2.900, Inscripción 1� C.I.F.: A-20004073 Domicilio social en Camino de Portuetxe, 2 San Sebastián 20018.Correo electrónico de contacto contactanos@diariovasco.com Copyright � Sociedad Vascongada de Publicaciones, S.

Sismo na Nova Zelândia faz dois mortos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:27:00 +0100jn (pt)

Situada a 91 quilómetros do epicentro do sismo que abalou a Nova Zelândia, a cidade de Christchurch, foi uma das regiões onde o fenómeno se fez sentir com maior intensidade. Equipas de emergência já foram enviadas para o local. O primeiro-ministro neozelandês, John Key, já esteve no local e....

Nouvelle-Zélande : nouveau séisme nocturne

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:23:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

Il est 1h45 du matin ce lundi en Nouvelle-Zélande quand les sirènes retentissent. La terre vient à nouveau de trembler. Une réplique de 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter, dont l'épicentre se trouve aux alentours de Christchurch, la même zone touchée dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche par un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8.

بالفيديو .. لحظة وقوع زلزال مدمر في نيوزلندا وتساقط المباني!

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:20:00 +0100alalam-ir (ar)

أعلن رئيس الوزراء النيوزيلندي، جون كي الاثنين، أن الأضرار الناجمة عن الزلزال الأخير الذي ضرب البلاد، تفوق 2 مليار دولار نيوزيلندي (نحو 1.5 مليار دولار أميركي). ونقلت الإذاعة الوطنية "أر أن زد" عن كي قوله: "من الصعب أن نصدّق أن الخسائر أقل بقليل من ملياري دولارنيوزيلندي".

Destinos bonitos e perigosos para visitar entre placas tect�nicas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:20:00 +0100correiobraziliense (pt)

Os sismos, ou terremotos, acontecem por causa da libera��o s�bita de energia do centro da Terra normalmente gerada pelo choque de placas tect�nicas. Apesar de haverem placas nos cinco continentes, a incid�ncia de terremotos � mais frequente em alguns pa�ses. O Chile, que est� no encontro da Placa Sul-Americana e a de Nazca, � um deles.

Terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:20:00 +0100elsiglodetorreon (es)

AGENCIAS Al menos dos personas han muerto a causa del terrmoto de magnitud 7.8 que azotó hoy Nueva Zelanda, informó el primer ministro, John Key. Key advirtió que el número de fallecidos podría aumentar, pero dijo que carecían de precisiones, dados los problemas de comunicación con la zona afectada.

Wellington earthquake: Brendan Smyth forced to drop, crawl and hang on in hotel room

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:20:00 +0100smh (en)

Brendan Smyth was asleep in his room on the sixth floor of the Museum Art Hotel on Wellington's waterfront when the 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck just after midnight on Sunday night. He knew what to do - drop, crawl and hang on, and that's exactly what he did as the hotel rattled around him, the....

Así ha quedado el paisaje de Nueva Zelanda tras el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:19:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

Nueva Zelanda se recupera del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche sacudió el país, donde al menos dos personas murieron y las autoridades evalúan unos daños que las primeras estimaciones valoran en cientos de millones de dólares. El seísmo, que afectó a las localidades de Kaikoura y la región de....

Terremoto causó daños y alerta de tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:18:00 +0100elobservador (es)

El Observador se comunicó con una habitante de Hanmer Springs, localidad ubicada al norte de la Isla Sur, quien comentó: "Muchas de las casas se derrumbaron, varias calles están rotas ylas personas están entrando en pánico por un posible tsunami". A su vez, Katherine Hamilton, describió a El Observador la situación de la Isla Norte del país.

New Zealand earthquake latest: Two confirmed dead after 7.8 magnitude tremors on South Island

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:17:00 +0100independent-UK (en)

1/8. A powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt in the capital, Wellington, more than 200 Km (120 miles) away. AP; 2/8. Access to the ramp for the Bluebrige Cook Strait Ferry was cracked, after a 7.

NZ mystery ‘earthquake lights’

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:16:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

NEW Zealanders have been mystified by flashes of blue and green light that lit up the sky around the same time as a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the South Island. Social media user Zachary Bell uploaded a video of the flashing lights and said they lasted for between five and eight seconds at the “peak of the shaking”.

زلزال قوي في نيوزيلندا يسبب دمار هائل

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:16:00 +0100libya-al-mostakbal (ar)

ليبيا المستقبل (عن رويترز) : ضرب زلزال قوته 7.8 درجة وسط نيوزيلندا في ساعة مبكرة يوم الاثنين فقتل شخصين على الأقل وألحق أضرارا بطرق ومبان وخلفته المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال الذي وقع بعد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة....

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:16:00 +0100sabah_mardin (tr)

pazar günü meydana gelen 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğündeki bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle pazartesi öğlen meydana geen artçı değremin....

Terremoto, scosse e allerta tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100grr-tg1 (it)

NUOVA ZELANDA Terremoto, scosse e allerta tsunami Andato in onda il: 14/11/2016. E' rientrato l'allarme tsunami scattato dopo il sisma di magnitudo 7.8 che ieri ha provocato due morti. Registrate ancora nuove fortissime scosse. Francesco Votano.

Terremoto oggi, Nuova Zelanda e Centro Italia/ Ultime scosse e Tsunami: sisma M 2.7 a Rieti (dati INGV in diretta, 14 novembre 2016 ore 11:...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:11:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, NUOVA ZELANDA E ULTIME SCOSSE CENTRO ITALIA: SCOSSA M 2.6 A USSITA, MACERATA (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 14 NOVEMBRE 2016) – Non si attenuta lo sciame sismico in centro Italia come il terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, due eritrosi e situazioni diversissime tra loro ma che tengono i....

Wellington earthquake: Brendan Smyth forced to drop, crawl and hang on in hotel room

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:11:00 +0100brisbanetimes (en)

Brendan Smyth was asleep in his room on the sixth floor of the Museum Art Hotel on Wellington's waterfront when the 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck just after midnight on Sunday night. He knew what to do - drop, crawl and hang on, and that's exactly what he did as the hotel rattled around him, the....

Un terremoto de 5,8 grados, replica del seísmo de 7,8, sacude Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:11:00 +0100montevideo (es)

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas golpearon Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

Foto Ajaib Fenomena 'Supermoon' 2016

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100deutschewelle-id (id)

Jarak bulan ke Bumi biasanya berkisar rata-rata 384.400 kilometer. Jarak sejauh itu bisa menampung hingga 30 planet seukuran Bumi. Kedekatan bulan dengan Bumi memicu kenaikan gelombang air laut setinggi beberapa sentimeter di sejumlah lokasi. Mendekatnya bulan ke Bumi justru memicu aktivitas seismik di permukaan bulan.

Supermoon 2016 India and US: Best places and time to watch

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

will be at its peak on Monday, November 14. This moon will be the fifth largest since 1948 and will not be encountered so closely again till 2034. A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in....

Dos muertos y daños materiales tras fuerte terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:08:00 +0100teletica (es)

Las intemperies dificultaban este lunes las operaciones de emergencia en Nueva Zelanda, donde un fortísimo terremoto de magnitud 7,8 causó la noche anterior dos muertos e importantes daños en las infraestructuras. El temblor más importante, que se sintió en todo el territorio neozelandés, se registró a las 00H02 del lunes (11H02 GMT del domingo).

Nueva Zelanda es sacudida por una réplica de 6,3 de magnitud

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:07:00 +0100eluniversal (es)

Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda.- Nueva Zelanda se vio sacudida hoy por una réplica de magnitud 6,3 mientras las autoridades aún intentaban evaluar los daños del terremoto de este domingo que provocó una alerta de tsunami y dejó dos muertos. La agencia de seguimiento sismológico GeoNet informó de que....

2016 on course to be hottest year on record

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:06:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

It is "very likely" that 2016 will be the hottest year on record. According to a provisional statement on the Status of the Global Climate by the World Meteorological Organization, global temperatures are so warm that they are expected to break the record highs set in 2015.

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:06:00 +0100sabah (tr)

pazar günü meydana gelen 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğündeki bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle pazartesi öğlen meydana geen artçı değremin....

Wellington earthquake: Brendan Smyth forced to drop, crawl and hang on in hotel room

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:05:00 +0100theage (en)

Brendan Smyth was asleep in his room on the sixth floor of the Museum Art Hotel on Wellington's waterfront when the 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck just after midnight on Sunday night. He knew what to do - drop, crawl and hang on, and that's exactly what he did as the hotel rattled around him, the....

Terremoto, paura e devastazione in Nuova Zelanda. Si contano 1 miliardo e mezzo di danni

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:02:00 +0100loccidentale (it)

I danni per il violento terremoto che ha colpito domenica la Nuova Zelanda ammontano a circa 2 miliardi di dollari neozelandesi (circa 1,4 miliardi di dollari). Lo ha detto il primo ministro John Key . Un sisma di magnitudo 7.9 ha colpito l'Isola del Sud.

YOUTUBE-FOTO Allerta tsunami a Chirstchurch: l’inquietante suono della sirena

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:53:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

CHRISTCHURCH – Le sirene dell’allerta tsunami hanno risuonato a Christchurch in Nuova Zelanda. La città è stata colpita da un sisma di magnitudo 7.8 che ha colto nel sonno la popolazione. Il sisma ha creato danni estesi e almeno due morti. Il sisma ha scatenato uno tsunami che, seppure con onde alte....

Al menos dos muertos por fuerte sismo seguido de tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:47:00 +0100telegrafo (es)

Numerosos neozelandeses evacuaron la noche del domingo las zonas costeras luego de que un sismo de magnitud 7,8, uno de los más fuertes registrados en Nueva Zelanda, sacudiera el país dejando al menos dos muertos, dañando construcciones y provocando un tsunami. Según el ministro de Defensa civil, Gerry Brownlee, el balance no debería aumentar.

Insólito: Tres vacas aisladas por el terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:42:00 +0100tiemposur (es)

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió este lunes Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas han golpeado Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

Puissant séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:38:00 +0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Les intempéries compliquaient lundi l'intervention des secours en Nouvelle-Zélande, où un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,8 a fait deux morts dans la nuit, et provoqué d'importants dégâts d'infrastructures. Largement ressentie sur l'ensemble du territoire néo-zélandais, la principale secousse est....

As Trump Heads to Washington, Global Warming Nears Tipping Point 38 minutes ago

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:38:00 +0100bloomberg (en)

this year, rising to within less than one degree of the level that scientists say would be catastrophic, according to the United Nations. During the first nine months of the year, temperatures were 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.16 degrees Fahrenheit) above those recorded at the end of the 1800s, the UN’s said in a report Monday.

Donald Trump, Reince Priebus, Supermoon: Your Monday Briefing

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:36:00 +0100nytimes (en)

President Obama at a Veterans Day ceremony in Arlington, Va., on Friday. He leaves this afternoon for Greece, Germany and Peru. Credit Al Drago/The New York Times. (Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • Trump makes a crucial appointment. President-elect Donald J.

Terremoto, ecco in anteprima i 128 Comuni del cratere

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:34:00 +0100zazoom (it)

: riunione tecnica a Norcia - ecco i punti salienti : Oggi pomeriggio a Norcia si è svolta una riunione tecnica tra il commissario straordinario del Governo per la ricostruzione Vasco Errani, i responsabili della protezione civile e il sindaco Nicola Alemanno.

Terremoto Nuova Zelanda, il sisma spacca la terra: tre mucche intrappolate su una roccia (VIDEO)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:34:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 14 novembre 2016) Nelle immagini aeree delle campagne neozelandesi di Kaikoura, devastate dal Terremoto , tre mucche rimaste intrappolate su uno sperone di roccia dal crollo del terreno circostante. I danni per il violento Terremoto che ha colpito domenica la Nuova Zelanda ammontano a....

Sismo en Nueva Zelanda: no hay argentinos entre las víctimas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:33:00 +0100cadena3 (es)

Emisoras Integrantes; CORDOBA Capital y GRAN CORDOBA LV3 Radio Córdoba (AM 70) 106.9 FM "Radio 3" Ciudad de BUENOS AIRES 99.1 FM Cadena 3 Buenos Aires; Ciudad de RIO CUARTO 90.7 FM Cadena 3 Río Cuarto″ Ciudad de SAN JUAN 88.5 FM Cadena 3 San Juan; Ciudad de RIO GALLEGOS 103.1 FM Cadena 3 Río Gallegos; Ciudad de BARILOCHE 99.

El paisaje de destrucción en Nueva Zelanda tras el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:33:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

Nueva Zelanda se recupera del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche sacudió el país, donde al menos dos personas murieron y las autoridades evalúan unos daños que las primeras estimaciones valoran en cientos de millones de dólares. El seísmo, que afectó a las localidades de Kaikoura y la región de....

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake: Experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:28:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday (Nov 14). An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

VIDEO: La increíble salvación de tres vacas tras un fuerte terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:27:00 +0100rt-es (es)

En medio de deslizamientos causados por el fuerte terremoto que sacudió Nueva Zelanda el pasado domingo, tres vacas quedaron varadas en un pedazo de terreno que no cedió al corrimiento de tierra. En un video captado por el portal neozelandés Newshub se aprecia cómo tres vacas permanecen varadas en....

Dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda tras un fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:27:00 +0100unionradio (es)

WELLINGTON.- El potente terremoto que golpeó Nueva Zelanda el lunes provocó deslizamientos de tierra y un pequeño tsunami, resquebrajó carreteras y viviendas y mató a dos personas, aunque el país se libró en gran parte de la devastación de hace cinco años cuando un mortal sismo golpeó la misma región.

World witnesses biggest supermoon in 68 years

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:26:00 +0100azernews (en)

By Amina Nazarli. Millions of people around the world witnessed the biggest supermoon on November 14, the closest full moon in 68 years. The supermoon brought the moon closer to Earth than it has been since January 26, 1948. What’s more, the moon will not come this close to Earth again until November 25, 2034 and December 6, 2052.

Ouverture du procès Fiona, tremblement de terre en Nouvelle-Zélande... Les 5 infos du Midi pile

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:25:00 +0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Affaire Fiona : dix jours de procès pour tenter d'établir la vérité Trois ans et demi après la disparition de Fiona, à Clermont-Ferrand, sa mère et son beau-père sont jugés, à partir d’aujourd’hui. Notamment pour violences ayant entraîné la mort sans intention de la donner.

Terremoto Nuova Zelanda, il sisma spacca la terra: tre mucche intrappolate su una roccia (VIDEO)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:24:00 +0100huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

Nelle immagini aeree delle campagne neozelandesi di Kaikoura, devastate dal terremoto, tre mucche rimaste intrappolate su uno sperone di roccia dal crollo del terreno circostante. I danni per il violento terremoto che ha colpito domenica la Nuova Zelanda ammontano a circa 2 miliardi di dollari neozelandesi (circa 1,4 miliardi di dollari).

Ouverture du procès Fiona, une "super lune" à observer... Les 5 infos du Midi pile

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:23:00 +0100lamontagne (fr)

Des milliers d'enthousiastes se rendaient lundi au sommet de gratte-ciel et sur des plages en Asie-Pacifique pour observer à la nuit tombée la pleine Lune qui devrait être géante et offrir un spectacle inédit depuis près de 70 ans. Ce phénomène de "super Lune" va se produire avec la concomitance de....

Nuevo sismo remece a Nueva Zelanda y suman más de 400 las réplicas tras terremoto 7,8 Richter

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:23:00 +0100publimetro (es)

Un sismo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas han golpeado Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

Un fuerte sismo seguido de tsunami dejó al menos dos muertos en Nueza Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:21:00 +0100diarioellitoral (es)

Autoridades locales precisaron que miles de personas debieron ser evacuadas de sus casas en numerosas zonas de la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, donde se esperaban olas de hasta cinco metros. Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó hoy....

100 yaşındaki kadın enkazdan sağ çıkarıldı

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:21:00 +0100yenisafak (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'da dün meydana gelen depremde yıkılan evinin enkazının altında kalan 100 yaşındaki kadın kurtarıldı. Christchurch kentinin 91 kilometre kuzeydoğusunda kaydedilen 7,8 büyüklüğündeki depremin verdiği hasar ortaya çıkmaya başladı. 100 yaşındaki kadın kurtarıldı, oğlu öldü Yetkililer, iki....

Erdbeben in Neuseeland: Auch am Tag danach zittert die Erde

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:19:00 +0100blick (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben vom Sonntag mit der Stärke 7,8 auf der Richterskala schütteln immer noch zahlreiche, teilweise starke Nachbeben den Inselstaat. Nur wenige Stunden nach dem verheerenden Erdstoss reignet sich ein Nachbeben mit der Stärke 6,2 . Auch dieses betraf die Südinsel. Am Montagmorgen gab es Nachbeben.

Residents rattled by aftershocks

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:17:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

The area around Kaikoura is currently "locked off from the rest of the country," Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key told the media on Monday following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the area. The quake left infrastructure along New Zealand's coastline near Kaikoura decimated, with a 6.2 aftershock in the area causing further damage.

Two dead as 7.8-magnitude New Zealand quake causes devastation

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:14:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

- Terrifying experience - The earthquake struck at 12:02am Monday (1102 GMT Sunday) and was 23 kilometres deep, the US Geological Survey said. It was felt across most of the country, causing severe shaking in the capital Wellington, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) away.

Ouverture du procès Fiona, une "super lune" à observer... Les 5 infos du Midi pile

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:14:00 +0100lepopulaire (fr)

Des milliers d'enthousiastes se rendaient lundi au sommet de gratte-ciel et sur des plages en Asie-Pacifique pour observer à la nuit tombée la pleine Lune qui devrait être géante et offrir un spectacle inédit depuis près de 70 ans. Ce phénomène de "super Lune" va se produire avec la concomitance de....

Incredible footage of three cows stranded on patch of grass after New Zealand earthquake destroys land around them

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:10:00 +0100themirror (en)

This video shows the incredible escape of three that survived the New Zealand earthquake as the rest of the landscape around them was destroyed. The animals managed to survive by chance, after the land they were standing on held together. Last night, a huge 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, with a second 6.

Tremores secundários atingem Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:09:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

País registrou novos abalos de até 6,3 na escala Richter, além de tsunami de dois metros. Defesa Civil avalia estragos e pede que moradores procurem abrigo em áreas mais altas.Fortes tremores voltaram a abalar a Nova Zelândia nesta segunda-feira (14/11), agravando a devastação deixada pelo terremoto que atingiu o país por volta da 00h00 de domingo.

Dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda tras fuerte terremo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:08:00 +0100ultimasnoticias (es)

AP.- El potente terremoto que golpeó Nueva Zelanda el lunes provocó deslizamientos de tierra y un pequeño tsunami, resquebrajó carreteras y viviendas y mató a dos personas, aunque el país se libró en gran parte de la devastación de hace cinco años cuando un mortal sismo golpeó la misma región.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake - experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:06:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

SYDNEY The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

تواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا وكلفة الاضرار تتجاوز ملياري دولار

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100algomhoriah (ar)

تتواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا منذ الزلزال العنيف الذي ضرب البلاد يوم امس وبلغت قوته 5ر7 درجة على مقياس ريختر، واسفر عن وفاة شخصين والحاق اضرار كبيرة بالطرق والبنية التحتية تشير تقديرات الحكومة الى انها تتجاوز ملياري دولار. ووفق الاذاعة النيوزيلندية، فان الآلاف من سكان المنطقة المتضررة تركوا....

Nuova Zelanda, terremoto di 7,5. Paura tsunami, migliaia via dalla costa

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100repubblica (it)

WELLINGTON - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda vicino alla zona di Christchurch poco dopo la mezzanotte ora locale (le 12 in Italia). Il sisma ha scatenato uno tsunami che, sebbene con onde alte non più di due metri e mezzo, ha reso necessaria....

Nova Zelândia: quase 400 réplicas enquanto se avaliam os danos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:05:00 +0100tvi24 (pt)

Terramoto fez dois mortos. Prejuízos devem ultrapassar os dois milhões de dólares A Nova Zelândia foi sacudida por quase 400 réplicas depois do sismo de 7,8 que abalou o país este domingo , com uma das réplicas a atingir 6,3 na escala de Richter e a obrigar a que se ativassem novamente os alarmes de tsunami na zona.

Tremores secundários atingem Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:04:00 +0100deutschewelle-pt_BR (pt)

Fortes tremores voltaram a abalar a Nova Zelândia nesta segunda-feira (14/11), agravando a devastação deixada pelo terremoto que atingiu o país por volta da 00h00 de domingo. Foram registrados desmoronamentos e tsunamis em decorrência dos abalos sísmicos, cujo prejuízo já é estimado na casa dos bilhões de dólares.

Vacas ficam 'ilhadas' após terremoto na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 12:02:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Vacas isoladas em monte de grama após deslizamento de terra provocado por terremoto de magnitude de 7,8 na Nova Zelândia. (Foto: Associated Press/Newshub) O terremoto que atingiu a Nova Zelândia neste domingo (14) ainda deixava suas marcas um dia depois.

HMNZS Canterbury to ship people out of Kaikoura Wednesday

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:59:00 +0100nzherald (en)

The evacuation, via sea, of tourists stranded in Kaikoura is still a good day and a half away. The HMNZS Canterbury left Auckland this evening, bound for the town on the east-coast of the South Island - one of the worst-hit by the 7.5 magnitude quake that struck shortly after midnight.

Nueva Zelanda desactiva la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:58:00 +0100elprogreso (es)

Lunes 14 de Noviembre de 2016 | Efe. Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake - experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:58:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

Monday, 14 November 2016 | MYT 6:15 PM Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake - experts. by james regan jamie freed SYDNEY (Reuters) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday.

Las autoridades lanzaron el alerta tras un fuerte sismo de 7,8 puntos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:54:00 +0100eldia-AR (es)

EL DIA publicó una nueva tanda de diez números del juego que esta semana puede hacerle ganar 90 mil pesos. ¡No te lo pierdas! Los lectores podrán mandar fotos, videos y archivos en forma gratuita al número +54 9221 477-9896 Ocurrió el sábado a la noche en 17 entre 39 y 40.

Muertos por Fuerte sismo y tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:49:00 +0100lanacion-PY (es)

Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda | AFP. Numerosos neozelandeses evacuaron la noche del domingo las zonas costeras luego de que un sismo de magnitud 7,8, uno de los más fuertes registrados en Nueva Zelanda, sacudiera el país dejando al menos dos muertos, dañando construcciones y provocando un tsunami.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake – experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:48:00 +0100cyprus-mail (en)

The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

Nova Zelândia cancela alerta de tsunami após terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:48:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

Tremores na Ásia Nova Zelândia cancela alerta de tsunami após terremoto Defesa Civil local manteve pedido para atenção, pois a região ainda pode ter correntes fortes incomuns e oscilações do nível do mar. Logo após o terremoto, um alerta de tsunami foi emitido nas cidades costeiras Foto: Marty Melville / AFP.

Las consecuencias del terremoto que ha sacudido Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:47:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

. Tras el seísmo (de escala 7,8) el gobierno ha solicitado a la población de la costa que se mantenga alerta debido a la posible amenaza de un tsunami 1 de 7 Los servicios de emergencia están evaluando los daños del terremoto, que podría haber afectado seriamente a algunas casas en la localidad de Cheviot, cerca del epicentro.

Nouvelle-Zélande: fort séisme suivi d'un tsunami, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:47:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Christchurch (Nouvelle-Zélande) - De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

La Nouvelle-Zélande frappée par le séisme le plus puissant de son histoire

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:47:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a frappé la Nouvelle-Zélande dans la nuit du 13 au 14 novembre. Des secousses d'une telle violence n'avaient encore jamais été enregistrées dans le pays. Les Néo-Zélandais se sont réveillés dans les décombres lundi matin. Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a ébranlé le pays,....

Un fuerte sismo seguido de tsunami dejó al menos dos muertos en Nueza Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:45:00 +0100misionesonline (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó hoy la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó al menos dos muertos, informaron autoridades locales, que precisaron que miles de personas debieron ser evacuadas de sus casas en numerosas zonas de la costa, sobre todo en la....

Best pictures of the supermoon

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:44:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

The full moon is 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than normal due to the fact that it is 30,000 kilometres closer to earth than usual. It will not reach this close again until 2034. Incredible shots from around the country show it rising over Brisbane and icons like the Sydney Opera House.

Residents rattled by aftershocks

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:44:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

The area around Kaikoura is currently "locked off from the rest of the country," Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key told the media on Monday following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the area. The quake left infrastructure along New Zealand's coastline near Kaikoura decimated, with a 6.2 aftershock in the area causing further damage.

Jordskælvs-alarm og risiko for tsunami: Drama i New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:41:00 +0100avisen (da)

Et kraftigt jordskælv, der er målt til 6,2, ramte mandag eftermiddag lokal tid i nærheden af den newzealandske by Christchurch, der ligger på Sydøen - den største af landets to hovedøer. Det oplyste USA's geologiske institut (USGS) natten til mandag dansk tid ifølge nyhedsbureauet Reuters.

Al menos dos muertos por Fuerte sismo seguido de tsunami en Nueva ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:41:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Numerosos neozelandeses evacuaron la noche del domingo las zonas costeras luego de que un sismo de magnitud 7,8, uno de los más fuertes registrados en Nueva Zelanda, sacudiera el país dejando al menos dos muertos, dañando construcciones y provocando un tsunami. Según el ministro de Defensa civil, Gerry Brownlee, el balance no debería aumentar.

Nuova Zelanda, ecco il momento della scossa e il crollo dei palazzi (video)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:41:00 +0100secoloditalia (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l’1:34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda, dopo quella registrata qualche ora prima. Secondo i rilevamenti dell’agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10 km di profondità ed....

Un violent séisme secoue la Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:40:00 +0100LeMonde (fr)

En images. Un séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande à minuit ce lundi (heure locale). Certains endroits du pays se retrouvent sans électricité ni téléphone, et des routes sont coupées par des glissements de terrain. Une alerte tsunami a été lancée, puis finalement rétrogradée.

Nuova Zelanda, terremoto di magnitudo 8.1: due morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100ilmessaggero (it)

Un potentissimo terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 ha colto nel sonno i neozelandesi in piena notte, provocando danni estesi, vittime - finora si parla di almeno due morti - e scatenando uno tsunami che, seppure con onde alte non più di 2 metri e mezzo, ha fatto scattare l'evacuazione delle coste orientali,....

New Zealand earthquake: Burglars ransack family's home and steal disabled girl's £3,000 hearing aid amid tsunami warning

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100themirror (en)

Thieves left a mess after going through closets and drawers. Alisha's condition means she can only walk short distances without a wheelchair and she has some hearing loss. The family fled along with many others in their neighbourhood at around 2:30am as New Zealand's entire coast was under a tsunami warning.

First Pak-NZ Test to go ahead despite quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100expressindia (en)

Tsunami warning was issued in New Zealand after the earthquake that struck the south Island on Monday. (Source: AP) The first Test between New Zealand and Pakistan is scheduled to go head this week after engineers checked the safety of the Christchurch cricket venue following a massive earthquake....

Kolejne trzęsienie ziemi. NIE ŻYJĄ dwie osoby

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100se (pl)

Trzęsienie ziemi nawiedziło Nową Zelandię w nocy z niedzieli na poniedziałek czasu lokalnego. W wyniku wstrząsów w wybrzeże Nowej Zelandii uderzyły fale tsunami o wysokości 2 metrów. Premier kraju poinformował, że w wyniku trzęsienia ziemi zginęły co najmniej dwie osoby.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake - experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:38:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

By James Regan Jamie Freed. SYDNEY (Reuters) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

Tsunami e sciame sismico. Crolli e strade spaccate in due

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:37:00 +0100askanews (it)

Roma, (askanews) - Una scossa fortissima, 7.8 sulla scala Richter, ha fatto tremare tutta la Nuova Zelanda nella notte tra domenica 13 e lunedì 14 novembre, provocando almeno due morti, danneggiando edifici, spaccando letteralmente strade e infrastrutture e innescando uno tsunami.

Mundo Terremoto mata dois na Nova Zelândia; moradores fogem de tsunami Vilarejos rurais na Ilha do Sul foram isolados por deslizamentos de terra

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:37:00 +0100folhape (pt)

Pelo menos duas pessoas morreram após um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 atingir a área central da Nova Zelândia na madrugada de segunda (14), no horário local (9h de domingo em Brasília). Duas pessoas morreram em um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu a Nova Zelândia após a meia-noite de domingo, com....

Strong aftershocks rattle New Zealand after major earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:37:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

Strong aftershocks of up to 6.2-magnitude struck New Zealand on Monday, soon after a major earthquake measuring 7.8-magnitude wreaked havoc in country's South Island killing three people and destroying many homes. The earthquake and aftershocks triggered hundreds of landslides across the country,....

Vrees voor mega-aardbeving: “De vraag is niet óf die er komt, wel wanneer het zal gebeuren”

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:37:00 +0100nieuwsblad (nl)

Aardbeving in Japan Foto: AP. Hoewel de twee opeenvolgende aardbevingen in Myanmar en Italië anders doen vermoeden, hebben de aardbevingen van deze week echter waarschijnlijk niets met elkaar te maken en is het gewoon puur toeval dat deze aardbevingen net nu allemaal in het voorbije half jaar plaatsvinden.

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake: experts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:34:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

By James Regan Jamie Freed. SYDNEY (Reuters) - The powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand was unusual in that a big event on one fault may have immediately triggered a big event on a second fault, experts said on Monday. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummeled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m.

Nova Zelândia volta a tremer. Prejuízos deverão rondar dois mil milhões de dólares

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:34:00 +0100Publico (pt)

A factura a pagar pelas consequências do sismo de magnitude 7.8 na escala de Richter que este domingo abalou a Nova Zelândia vai chegar aos milhares de milhões, antecipa o primeiro-ministro do país. Um segundo sismo de magnitude 6.2 na escala de Richter atingiu o país esta segunda-feira, horas....

Efter jordskælv i New Zealand: Tsunamibølger ventes at ramme kysterne

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:32:00 +0100DRNyheder (da)

New Zealand kan i de kommende timer blive ramt af op til tre-fem meter høje tsunamibølger, oplyser landets ministerium for civilforsvar og nødhjælp. Det skyldes, at et kraftigt jordskælv med en styrke på 7,8 har ramt landet. Seniorforsker ved forskningsinstitutionen GEUS Trine Dahl-Jensen forklarer, hvilke forhold der skaber en tsunami.

Vacas encurraladas por deslizamentos de terra na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:31:00 +0100sic (pt)

Inês Fernandes, uma portuguesa que vive e trabalha em Christchurch, a cerca de 95 quilómetros do epicentro do sismo que abalou ontem a Nova Zelândia, falou esta manhã à SIC. Diz que o ambiente está agora mais calmo depois de várias réplicas durante todo o dia.

Forte sisma 7.8 in Nuova Zelanda: frane, danni, almeno 2 morti-VIDEO

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:29:00 +0100news-yahoo-it (it)

Roma, 14 nov. (askanews) - Una scossa fortissima, 7.8 sulla scala Richter, ha fatto tremare tutta la Nuova Zelanda nella notte tra domenica 13 e lunedì 14 novembre, provocando almeno due morti, danneggiando edifici, spaccando letteralmente strade e infrastrutture e innescando uno tsunami.

Residents rattled by aftershocks

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:28:00 +0100dailytelegraph (en)

The area around Kaikoura is currently "locked off from the rest of the country," Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key told the media on Monday following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the area. The quake left infrastructure along New Zealand's coastline near Kaikoura decimated, with a 6.2 aftershock in the area causing further damage.

Terremoto deixa dois mortos na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:26:00 +0100istoe (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram em um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu a Nova Zelândia após a meia-noite deste domingo, com moradores de áreas costeiras fugindo destas regiões após alertas de tsunami. De acordo com o ministro da Defesa Civil, Gerry Brownlee, o balanço não deve aumentar.

Powerful Quake Devastates Remote Area of New Zealand, 2 Dead

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:23:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A powerful 7.8 magnitude quake struck the remote tourist town of Kaikoura on the New Zealand coast early Monday, creating massive landslides that damaged roads and buildings. At least two people have been confirmed dead. A lake caused by an earthquake slip forms on the Conway River near Kaikoura,....

Un terremoto de 5,8 grados, replica del seísmo de 7,8, sacude Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:23:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió este lunes Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas han golpeado Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:23:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este lunes el noreste de la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, apenas un día después de la muerte de dos personas por un seísmo de magnitud 7,8. Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda han alertado este lunes de que una presa de deslizamiento ubicada....

Double tectonic shifts may have teamed in New Zealand quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:23:00 +0100timesofmalta (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 pummelled central New Zealand at 12.02 a.m., yesterday, killing at least two people, damaging roads and buildings and setting off hundreds of strong aftershocks. "When an earthquake occurs you are changing the stress field immediately, and if there was one fault that....

11:16 Total ödeläggelse efter jordskalv

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:23:00 +0100ttela (sv)

De kraftiga jordskalven som under söndagen drabbade Nya Zeeland fick marken att skaka och röra på sig. 100 000 jordskred har rapporterats från norra Canterbery och södra Marlborough, enligt New Zealand Herald. Det kraftigaste drabbade floden Clarence Rivers mynning där en damm skadats, vilket har....

11:16 Total ödeläggelse efter jordskalv

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:21:00 +0100hallandsposten (sv)

De kraftiga jordskalven som under söndagen drabbade Nya Zeeland fick marken att skaka och röra på sig. 100 000 jordskred har rapporterats från norra Canterbery och södra Marlborough, enligt New Zealand Herald. Det kraftigaste drabbade floden Clarence Rivers mynning där en damm skadats, vilket har....

Terremoto e tsunami Nuova Zelanda nel caos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:20:00 +0100ilgiornale (it)

Luigi Guelpa. A distanza di quasi 24 ore dal terremoto che ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda, e che ha provocato almeno 2 morti (uno schiacciato dalle macerie e l'altro d'infarto), un disperso e 76 feriti, la situazione rimane critica per i danni materiali a edifici e infrastrutture e per gli allagamenti.

All Taiwanese nationals safe after New Zealand quakes: minister

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:17:00 +0100focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, Nov. 14 (CNA) There have been no reports of Taiwanese nationals being hurt during a series of strong earthquakes that jolted New Zealand on Monday, Foreign Minister David Lee (李大維) said. Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it contacted overseas compatriot groups in Christchurch,....

Terremoto deixa dois mortos na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:17:00 +0100otempo (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram em um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu a Nova Zelândia após a meia-noite de domingo, com moradores de áreas costeiras fugindo destas regiões após alertas de tsunami. De acordo com o ministro da Defesa Civil, Gerry Brownlee, o balanço não deve aumentar.

Tsunami: são esperadas mais ondas em Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:16:00 +0100tribunadamadeira (pt)

A Nova Zelândia, abalada por um sismo de magnitude 7.4, foi agora atingida por um tsunami, cujo alerta já tinha sido accionado após o terramoto. De acordo com a Proteção Civil nacional, a primeira grande onda já chegou à costa do nordeste da Ilha do Sul, onde se registou o epicentro do sismo. A magnitude do sismo foi inicialmente registado em 7.

باكستان تعلن مقتل سبعة من جنودها في اطلاق نار من الجانب الهندي

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:15:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

كربلاء (العراق) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 08:08. 8 قتلى وستة جرحى على الأقل بتفجير انتحاري في محافظة كربلاء (مسؤولون) نيويورك (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 01:35. ترامب يعلن أنه سيتنازل عن راتبه كرئيس للولايات المتحدة (مقابلة تلفزيونية) نيويورك (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 01:28.

Philippines: Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (8 - 14 November 2016)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:12:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

NEW ZEALAND. On 14 November, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck northeast of Christchurch on South Island at a depth of 15 km. The media reported at least two people were killed . Following the earthquake, a two meter tsunami was recorded in Kaikoura. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency....

Al menos dos muertos por Fuerte sismo seguido de tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:11:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Numerosos neozelandeses evacuaron la noche del domingo las zonas costeras luego de que un sismo de magnitud 7,8, uno de los más fuertes registrados en Nueva Zelanda, sacudiera el país dejando al menos dos muertos, dañando construcciones y provocando un tsunami. Según el ministro de Defensa civil, Gerry Brownlee, el balance no debería aumentar.

Keep up to date and stay prepared for further aftershocks - MCDEM

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:11:00 +0100voxy (en)

The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management is reminding people affected by the Kaikoura earthquake to keep themselves up to date and stay prepared for further aftershocks. People are asked to follow the advice of local Civil Defence groups and stay informed through media and social media reports.

TERREMOTO OGGI, CENTRO ITALIA E NUOVA ZELANDA/ Tsunami e ultime scosse: M5.6 a Wellington (14 novembre 2016 ore 9:45, dati INGV in diretta)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:08:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, NUOVA ZELANDA E ULTIME SCOSSE CENTRO ITALIA: SCOSSA M 5.6 ANCORA NEL PACIFICO (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 14 NOVEMBRE 2016) – Nottata molto lunga e prima parte della mattinata con un terremoto di forte grado ancora in Italia, M 3.1 Richter, e purtroppo lo sciame sismico che non....

Fort séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande, au moins deux morts AFP

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:06:00 +0100msn-fr (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche 13 à lundi 14 novembre 2016 les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, eut secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

Séisme meurtrier en Nouvelle-Zélande ParisMatch

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:06:00 +0100msn-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a secoué tard dimanche la Nouvelle-Zélande. Au moins deux personnes ont perdu la vie. De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a....

Tras terremoto, nueve sismos en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:05:00 +0100cuartopoder (es)

Al menos nueve sismos se han registrado tras el terremoto de ayer con intensidad de 7.8 grados en la escala de Richter, en la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, provocando varios heridos, daños en algunos inmuebles y dejó a la población sin electricidad. El terremoto de 7.

Panico in Australia: ecco i danni della tempesta

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:04:00 +0100libero-news (it)

Alcune riprese aeree dei danni causati dalla spaventosa tempesta che ha colpito la costa del Queensland , nel sud est australiano. Queste potrebbero essere alcune delle conseguenze naturali legate al terribile terremoto che ha sconvolto la Nuova Zelanda , che ha già attivato l'allarme tsunami .

Noua Zeelandă, devastată total în unele zone după seismul de 7,8 grade, urmat de o replică puternică

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:04:00 +0100libertatea (ro)

Prim-ministrul din Noua Zeelandă, John Key, a declarat că seismul cu magnitudinea 7,8 ce le-a zguduit duminică țara și a fost urmat de zeci de replici, printre care și una puternică cu magnitudinea de 6,3, ce a avut loc, luni după-amiază, a provocat devastare totală în unele zone, unde reconstrucția....

Tras el terremoto, Nueva Zelanda volvió a temblar con un sismo de 6.2

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:04:00 +0100tandildiario (es)

06:59 | Una réplica de magnitud 6,2 se registró este lunes en Nueva Zelandia, tras el sismo de 7,8 que sacudió la costa este del país y dejó 2 muertos. El sismo de 6,2 grados de magnitud se registró a las 13:30 horas, local, 39 kilómetros al oeste-suroeste de Kaikoura, más al norte de Christchurch.

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem: 6.2!

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:00:00 +0100birgun (tr)

14.11.2016 12:36 DÜNYA Yeni Zelanda pazar günü meydana gelen 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğündeki bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. Yeni Zelanda 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle....

Nouvelle-Zélande. Des images aériennes montrent la destruction après le séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:00:00 +0100courrierinternational (fr)

Publié le 14/11/2016 - 08:53. En Nouvelle-Zélande, l’heure est à la reconstruction après le séisme de magnitude 7,8 dans l’île du Sud le 14 novembre. Les secousses ont été ressenties dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi heure locale. Elles ont fait deux morts et ont provoqué une alerte au tsunami.

7.8 quake shakes New Zealand; 2 dead

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:59:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early today, killing at least two people, triggering a small tsunami and causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, but largely sparing the country the devastation it saw five years ago when a deadly earthquake struck the same region.

Fuerte seísmo seguido de tsunami deja dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:59:00 +0100larepublica-pe (es)

EFE. Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó este domingo la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó al menos dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser....

Vacas quedaron atrapadas luego de terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:53:00 +0100chilevision (es)

Un terremoto 7.8 en la escala de Richter azotó gran parte de Nueva Zelanda la madrugada de este domingo, sismo donde murieron dos personas y que generó un tsunami en el norte de la isla sur. Sin embargo una de las imágenes más llamativas e impactantes que dejó el fuerte movimiento telúrico, ha sido....

New Zealand earthquake: Woman, 100, pulled from rubble after deadly shock Evening Standard

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:53:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

The earthquake triggered a tsunami and more than 250 aftershocks were recorded, including three over magnitude six. Authorities launched a major rescue mission following the quake, which has left many small towns isolated following huge landslides. In several cities guests were forced to evacuate....

Youtube Die Kühe und ihre Grasinsel: Verrückte Videoaufnahmen aus dem Erdbebengebiet Neuseelands 14.11.2016 um 10:22 Uhr

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:52:00 +0100azonline (de)

Nagelhäuser? Sowas von gestern. Heute setzt man – genauer: Kuh – auf Grasinseln. So beobachtet von einem Kamerateam, das nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben in Neuseeland mit einem Helikopter zu einem Augenschein über die betroffenen Gebiete ausrückt. Wohl blieb der befürchtete Tsunami aus, aber gerade....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:52:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

Devastante terremoto in Nuova Zelanda: 100.000 frane solo in due regioni. Poche vittime

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:52:00 +0100greenreport (it)

Nella notte tra domenica e lunedi, poco dopo mezzanotte ora locale, un devastante terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 ha scosso la Nuova Zelanda, la capitale Wellington è paralizzata ma le vittime sembrano per fortuna relativamente poche sarebbero 2) per un sisma che è stato centinaia di volte più potente di....

Les images des dégâts causés par le séisme dévastateur...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:51:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

Les images des dégâts causés par le séisme dévastateur en Nouvelle-Zélande Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a fait au moins deux morts, dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Les secousses ont endommagé de nombreux bâtiments et provoqué un tsunami.

NZ's midnight quake: the first 24 hours

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:50:00 +0100rnzi (en)

A severe earthquake has hit New Zealand. Look back at RNZ's live online coverage of the first 24 hours following the quake, which will resume on Tuesday. Key facts: A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs at 12.02am on Monday. There have been two confirmed fatalities.

Pour les administratifs des universités, «la rentrée, c’est presque un tsunami»

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:48:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

«On est juste mort!». Catherine Dehon, directrice du département études et étudiants de l’ULB, exprime le ressenti du personnel administratif, informatique et des professeurs qui valident les programmes des étudiants. Cette réforme de l’enseignement supérieur, c’est presque un tsunami.

Fuerte replica sacude a Nueva Zelanda tras temblor de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:47:00 +0100caracol (es)

Un sismo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Kaikoura y la región de Marlborough, en el noreste de la Isla Sur, son las dos zonas más afectadas por el fuerte terremoto de anoche.

Yeni Zelanda'da deprem: 2 ölü

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:46:00 +0100bbc-turkce (tr)

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Paylaş Wellington'daki Amora Oteli'nde kalanlar battaniye altında ısınmaya çalıştı. Yeni Zelanda'nın Christchurch kentinin 91 kilometre güneyinde 7.8 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. Polis, depremde iki kişinin hayatını kaybettiğini açıkladı.

Sisma Nuova Zelanda, "completa devastazione", almeno 2 morti e danni per miliardi

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:46:00 +0100reuters-it (it)

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Il sisma di magnitudo 7.8 che ieri ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda, provocando almeno due vittime, ha prodotto danni per miliardi di dollari che però il Paese, secondo funzionari ed economisti, non avrà problemi ad affrontare. Il terremoto, che ha colpito la parte centrale del....

Potres sravnio kuću: Starica (100) preživjela, ali sin nije...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:45:00 +010024sata (hr)

Starica s Novog Zelanda ima punih 100 godina. Preživjela je veliki potres koji je ubio njenog sina i potpuno sravnio sa zemljom njeno imanje za koje se brinula 64 godine. Margaret Edgar je hrabra stogodišnjakinja koja je preživjela potres magnitude 7.8 u Novom Zelandu.

Mahsur kalan inekler görüntülendi

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:44:00 +0100haber-mynet (tr)

Milliyet.com.tr » Dünya » Haber » Depremde gökyüzü parladı! Mahsur kalan inekler görüntülendi14.11.2016 - 08:27 | Son Güncelleme: 14.11.2016-11:48 Depremde gökyüzü parladı! Mahsur kalan inekler görüntülendi 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından en küçüğü 4.2 olmak üzere 34 sarsıntı kaydedildi, bazı artçı depremlerin büyüklüğü 6'yı geçti.

No Thais affected from New Zealand quake, MFA reports

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:41:00 +0100thainews (en)

BANGKOK, 14 November 2016 (NNT) – No Thai nationals were injured from the earthquake in Wellington last night, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has released a statement citing a report from the Royal Thai Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand, that there are....

New magnitude 6.2 earthquake hits New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:38:00 +0100emirates247 (en)

Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at damage caused by an earthquake along State Highway One, south of the township of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island. (Reuters) An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale hit the South Island region of New Zealand today. According to the U.S.

7.5-magnitude quake hits New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:33:00 +0100khovar-en (en)

Dushanbe, 14.11.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale jolted South Island of New Zealand in the wee hours of Monday, followed by over 50 aftershocks in many parts of North and South Islands amid a tsunami alert. No casualties have been reported so far, Xinhua reports.

عام / اهتمامات الصحف التونسية

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:33:00 +0100spa (ar)

تونس 14 صفر 1438 هـ الموافق 14 نوفمبر 2016 م واس اهتمت الصحف التونسية الصادرة اليوم بكشف قوات الأمن التونسي مخبأ للسلاح بمدينة بنقردان الحدودية مع ليبيا جنوب شرق تونس, يحتوي على كمية كبيرة من الأسلحة الحربية, مشيرة إلى أن قوات الأمن والجيش التونسيين ما يزالان بصدد البحث عن مخابئ أخرى في المنطقة .

تواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا وكلفة الاضرار تتجاوز ملياري دولار

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:30:00 +0100sabanews (ar)

عمان سبأ : تتواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا منذ الزلزال العنيف الذي ضرب البلاد يوم امس وبلغت قوته 5ر7 درجة على مقياس ريختر، واسفر عن وفاة شخصين والحاق اضرار كبيرة بالطرق والبنية التحتية تشير تقديرات الحكومة الى انها تتجاوز ملياري دولار. ووفق الاذاعة النيوزيلندية، فان الآلاف من سكان المنطقة....

'The wardrobe doors were rattling, I couldn't understand it' - Irish woman describes New Zealand earthquake horror

2016-11-14T10:29+0100independent-ie (en)

The walls of a historic church are damaged in Waiau after a earthquake in Waiau, New Zealand Monday, Nov. 14, 2016.(Mike Scott/New Zealand Herald via AP) A freight train is seen trapped by landslides following an earthquake in the area north of Kaikoura, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016.

Noua Zeelandă este DEVASTATĂ de ultimele cutremure puternice - FOTO/VIDEO

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:27:00 +0100stiripesurse (ro)

Cutremurul cu magnitudinea 7,8 de la miezul nopţii, urmat de o replică cu magnitudinea de 6,3 luni după-amiază, a provocat devastare totală în unele zone, unde reconstrucţia va dura luni de zile şi va costa sute de milioane de dolari, a declarat prim-ministrul John Key, citat de DPA.

Photo shows cows stranded by earthquake in New Zealand

2016-11-14T10:27+01007days (en)

In this image made from video, three cows stranded on an island of grass in a paddock that had been ripped apart following an earthquake near Kaikoura, New Zealand on Monday. Three cows in New Zealand looked like they could use a little help on Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all....

Protesters rally against SA nuclear dump plans

2016-11-14T10:27+0100dailytelegraph (en)

Protesting both the proposed nuclear waste storage facility and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Symposium, activists on Monday described Premier Jay Weatherill’s proposal as “ludicrous” and potentially a threat to the future of the state. “If we had a repeat of this year’s storms, there is no guarantee there....

مقتل شخصين آخرين في ثاني زلزال يضرب نيوزيلندا في غضون يومين

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:24:00 +0100bbc-arabic (ar)

Image copyright Reuters Image caption شارك أدى الزلزال إلى انهيار الطرق وتضرر حركة السير. قتل شخصان في زلزال جديد يضرب الجزيرة الجنوبية بنيوزيلندا للمرة الثانية في غضون يومين، وقد بلغت شدته 6.3. ويأتي الزلزال الثاني بعد ساعات من حدوث زلزال أول أدى إلى مقتل شخصين. وضرب الزلزال الثاني في الساعة 13.45 بالتوقيت المحلي الموافق 00.

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda Pericolo tsunami scampato

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:22:00 +0100livesicilia (it)

NUOVA ZELANDA - La forte scossa che ha colpito oggi la Nuova Zelanda è di magnitudo 8.1 secondo i calcoli dell'Ingv, 7.9 secondo le reti giapponesi, ben più forte di quanto segnalato inizialmente a 7.4. Sentito dalle reti sismiche di tutto il mondo, è localizzato nella South Island della Nuova Zelanda.

Trending Now Cows have nowhere to moooove after earthquake

2016-11-14T10:22+0100fox13memphis (en)

Cows have nowhere to moooove after earthquake. by: Cox Media Group National Content Desk Updated: Nov 14, 2016 - 2:05 AM Three cows were left high and dry with nowhere to move after an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit New Zealand on Monday, reported.

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa 6,3

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:21:00 +0100adnkronos (it)

I segni del terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 a Wellington, in Nuova Zelanda (AFP PHOTO) Pubblicato il: 14/11/2016 08:18. Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Nuova Zelanda , colpita ieri da un sisma di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter ( FOTO ) che ha fatto due morti e provocato un allarme tsunami, poi rientrato.

UPDATE Noua Zeelanda, lovita de un cutremur de magnitudine 7,8. A fost emisa avertizare de tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:21:00 +0100hotnews (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7,4 a lovit centrul Noii Zeelande imediat dupa miezul noptii, a anuntat centrul SUA pentru supraveghere geologica USGS , unele zone ramanand fara curent, iar oamenii iesind in strada in capitala Wellington, transmite Reuters. UPDATE 20.32 Potrivit premierului John Key, doua persoane au murit in urma seismului.

Terremoto Oggi magnitudo 4 vicino Norcia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:18:00 +0100zazoom (it)

magnitudo 7.8 Nuova Zelanda : Allerta tsunami : Una forte scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 ha investito l’isola sud della Nuova Zelanda con epicentro a una profondità di circa 23 chilometri a un centinaio di chilometri a nord della città di Christchurch.

INCREDIBLE SIGHT 3 cows stranded after New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T10:18+0100foxnews (en)

Nov. 14, 2016: In this image made from video, three cows are stranded on an island of grass in a paddock that had been ripped apart following an earthquake near Kaikoura, New Zealand. (Newshub via AP) WELLINGTON, New Zealand – Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday....

Pakistan Test to go ahead as planned after New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T10:16+0100geo-tv (en)

WELLINGTON: The first Test between New Zealand and Pakistan is scheduled to go ahead this week after engineers checked the safety of the Christchurch cricket venue following a massive earthquake that rattled the centre of the country early on Monday. The powerful 7.

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:14:00 +0100haber-mynet (tr)

8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğündeki bir artçı depremle sarsıldı.Yeni Zelanda 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle pazartesi öğlen meydana geen artçı değremin merkezininChristchurch....

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa sisma 6.5

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:13:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 14 NOV - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l'1:34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda. Secondo i rilevamenti dell'agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10 km di profondità ed epicentro 38 km a ovest di Kaikoura e 118 a nord di Christchurch.

Devastare totală în unele zone din Noua Zeelandă după cutremurul de 7,8 urmat de o replică puternică

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:12:00 +0100agerpres (ro)

Agen!#x21b;ia de monitorizare a seismelor GeoNet informează că replica de luni după-amiază, de la ora locală 13:34, a avut epicentrul la o adâncime de 35 km, în zona în care s-a produs și primul cutremur. Prim-ministrul John Key a survolat cu elicopterul zonele afectate de pe coasta de est a Insulei....

Ship sent for trapped residents

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:12:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

DAMAGE. Continue to full gallery Schools from North Canterbury to Wellington have been asked to stay closed until they can be checked for damage. The Wellington CBD resembles a ghost town today with many workers staying away from the downtown area while streets are cleared of debris and buildings are checked.

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:10:00 +0100deutschewelle-tr (tr)

Yeni Zelanda 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle pazartesi öğlen meydana geen artçı değremin merkezinin Christchurch kentinin 120 kilometre kuzey doğusunda olduğunu belirtti.

Yeni Zelanda’da artçı deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:09:00 +0100dw (tr)

Yeni Zelanda 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından 6.2 büyüklüğünde bir artçı depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS) yerel saatle pazartesi öğlen meydana geen artçı değremin merkezinin Christchurch kentinin 120 kilometre kuzey doğusunda olduğunu belirtti.

Trump jednak uderza w złotego

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:08:00 +0100gb (pl)

Piątkowa sesja na światowych rynkach finansowych odbyła się bez udziału polskich inwestorów ze względu na obchody Dnia Niepodległości. Rynki były jednak mocno rozgrzane i sporo działo się również na polskim złotym, niestety w negatywnym tego słowa znaczeniu.

Terremoto Nuova Zelanda, scossa M 6.5 nella notte. Due morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:08:00 +0100247libero (it)

– Un violento terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 ( il dato definitivo) ha colpito in piena notte la Nuova Zelanda , provocando danni estesi, 2 vittime e scatenando uno tsunami che, seppure con onde alte non più di 2 metri e mezzo, ha fatto scattare l’evacuazione delle coste orientali, compreso il centro sul mare della capitale Wellington.

Middelburger Rik Rozendaal trilt wakker door aardbeving

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:07:00 +0100pzc (nl)

'Tijdens mijn derde en laatste nacht in Abel Tasman National Park, waar ik een vierdaagse hike doe, werd ik rond half een 's nachts wakker. Mijn tent trilde als een gek en ook mijn luchtbedje deed mee', zegt Rozendaal. 'Het hield voor zo'n dertig seconden aan. Mij kostte het ongeveer even lang om uit te vinden wat er in hemelsnaam aan de hand was.

New Zealand PM views devastation after powerful earthquake kills two people

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:07:00 +0100sundayworld (en)

Strong aftershocks continued to shake the country on Monday, rattling the nerves of exhausted residents, many of whom had spent a sleepless night huddled outside after fleeing to higher ground to avoid the tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the South Island just after midnight on....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T10:06+0100JakartaPost (en)

Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf....

مقتل شخصين في زلزال عنيف ضرب نيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:04:00 +0100ech-chorouk-ar (ar)

ومع فجر يوم الاثنين بالتوقيت المحلي، لم ترد الكثير من المعلومات من العديد من القرى الريفية في ساوث ايلاند التي عزلتها الانهيارات الأرضية وتقطعت اتصالات الهواتف مع استمرار الهزات الارتدادية لعدة ساعات وأكد رئيس الوزراء جون كي مقتل شخصين وقال "لا نستطيع أن نستبعد" ارتفاع هذا العدد بعد سبع ساعات من....

Depremlerle sarsılan Yeni Zelanda'da gökyüzünde oluşan dev ışık

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:04:00 +0100sabah (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'daki peş peşe meydana gelen depremler sırasında çekilen bazı görüntülerde, gökyüzünde parlayıp sönen güçlü bir mavi ışığın yer aldığı görüldü. Yeni Zelanda'da meydana gelen 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından, bölge beşik gibi sallanıyor.

New Zealand earthquake leaves costly destruction in its wake A powerful earthquake in New Zealand has killed at least two people and destroyed infrastructure and property. The premier indicated that the damage was likely to amount to billions of dollars.

2016-11-14T10:03+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on Monday indicated that damage caused by a 7.8 magnitude that struck the South Pacific nation on Sunday could cost the country around 2 billion New Zealand dollars ($1.43 billion, 1.33 billion euros), local news reported.

New Zealand earthquake: How the touring Pakistan cricket team in NZ reacted to it

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:02:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

The Pakistan players are presently in New Zealand for the upcoming Test series, starting Thursday. The cricketers were in a state of shock with the midnight earthquake (12.02am local time) in Christchurch, which rattled them. The players woke from their sleep, and rushed down from the sixth and seventh floor of the hotel, where they were staying.

New Zealand earthquake strands cows

2016-11-14T10:02+0100azcentral (en)

Raw: New Zealand Earthquake Strands Cows. Three cows were stranded on an elevated patch of grass in New Zealand, when the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck that nation collapsed the ground around them. (Nov. 14) Raw: New Zealand Earthquake Strands Cows Three cows were stranded on an elevated patch of grass in New Zealand, when the magnitude 7.

صور.. «دمار هائل» بعد زلزال قوي وتوابع في نيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:01:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 7.8 درجة وسط نيوزيلندا في ساعة مبكرة اليوم الاثنين فقتل شخصين على الأقل وألحق أضرارا بطرق ومبان وخلفته المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال الذي وقع بعيد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش بجزيرة ساوث أيلاند وسط تقارير عن إصابات وانهيار مبان.

Imigrante portuguesa relata ambiente mais calmo após réplicas na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:01:00 +0100sic (pt)

As autoridades da Nova Zelândia reduziram os níveis de alerta de tsunami no país às zonas costeiras, na sequência de um sismo de magnitude 7,8 que provocou este domingo dois mortos. A Nova Zelândia foi este domingo abalada por um forte sismo, seguido de tsunami. O tremor de terra teve uma intensidade de 7,8 na escala de Richter.

“دمار هائل” بعد زلزال قوي وتوابع في نيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:57:00 +0100alquds-uk (ar)

ولنجتون- رويترز- ضرب زلزال قوته 7.8 درجة وسط نيوزيلندا في ساعة مبكرة الاثنين فقتل شخصين على الأقل وألحق أضرارا بطرق ومبان وخلفته المئات من التوابع القوية. وانتقلت فرق الطوارئ في طائرات هليكوبتر إلى منطقة مركز الزلزال الذي وقع بعيد منتصف الليل على بعد نحو 91 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش بجزيرة ساوث أيلاند وسط تقارير عن إصابات وانهيار مبان.

Sharp earthquakes hit already rattled country

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:57:00 +0100nzherald (en)

A cluster of sharp aftershocks have rattled people around the country this evening, including three "severe" quakes near Seddon and another by Kaikoura - the largest a magnitude 5.8. Two 5.8 magnitude quakes have hit in quick succession shortly after 8pm to the east of Seddon, said GeoNet.

Nuova Zelanda, la terra continua a tremare

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:55:00 +0100agi (it)

Wellington. - Si sono susseguite senza sosta nelle ultime ore le scosse di assestamento in Nuova Zelanda dopo il potente sisma di 7,5 gradi che ha fatto due vittime e danni per centinaia di milioni di dollari: oltre 400 quelle registrate, una delle quali violentissima, 6,3 gradi.

Sisma 7.5 in Nuova Zelanda, allerta tsunami. In migliaia fuggono dalla costa

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:55:00 +0100agi (it)

. Copyright Agi.it Tutti i diritti riservati P.IVA 00893701003 Privacy Policy Sito Internet di Agi Agenzia Giornalistica Italia ....

قنصليتنا في نيوزيلندا للمواطنين: ابتعدوا عن الساحل الشرقي

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:55:00 +0100almowaten (ar)

المواطن – الرياض. طمأنت قنصلية المملكة في نيوزيلندا المسافرين وعائلات المواطنين المقيمين هناك بزوال خطر موجات تسونامي بعد زلازل مدينة ولنجتون. وقالت القنصلية عبر حسابها على “تويتر”: “نطمئن بزوال خطر موجات تسونامي بعد زلازل مدينة ولنجتون، ونطالب بالابتعاد عن الساحل الشرقي كاملاً، والتواصل معها للضرورة”.

Siguen sucediéndose réplicas tras el fuerte terremoto que sacudió la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:53:00 +0100euronews-es (es)

Prosiguen los temblores en Nueva Zelanda. Más de 250 réplicas, varias de ellas de más de 6 grados en la escala de Richter, han sacudido la isla sur del país tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados ocurrido hacia la medianoche del domingo y que causó al menos dos muertos y múltiples daños materiales.

Hundreds of aftershocks hit NZ after 7.8 quake Sky News

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:53:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

According to the New Zealand Herald, more than 250 aftershocks hit the South Island and lower North Island in the 12 hours after the quake. Among these was a 6.2 aftershock which struck at about 1.45pm local time (00.45 GMT) about six miles northeast of Christchurch, according to the US Geological Survey.

Second strong earthquake hits New Zealand after two killed Evening Standard

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:53:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

By using this service and related content, you agree to the use of cookies for analytics, personalised content and ads. A second earthquake has struck 's South Island hours after an initial quake killed two people. © Provided by Evening Standard Limited. The new tremor, measuring 6.3 in magnitude, hit at 1.

Nuova Zelanda Nuova scossa Video simbolo delle 3 mucche

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:52:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

della Nuova Zelanda devastata dal terremoto l’immagine simbolo questo weekend. Intanto anche la mattina del 14 novembre una nuova forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l’1:34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda. Secondo i rilevamenti dell’agenzia sismologica....

Cornishman caught in New Zealand earthquake says it was like a rollercoaster

2016-11-14T09:51+0100westbriton (en)

A Cornishman caught up in the New Zealand earthquake has said it was like "your house being on a rollercoaster". Richard Wilson from Bodmin now lives in Nelson, about 150 miles from epicentre of the quake, having moved there 13 years ago with his wife and son. A quake measuring 6.

Three cows trapped by New Zealand earthquake – now how do we get them down?

2016-11-14T09:51+0100metro-uk (en)

The three cows were trapped on a patch of land in New Zealand (Picture:: Newshub) Three cows somehow survived an earthquake in New Zealand after their field was destroyed leaving them stranded on a tiny patch of grass. The two adult cattle and one calf were spotted via helicopter trapped on the small island that was created after the 7.

First Pakistan test still on after New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T09:49+0100reuters-in (en)

WELLINGTON The first test between New Zealand and Pakistan is scheduled to go head this week after engineers checked the safety of the Christchurch cricket venue following a massive earthquake that rattled the centre of the country early on Monday. The powerful 7.

Routes détruites et vaches coincées: les images du chaos après le séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:48:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Ce lundi matin, plusieurs répliques du séisme ont été enregistrées, dont un nouveau tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,2 sur l’échelle de Richter, selon l’Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Selon le ministre de la Défense civile Gerry Brownlee, le bilan de deux morts ne devrait plus s’alourdir.

New Zealand earthquake strands cows

2016-11-14T09:48+0100usaToday (en)

Raw: New Zealand Earthquake Strands Cows. Three cows were stranded on an elevated patch of grass in New Zealand, when the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck that nation collapsed the ground around them. (Nov. 14) Raw: New Zealand Earthquake Strands Cows Three cows were stranded on an elevated patch of grass in New Zealand, when the magnitude 7.

Nouvelle secousse de 6,2 en Nouvelle-Zélande après un séisme meurtrier

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:46:00 +0100france24 (fr)

La Nouvelle-Zélande a été frappée de nouveau lundi par un séisme de magnitude 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter. La veille un puissant tremblement de terre de 7,8 avait fait au moins deux morts, engendrant une alerte tsunami finalement rétrogradée. Un a ébranlé à nouveau la lundi 14 novembre, quelques....

Al menos dos muertos y una gran réplica de 6,2 tras el terremoto de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:44:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este lunes el noreste de la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, apenas un día después de la muerte de dos personas por un seísmo de magnitud 7,8. Según las informaciones del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), el epicentro del último....

New Zealand earthquake: resident reveals moment she was tossed out of bed

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:43:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

'It was like someone picked up our house': Woman reveals the moment she was tossed out of her bed during New Zealand earthquake that destroyed her cliff-top home Tessa Prentices' family home was ruined during the New Zealand quake; She was thrown from bed when the 7.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:43+0100todayonline (en)

WELLINGTON (New Zealand) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help on Monday (Nov 14) after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of....

السلطات النيوزيلندية تعلن عن دمار هائل اصاب منطقة الزلزال يتطلب شهورا من العمل

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:42:00 +0100bna (ar)

ولنجتون في 14 نوفمبر / بنا / اعلن رئيس الوزراء النيوزيلندي جون كي أن دمارا هائلا لحق بمنطقة الزلزال يتطلب شهورا من العمل . وقالت وكالة انباء رويترز إن رئيس الوزراء النيوزلندي وصف في بيان اصدره الانهيارات الأرضية في المنطقة بأنها " بشعة ". وأن تكلفة إعادة الإعمار تتطلب مليارات الدولارات.

New magnitude 6.2 earthquake hits New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:40:00 +0100wam-en (en)

WELLINGTON, 14th November, 2016 (WAM) -- An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale hit the South Island region of New Zealand today. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, USGS, the new quake was centred 120 km northeast of the city of Christchurch and at a depth of 10 km. A magnitude 7.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:40+0100eastoregonian (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

AP Top News at 3:06 a.m. EST

2016-11-14T09:40+0100eastoregonian (en)

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand, killing 2 people Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake Supermoon to light up sky beginning Monday morning Prisons fight opioids with $1,000 injection: Does it work? France marks 1 year since Paris attacks, wary and watched Syrian....

Oceania Nuova Zelanda, forte terremoto: 2 vittime

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:38:00 +0100avvenire (it)

Numerosi residenti della Nuova Zelanda sono fuggiti nella notte tra domenica e lunedì dalle zone costiere, dopo che un devastante terremoto di magnitudo 7,8 sulla scala Richter - uno dei più violenti mai registrati - ha fatto tremare tutto il Paese, provocando due morti , danneggiando edifici e innescando uno tsunami.

Aftershocks hit New Zealand, two confirmed dead

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:34:00 +0100MaltaToday (en)

After a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and damaging roads and buildings, hundreds of strong aftershocks were set off. Emergency response teams flew by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the tremor, which struck just....

Trump uderza w złotego

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:34:00 +0100pb (pl)

Rynki były jednak mocno rozgrzane i sporo działo się również na polskim złotym, niestety w negatywnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Rynek w dalszym ciągu reaguje na wygraną Donalda Trumpa w wyborach prezydenckich w USA, jednak w zupełnie inny sposób, niż oceniano to jeszcze przed wyborami.

Trump uderza w złotego

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:33:00 +0100bankdlafirmy (pl)

Rynki były jednak mocno rozgrzane i sporo działo się również na polskim złotym, niestety w negatywnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Rynek w dalszym ciągu reaguje na wygraną Donalda Trumpa w wyborach prezydenckich w USA, jednak w zupełnie inny sposób, niż oceniano to jeszcze przed wyborami.

Second strong earthquake hits New Zealand after two killed

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:33:00 +0100standard (en)

1/9. A rail line is covered by landslide near Conway in Kaikoura, New Zealand. David Alexander/SNPA via AP; 2/9. Amora Hotel guests gather in a carpark after the initial earthquake was felt in Wellington, New Zealand. Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images; 3/9. Policemen and locals look at damage following the....

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3. Due le vittime accertate /Foto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:32:00 +0100libero-news (it)

Wellington, 14 nov. (AdnKronos/Dpa) - Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, colpita ieri da un sisma di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter (FOTO) che ha fatto due morti e provocato un allarme tsunami, poi rientrato. L'agenzia Geonet ha riferito che alle 13:34 (ora locale) è stata....

Terremoto, ecco come si è propagata l’onda del sisma del 30 ottobre. La ricostruzione 3D

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:31:00 +0100zazoom (it)

: riunione tecnica a Norcia - ecco i punti salienti : Oggi pomeriggio a Norcia si è svolta una riunione tecnica tra il commissario straordinario del Governo per la ricostruzione Vasco Errani, i responsabili della protezione civile e il sindaco Nicola Alemanno.

Scossa sismica di 7.8 scala Ricther in Nuova Zelanda,lanciato allerta Tzunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:31:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 13 novembre 2016) Una forte Scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita in tutta la Nuova Zelanda . Secondo l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs) il sisma avrebbe una magnitudo di 7.4. Un' allerta tsunami è stata diramata dalla protezione civile neozelandese per tutta la costa orientale della South Island dopo il sisma di magnitudo 7.

Sisma in Nuova Zelanda: «Pochi danni rispetto all’intensità»

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:29:00 +0100giornaledibrescia (it)

Qualche crollo o smottamento, strade interrotte per via delle crepe che in alcuni punti hanno sbriciolato l'asfalto, collegamenti tra isole interrotti a cuasa dei danni alle banchine dei porti. Questa la situazione in Nuova Zelanda dopo il che ieri a mezzogiorno (ora italiana) ha colpito l'isola sud.

Tetemeko la pili lakumba kisiwa cha New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:29:00 +0100bbc-swahili (sw)

Image caption Mshirikishe mwenzako Athari za tetemeko la ardhi nchini New Zealand. Tetemeko la pili la ardhi lenye ukubwa wa 6.3 katika vipimo vya Ritcher limekumba kisiwa cha kusini mwa New Zealand ,saa chache tu baada tetemeko jingine kubwa kupiga kisiwa hicho na kuwaua watu wawili.

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda: paura e devastazione

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:28:00 +0100unita (it)

Si sono susseguite senza sosta nelle ultime ore le scosse di assestamento in Nuova Zelanda dopo il potente sisma di 7,5 gradi che ha fatto due vittime e danni per centinaia di milioni di dollari: oltre 400 quelle registrate, una delle quali violentissima, 6,3 gradi.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:28+0100eagletribune (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Test ZRO

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:27:00 +0100derwesten (de)

Neuseeland wurde von einem schweren Erdbeben erschüttert, mindestens zwei Menschen starben. Der befürchtete große Tsunami blieb aus. Rauchige Stimme, flinke Finger – und ein unverwechselbares Äußeres mit weißem Bart und Haaren. Sänger Leon Russel ist gestorben. Mario Barth ist am Trump Tower und niemand protestiert.

NEW ZEALAND EARTHQUAKE - New Zealand lifts post-quake tsunami alert

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:26:00 +0100efe (en)

New Zealand authorities have lifted the tsunami warning following the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck the country late on Sunday, killing two people and causing extensive damage. On its Facebook page, the Civil Defense agency said Monday the tsunami threat has passed but warned that coastal....

نيوزيلندا تحذر من "تسونامي" في مناطقها الساحلية جديد

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:24:00 +0100alanba (ar)

أصدرت السلطات النيوزيلندية، اليوم الاثنين، تحذيرات من وقوع موجات مد (تسونامي) على المناطق الساحلية، داعية المواطنين إلى توخي الحذر وذلك أثر سلسلة من الزلازل هزت معظم أرجاء البلاد منذ ليلة أمس وحتى ساعات مبكرة من صباح اليوم أدت إلى مقتل شخصين. وقال عمدة العاصمة (ولينغتون) جاستن ليستر في بيان صادر....

3 Questions à Michel VAN CAMP

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:24:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a touché la Nouvelle-Zélande dimanche, faisant 2 morts, provoquant des dégâts et un début de tsunami. L’épicentre est situé à 90 kilomètres au nord de ChristChurch, ville déjà touchée par un séisme en février 2011, qui avait fait 185 morts.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:24+0100brownsvilleherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Terremoto deixa dois mortos na Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:22:00 +0100em (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram em um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu a Nova Zel�ndia ap�s a meia-noite de domingo, com moradores de �reas costeiras fugindo destas regi�es ap�s alertas de tsunami. De acordo com o ministro da Defesa Civil, Gerry Brownlee, o balan�o n�o deve aumentar.

Un terremoto de 5,8 grados, replica del seísmo de 7,8, sacude Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:21:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Sídney (Australia), 14 nov (EFE).- Un seísmo de 5,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy Nueva Zelanda, réplica del terremoto de 7,8 grados que anoche causó dos muertos y originó una alerta de tsunami. Casi 400 réplicas han golpeado Nueva Zelanda desde el temblor de 7,8 grados.

"Ainda não nos deitámos desde que o sismo aconteceu"

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:21:00 +0100sabado (pt)

Cátia Miguel, 38 anos, vive na ilha sacudida pelo sismo deste fim-de-semana. É natural de Lisboa mas não equaciona voltar. Porque apesar dos terramotos serem frequentes na Nova Zelândia, acha que lá tem melhores condições de vida do que Portugal. O relato na primeira pessoa. O terramoto começou poucos minutos depois da meia-noite.

Some facts on earthquakes in New Zealand

2016-11-14T09:21+0100themalaymailonline (en)

A truck drives over the fractured road caused by an earthquake south of the New Zealand town of Ward on the South Island November 14, 2016. — Reuters pic CHRISTCHURCH, Nov 14 — A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed two people and caused massive infrastructure damage in New Zealand today.

En Nouvelle-Zélande - Un fort séisme puis un tsunami font deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:20:00 +0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L'épicentre de la secousse, d'une magnitude de 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, a été enregistré au nord-nord-est de Christchurch, dans l'île du Sud. Les autorités du pays n'étaient pas en mesure de préciser l'ampleur du tsunami. Le ministère néo-zélandais de la Défense civile s'est borné à souligner....

Dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda tras un fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:20:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Las fuertes réplicas continuaban el lunes, alterando los nervios de los agotados vecinos, muchos de los cuales pasaron la noche en vela al raso tras huir a terreno alto para evitar las olas de tsunami. El temblor de magnitud 7,8 golpeó la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda justo después de la medianoche, en....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:20+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Cows left stranded on island in New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T09:20+0100telegraph (en)

T hree New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Footage shows two adult cattle and a calf stuck on a chunk of land in a paddock that had been ripped apart in Monday's magnitude-7.

La Nuova Zelanda trema ancora: scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.4

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:18:00 +0100ilmattino (it)

Una nuova, forte scossa di terremoto, di magnitudo compresa tra 6.4 e 6.5, è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l'1:34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda. Thank you for your message. We are fine. Road are closed until further notice. Thank you for your patience. Communication is limited.

New Zealand earthquake causes 'utter devastation', PM John Key predicts billion-dollar damage bill

2016-11-14T09:17+0100radioaustralianews (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key flies over the destruction caused by last night's earthquake, as aftershocks kick up dust from the landslides below. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has surveyed the damage caused by a magnitude-7.8 earthquake, as aftershocks kicked up dust from the landslides below.

06:09 - 14/11/2016 Terremoto deixa dois mortos na Nova Zel�ndia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:16:00 +0100correiobraziliense (pt)

Wellington, Nova Zel�ndia -Duas pessoas morreram em um terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu a Nova Zel�ndia ap�s a meia-noite de domingo, com moradores de �reas costeiras fugindo destas regi�es ap�s alertas de tsunami. De acordo com o ministro da Defesa Civil, Gerry Brownlee, o balan�o n�o deve aumentar.

Un nou cutremur puternic a lovit Noua Zeelandă, la câteva ore de la seismul de 7,8

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:15:00 +0100ziarero (ro)

Un nou cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc luni pe Insula de Sud a Noii Zeelande, la câteva ore după primul seism, în care cel puţin două persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa, relatează BBC News, conform news.ro. Seismul a avut loc luni, la ora locală 13.45 (2.45, ora României), la o adâncime de zece kilometri nord-est de Christchurch.

New Zealand earthquake causes 'utter devastation', PM John Key predicts billion-dollar damage bill

2016-11-14T09:15+0100radioaustralia (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key flies over the destruction caused by last night's earthquake, as aftershocks kick up dust from the landslides below. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has surveyed the damage caused by a magnitude-7.8 earthquake, as aftershocks kicked up dust from the landslides below.

Another Earthquake Hits New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-14T09:15+0100clare (en)

Another earthquake has hit New Zealand's South Island - a day after a more powerful tremor killed two people. The latest quake measured 6-point-2 and struck around 75 miles east of Christchurch. There are no reports of any injuries yet. Speaking yesterday, the Prime Minister John Key, said he was proud of how people were dealing with the shocks.

Promesa de puro esfuerzo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:13:00 +0100HoyDigital (es)

Ha tardado años, pero Isabel ya ha conseguido que los periodistas sepamos que Yinghua es su segundo nombre , y que sin el Hernández detrás, Isabel Yinghua dice poco o nada de ella. Son las cosas que tiene nacer en China y vivir allí un par de años mientras que tus padres van a buscarte, al llegar a España nos liamos con los nombres.

فيديو .. «تسونامي» يضرب نيوزيلندا بعد زلزال قوي وفرار الآلاف للجبال

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:12:00 +0100alittihad-ae (ar)

هز زلزال قوي وسلسلة من التوابع نيوزيلندا في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم الاثنين مما أسفر عن مقتل شخصين على الأقل ودفع السلطات لإصدار تحذيرات من موجات تسونامي أجبرت الآلاف على الفرار إلى مناطق مرتفعة. وحملت طائرات هليكوبتر فرق إغاثة إلى المنطقة حيث مركز الهزة على بعد 91 كيلومتراً إلى الشمال والشمال....

02:47 Erdbeben in Neuseeland "Dort ist einfach absolute Verwüstung"

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:12:00 +0100rtl (de)

Regierungschef John Key überflog die Region im Hubschrauber, um sich selbst ein Bild von der Verwüstung zu machen. Er berichtete von massiven Felsabstürzen an der Küste nördlich von Christchurch. "Dort ist einfach absolute Verwüstung. Das wird Monate dauern, das wieder herzurichten", sagte Key.

Dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda tras un fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:09:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Las fuertes réplicas continuaban el lunes, alterando los nervios de los agotados vecinos, muchos de los cuales pasaron la noche en vela al raso tras huir a terreno alto para evitar las olas de tsunami. El temblor de magnitud 7,8 golpeó la isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda justo después de la medianoche, en....

التعليم العالي: طلابنا بخير بعد سونامي نيوزلندا الاثنين، ١٤ نوفمبر، ٢٠١٦ أكد مدير البعثات الخارجية بوزارة التعليم العالي احمد بن محمد العزري: بأن جميع طلابنا الدارسين بالجامعات النيوزلندية بخير وعافية بعد الزلزال الذي ضرب بعض المدن النيوزلندية مؤخرا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:09:00 +0100shabiba (ar)

مسقط-ش أكد مدير البعثات الخارجية بوزارة التعليم العالي احمد بن محمد العزري أن جميع الطلاب العمانيين الدارسين بالجامعات النيوزلندية بخير وعافية بعد الزلزال الذي ضرب بعض المدن النيوزلندية مؤخرا حيث ضرب زلزل بقوة 7.8 بمقياس رختر مدنية كرايستشيرس والتي تعد من أكبر المدن منطقة ساوث ايلند.

Nuovo Zelanda, altra scossa di 6.5 dopo quella di domenica: almeno 2 vittime

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100247libero (it)

Roma - Dopo il violentissimo terremoto avvenuto in Nuova Zelanda con epicentro 91 chilometri a nord di Christchurch , una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter si è registrata alle 13.34 (l’1.34 del mattino ora italiana). Secondo i rilevamenti dell’agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs,....

Al menos dos muertos en un terremoto de 7,8 grados en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda han confirmado la muerte de al menos dos personas a causa del terremoto registrado este domingo. Viviendas, comercios y carreteras han sufrido importantes destrozos tras el seísmo, que ha causado temblores de hasta 7,8 grados en la escala de Richter cerca de la costa.

La Nouvelle-Zélande frappée par un tsunami, provoqué par l'un des plus forts séismes jamais enregistrés dans le pays

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

INTERNATIONAL - De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit du dimanche 13 au lundi 14 novembre les zones côtières après qu' un séisme de magnitude 7,8 , un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et....

La Nuova Zelanda trema ancora: scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.4

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:06:00 +0100leggo (it)

Una nuova, forte scossa di terremoto, di magnitudo compresa tra 6.4 e 6.5, è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l'1:34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda. Thank you for your message. We are fine. Road are closed until further notice. Thank you for your patience. Communication is limited.

Nouvelle-Zélande : Au moins deux morts après un séisme suivi d'un tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:04:00 +0100midilibre (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, eut secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

Antrim woman's New Zealand quake terror: 'We didn't know what to do or where to go' > A Co Antrim woman has described her terror and the scenes of chaos after she was caught up in the powerful earthquake that hit New Zealand.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:02:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Ms Dougan, who has lived in New Zealand for over four years, felt the tremors more than 600 miles from the epicentre. The severe quake on the South Island struck just after midnight yesterday and was felt throughout the country, along with several powerful aftershocks.

Nuovo Zelanda, altra scossa di 6.5 dopo quella di ieri: almeno 2 vittime |

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:02:00 +0100ilsecoloxix (it)

Roma - Dopo il violentissimo terremoto avvenuto in Nuova Zelanda con epicentro 91 chilometri a nord di Christchurch , una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter si è registrata alle 13.34 (l’1.34 del mattino ora italiana). Secondo i rilevamenti dell’agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs,....

Níveis de alerta de tsunami na Nova Zelândia reduzidos às zonas costeiras

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 09:00:00 +0100sic (pt)

Os residentes de zonas baixas de toda a costa leste foram aconselhados a deslocarem-se para áreas mais altas, devido a um alerta de tsunami, mas o primeiro-ministro da Nova Zelândia, John Key, disse que os avisos estão reduzir-se agora às zonas costeiras.

زلزال قوي يضرب نيوزيلندا.. والسلطات ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:58:00 +0100aljadeed (ar)

وقع زلزال قوي جديد بلغت قوته 6.2 درجة هز منطقة ساوث أيلاند بنيوزيلندا اليوم وذلك بعد ساعات من وقوع زلزال أقوى أدى إلى قتل شخصين وإلحاق أضرار بمباني على امتداد الساحل الشرقي لساوث أيلاند، بحسب ما اعلنته هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية. وأُعلن في بادئ الأمر أن قوة الزلزال 6.8 درجة. وقالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن الزلزال وقع في نحو الساعة 1.

NEW ZEALAND: Hanmer Springs Residents Assess Earthquake Damage November 14

2016-11-14T08:56+0100dailytelegraph (en)

Residents in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, are in the process of assessing damage after a magnitude-7.4 earthquake hit an area near Christchurch. The tremor struck around 60 miles northeast of Christchurch in the early hours of Monday. At least two people were killed with damage from the initial....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:55+0100nzherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Kaikoura quake: 100,000 landslides

2016-11-14T08:55+0100nzherald (en)

The now-named Kaikoura Earthquake triggered 100,000 landslides in Northern Canterbury and southern Canterbury. The largest of them, brought down on the south side of the Clarence River mouth in the wake of the overnight 7.5 quake, brought down an estimated one million cubic metres.

Ущерб от землетрясения в Новой Зеландии оценили в 1,5 млрд долларов

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:54:00 +0100rg (ru)

Текст: Екатерина Забродина В Новой Зеландии подсчитывают ущерб от сильного землетрясения, которое произошло в воскресенье. Премьер-министр страны Джон Кей признал, что ущерб от стихии может составить около 2 млрд новозеландских долларов (около 1,5 млрд долларов США). Подземные толчки магнитудой 7,9, спровоцировало цунами.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:54+0100wkrn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

السلطات النيوزيلندية تحذر من وقوع (تسونامي) في المناطق الساحلية

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:53:00 +0100kuna-en (ar)

كوالالمبور - 14 - 11 (كونا) -- أصدرت السلطات النيوزيلندية اليوم الاثنين تحذيرات من وقوع موجات مد (تسونامي) على المناطق الساحلية داعية المواطنين الى توخي الحذر وذلك أثر سلسلة من الزلازل هزت معظم أرجاء البلاد منذ ليلة أمس وحتى ساعات مبكرة من صباح اليوم ادت الى مقتل شخصين.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:52+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Where to mooove: Cows face problems after New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T08:51+0100khaleejtimes (en)

Filed on November 14, 2016 | Last updated on November 14, 2016 at 11.20 am In this image made from video, three cows are stranded on an island of grass in a paddock that had been ripped apart following an earthquake near Kaikoura, New Zealand (AP) It was not immediately clear who owned the cattle or what was being done to help them.

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3. Due le vittime accertate /Foto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:50:00 +0100giornaledicantu (it)

Wellington, 14 nov. (AdnKronos/Dpa) - Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, colpita ieri da un sisma di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter (FOTO) che ha fatto due morti e provocato un allarme tsunami, poi rientrato.<br />L'agenzia Geonet ha riferito che alle 13:34 (ora locale) è stata....

Nuova Zelanda, nuovo terremoto. Due morti per il sisma di ieri

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:50:00 +0100zerosettenews (it)

Scossa di magnitudo 6.5 ma stavolta nessun allarme tsunami. Un potentissimo terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 ha colto nel sonno i neozelandesi in piena notte, provocando danni estesi, vittime – finora si parla di almeno due morti - e scatenando uno tsunami che, seppure con onde alte non più di 2 metri e....

I see a supermoon rising

2016-11-14T08:50+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A "supermoon" is coming and conspiracy theorists believe it will cause a moonageddon. While astronomers and other scientists suggest everyone just take a chill pill and enjoy the prospect of a larger moon on March 19, US astrologist Richard Nolle believes it heralds disaster.

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3. Due le vittime accertate /Foto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:49:00 +0100giornaledilecco (it)

Wellington, 14 nov. (AdnKronos/Dpa) - Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, colpita ieri da un sisma di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter (FOTO) che ha fatto due morti e provocato un allarme tsunami, poi rientrato.<br />L'agenzia Geonet ha riferito che alle 13:34 (ora locale) è stata....

Yeni Zelanda'da 7.8 büyüklüğünde deprem! Tsunami alarmı...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:49:00 +0100hurriyetim (tr)

'da deprem ve tsunami paniği... Yeni Zelanda'nın Christchurch kenti yakınlarında 7,8 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Depremde 2 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği bildirildi. Yeni Zelanda hükümeti, yaşanan depremin ardından dev tsunami dalgaları oluşabileceği konusunda uyarı yayınladı.

هزات ارتدادية بقوة 3ر 6 درجة تضرب نيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:49:00 +0100masrawy (ar)

ولينجتون - (د ب أ) ضربت هزات ارتدادية بقوة 3ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر نيوزيلندا مساء اليوم الاثنين(بالتوقيت المحلي)، في الوقت الذي تقوم فيه الحكومة بتقييم الدمار الذي نجم عن الزلزال الذي ضرب البلاد،و بلغت قوته 5ر7 درجة على مقياس ريختر. وقالت وكالة جيو نيت لمراقبة النشاط الزلزالي إن هزة ارتدادية وقعت....

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados que dejó dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:49:00 +0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

SÝDNEY. Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:49+0100kiro7 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Christchurch - Tsunami nach schwerem Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:48:00 +0100RP (de)

Christchurch. Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 hat in der Nacht zum Montag (Ortszeit) in Neuseeland mehreren Menschen das Leben gekostet und erhebliche Schäden angerichtet. Durch das Beben wurde ein Tsunami ausgelöst. Bis zu fünf Meter hohe Wellen rollten am Montagmorgen auf Teile der Südinsel zu.

Ancora scosse in Nuova Zelanza C'è paura per un nuovo tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Terremoto : Ancora scosse nella notte nel Centro Italia - la più forte magnitudo 3.4 ancora scosse tra la notte scorsa e stamattina nelle zone colpite dal Terremoto , dopo quella di magnitudo 3.8 di ieri sera alle ore 19.56. Dopo la mezza notte sono state decine e decine le scosse registrate dall’Ingv: la più forte è quella di magnitudo 3.

Terremoto, nel Centro Italia nottata “insonne” | Registrate circa 30 scosse, a Norcia magnitudo 4

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100zazoom (it)

- forte scossa nella notte in Valnerina. E oggi a Norcia gli studenti tornano a scuola : Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 4 e' stata registrata alle 2.33 tra Marche, Umbria e Lazio, con epicentro 4 km da Castelsantangelo sul Nera (Macerata). Stamattina riprenderanno le lezioni per molti studenti a Norcia e in altri centri della Valnerina.

Nuova Zelanda: violento terremoto seguito dallo tsunami, almeno 2 morti [VIDEO]></title><description><![CDATA[Numerosi abitanti della Nuova Zelanda sono fuggiti nella notte tra domenica e lunedì dalle zone costiere, a seguito del violento devastante terremoto magnitudo 7.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Bari, donna trovata morta nel suo appartamento | Aveva la testa in una busta e le mani insanguinate (Di lunedì 14 novembre 2016) Giallo nella periferia nord di Bari , a Palese, dove una donna di 71 anni, Rosa Maria Radicci, è stata trovata morta all’interno della sua abitazione.

Terremoto Nuova Zelanda: nuova forte scossa di magnitudo superiore a 6

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:46:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 14 novembre 2016) Una nuova forte scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (01:34 ora italiana) in nuova Zelanda . Secondo quanto reso noto dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 16 km di profondità ed....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:46+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:45:00 +0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 14 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este lunes el noreste de la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, apenas un día después de la muerte de dos personas por un seísmo de magnitud 7,8. Según las informaciones del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos....

Al menos dos muertos en un terremoto de 7,8 grados en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:45:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

Regístrese Únase a ClubABC es gratis y tendrá acceso a ventajas exclusivas, o acceda con Facebook, Google o Twitter Al menos dos muertos en un terremoto de 7,8 grados en Nueva Zelanda Compartir; Compartido veces Video: Atlas España - 14/11/2016 a las 08:09h.

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, paura e devastazione. Premier: Danni per un miliardo e mezzo di dollari

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:44:00 +0100RaiNews24 (it)

14 novembre 2016 I danni per il violento terremoto che ha colpito domenica la Nuova Zelanda ammontano a circa 2 miliardi di dollari neozelandesi (circa 1,4 miliardi di dollari). Lo ha detto il primo ministro John Key. Un sisma di magnitudo 7.9 ha colpito l'Isola del Sud, con un epicentro a meno di....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:44+0100krmg (en)

Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf....

Two dead as huge New Zealand quake causes 'utter devastation'

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:43:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

One person was believed to have died at a historic homestead that collapsed at the town, while police were trying to reach the scene of a fatality at a remote property north of Christchurch. As hundreds of people prepared to spend the night in evacuation centres, rescue workers were facing deteriorating weather conditions.

Bright lights in sky during NZ quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:41:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

New Zealand has been struck by a large 7.4-magnitude earthquake, killing two people and generating a tsunami. Wellington and Christchurch were among the worst affected. The quake triggered a tsunami warning across the East Coast, causing thousands of people to be evacuated from their homes. Credit: Various via Storyful.

السلطات النيوزيلندية تحذر من وقوع (تسونامي) في المناطق الساحلية

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:41:00 +0100kuna (ar)

كوالالمبور - 14 - 11 (كونا) -- أصدرت السلطات النيوزيلندية اليوم الاثنين تحذيرات من وقوع موجات مد (تسونامي) على المناطق الساحلية داعية المواطنين الى توخي الحذر وذلك أثر سلسلة من الزلازل هزت معظم أرجاء البلاد منذ ليلة أمس وحتى ساعات مبكرة من صباح اليوم ادت الى مقتل شخصين.

Nuova Zelanda, nuovo terremoto. Due morti per il sisma di ieri

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:40:00 +0100ansa (it)

Un potentissimo terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 ha colto nel sonno i neozelandesi in piena notte, provocando danni estesi, vittime - finora si parla di almeno due morti - e scatenando uno tsunami che, seppure con onde alte non più di 2 metri e mezzo, ha fatto scattare l'evacuazione delle coste orientali,....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:39+0100wncn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

قاضية سويدية تحضر جلسة الاستماع الى اقوال اسانج في سفارة الاكوادور في لندن

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:38:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

كربلاء (العراق) (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 08:08. 8 قتلى وستة جرحى على الأقل بتفجير انتحاري في محافظة كربلاء (مسؤولون) نيويورك (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 01:35. ترامب يعلن أنه سيتنازل عن راتبه كرئيس للولايات المتحدة (مقابلة تلفزيونية) نيويورك (أ ف ب) - 14/11/2016 - 01:28.

Nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 in Nuova Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:37:00 +0100lastampa (it)

Dopo il violentissimo terremoto avvenuto in Nuova Zelanda con epicentro 91 chilometri a nord di Christchurch, una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter si è registrata alle 13,34 (l’1,34 del mattino ora italiana). Secondo i rilevamenti dell’agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma....

Hundreds of aftershocks follow major earthquake and tsunami in New Zealand; thousands flee to high ground

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:37:00 +0100mercopress (en)

A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 rattled New Zealand's South Island on Monday, hours after a more powerful quake killed at least two people, damaged roads and buildings and sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were already flying by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the original 7.

Nuova Zelanda: sisma seguito da tsunami, almeno 2 morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:36:00 +0100askanews (it)

Christchurch (Nuova Zelanda), 14 nov. (askanews) - Numerosi residenti della Nuova Zelanda sono fuggiti nella notte tra domenica e lunedì dalle zone costiere, dopo che un devastante terremoto di magnitudo 7,8 sulla scala Richter - uno dei più violenti mai registrati - ha fatto tremare tutto il Paese,....

Nuova Zelanda; nuova scossa magnitudo 6.5, nessun allarme tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:35:00 +0100247libero (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata in Nuova Zelanda. Secondo i rilevamenti dell'agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10 km di profondità ed epicentro 38 km a ovest di Kaikoura e 118 a nord di Christchurch.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:35+0100dailyjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:34+0100wwlp (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami pese a las réplicas del terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:32:00 +0100antena3noticias (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda han cancelado la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo , que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Welt: Schwere Nachbeben erschüttern Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:32:00 +0100heute-AT (de)

Straßen werden für längere Zeit unpassierbar bleiben. (Foto: Reuters) Eine Serie schwerer Nachbeben hat Neuseeland weiter in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Nach dem ersten Beben mit einer Stärke von 7,8 hatte das nächststärkste immer noch 6,2. Todesopfer und ein Tsunami waren die Folge. Insgesamt gab es 250 Nachbeben auf der Südinsel des Landes.

Un altro terremoto ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:32:00 +0100internazionale (it)

Una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito il paese alle 13.45 (ora locale) del 14 novembre. Alcune ore prima un sisma di magnitudo 7,4 aveva causato due morti e provocato un allerta tsunami, poi rientrata. Diverse persone che vivono lungo il fiume Clarence, sulla South Island, sono state....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:32+0100actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:32+0100gainesville (en)

The Associated Press. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town....

Nouvelle-Zélande: fort séisme suivi d'un tsunami, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:31:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

New Zealand earthquake: Live updates as second earthquake hits after major 7.8-magnitude quake kills two

2016-11-14T08:31+0100themirror (en)

Brit ran out into the street naked as earthquake struck. One Brit caught up in this morning’s earthquake has spoken of the moment he ran into the street naked as tremors began. William Stuart, was woken up by his bed shaking from side to side in his apartment in Wellington.

At least two people have died after a ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:30:00 +0100bay (en)

At least two people have died after a large 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand - causing a small tsunami to hit the South Island's east coast. The quake, northeast of the country's largest city Christchurch, hit just after midnight local time on Sunday.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:29+0100theglobeandmail (en)

Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf....

زلزال قوي يضرب نيوزيلندا ومقتل شخصين

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:27:00 +0100alittihad-ae (ar)

هز زلزال قوي وسلسلة من التوابع نيوزيلندا في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم الاثنين مما أسفر عن مقتل شخصين على الأقل ودفع السلطات لإصدار تحذيرات من موجات تسونامي أجبرت الآلاف على الفرار إلى مناطق مرتفعة.وحملت طائرات هليكوبتر فرق إغاثة إلى المنطقة حيث مركز الهزة على بعد 91 كيلومتراً إلى الشمال والشمال....

Terremoto en Nueva Zelanda deja al menos dos muertos y miles de evacuados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:27:00 +0100cctv-es (es)

11-14-2016 11:15 Una actualización del terremoto ocurrido el lunes en la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda. Hasta el momento se han registrado dos muertos tras el potente sismo que sacudió gran parte del país. Sismo en Nueva Zelanda deja un saldo de al menos dos muertos y miles de evacuados.

World media reacts to New Zealand's earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:27:00 +0100newshub (en)

Within minutes of the devastating earthquake, social media had reacted. Soon, the hashtag #eqnz was trending worldwide, pushed there by a surge from New Zealanders alone. The rest of the world began searching en masse for the words "New Zealand", in three different languages.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:27+0100news9 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Christchurch couple undertake rescue

2016-11-14T08:27+0100newshub (en)

A Christchurch couple have not let damaged roads and aftershocks get in the way of saving their daughter. Waiau resident Denise Johnson's house was turned upside down by the quake in the middle of the night. The quake cut road and bridge access to the small Canterbury town, leaving it isolated.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:26+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

There's no reason to think the supermoon caused the NZ earthquake

2016-11-14T08:25+0100abc-au (en)

When a deadly earthquake struck the South Island of New Zealand late last night, many people pointed to a post on Facebook that had supposedly predicted the event. The post from Nigel Antony Gray on November 6 said: "On November 14 and a couple of days either side of that date, watch for a major....

'Utter devastation' after powerful quake, New Zealand PM says

2016-11-14T08:25+0100abc-au (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has surveyed the damage caused by a magnitude-7.8 earthquake, as aftershocks kicked up dust from the landslides below. The quake struck just after midnight on Monday, its epicentre striking about 90 kilometres north-east of Christchurch in the South Island, leaving a trail of destruction and killing two people.

Christchurch locals taking quake 'in their stride'

2016-11-14T08:25+0100abc-au (en)

New Zealand earthquake: Christchurch locals taking magnitude-7.8 quake 'in their stride' As the true extent of a fatal earthquake in New Zealand becomes clear, locals in the South Island's biggest city of Christchurch have banded together and are "taking it in their stride".

Tsunami nach schwerem Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:23:00 +0100news-yahoo-de (de)

In Neuseeland hat ein starkes Erdbeben nach ersten Berichten wohl erhebliche Sachschäden angerichtet. Der Erdstoß auf der Südinsel nahe der Stadt Christchurch in der Nacht zum Montag (Ortszeit) hatte eine Stärke von 7,9, wie das Deutsche Geoforschungszentrum in Potsdam mitteilte.

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,3

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:21:00 +0100adnkronos (it)

Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3. Due le vittime accertate /Foto Nuova Zelanda, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6,3. Due le vittime accertate. I segni del terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 a Wellington, in Nuova Zelanda (AFP PHOTO) Pubblicato il: 14/11/2016 08:18.

Pakistan, NZ Test to go ahead after earthquake 14-Nov-16

2016-11-14T08:21+0100dailytimesPK (en)

CHRISTCHURCH: The first Test between New Zealand and Pakistan is set to go ahead in Christchurch this week, despite a massive earthquake which killed at least two people and caused major infrastructure damage. A New Zealand cricket spokesman confirmed Monday that the Test would begin at Hagley Oval....

Un tsunami golpea la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda, con olas de 2 metros

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:20:00 +0100telecinco (es)

Un tsunami ha golpeado la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda, con olas de dos metros de altura. Las sirenas habían avisado de su llegada tras registrarse un temblor de 7,8 grados cerca de la costa. El seísmo ha dejado, de momento, dos muertos y se ha sentido en todo el país.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:20+0100therepublic (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:20+0100fox13memphis (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two....

زلزال جديد يضرب نيوزيلندا بقوة 6.2 .

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:19:00 +0100wam (ar)

ويلينغتون في 14 نوفمبر / وام / تعرضت نيوزيلندا اليوم لزلزال قوي جديد بلغت قوتها /6.2/ درجة على مقياس ريختر هز منطقة ساوث أيلاند. وذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن الزلزال الجديد وقع على عمق عشرة كيلومترات وعلى بعد نحو 120 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش. وكانت نيوزيلندا قد تعرضت أمس لزلزال قوته /7.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful tremor

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:19:00 +0100armenpress (en)

10:16, 14 November, 2016 YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS. A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island, killing at least two people, BBC reports. The quake hit just after midnight on Monday (11:02 GMT on Sunday), north-east of Christchurch.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:19+0100startribune (en)

Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf stuck on a chunk of land in a paddock that had been ripped apart in Monday's magnitude-7.8 quake. The patch of grass was surrounded by deep ravines of collapsed earth, trapping the animals where they stood.

Interim boost for Kaikoura

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:18:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Spark has just installed a signal booster to the mobile cell site on the Kaikoura peninsula as an interim solution. Spark customers in Kaikoura should now have limited access to the mobile network. Spark encourages customers to use available signal for calling and texting rather than data.

7.5 magnitude earthquake: what you need to know in Wellington

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:18:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Authorities have spent much of Monday trying to assess damage to the capital's infrastructure and buildings, following the midnight 7.5 earthquake. Several large aftershocks have made any assessments difficult in Wellington, while forecast high winds will make an unwelcome visit, too. You can follow live quake coverage here.

Fort séisme suivi d'un tsunami, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:17:00 +0100laprovence (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

First Pakistan test still on after New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T08:17+0100in-cyprus (en)

The first test between New Zealand and Pakistan is scheduled to go head this week after engineers checked the safety of the Christchurch cricket venue following a massive earthquake that rattled the centre of the country early on Monday. The powerful 7.

Yeni Zelanda beşik gibi!

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:15:00 +0100turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'da meydana gelen 7.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından, bölge beşik gibi sallanıyor. İki kişinin hayatını kaybettiği büyük depremin merkez üssü, Christchurch kentinin 91 kilometre güneyi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi kayıtlarına göre, büyük sarsıntıdan sonra en küçüğü 4.2 büyüklüğünde olmak üzere 34 artçı sarsıntı yaşandı.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.9 colpisce la Nuova Zelanda: 2 morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:14:00 +0100tg24-sky (it)

Un terremoto di grado 7.9 della scala Richter ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda poco dopo la mezzanotte ora locale, circa mezzogiorno in Italia. L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato a 91 chilometri a nord di Christchurch, sulla terraferma. Il primo ministro John Key ha confermato che due persone sono morte.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:14+0100charlotteobserver (en)

Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf....

Nowhere to mooove: three cows stranded on ‘island’ created by New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T08:14+0100scmp (en)

. Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf stuck....

زلزال جديد يضرب نيوزيلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:13:00 +0100emaratalyoum (ar)

تعرضت نيوزيلندا اليوم لزلزال قوي جديد بلغت قوتها 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر هز منطقة ساوث أيلاند. وذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن الزلزال الجديد وقع على عمق عشرة كيلومترات وعلى بعد نحو 120 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة كرايستشيرش. وكانت نيوزيلندا قد تعرضت أمس لزلزال قوته 7.

'Utter devastation' after New Zealand earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:12:00 +0100RTERadio (en)

Emergency response teams have flown to the epicentre of a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake in New Zealand, which has caused "utter devastation" according to the country's prime minister. At least two people were killed and roads and buildings damaged in the earthquake, which set off hundreds of strong aftershocks.

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:12+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura....

Nowhere to mooove: 3 cows stranded by New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:10+0100miamiherald (en)

Three New Zealand cows looked like they could use a little help Monday after an earthquake triggered landslides all around them and left them stranded on a small island of grass. Video taken by Newshub news service from a helicopter near the small town of Kaikoura shows two adult cattle and a calf....

Nova Zelândia prevê gasto de bilhões de dólares para cobrir estragos do terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:09:00 +0100extra (pt)

SYDNEY — O primeiro-ministro da Nova Zelândia disse nesta segunda-feira que o gasto para cobrir os estragos provocados pelo terremoto que devastou parte do país no domingo pode ultrapassar a marca bilhões. — É difícil acreditar que conta será menor que alguns bilhões — disse Key em entrevista a uma rádio local neozelandesa.

Nova Zelândia prevê gasto de bilhões de dólares para...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:09:00 +0100ogloboglobo (pt)

SYDNEY — O primeiro-ministro da Nova Zelândia disse nesta segunda-feira que o gasto para cobrir os estragos provocados pelo terremoto que devastou parte do país no domingo pode ultrapassar a marca bilhões. — É difícil acreditar que conta será menor que alguns bilhões — disse Key em entrevista a uma rádio local neozelandesa.

Why no sirens?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:09:00 +0100voxy (en)

Last night’s tsunami alert highlighted the uncertainty people feel about knowing a tsunami is on the way. A lot of people are asking why Tauranga has no sirens. It’s a fair question for a serious topic. We have tried to offer some context here. Tauranga City Council spent several years investigating....

Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports no Thai citizens harmed in the recent New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T08:09+0100thainews (en)

BANGKOK, 14 November 2016 (NNT) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported that no Thai nationals were harmed by the recent earthquake near New Zealand. The ministry’s website reported that on November 13th, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake occurred approximately 95 kilometers northeast of New....

CAUSÓ DOS MUERTOS Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:08:00 +0100ondacero (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Terremoto oggi, Nuova Zelanda e Centro Italia / Tsunami e ultime scosse: sisma di 4 M a Norcia (dati INGV in diretta, 14 novembre 2016, ore ...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:05:00 +0100247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI, NUOVA ZELANDA E ULTIME SCOSSE CENTRO ITALIA: SCOSSA DI 4 GRADI DELLA SCALA RICHTER (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 14 NOVEMBRE 2016) – Una scossa di terremoto di 4 gradi di magnitudo sulla scala Richter si è verificato sulla zona del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini poco dopo le 2:30....

Video Hundreds of aftershocks rattle NZ after 7.8 quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:03:00 +0100heart (en)

The initial quake damaged roads and buildings, and sparked a tsunami warning which sent thousands of people fleeing to higher ground. It was originally measured at a magnitude of 7.5 and killed two people, including one of a heart attack. As dawn broke on Monday, emergency response teams flew....

Stundenlang heftige Erschütterungen

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:03:00 +0100tagblatt-DE (de)

Christchurch. Ein massives Erdbeben der Stärke 7,5 hat Neuseeland gestern um Mitternacht erschüttert. Sein Epizentrum lang im Norden der Südinsel. Tsunamiwellen rollten auf Neuseeland zu. Für alle Küsten wurden eine Tsunamiwarnung und der Evakuierungsbefehl ausgegeben, weil die Wellen „3 bis 5 Meter....

Séisme meurtrier en Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:02:00 +0100parismatch (fr)

De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en Nouvelle-Zélande, a secoué leur pays, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant un tsunami.

'It wasn't an intruder, it was an earthquake': How it felt when the NZ quake hit

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:02:00 +0100theage (en)

At first, I stayed in bed, waiting for it to pass. When it didn't - and it could have been half a minute, but that's a long time when the very earth itself is shaking - I slipped out from under the covers and carefully pulled on a shirt and shorts, in case we needed to evacuate.

Nouvelle-Zélande : un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le pays

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:01:00 +0100leparisien (fr)

U n tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a de nouveau frappé la Nouvelle-Zélande, dans l'île du Sud, quelques heures après un premier séisme qui avait fait deux morts, rapporte le site de la BBC . Cette réplique est survenue lundi à 13 h 45 (1 h 45 en France) au nord-est de la ville de....

Hundreds of aftershocks hit New Zealand after powerful earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:01:00 +0100newstalk (en)

New Zealand has been hit by hundreds of strong aftershocks since a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the early hours of Monday. The initial quake damaged roads and buildings, and sparked a tsunami warning which sent thousands of people fleeing to higher ground. It was originally measured at a magnitude of 7.


Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:01:00 +0100prensalibre (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,4 sacude las islas Aleutianas de Alaska. Un terremoto de 5,4 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las islas Aleutianas, situadas en el extremo más occidental de Alaska (EEUU), informó el Centro Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Earthquakes in New Zealand: Some questions

2016-11-14T08:01+0100news-yahoo (en)

Christchurch (New Zealand) (AFP) - A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed two people and caused massive infrastructure damage in New Zealand on Monday. Here are some facts about the seismically active nation known as the Shaky Isles: Why so few casualties? The key was distance from major population areas.

Cricket-First Pakistan test still on after New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T08:01+0100news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - The first test between New Zealand and Pakistan is scheduled to go head this week after engineers checked the safety of the Christchurch cricket venue following a massive earthquake that rattled the centre of the country early on Monday. The powerful 7.

Seísmo en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:00:00 +0100lostiempos (es)

Sídney | Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó hoy la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó al menos dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser....

Cutremur urmat de tsunami, în Noua Zeelandă

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:00:00 +0100observator (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea de 7,5 grade s-a produs, noaptea trecută, în Noua Zeelandă, fiind urmat de tsunami. Epicentrul cutremurului a fost localitat la 53 de km de Amberly, din regiunea Canterbury, dar s-a simţiti şi în capitala Wellington. Mai multe clădiri s-au prăbuşit, iar două persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa în urma seismului.

Nuova Zelanda, forte sisma e tsunami. Il ministero: «Ci sono vittime»

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:59:00 +0100zazoom (it)

: altra forte scossa di 6.5 : 2.55 Una Nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata alle 13:34 ora locale (l'1,34 in Italia) in Nuova Zelanda . Secondo l'Agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10km di profondità ed epicentro 38km a ovest di Kaikoura e 118a nord di Christchurch.

Un nou cutremur puternic a lovit Noua Zeelanda noaptea trecuta. Un baraj s-a fisurat. Avertismentul specialistilor

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:57:00 +0100stirileprotv (ro)

Cutremurul a fost urmat de un tsunami, care a lovit coasta de nord-est a tarii. Oamenii care locuiesc in apropierea plajelor au fost sfatuiti sa-si paraseasca de urgenta casele. Seismul a avut loc la ora locala 12:02:56 (11.02 GMT) si s-a produs la o adancime de 23 de km, la nord-est de Amberley si la 93 km nord de localitatea Christchurch.

'Utter devastation' as intense aftershocks follow major New Zealand quake that killed at least two

2016-11-14T07:57+0100independent-ie (en)

Part of a landslide along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch (AP Photo / Angela Morgan) Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at damage caused by an earthquake along State Highway One, south of the township of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, November 14, 2016.

Two dead, tsunami warning after NZ quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +01009news (en)

Two people are dead after a massive 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand, sparking a tsunami warning and leaving some towns cut off. The Civil Defense agency later said the tsunami threat had passed but warned on its Facebook page that coastal areas could witness strong tidal currents and sea level fluctuations for hours.

Sismo seguido de tsunami deja dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100eldiario (es)

Sídney (Australia).- Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó cerca de dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron....

Two dead, tsunami warning after NZ quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

Prime Minister John Key has flown to the area and has spoken of the "utter devastation". He estimates the clean up will run into hundreds of millions of dollars and clearing blocked roads could take months. The quake, located near Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 15km, struck minutes....

Nuova Zelanda: sisma seguito da tsunami, almeno 2 morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100news-yahoo-it (it)

Christchurch (Nuova Zelanda), 14 nov. (askanews) - Numerosi residenti della Nuova Zelanda sono fuggiti nella notte tra domenica e lunedì dalle zone costiere, dopo che un devastante terremoto di magnitudo 7,8 sulla scala Richter - uno dei più violenti mai registrati - ha fatto tremare tutto il Paese,....

Nuova Zelanda: sisma seguito da tsunami, almeno 2 morti -2-

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100news-yahoo-it (it)

Christchurch (Nuova Zelanda), 14 nov. (askanews) - Avvertita su tutto il territorio neozelandese, la scossa principale è stata registrata alle 00.02 locali, le 12.02 di domenica in Italia, colpendo le regioni dell'Isola del Sud. L'epicentro è stato individuato a 23 chilometri di profondità, e circa....

Terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100peru (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales.

Terremoto en Nueva Zelanda: cancelan la alerta de tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100peru (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. “Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Terra voltou a tremer no Nova Zelândia

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100rtp (pt)

As autoridades lançaram um alerta de tsunami que entretanto foi levantado. O epicentro do sismo desta madrugada na Nova Zelândia registou-se na mesma região atingida na madrugada de domingo, por um outro sismo que causou dois mortos e provocou um tsunami.

'It wasn't an intruder, it was an earthquake'

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:56:00 +0100watoday (en)

At first, I stayed in bed, waiting for it to pass. When it didn't - and it could have been half a minute, but that's a long time when the very earth itself is shaking - I slipped out from under the covers and carefully pulled on a shirt and shorts, in case we needed to evacuate.

Earthquakes in New Zealand: Some questions

2016-11-14T07:56+0100afp-english (en)

A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed two people and caused massive infrastructure damage in New Zealand on Monday. Here are some facts about the seismically active nation known as the Shaky Isles: Why so few casualties? The key was distance from major population areas.

Ziemia znów zatrzęsła się w Nowej Zelandii

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:52:00 +0100tvn24 (pl)

Wstrząs zarejestrowano na głębokości 10 km, w odległości ok. 120 km na północny wschód od Christchurch, na Południowej Wyspie Nowej Zelandii. Dwie ofiary śmiertelne. W trzęsieniu ziemi o sile 7,8 st., które w niedzielę nawiedziło środkową część Nowej Zelandii zginęły co najmniej dwie osoby.

Yeni Zelanda ikinci depreme uyandı

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:51:00 +0100yenisafak (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, Yeni Zelanda'nın Güney Adası'nı dün sarsan ve iki kişinin ölümüne yol açan depremin artçı şokları devam ederken aynı bölgede 6,2 büyüklüğünde ikinci bir depremin kaydedildiğini açıkladı. Yerel saatle 13.45'te meydana gelen depremin merkez üssünün Christchurch'e 120....

More than $24k donated to disabled girl's family whose home was ransacked after quake

2016-11-14T07:51+0100tvnz (en)

More than $24,000 has been raised today for a Christchurch family, including a disabled girl, whose home was ransacked by looters when they fled for safety following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake overnight. Her daughter uses her wireless microphone system to help with with hearing impairment and it....

El 'tsunami' Trump azota la política española

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:50:00 +0100diariodesevilla (es)

La inesperada victoria de Donald Trump ha ensombrecido también la política europea y la española. A Theresa May le permitirá un Brexit más duro y para Marine Le Pen aumentan sus posibilidades de alcanzar la Presidencia de Francia en 2017. Ultraderechistas, xenófobos y hasta la extrema izquierda, al....

Ancora scosse in Nuova Zelanza C’è paura per un nuovo tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:46:00 +0100ecodibergamo (it)

Non si hanno al momento notizie di eventuali ulteriori danni o vittime, né è stata emessa alcuna allerta tsunami anche paura tra la gente. Almeno due persone sono morte per il terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 che ha colpito domenica lo Stato insulare del Pacifico meridionale.

Tlo i dalje podrhatava: Potres jačine 6,2 pogodio Novi Zeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:43:00 +010024sata (hr)

Novi jaki potres magnitude 6,2 pogodio je u ponedjeljak novozelandski Južni otok, objavio je Američki geološki institut. Potres se dogodio u 13.45 sati po lokalnom vremenu (0.45 GMT) s epicentrom na dubini od 10 kilometara, oko 120 kilometara sjeveroistočno od Christchurcha.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 colpisce la Nuova Zelanda: 2 morti

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:43:00 +0100tg24-sky (it)

Un terremoto di grado 7.8 della scala Richter ha colpito la Nuova Zelanda poco dopo la mezzanotte ora locale, circa mezzogiorno in Italia. L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato a 91 chilometri a nord di Christchurch, sulla terraferma. Il primo ministro John Key ha confermato che due persone sono morte.

Mindestens ein Toter nach Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:42:00 +0100extremnews (de)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Neuseeland werden Tote und Verletzte befürchtet. Ein Todesfall durch ein zusammengestürztes Gebäude wurde in der Ortschaft Kaikoura bestätigt. Eine vollständige Schadensaufnahme sei erst bei Tageslicht möglich, hieß es von den Behörden.

All Blacks legend McCaw joins quake rescue effort

2016-11-14T07:42+0100diariodelweb (en)

CHRISTCHURCH - Former All Blacks great Richie McCaw played a central role in ferrying rescue workers to the most devastated areas following a deadly earthquake which struck New Zealand Monday. The double World Cup winner, now a commercial helicopter pilot, flew rescue and reconnaissance missions to....

Yeni Zelanda'da Deprem Sonrası Halk Geceyi Sokakta Geçirdi

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:37:00 +0100sondakika (tr)

Yeni Zelanda basınında yer alan haberlerde, merkez üssü Christchurch kentinin 91 kilometre kuzeydoğusu olan depremde Kaikoura kentinde ölen iki kişiden birinin kalp krizi sonucu öldüğü belirtildi. Kaikoura'da sahile ulaşan tsunami dalgalarının 2 metreye kadar ulaşması üzerine halk yüksek yerlere gitmeye başladı.

Comentarios sobre Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:36:00 +010020minutos (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo , que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Un nou cutremur puternic a lovit Noua Zeelandă, la câteva ore de la seismul de 7,8

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:33:00 +0100antena3 (ro)

Un nou cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc luni pe Insula de Sud a Noii Zeelande, la câteva ore după primul seism, în care cel puţin două persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa, relatează BBC News, conform news.ro. Seismul a avut loc luni, la ora locală 13.45 (2.45, ora României), la o adâncime de zece kilometri nord-est de Christchurch.

Tsunami golpea costas de Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:31:00 +0100vanguardia-CO (es)

“La gente en la costa este cerca del epicentro puede esperar olas de 3 a 5 metros. Muévanse hacia zonas elevadas”, advirtió el Ministerio de Defensa Civil y Gestión de Desastres neozelandés en su cuenta de Twitter. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur,....

Powtórne wstrząsy w Nowej Zelandii

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:29:00 +0100polskieradio (pl)

Nowy wstrząs sejsmiczny o sile 6,2 st. nawiedził w poniedziałek o godz.13.45 czasu lokalnego (1.45 czasu polskiego) Nową Zelandię - poinformowała amerykańska Służba Geofizyczna (USGS). Brak informacji o ofiarach lub zniszczeniach. Wstrząs zarejestrowano na głębokości 10 km, w odległości ok.

Un nou cutremur, cu magnitudinea 6,2 grade pe Richter. Aflati unde a avut loc

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:29:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

În Germania, piața asigurărilor mixte de viață nu mai funcționează din momentul în care randamentul la economisirile în euro au scăzut cu mult sub 1% sau au devenit negative. De circa un an de zile, același lucru se întâmplă și în România, unde randamentele pe care le poate garanta o societate de....

Hundreds of claims lodged with EQC following Canterbury quake

2016-11-14T07:29+0100Stuff (en)

The Earthquake Commission (EQC) has so far received more than 600 new insurance claims after Monday's 7.5-magnitude earthquake. EQC chief executive Ian Simpson said people with damaged land, properties or contents would have three months to lodge a claim and implored them to tend to their friends and families first.

Ways you can help out after the November earthquakes

2016-11-14T07:29+0100Stuff (en)

While NZ recovers from a series of massive quakes, there are some ways you can help out. Wanting to lend a hand, or provide some type of assistance after NZ was shaken this morning? Here are some ways you can help. DONATE. A special fund has been put together by the New Zealand Red Cross for the victims of these quakes.

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:27:00 +0100telemetro (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Un nou cutremur puternic a lovit Noua Zeelanda noaptea trecuta: doua persoane au murit. Avertismentul specialistilor

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:26:00 +0100stirileprotv (ro)

Cutremurul a fost urmat de un tsunami, care a lovit coasta de nord-est a tarii. Oamenii care locuiesc in apropierea plajelor au fost sfatuiti sa-si paraseasca de urgenta casele. Seismul a avut loc la ora locala 12:02:56 (11.02 GMT) si s-a produs la o adancime de 23 de km, la nord-est de Amberley si la 93 km nord de localitatea Christchurch.

Earthquake in New Zealand Captured on Surveillance Video

2016-11-14T07:25+0100dailytelegraph (en)

1:38. A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck near Christchurch on New Zealand's South Island early Sunday morning. Photo: Ricky Faesen Kloet. November 14th 2016; 11 minutes ago; /video/video.news.com.

Nouvelle-Zélande: violente réplique du séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:23:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un nouveau tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi matin, selon l'Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Un violent de tremblement de terre avait déjà frappé l'île sud du pays dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, faisant au moins deux morts.

Séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande : une Indrienne sur place

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:23:00 +0100lanouvellerepublique (fr)

La Saint-Mauroise Slovane Damien-Etiève se souviendra de cette nuit de dimanche, où elle a senti la terre trembler. En voyage depuis mi-octobre en Nouvelle-Zélande (elle réside actuellement à Wellington, la capitale), elle a vécu avec un certain stress le séisme de magnitude de 7,8 sur l'échelle de....

Brabantse ontsnapt aan aardbeving in Nieuw-Zeeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:22:00 +0100omroepbrabant (nl)

WELLINGTON - De 27-jarige Eline van der Hoeven uit Sint-Michielsgestel is dankzij het bezoek van koning Willem-Alexander en koningin Maxima ontsnapt aan de aardbeving op het Zuidereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland. "Ik woon en werk op een geitenboerderij op het Zuidereiland, maar vanwege het koninklijk....

Dollar hits multi-month highs versus euro, yen, loonie

2016-11-14T07:21+0100marketwatch (en)

The dollar ascended Monday in Asia, hitting multi-month highs against the euro, the yen and the Canadian dollar, driven by continued speculation that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s fiscal stimulus will boost the U.S. economy and lead to further rate increases by the Federal Reserve.

All Blacks legend McCaw joins quake rescue effort

2016-11-14T07:20+0100BangkokPost (en)

CHRISTCHURCH (NEW ZEALAND) - Former All Blacks great Richie McCaw played a central role in ferrying rescue workers to the most devastated areas following a deadly earthquake which struck New Zealand Monday. The double World Cup winner, now a commercial helicopter pilot, flew rescue and....

Un violent séisme fait deux morts en Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:17:00 +0100capital-FR (fr)

par Charlotte Greenfield. Un puissant séisme a ébranlé la Nouvelle-Zélande aux premières heures de lundi, faisant au moins deux morts et déclenchant une alerte au tsunami qui a conduit des milliers d'habitants à fuir vers des zones élevées. Des équipes de secours ont été dépêchées par hélicoptère....

تواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا وكلفة الاضرار تتجاوز ملياري دولار

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:17:00 +0100petra (ar)

عمان 14 تشرين الثاني (بترا) - تتواصل الهزات الارتدادية في نيوزلندا منذ الزلزال العنيف الذي ضرب البلاد يوم امس وبلغت قوته 5ر7 درجة على مقياس ريختر، واسفر عن وفاة شخصين والحاق اضرار كبيرة بالطرق والبنية التحتية تشير تقديرات الحكومة الى انها تتجاوز ملياري دولار.

Strong earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T07:17+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at the damage caused by an earthquake along State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, Monday. At least 2 people were reported killed and infrastructure damaged after a 7.

Au moins deux morts et un avertissement au tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:16:00 +0100cctv-fr (fr)

11-14-2016 12:27. Nous débutons ce journal avec ce puissant tremblement de terre dans le sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Jusqu'à maintenant, on rapporte au moins deux morts et des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées à la suite d'un avertissement au tsunami. L'épicentre du séisme de 7,8 est situé à 90 kilomètres au nord-est de Christchurch.

Nouvelle-Zélande: une violente réplique du séisme ravive les craintes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:16:00 +0100rtbf (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi matin, selon l'Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Un violent de tremblement de terre avait déjà frappé l'île sud du pays dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, faisant au moins deux morts.

New Zealand: At least 2 dead in series of powerful earthquakes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:15:00 +0100newsok (en)

A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country that left at least two dead, officials said. The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal community of Kaikoura,....

Nouvelle-Zélande. Nouvelle secousse de 6,2 après un séisme meurtrier

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:13:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 a ébranlé à nouveau la Nouvelle-Zélande ce lundi, quelques heures après le puissant tremblement de terre survenu dimanche matin, qui a fait au moins deux morts et conduit des milliers d'habitants à fuir vers des zones élevées.

Terremoto, forte scossa nella notte in Valnerina. E oggi a Norcia gli studenti tornano a scuola

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:11:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 14 novembre 2016) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 4 e' stata registrata alle 2.33 tra Marche, Umbria e Lazio, con epicentro 4 km da Castelsantangelo sul Nera (Macerata). Stamattina riprenderanno le lezioni per molti studenti a Norcia e in altri centri della Valnerina. Nuova Zelanda - forte scossa di 7.

14.11.2016 08:46 : Два мощных землетрясения произошли за сутки в Новой Зеландии

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:09:00 +0100echomsk (ru)

Два мощных землетрясения произошли за сутки в Новой Зеландии. Власти столицы Веллингтона объявили об эвакуации жителей некоторых районов из-за угрозы цунами. Кроме того, после землетрясения на реке Кларенс прорвало дамбу. По данным новозеландских СМИ, погибли два человека. Россиян среди пострадавших нет, заявили в российском посольстве.

UPDATE: Powerful Earthquakes Strike New Zealand, Argentina

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:08:00 +0100cknw (en)

UPDATE: According to New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, at least 2 people have been killed following the deadly earthquake. A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake has struck New Zealand. The relatively shallow quake of 10km deep, happened just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

Evacuación en Nueva Zelanda por una grieta aparecida en una presa tras el terremoto (FOTOS, VIDEO)

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:08:00 +0100rt-es (es)

El servicio neozelandés de Defensa Civil reporta importantes daños a la infraestructura del norte de la isla Sur y ordena medidas de urgencia como consecuencia de una serie de temblores sísmicos. Los residentes de la región de Marlborough han sido alertados a causa del agrietamiento de un dique que....

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-14T07:08+0100newindianexpress (en)

. By Associated Press | Published: 14th November 2016 10:35 AM | Last Updated: 14th November 2016 10:45 AM. The aerial photo shows cracks on a state highway near Kaikoura, New Zealand after a powerful earthquake Monday, Nov. 14, 2016 | AP. A landslide covers a section of state highway 1 near Kaikoura, New Zealand, Monday, Nov.

New Zealand: At least 2 dead in series of powerful earthquakes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:07:00 +0100news4jax (en)

(CNN) - A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country that left at least two dead, officials said. The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal community of....

Impactantes grabaciones de nuevo terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:06:00 +0100atv (es)

Los habitantes del país oceánico se encuentran bastante afectados, debido a que tras el fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados que sacudió el pasado domingo a Nueva Zelanda , que provocó un tsunami con olas de dos metros, numerosos daños materiales y a dos personas fallecidas, la tierra no ha dejado de temblar.

В Новой Зеландии произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,6, было распространено предупреждение о цунами

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:06:00 +0100khovar (ru)

Душанбе, 14.11.2016 /НИАТ «Ховар»/. Как сообщила Геологическая сеть Новой Зеландии, на Южном острове в полночь на понедельник по местному времени произошло мощное землетрясение магнитудой 7,6. Местные власти Новой Зеландии распространили предупреждение о цунами. Гипоцентр землетрясения залегал на глубине 16 км.

Nuova Zelanda; nuova scossa magnitudo 6.5, nessun allarme tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:06:00 +0100tgcom (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stata registrata in Nuova Zelanda. Secondo i rilevamenti dell'agenzia sismologica statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 10 km di profondità ed epicentro 38 km a ovest di Kaikoura e 118 a nord di Christchurch.

30 mins ago New Zealand: At least 2 dead in series of quakes A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:06:00 +0100yourerie (en)

(CNN) A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country that left at least two dead, officials said. The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal community of....

New Zealand Earthquake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 07:05:00 +0100india (en)

Wellington, Nov 14: At least two people were killed on Monday after a series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand’s South Island, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country, officials said. The first, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight on Monday near the....

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T07:04+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

The deadly earthquake that struck 90 kilometres north of Christchurch on Sunday night has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks. , which monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, said: "We can say one thing with certainty: there will be more earthquakes to come in this area.

All Blacks legend McCaw joins quake rescue effort

2016-11-14T07:00+0100news-yahoo (en)

Former All Blacks great Richie McCaw played a central role in ferrying rescue workers to the most devastated areas following a deadly earthquake which struck New Zealand Monday. The double World Cup winner, now a commercial helicopter pilot, flew rescue and reconnaissance missions to Kaikoura after....

Police respond to post-earthquake burglaries in Canterbury

2016-11-14T06:55+0100nzherald (en)

Police say they will do everything in their power to find the thieves who targeted homes in Canterbury following this morning's earthquake. "I can assure Cantabrians that these burglaries will be investigated rigorously and those responsible will be held to account where appropriate," says Canterbury district commander superintendent John Price.

Dos personas murieron tras terremoto y tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:48:00 +0100el-nacional (es)

Dos personas murieron como consecuencia del tsunami que afectó la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, luego del sismo de 7,8 grados de magnitud y que ha tenido varias réplicas. “La gente en la costa este, incluyendo las islas Chatham, cerca del epicentro puede esperar olas de 3 a 5 metros.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T06:48+0100illawarramercury (en)

The deadly earthquake that struck 90 kilometres north of Christchurch on Sunday night has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks. , which monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, said: "We can say one thing with certainty: there will be more earthquakes to come in this area.

Réplicas sacuden a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:47:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Más de 250 réplicas, varias de ellas superiores a los 6 grados, sacudieron a la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados que este domingo (13.11.2016) causó dos muertes y numerosos daños materiales.Nueva Zelanda se vio golpeada de nuevo por un fuerte temblor, 1,6 grados menos....

Terremotazo de 7.8 y tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:47:00 +0100ojo (es)

Al menos dos personas murieron a causa del terremoto de 7.8 grados que golpeó a la Isla del Sur de Nueva Zelanda pasada la medianoche del domingo. El temblor también provocó cuantiosos daños materiales en la capital, Wellington, donde se sintió con fuerza. Cayeron casas, puentes y las carreteras sufrieron rajaduras.

El mundo tembló de nuevo, pero esta vez no por Trump: hubo cuatro terremotos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:46:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

SYDNEY.- La semana pasada se repitió hasta el hartazgo que el triunfo de Donald Trump estaba haciendo temblar al mundo, pero ayer ese temblor fue literal. Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud, seguido de un tsunami, golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó por lo menos dos muertos.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T06:44+0100maitlandmercury (en)

The first measurements from an earthquake are the "p-waves", which are compression waves travelling through the earth, much like sound waves. Mr Jaksa said these dispersion waves allow detection of a quake's location and an initial estimate of its size.

Tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:43:00 +0100lahora (es)

SIDNEY, EFE Un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, horas después de producirse un terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud, seguido de varias réplicas. Las autoridades informaron de tres muertos y numerosos heridos así como algunos daños importantes, pero las cifras podrían aumentar en las próximas horas.

Réplicas sacuden a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:43:00 +0100t13 (es)

Nueva Zelanda se vio golpeada de nuevo por un fuerte temblor, 1,6 grados menos intenso que el terremoto que provocó un tsunami, dos muertes y numerosos daños materiales el domingo (13.11.2016). El de este lunes (14.11.2016) tuvo una magnitud de 6,2 grados.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب نيوزيلندا .. وتحذير من تسونامي

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:41:00 +0100ammonnews-ar (ar)

عمون - سجل زلزال بقوة 7,4 درجات الاحد في نيوزيلاندا، وفق ما اعلن المعهد الاميركي للجيولوجيا، ما دفع السلطات الى اصدار تحذير من تسونامي ووقع الزلزال على بعد نحو 90 كلم من مدينة كرايستشورش على الجزيرة الجنوبية التي كانت شهدت زلزالا بقوة 6,3 درجات في فبراير 2011 أوقع 185 قتيلا.

Coastal Christchurch residents criticise delay in tsunami warning system

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:41:00 +0100Stuff (en)

The group's decision to wait a couple of hours before firing the sirens was done in consultation with a tsunami scientist but without the knowledge that MCDEM was already instructing evacuation on its website. "It would have been nice if there wasn't the confusion coming from emails which were different from the website," he said.

Earthquake: Schools, universities closed, exams disrupted

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:41:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Students sitting the scholarship exams were not covered by the derived grade, a grade made up from practice exams during the year. NZQA was asking parents and students to contact their school for more information. Ministry of Education deputy secretary Jerome Sheppard said the ministry was advising....

'We're here to help': Nelson's emergency services bolster earthquake recovery efforts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:41:00 +0100Stuff (en)

Nelson Tasman Civil Defence communications manager Paul Shattock said the region's public buildings and core infrastructure, including the Maitai Dam, sewerage and stormwater networks, withstood the quakes. Engineers were out assessing council-owned buildings, including the under-construction....

Some buildings on Wellington waterfront believed to have suffered extensive damage in quake

2016-11-14T06:41+0100Stuff (en)

Wellington mayor Justin Lester says the capital's central business district will reopen on Tuesday, despite around 10 major buildings in the city believed to have suffered extensive damage. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake caused glass to shatter in a number of commercial buildings across the city.

No Malaysians affected in NZ quake, says Foreign Ministry

2016-11-14T06:40+0100thestar-my (en)

PUTRAJAYA: No Malaysians have been affected in the earthquake that hit New Zealand on Sunday, said the Foreign Ministry. It added in a statement on Monday that the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington was monitoring the situation in the affected areas. "As of now, no Malaysians have reported that they have been affected by the earthquake.

Deux morts après un fort séisme en Nouvelle-Zélande

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:39:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

Mais c'est dingue comme vous avez une vision etriquee des choses.... l'humour, la derision permettent de s'elever face au desastre... ne pas tout prendre au pied de la lettre, avoir un peu de legerete aident a avancer et a tourner la page... et non ca ne mimise pas le malheur des autres, ou le notre....

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:36:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Sídney (Australia), 14 nov (EFE).- Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

Nouvelle-Zélande: violente réplique du séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:36:00 +0100skynet (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi matin, selon l'Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Un violent de tremblement de terre avait déjà frappé l'île sud du pays dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, faisant au moins deux morts.

Un violento terremoto sacudió el sur de Nueva Zelanda y dejó al menos dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:35:00 +0100eldia-AR (es)

Recordado como el alcalde Nueva York que impuso la “tolerancia cero” y se sumergió en las entrañas de la tragedia del 11 de septiembre, es ahora uno de los referentes centrales del gobierno que encabezará Donald Trump. Logros, controversias y peleas en su vida personal retratan a uno de los líderes....

New Zealand earthquake: 100-year-old woman pulled alive from the rubble of her farmhouse

2016-11-14T06:35+0100dailymail (en)

A 100-year-old woman has been pulled alive from the rubble of her farmhouse after it was brought to the ground by New Zealand's massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Margaret Edgar was asleep inside her country home with her son and daughter-in-law when the enormous tremor struck in the early hours of Monday morning.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T06:35+0100bordermail (en)

The first measurements from an earthquake are the "p-waves", which are compression waves travelling through the earth, much like sound waves. Mr Jaksa said these dispersion waves allow detection of a quake's location and an initial estimate of its size.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T06:34+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

The first measurements from an earthquake are the "p-waves", which are compression waves travelling through the earth, much like sound waves. Mr Jaksa said these dispersion waves allow detection of a quake's location and an initial estimate of its size.

Tsunamiwarnung - Weiteres schweres Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:33:00 +0100derStandard (de)

Stärke 6,2 – Epizentrum 120 Kilometer nordöstlich von Christchurch. Christchurch – In Neuseeland hat sich am Montag ein weiteres schweres Erdbeben ereignet, nur Stunden nach dem Erdstoß der Stärke 7,8, durch den zwei Menschen ums Leben gekommen waren. Wie die US-Erdbebenwarte USGS mitteilte, hatte das neue Beben die Stärke 6,2.

Zware aardbeving en tsunami-alarm in Nieuw-Zeeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:33:00 +0100nu (nl)

Nieuw-Zeeland is in de nacht van zondag op maandag (lokale tijd) opgeschrikt door een zware aardbeving. Het epicentrum van de schok lag enkele tientallen kilometers ten noorden van Christchurch, op het Zuidereiland. De autoriteiten waarschuwden voor een tsunami. Er zijn tenminste twee mensen omgekomen volgens premier John Key.

New Zealand 7.8 quake kills 2

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:30:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island early this morning killing two people while stirring bad memories for at least one local New Zealander whose native country was devastated by an earthquake and tsunamis that ravished the same region in 2011.

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:30:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, shaking residents awake, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves.

New Zealand witness: The whole building was swaying

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:30:00 +0100newsok (en)

By Angela Dewan, Emanuella Grinberg and Donie O'Sullivan, CNN Published: November 13, 2016 5:36 PM CDT Updated: November 13, 2016 10:53 PM CDT A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country that left at least two dead, officials said.

Der Preis für einen schnellen Atomausstieg ist zu hoch

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:29:00 +0100BernerZeitung (de)

Aus der Atomenergie aussteigen? Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard befindet sich in einem veritablen Dilemma. Auf der einen Seite gilt die Vorsteherin des Departements für ­Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kom­munikation als Architektin der Ener­giestrategie 2050.

Nouvelle secousse de 6,2 en Nouvelle-Zélande après un séisme meurtrier

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:29:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

Secours sur place. Des équipes de secours ont été dépêchées la veille par hélicoptère vers la région proche de l'épicentre de la secousse de magnitude 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, à 90 km environ au nord-nord-est de Christchurch, où des bâtiments se sont effondrés et où il y aurait des blessés. Un bilan qui pourrait s'alourdir.

Terremoto de 7.8 grados sacudió a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:28:00 +0100univision (es)


Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue la Nouvelle-Zélande – 20minutes.fr

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:27:00 +0100rapideinfo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue la Nouvelle-Zélande 20minutes.fr A.Ch. avec AFP. Publié le 13.11.2016 à 12:52; Mis à jour le 14.11.2016 à 04:37. De nombreux Néo-Zélandais ont fui dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi les zones côtières après qu’un séisme de magnitude 7,8, un des plus forts jamais enregistrés en … DIRECT.

Video: Pakistan cricketers abandon hotel rooms for safety of team room during earthquakes

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:25:00 +0100newshub (en)

The Pakistan cricket side fled their separate hotel rooms as Monday morning's quake struck, opting to sleep in the team room as a group. The second-ranked Test side in the world have had a disjointed first week in New Zealand, with the scheduled practice match against New Zealand A abandoned without....

Pakistan-New Zealand Test to go ahead despite earthquake

2016-11-14T06:25+0100tribune (en)

The squad arrives in Christchurch today and will have training sessions tomorrow. PHOTO COURTESY: Twitter/ @BLACKCAPS. The first Test between New Zealand and Pakistan will go ahead as scheduled at the Hagley Oval in Christchurch, despite a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which hit the city on Sunday.

Două persoane au murit în urma cutremurului de 7,8 grade din Noua Zeelandă

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:24:00 +0100bursa (ro)

Autorităţile neozeelandeze au anunţat că două persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa în urma seismului puternic de 7,8 grade pe scara Richter, care a zguduit la puţin timp după miezul nopţii coasta estică a Noii Zeelande, informează Reuters. Cutremurul iniţial a fost urmat de zeci de replici, dintre care....

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:23:00 +0100elpais-cr (es)

Sídney (Australia), 14 nov (EFE).- Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. “Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

زلزال جديد بقوة 6.2 درجة يدك ساوث ايلاند بنيوزلندا

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:23:00 +0100panet (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا جديدا قوته 6.2 درجة وقع قبالة ساوث أيلاند بنيوزيلندا، وذلك بعد ساعات من وقوع زلزال أقوى أدى إلى قتل شخصين. وإلحاق أضرار بمباني على امتداد الساحل الشرقي للمنطقة. وأُعلن في بادئ الأمر أن قوة الزلزال 6.8 درجة. وقالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن الزلزال وقع في نحو الساعة 1.


2016-11-14T06:23+0100xinhuanet_en (en)


Vuelve a temblar en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:22:00 +0100xeu (es)

Un nuevo sismo de magnitud 6.2 grados en escala de Richter sacudió Nueva Zelanda. Se registró en la isla sur, de acuerdo a datos del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. A muy poco de los destrozos que ocasionara el terremoto de 7.8 grados que dejó muertos, grandes destrozos y una preocupante....

No Malaysians affected in Christchurch quake, Wisma Putra says

2016-11-14T06:21+0100themalaymailonline (en)

Local residents look at the damage caused by an earthquake along State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, November 14, 2016. — Reuters pic PUTRAJAYA, Nov 14 — No Malaysians have been affected in the 7.5 Richter scale earthquake disaster that struck Christchurch at 12.

'I feel sick' - family's Christchurch home ransacked by looters following quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:20:00 +0100tvnz (en)

The Mill's truck was stolen from their New Brighton home in Christchurch when the family fled for the property for safety. It is a silver Mazda with roof racks. The number plate is EPP79. Source: 1 NEWS. Melissa and Matt Mill evacuated their two daughters from their New Brighton home in....

Третье за сутки: Новую Зеландию всколыхнули мощные землетрясения и цунами. Опубликовано видео

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:19:00 +0100obozrevatel (ru)

У берегов Новой Зеландии 13 и 14 ноября зарегистрировали мощные подземные толчки. Из-за землетрясения на Южный остров цунами. Об этом пишет ВВС Украина. Геологическая служба США отмечает, что магнитуда толчков составила до 7,4 баллов. По словам специалистов, эпицентр находился в 95 км от города Крайстчерч.

Terremoto deja al menos 2 víctimas en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:18:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,8 sacudió Nueva Zelanda en la medianoche del domingo (hora local), según registró el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El primer ministro John Key confirmó que al menos dos personas murieron. Por otra parte, un sismo de 5,9 de magnitud sacudió el....

Evacúan una región de Nueva Zelanda por una grieta aparecida en una presa tras el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:15:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Los residentes de la región de Marlborough han sido alertados a causa del agrietamiento de un dique que contenía las aguas del río Clarence y han recibido instrucciones de desplazarse a zonas elevadas lo antes posible. Un fuerte movimiento telúrico de magnitud 7,9 se produjo en la isla Sur de Nueva....

New Zealand hit by second strong quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:12:00 +0100caspionet (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.3 in magnitude has hit New Zealand's South Island, hours after at least two people were killed by an initial quake, reports. The new tremor struck about 13:45pm local time (00:45 GMT) at a depth of 10km (6 miles), northeast of Christchurch. A 7.

14.11.2016 07:08 : В Новой Зеландии произошло второе за сутки мощное землетрясение

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:09:00 +0100echomsk (ru)

После первого сейсмологи зафиксировали около 500 повторных толчков. По предварительным данным, погибли два человека. О том, как землетрясение ощущалось в Окленде, нам рассказал студент школы дизайна Артем Ерошенко Как передает Би-би-си, власти предупредили население об угрозе цунами.

Nueva Zelanda cancela la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:08:00 +0100caracol (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Zelanda cancelaron hoy la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de 7,8 grados registrado hacia la medianoche del domingo, que causó dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. "Según los datos disponibles, la amenaza de tsunami ha pasado ahora.

New Zealand earthquake: resident reveals moment she was tossed out of bed

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:07:00 +0100dailymail (en)

'It was like someone picked up our house': Woman reveals the moment she was tossed out of her bed during New Zealand earthquake that destroyed her cliff-top home Tessa Prentices' family home was ruined during the New Zealand quake; She was thrown from bed when the 7.

New Zealand earthquake: World of Warcraft player accidentally live-streams quake

2016-11-14T06:07+0100dailymail (en)

'No-one cares if you live or die': Moment New Zealand man gets caught in a 7.8-magnitude earthquake while playing World of Warcraft - but his cyber friends couldn't care less Delrio Sierra accidentally live-streamed New Zealand's earthquake; Gamer was playing World of Warcraft on camera when quake....

400 earthquakes and counting

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:06:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

DAMAGE. Schools from North Canterbury to Wellington have been asked to stay closed until they can be checked for damage. The Wellington CBD resembles a ghost town today with many workers staying away from the downtown area while streets are cleared of debris and buildings are checked.

Evacúan una región de Nueva Zelanda por una grieta aparecida en una presa tras el terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:06:00 +0100presidencia-NI (es)

Los residentes de la región de Marlborough han sido alertados a causa del agrietamiento de un dique que contenía las aguas del río Clarence y han recibido instrucciones de desplazarse a zonas elevadas lo antes posible. Un fuerte movimiento telúrico de magnitud 7,9 se produjo en la isla Sur de Nueva....

Reportan tsunami al sur de Nueva Zelanda, hay dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:05:00 +0100periodicocorreo (es)

Olas de dos metros chocaron con la costa; No se reportan daños o víctimas. El Universal. NUEVA ZELANDA.- Al menos dos personas murieron a causa del terremoto de magnitud 7,8 que golpeó a Nueva Zelanda, anunció el primer ministro, John Key. Al temblor, registrado a unos 90 km de la ciudad de....

New Zealand PM views devastation after powerful earthquake kills two people New Zealand's prime minister visited the scene after a powerful earthquake...

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:04:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck the South Island just after midnight on Sunday in a mostly rural area dotted with small towns. Near the epicentre, it opened up snaking fissures in roads and sparked landslides. But New Zealand was largely spared the devastation it saw five years ago when a deadly earthquake struck the same region.


Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:03:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he is upset but not surprised by Donald Trump’s unexpected victory in the presidential election, because the GOP business mogul’s campaign tapped into the real and justified anger that many feel about the status quo. In a New York Times op-ed published Friday night,....

New Zealand PM views devastation after powerful earthquake kills two people

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 06:01:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

Strong aftershocks continued to shake the country on Monday, rattling the nerves of exhausted residents, many of whom had spent a sleepless night huddled outside after fleeing to higher ground to avoid the tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck the South Island just after midnight....

How has the earthquake warped New Zealand?

2016-11-14T06:00+0100nzherald (en)

Scientists are trawling through data collected by hundreds of GPS markers scattered across the country to see how New Zealand has shifted following the latest quake. GNS Science regularly draws data from around 900 marker sites across the country, with 150 markers also streaming GPS locations to GeoNet monitors.

Sparks fly as video captures moment quake hits Nelson

2016-11-14T06:00+0100Stuff (en)

A short drive around the block turned into a spectacular detour for a Nelson teenager who captured an dramatic video of a power pole collapse caused by Monday morning's earthquake. Mykele Johansen's footage of arcing power lines on Parkers Rd, Tahunanui has been shared more than 6000 times and....

Supermarkets reopening following earthquake closures

2016-11-14T06:00+0100Stuff (en)

Countdown supermarkets in the South Island remain open, except for stores in Blenheim, Redwoodtown and Springlands. More supermarkets are reopening after being forced closed as a result of Monday morning's earthquakes. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake was centred in North Canterbury, near Hanmer Springs.

Earthquake: 'Paul, Paul, Paul' - how I jumped at the 7.5 shake

2016-11-14T06:00+0100Stuff (en)

I could only look up at the roof, waiting for it to start falling down. Not once did it occur to me that we should be under the table, under the doorframe. For 100 seconds I screamed my husband's name and in that brief but infinite period of time my mind went "we are dying we are dying we are....

Mapa de riesgo de sismo en Lima: ¿Estamos preparados?

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:59:00 +0100panamericana (es)

Hace 9 minutos. Este domingo se registró un terremoto en nueva Zelanda de 7,8 grados escala de Richter, el cual provocó un tsunami de dos metros. Mientras eso sucede a nivel internacional no podemos descuidar un hecho evidente, pues vivimos en una zona altamente sísmica. Las cifras nos lo recuerdan a gritos.

'No-one cares if you live or die': Moment New Zealand man gets caught in a 7.8-magnitude earthquake while playing World of Warcraft - but his friends couldn't care less

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:57:00 +0100dailymail (en)

'No-one cares if you live or die': Moment New Zealand man gets caught in a 7.8-magnitude earthquake while playing World of Warcraft - but his cyber friends couldn't care less Delrio Sierra accidentally live-streamed New Zealand's earthquake; Gamer was playing World of Warcraft on camera when quake....

Dos muertos en un fuerte seísmo en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:57:00 +0100diario-expreso (es)

Carreteras. Un camino fracturado a causa del terremoto del domingo detiene el acceso de vehículos. (ANTHONY PHELPS / Reuters) Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde hubo al menos dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales.

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:57:00 +0100newschannel5 (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Cutremur de 7,8 grade în Noua Zeelandă. Două persoane au murit

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100gandul (ro)

UPDATE 19:40 : Un reporter al cotidianului The Guardian a declarat că Ministrul Apărării Civile din Noua Zeelandă, Gerry Brownlee, a confirmat decesul a două persoane în urma cutremurului, în zona oraşului Kaikoura, pe coasta de est a insulei sudice a Noii Zeelande. Oficialul nu a putut preciza numărul persoanelor rănite sau decedate.

Sismo en Nueva Zelanda deja al menos dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100lostiempos (es)

Al menos dos personas murieron a causa del sismo de magnitud 7,8 que golpeó en los primeros minutos de hoy la Isla del Sur de Nueva Zelanda , anunció el primer ministro, John Key. Horas después del temblor, el jefe de gobierno neozelandés confirmó dos víctimas fatales y advirtió que el número podría....

Nouvelle-Zélande: violente réplique du séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:54:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

(Belga) Un nouveau tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi matin, selon l'Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Un violent de tremblement de terre avait déjà frappé l'île sud du pays dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, faisant au moins deux morts.

Fuerte sismo golpea Nueva Zelanda y deja dos muertos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:53:00 +0100reuters-lta (es)

Por Charlotte Greenfield WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Un sismo con una magnitud de 7,8 sacudió el centro de Nueva Zelanda justo después de la medianoche (1102 GMT del domingo), informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, provocando amplios daños y generando un tsunami.

Magnitude 6.2 quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand – USGS

2016-11-14T05:53+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Policemen and locals look at damage following an earthquake, along State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand’s South Island, on Monday, November 14, 2016. Photo: Reuters. SYDNEY: A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Terremoto de 7,8 graus deixa ao menos dois mortos

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:51:00 +0100jcrs (pt)

O primeiro-ministro da Nova Zelândia, John Key, informou que pelo menos duas pessoas morreram no terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que atingiu o país pouco depois da meia-noite de segunda-feira (14 de novembro), no horário local (9h em Brasília). A Defesa Civil do país lançou um alerta de risco de tsunami,....

Hundreds of aftershocks hit NZ after 7.8 quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:51:00 +0100skynews (en)

Meanwhile, officials said that the Clarence River slip dam near Kaikoura was breached early Monday afternoon local time, with residents downstream being told to get to higher ground. According to the New Zealand Herald, more than 250 aftershocks hit the South Island and lower North Island in the 12 hours since the quake.

Nouvelle-Zélande: violente réplique du séisme

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:50:00 +0100metrotime (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,2 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué la Nouvelle-Zélande lundi matin, selon l’Institut de géologie américain (USGS). Un violent de tremblement de terre avait déjà frappé l’île sud du pays dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, faisant au moins deux morts.

Terremoto magnitud 7,8 sacude Nueva Zelanda y provoca tsunami de 2 metros

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100almomento (es)

Las autoridades neozelandesas han lanzado una alerta de tsunami en toda la costa oriental del país a raíz de un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 que ha sacudido este domingo la Isla Sur de Al menos dos personas han fallecido durante el terremoto , según ha informado el Primer Ministro, John Key. El temblor ocurrió a las 00.

Un seísmo seguido de un tsunami deja al menos dos muertos en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100diariodeleon (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud seguido de un tsunami golpeó ayer la costa este de Nueva Zelanda, donde dejó al menos dos muertos, según informaron las autoridades locales. Numerosas zonas en la costa, sobre todo en la parte nororiental de la Isla Sur, tuvieron que ser evacuadas debido a las olas que se esperaban, de hasta 5 metros.

Terremoto en Nueva Zelanda: 'La casa se movía como serpiente'

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:49:00 +0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Un sismo con una magnitud de 7,5 grados sacudió el centro de Nueva Zelanda después de la medianoche del domingo, dijo el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, lo que provocó amplios daños y un tsunami. El primer ministro John Key dijo en una conferencia de prensa en la capital, Wellington, donde el....

В Новой Зеландии произошло повторное землетрясение 14.11.2016

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:48:00 +0100deutschewelle-ru (ru)

В воскресенье неподалеку от Крайстчёрча уже были зафиксированы подземные толчки магнитудой 7,8. В результате землетрясения погибли минимум два человека, разрушены дороги и здания. Тысячи людей, следуя рекомендациям местных властей, были вынуждены переместиться на возвышенности. Вскоре берегов страны достигла первая волна цунами.

Reportan víctimas fatales tras terremoto en Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Al menos dos personas murieron luego de un potente temblor que estremeció Nueva Zelanda, informó el primer ministro John Key. Key no dio más detalles durante una conferencia de prensa que se llevó a cabo en la capital, Wellington. Horas después de producirse el terremoto de magnitud 7.8 un tsunami golpeó la costa este.

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,8 sacude Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Se ha producido un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en una isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por las siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 53 kilómetros al nordeste de la localidad de Amberley y a unos 93 kilómetros de la ciudad de Christchurch, a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

Tsunami afecta a Nueva Zelanda tras fuerte terremoto

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.8 sacudió el sur de Nueva Zelanda en las primeras horas del lunes, cuando todavía era domingo en la mayoría del mundo, despertando a residentes, causando daños en inmuebles y provocando un tsunami de 2 metros en la Isla Sur. Los servicios de emergencia alertaron a la gente....

12:51 Potężne trzęsienie ziemi w Nowej Zelandii. Ostrzeżenie przed tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100radiozet (pl)

Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 7,8 nawiedziło w niedzielę Nową Zelandię. Władze ostrzegają, że region może nawiedzić tsunami. Wstrząs miał miejsce ok. 90 km od Christchurch, największego miasta Wyspy Południowej. Miasto wciąż odczuwa skutki trzęsienia ziemi sprzed pięciu lat. Zginęło wówczas 185 osób, a centrum Christchurch zostało zrujnowane.

14:54 Tsunami w Nowej Zelandii. Trzęsienie ziemi odczuwalne w całym kraju

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100radiozet (pl)

W wyniku silnego trzęsienia ziemi, które w niedzielę nawiedziło środkową część Nowej Zelandii, utworzyło się tsunami. Fale wystąpiły u wybrzeży na północnym wschodzie Wyspy Południowej - poinformowali sejsmolodzy. Wstrząsy były odczuwalne w całym kraju.

At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:47:00 +0100wsaw (en)

WELLINTON, New Zealand (AP) -- The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:10 a.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

Two dead after magnitude-7.5 quake strikes near Christchurch

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:46:00 +0100abc-au (en)

With communications cut off, emergency response teams were flying by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the magnitude-7.8 quake, about 90 kilometres north-east of Christchurch in the South Island, amid reports of injuries and collapsed buildings. A second earthquake, initially measured as magnitude 6.

3 5 Tsunami-Warnung herabgestuft Mindestens zwei Tote bei Erdbeben in Neuseeland

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:46:00 +0100blick (de)

Ein schweres Erdbeben und zahlreiche Nachbeben haben in der Nacht auf Montag (Ortszeit) die Südinsel Neuseelands erschüttert. Der Erdstoss hatte eine Stärke von 7,8. Nach anfänglicher Entwarnung forderten die Behörden die Menschen auf, die Küstenregion wegen Tsunami-Gefahr zu meiden.

Two deaths, tourist town cut off after severe New Zealand quake

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:46:00 +0100china.org.cn (en)

Roads into Kaikoura, on the northeast coast of the South Island, were blocked by landslides after the 7.5-magnitude quake hit just after midnight. Police confirmed the two deaths, saying emergency services were still working at the scenes. One fatality occurred at a property at Mount Lyford, north....

צונאמי היכה בחוף המזרחי של ניו זילנד לאחר רעש האדמה

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:45:00 +0100calcalist (he)

צונאמי הכה בחוף המזרחי של ניו זילנד לאחר רעש האדמה בעוצמה 7.8 הגל הראשון פגע באי הדרומי ופורסמה הודעה לפיה צפויים גלים נוספים לאורך החוף בשעות הקרובות. מוקד הרעש היה במרחק 95 ק"מ מהעיר קרייסטצ'רץ', שעדיין מתאוששת מרעידת אדמה קשה שפקדה את במקום ב-2011. צונאמי הכה בחוף המזרחי של ניו זילנד, כשעתיים לאחר רעידת אדמה בעוצמה 7.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,8 sacude a Nueva Zelanda

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:45:00 +0100paginasiete (es)

Horas después del temblor, registrado a unos 90 km de la ciudad de Christchurch, el Jefe de Gobierno neozelandés confirmó dos víctimas fatales y advirtió que el número podría aumentar, pero dijo que carecían de precisiones, dados los problemas de comunicación con la zona afectada.

Un segundo potente terremoto sacude a Nueva Zelanda en 24 horas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100bbc-es (es)

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Compartir El terremoto rompió varias calles y carreteras en la Isla Sur. Un segundo potente terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpeó en la madrugada de este lunes a la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda, tal como había sucedido 24 horas antes en la misma zona.

La Defensa Civil dijo que se esperan olas de 3 a 5 metros en la costa más cercana al epicentro del sismo, concretamente en la costa noreste de la Isla Sur, y de 1 a 3 metros en el resto de la costa oriental. En otras zonas se esperan fuertes corrientes y flujos de agua impredecibles cerca de la orilla. Por eso se pidió a la población que se mantenga alejada de las playas y las costas

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

SYDNEY.- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 provocó este domingo un tsunami en Nueva Zelanda , hizo que muchas personas tuvieran que huir de las zonas bajas de la costa oriental del país y dejó al menos dos muertos y daños materiales. "Según la información que tenemos, hubo dos víctimas", señaló en la....

Registran un tsunami de 2 metros en Nueva Zelanda tras seísmo de 7,8 grados

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

"Se ha provocado un tsunami, la primera ola ha llegado a la costa noreste de la Isla Sur", indicó el Ministerio de Defensa Civil y Gestión de Desastres neozelandés en su cuenta de Twitter SIDNEY.- Las autoridades neozelandesas registraron este domingo un tsunami de 2 metros en la Isla Sur de Nueva....

La Nouvelle-Zélande frappée par un très violent séisme, deux morts

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100metrofrance (fr)

La Nouvelle-Zélande a été secouée par un séisme de magnitude 7,8 - un des plus violents de son histoire - ce dimanche un peu après minuit (11 heures du matin à Paris). Le tremblement de terre, largement ressenti dans tout le pays, est survenu à 91 kilomètres de la ville de Christchurch, la plus grande ville de l'île du Sud.

Cutremur cu magnitudine 6.2 în Noua Zeelandă

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100romaniatv (ro)

Autor: Alina Costache Un nou seism puternic, cu magnitudinea 6,2, a lovit luni Insula de Sud a Noii Zeelande, potrivit Institutului american de geologie (USGS), la câteva ore după producerea unui cutremur mai mare care a ucis două persoane și a avariat clădiri de-a lungul coastei estice a Insulei de Sud, transmite Reuters.

New Zealand quakes kill two, trigger tsunami

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100tradearabia (en)

CHRISTCHURCH, 0 hours, 38 minutes ago Aftershocks resulting from a series of powerful earthquakes in New Zealand's South Island left at least two dead and triggered a tsunami warning, a report said. The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal....

Nature’s fury: 7.8-magnitude quake shakes New Zealand

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:44:00 +0100tribune (en)

Policemen and locals look at damage following an earthquake, along State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, November 14, 2016. PHOTO: REUTERS. WELLINGTON: A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at....

Yeni Zelanda'da deprem

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100deutschewelle-tr (tr)

Yetkililer depremin Yeni Zelanda'nın Christchurch kentinin kuzeyinde meydana geldiğini açıkladı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi depremin Christchurch'un 91 kilometre kuzeydoğusunda olduğunu belirtti. Depremin can ya da mal kaybına yol açıp açmadığı konusunda bir açıklama yapılmadı. Christchurch'te 350 bin kişinin yaşadığı belirtiliyor.

7.5-magnitude quake hits New Zealand, no casualties reported so far

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100finlandtimes (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale jolted South Island of New Zealand in the wee hours of Monday, followed by over 50 aftershocks in many parts of North and South Islands amid a tsunami alert. No casualties have been reported so far. The quake has caused some damage in Wellington, the....

31. Ausstellung im Haus von Anke Baumeister

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100gn-online (de)

Getelo. Einmal im Jahr richten sich alle Augen der regionalen Kunstszene auf das kleine Dörfchen Getelo in der Samtgemeinde Uelsen. Stets im November eröffnet Anke Baumeister in ihrem alten Haus eine Kunstausstellung, die durch das Mitwirken zahlreicher Künstler entsteht und sich längst zu einem....

400 earthquakes and counting

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100heraldsun (en)

Police in Christchurch confirmed they had three reports of burglaries from homes where residents evacuated, fearing a tsunami was coming. The tsunami warning for the entire east coast of New Zealand was cancelled early today and thousands of residents returned home.

04:31 New Zealand PM views devastation after powerful earthquake kills two people

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100independent-ie-regional (en)

Strong aftershocks continued to shake the country on Monday, rattling the nerves of exhausted residents, many of whom had spent a sleepless night huddled outside after fleeing to higher ground to avoid the tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck the South Island just after midnight....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T05:42+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-14T05:42+0100wsoctv (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake. Wellington city officials said some large buildings were showing....

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami arrives after powerful tremor hits

2016-11-14T05:42+0100financialgazette (en)

A tsunami has hit after an earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.8 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. The tsunami arrived in the north-eastern coast about two hours later.

At least two dead after powerful earthquake in New Zealand

2016-11-14T05:42+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

At least two people have died after a powerful earthquake struck New Zealand, Prime Minister John Key has said. Mr Key did not provide any further details at a news conference on Monday morning in the capital Wellington. Authorities said they were not yet declaring a national emergency, saying the regions are coping well.

Powerful 7.4-magnitude quake kills at least 2

2016-11-14T05:41+0100cnn (en)

New Zealand is a South Pacific nation of islands, the two largest being the North and South islands, which are home to most of the population. Aftershocks from South Island reverberated all the way to Wellington, the country's capital on the North Island, where residents were told to stay indoors Monday.

Pakistan team evacuated out of hotel after New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-14T05:38+0100india (en)

. Members of the Pakistani Women Team, who are also in New Zealand for a five-match ODI series, were also safe. By India.com Sports Desk | Published: November 14, 2016 9:51 AM IST Pakistan cricket team, who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series, was escorted off their hotel in Nelson after an earthquake of 7.

People turn to social media for help as tourists are caught up in earthquake

2016-11-14T05:38+0100tvnz (en)

Wellingtonians are being told to keep away from the CBD, with The TSB Arena and the BNZ Centre on Wellington's waterfront having sustained the most damage. Source: Facebook: Matthew Clode. Ms Belancic's daughter, Jovana Nedeljkov, was travelling the South Island and staying in Kaikoura when the powerful earthquake struck.

'We're thinking about you' - Sky Tower to light up for quake victims

2016-11-14T05:38+0100tvnz (en)

Auckland's Sky Tower will be lit with black and white lights tonight to show solidarity for those affected by today's earthquake. Black and white - The Auckland Sky Tower will be lit up for earthquake victims. Source: 1 NEWS. "Most New Zealanders will have friends or family who have been affected....

Massive slip on State Highway 1 isolates township of quake-ravaged Kaikoura. Insane photos show bitumen uprooted from quake-ravaged Kaikoura road

2016-11-14T05:38+0100tvnz (en)

Destruction caused by a mammoth earthquake which struck just after midnight is continuing to emerge, particularly around Kaikoura. Incredible photos posted to social media reveal the extent of the damage to main roads which have left Kaikoura isolated. This photo posted to Twitter by Daniel Bullen shows the Kaikoura road completely uprooted.

10 Things to Know for Monday

2016-11-14T05:38+0100statesman (en)

Motorway sign warning of Tsunami, in Wellington, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. A powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt in the capital, Wellington, more than 200 Km (120 miles) away.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T05:34+0100dailyjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday’s powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US

2016-11-14T05:34+0100wkbw (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Four MPs in NZ safe from quake

2016-11-14T05:34+0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 3:41PM FOUR Members of Parliament currently on an official visit in New Zealand were not affected by this morning's earthquake. Opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa in a statement of solidarity to the New Zealand government said Lorna Eden, Iliesa Delana, Prem Singh and Aseri Radrodro were safe and in good health.

NZ quake: Almost 400 aftershocks have struck in 24 hours

2016-11-14T05:33+0100qt (en)

is reporting the two buildings on the property have been reduced to piles of rubble, barely resembling the two structures that stood there up until Sunday night. Kaikoura Health's Chris Henry was among those first on the scene. He said the house "just collapsed like a stack of cards".

Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-14T05:30+0100thedailystarBD (en)

- USGS says quake magnitude revised to 7.8. - NZ authorities warn of risk of destructive waves. - East coast residents urged to seek higher ground. - Hotels, apartment buildings evacuated in Wellington An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US....

New Zealand police confirm one person killed in earthquake

2016-11-14T05:28+0100news-yahoo-in (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Police said at least one person has been killed in a powerful earthquake that struck the Pacific country early on Monday. "One casualty has been reported at a collapsed property in Kaikoura," NZ Police said in a statement. The coastal tourist town of Kaikoura is near the epicenter of the 7.

3 Años

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:27:00 +0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

08:16, 2013-11-13. Las fuerzas sirias se enfrentaron con los insurgentes el martes en los suburbios al sur de Damasco, indicaron activistas, parte de una reagudización de los intentos del gobierno por recuperar las zonas en manos de la oposición. 08:18, 2013-11-13.

Second earthquake of magnitude 6.2 hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T05:22+0100ibtimes-uk (en)

A second earthquake measuring 6.2 in magnitude shook New Zealand's South Island on Monday (14 November) and comes hours after a 7.5-magnitude quake hit the same area just after midnight and took the lives of at least 2 people. According to reports, the latest quake hit around 1.

Tsunami alert lifted after New Zealand earthquake, aftershocks kill 2 (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

2016-11-14T05:22+0100rt (en)

“There are some reports of casualties in the Kaikoura area but the extent of that is not yet reported,” he said. At least one person died after a property collapsed in the region of Kaikoura, NZ TV reported, citing police. According to some media reports, two people were injured in the same area.

6.2 aftershock shakes New Zealand after powerful 7.8 earthquake kills at least 2

2016-11-14T05:22+0100rt (en)

Damaged road near Oaro State Highway 1 #eqnz The road remains closed from Waipara to Picton at present. Please stay safe via MarlboroughEmergency (@MarlEmergency) November 13, 2016 Tsunami warning sirens notified residents in coastal areas of New Zealand to leave for higher ground.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T05:20+0100therepublic (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday’s powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

Red Cross launches emergency earthquake appeal

2016-11-14T05:19+0100newshub (en)

Red Cross has responded to quake-affected communities, especially in areas where homes are the worst affected, and are calling on New Zealanders to donate to help their cause. Its disaster welfare and support teams have set up portaloos, water supplies and radio communications, and are door-knocking to check on residents.

Tsunami Alert after New Zealand’s South Island Hit with 7.8 Quake

2016-11-14T05:16+0100laht (en)

SYDNEY – The United States Geological Service’s (USGS) Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii issued on Sunday a tsunami alert after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake was registered in New Zealand’s South Island. The earthquake occurred at 1103 GMT, some 53 kilometers (33 miles) northeast of Amberley,....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after deadly 7.5 magnitude earthquake

2016-11-14T05:16+0100piratefm (en)

A tsunami has hit New Zealand after a powerful earthquake struck the country's South Island, with the country's prime minister confirming two deaths. Thousands of people on the country's east coast fled after a warning to move to higher ground. The quake, which measured 7.

Ruapehu infrastructure unscathed by earthquake

2016-11-14T05:08+0100voxy (en)

Ruapehu District Council and its road and water contractors have been checking on key infrastructure to ensure that there has been no damage sustained from last night’s 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the South Island. Ruapehu Land Transport Manager Warren Furner said that although the epicentre of the....

09:29 Several quakes jolt Kyrgyzstan over two days

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:07:00 +0100ca-news (en)

Bishkek (AKIpress) Several earthquakes occurred in Kyrgyzstan over two days, according to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first earthquake of 2.5 points force was registered on 13 November at 8.09 pm on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China , according to the....

General Main

2016-11-14T05:07+0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 14 (Bernama) -- A magnitude 6.5 earthquake jolted New Zealand's South Island this morning. KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 14 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today advised Malaysians who are in New Zealand, to remain vigilant and immediately contact the High Commission of....

Full News List

2016-11-14T05:07+0100bernama (en)

Communications Minister Attends Opening Of ITU Telecom World 2016; Another Strong Quake Jolts New Zealand; Earthquake: Stay Vigilant, Najib Advises Malaysians In New Zealand; Kuala Perlis Residents Ready For High Tide Phenomenon; Fama Urged To Help Semporna Seaweed Entrepreneurs; Fire Damages....

Pupils sit exam unaware it was canned due to earthquake

2016-11-14T05:07+0100Stuff (en)

High school pupils in Palmerston North sat through an hour of a history exam before learning it had been postponed due to the North Canterbury earthquake. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has been criticised for how it communicated its decision to postpone a level 3 scholarship history exam.

09:22 Aftershocks rattle New Zealand after powerful quake kills two

2016-11-14T05:07+0100ca-news (en)

Aftershocks rattle New Zealand after powerful quake kills two Bishkek (AKIpress) A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 rattled New Zealand's South Island on Monday, hours after a more powerful quake killed at least two people, damaged roads and buildings and sent thousands fleeing to higher ground, reported.

What to do if you're affected by the earthquake and have travel plans

2016-11-14T05:07+0100Stuff (en)

Travel agencies are fielding cancellations and disruptions following Monday morning's earthquake, with many Kiwis in affected areas now unable to travel. Airports are operating as usual around the country, but Cook Strait ferry sailings have been cancelled.

Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

2016-11-14T05:06+0100news4jax (en)

(CNN) - A series of powerful earthquakes jolted New Zealand's South Island Monday, triggering a tsunami and sending aftershocks across the country that left at least two dead, officials said. The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal community of....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T05:05+0100news9 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

No Thais hurt in NZ quakes

2016-11-14T05:04+0100BangkokPost (en)

A fractured road caused by the first earthquake stops vehicle access near the town of Ward, 70km south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island. (Reuters photo) No Thai people have been reported injured by the two large earthquakes that hit the South Island of New Zealand, according a Foreign Ministry's Twitter message posted on Monday morning.

World New Zealand hit by powerful earthquake and tsunami waves A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early on Monday local time.

2016-11-14T04:59+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Authorities said they were not yet declaring a national emergency, saying the regions are coping well. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck just after midnight 132 miles south of Wellington, where it collapsed a ferry loading ramp, broke windows and caused items to fall from shelves.

Aftershocks rattle New Zealand after powerful quake kills two

2016-11-14T04:57+0100thenews-pk (en)

Latest : World WELLINGTON: A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 rattled New Zealand's South Island on Monday, hours after a more powerful quake killed at least two people, damaged roads and buildings and sent thousands fleeing to higher ground.

Video Tsunami hits New Zealand after deadly 7.5 magnitude earthquake

2016-11-14T04:55+0100heart (en)

Thousands of people on the country's east coast fled after a warning to move to higher ground. The quake, which measured 7.5 in magnitude, led to waves up to two metres high, including in the Kaikoura area. Police said one of the victims was found in a house in the coastal tourist town, while another died in Mount Lyford, a nearby ski resort.

International scientists intrigued by twin earthquakes

2016-11-14T04:54+0100nzherald (en)

International scientists are intrigued at the complexity of the suspected twin quakes that rattled New Zealand overnight. Professor of Geosciences Kevin Furlong, of Pennsylvania State University in the US, said what GeoNet now considers two separate earthquakes, striking at Culverden just after midnight with a magnitude of 7.

Lorde tweets her support for Kiwis affected by earthquake

2016-11-14T04:54+0100nzherald (en)

Singer Lorde urges Kiwis to help each other. PHOTO/AP - Thibault Camus. Lorde has tweeted words of kindness for Kiwis affected by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake that killed two and has caused ongoing havoc. Ella Yelich-O'Connor told her followers to "stay safe and help out in any way you can".

2 killed following powerful tremor in New Zealand

2016-11-14T04:49+0100business-standard (en)

It triggered waves of 8 feet above usual tide levels, the highest New Zealand had seen in at least 38 years, Philip Duncan of Weather Watch said. New Zealand An initial tsunami warning was lifted but temblors continued on Monday afternoon, CNN reported. A 6.2-magnitude quake struck around 1.30 p.m.

Strong aftershocks rattle New Zealand following deadly earthquake

2016-11-14T04:42+0100CBSnews (en)

The quake caused damage in Wellington, the capital, more than 120 miles to the north. It was also strongly felt to the south in the city of Christchurch, which was devastated by an earthquake in 2011 that killed 185 people. Residents said the shaking went on for about three minutes.

Exams cancelled but few reports of damage across Manawatu

2016-11-14T04:20+0100Stuff (en)

She had heard that her final exam could be cancelled completely and she was hoping this would happen. "It's been a year-long paper. I wouldn't mind if they just cancelled it," she said. All buildings are being checked on all campuses. On Monday afternoon, the university said all exams will go ahead as scheduled from tomorrow.

North Canterbury farmers confronted by milk crisis

2016-11-14T04:20+0100Stuff (en)

Drystock farmers are faced with a water shortage for their stock, due to burst pipes and damaged water storage ponds and tanks. Councils are allowing sheep and beef to enter rivers for water, the spokeswoman said. Fonterra confirmed all of its staff in New Zealand were safe and there was no major damage to any of its manufacturing sites.

What to do if a tsunami strikes It begins with a roaring sound not dissimilar from a freight train or a Boeing 747 in takeoff.

2016-11-14T04:18+0100yourerie (en)

(CNN) It begins with a roaring sound not dissimilar from a freight train or a Boeing 747 in takeoff. Then, a wall of water, with an unimaginable force that can flatten an entire building in seconds. If you survive the initial blow, you now face an unrelenting pounding of wave after wave, and like a....

New Zealand residents open up on moment devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck

2016-11-14T04:16+0100dailymail (en)

'It was like someone picked up our house': Woman reveals the moment she was tossed out of her bed during New Zealand earthquake that destroyed her cliff-top home Tessa Prentices' family home was ruined during the New Zealand quake; She was thrown from bed when the 7.

New Zealand earthquake kills two, triggers landslides, tsunami

2016-11-14T04:16+0100TorontoStar (en)

Kaikoura suffered ȁ#x201c;major infrastructureȁ#x201d; damage in the quake, the Marlborough Emergency Management Group said in a statement. Sewage and water supplies were knocked out, though power was gradually being restored Monday afternoon. Police were in radio communication with the town and....

New 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-14T04:01+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY - A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand's South Island on Monday (Nov 14), the U.S. Geological Survey said, hours after a more powerful quake killed two people and damaged buildings along the east coast of the South Island. The latest quake was initially measured with a magnitude of 6.

Tips for New Plymouth building owners following quake

2016-11-14T03:57+0100voxy (en)

New Plymouth District Council advises owners of buildings identified as being earthquake-prone to check their buildings, particularly at ground level, for any new damage following today’s big earthquake. Residents with old-style chimneys should check these at roof level, particularly those more than 1m high above the roof.

10 Things to Know for Monday

2016-11-14T03:54+0100krmg (en)

Motorway sign warning of Tsunami, in Wellington, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. A powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt in the capital, Wellington, more than 200 Km (120 miles) away.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T03:53+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

The deadly earthquake that struck 90 kilometres north of Christchurch on Sunday night has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks. , which monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, said: "We can say one thing with certainty: there will be more earthquakes to come in this area.

Earthquake in New Zealand again! 6.2 magnitude quake strikes near Christchurch: USGS

2016-11-14T03:51+0100financialexpress (en)

A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand's South Island hours after a more powerful quake killed two people and damaged buildings. A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand’s South Island hours after a more powerful quake killed two people and damaged buildings.

Hundreds flee after New Zealand quake, tsunami

2016-11-14T03:47+0100bostonglobe (en)

Glasses broke and furniture moved at Premier House, the official prime ministerial residence in Wellington, Key said. He had stayed there overnight after meeting with Secretary of State John F. Kerry, who was on a state visit there and to Antarctica. The quake temporarily knocked out New Zealand’s....

Earthquake: Winston Peters calling for new looting laws after three houses burgled

2016-11-14T03:47+0100nzherald (en)

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is calling for tough new laws around looting. Photo / Christine McKay. New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is calling for tough new laws around looting after three houses were burgled in the aftermath of this morning's earthquake.

Deadly earthquake: Days before Kaikoura's water supply restored

2016-11-14T03:47+0100nzherald (en)

Power is gradually being restored in Kaikoura, but sewerage systems and water supplies are still down and it could before they are back up and running, Civil Defence says. Power, communications, sewerage and water were all cut off by a colossal earthquake, which shook the town early this morning.

7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-14T03:39+0100globalnews (en)

. Sun, Nov 13: A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, setting of tsunami warnings. Shirlee Engel reports.

Najib: Contact High Commission if affected by NZ earthquake

2016-11-14T03:36+0100thestar-my (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today advised Malaysians who are in New Zealand to remain vigilant and contact the High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington immediately if they were affected by Sunday’s earthquake. "Tsunami have been issued but so far there have been no reports of any Malaysian casualties.

2 killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T03:32+0100timesofindia (en)

WELLINGTON: A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the 7.

North Canterbury farmers confront milk crisis

2016-11-14T03:32+0100Stuff (en)

Dozens of dairy farms across the North Canterbury region will have to dump their milk into effluent systems or find other ways to deal with it because it cannot be picked up. Federated Farmers adverse events spokeswoman Katie Milne said it depended on what infrastructure farmers had.

Truck driver missing near Kaikoura after 7.5 quake

2016-11-14T03:32+0100Stuff (en)

A search is underway for a truck diver who hasn't been heard from since just before the 7.5 earthquake on Sunday night. The last known location of the truck was around 30km south of Kaikoura, at about midnight, police said. "Communications in the area are very difficult but police have the details of the truck and are keeping watch for it.

Businesses ask staff to work from home after quakes

2016-11-14T03:32+0100Stuff (en)

Workers in earthquake-hit parts of the country are being asked to log in from home when they cannot go into damaged offices. Commentators say it is a sign of the changing workplace environment – and the increasing expectation on staff to be available all day, every day.

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand, killing 2 people

2016-11-14T03:27+0100triblive (en)

Updated 1 hour ago WELLINGTON — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, damaging buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

Second strong earthquake hits New Zealand hours after a 7.8 magnitude

2016-11-14T03:23+0100cna (en)

epa05630663 A handout shakemap released by the US Geological Survey (USGS) shows the location of a 6.5 magnitude earthquake striking at a depth of 10km northeast of Christchurch, New Zealand, 14 November 2016. The quake struck hours after a more powerful tremor, a 7.

6.8-magnitude earthquake felt in southern New Zealand

2016-11-14T03:21+0100israelnationalnews (en)

. An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale was overnight Sunday (Israel time) in southern New Zealand. There have been no reports of injuries or damage. The earthquake was felt in the same region which was hit by a 7.4-magnitude earthquake which killed two people on Sunday.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T03:21+0100BangkokPost (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two fatalities were confirmed and "waves as high as 2 meters" were experienced after a 7.8 magnitude quake, but that a Tsunami warning was downgraded to "coastal warnings." - REUTERS. 14 Nov 2016 | 133 views. http://www.bangkokpost.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T03:17+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

The deadly earthquake that struck 90 kilometres north of Christchurch on Sunday night has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks. , which monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, said: "We can say one thing with certainty: there will be more earthquakes to come in this area.

News The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T03:15+0100actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

New Zealand: Another earthquake of magnitude 6.2 strikes near Christchurch, says USGS

2016-11-14T03:15+0100expressindia (en)

A four-wheel-drive vehicle negotiates the damaged State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim, following an earthquake on New Zealand’s South Island, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand’s South Island on Monday, the U.

Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at damage caused by an earthquake, along State Highway One near the town of Ward, New Zealand

2016-11-14T03:14+0100trust (en)

Local residents Chris and Viv Young look at damage caused by an earthquake, along State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data.

A four-wheel-drive vehicle negotiates the damaged State Highway One near the town of Ward, south of Blenheim, following an earthquake on New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-14T03:14+0100trust (en)

, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.

A fractured road caused by an earthquake stops vehicle access near the town of Ward, 70 kilometers south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-14T03:14+0100trust (en)

, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T03:11+0100brownsvilleherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

New Zealand: At least 2 dead in series of quakes

2016-11-14T03:11+0100wcvb (en)

The first event, a 7.8-magnitude quake, struck just after midnight Monday near the coastal community of Kaikoura, some 93 kilometers (55 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the US Geological Survey reported. It triggered waves of 2.49 meters (8 feet) above usual tide levels, the highest....

The biggest quakes in NZ's history

2016-11-14T03:09+0100newshub (en)

It would take 78 years for New Zealand to feel an earthquake of the same size - this time in Dusky Sound on July 15, 2009. It would be the biggest since the Buller and Hawke's Bay quakes in 1929 and 1931 respectively. The 7.8 Buller earthquake on June 17, 1929 was reported to have been heard as far away as New Plymouth.

Governor-General offers quake support

2016-11-14T03:09+0100newshub (en)

Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy has expressed her condolences to the families of the two people who lost their lives in last night's 7.5 magnitude earthquake. She also urged New Zealanders to be careful following a swarm of aftershocks, the biggest being 6.2.

New Zealander in Calgary rattled by deadly Christchurch earthquake

2016-11-14T02:58+0100vancouversun (en)

It was a case of history repeating for New Zealand-born Sophie Fearn, who awoke to news of a deadly earthquake in Christchurch on Sunday. Fearn was living in Europe when a deadly quake killed 185 people and destroyed much of downtown Christchurch in 2011.

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

2016-11-14T02:57+0100wivb (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T02:53+0100bordermail (en)

UPDATE: Mag 7.9 South Island of New Zealand. 14 Nov 2016 00:03 (NZDT). Lat/Long -42.7 172.7. Depth 59km. Info is preliminary.— EarthquakesGA (@EarthquakesGA) /div> November 13, 2016 "What is occurring is a rip through the earth's crust," he said. "From our measurements it seems this one started....

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T02:52+0100maitlandmercury (en)

UPDATE: Mag 7.9 South Island of New Zealand. 14 Nov 2016 00:03 (NZDT). Lat/Long -42.7 172.7. Depth 59km. Info is preliminary.— EarthquakesGA (@EarthquakesGA) /div> November 13, 2016 "What is occurring is a rip through the earth's crust," he said. "From our measurements it seems this one started....

Earthquake: Stay Vigilant, Najib Advises Malaysians In New Zealand

2016-11-14T02:50+0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 14 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today advised Malaysians who are in New Zealand, to remain vigilant and immediately contact the High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington if they were affected by the earthquake yesterday.

Gamer is unexpectedly stoked about being in the middle of an earthquake

2016-11-14T02:48+0100news-yahoo (en)

Parts of New Zealand's South Island has been hit hard by earthquakes on Monday, forcing residents in coastal areas to flee from tsunami waves. While a strong earthquake would stir fear into the hearts of most people, it didn't seem faze gaming YouTuber Omega , who was in the middle of recording a video when the quake struck.

What to do if a tsunami strikes 56 Mins

2016-11-14T02:47+0100news4jax (en)

(CNN) - It begins with a roaring sound not dissimilar from a freight train or a Boeing 747 in takeoff. Then, a wall of water, with an unimaginable force that can flatten an entire building in seconds. If you survive the initial blow, you now face an unrelenting pounding of wave after wave, and like....

Tourists astounded by post-earthquake generosity

2016-11-14T02:46+0100nzherald (en)

An Australian family in New Zealand for a holiday are astounded at the "generosity" of Wellingtonians following the earthquake. Sandra Wardrop and her family from New South Wales were in Wellington celebrating her son William's 12th birthday. The Wardrop family were evacuated from the Park Hotel on....

Sky Tower to light up tonight in honour of earthquake

2016-11-14T02:46+0100nzherald (en)

The Sky Tower will be lit in black and white tonight, as a mark of solidarity with the rest of the country following today's earthquakes. Acting general manager for Sky City Auckland, Matt Ballesty said the Sky Tower is seen by many as a symbol of love, hope, support and solidarity.

New Zealand hit by second strong quake

2016-11-14T02:45+0100bbc (en)

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The first earthquake struck after midnight in New Zealand, and residents in Wellington evacuated to one of the city's parks. An earthquake measuring 6.1 in magnitude has hit New Zealand's South Island, hours after at least two people were killed by an initial quake.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:44+0100bostonherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

Falling air-con unit cut 111 emergency call service following earthquake

2016-11-14T02:44+0100Stuff (en)

Emergency 111 calls went unanswered for 30 minutes following the North Canterbury earthquake after falling air-conditioning equipment cut services at the national call centre. Spark's Wellington office, which answers and redirects emergency calls, was damaged and evacuated immediately after the earthquake.

Pike River protest temporarily paused after earthquake

2016-11-14T02:44+0100Stuff (en)

A roadblock protest at the Pike River mine has been put on hold after the North Canterbury earthquake. Family members of men who died in the West Coast disaster in 2010 have been occupying the mine's access road since Saturday morning. Solid Energy has been working on permanently sealing the mine to....

Some supermarkets reopening following earthquake closures

2016-11-14T02:44+0100Stuff (en)

Some supermarkets are reopening after being forced closed as a result of Monday morning's earthquakes The 7.5 magnitude earthquake was centred in North Canterbury, near Hanmer Springs. Warnings over tsunamis have been downgraded and people evacuated from many areas have been allowed to return to their homes.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T02:41+0100theherald-au (en)

UPDATE: Mag 7.9 South Island of New Zealand. 14 Nov 2016 00:03 (NZDT). Lat/Long -42.7 172.7. Depth 59km. Info is preliminary.— EarthquakesGA (@EarthquakesGA) /div> November 13, 2016 "What is occurring is a rip through the earth's crust," he said. "From our measurements it seems this one started....

'It wasn't an intruder, it was an earthquake': How it felt when the NZ quake hit

2016-11-14T02:39+0100brisbanetimes (en)

At first, I stayed in bed, waiting for it to pass. When it didn't - and it could have been half a minute, but that's a long time when the very earth itself is shaking - I slipped out from under the covers and carefully pulled on a shirt and shorts, in case we needed to evacuate.

At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

2016-11-14T02:37+0100cnn (en)

The quake struck some 93 kilometers (55 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch just after midnight local time on Monday, the US Geological Survey reported. It triggered waves of 2.49 meters (8 feet) above usual tide levels, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:33+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

What quake means for tourists in NZ

2016-11-14T02:33+0100dailytelegraph (en)

The quake struck near Hanmer Springs, 91km north of Christchurch, which is still recovering from the devastating earthquake of 2011. It also completely cut off road access and electricity to the small town of Kaikoura — a popular destination for tourists taking part in whale-watching expeditions.

Tsunami hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T02:33+0100arabnews (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the....

Severe aftershocks strike NZ South Island

2016-11-14T02:32+01009news (en)

Two large aftershocks - including one measuring 6.3 - have struck towns already cut off by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake that's claimed two lives, caused major landslips and destroyed highways in New Zealand's South Island. A severe magnitude 5.7 quake struck 20 kilometres east of Seddon at 1.

Magnitude 6.2 quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-14T02:31+0100nst (en)

SYDNEY: A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand’s South Island on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, hours after a more powerful quake killed two people and damaged buildings along the east coast of the South Island. The latest quake was initially measured with a magnitude of 6.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:29+0100muscatinejournal (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:29+0100hjnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T02:29+0100illawarramercury (en)

The deadly earthquake that struck 90 kilometres north of Christchurch on Sunday night has been followed by hundreds of aftershocks. , which monitors seismic activity in New Zealand, said: "We can say one thing with certainty: there will be more earthquakes to come in this area.

No Singaporeans reported to be affected by New Zealand earthquake: MFA

2016-11-14T02:27+0100straitstimesSG (en)

City engineers inspect buildings in the central business district in Wellington on early Nov 14, 2016, following an earthquake north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch. PHOTO: AFP. SINGAPORE - No Singaporeans are reported to be affected by the earthquake in the New Zealand city of....

New quake measuring 6.2 strikes off New Zealand's south island

2016-11-14T02:27+0100straitstimesSG (en)

A strong new earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck New Zealand’s South Island on Monday (Nov 14), the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, hours after a more powerful quake killed two people and damaged buildings along the east coast of the South Island. PHOTO: USGS.

New Zealand earthquake sends bottles of red wine falling off shelves in Nelson supermarket

2016-11-14T02:21+0100dailymail (en)

Moment a huge earthquake in New Zealand sends bottles of wine falling off supermarket shelves - leaving a sea of red on the floor Bottles of wine have smashed across supermarket floors in New Zealand; Red wine fell from shelves in a supermarket in Nelson on the South Island Of the 5,000 bottles on....

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

2016-11-14T02:20+0100wwlp (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.


2016-11-14T02:20+0100click2houston (en)

(CNN) - It begins with a roaring sound not dissimilar from a freight train or a Boeing 747 in takeoff. Then, a wall of water, with an unimaginable force that can flatten an entire building in seconds. If you survive the initial blow, you now face an unrelenting pounding of wave after wave, and like....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:20+0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

My thoughts, prayers with New Zealand people: Sidharth Malhotra

2016-11-14T02:20+0100business-standard (en)

"Waking up to the news of the earthquakes overnight here in - we're fine," he tweeted. New Zealand "Thankfully at first light it seems the shakes have spared us from serious widespread damage. My thoughts n prayers are with the people of NZ," he further tweeted. A tsunami hit two hours after the earthquake.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:19+0100eagletribune (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:18+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

CBC's Jason Proctor in New Zealand describes 7.8 magnitude earthquake

2016-11-14T02:16+0100CBC (en)

It was about midnight in New Zealand when CBC Vancouver reporter Jason Proctor was shaken by what he says felt like a train going through his cabin. "It was just completely insane. It was one of the scariest things I've ever experienced," Proctor said over the phone from Hokitika, where he happens to be on a cycling tour with a friend.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to Survey Earthquake Damage

2016-11-14T02:15+0100ABCnews (en)

(all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura. The town is a popular destination for tourists taking part in whale-watching expeditions.

'It wasn't an intruder, it was an earthquake': How it felt when the NZ quake hit

2016-11-14T02:15+0100theage (en)

At first, I stayed in bed, waiting for it to pass. When it didn't - and it could have been half a minute, but that's a long time when the very earth itself is shaking - I slipped out from under the covers and carefully pulled on a shirt and shorts, in case we needed to evacuate.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:14+0100wfsb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

'It wasn't an intruder, it was an earthquake': How it felt when the NZ quake hit

2016-11-14T02:12+0100smh (en)

At first, I stayed in bed, waiting for it to pass. When it didn't - and it could have been half a minute, but that's a long time when the very earth itself is shaking - I slipped out from under the covers and carefully pulled on a shirt and shorts, in case we needed to evacuate.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:11+0100WashingtonPost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday’s powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

2 killed, hundreds evacuated as strong quake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-14T02:11+0100tampabay (en)

Officials from the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management warned people living near the coast to move inland to higher ground as tsunami waves raised seawater levels in some places by about 6 feet. Officials in Wellington, New Zealand's capital, urged people to stay out of its central....

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:10+0100newsok (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:10+0100timesdaily (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

LIVE: Aftershocks continue after 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-14T02:09+0100rnzi (en)

A severe earthquake has hit New Zealand. Follow live, rolling updates here. Key facts: A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs at 12.02am; There are reports of two fatalities; Scores of severe aftershocks have hit; A tsunami warning is in place, but has been downgraded.

What to do if a tsunami strikes

2016-11-14T02:08+0100wcvb (en)

Then, a wall of water, with an unimaginable force that can flatten an entire building in seconds. If you survive the initial blow, you now face an unrelenting pounding of wave after wave, and like a pinball machine, you are being battered by debris, uprooted trees and cars that share the same violent trajectory as you.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T02:08+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

Quakes cause chaos around the country

2016-11-14T02:08+0100newshub (en)

Two people have been confirmed dead after a powerful 7.5 earthquake in hit North Canterbury at 12.03am on Monday. There are also reports a person has been trapped in a landslide in Ohau, north of Kaikoura. The earthquake has triggered over 100 aftershocks, which have been felt as far north as Auckland and continue to shake affected areas.

New Zealand earthquake: Pictures flood social media

2016-11-14T02:08+0100newshub (en)

New Zealanders posted a flood of images to social media platforms in the wake of a severe magnitude-7.5 earthquake. More than 50 aftershocks have been felt up and down the country, with Kaikoura and Malborough getting several each. Elm Homestead in Kaikoura has collapsed, while people are evacuating coastal areas of Christchurch.

Substantial damage to infrastructure expected - Key

2016-11-14T02:08+0100newshub (en)

Many New Zealanders were shaken awake just after midnight as a magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck near Hanmer Springs. A series of aftershocks followed and much of the east coast was placed under tsunami warning. Prime Minister John Key spoke to Paul Henry about the quakes from Wellington. Watch the video.

At least two dead after Earthquake and Tsunami strikes New Zealand At least two people are dead after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand.

2016-11-14T02:07+0100tenplay (en)

At least two people are dead after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand. The quake hit just after midnight on Monday and was felt as far away as the country’s capital, the North Island city of Wellington, which lies several hundred kilometres away.

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

2016-11-14T02:05+0100wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Reuters Video: Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T02:04+0100themalaymailonline (en)

. Duration: 01:20, Published 14 Nov 2016. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two fatalities were confirmed and “waves as high as 2 meters” were experienced after a 7.8 magnitude quake, but that a Tsunami warning was downgraded to “coastal warnings.” — Reuters.

Boy, 9, hospitalized in Tennessee after crashing car

2016-11-14T02:03+0100wrcbtv (en)

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Authorities in Clarksville say a 9-year-old boy has been hospitalized after a car he was driving crashed. Media outlets report the accident occurred Sunday morning. Clarksville police said in a statement that the boy got into a car belonging to his mother's friend and started driving it.

Pakistan cricketers escorted out of hotel after New Zealand earthquake 14-Nov-16

2016-11-14T02:02+0100dailytimesPK (en)

KARACHI: Pakistan cricket team, who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series, has been escorted off their hotel in Nelson after an earthquake of 7.4 magnitude struck Christchurch and adjoining areas on Sunday. According to media reports, the squad was escorted out of their hotel and no casualties have been reported so far.

House of Travel fields cancellations and changes post-quake

2016-11-14T01:56+0100voxy (en)

New Zealand owned travel companies House of Travel and Orbit World Travel are fielding domestic travel cancellations and disrupts following this morning’s earthquake, with a number of Kiwis in affected areas now unable to travel. House of Travel Commercial Director Brent Thomas says Orbit World....

Upper South Island earthquake response - NZMEA

2016-11-14T01:56+0100voxy (en)

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the earthquake that hit the upper South Island and Wellington region today. We have been reaching out to our manufacturing members and offer our support if there is anything we can do to help them in this time, say the New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association (NZMEA).

Quakes 'highlight need for Wellington-Lyttelton ferry service'

2016-11-14T01:56+0100voxy (en)

Democrats for Social Credit Party leader Stephnie de Ruyter says the Government should support the reopening of a ferry service between Wellington and Lyttleton. Today’s earthquake highlights the need for such a service with main road and rail links in the upper South island being severely disrupted.

New Zealand earthquake: Richie McCaw steps up to help rescue effort

2016-11-14T01:55+0100Stuff (en)


The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T01:52+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 1:30 p.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key is traveling to the epicenter of Monday's powerful earthquake to survey the damage. Key is taking a helicopter to the small South Island coastal town of Kaikoura.

The Latest: New Zealand PM to survey earthquake damage

2016-11-14T01:46+0100news-yahoo (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

Earthquake latest: What has happened so far

2016-11-14T01:46+0100nzherald (en)

It hit at 12.03am and North Canterbury's Tess Prentice was tossed out of bed thinking it was the "end of the world". With her parents Dr Anthea and Snip Prentice she sought shelter, sobbing as the violence of the quake rolled on and on. It hit 16km deep and hit about 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs.

Quake disrupts port and freight services

2016-11-14T01:46+0100nzherald (en)

The 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the upper South Island that killed two people and triggered tsunami warnings disrupted the port operations of at least four cities. Port operations in Napier, Wellington and Christchurch were all hit by the quake, centred near Hamner Springs in the Hurunui district,....

Powerful Earthquake Rattles New Zealand

2016-11-14T01:39+0100nbcdfw (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, damaging buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T01:27+0100smh (en)

GeoNet released an initial report of expected likely scenarios. Scenario 1 (Very likely): a normal aftershock sequence over the next few months. This means gradually diminishing size and frequency of seismic events. Scenario 2 (Likely): Possible rupture earthquake of magnitude 6 in North Canterbury and/or offshore.

Powerful Earthquake Rattles New Zealand

2016-11-14T01:22+0100nbcbayarea (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, damaging buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.

One of strongest quakes in New Zealand history

2016-11-14T01:21+0100cnn (en)

CNN's Tom Sater looks at why the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck near Christchurch on New Zealand's South Island could be of the most powerful and destructive in that country's history. CNN's Tom Sater looks at why the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck near Christchurch on New Zealand's....

Hundreds of aftershocks pepper New Zealand after ...

2016-11-14T01:18+0100watoday (en)

GeoNet released an initial report of expected likely scenarios. Scenario 1 (Very likely): a normal aftershock sequence over the next few months. This means gradually diminishing size and frequency of seismic events. Scenario 2 (Likely): Possible rupture earthquake of magnitude 6 in North Canterbury and/or offshore.

Powerful Earthquake Rattles New Zealand

2016-11-14T01:16+0100nbcnewyork (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, damaging buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude 7.

New Zealand Rattled By Major Earthquake

2016-11-14T01:15+0100eurasiareview (en)

The quake – which had a shallow depth of just 10km like the recent destructive earthquakes to strike Italy – was centered centered 46km from the town of Amberley with about 2,000 people, and 70km from the town of Kaiapoi with 10,000 residents, according to the USGS. It was felt throughout most of the country.

Earthquake in New Zealand sends bottles of red wine falling off shelves in Nelson supermarket

2016-11-14T01:13+0100dailymail (en)

Moment a huge earthquake in New Zealand sends bottles of wine falling off supermarket shelves - leaving a sea of red on the floor Bottles of wine have smashed across supermarket floors in New Zealand; Red wine fell from shelves in a supermarket in Nelson on the South Island Of the 5,000 bottles on....

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T01:13+0100theage (en)

GeoNet released an initial report of expected likely scenarios. Scenario 1 (Very likely): a normal aftershock sequence over the next few months. This means gradually diminishing size and frequency of seismic events. Scenario 2 (Likely): Possible rupture earthquake of magnitude 6 in North Canterbury and/or offshore.

New Zealand earthquake: Hundreds of aftershocks pepper North and South islands

2016-11-14T01:09+0100brisbanetimes (en)

GeoNet released an initial report of expected likely scenarios. Scenario 1 (Very likely): a normal aftershock sequence over the next few months. This means gradually diminishing size and frequency of seismic events. Scenario 2 (Likely): Possible rupture earthquake of magnitude 6 in North Canterbury and/or offshore.

Two dead after NZ quake, residents flee tsunami

2016-11-14T01:04+0100geo-tv (en)

CHRISTCHURCH: Rescuers in New Zealand were scrambling Monday to reach the epicentre of a powerful 7.8 earthquake that killed at least two people and sparked a tsunami alert that sent thousands fleeing for higher ground. The jolt, one of the most powerful ever recorded in the quake-prone South....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-14T00:53+0100thenews-pk (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive 7.8 magnitude quake

2016-11-14T00:53+0100thenews-pk (en)

smashed, the power went out’ WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of....

Severe Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Off New Zealand's Coast

2016-11-14T00:52+0100npr (en)

A strong earthquake hit along the east coast of New Zealand's South Island Sunday, with a 7.8 magnitude, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake caused power outages, damaged buildings — and generated a tsunami. Emergency officials are urging people to get to high ground.

Earthquake: Even the Large Hadron Collider felt the tremors

2016-11-14T00:46+0100nzherald (en)

This image shows the slight "wobble" the earthquake caused to the Large Hadron Collider's beam orbit. Image / Twitter. It seems even the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), more than 18,000km away in Switzerland, reported "feeling" this morning's earthquake.

NZ markets resilient to earthquakes says expert

2016-11-14T00:46+0100nzherald (en)

New Zealand's markets are equipped to deal with earthquakes and are holding up well says a top fund manager. Shane Solly, director of Harbour Asset Investment Management, says the country is in good order this morning following last night's 7.5 magnitude earthquake. "People are upset but we are holding up pretty well," he said.

Exam chaos: Takapuna Grammar students begin scholarship history exam before being sent home because of earthquake

2016-11-14T00:46+0100nzherald (en)

Students at an Auckland school were 20 minutes into their history scholarship exam this morning before it was cancelled. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) issued a release shortly before 9am, saying the 9.30am exam would be postponed, along with this afternoon's chemistry scholarship exam because of this morning's 7.

Prime Minister John Key cancels trip to Argentina following earthquake

2016-11-14T00:46+0100nzherald (en)

Prime Minister John Key has today cancelled his trip to Argentina because of the earthquakes but intends to travel to Peru later this week for Apec if circumstances permit. Key was scheduled to leave tomorrow for Buenos Aires, Argentina, for two days before heading to Lima for Apec.

Isabel Yinghua Hernández: Promesa de puro esfuerzo

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:43:00 +0100HoyDigital (es)

Ha tardado años, pero Isabel ya ha conseguido que los periodistas sepamos que Yinghua es su segundo nombre, y que sin el Hernández detrás, Isabel Yinghua dice poco o nada de ella. Son las cosas que tiene nacer en China y vivir allí un par de años mientras que tus padres van a buscarte, al llegar a España nos liamos con los nombres.

Powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-14T00:38+0100CBSnews (en)

November 13, 2016, 6:05 PM Two people are dead, and officials are expecting the death toll to rise, after an earthquake struck New Zealand just after midnight. The quake cut off roadway access to at least one region. Jonathan Vigliotti has more.

Psychologists bombarded with calls day after Trump wins

Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:37:00 +0100krqe (en)

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — News of Donald Trump’s presidency was met with very mixed reactions: Some people were ecstatic about his election while others made it clear he does not have their support. But many expressed legitimate fear the day after Trump was tapped to become the next....

NZ quake victim: 'It was the scariest moment of my life'

2016-11-14T00:32+0100qt (en)

WHAT WE KNOW. • 7.5 quake strikes at 12.02am not far from Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury in the South Island - country still being hit, with more than 100 aftershocks so far • At least two people have been killed amid reports of many other casualties - one victim suffered a heart attack, another....

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand, killing 2 people

2016-11-14T00:28+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Brit caught in New Zealand earthquake horror 'fled into street naked' as tremors began

2016-11-14T00:26+0100themirror (en)

A Brit caught up in a huge earthquake which struck earthquake which hit New Zealand today has spoken of the moment he fled into the street naked as tremors began. Two people are confirmed to have been killed following the 7.8 magnitude quake which sparked fears of a tsunamis hitting the country's east coast.

2 Dead in 7.8-Magnitude New Zealand Quake

2016-11-14T00:21+0100chosun (en)

New Zealand officials confirm two people have died after a powerful 7.8 earthquake hit 90 kilometers from Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. The quake caused some damage to buildings more than 200 kilometers away in the capital, Wellington.

Earthquake: Passengers finally off Interislander ferry after huge quake stopped it docking

2016-11-14T00:19+0100Stuff (en)

Passengers stuck on the Kaiarahi ferry in Picton after the massive earthquake early on Monday were finally able to get off, about 12 hours later. The Kaiarahi had left Wellington and was coming into Picton just as the 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck, leaving passengers and crew to sleep on board.

A truck drives over the fractured road caused by an earthquake south of the New Zealand town of Ward on the South Island

2016-11-14T00:07+0100trust (en)

, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.

A truck drives along a fractured road caused by an earthquake between the towns of Seddon and Ward on New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-14T00:07+0100trust (en)

, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.

A fractured road caused by an earthquake stops vehicle access 70 kilometers south of Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-14T00:07+0100trust (en)

, November 14, 2016. REUTERS/Anthony Phelps TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY. We welcome comments that advance the story through relevant opinion, anecdotes, links and data. If you see a comment that you believe is irrelevant or inappropriate, you can flag it to our editors by using the report abuse links.

UPDATE: Amber Alert canceled after TX girl found in Tuskegee

2016-11-14T00:04+0100nbc12 (en)

WSFA - A 7-year-old Texas girl, who was the subject of a Sunday Amber Alert, has been found in Tuskegee, according to police. Harker Heights, TX Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Roosevelt Wilson says Zoey Rogers has been found and is unharmed. An Amber Alert was issued for Rogers after officials believed her to be in extreme danger.

NZDF supports government’s response to massive earthquake

2016-11-13T23:55+0100voxy (en)

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has mobilised multiple assets including personnel and at least three of its aircraft to support the government’s response to the massive 7.5 earthquake that hit North Canterbury just after midnight on Monday morning.

New Zealand Earthquake Strikes Near Christchurch, Triggering Tsunami And Killing Two Peopl

2016-11-13T23:54+0100huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

The powerful earthquake near Christchurch caused strong tremors to be felt more than 200 kilometres away in the capital of Wellington. The quake was followed by a number of strong aftershocks. The quake temporarily knocked out New Zealand’s emergency call number, 111, police reported.

Two dead after NZ quake, residents flee tsunami

2016-11-13T23:47+0100business-times (en)

[CHRISTCHURCH] Rescuers in New Zealand were scrambling Monday to reach the epicentre of a powerful 7.8 earthquake that killed at least two people and sparked a tsunami alert that sent thousands fleeing for higher ground. The jolt, one of the most powerful ever recorded in the quake-prone South....

Simon Bridges on earthquake damage in Wellington - 'There's significant cracking'

2016-11-13T23:46+0100nzherald (en)

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges is one of the few people working in Wellington's central business district following a large 7.5 earthquake which shook New Zealand overnight. Mr Bridges, who is also Minister of Transport and Minister of Energy Resources, flew down to Wellington as planned first thing this....

Earthquake prompts petition for tsunami sirens

2016-11-13T23:46+0100nzherald (en)

Brooke Ion, from Papamoa, was concerned to wake up this morning and discover she should have headed to high ground four hours earlier. Photo/supplied. A petition and a Facebook page have been set up for Papamoa residents asking for tsunami warning sirens to be installed.

2 dead following powerful quake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T23:45+0100kyodonews (en)

At least two people have died after a powerful earthquake registering magnitude 7.8 struck New Zealand's South Island just after midnight Sunday. Prime Minister John Key said in a press conference early Monday in the capital Wellington that further details were not yet known, adding that there had....

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand, killing 2 people

2016-11-13T23:40+0100WashingtonPost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Buy Photo A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, causing damage to buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

'It was very emotional': Winnipegger speaks to mother in New Zealand

2016-11-13T23:34+0100barrie (en)

Just 10 days before a Winnipeg woman and her two children are set to visit family in New Zealand, disaster struck. Lynley Davidson woke up Sunday morning to news of a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit New Zealand's South Island. Davidson immediately reached out to family, including her mother, who is in her 80s.

Live: 7.5 New Zealand quake causes casualties, tsunamis, and destruction

2016-11-13T23:31+0100Stuff (en)

Head of GNS science explains what is understood about the origins of the earthquake so far. A severe earthquake measuring 7.5 magnitude has hit in North Canterbury, near Hanmer Springs. Follow our live updates below. READ MORE: 14112016 News Photo: Iain McGregor/FairfaxNZ Major earthquake in Canterbury.

While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Nov 14 edition

2016-11-13T23:19+0100straitstimesSG (en)

Two dead after New Zealand quake, residents flee tsunami. At least two people were killed and more fatalities were feared after a powerful 7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand just after midnight Monday (Nov 14), while residents in coastal areas fled following tsunami warnings.

Thousands flee homes as quake, tsunami hit New Zealand

2016-11-13T23:12+0100todayonline (en)

WELLINGTON — A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand yesterday evening, according to the United States Geological Survey, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand’s east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency....

Update: 9:36AM TWO people have been confirmed dead after a severe 7.5 earthquake hit North Canterbury, New Zealand early this morning. more...

2016-11-13T23:03+0100fijitimes (en)

Update: 9:36AM TWO people have been confirmed dead after a severe 7.5 earthquake hit North Canterbury, New Zealand early this morning. According to Stuff.co.nz, one person was killed when a Kaikoura homestead collapsed, while another died at a property at Mt Lyford.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after 7.4 magnitude quake

2016-11-13T23:01+0100business-times (en)

A tsunami warning alert is seen on a notice board above State Highway 1 in New Zealand’s Wellington early on Nov 14, following an earthquake centred some 90 kilometres north of Christchurch. Wellington. AN earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US....

Towns cut off after landslide from deadly 7.5 NZ quake

2016-11-13T23:01+0100qt (en)

WHAT WE KNOW. • 7.5 quake strikes at 12.02am not far from Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury in the South Island - country still being hit, with more than 100 aftershocks so far • At least two people have been killed amid reports of many other casualties - one victim suffered a heart attack, another....

Tsunami hit New Zealand after M7.8 South Island quake leaves two dead

2016-11-13T23:00+0100japantimes (en)

SYDNEY/WELLINGTON – The powerful magnitude-7.8 quake that struck the South Island of New Zealand just after midnight Sunday, causing two deaths, triggered tsunami that hit the island’s northeast coast, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There have been reports of injuries after the 12:02 a.m. quake. Radio New Zealand quoted St.

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand, killing 2 people

2016-11-13T22:59+0100muscatinejournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Two dead after NZ quake, residents flee tsunami

2016-11-13T22:55+0100saudigazette (en)

Christchurch, New Zealand – Rescuers in new zealand were scrambling Monday to reach the epicentre of a powerful 7.8 earthquake that killed at least two people and sparked a tsunami alert that sent thousands fleeing for higher ground. The jolt, one of the most powerful ever recorded in the....

Earthquake insurance advisory - ICNZ

2016-11-13T22:55+0100voxy (en)

The Insurance Council of New Zealand are advising people to contact their insurer as well as the Earthquake Commission as a result of the earthquakes in the early hours of this morning. People who have suffered damage to their home, land or contents from today’s earthquakes have three months to....

Governor-General's response to last night's earthquake

2016-11-13T22:55+0100voxy (en)

The Governor-General, The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy, has expressed her condolences to the families of the people who lost their lives in last night’s 7.5 magnitude earthquake. She also acknowledged the impact of the subsequent aftershocks. "It has been an anxious time for New Zealanders in many parts....

Insurers prepare for a flood of claims following deadly earthquake

2016-11-13T22:45+0100nzherald (en)

The Insurance Council of New Zealand says insurers will be preparing for an influx of fresh claims after last night's earthquake, but it is too early to estimate the cost. Chief executive Tim Grafton said earlier this month that insurers had settled 94 per cent of all Canterbury residential property claims and 95 per cent of commercial claims.

University and scholarship exams cancelled, few reports of damage across Manawatu

2016-11-13T22:43+0100Stuff (en)

Manawatu university exams are cancelled after the 7.5 magnitude earthquake that struck Canterbury overnight. Massey University's Facebook page advises bleary-eyed students that exams in Manawatu and Wellington are postponed on Monday. The Manawatu campus is, however, open and the university says....

Marlborough residents told to get away from coast after earthquake

2016-11-13T22:43+0100Stuff (en)

Structural engineers and council building inspectors would be checking council property such as the stadium and libraries. Council would also be checking domestic water reservoirs and dams in the morning, and remind private dam owners that they should inspect their own dams in accordance with their plan requirements.

Earthquake forces supermarket closures

2016-11-13T22:43+0100Stuff (en)

A number of supermarkets are closed as a result of Monday morning's earthquake. The 7.5 magnitude earthquake was centred in North Canterbury, near Hanmer Springs. Warnings over tsunamis have been downgraded and people evacuated from many areas have been allowed to return to their homes.

At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T22:29+0100ksby (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Authorities said they were not yet declaring a national emergency, saying the regions are coping well. The magnitude-7.

NEW ZEALAND: Earthquake Leaves a Mess at Wellington Home November 14

2016-11-13T22:28+0100dailytelegraph (en)

Wellington resident Alysa Jane had to deal with a mess in her apartment after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake stroke New Zealand in the early hours of Monday, November 14. Broken glasses and open drawers are some of the damage that she recorded. Authorities confirmed two dead and put a temporary tsunami....

Powerful earthquake hits New Zealand’s South Island

2016-11-13T22:28+0100dailytelegraph (en)

Powerful earthquake hits New Zealand's South Island 0:56. TWO people are dead in New Zealand following a major earthquake that caused widespread panic and power outages and a tsunami early Monday, November 14, 2016. November 14th 2016; 18 minutes ago; /video/video.news.com.

Two reported dead after powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T22:25+0100WashingtonPost (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the south island of New Zealand early Monday morning, triggering a tsunami alert for the entire east coast of the country as six-foot-high waves began to come in. Later, the alert was downgraded. Emergency authorities advised people to stay off the beaches and....

Deadly 7.8 Quake Rattles New Zealand, Causes Tsunami

2016-11-13T22:23+0100nbcnews (en)

New Zealand's Prime Minister said two people have been killed after a powerful earthquake struck Sunday just north of Christchurch — the city devastated by a deadly 2011 temblor. Prime Minister John Key warned that the death toll could rise as rescue workers search isolated parts of the country.

‘I thought I was going to die’

2016-11-13T22:17+0100news_com_au (en)

The powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake was felt across much of the country just after midnight local time. It struck near Hanmer Springs, 91km north of Christchurch, which is still recovering after being devastated by an earthquake in 2011. More than 100 aftershocks have been recorded, including three over magnitude six.

Wildfires force Lookout Mtn. neighborhood to be evacuated

2016-11-13T22:17+0100wrcbtv (en)

DADE COUNTY, GA (WRCB) - A Lookout Mountain gated community has been evacuated due to the Tatum Gulf wildfire. Georgia Forestry Commission told residents that live in the Highlands Neighborhood located on Highway 157 they had to be out of their homes by 3:45 p.m. Sunday.

Turnbull offers support to NZ after quake

2016-11-13T22:17+0100news_com_au (en)

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has phoned his New Zealand counterpart to offer support after the deadly overnight quake across the ditch. Mr Turnbull said even John Key's office in Wellington was shaken by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake, with reports of two deaths.

The moment the earthquake hit New Zealand

2016-11-13T22:16+0100watoday (en)

Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox. Become a WA Today member today. Create your account now! Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and....

New Brighton house looted after quake 2 hours ago

2016-11-13T22:16+0100newstalkzb (en)

• Police are looking for a silver Mazda BT50, registration EPP79 with black roof racks. Contact the Christchurch police immediately on 03 363 7400. LISTEN ABOVE: Callers speak to Chris Lynch in Christchurch after their evacuated homes were looted. Police are investigating three burglaries reported....

Child's medical equipment stolen during quake evacuation

2016-11-13T22:15+0100qt (en)

A FAMILY who fled their New Brighton home with their disabled child have returned to find the property looted. Melissa Mill and her husband were shaken away by the earthquake this morning and decided to leave their home for safety. They have two daughters and the youngest has muscular dystrophy.

Casualties confirmed in New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T22:01+0100euronews-en (en)

The authorities in New Zealand have confirmed there have been casualties in the powerful earthquake that struck the South Island around 90 kilometres north of Christchurch. Prime Minister John Key has said two people were killed . Police said one of the victims was found in a house in the coastal tourist town of Kaikoura, near the quake’s epicentre.

Save the Children Prepared to Respond to Children's Needs In New Zealand Earthquake

2016-11-13T22:00+0100prnewswire (en)

FAIRFIELD, Conn. Nov. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Aid workers from Save the Children will mobilize staff to meet the needs of children and their families affected by last night's earthquake in New Zealand if there is a need for a humanitarian response. The powerful 7.

Tsunami hits NZ after 7.8 quake

2016-11-13T22:00+0100deccanherald (en)

Residents in coastal areas of New Zealand fled through the night on Monday after a powerful 7.8 earthquake struck just after midnight, triggering a potentially destructive tsunami. Nearly seven hours after the first quake struck, Prime Minister John Key confirmed two fatalities, saying “we cannot rule out” that number will rise.

Wellington Firebirds, Blackcaps venues to be inspected before going ahead

2016-11-13T21:59+0100newshub (en)

A Plunket Shield match in Wellington as well as the Blackcaps opening Test in Christchurch are in doubt after a magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck near Culverdon overnight. The Shield match between the Firebirds and the Central Districts Stags at the Basin Reserve in Wellington was to start Monday....

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:58+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

Turnbull offers support to NZ after quake

2016-11-13T21:58+01009news (en)

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has phoned his New Zealand counterpart to offer support after the deadly overnight quake across the ditch. Mr Turnbull said even John Key's office in Wellington was shaken by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake, with reports of two deaths.

Clean-up underway at affected Foodstuffs stores

2016-11-13T21:55+0100voxy (en)

We would like to advise customers that outside of the affected area’s all New World, PAK’nSAVE and Four Square stores are open and operational as normal. Stores have plenty of product on the shelf and it is business as usual - we encourage customers to shop as normal which will help ensure the....

7.5 quake rattles Taranaki, leaves homes without power

2016-11-13T21:54+0100Stuff (en)

Hundreds of Taranaki residents are without power are a massive 7.5 earthquake which was felt across New Zealand. Properties across the region, including in New Plymouth, Stratford, Eltham, Inglewood, Hawera and Lepperton are without power. More than 1300 properties are affected, although some areas....

Two dead, widespread damage after major quake shakes New Zealand

2016-11-13T21:52+0100illawarramercury (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand last night, killing two people and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime....

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:52+0100illawarramercury (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:50+0100bordermail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:49+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

Christchurch earthquake live chat: GNS Science seismologist Dr John Ristau

2016-11-13T21:45+0100nzherald (en)

We'll be hosting GNS Science seismologist Dr John Ristau from 12.30pm today to answer your earthquake questions in a live chat. Dr Ristau can discuss what caused the earthquake, the background to earthquakes in New Zealand and the probability of another large one striking soon. Post your questions below and we will put them to Dr Ristau live.

Swaying Wellington towers raise concerns as more earthquakes predicted

2016-11-13T21:45+0100nzherald (en)

An engineering expert has raised concern about tall Wellington office blocks swinging and swaying last night as earthquakes hit and he predicts further seismic activity. John Hare, the Christchurch-headquartered national chief executive of engineering specialists Holmes Consulting Group, said he was....

Earthquake prompts petition for coastal sirens

2016-11-13T21:45+0100nzherald (en)

A petition and a Facebook page have been set up for Papamoa residents asking for tsunami warning sirens to be installed. A new Facebook page named " Let's get Papamoa Tsunami sirens " was created this morning following concerns raised by locals that they did not wake up to text message alerts.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand | Reuters

2016-11-13T21:43+0100firstpost (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield | WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground.Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the 7.

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:43+0100maitlandmercury (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

Save the Children Prepared to Respond to Children's Needs In New Zealand Earthquake

2016-11-13T21:42+0100news-yahoo (en)

FAIRFIELD, Conn., Nov. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Aid workers from Save the Children will mobilize staff to meet the needs of children and their families affected by last night's earthquake in New Zealand if there is a need for a humanitarian response. The powerful 7.

New Zealand earthquake: two dead as tsunami alert issued

2016-11-13T21:40+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Key said he was unable to give further information on the fatalities until authorities had confirmed all the details. He said officials had no reason to believe the death toll would rise. “On the very best information we have at the moment, we think it’s only likely to be two.

'You're kind of on edge': New Brunswicker in New Zealand recounts powerful quake

2016-11-13T21:39+0100CBC (en)

Two minutes of intense uncertainty kept New Brunswick-born James Cliff pinned in his bed as New Zealand was struck by a powerful earthquake just before midnight Sunday. Cliff, who moved from Moncton 18 years ago and lives in the town of Blenheim, on New Zealand's South Island, recounted his ordeal....

NZ earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:37+0100theherald-au (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck the South Island of New Zealand, killing two and cutting power to some parts of the country. The quake triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast, which was later downgraded. In discussing fatalities New Zealand Prime Minister John Key told....

Tsunami Alert in New Zealand After Deadly Quake

2016-11-13T21:33+0100nbcnews (en)

New Zealand's Prime Minister said two people have been killed after a powerful earthquake struck Sunday just north of Christchurch — the city devastated by a deadly 2011 temblor. Prime Minister John Key cautioned the death toll could rise as rescue workers search isolated parts of the country.

Two killed as 7.8-magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T21:30+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the 7.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T21:28+0100dailytelegraph (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two fatalities were confirmed and "waves as high as 2 meters" were experienced after a 7.8 magnitude quake, but that a Tsunami warning was downgraded to "coastal warnings." November 14th 2016; 21 minutes ago; /video/video.news.com.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T21:21+0100reuters-in (en)

WELLINGTON A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Large tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T21:15+0100watoday (en)

3:28am 2.5-metre wave recorded. According to Weatherwatch.co.nz, a gauge at Kaikoura, 181 kilometres north of Christchurch, measured a wave of 2.5 metres in the early hours of the morning. At one point, the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management suggested tsunami waves as tall as five metres could hit the east coast.

Powerful Earthquake In New Zealand Leaves At Least Two Dead

2016-11-13T21:15+0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said two people were killed in a powerful earthquake that the struck the Pacific nation early on Monday. “We don’t have any indications at the moment to believe it will rise, but we can’t rule that out,” Key told reporters in....

2 Dead in 7.8-Magnitude New Zealand Quake

2016-11-13T21:09+0100voanews (en)

New Zealand officials confirm two people have died after a powerful 7.8 earthquake hit 90 kilometers from Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. The quake caused some damage to buildings more than 200 kilometers away in the capital, Wellington.

Vodafone, Spark, 2Degrees service outages following earthquake

2016-11-13T21:06+0100Stuff (en)

Major telecommunications companies are reporting some service outages as a result of Monday morning's earthquake. Two people have been confirmed dead after a severe 7.5 earthquake hit North Canterbury. A tsunami alert was earlier issued for all coastal areas of New Zealand but has since been scaled back.

Earthquake rattles New Zealand; at least 2 people dead

2016-11-13T21:05+0100arkansasonline (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, killing at least two people, causing damage to buildings and infrastructure, and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

New Zealand: At least 2 dead in 7.8-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T21:03+0100wcvb (en)

At least two people died in the series of violent quakes, according to Prime Minister John Key. The quake struck some 93 kilometers (55 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch just after midnight local time on Monday, the US Geological Survey reported. It triggered waves of 2.

Massive earthquake in the Kaikoura region, New Zealand - At least 2 people killed

2016-11-13T21:01+0100earthquake-report (en)

Update 12:41 UTC : In Christchurch November 13, 2016 , hotels and occupied buildings inthe CBD have been evacuated. Many people are standing around in the middle of the street, away from buildings, calling people to let them know they're fine. Some people are venturing back inside, because nobody seems to be enforcing the evacuations.

New Zealand police confirm one person killed in earthquake

2016-11-13T20:58+0100trust (en)

SYDNEY, Nov 14 (Reuters) - New Zealand Police said at least one person has been killed in a powerful earthquake that struck the Pacific country early on Monday. "One casualty has been reported at a collapsed property in Kaikoura," NZ Police said in a statement. The coastal tourist town of Kaikoura is near the epicentre of the 7.

Winnipegger prays for family's safety following powerful New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T20:50+0100CBC (en)

A Winnipegger with family living in New Zealand near the epicentre of a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake says her family is safe but are only just starting to get a sense of just how much damage has been done. Lynley Davidson's mom, brother and other family members live in the Christchurch, N.Z.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T20:47+0100channelnewsasia (en)

WELLINGTON: A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the 7.

Cleveland PD investigating murder-suicide

2016-11-13T20:46+0100wrcbtv (en)

CLEVELAND, TN (WRCB) - The Cleveland police are investigating a murder suicide that happened inside a residence at 515 Springhill Drive in Cleveland. Police say an elderly couple with health issues, was found by their son at 11:20 Sunday morning deceased in their home.

Unfair to make many students sit NCEA exams today - John Key

2016-11-13T20:45+0100nzherald (en)

Prime Minister John Key has suggested NCEA exams should be postponed following the series of earthquakes that have struck the country. "A week [postponement] might be a bit long because of the impact on other things. But I would have thought we would want to show those young students a bit of leeway....

Deadly earthquake: Two dead, hundreds of aftershocks

2016-11-13T20:45+0100nzherald (en)

At least two people have died and several others have suffered non-fatal heart attacks and minor injuries following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake. Emergency services have confirmed one death at the Elms Homestead in Kaikoura. Three people live at the historic home. One person was able to escape, one was rescued and third has died.

Deadly earthquake: NCEA exams can go ahead in schools unaffected by quake damage, NZQA says

2016-11-13T20:45+0100nzherald (en)

School exams will go ahead today for some students, the exam authority says, if your school has not been damaged by the earthquake. Thousands of secondary school pupils are due to sit their NCEA and Scholarship exams today, but many spent a sleepless night huddled outside or in evacuation centres, or rattled by the 7.

Deadly 7.5 magnitude quake hits NZ

2016-11-13T20:44+0100qt (en)

WHAT WE KNOW 7.5 quake strikes at 12.02am not far from Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury in the South Island - country still being hit, with more than 100 aftershocks so far At least two people have been killed amid reports of many other casualties - one victim suffered a heart attack, another was....

At least 2 people killed in NZ earthquake: PM

2016-11-13T20:43+0100yorkregion (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

At least 2 people killed in NZ earthquake: PM

2016-11-13T20:42+0100durhamregion (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

Quake strikes New Zealand, two dead, thousands flee their homes

2016-11-13T20:41+0100timesofmalta (en)

A powerful earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicentre of the 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead as tremors strike South Island

2016-11-13T20:38+0100brisbanetimes (en)

5:28am 2.5-metre wave recorded. November 13, 2016 According to Weatherwatch.co.nz, a a gauge at Kaikoura, 181 kilometres north of Christchurch, measured a wave of 2.5 metres in the early hours of the morning. At one point, the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management suggested....

New Zealand's South Island hit with magnitude 7.4 earthquake

2016-11-13T20:38+0100mailonsunday (en)

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand and triggered a tsunami, possibly three to five metres high. The severe quake, located 15 km north-east of Culverden on South Island, struck just after midnight on Sunday and was felt throughout the country, along with several powerful aftershocks.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead as tremors strike South Island

2016-11-13T20:36+0100theherald-au (en)

. The strong earthquake, with a magnitude of at least 6.6, struck the south island of New Zealand. Photo: US Geological Survey.

At least two dead in powerful New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T20:35+0100timescolonist (en)

Guests evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, after a 7.8 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shook the capital on Monday. WELLINGTON, New Zealand - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country.

At least 2 people killed in NZ earthquake: PM

2016-11-13T20:35+0100simcoe (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

New Zealand's South Island hit with magnitude 7.4 earthquake

2016-11-13T20:32+0100dailymail (en)

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand and triggered a tsunami, possibly three to five metres high. The severe quake, located 15 km north-east of Culverden on South Island, struck just after midnight on Sunday and was felt throughout the country, along with several powerful aftershocks.

At least two dead after powerful earthquake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T20:30+0100beat102103 (en)

13 November 2016. At least two people have died after a powerful earthquake struck New Zealand, Prime Minister John Key has said. Mr Key did not provide any further details at a news conference on Monday morning in the capital Wellington. Authorities said they were not yet declaring a national emergency, saying the regions are coping well.

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T20:28+0100arabnews (en)

A tsunami warning alert is seen on a notice board above State Highway 1 in Wellington early on Monday following an earthquake centred some 90 kilometers north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch. ( AFP / Marty Melville) WELLINGTON: A 7.

New Zealand PM says two dead in quake, dispatching emergency aid (UPDATE)

2016-11-13T20:25+0100trendnews-az (en)

23:13 (GMT+4) New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said two people were killed in a powerful earthquake that the struck the Pacific nation early on Monday, Reuters reported. "We don't have any indications at the moment to believe it will rise, but we can't rule that out," Key told reporters in....

At least 2 people killed in NZ earthquake: PM

2016-11-13T20:22+0100thespec (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T20:19+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead as tremors strike South Island

2016-11-13T20:19+0100illawarramercury (en)

. The strong earthquake, with a magnitude of at least 6.6, struck the south island of New Zealand. Photo: US Geological Survey.

7.5 quake rattles Taranaki, leaves homes without power

2016-11-13T20:18+0100Stuff (en)

Hundreds of Taranaki residents are without power are a massive 7.5 earthquake which was felt across New Zealand. Properties across the region, including in New Plymouth, Stratford, Eltham, Inglewood, Hawera and Lepperton are without power. More than 550 properties have been affected, although some....

Volcanoes 'closely monitored' after earthquake

2016-11-13T20:18+0100Stuff (en)

Mt Ngauruhoe is one of the NZ volcanoes that scientists are keeping a close eye on following the quake. Vulcanologists are keeping a close eye on volcanic activity following the severe earthquake that struck the South Island overnight. So far, there has been no increase in activity.

Earthquake: Two dead in 7.5-magnitude quake

2016-11-13T20:18+0100Stuff (en)

Two people have died following a massive 7.6-magnitude earthquake, John Key says. "On the best information we have there's been two fatalities. At this point we're unable to give you precise information on what caused those fatalities," the prime minister said in his first address to media since the earthquake.

Live chat: GeoNet scientists on the 7.5 earthquake

2016-11-13T20:18+0100Stuff (en)

Evacuations are underway in Wellington as a tsunami warning sounds elsewhere in the country. A 7.5 magnitude earthquake has hit New Zealand , causing two deaths and widespread damage. Join us for a live chat into the science of the quake, with GNS scientists. If you have a question, leave it with us in the blog below.

Live: 7.5 New Zealand quake causes casualties, tsunamis, and destruction

2016-11-13T20:18+0100Stuff (en)

Garden City/Westpac helicopters captured these pictures as travelled back from isolated Kaikoura this morning. A severe earthquake measuring 7.5 magnitude has hit in North Canterbury, near Hanmer Springs. Follow our live updates below. READ MORE: Evacuations are underway in Wellington as a tsunami warning sounds elsewhere in the country.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T20:17+0100brownsvilleherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

New Brighton house looted after quake 26 minutes ago

2016-11-13T20:15+0100newstalkzb (en)

A family who fled their New Brighton home with their disabled child have returned to find the property looted. Melissa Mill and her husband were shaken away by the earthquake this morning and decided to leave their home for safety. They have two daughters and the youngest has muscular dystrophy.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T20:12+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T20:11+0100news-yahoo (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead as tremors strike South Island

2016-11-13T20:11+0100smh (en)

5:48am John Key: Two confirmed dead. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key spoke a short time ago, and confirmed that two people had killed in a powerful earthquake that the struck the Pacific nation early on Monday. "We don't have any indications at the moment to believe it [the death toll] will....

Deaths after strong NZ quake sparks tsunami Sky News

2016-11-13T20:11+0100msn-uk (en)

© Getty The quake caused a tsunami. A tsunami has hit New Zealand after a powerful earthquake struck the country's South Island, with the country's prime minister confirming two deaths. Thousands of people on the country's east coast fled after a warning to move to higher ground. The quake, which measured 7.

Two killed as powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T20:11+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake and series of aftershocks shook New Zealand early on Monday, killing at least two people and prompting a tsunami warning that sent thousands fleeing to higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region at the epicenter of the 7.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead as tremors strike South Island

2016-11-13T20:10+0100theage (en)

5:48am John Key: Two confirmed dead. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key spoke a short time ago, and confirmed that two people had killed in a powerful earthquake that the struck the Pacific nation early on Monday. "We don't have any indications at the moment to believe it [the death toll] will....

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T20:09+0100wfsb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T20:06+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T20:06+0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

The Latest: At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T20:06+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:10 a.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

Two people dead following New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T20:06+0100cityam (en)

Two people have died following the earthquake which struck New Zealand at around midnight local time. The deaths were confirmed by the country's Prime Minister John Key. The earthquake was centred around the Christchurch area which was previously hit by a quake in 2011 that left many dead and the city badly damaged.

At least two dead in powerful New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T20:03+0100nydailynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T20:03+0100eagletribune (en)

North Andover, MA (01845) Today. Sunny. High 57F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. A clear sky. Low 39F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Updated: November 13, 2016 @ 12:54 pm; WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. We have recently upgraded our commenting system.

The Latest: At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T20:01+0100newsok (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand 13.11.2016 | 01:41 mins. Thousands of coastal residents have fled their homes for higher ground after a tsunami warning. Communication lines have been cut to many parts of the country, and emergency response teams have been dispatched amid reports of injuries.

2016-11-13T20:01+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

DW News Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand. Thousands of coastal residents have fled their homes for higher ground after a tsunami warning. Communication lines have been cut to many parts of the country, and emergency response teams have been dispatched amid reports of injuries.

At least two dead after powerful New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T19:59+0100independent-ie (en)

People evacuated from buildings after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock New Zealand (AP) A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road north of Christchurch (AP) A Christmas tree lies on its side in a shop in Wellington (Ross Setford/SNPA via AP) Mr Key did not provide any....

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T19:55+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

People outside evacuation areas can return home after quake

2016-11-13T19:55+0100voxy (en)

Christchurch Civil Defence and Emergency Management is advising people who live outside the evacuation areas in the city who have left their homes that they can now begin to make their way home. Christchurch Civil Defence Controller John Mackie said it is important to note that this applies only to those outside the evacuation areas.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T19:54+0100wwlp (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

Argentina earthquake: Strong 6.2 magnitude tremor strikes north-west of country

2016-11-13T19:54+0100express (en)

USGS Vickiie Oliphant Argentina has been hit by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake The earthquake struck at just after 8am local time or 2pm GMT, and centred around 16 miles norther of Chilecito in La Rioja - near the Chilean border. The quake is ranked as somewhere between a moderate and major incident, according to the Richter scale.

At least two killed as massive earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T19:52+0100thejournal (en)

Updated at 5.55pm. Earthquakes Tsunamis TWO FATALITIES HAVE been reported following a powerful 7.8 earthquake which struck New Zealand police said, as officials warned there may be others. Prime Minister John Key said that at least people are known to be dead.

7.8 quake, tsunami hit New Zealand

2016-11-13T19:51+0100thedailystarBD (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country's entire....

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:45+0100nzherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. AP. This story has been automatically published from the Associated Press wire which uses US spellings. Get the news delivered straight to your inbox.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:45+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Already a subscriber? Click on the button below to set up your account or log in if you already have one. Want to become a subscriber? Purchase a digital-only subscription now for unlimited online access to local news and information. Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Sunny. High around 65F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.

News 1 HRS AGO New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:44+0100wsoctv (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

The Latest: At least 2 dead in New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T19:42+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:10 a.m. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least two people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Key did not provide any further details at a news conference Monday morning in Wellington, the capital.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T19:41+0100news-yahoo (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

The Latest: At Least 2 Dead in New Zealand Quake

2016-11-13T19:41+0100ABCnews (en)

(all times local): 7:25 a.m. New Zealand Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management reported that a tsunami wave struck at about 1:50 a.

Two dead after NZ quake, residents flee tsunami

2016-11-13T19:41+0100news-yahoo (en)

Debris from buildings are seen on a sidewalk past a cordon line in Wellington early on November 14, 2016 following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake centred some 90 kilometres (57 miles) north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch (AFP Photo/Marty Melville) Christchurch (New Zealand) (AFP) -....

WATCH: Terrifying moment family's house SHAKES 'like jelly' during New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T19:39+0100express (en)

| UPDATED: 15:41, Sun, Nov 13, 2016 Oli Smith Haunting footage captured the moment the massive earthquake ripped through a family house in Wellington, New Zealand. In the brief clip, the walls in the house shook "like jelly" as the family's belongings crash to the floor. A 7.

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T19:38+0100bostonherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

New Zealand PM says two dead in quake, dispatching emergency aid

2016-11-13T19:37+0100tribune (en)

City engineers inspect buildings in the central business district in Wellington on early November 14, 2016, following an earthquake centred some 90 kilometres (57 miles) north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch. PHOTO: AFP. WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Prime Minister John....

The Latest: New Zealand downgrades tsunami warnings

2016-11-13T19:35+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 7:25 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand have downgraded tsunami warnings around the country following a powerful earthquake. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island early Monday, just after midnight.

At least two confirmed dead in New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T19:34+0100metro-uk (en)

The magnitude-7.8 earthquake hit the city of Christchurch just after midnight today (Picture: AP) At least two people were killed after a powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch this morning, Prime Minister John Key has said. The magnitude-7.

Deaths after strong NZ quake sparks tsunami

2016-11-13T19:33+0100skynews (en)

"If you are in a low lying area on the East Coast of the North, South or Chatham Islands move immediately to higher ground." St John Ambulance said it was sending helicopters to the epicentre of the quake - 57 miles (91km) north of the South Island city of Christchurch.

Supermoon: Earth's solitary companion set to reach closest orbit in almost 70 years On Monday, November 14, the moon will be almost 30,000 kilometers closer to the Earth than it usually is. For astute gazers of the night sky it should offer a wonderful spectacle not seen since 1948.

2016-11-13T19:30+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

On Monday, November 14, the moon will be at its closest distance to the Earth since 1948, giving the effect of an "extra-super moon”. Although "supermoons” are quite common – usually occurring every 14 months – Monday's will be the closest in quite some time and won't return to a similar distance until 2034.

12:06 At least two dead after powerful New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T19:30+0100independent-ie-regional (en)

People evacuated from buildings after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock New Zealand (AP) A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road north of Christchurch (AP) A Christmas tree lies on its side in a shop in Wellington (Ross Setford/SNPA via AP) At least two people have....

Earthquake: Deaths, major damage after severe 7.5 quake hits Hanmer Springs, tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T19:30+0100Stuff (en)

In the CBD, hotels and occupied buildings were evacuated. Brooke Bath said just before 3am that aftershocks were continuing to hit Christchurch about every 10 minutes. "It's still a decent shake. They're rattling the doors, but nothing is [like] what it was. I think when [the quake] first hit it must have gone on for about a minute.

New Zealand police confirm two people killed as thousands flee homes after tsunami hits

2016-11-13T19:29+0100independent-ie (en)

"We don't have any indications at the moment to believe it will rise, but we can't rule that out," Key told reporters in Wellington, adding that details of the casualties were still being confirmed. A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand in the early hours....

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed

2016-11-13T19:29+0100fox13memphis (en)

in powerful earthquake. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Two dead after quake hits NZ: PM Key

2016-11-13T19:27+0100dailytelegraph (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has confirmed two people are dead after a massive 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand. The quake, located near Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 15km, struck just after midnight on Sunday and a swarm of aftershocks have since rattled the country.

Two dead after quake hits NZ: PM Key

2016-11-13T19:26+01009news (en)

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has confirmed two people are dead after a massive 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand. The quake, located near Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 15km, struck just after midnight on Sunday and a swarm of aftershocks have since rattled the country.

Two confirmed dead in New Zealand earthquake: PM

2016-11-13T19:25+0100nst (en)

WELLINGTON: New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said two people were killed in a powerful earthquake that the struck the Pacific nation early on Monday. “We don’t have any indications at the moment to believe it will rise, but we can’t rule that out,” Key told reporters in Wellington, adding that....

Two killed in New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T19:20+0100independent-UK (en)

Two people are confirmed to have died after a powerful earthquake in New Zealand caused a series of aftershocks, causing damage to buildings and leading residents to evacuate their homes for higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. Authorities said they were not yet declaring a national emergency, saying the regions are coping well.

New Zealand police confirm one person killed in earthquake

2016-11-13T19:18+0100thestar-my (en)

Monday, 14 November 2016 | MYT 1:59 AM New Zealand police confirm one person killed in earthquake. SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Police said at least one person has been killed in a powerful earthquake that struck the Pacific country early on Monday.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead after South Island is hit by tsunami after powerful tremor

2016-11-13T19:17+0100standard (en)

Two people have died after a powerful earthquake struck 's South Island causing a tsunami, the country's prime minister has said. John Key confirmed the fatalities following the 7.8 magnitude quake which struck just after midnight on Monday (11am GMT) around 60 miles from Christchurch , the US Geological Survey confirmed.

At least two people dead after powerful earthquake triggers tsunami in New Zealand

2016-11-13T19:14+0100itv (en)

At least two people have died after a large 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand - causing a tsunami to hit the South Island's east coast. The quake, northeast of the country's largest city Christchurch, hit just after midnight local time on Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Says at Least 2 People Were Killed in Powerful Earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:11+0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Says at Least 2 People Were Killed in Powerful Earthquake.

New Zealand police confirm one person killed in earthquake

2016-11-13T19:10+0100news-yahoo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Police said at least one person has been killed in a powerful earthquake that struck the Pacific country early on Monday. "One casualty has been reported at a collapsed property in Kaikoura," NZ Police said in a statement. The coastal tourist town of Kaikoura is near the epicenter of the 7.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:10+0100news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

Two DEAD as first tsunami waves hit Kaikoura after 7.8 magnitude earthquake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T19:09+0100express (en)

The Civil Defence Ministry warned that waves of up to five metres remained a risk for several hours, and confirmed the first waves of the tsunami had already hit the east coast of the South Island. Police have also confirmed two people have died in the natural disaster so far, one believed to have been from a heart attack.

Terror as fatal earthquake hits NZ

2016-11-13T19:09+0100heraldsun (en)

The US Geological Survey said the quake hit just after midnight Monday (10pm Sunday AEDT) near Hanmer Springs, about 90 kilometres from Christchurch, which was devastated five years ago by a 6.3 tremor. The tsunami arrived in the north-eastern coast less than two hours later, with authorities saying bigger waves are expected in the coming hours.

New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful tremor

2016-11-13T19:08+0100bbc (en)

Image caption The epicentre of the earthquake was just north of Christchurch. Helicopters with medical and rescue personnel are being sent near the epicentre of the quake. "We are starting to get reports of injuries from the earthquake area, including Culverden area and Kaikoura," St John's Ambulance Dion Rosario said in a statement.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake.

2016-11-13T19:08+0100seattletimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand Prime Minister John Key says at least 2 people were killed in powerful earthquake. No personal attacks or insults, no hate speech, no profanity. Please keep the conversation civil and help us moderate this thread by reporting any abuse.

New Zealand earthquake generates tsunami

2016-11-13T19:06+0100thesundaytimes (en)

A powerful earthquake has shaken New Zealand’s South Island, generating a tsunami and forcing residents to flee their homes. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit North Canterbury, 57 miles north-east of Christchurch, after midnight on Monday local time, the US Geological Survey said. At 6.

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

2016-11-13T19:05+0100ynetnews (en)

. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, shaking residents awake, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

New Zealand earthquake generates tsunami

2016-11-13T19:05+0100thetimes (en)

A powerful earthquake has shaken New Zealand’s South Island, generating a tsunami and forcing residents to flee their homes. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit North Canterbury, 57 miles north-east of Christchurch, after midnight on Monday local time, the US Geological Survey said. At 6.

Two killed after earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T19:04+0100RTERadio (en)

Two people have died after a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand. "We don't have any indications at the moment to believe it [death toll] will rise, but we can't rule that out," Mr Key told reporters in Wellington, adding that details of the casualties were still being confirmed.

No Pinoys reported hurt in New Zealand quake, Palace says

2016-11-13T19:04+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

TINGNAN: Pahayag ng Malacañang sa nangyaring malakas na lindol sa New Zealand I via DZMM TeleRadyo (@DZMMTeleRadyo) November 13, 2016 MANILA - Malacañang said it has not received report of any Filipinos hurt in the magnitude 7.8 New Zealand earthquake, the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said late Sunday.

A powerful earthquake has struck New Z...

2016-11-13T19:04+0100bay (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island, causing a tsunami. The 7.8 magnitude quake struck on Sunday morning around 60 miles from Christchurch. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground after six-foot tall waves battered the area.

Earthquake rattles New Zealand; authorities warn of tsunami waves

2016-11-13T19:03+0100arkansasonline (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, shaking residents awake, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

Pakistan cricket teams evacuated from hotel following powerful NZ earthquake November 13, 2016 Updated @ : 22:32 pst Earthquake of 7.4 magnitude struck central NZ just after midnight, generating a...

2016-11-13T19:02+0100geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: Players of Pakistan's men and women cricket teams were evacuated from their hotel rooms in Nelson and Christchurch respectively after an earthquake measuring 7.4 jolted various cities of New Zealand on Sunday. Pakistan's men cricket team was preparing to sleep when powerful tremors forced them to move out of hotel rooms in Nelson.

New Zealand police confirm two people killed as thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T18:57+0100independent-ie (en)

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand in the early hours of Monday, generating a tsunami and sending thousands of people fleeing for higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region that bore the epicentre of the quake,....

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:55+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand’s capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

Deaths after strong NZ earthquake sparks tsunami

2016-11-13T18:54+0100skynews (en)

The Civil Defence Ministry tweeted: "A tsunami has been generated, the first wave has arrived in the North Eastern Coast of the South Island." It added: "The first wave may not be the largest. Waves may continue for several hours. "If you are in a low lying area on the East Coast of the North, South....

One DEAD as first tsunami waves hit Kaikoura after 7.8 magnitude earthquake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T18:53+0100express (en)

| UPDATED: 17:52, Sun, Nov 13, 2016 SIMON OSBORNE Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region that bore the epicentre of the quake, some 91 km northeast of Christchurch in the South Island, amid reports of injuries and collapsed buildings.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:53+0100eastoregonian (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

Tsunami Hits New Zealand After Series of Strong Quakes

2016-11-13T18:51+0100news18 (en)

People evacuated from buildings along Dixon Street stand on the street in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. (Photo: AP) Wellington: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:50+0100wwlp (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand’s capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

New Zealand earthquake today: 7.4 earthquake hits country&apos;s South Island

2016-11-13T18:49+0100independent-UK (en)

New Zealand's Civil Defence authority described the threat of the wave as “an event of life-threatening or national significance” and warned people to stay away from beaches along the entire coastline. Dunedin city council and Clutha District council are evacuating low-lying coastal areas while....

UPDATE 7-Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T18:48+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand in the early hours of Monday, generating a tsunami and sending thousands of people fleeing for higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region that bore the epicenter of....

One person dead after powerful earthquake triggers tsunami in New Zealand

2016-11-13T18:44+0100itv (en)

One person has died after a large 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand - causing a tsunami to hit the South Island's east coast. The quake, northeast of the country's largest city Christchurch, hit just after midnight local time on Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:42+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

Earthquake: One feared dead after severe 7.5 quake hits Hanmer Springs, tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T18:42+0100Stuff (en)

Brooke Bath said just before 3am that aftershocks were continuing to hit Christchurch about every 10 minutes. "It's still a decent shake. They're rattling the doors, but nothing is [like] what it was. I think when [the quake] first hit it must have gone on for about a minute.

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits (Update 6)

2016-11-13T18:36+0100cyprus-mail (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) – A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of aftershocks shook New Zealand in the early hours of Monday, generating a tsunami and sending thousands of people fleeing for higher ground. Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region that....

Strong earthquake in New Zealand triggers tsunami

2016-11-13T18:34+0100taipeitimes (en)

A magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the....

Coast Guard medevacs man from boat in Norfolk

2016-11-13T18:33+0100nbc12 (en)

NORFOLK, VA (WWBT) - The Coast Guard medevacked a man Saturday from a boat on the Little Creek Jetty in Norfolk. Watchstanders stationed at Little Creek Naval Base were notified at 6:35 p.m. of a 24-foot boat which ran aground on the Little Creek Jetty's east side, carrying two people.

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T18:31+0100newsok (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 5:30 a.m. A powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand's South Island has opened up snaking fissures in roads and triggered landslides.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:31+0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake. Wellington city officials said some large buildings were showing....

Possible tsunami in New Zealand not to cause disastrous effects along China's coast: SOA

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 18:30:00 +0100sinacom (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Possible tsunami following a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in South Island of New Zealand will not cause disastrous effects along China 's coast, said the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) on Sunday night. The tsunami warning center of the SOA will continue to track and....

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:29+0100eagletribune (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:27+0100muscatinejournal (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

NEW ZEALAND: Residents Head to the Hills as Tsunami Sirens Sound in Sumner November 13

2016-11-13T18:27+0100dailytelegraph (en)

Residents of Sumner, a suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand, headed to the nearby hills after a magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck the country?s Southern Island on November 13. This video shows cars hitting the road as tsunami sirens are turned on. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence (MCDEM)....

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T18:27+0100independent-ie (en)

Emergency response teams were dispatched by helicopter to the region that bore the epicentre of the quake, some 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of Christchurch in the South Island, amid reports of injuries and collapsed buildings. There were no immediate reports of deaths.

Thousands flee homes as tsunami, quake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T18:25+0100dailytrust (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand’s east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency services warned of destructive waves of up to five meters in some areas.

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T18:20+0100reuters-in (en)

WELLINGTON A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand's east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency services warned of....

Earthquakes hit New Zealand, Argentina

2016-11-13T18:16+0100israelnationalnews (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale hit New Zealand around midnight, Sunday evening, local time. Two-meter tsunami tidal waves were reported. Schools and universities will be closed on Monday. Argentina was hit by a tremor measuring 6.2 on the /Richter scale, near its northwestern border with Chile, early Sunday afternoon, local time.

Powerful Quake Strikes New Zealand, Triggering Small Tsunami

2016-11-13T18:15+0100theepochtimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand—A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island early Monday, shaking residents awake, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:12+0100hjnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:11+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

The Latest: New Zealand Capital Urges Workers to Stay Home

2016-11-13T18:10+0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake. Wellington city officials said some large buildings were showing....

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:10+0100news-yahoo (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

2016-11-13T18:09+0100timesdaily (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:09+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami 36 Mins New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first

2016-11-13T18:08+0100clickondetroit (en)

Map showing Sunday's New Zealand quake in relation to the Pacific Ocean. Source: USGS. WELLINGTON, New Zealand - New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:07+0100wfsb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T18:03+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

Tsunami Warning In Force After New Zealand Earthquakes

2016-11-13T18:01+0100clare (en)

Authorities in New Zealand say they have been hit by five severe earthquakes over the space of four hours with thousands fleeing their homes. A tsunami warning is in force - with waves predicted to reach five metres high. TV New Zealand reports that one person has died of a heart attack in Christchurch.

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US 3 hours ago

2016-11-13T17:56+0100wkbw (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T17:56+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand's capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Argentina

2016-11-13T17:56+0100globalnews (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck northwestern Argentina early Sunday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake struck just after 8 a.m. local time (14:00 GMT) Sunday and was centred about 16 miles (26 kilometres)....

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T17:54+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 5:30 a.m. A powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand’s South Island has opened up snaking fissures in roads and triggered landslides.

New Zealand tsunami: Live updates as families flee and casualties reported in aftermath of major 7.8-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T17:54+0100themirror (en)

Full statement: Latest on the tsunami warning from officials. The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management has updated its statement on the earthquake and tsunami after reports of casualties in the town of Kaikoura. The US Geological Survey says the magnitude was 7.8, while officials in New Zealand have estimated it at 7.

The Latest: New Zealand capital urges workers to stay home

2016-11-13T17:53+0100timesdaily (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T17:53+0100WashingtonPost (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the south island of New Zealand and triggered a tsunami alert for the entire coast of the country. A Wellington resident captured this video of the earthquake on his cellphone. (Monica Akhtar/The Washington Post) WELLINGTON, New Zealand — The Latest on a strong....

Earthquake: Severe 7.5 quake hits Hanmer Springs, felt widely across New Zealand as tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T17:53+0100Stuff (en)

Brooke Bath said just before 3am that aftershocks were continuing to hit Christchurch about every 10 minutes. "It's still a decent shake. They're rattling the doors, but nothing is [like] what it was. I think when [the quake] first hit it must have gone on for about a minute.

Earthquake: Interislander Ferry unable to dock at Picton due to damage

2016-11-13T17:53+0100Stuff (en)

An Interislander ferry is unable to dock in Picton following a huge 7.5-magnitude earthquake, leaving passengers and crew to sleep on board. A passenger on board the ship, who did not want to be named, said they were due into Picton at 11.45pm on Sunday night.

New Zealand Earthquake Strikes Near Christchurch, Triggering Tsunami

2016-11-13T17:52+0100huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

The powerful earthquake near Christchurch caused strong tremors to be felt more than 200 kilometres away in the capital of Wellington. The quake was followed by a number of strong aftershocks. The quake temporarily knocked out New Zealand’s emergency call number, 111, police reported.

New Zealand earthquake: UK man slept as earthquake hit

2016-11-13T17:52+0100bbc (en)

. 13 November 2016 Last updated at 16:25 GMT. A couple from Hertfordshire, Phil and Jane Coles, have explained how they were woken in their accommodation in New Zealand after an earthquake struck.

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T17:49+0100dailyjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand The Latest on a strong earthquake that struck New Zealand (all times local): 5:40 a.m. Authorities in New Zealand’s capital are urging people who work in the center of the city to stay home on Monday following a powerful earthquake.

First casualties from New Zealand earthquake &apos;confirmed&apos;

2016-11-13T17:48+0100independent-UK (en)

Indications have emerged of possible casualties from the powerful earthquake that hit New Zealand early on Monday, a government minister has said. Civil Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee reportedly confirmed the first casualties from the 7.8 earthquake in the town of Kaikoura on the east coast of New....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after powerful quake

2016-11-13T17:44+0100channelnewsasia (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. Posted 13 Nov 2016 19:33; Updated 14 Nov 2016 00:01. WELLINGTON: A powerful 7.

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T17:44+0100krmg (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T17:41+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 5:30 a.m. A powerful earthquake that struck New Zealand's South Island has opened up snaking fissures in roads and triggered landslides.

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T17:40+0100bdnews24 (en)

The quake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating the tsunami. Emergency services warned of destructive waves of up to five meters (yards) in some areas. "The first waves have arrived but we know that it is too early to....

No reports of injured Irish as quake and tsunami hit New Zealand

2016-11-13T17:40+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Update 3.45pm: There are no reports of any Irish casualities following today's earthquake and tsunami in New Zealand. A series of earthquakes and aftershocks have hit the country. One of them generated a tsunami wave around six feet high on South Island. The largest quake was 7 point 8 magnitude and hit just after midnight local time.

The Latest: New Zealand quake causes damage to roads

2016-11-13T17:39+0100news-yahoo (en)

A large fissure runs along Kaikoura Road about two hours north of Christchurch Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, after a major earthquake struck New Zealand's south Island early Monday. The powerful earthquake struck in a mostly rural area close to the city of Christchurch but appeared to be more strongly felt....

Photos: New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T17:39+0100chicagotribune (en)

A broken window in Wellington, New Zealand, after an earthquake shock the capital Nov. 14, 2016. (Ross Setford / EPA) A tsunami warning alert is seen on a notice board above State Highway 1 in Wellington, New Zealand, early on Nov. 14, 2016, following an earthquake .

New Zealand earthquake: 'The house started to shake'

2016-11-13T17:36+0100bbc (en)

13 November 2016 Last updated at 16:25 GMT. A tsunami has hit after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island just after midnight. Andy Jackson, who lives in a suburb of the capital Wellington, described what happened.

eNCA | PICS and VIDEO: New Zealand's earthquake

2016-11-13T17:35+0100enca (en)

People evacuated from buildings along Dixon Street, Wellington after an earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, early 14 November 2016. Photo: EPA/ROSS SETFORD. A broken window in Tory Street, Wellington after an earthquake shook the capital in New....

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T17:30+0100timesofmalta (en)

Thousands of people along New Zealand's east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency services warned of destructive waves of up to five metres (yards) in some areas. "The first waves have arrived but we know that it is too early to say what the impact has been," said Sarah....

Quake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T17:29+0100tradearabia (en)

People evacuated from buildings along Dixon Street, Wellington after an earthquake based around Cheviot in the South Island shock the capital of New Zealand, early on November 14 (local time). According to reports, the 7.4. earthqauke triggered a tsunami that hit the east coast of the country.

New Zealand issues tsunami warning

2016-11-13T17:19+0100cnn (en)

New Zealand Civil Defense has issued a tsunami warning following a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake that jolted South Island. New Zealand Civil Defense has issued a tsunami warning following a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake that jolted South Island.

UPDATE 6-Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T17:18+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand's east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency services warned of....

Pakistan cricket team 'terrified' but safe after Christchurch earthquake

2016-11-13T17:18+0100dnaindia (en)

The Pakistani players and officials were shaken on Sunday when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch and its adjoining areas with manager Wasim Bari describing it as a terrifying experience. "We are staying at a hotel in Nielsen, where we were playing our tour match but today when the....

Argentina earthquake: Tremor of magnitude 6.2 strikes north-west of the country

2016-11-13T17:17+0100independent-UK (en)

A large earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 has struck northwestern Argentina, but there are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The earthquake struck just after 8am local time and was centered about 16 miles (26km) north of the community of Chilecito in La Rioja province, near the border with Chile.

Pakistan team shocked but safe after Christchurch earthquake

2016-11-13T17:15+0100business-standard (en)

The Pakistani players and officials were shaken on Sunday when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch and its adjoining areas with manager Wasim Bari describing it as a terrifying experience. "We are staying at a hotel in Nielsen, where we were playing our tour match but today when the....

Powerful 7.8 quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

2016-11-13T17:15+0100business-standard (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early today, shaking residents awake, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid waves. tsunami The magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck just after midnight in a....

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami

2016-11-13T17:15+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country’s entire east coast and urged residents in low-lying areas to evacuate and seek higher ground. Waves of up to two meters (6 feet) could be possible for up to two hours, it said.

Tsunami hits New Zealand east coast after strong quake

2016-11-13T17:15+0100business-standard (en)

It advised anyone near the shoreline to move to higher ground immediately. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, an earthquake of 7.4 magnitude hit 59 miles (95km) from Christchurch. A Tsunami warning has been issued by the civil defence for the entire east coast and said the situation is being....

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T17:10+0100wsau (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand's east coast fled their homes to head for higher....

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand, triggering tsunami

2016-11-13T17:10+0100iran-daily (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits

2016-11-13T17:09+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand's east coast fled their homes to head for higher....

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

2016-11-13T17:08+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US

2016-11-13T17:08+0100abcactionnews (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

South Pacific struck by powerful earthquake

2016-11-13T17:08+0100abcactionnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Quake strikes New Zealand, thousands flee homes as tsunami hits (Update 5)

2016-11-13T17:05+0100cyprus-mail (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. Thousands of people along New Zealand’s east coast fled their homes to head for higher ground as emergency services warned of destructive waves of up to five metres (yards) in some areas.

Earthquake: New Zealanders in shock

2016-11-13T17:03+0100rnzi (en)

A series of large earthquakes across New Zealand, which started just after midnight, have prompted coastal residents to flee their homes after tsunami alerts. Civil Defence is scrambling to assess damage from the first, 7.5 magnitude earthquake centred near Hanmer Springs, which shook much of the....

Earthquake: In pictures

2016-11-13T17:03+0100rnzi (en)

The midnight earthquake affected people up and down New Zealand - followed by ongoing strong and severe aftershocks. Here are the latest photos from around the country. Evacuees at Amberley Pavillion, in North Canterbury, where a community welfare centre was set up in after the midnight earthquake.

No reports of Irish injured as quake and tsunami hit New Zealand

2016-11-13T17:02+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Update 1.15pm: A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.

Possible tsunami in New Zealand not to cause disastrous effects along China's coast: SOA

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 17:00:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Possible tsunami following a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in South Island of New Zealand will not cause disastrous effects along China 's coast, said the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) on Sunday night. The tsunami warning center of the SOA will continue to track and....

'The emergency number was out of action' New Zealand hit by major earth tremor

2016-11-13T17:00+0100euronews-en (en)

New Zealand’s South Island has been hit by a powerful tremor. The quake struck in the middle of the night with a magnitude of around 7.8. Severe 6.6 earthquake hits Hanmer Springs, felt widely across New Zealand Stuff.co.nz News (@NZStuff) November 13, 2016 Euronews correspondent Seamus Kerney is....

Severe earthquake hit News Zealand

2016-11-13T16:58+0100vanguardngr (en)

An earthquake measured between 6.6 and 7.2 has struck New Zealand. Local reports by New Zealand Herald said the quake struck 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs, quoting Geonet. Geonet described the quake, felt through much of the country, as “very large”. The quake struck at 12.02am Monday and is officially rated as “severe”.

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand, triggering small tsunami

2016-11-13T16:57+0100muscatinejournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Tsunami strikes New Zealand after huge earthquake

2016-11-13T16:57+0100france24-en (en)

. © Marty Melville, AFP | A tsunami warning alert is seen on a notice board above State Highway 1 in Wellington early on November 14, 2016 following an earthquake centred some 90 kilometres (57 miles) north of New Zealand's South Island city of Christchurch. Text by Latest update : 2016-11-13. NEWS WIRES An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Tsunami reported after 7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes N.Z.

2016-11-13T16:55+0100nydailynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, generating a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island, officials said. The strong jolts caused some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington.

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch generating tsunami

2016-11-13T16:53+0100abc-au (en)

A magnitude-7.8 earthquake has struck near the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, generating a tsunami and causing widespread damage along the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence issued a tsunami alert, warning of the risk of destructive waves along the country's....

'Dayum son!' Videos capture terrifying NZ quake

2016-11-13T16:53+0100newshub (en)

Kiwis are posting videos of the terrifying 7.5-magnitude earthquake that has caused massive damage across New Zealand. Twitter user KiwiClara Coslay posted a one-minute video of her shaking apartment in Nelson. "This is one hell of an earthquake - holy crap," she can be heard saying.

Powerful Earthquakes Strike New Zealand, Argentina

2016-11-13T16:47+0100cknw (en)

A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake has struck New Zealand. The relatively shallow quake of 10km deep, happened just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch. Some minor damage was reported in the capital, Wellington, about 200km away. Authorities say the quake generated a tsunami with first waves hitting the South Island.

Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T16:46+0100wsaw (en)

WELLINTON, New Zealand (AP) -- New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

Powerful earthquake triggers Tsunami in New Zealand

2016-11-13T16:44+0100itv (en)

A large 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck under 60 miles north of New Zealand's capital - causing a tsunami to hit the South Island's east coast. The quake, northeast of the country's largest city Christchurch, hit just after midnight local time on Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey.

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand, triggering tsunami

2016-11-13T16:38+0100timesdaily (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Pakistan Team Shocked But Safe After Christchurch Earthquake

2016-11-13T16:35+0100news18 (en)

Karachi: The Pakistani players and officials were shaken on Sunday when a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch and its adjoining areas with manager Wasim Bari describing it as a terrifying experience. "We are staying at a hotel in Nielsen, where we were playing our tour match but today when....

NEW ZEALAND: Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning in New Zealand November 13

2016-11-13T16:25+0100dailytelegraph (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck an area near Christchurch, New Zealand, on November 13, the US Geological Survey reported. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence (MCDEM) warned residents on the the east coast to move to higher ground, due to a tsunami threat caused by the quake.

Two-metre Tsunami hits New Zealand after multiple quakes

2016-11-13T16:19+0100dailymirror (en)

A two-metre high tsunami has struck New Zealand’s east coast after a powerful earthquake hit the South Island. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country's entire east coast and urged residents in low-lying areas to evacuate and seek higher ground.

7.8 magnitude quake hits New Zealand, prompts tsunami warning

2016-11-13T16:19+0100krqe (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (KRQE) – Fernanda Lopez Authorities on New Zealand’s South Island are telling its residents along the eastern coast to move to higher ground as a powerful earthquake has already prompted big waves. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

Video: Scenes of chaos and destruction after earthquake felt across New Zealand

2016-11-13T16:17+0100Stuff (en)

Stock was left strewn across the aisles and pieces of the ceiling have fallen away at Countdown Wainuiomata in Wellington. Footage of destruction seen across the country after a magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit near Hanmer Springs. Did you feel it at your place? Send us your information, photos and....

Cheviot Quake: Interislander Ferry unable to dock at Picton due to damage

2016-11-13T16:17+0100Stuff (en)

An Interislander Ferry is unable to dock in Picton, leaving passengers and crew to sleep on board. A passenger on board the ship, who did not want to be named, said they were due into Picton at 11.45pm on Sunday night. Are you on the ferry? Email newstips@stuff.co.nz A logging truck shed some of its load at Wellington's port.

New Zealand Struck by Powerful Earthquake

2016-11-13T16:15+0100nytimes (en)

SYDNEY — A powerful earthquake measuring 7.9 hit the east coast of New Zealand ’s South Island just before midnight there on Sunday, triggering three large aftershocks and at least three tsunami waves, with seawater levels rising about six feet. New Zealand’s civil defense and emergency management....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T16:13+0100channelnewsasia (en)

WELLINGTON: A powerful 7.8 magniture earthquake struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence told residents along the country's entire east coast,....

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand, triggering tsunami

2016-11-13T16:11+0100krmg (en)

People evacuated from buildings along Dixon Street check their mobile phones while sitting on a bench in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of....

Police: Deadly Officer-Involved Shooting In SW OKC

2016-11-13T16:10+0100newson6 (en)

OKLAHOMA CITY - Police say one man is dead after a shootout with two Oklahoma City police officers. Investigators are not releasing the suspect's name, but police say he opened fire on the officers when they were responding to a disturbance call near Southwest 94th and Western around 12:30 Sunday morning.

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand, triggering tsunami

2016-11-13T16:06+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Magnitude 7.8 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T16:06+0100dailymail (en)

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand and triggered a two-metre Tsunami. The severe quake, located 15 km north-east of Culverden at a depth of 15km, struck just after midnight on Sunday and was felt throughout the country.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T16:06+0100wfsb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Magnitude 7.8 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T16:03+0100mailonsunday (en)

New Zealand's South Island hit with magnitude 7.5 earthquake - and residents are urgently warned to move inland as tsunami waves hit coast and aftershocks continue A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch in New Zealand; The earthquake rattled the country around midnight on Sunday The NZ....

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US

2016-11-13T16:00+0100wptv (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T16:00+0100euronews-en (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand’s South Island around 90 kilometres north of Christchurch. A tsunami warning has been issued by the country’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management. It has warned of the risk of destructive waves along the entire east coast, calling on people to move inland and find higher ground.

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand, triggering tsunami

2016-11-13T15:57+0100muscatinejournal (en)

People evacuated from the Quest On the Terrace Hotel gather outside the hotel in Wellington after a 6.6 earthquake based around Cheviot in the South island shock the capital, New Zealand, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-13T15:56+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

WELLINGTON -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the....

Pakistani cricketers safe after New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T15:54+0100nation (en)

All members of the Pakistan cricket team, who are currently touring New Zealand, were evacuated off their hotels in Nelson and Christchurch respectively, after an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight. "Some of the boys were in prayer, some were watching the....

Home shaken during earthquake in New Zealand caught on camera

2016-11-13T15:54+0100globalnews (en)

. A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck an area near Christchurch, New Zealand, on November 13, the US Geological Survey reported.

New Zealand south island hit by 7.9-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T15:52+0100trendnews-az (en)

The earthquake measured at 7.9 on the Richter scale struck New Zealand's South Island, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) said on Sunday, Sputnik International reported. The 7.9-magnitude earthquake hit the island at 11:02 GMT, EMSC specified.

New Zealand earthquake: Pictures flood social media

2016-11-13T15:51+0100newshub (en)

New Zealanders posted a flood of images to social media platforms in the wake of a severe magnitude-7.5 earthquake. More than 50 aftershocks have been felt up and down the country, with Kaikoura and Malborough getting several each. Elm Homestead in Kaikoura has collapsed, while people are evacuating coastal areas of Christchurch.

Pakistani cricketers escorted to safety after 7.4 magnitude quake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:50+0100dawn (en)

The players of Pakistan cricket teams, both men and women, who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series, were escorted off their hotels in Nelson and Christchurch respectively, after an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight.

Powerful 7.4 magnitude quake rattles New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:50+0100newindianexpress (en)

WELLINGTON: New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

Severe Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Off New Zealand's Coast

2016-11-13T15:49+0100npr (en)

A strong earthquake hit along the east coast of New Zealand's South Island Sunday, with a 7.8 magnitude, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake caused power outages, damaged buildings — and generated a tsunami. Emergency officials are urging people to get to high ground.

New Zealand earthquake unlikely to impact the US

2016-11-13T15:48+0100abc15 (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is no longer expecting a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

UPDATE 5-Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-13T15:47+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the....

7.8 magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:45+0100cna (en)

Διεκδικούμε λύση του Κυπριακού οχυρό στην διασφάλιση των δικαιωμάτων όλων των κατοίκων, τονίζει ο Υπ. Δικαιοσύνης Μέτρα και αυστηρές ποινές στο νομοσχέδιο του Υπ. Δικαιοσύνης για τη χειραγώγηση αθλητικών γεγονότων Να συνεχίσουμε την προσπάθεια για ανάπτυξη της κυπριακής οικονομίας, δηλώνει ο ΥΠΟΙΚ....

Tsunami Pummels New Zealand After Series Of Strong Quakes

2016-11-13T15:44+0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND ― An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk....

Tsunami hits New Zealand following 7.8-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T15:44+0100theglobeandmail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country’s....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T15:44+0100nzherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami warning after strong tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T15:42+0100illawarramercury (en)

. The strong earthquake, with a magnitude of at least 6.6, struck the south island of New Zealand. Photo: US Geological Survey.

News Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:41+0100wtsp (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Full Article: Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-13T15:40+0100wsau (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the....

7.5-Magnitude Quake Hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:39+0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 13 (Bernama) -- An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter has hit New Zealand's South Island. According to a Malaysian Meteorological Department statement, the 7.02pm temblor occurred 92km northeast of the city of Christchurch. The area is located 7,589km southeast of Semporna in the Malaysian state of Sabah.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after massive quake

2016-11-13T15:38+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the....

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami

2016-11-13T15:37+0100wusa9 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

New Zealand earthquake triggers tsunami up to 15 metres high

2016-11-13T15:37+0100metro-uk (en)

People are fleeing to higher ground after a tsunami warning (Picture: AFP) A powerful earthquake has generated a 6ft tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. Describing it as ‘an event of life-threatening or national significance’ the....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes (Update 4)

2016-11-13T15:35+0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, causing widespread damage and generating a tsunami. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country’s....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after earthquake

2016-11-13T15:34+0100cityam (en)

A tsunami has hit New Zealand after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck the island at around midnight local time. The earthquake was centred around the Christchurch area which was previously hit by a quake in 2011 that left many dead and the city badly damaged.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T15:34+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Want to become a subscriber? Purchase a digital-only subscription now for unlimited online access to local news and information. Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Abundant sunshine. High 66F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low 38F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.

Video: Chaos and destruction after earthquake felt across New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:29+0100Stuff (en)

Stock was left strewn across the aisles and pieces of the ceiling have fallen away at Countdown Wainuiomata in Wellington. Footage of damages across the country after a magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit near Hanmer Springs. Did you feel it at your place? Send us your information, photos and videos to ....

12:06 New Zealand hit by powerful earthquake and tsunami waves

2016-11-13T15:27+0100independent-ie-regional (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early on Monday, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

New Zealand hit by powerful earthquake and tsunami waves A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early on Monday, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency...

2016-11-13T15:26+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early on Monday, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

Tsunami hits after powerful NZ earthquake

2016-11-13T15:26+0100skynews (en)

New Zealand's civil defence ministry warned people to move to higher ground as the tsunami threat could last for several hours. The tsunami was described by the ministry as "an event of life-threatening or national significance". The quake was 7.8-magnitude and hit just midnight local time, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

New Zealand hit by powerful earthquake and tsunami waves

2016-11-13T15:25+0100independent-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early on Monday, shaking awake residents, causing damage to buildings and prompting emergency services to warn people along the coast to move to higher ground to avoid tsunami waves. The magnitude-7.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T15:25+0100themalaymailonline (en)

People stand on a street strewn with broken glass from windows in Wellington early on November 14, 2016 following an earthquake centred some 90 kilometres north of New Zealand’s South Island city of Christchurch. — AFP pic WELLINGTON, Nov 13 — An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Powerful 7.8 quake hits New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T15:24+0100timesofindia (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck 91 km (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the said. US Geological Survey New Zealand civil defence said tsunami was possible after the earthquake and recommended residents on the east coast to move to higher ground.

NEW ZEALAND: Tsunami Sirens Heard Across Christchurch After Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake November 13

2016-11-13T15:24+0100dailytelegraph (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck an area near Christchurch, New Zealand, on November 13, the US Geological Survey reported. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence (MCDEM) warned residents on the the east coast to move to higher ground, due to a tsunami threat caused by the quake.

Severe earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:24+0100dailytelegraph (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck north of Christchurch. November 14th 2016; 8 minutes ago; /video/video.news.com.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T15:23+0100globalnews (en)

. A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 rattles central New Zealand generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island.

New Zealand faces 6-foot-high tsunami waves after powerful earthquake

2016-11-13T15:22+0100WashingtonPost (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the south island of New Zealand early Monday morning, triggering a tsunami alert for the entire east coast of the country as six-foot-high waves began to come in. Emergency authorities were advising people to stay off the beaches and away from the coast along the....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after powerful earthquake; residents told to move to higher ground

2016-11-13T15:22+0100beat102103 (en)

Update 1.15pm: A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.

Pakistan cricketers escorted to safety after 7.4 magnitude quake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:19+0100dawn (en)

The players of Pakistan cricket teams, both men and women, who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series, were evacuated off their hotels in Nelson and Christchurch respectively, after an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T15:19+0100egyptindependent (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. Anna Kaiser, a seismologist at GNS Science said a tidal signal or surge of up to one meter....

(UPDATE) New Zealand 7.4 magnitude quake generates tsunami, hits northeast coast of South Island

2016-11-13T15:17+0100nst (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive....

Earthquake generates tsunami in New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:15+0100cknw (en)

The first wave has arrived in the North Eastern Coast of the South Island in New Zealand after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit, generating a tsunami. People are asked to move to higher ground. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management says the tsunami threat is for the east....

NEW ZEALAND EARTHQUAKE - Tsunami alert after New Zealand's South Island hit with 7.8 quake

2016-11-13T15:14+0100efe (en)

USGS handout of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that was registered in New Zealand's South Island. The earthquake ocurred at 11:03 (GMT) 13th Nov. some 53 Km NNE of Amberley, (New Zealand) and its epicentre was located at a depth of 23 Kilometres (14 m). The Tsunami alert was activated when a 2.

Tsunami Warning Issued After Powerful 7.8-Magnitude Quake Strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:14+0100zerohedge (en)

evaluation * an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.9 occurred in south island, new zealand at 1103 utc on sunday november 13 2016. * lo. recommended actions * new zealand civil defense has issued a tsunami threat message for the east coast of south island. * tsunami threat beyond new zealand is not expected.

Tsunami hits NZ after 7.5 magnitude quake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T15:10+0100todayonline (en)

CHRISTCHURCH - A tsunami has struck the northeast coast of New Zealand's South Island, after an earthquake with a magnitude measuring 7.5 struck the Canterbury region of New Zealand's South Island on Sunday (Nov 13), just over 90km from Christchurch. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and....

ONGOING COVERAGE: Powerful 7.5 quake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T15:10+0100newstalkzb (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand, sparking a tsunami warning. The quake, located 20km south east of Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 16km, struck just after midnight on Sunday and a swarm of aftershocks have rattled the country since.

World Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T15:09+0100usaToday (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after powerful earthquake

2016-11-13T15:08+0100thejournal (en)

Updated at 1.19pm. Earthquakes Tsunamis A TSUNAMI HAS hit the South Island of New Zealand following a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake close to the the city of Christchurch. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground.

Two-metre tsunami hits New Zealand after magnitude 7.8 earthquake

2016-11-13T15:06+0100metro-uk (en)

Large parts of Wellington, New Zealand’s capital, are being evacuated as a tsunami hits. A powerful earthquake has generated a 6ft tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T15:04+0100kiro7 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T15:03+0100arabtimes (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) – An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor hits South Island

2016-11-13T15:03+0100thestarkenya (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.

New Zealand earthquake could impact the US

2016-11-13T15:02+0100abc15 (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Updated | Tsunami strikes New Zealand after powerful tremor

2016-11-13T15:02+0100MaltaToday (en)

A tsunami has struck New Zealand’s east coast after a powerful earthquake hit the South Island just after midnight. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit 59 miles (95km) from Christchurch, which is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed many buildings.

New Zealand earthquake could impact the US

2016-11-13T15:00+0100wptv (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T15:00+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

New Zealanders in shock after quake

2016-11-13T15:00+0100rnzi (en)

Civil Defence is scrambling to assess damage from the severe earthquake which shook much of the country just after midnight, followed by a series of aftershocks. Here's what we know so far: It was centred near Hamner Springs, magnitude 7.5, 16km deep and struck at 12.02am.

New Zealand earthquake: South Island hit by tsunami after powerful tremor

2016-11-13T14:59+0100standard (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck 's , causing a tsunami. South Island The 7.8 magnitude quake struck just after midnight on Sunday (11am GMT) around 60 miles from Christchurch , the US Geoglogical Survey confirmed. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

8.0-magnitude quake hits New Zealand: CENC

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 14:58:00 +0100china (en)

An 8.0-magnitude earthquake jolted New Zealand at 7:02 p.m. Sunday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. The epicenter, with a depth of 10 km, was at 42.53 degrees south latitude and 173.05 degrees east longitude, the center said in a statement.

7.4-magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand: USGS

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 14:58:00 +0100china (en)

A powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand late Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake hit some 90 kilometers from Christchurch in New Zealand -- the South Island city devastated by a 2011 temblor -- according to the agency. There were no immediate reports about damage or casualties.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:58+0100actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Tsunami hits after multiple strong New Zealand quakes

2016-11-13T14:58+0100heart (en)

A tsunami has hit New Zealand's South Island after a series of powerful earthquakes struck across the centre of the country. New Zealand's civil defence warned people to move to higher ground as the tsunami threat may last for several hours. The country's Geonet service says the majority of the quakes were on land.

12:06 Tsunami hits New Zealand after earthquake near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:57+0100independent-ie-regional (en)

The magnitude-7.8 quake struck in the early hours of Monday near the city of Christchurch. It was at a relatively shallow depth of six miles. Some minor damage was reported in the capital, Wellington, more than 120 miles away. By using this website you consent to our use of cookies.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:56+0100jpost (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along....

New Zealand earthquake could impact the US

2016-11-13T14:56+0100wkbw (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Earthquake measuring 7.4 hits New Zealand's Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:56+0100expressindia (en)

The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no tsunami threat from Monday’s quake. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT) early Monday, the US Geological Survey said.

Strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:56+0100smh (en)

"That's reasonably significant so people should take this seriously," she told Radio New Zealand. "The first wave may not be the largest. Tsunami activity will continue for several hours," the ministry tweeted. It warned people to expect aftershocks and many had been felt with the largest a magnitude 5.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami hits South Island after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:56+0100expressindia (en)

(Source: Google maps) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after earthquake near Christchurch A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said.

2016-11-13T14:56+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck in the early hours of Monday near the city of Christchurch.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:56+0100ynetnews (en)

WELLINGTON - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Video: Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:55+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Wellington: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Tsunami hits New Zealand following 7.4-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T14:55+0100theglobeandmail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Tsunami hits after powerful New Zealand quake

2016-11-13T14:55+0100sunstar (en)

NEW ZEALAND authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the country's South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. Read: Magnitude 7.8 quake strikes New Zealand The magnitude-7.

Nov 13, 2016 8:16AM ESTpublished: Nov 13, 2016 8:16AM EST

2016-11-13T14:55+0100theglobeandmail (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after earthquake near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:55+0100independent-ie (en)

The magnitude-7.8 quake struck in the early hours of Monday near the city of Christchurch. It was at a relatively shallow depth of six miles. Some minor damage was reported in the capital, Wellington, more than 120 miles away. By using this website you consent to our use of cookies.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:54+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

7.4 magnitude earthquake jolts New Zealand, tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:53+0100mid-day (en)

. Representational picture. Wellington: New Zealand issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas today, following a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch around midnight. "A tsunami is possible," the national civil defence organisation, which is in....

New Zealand earthquake could impact the US Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami.

2016-11-13T14:52+0100abcactionnews (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:52+0100wsvn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Tsunami warning issued after huge earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:52+0100WashingtonPost (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck in the south island of New Zealand early Monday, the largest in a series of quakes that caused significant damage and triggered a tsunami alert for the entire east coast of the country. Emergency authorities were advising people to stay off the beaches and away from....

Tsunami warning after quake hits NZ

2016-11-13T14:51+01009news (en)

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand, sparking a tsunami warning. The quake, located 20km south east of Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 16km, struck just after midnight on Sunday. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management....

US Embassy in Afghanistan closes after attacks

2016-11-13T14:51+0100startribune (en)

StarTribune.com welcomes and encourages readers to comment and engage in substantive, mutually respectful exchanges over news topics. Commenters must follow our Keep it civil and stay on topic. No profanity, vulgarity, racial slurs or personal attacks. Comments with web links are not permitted. Comments that violate the above will be removed.

Pictures from the New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T14:50+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit New Zealand early on Monday morning, close to the city of Christchurch. Strong jolts caused damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital of Wellington. The earthquake in New Zealand has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island, authorities have said.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after powerful earthquake; residents told to move to higher ground

2016-11-13T14:50+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Update 1.15pm: A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:50+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Tsunami reported after 7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes N.Z.

2016-11-13T14:50+0100nydailynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, generating a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island, officials said. The strong jolts caused some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington.

NZ earthquake live: Tsunami waves hit South Island, building down

2016-11-13T14:50+0100newshub (en)

What we know: Tsunami waves are hitting the northeastern coast of the South Island after a major earthquake. - Evacuations from coastal areas are taking place up and down the country. The severe 7.5 magnitude struck near Hamner Springs just after midnight.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:49+0100eagletribune (en)

North Andover, MA (01845) Today. Mainly sunny. High 59F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight. Clear skies. Low 39F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Updated: November 13, 2016 @ 7:54 am; WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after strong earthquake

2016-11-13T14:48+0100timesofoman (en)

Wellington: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT on Sunday), the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor hits South Island

2016-11-13T14:48+0100nna-en (en)

NNA - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.

UPDATE 4-Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:47+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive....

Magnitude-7.8 Earthquake Strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:47+0100mycentraloregon (en)

U.S. Geological Survey (CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand) — A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck the South Island of New Zealand shortly after midnight on Monday, according to the US Geological Survey. It was initially pegged as a magnitude-7.4 earthquake before being revised. The quake was centered over land, about 59 miles from Christchurch.

Powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake rattles New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:47+0100baltimoresun (en)

. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people near the coast of the South Island to move to higher ground.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:47+0100dailyjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after multiple strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:47+0100dailymirror (en)

A tsunami has struck New Zealand’s east coast after a powerful earthquake hit the South Island. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country's entire east coast and urged residents in low-lying areas to evacuate and seek higher ground.

Powerful New Zealand quake causes tsunami

2016-11-13T14:47+01007days (en)

New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground. The 7.8 magnitude quake struck just after midnight on Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:45+0100freep (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:45+0100business-times (en)

[WELLINGTON] An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:45+0100tribune (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:45+0100newsok (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Live: 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes near Hanmer Springs in South Island, tsunami warning for many New Zealand coastal areas

2016-11-13T14:44+0100nzherald (en)

Photos from Twitter show damage to some homes across the country. An upgraded 7.5 magnitude earthquake has struck 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs, Geonet says. It described the quake, felt through much of the country, as "very large". The quake struck at 12.02am Monday and is officially rated as "severe".

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:42+0100tcpalm (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

Families warned to flee New Zealand coast 'immediately' over tsunami sparked by 7.8-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T14:42+0100irishmirror (en)

Nick Kingstone posted this picture of the aftermath of the Earthquake in Wellington where shop fronts shattered and debris fell from buildings. Today's earthquake measured more powerfully on the Richter scale than 2011's 6.3 quake. Power lines and phone lines are said to be down, including emergency lines to police, fire and ambulance services.

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:41+0100khou (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people near....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after 7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:41+0100straitstimesSG (en)

CHRISTCHURCH (AFP, REUTERS) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the north-east coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the....

Severe 7.5 earthquake hits Hanmer Springs, felt widely across New Zealand as tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:41+0100Stuff (en)

"There are six people in Waiau nobody can get hold of." Despite calling and messaging, nobody could get hold of them, she said. Power and phone lines were believed to be out for the small town, only a few kilometres east of earthquake's epicentre. A slip has closed the main road to Hanmer Springs village, near where the magnitude 7.

Cheviot earthquake: What you need to know

2016-11-13T14:41+0100Stuff (en)

Civil Defence has issued a tsunami warning for the eastern coast of the North Island and all of the east coast of the South Island, including the Chatham Islands. READ MORE: Anyone in those areas should immediately move to high ground or inland as far as possible.

Magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T14:40+0100channelnewsasia (en)

REUTERS - A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck New Zealand's South Island just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was 91 km north-northeast of Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes near ...

2016-11-13T14:39+0100watoday (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, cutting power to some parts and triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 23 kilometres, struck just....

NZ EARTHQUAKE: Tsunami "generated", waves hitting coast

2016-11-13T14:39+0100qt (en)

WHAT WE KNOW NZ struck by at least six quakes in 40 minutes A tsunami warning has been issued. Those on east coast of South Island told to move to higher ground NZ emergency lines (111) have been knocked out by the quake in some places A MASSIVE earthquake has struck 20km south-east of New Zealand's....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand Quake Causes Local Tsunami

2016-11-13T14:39+0100ABCnews (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

Live: First tsunami waves hit South Island

2016-11-13T14:38+0100timesofindia (en)

New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the country's entire east coast and urged residents in low-lying areas to evacuate and seek higher ground. Anna Kaiser, a seismologist at GNS Science said a tidal signal or surge of up to....

Tsunami hits New Zealand coast after series of powerful earthquakes

2016-11-13T14:38+0100newstalk (en)

Authorities are warning that a tsunami has hit the coast of New Zealand following a series of powerful earthquakes in New Zealand. An earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude hit northeast of Christchurch, the US Geological Survey reports. The USGS says that the centre of the quake was on land, 91km from....

Strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:37+0100theage (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, cutting power to some parts and triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 23 kilometres, struck just....

Strong magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:37+0100brisbanetimes (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, cutting power to some parts and triggering a tsunami warning along the entire east coast. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 23 kilometres, struck just....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:37+0100fox35orlando (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:37+0100news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:37+0100krmg (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

New Zealand issues tsunami warning after powerful quake

2016-11-13T14:37+0100ahram-EN (en)

New Zealand issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas Monday, following a powerful 7.4 earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch around midnight. "A tsunami is possible," the national civil defence organisation, which is in charge of New Zealand's emergency management, said in a bulletin.

Top Story Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:36+0100cbs12 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

New Zealand earthquake of magnitude 7.8 magnitude hits near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:35+0100metro-uk (en)

Our chimney thought it would introduce itself to the neighbours Richard Bicknell (@dickbicknell) November 13, 2016 People in New Zealand are being urged to head to high ground or inland as far as possible after a powerful earthquake struck outside Christchurch. A tsunami warning has been issued by the country’s government after a magnitude 7.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes (Update 3)

2016-11-13T14:35+0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:35+0100metro-uk (en)

The earthquake struck while most people were sleeping (Picture: EPA) A powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami in New Zealand, with the first waves hitting the South Island, government officials have said. The department of civil defence warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:34+0100reuters-in (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake rattles New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:34+0100sun-sentinel (en)

. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people near the coast of the South Island to move to higher ground.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:34+0100charlotteobserver (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:33+0100citynews-ca (en)

EWA BEACH, HI - DECEMBER 28: The National Weather Service Pacific Tsunami Warning Center monitors earthquake activity from around the globe to watch for tsunamis, or tidal waves, in the Pacific Ocean is seen on December 28, 2004 in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. (Photo by Marco Garcia/Getty Images) WELLINGTON,....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:33+0100wwlp (en)

2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country’s east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:32+0100wncn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:31+0100barrie (en)

This map from the United States Geological Survey shows the earthquake that struck near Christchurch, New Zealand on Nov. 13, 2016. (USGS) Nick Perry, The Associated Press Published Sunday, November 13, 2016 7:13AM EST Last Updated Sunday, November 13, 2016 7:40AM EST.

Strong earthquake strikes New Zealand, tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:31+0100bdnews24 (en)

New Zealand's Civil Defence has issued a tsunami warning, advising residents on the South Island's east coast to seek higher ground. The quake that hit just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday) was 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:31+0100mailonsunday (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand and triggered a two-metre Tsunami. The severe quake, located 15 km north-east of Culverden at a depth of 15km, struck just after midnight on Sunday and was felt throughout the country.

New Zealand warns of possible tsunami after major earthquake

2016-11-13T14:30+0100bostonglobe (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people near....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:30+0100therepublic (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:30+0100geo-tv (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:30+0100therepublic (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami warning after strong tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T14:30+0100theherald-au (en)

. The strong earthquake, with a magnitude of at least 6.6, struck the south island of New Zealand. Photo: US Geological Survey.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:29+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Powerful New Zealand quake causes tsunami

2016-11-13T14:29+0100wkyt (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground. The magnitude-7.8 quake struck just after midnight Sunday near the city of Christchurch.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:28+0100miamiherald (en)

The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island. The department of civil defense warned people all along the country's east coast to move to higher ground.

Powerful 7.4 magnitude quake rattles New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T14:27+0100BangkokPost (en)

The shallow tremor hit just after 11:00 pm local time (1000 GMT), some 90 kilometres (57 miles) from the South Island city of Christchurch, according to the agency. However, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a warning following the quake and there were no immediate reports of casualties.

12:06 New Zealand hit by earthquake near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:26+0100independent-ie-regional (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:26+0100hjnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:26+0100fox13memphis (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - The Latest on a strong earthquake that has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand (all times local): 2:10 a.m. New Zealand authorities say a powerful earthquake has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island.

Tsunami warning issued after massive earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:26+0100sundayworld (en)

Initially New Zealand Civil Defence just tweeted that it is "assessing [the] situation with assistance of scientific advisors and civil defence groups". In Wellington, 132 miles north of the quake's epicentre, power was knocked out in some places and some windows smashed and some chimneys collapsed.

New Zealand hit by earthquake near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:25+0100independent-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:25+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Wellington: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

New Zealand hit by earthquake near Christchurch A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 120 miles...

2016-11-13T14:25+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early on Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said there was no immediate danger of a broader tsunami from the magnitude-7.

Tsunami hits after 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch in New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:25+0100independent-ie (en)

The quake was centered 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage. The tremor, which was measured by New Zealand's Geonet at magnitude 6.6, was felt throughout most of New Zealand.

Tsunami hits after powerful NZ earthquakes Sky News 1 hour ago

2016-11-13T14:24+0100msn-uk (en)

© Other Damage from the earthquake in Wellington. Pic: Richard Bicknell. A tsunami has hit New Zealand's South Island after a series of powerful earthquakes struck across the centre of the country. New Zealand's Geonet says the majority of the quakes were on land. The largest quake was 7.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:23+0100arabnews (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defense warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Magnitude 7.4 quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T14:22+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

WELLINGTON (2nd UPDATE) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defense warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:22+0100cbs46 (en)

By NICK PERRY Associated Press. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington.

The Latest: Powerful New Zealand quake causes local tsunami

2016-11-13T14:21+0100startribune (en)

StarTribune.com welcomes and encourages readers to comment and engage in substantive, mutually respectful exchanges over news topics. Commenters must follow our Keep it civil and stay on topic. No profanity, vulgarity, racial slurs or personal attacks. Comments with web links are not permitted. Comments that violate the above will be removed.

Powerful 7.8-magnitude quake strikes New Zealand, tsunami warning

2016-11-13T14:20+0100digitaljournal (en)

The shallow tremor hit some 90 kilometres (57 miles) north of the South Island city of Christchurch which was devastated five years ago by a 6.3 tremor which killed 185 people in one of New Zealand's deadliest disasters. Monday's quake, initially put at 7.4 but later upgraded, struck at 12:02am (1102 GMT Sunday).

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami arrives after powerful tremor hits

2016-11-13T14:19+0100bbc (en)

Image copyright USGS. A tsunami has hit after an earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.8 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. The tsunami arrived in the north-eastern coast about two hours later.

New Zealand earthquake triggers tsunami as first waves hit the South Island

2016-11-13T14:19+0100metro-uk (en)

The earthquake in New Zealand has generated a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island, authorities have said. The government said in a warning: A tsunami has been generated. Waves are expected to arrive at the Chatham islands immediately – anyone in the Chathams should move to high ground urgently.

Tsunami warning issued in NZ following strong quake

2016-11-13T14:19+0100dailytimesPK (en)

WELLINGTON: New Zealand has issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas on Monday, following a strong 7.4 earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch. “A tsunami is possible,” the national civil defence organization which is in charge of New Zealand’s emergency management said in a bulletin.

New Zealand earthquake could impact the US

2016-11-13T14:18+0100newschannel5 (en)

Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Officials from the National Tsunami Warning Center said early Sunday morning that it is monitoring the potential for a tsunami to strike the United States' Pacific coast following a powerful earthquake in New Zealand.

Earthquake strikes near New Zealand city of Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:18+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries and there was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

New Zealand Issues Tsunami Warning After Powerful Earthquake

2016-11-13T14:18+0100bloomberg (en)

"This was a very big event and we’ve seen several big aftershocks," John Townend, an associate professor of seismology at Victoria University in Wellington, told Radio New Zealand. "With big earthquakes you trigger aftershocks nearby, and can also trigger other earthquakes within several hundred kilometers or even further afield.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:17+0100kiro7 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:17+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand's Civil Defence warned residents along the country's entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, N.Z.

2016-11-13T14:17+0100nydailynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, generating a tsunami, with the first waves hitting the South Island, officials said. The strong jolts caused some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington.

DNA Evening Must Reads: Updates on demonetisation; India vs England Rajkot test ends in draw; and more

2016-11-13T14:17+0100dnaindia (en)

1. War on black money: Forces up against me, they may not let me live, says PM Modi. After demonetising high value notes to curb black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said he has "more projects" in mind to rid the country of corruption and was ready to face the consequences as forces....

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:15+0100azcentral (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:13+0100brownsvilleherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:13+0100actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

7.4-Magnitude Earthquake Hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:13+0100voanews (en)

A powerful 7.8 earthquake has hit New Zealand, 90 kilometers from the city of Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. The quake caused some damage to buildings more than 200 kilometers away in the capital, Wellington. A tsunami was reported and New Zealand emergency services....

Families warned to flee New Zealand coast 'immediately' over tsunami sparked by 7.8-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T14:13+0100themirror (en)

Kaitlin in Wellington posted a picture of her home, showing her possessions strewn around the room following the earthquake. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency management tweeted: "Situation has changed - tsunami is possible. "People near the coast in the south island should move to high ground or inland.

New Zealand tsunami: Live updates as families warned to flee coast 'immediately' after 7.8-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T14:13+0100themirror (en)

'The whole house was moving a considerable amount' Hugh Sintes said he and his wife Emma were about to retire for the night when their home began to shake. He told Mirror Online: “The earthquake was intense, the whole house was moving a considerable amount - doors, lights were swaying.

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island on Nov. 13.

2016-11-13T14:12+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

INTERNATIONAL > Powerful quake strikes New Zealand. WELLINGTON A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island on Nov. 13. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.8 quake hit just after midnight, some 95 kilometers (59 miles) from Christchurch.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:10+0100wsau (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami warning after strong tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T14:10+0100smh (en)

11:59pm; Josh Dye Quake 'lasted for four minutes' Danelle Stothers is an Australian who also lives in Palmerston North. She estimates the quake lasted for up to four minutes. "It hit whilst we were deeply asleep, so it took us a couple of seconds to register what was going on," she said. "I think the shaking woke us up.

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch with tsunami possible

2016-11-13T14:09+0100abc-au (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, generating a tidal surge of up to one metre along the northeast coast of the South Island. The powerful quake hit just after midnight (local time), with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings more than 200 kilometres away in the capital, Wellington.

Magnitude-7.8 Earthquake Strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:09+0100ABCnews (en)

A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck the South Island of New Zealand shortly after midnight on Monday, according to the US Geological Survey . It was initially pegged as a magnitude-7.4 earthquake before being revised. The quake was centered over land, about 59 miles from Christchurch.

Magnitude 7.8 quake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:09+0100sunstar (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday (Sunday in the Philippines), with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington.

Earthquake jolts New Zealand; tsunami warning issued

2016-11-13T14:08+0100usaToday (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people....

South Pacific struck by powerful earthquake A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday.

2016-11-13T14:07+0100abcactionnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:07+0100WashingtonPost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes

2016-11-13T14:07+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island.

Massive very dangerous earthquake North of Christchurch, New Zealand - Tsunami alert

2016-11-13T14:06+0100earthquake-report (en)

Update 12:51 UTC : If true, this is really alarming as Kaikoura is at sea level and located in the greater epicenter area. As the quake happened inland it is unknown what pattern the tsunami waves will have. As i slept in Kaikoura 7 months ago, i do know the area a bit and truly hope that the first readings are wrong.

Tsunami hits New Zealand after series of strong quakes (Update 2)

2016-11-13T14:05+0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground.

Tsunami Alert in New Zealand After Powerful Quake

2016-11-13T14:04+0100nbcnews (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Sunday just north of Christchurch, New Zealand — the city devastated by a deadly 2011 temblor, authorities said. USGS map showing Sunday's New Zealand quake in relation to the Pacific Ocean. USGS. A tsunami was possible and residents on the South Island's east coast....

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:04+0100dailymail (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand and triggered a two-metre Tsunami. The quake, located 15 km north-east of Culverden at a depth of 15km, struck just after midnight on Sunday. The NZ government's GeoNet website said the earthquake was severe and felt throughout the country.

South Pacific struck by powerful earthquake

2016-11-13T14:03+0100newschannel5 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Powerful 7.4-magnitude earthquake rattles New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:03+0100chicagotribune (en)

A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told people near the coast of the South Island to move to higher ground.

7.4 magnitude earthquake jolts New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:03+0100nypost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand near Christchurch

2016-11-13T14:02+0100TorontoStar (en)

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND—A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometres away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Tsunami warning issued following New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T14:02+0100MaltaToday (en)

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has been reported to have hit an area 91 Km North-East of Christchurch, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The city was extensively damaged in 2011 after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit the city, killing 185 people. Following initial reports that the possibility of a....

Powerful earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:02+0100dailymirror (en)

The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. The ministry of civil defence has warned people on the east coast of the South Island to move to higher ground in case of tsunamis.

News 21 MINS AGO Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:01+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:01+0100dailyjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and told....

Tsunami follows powerful quake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:01+0100CBSnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, leading to tsunami activity, officials said Sunday. The scope of damage an size of the tsunami is not yet clear. The first tsunami wave struck several hours after the temblor.

Tsunami hits after powerful NZ earthquakes

2016-11-13T14:01+0100skynews (en)

A tsunami has hit New Zealand's South Island after a series of powerful earthquakes have struck across the centre of the country. New Zealand's Geonet says that the majority of the quakes were on land, with the largest being 7.4 magnitude, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Tsunami warning after quake off New Zealand coast

2016-11-13T14:00+0100RTERadio (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued for southern coastal areas of New Zealand after an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. New Zealand's national civil defence organisation,....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:00+0100mynews13 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T14:00+0100newsok (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

URGENT - New Zealand issues tsunami warning following powerful quake

2016-11-13T14:00+0100newsok (en)

(CNN) -- New Zealand Civil Defense issued a tsunami warning Sunday following a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake that jolted South Island. The tsunami threat covers the east coast of all New Zealand, officials said on Twitter, and waves could arrive immediately. "The tsunami may arrive in the Eastern Coast of the North Island shortly.

NZ Civil Defence says tsunami possible after strong quake

2016-11-13T14:00+0100thestar-my (en)

Sunday, 13 November 2016 | MYT 8:33 PM NZ Civil Defence says tsunami possible after strong quake. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A strong earthquake that hit New Zealand could cause a tsunami and residents on the South Island's east coast should seek higher ground, New Zealand's Civil Defence said on its twitter feed on Monday.

8.0-magnitude quake hits New Zealand: CENC

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 13:59:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- An 8.0-magnitude earthquake jolted New Zealand at 7:02 p.m. Sunday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. The epicenter, with a depth of 10 km, was at 42.53 degrees south latitude and 173.05 degrees east longitude, the center said in a statement.

Powerful quake strikes in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:59+0100wptv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible....

Severe earthquake shakes New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:59+0100rnzi (en)

A severe earthquake, centred near Hamner Springs, has shaken much of the country. Here's what we know so far: The magnitude 6.6 quake was 16km deep and struck at 12.02am. Several shakes have hit since, including a 5.6km quake near Culverden. There is a tsunami warning for all southern coastal areas....

World › M7.4 quake strikes near Christchurch in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:59+0100japantoday (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand. A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:59+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Earthquake: What you need to know

2016-11-13T13:59+0100rnzi (en)

A severe earthquake, centred near Hamner Springs, has shaken much of the country and has been followed by numerous aftershocks. The magnitude 6.6 quake was 16km deep and struck at 12.02am. Here's what you need to know: Tsunami warning. A tsunami warning has been issued for southern coastal areas of....

New Zealand issues tsunami alert after strong quake

2016-11-13T13:59+0100xinhuanet_en (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand disaster response authority issued a tsunami warning for all southern coastal areas of the country after a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck in the wee hours on Monday. The Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management said in a statement that a tsunami is possible.

8.0-magnitude quake hits New Zealand: CENC

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 13:56:00 +0100sinacom (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- An 8.0-magnitude earthquake jolted New Zealand at 7:02 p.m. Sunday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. The epicenter, with a depth of 10 km, was at 42.53 degrees south latitude and 173.05 degrees east longitude, the center said in a statement.

New Zealand issues tsunami alert after strong quake

2016-11-13T13:56+0100sinacom (en)

WELLINGTON, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand disaster response authority issued a tsunami warning for all southern coastal areas of the country after a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck in the wee hours on Monday. The Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Management said in a statement that a tsunami is possible.

South Pacific struck by powerful earthquake

2016-11-13T13:55+0100wkbw (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch early Monday, with strong jolts causing some damage to buildings over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. New Zealand emergency services warned that a tsunami was possible and....

Tsunami fears after earthquake strikes near Christchurch in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:54+0100independent-ie (en)

"The whole house rolled like a serpent and some things smashed, the power went out," a woman who gave her name as Elizabeth told Radio New Zealand from her home in Takaka, near the top of the South Island. New Zealand Civil Defence just tweeted that it is "assessing [the] situation with assistance of scientific advisors and civil defence groups".

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:54+0100ynetnews (en)

WELLINGTON- A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Severe earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:54+0100dailytelegraph (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued after a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck north of Christchurch. November 13th 2016; 6 minutes ago; /video/video.news.com.

Quake in New Zealand sends jitters through Pak cricket team

2016-11-13T13:53+0100thenews-pk (en)

Latest : Sports NELSON: Tremors shook the city on Sunday, forcing the visiting Pakistan cricket team to come out of their hotel to the safety of the open area. According to details, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake shook the city and forced the Pakistan cricket team to vacate their hotel.

NZ TSUNAMI THREAT: Warning issued after 6.6 earthquake

2016-11-13T13:53+0100qt (en)

WHAT WE KNOW NZ struck by at least six quakes in 40 minutes A tsunami warning has been issued. Those on east coast of South Island told to move to higher ground NZ emergency lines (111) have been knocked out by the quake in some places A MASSIVE earthquake has struck 20km south-east of New Zealand's....

Severe 6.6 earthquake hits Hanmer Springs, felt widely across New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:53+0100Stuff (en)

"We could hardly stand up - it was that bad", she said. Kelvin Lim from Hataitai pharmacy had his alarm go off at home to say something wasn't right at his pharmacy. The CCTV footage revealed a lot of things had fallen off the shelves so he's in work assessing the damage. HANMER SPRINGS AND AROUND.

Powerful 7.4 quake hits New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T13:52+0100timesofindia (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the said. US Geological Survey New Zealand civil defence said tsunami was possible after the earthquake and recommended residents on the east coast to move to higher ground.

Powerful quake strikes near New Zealand city of Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:52+0100japantimes (en)

WELLINGTON – A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 km (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Live: New Zealand issues tsunami warning after strong 7.4 earthquake

2016-11-13T13:52+0100timesofindia (en)

In Wellington, 214 kilometers (132 miles) north of the quake's epicenter, power was knocked out in some places, and some windows smashed and some chimneys collapsed. The quake brought back memories of a 2011 earthquake that struck Christchurch, destroying much of the city and killing 185 people.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami warning after strong tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T13:52+0100brisbanetimes (en)

10:48pm; Josh Dye 'It was huge' Fairfax New Zealand journalist Kirsty Lawrence was asleep in Palmerston North, on the North Island, when the earthquake struck. "I waited in bed for a moment but then it got louder and started growing in intensity," Ms Lawrence said. "I was straight up and under a doorway.

Strong earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T13:51+0100reuters-af (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington.

Strong earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:50+0100timesofmalta (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1202 Malta Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington. New Zealand's Civil Defence issued a tsunami warning, advising....

Strong earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T13:49+0100reuters-in (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington. New Zealand's Civil Defence issued a tsunami warning,....

Powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:48+0100cnn (en)

A tsunami is possible, New Zealand Civil Defense said on Twitter, warning people near the island's east coast to move to higher ground. Sunday's quake struck the Pacific nation at a depth of 23 kilometers (14.2 miles), the USGS said. And at least three aftershocks hit near South Island, USGS said. Christchurch was devastated by a 6.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:47+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the US Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand’s South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Strong earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T13:46+0100reuters (en)

WELLINGTON An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington. New Zealand's Civil Defence issued a tsunami warning,....

Tsunami fears after powerful NZ quake

2016-11-13T13:46+0100skynews (en)

The USGS says that the centre of the quake was on land, 57 miles (91km) from the city which was badly damaged by one that measured 6.3 in 2011. The initial tremor was followed by several aftershocks, further north and also both inland - including a 6.2 magnitude about 20 miles (28km) northwest of Kaikoura and a 5.

New Zealand jolted by powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T13:46+0100cnbc (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:45+0100mailonsunday (en)

New Zealand's South Island hit with magnitude 7.4 earthquake - as residents are warned to move inland due to possible tsunami A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch in New Zealand; The earthquake rattled the country around midnight on Sunday The NZ Government said the earthquake was....

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:44+0100nzherald (en)

. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. AP. This story has been automatically published from the Associated Press wire which uses US spellings. Get the news delivered straight to your inbox.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:44+0100nzherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Pakistan cricket teams evacuated from hotel following powerful NZ earthquake November 13, 2016 Updated @ : 17:17 pst Pakistan's men cricket team was preparing to sleep when powerful tremors forced...

2016-11-13T13:44+0100geo-tv (en)

Pakistan cricket teams evacuated from hotel following powerful NZ earthquake. KARACHI: Players of Pakistan's men and women cricket teams were evacuated from their hotel rooms in Nelson and Christchurch respectively after an earthquake measuring 7.4 jolted various cities of New Zealand on Sunday.

6.6 magnitude earthquake shakes Hanmer Springs

2016-11-13T13:44+0100nzherald (en)

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake has struck 20km south-east of Hanmer Springs, Geonet says. It described the quake, felt through much of the country, as "very large". The quake struck at 12.02am Monday and is officially rated as "severe". Civil Defence has issued a tsumani warning for the eastern coast....

Families warned to flee New Zealand coast 'immediately' over tsunami threat sparked by 7.4-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T13:42+0100themirror (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, triggering a tsunami warning. The quake hit 57 miles north east of the city, which is on the east coast of the country's South Island. It struck in the early hours of Monday morning in Christchurch which was reduced to rubble by an earthquake just five years ago.

New Zealand issues tsunami warning after powerful quake

2016-11-13T13:42+0100BangkokPost (en)

WELLINGTON - New Zealand issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas Monday, following a powerful 7.4 earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch around midnight. A handout shakemap released on Sunday by the US Geological Survey shows the location (C, marked with star) of a 7.

New Zealand tsunami: Live updates as families warned to flee coast 'immediately' after 7.4-magnitude earthquake

2016-11-13T13:42+0100themirror (en)

Earthquake shook home 'like jelly', says terrified resident. Anthropology student Heather McMillan said her home in Christchurch shook “like jelly” when the earthquake struck as she was getting ready for bed, and she feared it was going to collapse. The 20-year-old told Mirror Online: “When it....

Earthquake shakes New Zealand A magnitude 6.6 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand.

2016-11-13T13:42+0100yahoo-au (en)

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand, cutting power to some parts and sending some apartment-dwellers into the streets, while a tsunami warning has been issued. VIDEO Residents trapped in western Sydney properties.

AFP: New Zealand issues tsunami warning after powerful quake earthquake

2016-11-13T13:42+0100focus-news-en (en)

Wellington. New Zealand issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas Monday, following a powerful 7.4 earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch around midnight, AFP reported. "A tsunami is possible," the national civil defence organisation, which is in charge of New Zealand's emergency management, said in a bulletin.

Tsunami threat sparked by powerful 7.4 earthquake that hit Christ Church in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:41+0100irishmirror (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, triggering a tsunami warning. The quake hit 57 miles north east of the city, which is on the east coast of the country's South Island. It struck in the early hours of Monday morning in Christchurch which was reduced to rubble by an earthquake just five years ago.

7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:40+0100CBC (en)

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island just after 6 a.m. ET on Sunday. (U.S. Geological Survey ) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after 6 a.m. ET, the U.S. Geological Survey. The U.S.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:39+0100wishtv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

New Zealand earthquake: Large tremors shake South ...

2016-11-13T13:38+0100watoday (en)

8:32pm Tsunami to arrive 'shortly' The New Zealand Ministry of Defence says the tsunami warning is for the entire east coast of the country. The earthquake's epicentre was near Cheviot, in the north-east of the South Island. Residents are advised to "move immediately to the nearest higher ground".

A powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand’s South Island late Sunday, according to th...

2016-11-13T13:38+0100koreatimes (en)

A powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island late Sunday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake's epicenter was about 50 kilometers northwest of Christchurch city, which was devastated by a 2011 temblor. A tsunami warning was issued shortly after the quake. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:38+0100nst (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand’s South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

New Zealand authorities issue tsunami warning after series of powerful earthquakes

2016-11-13T13:38+0100newstalk (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude has hit northeast of Christchurch, New Zealand, the US Geological Survey reports. The USGS says that the centre of the quake was on land, 91km from the city which was badly damaged by one that measured 6.3 in 2011. It was initially measured 7.4 magnitude, but later revised upwards.

New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami warning after strong tremors shake South Island

2016-11-13T13:37+0100theage (en)

11:32pm Tsunami to arrive 'shortly' The New Zealand Ministry of Defence says the tsunami warning is for the entire east coast of the country. The earthquake's epicentre was near Cheviot, in the north-east of the South Island. Residents are advised to "move immediately to the nearest higher ground".

Strong earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T13:36+0100news-yahoo (en)

By Charlotte Greenfield. WELLINGTON (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington.

NZ Civil Defence says tsunami possible after strong quake

2016-11-13T13:36+0100news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A strong earthquake that hit New Zealand could cause a tsunami and residents on the South Island's east coast should seek higher ground, New Zealand's Civil Defence said on its twitter feed on Monday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 7.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand – USGS (Update 1)

2016-11-13T13:35+0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power in some areas and sending people into the streets of the capital Wellington. New Zealand’s Civil Defence issued a tsunami warning, advising....

'Tsunami possible' after 6.6 magnitude quake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:34+0100todayonline (en)

CHRISTCHURCH - A tsunami warning has been given after an earthquake with a magnitude measuring 6.6 struck the Canterbury region of New Zealand's South Island on Sunday (Nov 13), just over 90km from Christchurch. AFP reported that New Zealand has issued a tsunami warning, with the New Zealand Civil Defense posting on Twitter: "A tsunami is possible.

New Zealand earthquake of magnitude 7.5 magnitude hits near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:33+0100metro-uk (en)

People in New Zealand are being urged to head to high ground or inland as far as possible after a powerful earthquake struck outside Christchurch. A tsunami warning has been issued by the country’s government after a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck – more powerful than the 2011 quake which measured 6.

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:33+0100thejournal (en)

The shallow tremor hit some 90 kilometres from the city of Christchurch on the South Island, , which monitors earthquakes. according the United States Geological Survey It had a relatively shallow depth of 10 km. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center advised that there was no immediate danger of a tsunami arising from the quake.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:33+0100bostonherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes New Zealand’s Christchurch city

2016-11-13T13:33+0100dailytimesPK (en)

NEW ZEALAND: A powerful earthquake of 7.4 magnitude struck near Christchurch city in New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. The quake’s depth was shallow only 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) the USGS said. Christchurch is New Zealand’s South Island biggest city. The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued no tsunami warning.

Pakistan’s cricket team in safe zone after NZ earthquake

2016-11-13T13:33+0100dailytimesPK (en)

CHRISTCHURCH: Pakistan cricket team who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series has been escorted off their hotel in Nelson after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch and nearby areas on Sunday. No casualties have been reported so far as the squad was escorted out of their hotel, according to reports.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor hits South Island

2016-11-13T13:32+0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 13, 2016- A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.

Tsunami warning after powerful quake in New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:31+0100CBSnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a delayed tsunami warning after the earthquake, asking people in coastal areas of New Zealand’s South Island to move inland. situation has changed - tsunami is possible.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:29+0100wwlp (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

New Zealand Issues Tsunami Warning after Powerful Quake

2016-11-13T13:29+0100naharnet-en (en)

New Zealand issued a tsunami warning for southern coastal areas Monday, following a powerful 7.4 earthquake near the South Island city of Christchurch around midnight. "A tsunami is possible," the national civil defense organization, which is in charge of New Zealand's emergency management, said in a bulletin.

News 30 MINS AGO Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:27+0100actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Tsunami warning: New Zealanders told move to higher ground after powerful earthquake hits Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:26+0100themirror (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, triggering a tsunami warning. The quake hit 57 miles north east of the city, which is on the east coast of the country's South Island. It struck in the early hours of Monday morning in Christchurch which was reduced to rubble by an earthquake just five years ago.

New Zealand earthquake: Live updates as tsunami alert triggered by 7.4-magnitude tremor near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:26+0100themirror (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake struck 57 miles north-northeast of the city just after midnight local time on Monday and shook much of the country. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island.

12:06 Earthquake strikes near New Zealand city Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:26+0100independent-ie-regional (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries and there was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

Strong magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:25+0100smh (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, and was felt as far away as Auckland. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16 kilometres, struck just after midnight on Sunday.

Earthquake strikes near New Zealand city Christchurch A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington.

2016-11-13T13:24+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries and there was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes South Island Evening Standard

2016-11-13T13:24+0100msn-uk (en)

© Provided by Evening Standard Limited. A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The 7.4 magnitude quake struck just after midnight on Sunday (11am GMT) around 60 miles from Christchurch, the US Geoglogical Survey confirmed. There are no immediate reports of any damage or injuries from the tremors.

Earthquake strikes near New Zealand city Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:24+0100independent-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt more than 120 miles away in the capital Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries and there was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

A powerful earthquake has hit New Zealand's South Island

2016-11-13T13:23+0100icWales (en)

. According to the US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit 59 miles from Christchurch. (Photo: Getty Images) Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre. Read More New Zealand lies on the notorious Ring of Fire.

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:21+0100globalnews (en)

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch in New Zealand on Nov 13, 2016. A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometres away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries.

New Zealand Earthquake, 7.4-Magnitude, Strikes Near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:21+0100huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, according to the US Geological Survey. The powerful earthquake near Christchurch caused strong tremors to be felt more than 200 kilometres away in the capital of Wellington. that there are no immediate reports of major damage or injuries.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:20+0100680news (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand – A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometres (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Large earthquake shakes New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:19+01009news (en)

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand. The quake, located 20km south east of Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury at a depth of 16km, struck just after midnight on Sunday. The NZ government's GeoNet website reported it as severe and it was felt throughout the country.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:19+0100startribune (en)

There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The magnitude-7.4 quake struck just after midnight Sunday and was centered 93 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of Christchurch, according to the U.S.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:18+0100eastoregonian (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:18+0100WashingtonPost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:17+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometres (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful earthquake hits site of devastating 2011 temblor

2016-11-13T13:16+0100CBSnews (en)

Pedestrians walk past containers being used for temporary shops in central Christchurch, New Zealand, in this June 14, 2014 handout photo. WELLINGTON, New Zealand - U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a tsunami warning.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:15+0100tribune (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. Prelim M7.4 earthquake South Island of New Zealand Nov-13 11:02 UTC, updates USGS Big Quakes (@USGSBigQuakes) November 13, 2016....

Strong 7.4 earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:15+0100azcentral (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T13:15+0100thestar-my (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch, New Zealand on Sunday (Nov 13).PHOTO: USGS. (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Pakistan team escorted out of hotel after New Zealand earthquake

2016-11-13T13:15+0100tribune (en)

Pakistan cricket team, who are currently in New Zealand for a two-match Test series, has been escorted off their hotel in Nelson after an earthquake of 7.4 magnitude struck Christchurch and adjoining areas on Sunday. According to reports, the squad was escorted out of their hotel and no casualties have been reported so far.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:15+0100newsok (en)

. Associated Press Published: November 13, 2016 5:25 AM CDT Updated: November 13, 2016 5:25 AM CDT WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand.

Powerful Quake Strikes Near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:14+0100nytimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful 7.4 earthquake strikes near to Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:13+0100itv (en)

A large 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck under 60 miles north of New Zealand's capital. The quake, northeast of the country's largest city Christchurch, hit just after midnight local time on Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey. A tsumani threat has not been issued. In 2011, a 6.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes South Island

2016-11-13T13:11+0100standard (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The 7.4 magnitude quake struck just after midnight on Sunday (11am GMT) around 60 miles from Christchurch, the US Geoglogical Survey confirmed. There are no immediate reports of any damage or injuries from the tremors.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:09+0100woodtv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand Sky News 41 mins ago

2016-11-13T13:09+0100msn-uk (en)

© Other The earthquake struck north-northeast of Christchurch. An earthquake measuring 7.4 magnitude has hit northeast of Christchurch, New Zealand, the US Geological Survey reports. The USGS says that the centre of the quake was 57 miles (91km) from the city - which was badly damaged by one that measured 6.

Strong magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes near ...

2016-11-13T13:08+0100watoday (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, and was felt as far away as Auckland. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16 kilometres, struck just after midnight on Sunday.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T13:08+0100channelnewsasia (en)

REUTERS - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Powerful Quake Strikes Near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:08+0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. A powerful has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries.

Magnitude-7.4 Earthquake Strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:08+0100ABCnews (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck the South Island of New Zealand shortly after midnight on Monday, according to the US Geological Survey. The quake was centered over land, about 59 miles from Christchurch. Christchurch was struck by a magnitude-6.3 earthquake in 2011 that killed 185 people. ABC News' Matthew Foster contributed to this report.

Magnitude-7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:08+0100abc-au (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, the US Geological Survey says. The powerful quake hit just after midnight (local time) and strong jolts were felt more than 200 kilometres away in the capital, Wellington.

Strong magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:07+0100brisbanetimes (en)

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck the south island of New Zealand. Photo: USGS An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, and was felt as far away as Auckland. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16 kilometres, struck just after midnight on Sunday.

Powerful 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T13:07+0100timesofindia (en)

WELLINGTON: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the said. US Geological Survey Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:07+0100newson6 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Strong magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:06+0100theage (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck 90 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, and was felt as far away as Auckland. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16 kilometres, struck just after midnight on Sunday.

News 1 HRS AGO U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:06+0100wsoctv (en)

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:06+0100wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 120 miles away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:05+0100krmg (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:04+0100news9 (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:04+0100wfsb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:04+0100charlotteobserver (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T13:04+0100reuters-in (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

New Zealand hit by 7.4 magnitude earthquake just outside Christchurch

2016-11-13T13:02+0100metro-uk (en)

An earthquake has struck New Zealand, just outside Christchurch which was reduced to rubble five years ago. The US Geological Survey measured the quake at 7.4 – much more powerful than the 2011 quake which measured 6.3 on the Richter scale. People said that the quake felt incredibly powerful and lasted for a long time.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:02+0100wncn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:02+0100seattletimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T13:02+0100seattletimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. No personal attacks or insults, no hate speech, no profanity. Please keep the conversation civil and help us moderate this thread by reporting any abuse.

Z ostatniej chwili Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T13:01+0100deutschewelle-pl (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

Powerful earthquake strikes off New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:59+0100RTERadio (en)

Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 has struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (11am Irish time), the US Geological Survey has said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T12:59+0100geo-tv (en)

. CHRISTCHURCH: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the US Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealands South Island. An earthquake of magnitude of 6.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:58+0100timescolonist (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometres (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

USGS: Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:58+0100voanews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand – USGS

2016-11-13T12:58+0100arabtimes (en)

Nov 13 (Reuters) – An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand’s South Island. A 6.

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:56+0100BangkokPost (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight, the US Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:56+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Already a subscriber? Click on the button below to set up your account or log in if you already have one. Want to become a subscriber? Purchase a digital-only subscription now for unlimited online access to local news and information. Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Abundant sunshine. High 67F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake shakes New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:55+0100dailysabah (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:55+0100fox13memphis (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

New Zealand earthquake: Powerful tremor hits South Island

2016-11-13T12:55+0100bbc (en)

Image copyright USGS. A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:55+0100miamiherald (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near

2016-11-13T12:55+0100fox13memphis (en)

Christchurch, New Zealand. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Powerful earthquake hits Christchurch in New Zealand with 7.4 magnitude

2016-11-13T12:54+0100themirror (en)

The quake hit 57 miles north east of the city, which is on the east coast of the country's South Island. An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The quake hit 57 miles north east of the city, which is on the east coast of the country's South Island.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:54+0100wivb (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Earthquake of 7.4 magnitude hits New Zealand near Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:53+0100ibtimes-uk (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand. The US Geological Survey said the quake hit the South Island at 11.02am GMT (0.02am, 14 November), 57 miles northeast of the city. It is not yet clear what the scale of the damage is and whether there are any injuries.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - USGS

2016-11-13T12:52+0100ynetnews (en)

. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:52+0100ynetnews (en)

. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Термінове повідомлення Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T12:51+0100deutschewelle-uk (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

Powerful quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:50+0100AP (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand near the city of Christchurch, with strong jolts felt over 200 kilometers (120 miles) away in the capital, Wellington. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries. There was no immediate danger of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Labari da ɗuminsa Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T12:49+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

Large earthquake shakes NZ

2016-11-13T12:49+01009news (en)

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake centred north of Christchurch has jolted New Zealand. The quake, located 20km south east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16km, struck just after midnight on Sunday. The NZ government's GeoNet website reported it as severe and it was felt throughout the country. Send your photos videos and stories to 9NEWS.

Najnovija vijest Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T12:49+0100deutschewelle-bs (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

Powerful earthquake strikes in New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:48+0100sundayworld (en)

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand, according to the US Geological Survey. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

7.4 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:48+0100CBC (en)

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island just after 6 a.m. ET on Sunday. (U.S. Geological Survey ) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 kilometres north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after 6 a.m. ET, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T12:47+0100news-yahoo-in (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Breaking news Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T12:47+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

New Zealand: Earthquake of magnitude 7.4 strikes near Christchurch: USGS

2016-11-13T12:47+0100dnaindia (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. This is a developing story. More details awaited.

Вонредни вести Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey

2016-11-13T12:44+0100deutschewelle-mk (en)

Breaking News Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits near Christchurch, New Zealand: US Geological Survey. The earthquake hit 91 kilometers (57 miles) northeast of the city of Christchurch, the USGS said. The city was struck by a deadly quake in 2011.

6.6 magnitude earthquake shakes Hamner Springs

2016-11-13T12:44+0100nzherald (en)

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake has struck 20km south-east of Hamner Springs, Geonet says. It described the quake, felt through much of the country, as "very large". The quake struck at 12.02am Monday and is officially rated as "severe". Many people from as far afield as Wellington to Dunedin felt the quake.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake jolts New Zealand's South Island near Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:40+0100dailymail (en)

BREAKING: New Zealand's South Island hit with magnitude 7.4 earthquake A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Christchurch in New Zealand; The earthquake rattled the country around midnight on Sunday The NZ Government said the earthquake was felt throughout the country By and Published: 11:34 GMT,....

Strong magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:40+0100smh (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The quake, located 20 kilometres south-east of Hanmer Springs at a depth of 16 kilometres, struck just after midnight on Sunday. The New Zealand government's GeoNet website reported it as severe and it was felt throughout the country.

7.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T12:39+0100financialexpress (en)

. 7.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Powerful quake strikes New Zealand South Island

2016-11-13T12:39+0100bbc (en)

A powerful earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island, US experts say. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.4 quake hit some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch. Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.

Powerful earthquake hits Christchurch in New Zealand measuring 7.4

2016-11-13T12:38+0100themirror (en)

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story. We will bring you more on this story as it develops. An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has struck near to Christchurch, New Zealand. We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story.

U.S. Geological Survey Says a Magnitude-7.4 Earthquake Has Struck Near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:38+0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. U.S. Geological Survey Says a Magnitude-7.4 Earthquake Has Struck Near Christchurch, New Zealand.

Strong magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near ...

2016-11-13T12:37+0100watoday (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The NZ government's GeoNet website reported it as severe and it was felt throughout the country. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

New Zealand earthquake today: Powerful magnitude 7.4 quake hits Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:36+0100independent-UK (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.4 has hit New Zealand near Christchuch, experts have said. In 2011, 185 died when a quake struck the city on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island. More to follow...

Strong magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:36+0100theage (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91kilometres north of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The NZ government's GeoNet website reported it as severe and it was felt throughout the country. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand's South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand – USGS

2016-11-13T12:35+0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Christchurch is the biggest city on New Zealand’s South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand: USGS

2016-11-13T12:35+0100news-yahoo (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:35+0100news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude-7.4 earthquake has struck near Christchurch, New Zealand.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:32+0100timesofoman (en)

An earthquake struck north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. Photo - File Christchurch: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.

Powerful earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:29+0100skynews (en)

Powerful earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand. 11:28, UK, Sunday 13 November 2016. An earthquake measuring 6.6 magnitude has hit north-northeast of Christchurch, New Zealand, the US Geological Survey reports.

New Zealand hit by 7.5 magnitude earthquake just outside Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:29+0100metro-uk (en)

An earthquake has struck New Zealand, just outside Christchurch which was reduced to rubble five years ago. Initially the quake was measured at 7.5 magnitude – much more powerful than the 2011 quake which measured 6.3 on the Richter scale. The quake struck at just after midnight, local time (11.02am GMT).

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch

2016-11-13T12:29+0100business-times (en)

[NEW ZEALAND] An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake strikes New Zealand

2016-11-13T12:24+0100jpost (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 stuck 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of the city of Christchurch, New Zealand at 1102 GMT on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. Think others should know about this? Please share ....

Gino Casassa: "Debemos adaptarnos a un planeta más cálido"

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 06:26:00 +0100elMundo (es)

Entrevista Gino Casassa: "Debemos adaptarnos a un planeta más cálido" Entrevista con el científico y glaciólogo chileno Gino Casassa Santi Cogolludo MUNDO ÀLEX CLARAMUNT; Barcelona 13/11/2016 05:39. Gino Casassa Rogazinski (Chile, 1958) es Ingeniero Hidráulico y experto en glaciología, la rama de la geografía física que estudia los glaciares.

Крупнейшие учения на случай цунами прошли на Хоккайдо

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 06:22:00 +0100rg (ru)

Крупнейшие учения на случай цунами и аварии на атомной электростанции впервые прошли на японском острове Хоккайдо. В них приняли участие 14 тысяч человек, передает со ссылкой на местные СМИ. ТАСС На учениях отрабатывалась ситуация, при которой из-за обрушившегося после мощного землетрясения цунами....

الانتخابات الامريكية وفوز المرشح الجمهوري دونالد ترامب

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 06:17:00 +0100amin (ar)

لن تتغير نتائج الانتخابات الرئاسية الأميركية في سياسات الولايات المتحدة الثابتة منذ عقود طويلة، والمرتكزة في الأساس على نزعة الهيمنة والتسلط، واستثمار الإرهاب في إشعال الحروب والفتن،ودعم الكيان الصهيوني ،وتفريخ الأزمات في معظم دول العالم، وخاصة تلك الدول التي تناهض سياساتها، حيث تابع العالم، قادة....

"Todos quieren saber qué va a pasar en Semana Santa y no llegamos"

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 06:04:00 +0100laopiniondemalaga (es)

El responsable de la Aemet en Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla justifica con cifras el actual periodo de sequía que atraviesa la Costa del Sol, donde en los tres últimos años se han recogido cantidades por debajo del umbral de la normalidad - Respecto al incremento de la temperatura se muestra tajante y....

4.2 earthquake hits central Italy

2016-11-13T05:18+0100rt (en)

The government of Colombia has reached a new agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) six weeks after voters narrowly rejected a previous deal. The new agreement to end the continuing Colombian armed conflict which has been raging since 1964, “includes changes, precisions and....

Reporter George Georgiadis passes away at 62

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 04:54:00 +0100protothema (en)

One of the iconic figures of Greek journalism, George Georgiadis, has passed away at the age of 62. The veteran war correspondent, who successfully covered conflicts throughout the Middle East, including in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen and across north Africa, died Saturday morning after a long battle with cancer.

Earthquake strikes 70km off coast of Japan

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 03:01:00 +0100dailytrust (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. yesterday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said “a destructive pacific-wide tsunami is not expected”.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات يضرب شرق اليابان

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 02:31:00 +0100alwasatnews (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجات أمس السبت (12 نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني 2016) شرق اليابان، حسبما أفاد المعهد الأميركي للجيوفيزياء، ولم يتم الإبلاغ عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات حتى الآن. ووقع الزلزال الذي تحدد مركزه على عمق 44 كيلومتراً، الساعة 06:42 بالتوقيت المحلي قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو، أي على بعد نحو 350 كيلومتراً من طوكيو.

Salvar vidas, mayor premio para contingente médico cubano Henry Reeve

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 02:17:00 +0100radiohc (es)

Para los miembros del contingente de médicos cubanos Henry Reeve el mayor premio está en salvar una vida, la sonrisa de un niño, aliviar el dolor de los seres humanos, labor que realizan en los lugares más apartados y en condiciones extremas. Principios declarados por ese ejército internacionalista....

Enorme "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 21:36:00 +0100zazoom (it)

"occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile. "C'è la grande opportunità di studiare quello che accade quando due galassie si sfiorano" "occhio cosmico" disegnato da tsunami di stelle e gas : Fotografato dal telescopio Alma in Cile.

Belajar tentang Tsunami dari Museum Kapal DESEMBER mendatang, masyarakat Aceh dan Indonesia akan memperingati 12 tahun bencana tsunami yang melanda pada 2004 lalu. 13 November 2016, 02:20 WIB

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 20:31:00 +0100MediaIndonesia (id)

DESEMBER mendatang, masyarakat Aceh dan Indonesia akan memperingati 12 tahun bencana tsunami yang melanda pada 2004 lalu. Berbagai pembelajaran bisa kita ambil dari peristiwa itu. Nah, Medi akan berbagai cerita dari pengalaman saat berjalan-jalan ke Kelurahan Punge Blang Cut, Kecamatan Meuraxa, Banda Aceh, Rabu (26/10).

AmyGuard published Artist's charity painting for Isabella Peatfield fund inspired...

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 19:39:00 +0100thisisderbyshire (en)

When artist Mary Newton-Taylor donated a painting to charity, she didn't know it would encourage a whole art project inspired by the gardens at Last summer, Ms Newton-Taylor donated a piece called "Hydrangeas" to help raise money for the Isabella Peatfield Memorial Fund.

How charity painting turned into big art project at Chatsworth

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:52:00 +0100derbytelegraph (en)

When artist Mary Newton-Taylor donated a painting to charity, she didn't know it would encourage a whole art project inspired by the gardens at Last summer, Ms Newton-Taylor donated a piece called "Hydrangeas" to help raise money for the Isabella Peatfield Memorial Fund.

19:17 В Японии произошло мощное землетрясение

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:18:00 +0100rosbalt (ru)

Япония находится в зоне повышенной сейсмической активности. Почти пять лет назад, 11 марта 2011 года, на северо-востоке Японии произошло землетрясение магнитудой 9,0. Вслед за подземными толчками на берег пришла 14-метровая волна цунами, которая затопила четыре из шести энергоблоков АЭС Фукусима-1 и вывела из строя систему охлаждения реакторов.

Salvar vidas, mayor premio para contingente médico cubano Henry Reeve

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:59:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Principios declarados por ese ejército internacionalista de hombres y mujeres especializado en situaciones de desastres y epidemias graves, el cual acaba de recibir, como ejemplo de altruismo y solidaridad en el mundo, el Premio a la Solidaridad 2016, que otorga la fundación italiana Foedus.

Angstvermarktung: Das Klima muss weg!

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:29:00 +0100spiegel (de)

Vielen Dank für den Artikel! Das Thema Machterhaltung mit Hilfe von Angst muss unbedingt mal angesprochen werden - und ist ja nun wirklich keine neue Erfindung. Eine Fehleinschätzung seit den Wahlen in USA ist, dass Angstmacherei (im Englischen gibt des das schöne Wort "scaremongery") nur von "Rechten" oder "Populisten" betrieben wird.

Japan: 6.2 Earthquake Hits Eastern Coast, Strong Aftershocks Expected

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:21:00 +0100plenglish (en)

Japan: 6.2 Earthquake Hits Eastern Coast, Strong Aftershocks Expected Japan: 6.2 Earthquake Hits Eastern Coast, Strong Aftershocks Expected. Tokyo, Nov 12 (Prensa Latina) An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 hit eastern Japan today, according to the US Geological Survey.

Científicos revelan por qué se hundió la mítica Atlántida

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:03:00 +0100elpais-cr (es)

Londres, 12 Nov (Sputnik).- La leyenda sobre la Atlántida y su destino es una de las más antiguas y a la vez conocidas de la humanidad. Un nuevo estudio pretende explicar cómo la erupción en la isla de Santorini pudo provocar la extinción de la civilización prehelénica. Alrededor del 360 a.C.

85% din bani au rămas fără valoare

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:49:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Indienii sunt panicaţi de schimbarea bancnotelor. Milioane de oameni au luat cu asalt băncile pentru a schimba bani i vechi, după ce guvernul a decis înlocuirea bancnotelor de 500 şi 1.000 de rupii, transmite Digi24.ro. Milioane de indieni au intrat în panică, după ce guvernul a decis să schimbe bancnotele.

Scossa di terremoto in provincia di Macerata, avvertita a Penna Sant’Andrea

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:44:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 12 novembre 2016) Un terremoto magnitudo 3.9 si è verificato nella provincia di Macerata alle 13:34 ad una profondità di 9 km. L’evento è stato localizzato dalla Sala Sismica INGV-Roma a 3 km da Fiastra ed è stato avvertito dalla popolazione di Penna Sant’Andrea (TE).

Cutremur de 6,2 grade pe Richter in estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:39:00 +0100ziuanews (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs astăzi în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunţ făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS). Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de kilometri, în largul....

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:34:00 +0100elmasacre (es)

NUEVA YORK._ El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

В Японии произошло землетрясение, угрозы возникновения цунами нет

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:02:00 +0100meta-ua (ru)

Подземные толчки были зафиксированы в 21.42 по всемирному времени UTC (00.42 мск). Компания Tokyo Electric Power проверяет, повлияло ли землетрясение на работу АЭС "Фукисима". сьогодні, 14:47. Очаг залегал в море на глубине около 45 километров. сьогодні, 09:20.

ГолосUA: В Японии произошло землетрясение, угрозы возникновения цунами нет

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 14:02:00 +0100meta-ua (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 6,2 произошло вблизи восточного побережья острова Хонсю, Япония, недалеко от Сендая и префектуры Фукусима. Об этом сообщает Геологическая служба США. Подземные толчки были зафиксированы в 21.42 по всемирному времени UTC (00.42 мск). Очаг залегал в море на глубине около 45 километров.

Sismo de magnitud 5,8 se registró en Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 13:12:00 +0100el-nacional (es)

Un sismo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a 60 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro en las....

"المسند": ظهور "بدر البدور" بعد غد ليس مرتبطاً بكارثة طبيعية

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 13:06:00 +0100elfagr (ar)

أكد استاذ المناخ المشارك بجامعة القصيم الدكتور عبدالله المسند أنه لا رابط بين ظاهرة "بدر البدور" المرتقب مشاهدتها الاثنين القادم في سماء المملكة، وحدوث كارثة طبيعية أو تغير نفسي أو عضوي للإنسان. وأضاف: "البدر سيكون الأقرب والأكبر والألمع منذ 68 سنة (1948م)، وسيكون بعده عن الأرض (356509كم) وأقرب من....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 12:52:00 +0100lasexta (es)

CON EPICENTRO FRENTE A LAS AGUAS DE MIYAGI CON EPICENTRO FRENTE A LAS AGUAS DE MIYAGI Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude Japón sin alerta de tsunami El seísmo alcanzó el nivel 4 en la escala japonesa de 7, centrada en la intensidad del temblor, en zonas de la provincia de Miyagi cercanas al hipocentro y en la de Iwate.

Allsvit: В Японии произошло мощное землетрясение

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 12:31:00 +0100meta-ua (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 6,2 произошло вблизи восточного побережья японского острова Хонсю. Подземные толчки были зафиксированы недалеко от Сендая и префектуры Фукусима. Очаг землетрясения залегал в море на глубине около 45 километров. Информация о пострадавших и разрушениях не поступала. Угроза возникновения цунами не произошла.

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 12:11:00 +0100moldpres-ro (ro)

Tokio, 12 nov. /MOLDPRES/. Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sîmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunț făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP, preluată de AGERPRES şi MOLDPRES.

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 12:01:00 +0100bursa (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs astăzi în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunţ făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP, citat de Agerpres. Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime....

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:50:00 +0100romaniatv (ro)

Autor: Filip Stan Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sâmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunț făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP. Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:48:00 +0100realitatea (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs, sâmbătă, în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunț făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP. Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:46:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs astăzi în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunţ făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP, citat de Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 grade în estul Japoniei. Nu a fost declanşată alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:46:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 grade s-a produs, sâmbătă, în estul Japoniei fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, a anunţat Institutul American de Geofizică (USGS), transmite Seismul a fost înregistrat la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de kilometri, în largul....

01:25 9/11, Tsunami, IS vorhergesagt Seherin: Obama letzter US-Präsident

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:45:00 +0100rtl (de)

Immer wieder meinen teils skurrile Personen, die Menschheit mit ihren Prophezeiungen behelligen zu müssen. Meistens stellt sich das schnell als Blödsinn heraus. Bei dieser Seherin mussten wir jedoch kurz stutzen. Die Bulgarin Baba Vanga starb 1996 im Alter von 85 Jahren.

ALERTĂ: A fost înregistrat un CUTREMUR care ar fi putut aduce CATASTROFA. Magnitudinea este IMPRESIONANTĂ

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:44:00 +0100evz (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6.2 s-a produs, sâmbătă, în estul Japoniei. Din fericire, nu au fost înregistrate victime sau pagube material. Potrivit Agerpres , acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de kilometri, în largul coastei de nord-est a insulei....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:39:00 +0100stiripesurse (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sâmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunţ făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP. Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 in estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:38:00 +0100ziuanews (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sâmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunț făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP. Sursa foto: (USGS) / Facebook. U.S. Geological Survey Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală....

Cutremur puternic &icirc;n estul Japoniei. Alerta de tsunami nu a fost declanșata

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:36:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

România a pierdut clar meciul cu Polonia, 0-3, și are șanse mici de a se califica la CM 2018. După patru meciuri, România este pe locul pe 4, cu 5 puncte… România – Polonia 0-3 a produs daună totală la FRF, o organizație condusă de personaje care nu au nicio legătură cu fotbalul.

Cutremur puternic în estul Japoniei. Alerta de tsunami nu a fost declanșată

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:35:00 +0100antena3 (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sâmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunţ făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de kilometri, în....

Con epicentro frente a las aguas de Miyagi Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:32:00 +0100ondacero (es)

El seísmo alcanzó el nivel 4 en la escala japonesa de 7 -centrada en la intensidad del temblor- en zonas de la provincia de Miyagi cercanas al hipocentro y en la de Iwate. El terremoto se dejó sentir también en la provincia de Fukushima. EFE | Madrid | Actualizado el 12/11/2016 a las 10:16 horas.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 grade în estul Japoniei. Nu a fost declanşată alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:32:00 +0100romanialibera (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 grade s-a produs, sâmbătă, în estul Japoniei fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, a anunţat Institutul American de Geofizică (USGS), transmite Seismul a fost înregistrat la ora locală 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adâncime de 44 de kilometri, în largul....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 in estul Japoniei. Autoritatile nu au anuntat victime sau pagube materiale

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:25:00 +0100stirileprotv (ro)

Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locala 06:42 (vineri 21:42 GMT), la o adancime de 44 de kilometri, in largul coastei de nord-est a insulei nipone Honshu, la aproximativ 350 km distanta de Tokyo. Nu a fost declansata alerta de tsunami. Japonia, aflata la intersectia a patru placi tectonice, se....

Cutremur de magnitudine 6,2 în estul Japoniei

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:24:00 +0100agerpres (ro)

6 afişări Mediu Un seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs sâmbătă în estul Japoniei, fără a se înregistra victime sau pagube materiale, conform unui anunț făcut de Institutul american de geofizică (USGS), transmite AFP. (USGS) / Facebook. U.S. Geological Survey Acest cutremur s-a produs la ora locală....

Terremoto: mega scossa in Giappone Ansa

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 11:22:00 +0100msn-it (it)

© ANSA Scossa 6.2 su coste orientali Giappone. (ANSA) - NEW YORK, 12 NOV - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall'istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone. La scossa è stata individuata a 12 chilometri da Onagawa, vicino Sendai, alle 6:42 (22:42 ora....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:50:00 +0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

TOKIO. Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este viernes la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

PM Modi thanks Kobe for helping during Gujarat earthquake

2016-11-12T10:42+0100news-yahoo-in (en)

Kobe [Japan], Nov. 12 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that his prime objective is to make India poverty-free and thanked Japan for its help during earthquake in Gujarat in January 2001, which claimed 19,727 lives and left 166,000 others injured.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات يضرب شرق اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:41:00 +0100shorouknews (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجات شرق اليابان، اليوم السبت، وفق ما أفاد المعهد الأمريكي للجيوفيزياء، ولم يتم الإبلاغ عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات حتى الآن. ووقع الزلزال - الذي تحدد مركزه على عمق 44 كيلومترا - الساعة 6:42، قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو، أي على بعد نحو 350 كلم من طوكيو. ولم يتم إصدار تحذير من تسونامي.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:41:00 +0100shorouknews (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر، وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي. وأضافت الهيئة، في بيان أوردته قناة سكاي نيوز الإخبارية، أمس الجمعة، أن الزلزال ضرب البحر عند الساعة 6:43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي.

Scossa 6.2 su coste orientali Giappone

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:40:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 12 NOV - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall'istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone. La scossa è stata individuata a 12 chilometri da Onagawa, vicino Sendai, alle 6:42 (22:42 ora italiana), con epicentro a 44,8 chilometri di profondità.

Scossa 6.2 su coste orientali Giappone

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:38:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

NEW YORK, 12 NOV - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall'istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone. La scossa è stata individuata a 12 chilometri da Onagawa, vicino Sendai, alle 6:42 (22:42 ora italiana), con epicentro a 44,8 chilometri di profondità.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:14:00 +0100ahram-EN (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres (27 miles), struck shortly after 6:42 am (2142 GMT) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:11:00 +0100birgun (tr)

12.11.2016 12:05 DÜNYA Japonya’da 6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi.

Floods, Landslides In Western Indonesia Damage Over 3,000 Houses, Bridges

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:11:00 +0100bernama (en)

JAKARTA, Nov 12 (Bernama) -- More than 3,000 houses and 20 bridges have been damaged as floods and landslides hit West Java province in western pars of Indonesia, a senior official of local disaster agency said on Saturday, China 's Xinhua news agency reports.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات يضرب شرق اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 10:03:00 +0100elfagr (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجات اليوم السبت شرق اليابان، وفق ما أفاد المعهد الأمريكي للجيوفيزياء، ولم يتم الإبلاغ عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات حتى الآن. ووقع الزلزال الذي تحدد مركزه على عمق 44 كيلومتراً، قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو، أي على بعد نحو 350 كلم من طوكيو. ولم يتم إصدار تحذير من تسونامي.

Japonya'da 6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:56:00 +0100samanyoluhaber (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar yada can kaybı olmadığı bildirilirken, 2011 yılındaki depremde de ağır hasar....

Japonya'nın deprem nükleer santralde inceleme

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:51:00 +0100internethaber (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar ya da can kaybı olmadığı bildirilirken, 2011 yılındaki depremde de ağır hasar....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:50:00 +0100antena3noticias (es)

CON EPICENTRO FRENTE A LAS AGUAS DE MIYAGI CON EPICENTRO FRENTE A LAS AGUAS DE MIYAGI Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude Japón sin alerta de tsunami El seísmo alcanzó el nivel 4 en la escala japonesa de 7 -centrada en la intensidad del temblor- en zonas de la provincia de Miyagi cercanas al hipocentro y en la de Iwate.

زلزال بقوة 2ر6 درجات يضرب شرق اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:33:00 +0100Sana-ar (ar)

طوكيو-سانا. ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 2ر6 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم شرق اليابان. ونقلت أ ف ب عن المعهد الأميركي للجيوفيزياء قوله إن مركز الزلزال تحدد على عمق 44 كيلومترا قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو أي على بعد نحو 350 كيلومترا من مدينة طوكيو. ولم ترد انباء فورية عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات جراء....

Japan pogodio potres; nema opasnosti od tsunamia

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:30:00 +0100hrt (hr)

Potres jakosti 6,2 pogodio je jutros po lokalnom vremenu obalu Japana, 65 kilometara istočno-sjeveroistočno od grada Sendai, izvijestio je Američki geološki zavod (USGS). Zasad nema podataka o žrtvama ni materijalnoj šteti. Japanska meteorološka agencija nije izdala upozorenje za tsunami.

Terremoto, scossa di magnitudo 6,2 in Giappone: nessuna allerta tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:24:00 +0100zazoom (it)

sulla costa del Giappone [DATI] : Un terremoto Terremoto magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall’istituto di geofisica statunitense USGS sulle coste orientali del Giappone . Il sisma è stato rilevato a 23 chilometri est-nordest da Ishinomaki alle 21:42 UTC, con epicentro a 44,8 chilometri di profondità.

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:17:00 +0100eldia (es)

Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

09h57 L'est du Japon frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,2 (AFP)

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 09:01:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit samedi dans l'est du Japon, où aucun dommage ni victime n'était signalé pour le moment, selon l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Ce tremblement de terre, d'une profondeur de 44 km, est survenu à 06H42 (21H42 GMT) au large de la côte nord-est de l'île....

Terremoto, scossa di magnitudo 6,2 in Giappone: nessuna allerta tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:37:00 +0100citynews (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 sulla scala Richter ha colpito l'est del Giappone , dove al momento non si segnalano danni né a cose né a persone. Lo ha indicato lo Usgs, l'Istituto di geofisica americano. Il sisma, della profondità di 44 chilometri, è stato registrato alle 6.

Terremoti, scossa di magnitudo 6,2 nell'est del Giappone

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:36:00 +0100news-yahoo-it (it)

Tokyo, 12 nov. (askanews) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 sulla scala Richter ha colpito l'est del Giappone, dove al momento non si segnalano danni né a cose né a persone. Lo ha indicato lo Usgs, l'Istituto di geofisica americano. Il sisma, della profondità di 44 chilometri, è stato registrato alle 6.

Japonya'da 6.2 Şiddetinde Deprem: Fukuşima'da İnceleme Yapılıyor

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:34:00 +0100sondakika (tr)

Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. TSUNAMİ UYARISI YAPILMADI. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya 'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun 70, Tokyo 'nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. FUKUŞİMA'DA İNCELEME YAPILIYOR.

Forte terremoto in Giappone di magnitudo 6.3. Interessato il nord-est del Paese

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:32:00 +0100ilmattino (it)

Forte scossa di terremoto alle 22.43 dell'11 novembre, le 6.43 locali, in Giappone . Il sisma, di magnitudo 6.3, nella zona nord-est del paese, ha avuto una profondità di 6.4 chilometri. Non è stata emessa un'allerta tsunami. Per ora non risultano danni a persone o cose.

Japonya&#039;da 6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:21:00 +0100haber-sol (tr)

Japonya’da 6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar yada can kaybı olmadığı....

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:16:00 +0100al-nahar (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريشتر قبالة ساحل اليابان صباح اليوم السبت على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي حسب ما ذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية. وأضافت الهيئة في بيان أوردته قناة سكاي نيوز الأخبارية أمس الجمعة أن الزلزال وقع في البحر عند الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي.

L'est du Japon frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:12:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit samedi dans l'est du Japon , où aucun dommage ni victime n'était signalé pour le moment. Aucune alerte au tsunami déclenchée. Ce tremblement de terre, d'une profondeur de 44 km, est survenu à 06H42 (21H42 GMT) au large de la côte nord-est de l'île principale de Honshu, soit à environ 350 km de Tokyo.

6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem oldu

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:12:00 +0100internethaber (tr)

JAPONYA'da 6.2 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. CAN KAYBI YOK. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar ya da can....

زلزال بقوة 6,2 درجة يضرب شرق اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:07:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6,2 درجة اليوم السبت شرق اليابان، وفق ما افاد المعهد الاميركي للجيوفيزياء، ولم يتم الإبلاغ عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات حتى الآن. ووقع الزلزال الذي تحدد مركزه على عمق 44 كيلومترا، الساعة 06,42 بالتوقيت المحلي (21,42 ت غ) قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو، أي على بعد نحو 350 كلم من طوكيو.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:05:00 +0100sabanews (ar)

طوكيو - سبأ: ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر ساحل اليابان صباح اليوم دون الحديث عن وقوع ضحايا. وذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن مركز الزلزال الذي وقع عند الساعة 6.43 صباحا بالتوقيت المحلي، وقع على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي /محافظة مياغي/ الواقعة في شمالي جزيرة هونشو، وعلى مقربة من سواحل المحيط الهادي.

زلزال قوي يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:45:00 +0100al-sharq (ar)

طوكيو – قنا. ضرب زلزال قوته 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر ساحل اليابان صباح اليوم دون الحديث عن وقوع ضحايا، حسبما ذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية. ووقع الزلزال عند الساعة 6.43 صباحا بالتوقيت المحلي، وكان مركزه على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي، محافظة مياجي، الواقعة في شمالي جزيرة هونشو، وعلى مقربة من سواحل المحيط الهادي.

Sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:43:00 +0100elvocero (es)

NUEVA YORK — El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

زلزال بقوة 6,2 درجات يضرب شرق اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:27:00 +0100aleqt (ar)

ضرب زلزال قوته 6,2 درجات السبت شرق اليابان، وفق ما افاد المعهد الاميركي للجيوفيزياء، ولم يتم الإبلاغ عن وقوع أضرار أو إصابات حتى الآن. ووقع الزلزال الذي تحدد مركزه على عمق 44 كيلومترا، الساعة 06,42 بالتوقيت المحلي (21,42 ت غ) قبالة الساحل الشمالي الشرقي لجزيرة هونشو، أي على بعد نحو 350 كلم من طوكيو. ولم يتم اصدار تحذير من تسونامي.

6,2 büyüklüğünde deprem!

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:07:00 +0100gercekgundem (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar ya da can kaybı olmadığı bildirilirken, 2011 yılındaki depremde de ağır hasar....

Onagawa. Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.2

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:07:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 12 novembre 2016) Trema il Giappone. Sisma di magnitudo 6.2 registrato dall’#8217istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali. La Scossa è stata individuata a 12 km da Onagawa , vicino a Sendai. E’#8217 avvenuta alle 6.42 ora locale, con epicentro a 44,8 km di profondità. Nessuna allerta tsunami…#8230.

Un sismo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 07:03:00 +0100globovision (es)

Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a 60 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro en....

Strong quake hits Japan's east coast

2016-11-12T06:51+0100direktbroker (en)

12.11.2016 - 06:19 Uhr Strong quake hits Japan's east coast. A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported.

<![CDATA[Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem>

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:49:00 +0100vatanim (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya 'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun 70, Tokyo 'nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar yada can kaybı olmadığı bildirilirken, 2011 yılındaki depremde de ağır....

Japonya'da deprem! Tsunami uyarısı yapıldı

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:47:00 +0100haberaktuel (tr)

Japonya 6.2 şiddetinde sallandı. Honsu'nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen için tsunami uyarısı yapıldı. deprem Depremin şiddeti ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü tarafından 6.2 olarak açıklanırken meydana gelen depremde can ve mal kaybı omadığı bildirildi.

Japonya 6.2 ile sallandı

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:46:00 +0100turkiyegazetesi (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. İlk gelen bilgilerde herhangi bir hasar yada can kaybı olmadığı bildirilirken, 2011 yılındaki depremde de ağır hasar....

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:44:00 +0100thestandard-ph (en)

The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres (27 miles), struck shortly after 6:42 am (2142 GMT) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo. No tsunami warning was issued. Japan sits at the junction of four tectonic plates and experiences a number of relatively....

DHA DIŞ HABER - Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:36:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun 70, Tokyo'nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. ABD J eoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun....

DHA DIŞ HABER – Japonya’da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:34:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

. Ersin ARSLAN/STOCKHOLM,() Japonya’da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem... 12 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi 08:00. Ersin ARSLAN/STOCKHOLM,() Japonya’da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi.

DHA DIŞ HABER - Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:34:00 +0100aydinses (tr)

. Ersin ARSLAN / STOCKHOLM, 12 Kasım () - Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun 70, Tokyo'nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami... 12 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi 08:04. Ersin ARSLAN / STOCKHOLM, 12 Kasım () - Japonya'da 6.

Heritage in Danger

2016-11-12T06:15+0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 12, 2016- In Patan Durbar, a perimeter fence has gone up around Mani Mandap for its reconstruction. Soon the navakunda traditional foundation of this important representative of the sixteen pillared mandap buildings will be expunged and replaced by a steel-grillage footing.

DHA DIŞ HABER â€' Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 06:08:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Enstitüsü’ne göre Japonya’nın en büyük adası Honsu’nun 70, Tokyo’nun 350 kilometre uzağında denizde meydana gelen deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısının yapılmadığı öğrenildi. Japonya'da 6.2 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi. ABD J eoloji Enstitüsü'ne göre Japonya'nın en büyük adası Honsu'nun....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:56:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

TOKIO.- Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este viernes la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Sismo de 6.2 sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:52:00 +0100televisa (es)

Acapulco; Aguascalientes; Campeche; Cancún; Celaya; Chihuahua; D.F. Ciudad Juárez; Ciudad Obregón; Ciudad Victoria; Colima; Cuernavaca; Culiacán; Durango; Guadalajara; Hermosillo; Huatulco; Irapuato; Ixtapa; Jalapa; La Paz; León; Los Mochis; Matamoros; Mazatlán; Mérida; Mexicali; Monclova;....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:43:00 +0100marketwatch (en)

Markets reporter Sue Chang An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck about 250 miles north of Tokyo early Saturday local time on Japan's east coast, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was centered in Ishinomaki, in the same vicinity as the devastating Tohoku earthquake that claimed thousands of lives in 2011.

6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Eastern Japan: US Geological Survey

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:38:00 +0100news18 (en)

Tokyo: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6:42 am local time near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:32:00 +0100mizzima (en)

A handout shakemap released on 12 November 2016 by the US Geological Survey (USGS) shows the location (C, marked with star) of a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck at a depth of 44.8 km, 24 km east-northeast of Ishinomaki, Japan, 11 November 2016. There are no immediate reports of damage, casualties or tsunami warning.

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية: زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة يقع قبالة ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:30:00 +0100ara-reuters (ar)

(رويترز) - قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا قوته 6.2 درجة وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي في الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي (2143 بتوقيت جرينتش يوم الجمعة.) وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية إنه لم يتم إصدار تحذير من حدوث موجات مد عملاقة.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:27:00 +0100statesman (en)

Log in to Manage your Profile and Account Create your account; Receive up-to-date newsletters; Set up text alerts; Sign up and manage subscriptions Log in to Manage your Profile and Account Create your account; Receive up-to-date newsletters; Set up text alerts; Sign up and manage subscriptions ....

Kraftig jordskjelv ryster Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:19:00 +0100dagbladet (no)

(Dagbladet): Et jordskjelv har rammet langs den japanske østkysten, 70 kilometer nord-øst for byen Sendai, melder nyhetsbyrået Reuters. Jordskjelvet skal ha hatt styrke 6,2 på Richters skala. Jordskjelvet inntraff klokka 21:42:29. Det japanske meteorologiske instituttet sier at det ikke er ventet en tsunami etter skjelvet.

6.2 earthquake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:18:00 +0100expressindia (en)

The quake (blue) had a depth of 44 kilometres. (Source: USGS) A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan today, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6:42 am local time near the northeast....

Terremotos sacodem áreas de usinas nucleares no Japão e leste de Taiwan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:44:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 5,8 graus sacudiu neste sábado (12) a província de Miyagi, no nordeste do Japão , sem que fosse ativado o alerta de tsunami, informou a Agência de Meteorologia do Japão (JMA, na sigla em inglês). O tremor aconteceu às 6h43 (hora local), a 60 km de profundidade e com....

NRA teams to monitor housing aid utilisation

2016-11-12T04:35+0100ekantipur (en)

Nov 12, 2016- The government has decided to mobilise teams to monitor if the earthquake-affected families are using the housing reconstruction aid to its purpose. The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) has prepared a working procedure to monitor the reconstruction process in all 14 districts that were affected by the 2015 earthquake.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:30:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

TOKYO: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6:42 am local time near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:24:00 +0100wsvn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:16:00 +0100newindianexpress (en)

TOKYO: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan today, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6:42 am local time near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,1 произошло у острова Тайвань

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:14:00 +0100rg (ru)

Подземные толчки зафиксированы в 50 километрах восточнее уезда Илань. Очаг залегал на глубине 21,6 километра. Информация о жертвах и пострадавших не поступала. Угроза цунами не возникла. Интернет-портал «Российской газеты» зарегистрирован в Роскомнадзоре 21.06.2012 г. Номер свидетельства ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 50379.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات قبالة ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:12:00 +0100albayan (ar)

ذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.2 درجات وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرق مدينة سينداي في الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي (21.43 بتوقيت غرينتش اليوم الجمعة). وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية، إنه لم يتم إصدار تحذير من حدوث موجات مد عملاقة (تسونامي).

Un sismo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:03:00 +0100eldiario-EC (es)

Un sismo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6h43 a 60 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

La Chine remet du matériel au MJSAC

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 04:02:00 +0100lenouvelliste (fr)

Ballons de football, de basket-ball, de volley-ball, chaussures de sport, trophées, filets pour le football, filets pour le volley-ball, filet pour le basket-ball, le representant permanent du Bureau de développement commercial de Chine en Haiti. Mr. Ling Jun, a fait don, jeudi, d’un stock de....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:57:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 12 nov (EFE).- Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Sismo de 5,8 grados sacudió Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:49:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este sábado la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.

Terremoto de 6,2 graus abala leste do Japão

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:45:00 +0100folhape (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado(12) o leste do Japão, segundo o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS). O epicentro do tremor, a uma profundidade de 44 km, foi situado a cerca de 350 km de Tóquio, na costa noroeste de Honshu, principal ilha do arquipélago japonês.

زلزال قوته 6.2 درجة قبالة ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:36:00 +0100annaharkw (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا قوته 6.2 درجة وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي. وأضافت الهيئة أن الزلزال ضرب البحر عند الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي (2143 بتوقيت جرينتش يوم الجمعة). ولم تصدر هيئة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية تحذير من حدوث موجات مد عملاقة "تسونامي".

Japón: sismo fuerte de 5,8 grados remece el nordeste del país

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:36:00 +0100peru (es)

No se activó la alerta de tsunami. (Foto: EFE Un sismo de magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este viernes la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de JMA. El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Sismo de 6,2 sacude costa este de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:35:00 +0100diaadia (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

No contingencies registered at Japanese nuclear facilities after earthquake — company

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:33:00 +0100itartass_en (en)

TOKYO, November 12. /TASS/. The earthquake of 5.8 magnitude that struck north-eastern Japan earlier on Saturday did not create any contingencies at the country’s nuclear facilities. Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) said that the earthquake did not affect the condition of the Fukushima-1 NPP which is located in the earthquake area.

Seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:25:00 +0100elmundo-sv (es)

Publicado 7:30 pm por archivado en Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Sismo de magnitud 5,1 en Taiwán

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:24:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Este sábado, un sismo de 5,1 sacudió la costa noroeste de la isla de Taiwán ( China ), informa la de Taiwán. Oficina Central del Clima El sismo se ha registrado a las 06:25 de la hora local, a 50 kilómetros del condado de Yilan y a una profundidad de 21,6 kilómetros. Por el momento, no se han reportado daños materiales ni víctimas.

6.2 magnitude earthquake east-northeast of Ishinomaki, Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:19:00 +0100cna (el)

Ολοκληρώθηκε η πρωινή συνάντηση των ηγετών στο Μοντ Πελεράν, συνέχιση της διαπραγμάτευσης το απόγευμα Δεν θα δοθεί παράταση στις συνομιλίες στο Μοντ Πελεράν δήλωσε στο ΚΥΠΕ αρμόδια πηγή Η Κύπρος δεν είναι μόνη, δήλωσε ο Πρόεδρος της Γαλλίας Ο ΥΠΕΞ στις εργασίες του Συμβουλίου Εξωτερικών Σχέσεων της....

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:16:00 +0100elpais-cr (es)

Tokio, 12 nov (EFE).- Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Un seísmo de 5,8 grados sacude el nordeste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:14:00 +0100caracol (es)

Un seísmo de una magnitud de 5,8 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la provincia de Miyagi, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA). El temblor se produjo a las 6.43 hora local (21.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:08:00 +0100elvocero (es)

NUEVA YORK — El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Abalo de magnitude 6,2 sentido no Japão sem registo de vítimas

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:04:00 +0100dn (pt)

Não foi emitido alerta de tsunami. Um sismo de magnitude 6,2 foi sentido hoje no leste do Japão, sem ter sido assinalado qualquer estrago material ou vítimas pessoais até ao momento, segundo a agência de geologia dos EUA (USGS, na sigla em inglês). O tremor de terra ocorreu às 06:42 (21:42 de....

Giappone: sisma 6.2 su costa orientale

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 03:02:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 12 novembre 2016) (Ultime Notizie - Ultim'ora) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall'Istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone . La scossa è stata individuata a 12 chilometri da Onagawa, vicino Sendai, alle 6:42 (22:42 ora italiana), con epicentro a 44,8 chilometri di profondità.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:57:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

TOKYO, Japan - A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometers (27 miles), struck shortly after 6:42 am (2142 GMT) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometers from Tokyo.

Fuerte sismo de 6,2 sacude costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:56:00 +0100listin (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Japan earthquake: Tremors of 6.2 magnitude hits eastern Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:31:00 +0100india (en)

Tokyo, Nov 12: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan today, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6:42 am local time near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Giappone: sisma 6.2 su costa orientale

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:26:00 +0100rai-televideo (it)

12/11/2016 02:11 Giappone: sisma 6.2 su costa orientale 2.11 Giappone: sisma 6.2 su costa orientale Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 è stato registrato dall'Istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone. La scossa è stata individuata a 12 chi- lometri da Onagawa, vicino Sendai,....

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:25:00 +0100informador (es)

NUEVA YORK, ESTADOS UNIDOS (11/NOV/2016).- El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6.2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7.5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

زلزال يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:23:00 +0100tahrirnews (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا قوته 6.2 درجة وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي. وأضافت الهيئة أن الزلزال ضرب البحر اليوم السبت، ولم تصدر هيئة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية تحذيرا من حدوث موجات مد عملاقة "تسونامي".

Le Japon frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:16:00 +010024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit samedi dans l'est du Japon, où aucun dommage ni victime n'était signalé pour le moment, selon l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Ce tremblement de terre, d'une profondeur de 44 km, est survenu à 06H42 (21H42 GMT) au large de la côte nord-est de l'île....

Le Japon frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:16:00 +0100tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit samedi dans l'est du Japon, où aucun dommage ni victime n'était signalé pour le moment, selon l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Ce tremblement de terre, d'une profondeur de 44 km, est survenu à 06H42 (21H42 GMT) au large de la côte nord-est de l'île....

Canciller Delcy Rodríguez se reunió con jefe del Gabinete de la ONU

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:15:00 +0100ultimasnoticias (es)

Delcy Rodríguez, canciller de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, sostuvo este viernes un encuentro con Edmond Mulet, jefe del Gabinete de la Secretaría de Naciones Unidas con el propósito de abordar temas de relevancia para Venezuela. La canciller Rodríguez ratificó a Edmond Mulet los derechos....

22:52 - 11/11/2016 Terremoto de 6,2 graus abala leste do Jap�o

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:14:00 +0100correiobraziliense (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste s�bado o leste do Jap�o, segundo o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS). O epicentro do tremor, a uma profundidade de 44 km, foi situado a cerca de 350 km de T�quio, na costa noroeste de Honshu, principal ilha do arquip�lago japon�s.

Terremoto de 6,2 graus abala leste do Japão

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:11:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado o leste do Japão, segundo o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS). O epicentro do tremor, a uma profundidade de 44 km, foi situado a cerca de 350 km de Tóquio, na costa noroeste de Honshu, principal ilha do arquipélago japonês.

Le Japon frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:06:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit samedi dans l'est du Japon, où aucun dommage ni victime n'était signalé pour le moment, selon l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Ce tremblement de terre, d'une profondeur de 44 km, est survenu à 06H42 (21H42 GMT) au large de la côte nord-est de l'île....

Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:01:00 +0100radiomundial (es)

Un sismo de magnitud de 6,2 ha sacudido este viernes la costa oriental de la isla japonesa de Honshu, según informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El terremoto se ha registrado a unos 49 kilómetros de profundidad y a 65 kilómetros al nordeste de la ciudad deSendai, la capital de la prefectura de Miyagi.

Terremoto de 6,2 graus abala leste do Japão

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:00:00 +0100em (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste s�bado o leste do Jap�o, segundo o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS). O epicentro do tremor, a uma profundidade de 44 km, foi situado a cerca de 350 km de T�quio, na costa noroeste de Honshu, principal ilha do arquip�lago japon�s.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:00:00 +0100newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:00:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:59:00 +0100diariolibre (es)

NUEVA YORK. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Strong Quake Strikes off Japan's East Coast; No Casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:50:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. Strong Quake Strikes off Japan's East Coast; No Casualties. A magnitude-6.2 struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:47:00 +0100diariolibre-en (es)

NUEVA YORK. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:43:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Strong quake strikes off Japan’s east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:43:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:40:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued. The temblor's epicenter was at a depth of 45 kilometers (28 miles), the USGS reported.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:40:00 +0100thenews-pk (en)

Latest : World TOKYO: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres (27 miles), struck shortly after 6:42 am (2142 GMT) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:38:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued. The temblor's epicenter was at a depth of 45 kilometers (28 miles), the USGS reported.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:35:00 +0100theglobeandmail (en)

A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued. The temblor's epicenter was at a depth of 45 kilometres (28 miles), the USGS reported.

فــوز تـرامـب يهز مؤتمرا عن المناخ !

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:34:00 +0100al-watan (ar)

وصلت موجة عاتية من الزلزال الذي أحدثه فوز دونالد ترامب بالرئاسة الأميركية في كافة أرجاء العالم إلى مدينة مراكش المغربية حيث ينعقد منذ الاثنين الماضي مؤتمر المناخ الذي يستمر حتى الجمعة المقبلة، أي 18 من الشهر الحالي، وينتهي بقمة يتوقع أن يشارك فيها 43 رئيس دولة و32 رئيس حكومة و3300 من نشطاء المجتمع المدني، إضافة إلى المشاركين في الأوراش.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:34:00 +0100AP (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:34:00 +0100wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:32:00 +0100krmg (en)

A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued. The temblor's epicenter was at a depth of 45 kilometers (28 miles), the USGS reported.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:31:00 +0100startribune (en)

Purchase: Order Reprint TOKYO — A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Sismo magnitud 6,2 sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:28:00 +0100elcaribe (es)

NUEVA YORK (AP) El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Terremoto de 6,2 sacode costa do Japão

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:26:00 +0100ne10 (pt)

As regiões de Sendai e Honshu, no Japão, foram sacudidas por um terremoto de 6,2 na escala Richter, de acordo com o Serviço Geológico dos EUA. O epicentro ocorreu na manhã deste sábado (12) - horário local. A entidade afirmou que não riscos de ocorrer um tsunami porque o epicentro foi a 45 km de profundidade.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:24:00 +0100masrawy (ar)

طوكيو -(أ ش أ): قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر، وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي. وأضافت الهيئة - في بيان أوردته قناة سكاي نيوز الاخبارية اليوم الجمعة - أن الزلزال ضرب البحر عند الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:23:00 +0100nzherald (en)

NEW YORK (AP) " The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS.

Strong quake strikes off Japan's east coast; no casualties

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:22:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

TOKYO (AP) - A magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan early Saturday, but no damage or casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. No tsunami warning was issued.

Exercice "Réplik" grandeur nature à Grand-Rivière

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:22:00 +0100la1ere (fr)

Lanm ka kouri, un tsunami s'approche dangereusement des côtes Martiniquaises. Cette alerte a été donnée, la nuit dernière (10 novembre), à Grand Rivière. Il s'agissait d'un exercice organisé dans le cadre des journées Réplik, pour la prévention des risques sismiques. C’est une première en Martinique.

Strong Earthquake Strikes off Japan's East Coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:20:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries.

Terremoto in Giappone: scossa di magnitudo 6.2 sulle coste orientali

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:17:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

. Pubblicato il 12 novembre 2016 01:08 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 12 novembre 2016 01:15. NEW YORK – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 della scala Richter è stata registrata dall’istituto di geofisica statunitense sulle coste orientali del Giappone la sera di venerdì 11 novembre, ora italiana.

عام / زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات قبالة ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:17:00 +0100spa (ar)

ريستون 11 صفر 1438 هـ الموافق 11 نوفمبر 2016 م واس ذكرت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.2 درجات وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرق مدينة سينداي في الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي (21.43 بتوقيت غرينتش اليوم الجمعة).

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر يضرب ساحل اليابان

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:16:00 +0100dostor (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بلغت قوته6.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر، وقع قبالة ساحل اليابان على بعد 65 كيلومترا شمال شرقي مدينة سينداي. وأضافت الهيئة - في بيان أوردته قناة سكاي نيوز الاخبارية اليوم الجمعة - أن الزلزال ضرب البحر عند الساعة 6.43 صباح السبت بالتوقيت المحلي.

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Japan

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:14:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres, struck shortly after 6.42am (5.42am Singapore time) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:13:00 +0100elinformador (es)

7:49pm | 11-11-16 | Wendy Lucena. REDACCIÓNELINFORMADOR.COM.VE- El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:08:00 +0100eagletribune (en)

North Andover, MA (01845) Today. Mainly clear. Tonight. Clear skies. Low 31F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Updated: November 11, 2016 @ 5:54 pm; NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:00:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan’s east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:59:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS.

Potres magnitude 6,2 stupnjeva kod japanske obale blizu prefekture Fukushima

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:53:00 +0100monitor (hr)

Opet podrhtavanje Potres magnitude 6,2 stupnjeva kod japanske obale blizu prefekture Fukushima. Potres magnitude 6,2 stupnjeva dogodio se blizu obale japanskog otoka Honshua, prenosi RT . Epicentar potresa je blizu prefekture Fukushima, u kojoj se nalazi zatvorena nuklearna elektrana. Operator elektrane provjerava je li potres imao učinak na nju.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes off Japan’s east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:52:00 +0100TorontoStar (en)

NEW YORK—The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometres from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (4:42 p.m. EST) on Saturday, according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries.

Fuerte sismo sacude la costa oriental de Japón

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:51:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un fuerte sismo que sacudió la costa oriental de Japón. El movimiento de magnitud 6,2 tuvo su epicentro a 12 kilómetros (7,5 millas) de Onagawa, cerca de Sendai, a las 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT), de acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Giappone, sisma magnitudo 5.8. No danni

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:45:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 11 novembre 2016) (Ultime Notizie - Ultim'ora) Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.8 ha colpito la costa Nord Est del Giappone , ma non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami. Lo riferisce l'Agenzia meteorologica del Giappone . Il sisma è stato localizzato nelle acque dell'Oceano Pacifico di fronte alla prefettura di Miyagi.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:44:00 +0100theglobeandmail (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:42:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS.

6.2 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:39:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO (AFP) - A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Japan Saturday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, at a depth of 44 kilometres (27 miles), struck shortly after 6:42 am (2142 GMT) near the northeast coast of the main Honshu island, some 350 kilometres from Tokyo.

National › M5.6 quake strikes 65 km off coast of Tohoku

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:36:00 +0100japantoday (en)

TOKYO. An earthquake with a magnitude of preliminary magnitude of 5.8 struck off the coast of northeastern Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:35:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a strong earthquake has struck just off the east coast of Japan. The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries.

Strong earthquake strikes off Japan's east coast

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:30:00 +0100startribune (en)

The magnitude-6.2 quake struck 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) from Onagawa near Sendai at 6:42 a.m. (2142 GMT) on Saturday, according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries. The temblor's epicenter was at a depth of 44.8 kilometers (27.8 miles), the USGS reported.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes 70 km off coast of Japan - USGS

Sat, 12 Nov 2016 00:14:00 +0100trust (en)

(Adds no tsunami expected) Nov 11 (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

هزة أرضية بقوة 6.2 درجة تضرب اليابان

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:56:00 +0100charlesayoub (ar)

أعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الاميركية أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.2 ضرب قبالة ساحل جزيرة هونشو اليابانية، وأكدت وكالة طوكيو للطاقة الكهربائية أنها تتحقق من سلامة المفاعل النووي، كما يقع مركز الزلزال قريب نسبيا إلى محافظة فوكوشيما. ولم تصدر وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية تحذير من تسونامي، فيما قال مركز....

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Miyagi prefecture

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:56:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.8 jolted the northeast coast of Japan at 6:43 a.m. local time on Saturday, but no tsunami warning was issued, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The temblor was centered in waters offshore of northeastern Miyagi....

تسونامي الانتخابات الأمريكية

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:54:00 +0100al-sharq (ar)

داود البصري. أريق حبر كثير، وتنوعت التعليقات، واحتارت العقول، وخابت كل التوقعات واستطلاعات الرأي أمام هول المفاجأة الكبرى التي حققها المرشح الجمهوري لرئاسة الولايات المتحدة السيد دونالد ترامب الذي كان فوزه في الانتخابات الأخيرة مفاجأة حقيقية حطمت كل الدعايات المضادة له، وهي دعايات دعمتها مؤسسات....

Potres magnitude 6,2 stupnjeva kod japanske obale blizu prefekture Fukushima

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:48:00 +0100vecernji (hr)

. Operator elektrane provjerava je li potres imao učinak na nju 25 pregleda Autor: Potres magnitude 6,2 stupnjeva dogodio se danas blizu obale japanskog otoka Honshua, prenosi Epicentar potresa je blizu prefekture Fukushima, u kojoj se nalazi zatvorena nuklearna elektrana . Operator elektrane provjerava je li potres imao učinak na nju.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes off coast of Japan, USGS says

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:47:00 +0100cnbc (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan , 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Mundo Terremoto de 6,2 graus atinge costa do Japão

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:43:00 +0100ogloboglobo (pt)

TÓQUIO - Um terremoto de 6,2 atingiu uma região perto das costas de Sendai e Honshu, no Japão, na manhã de sábado (horário local), segundo o Serviço Geológico dos EUA. Com 45km de profundidade, não há riscos de uma forte tsunami. De acordo com o USGS, o sismo ocorreu a 70 km da costa de Sendai,....

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes 70 km off coast of Japan - USGS

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:42:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Giappone, sisma magnitudo 5.8. No danni

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:40:00 +0100rai-televideo (it)

11/11/2016 23:39 Giappone, sisma magnitudo 5.8. No danni 23.39 Giappone, sisma magnitudo 5.8. No danni Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.8 ha colpi- to la costa Nord Est del Giappone, ma non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami. Lo riferisce l'Agenzia meteo- rologica del Giappone.

Forte terremoto in Giappone di magnitudo 6.3. Interessato il nord-est del Paese

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:39:00 +0100leggo (it)

Forte scossa di terremoto alle 22.43 dell'11 novembre, le 6.43 locali, in Giappone . Il sisma, di magnitudo 6.3, nella zona nord-est del paese, ha avuto una profondità di 6.4 chilometri. Non è stata emessa un'allerta tsunami. Per ora non risultano danni a persone o cose. © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Japón

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:37:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Este sábado 12 de noviembre, un sismo de magnitud de 6,2 ha sacudido la costa oriental de la isla japonesa de Honshu, según informa USGS. El sismo se ha producido a unos 65 kilómetros al nordeste de la ciudad de Sendai, la capital de la prefectura de Miyagi. Según la Agencia Metrológica de Japón, no hay amenaza de tsunami.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Japón

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:34:00 +0100nuevaya (es)

El epicentro del terremoto se localizó a 65 kilómetros al nordeste de la ciudad de Sendai. Según las autoridades no hay riesgo de tsunami. INFORMACIÓN EN DESARROLLO….

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes 70 km off coast of Japan: USGS

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:20:00 +0100reuters (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes 70 km off coast of Japan: USGS

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:13:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes 70 km off coast of Japan – USGS

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 23:07:00 +0100cyprus-mail (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan, 65 km east-northeast of the city of Sendai, at 6:43 a.m. on Saturday (2143 GMT Friday), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Japan Meteorological Agency said no tsunami warning had been posted.

Alabama adoption agency doing a world of good

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 18:44:00 +0100al (en)

When God speaks to Pat Lee, He often uses one phrase: "Be still." When she's patient, she has learned, God will lead her in the right direction, and to the right people, to accomplish anything she sets her mind on. She heard Him say that the first time in the early 1970s, when she felt that God was calling her and her husband, Jim, to adopt.

Tiefseegraben Nankai-Trog - Sediment-Analysen geben Aufschluss über japanische Erdbebenzone

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 18:31:00 +0100deutschlandfunk (de)

Es geschah am 24. Dezember 1946: Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 8 bis 8,4 erschütterte den Süden der japanischen Hauptinsel Honshu. Eine halbe Stunde später vollendete ein Tsunami das Zerstörungswerk: Fast 14.000 Menschen starben, von 36.000 Häusern blieben nur Trümmer.

Chile: 85 mil personas se movilizaron en el Simulacro de Borde Costero en la Región de Coquimbo

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 18:04:00 +0100reliefWeb (es)

•El ejercicio emuló un terremoto de 7.8 Richter con posterior tsunami. •Las personas en zona de amenaza se movilizaron en calma hacia zonas seguras. Esta mañana, el Intendente Regional, Claudio Ibáñez, junto al Director Nacional de ONEMI, Ricardo Toro y el Director Regional de ONEMI Coquimbo, Rubén....

Vulkankatastrophe - Neue Theorie zum Tsunami von Santorin

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 17:52:00 +0100derStandard (de)

Eine gigantische Explosion zerriss vor 3.600 Jahren die Insel Thera. Griechische Forscher legen nun ein neues Szenario der dramatischen Ereignisse vor. Athen/Wien – Die Eruption des Vulkans von Santorin vor 3.600 Jahren war eine der fatalsten Naturkatastrophen der Geschichte.

90 mil personas evacuaron el borde costero por simulacro de terremoto y tsunami

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 16:33:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Catorce minutos demoraron en evacuar los vecinos de la Caleta de Peñuelas en Coquimbo hacia la zona de seguridad más cercana. Miles de trabajadores, transeúntes y residentes participaron del ejercicio de simulacro de terremoto de 7.8 richter con efecto de tsunami, organizado por el Gobierno, a....

Erstmals seit fast 60 Jahren Am Montag kommt der Supermond All diejenigen, die einen klaren Himmel haben, können am Montag einen Supermond bestaunen. Der Vollmond wird dann etwa 30.000 Kilometer näher an der Erde sein als sonst. Seit 1948 gab es so ein Spektakel nicht mehr.

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 15:28:00 +0100deutschewelle-de (de)

Kleinere "Supermonde", bei denen der Vollmond der Erde schon relativ nahe kommt, sind nicht so ungewöhnlich und kommen etwa alle 14 Monate vor. Dieses Mal kommt uns unser Trabant in seiner vollen Ausstrahlung aber so nah wie selten. Erst 2034 ist es wieder so weit. Dann ist die Oberfläche des Mondes nach Berechnungen der NASA genau 356.

Il terribile terremoto che nel 1627 distrusse il Gargano

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:21:00 +0100statoquotidiano (it)

IL TERRIBILE TERREMOTO CHE NEL 1627 DISTRUSSE IL GARGANO – a cura di Franco Rinaldi. I TERREMOTI IN ITALIA In Italia la crosta terrestre è soggetta a fratture e spostamenti denominati sismi (dal greco seismòs=scossa), dando origine a una potente energia, che propagandosi sotto forma di onde....

Baba Vanga Predicted That Obama Will Be the LAST US President Who was a Legendary Psychic Who Predicted Tsunami, 9/11 & Rise Of ISIS!

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:17:00 +0100bhaskar (en)

Baba Vanga, a Bulgarian clairvoyant who is also known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans has been predicting a lot of incidents that have occurred in the past before she died in the year 1996. Baba Vanga was a blind psychic who predicted the devastating incidents like 9/11 & Tsunami before it occurred.

تسونامي من النجوم والغاز .. صور مذهلة لتصادم المجرات!!

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:13:00 +0100panet (ar)

التقط واحد من التلسكوبات الأكثر قوة في العالم صورا لعاصفة من الغبار والغاز تحدث عندما تصطدم المجرات بعضها ببعض في الفضاء السحيق. ويُشغل التلسكوب بمساعدة خبراء، من المرصد الأوروبي الجنوبي والمرصد الوطني الراديوي الممول من قبل أمريكا، وغيرها من وكالات الفضاء الدولية، ويتواجد مصفوف مرصد أتاكاما....

Contra simulacro de tsunami realizado por ANEF fue rechazado por el gobierno

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:10:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

En el incidente ocurrido en la Región de Coquimbo intervinieron las Fuerzas Especiales de Carabineros utilizando gases lacrimógenos, zorrillos y carros lanza agua. Los funcionarios públicos en paro se agruparon en la rotonda Francisco De Aguirre, en La Serena, para marchar y así entorpecer el....

BPBD Cilacap Diminta Lakukan Pengurangan Risiko Tsunami

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:37:00 +0100antarajateng (id)

Cilacap, Antara Jateng - Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Cilacap diharapkan melakukan pelatihan pengurangan risiko bencana alam tsunami yang diikuti masyarakat di sekitar pantai. "Saya harapkan ada pelatihan (pengurangan risiko bencana) khusus tsunami setahun dua kali di Cilacap," kata....

'Türkiye'nin yüzde 90'ından fazlası deprem riski altında'

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:33:00 +0100haber24 (tr)

Sakarya Üniversitesi ( SAÜ ) Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Levent Gülen, Türkiye'nin yüzde 90 'ından fazlasının deprem tehlikesi altında olduğunu söyledi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Akademik ve Sosyal Gelişim Merkezi ( SASGEM ) Konferansları kapsamında gerçekleştirilen "Depremsellik ve....

اليابان والهند ستوقعان على اتفاق "نووي" مثير للجدل

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 11:19:00 +0100aleqt (ar)

يتوقع أن يبرم رئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي الذي يزور اليابان حاليا اتفاقا للتعاون النووي مع نظيره الياباني شينزو آبي في طوكيو اليوم بالرغم من احتجاجات شعبية في كلا البلدين. ومن شأن هذا الاتفاق أن يمكن الشركات اليابانية من نقل تكنولوجيا منشآت الطاقة النووية إلى الهند.


Fri, 11 Nov 2016 10:14:00 +0100pidp (en)

DAMAGE. PORT VILA, Vanuatu (December 3, 1999 – Radio Australia)---A disaster assessment team has been sent to three additional Vanuatu islands, which reported damage after last weekend's major earthquake and tsunami that struck Pentecost Island. The official death toll from the disaster remains at 10.

Devastating floods are becoming the norm for Vietnam

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 09:57:00 +0100vnexpress (en)

Bad news: Severe weather conditions seen this year may just be the beginning of a gloomy future. Vietnam is now suffering from even more adverse weather events than ever before. Earlier this year, within months, the country went from the coldest winter in history in the north, to the most severe....

مُولد سي 'ترامب'.. مَدَد يا وطن العواجز ـ

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 09:10:00 +0100middle-east-online (ar)

قالوا عنه، مجنون.. متهور.. عنصري.. يميني ومتحرش، سليط اللسان..! قالوا ما قالوا، بدءاً من ماكينات الدعاية السوداء، إلى كل وسائل الإعلام والميديا، من صحفيين وفنانين وسياسيين وغوغاء، ومع ذلك انفضَّ مولد الانتخابات الرئاسة الأميركية بوصول دونالد ترامب إلى مقعد الرئاسة.

اليابان والهند تعتزمان التوقيع على اتفاق نووي مثير للجدل

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 08:16:00 +0100aleqt (ar)

يتوقع أن يبرم رئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي، الذي يزور اليابان حاليا، اتفاقا للتعاون النووي مع نظيره الياباني شينزو آبي في طوكيو اليوم الجمعة، بالرغم من احتجاجات شعبية في كلا البلدين. ومن شأن هذا الاتفاق أن يمكن الشركات اليابانية من نقل تكنولوجيا منشآت الطاقة النووية إلى الهند.

اليابان والهند تعتزمان التوقيع على اتفاق نووي مثير للجدل

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:31:00 +0100almasryalyoum (ar)

رئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي - صورة أرشيفية تصوير : آخرون يتوقع أن يبرم رئيس الوزراء الهندي، ناريندرا مودي، الذي يزور اليابان حاليا، اتفاقا للتعاون النووي مع نظيره الياباني شينزو آبي في طوكيو اليوم الجمعة، بالرغم من احتجاجات شعبية في كلا البلدين. ومن شأن هذا الاتفاق أن يمكن الشركات اليابانية من نقل تكنولوجيا منشآت الطاقة النووية إلى الهند.

¿Estamos preparados para el maremoto que viene?

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:18:00 +0100elpais-latinoamerica (es)

El capitán de granaderos Manuel Boneo actuó por puro instinto. Una muchedumbre aterrorizada peleaba por salir de Cádiz cuando ordenó cerrar la puerta de la muralla de la ciudad. Fue capaz de vislumbrar lo que iba a ocurrir minutos después: una enorme ola engullía el istmo que conecta Cádiz a tierra....

Morpugo book runs wild into Northampton

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:09:00 +0100harboroughmail (en)

An inspiring and evocative novel by Michael Morpurgo, based on a true story, has been brought to life in an award winning stage production complete with spectacular life size puppets. Running Wild tells the story of a girl named Lilly who, whilst on holiday with her mother in Indonesia, takes an elephant ride.

Yogyakarta dan Jatim Diguncang Gempa 5 SR

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:08:00 +0100bisnis (id)

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 5 Skala Richter pada Jumat pagi mengguncang zona selatan Yogyakarta dan Jawa Timur serta tidak berpotensi tsunami. "Pusat gempa bumi terletak pada koordinat 9,19 LS dan 111,31 BT, tepatnya di laut pada jarak sekitar 113 km arah tenggara kota Pacitan,....

Equipment auction set for $300 million Chattanooga Alstom plant

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:59:00 +0100timesfreepress (en)

An auction company plans to sell off equipment in the former Chattanooga Alstom steam turbine plant where $300 million was spent to build the factory just six years ago. James Gardner, one of the partners in The Branford Group, said he expected the equipment in the steam turbine plant likely will....

Caer o no caer ante un terremoto

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:55:00 +0100heraldo (es)

La Gran Torre Santiago, en el Costanera Center de Santiago (Chile), probó su resistencia al soportar sin daño alguno el terremoto de 8,8 en la escala de Richter que azotó Chile en febrero del 2010. Es un edificio antisísmico. No lo eran las casas de Amatrice que se derrumbaron tras el seísmo del 24 de agosto.

¿Estamos preparados para el maremoto que viene?

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:52:00 +0100elpais (es)

El capitán de granaderos Manuel Boneo actuó por puro instinto. Una muchedumbre aterrorizada peleaba por salir de Cádiz cuando ordenó cerrar la puerta de la muralla de la ciudad. Fue capaz de vislumbrar lo que iba a ocurrir minutos después: una enorme ola engullía el istmo que conecta Cádiz a tierra....

Olympics 2020 Wants Baseball, Softball Events Hosted in Fukushima

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:50:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – The organizing committee of the 2020 Olympics is looking to host baseball and softball events in Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, sources from the committee confirmed to EFE on Thursday. The International Olympic Committee is likely to approve the proposal during its executive board meeting from Dec.

Fukushima Plant Operator Completes Removal of Dome from Reactor 1

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:50:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – The owner of the troubled Japanese nuclear plant of Fukushima finished removing the dome from over the plant’s Reactor 1 on Thursday, in yet another step towards the dismantling process, the company told EFE. Tokyo Electric Power, or TEPCO, had installed a temporary dome above the building,....

اليابان والهند تعتزمان التوقيع على اتفاق نووي مثير للجدل

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 06:17:00 +0100annaharkw (ar)

يتوقع أن يبرم رئيس الوزراء الهندي ناريندرا مودي، الذي يزور اليابان حالياً، اتفاقاً للتعاون النووي مع نظيره الياباني شينزو آبي في طوكيو اليوم الجمعة، بالرغم من احتجاجات شعبية في كلا البلدين. ومن شأن هذا الاتفاق أن يمكن الشركات اليابانية من نقل تكنولوجيا منشآت الطاقة النووية إلى الهند.

Gempa 5 SR yang Guncang Yogyakarta dan Jatim tidak Berpotensi Tsunami

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 05:50:00 +0100antarajateng (id)

Jakarta Antara Jateng - Gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 5 Skala Richter pada Jumat pagi mengguncang zona selatan Yogyakarta dan Jawa Timur serta tidak berpotensi tsunami. "Pusat gempa bumi terletak pada koordinat 9,19 LS dan 111,31 BT, tepatnya di laut pada jarak sekitar 113 km arah tenggara kota....

La nueva sociedad americana que encontrará Trump

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 05:29:00 +0100CincoDias (es)

La victoria de Donald Trump sorprendió a muchos. La noticia fue un shock para las Bolsas, jefes de Estado y ministros de exteriores de países europeos, votantes demócratas, políticos de todo el mundo, medios de comunicación e, incluso, para los propios votantes de Trump.

Callao: realizan simulacro de sismo y tsunami

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 04:58:00 +0100panamericana (es)

Hace 7 horas. De presentarse un temblor de 8.5 grados de magnitud o más, podría tener lugar un tsunami con olas de 7 a 10 metros de altura y con un tiempo de evacuación para la población de 15 a 20 minutos hacia zonas seguras. Voceros de la región informaron que continuarán reforzando las medidas....

Donald Trump: La escalofriante profecía de Baba Vanga

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 04:58:00 +0100panamericana (es)

“Todos pondrán sus esperanzas en él para ponerle fin, pero pasará lo contrario; él traerá al país abajo y los conflictos entre los estados del norte y sur escalarán”. También se refirió a un mesías, pero dejó pocas pistas para reconocer a quien, según vaticinó, “firmará la paz duradera”.

Nations Gather in Singapore to Plan Pacific Partnership 17

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 02:20:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. Navy News Service. Story Number: NNS161110-02 Release Date: 11/10/2016 8:40:00 AM. By Lt. j.g. Emily Wilkin, Commander, Task Force 73 Public Affairs. SINGAPORE (NNS) -- Pacific partnership staff and partner nation representatives met in Singapore, Nov.

ذعر الجدران ! - نبيل بومنصف

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 00:13:00 +0100annahar (ar)

لعل الألمان وحدهم استشعروا عمق احدى الرمزيات الهائلة التي واكبت "يوم الذعر العالمي" الذي تسبب به انتخاب دونالد ترامب رئيساً للولايات المتحدة. شاءت المصادفة ان تعلن نتائج إحدى أغرب وأشرس المعارك الانتخابية التي عرفتها الديموقراطية الأكبر في العالم بالتزامن مع الذكرى الـ27 لإنهيار جدار برلين في التاسع من تشرين الثاني عام 1989.

ثورة بركان عملاق سببت هلاكا لحضارة قديمة

Thu, 10 Nov 2016 22:58:00 +0100rt-ar (ar)

اتضح لعلماء في الجيولوجيا من جامعة كليرمون الفرنسية أن ثورة بركان عملاق في جزيرة سانتوريني سببت هلاكا للحضارة المينوسية في جزيرة كريت في عام 1628 قبل الميلاد. أسفرت ثورة البركان تلك عن طفح كميات هائلة من الحمم البركانية وتدفقها إلى بحر إيجه ما أدى إلى نشوء موجات تسونامي عالية جدا.

Comandante de Bomberos de Valparaíso desmiente críticas de Onemi por alarmas de tsunami 18:15 El comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Valparaíso, Enzo Gagliardo, salió también al paso de las criticas del ......

Thu, 10 Nov 2016 22:53:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

Enzo Gagliardo, salió también al paso de las criticas del director de la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi) -Ricardo Toro- quien afirmó que la región no contaba con sistema de alarmas para Tsunami. Gagliardo, desmintió a Toro, afirmando que el sistema con que cuenta el Cuerpo de Bomberos, está....

Simulacro de tsunami en borde costero de Coquimbo movilizó a 85 mil personas

Thu, 10 Nov 2016 22:44:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

La mañana de este jueves, el intendente de Coquimbo Claudio Ibáñez , junto al director nacional de Onemi Ricardo Toro y el director regional Rubén Contador , encabezaron el simulacro regional de sismo y tsunami , que emuló un terremoto de mayor intensidad de 7,8 grados Richter, con posterior alarma de maremoto.

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