M 4.9 in Indonesia on 14 Jun 2017 09:47 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 473
Articles about casualties: 63 (13.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:29:00 +0200kristianstadsbladet (sv)

Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus. Uummannaq ligger ungefär mitt på Grönlands västkust och närmare 60 mil norr om polcirkeln. Larmen till polisen gällde först översvämningar.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:22:00 +0200Sydsvenskan (sv)

18 juni 2017 09:04 Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust. Ett jordskalv har lett till att en tsunami sköljt över Grönlands västkust. Vidsträckta områden är översvämmade och befolkningen evakueras. Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust 09:04

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:21:00 +0200aftonbladet (sv)

Grönland. Ett jordskalv har lett till att en tsunami sköljt över Grönlands västkust. Vidsträckta områden är översvämmade och befolkningen evakueras. Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:17:00 +0200blekinge_lans_tidning (sv)

Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus. Uummannaq ligger ungefär mitt på Grönlands västkust och närmare 60 mil norr om polcirkeln. Larmen till polisen gällde först översvämningar.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:17:00 +0200ystadsallehanda (sv)

Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus. Uummannaq ligger ungefär mitt på Grönlands västkust och närmare 60 mil norr om polcirkeln. Larmen till polisen gällde först översvämningar.

Grönlannin länsirannikolla tulvii, asukkaita evakuoitu - tulvien takana saattaa olla maanjäristystä seurannut tsunami

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:15:00 +0200kaleva (fi)

Grönlannissa suuret aallot ovat nostattaneet tulvia, ja saaren länsirannikon asukkaita on evakuoitu. Poliisi on kehottanut välttämään tulva-alueita. Poliisi kertoo evakuoivansa parhaillaan Nuugaatsiaqista Uummannaqiin ulottuvaa aluetta. Uummannaq sijaitsee Grönlannin länsirannikon keskivaiheilla napapiirin pohjoispuolella.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:13:00 +0200sydostran (sv)

Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus. Uummannaq ligger ungefär mitt på Grönlands västkust och närmare 60 mil norr om polcirkeln. Larmen till polisen gällde först översvämningar.

Evakuering på Grønland etter jordskjelv, tsunami og oversvømmelser

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:12:00 +0200aftenposten (no)

Politiet nordvest på Grønland fikk lørdag kveld melding om store oversvømmelser i den lille bygda Nuugaatsiaq, samt store bølger i Uummannaq og Illorsuit. De tre stedene ligger rundt Uummannaq-fjorden vest på Grønland. – Det er sendt redningshelikoptre til stedet.

Tsunami drabbar Grönlands västkust

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:11:00 +0200smalandsposten (sv)

Under lördag kväll drabbades Grönland av ett jordskalv på 4,0 i styrka, 30 kilometer norr om Nuugaatsiaq. Stora vågor sköljde därpå över både Illorsuit och Uummannaq och raserade flera hus. Uummannaq ligger ungefär mitt på Grönlands västkust och närmare 60 mil norr om polcirkeln. Larmen till polisen gällde först översvämningar.

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 09:05:00 +0200sn (da)

Læs også: Store oversvømmelser rammer kystområde i Vestgrønland Jordskælvet har ført til store oversvømmelser i Nuugaatsiaq og store bølger i Uummannaq og Illorsuit i det vestlige Grønland. - Det er ikke normalt, at vi har så store jordskælv i Grønland, siger seniorforskeren.

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:51:00 +0200berlingske (da)

Seersooq. Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus). Læs også For abonnenter.

Jordskælv og tsunami rammer Grønland: Massive oversvømmelser flere steder

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:42:00 +0200ekstrabladet (da)

Ved du noget, er du til stede i Grønland eller har du billeder? Tip os på 1224@eb.dk eller sms/mms på 1224 (alm. takst) Massive oversvømmelser har sent lørdag aften ramt Grønland. - Store bølger har desuden ramt Uummannaq og Illorsuit, oplyser politiet.

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:40:00 +0200jv (da)

Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus). Jordskælvet har ført til store oversvømmelser i....

Grønland ramt af jordskælv og tsunami

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:39:00 +0200BT-dk (da)

Store oversvømmelser i det vestlige Grønland skyldes et stort jordskælv tæt på Nuugaatsiaq. Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus).

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:39:00 +0200BT-dk (da)

Store oversvømmelser i det vestlige Grønland skyldes et stort jordskælv tæt på Nuugaatsiaq. Seersooq. Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale....

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:36:00 +0200DRNyheder (da)

Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus). Jordskælvet har ført til store oversvømmelser i....

Reportajes: La deficiente publicidad de las causas nobles

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:36:00 +0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

Charles Duhigg, The New York Times. Este verano, mientras ves televisión o revisas el correo, es probable que te topes con beneficencias que te piden dinero. En algún momento, es probable que metas la mano al bolsillo para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto del año pasado en Ecuador, la continua sequía en Yemen o alguna otra causa noble.

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:35:00 +0200fyens (da)

Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus). Jordskælvet har ført til store oversvømmelser i....

Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:24:00 +0200tv2 (da)

Folk der opholder sig ved fjordsystemet omkring Uummannaq, skal søge op i terrænet, skriver politiet. Politiet i det vestlige Grønland modtog lørdag aften en anmeldelse om store oversvømmelser i bygden Nuugaatsiaq. Store bølger har desuden ramt Uummannaq og Illorsuit.

08:19 Jordskælv og tsunami skaber oversvømmelser i...

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 08:22:00 +0200mx (da)

Et jordskælv med en styrke på cirka 4,0 har ramt Grønland 30 kilometer nord for bygden Nuugaatsiaq lørdag aften lokal tid. Det fortæller Trine Dahl Jensen, der er seniorforsker ved De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (Geus). Jordskælvet har ført til store oversvømmelser i....

USS Fitzgerald: missing sailors found dead in flooded area of ship

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 07:41:00 +0200guardian (en)

US and Japanese ships and aircraft launched a huge air and sea search for the crew but “a number of bodies” were found on Sunday in the flooded quarters of the damaged destroyer USS Fitzgerald, the “As search and rescue crews gained access to the spaces that were damaged during the collision, the....

Résultats des législatives 2017: les chiffres à scruter au second tour pour voir qui a limité la casse

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 07:04:00 +0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

- Stop ou encore? Après le raz-de-marée La République en marche du premier tour, ses concurrents font ce qu'ils peuvent pour ne pas totalement sombrer au second. Pendant cette courte campagne d'entre-deux-tours, chacun a matraqué ses éléments de langage: "pas de parti unique" à l'Assemblée ont....

Politi slår alarm efter store bølger og oversvømmelser i Grønland

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 06:59:00 +0200tv2 (da)

Er man i fjordsystemerne omkring Uummannaq, skal man søge op i terrænet og holde sig fra kystlinjen, lyder det fra politiet. Foto: TV 2. Folk der opholder sig ved fjordsystemet omkring Uummannaq, skal søge op i terrænet, skriver politiet. Politiet i det vestlige Grønland modtog lørdag aften en....

El “Mini-pez luna” se submerge en las profundidades de Fukushima

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 05:02:00 +0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Robots ayudan en los trabajos de limpieza. 18.000 personas perdieron la vida y grandes extensiones de tierra quedaron devastadas tras el tsunami que asotó la costa este de Japón en el 2011. La central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi quedó gravemente dañada, lo que condujo a la fusión del núcleo y a la....

USS Fitzgerald: seven missing sailors found dead in flooded area of ship

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 04:37:00 +0200guardian (en)

US and Japanese ships and aircraft launched a huge air and sea search for the crew but they were found on Sunday in the flooded quarters of the damaged destroyer USS Fitzgerald, the “As search and rescue crews gained access to the spaces that were damaged during the collision, the missing sailors....

Tsunami Emmanuel Macron? França conhece hoje a sua real dimensão

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 03:05:00 +0200dn (pt)

Hoje se verá se o voto dos franceses confirma as sondagens que apontam para uma maioria absoluta histórica do La République en Marche!, partido criado pelo presidente Emmanuel Macron, na segunda volta das eleições. O alerta de tsunami foi acionado há uma semana, mas só hoje será conhecido o tamanho da onda.

US destroyer collides with cargo ship off Japan, 7 missing

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 02:50:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

A search-and-rescue operation continued late into the night to locate seven missing United States Navy sailors, after an American warship collided with a Philippine-flagged cargo vessel thrice its size early yesterday. The crash involving the USS Fitzgerald guided missile destroyer occurred in a....

Políticos desacreditados Por Fernando Cepeda Ulloa Por:

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 01:31:00 +0200elfrente (es)

El triunfo del nuevo Presidente francés Emmanuel Macron refleja un tsunami político. La elección parlamentaria proporcionará datos que mostrarán el revolcón; el Partido Socialista, informan los periódicos, podría perder 264 parlamentarios y ya está generalizada la idea de que Macron obtendría más de 400 escaños.

The predicament of the dead fish

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 01:16:00 +0200ceylontoday (en)

By Risidra Mendis Ceylon Today Features. Thousands of dead fishing floating on the water and washing ashore is not something we hear of everyday or so we think. But thousands of fish can suddenly die anywhere in the country if there is major water pollution in the waterways and lagoons.

Kandilli son dakika İzmir İstanbul son dakika deprem şiddeti kaç?

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 23:35:00 +0200stargazete (tr)

İzmir son dakika deprem şiddeti kaç oldu? Son depremler vatandaşlar tarafından merak ediliyor. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü (KRDAE) verilerine göre, Ege Denizi'nde saat 22:50'de 5,5 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi.

Permalink to Maternity hospital Helmut Kohl helped build to be named after him

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 22:27:00 +0200sundaytimes (en)

The former chancellor provided funds for the 600-bed maternity hospital being built in Karapitiya, Galle. As a mark of respect for his services to Sri Lanka, the Government will name a maternity hospital under construction in Karapitiya in memory of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who passed away on Friday.

Las tres olas y el mar de fondo ( Txus Iribarren )

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 21:06:00 +0200noticiasdenavarra (es)

L a Península Ibérica va a ser cruzada por tres olas sucesivas. No es un parte meteorológico. Ni marítimo. Pero sí un aviso para navegantes. El cierre del curso político en espera de un intenso otoño ha dejado una fuerte resaca. Y algunos ya están naufragando en estas aguas revueltas. La primera y más evidente ola es la ola soberanista .

Gempa Kembali Terjadi di Morowali, Warga Berhamburan Keluar Rumah

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 18:13:00 +0200detikcom (id)

Jakarta - BMKG menyatakan gempa tektonik yang terjadi di Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah, berkekuatan 5.1 skala richter. Akibat gempa ini, warga berhamburan keluar rumah. "Guncangan gempabumi ini dirasakan oleh orang banyak dan beberapa warga sempat berlarian ke luar rumah," kata Kepala Bidang Informasi....

Giappone: approvato il riavvio di due reattori della centrale nucleare di Genkai

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 18:02:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 17 giugno 2017) Il tribunale di Saga in Giappone ha deliberato contro la richiesta dei residenti locali di fermare il riavvio di due reattori della centrale nucleare di Genkai (NPP). Il giudice ha ritenuto soddisfacente la qualita’tà dei nuovi standard di sicurezza della stazione.

Giappone: approvato il riavvio di due reattori della centrale nucleare di Genkai

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 17:44:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Il tribunale di Saga in Giappone Monia Sangermano ha deliberato contro la richiesta dei residenti locali di fermare il riavvio di due reattori della centrale nucleare di Genkai (NPP). Il giudice ha ritenuto soddisfacente la qualita’tà dei nuovi standard di sicurezza della stazione.

Así es el nuevo robot que se enfrentará a la radioactividad de Fukushima

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 14:21:00 +0200elobservador (es)

Mini Mambo es el nuevo robot creado por Toshiba que penetrará en el peligroso reactor número 3 de la central nuclear de Fukushima, que sigue albergando dosis muy elevadas de incluso para los autómatas. radiación El equipo fue presentado este jueves en la ciudad de Yokosuka de la prefectura de....

"Kleiner Mondfisch" soll bei Untersuchung des Fukushima-Reaktors helfen

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:28:00 +0200heise (de)

Versuche, konventionelle Roboter in den Reaktorruinen einzusetzen, mussten unter anderem wegen der starken Strahlung abgebrochen werden. Nunmehr will Betreiber Tepco mit einer Neuentwicklung einen weiteren Vorstoß wagen. Toshiba hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Research Institute for....

“Seismofaults 2017”: nello Stretto di Messina e nel Mar Jonio i sensori INGV e CNR per terremoti e tsunami [MAPPE, FOTO e VIDEO]

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 11:43:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Seismofaults 2017 – L’esplorazione dell’universo si espande ormai fino a Saturno e oltre, ma i fondali oceanici del nostro Pianeta, anche quelli più prossimi alle zone antropizzate, sono in genere sconosciuti. Eppure, tali fondali ospitano e celano vulcani e lunghe fratture della crosta (faglie) che....

Seven missing as US warship collides with container vessel

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 08:24:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

The US Navy's guided-missile destroyer "Fitzgerald" collided with a Filipino container vessel off Yokosuka, south of Tokyo, early Saturday, leaving seven crew members of the destroyer unaccounted for and three injured, the US Navy said. Among the injured, Cdr Bryce Benson, Fitzgerald's 's commanding....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 07:03:00 +0200pattayamail (en)

A newly developed robot for underwater investigation of Fukushima’s damaged reactor moves through the water at a Toshiba Corp. test facility in Yokosuka near Tokyo Thursday, June 15. (AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama) Yokosuka, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a robot designed for....

La centrale de Chinon en mode post-Fukushima

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 06:02:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

La date marque l'un des accidents industriels les plus graves de l'histoire nucléaire. Le 11 mars, au Japon, un tsunami mettait hors-service le système de refroidissement principal de la centrale de Fukushima tandis que trois réacteurs entraient en fusion.

Terremoti e tsunami, sensori in mare

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 05:49:00 +0200lasiciliaweb (it)

ROMA - Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E' l'obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto....

Comments (6)

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 05:16:00 +0200thegardenisland (en)

However, he lives in Wailua and does not have to deal with the entire Kapaa Traffic Crawl every day, like we do. He doesn’t have to inch his way through the traffic circle, the backup on the bypass, or wait patiently for the lights to change at Safeway or Brick Oven Pizza on the Kuhio Highway as he travels south from Kapaa or points north.

Sismo de 6.3 causa pánico en Indonesia

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 02:32:00 +0200tabascohoy (es)

12/06/2017 08:16 / Yakarta, Indonesia Un potente y poco profundo terremoto estremeció la principal isla de Indonesia y causó pánico entre los habitantes, pero no hubo reporte inmediato de daños o víctimas. La Agencia Nacional de Manejo de Desastres dijo que el sismo de la mañana del lunes remeció....

Swimming robot to probe Fukushima damage

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 02:05:00 +02009news (en)

An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

روبوت ياباني للكشف عن الآثار النووية لكارثة فوكوشيما

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 00:11:00 +0200rt-ar (ar)

كشفت اليابان النقاب عن روبوت صغير يقوم بالسباحة لتفقد الأضرار والكشف عن الآثار النووية لكارثة محطة فوكوشيما. ويأتي الروبوت بوزن 2 كغ، وقطر 13 سم، حيث سيكون قادرا على السباحة عبر المفاعل المتضرر، وفقا للمطورين. وكشف كل من المعهد الدولي للبحوث لتفكيك الأسلحة النووية (IRID) ومقره اليابان، ومجموعة....

HC quashes TN Government Order enabling grant of weightage

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 23:24:00 +0200business-standard (en)

Order, enabling the state grant weightage marks to serving candidates in primary health centres in rural areas and hospitals/public health centres/ government medical college hospitals in 3 districts. It directed the selection committee of post graduate degree/diploma medical courses to reconfigure....

HC quashes TN Government Order enabling grant of weightage marks to candidates in PHCs

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 21:53:00 +0200india (en)

Chennai, Jun 16 (PTI) The Madras High Court today quashed a Tamil Nadu Government Order, enabling the state grant weightage marks to serving candidates in primary health centres in rural areas and government hospitals/public health centres/government medical college hospitals in 3 districts.

Ecuador: Atacames cumplió ejercicio de Simulacro por Sismo-Tsunami

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 21:17:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

Atacames (Esmeraldas).- Unidades Educativas, entidades públicas, barrios y población en general participaron en el simulacro de evacuación por sismo – tsunami que se desarrolló este miércoles 14 de junio en el cantón Atacames. Según la información levantada 6561 personas participaron en el....

Peru: Distritos desarrollarán protocolos de actuación por falta de agua y saneamiento en sismos

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 21:17:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

10:30. Lima, jun. 16. Gracias a un proyecto ejecutado por Predes y Oxfam, diferentes municipios de Lima Metropolitana desarrollarán protocolos de actuación para afrontar la escasez de agua, saneamiento e higiene en situaciones de emergencia como un sismo de magnitud o un terremoto.

Terremoto magnitudo 8 nelle isole: Allerta Tsunami

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 21:02:00 +0200retenews24 (it)

8 Dicembre 2016, forte terremoto alle isole Salomone 8 Dicembre 2016, forte terremoto alle isole Salomone Un violentissimo sisma di magnitudo 8.0 è avvenuto l’8 Dicembre 2016 nei pressi delle isole Salomone, Oceano Pacifico; la scossa è avvenuta in mare, a 70 km dalla costa e a una profondità di 48 km.

Japanese slow earthquakes could shed light on tsunami generation

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 20:51:00 +0200sciencedaily (en)

"This area is the shallowest part of the plate boundary system," said Demian Saffer, professor of geosciences, Penn State. "If this region near the ocean trench slips in an earthquake, it has the potential to generate a large tsunami." Two tectonic plates meet here, the Pacific Plate and the....

Little Sunfish underwater robot to inspect Fukushima nuclear plant damage

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 20:09:00 +0200ibtimes-in (en)

The Little Sunfish robot was developed by Toshiba and International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID), who plan to deploy it into the primary containment vessel in Unit 3 at Fukushima. An earthquake and tsunami hit the nuclear plant in March 2011, causing thousands of residents to be evacuated from their homes.

Swimming robot to help assess Fukushima damage

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 19:30:00 +0200nzherald (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are a key part of the decades-long decommissioning process, but....

Piedmont Melody Makers brings old-time bluegrass to Tsunami on Thursday

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 19:17:00 +0200registerguard (en)

The Piedmont Melody Makers, who play old-time, country and bluegrass music “and make no apologies for it,” will perform at Tsunami Books on Thursday. Each member of the Durham, N.C.-based quartet is near-virtuosic at their craft. Members include songwriters Grammy Award-winner Alice Gerrard and....

Slow Earthquakes in Ocean Subduction Zones Shed Light on Tsunami Risk

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:50:00 +0200sciencenewsline (en)

Understanding "slow-slip" earthquakes on the seafloor -- seismic events that occur over a period of days or weeks -- is giving researchers new insights into undersea earthquakes and the subsequent creation of tsunamis. Through an ocean discovery program supported by the National Science Foundation....

Richard Cronin Quoted in Voice of America on China's Approval of Indian Tsunami Warning System in South China Sea

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:22:00 +0200stimson (en)

China is responding to pressure to work with other countries that claim rights to a vast disputed sea by voicing support for India’s proposed tsunami alert system. -snip- But when Vietnam and India’s state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp. agreed to explore off the Vietnamese coast more than a decade....

Terremoti e tsunami, sensori in mare

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:18:00 +0200247libero (it)

ROMA - Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E' l'obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto....

Sensori anti-tsunami fra Stretto di Messina e Mar Ionio

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 18:15:00 +0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E' l'obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto Nazionale di....

Stretto di Messina. Terremoti, faglie e vulcani in fondo al mare: ora sarà possibile osservarli da vicino

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:49:00 +0200247libero (it)

Un nuovo progetto scientifico si propone di monitorare da vicino le faglie sismiche dello Stretto di Messina. Con i nuovi dati raccolti, sarà possibile avere informazioni per lo studio di fenomeni precursori dei terremoti. L’esplorazione dell’universo si espande ormai fino a Saturno e oltre, ma i....

I fondali del mare aiutano a capire terremoti e tsunami

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:37:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 16 giugno 2017) Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami . E' l'obiettivo del progetto SeismoFaults ... : RT @NelSalento: Immersioni subacquee nei meravigliosi fondali....

Sensori anti 'Tsunami' sullo Stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:19:00 +0200247libero (it)

Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E’ l’obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto Nazionale di....

Little Sunfish underwater robot to inspect Fukushima nuclear plant damage

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:08:00 +0200ibtimes-sg (en)

The Little Sunfish robot was developed by Toshiba and International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID), who plan to deploy it into the primary containment vessel in Unit 3 at Fukushima. An earthquake and tsunami hit the nuclear plant in March 2011, causing thousands of residents to be evacuated from their homes.

Sensori di terremoti e tsunami installati nello Stretto di Messina e nello Ionio

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 15:47:00 +0200nuovacosenza (it)

. 16 giu 17 Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E' l'obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto....

Sensori anti ‘Tsunami’ sullo Stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 15:38:00 +0200blogsicilia (it)

Sensori e sismometri in fondo al mare nello stretto di Messina e nel Mar Ionio per individuare faglie sconosciute che potrebbero causare terremoti e tsunami. E’ l’obiettivo del progetto seismofaults che nasce dalla collaborazione tra Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Istituto Nazionale di....

Swimming Robot to Probe Damage at Japan Nuclear Plant

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 15:34:00 +0200pddnet (en)

A newly developed robot for underwater investigation for a Fukushima's damaged reactor moves through the water at a Toshiba Corp. test facility in Yokosuka near Tokyo Thursday, June 15, 2017. Image credit: AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama. A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for....

MEGA TSUNAMI will devastate Spain holiday hotspots within 15 MINUTES – and could reach UK

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 14:54:00 +0200dailystar (en)

In 1775, a massive tsunami created by the Great Lisbon tremor killed more than 10,000 people in Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Now a major fault line in The Gulf of Cadiz a magnet for British tourists and expats is threatening to trigger a massive tremor that could unleash carnage on an even bigger scale.

Sensori in fondo al mar Ionio per studiare i terremoti

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 14:21:00 +0200lasicilia (it)

Dallo scorso mese di maggio è stato dato il via al nuovo progetto scientifico denominato Seismofaults firmato dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR di Roma e Bologna), dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV di Roma, Palermo e Gibilmanna) e l’università la Sapienza di Roma,....

Terremoti, faglie e vulcani in fondo al mare: ora li osserviamo da vicino

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 13:58:00 +0200cnr (it)

16/06/2017 Mappa batimetrica dell'area oggetto di studio e posizioni degli 8 Ocean Bottom Seismometers and Hydrophones (OBS/H), dei 2 moduli geochimici multiparametrici (GeoC) e delle carote prelevate a fondo mare. L’esplorazione dell’universo si espande ormai fino a Saturno e oltre, ma i fondali....

Législatives : près de 450 députés REM-MoDem

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 13:51:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

On attendait une vague. Le premier tour annonçait un raz-de-marée. Cela pourrait être un tsunami pour les députés de La République en marche. C'est ce qu'annonce un sondage Odoxa-Dentsu Consulting pour Le Point publié ce vendredi 16 juin. Selon les chiffres, sur les 577 sièges disponibles à....

I terremoti sulla costa Adriatica esistono

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 13:16:00 +0200247libero (it)

Che terremoti possono verificarsi sulla costa? Purtroppo anche medio-forti, come quello che generò lo tsunami che colpì il Gargano, lo spiega nei dettagli tecnici e scientifici il geologo Antonio Moretti nell’intervista video realizzata dal giornalista Gianfranco Cocciolone.

What is little sunfish? Fukushima nuclear plant damage to be inspected by underwater robot

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:55:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

The robot, developed by Toshiba and IRID, will be deployed this summer. Japan has unveiled an underwater robot to inspect the damage at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was hit by a tsunami and earthquake in March 2011. The developers plan to deploy the robot into the primary....

China, Normally Protective of a Disputed Sea, Gives India a Rare Nod

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:55:00 +0200myanmarnews (en)

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - China is responding to pressure to work with other countries that claim rights to a vast disputed sea by voicing support for India's proposed tsunami alert system. India's Ministry of Earth Sciences is working on a South China Sea warning system that would transmit data to Vietnam,....

Mar Ionio così lo studio dei suoi fondali potrebbe aiutare a comprendere i terremoti

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:46:00 +0200247libero (it)

È uno dei mari più affascinanti del nostro Paese, ma il suo fondale è stato spesso origine di catastrofi devastanti. L’ultima, in termini cronologici, è quella che si abbatté su Messina e Reggio Calabria. Qui, nel 1908, un terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 con epicentro localizzato nello Stretto di....

"НТВ-видение" представляет фильм Вадима Глускера "Мировая закулиса. Повелители погоды"

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:46:00 +0200ntv (ru)

Катастрофические температурные колебания. Адская жара и лютый холод. Снег в конце мая и кошмарные ураганы в Москве. Тропические наводнения в центре Европы. Цунами, опустошающие побережья Азии и Америки. Это — климатическая реальность XXI века. Нас скоро ждёт конец света? Или так было всегда, а....

"Kleiner Sonnenfisch" im Herz der Finsternis

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:37:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (de)

Roboter unterstützen Aufräumarbeiten. 2011 traf nach einem Seebeben ein Tsunami auf die Ostküste Japans. 18.000 Menschen kamen ums Leben, ganze Landstriche wurden verwüstet. In der Präfektur Fukushima wurde das Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi getroffen und schwer beschädigt. Es kam zu Kernschmelzen und dem Austritt großer Mengen von Radioaktivität.

Ambiance crépusculaire dans les couloirs de l'Assemblée

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:36:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Alors que les parlementaires se préparaient à un bon coup de balai, relativement maîtrisé cependant, le premier tour des législatives a donné à ce nettoyage une tout autre ampleur: on est passé d'une vague à un raz-de-marée. Environ 400 Députés En Marche et un renouvellement jamais connu jusqu'alors.

Son dakika haberi.. İzmir’de bir deprem daha

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:30:00 +0200sozcu (tr)

Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü Deprem Dairesi’nden (AFAD) yapılan açıklamaya göre; bugün saat 12.46’da, merkez üssü İzmir’in Urla ilçesi açıkları olan, yerin 6 kilometre altında 3.9 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. İzmir’de de hissedilen depremde, ilk belirlemelere göre herhangi bir can ve mal kaybı yaşanmadı.

Mar Ionio: così lo studio dei suoi fondali potrebbe aiutare a comprendere i terremoti

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:21:00 +0200repubblica (it)

È uno dei mari più affascinanti del nostro Paese, ma il suo fondale è stato spesso origine di catastrofi devastanti. L’ultima, in termini cronologici, è quella che si abbatté su Messina e Reggio Calabria. Qui, nel 1908, un terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 con epicentro localizzato nello Stretto di....

Terremoti, Faglie e Vulcani in fondo al mare: ora li osserviamo da vicino, al via SEISMOFAULTS 2017

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 12:04:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

L’esplorazione dell’universo si espande ormai fino a Saturno e oltre, ma i fondali oceanici del nostro Pianeta, anche quelli più prossimi alle zone antropizzate, sono in genere sconosciuti. Eppure, tali fondali ospitano e celano vulcani e lunghe fratture della crosta (faglie) che possono essere....

China, Normally Protective of a Disputed Sea, Gives India a Rare Nod

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 11:54:00 +0200voanews (en)

TAIPEI, TAIWAN — China is responding to pressure to work with other countries that claim rights to a vast disputed sea by voicing support for India’s proposed tsunami alert system. India’s Ministry of Earth Sciences is working on a South China Sea warning system that would transmit data to Vietnam,....

Scientists invent SWIMMING robot for Fukushima reactor

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 11:12:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

A swimming robot will be sent to investigate the damage at the Fukushima nuclear plant after a series of other probes died in the radiation. Since the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of March 2011, the Dai-Ichi complex has been blanketed in super-high radiation.

Ti inoltro tutta la mia bontà

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:45:00 +0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

"Urge sangue RH+ o - o 0 o 0+ o 0-". Avete mai ricevuto un messaggio così? Vi è stato mai detto o siete venuti a sapere che il tal parente non potrà essere operato in mancanza di donatori di sangue? E via la chiamata al salasso? Via la fila ai pronto soccorsi per dimostrare che sì, siete disposti a fare di tutto per il tale.

Evaded taxes jumps to ¥16.1 billion tally in fiscal 2016, probe finds

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:44:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Compulsory probes found tax evasion in fiscal 2016 totaled ¥16.1 billion, including penalties, up ¥2.3 billion from the previous year, the National Tax Agency said Thursday. In the year ended in March, the number of tax evasion cases handled by regional taxation bureaus across the country increased by 12 from the previous fiscal year to 193.

Indonesia donates to drought fund

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:34:00 +0200newera (en)

WINDHOEK – The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia yesterday donated N$80 000 in support of the national drough relief effort. The money will be used to assist thousands of vulnerable people in Namibia who are food insecure as a result of a ravaging drought that is affecting the entire country.

Scientists invent SWIMMING robot for Fukushima reactor

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 10:24:00 +0200dailymail (en)

A swimming robot will be sent to investigate the damage at the Fukushima nuclear plant after a series of other probes died in the radiation. Since the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of March 2011, the Dai-Ichi complex has been blanketed in super-high radiation.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 09:57:00 +0200nzherald (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) " An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

ماريو عون: قانون الإنتخاب حسن التمثيل المسيحي والتيار والقوات تسونامي

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 08:29:00 +0200elnashra (ar)

لفت الوزير السابق ماريو عون ، إلى أنّ "من بعد الفترة الزمنية الطويلة والوقت الضائع الّذي صرف للتوصل إلى قانون إنتخابي جديد، وأخيراً توصّلنا إلى الإتفاق على القانون"، منوّهاً إلى أنّ "كان هناك مشكّكين بأنّ كلّ هذا، هو مجرّد عمليّة تمثيلية للعودة إلى قانون الستين، إلّا أنّ القوى السياسيّة كافّة برهنت....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 07:08:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Slow earthquakes in ocean subduction zones shed light on tsunami risk

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 05:35:00 +0200enn (en)

Understanding "slow-slip" earthquakes on the seafloor -- seismic events that occur over a period of days or weeks -- is giving researchers new insights into undersea earthquakes and the subsequent creation of tsunamis. Through an ocean discovery program supported by the National Science Foundation....

Feed aggregator

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 04:55:00 +0200EC (en)

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Mizoram are witnessing flash floods and landslides, following the advent of South West monsoon. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall in the four states over the next five days.

Revocan procesamiento de mandos de Aviación chilena por accidente de 2011

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 02:13:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Santiago de Chile, 15 jun (EFE).- La justicia militar chilena revocó hoy en fallo unánime los procesamientos por cuasidelito de homicidio para cuatro altos mandos de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACH) en relación a un accidente aéreo que causó la muerte de 21 personas en septiembre de 2011, informaron fuentes judiciales.

Other views: Trying to solve the PERS tsunami

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 01:51:00 +0200eastoregonian (en)

SB 1068, a bill aimed at easing public employers’ crippling pension costs, accomplishes the rare feat of being measly and consequential at the same time. Measly, in that the proposed changes would barely move the needle in addressing the escalating contributions that government agencies and school....

Revocan procesamiento de mandos de Aviación chilena por accidente de 2011

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 01:37:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

La justicia militar chilena revocó hoy en fallo unánime los procesamientos por cuasidelito de homicidio para cuatro altos mandos de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACH) en relación a un accidente aéreo que causó la muerte de 21 personas en septiembre de 2011, informaron fuentes judiciales.

Revocan procesamiento de mandos de Aviación chilena por accidente de ...

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 01:29:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

La justicia militar chilena revocó hoy en fallo unánime los procesamientos por cuasidelito de homicidio para cuatro altos mandos de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACH) en relación a un accidente aéreo que causó la muerte de 21 personas en septiembre de 2011, informaron fuentes judiciales.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 01:08:00 +0200japantoday (en)

A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Sisma, continua un'intensa sequenza di scosse nel Mediterraneo. Ultimi dati

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 23:55:00 +0200247libero (it)

Sisma, continua un’intensa sequenza di scosse nel Mediterraneo. Ultimi dati – Non è bastata la scossa molto forte che ha colpito la zona meno di 72 ore fa e con magnitudo pari a 6.8 della scala Richter: le coste orientali del Mediterraneo stanno affrontando infatti l’emergenza sismica con una....

Daughters heartbroken after their deceased father's air force ribbons stolen

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 22:35:00 +0200Stuff (en)

"They were all we really had of his, he was a pretty simple man." "His watch didn't even work anymore, it was just the fact they they were his." Cocker remembers as a child watching her dad put the ribbons on his uniform everyday. "He gave the dog tags to me before he went on a deployment to East Timor when I was nine or 10.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 22:16:00 +0200thespec (en)

Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high radiation and structural damage hampered earlier attempts to probe damage to the reactors from meltdowns following a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Cinco muertos por temblor de 6.6 grados; 43 casas dañadas en Xela<br />

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:28:00 +0200prensalibre (es)

Este miércoles las autoridades de Gobierno oficializaron los daños el sismo que sacudió el país durante la madrugada. El Instituto de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh) expresó que el sismo tuvo una magnitud de 6.6 grados en la escala de Richter, pero no es considerado como terremoto.

Every Grenfell fire victim injured in hospital has been identified - but names of some of dead may NEVER be known

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:05:00 +0200themirror (en)

The police chief in charge of the Grenfell Tower blaze investigation has revealed some of the victims may NEVER be identified because of the ferocity of the fire. Commander Stuart Cundy struggled to keep his composure when questioned whether number of casualties could reach 'triple figures'.

Nochikuppam residents sore as completed slum tenements yet to be handed over

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 20:51:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

Chennai: The residents of Nochikuppam near Marina Beach are sore. The government has not yet handed over to them slum tenements they were allotted in the locality, even though the state completed their construction months ago on the demolished remains of houses that the tsunami battered in 2004.

Región De Tarapacá Onemi Tarapacá realiza simulacro de evacuación en Iquique y Huara

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 20:48:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Más de 83 mil personas Emilio Lara de Iquique y Huara, en la región de Tarapacá, se movilizaron hasta sectores de altura durante esta mañana, formando parte de un simulacro de evacuación del borde costero organizado por la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi).

Giornata Desertificazione: siccità e...

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 19:49:00 +0200alternativasostenibile (it)

Desertificazione e siccità sono le nuove catastrofi naturali “a bassa intensità” e di lunga durata che stanno stravolgendo gli assetti sociali e economici di intere regioni del mondo, causando gravissime perdite in vite umane. Insicurezza alimentare, mancanza di acqua, degrado e impoverimento del....

Toshiba Corp. unveils aquatic robot to probe Fukushima reactor

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 19:30:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By Karen Graham 1 hour ago in Technology On Thursday, Toshiba Corporation unveiled a submersible robot specifically developed to take live video of reactor 3 at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant to confirm whether fuel debris is sitting at the bottom of the pool of radioactive water inside.

Así se desarrolló el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Iquique

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 19:08:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

Con normalidad se desarrolló este jueves el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en las comunas del borde costero de la Región de Tarapacá.

Swimming robot to aid probes of nuke harm

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 18:30:00 +0200shanghaidaily (en)

A Japanese industrial group unveiled yesterday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Toshiba Corp. unveils aquatic robot to probe Fukushima reactor

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 18:28:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By Karen Graham 42 mins ago in Technology On Thursday, Toshiba Corporation unveiled a submersible robot specifically developed to take live video of reactor 3 at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant to confirm whether fuel debris is sitting at the bottom of the pool of radioactive water inside.

Un nuovo robot per analizzare la radioattività di Fukushima

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 17:50:00 +0200247libero (it)

Fukushima, (askanews) - Un robot sottomarino pilotato a distanza valuterà dall'interno le condizioni del reattore 3 della centrale nucleare di Fukushima, gravemente danneggiata dal terremoto e dal successivo tsunami dell'11 marzo del 2011, in GIappone.

Un nuovo robot per analizzare la radioattività di Fukushima

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 17:18:00 +0200askanews (it)

Fukushima, (askanews) – Un robot sottomarino pilotato a distanza valuterà dall’interno le condizioni del reattore 3 della centrale nucleare di Fukushima, gravemente danneggiata dal terremoto e dal successivo tsunami dell’11 marzo del 2011, in GIappone.

Türkiye mazlumların yanında

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 17:05:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Türkiye, dünyanın dört bir yanında yardıma muhtaç insanların yüzünü güldürüyor. Hem devlet, hem de sivil yardım kuruluşları aracılığıyla mazlum coğrafyalarda milyonlarca insana yardım elini uzatıyor. Dünyanın pek çok bölgesine yardım elini uzatan Türkiye, Ramazan ayında da kardeşlerini unutmadı ve....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 17:04:00 +0200680news (en)

Newly developed robot mockup for underwater investigation for a Fukushima's damaged reactor, is displayed at a Toshiba Corp. test facility in Yokosuka near Tokyo Thursday, June 15, 2017. The robot, which is nicknamed " Little sunfish", co-developed by the debt-strapped Japanese nuclear and....

Guatemala: 5 Dead in Magnitude-6.9 Earthquake in Western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 16:59:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

GUATEMALA CITY — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 16:53:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

Newly developed robot for underwater investigation at the Fukushima's damaged reactor, moves in the water at a Toshiba Corp. test facility in Yokosuka near Tokyo, Thursday, June 15, 2017. The robot, which is nicknamed " Little sunfish," co-developed by the debt-strapped Japanese nuclear and....

На исследование реактора АЭС «Фукусима» отправится робот-рыба

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 16:28:00 +0200kremlinpress (ru)

Робот-рыба создана в Японии для обследования ядерного реактора АЭС «Фукусима-1», поврежденного во время землетрясения и цунами 2011 года, сообщило агентство Киодо. Разработка была показана и протестирована в японском городе Йокосука. Цилиндрический робот размером 13 на 30 сантиметров назван «Мини-мамбо» (мини-«луна-рыба»).

هل يهبط النفط إلى 30 دولاراً من جديد؟

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:53:00 +0200alqabas (ar)

حذّر الأكاديمي وأحد أبرز محللي سوق الطاقة العالمي فريدون فيشاراكي من هبوط حاد بأسعار النفط قد يعود بها إلى 30 دولاراً للبرميل، حال فشلت «أوبك» في تعميق تخفيضات الإنتاج المتفق عليها. وخلال مقابلة مع «سي إن بي سي» قال مؤسس ورئيس شركة «إف جي إي» الاستشارية التي تركز على أسواق الغاز والنفط، إن السوق....

Swimming robot to study damage at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:41:00 +0200CBC (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming Robot To Probe Damage At Japan Nuclear Plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:26:00 +0200chem (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Desertificazione e siccità, le nuove catastrofi naturali. In 40 anni raddoppiate le persone a rischio (VIDEO)

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 14:58:00 +0200greenreport (it)

Alla vigilia del 17 giugno, Giornata mondiale per la lotta alla Desertificazione e siccità Agire, la rete italiana di 9 ONG di risposta all’emergenza, lancia l’allarme: «Desertificazione e siccità sono le nuove catastrofi naturali “a bassa intensità” e di lunga durata che stanno stravolgendo gli....

5 dead after magnitude 6.9 earthquake in Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 14:55:00 +0200foxnews (en)

GUATEMALA CITY – Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

Ambiente: in 40 anni raddoppiato il rischio catastrofi naturali, SOS siccità

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 14:27:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

15 giugno 2017 - 14:19 Filomena Fotia Desertificazione e siccità sono le nuove catastrofi naturali “a bassa intensità” e di lunga durata che stanno stravolgendo gli assetti sociali e economici di intere regioni del mondo, causando gravissime perdite in vite umane.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:58:00 +0200wfsb (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Qu’est-ce qui change la vie ?

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:46:00 +0200la-croix (fr)

« Les romans ont-ils du pouvoir ? » demandait l’hebdomadaire Le Un dans son édition du 31 mai. Plusieurs écrivains ont collaboré à ce numéro très intéressant et j’ai été frappée par la contribution de Nancy Huston, qu’elle a intitulée « Religion du roman » .

Territorio: catastrofi naturali raddoppiate in 40 anni, allarme desertificazione

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:45:00 +0200adnkronos (it)

Pubblicato il: 15/06/2017 13:22. Le catastrofi naturali sono raddoppiate. Secondo lo studio “Atlas of the Human Planet 2017: Global Exposure to Natural Hazards” del Joint research Centre della Commissione Europea, l’esposizione globale ai rischi di catastrofi naturali è raddoppiato tra il 1975 e il....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:26:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:26:00 +0200saudigazette (en)

YOKOSUKA, JAPAN — A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:21:00 +0200newschannel6now (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 13:02:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:55:00 +0200irishexaminer (en)

A new swimming robot is set to investigate damage at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant, but super-high radiation and structural damage inside the....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:54:00 +0200wandsworthguardian (en)

A new swimming robot is set to investigate damage at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant, but super-high radiation and structural damage inside the....

A deux pas du Vieux-Port, la droite marseillaise tangue face à En marche !

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:53:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Dominique Tian est sonné. Le premier adjoint Les Républicains de Marseille, 57 ans, député depuis 2002, ne pensait pas se retrouver, au soir du premier tour des législatives, onze points derrière l’inconnue Claire Pitollat (LRM), de 20 ans sa cadette. « Une candidate choisie sur Internet, que personne n’a jamais vue, remâche-t-il, groggy.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:50:00 +0200newsok (en)

Newly developed robot for underwater investigation at the Fukushima's damaged reactor, moves in the water at a Toshiba Corp. test facility in Yokosuka near Tokyo, Thursday, June 15, 2017. The robot, which is nicknamed " Little sunfish," co-developed by the debt-strapped Japanese nuclear and....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:42:00 +0200beat102103 (en)

A new swimming robot is set to investigate damage at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant, but super-high radiation and structural damage inside the....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:33:00 +0200therepublic (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:30:00 +0200dailyecho (en)

A new swimming robot is set to investigate damage at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant, but super-high radiation and structural damage inside the....

В Японии создали робота-рыбу для осмотра реактора АЭС "Фукусима-1"

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:27:00 +0200day (ru)

Робот-рыба создана в Японии для обследования ядерного реактора АЭС "Фукусима-1", поврежденного во время землетрясения и цунами 2011 года, сообщило агентство Киодо. Как передает со ссылкой на РИА Новости, по его данным, плавающее устройство представили в четверг в городе Йокосука (префектура....

Development will make traffic worse

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:21:00 +0200thegardenisland (en)

Greg Allen of Wailua recently wrote a letter to the editor of The Garden Island. Allen is one of the principal developers behind the proposed Hokua Place housing project, so it is no surprise that he thinks it is a great idea to add housing density to this area.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Fukushima nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:13:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A new swimming robot is set to investigate damage at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant, but super-high radiation and structural damage inside the....

Magnitude 6.9 quake kills at least five in Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 12:02:00 +0200japantimes (en)

GUATEMALA CITY – Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala’s national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:55:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:47:00 +0200wbrc (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:46:00 +0200newswest9 (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Cutremur cu magnitudine 5.1 în Filipine

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:46:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Autor: Alina Costache Un cutremur cumagnitudine moderată, de 5.1, a avut loc în această dimineaţă, anunţă USGS. Cutremur cu magnitudine de peste 5 în Filipine, la o adâncime de 200 de kilometri. Zona este vizată de seisme puternice. Un puternic cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7,2 grade Richter a avut....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:45:00 +0200wfsb (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:30:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:26:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:25:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:22:00 +0200nzherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) " A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:22:00 +0200sunherald (en)

A Japanese industrial group unveiled Thursday a swimming robot designed for underwater probes of damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process for the plant.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:21:00 +0200sunstar (en)

GUATEMALA CITY -- Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck on Wednesday, June 14, in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who....

Guatemala earthquake leaves five dead

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:10:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least five people have been killed in a 6.9-magnitude earthquake that struck in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, according to Guatemalan authorities. Wednesday's fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and a homeless man in the town of....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:05:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

By: | Yokosuka | Updated: June 15, 2017 2:25 PM Associated Press The robot, about the size of a loaf of bread and mounted with lights, maneuvers with tail propellers and collects data using two cameras and a dosimeter. (Reuters) A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed to....

Swimming Robot to Probe Damage at Japan Nuclear Plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 11:00:00 +0200voanews (en)

YOKOSUKA, JAPAN — A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process,....

İzmir depreminin ön değerlendirme raporu hazırlandı Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı, düzenledikleri basın toplantısıyla 12

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:41:00 +0200birgun (tr)

15.06.2017 11:32 GÜNCEL Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı, düzenledikleri basın toplantısıyla 12 Haziran’da meydana gelen Karaburun depremiyle ilgili hazırladıkları Sismolojik Ön Değerlendirme raporunu açıkladı. Sismoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Doç.

09:11 Swimming robot to probe damage at Japanese nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:39:00 +0200independent-ie-regional (en)

Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high radiation and structural damage hampered earlier attempts to probe damage to the reactors after a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. The developers said they plan to send the probe into the....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:32:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japanese nuclear plant A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed to go...

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:29:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed to go underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant. Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high radiation and structural damage hampered earlier....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:29:00 +0200wftv (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:23:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:22:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:22:00 +0200wwlp (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:19:00 +0200nzherald (en)

On the go and no time to finish that story right now? Your News is the place for you to save content to read later from any device. Register with us and content you save will appear here so you can access them to read later. LONDON (AP) " The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.

العلماء يكشفون سر &quot;تسونامي اليابان الكبير&quot;

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:16:00 +0200alwakeelnews (ar)

الوكيل الاخباري - أكد عدد من العلماء أنهم توصلوا إلى معلومات تبين أصل كارثة تسونامي التي ضربت ساحل سانريكو الياباني عام 1586. بقي لغز ظاهرة تسونامي التي ضربت تلك المنطقة من العالم سرا يحير العلماء حتى يومنا هذا، وبالرغم من أن العلماء واثقون من أن زلزالا قويا كان سبب الأمواج القوية التي نشأت حينها، إلا أنهم لم يستطيعوا تحديد مكان الزلزال بالضبط.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japanese nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:16:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

Remote-controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high radiation and structural damage hampered earlier attempts to probe damage to the reactors after a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. The developers said they plan to send the probe into the....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:15:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:59:00 +0200wral (en)

By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press. YOKOSUKA, Japan A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:57:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process,....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:56:00 +0200tribtown (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant 11 Mins YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:55:00 +0200news4jax (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan - YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:54:00 +0200wafb (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:53:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:52:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:50:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:48:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:48:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan — An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:47:00 +0200bradenton (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:47:00 +0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:46:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:46:00 +0200islandpacket (en)

A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning process, but super-high....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:44:00 +0200mynews13 (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan -- (AP) An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:44:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — A Japanese industrial group has unveiled a swimming robot designed be used underwater to probe damage from meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:36:00 +0200news9 (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) - An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:33:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:32:00 +0200startribune (en)

Purchase: Order Reprint YOKOSUKA, Japan — An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:30:00 +0200theolympian (en)

An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan. Remote controlled robots are key to the decades-long decommissioning....

Swimming robot to probe damage at Japan nuclear plant

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 09:28:00 +0200eastoregonian (en)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) � An industrial group developing nuclear decommissioning technology has unveiled a swimming robot designed to be used underwater to investigate damage in three reactors at the wrecked Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant in northeastern Japan.

Strong quake kills 1 as church collapses

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:21:00 +0200thedailyherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala--A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, killing one person after a church collapsed and cutting power, officials said. The 6.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican state....

العلماء يكشفون سر "تسونامي اليابان الكبير"

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:08:00 +0200charlesayoub (ar)

أكد عدد من العلماء أنهم توصلوا إلى معلومات تبين أصل كارثة تسونامي التي ضربت ساحل سانريكو الياباني عام 1586. بقي لغز ظاهرة تسونامي التي ضربت تلك المنطقة من العالم سرا يحير العلماء حتى يومنا هذا، وبالرغم من أن العلماء واثقون من أن زلزالا قويا كان سبب الأمواج القوية التي نشأت حينها، إلا أنهم لم يستطيعوا تحديد مكان الزلزال بالضبط.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:05:00 +0200thegardenisland (en)

The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu who was struck by the collapse of part of a church. Both locales were close to the epicenter. Three women in different departments, or states, died....

Знаменательные события в истории: 15 июня 2017 года

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 07:01:00 +0200telegraf-ua (ru)

Праздники: Всемирный день ветра. История: Телеграф 1667 Жан-Батист Дени произвел первое в истории успешное переливание крови человеку. 1896 В результате землетрясения и цунами в Японии погибли 27 000 человек. Родились в этот день: 1843 Эдвард Григ норвежский композитор. 1914 Сол Стейнберг американский художник, мастер карикатуры.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 06:16:00 +0200houstonchronicle (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 06:01:00 +0200triblive (en)

Updated 2 hours ago GUATEMALA CITY — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos....

Five Dead After Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes Western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 06:00:00 +0200time (en)

(GUATEMALA CITY) — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by....

World 5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:51:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

У берегов Мексики случилось землетрясение магнитудой 7

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:47:00 +0200rusgosnews (ru)

Автор: Шабунинa Валентина Антоновна ; Последнее обновление: 15 Июня , 2017 05:14:29. Землетрясение магнитудой 6,9 случилось в Гватемале на мексиканской границе, передает геологическая служба США. Об этом информирует РИА Новости ссылаясь на Тихоокеанскую систему предупреждения о цунами США.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:46:00 +0200tribtown (en)

GUATEMALA CITY Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala’s national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:43:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

GUATEMALA CITY Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala’s national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

6.2'lik Deprem Sonrası Karaburun'da Korkutan Görüntü

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:43:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:33:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

6.9 magnitude earthquake hits Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:32:00 +0200protothema (en)

Two people have reportedly been killed after a magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico. The tremor caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 5 miles southwest of....

На юго-западе Гватемалы случилось мощное землетрясение

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:24:00 +0200newsforbreakfast (ru)

Главное Раменский стрелок выбрался из дома и таится в лесу На юго-западе Гватемалы случилось мощное землетрясение. Очаг подземных толчком залегал на глубине около 100 км. Магнитуда составила 5,1, опасности цунами не было, информирует Reuters , ссылаясь на Тихоокеанский центр предупреждения о цунами.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:22:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales, center, arrives to the National Emergency Coordination Agency's headquarters in Guatemala City, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:22:00 +0200whig (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:09:00 +0200wftv (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 05:02:00 +0200ksl (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....


Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:50:00 +0200ntv-tr (tr)

Orta Ameri̇ka ülkesi Guatemala'da 6,9 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Orta Ameri̇ka ülkesi Guatemala 'da 6,9 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezine (USGS) göre, merkez üssü San Pablo kentinin 5 kilometre kuzeydoğusu olan deprem, 94 kilometre derinlikte kaydedildi.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:24:00 +0200newsok (en)

Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales, center, arrives to the National Emergency Coordination Agency's headquarters in Guatemala City, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday.

Guatemala: Guatemala, Mexico – Earthquake (GDACS, USGS, NOAA-PTWC, Local media)(ECHO Daily Flash of 14 June 2017)

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:24:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 M at the depth of 111 km hit the department of San Marcos (south-western Guatemala), close to the border Chiapas department (Mexico) on 14 June at 7.29 (UTC). USGS PAGER indicated a shake up to "strong" for 997 000 people and up to "moderate" for 8 545 000 people. According to local media, as of 14 June at 10.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:20:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:16:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:06:00 +0200therepublic (en)

GUATEMALA CITY Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala’s national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:04:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:51:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:49:00 +0200newson6 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:45:00 +0200news9 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported.

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:45:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:44:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

Guatemala’s President Jimmy Morales, center, arrives to the National Emergency Coordination Agency’s headquarters in Guatemala City, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday.

World Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:44:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:43:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:41:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:40:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:35:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:34:00 +0200theolympian (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:30:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 that struck Wednesday in western near the border with Mexico , Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and a homeless man in....

5 dead in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:27:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

Five people were killed and seven injured by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Wednesday in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico, Guatemala's national emergency coordination agency reported. The fatalities included a woman in the city of San Marcos who was killed by a falling wall and....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 03:20:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the other....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 02:34:00 +0200therepublic (en)

GUATEMALA CITY Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the other....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 02:00:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:27:00 +0200news9 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:23:00 +0200newsok (en)

Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales, center, arrives to the National Emergency Coordination Agency's headquarters in Guatemala City, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday.

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:15:00 +0200newson6 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:14:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:03:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 01:02:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 00:58:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 in western near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the other from a wall falling on her, as well as....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 00:56:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

GUATEMALA CITY — Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the other....

3 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 00:49:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Three people died and seven were injured in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday, according to the national emergency coordination agency. The dead included two women in the city of San Marcos, one of a heart attack and the....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Thu, 15 Jun 2017 00:48:00 +0200wftv (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Dois mortos em tremor de 6,9 graus que sacudiu Guatemala e México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:51:00 +0200afp-portugues (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram, e 16 ficaram feridas, em um terremoto de 6,9 graus na escala Ritcher que sacudiu várias cidades da Guatemala e do sul do México nesta quarta-feira (14), provocando cortes de energia elétrica e danos em vários imóveis. O movimento ocorreu à 1h29 local (4h29 de Brasília).

Dois mortos em tremor de 6,9 graus que sacudiu Guatemala e México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:30:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram, e 16 ficaram feridas, em um terremoto de 6,9 graus na escala Ritcher que sacudiu várias cidades da Guatemala e do sul do México nesta quarta-feira (14), provocando cortes de energia elétrica e danos em vários imóveis. O movimento ocorreu à 1h29 local (4h29 de Brasília).

زالزال بقوة 6.9 يضرب غربي غواتيمالا

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:14:00 +0200almesryoon (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 6.9 درجات على مقياس ريختر، صباح الأربعاء، "فولكان تاجومولكو" أعلى قمة في أمريكا الوسطى، غربي غواتيمالا. وذكر مركز المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي، أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 8 كم جنوب غربي تاجومولكو، وبعمق 111 كم تحت سطح الأرض. ولم ترد تقارير فورية حول وقوع ضحايا أو إصابات أو حول حجم الأضرار التي وقعت حتى الساعة 8:23 ت.

زلزال بقوة سبع درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:06:00 +0200akhbaralyom (ar)

قال مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي الأربعاء 14 يونيو. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

زلزال بقوة سبع درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 23:03:00 +0200akhbarelyom (ar)

قال مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي الأربعاء 14 يونيو. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

Dois mortos em tremor de 6,9 graus que sacudiu Guatemala e México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:48:00 +0200em (pt)

Duas pessoas morreram, e 16 ficaram feridas, em um terremoto de 6,9 graus na escala Ritcher que sacudiu várias cidades da Guatemala e do sul do México nesta quarta-feira (14), provocando cortes de energia elétrica e danos em vários imóveis. O movimento ocorreu à 1h29 local (4h29 de Brasília).

Razoran zemljotres uzdrmao Centralnu Ameriku, ima žrtava (VIDEO)

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:37:00 +0200avaz (hr)

Predsjednik Gvatemale Jimmy Morales potvrdio je su najmanje dvije osobe poginule u zemljotresu intenziteta 6,9 stepeni Richtera koji je danas pogodio zapadni dio ove zemlje na granici sa Meksikom. Kako javlja Associated Press, povrijeđeno je najmanje 14 osoba. Smrtno su stradali žena iz gradića Quetzaltenango i beskućnik iz San Sebastiana.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:12:00 +0200sabanews (ar)

تشياباس ـ سبأ: هز زلزال بقوة 7 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وقال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي إن الزلزال وقع بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا ولا يوجد موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي). وبينت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن الزلزال وقع على عمق 111....

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.9 seismic tremor hits Pacific coast at Guatemala border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:06:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

At least one person has died after a very powerful but deep earthquake struck the border between Mexico and Guatemala, sending shockwaves that could be felt by around 12 million people across neighbouring countries. The US Geological Survey measured the earthquake at magnitude 6.

Qué es el "tsunami plateado" que amenaza millones de empleos en EE.UU., América Latina y el mundo

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 21:42:00 +0200t13 (es)

Le dicen el "tsunami plateado". Es una ola de cambio demográfico causada por el envejecimiento de la población. Cambiará la economía mundial, en muchos casos inundando de dificultades el mercado laboral de países en los cinco continentes. Ya llegó a Estados Unido s, donde un estudio reciente asegura....

5 de miedo 'advertencias' de la historia que se han convertido en realidad

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 20:12:00 +0200pysnnoticias (es)

¿cree Usted que el ser humano sea capaz de predecir acontecimientos del futuro? Cree que en determinados momentos históricos ya habían sido anunciados de forma sutil, mismo que no hayan sido percibidos o hayan sido ignorado durante años? se Cree que todos los eventos abajo ya habían sido previstos o....

Muere 1 en sismo en Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:27:00 +0200zocalo (es)

Guatemala.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6.6 en la escala Richter sacudió hoy la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas, y el suroeste de Guatemala, según el Servicio Geológico estadounidense (USGS). Hasta el momento se reporta que hay una persona fallecida y graves daños materiales.

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:26:00 +0200newsok (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake's epicenter.

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:12:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake's epicenter.

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:10:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake's epicenter.

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:01:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake's epicenter.

INTERNACIONAL - Población: Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 19:01:00 +0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

(RT).- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles un lugar ubicado entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. El epicentro se encuentra a unos pocos kilómetros de las costas mexicanas del estado de Chiapas y unos 8 kilómetros al suroeste de la municipalidad guatemalteca de Tajumulco.

Facebook’s Safety Check is a stress-inducing flip of social norms

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:59:00 +0200techcrunch (en)

Add to that, as we can see from how hit and miss the London fire-related prompts are, Facebook’s geolocation smarts are very far from perfect. If your margin of location-positioning error extends to triggering alerts in other cities hundreds of miles away (not to mention other countries!) your technology is very clearly not fit for purpose.

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:50:00 +0200newson6 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San....

İzmir depremi raporunda korkutan ifadeler

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:46:00 +0200haber-mynet (tr)

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir Karaburun Depremi Sismolojik Ön Değerlendirme Raporu hazırlandı. Sismoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Orhan Polat, Midilli Fayı’nın ürettiği bu depremin 17 Ağustos 1999 Kocaeli depremi gibi hiçbir belirti....

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:46:00 +0200news9 (en)

By SONIA PEREZ D. Associated Press. GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San....

2 dead in magnitude 6.9 quake near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:46:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

GUATEMALA CITY — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake’s epicenter.

Precios del petróleo podría caer hasta los 30 dólares

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:38:00 +0200vanguardia-MX (es)

Sidney.- Los precios del crudo podrían volver a caer hasta los 30 dólares por barril si la OPEP no puede hacer recortes adicionales a la producción, porque hay demasiado crudo en el mercado, indicó un experto. “El problema es que hay demasiado petróleo en el mercado.

Guatemala: Terremoto 6,9 sacude Guatemala y sur de México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:35:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

Un terremoto submarino magnitud 6.9 sacudió el miércoles en la madrugada el oeste de Guatemala y la costa de Chiapas en el suroeste de México, dijo el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico. El servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos situó el epicentro 8 kilómetros al suroeste de Tajumulco, cerca del volcán del mismo nombre que con sus 4.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:34:00 +0200ksl (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales says two people died in a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico on Wednesday. The dead included a woman in the city of Quetzaltenango and a homeless man in the town of San Sebastian Retalhueleu, both close to the quake's epicenter.

Towards post-disaster resilience

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:33:00 +0200thestandard-ph (en)

In the first incident, a fire of unknown origin burned the 24-story Grenfell Tower, a building with 120 units that is part of the Lancaster West Estate, an inner-city social housing complex. Built in 1974, the building had been refurbished last year but the local Grenfell Action Group claimed it was a fire risk.

Doç. Dr. Polat: Karaburun depremi sinsici meydana geldi

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:19:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Utku BOLULU/İZMİR, () - DOKUZ Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir Karaburun Depremi Sismolojik Ön Değerlendirme Raporu hazırlandı. Sismoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Orhan Polat, Midilli Fayı'nın ürettiği bu depremin 17 Ağustos 1999 Kocaeli depremi....

(Görüntülü Haber) Doç: Dr. Polat: "Karaburun depremi sinsici meydana geldi"

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:19:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Utku BOLULU / Yasin TİNBEK, (İZMİR, ) DOKUZ Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü İzmir Karaburun Depremi Sismolojik Ön Değerlendirme Raporu hazırlandı. Sismoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Orhan Polat, Midilli Fayı'nın ürettiği bu depremin 17 Ağustos 1999....

Un fuerte terremoto sacude Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:14:00 +0200trincheraonline (es)

Hasta el momento hay un herido que ha sido hospitalizado en Guatemala, según la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (Conred), encargada de la protección civil en este país. La entidad ha asegurado que el afectado, de 40 años, se encontraba en la localidad de San Sebastián, en el....

İzmir depreminin ön değerlendirme raporu hazırlandı: Sinsice meydana geldi

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:08:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

DOKUZ Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir Karaburun Depremi Sismolojik Ön Değerlendirme Raporu hazırlandı. Sismoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Orhan Polat, Midilli Fayı’nın ürettiği bu depremin 17 Ağustos 1999 Kocaeli depremi gibi hiçbir belirti....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:02:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

10:58:46 | Terremoto 6,9 sacude Guatemala y sur de México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:58:00 +0200hoybolivia (es)

Terremoto 6,9 sacude Guatemala y sur de México. 14/06/2017 - 10:58:46 INFOBAE.- Un terremoto submarino magnitud 6.9 sacudió el miércoles en la madrugada el oeste de Guatemala y la costa de Chiapas en el suroeste de México, dijo el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico.

1 killed as earthquake rattles Guatemala, Mexico shaken

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:57:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (Reuters) - A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday (June 14), killing one person after a church collapsed and cutting power, officials said. The 6.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighbouring....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:44:00 +0200ahora (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles un lugar ubicado entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. El epicentro se encuentra a unos pocos kilómetros de las costas mexicanas del estado de Chiapas y unos 8 kilómetros al suroeste de la municipalidad guatemalteca de Tajumulco.

Sismo de 6,6 grados en Guatemala deja al menos 1 herido

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:42:00 +0200elinformador (es)

8:55am | 14-06-2017 Maria A Ortiz ELINFORMADOR.COM.VE.- Al menos una persona ha resultado herida en Guatemala por un sismo de 6,6 grados en la escala Richter que sacudió este miércoles varios puntos del país, según indicó el Instituto Nacional de Vulcanología, Sismología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh) en su reporte oficial.

Wir sehen mehr Leid - aber gibt es mehr Leid?

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:40:00 +0200Tagespiegel (de)

In dem Science-Fiction-Film „Das fünfte Element“ muss eine außerirdischen Frau namens Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) die Welt retten. Leeloo ist jenes fünfte Element, das zusammen mit den vier anderen Elementen – Feuer, Wasser, Erde und Luft – den von Menschen bewohnten Planeten gegen das Böse verteidigt.

Intenso sismo sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:39:00 +0200granma (es)

. Un terremoto de magnitud 6.9 en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas. Un terremoto de magnitud 6.9 en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este....

Al menos un muerto por fuerte terremoto en Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:31:00 +0200radiolaprimerisima (es)

Dos temblores sacudieron la madrugada de este miércoles varias zonas de Guatemala, El Salvador y México. El primero sismo de magnitud 6,6 se registró en el occidente de Guatemala, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. El temblor también se sintió en El Salvador y México.

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:28:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

GUATEMALA CITY: A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 a.m.

6.9-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala near Mexico border, 1 dead

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:22:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, killing one person after a church collapsed and cutting power, officials said. The 6.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighbouring southern Mexican state of Chiapas, authorities....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب منطقة حوض الكاريبي 14-06-2017 12:00 PM

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:19:00 +0200alwakeelnews (ar)

الوكيل الاخباري - ضرب زلزال بقوة 7 درجات منطقة حوض الكاريبي قبالة السواحل الجنوبية الغربية للمكسيك، بحسب ما أفاد المركز الأمريكي للإنذار بتسونامي في المحيط الهادئ.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:07:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles un lugar ubicado entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. El epicentro se encuentra a unos pocos kilómetros de las costas mexicanas del estado de Chiapas y unos 8 kilómetros al suroeste de la municipalidad guatemalteca de Tajumulco.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, în largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:05:00 +0200telegrafonline (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la granița cu Guatemala. Potrivit centrului citat, nu există riscul producerii unui tsunami.

Dünya 1 saat önce Guatemala'da büyük deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:04:00 +0200halkinsesikibris (tr)

Orta Amerika ülkesi Guatemala 6.9 büyüklüğündeki bir depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeoloji Araştırmaları Kurumu (USGS) depremin büyüklüğünü 6.9 olarak açıkladı. Guatemala hükümeti ise depremin büyüklüğünü 6.6 olarak verdi. Çarşamba sabahı TSİ ile 10.30'da yaşanan depremin üssü Meksika sınırına yakın San....

Fuerte temblor sacude a los guatemaltecos

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 17:01:00 +0200emisorasunidas (es)

Un fuerte temblor se sintió en varios puntos del país, a la 1:29 de la madrugada de este miércoles, según el reporte preliminar del Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH), tuvo una magnitud de 6.8 y el epicentro se ubica a 98 kms.

Un fuerte terremoto sacude la frontera Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:58:00 +0200erbol (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,6 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas, y el suroeste de Guatemala, según han informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). Hasta el momento hay un herido que ha sido hospitalizado en....

Al menos un muerto por fuerte terremoto en Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:54:00 +0200rlp (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,9 se registró en el occidente de Guatemala, la madrugada de este miércoles, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. El Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología de Guatemala situó la magnitud en 6,6. El temblor se produjo a 156.

Leer más sobre Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:53:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

El día de los malos presagios y las supersticiones de carga negativa, tiene un origen histórico y social que afecta a la psiquis humana incluso en... Un extraño video grabado en Frome, muestra un objeto de luz moviéndose de forma circular en el cielo nocturno de la ciudad.

Fuerte sismo sacudió la frontera entre México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:49:00 +0200elmanana (es)

Reporte especial sobre sismo ocurrido en frontera Chiapas-Guatemala M7.0 14/06/17 a las 02:29 https://t.co/dCyJI0R1bC Sismológico Nacional (@SSNMexico) 14 de junio de 2017 Las autoridades han descartado un peligro de tsunami. Por el momento se registra un muerto y algunos heridos, así como daños estructurales en varias ciudades de Guatemala .

سهم "الجمهورية الى الامام" ينطلق بقوة برلمانيا بعد الفوز الرئاسي تسونامي سياسي يعبّد طريق تحقيق الاصلاحات بدم شبابي جديـد

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:37:00 +0200almarkazia (ar)

المركزية- رياح التغيير التي لفحت فرنسا مع الانتخابات الرئاسية، فأطاحت الاحزاب والتيارات الرئيسية التقليدية، لا تبدو ستنحرف عن مسارها، بل تستكمله برلمانيا استنادا الى ما افرزته نتائج الجولة الانتخابية الاولى، حيث حقق تيار "الجمهورية الى الامام" بقيادة الرئيس ايمانويل ماكرون فوزا يجوز وصفه بالساحق، اذ....

Bu görüntüler İzmir'de deprem sonrası çekildi denize bakın

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:36:00 +0200internethaber (tr)

İZMİR'de geçtiğimiz günlerde 6.2 şiddetinde yaşanan deprem sonrası denizde korkulan görüntü ortaya çıktı. Deprem sonrasında denizde görülen hareket herkesi şoke etti. Ege Denizi'inde olan deprem sonrası kıya kesimlerimiz depremle sallandı. 6.2 şiddetinde sallayan depremde can kaybı yaşanmadı.

New system to restore communications in the wake of a disaster

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:33:00 +0200phys (en)

Ron Austin, Associate Professor of Networks and Security at Birmingham City University, has created the prototype system which could be used to plug a crucial gap in systems such as telephone, GPS and internet links during the first 24-hours following a disaster.

Strong quake kills 1 as church collapses in Guatemala, shakes Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:30:00 +0200trust (en)

(Updates death toll) By Sofia Menchu. GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, June 14 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, killing one person after a church collapsed and cutting power, officials said. The 6.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:28:00 +0200bna (ar)

مكسيكو سيتي في 14 يونيو/ بنا / ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 7 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم ساحل جنوب المكسيك. ونقلت وكالة الانباء الالمانية عن مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي قوله أن الزلزال وقع بالقرب من ساحل ولاية "تشياباس" بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا ، مشيرا الى انه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

Un terremoto de 7 grados sacude México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:25:00 +0200radiosalta (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Strong quake kills 1 as church collapses in Guatemala, shakes Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:16:00 +0200reuters (en)

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, killing one person after a church collapsed and cutting power, officials said. The 6.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican state of....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:15:00 +0200presidencia-NI (es)

. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles un lugar ubicado entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. El epicentro se encuentra a unos pocos kilómetros de las costas mexicanas del estado de Chiapas y unos 8 kilómetros al suroeste de la municipalidad guatemalteca de Tajumulco.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:39:00 +0200paltoday (ar)

قال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي، اليوم الأربعاء، إن زلزالاً بقوة سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب ساحل جنوب المكسيك وقد وقع الزلزال الساعة 7:29 بتوقيت جرينتش بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا، وقال المركز إنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية تسونامي وقالت هيئة....

13:59 GUATEMALA Terremoti: un ferito e pochi danni materiali in Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:36:00 +0200tio (it)

CITTÀ DEL GUATEMALA - Almeno un ferito e pochi danni materiali: questo il primo bilancio del terremoto che ha scosso oggi il nord del Guatemala, nei pressi della frontiera con il Messico, secondo quanto annunciato dalle autorità del paese centroamericano.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,9 sacudió Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:33:00 +0200teleamazonas (es)

Un terremoto de 6,9 grados en la escala Richter sacudió este miércoles el oeste de Guatemala y la costa de Chiapas en el suroeste de México, según informó este miércoles el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El sismo se registró a 12 kilómetros de la localidad de....

At least 1 reported injured after large earthquake strikes Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:15:00 +0200foxnews (en)

At least one person was injured after a 6.9-magnitude earthquake shook western Guatemala, near the border of Mexico, on Wednesday, damaging homes and triggering landslides, officials said. The earthquake struck at 1:29 a.m. local time in the department of San Marcos west of the capital near the....

Ege'de 6,2'lik deprem sonrası küçük çapta tsunami yaşandığı ortaya çıktı

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:08:00 +0200stargazete (tr)

Ege Denizi'nde geçen Pazartesi saat 15.28'de, merkez üssü İzmir'in Karaburun ilçesi açıkları olan 6.2 büyüklüğündeki deprem, İzmir'den İstanbul'a kadar çok geniş bir alanda hissedilmiş, korku ve paniğe neden olmuştu. Özellikle İzmir'de vatandaşlar, ev ve işyerlerini terk etti. Saatlerce açık alanlarda bekledi.

GUATEMALA Terremoto: almeno un ferito, ma pochi danni

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:07:00 +0200tio (it)

CITTÀ DEL GUATEMALA - Almeno un ferito e pochi danni materiali: questo il primo bilancio del terremoto che ha scosso oggi il nord del Guatemala, nei pressi della frontiera con il Messico, secondo quanto annunciato dalle autorità del paese centroamericano.

Forte terremoto abala Guatemala e sul do México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 14:04:00 +0200diarioeconomico (pt)

A zona da fronteira entre o México e a Guatemala foi atingida esta quarta-feira por um sismo de magnitude 6.9 na escala de Richter, de acordo com informações do instituto sismológico norte-americano. Pelo menos uma pessoa terá ficado ferida, mas não há registo de mortos.

İzmir'de depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:59:00 +0200memurlar (tr)

Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı. Bu anları kaydeden vatandaşlar da, daha önce yaşamadıkları bu manzara karşısında şaşkınlıklarını gizleyemedi. Deprem uzmanı Prof. Dr.

У берегов Мексики произошло мощное землетрясение

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:58:00 +0200segodnya (ru)

Эксперты говорят, что угрозы цунами в результате подземных толчков нет Фото: AFP У западного побережья Мексики произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7, передает РИА Новости. По данным Тихоокеанской системы предупреждения о цунами США , эпицентр подземных толчков находился рядом с берегами мексиканского штата Чиапас.

زلزال مدمر يضرب ساحل المكسيك بقوة 7 ريختر

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:56:00 +0200almowaten (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 7 درجات على مقياس ريختر، اليوم الأربعاء، ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وأوضح مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي أن الزلزال وقع الساعة (29ر07 بتوقيت جرينتش) بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا، مبيناً أنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

Terremoto de 7 graus atinge fronteira entre Guatemala e México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:49:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Um terremoto submarino de 7 de magnitude atingiu a costa sudoeste do México, na quarta-feira, disse o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico. A informação é da Reuters. O tremor atingiu o Sudoeste da Guatemala, em uma região próxima à fronteira com o México, segundo informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS, na sigla em inglês).

Un fuerte terremoto sacude la frontera entre Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:47:00 +0200elpais (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,6 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas, y el suroeste de Guatemala, según han informado Hasta el momento hay un herido que ha sido hospitalizado en Guatemala, según la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres....

زالزال بقوة 6.9 يضرب غربي جواتيمالا

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:46:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 6.9 درجات على مقياس ريختر، صباح الأربعاء، "فولكان تاجومولكو" أعلى قمة في أمريكا الوسطى، غربي جواتيمالا. وذكر مركز المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي، أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 8 كم جنوب غربي تاجومولكو، وبعمق 111 كم تحت سطح الأرض. ولم ترد تقارير فورية حول وقوع ضحايا أو إصابات أو حول حجم الأضرار التي وقعت حتى الساعة 8:23 ت.

Herkes bu görüntüyü konuşuyor

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:44:00 +0200haber-mynet (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Görüntülerde, artçı şokların devam ettiği sırada, kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekildiği ve ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine geldiği anlar da yer alıyor.

Un fuerte terremoto sacude la frontera entre Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:44:00 +0200elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,6 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas, y el suroeste de Guatemala, según han informado Hasta el momento hay un herido que ha sido hospitalizado en Guatemala, según la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, înregistrat în largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:33:00 +0200timpul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la granița cu Guatemala. Potrivit centrului citat, nu există riscul producerii unui tsunami.

زلزالان يهزان أمريكا الوسطى 14/06/2017

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:33:00 +0200al-nahar (ar)

سجلت أمريكا الوسطى في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم الأربعاء زلزالان أحدهما ضرب في عرض البحر أما الثاني وقع في حدود غواتيمالا والمكسيك. وحدد مركز الزلزال الأول على عمق 98 كلم قبالة سواحل محافظة شيابس جنوب غرب المكسيك حسبما أفاد به المركز الأمريكي للإنذار بالزلازل في المحيط الهادي في هاواي.

Violento terremoto in Guatemala: un ferito, si temono nuove scosse

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:28:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 14 giugno 2017) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 ha scosso il sudovest del Guatemala vicino alla frontiera con il Messico: lo ha ri ferito l’istituto sismologico americano (Usgs). La scossa (ipocentro a 94 km) si è sviluppata a circa 5 km nord-nordest da San Pablo, molto vicino alla....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:25:00 +0200ksl (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:19:00 +0200newsok (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

زلزالان يضربان أمريكا الوسطى

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:18:00 +0200rt-ar (ar)

ضرب أمريكا الوسطى زلزالان في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم الأربعاء، وقع أحدهما في عرض البحر، فيما ضرب الثاني الحدود بين غواتيمالا والمكسيك. وأفاد المركز الأمريكي للإنذار بالزلازل في المحيط الهادئ في هاواي، بأن مركز الزلزال الأول وقع على عمق 98 كيلومترا قبالة سواحل محافظة شيابس جنوب غرب المكسيك.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7 en Guatemala cerca de la frontera con México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:16:00 +0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 14 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:14:00 +0200masrawy (ar)

برلين- (د ب أ): قال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي اليوم الأربعاء إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وقد وقع الزلزال الساعة (0729 بتوقيت جرينتش) بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا. وقال المركز إنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

زلزال بقوة 9,6 درجة على مقياس ريختر يضرب جواتيمالا

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:14:00 +0200masrawy (ar)

جواتيمالا سيتي (أ ش أ): أعلن مركز المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي، اليوم الأربعاء، أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 9,6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب غرب جواتيمالا. وأكد المركز - حسبما ذكرت شبكة "إيه بي سي" الأمريكية- أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 111 كيلومترا تحت سطح الأرض.

6.9 magnitude earthquake hits Guatemala, shakes southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:12:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

Guatemala City: A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, cutting power and injuring at least one person after a church collapsed, officials said. The 6.9 magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican state of....

Guatemala shaken by 6.9 magnitude quake

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:11:00 +0200iafrica (en)

Credit: Stock A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 am local time (0729....

Terremoto de 6.9 sacude costas de Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:10:00 +0200aporrea (es)

El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a unos tres kilómetros de la localidad de San Pablo, en Guatemala, y el hipocentro a una profundidad de 98 kilómetros. Según las estimaciones del USGS, se trata de un movimiento telúrico de intensidad fuerte y que podría haber generado daños de carácter ligero.

Guatemala'da büyük deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:08:00 +0200dw (tr)

Orta Amerika ülkesi Guatemala 6.9 büyüklüğündeki bir depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeoloji Araştırmaları Kurumu (USGS) depremin büyüklüğünü 6.9 olarak açıkladı. Guatemala hükümeti ise depremin büyüklüğünü 6.6 olarak verdi. Çarşamba sabahı TSİ ile 10.30'da yaşanan depremin üssü Meksika sınırına yakın San....

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala near Mexico border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:08:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, causing power cuts, minor damage to buildings and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. There was no immediate warning of any tsunami.

Pobrežie Guatemaly a Mexika postihlo zemetrasenie, tsunami nehrozí

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:08:00 +0200pravda (sk)

Západné pobrežie Guatemaly a juhozápadné pobrežie Mexika postihlo zemetrasenie, ktoré malo podľa americkej geologickej služby USGS silu 6,9 stupňa Richterovej škály. Miestne úrady oboch krajín oznámili, že nemajú správy o škodách či dokonca obetiach, jedna osoba bola v Guatemale zranená a skončila v nemocnici.

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:08:00 +0200telegraph (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 am local time (0729 GMT), its....

Large earthquake strikes Guatemala Mexico border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:07:00 +0200piratefm (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 has struck Guatemala, close to the country's border with Mexico. The quake hit around 97 miles west of Guatemala City in the San Marcos district, close to the border with Mexico's Chiapas state, damaging homes and buildings and cutting power.

Large Earthquake Strikes Guatemala Mexico Border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:01:00 +0200ceylontoday (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 has struck Guatemala, close to the country's border with Mexico. The quake hit around 97 miles west of Guatemala City in the San Marcos district, close to the border with Mexico's Chiapas state. At least one person was hurt in the tremor but there have been no reported fatalities.

Strong quake hits Guatemala, cutting power and shaking southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:00:00 +0200reuters (en)

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, cutting power and injuring at least one person after a church collapsed, officials said. The 6.9 magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican....

Séisme de magnitude 6,6 au Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:00:00 +0200skynet (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l'ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise dans un premier temps.

Un violent séisme frappe le littoral mexicain

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 13:00:00 +0200skynet (fr)

La côte méridionale mexicaine a été frappée mercredi par un séisme d'une magnitude de 7 sur l'échelle de Richter, indique le Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Aucun dégât significatif ni aucune victime n'ont jusqu'à présent été signalés. La secousse s'est produite à 9h29, heure belge, à proximité de....

Massive earthquake triggers landslides in Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:57:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

GUATEMALA CITY - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 5 miles....

Karaburun’da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:56:00 +0200sozcu (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

Isabella Löwengrip kritiseras för tsunami-liknelse 08:54

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:55:00 +0200aftonbladet (sv)

om det svåra år hon gått igenom och den tuffa tid som väntar framöver. ”Jag visualiserar att jag befinner mig en tsunami och det är bara att andas djupt och stå stadigt. Snart blir det bra, livet måste bara lägga sig lite och jag är ödmjuk inför att det tar tid”, skriver Isabella Löwengrip. Hennes tsunami-metafor har fått många att reagera.

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:52:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border today, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 am local time, its epicentre around 156....

زلزال بقوة 9ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر يضرب جواتيمالا

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:52:00 +0200albawabhnews (ar)

أعلن مركز المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي، اليوم الأربعاء، أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 9ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب غرب جواتيمالا. وأكد المركز -حسبما ذكرت شبكة "إيه بي سي" الأمريكية- أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 111 كيلومترا تحت سطح الأرض. ولم ترد تقارير فورية تفيد بوقوع أي أضرار جراء الهزة الأرضية، فيما لم....

6.2’lik deprem sonrası denizde korkutan görüntü Vatandaşlar kaydetti

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:50:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

6.2'lik deprem sonrası Karaburun'da kokutan görüntü

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:50:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

Violento terremoto in Guatemala: un ferito, si temono nuove scosse

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:49:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Un terremoto Filomena Fotia di magnitudo 6.9 ha scosso il sudovest del Guatemala vicino alla frontiera con il Messico: lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico americano (Usgs). La scossa (ipocentro a 94 km) si è sviluppata a circa 5 km nord-nordest da San Pablo, molto vicino alla frontiera con la....

Terremoto de 6,9 en la frontera entre Guatemala y México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:49:00 +0200mdzol (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6,9 se produjo hoy en Guatemala cerca de la frontera con México, informaron el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS) y el sistema de alerta de tsunami del Pacífico. El sismo tuvo lugar a la 01:29 hora local (07:29 GMT) a una profundidad de 111 kilómetros y a....

Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:48:00 +0200sabah (tr)

merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki deprem den hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. den kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 frappe le pays

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:48:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l'ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise dans un premier temps.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo delle coste

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:46:00 +0200retenews24 (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata al largo delle coste meridionali del Messico. La scossa è stata registrata alle 9.29 nei pressi delle coste del Chiapas. Epicentro individuato su terraferma, esattamente nel Guatemala tra le città di Tejutla e San Marcos, nell’area occidentale del Paese.

Séisme de magnitude 6,6 au Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:44:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l'ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise dans un premier temps.

Strong quake hits Guatemala, cutting power and shaking southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:42:00 +0200in-cyprus (en)

The 6.9 magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican state of Chiapas, authorities there said, but there were no immediate reports of deaths in either country. “The earthquake was felt throughout the national territory and damage assessment has begun,” said Julio Sanchez,....

0 10:24 زلزالان يضربان أمريكا الوسطى

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:41:00 +0200hibapress (ar)

هبة بريس - وكالات. ضرب أمريكا الوسطى زلزالان في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم الأربعاء، وقع أحدهما في عرض البحر، فيما ضرب الثاني الحدود بين غواتيمالا والمكسيك. وأفاد المركز الأمريكي للإنذار بالزلازل في المحيط الهادئ في هاواي، بأن مركز الزلزال الأول وقع على عمق 98 كيلومترا قبالة سواحل محافظة شيابس جنوب غرب المكسيك.

Séisme de magnitude 6,6 au Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:40:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l’ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise dans un premier temps.

Un violent séisme frappe le littoral mexicain

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:40:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

La côte méridionale mexicaine a été frappée mercredi par un séisme d’une magnitude de 7 sur l’échelle de Richter, indique le Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Aucun dégât significatif ni aucune victime n’ont jusqu’à présent été signalés. La secousse s’est produite à 9h29, heure belge, à proximité de....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, înregistrat în largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:39:00 +0200a1 (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la granița cu Guatemala. Potrivit centrului citat, nu există riscul producerii unui tsunami.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:36:00 +0200alquds (ar)

برلين- "القدس" دوت كوم-(د ب أ)- قال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي اليوم الأربعاء إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وقد وقع الزلزال بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا. وقال المركز إنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:36:00 +0200emirates247 (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, causing power cuts, minor damage to buildings and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. There was no immediate warning of any tsunami.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:36:00 +0200okaz (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 7 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم (الاربعاء) ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وأوضح مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي أن الزلزال وقع الساعة (07:29 بتوقيت جرينتش) بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا ، مبيناً أنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:34:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 1 hour ago in World A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, causing power cuts, minor damage to buildings and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. There was no immediate warning of any tsunami.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:31:00 +0200lbcgroup (ar)

اعلن مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي اليوم الاربعاء. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:31:00 +0200shorouknews (ar)

قال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي، اليوم الأربعاء، إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وقد وقع الزلزال بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا. وقال المركز إنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

America centrale, terremoto di magnitudo 7 |

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:29:00 +0200si24 (it)

Un violentissimo terremoto è stato registrato il 14 giugno nell’America centrale. Secondo le prime stime la scossa è di magnitudo 7 sulla scala richter. L’epicentro è localizzato nel Guatemala, ad una profondità di 11 chilometri e circa 15 chilometri a Nord-Ovest di San Marcos, in un’area di confine....

Guatemala'da büyük deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:28:00 +0200deutschewelle-tr (tr)

Orta Amerika ülkesi Guatemala 6.9 büyüklüğündeki bir depremle sarsıldı. ABD Jeoloji Araştırmaları Kurumu (USGS) depremin büyüklüğünü 6.9 olarak açıkladı. Guatemala hükümeti ise depremin büyüklüğünü 6.6 olarak verdi. Çarşamba sabahı TSİ ile 10.30'da yaşanan depremin üssü Meksika sınırına yakın San....

Strong quake hits Guatemala, cutting power and shaking southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:28:00 +0200cyprusweekly (en)

The 6.9 magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican state of Chiapas, authorities there said, but there were no immediate reports of deaths in either country. “The earthquake was felt throughout the national territory and damage assessment has begun,” said Julio Sanchez,....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo delle coste del Chapas

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:25:00 +0200ilmattino (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata al largo delle coste meridionali del Messico. Lo ha riferito il Centro di allerta tsunami del Pacifico. La scossa è stata registrata alle 9.29 nei pressi delle coste del Chiapas. Non è stato emanato nessun allarme tsunami.

Meksika'da 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:24:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

Reuters haber ajansı, Meksika ve Guatemala'da hissedilen 7 büyüklüğünde deprem olduğunu duyurdu. Depremin ardından Tsunami önce tsunami alarmı verildi, daha sonra ise tsunami tehlikesinin bulunmadığı açıklandı. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, denizin altında meydana gelen depremin ardından tsunami tehlikesinin bulunmadığını ifade etti.

Deprem sonrası bu görüntü oluşmuş

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:24:00 +0200hurriyetim (tr)

İzmir Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

Strong quake hits Guatemala, cutting power and shaking southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:24:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala A strong earthquake hit southwestern Guatemala near the border with Mexico in the early hours of Wednesday, cutting power and injuring at least one person after a church collapsed, officials said. The 6.9 magnitude quake damaged buildings in the neighboring southern Mexican....

Video: Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:21:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

Taylan YILDIRIM / İZMİR (DHA) - Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı. Deprem uzmanı Prof. Dr. Zafer Akçığ, "Karaburun'da yatay ve düşey faylar olduğu için karışık kırılmalar olmuş.

İzmir Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:19:00 +0200ulusalkanalcom (tr)

merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki deprem den hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı.

(Görüntülü Haber) Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:19:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Deniz suyu nehir akıntısı hızında çekildi İZMİR, () İZMİR Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir....

Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:19:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Taylan YILDIRIM/İZMİR () - İZMİR Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi,....

زلزال بقوة سبع درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:15:00 +0200Sana-ar (ar)

مكسيكو سيتي-سانا. ضرب زلزال بلغت شدته سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي ولم ترد تقارير عن وقوع خسائر أو أضرار. ونقلت وكالة رويترز عن مركز المحيط الهادى للانذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية ” تسونامي” ومقره هاواي قوله: إنه “استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:13:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Earthquake strikes Guatemala near Mexico border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:06:00 +0200pressandjournal (en)

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala, near the border with Mexico, has caused damage to homes, triggered landslides across roads and injured at least one person, officials said. The tremor was centred eight kilometres (five miles) south-west of Tajumulco, Guatemala, about 111 kilometres....

L'émergence d'En Marche, ou l'art d'accommoder

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:06:00 +0200direktbroker (fr)

Emmanuel Macron, le grand timonier de la Révolution En Marche ? http://www.falanxi360.com/index.php?s=/news/show/id/2814 La déferlante, le tsunami, le raz-de-marée, les mots ne sont pas assez forts dans la bouche des journalistes pour qualifier le succès électoral des clones macroniens au premier....

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 12:01:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 am local time (0729 GMT), its....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:55:00 +0200alittihad-ae (ar)

قال مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية «تسونامي» إن زلزالاً بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي اليوم الأربعاء. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي :إنه استنادًا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

<![CDATA[Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış>

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:55:00 +0200vatanim (tr)

Depremden kısa süre sonra art çılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı hızında çekilmesi, ardından yavaş yavaş eski seviyesine gelişi yeraldı. Bu anları kaydeden vatandaşlar da, daha önce yaşamadıkları bu manzara karşısında şaşkınlıklarını gizleyemedi. Deprem uzmanı Prof. Dr.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:54:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 frappe le pays

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:53:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l'ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise dans un premier temps.

Earthquake strikes Guatemala near Mexico border A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala, near the border with Mexico, has caused damage to homes, triggered landslides across roads and injured at...

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:52:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala, near the border with Mexico, has caused damage to homes, triggered landslides across roads and injured at least one person, officials said. The tremor was centred eight kilometres (five miles) south-west of Tajumulco, Guatemala, about 111 kilometres....

Západní pobřeží Mexika a Guatemaly zasáhlo silné zemětřesení, tsunami ale nehrozí

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:51:00 +0200aktualne (cs)

Zemětřesení o síle 6,9 stupňů Richterovy škály zasáhlo ve středu západní pobřeží Mexika a Guatemaly. Informovalo o tom Tichomořské centrum pro varování před tsunami. Podle něj ale z dostupných dat vyplývá, že tsunami nehrozí. Místní úřady obou zemí oznámily, že nemají zprávy o škodách či dokonce....

A very strong earthquake in the border area of Guatemala and Mexico injures at least 13 people - June 14, 2017

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:51:00 +0200earthquake-report (en)

Update 08:41 UTC : So far we have counted 5 injuries, all in Guatemala Update 08:28 UTC : The catholic church of Samayac Suchitepéquez has been damaged Update 08:25 UTC : As could be expected after such a powerful earthquake a lot of aftershocks are being felt/ Until now up to M5.

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:49:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Guatemala City (AFP) - A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border early on Wednesday, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far.

Guatemala-Meksika sınırında deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:49:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Orta Amerika ülkeleri Guatemala ve Meksika sınırında 6,9 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen depremin ardından tsunami alarmı yapıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi (USGS), tarafından yapılan açıklamada, merkez üssü Guatemala-Meksika sınırındaki Tajumulco bölgesinin 8 kilometre güneybatısı olan depremin yerin 111 kilometre altında kaydedildiği bildirildi.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported in Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:48:00 +0200azcentral (en)

LONDON - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning.

Earthquake measuring 7 magnitude strikes off Mexico southwest coast-Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:48:00 +0200trust (en)

June 14 (Reuters) - An undersea earthquake measuring 7 magnitude struck off Mexico's southwest Pacific coast on Wednesday, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The Hawaii-based center said that based on available data there was no tsunami threat from the quake off the Chiapas state coast.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, la frontiera dintre Mexic și Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:47:00 +0200deschide (ro)

Un seism submarin cu magnitudinea 7 pe scara Richter a avut loc în America Centrală, cu epicentrul la frontiera dintre Guatemala și Mexic, potrivit Centrului de alerte tsunami din Oceanul Pacific, Hawaii, citat de Reuters. Nu există informaţii cu privire la o ameninţare de tsunami provocată în urma cutremurului de pe coasta statului mexican Chapas.

12h41 Séisme de magnitude 6,6 au Guatemala (AFP)

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:47:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,6 a frappé tôt mercredi l'ouest du Guatemala, près de la frontière avec le Mexique, ressenti jusque dans la capitale et faisant au moins un blessé selon les premières informations, ont indiqué des responsables. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise dans un premier temps.

Large earthquake strikes Guatemala Mexico border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:46:00 +0200skynews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 has struck Guatemala, close to the country's border with Mexico. The quake hit around 97 miles west of Guatemala City in the San Marcos district, close to the border with Mexico's Chiapas state. At least one person was hurt in the tremor but there have been no reported fatalities.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, în largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:45:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la granița cu Guatemala. Potrivit centrului citat, nu există riscul producerii unui tsunami.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, înregistrat în largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:44:00 +0200jurnalul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la graniţa cu Guatemala. Potrivit centrului citat, nu există riscul producerii unui tsunami.

6.6-magnitude earthquake rattles Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:42:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Guatemala near the Mexico border today, shaking several cities and injuring one person according to preliminary reports, officials said. No tsunami warnings have been issued so far. The quake was registered at 1:29 am local time, its epicentre around 156....

زلزال بقوة 6.9 درجة يضرب جنوب غرب جواتيمالا

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:41:00 +0200youm7 (ar)

جواتيمالا سيتى(أ ش أ) أعلن مركز المسح الجيولوجى الأمريكى، اليوم الأربعاء، أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.9 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب غرب جواتيمالا. وأكد المركز -حسبما ذكرت شبكة "إيه بى سى" الأمريكية- أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 111 كيلومترا تحت سطح الأرض. ولم ترد تقارير فورية تفيد بوقوع أى أضرار جراء....

Cutremur de 6,9 grade pe scara Richter, în apropierea frontierei de nord a Guatemalei

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:39:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

Un seism puternic cu magnitudinea de 6,9 grade pe scara Richter în apropierea frontierei Guatemalei cu Mexicul, conform The Independent. Conform Centrului de alerte tsunami din Oceanul Pacific nu există informaţii cu privire la o ameninţare de tsunami provocată în urma cutremurului de pe coasta statului mexican Chapas.

Dünya sallanıyor… Meksika’da 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:39:00 +0200sozcu (tr)

Meksika'nın güneybatı açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Denizde meydana gelen depremin can ya da mal kaybına neden olup olmadığı henüz netlik kazanmadı. Depremin ardından yapılan tsunami uyarısı kısa süre sonra geri çekildi. Ayrıntılar geliyor… İLGİLİ HABER Celal Şengör'den korkutan deprem açıklaması.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo delle coste del Chapas

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:38:00 +0200ilmessaggero (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata al largo delle coste meridionali del Messico. Lo ha riferito il Centro di allerta tsunami del Pacifico. La scossa è stata registrata alle 9.29 nei pressi delle coste del Chiapas. Non è stato emanato nessun allarme tsunami.

Terremoto 6,9 sacude Guatemala y sur de México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:37:00 +0200voanoticias (es)

Un terremoto submarino magnitud 6.9 sacudió el miércoles en la madrugada el oeste de Guatemala y la costa de Chiapas en el suroeste de México, dijo el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico. El servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos situó el epicentro 8 kilómetros al suroeste de Tajumulco, cerca del volcán del mismo nombre que con sus 4.

Welt - Neue Spur bei Suche nach Naturwunder, das vor 131 Jahren verschwand

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:36:00 +0200derStandard (de)

1886 wurden die weißen Terrassen durch eine Eruption verschüttet. Nun könnte man das "achte Weltwunder" dank Notizen eines Österreichers lokalisiert haben. Auckland/Wien – Der Vergleich ist vielleicht etwas holprig. Aber bei machen Einheimischen gelten die rosaroten und weißen Terrassen am Lake Rotomahana als die "Titanic Neuseelands".

Un sismo de 6,9 remece Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:34:00 +0200debate (es)

En un primer momento no había reportes de daños y no se declaró una alerta de tsunami. LONDRES.- Un sismo de 6,9 golpeó el miércoles de madrugada el oeste de Guatemala, según dijo el miércoles el servicio Geológico de EEUU, que situó el epicentro 8 kilómetros al suroeste de Tajumulco.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:32:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Actual / Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 pe Richter

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:31:00 +0200hotnews-md (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, transmite Agerpres. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la granița cu Guatemala.

CUTREMUR puternic in Mexic - FOTO

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:30:00 +0200ziuanews (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA, conform agerpres. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la graniţa cu Guatemala.

10:26 Zware beving voor kust van Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:28:00 +0200VTM (nl)

De zuidwestelijke kust van Mexico is vandaag getroffen door een zware aardbeving. Volgens de eerste berichten zou de beving een kracht hebben gehad van 7, maar zou er geen gevaar zijn voor tsunami’s. De schok deed zich om 9.29 uur (Belgische tijd) voor in de buurt van Chiapas, vlak bij de grens met Guatemala.

Large undersea earthquake strikes near Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:27:00 +0200heart (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7 has struck in the Pacific Ocean, off the southwest cost of Mexico. The quake, which hit near Chiapas state, is not expected to cause a tsunami. More follows... Pay growth has slowed sharply to a weaker than expected 1.7%, tightening the squeeze on households as inflation turns higher, official figures show.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:27:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

Un violent séisme frappe le littoral mexicain

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:26:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) La côte méridionale mexicaine a été frappée mercredi par un séisme d'une magnitude de 7 sur l'échelle de Richter, indique le Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Aucun dégât significatif ni aucune victime n'ont jusqu'à présent été signalés. La secousse s'est produite à 9h29, heure belge, à....

Earthquake measuring 7 magnitude strikes off

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:24:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

Chiapas: An undersea earthquake measuring 7 magnitude struck off Mexico's southwest Pacific coast on Wednesday, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The Hawaii-based center said that based on available data there was no tsunami threat from the quake off the Chiapas state coast.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7 en Guatemala cerca de la frontera con México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:23:00 +0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 14 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Zware aardbeving voor kust van Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:22:00 +0200hln (nl)

Door: redactie 14/06/17 - 11u07 Bron: Belga © kos. Voor de kust van Zuid-Mexico heeft zich een aardbeving met magnitude 7 voorgedaan. Dat heeft Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre meegedeeld. Er zijn nog geen meldingen van schade of van gewonden. De schok deed zich om 9.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported in Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:22:00 +0200newindianexpress (en)

LONDON: The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning.

T�rmet i fuqish�m n� Meksik�

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:20:00 +0200botasot (sq)

Një tërmet nën det i me magnitudë 7 ballesh është ndier sot në Oqeanin Paqësor pranë bregdetit jugperëndimor të Meksikës. Lajmi është bërë i ditur nga Qendra Paralajmëruese për Tsunami e Paqësorit me bazë në Hawaii. Kjo qendër, megjithatë, ka thënë se bazuar në të dhënat që i ka në dispozicion, nuk ka kërcënim për tsunami nga ky tërmet.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:19:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

LONDON — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:19:00 +0200therepublic (en)

GUATEMALA CITY A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in western Guatemala near the border with Mexico caused moderate damage to homes, triggered some landslides across highways and injured at least one person early Wednesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the tremor was centered 8....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب ساحل المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:15:00 +0200dostor (ar)

قال مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي اليوم الأربعاء، إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب ساحل جنوب المكسيك. وقد وقع الزلزال الساعة (07.29 بتوقيت جرينتش) بالقرب من ساحل ولاية تشياباس بالمكسيك المتاخمة لجواتيمالا. وقال المركز إنه لا يوجد تهديد بحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

Al menos un herido en Guatemala por sismo de más de 6 grados en Richter

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:15:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Al menos una persona ha resultado herida en Guatemala por un sismo de 6,6 grados en la escala Richter que sacudió hoy varios puntos del país, según informó el Instituto Nacional de Vulcanología, Sismología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh). El temblor se produjo a la 1.29 hora local (7.

DHAYURT - Karaburun'da depremden sonra tsunami yaşanmış

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:14:00 +0200aydinses (tr)

Deniz suyu nehir akıntısı hızında çekildi. İZMİR Karaburun merkezli 6.2 büyüklüğündeki depremden hemen sonra, ilçede vatandaşların çektiği görüntülerde, deniz suyundaki büyük hareketlilik de ortaya çıktı. Depremden kısa süre sonra artçılar sürdüğü sırada kıyıdan deniz suyunun bir nehir akıntısı....

Terremoto en Guatemala, México y El Salvador: Así reaccionan los internautas

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:14:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles una zona ubicada entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. Las autoridades han descartado un peligro de tsunami en la región y por el momento no se han registrado víctimas ni daños estructurales.

CUTREMUR puternic în Mexic - FOTO

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:13:00 +0200stiripesurse (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA, conform agerpres. Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.29 GMT în apropierea coastei Chiapas, din Mexic, situată la graniţa cu Guatemala.

Cutremur de magnitudine 7 în Mexic

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:12:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Publicat: (acum 24 min) // Actualizat: (acum 24 min) // Sursa: Autor: Filip Stan Un seism submarin cu magnitudinea 7 pe scara Richter a avut loc în largul coastelor sud-vestice ale Mexicului, potrivit Centrului de alerte tsunami din Oceanul Pacific, Hawaii, citat de Reuters.

Les éleveurs de canards manifestent leur ras-le-bol

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:10:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Travaux de mise aux normes, retards de paiements, pertes post-grippe aviaire, cessations d'activité... Les éleveurs de canards du Gers, très fragilisés ces derniers mois, ont bloqué mercredi des routes dans le Gers pour réclamer le versement des indemnités promises par l'Etat. "Les éleveurs n'ont plus de revenus depuis six mois.

Al menos un herido en Guatemala por sismo de más de 6 grados en Richter

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:08:00 +0200caracol (es)

Al menos una persona ha resultado herida en Guatemala por un sismo de 6,6 grados en la escala Richter que sacudió hoy varios puntos del país, según informó el Instituto Nacional de Vulcanología, Sismología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh). Guatemala, 14 jun (EFE).

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب منطقة حوض الكاريبي

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:08:00 +0200rt-ar (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 7 درجات منطقة حوض الكاريبي قبالة السواحل الجنوبية الغربية للمكسيك، بحسب ما أفاد المركز الأمريكي للإنذار بتسونامي في المحيط الهادئ. se brinda atención a mujer que sufrió caída por salir corriendo tras el sismo, se encuentra estable PC Chiapas (@pcivilchiapas) preliminar NO se....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7 grade in largul Mexicului, in Pacific

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:08:00 +0200ziarero (ro)

. Sursa, autor: Hotnews , Hotnews. Vizualizări: 23. Voturi: 1. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs, miercuri, in Oceanul Pacific, in apropiere de coasta sud-vestica a Mexicului, a anuntat Centrul de Avertizare Tsunami din Pacific, precizand ca nu a fost emisa alerta de tsunami, relateaza Reuters.

Magnitude 7 earthquake reported near coast of southern Mexico

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:06:00 +0200dailysabah (en)

An undersea earthquake measuring 7 magnitude struck off Mexico's southwest Pacific coast on Wednesday, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The quake hit at 0729 GMT near the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, which is close to the border with Guatemala. The Hawaii-based center said that based on....

Al menos un herido en Guatemala por sismo de más de 6 grados en ...

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:06:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Al menos una persona ha resultado herida en Guatemala por un sismo de 6,6 grados en la escala Richter que sacudió hoy varios puntos del país, según informó el Instituto Nacional de Vulcanología, Sismología, Meteorología e Hidrología (Insivumeh). El temblor se produjo a la 1.29 hora local (7.

Meksika da 6.9 Büyüklüğünde Deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:04:00 +0200haberler (tr)

Meksika'da 6.9 Büyüklüğünde Deprem Meksika’nın güneydoğusunda yer alan Chiapas eyaletinde yaşanan bir dizi küçük sarsıntının ardından Meksika ve Guatemala sınır bölgesinde 6.9 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. 'nın güneydoğusunda yer alan Chiapas eyaletinde yaşanan bir dizi küçük sarsıntının ardından Meksika ve Guatemala sınır bölgesinde 6.

Землетрясение магнитудой 7,0 произошло в Гватемале и Мексике

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:02:00 +0200rg (ru)

Текст: Юрий Когалов Землетрясение магнитудой 7,0 произошло сегодня в Гватемале на границе с Мексикой. Об этом сообщает Europa Press со ссылкой на геологическую службу США. Эпицентр подземных толчков располагался в трех километрах от города Сан-Пабло на глубине порядка 98 километров. Отмечается, что угрозы цунами в результате землетрясения нет.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes off Mexico south-west coast

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 11:00:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

An undersea earthquake measuring 7 magnitude struck off Mexico's southwest Pacific coast on Wednesday, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The Hawaii-based center said that based on available data there was no tsunami threat from the quake off the Chiapas state coast.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7, inregistrat in largul coastei mexicane

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:59:00 +0200ziuanews (ro)

Postat la: 14.06.2017 - 11:54 | Scris de: Ziua News. 0 Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a fost înregistrat în largul coastei sudice a Mexicului, a declarat miercuri Centrul de Avertizare Pentru Tsunami din Pacific, citat de DPA. Sursa foto: earthquaketrack.com Seismul a avut loc la ora 07.

Un fuerte terremoto sacude la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:57:00 +0200elpais (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas y el suroeste de Guatemala, según han informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico.

Nekoliko potresa prodrmalo Meksiko

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:57:00 +0200tportal (hr)

Nekoliko potresa snage od pet do sedam stupnjeva po Richteru pogodio je jugozapadnu obalu Meksika, javio je Pacifički tsunami centar Epicentri potresa bili su u moru na dubini od 144 kiilometra i prema dostupnim podacima nema opasnosti od tsunamija. Pregled tjedna bez spama i reklama.

Strong preliminary magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes near Guatemala-Mexico border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:53:00 +0200tabnak (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 has been recorded near the Mexico-Guatemala border, according to the US Geological Survey. An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 has been recorded near the Mexico-Guatemala border, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquake occurred at 1.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:53:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Sismo de magnitud 7 sacude costa suroeste de México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:52:00 +0200elfinanciero (es)

SISMO Magnitud 7.0 Loc. 13 km al NORESTE de CD HIDALGO, CHIS 14/06/17 02:29:03 Lat 14.77 Lon -92.08 Pf 113 km — Sismologico Nacional (@SismologicoMX) 14 de junio de 2017 El centro, con sede en Hawái, dijo que basándose en los datos disponibles, no hay amenaza de tsunami por el terremoto que se registró frente a la costa del estado de Chiapas.

Terremoto de 6.9 grados en Guatemala, México y El Salvador

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:51:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Un terremoto de 6.9 grados, ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles, una zona ubicada entre la frontera de México y Guatemala . Se sintió también en El Salvador. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9, ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles, una zona ubicada entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. Se sintió también en El Salvador.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:50:00 +0200slaati (ar)

كشف مركز المحيط الهادى للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي)، عن أن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر، ضرب الساحل الجنوبى الغربى للمكسيك على المحيط الهادى اليوم الأربعاء. وأوضح المركز، ومقره هاواى، إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذى ضرب....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:48:00 +0200alqabas (ar)

(رويترز) – قال مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي اليوم الأربعاء. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك - خارجيات

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:46:00 +0200alraimedia (ar)

قال مركز المحيط الهادي للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزة تحت البحر ضرب الساحل الجنوبي الغربي للمكسيك على المحيط الهادي اليوم. وأوضح المركز ومقره هاواي إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذي ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:46:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

قال مركز المحيط الهادى للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي)، إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر، ضرب الساحل الجنوبى الغربى للمكسيك على المحيط الهادى اليوم الأربعاء. وأوضح المركز، ومقره هاواى، إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذى ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

7 büyüklüğünde deprem!

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:46:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

Meksika'nın güneybatısında, Pasifik okyanusunda 7 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. Hawaii merkezli Pacifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi depremin ardından tsunami riski olmadığını açıkladı. ABD Ulusal Meteororloji Servisi (NWS) de yaptığı açıklamada 7.0 büyüklüğündeki depremin Meksika'nın Chiapas....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:44:00 +0200laprovincia (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala , cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas , según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Le blues des députés de terrain "battus par la marque Macron"

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:43:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

Eliminés dès le premier tour des législatives dans des fiefs où ils étaient pourtant bien implantés, plusieurs élus évoquent l'ingratitude du travail parlementaire. "Je suis battu, mais pas abattu." Moins de 48 heures après son élimination dès le premier tour des élections législatives , le député....

Sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacude costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:42:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.9 en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:40:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

LONDON (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Violenta scossa di terremoto in Guatemala [DATI]

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:40:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Un terremoto Filomena Fotia di magnitudo 6.9 ha scosso il sudovest del Guatemala vicino alla frontiera con il Messico. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico americano (Usgs). La scossa (ipocentro a 111.5 km) si è sviluppata a circa 8 chilometri a sudovest di Tajamulco (dove si trova un grande....

مركز المحيط الهادى للإنذار المبكر: زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب المكسيك

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:40:00 +0200youm7 (ar)

(رويترز) قال مركز المحيط الهادى للإنذار المبكر من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي)، إن زلزالا بقوة سبع درجات مركزه تحت البحر، ضرب الساحل الجنوبى الغربى للمكسيك على المحيط الهادى اليوم الأربعاء. وأوضح المركز، ومقره هاواى، إنه استنادا إلى البيانات المتاحة لا يوجد خطر من حدوث موجة مد عاتية نتيجة للزلزال الذى ضرب ساحل ولاية تشياباس.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:38:00 +0200diarioInformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala , cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas , según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.9 seismic tremor hits Pacific coast at Guatemala border

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:38:00 +0200independent-UK (en)

A huge 6.9-magnitude earthquake has struck Mexico at the border with Guatemala, shortly after a series of smaller quakes hit the Pacific coast off Chiapas. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has said there is no tsunami risk at this stage. The US Geological Survey said the epicentre of the magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:37:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

http://www.seattlepi.com/news/world/article/U-S-Geological-Survey-says-a-magnitude-6-9-11218439.php. Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala Updated 1:09 am, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. LONDON (AP) The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala.

Meksika kıyılarında 7.0’lık deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:36:00 +0200havadiskibris (tr)

Meksika kıyılarında merkez üsü Chiapas’da 7.0 büyüklüğünde bir deprem meydana geldi. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi’nden yapılan açıklamada, Meksika kıyılarında meydana gelen 7.0 büyüklüğündeki deprem sonrası tsunami uyarısı verilmediği belirtildi.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:36:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Never miss a local story.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:35:00 +0200kansascity (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Never miss a local story.

Un fuerte terremoto sacude la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:34:00 +0200elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la costa de México, cerca de Chiapas y el suroeste de Guatemala, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7 en Guatemala cerca de la frontera con México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:33:00 +0200Expansion (es)

MADRID, 14 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:33:00 +0200theolympian (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Unlimited Digital Access for just $1.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:33:00 +0200wftv (en)

LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Panică! Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:32:00 +0200b1 (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a avut loc, miercuri, în Oceanul Pacific. Sesimul s-a produs aproape de coasta sud-vestică a Mexicului, a anunțat Centrul de Avertizare Tsunami din Pacific. Citește și: Peste 134 de persoane au murit din cauza unor alunecări de teren în Bangladesh cauzate de ploi....

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:32:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Never miss a local story.

زلزال عنيف يضرب المكسيك الغربية وتحذيرات من موجات تسونامى

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:30:00 +0200elbalad (ar)

أفادت فضائية " اكسترا نيوز" فى خبر عاجل نقلًا عن وكالة الأنباء رويترز، أنه ضرب منذ قليل زلزال عنيف المكسيك الغربية وتحذيرات من موجات تسونامى. ولا توجد أى إصابات أو وفيات حتى الآن.

Earthquake measuring 7 magnitude strikes off Mexico southwest coast

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:30:00 +0200Stuff (en)

An undersea earthquake measuring 7 magnitude struck off Mexico's southwest Pacific coast on Wednesday, said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The Hawaii-based centre said that based on available data there was no tsunami threat from the quake off the Chiapas state coast. MORE TO COME. Prelim M6.

Meksika'da çok büyük deprem tsunami alarmı verildi

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:29:00 +0200internethaber (tr)

Meksika'dan son dakika deprem haberi geldi. Reuters haber ajansı, 7 büyüklüğünde deprem olduğunu duyurdu. Depremin ardından tsunami alarmı verildi. Depremin ardından Tsunami önce tsunami alarmı verildi, daha sonra ise tsunami tehlikesinin bulunmadığı açıklandı.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:27:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:27:00 +0200levante-emv (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala , cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas , según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Se produce un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 cerca de las costas de México y Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:25:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 ha sacudido la mañana de este miércoles un lugar ubicado entre la frontera de México y Guatemala. El epicentro se encuentra a unos pocos kilómetros de las costas mexicanas del estado de Chiapas y unos 8 kilómetros al suroeste de la municipalidad guatemalteca de Tajumulco .

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7 grade in largul Mexicului, in Pacific

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:24:00 +0200hotnews-en (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 7 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs, miercuri, in Oceanul Pacific, in apropiere de coasta sud-vestica a Mexicului, a anuntat Centrul de Avertizare Tsunami din Pacific, precizand ca nu a fost emisa alerta de tsunami, relateaza Reuters. Vom reveni cu amanunte.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:22:00 +0200laopinion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala , cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas , según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

"سكاي نيوز": زلزال عنيف يضرب سواحل المكسيك الغربية وتحذيرات من تسونامي

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:21:00 +0200albawabhnews (ar)

أفادت فضائية "سكاي نيوز عربية"، في خبر عاجل لها، نقلًا عن وكالة رويترز، أن هناك زلزال عنيف يضرب سواحل المكسيك الغربية وتحذيرات من موجات تسونامي.

Jihozápad Mexika zasáhlo silné zemětřesení, tsunami ale podle vědců nehrozí

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:20:00 +0200aktualne (cs)

Jihozápadní pobřeží Mexika zasáhlo podmořské zemětřesení o síle 7 stupňů Richterovy škály. Ve středu o tom informovalo Tichomořské centrum pro varování před tsunami. Podle něj ale z dostupných dat vyplývá, že pobřežnímu mexickému státu Chiapas tsunami nehrozí.

Extremely dangerous earthquake in the border area of Guatemala and Mexico - June 14, 2017

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:20:00 +0200earthquake-report (en)

Leave this page open in a browser tab as it will refresh automatically every 5 minutes Are you one of the people who felt the shaking of this earthquake. If Yes, please let us know what you experienced by filling up the I FELT IT form behind the earthquake or at the bottom of this page.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:20:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press.

Meksika'da 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:19:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

Meksika'da 7 büyüklüğünde meydana gelen depremin ardından tsunami alarmı yapıldı. Meksika açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Deprem sonrası tsunami alarmı yapıldı. Daha sonra bu alarm Hawaii merkezli Pacifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi tarafından geri çekildi. Depremde can kaybı yaşanıp yaşanmadığına ilişkin net bir bilgi yok.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7 en Guatemala cerca de la frontera con México

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:18:00 +0200teinteresa (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 en la escala abierta de Richter se ha registrado este miércoles con epicentro en la región de San Marcos, en el oeste de Guatemala, cerca de la frontera con el estado mexicano de Chiapas, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:17:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Unlimited Digital Access for just $1.

Magnitude 6.9 quake reported near Tajumulco, Guatemala

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:17:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.9 earthquake reported 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Tajumulco, Guatemala. The agency says the tremor was center 111 kilometers (69 miles) below the surface. There were no immediate reports of damage, and there was no tsunami warning. Never miss a local story.

14 Giugno Giu 2017 09 47 09:47 Allarme Terremoto di magnitudo 7 tra Messico e Guatemala: diramata allerta tsunami Terremoto di magnitudo 7 tra Messico e Guatemala: diramata allerta tsunami Un violento terremoto ha colpito la zona costiera dello Stato del Chiapas lungo il confine con il Guatemala. Il Pacific Tsunami Warning Center ha diramato l'allerta per un eventuale maremoto.

Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:15:00 +0200lettera43 (it)

Un violento terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito la zona costiera dello Stato del Chiapas in Messico al confine con il Guatemala. La rilevazione, corretta poi a 6.9, è arrivata dall'Usgs, l'istituto geofisico Usa precisando che l'epicentro è stato localizzato ad otto chilometri a sud ovest di....

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