M 6.6 in Japan on 05 Sep 2018 18:07 UTC

Event Summary

This earthquake can have a low humanitarian impact based on the Magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 6.6M
Depth: 33.36 Km
Location(latitude/longitude): 42.6711, 141.933
Event Date: 05 Sep 2018 18:07 UTC
Exposed Population: 3310000 people within 100km
Time(UTC): 05 Sep 2018 19:46

Weather forecast Centres for the affected area

Japan Meteorological Agency

National Weather Service of Japan

Source: NOAA-GFS


Source: NOAA-GFS

Source: NOAA-GFS

Source: NOAA-GFS


Meteo Assessment +

Assessment and Weather Forecast over the Area of Interest

(06 Sep 2018 09:03)

Weather conditions anticipated to prevail during the next 120 hours (Thu 6 Sep to Mon 10 Sep)

Cloudy to overcast conditions with the possibility of local heavy rainfalls and temporarily fog (reduced visibility) phenomena. Conditions to improve temporarily during Saturday (8 Sep).

Winds mostly from south directions with 5 to 15 km/h over-topping temporarily 25 km/h during Friday (7 Sep). Directions of winds to change temporarily to north directions during Saturday (8 Sep).

Temperatures from 18 deg Celsius (minimum) to 24 deg Celsius (maximum). Both minimum and maximum temperatures dropping to 12 deg Celsius (minimum during Saturday 8 Sep) and 19 deg Celsius (maximum during Sunday 9 Sep).