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Map of disaster alerts in the past 4 days. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The blurred events in the list below are the past events before last 4 days.
For drought alerts, all the events listed in the homepage are ongoing events. In bold: i) new events; ii) events where a significant worsening has been detected (+ 0.5 GDACS score or increase in the Alert Level); iii) events where new information products are available (Global Drought Observatory Report).
For Forest Fires alerts , the events are all the ongoing events of class Orange or Red plus the Green alerts with burned area exceeding 10k ha and population within 5 km exceeding 10k.
Tropical cyclones
Forest Fires
Floods and flash flood alerts in the last 24 hours (European Flood Awa
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • France: Warning level 2/3 for Grand Delta, Garonne-Tarn-Lot and Loire-Allier-Cher-Indre regions.
  • Italy: Warning level 2/3 for Emilia Romagna and Liguria regions.
  • Poland: Threshold level 2/3 for Orla and Po
Italy - Severe weather and landslide (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting north-western Italy since 16 October, causing floods that have resulted in people displacement and damage.
  • As of 17 October, according to media reports, three families have been d
Guatemala - Rainy season, update (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • The humanitarian impact is still increasing due to the rainy season that has been affecting 13 departments of Guatemala.
  • According to the National Coordination for Disaster Reduction (CONRED), 34 people died, two
Nigeria - Floods (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting Nigeria in the last few weeks, causing severe floods and rivers overflow that have resulted in casualties and widespread damage.
  • According to media, as of 16 October, more than 2
Morocco - Floods (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms have affected several provinces in north-western and central Morocco, since 11 October, causing flooding that has resulted in casualties and damage.
  • According to media reports, as
Philippines - Flood (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • On 14 October, heavy rain and thunderstorms affected Oriental Mindoro province, Mimaropa region, central-western Philippines, causing floods and resulting in damage and displacements. 
  • The ASEAN Disaster Info
Türkiye - Earthquake (ECHO 18 Oct 2024)
17 Oct 2024  10:48 UTC.

  • A 5.9 M earthquake (as registered by the Disaster and Management Unit - AFAD) at a depth of 10 km occurred on 16 October at 7.46 UTC (10.46 local time) in Kale district, Malatya province, eastern Türkiye. The epicent
Flood in Bosnia & Herzegovina - EC/ECHO daily map 14 Oct 2024  18:32 UTC.

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