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Map of disaster alerts in the past 4 days. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The blurred events in the list below are the past events before last 4 days.
For drought alerts, all the events listed in the homepage are ongoing events. In bold: i) new events; ii) events where a significant worsening has been detected (+ 0.5 GDACS score or increase in the Alert Level); iii) events where new information products are available (Global Drought Observatory Report).
For Forest Fires alerts , the events are all the ongoing events of class Orange or Red plus the Green alerts with burned area exceeding 10k ha and population within 5 km exceeding 10k.
USA - Wildfires (ECHO 27 Jul 2024)
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • Several wildfires have been burning across California, Washington and Oregon (western United States), since 17 July, prompting evacuations and causing damage.
  • As of 25 July, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Japan - Severe weather, floods and landslides (ECHO 27 Jul 2024)
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Japan since 25 July, in particular Yamagata, Shiga and Akita prefecture, causing floods and landslides and resulting in casualties and damage.
  • According to the Fire and D
India - Severe weather and floods (ECHO 27 Jul 2024)
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • Cloudburst on July 25 causes heavy rainfall and flooding across parts of India, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh.
  • Casualties reported include three in Gujarat, four in Maharasht
China, Taiwan, Philippines - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI, update (ECHO 27 J
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • Tropical cyclone GAEMI made landfall on 25 July in the mid-morning (UTC) over the eastern coast of Fujian province as a tropical storm and is expected to move north-west over the province and dissipate over the Jiangxi pr
Malawi - Drought Flash Appeal (ECHO 27 Jul 2024)
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • On 23 July, the United Nations in collaboration with the Government of Malawi launched a USD 136.5 million Flash Appeal to address the devastating impacts of El Niño-induced drought currently affecting the country.
Ethiopia - Landslides, update (ECHO 27 Jul 2024)
26 Jul 2024  10:35 UTC.

  • According to UN OCHA, as of 24 July, 257 people died but the death toll is expected to rise to 500 following the landslides triggered by heavy rainfall that occurred on 21-22 July in Gezei Gofa Woreda of Gofa Zone (South
GAEMI-24 - EC/ECHO daily map 24 Jul 2024  19:31 UTC.

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