M 7 in Mexico from 08 Sep 2021 01:47 UTC to 01:47

The list of all calculations completed triggered by the system and users referred to event
M7 in Mexico, on 08 Sep 2021 01:47 UTC

realtime12 m7.45017.1-99.60.17
realtime14 m7.45017.1-99.60.17
realtime23 m712.6216.9502-99.78770.23
realtime23 m712.6216.9502-99.7877strike=274.68 dip=21.02 rake=75.770.25
realtime23 m712.6216.9502-99.7877strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.40.15
realtime45 m72016.994-99.78290.16
realtime45 m72016.994-99.7829strike=274.68 dip=21.02 rake=75.770.16
realtime45 m72016.994-99.7829strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.40.1
custom2.7 h 72016.99-99.78strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.4 cellSize=0.20
custom3 h 7.092016.99-99.78strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.4 slip=2 fwidth=20 flength=30 cellSize=0.2 lonmin=-9102 lonmax=-9095 latmin=15 latmax=180
realtime3 h 72016.9816-99.77260
custom3.8 h 7.092016.99-99.78strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.4 slip=2 fwidth=20 flength=30 lonmin=-9102 lonmax=-9095 latmin=15 latmax=180.07
custom4 h 7.092016.99-99.78strike=109.89 dip=69.66 rake=95.4 slip=2 fwidth=20 flength=30 cellSize=0.5 lonmin=-9102 lonmax=-9095 latmin=15 latmax=180.16

Tsunami affected locations

Initial conditions