M 5.5 in Pakistan from 24 Sep 2013 17:20 UTC to 17:20

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1085
Articles about casualties: 285 (26.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter based on specific events and keywords

All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Après un tremblement de terre au Pakistan : Une «île» émerge dans la mer d’Arabie

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:30:00 +0200elwatan (fr)

Ce n’est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de sous les eaux, se frotte encore les yeux Muhammad Rustam, un habitant de Gwadar, port stratégique pakistanais situé à quelque 400 km au sud de l’épicentre du séisme de magnitude 7,7 ayant secoué mardi la province du Baloutchistan et fait plus de 200 morts.

Pakistanis struggle for food, shelter after earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:29:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Hungry survivors dug through rubble to find food and thousands slept under the open sky or in makeshift shelters for a second night as the death toll from Pakistan 's massive earthquake rose to 348 today.

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l'aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:29:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Pakistan. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi le district reculé d'Awaran,....

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l'aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:24:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Pakistan . Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi le district reculé d'Awaran, au....

Twitter a lansat un sistem de alertare a populaţiei în cazul producerii unor catastrofe. Cum funcţionează acesta

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:23:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

Twitter a lansat miercuri un sistem de alertare a populaţiei care ar putea fi util pentru a difuza informaţii urgente în cazul producerii unor catastrofe şi când celelalte sisteme de comunicare sunt inactive.

Une «île» sort de l'eau après le séisme au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:21:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

A 400 kilomètres de l'épicentre, à Gadwar, un monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur a mystérieusement emergé.

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l´aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:18:00 +0200nordlittoral (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Pakistan .

Panique après un séisme de magnitude 7 au Pérou

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:18:00 +0200cctv-fr (fr)

Mercredi au Pérou, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 sur la côte peu peuplée du sud-ouest du pays a fait des dégâts mineurs et quelques blessures légères. La secousse a cassé des fenêtres et ouvert des fissures dans les murs de quelques maisons près de la ville d’Acari.

Şase răniţi şi scene de panică în Peru, în urma cutremurului cu magnitudinea 7

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:14:00 +0200hunedoreanul (ro)

Cel puţin şase persoane au fost rănite în cutremurul cu magnitudinea 7,0, potrivit Institutul de american de geofizică USGS, care a avut loc miercuri în sudul statului Peru şi care a provocat scene de panică în mai multe oraşe, relatează AFP.

Pakistan quake deaths hit 327

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:12:00 +0200timesofmalta (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 yesterday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan’s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the aftermath of the worst....

Şase răniţi şi scene de panică în Peru, în urma cutremurului cu magnitudine...

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:08:00 +0200adevarul (ro)

Cel puţin şase persoane au fost rănite în cutremurul cu magnitudinea 7,0, potrivit Institutul de american de geofizică USGS, care a avut loc miercuri în sudul statului Peru şi care a provocat scene de panică în mai multe oraşe, relatează AFP. Epicentrul cutremurului, care a avut loc la ora locală 11.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:01:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Earthquake survivors build makeshift huts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

DALBADI, Pakistan - Survivors built makeshift shelters with sticks and bed sheets Wednesday, a day after their mud houses were flattened in an earthquake that killed 285 people in southwestern Pakistan. While waiting for help to reach remote villages, hungry people dug through the rubble to find food.

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l'aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:55:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Pakistan .

Quake In Central Pakistan Makes New Island

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:52:00 +0200npr (en)

A large earthquake shook a remote part of central Pakistan Tuesday, and so far local authorities have only reported a few dozen fatalities so far. But according to estimates by the U.S. Geological Survey, the death toll could be far higher. The quake also gave rise to a mysterious island off the coast of Pakistan.

Anti-radiation fence at Fukushima has hole: TEPCO

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:50:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

TOKYO: Workers at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Thursday spotted a hole in one of the barriers intended to keep radioactive particles contained in the harbour, the operator said. Tokyo Electric Power set up silt fences in the harbour next to the plant, including one covering each outlet....

Death toll rises to 348 from Pakistan quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:44:00 +0200lebanonews (en)

Date: Thu, 2013-09-26 Yes The death toll from the strong earthquake that struck southwestern Pakistan this week has risen to 348, a local official said. The number of people injured has risen to 513 and about 21,000 houses have been destroyed, said Shehzada Farhat of the disaster management....

Anti-radiation fence at Fukushima has hole: TEPCO

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:44:00 +0200foxnews (en)

Workers at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Thursday spotted a hole in one of the barriers intended to keep radioactive particles contained in the harbour, the operator said.

Pakistan: Balochistan Earthquake, Pakistan Update 2, 25 September 2013

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:41:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Islamic Relief Country: Pakistan Humanitarian situation Awaran District in Balochistan is the most affected by the earthquake, with over 90 per cent of mud houses reportedly damaged. Awaran's population is scattered over an area of more than 21,000 square kilometres. More than 60,000 people live within 50 kilometres of the epicentre.

Pakistan: Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:41:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Pakistan 09/26/2013 04:39 GMT - AWARAN, September 26, 2013 (AFP) - The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise. The 7.

230 perish as quake hits Pakistan, death toll expected to rise

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:38:00 +0200DailyNation (en)

Pakistan i rescuers Tuesday strived to reach victims of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:31:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l'aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:30:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Pakistan .

Pakistan: les rescapés attendent l'aide après un séisme meurtrier

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:27:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de survivants attendaient toujours de l'aide deux jours après un puissant tremblement de terre ayant fait près de 350 morts dans une région instable et reculée du Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi le district reculé d'Awaran, au Baloutchistan(sud-ouest),....

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 348 as 20 more bodies recovered

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:26:00 +0200nepalnews (en)

Abdul Rasheed Gadozai, deputy commissioner of Awaran, a district which was worst hit by the quake, told local media that 20 more bodies were recovered from a collapsed building in Mashkai, a small town in Awaran, late Wednesday night. As of 6:30 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, 328 people were confirmed....

Nothing left

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:24:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

Pakistan i villagers search for belongings amid the rubble of their destroyed homes following an earthquake in the remote district of Awaran, Baluchistan province, Pakistan, on Wednesday. Rescuers struggled on Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:18:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

VIDEO. Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots va disparaître

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:15:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Une étrange île a surgi des flots après le séisme au Pakistan . Les scientifiques sont très intrigués par ce monticule de boue poussée sous la pression du méthane. Ils prévoient néanmoins sa disparition dans quelques semaines. Explications. VIDEO. Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots va....

Anti-radiation fence at Fukushima has hole

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:09:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

Workers at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Thursday spotted a hole in one of the barriers intended to keep radioactive particles contained in the harbour

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:07:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés.

Pakistan : le séisme fait émerger une île

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:03:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

La province du Baloutchistan a été secouée par un puissant séisme mardi, faisant des centaines de morts. Et, surprise de la nature, une île en est sortie des eaux de la mer d’Arabie. Explications.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:03:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake reaches 348, another 552 injured

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:59:00 +0200rt (en)

07:30 Death toll in Pakistan earthquake reaches 348, another 552 injured. The spokesman for the Balochistan provincial government, Jan Mohammad Bulaidi, said Thursday that the death toll in an earthquake had climbed to 348 and that another 552 people had been injured.

Rescue workers trying to find injured after Pakistan earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Rescue workers struggled to count the dead and save the injured Wednesday after a devastating earthquake hit Pakistan 's Balochistan province. The 7.7-magnitude quake appeared to have hit hardest in the remote Awaran region, an area that serves as a base for militants, CNN reported.

Pakistani spokesman Death toll from earthquake rises to 348 more than 500 injured - AP

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Pakistan i villagers look for belongings amid the rubble of their destroyed homes following an earthquake in the remote district of Awaran, Baluchistan province, Pakistan, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013. Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:55:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

En pruebas sistema para descontaminar el agua de Fukushima-1

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:37:00 +0200europapress (es)

La Compañía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha anunciado este miércoles el inicio para el próximo viernes de las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1.

Le bilan passe à 350 morts au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:25:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme qui a ravagé mardi une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan, ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots va disparaître

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:21:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Une étrange île a surgi des flots après le séisme au Pakistan . Les scientifiques sont très intrigués par ce monticule de boue poussée sous la... Source : TF1 News - Articles similaires

Pakistani villagers reel from quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:12:00 +0200thetimes-za (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their homes yesterday, a day after a huge earthquake killed more than 300 people and created an island off the coast.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:07:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

Dødstallet i Pakistan-jordskjelvet øker til 348

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:06:00 +0200VG (no)

Jordskjelvet sørvest i Pakistan har til nå krevd 348 menneskeliv. Over 500 skal foreløpig være rapportert skadet.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:06:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six...

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:05:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l’USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

General : Najib Prays For Pakistan People's Safety, Resilience

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:03:00 +0200bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 26 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has prayed for the safety and resilience of the people of Pakistan following a devastating earthquake that struck the nation on Tuesday.

Balochistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:01:00 +0200tribune (en)

AWARAN: The death toll from the earthquake in Balochistan has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in the Awaran district.

Erdbeben Pakistan - Nur die Palmen stehen noch

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:01:00 +0200FrankfurterRundschau (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,7 drückt eine neue Insel aus dem Indischen Ozean. In Pakistan kommen mindestens 328 Menschen ums Leben, etwa 500 werden verletzt.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:59:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Lima - Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:59:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:59:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:58:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a....

Pakistan: déjà près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:57:00 +0200levif (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 au sud du pays, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:53:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou , provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales....

Quake rubble

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:51:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

, 1 days ago A survivor of an earthquake sits as he takes tea on the rubble of a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran, southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, on September 25. The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on....

PAKISTAN: Pakistan earthquake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:46:00 +0200france24-en (en)

A huge earthquake struck the south of Pakistan killing at least 348 people on Wednesday, toppling many mud-built homes. The quake struck with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter – InfoBAE.com

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:46:00 +0200contacto-latino (es)

InfoBAE.com Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter InfoBAE.com Las poblaciones de al menos 10 regiones sufrieron el sismo, que provocó destrucción y afectó la estructura de un tramo de la carretera Panamericana Sur. Reportan 3 muertos. E-mail; Imprimir. Parte de la gente que habita cerca del mar [.

Twitter lancia un servizio via app o sms per avvisi d’emergenza

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:44:00 +0200lastampa (it)

Twitter a fianco dei soccorritori in caso di disastri. Il sito di microblogging ha annunciato che avvierà un servizio per informare i suoi utenti sulle indicazioni da parte delle numerose agenzie governative che saranno impegnate in eventuali emergenze....

Tsunami Aceh Jadi Momentum Kebangkitan Militer Indonesia

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:43:00 +0200kompas (id)

Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin mengungkapkan, peristiwa tsunami di Aceh pada tahun 2004 menjadi momentum kebangkitan militer Indonesia. [...]

Une île mystérieuse émerge après le séisme au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:42:00 +0200metrofrance (fr)

ETRANGE – Une île de plusieurs mètres de haut, composée de roches, de boue et de sable mélangés est...

Le bilan passe à 350 morts au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:42:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme qui a ravagé mardi une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan, ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:42:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

Twitter launched a system on Wednesday called Twitter Alerts, which could be used in natural disasters or other emergencies when traditional channels may be overloaded or unavailable.

Pakistan: Government of Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority Islamabad: Press Release

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:40:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Government of Pakistan Country: Pakistan Islamabad, 25th September 2013 –An earthquake measuring 7.7 Richter scale occurred in Balochistan at 1630 hours on 24 September 2013. The tremors of the earthquake were felt across Balochistan Province, seriously affecting Awaran and Kech Districts,....

Pakistan: Health Situation Report: Pakistan Earthquake #1, September 25, 2013

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:40:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: World Health Organization Country: Pakistan Earthquake struck Balochistan on 24th Sep-2013 at 16:29 and tremors were also felt in Sindh with a magnitude of 7.7 with central point being at Dalbandin. The tremors of earthquake were also felt in neighboring countries India and UAE. An island popped up soon after the earthquake.

Pakistan: Baluchistan Earthquake, Pakistan Update 1, 24 September 2013 at 19:00hrs

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:40:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Islamic Relief Country: Pakistan Humanitarian situation A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Pakistan Tuesday, about 42 miles from Awaran in the south-central area of the country. 20 causalities, 100 injuries and several infra structure damages were reported so far from Awaran. The earthquake, about 13.

Pakistan: Pakistan Daily Earthquake Situation Bulletin - 1

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:40:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Government of Pakistan Country: Pakistan On 24th September 2013, at 16:29 hours earthquake intensity of 7.7 on Richter scale hit the SW areas of Pakistan. This also prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off Pakistan’s southern coast. Distirct Awaran, Kech, Kharan, Panjgur & Gwadar have been hitted the most.

Le bilan passe à 350 morts au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:37:00 +020024heures (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme qui a ravagé mardi une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan, ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Toll in quake in Pakistan rises past 300

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:36:00 +0200ca-news (en)

CA-NEWS (CA) The death toll from a devastating earthquake in western Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday, as soldiers and rescue workers scrambled to reach victims in one of the country’s remotest areas, reported The New York Times. This week’s magnitude 7.

Fuerte sismo en Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:36:00 +0200lahora (es)

LIMA, AGENCIAS. Un fuerte sismo de 7 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió ayer una amplia región del sur de Perú, generando pánico entre poblaciones de diversas ciudades, sin conocerse hasta anoche de mayores daños, informó el Instituto geofísico estadounidense (USGS).

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:33:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

AWARAN: The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to 350 people with more t

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:27:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a....

Earthquake of magnitude 7 strikes near Peru's southern coast, some injured

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:26:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru's coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths.

Pakistan/séisme: le bilan des morts s'élève à 348

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:25:00 +0200french-news (fr)

Le bilan des morts dans le fort séisme qui a frappé mardi après-midi la province de Baloutchistan, au sud-ouest du Pakistan , s'élève à 348, comme 20 nouveaux corps ont été découverts par les équipes de secours dans les régions sinistrées, a révélé un responsable cité jeudi par des médias locaux.

Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:24:00 +0200foxnews (en)

The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake rises to 327

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:11:00 +0200newstalk (en)

The death toll from the massive earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has risen to 327 with fears it could rise even further. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon flattening homes and affecting more than 300,000 people in six districts. The earthquake struck the province of Balochistan on at 12.

Pakistan earthquake creates new island

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:10:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

An island has emerged from the Arabian Sea off the coast of southwestern Pakistan , following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday. Residents of…

Séisme au Pakistan: au moins 328 morts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:09:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

C'est la course contre la montre au Pakistan après le puissant séisme de mardi. Les secouristes et villageois tentaient hier de retrouver des…

Najib prays for Pakistan people's safety, resilience

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:08:00 +0200nst (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has prayed for the safety and resilience of the people of Pakistan following a devastating earthquake that struck the nation on Tuesday.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:08:00 +0200normandie (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi en fin....

Près de 350 morts dans le séisme au Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:04:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise ...

Peru rescues man trapped in mine after 7.0 quake, no deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:01:00 +0200trust (en)

LIMA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru said they rescued a man trapped in a mine on Wednesday after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, damaging homes and schools and injuring at least 17 in rural provinces. The man had suffered multiple traumatic injuries and was....

Earthquake rescue efforts hindered in Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:58:00 +0200cnn (en)

Rescue workers struggle to reach areas of southwestern Pakistan struck by a 7.7-magnitude earthquake earlier this week. It has killed 348 people, an official says.

Peru to rescue miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:57:00 +0200khaleejtimes (en)

Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said.

Pakistan Quake Death Toll Nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:53:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, amid fears the toll could still rise. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan province's remote Awaran district -- a....

Pakistani Rescuers Search for Survivors From Deadly Quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:53:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

Rescuers led by Pakistan ’s military continued to search for survivors trapped under rubble from a 7.7-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 300 people and created a new island in the The death toll from the Sept. 24 temblor rose to 348, with 552 people injured, Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesman....

El terremoto de Pakistán fue tan poderoso que una nueva isla surgió en el mar

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:50:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

Este hecho ocurrió al oeste del país asiático. Un fuerte sismo impactó el martes la remota zona montañosa del oeste de Pakistán y se sintió en la capital india de Nueva Delhi, a cientos de kilómetros hacia el este, donde los edificios se estremecieron. Al menos 65 personas murieron hoy por este sismo de acuerdo a una fuente oficial, indica .

Sismo de 6.9 grados se registró en Acarí, Arequipa

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:50:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

Temblor se sintió también en Lima, Ica, Cusco, Moquegua, Puno, Tacna, Apurímac, Ayacucho y Huancavelica. Se descartó posibilidad de tsunami. Un sismo de 6.9 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter se registró esta mañana (11:42 horas) en el departamento de Arequipa, sintiéndose además en otras regiones del sur peruano y el norte de Chile.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:48:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

MONITORING DESK AWARAN: The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in Balochistan province\'s remote Awaran....

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:48:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore...

Un séisme de magnitude 7 touche le sud du Pérou

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:48:00 +0200arcinfo (fr)

Le sud du Pérou a tremblé mercredi lors d'un séisme de magnitude 7. Six personnes ont été blessées mais la catastrophe n'a fait aucun mort. Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:47:00 +0200nordlittoral (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Death toll in Pakistani quake rises to 348

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:44:00 +0200elpasotimes (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) - A Pakistani government spokesman says that the death toll from the country's horrific earthquake has risen to 348.

Pak quake death toll nears 350, more than 500 hurt

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:40:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise.

Pakistan's New Earthquake-Made Island Emits Flammable Gas, 4th Island to Emerge Near Gwadar (VIDEO)

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:35:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

After a major earthquake in the coastal town of Gwadar in Pakistan that killed hundreds of people, residents were again shocked to find a new island rising from the sea just more than 1 kilometre from the shore.

El terremoto de Pakistán fue tan poderoso que una nueva isla surgió en el mar

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:33:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Este hecho ocurrió al oeste del país asiático. Un fuerte sismo impactó el martes la remota zona montañosa del oeste de Pakistán y se sintió en la capital india de Nueva Delhi, a cientos de kilómetros hacia el este, donde los edificios se estremecieron. Al menos 65 personas murieron hoy por este sismo de acuerdo a una fuente oficial, indica .

Sismo de 6.9 grados se registró en Acarí, Arequipa

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:33:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Temblor se sintió también en Lima, Ica, Cusco, Moquegua, Puno, Tacna, Apurímac, Ayacucho y Huancavelica. Se descartó posibilidad de tsunami. Un sismo de 6.9 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter se registró esta mañana (11:42 horas) en el departamento de Arequipa, sintiéndose además en otras regiones del sur peruano y el norte de Chile.

Lesionados y daños por un temblor en el Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:33:00 +0200diario-expreso (es)

El fuerte sismo de 7 grados que sacudió ayer una amplia región del sur de Perú, causó heridas a seis personas y algunos daños materiales, informó el presidente peruano Ollanta Humala. El temblor ocurrió a las 11:42 con epicentro en el océano Pacífico a 72 km al sur de la localidad de Lomas, en el....

Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:30:00 +0200newvision (en)

The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured.

Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:29:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise.

TEPCO iniciará el viernes las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de Fukushima-1

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:29:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

La Compañía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha anunciado este miércoles el inicio para el próximo viernes de las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1.

Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200afp-english (en)

The death toll from a huge earthquake in southwest Pakistan this week has soared to around 350 people with more than 500 injured, officials said Thursday, among fears the toll could still rise. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan province's remote Awaran district -- a....

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Sismo de 7 grados provocó derrumbes y pánico en Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200elcarabobeno (es)

26 septiembre 2013 Sismo de 7 grados provocó derrumbes y pánico en Perú. Un sismo de 7 grados en la escala de Richter registrado en el sur del Perú ocasionó el derrumbe de carreteras y algunas casas de construcción precaria, además de pánico en la población.

Pakistan Earthquake Toll Nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200voanews (en)

The death toll continues to rise from Tuesday's strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan . Officials now say 348 people were killed in Pakistan's Baluchistan province after thousands of mud homes collapsed during an earthquake in the mountainous Awaran district.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:25:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi en fin....

Pakistan quake toll up to 327

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:25:00 +0200bdnews24 (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the aftermath of the worst....

Pakistan quake death toll nears 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:23:00 +0200sbs (en)

The death toll from a 7.7-magnitude quake that hit Pakistan is still rising, and now sits at around 350 people with more than 500 injured.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:23:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi en fin....

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:22:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire.

Pakistan: près de 350 morts dans le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:21:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Près de 350 personnes sont mortes dans le puissant séisme ayant ravagé cette semaine une partie de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest), ont indiqué jeudi les autorités dans un nouveau bilan encore provisoire. Le tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi en fin....

Un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le Pérou, six blessés

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:13:00 +0200lecourrier (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des États-Unis) a touché le 25 septembre le Sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, et faisant six blessés. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11h42....

Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots va disparaître

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:12:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Une étrange île a surgi des flots après le séisme au Pakistan . Les scientifiques sont très intrigués par ce monticule de boue poussée sous la pression du méthane. Ils prévoient néanmoins sa disparition dans quelques semaines. Explications. Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots va....

Pakistan quake death toll rises to 348

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:09:00 +0200thehindu (en)

A Pakistan i government spokesman says that the death toll from the country’s horrific earthquake has risen to 348.The spokesman for the Baluchistan provincial government, Jan Mohammad Bulai...

Peru Rescues Man Trapped in Mine After 7.0 Quake, No Deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:05:00 +0200nytimes (en)

Authorities in Peru said they rescued a man trapped in a mine on Wednesday after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, damaging homes and schools and injuring at least 17 in rural provinces.

Peru rescues man trapped in mine after 7.0 quake, no deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:04:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru said they rescued a man trapped in a mine on Wednesday after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, damaging homes and schools and injuring at least 17 in rural provinces.

Nawras offers special call rates to Pakistan during earthquake relief efforts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:00:00 +0200albawaba-en (en)

In response to the recent devastating earthquake in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan , Nawras is offering all customers a special rate of 49 Baizas per minute for calls to Pakistan from today until the end of Friday 27 September. Mutassim Hamood Al-Zadjali, Nawras Department Head - CSR & Events,....

Peru rescues man trapped in mine after 7.0 quake, no deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:58:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru said they rescued a man trapped in a mine on Wednesday after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, damaging homes and schools and injuring at least 17 in rural provinces. The man had suffered multiple traumatic injuries and was being....

Un séisme de magnitude 7 sème la panique au Pérou

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:53:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 348 as 20 more bodies recovered

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:51:00 +0200vietnamnet-en (en)

The death toll of a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon has risen to 348 as 20 more bodies were recovered by rescue teams in the quake-hit areas, local media quoted an official as saying on Thursday.

Peru rescues man trapped in mine after 7.0 quake, no deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:47:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru said they rescued a man trapped in a mine on Wednesday after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, damaging homes and schools and injuring at least 17 in rural provinces.

Relief efforts: Army to the rescue, again!

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:42:00 +0200tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: Over a 1,000 troops of the Pakistan army have been mobilised to be sent to the earthquake-hit areas of Balochistan. They will launch a massive relief and rescue operation in affected areas, according to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR).

État d'urgence au Pakistan après un séisme : "Nous craignons de nombreux morts"

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:35:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Au moins 46 morts sont pour l'instant à déplorer dans le sud-ouest du pays. Les experts redoutent des répliques et l'état d'urgence a été décrété.

20,000 houses destroyed in Pakistan earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:09:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- A total of 20,000 houses were destroyed in a 7.7-magnitude earthquake that struck Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Teusday afternoon, said the provincial government of Balochistan on Thursday. A press release issued Thursday morning by the Provincial....

Le séisme du Pakistan fait émerger une île

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:00:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

La province du Baloutchistan a été secouée par un puissant séisme mardi, faisant des centaines de morts. Et surprise de la nature, une île en est sortie des eaux de la mer d’Arabie. Explications.

Terremoto atinge Peru, deixa feridos e possivelmente mineiros soterrados

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:50:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

LIMA - Autoridades do Peru se apressavam para resgatar mineiros supostamente presos em poços de cobre nesta quarta-feira, depois que um forte terremoto abalou o litoral do país, causando deslizamentos de terra, feridos e possivelmente mortes em províncias rurais.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 348 as 20 more bodies recovered

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:46:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

. ISLAMABAD, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon has risen to 348 as 20 more bodies were recovered by rescue teams in the quake-hit areas, local media quoted an official as saying on Thursday.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 348 as 20 more bodies recovered

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:23:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon has risen to 348 as 20 more bodies were recovered by rescue teams in the quake-hit areas, local media quoted an official as saying on Thursday.

Le séisme du Pakistan fait émerger une île

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:22:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

La province du Baloutchistan a été secouée par un puissant séisme mardi, faisant des centaines de morts. Et surprise de la nature, une île en est sortie des eaux de la mer d’Arabie. Explications.

Opp walks out over govt’s indifference towards the tragedy

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:20:00 +0200nation (en)

ISLAMABAD - The National Assembly, through a unanimously passed resolution on Wednesday, expressed sympathies and grief over the loss of precious lives in Balochistan’s earthquake, calling upon the government to expedite the rescue and relief operation in the quake-hit areas.

Quake victims await help as toll tops 348

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:20:00 +0200nation (en)

QUETTA - The death toll from Tuesday’s devastating earthquake has risen to 348 in Balochistan, according to official figures. However, independent sources claimed more than 400 people have died and the number could further increase as over 600 people are injured.

Sismo de 6,8 8 grados sacude Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:19:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Un sismo 6,8 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter se sintió este miércoles en varias zonas del sur del país, y tuvo su epicentro a 72 kilómetros al sur del distrito de Puerto Lomas, en la provincia arequipeña de Caravelí, informó el Instituto Geofísico de ese país andino.

Le séisme du Pakistan fait émerger une île

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:19:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

La province du Baloutchistan a été secouée par un puissant séisme mardi, faisant des centaines de morts. Et, surprise de la nature, une île en est sortie des eaux de la mer d’Arabie. Explications.

Terremoto de 6,9 grados en la costa sur de Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:15:00 +0200cctv-es (es)

Nueve heridos y daños en el 70 por ciento de las viviendas rústicas del poblado de Arequipa es el saldo preliminar del terremoto de 6,9 grados Richter registrado el miércoles en la provincia peruana de Caravelí, en la región Arequipa, a 1.020 kilómetros al sur de Lima, según informó el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil.

TEPCO iniciará el viernes las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de Fukushima-1

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 05:06:00 +0200lainformacion (es)

La Compañía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha anunciado este miércoles el inicio para el próximo viernes de las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1.

Quake agony for relatives

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:46:00 +0200GulfDailyNews (en)

. By ANIQA HAIDER , Posted on » Thursday, September 26, 2013 MEMBERS of the Pakistan community in Bahrain were trying desperately to reach relatives in the Western province of Baluchistan yesterday, after a massive earthquake killed more than 330 people and injured hundreds more on Tuesday.

Hundreds confirmed dead after Pakistan earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:37:00 +0200heraldscotland (en)

THE death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan has risen to 327 after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and sparsely populated area.

National policy evolved against terror in APC: CM

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:33:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

LAHORE BRITISH Home Secretary Theresa May met Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif here Wednesday. Britain High Commissioner in Pakistan Adam Thomson was

Peru hit by 7.0 magnitude quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:17:00 +0200nst (en)

LIMA: A powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck off Peru’s southern coast Wednesday, triggering panic across several cities though there were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries, authorities said.

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:17:00 +0200nst (en)

SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

TEPCO iniciará el viernes las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de Fukushima-1

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:10:00 +0200telecinco (es)

La Compañía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha anunciado este miércoles el inicio para el próximo viernes de las pruebas del nuevo sistema para descontaminar el agua radiactiva de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1.

Hundreds killed in Pakistan earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:09:00 +0200asianewsnet (en)

The death toll from a massive earthquake that jolted southwest Pakistan rose to 328 on Wednesday, with officials saying thousands have been left homeless in remote parts of Balochistan province. The .....

Sindh sends relief items for quake-hit people

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:03:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

Karachi: Expressing deep grief over the loss of life and property due to the earthquake in Balochistan, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah direct

Gawadar quake island unlikely to last: experts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:03:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

GWADAR: A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlik

Pakistan 7.7 magnitude earthquake death toll up at 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:03:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

QUETTA: The death toll from a major earthquake that hit southwestern Pakistan rose to 350 on Wednesday, provincial officials said, with more fatalitie

328 dead as Awaran reduced to pile of rubble

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:03:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

QUETTA: The death toll in the earthquake that hit Awaran district of Balochistan on Tuesday has reached 328. Thousands have been injured in the 7.8 ma

Pakistan earthquake: One more island surfaces off Balochistan coast

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 04:03:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

KARACHI: Following the strong earthquake of 7.7 magnitude that hit Pakistan Tuesday, one more island has emerged to the sea surface off coastal town o

Sismo en Arequipa: Juan Jiménez viajará mañana a la zona para evaluar daños

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:59:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

Señaló que los informes preliminares recibidos por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI) señalan que hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas ni existe riesgo de tsunami. Tras el sismo de 6.9 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió esta mañana la zona sur del país, el presidente....

Sismo en Arequipa: Juan Jiménez viajará mañana a la zona para evaluar daños

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:57:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Señaló que los informes preliminares recibidos por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI) señalan que hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas ni existe riesgo de tsunami. Tras el sismo de 6.9 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió esta mañana la zona sur del país, el presidente....

Tras el tsunami, los japoneses se desconectan de la red eléctrica

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:46:00 +0200laprensa-HN (es)

OSAKA, JapónEn una especie de revolución contra las empresas de servicios públicos tradicionales, miles de japoneses han comenzado a generar su propia energía con células de combustible de hidrógeno y paneles solares, convirtiendo alpaís en el principal laboratorio del mundo en este frente.

Death toll rises to 330 in Pakistan quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:36:00 +0200cnn (en)

An earthquake in Pakistan , powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed at least 330 people, Pakistani officials said.

Death toll rises to 328 in SW Pakistan's quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:30:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

At least 328 people were killed and 500 others injured since Tuesday afternoon when a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province, official sources said here on Wednesday.

Sismo de 7 grados sacude Perú, no hay muertos

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:56:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de 7 grados frente a la escasamente poblada costa suroeste de Perú sacudió la mayor parte del país el miércoles, pero sólo se ha informado de daños materiales y lesiones ligeras....


Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:53:00 +0200rt (en)


328 morts et plus de 500 blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:48:00 +0200french-news (fr)

Au moins 328 personnes ont été tuées et plus de 500 autres blessées dans le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 qui a frappé mardi après-midi la province du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest) au Pakistan , ont indiqué mercredi des responsables.

Magnitude 7 Offshore Quake Shakes Peru; No Deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:44:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Magnitude 7.0 quake off southern Peru coast shakes country, causing light damage, no deaths

Terremoto atinge Peru e deixa feridos; mineiros podem ter ficado soterrados

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:40:00 +0200folha (pt)

Autoridades do Peru se apressavam para resgatar mineiros supostamente presos em poços de cobre nesta quarta-feira, depois que um forte terremoto abalou o litoral do país, causando deslizamentos de terra, feridos e possivelmente mortes em províncias rurais.

Gempa 7,0 Skala Richter Guncang Peru

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:37:00 +0200suaramerdeka (id)

PERU, suaramerdeka.com - Gempa berkekuatan 7,0 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang tepi selatan pantai Peru. Gempa terjadi 80 kilometer dari kota ...

World: Psychosocial Care and Protection of Tsunami Affected Children: Guiding Principles

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:32:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: ICRC, UN Children's Fund, International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, World Vision Country: World Introduction Exposure to natural disasters has a devastating impact on the psychological and social wellbeing of children, adolescents and adults.

Terremoto en sur peruano dejó seis heridos y daños materiales

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:28:00 +0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Pánico generó en medio país el sacudón de 7 grados que se registró antes del mediodía. Thumbnail Image: leer más

Peru to rescue copper miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:07:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said.

Una isla nace en mar de Arabia tras sismo en Pakistán

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:03:00 +0200informador (es)

GWADAR, PAKISTÁN (25/SEP/2013).- Una isla brotó súbitamente en el mar Arábico tras el violento terremoto que sacudió el martes la provincia de Baluchistán, sudoeste de Pakistán, causando hasta el momento. 327 muertos A cientos de kilómetros del epicentro, el islote sorprende a curiosos y....

Quake rubble

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:00:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

, 17 hours, 54 minutes ago A survivor of an earthquake sits as he takes tea on the rubble of a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran, southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, on September 25. The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at....

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:57:00 +0200zdnet (en)

Twitter has launched a system for emergency alerts that can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

Over 200 people died in Tuesday's earthquake in Pakistan

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:00 +0200agoramagazine-en (en)

Khuzdar - Over 200 people died in Tuesday's earthquake in Balochistan, Pakistan , where a new island cropped up. (AGI) (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/it_IT/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.

Peru to rescue copper miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said.

Peru to rescue copper miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said.

Peru to rescue copper miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:00 +0200trust (en)

LIMA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said. Officials in the southern Arequipa region said they....

Peru to Rescue Copper Miners Reportedly Trapped After Quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:54:00 +0200nytimes (en)

Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said.

Pakistan earthquake toll rises to 370

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:48:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

The death toll in the devastating earthquake that jolted Pakistan ’s southwestern Baluchistan province rose to 370 on Wednesday, with officials saying that many people are still trapped under the rubble.

Bihar teacher develops technique to predict earthquakes

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:48:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

Even as seismologists across the world are busy finding a suitable model for predicting earthquakes to minimize the loss of life and property, a school teacher of Motihari in Bihar has developed a time-tested model for forecasting the time, place and magnitude of quakes.

More than 200 killed in massive Pakistan earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:48:00 +0200irishsun (en)

View Photo Reuters/Reuters - Survivors of an earthquake walk on rubble of a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran, southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, September 25, 2013. ...

Rhapsody of the Seas brings visitors to Pago

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:36:00 +0200samoanews (en)

By B. Chen ShareThis blue@samoanews.com The Rhapsody of the Seas arrived in the territory yesterday, causing traffic delays in the town area and an increase in transactions for local businesses. The cruise ship carried over 1,100 passengers and crew members who arrived in the territory at 9 a.m. and departed at 6 p.

Death Toll Rises to 327 in Pakistan Quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:30:00 +0200chosun (en)

Authorities in Pakistan say earthquake relief efforts are being hampered by the remoteness of the mountainous quake zone. Officials say at least 327 people were killed after thousands of mud homes collapsed in the mountainous Awaran district of Baluchistan province. Hundreds of othe...

Peru to rescue copper miners reportedly trapped after quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:21:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - Authorities in Peru rushed to rescue miners reportedly trapped in copper pits on Wednesday after an earthquake shook the coast - causing landslides, injuries and possibly deaths in rural provinces, local officials said. Officials in the southern Arequipa region said they were told....

Una isla nace en el mar de Arabia tras sismo de 7,7 en Pakistán

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 01:19:00 +0200eluniverso (es)

Una isla brotó súbitamente en el mar Arábico tras el violento terremoto que sacudió el martes la provincia de Baluchistán, sudoeste de Pakistán, causando más de 300 muertos. A cientos de kilómetros del epicentro, el islote sorprende a curiosos y científicos, que lo observan desde la orilla en....

Difunden videos de sismo registrado en el Sur del país

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:58:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

Según el IGP, el sismo se registró a 64 kilómetros al sur de Lomas, Acarí, Arequipa. El fuerte movimiento sísmico registrado esta mañana en el Sur del país generó el pánico entre la población, ante el temor que el movimiento se prolongue y pueda desatarse un terremoto, e incluso un tsunami en algunas zonas costeras.

Difunden videos de sismo registrado en el Sur del país

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:56:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Según el IGP, el sismo se registró a 64 kilómetros al sur de Lomas, Acarí, Arequipa. El fuerte movimiento sísmico registrado esta mañana en el Sur del país generó el pánico entre la población, ante el temor que el movimiento se prolongue y pueda desatarse un terremoto, e incluso un tsunami en algunas zonas costeras.

Pakistan earthquake: One more island surfaces off Balochistan coast

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:53:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: Following the strong earthquake of 7.7 magnitude that hit Pakistan Tuesday, one more island has emerged t

Pakistan 7.7 magnitude earthquake death toll up at 350

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:53:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

QUETTA: The death toll from a major earthquake that hit southwestern Pakistan rose to 350 on Wednesday, provincial

Technology › Twitter launches emergency alert system

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:51:00 +0200japantoday (en)

Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down. The popular messaging service said its Twitter Alerts could be useful in natural disasters or other emergencies when traditional channels may be overloaded or unavailable.

328 deaths in Pakistan's earthquake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:48:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- At least 328 people were killed and 500 others injured since Tuesday afternoon when a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province, official sources said here on Wednesday. In a press briefing, officials from National Disaster Management....

Reportan sismo de 6.9 grados en Perú; no hay víctimas

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:48:00 +0200vanguardia-MX (es)

El temblor se percibió con mayor fuerza en las provincias de Camaná y Castilla, en Arequipa

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:45:00 +0200sbs (en)

Twitter has launched a system for emergency alerts that can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

Un puissant séisme au Pakistan fait des centaines de morts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:33:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Les secouristes et des villageois tentaient hier de retrouver des survivants sous les décombres laissés par un puissant séisme ayant fait des centaines de morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes dans une région reculée du Pakistan . Le séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de....

VIDEO. Pakistan : une île émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après le séisme

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:27:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Ne l'appelez pas Atlantide, le mythique continent disparu, mais «Zalzala Koh», comme l'ont déjà surnommée les Pakistan ais. Le puissant séisme au Pakistan survenu mardi a donné naissance à... une...

Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:26:00 +0200infobae (es)

Las poblaciones de al menos diez regiones del país sufrieron el sismo, que provocó destrucción y afectó la estructura de un tramo de la carretera Panamericana Sur. No habría heridos


Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:18:00 +0200rt (en)

my classmate's aunt makes -$63/hour- on the computer. She has been without work for nine months but last month her paycheck was -$12346- just working on the computer for a few hours. Get the facts...... tym.ddp.net. Although it makes good headlines there is NO tsunami warning.

Pakistan quake death hits 327

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:17:00 +0200guardiannewsngr (en)

THE death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan’s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the aftermath of the worst....

Sismo de 6.8 sacude costas del Pacífico de Perú

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:17:00 +0200el19digital (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en la escala de Richter se registró este miércoles en Perú a las 11H42 locales y se sintió varias zonas del sur del país. Según informó el Instituto Geofísico de Perú el ep...

Earthquake survivors struggle for food shelter

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:15:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Pakistan i villagers look for belongings amid the rubble of their destroyed homes following an earthquake in the remote district of Awaran, Baluchistan province, Pakistan, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013. Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses....

Over 328 killed in Pakistan quake

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:15:00 +0200irishsun (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The death toll from Pakistan's strong 7.7 earthquake magnitude reached 328, prompting authorities to initiate relief and rehabilitation measures involving the army. The meteorological department said Wednesday that several aftershocks, including one of 5.

PML-Q files ‘grief resolution’ over earthquake casualties

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:04:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

. LAHORE: The Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) submitted a resolution in the Punjab Assembly, expressing deep grief and sorrow over hundreds of deaths in the recent earthquake that hit Balochistan. The resolution was filed by the party’s deputy parliamentary leader Sardar Waqas Hasan Moakal in....

Pakistan condoled over quake deaths

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:04:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

. ISLAMABAD: The United Nations and world leaders have conveyed condolences to the government of Pakistan and families of those who lost their lives in Tuesday’s earthquake. Following the devastating earthquake in Balochistan, German Ambassador Dr Cyrill Nunn stated, “I am deeply saddened by the....

6.9-magnitude quake hits off Peruvian coast, minor damage reported

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:03:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

LIMA, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- A magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck Peru's coast on Wednesday damaged houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region, but there were no reports of deaths or injuries. Peruvian authorities urged residents in Arequipa to remain calm following the earthquake....

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:02:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

Isla que apareció tras terremoto en Pakistán ya es explorada

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:45:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Propietarios de embarcaciones intentan sacar provecho con visitas a la "formación rocosa":http://elcomercio.pe/actualidad/1635477/noticia-terremoto-pakistan-formo-nueva-isla-costa-sur-pais llamada "Zalzala Koh" (la montaña del sismo)

Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:40:00 +0200lanacion-PY (es)

Parte de la gente que habita cerca del mar temió un tsunami, pero las autoridades de Capitanía de Puertos informaron que no hay peligro de un maremoto. Se vivieron momentos de pánico, con gente gritando desolada en las calles.

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:34:00 +0200france24-en (en)

Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down. The popular messaging service said its Twitter Alerts could be useful in natural disasters or other emergencies when traditional channels may be overloaded or unavailable.

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:33:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été....

Rescue workers trying to find injured after Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:32:00 +0200upi (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept. 25 (UPI) -- Rescue workers struggled to count the dead and save the injured Wednesday after a devastating earthquake hit Pakistan's Balochistan province.

Desmienten alerta de tsunami por sismo en Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:26:00 +0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Así lo informó Alberto Bisbal, del Instituto de Defensa Civil, aunque se han producido varios derrumbes en las faldas del volcán Chachani. Thumbnail Image: leer más

Ministro Pérez responde a Bachelet por reconstrucción: "Recetas que plantea son añejas y han mostrado total inoperancia"

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:17:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

El ministro de Vivienda calificó de "paradójicas" las críticas de la abanderada de la Concertación, "quien entregó el país con los militares en la calle, toque de queda y víctimas producto del mal manejo de la emergencia del tsunami".

Death Toll Rises to 327 in Pakistan Quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:15:00 +0200voanews (en)

The death toll continues to rise from Tuesday's strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan . Officials say at least 327 people were killed after thousands of mud homes collapsed in the mountainous Awaran district of Baluchistan province. Hundreds of other people have been injured and displaced.

Deadly earthquake in rural Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:12:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A Pakistan i villager evacuated from an earthquake-affected area in Baluchistan province rests at a local hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, Sept. 25, 2013. Rescuers struggled to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a major earthquake in southwestern Pakistan....

Terremoto de 7.0 sacude el sur del Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:05:00 +0200diariolaprimeraperu (es)

El sismo ha sido registrado a 47 kilómetros del distrito de Acarí, ubicado en el Departamento de Arequipa. De momento no se reportan víctimas mortales ni daños materiales.

Earthquake in Pakistan creates island as it destroys mud-built homes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:02:00 +0200scmp (en)

Pakistan i rescuers yesterday struggled to reach victims of a big earthquake that killed at least 327 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes near Peru's southern coast, some injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 23:01:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru's coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths.

SNGR descarta alerta de Tsunami en Ecuador, tras sismo en Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:56:00 +0200eldiario-EC (es)

Este miércoles la costa del sur de Perú fue sacudida por un sismo de magnitud 6,9 grados en la escala de Richter. Sin embargo, éste no representa un riesgo para la zona ecuatoriana.

Une île surgit des flots

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:53:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Le séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à ce monticule, sorti en mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes near Peru's southern coast, some injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:53:00 +0200trust (en)

LIMA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru's coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths. Mining operations in the region - at Southern Copper's Toquepala mine,....

Magnitude 7 quake strikes off coast of Peru, some damage reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:53:00 +0200trust (en)

(Adds quotes, reports of damage) LIMA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake. The epicenter of the earthquake, which was 29 miles....

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes near Peru's southern coast, some injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:52:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru's coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths.

Twitter launches emergency alerts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:50:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

San Francisco (AFP) - Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

Pérou. Un séisme de magnitude 7 provoque la panique mais pas de victimes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:49:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé...

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:49:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été....

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes near Peru's southern coast, some injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:47:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

LIMA: A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru's coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths. Mining operations in the region - at Southern Copper's Toquepala mine, Freeport-McMoRan's Cerro....

No Jordanians injured in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:46:00 +0200jordantimes (en)

ISLAMABAD The Foreign Ministry on Wednesday confirmed that all Jordanian citizens in Islamabad were safe and accounted for, and that none were injured in the earthquake that struck the area of Gwadar in the Balochistan province on Tuesday. The ministry said Jordan’s embassy in Pakistan has been....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:45:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été....

Governor Sindh calls on President

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:44:00 +0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 25 (APP): Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir met Wednesay in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly as senior officials countries expressed their support for Kashmiris’ struggle for their legitimate right to self-determination.

Pakistan : Une île surgie de la mer suite au tremblement de terre

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:40:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Suite au puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Pakistan mardi, les habitants de la côte ont pu découvrir qu'une île The post Pakistan : Une... Source : CitizenPost - Articles similaires

Tremor de 6,9 graus atinge região sul do Peru

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:37:00 +0200zerohora (pt)

Defesa civil garantiu que não há risco de tsunami após o sismo, que provocou deslizamentos no sopé de um vulcão

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:36:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes.

Sismo de 7 grados sacude costa sur de Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:36:00 +0200voces-huffingtonpost (es)

LIMA, Perú (AP) — Un sismo de 7 grados de magnitud preliminar sacudió el miércoles poblaciones de la costa sur de Perú, ocasionando rajaduras en viviendas de adobe y derrumbes de cerros sobre la principal carretera de esa zona del país. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el movimiento....

Peru é atingido por terremoto de 7 graus na escala Richter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:26:00 +0200agenciabrasil (pt)

Da Agência Lusa Lima - Um terremoto de 7 graus na escala Richter atingiu hoje (25) o Sul do Peru, provocando pânico em várias cidades, entre as quais a capital Lima, segundo anunciou o Instituto de Geofísica dos Estados Unidos (USGS). O epicentro do tremor de terra, que durou 50 segundos, foi....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:26:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l’USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:23:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,0 sacude Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:22:00 +0200alterpresse (es)

espacinsular LIMA, Perú, 25 de septiembre de 2013.- El terremoto de 7,0 que ha sacudido el sur de Perú se ha dejado sentir en varias localidades del país y en Chile. El epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de 40 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Peru hit by 7.0 magnitude quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:20:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

Lima (AFP) - A powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast Wednesday, triggering panic across several cities though there were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries, authorities said.

Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots est vouée à disparaître

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:18:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Une étrange île a surgi des flots après le séisme au Pakistan . Les scientifiques sont très intrigués par ce monticule de boue poussée sous la pression du méthane. Ils prévoient néanmoins sa disparition dans quelques semaines. Explications. Pakistan : la mystérieuse île surgie des flots est vouée à....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:16:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Lima - Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à....

Peru hit by 7.0-magnitude quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:16:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

AN offshore earthquake with a reported magnitude of 7.0 shook much of Peru overnight, breaking windows and leaving cracks in building walls.

Nawaz Sharif looks forward to meeting Manmohan Singh in New York

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:14:00 +0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Sep. 25 (APP): The United Nations Wednesday offered to help Pakistan in relief efforts after a massive earthquake destroyed lives and property in southwestern Balochistan province. According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the number of people....

Chile descarta tsunami tras terremoto en sur de Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:13:00 +0200laestrella (es)

El estatal Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) descartó hoy la ocurrencia de un tsunami en la costa chilena tras el sismo de 7 grados Richter que sacudió el sur de Perú. "Las características del sismo no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tusnami en las costas de Chile", indicó el SHOA en un comunicado.

Earthquake Survivors Struggle for Food, Shelter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:10:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Survivors of Pakistan earthquake struggle to find shelter, food during long wait for help

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:08:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Terremoto de magnitude 7 atinge costa sul do Peru

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:07:00 +0200folha (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 7 atingiu a costa sul do Peru nesta quarta-feira, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, e meios de comunicação locais disseram que algumas casas desmoronaram em uma região próxima do tremor. O epicentro do terremoto, localizado a 46 quilômetros de profundidade,....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:07:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou , provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:06:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes.

Pas de tsunami - Un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le Pérou

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:01:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des États-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes.

Tsunami warning after 7.0 earthquake off Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:59:00 +0200ATAP-en (en)

Some homes crumbled and a tsunami warning was issued after a 7.0 earthquake struck just off Peru's southern coast. The impact caused buildings in the Peruvian capital, Lima, to shake, despite the city being 480 kilometers away.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:57:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et....

Sismo en Arequipa: Jefe del Gabinete coordina acciones tras fuerte movimiento

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:57:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

Señaló que los informes preliminares recibidos por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI) señalan que hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas ni existe riesgo de tsunami. Tras el sismo de 7 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió esta mañana la zona sur del país, el presidente del....

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:56:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois...

Sismo en Arequipa: Jefe del Gabinete coordina acciones tras fuerte movimiento

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:54:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Señaló que los informes preliminares recibidos por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI) señalan que hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas ni existe riesgo de tsunami. Tras el sismo de 7 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió esta mañana la zona sur del país, el presidente del....

Pakistan Earthquake Death Toll Climbs to 328

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:52:00 +0200novinite (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in south-western Pakistan has risen to 328, after hundreds of houses collapsed in a remote mountainous area. Most of the victims were killed when their houses collapsed. At least 350 people were injured. Pakistan's army has airlifted hundreds of soldiers to....

Pakistan's 'Earthquake mountain': The island that appeared from the sea

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:52:00 +0200telegraph (en)

As villagers throughout Pakistan 's remote Balochistan province despaired at nature's savagery, neighbours on the Arabian Sea coast at Gwadar gazed in wonder at its creation: a new island, 'Earthquake mountain'.

Pérou : un séisme de magnitude 7 frappe le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:51:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima, sans toutefois faire de victimes. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42....

Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:51:00 +0200diario-extra (es)

Parte de la gente que habita cerca del mar temió un tsunami, pero las autoridades de Capitanía de Puertos informaron que no hay peligro de un maremoto. Se vivieron momentos de pánico, con gente gritando desolada en las callesEl comandante José Miguel Campos, de la Policía de Carreteras en el sur del....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:49:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et....

Magnitude 7.0 quake hits off Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:48:00 +0200smh (en)

A large earthquake off the southern coast of Peru has caused minor damage, but no injuries, according to early reports.

GovGuam, Navy to cooperate on emergency communications

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:45:00 +0200marianasvariety-guam (en)

GOV. Eddie Calvo and Rear Adm. Tilghman Payne, commanding officer of Joint Region Marianas, yesterday signed a memorandum of agreement allowing the government of Guam to use the federal government’s Enterprise Land Mobile Radio (ELMR) services.

Sismo en Arequipa: riesgo de tsunami fue descartado por la Marina de Guerra

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:45:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación precisó tres factores por los que el fenómeno es imposible. Uno es que "el movimiento":http://elcomercio.pe/actualidad/1635855/noticia-temblor-lima-movimiento-varios-segundos-se-sintio-capital?ft=grid no fue mayor de 7 grados

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:42:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Lima (AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et....

Death toll rises to 330 in Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:40:00 +0200cnn (en)

An earthquake in Pakistan , powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed at least 330 people, Pakistani officials said.

Pakistan 7.7-magnitude earthquake leaves more than 300 dead - video

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:39:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A hospital in Karachi treats victims of an earthquake in western Pakistan that has left more than 300 people dead. The 7.7-magnitude hit the sparsely-populated Baluchistan province on Tuesday and was so forceful it created a new island off the coast. Rescuers say they are having trouble reaching each village in the wide-reaching .

Peru coast rattled by earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:39:00 +0200irishsun (en)

THE death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials ...

Pakistan quake death toll tops 300 thousands left homeless

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:39:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The death toll from a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan climbed to 306 Wednesday, with thousands of people left homeless, officials said. Pakistan's military Wednesday worked to reach the remote area of Balochistan province where Tuesday's 7.

Remece a Perú sismo de 6.9 grados Richter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:27:00 +0200uniradioinforma (es)

Un sismo de 6.9 grados Richter sacudió hoy varias regiones de Perú sin que hasta el momento se reporten víctimas fatales o grandes daños materiales, informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP).

Scènes de panique au Pérou après un séisme de magnitude 7

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:25:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, ...

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:23:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Magnitude 7 quake strikes off coast of Peru, some damage reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:19:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake. The epicenter of the earthquake, which was 29 miles deep, was 29 miles south of the town of....

7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes western Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:16:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

Heavy casualties are feared after a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit south-western Pakistan .

Izdali upozorenje za tsunami? Peru pogodio snažan potres

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:15:00 +020024sata (hr)

Južnu obalu Perua pogodio je potres magnitude 7.0 stupnjeva, a osjetio se i u glavnom gradu Limi. U gradu 480 kM udaljenom od epicentra tresle su se zgrade

Earthquake: PPP, PTI stage walkout in protest against government's inaction

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:15:00 +0200tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) representatives staged a walked out in the National Assembly after a resolution was passed expressing sorrow over lives lost in the Balochistan earthquake on Wednesday. Moved by Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Shazia....

Sismo de 6,8 grados en el sur de Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:10:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 en la escala de Richter se registró este miércoles en Perú a las 11H42 locales y se sintió varias zonas del sur del país. Según informó el Instituto Geofísico de Perú el epicentro se produjo a 72 kilómetros al sur del distrito de Puerto Lomas, en la provincia arequipeña de Caravelí, a una profundidad de 30 kilómetros.

Stärke 7,0 - Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert Süden Perus

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:09:00 +0200RP (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 hat am Mittwoch den Süden Perus erschüttert. Das Epizentrum des Bebens, das sich nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte USGS um 11.42 Uhr Ortszeit (18.42 Uhr MESZ) ereignete, lag 72 Kilometer südlich der Stadt Lomas im Bezirk Arequipa. Die peruanischen Behörden schlossen eine Gefährdung durch einen Tsunami aus.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:05:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Pakistan earthquake death toll at 328 and rising

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:04:00 +0200ChinaPost (en)

(ChinaPost.com.tw) - Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 300 people and creating a new island off the coast.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:04:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima.

Gewaltiges Erdbeben erschüttert Peru – Update

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:57:00 +0200latina-press (de)

Vor der Küste des südamerikanischen Landes Peru hat sich am Mittwoch (25.) um 16:42:43 UTC ein heftiges Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 auf der Momenten-Magnituden-Skala ereignet. Die Erschütterung trat in einer Tiefe von 45,8 Kilometern (28,5 Meilen) auf. Mehreren Gebäude wurden beschädigt, Erdrutsche und Stromausfälle werden gemeldet.

Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 erschüttert Süden Perus

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:57:00 +0200ORF (de)

. Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 hat heute den Süden Perus erschüttert. Das Epizentrum des Bebens, das sich nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte USGS um 11.42 Uhr Ortszeit (18.42 Uhr MESZ) ereignete, lag 72 Kilometer südlich der Stadt Lomas im Bezirk Arequipa. Die peruanischen Behörden schlossen eine Gefährdung durch einen Tsunami aus.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:55:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima.L'épicentre du...

Potres jačine 7 stupnjeva po Richteru pogodio obalu Perua, zasad nema informacija o žrtvama

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:53:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

POTRES jačine 7 stupnjeva po Richteru pogodio je danas poslijepodne južnu obalu Perua.

Pérou: un séisme de magnitude 7 provoque des scènes de panique

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:53:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:53:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l’USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:52:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Pánico en Perú por un terremoto de 7 grados en la escala de Richter

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:52:00 +0200infobae (es)

Las poblaciones de al menos diez regiones del país sufrieron el sismo, que provocó destrucción y afectó la estructura de un tramo de la carretera Panamericana Sur. No habría heridos

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:50:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Pérou : séisme de magnitude 7

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:49:00 +0200RTLFrance (fr)

Le sud du Pérou a été touché par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 ce mercredi. Des scènes de panique ont éclaté dans la capitale Lima. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a secoué le sud du Pérou. L'épicentre du séisme, qui a duré 50 secondes, a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (18H42 en....

Magnitude 7 quake strikes off coast of Peru, some damage reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:49:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake.

Magnitude 7 quake strikes off coast of Peru, some damage reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:49:00 +0200reuters (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake.

Magnitude 7 Quake Strikes Off Coast of Peru, Some Damage Reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:48:00 +0200nytimes (en)

A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake.

Peru Earthquake Upgraded amid Warnings of 'Sea Level Changes'

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:48:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

An earthquake that hit Peru and shook buildings in the capital of Lima 300 miles away from the epicentre has been upgraded from magnitude 6.8 to 7.2. The earthquake struck around 80km from the coast of the district of Acari and initially sparked a tsunami warning for Hawaii. The warning has since been removed.

Pakistan struggles to reach quake victims; death toll rises to at least 325

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:45:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Authorities were facing a rising death toll Wednesday a day after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck a remote region of southwestern Pakistan, a temblor so powerful it created a new, albeit probably temporary, island in the Arabian Sea. Read full article >>

Le sud du Pérou victime d'un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:44:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou. Cela a provoqué des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis (USGS).

Magnitude 7 quake strikes off coast of Peru, some damage reported

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:42:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

LIMA (Reuters) - A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off Peru's southern coast on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and local media reported that some homes had crumbled in a region near the quake.

Strong earthquake hits remote area of Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:38:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Earthquake survivors from the town of Awaran, in southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, receive first aid at the Civil Hospital in Karachi September 25, 2013. The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on ...

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:35:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima.

Pérou: le sud frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:35:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis (USGS). L'épicentre du tremblement de terre, d'abord estimé à 6,6 degrés et qui a duré 50 secondes, a été enregistré à....

Le sud du Pérou victime d'un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:33:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou. Cela a provoqué des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis (USGS).

Pérou. Un séisme de magnitude 7 provoque la panique

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:33:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé...

Magnitude 7.0 quake off south Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:33:00 +0200chron (en)

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake centered off a sparsely populated area of the country's southwestern coast. The quake's epicenter was 28 miles (46 kilometers) south of Acari and it hit at 11:43 a.m. local time (1643 GMT) at a depth of 27 miles (46 kilometers), the U.

Pérou: séisme de magnitude 7 dans le sud du pays

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:31:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 selon l'USGS (Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis) a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou , provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes, dont Lima. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre qui a duré 50 secondes a été enregistré à 11H42 locales (16H42 GMT) et localisé à....

Le sud du Pérou victime d'un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:30:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou. Cela a provoqué des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique des Etats-Unis (USGS).

Se produce un potente terremoto de 7,0 en Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:30:00 +0200ruvr-es (es)

El terremoto de 7,0 que ha sacudido el sur de Perú se ha dejado sentir en varias localidades del país y en Chile. El epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de cuarenta kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de EEUU (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Un séisme de magnitude 7 sème la panique au Pérou

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:29:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a touché mercredi le sud du Pérou, provoquant des scènes de panique dans plusieurs villes dont Lima, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique des États-Unis (USGS).

Minuto a Minuto: Descartan alerta de tsunami tras sismo en Arequipa

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:27:00 +0200ojo (es)

Acceso a Acarí estaría bloqueada por los derrumbes en la carretera. Luego que el servicio geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), elevara la magnitud del sismo ocurrido a las 11.43 de la mañana a 7.0 grados en la escala de Richter.

Pakistan: Pakistan: Earthquake 2013 Information Bulletin n° 1

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: IFRC Country: Pakistan This bulletin is being issued for information only and reflects the current situation and details available at this time. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is currently not seeking international funding or other assistance from donors for this operation.

Pakistan: Balochistan EQ Sep13 Info Report: 25-09-13

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Pakistan Red Crescent Society Country: Pakistan Highlights As per United States Geological Survey, a 7.8 magnitude Earthquake struck District Awaran in Balochistan Province. The earthquake shocks were felt across Sindh and media reports indicate even upto India. PDMA reports 328 deaths and 498 injured.

Pakistan: Shelter sent to Pakistani survivors within hours

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: ShelterBox Country: Pakistan A powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, demolishing homes and causing hundreds of people to lose their lives and many casualties. The 7.7-magnitude tremor hit Baluchistan province’s Awaran district, an area prone to quakes and other disasters.

EN IMAGES. Pakistan : une île émerge après un séisme meurtrier

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 sur l'échelle de Richter a fait trembler mardi le sud-ouest du Pakistan . L'épicentre de la secousse a été enregistré à Awaran, ville pauvre mais peu peuplée de...

Terremoti/ Scossa di magnitudo 7 nel sud del Perù

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200ilmondo (it)

Lima, 25 set. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7 sulla scala Richter ha colpito il sud del Perù, provocando scene di panico in varie città tra cui Lima. Lo ha annunciato lo Usgs, l'Istituto di geofisica degli Stati Uniti. L'epicentro del sisma, di magnitudo stimata inizialmente in 6,6 sulla scala Richter e durato 50 secondi, è stato registrato alle 11.

Peru Earthquake Upgraded amid Warnings of 'Sea Level Changes'

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:24:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

An earthquake that hit Peru and shook buildings in the capital of Lima 300 miles away from the epicentre has been upgraded from magnitude 6.8 to 7.2. The earthquake struck around 80km from the coast of the district of Acari and initially sparked a tsunami warning for Hawaii. The warning has since been removed.

Businesses urged to attend tsunami-response workshop

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:21:00 +0200marianasvariety (en)

THE first of the two sessions of Tsunami Response Workshop for Businesses will be from at 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today at the CNMI Emergency Operations Center on Capital Hill.

Peru': scossa magnitudo 6, 8 a largo coste

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:18:00 +0200agi (it)

(AGI) - Lima, 25 set. - Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo provvisorio 6,8 ha colpito a largo delle coste del Peru' a 80 km da Acari. Il sisma e' stato avvertito anche a Lima dove i palazzi hanno tremato. L'ipocentro e' stato identificato a 33 km di profondita'.

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,0 sacude Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:17:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El terremoto de 7,0 que ha sacudido el sur de Perú se ha dejado sentir en varias localidades del país y en Chile. El epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de 40 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Pak quake toll 328

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:17:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

In this photo released by the Pakistan i Government, men yesterday walk on an island that appeared two kilometres off the coastline of Gwadar, after an earthquake the day before. The island is about 60 to 70 feet (18 to 21 metres) high, up to 300 feet long and up to 120 feet wide.

Tsunami warning after 7.0 earthquake off Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200rt (en)

Some homes crumbled and a tsunami warning was issued after a 7.0 earthquake struck just off Peru’s southern coast. The impact caused buildings in the Peruvian capital, Lima, to shake, despite the city being 480 kilometers away. Earthquakes of this size sometimes generate local tsunamis that can be....

Magnitude 7.0 Quake Off South Peru Coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200nytimes (en)

An offshore earthquake with a reported magnitude of 7.0 shook much of Peru on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake centered off a sparsely populated area of the country's southwestern coast.

Magnitude 7.0 quake off south Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:14:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

An offshore earthquake with a reported magnitude of 7.0 shook much of Peru on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake centered off a sparsely populated area of the country's southwestern coast.

Peru Hit by 7-Magnitude Offshore Quake That Shook Lima

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:12:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake struck offshore Peru today, shaking buildings 309 miles away in the capital The quake struck at a depth of 29 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said in a bulletin on its website after initially reporting the magnitude at 6.8. The Peruvian government didn’t issue a tsunami warning.

Gewaltiges Erdbeben erschüttert Peru

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:11:00 +0200latina-press (de)

Vor der Küste des südamerikanischen Landes Peru hat sich am Mittwoch (25.) um 16:42:43 UTC ein heftiges Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 auf der Momenten-Magnituden-Skala ereignet. Die Erschütterung trat in einer Tiefe von 45,8 Kilometern (28,5 Meilen) auf. Mehreren Gebäude wurden beschädigt, Erdrutsche und Stromausfälle werden gemeldet.

Magnitude 7.0 Quake off South Peru Coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:08:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

An offshore earthquake with a reported magnitude of 7.0 shook much of Peru on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake centered off a sparsely populated area of the country's southwestern coast. The quake was felt mildly in Lima, 310 miles (500 kilometers) away....

Pakistan: 7.7-magnitude earthquake leaves more than 300 dead - video

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:03:00 +0200guardian (en)

A hospital in Karachi treats victims of an earthquake in western Pakistan that has left more than 300 people dead

The Indian Ocean's newest island – here to stay?

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:03:00 +0200guardian (en)

New outcrop of land formed after Pakistan earthquake could be transient mud volcano, or more permanent fixture When a new mound of land rose from the coastal waters of the Indian Ocean following Tuesday's destructive earthquake in Pakistan, the internet and news bulletins buzzed with speculation and questions.

Magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off south Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:57:00 +0200usaToday (en)

LIMA, Peru (AP) — An offshore earthquake with a reported magnitude of 7.0 shook much of Peru on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake centered off a sparsely populated area of the country's southwestern coast. The quake was felt mildly in Lima, 310 miles....

Major earthquake, 7.7 Richter, strikes Pakistan; 328 dead

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:53:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 in the Richter scale struck Pakistan , reports the United States Geological Survey. At least 328 people have died and hundreds more were wounded are trapped under rubble.

Emerge una isla de 16 metros de altura tras el terremoto de Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:53:00 +0200antena3noticias (es)

Este miércoles ha emergido un islote a unos 300 metros de la costa de Gwadar, al sudoeste del país, tras el terremoto que ha causado la muerte de más de 300 personas, tal y como ha explicado Moazzam Jah, dirigente de la zona a un medio pakistaní.

Magnitude 6.8 quake off south Peru coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:51:00 +0200nzherald (en)

LIMA, Peru (AP) Geologists say a magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck off the Pacific coast of southwestern Peru.There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries.The U.S. Geological Survey says it struck 87 miles southwest...

Peru Hit by 6.8-Magnitude Offshore Quake, Shaking Lima Buildings

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:41:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck offshore Peru today, shaking buildings 313 miles away in capital Lima. The quake struck at a depth of 21 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said in a report on its website. Neighboring Chile’s navy said in a web bulletin the tremor doesn’t pose a tsunami threat on its coast.

7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes western Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:39:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

Heavy casualties are feared after a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit south-western Pakistan .

700 may be dead in Pakistan earthquake, doctors warn

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:37:00 +0200telegraph (en)

Doctors warn that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan 's Balochistan province may have cost the lives of up to 700 people.

Deadly earthquake in rural Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:34:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

Rescuers struggle to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after major earthquake in southwestern Pakistan

Un terremoto de 7,0 sacude Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:32:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de 7,0 ha sacudido Perú, según informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de 40 kilómetros.

Sismo de 6,8 grados Richter se registra al sur de Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:27:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

El Shoa ha informado por su sitio web que las características del sismo no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de Chile.

PM Sharif discusses trade and investment cooperation with President of EU Council

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:12:00 +0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 25 (APP): Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had a meeting Wednesday with the President of European Council, Herman Van Rompuy and briefed the EU high delegates on the positive strides Pakistan has made towards democracy by holding free, fair and transparent elections with a record turnout despite the security challenges.

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:08:00 +0200euroweeklynews (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with....

NA Opp flays govt apathy to Balochistan quake victims

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:08:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

ISLAMABAD (NNI) Members belonging to Pakistan Peoples Party Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf and Jamaat-e-Islami staged a walkout from the proceedings of the House over what they termed the non-seriousness of the treasury benches over the Balochistan earthquake.

Fotos | Una isla nace en el mar de Arabia, tras sismo en Pakistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:02:00 +0200ultimasnoticias (es)

El gigantesco montículo formado por lodo, arena y rocas mide unos 20 metros de altura, unos 40 metros de largo y unos cien de ancho ÚN | AFP.- Una isla brotó súbitamente en el mar Arábico tras el violento terremoto que sacudió el martes la provincia de Baluchistán, sudoeste de Pakistán, causando más de 300 muertos.

New Pakistan quake island emits gas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:56:00 +0200bbc-news (en)

Barely half an hour after they were jolted by a major earthquake on Tuesday, people of the coastal town of Gwadar had another shock when they saw a new island emerge in the sea, just over a kilometre from the shore. A local journalist, Bahram Baloch, received the news via a text message from a friend.

Pakistan quake death toll surges above 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:55:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes on Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 300 people and creating a new island off the coast.

Pakistan : une île émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après le séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:54:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Ne l'appelez pas Atlantide, le mythique continent disparu, mais «Zalzala Koh», comme l'ont déjà surnommée les Pakistan ais. Le puissant séisme au Pakistan survenu mardi a donné naissance à... une...

SUR LES OBSERVATEURS : Séisme au Pakistan : une mystérieuse île surgit de la mer d’Oman

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:49:00 +0200france24 (fr)

C’est un curieux phénomène qui s’est produit mardi à quelques centaines de mètres des côtes pakistanaises. Après le séisme de magnitude 7,7 dans le Balouchistan, qui a fait plus de 200 morts selon un bilan provisoire, une île est apparue au large de Gwadar, dans le sud-ouest du pays.

Despliegan al Ejército pakistaní ante catástrofe en Beluchistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:47:00 +0200upi-es (es)

QUETTA, Pakistan , sep. 25 (UPI) -- El Ejército se encuentra desplegado este miércoles en una atrasada y pobre región del país, donde un terremoto destruyó miles de viviendas y mató a cientos de personas.

Se teme que aumenten en forma importante muertos en terremoto

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:47:00 +0200upi-es (es)

QUETTA, Pakistan , sep. 25 (UPI) -- Las autoridades dicen que temen que el número de víctimas por el terremoto de Pakistán, informó Jan Muhammad Buledi, vocero del gobierno provincial de Baluchistán.

Nuevo balance arroja que muertos por sismo de Pakistán llegan a 328

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:41:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Las autoridades temen que la cantidad de fallecidos tras el fuerte movimiento telúrico siga aumentando.

Nouvelle île créée par le séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:38:00 +0200arcinfo (fr)

Une nouvelle île est sortie des flots au Pakistan , suite au tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 qui a frappé le pays mardi. L'espace d'un tremblement de terre, une nouvelle île a été créée au large des côtes pakistanaises. Une masse sombre de 200 mètres de long, 100 mètres de large et 20 mètres de....

Pakistan earthquake creates new island; toll soars past 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:37:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

QUETTA, PAKISTAN-The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

Pakistan earthquake toll reaches 328

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:37:00 +0200irishsun (en)

At least 328 people were killed and over 500 injured in the massive 7.7-magnitude earthquake that jolted Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province Tuesday, Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesperson for the Balochistan government, told Xinhua Wednesday. Buledi said Awaran district of the province - the....

Una isla nace en el mar de Arabia, tras sismo en Pakistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:33:00 +0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Una isla brotó súbitamente en el mar Arábico tras el violento terremoto que sacudió el martes la provincia de Baluchistán, sudoeste de Pakistán, causando más de 300 muertos.A cientos de kilómetros del epicentro, el islote sorprende a curiosos y ... leer más

Strong earthquake hits remote area of Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:11:00 +0200voanews (en)

Officials in Pakistan say the death toll from a strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has risen to 208. Officials made the announcement early Wednesday, September 25 after scores of mud houses collapsed in the mountainous Awaran district of Baluchistan province near the Iranian border.

Pakistan quake toll climbs dramatically

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:09:00 +0200neurope (en)

Author(s): NEOnline imageglobe-46684324.jpg At least 328 people were killed and over 500 others injured in a 7.7-magnitude earthquake that struck Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, officials said on September 25, upping their victim count dramatically from an initial 30 in the aftermath of the quake.

Pakistan quake toll surges above 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 18:06:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan are clawing through the wreckage of their ruined homes, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 300 people. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan province's remote and Awaran district.

Canada Offers Condolences to People of Pakistan Following Severe Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:56:00 +0200gc (en)

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement: "On behalf of all Canadians, I offer my deepest condolences to the Pakistan i people following the severe earthquake in southwest Pakistan.

Una isla nace en el mar de Arabia, tras sismo en Pakistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:52:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Una isla brotó súbitamente en el mar Arábico tras el violento terremoto que sacudió el martes la provincia de Baluchistán, sudoeste de Pakistán, causando más de 300 muertos....

Thousands left homeless after Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:48:00 +0200itv (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in southwest Pakistan has killed at least 327 people and left thousands homeless after many buildings and homes collapsed when the quake struck. More top news A pensioner was stunned to find photographs of the Queen as a teenager on holiday when he was sorting through a relative's belongings.

PAKISTAN : Un puissant séisme fait plus de 300 morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:48:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un puissant séisme a secoué mardi la ville d'Awaran, dans la province du Baloutchistan dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan . Plus de 300 personnes ont été tuées et des villages entiers de cette région pauvre et reculée ont été ravagés.

7.7 quake kills 330 in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:45:00 +0200cnn (en)

An earthquake in Pakistan , powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed more than 250 people, Pakistani officials said.


Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:44:00 +0200rt (en)

I used to use the BBC (have your say) and got sick and tired of their selective reporting, censorship etc. My initial view at finding RT blogs was that it contained more information on more topics etc. and more freedom to express. However , I have to say some people who make comments here should not....

Island Emerges After Pakistan Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:44:00 +0200wsj-en (en)

A small island appeared off the coast of the port of Gwadar after a powerful earthquake jolted western Pakistan on Tuesday. Officials warned locals not to try to visit the island.

Pakistan struggles to help quake victims

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:41:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan claw through the wreckage of their ruined homes a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing hundreds of people and creating a new island off the coast.

Emerge isla en la costa paquistaní tras el terremoto

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:30:00 +0200elmundo-sv (es)

Fotografía facilitada por el gobierno paquistaní hoy, miércoles 25 de septiembre de 2013, que muestra una isla de 200m de largo, 100m de ancho y 20m de alto, que ha aparecido tras el terremoto de ayer en Gwadar (Pakistán). El seísmo de 7,7 grados en la escala de Richter que ayer sacudió el suroeste paquistaní [.

Quake toll cross 300 as rescue operations continue

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:29:00 +0200Hindu (en)

The earth moved with enough force to create a small island visible off the southern coast after the huge tremor.

PAKISTAN: More than 300 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:29:00 +0200france24-en (en)

A huge earthquake struck the south of Pakistan killing at least 328 people on Wednesday, toppling many mud-built homes. The quake struck with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Pakistan quake death toll surges above 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:27:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

At least 328 people have been confirmed dead and more than 450 injured, according to the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) and the Baluchistan government.

Quake toll cross 300 as rescue operations continue

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:21:00 +0200thehindu (en)

The earth moved with enough force to create a small island visible off the southern coast after the huge tremor.

Pakistan quake death toll surges above 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:16:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

Awaran ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 300 people and creating a new island off the coast.

Mud Volcano? Weird Island Appears After Pakistan Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:16:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

A new island emerged from the ocean offshore of the city of Gwadar, Pakistan , after a strong magnitude-7.7 earthquake shook the country this morning (Sept. 24).

Death toll rises to 328 in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:11:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

QUETTA: The death toll in Balochistan from the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck southwest Pakistan h

This is a new island created by the massive earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:09:00 +0200thejournal (en)

People have already started exploring the land which emerged out of the Arabian Sea yesterday. A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE in Pakistan yesterday killed 328 people (according to latest reports from provincial officials) and destroyed communities in the remote area of the southwest. The 7.

Pakistan quake toll surges above 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:06:00 +0200sbs (en)

At least 328 people have been confirmed dead after a huge earthquake in Pakistan , as rescue efforts continue for people trapped under rubble.

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents

Trial fishing resumes off Fukushima after radiation tests

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Local fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture on Wednesday restarted operations suspended late last month after heavy amounts of contaminated water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear ...

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:03:00 +0200panorama-am-en (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated ...

More Than 270 Reported Killed In Pakistan Quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:03:00 +0200rferl (en)

Pakistan 's military is rushing to provide aid after more than 270 people were killed and hundreds of others injured in a strong earthquake that struck southwestern Balochistan Province.

Une «île» sort de l'eau après le séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:03:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

A 400 kilomètres de l'épicentre, à Gadwar, un monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur a mystérieusement emergé.

Pakistan earthquake: death toll rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:02:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 today after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said.

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan s'alourdit à 327 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:02:00 +0200rian-fr (fr)

Le puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 qui a secoué mardi la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan a fait 327 morts, selon un nouveau bilan diffusé par les médias internationaux.

Séisme au Pakistan: plus de 200 morts (nouveau bilan)

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:02:00 +0200rian-fr (fr)

208 personnes ont trouvé la mort dans le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 survenu mardi dans le sud-ouest de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan, rapporte l'agence Chine nouvelle citant les autorités régionales.

Earthquake in Pakistan creates island as it destroys mud-built homes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:56:00 +0200scmp (en)

Pakistan i rescuers yesterday struggled to reach victims of a big earthquake that killed at least 327 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island.

VIDEOS. Séisme au Pakistan : le bilan dépasse les 320 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:52:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployée mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant tremblement de terre. Un dernier bilan des responsables...

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:46:00 +0200trust (en)

By Gul Yusufzai. QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 25 (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said.

Toll from Pakistan quake reaches 327 people - officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:46:00 +0200trust (en)

The rubble of a house is seen after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran, southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, September 25, 2013. REUTERS/Sallah Jan. QUETTA, Pakistan, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said.

Pakistan. Après le séisme, une île émerge dans la mer d’Arabie

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:46:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange : une « île » sortie subitement à la surface de...

- Survivante -

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:46:00 +0200france24 (fr)

La survivante d'un tremblement de terre, blessée, est entourée de ses enfants dans un hôpital du district d'Awaran, au Pakistan

PAKISTAN. Une île mystérieuse émerge dans la mer d'Arabie

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:38:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un "volcan de boue" d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, apparu au large du port de Gwadar après le séisme de mardi, fascine scientifiques et badauds.

PAKISTAN. Une île mystérieuse émerge dans la mer d'Arabie

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:36:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Un "volcan de boue" d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, apparu au large du port de Gwadar après le séisme de mardi, fascine scientifiques et badauds. Source : Nouvel Obs - Articles similaires

250 killed, 400 injured after earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:35:00 +0200nepalnews (en)

. At least 250 people were killed and more than 400 others were injured till Wednesday afternoon in a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, officials said Wednesday. Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesperson of the Balochistan government, told the....

Al menos 238 muertos en el terremoto de Pakistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:31:00 +0200afp-espanol (es)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) photo0. El Ejército de Pakistán estaba desplegado este miércoles en una región pobre y recóndita de Pakistán para socorrer a los supervivientes de un fuerte terremoto que causó al menos 238 muertos y afectó a decenas de miles de personas.

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:29:00 +0200arabnews (en)

Wed, 2013-09-25 16:59 KHUZDAR, Pakistan : Pakistan’s military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country’s...

33 muertos por terremoto en Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:29:00 +0200diarioportal (es)

El número de personas muertas debido a un terremoto de 7.7 grados de intensidad registrado en Pakistán se elevó a 33.

Khuzdar — Pakistan’s military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built… By AFP | September 25, 2013

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:27:00 +0200manilastandardtoday (en)

Khuzdar — Pakistan ’s military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country’s southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.

328 killed, over 500 injured in earthquake-hit SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:23:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- At least 328 people were killed and over 500 others injured up till Wednesday in a 7.7-magnitude earthquake that struck Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesperson for Balochistan government, told Xinhua in a telephone interview.

250 killed, 400 injured after earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:23:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- At least 250 people were killed and more than 400 others were injured till Wednesday afternoon in a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, officials said Wednesday.

Massive earthquake hits Balochistan: death toll rises to 328

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:21:00 +0200dawn (en)

KHUZDAR: The death toll from a massive earthquake that jolted southwest Pakistan rose to 328 on Wednesday, with officials saying thousands have been left homeless in remote parts of Balochistan province. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck Tuesday afternoon in the province, toppling thousands of....

Pakistan: Pakistan: Balochistan - Earthquake - 24 September 2013

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:18:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Pakistan Link: OCHA Pakistan Flash Update #2 on Balochistan Earthquake

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan s'alourdit, au moins 328 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:17:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 328 morts selon les autorités et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Pakistan quake death toll tops 300; thousands left homeless

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:16:00 +0200upi (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept. 25 (UPI) -- The death toll from a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan climbed to 306 Wednesday, with thousands of people left homeless, officials said.

BREAKING: At least 270 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:11:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 370 people and creating a new island off the coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan province's remote Awaran....

More than 230 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:08:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Awaran, Pakistan : Pakistani rescuers strived to reach victims Wednesday of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country’s southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.

Pakistan Earthquake: Hundreds Dead, Hundreds...

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:04:00 +0200climate-weather (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan -- Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan the day before. As of Wednesday morning, at least 328 people were confirmed dead and another 470 were injured.

250 killed, 400 injured after earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:01:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

At least 250 people were killed and more than 400 others were injured till Wednesday afternoon in a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon.

Pakistan quake creates new island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:54:00 +0200iol (en)

A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last long.

PAKISTAN. Le bilan du séisme réévalué à 271 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:53:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a frappé mardi la province du Baloutchistan. Le bilan est encore provisoire. L'état d'urgence a été décrété.

Death Toll Rises to 327 in Pakistan Quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:52:00 +0200voanews (en)

The death toll continues to rise from Tuesday's strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan . Officials say at least 327 people were killed after thousands of mud homes collapsed in the mountainous Awaran district of Baluchistan province. Hundreds of other people have been injured and displaced.

Suite du séisme au Pakistan - «Un truc immense qui est sorti de sous les eaux»

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:52:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Selon les médias pakistanais, une île d'une dizaine de mètres de haut est apparue dans l'océan, au large des côtes de la ville de Gwadar, après le violent tremblement de terre qui a touché le pays mardi.

More than 270 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:50:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes on Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 270 people and creating a new island off the coast.

La producción de vehículos en España crecerá un 10% este año gracias a la reducción de costes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:48:00 +0200abc (es)

La producción de vehículos en las factorías españolas crecerá un 10% este año, con lo que se situará próxima a 2,2 millones de vehículos, según se desprende de un estudio sectorial realizado por Euler Hermes. El informe indica que el crecimiento de la producción automovilística en España es....

Death toll rises to 328 in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:44:00 +0200tribune (en)

AWARAN: More than 328 people have died and hundreds of others have been injured because of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Balochistan on September 24, Express News reported on Wednesday. Around 208 people died in the Awaran district alone. It is feared that the death toll will continue to....

PAKISTAN : Un puissant séisme fait plus de 250 morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:44:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un puissant séisme a secoué mardi la ville d'Awaran, dans la province du Baloutchistan dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan . Plus de 250 personnes ont été tuées et des villages entiers de cette région pauvre et reculée ont été ravagés.

Pakistan earthquake toll passes 270

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:40:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 271, officials said.

Thousands await rescue as death toll in earthquake rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:33:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

QUETTA (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said. Pakistan s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

Kurdish militants tunnel out of Turkish prison

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:30:00 +0200yerkir-en (en)

Security forces were hunting for 18 members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) who escaped from prison in Turkey's southeast by digging a 70-metre-long tunnel, police said on Wednesday.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:30:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Gwadar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

More than 270 killed in huge Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:25:00 +0200scmp (en)

Desperate villagers in southwest Pakistan clawed through the wreckage of their ruined homes on Wednesday, a day after a huge earthquake struck, killing more than 270 people and creating a new island off the coast.

Pakistan : le bilan s'alourdit après le tremblement de terre

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:25:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi 24 septembre en fin de journée le Sud-Ouest du Pakistan . Cette puissante secousse a fait au moins 250 morts, selon un dernier bilan.

VIDEOS. Séisme au Pakistan : le bilan dépasse 270 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:20:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployée mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant tremblement de terre. Un dernier bilan des responsables...

Pakistan earthquake island is a 'mud volcano'

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:18:00 +0200telegraph (en)

Dr Brian Baptie from the British Geological Survey says the island that appeared off the coast of Pakistan after the earthquake is a "mud volcano" formed as gas and water forced its way to the surface.

Une île émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:18:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie ...

Une île émerge en mer d'Arabie après le séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:16:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

VIDEO. Un gigantesque monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, d'une quarantaine de longueur et d'une centaine de largeur est apparu près de la côte suite à la secousse tellurique. Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à... une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de.

At Least 250 Dead in Pakistan Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:13:00 +0200novinite (en)

At least 250 people have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the southern Balochistan province of Pakistan . The earthquake struck at a depth of 20km, north-east of Awaran. Many houses were flattened and thousands have spent the night in the open, reports the BBC.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:13:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:10:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Gwadar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

At least 327 dead after earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:09:00 +0200RTERadio (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 today after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote area.

Ayaz for taking benefit of robust Turk education system

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:08:00 +0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sep 25 (APP): Speaker, National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq on Wednesday stressed the need for collaboration with Turkish education sector to take benefit of its robust system. Talking to a delegation of Vice Chancellors of various Turk Universities led by Professor Dr Serif Ali Tekalan,....

Pakistan : le bilan s'alourdit après le tremblement de terre

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:04:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi 24 septembre en fin de journée le Sud-Ouest du Pakistan . Cette puissante secousse a fait au moins 250... Source : Le Monde - Articles similaires

Une île émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:04:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie ... Source : 7sur7 - Articles similaires

Toll from Balochistan quake reaches 327 people: officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:03:00 +0200nation (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Balochistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said. "Two hundred and eighty five bodies have so far been recovered in the Awaran district," Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the deputy commissioner of Awaran, the worst affected area, told Reuters.

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:59:00 +0200yerkir-en (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area

Pakistan: Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après le séisme au Balouchistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:59:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à…

7.7 magnitude quake kills 271 in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:56:00 +0200jamaicaobserver (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) -- A Pakistani official says the death toll from a massive earthquake that struck the country's southwest has jumped to 271.

Le séisme au Pakistan fait apparaître une «île»

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:56:00 +020024heures (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé le Pakistan mardi a fait émerger une «île» à quelques centaines de mètres des côtes sous les yeux ébahis des habitants.

Pakistan earthquake creates new island in Arabian Sea

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:54:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

Earthquakes are more commonly associated with death and destruction. And the "7.8 magnitude quake in…

Pakistan prepares to bury its dead as more than 300 are killed in powerful earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:54:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 has killed over 300 people in Pakistan .It struck with devastating effect in a remote area in the south-west of the…

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:54:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Après le tremblement de terre, les habitants de Gwadar ont vu apparaître à quelques centaines de mètres au large de la côte un gigantesque monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, d'une quarantaine de mètres de longueur et d'une centaine de largeur.

Le séisme au Pakistan fait apparaître une «île»

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:50:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé le Pakistan mardi a fait émerger une «île» à quelques centaines de mètres des côtes sous les yeux ébahis des habitants.

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:43:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Gul Yusufzai QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said.

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:40:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said.

Iranian FM Spokeswoman Sends Condolence to Pakistan over Earthquake Victims

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:39:00 +0200farsnews-en (en)

Afkham, in her message of condolence, announced Tehran’s readiness to help the quake-stricken people in Pakistan ’s Balochistan Province. An earthquake in Pakistan, powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, killed more than 200 people, Pakistani officials said. The 7.

Earthquake in Pakistan: Putin sends telegram of condolence

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:39:00 +0200itartass_en (en)

САНКТ - ПЕТЕРБУРГСКОЕ ТЕЛЕГРАФНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО (СПТА) 1904-1914. Первого сентября 1904 года начинает действовать Санкт-Петербургское Телеграфное агентство (СПТА) - первое официальное информационное агентство России, исторический предшественник ИТАР-ТАСС. ПЕТРОГРАДСКОЕ ТЕЛЕГРАФНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО (ПТА)....

Massive quake strikes Balochistan: death toll rises to 306

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:38:00 +0200dawn (en)

KHUZDAR: The death toll from a massive earthquake that jolted southwest Pakistan rose to 306 on Wednesday, with officials saying thousands have been left homeless in remote parts of Balochistan province. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck Tuesday afternoon in the province, toppling thousands of....

Pakistan quake island unlikely to last: Experts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:37:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday in Baluchistan's remote Awaran district, killing more than 200 people and affecting hundreds of thousands. Off the coastline near the port of Gwadar, some 400 kilometres (250 miles) from the epicentre, locals were astonished to see a new piece of land surface from the waves.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:37:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Après le tremblement de terre, les habitants de Gwadar ont vu apparaître à quelques centaines de mètres au large de la côte un gigantesque monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, d'une quarantaine de mètres de longueur et d'une centaine de largeur.

More than 327 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:36:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

A new island appeared after Tuesday’s quake close to the Pakistan i coastline of Gwadar

Death toll climbs to at least 327 after powerful Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:36:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan -- The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck northwest Pakistan rose to at least 327 early Wednesday, authorities said.The Pakistani military said it had rushed almost 1,000 troops to the area and was sending helicopters in the wake of Tuesday's temblor.


Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:35:00 +0200misna-fr (fr)

Le nombre des victimes du tremblement de terre qui a frappé mardi après-midi la partie sud de la province du Baloutchistan, près de la frontière de l’Iran, grandit d’heure en heure. Le séisme, d’une magnitude de 7,8, a été ressenti dans tout le centre sud du Pakistan , ainsi que jusque de l’autre côté de la frontière, en Iran et en Inde.

Une «île» émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:35:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Gwadar ( Pakistan ) - Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une «île» sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. «Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc....

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:33:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

La cifra de fallecidos en el terremoto de Pakistán supera las 300 personas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:33:00 +0200antena3noticias (es)

El número de víctimas mortales por el terremoto que se registró en el suroeste de Pakistán ha subido a 208 fallecidos. Además, ya hay casi 400 heridos, aunque las autoridades esperan que el número se incremente durante el día debido a que quedan muchas personas bajo los escombros "muertas o vivas", según la Policía.

PAKISTAN • Toujours plus de victimes après un puissant séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:32:00 +0200courrierinternational (fr)

Le 24 septembre au soir, un séisme de 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé le Baloutchistan, province de l'ouest du Pakistan .

Death toll from earthquake in Pakistan rises to 327

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:31:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to 327 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on residents throughout the remote and thinly populated area, local officials said.

Hundreds Killed in Pakistan Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:31:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Officials say the death toll from a strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday has risen to at least 210 after thousands of mud homes in the mountainous Awaran district of Baluchistan province ...

Pakistan earthquake 2013 kills at least 327 and leaves thousands injured and homeless

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:30:00 +0200dailymail (en)

The Pakistan i military said it was rushing troops to the district of Awaran in Baluchistan province where the 7.7-magnitude quake struck.

Video: Massive earthquake forms new island off southwest Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:30:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

Strong aftershocks continue to shake southwest Pakistan following a massive earthquake. The 7.7 magnitude quake hit Tuesday afternoon, centered in a remote area near the border with Iran. At least 210 people were killed and hundreds more injured. Norah O'Donnell reports the powerful quake also formed a new landmass off the country's coast.

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:30:00 +0200euroweeklynews (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help....

Pakistan struggles to help quake victims; 210 dead

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:29:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan the day before as the death toll rose overnight to at least 210.

Une «île» émerge dans la mer d’Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:27:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une «île» sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d’Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l’épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:26:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Après le tremblement de terre, les habitants de Gwadar ont vu apparaître à quelques centaines de mètres au large de la côte un gigantesque monticule d'une vingtaine de mètres de hauteur, d'une quarantaine de mètres de longueur et d'une centaine de largeur.

Balochistan earthquake death toll rises to 285

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:23:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

MONITORING DESK QUETTA: The death toll in Balochistan from the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck southwest Pakistan has risen to 285 after twenty bodies of madrassa students were recovered from Awaran. Officials said the tremors demolished hundreds of mud houses and it was feared that the death toll would increase.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:22:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

Pakistan quake island unlikely to last

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:21:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last long.

Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:21:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Pakistan earthquake: death toll rises to more than 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:17:00 +0200telegraph (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of southwestern Pakistan jumped to more than 300 as rescue teams rush to the area.

Earthquake death toll rises to 260

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:16:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Pakistan Reports indicate the death toll from the powerful earthquake that struck south-west Pakistan yesterday has risen to at least 260. Awaran District in Balochistan is the most affected by the earthquake, with over 80 per cent of mud houses reportedly damaged.

Pakistan / Une �le est n�e apr�s le s�isme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:13:00 +0200infosoir (fr)

Sur la c�te de la Mer d'Arabie, en face du port strat�gique de Gwadar, un gigantesque monticule de roches, tel une �le, a �merg� de l'eau apr�s le s�isme de magnitude 7,7 survenu hier en fin de journ�e. L'�le fait environ 30 m�tres de hauteur et 60 m�tres de large. Elle est apparue apr�s le tremblement de terre.

Toll from Pakistan quake reaches 327 people: officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:13:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said. "Two hundred and eighty five bodies have so far been recovered in the Awaran district," Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the deputy commissioner of Awaran, the worst affected area, told Reuters.

UN offers aid as Pakistan intensifies relief operation in quake-hit areas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:11:00 +0200irna (en)

Officials say that death toll from the Tuesday’s earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale crossed 250 and hundreds more were injured. The powerful tremours badly affected Awaran district in Balochistan, bordering Iran, and officiasl say that nearly 95 percent of houses in the area have been destroyed.

Toll from devastating Pakistan earthquake continues to rise, reaches 327 people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:11:00 +0200jpost (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said. "Two hundred and eighty five bodies have so far been recovered in the Awaran district," Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the deputy commissioner of Awaran, the worst affected area, told Reuters.

Erdbeben in Pakistan: Forscher rätseln über neue Insel

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:10:00 +0200suddeutsche (de)

Vor der Küste Pakistan s ist eine neue Insel aus dem Ozean aufgetaucht. Geologen fragen sich nun, ob und wie das Phänomen mit dem tödlichen Erdbeben vom Dienstag zusammenhängen könnte.

Toll from Pakistan quake reaches 327 people: officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:09:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said.

Pakistan quake creates new island; toll soars past 300

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:09:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

QUETTA, PAKISTAN- The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 320 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan’s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

Over 320 dead after earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:06:00 +0200RTERadio (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan has climbed to more than 320 after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants, local officials said.

China offers condolences over Pakistani earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:05:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday expressed condolences to the families of those killed and injured in a powerful earthquake in "China is closely watching the Pakistan earthquake situation, expresses deep grief over those killed, and offers condolences to the families of those....

Rare island created by Pakistan quake is fragile mass of mud, experts say

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:03:00 +0200thestandard-hk (en)

A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last...

More than 327 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:02:00 +0200dailystar-LB (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rise to at least 208 after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials say.

Death toll soars to 238 after powerful Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:00:00 +0200irishsun (en)

By Fakhar ur-Rehman, Mushtaq Yusufzai and Mujeeb Ahmed, NBC News QUETTA, Pakistan -- The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck northwest Pakistan rose to at least 238 early Wednesday, authorities said.The Pakistani military said it had rushed almost 1,000 troops to the area and was sending helicopters in the wake of Tuesday's temblor.

Pakistan earthquake kills more than 200 creates new island of southwest coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:00:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan the day before as the death toll rose overnight to 210. The earth moved with enough force to create a small island visible....

China offers condolences over Pakistani earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:59:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

China on Wednesday expressed condolences to the families of those killed and injured in a powerful earthquake in Pakistan .

Pakistan : un violent séisme fait au moins 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:58:00 +0200lnt (fr)

Au Pakistan , un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé un total de six districts et touché plus de 300 000 personnes ce mardi, en fin de journée. Au Baloutchistan, les maisons en briques de boue ont été détruites par dizaines et l’intensité du séisme était telle que les vibrations ont même été ressenties....

Historias de superación en el Congreso de Jóvenes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:58:00 +0200elpais (es)

Antonio Rodriguez, deportista extremo, María Belón superviviente del tsunami y Lucia Lantero cooperante

Deaths Reported After Earthquake Strikes Pakistan's Remote Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:57:00 +0200rferl (en)

A strong earthquake has struck Pakistan 's remote southwestern province of Balochistan.

Pak quake island fascinates but the show may not last

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:56:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Earthquake in Baluchistan's remote Awaran district killed more than 200 people and affected hundreds of thousands on Tuesday. Off the coastline near the port of Gwadar, some 400 kilometres from the epicentre, people were astonished to see a new piece of land surface from the waves the next day.

Toll from Pakistan quake reaches 327 people: officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:55:00 +0200thezambezian (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan – The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said. “Two hundred and eighty five bodies have so far been recovered in the Awaran district,” Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the deputy commissioner of Awaran, the worst affected area, told Reuters.

Historias de superación en el Congreso de Jóvenes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:55:00 +0200elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Antonio Rodriguez, deportista extremo, María Belón superviviente del tsunami y Lucia Lantero cooperante

Toll from devastating Pakistan earthquake continues to rise, reaches 327 people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:53:00 +0200jrep (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to 327 people on Wednesday, local officials said. "Two hundred and eighty five bodies have so far been recovered in the Awaran district," Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the deputy commissioner of Awaran, the worst affected area, told Reuters.

Historias de superación en el Congreso de Jóvenes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:53:00 +0200elpais-en (es)

Antonio Rodriguez, deportista extremo, María Belón superviviente del tsunami y Lucia Lantero cooperante

Strong quake in Pakistan kills more than 250 people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:50:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Khuzdar. Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast, AFP reported. The 7.

VIDEOS. Séisme au Pakistan : le bilan s'aggrave avec plus de 250 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:48:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployée mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant tremblement de terre. Un dernier bilan des responsables...

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:43:00 +0200trust (en)

* Biggest earthquake in Pakistan since 2005 disaster. * Army airlifts hundreds of troops to help survivors. * Witnesses say hundreds of homes flatted in remote area. * Earthquake creates new island in Arabian Sea (Adds detail, comment, updates death toll) By Gul Yusufzai.

Shelter sent to Pakistani survivors within hours

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:43:00 +0200trust (en)

A powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, demolishing homes and causing hundreds of people to lose their lives and many casualties. The 7.7-magnitude tremor hit Baluchistan province’s Awaran district, an area prone to quakes and other disasters.

Hundreds die in Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:43:00 +0200trust (en)

More than 200 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake in Pakistan . These were the scenes of devastation after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Baluchistan province in Pakistan on Tuesday. By 1100GMT on Wednesday authorities said at least 208 people had been killed. The quake reduced hundreds of mud houses to rubble.

Pakistan: Une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après le séisme du Balouchistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:42:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à…

Al menos 238 muertos en el terremoto de Pakistán

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:42:00 +0200elnuevoherald (es)

El ejército paquistaní estaba desplegado este miércoles en una región pobre y recóndita de Pakistán para socorrer a los supervivientes de un fuerte terremoto que causó al menos 238 muertos y afectó a decenas de miles de personas.

Death toll in Pakistani earthquake jumps to 327 – local officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:40:00 +0200rt (en)

Up to 327 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.7 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake. "We have started to bury the dead," said on Wednesday Abdul Rasheed....

Pakistan quake island unlikely to last: experts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:37:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last long.

PM directs NDMA to expedite relief activities for quake affected people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:35:00 +0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sep 25 (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Wednesday directed Chairman National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) to update him on the relief activities and assistance provided by Pakistan Army and other Federal Institutions in the earthquake affected areas.

Une île émerge après un tremblement de terre au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:32:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Ce serait la troisième fois que ce phénomène se produit dans la région. Source : Le Monde - Articles similaires

«Le départ de Noël Mamère doit nous réveiller»

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:32:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Elus et cadres d'Europe Ecologie-les Verts réagissent diversement après que le député-maire de Bègles a annoncé quitter le mouvement. Source : Libération - Articles similaires

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:24:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

250 killed, 400 injured after earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:19:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- At least 250 people were killed and more than 400 others were injured till Wednesday afternoon in a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesperson of the Balochistan government said Wednesday.

Une île émerge après un tremblement de terre au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:18:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Voir aussi Une Nigériane remporte le premier concours de Miss musulmane Discipline de fer pour les employés du métro de Tokyo Scènes de guerre aux Philippines Le sud-ouest du Pakistan a été frappé mardi par un séisme d'une magnitude 7,7, causant la mort d'au moins 208 personnes et déclenchant....

Azerbaijan offers assistance to Pakistan for earthquake relief

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:14:00 +0200azernews (en)

The Azerbaijani government has offered assistance to Pakistan for earthquake relief, Azerbaijani ambassador in Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov told Trend on Wednesday.

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:11:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Pakistan quake kills more than 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:10:00 +0200cnn (en)

An earthquake in Pakistan , powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed more than 200 people, Pakistani officials said.

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:05:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Massive earthquake kills more than 260 in Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:02:00 +0200dawn (en)

KHUZDAR: Pakistan 's military on Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 260 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck Tuesday afternoon in Balochistan province's Awaran district while....

Séisme au Pakistan: l'armée se déploie, nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:02:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) - L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de....

Pakistan quake island 'mud volcano'

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:00:00 +0200sbs (en)

Experts say the island that has appeared in the Arabian sea following the Pakistan i earthquake is unlikely to last long.

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 13:00:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques."Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Over 200 dead after earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

At least 208 people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Pakistan , with dozens killed after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan yesterday and was felt across South Asia.

In pictures Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A powerful earthquake with a 7.7 magnitude has struck Baluchistan in south-western Pakistan , leaving destruction in its wake. Surrounding areas have been affected, including the town of Awaran which has been left in ...

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the aftermath of the....

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:57:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

Más de 250 muertos y cerca de 400 heridos por terremoto en Pakistán – Radio Programas del Perú

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:57:00 +0200contacto-latino (es)

EFE Más de 250 muertos y cerca de 400 heridos por terremoto en Pakistán Radio Programas del Perú Los equipos de rescate se afanan por encontrar supervivientes en la remota zona del suroeste del país que ha quedado muy afectada. Temas relacionados: terremoto · sismo · pakistan · Internacional. Terremoto en Pakistán: Fuerzas de seguridad … [.

Pakistan earthquake:250 killed

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:56:00 +0200MaltaStar (en)

A powerful earthquake has killed at least 250 people in Pakistan 's remote south-west province of Balochistan. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran, the US Geological Survey said. Many houses were flattened and thousands of people have spent the night in the open.

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:55:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti de....

Gawadar quake island unlikely to last: experts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:51:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

MONITORING DESK GWADAR: A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last long. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday in Baluchistan\'s remote Awaran. district, killing more than 200 people and affecting hundreds of thousands.

Quake in southwest Pakistan kills more than 200 people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:51:00 +0200alarabiya-en (en)

A survivor of an earthquake at a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran. (Reuters) The death toll from a strong earthquake that struck southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday has risen to more than 200, a spokesman for the provincial government has said, Jan Mohammad....

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:50:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques.

Pakistan: une "île" émerge dans la mer d'Arabie après un séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:48:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Le puissant séisme au Pakistan a donné naissance à une créature pour le moins étrange: une "île" sortie subitement à la surface de la mer d'Arabie, à des centaines de kilomètres de l'épicentre, qui étonne badauds et scientifiques. "Ce n'est pas une petite chose, mais un truc immense qui est sorti....

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 245

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:44:00 +0200thehindu (en)

Rescue efforts geared up on Wednesday after the death toll from a magnitude-7.7 earthquake in southwestern Pakistan climbed to 245, officials said. The epicentre of Tuesday’s quake was in...

Pakistan quake kills over 230

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:40:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

KHUZDAR, Pakistan (AFP) - Pakistani rescuers strived to reach victims Wednesday of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Death toll in quake hit Balochistan rises to 250.

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:38:00 +0200ptvworldnews (en)

Death toll has risen to 250 in a major earthquake that struck Awaran District of Balochistan. This was stated by Spokesperson of Balochistan government Jaan Balaidi. He said that despite difficult terrain' rescue efforts are underway in the tremor hit area. Medical teams are working in the area.

Pakistan earthquake leaves hundreds dead, homeless

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:34:00 +0200washtimes (en)

An estimated 1,000 security forces on Wednesday rushed to the scene of a powerful earthquake that hit at northwest Pakistan , leaving more than 200 dead. MSNBC reported the death count at 238 and rising. The Associated Press confirmed at least 200 killed . At least another 350 were injured. Helicopters rescue .

Pakistan quake kills over 230

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:34:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

Pakistan i rescuers strived to reach victims Wednesday of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

PAKISTAN - Pakistan earthquake : 208 people dead and over 370 injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:29:00 +0200asianews-en (en)

The quake struck yesterday afternoon in a remote area of the southwestern province of Baluchistan . The 7.7 magnitude quake was felt in New Delhi , India. Thousands of people displaced by the collapse of houses, at least 90 % of homes destroyed. Basic necessities and tents arrive, but medicines and hospitals are lacking.

Pakistan earthquake: Hundreds dead in Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:25:00 +0200armradio (en)

A powerful earthquake has killed at least 250 people in Pakistan ’s remote south-west province of Balochistan, the BBC reports. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran, the US Geological Survey said. Many houses were flattened and thousands of people have spent the night in the open.

More than 230 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:23:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Pakistan i rescuers strived to reach victims today of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

More than 230 killed in huge Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:21:00 +0200scmp (en)

Pakistan i rescuers strived to reach victims on Wednesday of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country’s southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake rises to 230

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:20:00 +0200jrep (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:16:00 +0200asharq-e (en)

Quetta, Reuters—The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan’s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

Au moins 238 morts dans un puissant séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:10:00 +0200lecourrier (fr)

Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée le 24 septembre près de la ville d'Awaran, dans la province pauvre du Baloutchistan (Sud-Ouest), a été ressenti jusqu'en Inde et en Iran voisins, et a même "créé" une île de roches s ur la côte pakistanaise dans la mer d'Arabie.

Devastating quake kills over 230, creates new island in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:09:00 +0200rt (en)

More than 230 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.7 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake. "We have started to bury the dead," said on Wednesday Abdul Rasheed....

More than 230 killed in Major Earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:09:00 +0200thisdayonline (en)

Earthquake. (Reuters) The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with....

Séisme au Pakistan: l'armée se déploie, nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:07:00 +0200normandie (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

PAKISTAN. Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:05:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a frappé mardi la province du Baloutchistan. Le bilan est encore provisoire. L'état d'urgence a été décrété.

Over 230 dead after earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:03:00 +0200RTERadio (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 today after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants, officials said.

Pakistan prepares to bury its dead as more than 200 are killed in powerful earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 has killed over 200 people in Pakistan .It struck with devastating effect in a remote area in the south-west of the country. ';We have started to bury our dead,'; the deputy commissioner of Awaran district told one media outlet. The tremors were felt across South Asia.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake rises to at least 210

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Sept. 24, 2013: People rush out their apartments and offices after they felt a major earthquake that struck Baluchistan province in southwest Pakistan , 430 miles from Karachi, ...

FM spokeswoman condoles Pakistan over killer quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:54:00 +0200irna (en)

Tehran, Sept 25, IRNA - Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham on Wednesday expressed sympathy with Pakistan i government and nation over the devastating earthquake that hit the countrys southwestern Balochistan province on Tuesday. She voiced the Islamic Republic of Iran’s readiness to send aid supply to the quake-hit areas.

Powerful earthquake in Pakistan kills 208 and creates new island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:52:00 +0200thetimes (en)

At least 208 people have been killed and hundreds injured after a powerful earthquake hit a remote area of western...

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 245

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:51:00 +0200Hindu (en)

Rescue efforts geared up on Wednesday after the death toll from a magnitude-7.7 earthquake in southwestern Pakistan climbed to 245, officials said. The epicentre of Tuesday’s quake was in...

Death Toll In Pakistan Earthquake Rises To 250

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:49:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

At least 340 people have been injured in the quake, which flattened many houses in Awaran, the area most affected by the tremor. Officials believe most of the victims were killed when their houses collapsed. Rescue operations are underway in the affected areas in Baluchistan -- Pakistan ’s largest....

Death toll rises to 265 in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:49:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

QUETTA: The death toll in Balochistan from the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck southwest Pakistan h

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:44:00 +0200dailystar-LB (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rise to at least 208 after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials say.

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:40:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Gul Yusufzai QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said.

More than 230 Killed in Huge Pakistan Quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:39:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

Pakistan i rescuers strived to reach victims Wednesday of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon in....

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:37:00 +0200cyprus-mail (en)

By Gul Yusufzai The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan’s army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

In pictures: Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:36:00 +0200independent (en)

A powerful earthquake with a 7.7 magnitude has struck Baluchistan in south-western Pakistan , leaving destruction in its wake. Surrounding areas have been affected, including the town of Awaran which has been left in ruins.

More than 230 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:32:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

A new island appeared after Tuesday’s quake close to the Pakistan i coastline of Gwadar

Los pescadores de Fukushima vuelven a faenar tras el parón por las fugas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:28:00 +0200diariodenavarra (es)

Volverán a faenar este miércoles tras semanas de suspensión debido a alas fugas de agua radiactiva desde la central nuclear.

Island emerges off Pakistan after earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:27:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The massive 7.7-magnitude earthquake that jolted Pakistan 's Balochistan province Tuesday has created an island off the coast of Gwadar port, a media report said. According to officials, the island - about 200 metres long, 20 metres high and 100 metres wide - emerged soon after the earthquake, Dawn reported Wednesday.

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises as rescuers struggle to help injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:27:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The rubble of a house after the magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck in Awaran district, Baluchistan province, Pakistan . Photograph: ...

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:24:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said.

More than 264 killed in huge Balochistan quake; aftershocks continue

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:21:00 +0200dawn (en)

KHUZDAR: Pakistan 's military on Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 260 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck Tuesday afternoon in Balochistan province's Awaran district while....

Azerbaijan offers assistance to Pakistan for earthquake relief

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:21:00 +0200trendnews-az (en)

The Azerbaijani government has offered assistance to Pakistan for earthquake relief, Azerbaijani ambassador in Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov told Trend on Wednesday.

Pakistan quake death toll rises to 245

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:21:00 +0200Hindu (en)

The death toll from a magnitude-7.7 earthquake in southwestern Pakistan climbs to 245. Saeed Ahmad, of the Provincial Disaster Management Authority, says from the Balochistan capital Quet...

Pakistan : une île "pousse" après le séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:21:00 +0200lejdd (fr)

Sur la côte de la Mer d'Arabie, en face du port stratégique de Gwadar, au Pakistan , un gigantesque monticule de roches, tel une île, a émergé de...

Pakistan Earthquake: Death Toll Rises Above 200, Official Says

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:19:00 +0200huffingtonpost-Italia-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept 25 (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 208 people on Wednesday after hundreds of houses collapsed in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. "We have started to bury the dead," said Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, the....

Au moins 238 morts dans le puissant séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:18:00 +0200levif (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployée mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes.

Séisme au Pakistan: l'armée se déploie, nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:15:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de...


Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:10:00 +0200misna-en (en)

The death toll continues to rise after the earthquake that struck yesterday afternoon in the southern section of the Pakistan i province of Balochistan, near the border with the Iran. The earthquake, measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, was felt in much of central and southern Pakistan as well as across the border in Iran and India down to Delhi.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake rises to 230

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:09:00 +0200jpost (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said. Pakistan's army airlifted hundreds of soldiers to help with the....

More than 230 killed in major earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:06:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan climbed to more than 230 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on their inhabitants throughout the remote and thinly populated area, officials said.

Pakistan Quake Kills Over 200 People

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:04:00 +0200wsj-en (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook Pakistan 's western Baluchistan province on Tuesday rose to at least 208 people overnight, government officials said Wednesday.

Over 238 killed, 400 injured in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 11:03:00 +0200app-en (en)

Reports reaching here suggested that earthquake destroyed plenty of villages leaving hundreds of people in open sky in Awaran, Kech, Turbat and Gwadar districts. Soon after the calamity struck the parts of Balochistan, the provincial government declared emergency in all hospitals across the province.

Major earthquake kills at least 238 and leaves thousands injured and homeless in remote region of Pakistan as tremors are felt 700 miles away in New Delhi

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:59:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

The Pakistan i military said it was rushing troops to the district of Awaran in Baluchistan province where the 7.7-magnitude quake struck.

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:56:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Pakistan 's military rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes

Séisme au Pakistan: l'armée se déploie, nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:55:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:52:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de....

Death toll soars to 238 after powerful Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:49:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan -- The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck northwest Pakistan rose to at least 238 early Wednesday, authorities said.The Pakistani military said it had rushed almost 1,000 troops to the area and was sending helicopters in the wake of Tuesday's temblor.

Fukushima seafood goes on sale after tests

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:46:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

THE first catch of seafood from Japan's Fukushima coast since last year's nuclear disaster is being sold after passing radiation tests.

Record radiation levels at Fukushima reactor

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:46:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

TEPCO, the operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, said overnight record amounts of radiation had been detected in the basement of reactor number one, further hampering clean-up operations after last year's earthquake and tsunami.

UPDATE1: Fukushima fishermen restart operations amid radiation leaks

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:45:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

FUKUSHIMA, Japan - Local fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture on Wednesday restarted operations suspended in late August d...

Death toll from Pakistan earthquake rises to 217

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:39:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

Earthquake caused a small island to emerge from the sea just off the coastline in the Arabian Sea.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:35:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de....

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 238 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:30:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au... Source : Le Matin - Articles similaires

Nace una nueva isla en Pakistán tras el terremoto

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:28:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Barcelona. (Redacción).- El terremoto que ha sacudido la región de Baluchistán, ubicada en el suroeste de Pakistán, ha provocado la aparición de una nueva isla a un kilómetro y medio de la costa de la localidad de Gwadar. Tras el seísmo de...

More than 200 killed in massive Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:27:00 +0200irishsun (en)

View Photo Reuters/Reuters - Survivors of an earthquake walk on rubble of a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran, southwestern Pakistan i province of Baluchistan, September 25, 2013. ...

Séisme au Pakistan: l'armée se déploie, nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:26:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 238 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:23:00 +020024heures (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 238 morts.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:23:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de....

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:22:00 +0200m6 (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:20:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:18:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 238 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:18:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 238 morts.

Massive earthquake rattles Pakistan as death toll rises

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:17:00 +0200sundayworld (en)

Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said.

More than 230 killed in huge Balochistan quake; aftershocks continue

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:16:00 +0200dawn (en)

KHUZDAR: Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon in Balochistan province's Awaran district whereas....

Séisme au Pakistan : le bilan s'aggrave à 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:15:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployée mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant tremblement de terre, qui a fait au moins 238 morts. Le...

Pakistan: More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:13:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Pakistan 09/25/2013 04:33 GMT by Banaras Khan KHUZDAR, September 25, 2013 (AFP) - Pakistan's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:11:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

L’armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d’un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:10:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:06:00 +0200afp-english (en)

"Around 90 percent of houses in the district have been destroyed. Almost all the mud houses have collapsed." Some of the dead have already been laid to rest in their villages, he added. The army sent medical teams and helicopters to help with the relief effort, along with 300 soldiers -- a number....

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 238 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:04:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 238 morts.

Over 200 dead after earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:01:00 +0200RTERadio (en)

At least 208 people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Pakistan , with dozens killed after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:01:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

Pakistan quake kills more than 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:00:00 +0200cnn (en)

An earthquake in Pakistan , powerful enough to prompt the appearance of a small island off the coast, has killed more than 200 people, Pakistani officials said.

Typhon Usagi: au moins 25 morts en Chine

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:00:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Le typhon Usagi , la plus puissante tempête tropicale de l'année dans le monde, a fait au moins 25 morts dans le sud de la Chine, et paralysé l'aéroport de Hong Kong où des dizaines de milliers de voyageurs restaient bloqués lundi.

More than 230 killed in Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:58:00 +0200sbs (en)

Pakistan 's military has rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Fears Death Toll Could Rise Following Pakistan Earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200clare (en)

Officials say at least 208 people have died in an earthquake which has struck a province in southwest Pakistan . Tremors from the quake, which measured 7.8 were felt as far as away as the Indian capital Delhi. The U.S. Geological Survey has issued a red alert, indicating a possibility of a thousand or more fatalities.

Pakistan Earthquake Leaves More Than 200 Dead

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The death toll from an earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has risen to at least 210 people after hundreds of houses collapsed. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across South Asia. It destroyed houses and cut communications with the....

Pakistan earthquake kills hundreds in southwestern Baluchistan province

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials ...

Pakistan Earthquake Death Toll Passes 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:57:00 +0200irishsun (en)

The powerful earthquake which struck yesterday in south-western Pakistan has claimed more than 200 lives, according to sources. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit the Awaran district of Pakistan's impoverished Balochistan province Tuesday afternoon, at a depth of 20km.

208 killed in SW Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:56:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

A total of 208 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, said a local official.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait plus de 238 victimes

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:53:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

La province pakistanaise du Balouchistan a été secouée mardi en fin de journée par un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7. Les autorités annoncent déjà 238 morts mais le bilan devrait s'alourdir.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:53:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de la....

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:52:00 +0200yerkir-en (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border

Toll from Huge Pakistan Quake Rises to 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:52:00 +0200almanar-en (en)

Pakistan ’s military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes

Quake in southwest Pakistan quake kills more than 200 people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:50:00 +0200alarabiya-en (en)

A survivor of an earthquake at a mud house after it collapsed following the quake in the town of Awaran. (Reuters) The death toll from a strong earthquake that southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday has risen to more than 200, a spokesman for the provincial government has said, Jan Mohammad Bulaidi, put....

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:50:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes.

Séisme au Pakistan: nouveau bilan de 238 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:45:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

L'armée pakistanaise était déployé mercredi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan pour porter secours aux rescapés d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 238 morts et affecté des dizaines de milliers de personnes. Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu en fin de journée mardi près de....

Public safety officers WILL be ready

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:40:00 +0200kuam (en)

They say communication is key and undoubtedly it's a major factor to saving lives during a natural or man-made disaster.

Iran offers aid to Pakistani quake victims, official

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:38:00 +0200irna (en)

Islamabad, Sept 25, IRNA – Pakistan i officials say that Iran and Turkey are the first countries to offer aid for the affected people of the powerful earthquake which has killed over 200 people in parts of Balochistan province. The powerful earthquake, measuring 7.

217 dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:37:00 +0200mumbaimirror (en)

The death toll in the devastating earthquake that struck havoc in Pakistan 's southwestern Balochistan province rose to 217 on Wednesday, amid fears that it is likely to go up. Many of the far-flung areas in Balochistan are yet to be reached by rescue teams because of the terrain and lack of proper roads.

Death Toll in Pakistan Earthquake Hits 210, More Fatalities Feared

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:29:00 +0200time (en)

Remoteness and lack of roads in the quake hit region of southwestern Baluchistan is hampering rescue efforts

Death toll from Balochistan earthquake reaches 238

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:26:00 +0200nation (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon in....

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises as rescuers struggle to help injured

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:26:00 +0200guardian (en)

Provincial official puts death toll from magnitude 7.7 quake in Awaran district in Baluchistan at 210, with 375 people injured Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan as the death toll rose to 210, officials said.

Major quake in Pakistan kills dozens creates new island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:26:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A powerful earthquake killed dozens of people in Balochistan and created a new island off Pakistan 's south coast Tuesday, officials said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale. The agency said the earthquake was likely to cause large casualties since....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait plus de 200 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:26:00 +0200rian-fr (fr)

208 personnes ont trouvé la mort dans un puissant tremblement de terre survenu mardi dans le sud-ouest de la province pakistanaise du Baloutchistan, rapportent l'agence Chine nouvelle citant les autorités régionales.

Death toll rises in Pakistan quake, no damage in UAE despite...

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:23:00 +02007days (en)

Rescuers struggled on Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said. The magnitude 7.7 quake struck in the remote district of Awaran in Pakistan's Baluchistan province on Tuesday afternoon.

Un puissant séisme au Pakistan fait au moins 208 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:23:00 +0200la-croix (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi 25 septembre à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Los pescadores de Fukushima vuelven a faenar en alta mar

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:23:00 +0200larazon-es (es)

Las cooperativas de pescadores de las ciudades de Soma y Futaba, en Fukushima, han explicado que sus miembros han decidido volver al trabajo tras comprobar que los niveles de radiactividad en las aguas del Pacífico, su fauna y su flora vuelven a ser inocuos.

Séisme au Pakistan: au moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:21:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

230 perish in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:17:00 +0200thestandard-hk (en)

Pakistan 's military rushed to reach the scene of an earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit ...

Major earthquake kills at least 238 and leaves thousands injured and homeless in remote region of Pakistan as tremors are felt 700 miles away in New Delhi

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:15:00 +0200dailymail (en)

The Pakistan i military said it was rushing troops to the district of Awaran in Baluchistan province where the 7.7-magnitude quake struck.

Hundreds dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:12:00 +0200dailynews-co-zw (en)

ISLAMABAD - A powerful earthquake has killed at least 238 people in Pakistan 's remote south-west province of Balochistan. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran, the US Geological Survey said. Many houses were flattened and tho...

Los pescadores de Fukushima vuelven a faenar en alta mar tras el parón por las fugas radiactivas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:06:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Los pescadores de la prefectura japonesa de Fukushima (noreste) volverán a faenar en alta mar este miércoles, tras semanas de suspensión debido a las fugas de agua radiactiva desde la central nuclear homónima al océano Pacífico.

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:05:00 +0200nna-en (en)

NNA - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said, Reuters reported. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across South Asia.

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:00:00 +0200timesofoman (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed more than 230 people and toppled thousands of mud-built homes when it hit the country's southwest with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Pakistan earthquake toll passes 200 Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan, as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said.

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:57:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

24 September 2013 Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said. The magnitude 7.7 quake struck in the remote district of Awaran....

Death toll from Pakistan’s powerful quake rises to 240

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:53:00 +0200irna (en)

Islamabad, Sept 25, IRNA – Death toll from the Tuesday powerful earthquake, measuring 7.7 on Richter scale, rose to 240 as more bodies were recovered from the rubble of destroyed buildings on Wednesday, officials said. The powerful earthquake struck southwestern Balochistan and southern Sindh....

Pakistan prepares to bury its dead as more than 200 are killed in powerful earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:49:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 has killed over 200 people in Pakistan .It struck with devastating effect in a remote area in the south-west of the…

Death toll rises after Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:47:00 +0200timesofmalta (en)

Updated - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 this morning after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan yesterday and was felt across South Asia.

Death toll rises to 208 in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:45:00 +0200tribune (en)

AWARAN: Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Awaran Abdul Rashid Baloch confirmed that 208 people have died because of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the area on September 25, Express News reported on Wednesday. He made an appeal for support to help those affected by the quake. Around 300 more people are injured, said DC Awaran.

Pakistan earthquake death toll passes 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:36:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Rescuers are struggling to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in south-western Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said.

Pakistan earthquake: toll rises to 208; a new island appears close to coastline of Gwadar

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:34:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Pak military today rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Death Toll in Pakistan Earthquake Hits 210, More Fatalities Feared

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:29:00 +0200time (en)

Remoteness and lack of roads in the quake hit region of southwestern Baluchistan is hampering rescue efforts

PAKISTAN : Un puissant séisme fait plus de 200 morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:28:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un puissant séisme a secoué mardi la ville d'Awaran, dans la province du Baloutchistan dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan . Au moins 208 personnes ont été tuées et des villages entiers de cette région pauvre et reculée ont été ravagés.

208 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:26:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A total of 208 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan Tuesday afternoon, an official said Wednesday. Jan Muhammad Buledi, spokesperson of Balochistan government, said 145 people were killed in Awaran, the most-hit area in the....

Earthquake in western Pakistan kills hundreds and creates island off coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:26:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 208 people and prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.The death toll rose sharply on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

Death toll rises to 32 as strong quake rattles remote Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:26:00 +0200irishsun (en)

By Fakhar ur-Rehman, Mushtaq Yusufzai and Mujeeb Ahmed, NBC News A strong earthquake struck northwest Pakistan Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, causing damage that killed at least 45 people and tremors that were felt across the border in India.Government officials said an emergency had been....

208 killed as quake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:24:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

A total of 208 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon.

In photos: Deadly earthquake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:24:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

A total of 208 people have been killed in a powerful earthquake that hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, said a local official Wednesday.

Pakistan : séisme meurtrier au Balouchistan, une île apparaît en mer

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:24:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Au moins 208 morts, c'est le bilan provisoire du puissant séisme qui a frappé une région reculée du Pakistan hier soir. Des villages entiers ont…

Pakistan quake toll crosses 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:23:00 +0200iafrica (en)

Pakistan 's military has rushed to reach the scene of an earthquake that killed at least 208 people.

Pakistan: plus de 200 morts dans un puissant séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:21:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

La province pakistanaise du Balouchistan a été secouée mardi en fin de journée par un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7. Les autorités annoncent déjà 208 morts mais le bilan devrait s'alourdir.

PAKISTAN: More than 200 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:20:00 +0200france24-en (en)

A huge earthquake struck the south of Pakistan killing at least 208 people on Wednesday, toppling many mud-built homes. The quake struck with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Séisme au Pakistan: au moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:20:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) - Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Death toll in massive Pakistan earthquake rises to 210

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:17:00 +0200foxnews (en)

Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said.

Pakistan: Earthquake flattens parts of Balochistan, kills 217

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:15:00 +0200rediff (en)

The death toll in the devastating earthquake that struck havoc in Pakistan 's southwestern

Massive quake in Southwest Pakistan kills 210

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:15:00 +0200ekantipur (en)

Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan .

Pakistan: plus de 200 morts dans un puissant séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:14:00 +0200levif (fr)

La province pakistanaise du Balouchistan a été secouée mardi en fin de journée par un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7. Les autorités annoncent déjà 208 morts mais le bilan devrait s'alourdir.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:14:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les...

Séisme au Pakistan : le bilan s'aggrave à 208 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:14:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Les autorités pakistanaises craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore après le puissant tremblement de terre qui a ravagé des villages entiers, mardi en fin de journée, près de la ville d'Awaran,...

Pakistan earthquake kills 210 in remote region

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:12:00 +0200CBC (en)

Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan , as the death toll rose overnight to 210, officials said.

Pakistan : un séisme fait plus de 200 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:12:00 +0200metrofrance (fr)

SECOUSSE – Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé mardi, en fin de journée, la province du...

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:11:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

Pakistan 's military rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south.

Rescue under way after earthquake kills 216 in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:10:00 +0200thehindu (en)

The death toll from a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck southwestern Pakistan climbed to 216, officials said on Wednesday. Tuesday’s quake killed 208 people in Awaran district...

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan s'alourdit, au moins 208 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:10:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:07:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui...

Strong earthquake kills 45 in remote part of Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:05:00 +0200arabtimes (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 24, (AFP): A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan Tuesday, killing at least 45 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.7-magnitude quake centred in Baluc...

Au Pakistan - Au moins 208 victimes après un puissant séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:05:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un tremblement de terre qui a ravagé des villages entiers, selon les autorités.

Pakistani earthquake kills 208 people - death toll expected to rise

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:01:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

THE death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across South Asia.

Massive quake in Southwest Pakistan kills 210

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:59:00 +0200kantipuronline (en)

Rescuers struggled Wednesday to help thousands of people injured and left homeless after their houses collapsed in a massive earthquake in southwestern Pakistan .

World › Death toll from Pakistan earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:59:00 +0200japantoday (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across....

Death toll in Pakistani earthquake soars to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:57:00 +0200panarmenian-en (en)

The earthquake struck Pakistan 's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on September 24 and was felt across South Asia.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:55:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d’accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d’un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s’alourdisse encore.

Plus de 200 morts dans un puissant séisme au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:55:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

La secousse de magnitude 7,7 sur l'échelle de Richter, est survenue mardi en fin de journée dans le sud-ouest du pays et a ravagé des villages entiers.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:53:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Pakistan : le bilan monte à 208 morts et 382 blessés après le séisme

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:51:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Au moins 208 personnes ont été tuées et 382 blessées mardi après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 qui a ravagé la ville d'Awaran, dans le Baloutchistan, une province du sud-ouest du Pakistan . Pakistan : le bilan monte à 208 morts et 382 blessés après le séisme

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe le Pakistan, au moins 33 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:51:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Une vingtaine de personnes ont été blessées, de nombreuses maisons détruites. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe le Pakistan, au....

Death toll from Balochistan earthquake reaches 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:50:00 +0200nation (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan....

At least 208 killed in Pakistani earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:50:00 +0200newstalk (en)

At least 208 people are confirmed dead after a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit a remote area of south western Pakistan . Tremors were so powerful they were recorded in Ireland. The earthquake struck the province of Balochistan on at 12.29pm on Tuesday afternoon. The region is prone to earthquakes, with at least 35 killed in a 7.

Pakistan: toll from powerful earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:48:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 today after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:47:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Khuzdar. Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast, AFP reported. The 7.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:44:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:44:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Fukushima fishermen restart operations amid radiation leaks

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:44:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

FUKUSHIMA, Japan - Local fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture on Wednesday restarted operations suspended in late August d...

Pakistan Earthquake: Death Toll Passes 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:42:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

The powerful earthquake which struck yesterday in south-western Pakistan has claimed more than 200 lives, according to sources. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit the Awaran district of Pakistan's impoverished Balochistan province Tuesday afternoon, at a depth of 20km.

Pakistan Earthquake: Death Toll Passes 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:42:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

At least 200 people are reported to have died so far after quake hits impoverished Balochistan province.

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan du tremblement de terre s'alourdit à 173 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:40:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 173 morts et des centaines de blessés, selon un nouveau bilan provisoire.

More than 200 Killed in Huge Pakistan Quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:38:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon in Baluchistan....

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:37:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:34:00 +0200trust (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 25 (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said.

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:34:00 +0200trust (en)

(Adds details, updates death toll) By Gul Yusufzai. QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 25 (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:33:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

PAKISTAN. Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 208 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:33:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a frappé mardi la province du Baloutchistan. Le bilan est encore provisoire. L'état d'urgence a été décrété.

More than 200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:31:00 +0200foxnews (en)

Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Deadly Pakistan earthquake creates new island in the sea

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200telegraph (en)

A major earthquake that hit a remote part of western Pakistan killing at least 173 people has also created a new island just off the country's southern coast.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Pakistan : le séisme fait plus de 200 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:28:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan ne s'alourdisse encore.

Canadian Press NewsAlert: Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 182

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - Pakistani official says the death toll from Tuesday's earthquake in the southwest has risen to 182.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Khuzdar ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan, épicentre d'un puissant séisme... Source : La Provence - Articles similaires

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d’accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d’un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s’alourdisse encore.

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 173 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au... Source : Le Matin - Articles similaires

Pakistan : le séisme fait plus de 200 morts.

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:27:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a frappé mardi la province du Baloutchistan, dans le sud-ouest du pays. Source : Le Point - Articles similaires

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:26:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps ...

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:24:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 173 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:22:00 +020024heures (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 173 morts.

BREAKING NEWS: Quake hits Pakistan, felt in Delhi

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:21:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

New Delhi, 17 hours, 11 minutes ago An strong earthquake struck remote western Pakistan on Tuesday and was felt in the Indian capital of New Delhi where buildings shook. The United States Geological Survey said that a 7.8 magnitude quake struck 145 miles southeast of Dalbandin, in Pakistan's western province of Balochistan.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:20:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Rescue under way after earthquake kills 216 in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:19:00 +0200Hindu (en)

The death toll from a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck southwestern Pakistan climbed to 216, officials said on Wednesday. Tuesday’s quake killed 208 people in Awaran district...

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:19:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Pakistan quake kills more than 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:18:00 +0200cnn (en)

A powerful earthquake in Pakistan has not only cost more than 200 lives -- it also prompted the appearance of a small island off the coast, Pakistani officials said.

Světový unikát! Japonsko otvírá první nafukovací koncertní síň

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:17:00 +0200tn (cs)

V Japonsku se příští týden otevře údajně první mobilní nafukovací koncertní síň na světě. Byla postavena jako přechodné zařízení ve městě Macušima zdevastovaném zemětřesením a tsunami z března 2011 a v budoucnu by měla putovat po postiženém regionu.

Rescue and relief underway after strong quake kills 93

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:16:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Sep. 25 (Xinhuanet) -- A 7.7-magnitude earthquake has hit a remote part of western Pakistan , killing at least 93 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea off the country’s southern coast. The Pakistani military says it’s rushing troops and helicopters to Baluchistan province’s....

200 killed in huge Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:16:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan 's military Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 173 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:16:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 173 morts.

Pakistan Quake Death Toll Rises To Over 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:15:00 +0200ananova (en)

The death toll from an earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has risen to at least 208 people after hundreds of houses collapsed. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across South Asia. It destroyed houses and cut communications with the....

More than 200 killed in huge quake in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:14:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

September 25, 2013 11:49 AM KHUZDAR, Pakistan (AFP) - Pakistan's military on Wednesday rushed to reach the scene of a huge earthquake that killed at least 208 people and toppled many mud-built homes when it hit the country's south with enough force to create a new island off the coast.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:12:00 +0200nordlittoral (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Death toll rises in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:11:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

The death toll in the Pakistan earthquake has risen to at least 208. Rescue efforts are underway in the mountainous area of Baluchistan where the powerful earthquake hit, toppling homes.

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan s'alourdit à 173 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:10:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours ...

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:09:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:07:00 +0200dailystar-LB (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan : The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and was felt across South Asia.

Pakistan Quake Death Toll Rises To Over 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:06:00 +0200skynews (en)

The death toll from an earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has risen to at least 208 people after hundreds of houses collapsed.

Séisme au Pakistan: moins 208 morts, selon un nouveau bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:03:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Les secouristes tentaient d'accéder mercredi à une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , épicentre d'un puissant séisme ayant fait au moins 208 morts et ravagé des villages entiers, ont indiqué les autorités qui craignent que le bilan s'alourdisse encore.

Le bilan du séisme s'alourdit à 173 morts au Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:02:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 173 morts.

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:57:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Gul Yusufzai QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said. The earthquake struck Pakistan's thinly populated province....

Pakistan Earthquake Toll Rises to 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:57:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said.

Earthquake in western Pakistan kills hundreds and creates island off coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:55:00 +0200guardian (en)

Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away in the Indian capital, Delhi, as well in the Pakistan i port of Karachi A 7.8-magnitude earthquake in a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 208 people and prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Séisme au Pakistan : au moins 173 morts selon un dernier bilan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:53:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Le séisme, qui a secoué mardi le sud-ouest du Pakistan , a fait au moins 173 morts, selon un dernier bilan officiel. Le tremblement de terre, de…

Puissant séisme : des dizaines de morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:49:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait, à l’heure où nous mettions sous presse, au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons hier dans ...

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:47:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

Travel agency predicts tourism will recover

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:47:00 +0200DailyNation (en)

Mr Scowsil noted that after the Japan earthquake and tsunami, within a year domestic, outbound and international tourism was back to pre-disaster days — an indicator of the industries’ ability to quickly recover. Speaking during the Africa Hotel Investment Forum at Hotel InterContinental, Nairobi,....

'At least 208 people killed' in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:43:00 +0200itv (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has risen to at least 208 after hundreds of houses collapsed in a remote mountainous area. A small island reportedly emerged from sea off the country's coast in after the quake. By using this site, you agree we can set and use cookies.

Pakistan earthquake: death toll rises to more than 200

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:43:00 +0200telegraph (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of southwestern Pakistan jumped to more than 200 as rescue teams rush to the area.

93 dead in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:39:00 +0200thehindu (en)

At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan ’s southwestern province of Balochistan Tuesday afternoon, officials and media reports s...

Toll From Pakistan Quake Rises To 208 People - Official

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:37:00 +0200rt (en)

At least 208 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake. "We have started to bury the dead," said on Wednesday Abdul Rasheed....

Death toll from Pakistani earthquake rises to 208

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:34:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in Pakistan rose to at least 208 on Wednesday after hundreds of mud houses collapsed on people in a remote area near the Iranian border, officials said.

Pakistan earthquake kills 208 in remote region

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:34:00 +0200CBC (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 208 people on Wednesday after hundreds of houses collapsed in a remote mountainous area, a local official said.

208 killed in SW Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:31:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

People evacuate from buildings after a severe earthquake, in Karachi, south Pakistan , Sept. 24, 2013. Moderate damages were reported after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit Pakistan's southwest province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, according to local officials and media reports.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake jumps to 173

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:29:00 +0200afp-english (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of southwestern Pakistan jumped to 173 on Wednesday, officials said, as rescue teams rushed to the area. The 7.7-magnitude quake hit in the Awaran district of Baluchistan province on Tuesday afternoon, destroying scores of mud-built houses.

Pakistan earthquake kills at least 200, as tremor creates a new island in the sea

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:28:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A major earthquake has hit a remote part of western Pakistan , killing at least 200 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Hundreds dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:27:00 +0200bbc-news (en)

At least 208 people are killed as a strong earthquake strikes a remote area of south-west Pakistan , possibly causing a new island to emerge.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake jumps to 173: Officials

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:26:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

September 25, 2013 11:49 AMQUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of south-western Pakistan jumped to 173 on Wednesday, officials said, as rescue teams rushed to the area.

Deadly earthquake strikes Pakistan, creates island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:26:00 +0200sbs (en)

A powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude has killed at least 208 people in a remote area of south-west Pakistan , local officials say.

Earthquake in western Pakistan kills dozens and creates island off coast

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:25:00 +0200guardian (en)

Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away in the Indian capital, Delhi, as well in the Pakistan i port of Karachi A 7.8-magnitude earthquake in a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 80 people and prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake jumps to 173

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:24:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of southwestern Pakistan jumped to 173 on Wednesday, officials said, as rescue teams rushed to the area.

Hundreds dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:23:00 +0200bbc (en)

At least 208 people are killed as a strong earthquake strikes a remote area of south-west Pakistan , possibly causing a new island to emerge.

Séisme au Pakistan: le bilan s'alourdit à 173 morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:23:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Le puissant séisme qui a frappé mardi une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan , à laquelle les secours tentaient d'accéder mercredi, a fait au moins 173 morts et des centaines de blessés, selon un nouveau bilan provisoire.Le séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7, survenu près de la ville d'Awaran, dans la....

Toll from Pakistan earthquake rises to at least 173

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:17:00 +0200scmp (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 173 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan’s Frontier Corps said.

Los pescadores de Fukushima vuelven a faenar en alta mar tras el parón por las fugas radiactivas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:17:00 +0200lainformacion (es)

Los pescadores de la prefectura japonesa de Fukushima (noreste) volverán a faenar en alta mar este miércoles, tras semanas de suspensión debido a las fugas de agua radiactiva desde la central nuclear homónima al océano Pacífico.

Scores dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:16:00 +0200bbc (en)

At least 208 people are killed as a strong earthquake strikes a remote area of south-west Pakistan , possibly causing a new island to emerge.

Pakistan earthquake kills at least 200, as tremor creates a new island in the sea

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:15:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A major earthquake has hit a remote part of western Pakistan , killing at least 200 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Scores dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:12:00 +0200bbc-news (en)

At least 208 people are killed as a strong earthquake strikes a remote area of south-west Pakistan , possibly causing a new island to emerge.

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:00 +0200jpost (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said. "More than 80 bodies have been recovered so far from....

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:00 +0200jrep (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said. "More than 80 bodies have been recovered so far from....

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:04:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said.

Pakistan. Un puissant séisme fait des dizaines de morts

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:03:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un puissant séisme, d'une magnitude de 7,7, a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons, hier, dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan . Ce tremblement de terre, dont...

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:00:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said.

Death toll in Pakistan earthquake jumps to 173

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:59:00 +0200foxnews (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck a remote part of southwestern Pakistan jumped to 173 on Wednesday, officials said, as rescue teams rushed to the area.

Deadly quake hits Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:55:00 +0200sbs (en)

At least 46 people are dead after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit Pakistan 's Awaran district, southwest of the capital.

Toll from powerful earthquake in Pakistan rises to at least 80

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:54:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - The death toll from a powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan rose to at least 80 people on Wednesday after scores of houses collapsed in remote mountainous areas near the Iranian border, Pakistan's Frontier Corps said.

93 dead in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:53:00 +0200irishsun (en)

At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan 's southwestern province of Balochistan Tuesday afternoon, officials and media reports said. Media quoting a spokesperson of the Frontier Constabulary (FC), a paramilitary force, reported that....

Live cross: 7.8-magnitude quake hits Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:46:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

BEIJING, Sep. 25 (Xinhuanet) -- At least 39 people have been killed and more than 20 others injured in a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in southwest Pakistan . Authorities say rescue operations have begun. Earlier, our correspondent Faizan Fiaz in Islamabad brought us more details on the strong earthquake. (Source: CNTV.

Pakistan earthquake 'has killed 80 people'

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:42:00 +0200itv (en)

The number of those killed as a result of the earthquake in Pakistan has now risen to 80 according to the Pakistan frontier corps. More top news A leading competition lawyer says an energy price freeze could leave Labour open to challenges from the courts or the European Commission.

None but army working in quake-hit areas of Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:40:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD: While none of the disaster management institution is functional in the country, only Pakistan Army is working on ground in Balochistan afte

People rush out of homes, offices as tremors hit city

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:40:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

Karachi As soon as the earth shook, a wave of fear spread across the city. Within minutes, thousands of people were on the roads standing outside t

Island emerges off Gwadar after quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:28:00 +0200nation (en)

QUETTA - A 100-feet high island has emerged near the coast of Gwadar after the devastating earthquake in Balochistan. As per details, the severe earthquake jolted different parts of Balochistan including Gwadar. Following the earthquake, a 100-feet high island emerged on the west shore of Gwadar namely Padizar area.

7.8-quake kills 80 in Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:28:00 +0200nation (en)

Quetta - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 80 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. However, it was feared, amid conflicting reports, that the death toll could be higher. The 7.

93 dead in Balochistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:19:00 +0200Hindu (en)

At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan ’s southwestern province of Balochistan Tuesday afternoon, officials and media reports s...

Los pescadores de Fukushima vuelven a faenar en alta mar tras el parón por las fugas radiactivas

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:18:00 +0200telecinco (es)

Los pescadores de la prefectura japonesa de Fukushima (noreste) volverán a faenar en alta mar este miércoles, tras semanas de suspensión debido a las fugas de agua radiactiva desde la central nuclear homónima al océano Pacífico.

Major natural disasters that hit Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:10:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

LAHORE: Adversity is not new to Pakistan . Currently in the throes of terrorism, Pakistan has been confronted with natural disasters such as earthquake

93 killed as 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:01:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan 's southwestern province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, according to officials and media reports. Local media quoting the spokesman of the Frontier....

ISLAMABAD: A major earthquake hit western Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 45 people and causing a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast. Tremors were felt as far away as the UAE and the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of kilometres to the east, as well as the .

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 04:32:00 +0200GulfDailyNews (en)

World News Quake creates island off Pakistan . Posted on » Wednesday, September 25, 2013 ISLAMABAD: A major earthquake hit western Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 45 people and causing a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Huge earthquake strikes Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 04:27:00 +0200heraldscotland (en)

A strong earthquake struck a remote part of western Pakistan yesterday and was felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles to the east. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The US Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude quake struck 145 miles south east of Dalbandin in the province of Baluchistan.

70 perish as 7.8 magnitude quake hits Balochistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 04:15:00 +0200pakobserver (en)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - Quetta—An earthquake of 7.8 magnitude jolted Balochistan resulting in death of at least 70 people, reported so far, devastating scores of homes and spreading panic across south west of the country. According to Pakistan Met Department (PMD), the quake followed by at least three major aftershocks up to 5.

Pakistan 7.8-Magnitude Earthquake Gives Birth to New Island Off Arabian Sea, Kills 46 [PHOTOS/VIDEO]

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:54:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Pakistan on Tuesday has given birth to a new island off the Arabian sea. On land, the major tremor has killed at least 46 people and destroyed scores of infrastructure.

Samoa maps risk of flooding from sea level rise

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:33:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

Government officials are learning a simple, fast technique for mapping coastal flooding risks under a new training programme. Through a partnership between the Australian government Department of the Environment and Samoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the training, which started....

7.7 Magnitude Pakistan Earthquake Kills At Least 46 People

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:15:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

According to CNN , Asad Gilani, home secretary of Balochistan province, one of the hardest hit areas, said that in addition to those deaths in the town of Awaran, “dozens have been injured." However, an official who spoke to the Los Angeles Times on the condition of anonymity because he was not....

PM: Social media can boost ties with people

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:09:00 +0200nst (en)

EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: Najib says it will give nation edge to compete globally. SAN FRANCISCO: IT was Datuk Seri Najib Razak's interest in how big data analytics can be used to promote economic sustainability and government-people relationship that led him to visit the Twitter headquarters in Market Street here on Monday.

93 killed as 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:00:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 24 -- At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan 's southwestern province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, according to officials and media reports. Local media quoting the spokesman of the Frontier Constabulary, a....

Violent séisme au Pakistan : le nombre de morts s'élève à 93

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:59:00 +0200french-news (fr)

Au moins 93 personnes ont été tuées et plus de 200 autres blessées dans le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 qui a secoué mardi après-midi la province du Baloutchistan (sud-ouest du Pakistan ), selon des responsables et des médias locaux.

Puissant séisme au Pakistan : 45 personnes tuées et 200 blessées

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:59:00 +0200french-news (fr)

Au moins 45 personnes ont été tuées et 200 autres blessées lorsqu'un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 a touché mardi le Pakistan dans la province du Balouchistan, selon les autorités locales.

New island emerges in wake of deadly Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:49:00 +0200todayonline (en)

QUETTA ( Pakistan ) - A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan yesterday (Sept 24), killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast. The Pakistani military said it was rushing...

7.8-magnitude quake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:45:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

People evacuate from buildings after a severe earthquake in Quetta, southwest Pakistan , on Sept. 24, 2013. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Pakistan at 7:29 p.m. Tuesday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

Did Pakistan Earthquake Create a New Island in...

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:23:00 +0200climate-weather (en)

Tuesday's major earthquake in southern Pakistan led to some intriguing reports of a new island appearing just off Pakistan's coast. The Associated Press says following Tuesday's 7.7-magnitude tremor, witnesses reported that a small island appeared near the Arabian Sea port of Gwadar, about 150 miles northeast of the quake's epicenter.

Major quake kills at least 46, topples scores of homes in Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:10:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Pakistan 09/24/2013 17:28 GMT by Maaz Khan QUETTA, September 24, 2013 (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.

Killer Quake Strikes Western Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:55:00 +0200wsj-en (en)

Pakistan 's military sent troops and helicopters to take in relief supplies and search for survivors after a powerful earthquake jolted western Pakistan, killing at least 40 people.

7.7 richter intensity quake hits Balochistan killing dozens

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:49:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - Dozens of people were killed and scores injured in southwest Pakistan as a powerful earthquake measuring 7.7 on Richter scale hit a remote area in Balochistan on Tuesday, reports said. The Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), the department tasked with....

UPDATE6: Strong quake kills 45 in southwestern Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:43:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

A powerful earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan 's Baluchistan province on Tuesday, killing 45 people and injuring more than 100 others, according to government and military officials. The quake, with a magnitude of 7.7, struck around 4:30 p.m. in the southern part of the province, according to the U.

Deadly quake creates new island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:39:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

A MAJOR earthquake that killed dozens in Pakistan was so violent that it thrust a new island up from the sea floor just off the coast.

Island emerges after Pakistan quake; heavy casualties feared

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:38:00 +0200arabnews (en)

Wed, 2013-09-25 02:29 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens of people also created a new island off the southern coast. The Pakistan Meteorological...

Pakistan quake kills 39 as houses collapse

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:18:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A Pakistan i woman speaks on her mobile phone after rushing out of her apartment following a major earthquake that struck Baluchistan province in southwest Pakistan, 693 Kilometers (430 miles) from Karachi, Pakistan, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013. A deadly earthquake struck Tuesday in southwestern Pakistan....

Pakistan quake jolts Indian-controlled Kashmir

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:15:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) - - The major earthquake that hit Balochistan of Pakistan Tuesday also shook Indian-controlled Kashmir and its adjoining areas. According to disaster management officials in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir, no loss of....

93 killed as 7.7 magnitude quake hits SW Pakistan

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:15:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

At least 93 people were killed and over 200 others injured as an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude jolted Pakistan 's southwestern province of Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon

Quake jolts Balochistan: Awaran flattened

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:58:00 +0200tribune (en)

QUETTA: In magnitude it was reminiscent of the 2005 apocalyptic temblor. It was far less deadly, though. One of the reasons may be because its epicentre was in a sparsely-populated district of Balochistan, a province where human settlements are already widely scattered.

Pakistan Earthquake: 7.7 Magnitude Quake Kills At Least 46 People, Creates ‘Small Island’

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:54:00 +0200ibtimes-mx (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck a remote region in southern Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 46 people and injured dozens more, officials said.

Major quake in Pakistan kills dozens; creates new island

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:51:00 +0200upi (en)

AWARAN, Pakistan , Sept. 24 (UPI) -- A powerful earthquake killed dozens of people in Balochistan and created a new island off Pakistan's south coast Tuesday, officials said.

Terremoto en Pakistán formó una ‘nueva isla’ en la costa sur del país

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:36:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

El "fuerte movimiento telúrico":http://elcomercio.pe/actualidad/1635352/noticia-terremoto-pakistan-autoridades-dan-primeras-cifras-muertos destruyó viviendas y dejó decenas de muertos. Se habla desde 39 hasta 80 víctimas mortales

OPINIÓN: México no se libra de la desigualdad social

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:31:00 +0200cnnMexico (es)

Un buen Estado sería el que pudiera atender problemas como las manifestaciones y los desastres, y controlar el caos o la anarquía

55 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:25:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: At least 55 people have been killed as a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, Kalat

Isla emerge en Pakistan luego de terremoto de 7,7 grados – Diario Correo

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:20:00 +0200contacto-latino (es)

EFE Isla emerge en Pakistan luego de terremoto de 7,7 grados Diario Correo Un hecho extraño ocurrió en Pakistán luego del terremoto de 7,7 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió ese país y dejara, por lo menos, 60 muertos. Según el gobierno del país árabe luego del movimiento sísmico una isla, de unos [.

World › 46 killed in major Pakistan quake

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:18:00 +0200japantoday (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.7-magnitude quake -- which sparked warnings of heavy casualties from seismologists -- was centered in Baluchistan....

Pakistan: Earthquake creates 'island' off Gwadar coastline

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:08:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A small 'island' of about 40 ft has appeared in the sea in Gwadar as a result of the strong earthquake that struck remote western Pakistan .

46 die as huge earthquake hits ...

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:08:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Employees leaving their office buildings in Karachi following the earthquake yesterday. QUETTA: A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.

Minority Christians fear fresh ...

Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:08:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Members of the Pakistan i Christian community hold placards during a protest in Lahore to condemn Sunday’s suicide attack on a church in Peshawar, yesterday. PESHAWAR: A devastating double suicide attack on a church in northwest Pakistan has triggered fears among the beleaguered Christian community....

Isla emerge en Pakistan luego de terremoto de 7,7 grados

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:54:00 +0200diariocorreo (es)

Un hecho extraño ocurrió en Pakistán luego del terremoto de 7,7 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió ese país y dejara, por lo menos, 60 muertos. Según el gobierno del país árabe luego del movimiento sísmico una isla, de unos seis a doce metros de altura y de 30 metros de ancho surgió del mar ante el asombro de los pobladores de Gwadar.

Feeling the Earth tremble

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:49:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

. * Massive earthquake kills 30 in Pakistan ; no serious harm reported in Karachi By Amar Guriro KARACHI: A major earthquake that jolted many parts of the country on Tuesday lasted for around 8 seconds, with the epicentre being Khuzdar city of Balochistan.

Powerful earthquake kills 50 in Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:17:00 +0200Hindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter Scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday, killing at least 50 persons and injuring many in Awaran. The U.S. Geological Survey on its website...

Report: 55 dead in Pakistan quake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:11:00 +0200itv (en)

A USGS map highlighting the population exposure in the area of the earthquake in southwestern Pakistan . A magnitude 7.8 earthquake in a remote area of southwestern Pakistan has killed at least 55 people, reports. Dawn.com A spokesman for the Balochistan government, Jan Muhammad Buledi, told the....

Powerful earthquake kills 50 in Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:04:00 +0200thehindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter Scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday, killing at least 50 persons and injuring many in Awaran. The U.S. Geological Survey on its website...

Catastrophe au Pakistan - Au moins 46 morts après un séisme

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:57:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan .

7.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Pakistan, creates island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:54:00 +0200cnn (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

At least 46 killed in major Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:49:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan , killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people rushing into the streets in panic

45 killed as 7.8 earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:44:00 +0200ATAP-en (en)

BALOCHISTAN, Pakistan (TAP) - A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people. It struck at 16:29 local time (11:29 GMT) at a depth of 20km ( 13 miles ), 66km north-east of Awaran in Balochistan province, the United States Geological Survey said.

Terremoto en Pakistán deja al menos ciento cincuenta muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:40:00 +0200ruvr-es (es)

El sismo de 7,7 que ha sacudido el sur de Pakistán se ha dejado sentir en Nueva Delhi, capital de la vecina India. Se informa que al menos ciento cincuenta personas han perdido la vida en la provincia de Beluchistán y varias decenas han resultado heridas.

Ex-US nuclear safety chief slams Japan for slow response in Fukushima.

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:25:00 +0200ruvr-en (en)

A former US nuclear safety chief has accused Japan of being too slow to respond to radioactive water leaks at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Un séisme a fait au moins 45 morts au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:21:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 45 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan . Les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Un séisme a fait au moins 45 morts au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:20:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 45 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du... Source : Le Matin - Articles similaires

Powerful earthquake kills 150 in Pakistan: officials

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:17:00 +0200irna (en)

Islamabad, Sept: 24,IRNA -- A strong earthquake, measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale Tuesday hit Pakistan s southwestern Balouchistan province and killed over 150 people and injured dozens more, officials said. Officials said hundreds of houses were damaged in Awaran district of Balochistan, the worst affected area bordering Iran, they said.

Earthquake in western Pakistan kills 45 and creates island off coast

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:17:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 45 people and prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away in the Indian capital, Delhi, where buildings shook, as well as in the Pakistani port city of Karachi.

Un séisme a fait au moins 45 morts au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:12:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 45 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan . Les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Pakistan: Balochistan Earthquake Info Report: 24 September 2013

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:08:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Pakistan Red Crescent Society Country: Pakistan HIGHLIGHTS District Awaran in Balochistan Province struck by an Earthquake of 7.8 magnitude (USGS). The earthquake shocks were felt across Sindh and media reports indicate even upto India. So far media is reporting more than 45 deaths and huge damages to houses.

Pakistan: OCHA Pakistan Flash Update #1 on Balochistan Earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:08:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Pakistan Media reports indicate at least 45 people have been killed and 100 injured following a powerful earthquake that struck south-west Pakistan today. The epicentre of the 7.7 magnitude earthquake was 120 kilometres....

41 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:08:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: At least 41 people have been killed as a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, Kalat

Quake in Pakistan kills 40

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:04:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

A deadly 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said. The death toll rose quickly, with at least 40 deaths reported in the quake’s aftermath in Awaran in Balochistan province, a military official said. In addition to the fatalities, “dozens have been....

Strong quake kills 46 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:04:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 46 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country’s southern coast. The 7.7-magnitude quake centred in Baluchistan province’s Awaran district was felt as far afield as New Delhi and Dubai, residents said.

Powerful earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:02:00 +0200guardiannewsngr (en)

A POWERFUL earthquake of 7.8-magnitude has struck a remote area of south-west Pakistan , the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. It struck at 16:29 local time (11:29 GMT) at a depth of 23km (15 miles), 145 miles south-east of Dalbandin in Balochistan province, USGS adds.

Un séisme a fait au moins 45 morts au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:57:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 45 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan . Les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

16:26 Quake 'may have created new island'

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:47:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

24 September 2013 Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens of people also created a new island off the southern coast. The Pakistan Meteorological Department's director general, Arif Mahmood, said witnesses have reported that a small island has appeared near the port of Gwadar.

Earthquake creates new island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:44:00 +0200timesofmalta (en)

Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens of people also created a new island off the southern coast. The Pakistan Meteorological Department's director general, Arif Mahmood, said witnesses have reported that a small island has appeared near the port of Gwadar.

At least 46 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:37:00 +0200abc-au (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 46 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Pakistan: un séisme fait au moins 46 morts dans une région pauvre

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:37:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Major earthquake, 7.7 Richter, strikes Pakistan; 45 dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:33:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 in the Richter scale struck Pakistan , reports the United States Geological Survey. Forty-five people have died and dozens are trapped under rubble.

At least 46 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:32:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 46 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Powerful earthquake kills 45 in Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:32:00 +0200thehindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter Scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday, killing at least 45 persons and injuring many in Awaran. The U.S. Geological Survey on its website...

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:29:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

45 killed, 200 injured as strong earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:28:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least 45 people were killed and over 200 others injured as and earthquake of 7.7 magnitude hit Pakistan 's southern Balochistan province on Tuesday afternoon, local officials said. Brigadier Wajid, chief staff of the country's Earthquake Reconstruction and....

At least 33 dead in Pakistan earthquake: disaster agency

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:28:00 +0200ChinaPost (en)

(ChinaPost.com.tw) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

At least 46 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:24:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 46 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:22:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l’état d’urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l’épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Powerful earthquake kills 45 in Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:16:00 +0200Hindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter Scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday, killing at least 45 persons and injuring many in Awaran. The U.S. Geological Survey on its website...

Pakistan hit by 7.7 magnitude earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:16:00 +0200irishsun (en)

17/04/2013 16:35 CET Office workers in Karachi rushed to evacuate their buildings as a powerful earthquake struck south-western Pakistan . The 7.7 magnitude quake has killed at least 30 people, according to the country’s disaster agency. It hit just before 4.

Strong earthquake kills at least 30 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:16:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:12:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement...

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 21:09:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:58:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Earthquake in western Pakistan kills 45 and creates island off coast

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:53:00 +0200guardian (en)

Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away in the Indian capital, Delhi, as well in the Pakistan i port of Karachi A 7.8-magnitude earthquake in a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 45 people and prompted a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:49:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

Pakistan: Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:49:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

SEISME - Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan ... Source : 20 Minutes - Articles similaires

Dozens killed in major Pakistan quake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:46:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

Earthquake kills 45 in Pakistan creates new island in sea

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:46:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles (kilometers) to the east, where....

Pakistan earthquake: At least 45 dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:40:00 +0200itv (en)

Officials have revised the death toll of the Pakistan earthquake to 45. The United States Geological Survey said the quake, in a remote area of southwestern Pakistan, reached a magnitude of 7.8. Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away in New Delhi. It struck 145 miles (235 km) southeast of....

Earthquake in Pakistan Kills 45, Creates New Island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:34:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

A powerful earthquake in Pakistan has killed dozens of people and created a small new island.

Strong quake kills 33 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:34:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.7-magnitude quake centred in Baluchistan province’s Awaran district was felt as far as New Delhi and Dubai, residents said.

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:34:00 +0200lepays-fr (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistanske medier: Over 150 døde i jordskjelv

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:25:00 +0200VG (no)

Et jordskjelv med en styrke på 7,7 rammet tirsdag grenseområdene mellom Pakistan og Iran.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:19:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:17:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:17:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Heavy toll feared as big quake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

Pakistan quake may have created new island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens also created a new island off the southern coast.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à une....

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:16:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

33 Dead As 7.8-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:12:00 +0200almanar-en (en)

A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, leaving at least 33 dead, the US Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far away as the Indian capital Delhi.

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de moment de 7,8 în Pakistan. Cel puţin 46 de persoane au murit

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:11:00 +0200mediafax-en (en)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea revizuită la 7,8 a avut loc marţi în centrul Pakistan ului, fiind urmat de o replică de 5,9, anunţă Institutul american de geofizică (USGS). Cel puţin 46 de persoane au murit şi alte câteva zeci au fost rănite, numeroase case fiind distruse, anunţă serviciile de urgenţă, citate de AFP.

Séisme de 7,7 au Pakistan: au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:11:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

At least 30 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:10:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 30 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Pakistan quake may have created new island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:10:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens also created a new island off the southern coast.

The new island created by an earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:10:00 +0200itv (en)

The new island created off the Pakistan i coast. The earthquake that struck Pakistan was so powerful that it caused the seabed to rise and create a small, mountain-like island about 600 metres off Pakistan's Gwadar coastline in the Arabian Sea. Television channels showed a crowd of bewildered people gathering on the shore to witness the phenomenon.

Pakistan: Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:09:00 +020020minutes (fr)

SEISME - Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan ... Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons ce mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:08:00 +0200nordlittoral (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Major quake kills 33, topples scores of homes in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:07:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Pakistan 09/24/2013 14:52 GMT by Maaz Khan QUETTA, September 24, 2013 (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic. The 7.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:07:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:06:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan Quake May Have Created New Island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:05:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens also created a new island off the southern coast. The Pakistan Meteorological Department's director general, Arif Mahmood, says witnesses have reported that a small island has appeared near the port of Gwadar.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:05:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:04:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan quake may have created new island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:02:00 +0200AP (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan i officials are investigating whether the powerful earthquake that killed dozens also created a new island off the southern coast. The Pakistan Meteorological Department's director general, Arif Mahmood, says witnesses have reported that a small island has appeared near the port of Gwadar.

Heavy toll feared as huge earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:02:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 46 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

Au moins 46 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:01:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:01:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Pakistan earthquake death toll reaches 150 - local media

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:58:00 +0200rt (en)

At least 45 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake. The local deputy commissioner in Awaran, Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, and the....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:58:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 46 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:58:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 46 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, à....

Pakistan Earthquake Kills Dozens In Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:57:00 +0200ananova (en)

At least 46 people have been killed after a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit a remote area of south western Pakistan . The quake struck a remote mountainous part of the country at 4.29pm local time (12.29BST) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Balochistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres.

45 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:52:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: At least 45 people have been killed as a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. b

Major earthquake kills 40 in remote Pakistani region

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:51:00 +0200independent (en)

A major earthquake that has killed more than 40 people so far, causing homes to crumble and residents to flee in a panic, has rocked Pakistan ’s southwestern province of Baluchistan.

Dozens Killed By Strong Quake In Southwestern Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:50:00 +0200npr (en)

The 7.7-magnitude temblor struck the southern part of the country. Although there are reports of deaths, it could be several days before the full extent of any damage and destruction is known.

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,7 en Pakistán deja al menos 65 muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:49:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El sismo de 7,7 que ha sacudido el sur de Pakistán se ha dejado sentir en Nueva Delhi, capital de la vecina India. Se informa que al menos 65 personas han perdido la vida en la provincia de Beluchistán y varias decenas han resultado heridas.

Death toll in Pakistan quake jumps to 39

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:46:00 +0200irishsun (en)

View Photo AFP/AFP - Pakistan i civilians gather on a busy street after a powerful earthquake rattled Karachi, on September 24, 2013. A huge earthquake has hit southwest Pakistan, killing at least 33 people, toppling ...

7.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:46:00 +0200irishsun (en)

NEW: At least 46 are reported dead and dozens are injured The quake is powerful enough to create a small island off the coast, officials say The earthquake struck a remote area, officials say Aftershocks are felt in Karachi, hundreds of miles to the ...

Pakistan Army kicks off rescue operation in quake-hit areas

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:39:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

QUETTA (NNI): Pakistan army started rescue operation in the country\'s southwest Balochistan province that was hit by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday afternoon, the military said. The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the mouthpiece of Pakistan army, said that they had dispatched a....

At least 150 dead as strong quake hits southwest Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:39:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

QUETTA (AFP ) - A major earthquake that hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 45 people, the country s disaster response agency said, with fears the death toll could rise. The 7.8-magnitude quake which hit Awaran district of Balochistan province also injured at least 24 people,....

Harper, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe talk energy before UN events

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:38:00 +0200CBC (en)

Japan's visiting prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is keen to talk with Prime Minister Stephen Harper about exporting Canadian shale gas to his energy-hungry country. CBCNews.ca will carry the leaders' joint press conference live at 1:30 p.m. ET.

Kenya: le président annonce la fin du siège du Wesgate, 67 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:32:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Les Etats-Unis vont signer mercredi le premier traité international régulant le commerce des armes conventionnelles, pour tenter de juguler l'afflux d'armes utilisées pour perpétrer des crimes de guerre et de génocide, a dit à l'AFP une source proche du dossier.A l'ONU, le secrétaire...

45 killed as 7.8 earthquake strikes Pakistan, shaking felt in New Delhi

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:28:00 +0200rt (en)

At least 45 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake. The local deputy commissioner in Awaran, Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, and the....

Ex-US nuclear safety chief slams Japan over slow response to Fukushima leaks

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:19:00 +0200ruvr-en (en)

A former US nuclear safety chief has accused Japan of being too slow to respond to radioactive water leaks at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Une trentaine de personnes ont péri lors du tremblement de terre au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:17:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Au moins 30 personnes ont péri dans un puissant tremblement de terre au Pakistan . Source : La Voix de la Russie - Articles similaires

Aumentan a 65 los muertos tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 Richter en Pakistán

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:17:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Según el USGS, el fuerte temblor se produjo a las 16:29 hora local (08:29 horas en Chile) a 69 kilómetros al noreste de Awaran, con una profundidad de 15 kilómetros.

Une trentaine de personnes ont péri lors du tremblement de terre au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:14:00 +0200ruvr-fr (fr)

Au moins 30 personnes ont péri dans un puissant tremblement de terre au Pakistan .

Dozens Killed in Earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:10:00 +0200nytimes (en)

The magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck in a remote area of Baluchistan Province, killing at least 39 people.

Pakistan hit by 7.7 magnitude earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:07:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

Office workers in Karachi rushed to evacuate their buildings as a powerful earthquake struck south-western Pakistan . The 7.7 magnitude quake has…

Heavy toll feared as powerful earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:06:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A powerful earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said. The area of the epicentre is sparsely populated, but the USGS issued a red alert for the quake, warning that heavy casualties were likely, based on past data. (AFP ...

Strong earthquake strikes southwest Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:06:00 +0200irishsun (en)

17/04/2013 16:35 CET A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 has struck a remote area of southwestern Pakistan , according to the US Geological Survey. The tremor was felt just before 4.30 in the afternoon local time, and was centred about 100 kilometres from the town of Khuzdar in the province of Balochistan.

Strong earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:06:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents ...

Powerful earthquake kills at least 30 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:59:00 +0200thehindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday killing at least 30 persons and injuring many in Awaran, over 60 km from the epicentre. Th...

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:57:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:53:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

Major quake kills 33, topples scores of homes in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:51:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region

7.4 magnitude earthquake in southwestern Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:49:00 +0200nna-en (en)

Tue 24 Sep 2013 at 15:54. NNA - 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit on Tuesday afternoon southwest Pakistan , the American Geophysical Observatory announced. The quake was recorded about 100 kilometers away from the city of Khuzdar in the sparsely populated Baluchistan province, according to the US and Pakistani Meteorology department.

Strong quake hits Pakistan, Army kicks off rescue operation

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:48:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan army started rescue operation in the country's southwest Balochistan province that was hit by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday afternoon, the military said. The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the mouthpiece of Pakistan army, said that they had....

7.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:39:00 +0200cnn (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:38:00 +0200nordlittoral (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Major earthquake hits Pakistan, killing 33 people

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:36:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

At least 39 killed in major Pakistan quake felt in Ireland

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:35:00 +0200newstalk (en)

At least 39 people have been killed after a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit a remote area of south western Pakistan . The tremor was so powerful it was felt in Ireland. Irish Seismometers in Donegal, Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Dublin recorded the quake, seen as one of the strongest to occur in the world this year.

Strong quake rattles Pakistan, killing at least 45

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:34:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

A strong earthquake struck northwest Pakistan Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, causing damage that killed at least 45 people and tremors that were felt across the border in India.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:33:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) - Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement...

Iran ready to dispatch humanitarian aid to Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:32:00 +0200irna (en)

Tehran, Sept 24, IRNA – Following a strong earthquake in southwestern Pakistan , the head of Iran Red Crescent Society Mohammad Farhadi on Tuesday voiced readiness to dispatch humanitarian aid to quake-hit areas in the neighboring country. In a message to the head of Pakistani Red Crescent Society,....

At least 30 killed in strong earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:32:00 +0200irishsun (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters that 30....

Major earthquake kills dozens in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:32:00 +0200irishsun (en)

KARACHI, Pakistan A major earthquake struck Tuesday in southwestern Pakistan, killing dozens of people and sending others fleeing into the streets and praying for their lives as buildings swayed, officials said. A parliamentarian from Awaran district where the quake struck told CBS News Islamabad....

Tremors from Pakistan earthqauke recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:32:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.Irish Seismometers in Donegal, Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Dublin recorded the quake - one of the strongest to occur in the world this year.The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck at 12.29 today in a remote area of Western Pakistan.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:32:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de....

Pakistan Earthquake Kills Dozens In Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:30:00 +0200skynews (en)

At least 39 people are killed as a strong quake rocks a remote, mountainous region of the south Asian country.


Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:28:00 +0200rt (en)

Up to 40 killed as 7.8 earthquake strikes Pakistan , shaking felt in New Delhi. Up to 40 people have been killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi, with the disaster creating a 'new island' in its wake.

Major quake kills 33, topples scores of homes in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:27:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital and even Dubai; US Geological Survey issues a red alert, warning that heavy casualties were likely based on past data

Un puissant séisme frappe le Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:24:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Un d'une magnitude de 7,7 sur l'échelle de Richter a fait ce mardi plusieurs dizaines de morts dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan . Un tremblement de terre…

Major earthquake in Pakistan kills dozens

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:23:00 +0200neurope (en)

Author(s): NEOnline imageglobe-46624041.jpg At least 33 people have been killed and over 20 others injured while dozens are feared trapped under the debris of houses that collapsed after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit parts of Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, local officials said.

At least 30 dead in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:22:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Quetta. A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said, cited by Reuters Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi,....

Western Pakistan Suffers 7.8 Earthquake - 30 Dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:20:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

Western Pakistan today (Tuesday) endured an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter Scale. Authorities in the province of Baluchistan, where the epicenter was, estimated that at least 30 people were killed in the collapse of buildings in nearby villages.

Report: Pakistan earthquake has created a new island

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:17:00 +0200itv (en)

This morning's 7.7 magnitude earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has caused a new island to emerge off the coast of Gwadar, Pakistan's reported. Geo News Deputy inspector general Moazzam Jah said the new island's altitude is 20 to 40 feet, it is around 100 feet wide and is about 350 feet away from the coastline.

At least 30 killed in strong earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:17:00 +0200trust (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 24 (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters....

Strong quake strikes western Pakistan, 6 dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:17:00 +0200trust (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 24 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake hit western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least six people and destroying mud houses in a thinly populated area of the South Asian country, officials and residents said. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi,....

Strong earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:17:00 +0200trust (en)

By Gul Yusufzai. QUETTA, Pakistan , Sept 24 (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said.

Deaths As 7.8 Earthquake Hits Rural Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:15:00 +0200skynews (en)

At least 39 people are killed as a strong quake rocks a remote, mountainous region of the south Asian country.

Major quake kills 33, topples homes in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:13:00 +0200arabnews (en)

Tue, 2013-09-24 19:09 QUETTA, Pakistan : A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 39 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic....

Powerful earthquake kills at least 30 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:11:00 +0200Hindu (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale shook parts of Balochistan and Sindh on Tuesday killing at least 30 persons and injuring many in Awaran, over 60 km from the epicentre. Th...

Séisme d'une magnitude 7,7 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:09:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Au moins 33 morts sont pour l'instant à déplorer dans le sud-ouest du pays. Les experts redoutent des répliques, et l'état d'urgence a été décrété.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:09:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur,....

Earthquake in Pakistan kills at least 30

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:08:00 +0200jrep (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters that 30 people and at....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:02:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Major earthquake, 7.7 Richter, strikes Pakistan; 30 dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:54:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 in the Richter scale struck Pakistan , reports the United States Geological Survey. Thirty people have died and dozens are trapped under rubble.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:54:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 39

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:53:00 +0200itv (en)

4:26pm, Tue 24 Sep 2013 Pakistan earthquake death toll rises to 39 Last updated Tue 24 Sep 2013 A powerful earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has killed 39 people, according to an official cited by AP. The 7.7 magnitude quake hit the region this morning.

Harper, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe talk energy in Ottawa before UN events

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:53:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

OTTAWA - Japan's visiting prime minister is keen to talk to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about exporting Canadian shale gas to his energy-hungry country.

45 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:50:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI: At least 45 people have been killed as a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. b

Island emerges near Gwadar coast after earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:50:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

QUETTA: In a rare development, an island emerged off Gwadar coast after a powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude str

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:49:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Pakistan Earthquake: At Least 39 Dead as...

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:48:00 +0200climate-weather (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 39 people according to early reports. The U.S. Geological Survey placed the epicenter 41 miles north-northeast of Awaran in the province of Balochistan. Mirza Kamran Zia, chief spokesman for the country's National....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:47:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l’état d’urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l’épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:46:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:45:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Tremors from Pakistan earthquake recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:44:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.

Dozens dead in southwest Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:43:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least 45 killed after 7.8 magnitude quake hits Awaran district in Balochistan province , officials say.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 frappe le Pakistan, au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:43:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Une vingtaine de personnes ont été blessées, de nombreuses maisons détruites. Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 frappe le Pakistan, au....

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,7 en Pakistán deja al menos 45 muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:41:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El sismo de 7,7 que ha sacudido el sur de Pakistán se ha dejado sentir en Nueva Delhi, capital de la vecina India. Se informa que al menos 45 personas han perdido la vida en la provincia de Beluchistán y varias decenas han resultado heridas.

Pakistan : des dizaines de morts dans un puissant séisme

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:38:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

VIDEO - Après celui d'avril 2013, un nouveau puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a frappé ce mardi le Sud-Ouest du Pakistan . Le puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait ce mardi au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons. "Nous dénombrons au moins 33 morts et 24 blessés", a.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:38:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence.

Lo tsunami delle vanità

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:38:00 +0200panorama (it)

La settimana della moda milanese è la fiera delle vanità in cui quel che avviene in passerella si abbatte come uno tsunami per le strade

Dozens killed by 7.8-magnitude quake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:34:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

A MAJOR earthquake in southwestern Pakistan has killed at least 33 people and there are fears the death toll could rise.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:34:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Powerful earthquake strikes Pakistan's Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:32:00 +0200nationittefaq (en)

It struck at 16:29 local time (11:29 GMT) at a depth of 23km (15 miles), 145 miles south-east of Dalbandin in Balochistan province, USGS adds. It was reportedly felt in the Indian capital Delhi, where some buildings shook. Balochistan is Pakistan 's largest but least populated province.

Strong quake kills 33, injures over 20 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:32:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least 33 people were killed and over 20 others injured while dozens feared trapped under the debris of houses that collapsed after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit parts of Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan on Tuesday afternoon, local officials said.

Strong earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:31:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said.

Major quake shakes Pakistani region new A major earthquake has struck south-western Pakistan killing up to 40 people and sending others fleeing into the streets.

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:31:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Baluchistan province is the country's largest but also the least populated. More than two dozen houses collapsed in villages of Awaran district where the quake struck, said the district's deputy commissioner Abdur Rasheed. He said rescue teams have been dispatched to the area. The US Geological Survey reported the quake as magnitude 7.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:29:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du ...

Pakistan Earthquake Kills at Least 30 in Baluchistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:25:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

Awaran district in southwestern Pakistan worst affected by magnitude 7.7 tremor, felt as far away as Delhi.

At least 33 killed as powerful 7.7-magnitude quake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:24:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

Terremoto en Pakistán: autoridades dan primeras cifras de muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:24:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Se habla de 5, 10 y hasta 30 víctimas mortales por el "sismo de 7,7 grados Richter":http://elcomercio.pe/actualidad/1635336/noticia-terremoto-7-grados-pakistan-se-sintio-tambien-nueva-delhi, cuyo epicentro se ubicó en la provincia de Baluchistán

Major Pakistan quake 'kills 33'

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:23:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit southwest Pakistan Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, toppling scores of homes and sending people around the region rushing into the streets in panic.

33 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

At least 33 people were killed and over 20 injured after an earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale hit parts of Pakistan Tuesday afternoon. Awaran district, located 645 km away from Balochistan's capital Quetta, was the worst hit area where 30 people were killed and a dozen others injured in the earthquake, Xinhua reported citing officials.

Earthquake Measuring 7.8 Hits Rural Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 has hit a remote area of south western Pakistan . The strong quake struck a remote mountainous part of the country at 4.29pm local time (12.29BST) around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southwest of the city of Khuzdar in Balochistan province, at a depth of 15 kilometres.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:22:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ... Source : Le Dauphiné Libéré - Articles similaires

'At least 30 killed' in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:21:00 +0200telegraph (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has hit southwestern Pakistan 's Baluchistan province, with reports at least 30 people have been killed .

Plusieurs morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:21:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,4 a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar. Pour l'heure, une trentaine de morts est à déplorer.

Pakistan: un puissant séisme fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:21:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a fait au moins 33 morts et détruit de nombreuses maisons mardi dans une région pauvre et reculée du Pakistan où les autorités ont décrété l'état d'urgence. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur, près....

Violento terremoto sacudió este martes a Pakistán

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:20:00 +0200upi-es (es)

QUETTA, Pakistan , sep. 24 (UPI) -- Un violento terremoto de magnitud 7,8 grados sacudió este martes al sudoeste del país, indicó el Instituto Geofísico de los Estados Unidos (USGS).

Deadly earthquake strikes Pakistan's Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:15:00 +0200panorama-am-en (en)

A powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude has killed at least 30 people in a remote area of south-west Pakistan , the BBC reported, citing local officials. It struck at 16:29 local time ...

Strong Quake Shakes Thinly Populated Area Of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:14:00 +0200npr (en)

The 7.7-magnitude temblor struck the southern part of the country. Although there are reports of some deaths, it could be several days before the full extent of any damage and destruction is known.

Death toll rises to 32 as strong quake rattles remote Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:14:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

A strong earthquake struck northwest Pakistan Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, causing damage that killed at least 32 people and tremors that were felt across the border in India.The quake – initially recorded at magnitude 7.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:14:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ...

Earthquake in Pakistan kills 30

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:12:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles to the....

At least 33 dead as big quake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:09:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

A major earthquake that hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 33 people, the country's disaster response agency said, with fears the death toll could rise.

Pakistan Earthquake Kills at Least 30 in Baluchistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:09:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

Awaran district in southwestern Pakistan worst affected by magnitude 7.7 tremor, felt as far away as Delhi.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:07:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ...

At least 30 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200abc-au (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 30 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ...

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200lepays-fr (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ...

Séisme au Pakistan : au moins 30 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:05:00 +0200lejdd (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre a frappé mardi une zone montagneuse de la province du Baloutchistan dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan , faisant au moins...

Tremors from Pakistan earthquake felt in Donegal

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:02:00 +0200highlandradio (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland. Irish Seismometers in Donegal recorded the quake – one of the strongest to occur in the world this year. The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck at 12.29 today in a remote area of Western Pakistan.

Terremoto de 7,8 sacude Pakistán

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:00:00 +0200alterpresse (es)

espacinsular URGENTE: Un terremoto de 7,8 sacude Pakistán y se siente en Nueva Delhi. Según el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU., el sismo se localizó a una profundidad de 15 kilómetros y a 283 kilómetros de Karachi, la ciudad más poblada del país. ACTUALIZACION. Un terremoto de 7,8 sacude Pakistán y se siente en Nueva Delhi.

Fukushima fisheries to resume trial fishing after samples prove safe

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:00:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Fishing operations off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture were set to resume Wednesday, about a month after leaks of contaminated water at the Fukushima No. ...

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:59:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une....

At least 30 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:58:00 +0200RTERadio (en)

A powerful earthquake has hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan killing at least 30 people.

Séisme de 7,7 au Pakistan: au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:57:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Au moins 33 personnes ont perdu la vie à la suite d'un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 qui a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités, qui avaient dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan.

Au moins 33 morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:56:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

Un puissant séisme dans le sud-ouest du Pakistan a fait au moins 33 morts, une vingtaine de blessés et détruit de nombreuses maisons, ont annoncé ...

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:54:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une....

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 en Pakistán deja al menos 33 muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:54:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El sismo de 7,8 que ha sacudido el sur de Pakistán se ha dejado sentir en Nueva Delhi, capital de la vecina India. Se informa que al menos 33 personas han perdido la vida en la provincia de Beluchistán y varias decenas han resultado heridas.

Major earthquake, 7.7 Richter, strikes Pakistan; 6 dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:53:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 in the Richter scale struck Pakistan , reports the United States Geological Survey. Six people have died and several people are trapped under rubble.

At Least 6 Dead as 7.7-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southern Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:52:00 +0200farsnews-en (en)

The US Geological Survey (USGS) placed the epicenter 41 miles North-Northeast of Awaran in the province of Balochistan. A provincial official told NBC News that at least six people have been killed in the Arawan district as a result of the quake. The tremor occurred at 7:29 a.m. Eastern time (4:29 p.

Strong earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:52:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Gul Yusufzai QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian....

Strong quake strikes western Pakistan no casualties reported

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:52:00 +0200irishsun (en)

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A strong earthquake struck a remote mountainous part of western Pakistan on Tuesday and was felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles to the east, where buildings shook. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The United States Geological Survey said that the 7.

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:52:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une....

Earthquake in Pakistan kills at least 30

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200jpost (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan - A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters that 30 people and at....

UPDATE3: Strong quake kills at least 30 in southwestern Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

A powerful earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan 's Baluchistan province on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and injuring many others, according to the private Geo television channel. The quake, with a magnitude of 7.7, struck around 4:30 p.m. in the southern part of the province, according to the U.

UAE feels Pakistan quake tremors

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

“We recorded earthquake of magnitude of 7.2 on Richter scale at our centre,” Dr Essa Al Hussain, Director at the Sultan Qaboos University’s (SQU), Earthquake Monitoring Centre, told Gulf News . “We have received calls from residents saying they felt minor tremors,” Dr al Hussain added.

Tremors from Pakistan quake felt in Muscat

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Muscat: A strong quake that shook Balochistan in Pakistan and parts of India was also felt by residents in Muscat although the epicentre of the earthquake was about 800-km away from Muscat. “We recorded earthquake of magnitude of 7.2 on Richter scale at our centre,” Dr Essa Al Hussain, Director at....

32 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

KARACHI: At least 32 people have been killed as a powerful earthquake struck southwest Pakistan on Tuesday. According to the Meteorological De

At least 30 killed in strong earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

QUETTA: A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Balochistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local

Island emerges near Gwadar coast after earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

QUETTA: In a rare development, an island emerged off Gwadar coast after a powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude struck Pakistan on Tuesday. Acco

UPDATE1: Abe, Harper to discuss cooperation in free trade, defense, energy

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:51:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met for talks Tuesday with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in which they are expected to confirm cooperation in free trade, defense and energy areas. Abe and Harper will likely discuss trade liberalization within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, as Japan and Canada have both joined the U.

Powerful and deadly Pakistan earthquake flattens homes

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:50:00 +0200CBC (en)

At least 30 people are dead in Pakistan 's western province of Baluchistan after a powerful earthquake destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official says.

Heavy toll feared as quake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:48:00 +0200sbs (en)

At least 33 people have been killed in Pakistan after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit the Baluchistan province in the country's southwest.

PAKISTAN. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 fait au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:48:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de Khuzdar, dans la province du Baloutchistan. L'organisme américain USGS a déclaré une "alerte rouge".

Powerful earthquake kills 25 in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:47:00 +0200irna (en)

Islamabad, Sept: 24 ,IRNA-- A strong earthquake, measuring 7.7 on Richter scale Tuesday hit Pakistan s southwestern Balochistan province and killed over 25 people and injured dozens more, officials said. Officials said hundreds of houses were damaged in Awaran district of Balochistan, bordering Iran, they said.

At least 30 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:45:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 30 people and demolishing scores of mud houses.

Un très fort séisme frappe le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:44:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Le tremblement de terre, d'une magnitude de 7,8, a secoué la province du Baloutchistan, la plus pauvre du pays. Au moins 33 personnes ont été tuées.

Deadly earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:41:00 +0200bbc (en)

At least six people have died in an earthquake of 7.8-magnitude in a remote area of south-west Pakistan , the United States Geological Survey says.

Séisme au Pakistan : "nous craignons que le bilan s'alourdisse"

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:41:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Au moins 33 morts sont pour l'instant à déplorer dans le sud-ouest du pays. Des répliques sont à redouter selon les experts sur place.

Plusieurs morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:41:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,4 a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar. Pour l'heure, une trentaine de morts est à déplorer.

7.8 earthquake strikes Pakistan, shaking felt in New Delhi

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:39:00 +0200rt (en)

At least 30 people were killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan . Tremors were felt across the region and as far as New Delhi. The US Geological Survey has measured the quake at 7.8 magnitude. The quake struck in Balochistan, just 69 km north-northeast of Awaran, the nearest city.

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:36:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan. Ce tremblement de terre, dont l'épicentre est situé à une quinzaine de kilomètres....

Plusieurs morts dans un séisme au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:35:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,4 a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar. Pour l'heure, une trentaine de morts est à déplorer.

Strong quake strikes western Pakistan, six dead

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:34:00 +0200suna-sd-en (en)

World news - world. Strong quake strikes western Pakistan , six dead QUETTA, Pakistan Sep 24, 2013 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake hit western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least six people and destroying mud houses in a thinly populated area of the South Asian country, officials and residents said.

Séisme de 7,8 au Pakistan: au moins 33 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:34:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Au moins 33 personnes ont perdu la vie à la suite d'un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 qui a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , ont annoncé les autorités pakistanaises.

Strong earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:33:00 +0200reuters (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake hit a remote, impoverished part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and destroying scores of mud houses in a thinly populated area, officials and residents said.

At least 30 dead as magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:30:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck south-west Pakistan , killing at least 30 people and demolishing scores of houses.

At least 35 dead as strong quake hits southwest Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:28:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

QUETTA (AFP) - A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far away as the Indian capital New Delhi. According to Local TV, earthquake tremors were felt in several cities of Balochistan and Sindh including Karachi Hyderabad, Khuzdar, and Kalat.

Tremors from Pakistan earthqauke recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:28:00 +0200carlow-nationalist (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.Irish Seismometers in Donegal, Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Dublin recorded the quake - one of the strongest to occur in the world this year.The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck at 12.29 today in a remote area of Western Pakistan.

Major earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:26:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

Magnitude 7.7 quake in southwestern Pakistan sends people fleeing into the streets as buildings swayed, officials say; deaths reported

7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:26:00 +0200thedailystarBD (en)

A powerful earthquake of 7.8-magnitude has struck a remote area of south-west Pakistan , the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. It struck at 4:29pm local time (11:29 GMT) at a depth of 23km (15 miles), 145 miles south-east of Dalbandin in Balochistan province, USGS adds.

7.7-magnitude earthquake hits SW Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:24:00 +0200nepalnews (en)

. An earthquake of 7.7 magnitude hit Pakistan 's southwest Balochistan Province on Tuesday afternoon, said Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). According to PMD, the earthquake took place at 16:29:49 ( Pakistan Standard Time) with the epicenter determined to be 120 km southwest of Khuzdar in central part of Balochistan.

Tremors from Pakistan earthqauke recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:23:00 +0200theecho (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.Irish Seismometers in Donegal, Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Dublin recorded the quake - one of the strongest to occur in the world this year.The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck at 12.29 today in a remote area of Western Pakistan.

Deadly earthquake strikes Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200bbc-news (en)

At least six people have died in an earthquake of 7.8-magnitude in a remote area of south-west Pakistan , the United States Geological Survey says.

At least 30 killed in strong earthquake in Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local official said. Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters that 30....

Major quake jolts Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

A strong earthquake, measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, jolted Pakistan Tuesday evening, Xinhua reported. According to the China Earthquake Networks Centre, the temblor occurred at 4.29 p.m. (local time) and had a depth of 14 km with its epicentre at 27.5 degrees north latitude and 65.6 degrees east .

7.7 earthquake jolts Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

An earthquake, measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, jolted Pakistan 's Sindh and Balochistan provinces Tuesday afternoon, with Its epicentre, 120 km from Balochistan's Khuzdar town, Pakistan's Meteorological Department announced. Tremors began at 4.29 (local time) and were felt for two minutes in the....

Two killed damage reported after Pakistan quake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Two persons were killed and moderate damage was reported after an earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale hit Pakistan 's southwest province of Balochistan Tuesday afternoon, Xinhua reported citing local officials and media reports. Local Urdu TV channel Geo said two people were killed and....

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:22:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts, craignaient un lourd bilan.

Pakistan : séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 craintes d'un lourd bilan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:20:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a provoqué un vent de panique dans une région pauvre du sud-ouest du Pakistan où les autorités, qui ont dans premier temps fait état de cinq morts,...

Tremors from Pakistan earthqauke recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:18:00 +0200waterford-news (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.Irish Seismometers in Donegal, Wexford, Kerry, Galway and Dublin recorded the quake - one of the strongest to occur in the world this year.The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck at 12.29 today in a remote area of Western Pakistan.

Pakistan Earthquake: At Least 25 Dead as...

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:16:00 +0200climate-weather (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 25 people according to early reports. The U.S. Geological Survey placed the epicenter 41 miles north-northeast of Awaran in the province of Balochistan. Mir Qadoos Bezinjo, deputy speaker of the Balochistan Assembly,....

Major quake hits southwestern Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:16:00 +0200alarabiya-en (en)

A major earthquake struck Tuesday in southwestern Pakistan , sending people fleeing into the streets and praying for their lives as buildings swayed, officials said. The province in southwest Pakistan is the country's largest but also the least populated. There was no immediate word on casualties. The magnitude 7.

At least 30 killed in Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:15:00 +0200arabnews (en)

Tue, 2013-09-24 17:15 QUETTA, Pakistan : A powerful earthquake killed at least 30 people in Pakistan’s western province of Baluchistan on Tuesday and destroyed scores of houses in a remote mountainous area, a local...

Strong Quake Shakes Pakistan; Area Thinly Populated

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:14:00 +0200npr (en)

The 7.7-magnitude temblor struck the southern part of the country. While there have been reports of at least a few deaths, it could be several days before the full extent of any damages and destruction are known.

7.8-magnitude quake hits Pakistan: CENC

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:14:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Pakistan at 7:29 p.m. Tuesday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. The epicenter, with a depth of 40 km, was at 27.0 degrees north latitude and 65.5 degrees east longitude, the center said in a statement. Readings from the U.S. Geological Survey put the quake at 7.

Tremors from Pakistan earthqauke recorded on Irish soil

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:13:00 +0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Tremors from a serious earthquake in Pakistan have been recorded here in Ireland.

Séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:13:00 +0200levif (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Several dead in southwest Pakistan earthquake

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:12:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least 25 dead after 7.8 magnitude quake hits Awaran district in southwestern province of Balochistan.

Un séisme fait au moins 5 morts au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:12:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Le tremblement de terre, d'une magnitude de 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, a secoué le sud-ouest du pays.


Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:09:00 +0200rt (en)

Keep up with the news by installing RT’s extension for . Never miss a story with this clean and simple app that delivers the latest headlines to you. 7.8 earthquake strikes Pakistan , shaking felt in New Delhi. At least 30 people were killed in an earthquake measuring 7.8 which struck southwest Pakistan.

Al menos 10 muertos deja terremoto de magnitud 7,7 Richter en Pakistán

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:08:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos estimó que "era probable un elevado número de víctimas".

Un fuerte terremoto de 7,8 en Pakistán deja al menos 30 muertos

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:08:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El sismo de 7,8 que ha sacudido el sur de Pakistán se ha dejado sentir en Nueva Delhi, capital de la vecina India. Se informa que al menos 30 personas han perdido la vida en la provincia de Beluchistán y varias decenas han resultado heridas.

Deaths Reported After Earthquake Strikes Pakistan's Remote Balochistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:05:00 +0200rferl (en)

A strong earthquake has struck Pakistan 's remote southwestern province of Balochistan.

VIDEO. Pakistan : un puissant séisme fait au moins 30 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:05:00 +0200france2 (fr)

L'onde de choc a été ressentie à Karachi, la ville portuaire du sud du Pakistan . Les habitants des quartiers d'affaires sont sortis des immeubles, pris par une légère panique.

PAKISTAN. Un puissant séisme fait au moins 5 morts

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:03:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de Khuzdar, dans la province du Baloutchistan. L'organisme américain USGS a déclaré une "alerte rouge".

Pakistan: Au moins cinq morts dans un séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:58:00 +020020minutes (fr)

SEISME - Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan et aurait fait 5 morts... Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan, où les....

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:55:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur et à une centaine de kilomètres....

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:54:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan, où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes. La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une....

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:52:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Quetta ( Pakistan ) (AFP) Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan, où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes. La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une....

Le Pakistan frappé par un violent séisme

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:51:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Le tremblement de terre, d'une magnitude de 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, a secoué le sud-ouest du pays. Source : Le Monde - Articles similaires

Un important séisme secoue le sud-est du Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:48:00 +0200euronews-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 sur l'échelle ouverte de Richter vient de secouer le sud du Pakistan . Selon l'USGS, l'institut américain des études…

Le Pakistan frappé par un violent séisme

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:41:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Le tremblement de terre, d'une magnitude de 7,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, a secoué le sud-ouest du pays.

Pakistan. Séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:41:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué mardi après-midi le sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l’institut de...

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:38:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:31:00 +0200m6 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes.

Violent tremblement de terre au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:31:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

La terre a violemment tremblé près de Karachi, ce mardi. Une secousse ressentie jusquà New Delhi, en Inde. De nombreuses maisons ont été détruites, des coupures de courant sont rapportées au Balouchistan. Le séisme, qui a duré deux minutes, est classé 7,7 de magnitude sur l’échelle de Richter et profond de 20 km.

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:18:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes. La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de....

Séisme de magnitude 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:09:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du ...

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:07:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de...

Japan's ruling coalition faces grilling by opposition parties over nuke crisis

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:04:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Directors of Japan's Committee on Economy, Trade and Industry comprised of both lower house ruling and opposition party members on Tuesday decided to convene later this week to discuss the ongoing radioactive water leak and storage crisis at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:02:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur et à une centaine de kilomètres de....

Tremblement de terre - Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 secoue le Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:00:00 +0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Feroz terremoto sacude Pakistán – Radio Programas del Perú

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:59:00 +0200contacto-latino (es)

El Sol Online Feroz terremoto sacude Pakistán Radio Programas del Perú Movimiento sísmico tuve una intensidad de 7,8 en la escala abierta de Richter, informó el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. Temas relacionados: terremoto · pakistan · Internacional. Alerta roja en Pakistán.

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:56:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes. La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de....

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:54:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 selon les services américains de géophysique a secoué mardi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , où les autorités s'attendaient toutefois à de nombreuses victimes. La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de....

Séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:49:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un tremblement de terre a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar.

Pakistan: séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:46:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Un séisme de 7,8 secoue le sud-ouest du Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:45:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Pakistan: séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:44:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Un puissant séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l’institut de géophysique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 16H29 (11H29 GMT) à une quinzaine de kilomètres de profondeur et à une centaine de kilomètres de....

Pakistan. Séisme d’une magnitude de 7,4

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:41:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme d’une magnitude de 7,4 a secoué mardi après-midi le sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l’institut de géophysique américain...

Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 frappe le Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:38:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Un puissant séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 a secoué mardi après-midi une région peu peuplée du sud-ouest du Pakistan , a annoncé l'institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Un séisme de magnitude 7,8 frappe le Pakistan

Kraftig jordskjelv i Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:38:00 +0200VG (no)

Et jordskjelv med en styrke på 7,7 rammet tirsdag grenseområdene mellom Pakistan og Iran.

Séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:35:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un tremblement de terre a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar.

Schweres Erdbeben in Westpakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:35:00 +0200kurier (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 ist registriert worden. Keine Informationen zu Opferzahl.

Séisme de magnitude 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:33:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de Khuzdar, dans la province peu peuplée du Baloutchistan.

Séisme d'une magnitude de 7,8 au Pakistan

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:31:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un tremblement de terre a secoué mardi le Pakistan . La secousse a été enregistrée à une centaine de kilomètres de la ville de Khuzdar.

Japan opens world's first inflatable concert hall to tour flood-hit area

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:06:00 +0200telegraph (en)

The world's first inflatable mobile concert hall designed to tour the northeastern areas of Japan devastated in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami will open next week.

El primer estudio del aire de Fukushima revela altos niveles de radiación

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:02:00 +0200abc-Andalucia (es)

La Agencia Japonesa de la Energía Atómica (JAEA) ha completado el primer estudio detallado de contaminación en el aire junto a la central nuclear de Fukushima y ha confirmado altos niveles de radicación, según ha informado el diario Asahi. El organismo público, encargado de la promoción y la....

Giappone: Fukushima, studio dell'aria conferma radiazioni alte

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:44:00 +0200agi (it)

(AGI) - Tokyo, 24 set. - L'Agenzia giapponese dell'energia atomica (Jaea) ha confermato alti livelli di radiazioni nell'aria intorno alla centrale nucleare di Fukushima. L'organismo ha completato il primo studio dettagliato sulla contaminazione dell'ambiente misurando i livelli di radiazioni in un raggio di tre chilometri dalla centrale.

El 80% de Choluteca es vulnerable a fenómenos naturales

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:44:00 +0200redhum (es)

Un último informe elaborado por expertos de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA) determinó que el departamento de Choluteca registra cada 10 segundos un movimiento sísmico. Los movimientos telúricos según los investigadores de JICA, en su mayoría son imperceptibles al ser humano, pero esto no significa que no se presenten.

El primer estudio del aire de Fukushima revela altos niveles de radiación

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:08:00 +0200abc (es)

La Agencia Japonesa de la Energía Atómica (JAEA) ha completado el primer estudio detallado de contaminación en el aire junto a la central nuclear de Fukushima y ha confirmado altos niveles de radicación, según ha informado el diario Asahi. El organismo público, encargado de la promoción y la....

Australia: Keen to Access India’s Space Data to Guard Coastline

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 09:16:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

Seeking closer cooperation with India in space data, Australia has expressed keenness to collaborate with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for sharing scientific space data to guard its 59,736-km-long coastline against tsunami and storms.

Abe, Harper to discuss cooperation in free trade, defense, energy

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:48:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to hold talks Tuesday with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in which they are expected to confirm cooperation in free trade, defense and energy areas. Abe and Harper will likely discuss trade liberalization within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, as Japan and Canada have both joined the U.

Honduras: El 80% de Choluteca es vulnerable a fenómenos naturales

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:33:00 +0200reliefWeb (es)

Source: Redhum Country: Honduras 23 de Septiembre de 2013 Region/Pais: Honduras Fuente: El Heraldo Un último informe elaborado por expertos de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA) determinó que el departamento de Choluteca registra cada 10 segundos un movimiento sísmico.

Puerto Plata podría convertirse en la primera zona del país con alarma Tsunami

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 07:50:00 +0200noticiassin (es)

SANTO DOMINGO, República Dominicana.- Tras terremoto hace diez años en Puerto Plata hay ejemplos de edificaciones que colapsaron en ese entonces y están en las mismas condiciones. Decenas de planteles escolares en Puerto Plata poseen fallos estructurales que funcionan como factores de riesgo ante un....

Toni Nadal: "Apoyo totalmente la huelga de enseñanza"

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:53:00 +0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

En pleno maremoto por el TIL, el presidente Bauzá recibe un misilazo en plena línea de flotación, y no disparado precisamente por la Marea verde. El entrenador y tío de Rafa Nadal, Toni Nadal, se posicionó ayer a favor de la causa de los docentes...

Christians fear attacks after Pakistan church bombs

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:37:00 +0200foxnews (en)

A devastating double suicide attack on a church in northwest Pakistan has triggered fears among the country's beleaguered Christian community that they will be targeted in a fresh wave of Islamist violence.

Christians fear attacks after Pakistan church bombs

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:11:00 +0200afp-english (en)

"We have been treated like sinners. We have no lands, we have no factories, we have no business," said Saleem Haroon, who came to see two wounded cousins at Peshawar's main Lady Reading hospital. "It is a new war. Before, the Shias were the target, but now we are the target. They want to create a new battle, a new battleground.

Christians fear attacks after Pakistan church bombs

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:04:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

A devastating double suicide attack on a church in northwest Pakistan has triggered fears among the country's beleaguered Christian community that they will be targeted in a fresh wave of Islamist violence.

Christians fear attacks after Pakistan church bombs

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:32:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) - A devastating double suicide attack on a church in northwest Pakistan has triggered fears among the country's beleaguered Christian community that they will be targeted in a fresh wave of Islamist violence.

Typhoon Usagi batters southern Taiwan and northern Philippines, barrels toward Hong Kong

Tue, 24 Sep 2013 04:16:00 +0200abc-au (en)

A powerful typhoon has battered coastal communities in southern Taiwan and the northern Philippines, leaving tens of thousands without power and throwing travel plans into disarray as it barrelled towards Hong Kong.


Tue, 24 Sep 2013 04:00:00 +0200rt (en)

Mike we should ban cars because people die. The little known fact is that the poisons emitted by coal are infinite. At least nuclear waste has a half life and a short one. People live in Nagasaki and there is no radiation. Add up all the people who have died or got ill from nuclear versus coal. It's not even drop in the ocean.

Chine: le typhon Usagi fait au moins 25 morts dans le sud du pays

Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:57:00 +020020minutes (fr)

Hong Kong - Le typhon Usagi, la plus puissante tempête tropicale de l'année dans le monde, a fait au moins 25 morts dans le sud de la Chine, et paralysé l'aéroport de Hong Kong où des dizaines de milliers de voyageurs restaient bloqués lundi. Accompagné de pluies torrentielles et de vents soufflant....

Cel puţin 25 de morţi în sudul Chinei, în urma taifunului Usagi

Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:04:00 +0200adevarul (ro)

Taifunul Usagi, cea mai puternică furtună tropicală din acest an în lume, a provocat moartea a cel puţin 25 de persoane în provincia Guangdong, în sudul Chinei, şi a paralizat aeroportul din Hong Kong, unde zeci de mii de pasageri erau blocaţi luni, relatează AFP.

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