M 6.1 in Canada from 24 Apr 2015 13:56 UTC to 13:56

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 614
Articles about casualties: 50 (8.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Nepal earthquake: US and Canada nationals missing list released as death toll set to pass 10,000

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 13:42:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

As the devastating impact of the massive earthquake in Nepal continues, the Red Cross have released a list of 123 people missing from the United States and 43 from Canada . Nepal's Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has announced the death toll could pass 10,000 while the UN said eight milllion could be....

Families seek word of missing in Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:41:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

Canadians in Nepal and relatives of missing Canadian tourists are expressing frustration with Canada 's response to Saturday's massive earthquake. Mark McDermott and Roel Teunissen are hoping to get on a military transport plane on Wednesday to return to Canada from the earthquake-ravaged country.

Terremoto devastador - Londrinense participará de missão humanitária no Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:32:00 +0200bonde (pt)

Experiente em missões humanitárias, o fisioterapeuta londrinense Robson Daniel Jacinto Barbosa, de 34 anos, prepara as malas para ajudar as vítimas do terremoto que atingiu o Nepal, no sábado. Ele, que desde 2010 vive na Ásia trabalhando em programas de voluntariado pela Rede SOS Global, está em....

Népal. Un troisième Français "probablement" tué [Direct]

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:22:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

, le Premier ministre népalais Sushil Koirala. 7H20. 8 millions de personnes affectées Huit millions de personnes sont touchées par le séisme dévastateur qui a tué au moins 4.310 personnes au Népal, pays de près de 28 millions d'habitants. C'est ce qu'a annoncé l'Onu.

Dok se Nepal bori s tragedijom i tehnološki divovi im pomažu

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:22:00 +020024sata (hr)

Ubrzo nakon razornog potresa u Nepalu mnogi tehnološki divovi odlučili su pomoći unesrećenima. Nude pomoć u lociranju osoba te besplatne pozive za Nepal. Utorak, 28. 4. 2015. u 11:50, zadnja izmjena prije 26 minuta Piše: Unesrećenima u Nepalu nakon razornog potresa u pomoć su priskočili i američki....

Le forum de l'Hebdo: Est-on suffisamment informé des risques de catastrophe naturelle?

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:00:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

La catastrophe du Nepal a secoué le monde. Autant par son ampleur que par la présence considérable de Français dont on est sans nouvelles. Cet événement rappelle le tsunami au Japon où le deuil avait là aussi pris un caractère mondial. Cela revient-il à dire que l'on n'est à l'abri nulle part.

Nepal PM says death toll could be 10,000

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:49:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

Up to eight million people have had their lives disrupted after a deadly earthquake shook Nepal, said the United Nations. -Reuters. Death toll of devastating earthquake has passed 4,300 while more than 7,000 were found injured. -Reuters. The move follows similar rulings by the Philippines, Brazil, Australia, Canada and Mexico.

09:04 Nawet 10 tys. ofiar trzęsienia ziemi w Nepalu

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:57:00 +0200newsweek (pl)

Prawdopodobną liczbę śmiertelnych ofiar przedstawił premier Nepalu Sushil Koirala. Jedo zdaniem w kataklizmie mogło zginąć nawet 10 tys. osób. Na razie według oficjalncyh danych MSW Nepalu, w trzęsieniu ziemi zginęło 4 349 osób, a ponad 7 tysięcy zostało rannych. Katmandu wraca do życia.

Séisme au Népal: le bilan pourrait atteindre 10.000 morts

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:21:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le séisme qui a frappé le Népal samedi 25 avril pourrait faire 10.000 morts, a affirmé mardi 28 avril à Reuters le Premier ministre népalais Sushil Koirala. Un chiffre nettement plus élevé que le dernier bilan officiel publié plus tôt par les autorités, qui atteint les 4.310 morts. La catastrophe a fait également 7.

Frustration for Canadians seeking help following Nepal earthquake

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:19:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

Canadians in Nepal and relatives of missing Canadian tourists are expressing frustration with Canada 's response to Saturday's massive earthquake. Mark McDermott and Roel Teunissen are hoping to get on a military transport plane on Wednesday to return to Canada from the earthquake-ravaged country.

Queenstown pilot Jason Laing rescues trapped climbers from Mt Everest

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:11:00 +0200Stuff (en)

A Kiwi helicopter pilot has rescued dozens of climbers trapped high on Mt Everest by a massive avalanche triggered by Saturday's deadly earthquake in Nepal. Queenstown pilot Jason Laing was working for Nepali airline Simrik Air when the 7.8-magnitude quake struck, causing widespread destruction and killing more than 4000 people.

Almost 8 Million People Affected by Nepal Earthquake – UN

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:23:00 +0200rian-en (en)

MOSCOW (Sputnik) Almost eight million people have been affected by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday morning, the UN Office of the Resident Coordinator in Nepal said Tuesday. “According to initial estimations and based on the latest earthquake intensity mapping, 8 million....

Michele Battelli: «Dentro la valanga respiravo neve, credevo di morire»

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:14:00 +0200corriere (it)

In tenda con Dan Fredinburg, il manager di Google ucciso il 25 aprile dalla valanga che si è abbattuta sul campo base del Monte Everest, c’era un suo collega italiano, Michele Battelli. Nato ad Argenta, in provincia di Ferrara, Battelli è un ingegnere di 36 anni che si occupa dei progetti wireless....

Luiz Antônio Araujo: tsunami em terra firme

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:57:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

28/04/2015 | 03h35. Luiz Antônio Araujo O diretor do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) no Nepal, Renaud Meyer, estava jogando futebol com seus filhos, ambos com menos de 10 anos, no American Club, em Katmandu, na manhã de sábado, quando sentiu o que definiu como um “tsunami” sob seus pés.

Séisme au Népal: le bilan s'alourdit à 4.310 morts

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:51:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le bilan du séisme survenu samedi au Népal s'est alourdi à 4.310 morts, a annoncé mardi 28 avril un porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur. La catastrophe a fait également 7.953 blessés, a précisé Laxmi Prasad Dhakal. Dans les pays voisins du Népal , près de 100 personnes ont également trouvé la mort.

Technical Briefing on Canada's Response to Earthquake in Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:50:00 +0200gc (en)

April 27, 2015 - Senior officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and from the Department of National Defence, including officials currently in Kathmandu, Nepal, will hold a technical briefing for attribution on Canada ’s response to the earthquake in Nepal.

Sauvée de la paraplégie grâce à la peinture à Saint-Raphaël

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:49:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Présente au Japon lors du tsunami de 2011, la Raphaëloise Pierrette Canel a subi un choc émotionnel qui l’a rendue paraplégique. Alitée, elle s’est mise à peindre. Une galerie a accueilli son travail. Le 11 mars 2011, la vie de Pierrette Canel bascule alors qu'elle se trouve en voyage d'affaire au Japon.

"La crise sanitaire peut devenir grave au Vanuatu"

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:33:00 +0200Liberation (fr)

Coordinatrice humanitaire des Nations unies pour le Vanuatu, Osnat Lubrani explique que l’archipel doit faire face à d’importants chantiers un mois et demi après le passage du cyclone PAM. Quels sont les besoins aujourd’hui ? Beaucoup a été fait pour l’urgence, la nourriture et les médicaments, mais....

Lima puede ser el próximo Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:30:00 +0200ojo (es)

28 de Abril del 2015 - 01:00 - Lima es una de las ciudades más vulnerables del mundo si se produce un terremoto similar al que sacudió el pasado sábado a Nepal, advirtió el presidente de GeoHazards International, Brian Tucker. En declaraciones al diario The New York Times, Tucker pronosticó que....

Népal. Huit millions de personnes affectées [Direct]

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:08:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

7H20. 8 millions de personnes affectées Huit millions de personnes sont touchées par le séisme dévastateur qui a tué au moins 4.310 personnes au Népal, pays de près de 28 millions d'habitants. C'est ce qu'a annoncé l'Onu. "Plus de 1,4 million de personnes ont besoin de nourriture, la population....

Estos son los terremotos más mortíferos desde 2004

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:04:00 +0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Principales terremotos en el mundo en la última década, tras el de magnitud 7,8 que sacudió varias regiones de Nepal, Bangladesh e India, dejando más de 870 muertos, según un balance provisional. Nepal ya vivió sismos mortíferos, por ejemplo, en enero de 1934, cuando uno de magnitud 8,1 causó la muerte de 10.

Nepal: Earthquake in Nepal: CECI on the Scene

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 07:56:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Montreal, April 27, 2015 – The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck outside the Nepalese capital, Katmandu, on April 25 has taken the lives of more than 3,351 people and injured over 6,883 others, according to a statement issued today by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Soldiers attempt to reach Nepal epicentre as quake death toll is over 4,400

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 07:44:00 +0200CBC (en)

Preparing to make a push into the most isolated parts of quake-devastated Nepal, soldiers on Tuesday were readying food, water and other emergency supplies to be loaded onto helicopters in this small town near the earthquake's epicentre. Gorkha, which would barely count as a village in much of the....

Séisme au Népal. Une course contre la montre [Direct]

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 07:20:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

4H00. L e bilan s'alourdit à 4.310 morts Le bilan s'est alourdi à 4.310 morts. C'est ce qu' a annoncé un porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur. "La catastrophe a également fait 7.953 blessés", a précisé Laxmi Prasad Dhakal. Dans les pays voisins, près de 100 personnes ont trouvé la mort. Retour sur les événements de ce lundi 1.

La communauté montagnarde entre angoisse et mobilisation

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 06:13:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

Le séisme a eu l’effet d’un tsunami d’avalanches et ce lundi encore, dans les Alpes, l’incertitude demeurait concernant le sort de certains montagnards et proches népalais. « Nous estimons que plusieurs centaines de trekkeurs et alpinistes français se trouvent dans les différents massifs du Népal....

Fairfax County rescue group headed to Nepal to help in recovery efforts

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 06:07:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

Members of a Fairfax County rescue group headed to Nepal over the weekend to take part in disaster-recovery efforts after Saturday’s earthquake, which has already claimed more than 4,300 lives. The Fire and Rescue Department said its team, Virginia Task Force 1, departed from Chantilly and headed to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.

Quake toll tops 4,400; remote areas desperate

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 06:05:00 +0200post-gazette (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal As the death toll from Nepal’s devastating earthquake climbed past 4,400, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday’s magnitude-7.

Costa Verde

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 06:00:00 +0200peru (es)

Se precisó que la iniciativa para la construcción de un pequeño malecón deberá ser informada y autorizada por la Marina de Guerra del Perú. En Mi ciudad | 28 mar. A pesar que se buscaba generar un mensaje a favor del medio ambiente, muchas personas no hicieron caso a la Hora del Planeta.

Nepal earthquake: Rescue teams arrive too late to save lives, it's time to rethink how we respond to disasters

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:58:00 +0200smh (en)

As international rescue teams pour into Kathmandu to assist locals with the retrieval of the injured from rubble, they are unlikely to find many more survivors. While there's always a chance a small number of survivors might be trapped in "voids" up to a week after an earthquake, many experts in the....

Treten wir in eine neue Ära von Megabeben ein?

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:57:00 +0200azonline (de)

Platten nennen die Geologen die Bruchstücke dieser Erdkruste. Und Plattentektonik nennt sich die Wissenschaft, welche untersucht, wie und wohin sich diese Platten verschieben. Die Wissenschaft ist relativ jung, seit rund 100 Jahren gibt es Daten. In der Region von Nepal stossen nun die....

Nepal: Nepal earthquake - Q & A

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:54:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

What happened? On 25th April 2015 at 11:41 local time a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal, with the epicentre 81km northwest of Kathmandu. There were tremors of up to two minutes and by evening, at least 18 aftershocks had been felt. 24 hours later, after a 6.

Nepal desperately needs more earthquake aid, death toll past 4,000

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:50:00 +0200dailynews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal >> As the death toll from Nepal’s devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday’s magnitude-7.

Nepal earthquake: Rescue teams arrive too late to save lives, it's time to rethink how we respond to disasters

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:50:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

As international rescue teams pour into Kathmandu to assist locals with the retrieval of the injured from rubble, they are unlikely to find many more survivors. While there's always a chance a small number of survivors might be trapped in "voids" up to a week after an earthquake, many experts in the....

Des Québécois se sentent «abandonnés» par le Canada

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:30:00 +0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Photo courtoisie Sylvain Béliveau (en jaune) et Patrick Poulin escaladaient l’Everest lorsqu’un séisme meurtrier a secoué le Népal, samedi. Au centre de la photo, on voit la conjointe de M. Béliveau, Christine Blais, qui a quitté le pays juste avant le tremblement de terre.

United States Provides Live-Saving Assistance in the Aftermath of the Earthquake in Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:16:00 +0200dipnote (en)

Today, Secretary of State John Kerry announced an additional $9 million in assistance for the Nepal earthquake response and recovery efforts, bringing the total U.S. humanitarian funding to $10 million to date. USAID has also activated search and rescue teams from Fairfax County, VA and Los Angeles County, CA to accompany disaster experts to Nepal.

NEPAL QUAKE: Canada offers help

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 05:00:00 +0200asianewsnet (en)

News Desk. The Kathmandu Post. Publication Date : 28-04-2015. Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper has offered his condolences to the people of Nepal and northern India who lost family and friends in the powerful earthquake and its aftershocks. "The thoughts and prayers of all Canadians are with the....

Sismos en el Mundo

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:58:00 +0200peru (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 grados sacudió el archipiélago Haida Gwaii, ubicado en la costa Pacífico de Canadá, informó el USGS . No provocó un tsunami. Hasta el momento las autoridades locales no han reportado daños personales o materiales a causa de este sismo.

Japan gets bigger as land emerges from the sea

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:17:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

TOKYO: Crowded Japan has got a little bit roomier after a 300m strip of land emerged from the sea and attached itself to the coast, experts said on Monday. The extra stretch of coastline at the town of Rausu on Hokkaido island has risen as high as 10 metres from the sea surface in some places,....

Help slow to reach Nepal villages damaged by earthquake

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:16:00 +0200triblive (en)

KATHMANDU — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in for victims of Saturday's magnitude-7.

Quake response marks new phase in diplomacy

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:06:00 +0200expressindia (en)

On Sunday, foreign secretary S Jaishankar was preparing to address the media on the Nepal earthquake on his own at 5 pm. Just before the briefing, a decision was taken at the highest level that he should brief along with home secretary L C Goyal and defence secretary R K Mathur.

New crowd-funding site hits Winnipeg to send donations to Nepal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 03:12:00 +0200CBC (en)

That business chooses what type of reward system it wishes to contribute to the campaign. Then, when people donate money to the cause, they're given a reward from the business. This model is being tested by raising funds for Nepal emergency relief. With a minimum donation of $5, the donor receives a....

Poverty, terrain will make rebuilding of Nepal more difficult

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:48:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

ȁ#x201c;It (the earthquake) has pushed the country back decades just in terms of infrastructural damage,ȁ#x201d; said Sanjay Nepal, a professor of geography at the University of Waterloo, referring to extensive damage the quake caused to buildings, bridges and hydroelectric projects. Saturday’s 7.

Népal: le Canada bonifie son aide sur fond de critiques

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:44:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

OTTAWA – Le gouvernement fédéral se défend d’avoir failli à porter assistance de façon adéquate aux Canadiens se trouvant au Népal et annonce qu’il fournira des ressources additionnelles pour aider le pays à se relever du séisme survenu samedi. Dans la foulée de la catastrophe, Ottawa s’est engagé à....

Népal. Une course contre la montre

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:38:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

« L'urgence, c'est les 72 premières heures ». Comme Gilbert Potier, directeur des opérations internationales de Médecins du Monde, des dizaines d'autres ONG tentent de déployer, au plus vite, des moyens de secours au Népal, après le brutal séisme de samedi. Un dernier bilan fait état de 4.000 morts, dont au moins deux Français, et plus de 7.

Toronto woman leaves Nepal after ‘bittersweet’ climb to top of Mount Everest

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:24:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

Jessica Adach quit her job to go on a world-wide adventure and climb Mount Everest with her boyfriend and had wanted to write some things off her bucket-list while she still had the chance, her mother told the Star. But when the aftershocks came, panicked travelers stampeded out of the airport,....

Updated - Watch: Rescuers struggle to reach many in Nepal quake; death toll climbs to 3,700

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:09:00 +0200MaltaIndipendent (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Google Executive Among Avalanche Casualties

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 02:04:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

UPDATE 01:31 a.m. EDT: An Nepalese police official says that the death toll from the earthquake that struck the country Satruday has risen to at least 1,910, including 721 in Kathmandu, UPDATE 9:45 p.m. EDT: The Home Ministry reported the death toll from Nepal's earthquake has jumped to 1,805, Reuters reported .

Plus de 4.000 morts dans le séisme au Népal

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:51:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

o Le bilan continue de s'alourdir : 4000 morts, parmi lesquels deux Français Le séisme a également fait plus de 7500 blessés. Parmi les victimes, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a annoncé que deux Français avaient trouvé la mort à Katmandou à la suite du séisme et que 10 autres étaient blessés.

World › Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:50:00 +0200japantoday (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal. As the death toll from Nepal’s devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday’s magnitude-7.

Nepal quake survivors draw support from Apple, Google, Facebook and others

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:50:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

The radius for the Nepal earthquake on Facebook's Safety Check. Facebook. Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are pitching in to help survivors of the catastrophic Nepal earthquake that occurred over the weekend. Apple has launched a partnership with the American Red Cross, asking iTunes users to....

Things to know about the quake

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:40:00 +0200bostonglobe (en)

The death toll climbed above 4,000 on Monday. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach. Many of the roads are believed to be cut off by landslides, making it likely that some of these communities can only be reached by helicopter.

Népal: le Canada bonifie son aide sur fond de critiques

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:40:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Dans la foulée de la catastrophe, Ottawa s'est engagé à verser une somme équivalente aux dons faits par les citoyens à un fonds créé spécifiquement pour aider les Népalais, a annoncé lundi le ministre du Développement international, Christian Paradis. «Pour chaque dollar admissible donné par des....

Nepal quake survivors draw support from Apple, Google, Facebook and others

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:39:00 +0200cnet (en)

The radius for the Nepal earthquake on Facebook's Safety Check. Facebook. Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are pitching in to help survivors of the catastrophic Nepal earthquake that occurred over the weekend. Apple has launched a partnership with the American Red Cross, asking iTunes users to....

Searching for missing loved ones with Google People all over the world are turning to social media to check on their loved ones after the earthquake in Nepal. Google and Facebook have activated their own tools to help search for missing people.

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:17:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

The death toll keeps rising after the massive earthquake that shook Nepal on Saturday. More than 3,600 people are reported dead in Nepal so far. But there are regions that are still completely cut off, so that number is expected to rise. Aid organizations are only beginning to reach the country and....

Facebook, Google and other tech firms aid in Nepal earthquake relief

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:14:00 +0200mercurynews (en)

Silicon Valley tech firms, including Facebook and Google, are pitching in to aid rescue and relief efforts after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal on Saturday killing thousands of people. Facebook on Monday launched a fundraising campaign that matches every dollar donated -- up to $2 million --....

Le bilan a atteint plus de 4.000 morts

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:12:00 +0200elmoudjahid (fr)

Le Président de la République, Abdelaziz Bouteflika a décidé l’octroi d’une aide financière d’un montant d’un million de dollars, de même que la mobilisation de moyens conséquents en guise d’assistance d’urgence, suite au séisme destructeur qui a frappé samedi le Népal, a indiqué un communiqué du ministère des Affaires Etrangères.

Food Story

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:04:00 +0200kompas (id)

Seporsi nasi goreng telah tersaji di depan meja. Berbeda pada umumnya jika kuliner khas Indonesia ini menggunakan kecap sehingga berwarna coklat, nasi goreng ini berwarna-warni. Rendang adalah proses memasak, menghilangkan air hingga masakan yang dihasilkan menjadi tahan lama.

Experti varujú pred ďalšími pohromami: V týchto krajinách udrie matka príroda najbližšie!

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:24:00 +0200topky (sk)

Nepál zasiahlo silné zemetrasenie pred 22 minútami. KÁTHMANDU - Zemetrasenie v Himalájskom regióne medzi Indiou a Nepálom predpovedali experti roky. Najväčšie hory sveta každoročne narastú okolo centimetra, indický subkontinent sa pohybuje proti euroázijskej doske milióny rokov. Tento tlak sa preto musí z času na čas uvoľniť.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:08:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.8 quake, with countries large and small sending medical and rescue teams, aircraft and basic supplies. The small airport in the capital of Kathmandu was congested and chaotic, with some flights forced to turn back early in the day.

Facebook Is Matching Every Dollar Donated To Nepal Earthquake Relief Through Its Site

Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:07:00 +0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

In this May 16, 2012 photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time. That's down 20 percent since its stock began trading publicly on May 18, following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history.

Remarks from Minister Paradis and Minister Nicholson on the launching of the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund in response to the earthquake in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:57:00 +0200gc (en)

April 27, 2015 Ottawa, Ontario. Check Against Delivery. Good afternoon. On behalf of the Prime Minister and all Canadians, we join the rest of the world in mourning the tragic loss of life that has occurred in Nepal and throughout the region as a result of Saturday’s earthquake.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:54:00 +0200phys (en)

Prabina Mainali, feeds her newly born baby boy - not even a day old - in a make-shift tent situated in open ground from fear of earthquake tremors, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday....

4 Americans dead in Nepal quake; death toll soars past 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:47:00 +0200chicagotribune (en)

The State Department says at least four Americans have died in Nepal's earthquake. Spokesman Jeff Rathke says all of the U.S. citizens were killed at the Mt. Everest base camp. He identified two as Ely Taplin and Vinh B. Truong. The other two haven't been named yet, either because consular officials....

Girlfriend's heartbreak at death of Google Maps engineer Dan Fredinburg

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:45:00 +0200dailymail (en)

The girlfriend of a Google engineer who died in the deadly avalanche on Mount Everest described him as a magical person whose purpose in life was to constantly challenge himself. Ashley Arenson said boyfriend Dan Fredinburg, 33, had a way of making people around him feel special and urged them to accomplish everything they wanted.

Os dez maiores sismos de sempre

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:40:00 +0200expresso (pt)

Pequenos sismos ocorrem todos os dias em todo o mundo, inclusive em Portugal. Normalmente, nem nos damos conta destes pequenos movimentos das placas tecónicas, dos quais se toma conhecimento pelos registos dos sismógrafos. Nas há situações em que, por vezes, a energia que a crosta terrestre liberta....

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:37:00 +0200nola (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000 as villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:22:00 +0200triblive (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:20:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:18:00 +0200jordantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Illegal constructions spell doom for Delhi

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:17:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: The devastation in Delhi could be as extensive as Kathmandu if an earthquake of the same magnitude was to hit the city which falls under Seismic Zone IV. Experts say the damage will be much more as 70%-80% of the buildings have violated the Building and Development Control Regulations laid down in the National Building Code 2005.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:12:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Japan gets bigger as new coastline emerges

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:58:00 +0200nation-ke (en)

Japan has got a little bit roomier after a 300-metre (1,000-foot) strip of land emerged from the sea and attached itself to the coast, experts said Monday. PHOTO | GOOGLE MAPS The extra stretch of coastline at the town of Rausu on Hokkaido island has risen as high as 10 metres from the sea surface....

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:57:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.8 quake, with countries large and small sending medical and rescue teams, aircraft and basic supplies.

Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimul secol

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:56:00 +0200click (ro)

Cutremurul de 9,5 grade care a avut loc în 1960 în Chile şi cel de 9,2 grade din Alaska din 1964 se numără printre seismele cu cea mai mare magnitudine din secolul al XX-lea. Iată mai jos care au fost cele mai puternice cutremure înregistrate, potrivit revistei descopera.ro.

Facebookâs Donate Feature to Raise Funds for International Medical Corpsâ Nepal Earthquake Response

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:55:00 +0200trust (en)

Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. April 27, 2015 - LOS ANGELES To help those affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal, today Facebook launched a Donate feature to raise funds for International Medical Corps’ emergency response....

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:51:00 +0200jsonline (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) - As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Ottawa cherche à évacuer les Canadiens coincés au Népal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:46:00 +0200radio-canada (fr)

Ottawa cherche à évacuer les Canadiens qui demeurent coincés au Népal dans la foulée du violent séisme qui a frappé le pays, affirme le ministre de la Défense, Jason Kenney. L'objectif est de les rapatrier au pays à bord du C-17 Globemaster qui se dirige vers Katmandou avec à son bord du matériel destiné à venir en aide à la population locale.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:37:00 +0200denverpost (en)

Two teams of U.S. Army Green Beret soldiers happened to be in Nepal when the quake struck, and the 26 Americans who were training with the Nepalese army are staying to help with search-and-relief efforts. The 11-member crew of a C-130 cargo plane that brought them also will remain to evacuate any American citizens if needed, said Col.

Cdn in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:35:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

The federal government will match — dollar-for-dollar — all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund between April 25 and May 25, Foreign Affairs Minister Rob Nicholson announced Monday. Relief supplies from emergency stockpiles in Mississauga, Ont.

Un comité intersectoriel mis en place prochainement

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:35:00 +0200horizons-dz (fr)

Risques majeurs et gestion des catastrophes naturelles Un comité intersectoriel mis en place prochainement Publié le 27 avril 2015 Un comité intersectoriel sera installé, dans les prochaines semaines, pour évaluer tout ce qui a été réalisé jusqu’à présent par rapport à la prévention des risques majeurs et la gestion des catastrophes en Algérie.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:25:00 +0200twincities (en)

Two teams of U.S. Army Green Beret soldiers happened to be in Nepal when the quake struck, and the 26 Americans who were training with the Nepalese army are staying to help with search-and-relief efforts. The 11-member crew of a C-130 cargo plane that brought them also will remain to evacuate any American citizens if needed, said Col.

Nepal quake death toll tops 4,000; villages plead for aid

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:21:00 +0200AP (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — As the death toll from Nepal's devastating earthquake climbed past 4,000, aid workers and officials in remote, shattered villages near the epicenter pleaded Monday for food, shelter and medicine. Help poured in after Saturday's magnitude-7.

Supplies run short in Nepal as quake’s toll grows

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:07:00 +0200bostonglobe (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers Nepal’s earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families’ needs.

Taiwans space programme offers tsunami satellite images to aid relief

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:06:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Taiwan's space programme offers tsunami satellite images to aid relief. Space Daily Tuesday 28th April, 2015. Taiwan's national space programme offered Wednesday its satellite images of the damage caused by powerful tsunamis that ravaged Asia at the weekend to affected countries and aid groups for free.

Feds to match donations to Nepal, C-17 sent to help with evacuation [Photos]

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:57:00 +0200torontosun (en)

The federal government will match charitable donations given to the relief efforts following the deadly Nepal earthquake dollar for dollar. The announcement of the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund was made Monday afternoon during an update on Canadian aid efforts from Minister of International....

State Department Confirms Deaths of Four US Citizens in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:53:00 +0200rian-en (en)

Washington has confirmed the deaths of four US citizens during the earthquake in Nepal, US State Department deputy spokesperson Jeff Rathke told journalists on Monday. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Monday, the death toll from the earthquake in Nepal has reached more than 4,100 people, according to the country’s Interior Ministry.

Feds to match personal donations to earthquake fund

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:52:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-struck Nepal, promising to match donations to a fund specifically set up to help -- and defending itself from claims that affected Canadians aren't getting the assistance they need. The federal government will match -- dollar-for-dollar -- all....

'He was magical': Girlfriend's heartbreak at death of 'modern-day Superman' who adventured to the ends of the earth for Google Maps

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:51:00 +0200dailymail (en)

The girlfriend of a Google engineer who died in the deadly avalanche on Mount Everest described him as a magical person whose purpose in life was to constantly challenge himself. Ashley Arenson said boyfriend Dan Fredinburg, 33, had a way of making people around him feel special and urged them to accomplish everything they wanted.

Népal: un avion pour rapatrier les Canadiens et création d’un fonds d’urgence

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:38:00 +0200journaldemontreal (fr)

OTTAWA – Le gouvernement fédéral a annoncé qu’un avion C-17 transportant de l’aide d’urgence au Népal pourra rapatrier des citoyens canadiens coincés dans ce pays touché par un violent tremblement de terre. Un fonds d’urgence pour venir en aide aux Népalais a aussi été créé par Ottawa.

Le Canada versera une somme équivalente aux dons faits pour le Népal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:31:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

OTTAWA – Le Canada va envoyer plus de matériel de secours au Népal, qui a été dévasté par un tremblement de terre, et versera une somme équivalente aux dons faits par les citoyens à un fonds créé spécifiquement pour aider les Népalais. Le gouvernement fédéral a fait savoir qu’il verserait — dollar....

Nepal earthquake: Stranded Canadian says Ottawa not doing enough to bring citizens home

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:21:00 +0200CBC (en)

Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-struck Nepal, promising to match donations to a fund specifically set up to help — and defending itself from claims that affected Canadians aren't getting the assistance they need. The federal government will match — dollar-for-dollar — all....

Facebook's Donate Feature to Raise Funds for International Medical Corps' Nepal Earthquake Response

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:11:00 +0200prnewswire (en)

LOS ANGELES April 27, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- To help those affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal, today Facebook launched a Donate feature to raise funds for International Medical Corps' emergency response efforts for the significant humanitarian needs following the disaster.

Cdn in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 21:03:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

The federal government will match — dollar-for-dollar — all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund until May 25, but retroactively to when donations first started streaming in on Saturday. The government is also deploying relief supplies from emergency stockpiles in Mississauga, Ont.

Séisme au Népal : les sinistrés fuient Katmandou en masse

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:44:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Les craintes de maladies ont également émergé parmi les dizaines de milliers d'habitants ayant perdu leur logement et contraints de camper dans des parcs. «Il est important d'empêcher une nouvelle catastrophe en prenant des précautions pour éviter des épidémies parmi les survivants», a dit le....

State Dept.: 4 Americans dead in Nepal earthquake; death toll soars

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:43:00 +0200chicagotribune (en)

Udav Prashad Timalsina, the top official for the Gorkha district, where Saturday's magnitude-7.8 quake was centered, said he was in desperate need of help. "There are people who are not getting food and shelter. I've had reports of villages where 70 percent of the houses have been destroyed," he said.

World Vision ramps up response for Nepal earthquake survivors

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:41:00 +0200prnewswire (en)

KATHMANDU April 27, 2015 /CNW/ - As the full extent of the damage caused by Saturday's earthquake is revealed, World Vision is ramping up its relief efforts to help children and their families. Today the agency began distributing blankets and tarpaulins and assessment teams are on their way to the....

Népal: un avion pour rapatrier les Canadiens et création d’un fond d’urgence

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:36:00 +0200journaldemontreal (fr)

OTTAWA – Le gouvernement fédéral a annoncé qu’un avion C-17 transportant de l’aide d’urgence au Népal pourra rapatrier des citoyens canadiens coincés dans ce pays touché par un violent tremblement de terre. Un fond d’urgence pour venir en aide aux Népalais a aussi été créé par Ottawa.

Canadian stranded in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough to bring citizens home

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:23:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-struck Nepal, promising to match donations to a fund specifically set up to help — and defending itself from claims that affected Canadians aren't getting the assistance they need. The federal government will match — dollar-for-dollar — all....

Ottawa to match donations to new Nepal earthquake relief fund

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:20:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

OTTAWA -- Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-struck Nepal and says it will match donations to a fund specifically set up to help people in that country. The federal government says it will match -- dollar-for-dollar -- all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund....

NewsAlert: Canada to match aid for Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:18:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

The federal government says it will match dollar-for-dollar all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund until May 25, but retroactively to when donations first started streaming in on Saturday. The government is also deploying relief supplies from emergency stockpiles in Mississauga, Ont.

NewsAlert: Feds will match donations to new Nepal earthquake relief fund

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 20:04:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

OTTAWA - Canada is sending more relief supplies to earthquake-struck Nepal and says it will match donations to a fund specifically set up to help people in that country. The federal government says it will match — dollar-for-dollar — all eligible contributions to the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund....

How Nova Scotians are helping with the Nepal earthquake relief effort

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:59:00 +0200CBC (en)

As the death toll continues to rise in Nepal following this weekend's earthquake, Nova Scotians, both in the devastated country and here at home, are trying to support the relief effort. Simon Carriere, who is from Lower Sackville, was about 100 kilometres from the epicentre in a newer area where many of the buildings remain intact.

ESPERANÇA VERDE “Luiz Almir representa a recuperação do PV após o tsunami Micarla de Sousa”

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:52:00 +0200jornaldehoje (pt)

Joaquim Pinheiro. Repórter de Política. O presidente de honra do PV, agitador ecológico, Rivaldo Fernandes, entende que a posse do vereador Luiz Almir no Partido Verde representa “a volta da legenda ao cenário político da capital”. Segundo ele, num passado próximo, o PV chegou a ser a segunda....

'All of a sudden, all the houses collapsed': Quake kills 3 relatives

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:44:00 +0200CBC (en)

An Edmonton-Nepalese man is asking the international community to join forces in helping the thousands of Nepalese reeling after Saturday's earthquake. Prajwol Chapagain's family lives about 50 kilometres from Kathmandu Valley. "That village is my brother-in-law's village, and unfortunately that....

Erdbeben: Die gefährdetsten Regionen der Welt

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:35:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (de)

Dort, wo es bebt. Insgesamt sieben Kontinentalplatten bilden die Oberfläche unserer Erde. Dort, wo sie aufeinander stoßen, besteht eine besonders hohe Gefahr für Erdbeben. In Nepal trifft die eurasische auf die indische Platte. Dieser plattentektonische Auffahrunfall löste auch das dramatische Beben vom vergangenen Samstag aus.

Canadians share their stories of survival after Nepal quake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:29:00 +0200CBC (en)

The earthquake in Nepal killed and injured thousands of people and caused destruction from the capital Kathmandu to small villages to Mount Everest. There are 462 Canadians registered in Nepal, but registration is voluntary, so the number of people in the country is almost certainly higher.

Toen de aarde begon te dansen: ooggetuigenverslag uit Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:29:00 +0200trouw (nl)

Aan een aardbeving gaat een vreemd geluid vooraf. De stem van een onrustige aarde. Het lijkt op dat van een vliegtuig, maar dan van diep beneden. Na de grote beving en talloze naschokken begin ik het geluid te herkennen. Het heeft dezelfde vibratie als dat van mijn overslaande hart. Dat is verwarrend.

BCE : Bell supports Nepal earthquake victims with $100,000 donation to Red Cross

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:27:00 +02004-traders (en)

Canadians can text to donate to multiple charities assisting with relief efforts. MONTRÉAL April 27, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - Bell today announced a donation of $100,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to assist people impacted by Saturday's earthquake in Nepal. Bell encourages all Canadians to use their mobile phones to support relief efforts.

Nepal quake survivors draw support from Apple, Google, Facebook and others

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:27:00 +0200cnet (en)

The radius for the Nepal earthquake on Facebook's Safety Check. Facebook. Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are coming together to help survivors of the catastrophic Nepal earthquake that occurred over the weekend. Apple has launched a partnership with the American Red Cross, asking iTunes users....

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:16:00 +0200elpasotimes (en)

Well over 1,000 of the victims were in Kathmandu, the capital, where an eerie calm prevailed Monday. Tens of thousands of families slept outdoors for a second night, fearful of aftershocks that have not ceased. Camped in parks, open squares and a golf course, they cuddled children or pets against chilly Himalayan nighttime temperatures.

Hunt for survivors continues as quake’s death toll passes 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:00:00 +0200bostonglobe (en)

Saturday’s earthquake spread horror from Kathmandu to small villages and to the slopes of Mount Everest, triggering an avalanche that buried part of the base camp packed with foreign climbers preparing to make their summit attempts. Aid is coming from more than a dozen countries and many charities,....

Nepal quake survivors draw support from Apple, Google, Facebook and others

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:47:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

The radius for the Nepal earthquake on Facebook's Safety Check. Facebook. Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are coming together to help survivors of the catastrophic Nepal earthquake that occurred over the weekend. Apple has launched a partnership with the American Red Cross, asking iTunes users....

Cobourg-area man, Wybe Bylsma, 77, safe in Nepal after earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:46:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP -- At 2:15 a.m. Monday, Jean Bylsma got the call she had been waiting for since she heard the news of Nepal’s 7.8-magnitude earthquake, which has killed thousands. Her husband, 77-year-old Wybe Bylsma, was safe. He was on his annual trip to help people in Asia, and his wife had....

'Tsunami' of energy hurtling through Universe sparks new life in old galaxies

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:46:00 +0200express (en)

. 'Tsunami' of energy hurtling through Universe sparks new life in old galaxies SCIENTISTS claim to have unlocked the secret of how large groups of galaxies grow by merging with others in collisions so powerful new stars are created. NASA Jon Austin New stars can form in dead galaxies if clusters....

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal; toll still soaring

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:44:00 +0200arabnews (en)

KATMANDU: Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal’s earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families’ needs.

Canadians in Nepal share quake stories while families of others wait for word

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:43:00 +0200CBC (en)

were on Mount Everest when the quake triggered an avalanche. "I checked the news at 8 a.m. It wasn't until about three or four hours later that we got a call they were all right," said family member Lauren Griffith-Parker in Winnipeg. "We were definitely really scared and praying a lot.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:42:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

17h15 April 27, 2015 : Le Quai d’Orsay annonce rechercher toujours 642 Français (676 à la mi-journée). 17h10 : Un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de 4100 morts et d'au moins 7000 blessés . Par ailleurs, au moins 4 ressortissants italiens ont trouvé la mort durant le séisme.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:39:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

17h15 April 27, 2015 : Le Quai d’Orsay annonce rechercher toujours 642 Français (676 à la mi-journée). 17h10 : Un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de 4100 morts et d'au moins 7000 blessés . Par ailleurs, au moins 4 ressortissants italiens ont trouvé la mort durant le séisme.

2 Maritimers head to earthquake-ravaged Nepal with Red Cross

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:28:00 +0200CBC (en)

A man runs past damaged houses as aftershocks of an earthquake are felt a day after the earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal April 26, 2015. Rescuers dug with their bare hands and bodies piled up in Nepal on Sunday after the earthquake devastated the heavily crowded Kathmandu valley. ( REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar) The Saturday quake, which registered 7.

10 deadliest earthquakes in history

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:25:00 +0200cnn (en)

When 72,000 people were killed by a magnitude-7.2 earthquake in Messina, Italy, more than 40% of the city's population was killed. The December 28, 1908, quake caused a tsunami and was felt throughout Sicily. 86,000 people were killed on October 8, 2005, when a magnitude-7.6 earthquake slammed northern Pakistan.

Death toll in Nepal quake rises to more than 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:21:00 +02007online (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers - Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Séisme au Népal : plus de 4.000 morts selon un nouveau bilan, au moins deux Français tués

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:18:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Les rescapés confrontés à la précarité Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais ont passé une nouvelle nuit en plein air, effrayés par les répliques sismiques qui ont secoué le pays. A Katmandou et ailleurs, des familles épuisées dont les logements ont soit été détruits soient menacent de s'effondrer....

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:15:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

17h15 April 27, 2015 : Le Quai d’Orsay annonce rechercher toujours 642 Français (676 à la mi-journée). 17h10 : Un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de 4100 morts et d'au moins 7000 blessés . Par ailleurs, au moins 4 ressortissants italiens ont trouvé la mort durant le séisme.

Le séisme au Népal a fait plus de 4.000 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:15:00 +0200bfmtv (fr)

Un bilan qui n'en finit pas de s'alourdir. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, des secouristes du monde entier arrivent ce lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 4.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal; death toll passes 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:13:00 +0200triblive (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Séisme au Népal : un jeune couple français tué, 676 toujours injoignables

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:09:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

Au moins dix Français ont été blessés, selon le ministère des Affaires étrangères. Le Quai d'Orsay a localisé 1 500 Français sains et saufs. "Nous venons notamment de retrouver un groupe de huit trekkeurs, à propos duquel nous avions des inquiétudes vives", a précisé Laurent Fabius.

Kommentar: Nachher ist man immer schlauer

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:02:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (de)

Wieder einmal hat eine Naturkatastrophe die Ärmsten der Armen getroffen. Schreckliche Bilder erreichen uns aus völlig zerstörten Städten. Überall Tote und Verschüttete. Auch zahlreiche Touristen sind am Mount Everest durch Steinschläge und Lawinen ums Leben gekommen. Immerhin ist die internationale Hilfsmaschinerie jetzt angelaufen.

Tsunami COSMICI possono far rivivere alcune galassie inattive

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:01:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di lunedì 27 aprile 2015) La fusione di ammassi di galassie ha un forte impatto sulla formazione stellare. Le galassie "Red and dead" che hanno smesso di formare stelle in un lontano passato a volte possono ritornare alla vita. Tsunami cosmici per galassie sonnolente - Media Inaf Tsunami COSMICI per galassie sonnolente.

Nepal earthquake death toll crosses 4000 fresh tremors in Bengal Bihar

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:00:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

The devastating 7.9-magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal and surrounding regions on Saturday has killed more than 3,700 people and devastated parts of the country, even as a fresh aftershock hit nearby regions in India. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake was centred in West Bengal and had a magnitude of 5.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:59:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

17h15 April 27, 2015 : Le Quai d’Orsay annonce rechercher toujours 642 Français (676 à la mi-journée). 17h10 : Un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de 4100 morts et d'au moins 7000 blessés . Par ailleurs, au moins 4 ressortissants italiens ont trouvé la mort durant le séisme.

Cdn in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:58:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

A Montreal woman trying to get home from earthquake-hit Nepal says Ottawa isn't doing enough to help expats and travellers stranded in the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says that while other countries have pulled out all the stops to get their citizens home, she and other Canadians she knows....

Séisme au Népal: le bilan dépasse les 4000 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:58:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Les rescapés du tremblement de terre se ruaient en masse sur les produits alimentaires et les stations-service pour faire des réserves, redoutant des pénuries. Les craintes de maladies ont également émergé parmi les dizaines de milliers d'habitants ayant perdu leur logement et contraints de camper dans des parcs.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:50:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

17h05 : Le SETO (syndicats des tour-opérateurs français) a recommandé lundi à ses membres de suspendre jusqu’au 31 mai inclus, l’ensemble des départs à destination du Népal, à la suite du séisme que vient de subir le pays. 17 heures : Des centaines de personnes tentaient lundi de fuir Katmandou, la....

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:46:00 +0200jsonline (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) - Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers - Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:45:00 +0200news-gazette (en)

KATY DAIGLE, Associated Press BINAJ GURUBACHARYA, Associated Press. KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Les Népalais fuient en masse Katmandou

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:43:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Les rescapés du tremblement de terre se ruaient en masse sur les produits alimentaires et les stations-service pour faire des réserves, redoutant des pénuries. Les craintes de maladies ont également émergé parmi les dizaines de milliers d'habitants ayant perdu leur logement et contraints de camper dans des parcs.

Hernando Tavera: “Desde Ventanilla hasta Lurín son zonas vulnerables ante eventual terremoto”

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:41:00 +0200panamericana (es)

El director de Sismología del Instituto Geofísico del Perú , advirtió que hace falta en el país una política que ayude a la población a prepararse ante un probable terremoto , "Toda la información sobre sismos y efectos de un tsunami están en mano de las autoridades", agregó.

Search continues for Canadian travellers in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:39:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

ȁ#x201c;He said they were safe. They were safe, but they were living on the street, but they were okay. We haven’t heard any more,ȁ#x201d; Bylsma told the Star, explaining that she was only able to speak to her 77-year-old husband for a few minutes. She added that while she was concerned about the....

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 642 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:35:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

17h15 : Le Quai d’Orsay annonce rechercher toujours 642 Français (676 à la mi-journée). 17h10 : Un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de 4100 morts et d'au moins 7000 blessés . Par ailleurs, au moins 4 ressortissants italiens ont trouvé la mort durant le séisme.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:32:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

17h05 : Le SETO (syndicats des tour-opérateurs français) a recommandé lundi à ses membres de suspendre jusqu’au 31 mai inclus, l’ensemble des départs à destination du Népal, à la suite du séisme que vient de subir le pays. 17 heures : Des centaines de personnes tentaient lundi de fuir....

Montreal woman says Canada not doing enough for Canadians in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:31:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

Emilie-Anne Leroux says some Canadians are ‘panicky’ after not getting call from officials after devastating earthquake in Nepal. KATHMANDU, Nepal — A Montreal woman trying to get home from Nepal after Saturday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake says Ottawa isn’t doing enough to help expats and travellers stranded in the stricken country.

Canadian stranded in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough to bring citizens home

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:24:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

A Montreal woman trying to get home from earthquake-hit Nepal says Ottawa isn't doing enough to help expats and travellers stranded in the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says that while other countries have pulled out all the stops to get their citizens home, she and other Canadians she knows....

Nepal earthquake donations: Who's sending what

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:22:00 +0200krcrtv (en)

The weekend's 7.8-magnitude earthquake near the capital of Kathmandu caused widespread devastation and the death toll has surpassed 3,800. Officials expect the number of fatalities to increase as rescue crews search for survivors from the country's worst natural disaster in more than 80 years.

38 Indian cities in high risk earthquakes zones

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:18:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

New Delhi: At least 38 Indian cities lie in high-risk seismic zones and nearly 60 per cent of the subcontinental landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes. Barring rare exceptions, such as the Delhi Metro, India’s hastily-built cities are open to great damage from earthquakes.

Nepal earthquake death toll at 3,700 and climbing

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:14:00 +0200oregonlive (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Northeast India Rattled by 5.1-Magnitude Earthquake – US Geological Survey

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:14:00 +0200rian-en (en)

MOSCOW (Sputnik) The quake was centered in the Indian state of West Bengal, according to the USGS. On Saturday, a devastating 7.8-magnitude quake occurred in Nepal, followed by a series of aftershocks. On Monday, the death toll from the earthquake in Nepal has increased to more than 4,100 people, according to the country’s Interior Ministry.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to over 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:13:00 +0200CBC (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Kathmandu, Nepal's earthquake-hit capital, was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Nepal earthquake death toll soars past 4,000

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200chicagotribune (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Nepal earthquake death toll tops 3,700 as locals struggle to find food, water and shelter

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal’s earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families’ needs.

CIBC Announces $50,000 Donation to Relief Efforts in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:05:00 +0200prnewswire (en)

) announced today it is donating $50,000 CM to the Canadian Red Cross to assist with relief efforts in Nepal , following the devastation caused by the recent earthquake. "The earthquake in Nepal has created an urgent need for aid and support across the region," said Sharon Mathers , Senior Vice-President, CIBC.

Il Giappone è più grande, emersi 300 metri di terra da oceano

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:01:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Il Giappone è più grande, emersi 300 metri di terra da oceano Roma, 27 apr. (askanews) - Il Giappone ha guadagnato 300 metri in più di superficie. Non sono state necessarie guerre per conquistarli e non ci sono possibilità che un paese straniero possa rivendicarli, visto che è stato il mare direttamente a donarli al Sol levante.

Séisme au Népal : 3.800 morts dans un bilan toujours provisoire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:00:00 +0200Europe1 (fr)

© Les habitants fuient une ville qui croule sous les décombres. PRAKASH MATHEMA / AFP L'ESSENTIEL- Le tremblement de terre de ce week-end a fait plus de 3.800 morts et 6.500 blessés. Les secours s'organisent pour endiguer une catastrophe humanitaire. · Un tremblement de terre a frappé le Népal samedi, faisant au moins 3.

Things to know about the Nepal earthquake, aftermath

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:55:00 +0200bostonglobe (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,700 on Monday. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach. Many of the roads are believed to be cut off by landslides, making it likely that some of these communities can only be reached by helicopter.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:44:00 +0200sunherald (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal The Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers – Nepal’s earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families’ needs.

Sésime au Népal : peur et confusion à Katmandou

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:38:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 500 morts à travers le pays depuis samedi, beaucoup d'habitants de la capitale népalaise n'ont pas fermé l'oeil de la nuit. Le sol tremble encore régulièrement et les sinistrés n'ont que quelques bâches de plastique pour se protéger des fortes pluies qui se sont abattues sur la ville.

"C'est un cauchemar, pourquoi ces répliques ne cessent-elles pas?"

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:37:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.000 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

País sem cemitérios, o Nepal crema as vítimas do terremoto; veja fotos

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:33:00 +0200folha (pt)

Por n�o possuir cemit�rios, o Nepal est� cremando as v�timas do terremoto de magnitude 7,8 que deixou milhares de mortos, feridos e desabrigados no s�bado (25). Isso ocorre devido � composi��o religiosa da popula��o do pa�s: mais de 80% dos nepaleses s�o hindu e outros 9% s�o budistas. Mu�ulmanos somam 4,4% e crist�os, 1%.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:28:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Nepal earthquake: B.C. search and rescue teams enroute

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:20:00 +0200CBC (en)

Emergency responders from B.C. are on their way to Nepal to help after a powerful earthquake struck near Kathmandu on Saturday. The death toll for the 7.8 earthquake has already climbed to 3,700, and thousands more are injured and homeless, desperate for food, water and medical care.

China apuesta por la energía nuclear para reducir sus emisiones contaminantes

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:19:00 +0200emisorasunidas (es)

Olvidados ya los temores surgidos tras la catástrofe de la central atómica de Fukushima (Japón) de 2011, China reafirmó esta semana su apuesta por el sector nuclear como principal alternativa energética a los combustibles fósiles. El gigante asiático, que actualmente tiene 23 centrales operativas,....

Népal: 3.432 morts, 6.500 blessés et 676 Français toujours recherchés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:13:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le pays montagneux samedi 25 avril, de magnitude 7,8, a fait plus de 3.432 morts et plus de 6.500 blessés au Népal selon un dernier bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l'Intérieur. C'est le séisme le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans.

Nepal desperately needs more earthquake aid, death toll past 3,700

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:10:00 +0200dailynews (en)

Udav Prashad Timalsina, the top official for the Gorkha district, where Saturday’s magnitude 7.8 quake was centered, said he was in desperate need of help. ȁ#x201c;There are people who are not getting food and shelter. I’ve had reports of villages where 70 percent of the houses have been destroyed,ȁ#x201d; he said.

Você sabia que os animais conseguem prever terremotos?

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:06:00 +0200ebc (pt)

O dado de que alterações no comportamento dos animais sinalizam, com horas ou dias de antecedência, eventos como os terremotos já era conhecido. Especialmente noticiada foi a disparada dos elefantes asiáticos para terras altas por ocasião do terremoto seguido de tsunami de 26 de dezembro de 2004. Muitas vidas humanas foram salvas graças a isso.

De 1970 a 2013, tragédias geraram perdas de US$ 3 tri

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:03:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

RIO - O devastador terremoto que atingiu o Nepal no fim de semana matou mais de 3.800 pessoas e deixou ao menos 6.500 feridas ou desabrigadas. Seu impacto econômico também será severo, fazendo com que a economia se contraia no curto prazo, a não ser que haja grande ajuda internacional.

CARTE. Où ont eu lieu les pires séismes de ces dernières années

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:52:00 +0200francetvinfo (fr)

CARTE. Regardez où ont eu lieu les pires séismes de ces dernières années Depuis quinze ans, quatre tremblements de terre ont fait plus de 50 000 morts dans le monde : en Asie du Sud-est en 2004, au Pakistan en 2005, en Chine en 2008, et à Haïti en 2010.

Canadian stranded in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough for travellers

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:48:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - A Montreal woman trying to get home from Nepal after Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake says Ottawa isn't doing enough to help expats and travellers stranded in the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says that while other countries have pulled out all the stops to get their....

Nepalese Earthquake Death Toll Tops 4,100 - TV

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:42:00 +0200rian-en (en)

3,700 dead and thousands of others injured in the 7.9-magnitude quake that occurred on Saturday. The 7.8 magnitude quake occurred Saturday morning around 51 miles northwest of Kathmandu, causing extreme massive damage in the region. The disaster triggered avalanches on Mount Everest, as well as....

Quake aid needed in Nepal capital

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:37:00 +0200independent-ie (en)

In much of the countryside, it was worse, though how much worse was only beginning to become apparent. The death toll soared past 3,700, even without a full accounting from vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster.

Canada deploys an Assessment Team and elements of the Disaster Assistance Response Team to assist in humanitarian crisis in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:36:00 +0200gc (en)

. April 26, 2015. OTTAWA Today, an assessment team and elements of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) deployed from Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario. The Canadian Armed Forces is currently pre-positioning its personnel and resources in order to ensure a prompt reaction, in line with....

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:29:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Francais disparus au Népal : deux tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:29:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

par 12h33 : lemondefr François Hollande a annoncé l’envoi par la France de «moyens supplémentaires» au Népal où «au moins deux ressortissants français» ont trouvé la mort lors du violent séisme qui a frappé ce pays, a annoncé l’Elysée dans un communiqué.

Revue de la presse quotidienne internationale nord-américaine (RPQI-AmNord)/2

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:28:00 +0200menara (fr)

"Le budget déposé par M. Oliver est fort révélateur: rien de consistant sur la question environnementale, à peine quelques mots. On lit bien le fond de la pensée de ce gouvernement: Après-moi, le déluge!", regrette la publication en conclusion. Sur le plan international, +La Presse+ écrit que l'aide....

De 1970 a 2013, desastres naturais em todo o mundo geraram perdas de quase US$ 3 trilhões

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:27:00 +0200extra (pt)

RIO - O devastador terremoto que atingiu o Nepal no fim de semana matou mais de 3.800 pessoas e deixou ao menos 6.500 feridas ou desabrigadas. Seu impacto econômico também será severo, fazendo com que a economia se contraia no curto prazo, a não ser que haja grande ajuda internacional.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:19:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Economia Asiei, zguduita din temelii de dezastre naturale

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:16:00 +0200business24 (ro)

. Regiunea Asia -Pacific inregistreaza dezastre naturale pe banda rulanta, cutremurele si inundatiile catastrofale punandu-si amprenta pe economiile tarilor din regiune. Seismul din Nepal a depasit deja 3.200 de victime si lasa alte zeci de mii de localnici fara adapost.

LIVE! Miracle in Nepal: Woman rescued alive 54 hours after quake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:10:00 +0200rediff (en)

14:57 Another important update from the govt of India: The MHA has decided to "give Gratis Visas to foreigners coming to India from Nepal," home minister Rajnath Singh announced in Parliament today. Which means foreigners stranded in Nepal can take an Indian Airforce flight to India without paying a visa fee.

Canadian stranded in Nepal says Ottawa not doing enough to help citizens go home

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:09:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - A Montreal woman trying to get home from Nepal after Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake says Ottawa isn't doing enough to help expats and travellers stranded in the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says that while other countries have pulled out all the stops to get their....

Relembre os maiores terremotos registrados na história desde 1900

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:08:00 +0200imirante (pt)

F�ria da terra Relembre os maiores terremotos registrados na hist�ria desde 1900. No �ltimo s�bado (25), o Nepal foi atingido por um terremoto de magnitude 7.8 na escala de Richter. SÃO LUÍS No último sábado (25), o Nepal país asiático localizado na região dos Himalaias foi atingido por um terremoto de magnitude 7.

«Urgent besoin d'aide humanitaire» au Népal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:56:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Munies d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme.

Economia Asiei, zguduita din temelii de dezastre naturale

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:55:00 +0200bloombiz (ro)

. Regiunea Asia -Pacific inregistreaza dezastre naturale pe banda rulanta, cutremurele si inundatiile catastrofale punandu-si amprenta pe economiile tarilor din regiune. Seismul din Nepal a depasit deja 3.200 de victime si lasa alte zeci de mii de localnici fara adapost.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:54:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

The death toll soared past 3,700, even without a full accounting from vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. Udav Prashad Timalsina, the top official for the Gorkha district, where Saturday's magnitude 7.8 quake was centred, said he was in desperate need of help.

Edmonton mountaineer nearly buried after Nepal earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:38:00 +0200edmontonjournal (en)

EDMONTON - A shaky voice-mail message is giving hope to all those following local mountaineer Al Hancock and his attempt to be the first Canadian to stand on the peak of Annapurna. Hancock was on Annapurna, near Mount Everest, when the Nepalese earthquake hit, followed by an avalanche. “Just about buried us in our tent.

Livro descreve terremoto que marcou a história de Portugal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:31:00 +0200folha (pt)

Na manhã de 1º de novembro de 1755, Dia de Todos os Santos, Lisboa sentiu o primeiro tremor de um terremoto devastador. Estudiosos especulam que o abalo sísmico atingiu 9 pontos na escala Richter. O maior desastre natural registrado em Portugal foi lembrado por séculos como um castigo divino, "a mais temível catástrofe da história".

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:18:00 +0200tampabay (en)

The death toll soared past 3,700, even without a full accounting from vulnerable mountain villages that rescue workers were still struggling to reach two days after the disaster. Udav Prashad Timalsina, the top official for the Gorkha district, where Saturday's magnitude 7.8 quake was centered, said he was in desperate need of help.

Séisme au Népal. Direct. 3 720 morts, dont deux Français

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:16:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

12 h 41. Des cliniques mobiles envoyées par Médecins du Monde. « Tout le monde sait que c'est dans les 72 premières heures qu'on a le plus besoin de nous (...), qu'on est le plus efficaces sur les traumatismes, les fractures, les écrasements des gens qui ont été ensevelis » , déclare Gilbert Potier,....

Les secours tentent de sauver les rescapés au Népal, où la terre tremble encore: "C'est un cauchemar, pourquoi ces répliques ne cessent-elles pas?"

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:13:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Japan gets bigger as new coastline emerges

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:07:00 +0200DailyNation (en)

Japan has got a little bit roomier after a 300-metre (1,000-foot) strip of land emerged from the sea and attached itself to the coast, experts said Monday. PHOTO | GOOGLE MAPS The extra stretch of coastline at the town of Rausu on Hokkaido island has risen as high as 10 metres from the sea surface....

38 Indian cities in high risk earthquakes zones

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:07:00 +0200mid-day (en)

. New Delhi: At least 38 Indian cities lie in high-risk seismic zones and nearly 60 percent of the subcontinental landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes. Barring rare exceptions, such as the Delhi Metro, India’s hastily-built cities are open to great damage from earthquakes. Nepal earthquake. Pic/AFP.

Nepal earthquake creating anxious moments for Fredericton couple

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:06:00 +0200CBC (en)

A Fredericton couple originally from Nepal are anxiously waiting to hear from family in their hometown after Saturday's massive earthquake near the country's capital of Kathmandu. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake has killed at least 3,700 people with many remote villages yet to be visited by rescue teams.

Thirty-eight Indian cities in high risk earthquakes zones

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:04:00 +0200irishsun (en)

. Irish Sun (IANS) Monday 27th April, 2015. At least 38 Indian cities lie in high-risk seismic zones and nearly 60 percent of the subcontinental landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes. Barring rare exceptions, such as the Delhi Metro, India's hastily-built cities are open to great damage from earthquakes.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:58:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,700 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:57:00 +0200denverpost (en)

Some pharmacies and shops for basic provisions opened while bakeries began offering fresh bread. With power lines down, spotty phone connections and almost no Internet connectivity, residents were particularly anxious to buy morning newspapers. Huge lines of people desperate to secure fuel lined up....

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:57:00 +0200denverpost (en)

Nepal police said in a statement that the country's death toll had risen to 3,617 people. That does not include the 18 people killed in the avalanche, which were counted by the mountaineering association. Another 61 people were killed in neighboring India, and China reported 20 people dead in Tibet.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:48:00 +0200AP (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Rescuers struggle to reach remote areas of Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:48:00 +0200bostonglobe (en)

Some roads and trails have been blocked by landslides, the group said in an email to The Associated Press. ‘‘In those villages that have been reached, the immediate needs are great including the need for search and rescue, food items, blankets and tarps, and medical treatment.

Nepal earthquake toll tops 3,700

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:47:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:42:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,700 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

VIDEOS. Séisme au Népal : le bilan s'alourdit à 3 700 morts et 6 500 blessés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:36:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

En outre, environ 90 personnes sont mortes en Inde et en Chine. Lundi matin, Laurent Fabius , ministre des Affaires étrangères, Le tremblement de terre a également déclenché une avalanche sur le mont Everest, sommet du monde, où une vague de neige comparée par un survivant à un «immeuble de 50....

Nepal earthquake death toll soars past 3,700--and likely will rise

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:31:00 +0200chicagotribune (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:28:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Séisme au Népal : le bilan dépasse les 3 400 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:28:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Le bilan n'en finit plus de s'alourdir. Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main-forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 400 morts à travers le pays, selon un bilan provisoire.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:26:00 +0200therepublic (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Thirty-eight Indian cities in high-risk earthquakes zones

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:26:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: At least 38 Indian cities lie in high-risk seismic zones and nearly 60 percent of the subcontinental landmass is vulnerable to earthquakes. Barring rare exceptions, such as the Delhi Metro, India's hastily-built cities are open to great damage from earthquakes.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:23:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués Ã....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:22:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal : des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:19:00 +0200clicanoo (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de N�palais effray�s et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l’attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent apr�s le violent s�isme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts � travers le pays. Munis d’�quipements sp�ciaux et accompagn�s de chiens....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:12:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays.

Quake-aid need acute in Nepal capital, more so in villages near epicenter; toll tops 3,700

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:02:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - Shelter, fuel, food, medicine, power, news, workers — Nepal's earthquake-hit capital was short on everything Monday as its people searched for lost loved ones, sorted through rubble for their belongings and struggled to provide for their families' needs.

Azerbaijan evacuates citizens from Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:58:00 +0200azernews (en)

By Amina Nazarli. The Azerbaijani government jointly with the country’s embassy in India is taking all the necessary measures to evacuate Azerbaijani citizens from Nepal, on the wake of the earthquake. Hikmet Hajiyev, the spokesman for the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry told Trend on April 26 that....

Népal: des milliers de sinistrés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:54:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Munies d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:52:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays.

Deaths Rise, Aid Flown in After Nepal Quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:49:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,700 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

L'Indonésie présente ses condoléances au Népal et envoie du secours

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:46:00 +0200french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 27 avril (Xinhua) -- Le gouvernement indonésien a présenté ses sincères condoléances au gouvernement népalais suite aux puissants tremblements de terre qui ont tués au moins 3.351 personnes, et va immédiatement envoyer de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence pour aider les milliers de personnes sinistrées.

Hintergrund: Erdbeben mit hohen Opferzahlen

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:41:00 +0200tageblatt-de (de)

Kathmandu (dpa) - Die Opferzahlen bei Erdbeben sind immer wieder erschreckend hoch. Beispiele von verheerenden Katastrophen mit vielen Toten aus jüngerer Zeit: SUMATRA/INDONESIEN: Ein Seebeben der Stärke 9 vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra löst Weihnachten 2004 gewaltige Tsunamis aus.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:39:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués à Katmandou par un....

Nepal Earthquake Death Toll Reaches 3,700, Over 6,500 Injured

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:36:00 +0200rian-en (en)

At least 3,726 people have been killed in Saturday's earthquake, including 1,302 in the Kathmandu Valley alone, Nepalese police spokesman Kamal Singh Bam said Monday. Earlier, Nepal Home Ministry's national disaster management division chief Rameshwor Dangal reported Monday that the official death....

Tsunami im Swimmingpool

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:35:00 +020020min (de)

Der TV-Player benötigt einen aktuellen Adobe Flash Player: Tsunami im Swimmingpool Video zeigt wie der Swimmingpool eines 5-Sterne-Hotels durch das Beben erschüttert wird. Die Überwachungskamera eines Hotels hält die Auswirkungen des Erdbeben fest.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:35:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3400 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:35:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Munis d’équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquaient avec la régularité d’une horloge à l’aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d’ordinaire dynamique Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait au moins 3 432....

12 séismes depuis 2004 ont fait plus de 600.000 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:35:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Le dernier bilan du tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal samedi fait état de plus de 3.200 morts . Depuis le séisme qui engendra un gigantesque tsunami en 2004 en Asie, pas moins de 12 phénomènes de secousses sismiques ont fait des milliers de morts à travers le monde.

GlobalMedic mobilizes to get clean water to devastated Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:34:00 +0200CBC (en)

Rescue efforts continue in Nepal after the devastating 7.9 magnitude earthquake on the weekend which has left at least 3,700 people dead. While rescue teams continue to look for survivors, aid flowing into the country from around the world is being distributed to those in need.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:34:00 +0200nordeclair (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Kathmandu (dpa) - Die Opferzahlen bei Erdbeben sind immer wieder erschreckend hoch

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:34:00 +0200adhoc (de)

SUMATRA/INDONESIEN: Ein Seebeben der Stärke 9 vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra löst Weihnachten 2004 gewaltige Tsunamis aus. Sie bringen binnen weniger Stunden Tod und Zerstörung an viele Küsten des Indischen Ozeans. Etwa 230 000 Menschen sterben. Darunter sind auch 552 Deutsche, ganz überwiegend Thailand-Touristen.

Death toll crosses 3700 aid pours in rescue ops on Things to know after the Nepal earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:32:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

The devastating 7.9-magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal and surrounding regions on Saturday has killed more than 3,600 people and devastated parts of the country, destroyed buildings and ancient monuments and ripped apart roads, power lines and other infrastructure.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:31:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués à Katmandou par un....

Népal : le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts dont deux Français

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:29:00 +0200midilibre (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient ce lundi 27 avril à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs,....

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:26:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués Ã....

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:26:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués à Katmandou par un....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:25:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués, 10 blessés et 676 disparus

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:23:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

12h09 : Deux Français sont morts et dix ont été blessés dans le séisme qui a frappé ce week-end le Népal, a-t-on appris lundi au ministère des Affaires étrangères. . "Malheureusement, le décès de deux de nos compatriotes français, qui étaient en vacances et qui ont été tués Ã....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:23:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:23:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:19:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Par Paavan MATHEMA, Bhuvan BAGGA. Katmandou (AFP) - Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: 3.432 morts, 6.500 blessés et 676 Français recherchés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:12:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le pays montagneux samedi 25 avril, de magnitude 7,8, a fait plus de 3.432 morts et plus de 6.500 blessés au Népal selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l'Intérieur. C'est le séisme le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:12:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:11:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 survenu samedi a fait 3.

Séisme au Népal : plus de 3.700 morts, les secours s'organisent

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:11:00 +0200Europe1 (fr)

© Les habitants fuient une ville qui croule sous les décombres. PRAKASH MATHEMA / AFP L'ESSENTIEL- Le tremblement de terre de ce week-end a fait plus de 3.700 morts et 6.000 blessés. Les secours s'organisent pour endiguer une catastrophe humanitaire. · Un tremblement de terre a frappé le Népal samedi, faisant 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:11:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Hintergrund: Erdbeben mit hohen Opferzahlen

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:10:00 +0200weser-kurier-politik (de)

SUMATRA/INDONESIEN: Ein Seebeben der Stärke 9 vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra löst Weihnachten 2004 gewaltige Tsunamis aus. Sie bringen binnen weniger Stunden Tod und Zerstörung an viele Küsten des Indischen Ozeans. Etwa 230 000 Menschen sterben. Darunter sind auch 552 Deutsche, ganz überwiegend Thailand-Touristen.

LIVE! NO visa fee for foreigners who want to be evacuated to India: HM

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:09:00 +0200rediff (en)

14:57 Another important update from the govt of India: The MHA has decided to "give Gratis Visas to foreigners coming to India from Nepal," home minister Rajnath Singh announced in Parliament today. Which means foreigners stranded in Nepal can take an Indian Airforce flight to India without paying a visa fee.

Le séisme au Népal a fait plus de 3.700 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:08:00 +0200bfmtv (fr)

Un bilan qui n'en finit pas de s'alourdir. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, des secouristes du monde entier arrivent ce lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:07:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Hintergrund: Erdbeben mit hohen Opferzahlen

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:05:00 +0200epochtimes (de)

Die Opferzahlen bei Erdbeben sind immer wieder erschreckend hoch. Beispiele von verheerenden Katastrophen mit vielen Toten aus jüngerer Zeit: SUMATRA/INDONESIEN: Ein Seebeben der Stärke 9 vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra löst Weihnachten 2004 gewaltige Tsunamis aus.

Sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud sacudió la costa norte de Perú

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:02:00 +0200lavoz901 (es)

Sin consecuencias Sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud sacudió la costa norte de Perú Fecha: 27/04/2015 Hora: 04:00 - Un sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud en la escala Richter y con epicentro frente a las costas del Perú, remeció el domingo el litoral norte del país sin causar daños ni provocar alerta de tsunami, informó el Instituto Geofísico de Perú.

Un violent séisme qui fait plus de 3.200 morts au Népal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:00:00 +0200maroc-hebdo (fr)

Immeubles en ruine après le séisme le 26 avril 2015 à Khokana dans la vallée de Katmandou AFP. Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l’attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.

Desperate Nepalis flee capital as aftershocks spread fear

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:59:00 +0200ajw (en)

April 26, 2015. KATHMANDU, Nepal--A powerful aftershock shook Nepal on April 26, making buildings sway and sending panicked Kathmandu residents running into the streets a day after a massive earthquake left at least 1,900 people dead. April 26, 2015. KATHMANDU, Nepal--Tens of thousands of people....

Facebook activates safety check tool in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:57:00 +0200capitalfm (en)

Facebook has enabled its disaster tool that helps people check on their loved ones in Nepal after the devastating earthquake. The earthquake has so far claimed over 2,300 lives with many more fleeing the capital city Kathmandu in fear of collapsing buildings. AFP reports electricity has been cut off and communication systems are congested.

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:56:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.400 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Séisme au Népal. Direct. Deux Français tués, selon Laurent Fabius

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:54:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

8 h 30. Des alpinistes coincés dans l'Everest évacués par hélicoptère. Les grimpeurs, qui étaient bloqués depuis deux jours à haute altitude dans l'Everest à la suite d'une avalanche déclenchée par le violent séisme survenu samedi au Népal, ont commencé à être évacués par hélicoptère.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués selon Laurent Fabius

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:53:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

11h45 : «Deux Français ont été tués à Katmandou», a indiqué le Quai d’Orsay, sans donner leurs identités. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a également annoncé avoir pu "localiser 1400 Français sains et saufs", et notamment un groupe d'une dizaine de trekkers "à propos desquels nous avions des inquiétudes vives".

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués selon Laurent Fabius

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:52:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués selon Laurent Fabius

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:50:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Séisme au Népal : deux français tués selon Laurent Fabius

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:38:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

1 274 français ont été localisés au #Nepal et contacté par le Quai d'Orsay selon le porte-parole ; Guillaume Daret (@GuillaumeDaret) 27 Avril 2015 Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après....

Népal: des dizaines de milliers de sinistrés effrayés en quête d'aide humanitaire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:35:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 survenu samedi a fait 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:15:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: 3.218 morts, 6.500 blessés et 669 Français toujours recherchés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:12:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le pays montagneux samedi 25 avril, de magnitude 7,8, a fait 3.218 morts et plus de 6.500 blessés au Népal selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l'Intérieur. C'est le séisme le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans.

Myongji Hospital sent medical team to Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:10:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

Myongji Hospital sent a medical assistance team to Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, as part of its relief efforts for the quake-stricken Southeast Asian nation. The team is comprised of five doctors and nurses who took part in voluntary medical service in Nepal last month. Kim In-byung, director of the hospital's emergency medical center leads the team.

It is unlikely that a strong earthquake will hit the Korean Peninsula in the near future, but that doesn’t mean the country is completely safe, experts cautio...

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:10:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

It is unlikely that a strong earthquake will hit the Korean Peninsula in the near future, but that doesn't mean the country is completely safe, experts cautioned Monday. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal that killed over 3,000 people is prompting officials here to inspect Korea's anti-quake measures.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:03:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:03:00 +0200nordeclair (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Cele mai mari cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani. DOUA dintre ele s-au produs in Romania

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:53:00 +0200stirileprotv (ro)

1. Cel mai puternic cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 9,5 , s-a produs in mai 1960 in Chile, provocand 1.655 de morti. 2. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,2 a avut loc in martie 1964 in Alaska, Statele Unite, provocand 125 de victime. 3. Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,1 in largul insulei indoneziene....

Everest avalanche video: Watch the moment terrified climbers scramble for cover, as Nepal earthquake death toll passes 3,600: latest

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:49:00 +0200telegraph (en)

Thomas Bell from the Nepalese capital - while the worst damage appears to be elsewhere: Walking around Kathmandu I see 99 per cent of buildings in most areas [are] unscathed, little visible damage to infrastructure. Little sign of authorities. Less than [the] physical devastation, what is apparent....

Népal : le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts / L'impressionnante vidéo de l'avalanche sur l'Everest

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:48:00 +0200lindependant (fr)

. Le 27 avril à 08h59 | Mis à jour il y a 1 heure Vue du camp de base de l'Everest, dévasté après l'avalanche du 25 avril 2015. PHOTO/Roberto Schmidt / AFP. Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:48:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Par Paavan MATHEMA. Katmandou (AFP) - Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal : les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:44:00 +0200levif (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:42:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: plus de 3.200 morts, 669 Français toujours recherchés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:42:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le pays montagneux samedi 25 avril, de magnitude 7,8, a fait 3.218 morts et plus de 6.500 blessés au Népal selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l'Intérieur. C'est le séisme le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to over 3,700

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:40:00 +0200CBC (en)

Timalsina said his district had not received enough help from the central government, but Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, said nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army was involved in rescue operations. "We have 90 per cent of the army out there working on search and rescue," he said.

Népal : les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:23:00 +0200midilibre (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient ce lundi 27 avril à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs,....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:22:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

. - Publié le 27/04/2015 à 06:16 - Modifié le 27/04/2015 à 09:46. Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:19:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:10:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquent avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 survenu samedi a fait 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:05:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:05:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:02:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Séisme au Népal : toujours sans nouvelles de plus de 600 Français

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:59:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

Exclusivité abonnés Votre édition du soir est disponible sur soir.sudouest.fr Séisme au Népal : toujours sans nouvelles de plus de 600 Français VIDÉOS et PHOTOS - Jusqu'à présent, six Français ont été identifiés parmi les blessés mais aucun décès n'a été signalé.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient pour aider les dizaines de milliers de sinistrés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:50:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Des dizaines de milliers de Népalais effrayés et sans logement patientaient sous des tentes de fortune lundi dans l'attente de secouristes du monde entier qui affluent après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:40:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:40:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would climb depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

The Latest on Nepal Quake: Entire army involved in rescue

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:40:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

11.20 a.m. (0540 GMT) Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, says nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army is involved in rescue operations. "90 percent of the army's out there working on search and rescue," he said. "We are focusing our efforts on that, on saving lives." — Katy Daigle, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Nepal earthquake latest: Race to save hundreds of climbers trapped at Everest base camp by huge avalanches triggered by quake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:39:00 +0200standard (en)

Emergency teams from around the world are in a race against time to rescue around 100 climbers and holidaymakers who have spent two nights trapped at the upper reaches of world’s highest peak by the “tsunami” of snow and ice. Up to 22 climbers were killed and more than 60 injured in avalanches on Everest triggered by the 7.

Séisme au Népal : plus de 3 200 morts selon un bilan provisoire

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:35:00 +0200la-croix (fr)

Le bilan provisoire fait état de 3 200 morts de 6 500 blessés. Le ventre noué, les traits tirés, ils attendent, dans le froid et le dénuement, que la terre cesse définitivement de trembler. Pour les sinistrés du tremblement de terre au Népal, les maisons encore debout ne sont plus des abris mais des....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:31:00 +0200AP (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

Népal: les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:31:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Tremblement de terre au Népal: Le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:31:00 +0200WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquaient avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3.

Séisme au Népal. Direct. La France sans nouvelles de 669 ressortissants

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:31:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

« Nous évaluons la communauté française sur place, soit résidente soit de passage à environ 2 000 personnes. Nous en avons d'ores et déjà localisé 1 000, dont six personnes blessées » , a déclaré Romain Nadal au micro d'Europe 1. La cellule de crise mise en place pour les familles des personnes présentes au Népal a déjà reçu plus de 10 000 appels.

The Latest on Nepal Quake: Entire army involved in rescue

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:30:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

11.20 a.m. (0540 GMT) Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, says nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army is involved in rescue operations. "90 percent of the army's out there working on search and rescue," he said. "We are focusing our efforts on that, on saving lives." — Katy Daigle, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Azerbaijan evacuates its citizens from Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:29:00 +0200trendnews-az (en)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr. 27. By Seba Aghayeva Trend: The government of Azerbaijan and the country's embassy in India, which is also accredited in Nepal, are doing everything necessary to evacuate the fellow citizens from this country, which was hit by a strong earthquake Apr.26, Azerbaijani embassy in India told Trend Apr.

Le Népal, pays en ruines...

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:29:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

ÀKatmandou, rares sont les habitants qui ont pu fermer l’œil. Malgré le froid, nombre de Katmandais ont été contraints de passer la nuit de samedi dehors, dans la rue ou sous des tentes de fortune. « Nous n’avons pas dormi de la nuit. Et comment aurait-on pu ? Le sol n’a pas arrêté de trembler.

Facebook activa su 'comprobación de seguridad' por el terremoto en Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:28:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Barcelona. (Redacción/Agencias):- Facebook ha activado su 'comprobación de seguridad' como respuesta al terremoto en Nepal . La herramienta, lanzado en octubre, permite a los usuarios hacer saber a los amigos y la familia que están a salvo en medio de una zona de desastre natural.

Facebook, Google do their part to help victims

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:19:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

Facebook and Google have added new services to help coordinate search and rescue efforts in the aftermath of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal and small parts of China and India on Saturday. Facebook has activated its "Safety Check" feature in response to the earthquake in Nepal.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:18:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Par Paavan MATHEMA. Katmandou (AFP) - Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:18:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:04:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Everest avalanche video: Watch the moment terrified climbers scramble for cover, as Nepal earthquake death toll passes 3,300: latest

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:01:00 +0200telegraph (en)

Most shops in the capital were closed after the government declared a weeklong period of recovery. Only fruit vendors and pharmacies seemed to be doing business. The first nations to respond were Nepal's neighbors - India, China and Pakistan. Britain, the United States, Canada , the United Arab....

Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:00:00 +0200zf (ro)

astăzi, 09:02 Autor: Cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,9 înregistrat sâmbătă în Nepal a fost unul dintre cele mai violente din lume, relatează DPA în pagina electronică, realizând o cronologie cu cele mai puternice seisme produse din 1900 şi până în prezent.

CRONOLOGIE: Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:57:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

- Cel mai puternic cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 9,5, s-a produs în mai 1960 în Chile, provocând 1.655 de morţi. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,2 a avut loc în martie 1964 în Alaska, Statele Unite, provocând 125 de victime. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,1 în largul insulei indoneziene....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:56:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

Tšiili aukonsul: normaalne elu võib pärast maavärinat taastuda paari aastaga

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:56:00 +0200err (et)

Figueroa rääkis ETV saates "Terevisioon", et tema on üle elanud kaks maavärinat, mille magnituud oli 8. "Mõned majad kukuvad, inimesed nutavad, mõned minestavad. Kui sa oled majas sees, siis kindlasti ukseraamis - see on üks alternatiiv, kui sa ei saa põgeneda.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal earthquake: Things to know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:54:00 +0200economictimes (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. ET SPECIAL: Love visual aspect of news? Enjoy this exclusive slideshows treat! The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 struck central and surrounding regions.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:52:00 +0200therepublic (en)

CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach. Many of the roads are believed to be cut off by landslides, making it likely that some of these communities can only be reached by helicopter.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to over 3,300

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:47:00 +0200CBC (en)

Timalsina said his district had not received enough help from the central government, but Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, said nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army was involved in rescue operations. "We have 90 per cent of the army out there working on search and rescue," he said.

Deaths Rise, Aid Flown in After Nepal Quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:47:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

and surrounding regions. Nepal Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach. Many of the roads are believed to be cut off by landslides, making it....

Séisme au Népal. Direct. Au moins 3 200 morts, six Français blessés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:44:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

7 h 15. Les secours s'organisent. Des secouristes du monde entier arrivent lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main-forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays.

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:41:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would rise depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

Sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud sacude costa norte de Perú

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:41:00 +0200tiempo (es)

Lima, Perú- Un sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud en la escala Richter y con epicentro frente a las costas del Perú, remeció el domingo el litoral norte del país sudamericano sin causar daños ni provocar alerta de tsunami, informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:32:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:24:00 +0200usnews (en)

Nepal quake death toll climbs as aid begins to arrive: Things to know A Hindu Nepalese woman offers prayers at Indrayani temple, that was damaged in Saturday’s earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:24:00 +0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would climb depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach. Many of the roads are believed to be cut off by landslides, making it likely that some of these communities can only be reached by helicopter.

Newlywed London couple among hundreds trapped at Everest base camp by huge avalanches triggered by earthquake in Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:23:00 +0200standard (en)

Emergency teams from around the world are in a race against time to rescue around 100 climbers and holidaymakers who have spent two nights trapped at the upper reaches of world’s highest peak by the “tsunami” of snow and ice. Up to 22 climbers were killed and more than 60 injured in avalanches on Everest triggered by the 7.

Popolare di Cividale, ribaltone ai vertici: Tilatti disarcionato

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:21:00 +0200messaggeroveneto (it)

UDINE. Non è né un semplice avvicendamento, nè un fisiologico e generazionale cambio della guardia. E non è neppure un capriccioso coup de théâtre . Quello che è accaduto ieri all’assemblea della Banca popolare di Cividale (si sono registrati fino a 2mila 625 presenti in proprio o con delega) è un....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:19:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:17:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Deaths rise, aid flown in after Nepal quake: Things to Know

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:15:00 +0200AP (en)

The death toll climbed above 3,300 on Monday, two days after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck central Nepal and surrounding regions. Key information known at this time: CASUALTIES AND DAMAGE. How much higher the death toll would climb depends on the state of remote Himalayan villages that rescue workers were still trying to reach.

When the human spirit is not shaken: paper

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:13:00 +0200wam-en (en)

ABU DHABI, 27th April, 2015 (WAM) -- A UAE paper has said that when nature turns its fury on humans, a sense of helplessness surely creeps in. However, what helps humanity cope with such situations is the indomitable spirit of compassion, timely assistance and a boundless spirit of unity.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:11:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:10:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens....

Népal : plus de 3.200 morts, l'aide internationale arrive

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:10:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Ils étaient très attendus. Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi 27 avril à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:09:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquaient avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3.

The Latest: Facebook activates Safety Check for Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:07:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

10 a.m. (0415 GMT) Facebook has activated its "Safety Check" feature in response to the earthquake in Nepal. The feature, launched in October, allows users to tell friends and family they are safe if they are in the middle of a disaster area. Facebook engineers in Japan started development on the feature after the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

Le séisme au Népal a fait plus de 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:06:00 +0200bfmtv (fr)

Un bilan qui n'en finit pas de s'alourdir. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, des secouristes du monde entier arrivent ce lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:05:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Des Népalais chargés d'effets personnels fuient leur domicile le 27 avril 2015 à Katmandou © AFP - PRAKASH MATHEMA Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:03:00 +0200lunion (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

VIDEOS. Séisme au Népal : le bilan s'alourdit à 3 218 morts et 6 500 blessés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:02:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Le bilan du violent séisme qui a frappé le Népal samedi continue d'augmenter. Selon les derniers chiffres officiels, 3 218 personnes sont mortes et plus de 6 500 personnes sont blessées. 27 Avril 2015, 06h33 | MAJ : 27 Avril 2015, 07h44 Nul ne sait quand le bilan du violent séisme, qui a touché le Népal samedi, sera définitif.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:02:00 +0200nordeclair (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:02:00 +0200nordeclair (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient ce lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d’équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:00:00 +0200izf (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les....

Népal: les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:59:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Munis d’équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquaient avec la régularité d’une horloge à l’aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d’ordinaire dynamique Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:59:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:59:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes humanitaires internationales débarquaient avec la régularité d'une horloge à l'aéroport de Katmandou, dans la banlieue de cette capitale d'ordinaire dynamique dévastée samedi par un puissant séisme. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3.

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:58:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

The Latest: Air of uneasy calm, uncertainty over Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:55:00 +0200nzherald (en)

11.20 a.m. (0540 GMT) Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, says nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army is involved in rescue operations. "90 percent of the army's out there working on search and rescue," he said. "We are focusing our efforts on that, on saving lives." " Katy Daigle, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:48:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Séisme au Népal: le bilan des morts passe à 3.218

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:47:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Par Paavan MATHEMA. Katmandou (AFP) - Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays.

Népal: les secours s'intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:45:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Népal: le bilan passe à 3.218 morts, 21 Belges recherchés

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:45:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Par: rédaction 27/04/15 - 06h41 Source: Belga © ap. vidéo Le séisme dévastateur qui a frappé le Népal samedi a fait 3.218 morts dans ce pays, selon un nouveau bilan communiqué lundi par un responsable népalais. Au moment du séisme, 140 Belges se trouvaient au Népal.

The Latest on Nepal Quake: Entire army involved in rescue

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:45:00 +0200AP (en)

11.20 a.m. (0540 GMT) Jagdish Pokhrel, the clearly exhausted army spokesman, says nearly the entire 100,000-soldier army is involved in rescue operations. "90 percent of the army's out there working on search and rescue," he said. "We are focusing our efforts on that, on saving lives." — Katy Daigle, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:43:00 +0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Quella task force di “angeli” a caccia di nuovi miracoli

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:39:00 +0200lastampa (it)

Correte qui, sono ancora vivi. Queste parole, gridate a squarciagola, tornano alla mente con drammatica nitidezza ogni qual volta ci troviamo davanti a un disastro naturale. Erano i giorni del devastante terremoto di Haiti, gennaio 2010, qualche giorno dopo la scossa che polverizzò il cuore di tenebra caraibico.

Local mountaineer nearly buried after earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:37:00 +0200edmontonjournal (en)

EDMONTON - A shaky voice-mail message is giving hope to all those following local mountaineer Al Hancock and his attempt to be the first Canadian to stand of the peak of Annapurna. Hancock was on Annapurna, near Mount Everest, when the Nepalese earthquake hit, followed by an avalanche. “Just about buried us in our tent.

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:32:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Népal: les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:29:00 +0200almanar-fr (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

The Latest: Air of uneasy calm, uncertainty over Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:23:00 +0200usnews (en)

, quake death toll over 3,200 Locals read morning edition of a newspaper as they stand in the middle of a street in Kathmandu, Nepal, Monday, April 27, 2015. A strong magnitude earthquake shook Nepal’s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu valley on Saturday devastating the region and leaving....

VIDEO: Ovo je trenutak kada je snježni tsunami nakon potresa u Nepalu poklopio alpiniste u podnožju Mt. Everesta

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:22:00 +0200jutarnji (hr)

Broj poginulih u jakom potresu koji je u subotu pogodio Nepal raste iz sata u sat, a u ponedjeljak je policijski dužnosnik objavio da je poginulo najmanje 3.218 osoba. Dan ranije broj poginulih bio je 2.460. Također, 6.538 osoba je ozlijeđeno. Prema nekim procjenama, broj mrtvih mogao bi se popeti do 10.

Népal : les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:21:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

; Guillaume Daret (@GuillaumeDaret) 26 Avril 2015 Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays.

The Latest: Air of uneasy calm, uncertainty over Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:21:00 +0200therepublic (en)

10.15 a.m (0430 GMT) On Monday morning, some pharmacies, groceries and shops selling basic provisions opened while bakeries began offering fresh bread. Long lines of people desperate to secure fuel formed outside gasoline stations. Fuel prices remained the same as they were before the quake. 10.15 a.

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:20:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 3 218 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés au Népal même -le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans -, selon un nouveau bilan publié par le service de gestion des catastrophes du ministère népalais de l’Intérieur. En Inde voisine, les autorités ont fait état de 67 morts.

Séisme au Népal : le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:17:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

Le bilan n'en finit plus de s'alourdir. Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main-forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays.

The Latest: Air of Uneasy Calm, Uncertainty Over Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:16:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

. 10.15 a.m (0430 GMT) On Monday morning, some pharmacies, groceries and shops selling basic provisions opened while bakeries began offering fresh bread. Long lines of people desperate to secure fuel formed outside gasoline stations. Fuel prices remained the same as they were before the quake. 10.15 a.

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:14:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d’équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Les secours s’intensifient alors que le bilan dépasse les 3 200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:13:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3 200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d’équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les....

The Latest: Air of uneasy calm, uncertainty over Kathmandu

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 07:08:00 +0200AP (en)

10.15 a.m (0430 GMT) On Monday morning, some pharmacies, groceries and shops selling basic provisions opened while bakeries began offering fresh bread. Long lines of people desperate to secure fuel formed outside gasoline stations. Fuel prices remained the same as they were before the quake. 10.15 a.

The Latest: Japan to provide aid worth $210,000 to Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:55:00 +0200nzherald (en)

10 a.m. (0415 GMT) Facebook has activated its "Safety Check" feature in response to the earthquake in Nepal. The feature, launched in October, allows users to tell friends and family they are safe if they are in the middle of a disaster area. Facebook engineers in Japan started development on the feature after the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

The Latest: Facebook Activates Safety Check for Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:46:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

10 a.m. (0415 GMT) Facebook has activated its "Safety Check" feature in response to the earthquake in Nepal . The feature, launched in October, allows users to tell friends and family they are safe if they are in the middle of a disaster area. Facebook engineers in Japan started development on the....

The Latest: Facebook activates Safety Check for Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:45:00 +0200AP (en)

10 a.m. (0415 GMT) Facebook has activated its "Safety Check" feature in response to the earthquake in Nepal. The feature, launched in October, allows users to tell friends and family they are safe if they are in the middle of a disaster area. Facebook engineers in Japan started development on the feature after the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

Plus de 3.200 morts au Népal: "Pourquoi tant de souffrance?"

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:40:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des secouristes du monde entier arrivaient lundi à Katmandou pour prêter main forte à des habitants démunis, privés pour beaucoup de leur logement après le violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts à travers le pays. Munis d'équipements spéciaux et accompagnés de chiens renifleurs, les équipes....

Séisme au Népal: le bilan s'alourdit à plus de 3.200 morts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:35:00 +0200bfmtv (fr)

Après le tremblement de terre dévastateur, le Népal compte ses victimes. Au lendemain d'un violent séisme qui a fait plus de 3.200 morts, de violentes répliques ont encore secoué dimanche le pays et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

L.A. County firefighters deployed to Nepal to aid in search and rescue

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:34:00 +0200latimes (en)

A team of 57 Los Angeles County firefighters will be deployed to Nepal to aid in search and rescue efforts after a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck central Nepal. The highly trained crew was slated to depart around midnight Sunday from March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County shortly after Gov.

World must deal with tide of migrants in Mediterranean

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:27:00 +0200vindy (en)

By William Lacy Swing. Los Angeles Times. GENEVA. A tide of death is surging on the Mediterranean Sea, last year the world’s most lethal migrant zone. Those waters swallowed 3,279 lives in 2014, a number we may one day consider small, if current trends continue.

Canadian mountaineer says Mount Everest climbers grieve for thousands of Nepalese quake victims

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:20:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

A Canadian mountaineer who has climbed Mount Everest eleven times has a stark message to all those horrified by the giant earthquake that struck Nepal over the weekend: worry less about the wealthy, well-equipped foreigners who chose to risk life and limb climbing the world’s tallest mountain, and....

Sismo de magnitud 5,7 sacude costa norte de Perú

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:13:00 +0200elespectador (es)

Un sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud en la escala Richter y con epicentro frente a las costas del Perú, remeció el domingo el litoral norte del país sudamericano sin causar daños ni provocar alerta de tsunami, informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú. El temblor ocurrió a las 18h35 locales (23h35 GMT)....

Nepal earthquake: a roundup of relief efforts

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:06:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

International: UNICEF Canada . The U.S. embassy in Nepal announced $1 million in immediate aid, and the country’s agency for international development activated its urban search and rescue team to help with recovery efforts. A Chinese search and rescue team, made up of 62 members and six dogs, was....

The DEADLIEST earthquakes from the past 25 years

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 06:06:00 +0200rediff (en)

M ore than 620 people were killed and untold injured when a massive 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday at around 11:45 am, causing widespread devastation and flattening buildings in the capital Kathmandu and other places across the country.

Népal : un pays sous les décombres

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 05:26:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

A Katmandou, rares sont les habitants qui ont pu fermer l’œil. Malgré le froid, nombre de Katmandais ont été contraints de passer la nuit de samedi dehors, dans la rue ou sous des tentes de fortune. « Nous n’avons pas dormi de la nuit. Et comment aurait-on pu ? Le sol n’a pas arrêté de trembler.

Séisme : le Népal sous les décombres

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 05:21:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

À Katmandou, rares sont les habitants qui ont pu fermer l’œil. Malgré le froid, nombre de Katmandais ont été contraints de passer la nuit de samedi à dimanche dehors, dans la rue ou sous des tentes de fortune. « Nous n’avons pas dormi de la nuit. Et comment aurait-on pu ? Le sol n’a pas arrêté de trembler.

Nepal earthquake: Relief operation fear logistical problems as Canadian families await word on missing relatives

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 05:20:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

Other Canadian and international humanitarian relief organizations, including members of Canada ’s Humanitarian Coalition, the Canadian Red Cross, GlobalMedic, ShelterBox Canada, World Vision and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, are on their way with aid.

Sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud sacude costa norte de Perú

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:51:00 +0200LaRazon (es)

. El país sudamericano fue sacudido al año por al menos un centenar de sismos debido a que el país se encuentra geográficamente ubicado en el denominado Cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, una zona de amplia actividad telúrica que se extiende a lo largo de la costa regional.

Sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud sacude costa norte de Perú

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:49:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

Un sismo de 5,7 grados de magnitud en la escala Richter y con epicentro frente a las costas del Perú, remeció el domingo el litoral norte del país sudamericano sin causar daños ni provocar alerta de tsunami, informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú. El temblor ocurrió a las 18h35 locales (23h35 GMT)....

Mercy Corps to Hold Portland Vigil for Nepal Earthquake Victims

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:49:00 +0200prnewswire (en)

invites the Portland Mercy Corps community to attend a candlelight vigil at its global headquarters on Monday, April 27 , to honor and support the victims of this weekend's devastating earthquake in Nepal . The vigil will take place at 6:00 p.m. in front of the Mercy Corps Action Center at 28 SW 1 st Ave.

Viber announces free outgoing calls

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:36:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

KATHMANDU: At a time when Nepal and parts of India have been convulsed by a devastating earthquake, modern web technology is turning out to be a boon as distressed family members are able to locate their loved ones. Social networking website Facebook, and Google’s Person Finder have helped locate....

Mercy Corps to Hold Portland Vigil for Nepal Earthquake Victims

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:25:00 +0200marketwatch (en)

PORTLAND, Ore., April 26, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The humanitarian organization Mercy Corps invites the Portland community to attend a candlelight vigil at its global headquarters on Monday, April 27, to honor and support the victims of this weekend's devastating earthquake in Nepal. The vigil will take place at 6:00 p.

B.C.'s Nepalese community frantically seeking news of family

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:19:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

VANCOUVER — Aneeta Gauchan was on Skype with her two-year-old daughter and the rest of her family in Kathmandu when a massive earthquake hit this weekend. She heard her sister-in-law yelling that there was an earthquake, and then the connection was lost.

Canada's rescue team departing for earthquake-stricken Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:49:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

OTTAWA, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Canada 's Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) is departing for Nepal after Saturday's devastating earthquake that has claimed more than 2,500 lives, according to CTV Sunday evening. Meanwhile, Canada is also donating relief material worth five million Canadian dollars (about four million U.

Najib may be hit by Malay Tsunami, ex-minister warns

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:27:00 +0200malaysiakini (en)

After remarking that BN was hit by a “Chinese tsunami” in 2013, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may soon be washed away by a “Malay tsunami”, former Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin said. He said this is because Najib’s belief that Umno warlords are behind him has led him to sign off on....

Los peores terremotos que han sacudido a América

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 03:18:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Los terremotos han recordado a la humanidad lo frágil que es. A pesar de los esfuerzos y avances por intentar predecirlo, este fenómeno natural continúa generando incertidumbre sobre las vidas que puede cobrar y los daños que puede ocasionar. Chile, 27 de febrero de 2010.

Nepal earthquake: Relief agencies race against time as humanitarian crisis worsens

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:59:00 +0200nola (en)

LONDON (AP) — There is still time to save lives — that's why governments and aid agencies Sunday rushed doctors, volunteers and equipment to Nepal without waiting for the dust to settle. U.N. spokeswoman Orla Fagan, who is heading to Nepal, said preventing the spread of disease is one of the most important tasks facing aid workers who are arriving.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal: 'No es una sorpresa'

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:46:00 +0200el19digital (es)

Los sismólogos habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del Valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, desembocara en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

L.A. County firefighters deployed to Nepal to aid in search and rescue

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:38:00 +0200latimes (en)

A team of 57 Los Angeles County firefighters have been deployed to Nepal to aid in search and rescue efforts after a powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck central Nepal. The highly trained crew left from March Air Reserve Base on Sunday afternoon shortly after Gov.

Nepalese-Canadian groups rally in aftermath of devastating earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:15:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- Members of Canada 's Nepalese community worrying about relatives in Nepal spent Sunday brainstorming how to get aid to the earthquake-stricken country. Groups of Nepalese-Canadians were banding together to try to kick start aid donations in the aftermath of Saturday's magnitude 7.8 quake that has left more than 2,500 dead.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:01:00 +0200columbia (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

No time to lose: Global response to Nepal quake gears up

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:58:00 +0200elpasotimes (en)

LONDON (AP) There is still time to save lives that's why governments and aid agencies Sunday rushed doctors, volunteers and equipment to Nepal without waiting for the dust to settle. U.N. spokeswoman Orla Fagan, who is heading to Nepal, said preventing the spread of disease is one of the most important tasks facing aid workers who are arriving.

Más de 2.500 muertos y hospitales colapsados por los miles de heridos

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:54:00 +020020minutos (es)

sufrió este sábado un seísmo de 7,9 de magnitud en la escala de Richter, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El balance de fallecidos supera ya los 2.500. Sólo 24 horas deespués de la catástrofe, las autoridades de Nepal ha cifrado el balance de víctimas mortales en 2.430 personas y el de heridos en 6.

Los expertos ya habían alertado un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:48:00 +0200portafolio (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

No time to lose: Global response to Nepal quake gears up

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:38:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

LONDON (AP) — There is still time to save lives — that's why governments and aid agencies Sunday rushed doctors, volunteers and equipment to Nepal without waiting for the dust to settle. U.N. spokeswoman Orla Fagan, who is heading to Nepal, said preventing the spread of disease is one of the most important tasks facing aid workers who are arriving.

Nations rushing rescue aid to Nepal earthquake survivors

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:32:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

Information was still lacking about conditions at the earthquake's epicenter, Pickering said. "Going forward it's about access to the epicenter, and helicopters are the key, but it's not clear whether they can be sourced and whether the high altitude is a problem," he said, adding that Save the....

Food Story

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:21:00 +0200kompas (id)

Rendang adalah proses memasak, menghilangkan air hingga masakan yang dihasilkan menjadi tahan lama. Ide untuk memasuki bisnis es krim Singapura berawal dari hobi jajan Kevin. Di Singapura, ia mengamati bahwa antusiasme orang untuk membeli es potong cukup tinggi, sebagian juga orang Indonesia.

No time to lose: Global response to Nepal quake gears up

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:16:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

LONDON: There is still time to save lives — that's why governments and aid agencies on Sunday rushed doctors, volunteers and equipment to Nepal without waiting for the dust to settle. UN spokeswoman Orla Fagan, who is heading to Nepal, said preventing the spread of disease is one of the most important tasks facing aid workers who are arriving.

Nepalese-Canadian groups rally to help post-quake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 01:06:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

Groups of Nepalese-Canadians were banding together to try to kick start aid donations in the aftermath of Saturday's magnitude 7.8 quake that has left more than 2,500 dead. Various Nepalese-Canadian organizations met with Defence Minister Jason Kenney and Nepal's ambassador Kali Pokhrel in Mississauga, Ont.

Nepal quake: Google, Facebook activate tools to help users find missing people

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:32:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California - Google said that it had activated its so-called Person Finder online tool that allows individuals to post information about their condition or to try to find missing family members. Google's Crisis Response division said that it was using the company's person-finding....

Nepal: Minister Nicholson Provides Update on Canada's Early Response to Nepal Earthquake

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:17:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

April 26, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada . The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement: “On behalf of all Canadians, I extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt....

Nepal: Samaritan’s Purse – Nepal Earthquake Emergency Response: SitRep #1

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:17:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

BACKGROUND: On April 25th at 11:56 local time, a catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the north-west Lamjung District of Kathmandu. Additional aftershocks were felt throughout the night, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake this afternoon at 12:54 local time.

23:14 Le Point à 23H

Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:13:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

o Le bilan s'est encore alourdi. Selon centre national des opérations d'urgence népalais, le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 a fait 2430 morts et plus de 6000 blessés au Népal même - le plus meurtrier depuis 80 ans - d'après le dernier bilan communiqué dimanche soir. o La terre continue de trembler.

Her fejer lavine ind over bjergbestigere

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:55:00 +0200tv2 (da)

Det kraftige jordskælv, der i weekenden ramte Nepal, skabte flere laviner på verdens højeste bjerg Mount Everest. Over 2500 personer har mistet livet og flere tusinde er kvæstet. På selve bjerget har 18 personer mistet livet. En af klatrerne fangede lavinen på videoen, da den skyller ind over basecamp som en tsunami af sne.

Expertos habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:24:00 +0200infobae (es)

Las construcciones, no preparadas para resistir fuerte sísmos, han contribuido en gran medida al alto número de víctimas por un temblor de una magnitud desconocida en la zona desde 1934 , cuando un terremoto de 8,1 grados acabó con la vida de más de 19.000 personas.

Expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:22:00 +0200elespectador (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Minister Nicholson Provides Update on Canada's Early Response to Nepal Earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:19:00 +0200gc (en)

Minister Nicholson Provides Update on Canada 's Early Response to Nepal Earthquake. April 26, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement:....

Enbridge seeks OK for replacement pipeline in Minnesota

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:06:00 +0200wxow (en)

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Enbridge Energy is asking Minnesota regulators for approval to build a replacement pipeline across northern Minnesota. The proposed 337-mile pipeline would cost more than $2 billion and would replace the 1960s-era Line 3 pipeline. The existing line carries crude oil from Canada to the Midwest but has a history of ruptures.

Nepal earthquake leaves Ottawa family 'helpless' over missing woman

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:48:00 +0200CBC (en)

The family of an Ottawa woman who was trekking in Langtang National Park in Nepal when a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit feels "helpless" over the lack of information — and concerned there's not enough aid to go around because the devastation is so widespread.

'Chaos' at Nepal airport, says Montreal woman stranded by massive earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:00:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

A man offers prayers to Hindu God Bhairav at Basantapur Durbar Square, a lot of which was damaged in Saturday's earthquake, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sunday, April 26, 2015. The earthquake centered outside Kathmandu, the capital, was the worst to hit the South Asian nation in over 80 years.

VIDEOS. Séisme au Népal : près de 2 500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:58:00 +0200leparisien (fr)

Le dernier bilan officiel du séisme de magnitude 7,8 qui a dévasté le Népal samedi s'élève à près de 2 500 morts et 6 300 blessés. Une violente réplique de 6,7 a secoué dimanche le nord-ouest de Katmandou et a été ressentie jusqu'au mont Everest. S.N. | 26 Avril 2015, 06h41 | MAJ : 26 Avril 2015, 21h32 Katmandou, Népal.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:57:00 +0200diarioc (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, cuando un sismo de 7.

Canada pledges $5 million to Nepal earthquake relief efforts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:40:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- The Canadian government is sending a disaster assessment team to earthquake stricken Nepal and contributing $5 million to relief efforts, Foreign Affairs Minister Rob Nicholson's office said late Saturday. The assessment team was part of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, known as....

Sismólogos advirtieron hace una semana sobre el terremoto en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:32:00 +0200elmundo-sv (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. “Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:31:00 +0200lasexta (es)

EFE | Madrid | Actualizado el 26/04/2015 a las 19:31 horas. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa. El último evento similar en esta parte del Himalaya fue hace unos 500 años, que es aproximadamente el promedio de tiempo en que se producen estos eventos ", opinó Marin Clark, geofísico de la Universidad de Michigan (EEUU).

Canada responds as death toll from Nepal quake climbs to 2,500

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 21:01:00 +0200torontosun (en)

The death toll from Saturday's earthquake in Nepal is creeping up to 2,500. Saturday's 7.9 quake, which unleashed Mount Everest's worst disaster, was the strongest since 1934 when 8,500 people were killed , Reuters reports. On Sunday, doctors moved hundreds of patients onto the streets of Nepal's....

Népal: après le séisme, la désolation

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:46:00 +0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

Depuis samedi, le bilan ne cesse de s'alourdir et de nombreuses personnes sont encore portées disparues. Retour en images sur le séisme le plus meurtrier qu'a connu le Népal depuis 80 ans. Le bilan. Pour l'heure, difficile de dire combien cette catastrophe a fait de victimes. En fin de journée ce dimanche, le bilan approche les 2.

Expertos habían alertado sobre riesgo de desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:34:00 +0200eluniversal (es)

Washington.- Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos.

Mundo Nepal alerta para colapso hospitalar e pede ajuda

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:30:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

KATMANDU — Após o forte terremoto que atingiu o Nepal e países vizinhos neste sábado, grupos de ajuda humanitária e governos em todo o mundo têm se esforçado para apoiar o país devastado pela tragédia, mas têm esbarrado no desafio de superar um cenário de estradas bloqueadas e destruídas,....

Nepal alerta para colapso hospitalar e pede ajuda

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:24:00 +0200extra (pt)

KATMANDU — Após o forte terremoto que atingiu o Nepal e países vizinhos neste sábado, grupos de ajuda humanitária e governos em todo o mundo têm se esforçado para apoiar o país devastado pela tragédia, mas têm esbarrado no desafio de superar um cenário de estradas bloqueadas e destruídas,....

¿Científicos lograron predecir el terremoto en Nepal?

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:21:00 +0200ecuavisa (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:17:00 +0200nicematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:16:00 +0200varmatin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:11:00 +0200nordeclair (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Une Montréalaise prise dans le séisme au Népal témoigne du «chaos»

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:08:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Émilie-Anne Leroux était dans un taxi vers l'aéroport pour revenir au Canada lorsque la terre a commencé à trembler. Elle a cru que la voiture éprouvait des problèmes mécaniques jusqu'à ce que le chauffeur s'arrête pour la laisser sortir. Il fallait s'agripper aux garde-fous qui bordaient les routes pour ne pas tomber, a-t-elle ajouté.

Expertos habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:08:00 +0200lapatilla (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. “Este Katmandú definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:57:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

NDRF rescue team begins sifting through rubble in Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:56:00 +0200expressindia (en)

With fresh tremors at regular intervals and a location they are not familiar, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) personnel sent by India to assist Nepal have their work cut out for them. So far, NDRF teams have rescued eight people and pulled out 33 bodies from the rubble.

Une Montréalaise prise dans le séisme au Népal témoigne du «chaos»

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:55:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

TORONTO – Une Montréalaise qui était au Népal lors du puissant séisme de samedi a témoigné du «chaos» qu’elle a vécu à l’aéroport, alors que tous les étrangers tentent de revenir dans leur pays le plus rapidement possible. Émilie-Anne Leroux était dans un taxi vers l’aéroport pour revenir au Canada lorsque la terre a commencé à trembler.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:36:00 +0200courrier-picard (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Expertos habían alertado del riesgo de un sismo en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:33:00 +0200informador (es)

WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS (26/ABR/2015) .- Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a , dijeron expertos.

‘Chaos’ at Nepal airport, says Montreal woman stranded by earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:29:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

TORONTO—A Montreal woman stranded in Nepal by Saturday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake says there’s chaos at the airport as foreigners try to leave the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says she was in a taxi on the way to the airport to return to Canada to be with her father who is having heart surgery when the quake hit.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:27:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Par Paavan MATHEMA, avec Ammu KANNAMPILLY sur le mont Everest. Katmandou (AFP) - De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:23:00 +0200publimetro (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:18:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:18:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:16:00 +0200diariolibre (es)

WASHINGTON.- Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos.

Los expertos ya habían advertido del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:16:00 +0200eleconomista-es (es)

Los sismólogos habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del Valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, desembocara en una tragedia como la que golpeó ayer a Nepal. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

L'un des séismes les plus meurtriers depuis le tsunami de 2004

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:11:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

Le Népal a été frappé samedi par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 faisant plus de 2.400 morts selon un bilan provisoire. Ce pays déjà été touché par des séismes meurtriers notamment en janvier 1934 lorsqu'un tremblement de terre de magnitude 8,1 a fait 10.

Séisme au Népal: un bilan provisoire de 2500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:06:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

La réplique la plus forte a atteint la magnitude 6,7 dans une zone située au nord-ouest de Katmandou, non loin de la frontière chinoise, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Elle a été ressentie jusqu'au mont Everest, où elle a déclenché de nouvelles avalanches, selon des alpinistes sur place.

Expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:59:00 +0200globovision (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. “Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Tribunales rechazan millonaria indemnización por muerte tras tsunami en Talcahuano

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:51:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Publicado por | La Información es de Fabián Polanco La justicia rechazó la demanda de una familia de Talcahuano que perdió a una integrante durante el tsunami de 2010, por lo que buscaban del Fisco una indemnización de 2 mil millones de pesos. El fallo sostiene que no se acreditó la falta de servicio de parte del Estado.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:49:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

La réplique la plus forte a atteint la magnitude 6,7 dans une zone située au nord-ouest de Katmandou, non loin de la frontière chinoise, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Elle a été ressentie jusqu'au mont Everest, où elle a déclenché de nouvelles avalanches, selon des alpinistes sur place.

11:10 | Washington - Mundo Expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa", indicó un experto geofísico sobre el sismo de terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en la escala de Richter que deja hasta el momento deja más de 2.500 muertos.

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:48:00 +0200diariocorreo (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas , podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:48:00 +0200telam (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, cuando un sismo de 7.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:45:00 +0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:44:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Washington. (Efe).- Los sismólogos habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del Valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, desembocara en una tragedia como la que golpeó ayer a Nepal. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:43:00 +0200lamontagne (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:40:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Erdbeben in Nepal: Google und Facebook richten Personensuche ein

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:40:00 +0200heise (de)

Das Erdbeben hat schwere Verwüstungen angerichtet. (Bild: Mapbox, In Nepal haben Erdbeben für schwere Verwüstungen gesorgt und viele Menschenleben gefordert. Bei der Suche nach Angehörigen in der Region wollen Facebook und Google helfen, während Openstreetmap seine Karten aktualisieren will.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:38:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

La réplique la plus forte a atteint la magnitude 6,7 dans une zone située au nord-ouest de Katmandou, non loin de la frontière chinoise, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Elle a été ressentie jusqu'au mont Everest, où elle a déclenché de nouvelles avalanches, selon des alpinistes sur place.

Le Népal tremble encore

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:34:00 +0200la-croix (fr)

Les sauveteurs redoutent des milliers de victimes dans les villes et les villages touchés par le sinistre. Le relief tourmenté complique le déploiement de l’aide. Le ventre noué, les traits tirés, ils attendent, dans le froid et le dénuement, que la terre cesse définitivement de trembler.

Séisme dévastateur au Népal: violentes répliques, le bilan approche les 2.500 morts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:32:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

De violentes répliques ont secoué dimanche le Népal et sa capitale Katmandou, déjà très durement éprouvés, au lendemain du séisme dévastateur qui a fait près de 2.500 morts, tandis que la communauté internationale accélère son assistance au pays himalayen.

Analistas já haviam alertado para risco de desastre sísmico no Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:22:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Washington, 26 abr (EFE).- Os sismólogos já haviam alertado para o risco de a região do vale de Katmandu sofrer um novo grande terremoto que, combinado com a alta densidade de população e a precariedade dos imóveis, poderia desembocar em uma tragédia como a que abateu o Nepal sábado, disseram analistas neste domingo.

Expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:14:00 +0200laprensa (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron expertos este domingo 26 de abril.

Nepal: Red Cross Responds to Devastating Earthquake in Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:13:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

(Ottawa, April 25, 2015) The Red Cross is providing emergency assistance following a magnitude 7.9 earthquake that struck near Kathmandu, Nepal, causing widespread devastation. Canadians are encouraged to help support emergency response efforts by making a donation to the Canadian Red Cross.

Nepal: Sri Lanka sends medical teams, rescue units to Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:13:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has instructed to rush medical teams and specialised search and rescue units to Nepal where a devastating earthquake has taken a heavy toll. Doctors and rescue workers are being rushed to help the victims in Nepal and Sri Lanka will work closely with the....

'Chaos' at Nepal airport, Montreal woman says

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:09:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

Emilie-Anne Leroux says she was in a taxi on the way to the airport to return to Canada to be with her father who is having heart surgery when the quake hit. It felt like the car "had four flat tires at different moments," Leroux said Sunday, adding she thought it was car trouble until the driver stopped at an open area and let her out.

Facebook lanzó el “Safefty Check” para los afectos del sismo en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:01:00 +0200elobservador (es)

El terremoto del sábado de 7,9 grados en la escala de Richter que dejó más de 2.000 muertos en Nepal, llevó a que la popular red social de Mark Zuckerber lanzara una alerta denominada “Safety Check” por el cual los afectados pueden dar señales si están bien y a salvos, informó este domingo el sitio The Atlantic.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal - El Nuevo Diario

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:52:00 +0200elnuevodiario (es)

Los sismólogos ya habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, podía desembocar en una tragedia como la que golpeó el sábado a Nepal, dijeron hoy expertos. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Los expertos ya habían alertado del riesgo de un desastre sísmico en Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:43:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Washington, 26 abr (EFE).- Los sismólogos habían alertado sobre el riesgo de que la zona del Valle de Katmandú sufriera un nuevo gran terremoto que, combinado con la alta densidad de población y las precarias viviendas, desembocara en una tragedia como la que golpeó ayer a Nepal. "Este terremoto definitivamente no fue una sorpresa.

Nepal earthquake: a roundup of relief efforts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:41:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

International: UNICEF Canada . The U.S. embassy in Nepal announced $1 million in immediate aid, and the country’s agency for international development activated its urban search and rescue team to help with recovery efforts. A Chinese search and rescue team, made up of 62 members and six dogs, was....

Le séisme népalais a tué 18 personnes dans l'Everest

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:40:00 +0200itele (fr)

L'avalanche qui s'est déversée hier sur le camp de base de l'Everest, à environ 5500 mètres d'altitude, dans la foulée du séisme népalais, a fait 18 morts et une soixantaine de blessés. Il s'agit de la plus meurtrière dans l'histoire récente de ce sommet.

Japón estudia posibilidad de legislar el us...

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:36:00 +0200elmanana (es)

El gobierno de Japón estudia una legislación para regular los vuelos de los aviones no tripulados, luego que un dispositivo de esta naturaleza, con material radiactivo, fue encontrado en la azotea del edificio del primer ministro. Los llamados drones se han utilizado para la investigación y otros....

Chernobyl nuclear disaster - 29 years later

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:31:00 +0200egyptindependent (en)

According to the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), only two accidents in history can be classified as level 7 events: the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 and the Chernobyl power plant explosion, which took place 29 years ago, on April 26, 1986.

Nepal alerta para colapso hospitalar e pede ajuda

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:28:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

KATMANDU — Após o forte terremoto que atingiu o Nepal e países vizinhos neste sábado, grupos de ajuda humanitária e governos em todo o mundo têm se esforçado para apoiar o país devastado pela tragédia, mas têm esbarrado no desafio de superar um cenário de estradas bloqueadas e destruídas,....

‘Chaos’ at Nepal airport, says Montreal woman stranded by earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:11:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

TORONTO—A Montreal woman stranded in Nepal by Saturday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake says there’s chaos at the airport as foreigners try to leave the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says she was in a taxi on the way to the airport to return to Canada to be with her father who is having heart surgery when the quake hit.

Heavy rains likely in quake-hit Nepal, warns Indian Meteorological Dept

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:53:00 +0200expressindia (en)

“Weather Forecasting Centre of Indian Meteorological Department has predicted fairly widespread rain/ thundershower activity over Nepal during next the 4 hours. “The activity is most likely to become widespread on April 27 and 28 with the possibility of isolated heavy thunderstorm activity,....

Cancillería no tiene sospecha ni confirmación de chilenos fallecidos en terremoto de Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:44:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Ver más Terremoto y tsunami SANTIAGO.- El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores informó hoy que no existe confirmación ni sospecha de que ciudadanos chilenos hayan fallecido en el terremoto de 7, 9 grados Richter que ayer afectó a Nepal y que dejó Desde la Cancillería indicaron a Emol que en cuanto....

Népal. Une catastrophe prévisible dans une région à hauts risques

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:38:00 +0200courrierinternational (fr)

A Katmandou, dimanche, les équipes de secours tentent de localiser les survivants. PHOTO PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP. Le séisme qui a frappé le Népal ce week-end est la tragique confirmation des risques très élevés de catastrophes naturelles dans la région Asie-Pacifique, qui se sont multipliées depuis vingt ans.

Kein Kontakt zu Göttinger Studentengruppe

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:35:00 +0200haz (de)

Kathmandu . Nach dem verheerenden Himalaya-Erdbeben haben die Helfer in Nepal und Indien bislang mehr als 2000 Leichen geborgen. Mindestens 18 Menschen starben am Mount Everest, wo eine gewaltige Lawine über das Basislager hinwegfegte. Große Teile der Infrastruktur Nepals und viele Häuser wurden zerstört.

Nepal: Earthquake in Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:11:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

On Saturday, April 25, 2015, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal – the largest quake in 81 years in the region. Over 800 people have perished with death tolls expected to rise once the rubble is cleared. In Kathmandu, homes have been destroyed and walls have toppled.

Nepal: Nepal earthquake: Older people among most vulnerable

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:11:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

By Jane Scobie. A powerful earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale struck an area between Nepal's capital Kathmandu and the city of Pokhara at 11:41am local time on Saturday 25 April. Tremors have been felt across the region in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Death toll rising rapidly.

Nepal: Responding after massive Nepal earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 16:11:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Mercy Corps is preparing an emergency response in Nepal following this morning's 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which struck just northwest of the capital of Kathmandu. We do not yet know the full extent of the damage, but reports so far indicate that more than 1,500 people have died in the worst earthquake to hit the region in 80 years.

Heavy rains likely in quakehit Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:59:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Nepal, which is reeling under Saturday's earthquake, is likely to experience widespread rains and thundershowers which may trigger landslides, according to the weather department which has asked people to remain alert. "Weather Forecasting Centre of Indian Meteorological Department has predicted....

Katastrophe in Nepal - Forscher rechnen noch Monate mit Nachbeben

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:47:00 +0200mz-web (li)

Kathmandu. Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt. So schickte das benachbarte Indien 200 Helfer sowie 43 Tonnen Hilfsgüter, darunter Zelte und Lebensmittel.

Sri Lanka sends medical team to assist Nepal in earthquake relief efforts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:41:00 +0200colombopage (en)

Sun, Apr 26, 2015, 07:03 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Apr 26, Colombo: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has instructed to rush medical teams and specialized search and rescue units to Nepal to assist the rescue and recovery effects after a massive earthquake hit the Himalayan country.

'Chaos' at Nepal airport, says Montreal woman stranded by massive earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:26:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - A Montreal woman stranded in Nepal by Saturday's magnitude 7.8 earthquake says there's chaos at the airport as foreigners try to leave the stricken country. Emilie-Anne Leroux says she was in a taxi on the way to the airport to return to Canada to be with her father who is having heart surgery when the quake hit.

China aposta em energia nuclear para reduzir emissões poluentes

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:19:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Adrià Calatayud. Pequim, 26 abr (EFE).- Esquecidos os temores surgidos após a catástrofe da central atômica de Fukushima, no Japão, em 2011, a China reafirmou nesta semana sua aposta no setor nuclear como principal alternativa energética aos combustíveis fósseis.

Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an Kathmandu (dpa) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt. So schickte das benachbarte Indien 200 Helfer sowie 43 Tonnen Hilfsgüter, darunter Zelte und Lebensmittel.

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:04:00 +0200rnz (li)

Zudem entsandte Neu Delhi mehrere Hubschrauber, die bei den Rettungseinsätzen zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Die nepalesische Regierung hat 15 Notunterkünfte in der Hauptstadt für von dem Erdbeben Betroffenen eingerichtet. Es ist das schwerste Beben seit mehr als 80 Jahren in der Region.

Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:00:00 +0200general-anzeiger-bonn (li)

Zudem entsandte Neu Delhi mehrere Hubschrauber, die bei den Rettungseinsätzen zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Die nepalesische Regierung hat 15 Notunterkünfte in der Hauptstadt für von dem Erdbeben Betroffenen eingerichtet. Es ist das schwerste Beben seit mehr als 80 Jahren in der Region.

Diez años después del tsunami de Indonesia

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:55:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Barcelona. (Redacción):- Mientras la ola gigante del tsunami se avecinaba sobre la región indonesia de Aceh , muchos de sus habitantes dudaron ante la alternativa de intentar buscar refugio en las colinas controladas por la guerrilla separatista. Aceh era una zona lastrada por más de tres décadas de....

Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:53:00 +0200weser-kurier-politik (li)

Zudem entsandte Neu Delhi mehrere Hubschrauber, die bei den Rettungseinsätzen zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Die nepalesische Regierung hat 15 Notunterkünfte in der Hauptstadt für von dem Erdbeben Betroffenen eingerichtet. Es ist das schwerste Beben seit mehr als 80 Jahren in der Region.

Kathmandu (dpa) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:53:00 +0200adhoc (de)

Bild: © Helfer der I.S.A.R. Germany warten am Flughafen in Frankfurt auf den Abflug in Richtung Nepal. Foto: Christoph Schmidt Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an. Kathmandu (dpa) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt.

Spendenaufrufe für Krisenregion

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:51:00 +0200wienerzeitung (li)

Kathmandu. Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Unterstützung für die Krisenregion zugesagt. So schickte das benachbarte Indien 200 Helfer sowie 43 Tonnen Hilfsgüter, darunter Zelte und Lebensmittel.

Biobío: entregan casas a últimos damnificados del 27/F

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:50:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

“Costó, se sufrió, se lloró, pero hoy, después de cinco años, puedo llegar a mi casa”. Así dijo sentirse Gla-dys Ruiz (54), una de las damnificadas por el tsunami que azotó la zona centro-sur del país, el 27 de febrero de 2010, y quien recibió las llaves de su nuevo hogar, en la caleta Tumbes, Talcahuano, Región del Biobío.

Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:40:00 +0200epochtimes (li)

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt. So schickte das benachbarte Indien 200 Helfer sowie 43 Tonnen Hilfsgüter, darunter Zelte und Lebensmittel. Zudem entsandte Neu Delhi mehrere Hubschrauber, die bei den Rettungseinsätzen zum Einsatz kommen sollen.

Internationale Hilfe für Nepal läuft an

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:37:00 +0200tageblatt-de (li)

Kathmandu (dpa) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben in Nepal haben Regierungen weltweit sowie zahlreiche Hilfsorganisationen Hilfe für die Krisenregion zugesagt. So schickte das benachbarte Indien 200 Helfer sowie 43 Tonnen Hilfsgüter, darunter Zelte und Lebensmittel.

Boat, bins possibly from Japanese tsunami retrieved

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:10:00 +0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

. POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Apr 26, 2015. ~~<p>State workers removed a boat, apparently sent on a long journey by the 2011 Japanese tsunami, from Alan Davis Beach on the Ka Iwi shoreline Thursday.</p> <p>The 20-foot skiff, bearing Japanese characters and vessel registration numbers, washed up earlier....

SOS-Nothilfe für Nepal http://ots de/zgi2o Kathmandu/München (ots) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben mit mindestens 2000 Toten in Nepal haben die SOS-Kinderdörfer Nothilfemaßnahmen eingeleitet und bieten Unterkunft und Hilfe für betroffene Kinder und Erwachsene im Erdbebengebiet

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:08:00 +0200adhoc (de)

SOS-Nothilfe für Nepal http://ots.de/zgi2o. Kathmandu/München (ots) - Nach dem schweren Erdbeben mit mindestens 2000 Toten in Nepal haben die SOS-Kinderdörfer Nothilfemaßnahmen eingeleitet und bieten Unterkunft und Hilfe für betroffene Kinder und Erwachsene im Erdbebengebiet an.

Social media pitches in for Nepal quake aftermath

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:07:00 +0200thehindu (en)

Several social media networks and mobile applications have come up with ‘safety features’ that could help one locate friends and loved ones. In the aftermath of the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday, several social media networks and mobile applications have come up with....

Hintergrund - Tödliche Erschütterungen

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 14:01:00 +0200derStandard (li)

Die folgenschwersten Erdbeben der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Die folgende Übersicht zeigt, in welchen Weltregionen sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten besonders schwere Erdbeben mit zahlreichen Todesopfern ereignet haben. August 2012, Iran. Zwei Erdbeben der Stärken 6,3 und 6,4 erschüttern das Land nahe der Stadt Tabris.

Google executive dies in avalanche after Nepal earthquake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 11:14:00 +0200in2eastafrica (en)

The head of privacy at the secretive Google X facility was one of the 18 people killed in an avalanche at Mount Everest, triggered by the Nepal earthquake. Hundreds of foreign nationals are also feared dead or are missing. Dan Fredinburg, 33, was part of the Jagged Globe expedition team that was tackling Mount Everest when the 7.

Canada to send disaster aid team, $5 million to earthquake-stricken Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 10:11:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - The Canadian government is sending a disaster assessment team to earthquake stricken Nepal and contributing $5 million to relief efforts, Foreign Affairs Minister Rob Nicholson's office said late Saturday. The assessment team was part of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, known as....

Nepal Missing: Social Media Hunt After Quake

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 06:13:00 +0200skynews (en)

"We have tried ringing it. Sometimes it rings and sometimes we get an answer but it's an automated answer. It says the phone is switched off." Google’s Person Finder tool was developed in response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Its back to basics design has two simple options – "I’m looking for someone" and "I have information about someone".

Nepalese-Canadians anxiously await word on loved ones back home

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 05:36:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

The reverberations of the earthquake in Nepal are being felt halfway across the world as friends and family in Canada anxiously wait to hear from loved ones back home. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck just before noon Saturday, near the country’s capital, Kathmandu, and has left at least 13,394 people dead.

Canada pledges $5M for Nepal earthquake relief [Photos] [Video]

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 05:26:00 +0200torontosun (en)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says officials are working to ensure Canadians in Nepal are safe after a powerful earthquake that has killed nearly 1,400 people. The magnitude 7.9 quake, Nepal’s worst in 81 years, sent tremors through northern India on Saturday and triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest that killed about 20 climbers.

Canada sending disaster assistance unit, $5-million in aid to Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 05:12:00 +0200theglobeandmail (en)

Canada is deploying an assessment team from its military DART disaster assistance unit to determine how it might help Nepal cope with the massive earthquake that has hit the mountainous nation hard and killed more than 1,400. “Our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to all those affected by....

Canada pledges $5 million to Nepal earthquake relief efforts

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 04:36:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- The Canadian government is sending an assessment team to earthquake stricken Nepal and contributing $5 million to relief efforts, Foreign Affairs Minister Rob Nicholson's office confirmed late Saturday. The assessment team was part of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, known as DART,....

Nepalese community in Canada anxiously await word on loved ones back home

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 04:05:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

The reverberations of the earthquake in Nepal are being felt halfway across the world as friends and family in Canada anxiously wait to hear from loved ones back home. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck just before noon Saturday, near the country’s capital, Kathmandu, and has left at least 13,394 people dead.

Canada to send disaster aid team, $5 million to earthquake-stricken Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 04:03:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - The Canadian government is sending a disaster aid team to earthquake stricken Nepal and contributing $5 million to relief efforts, Foreign Affairs Minister Rob Nicholson's office confirmed late Saturday. The military's Disaster Assistance Response Team, known as DART, was to be deployed to....

Nepal: Canada Provides Emergency Relief in Response to Earthquake in Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 04:02:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

April 25, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada . The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced today that the Government of Canada will support experienced humanitarian organizations with $5 million to provide....

Death Toll Climbs In Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 03:59:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

UPDATE 9:45 p.m. EDT: The Home Ministry reported the death toll from Nepal's earthquake has jumped to 1,805, Reuters reported . A Home Ministry official said 4,718 were injured in the worst quake to hit the area in 81 years. Original post: Dan Fredinburg, a Google executive who was part of a....

Nepal earthquake kills more than 1,800 people

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 03:13:00 +0200CBC (en)

Tens of thousands of people spent the night in the open under a chilly and thunderous sky after a powerful earthquake devastated Nepal on Saturday, killing more than 1,800 across the region, collapsing modern houses and ancient temples and triggering a landslide on Mount Everest .

B.C.'s Nepalese community waits for word on loved ones in quake zone

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 03:13:00 +0200CBC (en)

Metro Vancouver residents with ties to Nepal are on edge waiting to hear if their loved ones are alive after a powerful earthquake ripped through the country. In Surrey dozens of members of the Nepalese community gathered together around televisions watching news coverage of the earthquake which registered a magnitude of 7.

Local relief agencies looking to help Nepal in earthquake aftermath

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:55:00 +0200torontosun (en)

TORONTO - Canadian charities have begun fundraising to deal with the aftermath of the worst earthquake to hit Nepal in 81 years. World Vision Canada spokesman Bob Neufeld said their teams have hit the ground in Nepal and are “assessing the situation.” “The most immediate needs are food and non-food....

Canada looking to deploy disaster response team to earthquake-stricken Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:34:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO - The Canadian government is looking at sending its Disaster Assistance Response Team to Nepal to help the Asian country cope with the massive earthquake that struck Saturday. A government source says an assessment team is going to be sent over to determine needs.

Canada looking at sending disaster aid team to earthquake-stricken Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:11:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - The Canadian government is looking at sending its Disaster Assistance Response Team to Nepal to help the Asian country cope with the massive earthquake that struck Saturday. A government source says an assessment team is going to be sent over to determine needs.

Canada pondering sending the DART to Nepal

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:06:00 +0200durhamregion (en)

A government source says an assessment team is going to be sent over to determine needs. The source says officials are trying to organize a flight to get some members of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, known as the DART, closer to the region. But it's unclear if a final decision has been made to deploy the DART to Nepal.

Toronto's Nepalese community hoping for the best back home

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:55:00 +0200torontosun (en)

Nepal's Ambassador to Canada ,Kali Pokhrel, speaks with Brampton resident Vishal Burathoki on April 25, 2015 about the deadly earthquake that struck their homeland. (Veronica Henri/Toronto Sun) TORONTO - When a major earthquake struck his homeland of Nepal, the first call Vishal Burathoki made was to his elderly parents.

Nation Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Republican luminaries and presidential hopefuls reiterated their support for Israel and skepticism about President Obama's proposed nuclear deal with Iran as an influential group of Republican Jews gathered Saturday in Las Vegas. (April 25) Nation 42 minutes ago Nation Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Officials say at least 34 people have been killed and dozens more injured in India after a powerful earthquake struck neighboring Nepal on Saturday. (April 25) Nation 50 minutes ago Your Take Your Take: Share the news happening around you Your Take: Share the news happening around you Is news happening around you? Upload your original videos and photos to Your Take. Your Take 1 month, 2 weeks ago Nation Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters vowed to shut Baltimore down Saturday over the death of Freddie Gray. Nation 1 hour, 1 minute ago World Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday, killing at least 1,180 people and triggering a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. It was the worst quake to hit Nepal in decades. (April 25) World 2 hours, 3 minutes ago World 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake The latest on the death toll, damage and what's next. World 2 hours, 4 minutes ago World Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal with strong tremors felt across the Himalayan nation and large parts of India and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 6 minutes ago World Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students are among those injured in northeastern India as a result of the massive earthquake that hit the region include Nepal, China and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 7 minutes ago News Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade May 12, 2008: 87,000 dead in China. Earthquake survivor Wang Minxing sits on the rubble that used to be his home at the earthquake-damaged town of Beichuan, China on May 18, 2008. News 2 hours, 8 minutes ago World Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst to hit Nepal in more than 80 years. Video provided by Newsy World 2 hours, 14 minutes ago Nation Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Calif. schools have redoubled efforts over the past two years to boost survivor resources Nation 2 hours, 18 minutes ago Nation Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man A nearly two-year-old incident is getting scrutinized after dash cam video became public of a Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed black man. (April 24) Nation 2 hours, 19 minutes ago Nation Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases In an effort to solve cold cases, inmates around the country are being given cold case cards. Each card has a picture, name and information about an unsolved homicide. Nation 2 hours, 21 minutes ago Nation AP Top Stories April 25 p AP Top Stories April 25 p Here's the latest news for Saturday, April 25th: Powerful earthquake in Nepal causes widespread casualties; Protesters march in Baltimore; Leaders mark centennial of Gallipoli battle; Russian nationalist bikers ride to Berlin. Nation 2 hours, 25 minutes ago World Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon Australia had to recall a bunch of faulty and counterfeit condoms. Who knew condoms were even on Groupon? Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports. World 2 hours, 28 minutes ago Nation 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 simple homemade alternatives from around the globe to keep you snacking away. Nation 2 hours, 36 minutes ago Nation Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch A burglar allegedly broke into a house to steal from the owners, but got distracted when he saw tater tots in the freezer and decided to make a snack instead. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) has the story. Nation 2 hours, 37 minutes ago World World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia Nine eagle talons kept in the Natural History Museum of Zagreb for a century are in fact the world's earliest jewelry, crafted 130,000 years ago by Neanderthals. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 39 minutes ago World Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus On her way to school, an 8 year old girl in Quebec was told by her bus driver to stop reading her book. As Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) tells us, it's another weird thing to tease Canada about. World 2 hours, 41 minutes ago Your Take #YourNomz: What are you eating? #YourNomz: What are you eating? Show us what snacking on or eating right now. Your Take 2 months, 2 weeks ago World Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf USS Theodore Roosevelt returned to the Persian Gulf after several days shadowing a convoy of Iranian vessels. World 2 hours, 44 minutes ago

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:10:00 +0200usaToday (en)

Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting. Republican luminaries and presidential hopefuls reiterated their support for Israel and skepticism about President Obama's proposed nuclear deal with Iran as an influential group of Republican Jews gathered Saturday in Las Vegas.

World Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst to hit Nepal in more than 80 years. Video provided by Newsy World 2 hours, 14 minutes ago Nation Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Calif. schools have redoubled efforts over the past two years to boost survivor resources Nation 2 hours, 18 minutes ago Nation Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man A nearly two-year-old incident is getting scrutinized after dash cam video became public of a Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed black man. (April 24) Nation 2 hours, 19 minutes ago Nation Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases In an effort to solve cold cases, inmates around the country are being given cold case cards. Each card has a picture, name and information about an unsolved homicide. Nation 2 hours, 21 minutes ago Nation AP Top Stories April 25 p AP Top Stories April 25 p Here's the latest news for Saturday, April 25th: Powerful earthquake in Nepal causes widespread casualties; Protesters march in Baltimore; Leaders mark centennial of Gallipoli battle; Russian nationalist bikers ride to Berlin. Nation 2 hours, 25 minutes ago World Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon Australia had to recall a bunch of faulty and counterfeit condoms. Who knew condoms were even on Groupon? Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports. World 2 hours, 28 minutes ago Nation 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 simple homemade alternatives from around the globe to keep you snacking away. Nation 2 hours, 36 minutes ago Nation Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch A burglar allegedly broke into a house to steal from the owners, but got distracted when he saw tater tots in the freezer and decided to make a snack instead. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) has the story. Nation 2 hours, 37 minutes ago World World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia Nine eagle talons kept in the Natural History Museum of Zagreb for a century are in fact the world's earliest jewelry, crafted 130,000 years ago by Neanderthals. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 39 minutes ago World Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus On her way to school, an 8 year old girl in Quebec was told by her bus driver to stop reading her book. As Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) tells us, it's another weird thing to tease Canada about. World 2 hours, 41 minutes ago Your Take #YourNomz: What are you eating? #YourNomz: What are you eating? Show us what snacking on or eating right now. Your Take 2 months, 2 weeks ago World Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf USS Theodore Roosevelt returned to the Persian Gulf after several days shadowing a convoy of Iranian vessels. World 2 hours, 44 minutes ago

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:10:00 +0200usaToday (en)

Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst to hit Nepal in more than 80 years. Video provided by Newsy Check out this story on USATODAY.com: http://usat.ly/1GsL8yK Join the Nation's Conversation. To find out more about Facebook commenting please....

News Advocates, public applaud Jenner's transgender reveal Advocates, public applaud Jenner's transgender reveal Advocates, members of the public hailed Jenner for what they saw as a truthful interview. News 14 hours, 15 minutes ago World Gunmen kill prominent female activist in Pakistan Gunmen kill prominent female activist in Pakistan Gunmen on a motorcycle killed a prominent women's rights activist in Pakistan just hours after she held a forum on the country's restive Baluchistan region, home to a long-running insurgency, police said Saturday. World 23 minutes ago Life Activists hope Bruce Jenner interview will lead to change Activists hope Bruce Jenner interview will lead to change Advocates hope transgender people will get better civil rights protections. Life 26 minutes ago Nation Thousands protest death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore Thousands protest death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore Protesters took to the streets of Baltimore on Saturday to express their outrage over the death of Freddie Gray. They marched one day after the Baltimore Police Department acknowledged that it failed to get Gray the necessary medical attention. Nation 27 minutes ago Nation Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Republican luminaries and presidential hopefuls reiterated their support for Israel and skepticism about President Obama's proposed nuclear deal with Iran as an influential group of Republican Jews gathered Saturday in Las Vegas. (April 25) Nation 42 minutes ago Nation Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Officials say at least 34 people have been killed and dozens more injured in India after a powerful earthquake struck neighboring Nepal on Saturday. (April 25) Nation 50 minutes ago Your Take Your Take: Share the news happening around you Your Take: Share the news happening around you Is news happening around you? Upload your original videos and photos to Your Take. Your Take 1 month, 2 weeks ago Nation Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters vowed to shut Baltimore down Saturday over the death of Freddie Gray. Nation 1 hour, 1 minute ago World Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday, killing at least 1,180 people and triggering a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. It was the worst quake to hit Nepal in decades. (April 25) World 2 hours, 3 minutes ago World 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake The latest on the death toll, damage and what's next. World 2 hours, 4 minutes ago World Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal with strong tremors felt across the Himalayan nation and large parts of India and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 6 minutes ago World Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students are among those injured in northeastern India as a result of the massive earthquake that hit the region include Nepal, China and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 7 minutes ago News Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade May 12, 2008: 87,000 dead in China. Earthquake survivor Wang Minxing sits on the rubble that used to be his home at the earthquake-damaged town of Beichuan, China on May 18, 2008. News 2 hours, 8 minutes ago World Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst to hit Nepal in more than 80 years. Video provided by Newsy World 2 hours, 14 minutes ago Nation Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Calif. schools have redoubled efforts over the past two years to boost survivor resources Nation 2 hours, 18 minutes ago Nation Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man A nearly two-year-old incident is getting scrutinized after dash cam video became public of a Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed black man. (April 24) Nation 2 hours, 19 minutes ago Nation Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases In an effort to solve cold cases, inmates around the country are being given cold case cards. Each card has a picture, name and information about an unsolved homicide. Nation 2 hours, 21 minutes ago Nation AP Top Stories April 25 p AP Top Stories April 25 p Here's the latest news for Saturday, April 25th: Powerful earthquake in Nepal causes widespread casualties; Protesters march in Baltimore; Leaders mark centennial of Gallipoli battle; Russian nationalist bikers ride to Berlin. Nation 2 hours, 25 minutes ago World Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon Australia had to recall a bunch of faulty and counterfeit condoms. Who knew condoms were even on Groupon? Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports. World 2 hours, 28 minutes ago Nation 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 simple homemade alternatives from around the globe to keep you snacking away. Nation 2 hours, 36 minutes ago Nation Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch A burglar allegedly broke into a house to steal from the owners, but got distracted when he saw tater tots in the freezer and decided to make a snack instead. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) has the story. Nation 2 hours, 37 minutes ago World World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia Nine eagle talons kept in the Natural History Museum of Zagreb for a century are in fact the world's earliest jewelry, crafted 130,000 years ago by Neanderthals. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 39 minutes ago World Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus On her way to school, an 8 year old girl in Quebec was told by her bus driver to stop reading her book. As Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) tells us, it's another weird thing to tease Canada about. World 2 hours, 41 minutes ago Your Take #YourNomz: What are you eating? #YourNomz: What are you eating? Show us what snacking on or eating right now. Your Take 2 months, 2 weeks ago World Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf USS Theodore Roosevelt returned to the Persian Gulf after several days shadowing a convoy of Iranian vessels. World 2 hours, 44 minutes ago

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:10:00 +0200usaToday (en)

Jenner especially helped forward the cause of transgender athletes, who legally cannot compete in many states, said Ashland Johnson, policy director for Athlete Ally, a New York-based non-profit that advocates against homophobia and transphobia in sports.

World Gunmen kill prominent female activist in Pakistan Gunmen kill prominent female activist in Pakistan Gunmen on a motorcycle killed a prominent women's rights activist in Pakistan just hours after she held a forum on the country's restive Baluchistan region, home to a long-running insurgency, police said Saturday. World 23 minutes ago Life Activists hope Bruce Jenner interview will lead to change Activists hope Bruce Jenner interview will lead to change Advocates hope transgender people will get better civil rights protections. Life 26 minutes ago Nation Thousands protest death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore Thousands protest death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore Protesters took to the streets of Baltimore on Saturday to express their outrage over the death of Freddie Gray. They marched one day after the Baltimore Police Department acknowledged that it failed to get Gray the necessary medical attention. Nation 27 minutes ago Nation Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Angst about Iran deal at GOP Jewish meeting Republican luminaries and presidential hopefuls reiterated their support for Israel and skepticism about President Obama's proposed nuclear deal with Iran as an influential group of Republican Jews gathered Saturday in Las Vegas. (April 25) Nation 42 minutes ago Nation Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Raw: Nepal quake kills dozens in India Officials say at least 34 people have been killed and dozens more injured in India after a powerful earthquake struck neighboring Nepal on Saturday. (April 25) Nation 50 minutes ago Your Take Your Take: Share the news happening around you Your Take: Share the news happening around you Is news happening around you? Upload your original videos and photos to Your Take. Your Take 1 month, 2 weeks ago Nation Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters take to Baltimore streets for Freddie Gray Protesters vowed to shut Baltimore down Saturday over the death of Freddie Gray. Nation 1 hour, 1 minute ago World Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken Nepal quake: Hundreds dead, Everest shaken A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday, killing at least 1,180 people and triggering a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. It was the worst quake to hit Nepal in decades. (April 25) World 2 hours, 3 minutes ago World 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake 5 things to know about the Nepal earthquake The latest on the death toll, damage and what's next. World 2 hours, 4 minutes ago World Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region Strong tremors felt in India as massive quake hits region A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal with strong tremors felt across the Himalayan nation and large parts of India and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 6 minutes ago World Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students injured in India following Nepal quake Dozens of students are among those injured in northeastern India as a result of the massive earthquake that hit the region include Nepal, China and Bangladesh. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 7 minutes ago News Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade Deadliest earthquakes in the past decade May 12, 2008: 87,000 dead in China. Earthquake survivor Wang Minxing sits on the rubble that used to be his home at the earthquake-damaged town of Beichuan, China on May 18, 2008. News 2 hours, 8 minutes ago World Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Massive earthquake hits Nepal, killing hundreds Saturday's 7.8 magnitude earthquake is the worst to hit Nepal in more than 80 years. Video provided by Newsy World 2 hours, 14 minutes ago Nation Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Investigations spur sexual assault policy changes at Calif. universities Calif. schools have redoubled efforts over the past two years to boost survivor resources Nation 2 hours, 18 minutes ago Nation Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man Video shows deputy shoot unarmed black man A nearly two-year-old incident is getting scrutinized after dash cam video became public of a Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed black man. (April 24) Nation 2 hours, 19 minutes ago Nation Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases Inmates given special cards to help solve cold cases In an effort to solve cold cases, inmates around the country are being given cold case cards. Each card has a picture, name and information about an unsolved homicide. Nation 2 hours, 21 minutes ago Nation AP Top Stories April 25 p AP Top Stories April 25 p Here's the latest news for Saturday, April 25th: Powerful earthquake in Nepal causes widespread casualties; Protesters march in Baltimore; Leaders mark centennial of Gallipoli battle; Russian nationalist bikers ride to Berlin. Nation 2 hours, 25 minutes ago World Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon recalls counterfeit condoms Groupon Australia had to recall a bunch of faulty and counterfeit condoms. Who knew condoms were even on Groupon? Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) reports. World 2 hours, 28 minutes ago Nation 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 homemade hummus recipes you have to try 6 simple homemade alternatives from around the globe to keep you snacking away. Nation 2 hours, 36 minutes ago Nation Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch Burglar makes tater tots then falls asleep on couch A burglar allegedly broke into a house to steal from the owners, but got distracted when he saw tater tots in the freezer and decided to make a snack instead. Mara Montalbano (@maramontalbano) has the story. Nation 2 hours, 37 minutes ago World World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia World's earliest jewelry discovered in Croatia Nine eagle talons kept in the Natural History Museum of Zagreb for a century are in fact the world's earliest jewelry, crafted 130,000 years ago by Neanderthals. Video provided by AFP World 2 hours, 39 minutes ago World Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus Girl in Quebec told to stop reading on school bus On her way to school, an 8 year old girl in Quebec was told by her bus driver to stop reading her book. As Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime) tells us, it's another weird thing to tease Canada about. World 2 hours, 41 minutes ago Your Take #YourNomz: What are you eating? #YourNomz: What are you eating? Show us what snacking on or eating right now. Your Take 2 months, 2 weeks ago World Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf Iran convoy turns away from Yemen, U.S. ship returns to Gulf USS Theodore Roosevelt returned to the Persian Gulf after several days shadowing a convoy of Iranian vessels. World 2 hours, 44 minutes ago

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 01:10:00 +0200usaToday (en)

KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) — Gunmen on a motorcycle killed a prominent women's rights activist in Pakistan just hours after she held a forum on the country's restive Baluchistan region, home to a long-running insurgency, police said Saturday. While investigators declined to speculate on a motive for the....

Toronto's Nepalese community rallies to aid quake victims

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:49:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

The phone calls started shortly after 4 a.m. at Gopal Bhandari’s Toronto home. ȁ#x201c;Family, friends, everyone was calling with news of the disaster,ȁ#x201d; said Bhandari, 58, president of Nepalese Canadian Community Services , who spoke to about 75 people in the early hours of Saturday morning.

At least 388 Canadians registered to be in Nepal when deadly quake hit

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:33:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

The Foreign Affairs Department said there are 388 Canadians registered as being in Nepal, but cautioned that was only an estimate as registration is voluntary. TORONTO — Reena Vohra was walking through a narrow alley in an ancient city in Nepal when an immense magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck, killing hundreds and unleashing chaos on the region.

Nepal Earthquake Update: Google Executive Killed In Avalanche, India Evacuates Citizens, Aid Groups Warn Of Hardship Ahead

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:21:00 +0200ibtimes-mx (en)

Dan Fredinburg, a Google executive who was part of a climbing expedition, died of head injuries suffered in an avalanche on Mount Everest sparked by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal Saturday, his sister said in a message posted to Instagram.

Death Toll Mounts In Nepal As Aid Groups Warn Of 'Considerable Destruction'

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:13:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

Dan Fredinburg, a Google executive who was part of a climbing expedition, died of head injuries suffered in an avalanche on Mount Everest sparked by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal Saturday, his sister said in a message posted to Instagram.

Plus de 300 Canadiens au Népal: Ottawa veut s’assurer qu’ils sont en sécurité

Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:09:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

TORONTO – Reena Vohra visitait la ville antique de Bhaktapur, au Népal, samedi, lorsqu’elle a senti la terre trembler. La travailleuse humanitaire de Vision mondiale de Toronto se promenait avec des collègues sur le site historique situé à quelque 20 kilomètres de Katmandou, la capitale népalaise,....

Nearly 1,400 dead after 7.8-magnitude quake hits Nepal

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 23:22:00 +0200CBC (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday, killing nearly 1,400 people across a swath of four countries as violent trembles collapsed houses, levelled centuries-old temples and At least 1,394 people were confirmed dead across Nepal, according to the police.

Toronto’s worried Nepalese-Canadians plan to aid relief after earthquake

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 23:16:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

Toronto’s 10,000-strong Nepalese-Canadian community is preparing itself for a massive relief effort as if reels in the face of a deadly earthquake back home that has killed more than 1,000 people. Community leaders have been fielding scores of calls throughout Saturday from compatriots anxious....

Witnesses describe chaos in quake-hit Nepal; at least 388 Canadians registered

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 22:12:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - Reena Vohra was walking through a narrow alley in an ancient city in Nepal when an immense magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck, killing hundreds and unleashing chaos on the region. The Toronto aid worker fled with a group of her World Vision colleagues to a nearby shop entrance, where they....

Harper says officials are making sure Canadians in Nepal are safe [Photos] [Video]

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 21:28:00 +0200torontosun (en)

Canadian agencies wasted no time responding to a powerful earthquake in Nepal that has so far claimed more than 1,200 lives. The magnitude 7.9 quake, Nepal's worst in 81 years, sent tremors through northern India on Saturday and touched off an avalanche on Mount Everest that killed about 20 climbers.

Nepalese locals scramble to contact loved ones after earthquake

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 20:59:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

Nitya Khanal has been sitting at home in Saskatoon, listening helplessly to his radio since 5 a.m. for updates on the massive earthquake back in his native Nepal. "We have lots of relatives there. We've talked to some and they're all safe, but so many others have died.

Nepal earthquake deaths surpass 1,300

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 20:29:00 +0200CBC (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday, killing more than 1,300 people across a swath of four countries as violent trembles collapsed houses, levelled centuries-old temples and triggered avalanches on Mount Everest. At least 1,341 people were confirmed dead across Nepal, according to the police.

Nepal earthquake deaths surpasses 1,300

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 20:06:00 +0200CBC (en)

"Our village has been almost wiped out. Most of the houses are either buried by landslide or damaged by shaking," said Vim Tamang, a resident of Manglung village near the epicentre. He said half of the village folks are either missing or dead. "All the villagers have gathered in the open area. We don't know what to do.

More than 1,300 dead after 7.8-magnitude quake hits Nepal

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:59:00 +0200CBC (en)

"Our village has been almost wiped out. Most of the houses are either buried by landslide or damaged by shaking," said Vim Tamang, a resident of Manglung village near the epicentre. He said half of the village folks are either missing or dead. "All the villagers have gathered in the open area. We don't know what to do.

Nepal earthquake death reaches nearly 1,200

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 18:51:00 +0200CBC (en)

"Our village has been almost wiped out. Most of the houses are either buried by landslide or damaged by shaking," said Vim Tamang, a resident of Manglung village near the epicentre. He said half of the village folks are either missing or dead. "All the villagers have gathered in the open area. We don't know what to do.

What Canadians need to know about the Nepalese earthquake

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 18:38:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

At least 926 people are killed after a powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years. There is no nationwide advisory yet in effect for Nepal. Canada ’s Department of Foreign Affairs recommends those already in the country or....

Nepal earthquake death toll exceeds 1,100

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:51:00 +0200CBC (en)

Most of the deaths have been reported in Nepal. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years. Another 20 people were killed in India, six in Tibet and two in Bangladesh. Two Chinese citizens died at the Nepal-China border.

At least 388 Canadians registered in earthquake devastated Nepal: officials

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:49:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TORONTO - The Foreign Affairs Department says it is closely monitoring the situation in Nepal, where an earthquake has killed more than 900 people in the region. Spokeswoman Diana Khaddaj says there are 388 Canadians registered as being in Nepal, but cautions that's only an estimate as registration is voluntary.

Jack Knox: Seismic shift in quake insurance might shock you

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 16:30:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

When the insurance company nudged up the deductible on Dave Wade’s earthquake policy this spring, the Courtenay man didn’t think it was a big deal. He wasn’t thrilled to see the deductible rise to 15 per cent from 10, but neither was it the end of the world.

Seismic shift in earthquake insurance coverage might shock you

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 15:06:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

When the insurance company nudged up the deductible on Dave Wade’s earthquake policy this spring, the Courtenay man didn’t think it was a big deal. He wasn’t thrilled to see the deductible rise to 15 per cent from 10, but neither was it the end of the world.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 13:26:00 +0200wcfcourier (en)

WAVERLY | More than 30 Midwest artists, including several local artists, will display and sell their art during Art Walk, Waverly’s 10th annua CEDAR FALLS | Geoffrey Canada understands how essential it is to engage students if they're going to get a good education.

Hunderte Tote bei Erdbeben in Nepal - Stärke 7, 9

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:31:00 +0200t-online (de)

Das Beben ereignete sich um die örtliche Mittagszeit, um ca. 8 Uhr deutscher Zeit. Der USGS gruppierte die Naturkatastrophe in die zweithöchste Kategorie IX ein. Dichtbesiedelte Region. Prachanda Sual, Einwohner in Kathmandu, sagte, im Zentrum der Hauptstadt seien einige Gebäude eingestürzt, darunter auch Jahrhunderte alte Tempel.

The World's Strongest Earthquakes Since 1900

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:29:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

. A magnitude-7.8 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, the worst quake in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900: May 22, 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and ensuing tsunami kill at least 1,716 people.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:15:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, the worst quake in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900: May 22, 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and ensuing tsunami kill at least 1,716 people.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:09:00 +0200startribune (en)

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, the worst quake in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900: May 22, 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and ensuing tsunami kill at least 1,716 people.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:07:00 +0200AP (en)

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, the worst quake in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900: May 22, 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and ensuing tsunami kill at least 1,716 people.

Hunderte Tote nach Erdbeben in Nepal befürchtet

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:58:00 +0200haz (li)

Kathmandu . Ein schweres Erdbeben im Himalaya hat zahlreiche Häuser in Nepal einstürzen lassen. Ein Fotograf der European Pressphoto Agency in Kathmandu sagte, er sehe mehrere Leichen. Das Hotel vor ihm sei in sich zusammengesackt. Vor allem alte Häuser und historische Tempel in Kathmandu seien....

Construction aux normes parasismiques : Les architectes dénoncent une application bureaucratique

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:45:00 +0200elwatan (fr)

Le 21 mai 2003, la région du Grand-Alger était secouée par un violent séisme de magnitude 6,8 sur l’échelle de Richter. Près de 3000 personnes ont péri et des milliers blessées. 19 744 infrastructures publiques et privées se sont effondrées : des immeubles d’habitation, des mosquées, des....

Festnahme nach Landung von radioaktiver Drohne In Japan ist ein Mann festgenommen worden, der eine leicht radioaktive Drohne auf den Amtssitz von Ministerpräsident Abe gesteuert hat. Er wollte gegen den Atomkurs der Regierung protestieren.

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 10:39:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (de)

Der 40-Jährige hatte sich laut japanischen Medien in einer Polizeiwache in der Präfektur Fukui 350 Kilometer westlich von Tokio gestellt. Demnach hatte er ein Steuergerät für eine Drohne bei sich. Er wollte mit seiner Aktion gegen Atomkraft demonstrieren, sagte er. Die Polizei brachte ihn zu weiteren Verhören nach Tokio.

Cosmic tsunami gives sleeping galaxies new lease of life

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 10:13:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

A radio image highlighting the shock wave (seen here as the bright arc running from bottom left to top right) in the 'Sausage' merging cluster, made using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. The shock wave was generated 1 billion years ago, when the two original clusters collided, and is moving at....

Plattentektonik: Die Unglücksboten aus dem Höllenschlund der Erde

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 09:37:00 +0200Welt (de)

Wie wenig man über das Innere der Erde heute weiß, wurde erst vor wenigen Wochen wieder einmal deutlich. Im März beschrieben Geologen einen hochstabilen Diamanten, der aus dem Erdmantel in über 400 Kilometer Tiefe stammt. Er ist wohl mit Vulkanen aus sonst unerreichbaren Tiefen an die Erdoberfläche gelangt.

Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert Nepal

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 09:20:00 +0200DerBund (de)

Um 8.11 Uhr gab es 77 Kilometer nordwestlich von Kathmandu in Nepal ein starkes Registriert wurden sieben Stösse registriert, zwei davon mit einer Stärke von 7.5 auf der Richterskala. Huge earthquake in Kathmandu. I'm terrified. — Siobhan Heanue (@siobhanheanue) April 25, 2015 (Siobhan Heanue,....

Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert Nepal

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 09:18:00 +0200tagesanzeiger (de)

Um 8.11 Uhr gab es 77 Kilometer nordwestlich von Kathmandu in Nepal ein starkes Registriert wurden sieben Stösse registriert, zwei davon mit einer Stärke von 7.5 auf der Richterskala. Huge earthquake in Kathmandu. I'm terrified. — Siobhan Heanue (@siobhanheanue) April 25, 2015 (Siobhan Heanue,....

Detienen a un hombre por el dron radiactivo hallado en la casa del primer ministro japonés

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 09:17:00 +0200eldia (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado hoy en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el viernes por la....

Un japonés se entrega en relación con el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia del primer ministro del país

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 08:48:00 +0200antena3noticias (es)

QUERÍA PROTESTAR CONTRA LA REACTIVACIÓN DE CENTRALES NUCLEARES Un japonés se entrega en relación con el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia del primer ministro del país Un hombre ha sido arrestado en relación con el dron con material radiactivo que se encontró esta semana en el tejado de la....

Japón: se entrega culpable de trasladar dron con material radioactivo

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 07:12:00 +0200rpp (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el viernes por la noche....

Detienen a un hombre por el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia de ministro Abe

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:29:00 +0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado hoy (24 de abril) en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe , en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el....

Polícia prende homem por envolvimento com caso do drone radioativo no Japão

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:28:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Tóquio, 25 abr (EFE).- Um homem foi preso pela polícia japonesa neste sábado (data local) por envolvimento com o drone que carregava material radioativo e foi encontrado na cobertura da residência do primeiro-ministro do país, Shinzo Abe, em Tóquio. Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 anos, foi preso depois de....

Detienen a sospechoso de ataque con "dron radioactivo" a primer ministro de Japón

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:24:00 +0200publimetro (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés , Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto , de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el viernes por la....

Detienen a hombre por dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia de primer ministro de Japón

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:00:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado hoy en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el viernes por la....

Detienen a un hombre por el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia de Abe

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:49:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 25 abr (EFE).- Un hombre fue arrestado hoy en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de....

Detienen a un hombre por el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia de Abe

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:48:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Un hombre fue arrestado hoy en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el viernes por la....

No reports of damage after 6.1-magnitude quake off Haida Gwaii

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:31:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern tip of Haida Gwaii this morning. The quake, 167 kilometres southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, struck just before 7 a.m. and was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast. A tsunami is not expected to result from the quake, according to the National Tsunami Warning Centre.

Detienen a un hombre por el dron radiactivo hallado en la residencia de Abe

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 04:09:00 +0200negocios (es)

Tokio, 25 abr.- Un hombre fue arrestado hoy en relación con el avión no pilotado con material radiactivo hallado este semana en el tejado de la residencia del primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe, en Tokio, informó la policía. El sospechoso, Yasuo Yamamoto, de 40 años, fue detenido después de que el....

Sentineleses: la milenaria tribu que vive en el Océano Índico

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:39:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Una isla en las Islas Andamán de la India (ubicada en el Océano Índico) es el hogar de la tribu sentinelés, que ha habitado la isla por aproximadamente 60 mil años y actualmente es acosada por personas que pretenden violar el territorio para establecer contacto con los pobladores.

Food Story

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:02:00 +0200kompas (id)

Ide untuk memasuki bisnis es krim Singapura berawal dari hobi jajan Kevin. Di Singapura, ia mengamati bahwa antusiasme orang untuk membeli es potong cukup tinggi, sebagian juga orang Indonesia. Simak pengalaman pakar kuliner Bondan Winarno di Eat Republic. Ada bebek kremes, lantas lontong sayur medan dipadukan dengan es selendang mayang.

Kanada'da deprem meydana geldi

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 01:57:00 +0200ensonhaber (tr)

Olaydan sonra Ulusal Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi ise tsunami beklenmediğini açıkladı. Haida Gwaii takımadalarından hissedildiğini bildiren ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, 10 kilometre derinlikteki depremin 6,1 büyüklüğünde olduğunu belirtti. Orta büyüklükteki depremden sonra büyüklüğü 4,2'yi bulan üç....

Kanada'da 6,1 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 01:54:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

Kanada'nın British Columbia eyaletinin kuzey sahilinde 6,1 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Eklenme: 25 Nisan 2015, 00:32 Güncelleme: 25 Nisan 2015, 00:32 521 Okunma Ulusal Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, tsunami beklenmediğini açıkladı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, 10 kilometre derinlikteki depremin....

Kanada'da 6,1 şiddetinde deprem

Sat, 25 Apr 2015 00:11:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Kanada'nın British Columbia eyaletinin kuzey sahilinde 6,1 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Ulusal Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, tsunami beklenmediğini açıkladı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, 10 kilometre derinlikteki depremin 6,1 büyüklüğünde olduğunu ve Haida Gwaii takımadalarında hissedildiğini bildirdi.

Kanada'da 6,1 büyüklüğünde deprem

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:57:00 +0200haber-mynet (tr)

Kanada'nın British Columbia eyaletinin kuzey sahilinde 6,1 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. QUEEN CHARLOTTE (AA) -Ulusal Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, tsunami beklenmediğini açıkladı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, 10 kilometre derinlikteki in 6,1 büyüklüğünde olduğunu ve Haida Gwaii takımadalarında hissedildiğini bildirdi.

Kanada'da 6,1 şiddetinde deprem

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:56:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

Kanada'nın British Columbia eyaletinin kuzey sahilinde 6,1 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Eklenme: 25 Nisan 2015, 00:32 Güncelleme: 25 Nisan 2015, 00:32 423 Okunma Ulusal Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, tsunami beklenmediğini açıkladı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, 10 kilometre derinlikteki depremin....

Sismo de 6.2 grados sacude Nueva Zelanda

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:39:00 +0200ntrzacatecas (es)

Wellington.- Un sismo de magnitud 6.2 grados en la escala de Richter se registró este viernes el noreste de Nueva Zelanda, pero el movimiento telúrico se sintió el gran parte del país. Hasta el momento no se han reportado heridos ni daños, aunque la compañía de telefonía Spark ha reportado un....

6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits British Columbia No Damage

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 22:45:00 +0200irishsun (en)

6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits British Columbia, No Damage. ABC News Saturday 25th April, 2015. A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, which occurred at roughly 7 a.m. Friday about 130 miles (167 kilometers) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte.

Strong quake hits off Canadian islands in Pacific Ocean, no damage

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 22:32:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

VANCOUVER, April 24 (Xinhua) -- A strong earthquake, measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale, struck in the Pacific Ocean waters just off the southern tip of Haida Gwaii, an archipelago on the north coast of British Columbia, Canada , at 6:56 a.m. Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). USGS monitored the epicenter of the quake at 51.

Natural Disasters

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 22:25:00 +0200reuters (en)

TOKYO/TAIPEI - A strong earthquake rattled Taiwan and small islands in the far south of Japan on Monday, official monitoring sites said, briefly prompting a warning for a 1-metre tsunami for the Okinawa island chain. - Torrential rain triggered flooding on the streets of Houston and sent spectators....

Earthquake hits B.C. 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 22:15:00 +0200irishsun (en)

. National Post Saturday 25th April, 2015. QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. -- A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia’s north coast. The quake, 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast.

Things we learned on April 24, 2015: From the Hubble to Omar Khadr

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 21:58:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

may be free as early as May 5 after 12 years behind bars — but first he has to fight the feds. An Alberta judged granted him bail while his U.S. appeal related to military crimes is underway. But the federal government is appealing the judge’s ruling. The Hubble Space Telescope travels at 552....

Kanda shrine enlists anime favorites to draw in younger visitors

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 21:32:00 +0200ajw (en)

April 11, 2015. An amusement park dedicated to the “One Piece” pirate manga and anime series has opened at Tokyo Tower to serve as a “pilgrimage destination” for fans of the franchise. March 30, 2015. SAITAMA--To transform the city's Urawa Ward into a pilgrimage destination for anime fans, a....

Parents terrified after children's park in Tokyo is found to have high levels of radiation...where anyone spending an hour there would be subjected to six-month's radiation

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 20:12:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Soil underneath a slide in the park showed extremely high radiation levels; Has raised fears for the health of children in the Toshima ward of Tokyo Days after traces of radiation found at Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's office. By A playground in Tokyo has been found to have dangerously high levels....

Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge o Canadá, mas não há relatos de danos

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 20:01:00 +0200opovo (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu a costa norte da Col�mbia Brit�nica, no Canad�, por volta das 7h desta sexta-feira, hor�rio local. O abalo ocorreu cerca de 167 quil�metros ao sul da vila de Queen Charlotte e n�o deixou danos ou v�timas. O Centro Nacional de Alerta para Tsunamis informou que....

Arriva un uragano? Chiama l'archeologo

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:56:00 +0200RaiNews24 (it)

di Stefano Lamorgese 24 aprile 2015 Che cosa possiamo imparare dall'archeologia? Molto: come erano fatti i templi; come si seppellivano i morti; come si costruivano gli acquedotti. Ma anche: con quali gioielli si ornavano la dame; come si pettinavano barbe e capelli i re; quali monete si usavano per gli scambi commerciali.

Earthquake rattles Canada's British Columbia coast

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:55:00 +0200Stuff (en)

A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck British Columbia's north coast on Friday (Saturday NZT). No damage or injuries have been reported. The quake struck at roughly 7am on Friday (2am Saturday NZT) about 130 miles (167 kilometres) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte on Graham Island, north-west of Vancouver.

Mundo às 13:16 Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge o Canadá, mas não há relatos de danos Estadão Conteúdo Twitter Facebook Google+

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:45:00 +0200atarde (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu a costa norte da Colúmbia Britânica, no Canadá, por volta das 7h desta sexta-feira, horário local. O abalo ocorreu cerca de 167 quilômetros ao sul da vila de Queen Charlotte e não deixou danos ou vítimas. O Centro Nacional de Alerta para Tsunamis informou....

Sismo estremece costa de Canadá

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:41:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Un sismo de 6.1 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter estremeció este viernes el archipiélago canadiense de Haida Gwaii, localizado frente a la costa de la Columbia Británica, en el océano Pacífico. El movimiento telúrico tuvo su epicentro a 187 kilómetros de la isla Bella Bella y una....

Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge o Canadá, mas não há relatos de danos

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:22:00 +0200hojeemdia (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu a costa norte da Colúmbia Britânica, no Canadá, por volta das 7h desta sexta-feira (24), horário local. O abalo ocorreu cerca de 167 quilômetros ao sul da vila de Queen Charlotte e não deixou danos ou vítimas. O Centro Nacional de Alerta para Tsunamis informou....

Terremoti: scossa di magnitudo 6.1 in Canada

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:00:00 +0200UnioneSarda (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 si è registrata questa mattina presto in British Columbia, sulla costa Pacifica del Canada . L'epicentro è stato ad una decina di km sottoterra tuttavia secondo gli esperti non c'è alcun rischio di tsunami. In realtà le scosse sono state due, una di minore intensità ', di magnitudo 4.

13:31 - 24/04/2015 Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge o Canad�, mas n�o h� relatos de danos

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:48:00 +0200em (pt)

Queen Charlotte, Canad�, 24 - Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu a costa norte da Col�mbia Brit�nica, no Canad�, por volta das 7h desta sexta-feira, hor�rio local. O abalo ocorreu cerca de 167 quil�metros ao sul da vila de Queen Charlotte e n�o deixou danos ou v�timas.

Sismo de 6,1 grados remeció mar de Canadá sin causar un tsunami

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:46:00 +0200peru (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 grados sacudió el archipiélago Haida Gwaii, ubicado en la costa Pacífico de Canadá, informó el USGS . No provocó un tsunami. Sismo se produjo en el mar de Canadá. (Foto: Google Maps) Prince Rupert . Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 grados en la escala Richter sacudió el....

Strong earthquake hits Canada's pacific coast, no casualties reported

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:45:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

OTTAWA, April 24 (Xinhua) -- A 6.1-magnitude earthquake hit the north coast of British Columbia province of Canada Friday morning, no casualties and damage have been reported, according to Canada's CTV. The quake, 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast.

Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge o Canadá, mas não há relatos de danos

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:43:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

Queen Charlotte, Canadá - Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu a costa norte da Colúmbia Britânica, no Canadá, por volta das 7h desta sexta-feira, horário local. O abalo ocorreu cerca de 167 quilômetros ao sul da vila de Queen Charlotte e não deixou danos ou vítimas.

Sismo de 6,1 sacude costas de Canadá sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:38:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

El servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por su sigla en ingles) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 6,1 que sacudió la región de Haida Gwaii en Canadá. El USGS indicó que no existe alerta de tsunami por el terremoto, por lo que han lanzado una alerta verde lo que significa que existe un peligro....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 frappe le nord de la Colombie-Britannique

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:37:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE, C.-B. – Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,1 a frappé la côte nord de la Colombie-Britannique, vendredi matin. Le séisme, dont l’épicentre a été localisé à 167 kilomètres au sud-est du village de Queen Charlotte, a été ressenti dans l’archipel de Haida Gwaii et sur la côte nord de la province.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 frappe le nord de la Colombie-Britannique

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:32:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Le séisme, dont l'épicentre a été localisé à 167 kilomètres au sud-est du village de Queen Charlotte, a été ressenti dans l'archipel de Haida Gwaii et sur la côte nord de la province. La Commission géologique du Canada indique qu'aucun tsunami n'est attendu. Aucun dommage n'a été rapporté dans l'immédiat.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits British Columbia, no damage

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:28:00 +0200nzherald (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, British Columbia (AP) " A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, which occurred at roughly 7 a.m. Friday about 130 miles (167 kilometers) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte.

No tsunami expected after 6.1-magnitude quake off Haida Gwaii

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:25:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern tip of Haida Gwaii this morning. The quake, 167 kilometres southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, struck just before 7 a.m. and was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast. A tsunami is not expected to result from the quake, according to the National Tsunami Warning Centre.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits British Columbia, no damage

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:18:00 +0200therepublic (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, British Columbia A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, which occurred at roughly 7 a.m. Friday about 130 miles (167 kilometers) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte.

6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits British Columbia, No Damage

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:11:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, which occurred at roughly 7 a.m. Friday about 130 miles (167 kilometers) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte. The National Tsunami Warning Center said a tsunami is not expected to result.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits British Columbia's north coast but no damage reported

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 18:05:00 +0200startribune (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, British Columbia — A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. There have been no reports of damage or injuries from the quake, which occurred at roughly 7 a.m. Friday about 130 miles (167 kilometers) southeast of the village of Queen Charlotte.

Sismo de 6,1 sacude Canadá

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:55:00 +0200vtv (es)

Se ha producido a unos 187 kilómetros de la isla Bella Bella / El epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros / No existe amenaza de tsunami / No hay información sobre posibles víctimas o daños materiales. Caracas, 24 de abril de 2015.- Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,1 sacude las costas....

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits B.C.'s north coast

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:13:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY - A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. The quake, 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, was felt in Haida Gwaii and along the north coast. The National Tsunami Warning Centre says a tsunami is not expected to result from the quake.

Alerte:Un séisme d’une magnitude de 6,1 frappe le nord de la C.-B.

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200lactualite (fr)

24 avr. 2015 par La Presse Canadienne. QUEEN CHARLOTTE, C.-B. – Un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,1 a frappé la côte nord de la Colombie-Britannique. Les secousses, dont l’épicentre se trouve à 167 kilomètres au sud-est du village de Queen Charlotte, ont été ressenties dans l’archipel de Haida Gwaii et sur la côte nord.

Earthquake hits B.C.'s north coast

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:06:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. -- A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. The quake, 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast. The National Tsunami Warning Centre says a tsunami is not expected to result from the quake.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits B.C.’s north coast, no tsunami

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:03:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. - A 6.1 magnitude earthquake has struck British Columbia's north coast. The quake, 167 km southeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, was felt from Haida Gwaii and along the north coast. The National Tsunami Warning Centre says a tsunami is not expected to result from the quake.

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis Magdeburg (dpa) - Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das beim «14. RoboCup German Open» in Magdeburg. Erstmals spielen die «Humanoiden» (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich.

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:02:00 +0200rnz (li)

Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen. Die «Rescue-Robot-Liga» dreht sich um Katastrophenszenarien wie nach einem Erdbeben oder einem Tsunami. 200 Teams mit 1000 Teilnehmern werden erwartet.

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 6,1 frappe le nord de la C.-B.

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 17:00:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,1 a frappé la côte nord de la Colombie-Britannique. Les secousses, dont l'épicentre se trouve à 167 kilomètres au sud-est du village de Queen Charlotte, ont été ressenties dans l'archipel de Haida Gwaii et sur la côte nord. La Commission géologique du Canada indique qu'aucun dommage n'a été rapporté.

In Tokio Dieser Spielplatz ist radioaktiv verseucht!

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:55:00 +0200bild (de)

Tokio (Japan) – In diesem Park strahlen keine spielenden Kinder mehr – hier strahlt nur noch der Boden! Und zwar höchst radioaktiv: 480 Millisievert pro Stunde wurden am Donnerstag an einem Punkt des Areals gemessen. Daraufhin sperrten Behördenvertreter den Park im Nordwesten der japanischen Metropole Tokio.

After the storm: the lessons and the future threats

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:45:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

"It was more severe than was probably anticipated," conceded Premier Mike Baird, addressing a news conference on Tuesday, hours after three residents had drowned in their homes in the Hunter Valley town of Dungog. Residents of the old timber and dairy town, population 2500, had grown accustomed to....

After the storm: the lessons and the future threats

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:35:00 +0200smh (en)

"It was more severe than was probably anticipated," conceded Premier Mike Baird, addressing a news conference on Tuesday, hours after three residents had drowned in their homes in the Hunter Valley town of Dungog. Residents of the old timber and dairy town, population 2500, had grown accustomed to....

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:18:00 +0200arcor (li)

Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen. Die «Rescue-Robot-Liga» dreht sich um Katastrophenszenarien wie nach einem Erdbeben oder einem Tsunami. 200 Teams mit 1000 Teilnehmern werden erwartet.

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 15:57:00 +0200alsfelder-allgemeine (li)

Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen. Die «Rescue-Robot-Liga» dreht sich um Katastrophenszenarien wie nach einem Erdbeben oder einem Tsunami. 200 Teams mit 1000 Teilnehmern werden erwartet.

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 15:43:00 +0200news-yahoo-de (li)

Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das beim «14. RoboCup German Open» in Magdeburg . Erstmals spielen die «Humanoiden» (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich. Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen.

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 15:43:00 +0200derwesten (li)

Magdeburg. Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das beim "14. RoboCup German Open" in Magdeburg. Erstmals spielen die "Humanoiden" (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich. Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik....

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg - fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 15:35:00 +0200epochtimes (li)

Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das beim „14. RoboCup German Open“ in Magdeburg. Erstmals spielen die „Humanoiden“ (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich. Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen.

Magdeburg (dpa) - Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 15:32:00 +0200adhoc (de)

Bei dem Wettkampf in den Messehallen geht es auch um Technik für die Industrie, Service und die Rettung von Menschen. Die «Rescue-Robot-Liga» dreht sich um Katastrophenszenarien wie nach einem Erdbeben oder einem Tsunami. 200 Teams mit 1000 Teilnehmern werden erwartet.

Minvu afina detalles para inaugurar casas de vecinos afectados por el 27F en Tumbes

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 14:07:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Publicado por | La Información es de Eliana Véjar El Ministerio de Vivienda afina los detalles para la inauguración de las 200 nuevas casas para los vecinos de Tumbes, en la comuna de Talcahuano, quienes esperan desde el terremoto de 2010 tener sus hogares definitivos.

- Roboter kicken in Magdeburg: fast schon wie Profis

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 13:29:00 +0200mz-web (li)

Magdeburg. Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das von Freitag bis Sonntag beim «14. RoboCup German Open» in Magdeburg. Erstmals spielen die «Humanoiden» (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich.

Roboter kicken in Magdeburg

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:52:00 +0200Welt (li)

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - Dribbeln und Doppelpass: Roboter machen auf dem Fußballplatz Fortschritte. Zu sehen ist das von Freitag bis Sonntag beim «14. RoboCup German Open» in Magdeburg. Erstmals spielen die «Humanoiden» (Menschenähnlichen) auf Kunstrasen statt auf Teppich.

Giant cosmic tsunami wakes up comatose galaxies

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:50:00 +0200phys (en)

A radio image highlighting the shock wave (seen here as the bright arc running from bottom left to top right) in the ‘Sausage’ merging cluster, made using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. The shock wave was generated 1 billion years ago, when the two original clusters collided, and is moving at....

Radioactive Material Buried Under Kids' Park in Tokyo?

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:33:00 +0200ibtimes-in (en)

A public park in Tokyo has been closed after dangerously high level of radiation was recorded from close to the playground equipment on Thursday, which officials suggested could be originating from radioactive material buried underground. Radiation levels of up to 480 microsieverts per hour were....

Usa. Sprofonda isola Catalina, paradiso di turisti, ma ci vorrà tempo

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 11:59:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

USA, LOS ANGELES – Una delle località turistiche più note al largo della California, l’isola di Santa Catalina, sta lentamente sprofondando in mare, probabilmente per l’azione del sistema di faglie che la attraversa. Non è però un allarme immediato perché secondo le stime dei sismologi l’isola si....

Tiembla en Nueva Zelanda: se registra sismo de 6.2 grados

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 10:18:00 +0200debate (es)

Nueva Zelanda (El Universal).- Un sismo de magnitud 6.2 grados en la escala de Richter se registró este viernes el noreste de Nueva Zelanda, pero el movimiento telúrico se sintió el gran parte del país. Hasta el momento no se han reportado heridos ni daños, aunque la compañía de telefonía Spark ha....

Se registra sismo de 6.2 grados en Nueva Zelanda

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 09:25:00 +0200eluniversal-MX (es)

El epicentro fue ubicado en la región de Nelson, y se sintió en todo el centro de la isla Un sismo de magnitud 6.2 grados en la escala de Richter se registró este viernes el noreste de Nueva Zelanda , pero el movimiento telúrico se sintió el gran parte del país.

Forte terremoto in Nuova Zelanda, nessuna vittima

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:31:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 24 aprile 2015) Un Forte terremoto ha colpito l’Isola del sud, la più grande delle due maggiori isole che compongono la Nuova Zelanda . Il sisma è stato avvertito alle 15.36, ora locale, e ha avuto il suo epicentro a 66 chilometri dalla città di Kaikoura.

Earthquake hits central mountainous district

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 07:20:00 +0200vietnamnews (ie)

THUA THIEN - HUE (VNS) — An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.0 hit the mountainous A Luoi District in the central Thua Thien-Hue Province yesterday. The earthquake occurred at 2pm and lasted several minutes, with its epicentre at 16.329 north and 107.309 east. No damage to life and property was reported.

Japonsko chystá zeď proti tsunami

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 07:17:00 +0200Pravo (cs)

V Japonsku je na obzoru stavba století: po zkušenostech s fukušimskou tragédií z března 2011 chce tokijská vláda vybudovat na ochranu proti obřím vlnám tsunami podél nejohroženější části pobřeží obří zeď dlouhou 400 kilometrů. Vladimír Plesník.

'High level' radiation in Tokyo park

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 07:16:00 +0200bbc (en)

Japanese police are also probing how a drone landed on the prime minister's office. Japanese authorities have detected an unusually high level of radiation around playground equipment in a Tokyo park, report local media. The park, in the Toshima ward in central Tokyo, has been fenced off.

Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake Hits California

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 06:31:00 +0200rian-en (en)

The United States Geological Survey said a 5.5-magnitude earthquake hit US California on Thursday evening. MOSCOW (Sputnik) A 5.5-magnitude earthquake hit US California on Thursday evening (1:34 GMT Friday), the United States Geological Survey said. The epicenter was at an approximate depth of 6....

Otro fuerte terremoto de 5.2 sacude Taiwán

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 06:22:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Lu Pei-ling, subdirectora del Centro Sismológico Observación taiwanés señala gráfico después de un terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud sacudió la costa de Hualien | Foto: EFE Un fuerte terremoto sacude de nuevo Taiwan, es el segundo en las últimas horas. Un sísmo de 5.

Un año de desastres en el país

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 05:37:00 +0200diario-expreso (es)

16/03/2014. Un fuerte sismo de 6,7 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió el extremo norte de Chile. Más de 100.000 ciudadanos dejaron sus viviendas en tres regiones del país debido a la alerta de tsunami. 31/03/2014. Un terremoto de 8,2 grados en la escala de Ritcher sacudió las costas de Chile y dejó a su paso seis muertos y 900.

Sismos en el Mundo

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 05:18:00 +0200peru (es)

El epicentro del movimiento telúrico se registró esta tarde a las 21:07 horas locales a 20 kilómetros de profundidad y a 53 kilómetros de Kárpatos. El primer sismo, de 6,8 grados, se situó a 213 kilómetros al suroeste de Apia, la capital de Samoa; y el segundo, a 226 kilómetros al sur suroeste de esta.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 au sud-est des îles Salomon

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 04:56:00 +0200ladepeche-pf (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,3 sur l’échelle ouverte de Richter s’est produit ce jeudi au sud-est des îles Salomon, a rapporté l’institut géophysique américain USGS, basé à Denver (Colorado). L’épicentre de cette secousse sous-marine, survenue à 9h57 (heure locale) a été localisé à environ 160....

Chile: Uno de los países más desarrollados es también el más golpeado

Fri, 24 Apr 2015 02:03:00 +0200peru21 (es)

En el 2011, como una economía desarrollada con grandes fortalezas que al mismo tiempo era muy desafortunado por la cantidad de catástrofes naturales que ha vivido a lo largo de su historia. En los últimos años, Chile ha sufrido varios terremoto, tsunamis y erupciones que le han enseñado a monitorear....

Catalina Island's slow sink—and potential tsunami hazard

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:50:00 +0200phys (en)

Underwater beach terraces around Santa Catalina Island suggest that the island is sinking. Credit: Chris Castillo, Stanford University. New images of ancient, underwater beach terraces around Santa Catalina Island suggest that the island is sinking, probably as a result of changes in the active fault systems around the island.

Todo es veneno, hasta el té

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:47:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

La semana pasada se conoció una comunicación corta que ilustra muy bien aquella observación de la tradición paracelsiana sobre el efecto tóxico de algunos alimentos “naturales” dependiendo de la dosis. Pongo natural entre comillas porque es discutible su definición.

Más de 62 mil personas participaron en simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Arica

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:16:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

tsunami en las comunas de Arica y Camarones. Dos minutos después, a las 10:12, fue activado el Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Tsunami (alarmas de maremoto), instalado en todo el borde costero, tras lo cual se desarrolló la evacuación de las zonas de inundabilidad, logrando aplicar los planes de....

Japanese Women Push Back Against Leaning In

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 21:47:00 +0200globalvoicesonline (en)

Haruko Arimura, Japanese Minister Responsible for Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality and Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate. Arimura's ministerial portfolio does not include a webpage. Screencap taken from The Japanese government wants more women to participate in the workforce .

Los desastres naturales que han afectado al país durante los gobiernos de Bachelet y Piñera

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 21:40:00 +0200radioagricultura (es)

Tocopilla, Copiapó, Chaitén, Concepción han sido algunas de las ciudades afectadas. En los últimos siete años terremotos, incendios, inundaciones y erupciones han afectado a diversas zonas del país, pasando a ser los protagonistas en las gestiones del primer y segundo gobierno de Michelle Bachelet, y de Sebastián Piñera.

DIAPORAMA. Les plus importantes éruptions volcaniques des 20 dernières années

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 20:34:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

Depuis 1997, la Terre a connu sept éruptions majeures, en Afrique, en Amérique, en Europe et en Asie. La plus célèbre éruption volcanique de l'histoire reste cependant celle du Vésuve qui a détruit Pompéi et Herculanum en 79 après JC. Mais c'est l'explosion du volcan Krakatoa en Indonésie, en 1883,....

Alta participación en simulacro de tsunami en región de Arica y Parinacota

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 20:20:00 +0200onemi (es)

23/04/2015 | 14:56 | Arica y Parinacota. En la ocasión se estrenó un moderno sistema de sirenas de tsunami, el que dio inicio a la evacuación, poniéndose en práctica, además, evacuaciones verticales en los edificios de las zonas críticas. El ejercicio, que movilizó a quienes se encontraban en zonas....

Tide of migrants in Mediterranean is the world’s problem

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 19:21:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

This month, still not over, up to 2,000 of our fellow global citizens have been reported missing, and presumed drowned, in the waters off Libya. That’s 20 times what the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the agency I direct, had recorded by this time last year.

Bolivar pledges buildup transparency, says Pacific still priority

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 19:00:00 +0200marianasvariety-guam (en)

REAR Adm. Bette Bolivar, commanding officer of Joint Region Marianas, addressed the Rotary Club of Guam yesterday afternoon, reiterating the reasons why the Asia-Pacific region is important to the U.S. Navy and spoke about transparency regarding the military buildup. Rotarian and former Sen.

(Memes) Por erupción en volcán Calbuco: Marcelo Lagos es el centro de las bromas

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:54:00 +0200radioagricultura (es)

. La prensa recurre al especialista siempre en este tipo de circunstancias, adquiriendo una calidad de “personaje de la televisión”. Cada vez que ocurre una catástrofe natural en Chile es necesaria una opinión académica que fundamente lo que está ocurriendo.

Así vivimos en Arica el simulacro de Terremoto y Tsunami con estreno de alarmas costeras [FOTOS]

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:29:00 +0200elmorrocotudo (es)

Cerca de las 10.15 horas comenzaron a sonar las sirenas de Bomberos, Carabineros y PDI con lo que comenzó el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami programado para hoy en Arica, con lo que la ciudadanía inició la evacuación a las zonas de seguridad. Además estrenaron las alarmas instaladas en la zona....

Japão ativa sistema de aviso de tsunami com foco na retirada de pessoas

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 17:07:00 +0200hojeemdia (pt)

BRASÍLIA - A Agência de Meteorologia do Japão ativou nesta quinta-feira (7) um sistema de aviso de tsunami, cujo objetivo é disponibilizar melhores mecanismos de alerta para a retirada das pessoas. Atualmente, o sistema apenas informa a altura das ondas.

Onemi realiza simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Arica

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 16:24:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

| La Información es de Andrés Bravo La mañana de este jueves se realizó en las comunas de Arica y Camarones un simulacro de terremoto y tsunami con el que se espera poner a prueba el funcionamiento del sistema de alerta temprana. El simulacro comenzó con el sonido de las sirenas y las personas....

"Het meest geïsoleerde volk ter wereld": zelfs de tsunami kreeg hen niet klein

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 14:16:00 +0200hln (nl)

Vanuit de lucht lijkt het een idyllisch eiland, met prachtige stranden en dichte bossen. Van toeristen is echter geen sprake op dit stukje ongerepte natuur in de Indische Oceaan. Wie te dicht in de buurt komt, riskeert immers aangevallen te worden door de leden van een inheemse stam. De bevolking leeft al zo'n 60.

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