M 4.9 in Peru on 28 Aug 2015 16:27 UTC

Media coverage of this event

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All headlines on this Alert

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Firms promote practical items in times of disaster

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 13:47:00 +0200japantimes (en)

With the chances of a destructive earthquake hitting the Kanto region in the next 30 years estimated to be 70 percent, disaster preparedness seems to be on the minds of many people. As they seek safety, and minimum necessities in times of trouble, a number of companies have developed unique products in an attempt to meet their needs.

Lu pour vous, Cannibales et Monarques : Hier comme aujourd'hui, pas d'évolution !

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 13:46:00 +0200LaPresse (fr)

Les longues journées estivales et les siestes grenadines sont propices à la lecture, quand on aime celle-ci. Le prix du livre étant élevé, voire très élevé, on cherche dans sa petite bibliothèque un vieux titre qu’on a lu, il a y fort longtemps, ou bien qu’on a mis de côté en attendant de le reprendre, ici quelques années plus tard.

História Hoje: Saiba mais sobre o grande terremoto japonês

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 13:25:00 +0200radioagencianacional (pt)

No dia 1 de setembro de 1923 um terremoto atingiu o Japão na região de Kanto. Tóquio e as cidades vizinhas, Chiba, Kanagawa e Shizuoka, foram devastadas. A tragédia foi chamada de o grande terremoto. O tremor teve uma magnitude de 7.9 na escala Richter, durou entre 4 e 10 minutos e foram contados 57 tremores secundários.

Child thyroid cancer unlikely to rise in Fukushima but extent of radiation exposure unclear: IAEA

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 10:00:00 +0200japantimes (en)

UNITED NATIONS – An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the disaster at the Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity were exposed to, International Atomic Energy Agency said in a new report.

September declared National Preparedness Month

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 08:50:00 +0200kuam (en)

Disaster can strike at any time, and in recognition of this Governor Eddie Calvo declared September to be National Preparedness Month. Rear Admiral Bette Bolivar said, "Our first responders are very important to our island, you know we, our One Guam, have proven time and time again how resilient our people are in getting through these crises.

Zeman: Smete nás tsunami

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 08:49:00 +0200halonoviny (cs)

Prezident Miloš Zeman v pondělí vyslovil názor, že vlna uprchlíků nebude slábnout, ale naopak sílit. Vyzval k tomu, aby ČR začala chránit své hranice, neboť Evropa jako celek toho není schopna. Bez toho nás uprchlická vlna doslova smete, varoval Zeman.

Une délégation de jeunes Indonésiens a été reçue par les enfants du centre de loisirs du Châtelard

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 07:09:00 +0200lepopulaire (fr)

au crépuscule d'un été de vacances où l'animation y était déjà vive, le centre du Châtelard a encore davantage gagné en effervescence, il y a peu, au cours d'une journée pas comme les autres. Pour ce qui constituait une grande première pour la structure d'accueil de loisirs, c'est en effet une....

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 06:59:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

UNITED NATIONS An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Geologist: Earthquake called the 'Really Big One' isn't hoax

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 05:41:00 +0200krcrtv (en)

REDDING, Calif. - An earthquake called the 'Really Big One' is causing a stir for geologists, researchers and seismologists all over the country. According to a New Yorker article published in July, researchers say an earthquake and tsunami combination will destroy the entire west coastline resulting from a rupture in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

USS Ronald Reagan Departs for Japan

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 02:26:00 +0200globalsecurity (en)

. Navy News Service. Story Number: NNS150831-11. Release Date: 8/31/2015 2:48:00 PM. By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nathan Burke, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) Public Affairs. SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- After nine years of calling Naval Air Station North Island its homeport, the Nimitz-class....

IAEA: Fukushima-linked child cancers unlikely to rise but extent of radiation exposure unclear

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 02:05:00 +0200japantimes (en)

UNITED NATIONS – An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdowns at the Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Tue, 01 Sep 2015 01:12:00 +0200trust (en)

By Louis Charbonneau. UNITED NATIONS, Aug 31 (Reuters) - An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United....

El OIEA niega motivos para la complacencia acerca de la seguridad nuclear

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:58:00 +0200rian-sp (es)

El director general del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (OIEA), Yukiya Amano, dijo este lunes que no existen motivos para la complacencia acerca de la seguridad nuclear en el mundo. "No puede haber ningún motivo para la complacencia acerca de la seguridad nuclear en cualquier país",....

De cómo Japón hará a nuestra industria más competitiva

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:38:00 +0200CincoDias (es)

Que Japón ponga en marcha la primera de sus cuarenta y dos plantas nucleares, con la clara intención de operar todas sus plantas seguras, es una excelente noticia para la competitividad de los industriales españoles. Sí, han leído bien. Puede parecerles raro que estos dos hechos estén directamente....

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:10:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Increased thyroid cancer is generally the leading health concern after exposure to nuclear radiation, but that may not be the case after the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011, the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency said.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 23:05:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:56:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

By Louis Charbonneau. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations'....

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:47:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

UNITED NATIONS: An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:31:00 +0200reuters (en)

UNITED NATIONS Louis Charbonneau Aug 31 An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise: IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:31:00 +0200reuters (en)

UNITED NATIONS An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:15:00 +0200eleconomista-es (en)

By Louis Charbonneau. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations'....

Empezarán a bombear aguas radiactivas del subsuelo en Fukushima I

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:09:00 +0200rian-sp (es)

El personal de la central nuclear japonesa averiada Fukushima I comenzará esta semana a bombear aguas radiactivas subterráneas en su recinto, para impedir la acumulación del líquido contaminado, comunicó este lunes el canal de televisión NHK. El bombeo comenzará el 3 de septiembre y se efectuará a....

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:06:00 +0200reuters-af (en)

By Louis Charbonneau UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations'....

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise - IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 21:58:00 +0200reuters-uk (en)

UNITED NATIONS Louis Charbonneau An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Fukushima-related child cancers unlikely to rise: IAEA

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 21:58:00 +0200reuters-uk (en)

UNITED NATIONS An increase in thyroid cancer among children is unlikely after the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant four years ago, but it remains unclear exactly how much radiation children in the vicinity of the plant were exposed to, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a report released on Monday.

Ning Nong the elephant

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 21:35:00 +0200thedailyherald (en)

Ten years ago, a tsunami struck Thailand. A tsunami is a set of large powerful waves caused by an earthquake on the sea floor. This particular tsunami was especially devastating because nobody was expecting it. Thailand is also very flat, which allowed the wave to travel inland a long distance until it lost power.

Pondering a 36-foot storm surge in Tampa and other ‘gray swan’ disasters

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 20:03:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

A NASA computer model simulates the astonishing track and forceful winds of Hurricane Sandy. On Saffir-Simpson scale, this wasn't a "major" storm at landfall. (William Putnam/NASA/GSFC) Excellent Science Word of the Day: "Paleotempestology." It's the study of prehistoric storms.

Müllberg von 50 Millionen Tonnen erwartet - UN spricht von „Tsunami aus Elektroschrott“

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 18:31:00 +0200mz-web (de)

Berlin. Der Chef des UN-Umweltprogramms, Achim Steiner, wählte kürzlich eine sehr anschauliche Beschreibung der Lage: Man sei konfrontiert mit einem „beispiellosen Tsunami aus Elektroschrott“. Der globale Müllberg aus ausgedienten Computern, Fernsehern oder Handys wachse schon bis 2017 von heute 40....

Earthquake-Induced Tsunami Could Hit Italy, Greece

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:52:00 +0200rttnews (en)

What will be impact of an earthquake-induced powerful tsunami in the thickly populated eastern Mediterranean region? Scientists of the University of Bologna in Italy and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece did a detailed evaluation of the tsunamigenic zones off the cities Sicily and Crete.

Comentarios en “En simulacro de ‘El Niño’, autoridades y población deben identificar zonas seguras”, señaló jefe de INDECI Piura

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:42:00 +0200radiocutivalu (es)

El jefe de Indeci Piura, Hipólito Cruchaga Mercedes, señaló que a diferencia de los tradicionales simulacros por sismo o tsunami, este ejercicio tiene como objetivo que tanto la autoridad como la población identifiquen cuáles son las zonas seguras ante una posible inundación y las vías de evacuación.

Galeri Foto Membetoni Laut: Tanggul Raksasa di Seluruh Dunia Jakarta berambisi membangun tembok raksasa untuk melindungi wilayah utara dari abrasi dari banjir air laut yang melanda secara rutin. Hal serupa pernah dibuat di Belanda, Jepang dan kini juga Venesia.

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 17:34:00 +0200deutschewelle-id (id)

Giant Sea Wall Jakarta. Digagas pada pemerintahan bekas Gubernur DKI, Fauzi Bowo, proyek tanggul raksasa di pantai Jakarta ini akan membentang sepanjang 32 kilometer dari Tangerang hingga Tanjung Priok. Tembok beton itu terdiri atas 17 pulau buatan yang membentuk lambang negara, Garuda.

Migrace je jako tsunami. Ať si každý vědec vezme domů uprchlíka, vyzval Zeman

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 13:50:00 +0200lidovky (cs)

PRAHA Migrační vlna bude podle prezidenta Miloše Zemana sílit. Očekává, že uprchlíci budou do Evropy zvát své příbuzné. Migraci také podle něj zhorší pokračující destabilizace některých států. Migraci přirovnal k vlně tsunami. Signatáři vědecké výzvy proti xenofobii a nenávisti by si pak podle něj měli vzít domů uprchlíka.

Japan Protests Russian PM's Visit To Disputed Island

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 13:10:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan on Saturday lodged a protest over Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's visit to one of four Pacific islands it also claims, and which have strained ties between the neighbors since the end of World War Two. The protest over the disputed islands could set back Japanese....

"Essere Morandi", Gianni saluta dai social, ma la festa è un successo

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 12:39:00 +0200repubblica (it)

Gianni Morandi condivide le foto dei fan "Un abbraccio a tutte le persone che hanno voluto partecipare al party Being Gianni Morandi”. Il messaggio arriva direttamente in rete, dalla pagina Facebook del cantante bolognese. E se venerdì sera non si è presentato alla festa in suo onore al Banano....

Acusan a la Junta de imponer la 'esclavitud' en sus consorcios

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 10:21:00 +0200elMundo (es)

El director de la Escuela del Mármol de Andalucía, uno de los consorcios de formación de la Junta, acusa al Gobierno andaluz de practicar la «esclavitud» por obligar a sus trabajadores a seguir cumpliendo con sus obligaciones pese a deberles 14 nóminas .

10 Jahre Katrina: "Es war schwer zu ertragen"

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 10:21:00 +0200klimaretter (de)

Durch den Klimawandel steigt die Flutgefahr in Dominica, einem kleinen Inselstaat in der Karibik. Ein schwerer Wirbelsturm oder Tsunami könnte Teile der Insel überfluten und viele Menschenleben kosten. Die Ursachen für den völlig gestörten Wasserhaushalt des Landes sind dagegen hausgemacht. Aus Roseau Desmond Brown (IPS) [mehr.

A concerted voice from small islands on climate change will be vital

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 10:05:00 +0200pina (en)

By Pita Ligaiula. The Asian Development (ADB) says a strong and coordinated voice on climate change for the Pacific is vital ahead of the Climate Change talks in Paris in December later this year. Speaking at a public lecture in Fiji, ADB President Takehiko Nakao says the Pacific Islands are already....

Opera “La isla de los peces” de Guillermo Eisner en el Gam, 4 al 6 de septiembre

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 05:46:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

36 personas muertas y 10 desaparecidos. Esa es la cifra oficial de víctimas que dejó el tsunami del 2010 en la Isla Orrego. Todos estaban ahí esperando la noche veneciana, la fiesta con que tradicionalmente cierran el verano en Constitución, con botes decorados, show y reina.

Opinions › Hotel Okura - the face of Tokyo

Mon, 31 Aug 2015 01:13:00 +0200japantoday (en)

TOKYO. According to the late Donald Richie, the noted American writer on Japanese culture, the most recognizable flaw of Tokyo is its failure to preserve historical buildings. It is true that, unlike, say, New York, Chicago, Paris, or Rome, something is amiss here. The city lacks a coherent overall style of its own.


Sun, 30 Aug 2015 21:02:00 +0200dac-presse (fr)

PREMIÈRE PARTIE Il lui serait sans aucun doute arrivé, à l'image du président Obama, de se poser la question de savoir comment peut-on en dépit de la loi, chercher à s’accrocher indéfiniment au pouvoir au prix du sang et des larmes d’un peuple qu’on a plongé dans les drames tout en mettant en péril....

Une macabre attraction

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 20:16:00 +0200horizons-dz (fr)

Tourisme de désolation Une macabre attraction Publié le 30 août 2015 Grignoter une pizza à Auschwitz, déguster un bol de bortsch à Tchernobyl, ces alléchantes excursions proposées par des tour-opérateurs sans scrupule composent le filon commercial du « dark tourism ».

‘Literature tsunami’ Prof. Ngugi wa Thiong’o to give public lecture at Kisii University

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 17:27:00 +0200kenya-today (en)

At the invitation of Kisii University Vice Chancellor Prof. John Sorana Akama, renowned literature ‘tsunami’ – writer and author Prof. Ngugi wa Thiong’o will tomorrow deliver a public lecture at the university. Prof. Ngugi wa Thiong’o is Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and English....

Así sería un tsunami en el Mediterráneo

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 17:09:00 +0200cadenaser (es)

Científicos investigadores de la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia) y de la Universidad Tesalónica (Grecia) Para ello, han simulado un terremoto en el punto de más activo de este mar en cuanto a sismicidad, y donde más tsunamis se han producido en el pasado. Normalmente, ocasionados por el choque de las placas tectónicas euroasiática y africana.

Veliki potres mogao bi pogoditi Mediteran, moguć i jaki tsunami

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 15:16:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

Foto: Shutterstock ZNANSTVENICI sa Sveučilita u Bologni proučavanjem potresa na području sjeverne Afrike napravili su simulaciju i zabilježili utjecaj istog na europsku obalu. Tako su izražunali jačinu i veličinu valova koje bi takav potres mogao izazvati, pie Daily Mail.

Was Tsunamis im Mittelmeer anrichten können

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 14:45:00 +0200Tagespiegel (de)

Gefährliche Flut Was Tsunamis im Mittelmeer anrichten können 13:50 Uhr Von Ralf Nestler Jeder zehnte Tsunamis rast durchs Mittelmeer. Welche Schäden drohen, haben Geoforscher für Küsten auf Seebeben vor Kreta und Sizilien simuliert. Der Indische Ozean und der Pazifik sind dafür bekannt, dass dort häufiger Tsunamis auftreten.

Tsunami zagraża południowej Europie

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 10:24:00 +0200wprost (pl)

Od ostatniego tsunami jakie nawiedziło Europę minęło ponad 100 lat. Mimo, że takie zdarzenie miało miejsce, mieszkańcy wybrzeża Morza Śródziemnego nie zdają sobie sprawy, że kataklizm im zagraża. Według najnowszych badań, wystarczy umiarkowane trzęsienie ziemi we wschodniej części basenu tego akwenu....

Spettacolari e tenebrosi: ecco i 10 vulcani più suggestivi al mondo

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 09:48:00 +0200repubblica (it)

Gunung Bromo, Indonesia. È un vulcano attivo e appartiene al Parco nazionale di Bromo Tengger Semeru, sull'isola di Giava. La sua cima si trova a 2392 metri ed è la più conosciuta della catena di Tengger. L'ultima eruzione risale al 26 novembre 2011. Il suo nome deriva dalla pronuncia giavanese di Brahma, il dio creatore dell'induismo.

Terremoto in mare vicino Trapani: magnitudo 3.8

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 09:02:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 30 agosto 2015) Trapani – Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 3.8 è stata registrata alle 22:25 di sabato 29 agosto al largo delle coste siciliane, a nordovest di Trapani . Secondo i rilevamenti dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv), il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a....

Derechos humanos: Impunidad eterna

Sun, 30 Aug 2015 05:23:00 +0200proceso (es)

Al unísono, defensores de derechos humanos dicen que México es un país de impunidades, sobre todo en esta materia. Y enumeran los agravios acumulados en los últimos meses: Tlatlaya, Ayotzinapa, Apatzingán, Ecuandureo, Ostula, Calera… Frente a este tsunami de sangre, ejecutados, desaparecidos,....

U slučaju potresa na Mediteranu tsunami bi ugrozio živote 130 milijuna ljudi

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 21:16:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

Foto: Shutterstock (ilustracija) VELIKI plimni val mogao bi progutati brojna poznata ljetovalita na Mediteranu i ugroziti živote 130 milijuna ljudi koji žive na obalnom području, pie Daily Mail pozivajući se na nove znanstvene studije. Istraživači su ispitali posljedice mogućeg potresa na sjevernoj....

Znanstvenici upozoravaju na pojavu tsunamija na Mediteranu

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:51:00 +0200dnevnik-HR (hr)

Veliki tsunami razorne moći mogao bi pogoditi velik broj popularnih mediteranskih odredišta te ugroziti živote više od 130 milijuna ljudi koji nastanjuju obalu, otkrila je nova studija. Znanstvenici sa Sveučilita u Bolonji su proučavanjem potresa na području sjeverne Afrike izradili simulaciju te....

Arson feared in series of fires afflicting JR East

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:48:00 +0200ajw (en)

Repeated arson attacks may be responsible for cable fires along the tracks of East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) in Tokyo that have caused disruptions for more than 150,000 commuters since mid-August. August 24, 2015. Hundreds of rail fans gathered at Platform 13 of JR Ueno Station in Tokyo to....

Protestas en Japón contra construcción de almacén de residuos radiactivos

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 19:38:00 +0200zocalo (es)

Japón.- Agencias Una manifestación masiva en contra de la construcción de un almacén de residuos radiactivos tuvo lugar este sábado cerca del poblado de Shioya, en la prefectura japonesa de Tochigi, informó la cadena TBS. Cerca de 2 mil 700 ecologistas marcharon con carteles y pancartas "¡Juntos....

Protestan en Japón contra la construcción de almacén de residuos radiactivos

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:44:00 +0200elmercuriodigital (es)

▫ Agencias.- Cerca de 2.700 personas marcharon en contra de la construcción de un almacén de residuos radiactivos tuvo lugar este sábado cerca del poblado de Shioya, en la prefectura japonesa de Tochigi, informó la cadena TBS. Con carteles y pancartas que decían "¡Juntos contra!", firmaron una....

Estrenan ópera que aborda el tsunami del 2010 y rinde homenaje a las víctimas

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:41:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

La VIII temporada de Conciertos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, presenta en coproducción con GAM, el estreno de "La isla de los peces" , ópera de cámara en trece escenas, dirigido por Paula Torres, compuesta por el compositor uruguayo residente en Chile Guillermo Eisner, y con libretos y dirección de escena de Carla Romero.

Tsunami que matou 220 mil pessoas no Oceano Índico completa 10 anos

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:40:00 +0200hojeemdia (pt)

Dez anos depois do tsunami mais mortífero do Oceano Índico, as autoridades temem que o esquecimento coloque em perigo os progressos realizados com um sistema de alerta de alta tecnologia para prevenir outra catástrofe. Em 26 de dezembro de 2004, um terremoto de magnitude 9,3 no litoral da Indonésia....

Protestas en Japón contra construcción de almacén de residuos radiactivos

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:07:00 +0200rian-sp (es)

Una manifestación masiva en contra de la construcción de un almacén de residuos radiactivos tuvo lugar este sábado cerca del poblado de Shioya, en la prefectura japonesa de Tochigi, informó la cadena TBS. Cerca de 2.700 ecologistas marcharon con carteles y pancartas "Juntos contra!" y firmaron una....

'Deprem tehlike haritaları acilen yenilenmeli'

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 13:19:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

CHP 24. Dönem İstanbul Milletvekili ve İTÜ Jeofizik Mühendisliği Bölümü Eski Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Haluk Eyidoğan, deprem haritalarının yetersizliğine dikkat çekti. Prof. Dr. Haluk Eyidoğan2ın konuya ilişkin açıklamaları şöyle: Mevcut Deprem Bölgeleri Haritası Yetersiz.

Umebaki Wewe!

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 10:49:00 +0200jamiiforums (sw)

Watu Wanazidi Kumiminika Katika Viwanja Vya Jangwani Toka Jana Mafuliko Si Mafuliko, Tsunami Si TSunami Ama Hakika Historia Inaenda Kuandikwa Katika Viwanja Hivi, Hii Haijawai Kutokea Watu Wamefunga Ofic Zao Watu Wametoloka Makazini, Umebaki Wewe Tu, Nawewe Toloka Uje Usipende Kuadisiwa.


Sat, 29 Aug 2015 10:26:00 +0200gds-it (it)

ROMA. Pronto il modello per simulare la propagazione di eventuali tsunami nel Mediterraneo, a prepararlo è stato un uno studio guidato da Achilleas Samaras, dell'Università di Bologna. Il lavoro pubblicato sulla rivista 'Ocean Science' mostra come si diffonderebbero le onde di maremoto colpendo le zone costiere di sud Italia e Grecia.

Capacitan en cuidado de los perros Arranca programa de ‘Guardián canino’ durante la Feria Guau en Explora; pretenden erradicar el maltrato animal.

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 09:06:00 +0200am (es)

Para crear cultura de respeto y cuidado a los canes, se inauguró ayer el programa intensivo ‘Guardián Canino’ que forma parte de la ‘Feria Guau’. Del 28 al 30 de agosto se llevará a cabo en Explora la cuarta edición de la Feria, en la que esperan cerca de 15 mil asistentes con sus perritos.

"Tote Flüchtlinge in Lkw sind beschämend für Europa" DIE WELT vor 21 Min.

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 07:44:00 +0200msn-de (de)

Für DRK-Präsident Rudolf Seiters hat es oberste Priorität, dass vom Flüchtlingsgipfel klare Signale ausgehen. Er kritisiert zudem das fehlende Krisen-Management Europas in dieser Situation. An der Seite von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel hat der Präsident des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes (DRK), Rudolf Seiters,....

Catástrofes asociadas a la <i>Superluna</i>

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 07:42:00 +0200sipse (es)

Agencias México, D.F.- Que el Sol y la Luna influyen en fenómenos como las mareas está claro. Pero, cada vez que se produce una superluna resucitan viejas teorías que la relacionan con el desencadenante de desastres naturales. La ciencia no ha demostrado dicha relación, aunque ha sido en varias....

Warszawa tym razem mile zaskoczyła

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 05:39:00 +0200parkiet (pl)

Inwestorzy, którzy narzekali na brak zmienności i emocji na rynku, po zakończonym właśnie tygodniu na pewno mogą być usatysfakcjonowani. Było w nim bowiem niemal wszystko. Giełdowe trzęsienie ziemi, podwyższona zmienność, duże obroty i odrabianie strat. Niestety ostatecznie WIG20 cały tydzień zakończył pod kreską.

"Tote Flüchtlinge in Lkw sind beschämend für Europa"

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 05:20:00 +0200Welt (de)

Rudolf Seiters: Der Tsunami in Südostasien, der Taifun auf den Philippinen und das Erdbeben in Nepal waren furchtbare Naturkatastrophen, auch beim Elbehochwasser in Deutschland waren wir im Großeinsatz. Aber die Flüchtlingskrise hat eine ganz neue Dimension.

¿Cómo sería el tsunami que amenaza a 130 millones de personas en el Mediterráneo?

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 04:25:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un grupo de científicos italianos decidió prepararse ante la posibilidad de un desastroso tsunami que afectaría a 130 millones de personas en la región del Mediterráneo, ya que lo consideran más que probable. En consecuencia, crearon un modelo que muestra cómo el maremoto se propagaría por la mayor....

Galeri Foto Bahaya Unsur Radioaktif Nuklir mengancam secara tidak langsung. Tambang dan pemerkayaan Uranium untuk tujuan sipil atau militer, bencana dan limbah nuklir melepaskan elemen radioaktif ke udara. Ratusan ribu manusia pernah menjadi korban

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 02:08:00 +0200deutschewelle-id (id)

Seribu Uji Coba Nuklir di Nevada. Uji coba di sekitar kamp Mercury dari 1950 hingga 1992 mengkontaminasi sebagian wilayah AS. Pada gigi balita misalnya ditemukan Strontium yang memancarkan zat radioaktif. Selain itu angka penderita penyakit Kanker juga meningkat tajam. Dari 1963 hingga 1992 pemerintah AS melakukan uji coba nuklir di bawah tanah.

Travel › The greatest of Japan's Great Buddhas

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 00:57:00 +0200japantoday (en)

TOKYO. Who says size doesn’t matter? In Japan, when it comes to showing piety and religious devotion, bigger is definitely better. Indeed, some of Japan’s Great Buddhas have iconic status, both in the country and overseas. “Great Buddha” is the English translation of “daibutsu,” the Japanese label for any Buddhist image that is more than life size.

Was, wenn Europa seine Seele verliert?

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 22:29:00 +0200TT (de)

Von Floo Weißmann. Alpbach – Der qualvolle Tod von Flüchtlingen in Österreich hat auch beim Europäischen Forum Alpbach für Empörung gesorgt. „Diejenigen, die in diesem Lastwagen gestorben sind, sind ermordet worden“, sagte Kristalina Georgiewa, Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission, der Tiroler Tageszeitung.

Seebeben: Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 21:43:00 +0200suddeutsche (de)

Etwa zehn Prozent aller Tsunamis ereignen sich im Mittelmeer. Die Flutwellen könnten auf Sizilien oder Kreta große Schäden anrichten, haben Wissenschaftler berechnet. Forscher versuchen die Seebeben zu simulieren, um für Katastrophen gewappnet zu sein. Mit 300 Kilometer pro Stunde raste die Flutwelle in Richtung Norden auf das Archipel zu.

Studie - So gefährlich sind Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 18:39:00 +0200derStandard (de)

Forscher ermitteln auf Basis neuer Modellrechnungen besonderes Risiko für Süditalien und Kreta – Zeit für Vorwarnungen bleibt kaum. Bologna/Wien – Es war die größte Naturkatastrophe Europas im 20. Jahrhundert: Am frühen Morgen des 28. Dezember 1908 wurde die Region rund um die Meerenge von Messina....

Kangur w Opolskiem czy tupecik Donalda Trumpa?

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 18:32:00 +0200tvn24 (pl)

1. Wielokilometrowa ściana pyłu. Tak wygląda burza piaskowa w Arizonie Silny wiatr, który towarzyszył burzom w okolicach amerykańskiego miasta Phoenix, wzbił w powietrze gigantyczne tumany kurzu. Krajowa Służba Pogodowa natychmiast wydała ostrzeżenie dla mieszkańców, ponieważ widoczność spadła do zaledwie kilkuset metrów.

Modello simula tsunami Mediterraneo

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:30:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - BOLOGNA, 28 AGO - Pronto il modello per simulare la propagazione di eventuali tsunami nel Mediterraneo: a prepararlo è stato uno studio guidato da Achilleas Samaras, dell'Università di Bologna. Il lavoro, pubblicato sulla rivista 'Ocean Science', mostra come si diffonderebbero le onde di....

Maps show how a Tsunami in the Mediterranean would endanger 130 million lives

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:26:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Tsunamis - the devastatingly huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes - are usually associated with coastlines of Japan or the Indian Ocean. But new research proves that massive tidal waves sparked by seismic activity have also ravaged European shores in the past - and could be repeated.

Maps show how a Tsunami in the Mediterranean would endanger 130 million lives

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:02:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Tsunamis - the devastatingly huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes - are usually associated with coastlines of Japan or the Indian Ocean. But new research proves that massive tidal waves sparked by seismic activity have also ravaged European shores in the past - and could be repeated.

Akdeniz'de tsunami riski

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 15:41:00 +0200ulusalkanalcom (tr)

NTV'nin haberine göre, "Ocean Science" adlı dergide yayınlanan makalede Akdeniz'de meydana gelecek şiddetli bir depremin tsunamiye yol açabileceği ifade edildi. Makalede, Sicilya veya Girit Adaları yakınlarında, tektonik tabakalarda oluşacak 7 şiddetinde bir hareketin Akdeniz kıyılarında yıkıcı bir tsunamiye yol açabileceği belirtildi.

Could parts of Europe be lost like Atlantis? Maps show how a Tsunami in the Mediterranean would endanger 130 million lives

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:10:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Tsunamis - the devastatingly huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes - are usually associated with coastlines of Japan or the Indian Ocean. But new research proves that massive tidal waves sparked by seismic activity have also ravaged European shores in the past - and could be repeated.

Could parts of Europe be lost like Atlantis? Maps show how a Tsunami in the Mediterranean would endanger 130 million lives

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:54:00 +0200dailymail (en)

The animation above shows how an earthquake off the coast of the Greek island of Crete would send a devastating tsunami out across the Mediterranean with little warning (Credit: Samaras et al/ Ocean Science) The research suggests some of the most densely populated parts of coastline in the region,....

Terremoto di Messina "ispira" un modello per simulare tsunami

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:50:00 +0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Pronto il modello per simulare la propagazione di eventuali tsunami nel Mediterraneo, a prepararlo è stato un uno studio guidato da Achilleas Samaras, dell’Università di Bologna. Il lavoro pubblicato sulla rivista "Ocean Science" mostra come si diffonderebbero le onde di maremoto colpendo le zone costiere di sud Italia e Grecia.

I TERREMOTI / Un grande problema sono gli edifici insicuri

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:18:00 +0200blastingnews (it)

Facendo una riflessione a tutto campo sul dibattito scaturito dopo la pubblicazione, su un quotidiano nazionale, di un articolo che nel titolo poneva come imminente la possibilità di un'eruzione del Vesuvio, il ricercatore Alessandro Amato , sismologo del Centro Nazionale Terremoti dell'Istituto....

Un estudio simula los efectos de un tsunami en las costas del Mediterráneo

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:39:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Un equipo de investigadores de las universidades de Bolonia (Italia) y Tesalónica (Grecia) ha desarrollado un modelo para simular el impacto de los tsunamis generados por terremotos en el Mediterráneo , y ha utilizado esta aplicación informática para analizar las consecuencias que podría tener uno....

Tsunami nel Medieterraneo: quali effetti avrebbe? Lo studio

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:10:00 +0200247libero (it)

- Quanto è probabile che uno tsunami si verifichi nel Mediterraneo? A quanto pare non si tratta di un fenomeno così raro dal momento che si stima che il 10% dei maremoti di tutto il mondo avvenga, con una periodicità di circa un secolo anche nel mar Mediterraneo; dunque anche se in misura minore....

Was bei einem Tsunami im Mittelmeer geschieht

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:01:00 +0200ORF (de)

Generell sind Tsunamis eher im östlichen Mittelmeer häufig: Hier schiebt sich die afrikanische unter die eurasische Platte und löst dadurch immer wieder starke Erdbeben mit darauffolgenden Flutwellen aus. Vor der griechischen Insel Amorgos wurde 1956 etwa eine rund 25 Meter hohe Welle verzeichnet, auch hier starben Menschen.

Modello simula tsunami nel Mediterraneo

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:57:00 +0200virgilio-notizie (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 28 AGO - Pronto il modello per simulare la propagazione di eventuali tsunami nel Mediterraneo, a prepararlo è stato un uno studio guidato da Achilleas Samaras, dell'Università di Bologna. Il lavoro pubblicato su 'Ocean Science' mostra come si diffonderebbero le onde di maremoto colpendo le coste di sud Italia e Grecia.

11:00 Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:53:00 +0200zisch-nidwaldner (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europ�ische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute gr�sser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der K�sten leben, schrieb die EGU.

11:00 Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:52:00 +0200zisch (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europ�ische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute gr�sser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der K�sten leben, schrieb die EGU.

Che effetti avrebbe uno tsunami nel Mediterraneo?

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:51:00 +0200247libero (it)

Benché in misura minore rispetto a Pacifico e Oceano Indiano, gli tsunami interessano anche il Mediterraneo. Si stima che il 10% dei maremoti mondiali avvenga nel Mare nostrum , con un evento particolarmente distruttivo una volta ogni cento anni. Uno studio di Achilleas Samaras, ricercatore presso....

Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:50:00 +0200vaterland (de)

Bologna. Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europäische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute grösser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der Küsten leben, schrieb die EGU.

11:00 Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:44:00 +0200zisch-urner (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europ�ische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute gr�sser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der K�sten leben, schrieb die EGU.

11:00 Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:43:00 +0200zisch-zuger (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europ�ische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute gr�sser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der K�sten leben, schrieb die EGU.

Seven Indians on Forbes Asia's list of philanthropists

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:41:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

WASHINGTON: Seven Indians feature in Forbes Asia's ninth annual Heroes of Philanthropy list, highlighting some of the region's most noteworthy givers from 13 countries across Asia Pacific. Among them is Kerela-born entrepreneur Sunny Varkey, who in June this year pledged at least half his estimated $2.

11:00 Tsunamis im Mittelmeer

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:41:00 +0200zisch-obwaldner (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europ�ische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute gr�sser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der K�sten leben, schrieb die EGU.

Tsunamis im Mittelmeer könnten verheerend sein

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:21:00 +0200azonline (de)

Etwa jeder Zehnte Tsunami weltweit geschieht im Mittelmeer, wie die Europäische Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (EGU) in einer Mitteilung schreibt. Davon ist im Schnitt einer pro Jahrhundert ein Grosser. Das Risiko sei heute grösser als je zuvor, weil rund 130 Millionen Menschen entlang der Küsten leben, schrieb die EGU.

Naukowcy symulują tsunami na Morzu Śródziemnym

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:07:00 +0200pap-h (pl)

28.08. Warszawa (PAP) - Naukowcy opracowali model komputerowy pozwalający prześledzić zachowanie i przebieg tsunami we wschodniej części regionu śródziemnomorskiego. Jego fale zalałyby południowe wybrzeże Włoch i duże fragmenty Grecji. Model przedstawiono w "Ocean Science".

Seven Indians on Forbes Asia's list of philanthropists

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:57:00 +0200mid-day (en)

Washington: Seven Indians feature in Forbes Asia's ninth annual Heroes of Philanthropy list, highlighting some of the region's most noteworthy givers from 13 countries across Asia Pacific. Among them is Kerela-born entrepreneur Sunny Varkey, who in June this year pledged at least half his estimated $2.

Mediterranean tsunami ‘could be devastating’

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:35:00 +0200irishexaminer (en)

Highly populated coastal areas of Greece and Italy would be inundated if a moderately powerful earthquake in the Mediterranean triggered a tsunami, research has shown. Scientists simulated what would happen if a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred beneath the Mediterranean sea off Sicily or Crete.

Carrier USS Reagan moving from San Diego to Japan

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:26:00 +0200utsandiego (en)

Next week, San Diego and the state of California will bid a fond farewell to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), which has been a prominent part of the San Diego Bay skyline for the past 11 years. As the namesake ship representing the former U.S.

Geologie: Tsunamis zwischen Gibraltar und Haifa

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:43:00 +0200suddeutsche (de)

Man hält es für ein Phänomen ferner Weltgegenden, doch können zerstörerische Flutwellen auch im Mittelmeer auftreten.Geologen haben nun untersucht, was Seebeben vor den Küsten Siziliens und Kretas anrichten würden. Mit 300 Kilometer pro Stunde raste die Flutwelle in Richtung Norden auf das Archipel zu.

Terremot fil-Medterran jista' ...

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:42:00 +0200inewsmalta (mt)

Xjenzati qegħdin isostnu li terremot b'saħħa ta' 7 fuq l-iskala Richter fil-Medterran jista' jikkawża tsunami li jwassal biex jgħarraq partijiet kbar tal-kosta fil-Mediterran. Minn studju li sar, jirriżulta li hemm madwar 130 miljun persuna fil-Mediterran li jgħixu f'żoni madwar il-kosta li huma f'riskju ta' tsunami.

Quake in Med would cause devastating tsunami, scientists warn

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:33:00 +0200newstalk (en)

Around 130 million people in Mediterranean coastal areas are at risk of a devastating tsunami, which could be triggered by even a moderate earthquake. Scientists have found that a tsunami resulting from a magnitude 7 earthquake beneath Sicily or Crete would see Italy, Greece and Libya all hit by the waves.

Zamrożone w czasie miasto widmo. Fukushima na niezwykłych zdjęciach Polaka

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:27:00 +0200tvn24 (pl)

Cztery lata po wycieku materiału radioaktywnego z elektrowni atomowej w Fukushimie, mieszkańcy najbliżej położonych miejscowości wciąż nie mogą tam powrócić. Polski fotograf Arkadiusz Podniesiński wybrał się do Japonii, by zrobić zdjęcia tych stref, do których mieszkańcy będą mogli wrócić we wrześniu.

EARTHQUAKES: Beyond the shaking

Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:18:00 +0200nationnews (en)

As far as science has come, there are still huge blocks in our understanding of the world. Earthquakes and volcanic activity go hand in hand but don’t always come together. Quakes can cause volcanic activity and vice versa. In 1835, during his voyage on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin experienced a....

Difunden norma oficial para reducir riesgos ante un tsunami

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 23:13:00 +0200zocalo (es)

México.- Notimex Los propietarios o responsables de inmuebles, establecimientos mercantiles y espacios de los sectores público, social, privado ubicados en zonas costeras deberán implementar acciones para reducir riesgos ante la presencia de un tsunami a partir del 23 de febrero de 2016.

Mediterranean tsunami could 'swamp' Greece, Italy and Libyan coasts

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 19:14:00 +0200wandsworthguardian (en)

Highly populated coastal areas of Greece and Italy would be inundated if a moderately powerful earthquake in the Mediterranean triggered a tsunami, research has shown. Scientists simulated what would happen if a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred beneath the Mediterranean sea off Sicily or Crete.

Tsunami in Mediterranean would turn parts of Crete into an Atlantis

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 19:06:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

A large tsunami in the Mediterranean has the potential to turn a large part of Crete into an Atlantis with 3.5sq km of land submerged beneath the sea, scientists have found. Researchers said their model showed that a tsunami could also pose a risk to 130 million people living along the coast and,....

Presidi, concorso valido: ora 213 nuovi dirigenti. La sentenza del Consiglio di Stato chiude selezione avviata nel 2011

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 18:37:00 +0200positanonews (it)

Il Consiglio di Stato chiude la querelle sul concorso presidi. Non sarà annullato. Ed ora, finalmente, chi è in graduatoria potrà essere nominato dirigente scolastico. L’ultima parola è arrivata ieri nel primo pomeriggio. Già perché tra corsi, ricorsi, Tar, Consiglio di Stato ed una inchiesta della....

Quake In Med Would Cause Devastating Tsunami

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:18:00 +0200skynews (en)

Around 130 million people in Mediterranean coastal areas are at risk of a devastating tsunami, which could be triggered by even a moderate earthquake. Scientists have found that a tsunami resulting from a magnitude 7 earthquake beneath Sicily or Crete would see Italy, Greece and Libya all hit by the waves.

Difunden norma oficial para reducir riesgos ante un tsunami

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 16:49:00 +0200notimex (es)

México, 27 Ago (Notimex).- Los propietarios o responsables de inmuebles, establecimientos mercantiles y espacios de los sectores público, social, privado ubicados en zonas costeras deberán implementar acciones para reducir riesgos ante la presencia de un tsunami a partir del 23 de febrero de 2016.

Mediterranean tsunami could 'swamp' Greece, Italy and Libyan coasts Highly populated coastal areas of Greece and Italy would be...

Thu, 27 Aug 2015 16:46:00 +0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The results showed that low-lying areas up to five metres (16 feet) above sea level would be swamped by the resulting tsunami. Italy, Greece and Libya could all be hit by the waves, with up to 3.5 square kilometres (1.35 sq miles) of the island of Crete submerged. A large tsunami occurs in the Mediterranean once a century on average.

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