M 4.8 in United States from 07 Jan 2016 04:27 UTC to 04:27

Media coverage of this event

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All headlines on this Alert

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Kenya: Training Course on Early Warning Systems

Mon, 11 Jan 2016 03:52:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Introduction. The training is aimed at helping participants and their respective organizations to design and implement Early Warning Systems. The course will help participants develop an early warning systems and risk management plans tailored to the needs of their respective organizations.

US B-52 bomber flies over S Korea to show force against North

Mon, 11 Jan 2016 01:16:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:20AM. A powerful US long-range heavy bomber has flown over South Korea as an indication of power from the United States following North Korea's fourth nuclear test. US B-52 Stratofortress flew over South Korea on Sunday a few days after North Korea allegedly carried out its first hydrogen bomb test on Wednesday.

El símbolo de la patria es la Harina Pan por Asdrúbal Aguiar

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 19:04:00 +0100runrun (es)

Las tensiones que observa el país, angustiado, desde el 6D, cuando sobre un tsunami de votos la Unidad democrática de oposición asume el control calificado de la vida parlamentaria, son naturales. No quiere decir que se trate de fuegos artificiales, que encandilan y se apagan.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 18:19:00 +0100notimundo (es)

El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.37 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó 30 kilómetros al sur de Cobquecura, mientras que el hipocentro estuvo a 38,6 kilómetros de profundidad, explicó el Centro Sismológico de la Universidad de Chile. El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada....

Dos seísmos sacuden el sur y el norte de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 16:40:00 +0100negocios (es)

Santiago de Chile, 10 ene.- Dos terremotos sacudieron hoy el sur y el norte de Chile, el primero con una magnitud de 4,9 en la escala de Richter registrado en las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía y, el segundo, de 5 grados en la zona de Coquimbo, sin causar víctimas o daños materiales, informaron las autoridades.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:56:00 +0100elpais-cr (es)

Santiago de Chile, 10 ene (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:56:00 +0100correodelorinoco (es)

El movimiento telúrico fue percibido con intensidades entre grado III y grado V en la escala internacional de Mercalli. Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades.

Terremoto de magnitude 4,9 sacode três regiões do sul do ...

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:52:00 +0100noticias-terra-br (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 4,9 graus na escala Richter atingiu neste domingo as regiões do Maule, Biobío e la Araucanía, no sul do Chile, sem causar vítimas ou danos aparentes, informaram as autoridades. O sismo foi sentido às 1h37 (2h37 em Brasília) e seu epicentro estava localizado 30 quilômetros....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:44:00 +0100elnuevoherald (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:41:00 +0100diariolasamericas (es)

Santiago de Chile, 10 ene (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude al sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:34:00 +0100elheraldo (es)

Fueron tres las regiones afectadas sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, dijeron las autoridades. Santiago. Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:28:00 +0100listin (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Sismo de 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:26:00 +0100elperiodiquito (es)

El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.37 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó 30 kilómetros al sur de Cobquecura, mientras que el hipocentro estuvo a 38,6 kilómetros de profundidad. Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del ...

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:19:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Terremoto de 4,9 de magnitud sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:16:00 +0100elaragueno (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude tres regiones del sur de Chile

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:15:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las regiones del Maule, Biobío y La Araucanía, situadas en el sur de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños aparentes, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 01.37 hora local (04.

Estudio: tsunamis del norte llegan más rápido a zonas costeras

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 14:36:00 +0100publimetro (es)

El Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres (Cigiden) dio a conocer los principales resultados del trabajo de investigación realizado en las zonas costeras ubicadas entre Chañaral y Valparaíso, después del terremoto y tsunami originado en Illapel el 16 de septiembre de 2015.

Iconic girl’s new love in life

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 14:24:00 +0100couriermail (en)

She is known as the cute 13-month-old toddler who became the poster girl for the 2011 Queensland floods. One of more than 300 people rescued from the Lockyer Valley at the height of the floods, Montannah Creaser’s iconic image, in the arms of a Blackhawk helicopter Warrant Officer Tony Young, was so powerful it stopped the nation.

Mini-earthquake shakes Zambia

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 12:56:00 +0100bulawayo24 (en)

Zambia Daily Mail reported that a number of international geographical organisations and Zambian citizens were on Saturday morning reporting experiencing an earthquake which the United States Geographical Survey estimated to be 4.6 in magnitude. The Earthquaker-Report.

Das Geld für die Pflege reicht nicht

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 10:34:00 +0100shz (de)

Anders als das durch ein Erdbeben, durch einen Tsunami und Sicherheitsmängel verursachte Reaktor-Unglück in Fukushima im März 2011, das innerhalb von Tagen zu einer völligen Änderung der Energiepolitik führte, vollziehen sich andere Herausforderungen für eine Gesellschaft langsam, ja geradezu schleichend und zunächst unmerklich.

Ancora record di fallimenti in Trentino

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:57:00 +0100247libero (it)

TRENTO. E’ cambiato il mondo. Come se un tifone avesse colpito l’economia trentina lasciando in piedi solo le aziende solide e facendo crollare quelle più deboli e gracili. Lo dimostrano i dati sui fallimenti in provincia. Nel corso del 2015 hanno raggiunto la quota simbolica e preoccupante di 100.

Ancora record di fallimenti in Trentino

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:44:00 +0100trentinocorrierealpi (it)

TRENTO. E’ cambiato il mondo. Come se un tifone avesse colpito l’economia trentina lasciando in piedi solo le aziende solide e facendo crollare quelle più deboli e gracili. Lo dimostrano i dati sui fallimenti in provincia. Nel corso del 2015 hanno raggiunto la quota simbolica e preoccupante di 100.

Crónicas de Facundo 10/1/2016

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 06:41:00 +0100elimpulso (es)

Las tensiones que observa el país, angustiado, desde el 6D, cuando sobre un tsunami de votos la Unidad democrática de oposición asume el control calificado de la vida parlamentaria, son naturales. No quiere decir que se trate de fuegos artificiales, que encandilan y se apagan.

Profitez des vacances dans le Sud pour...

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 05:51:00 +0100clicanoo (fr)

...Partir � l’aventure. � Cilaos. Cilaosa Parc Aventure propose une activit� en plein air � 5 minutes de Cilaos avec ses 4 parcours accrobranche perch�s dans les arbres entre 2 � 12 m�tres du sol. Au programme : tyroliennes g�antes, boule coco, skate, pont de singe...Plus de 60 jeux accessibles pour tous les niveaux du d�butant au plus sportif.

Coquimbo está listo para recibir a los turistas hasta con piratas incluidos

Sun, 10 Jan 2016 03:43:00 +0100chilevision (es)

09/01/2016 | 23:14 Coquimbo está listo para recibir a los turistas hasta con piratas incluidos. Afirman que el tsunami del pasado septiembre no será impedimento para disfrutar este verano a mil por horas. Los piratas de Coquimbo darán la lucha para entretener a los turistas este verano en la región.

Mini-earthquake shakes Zambia

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 23:35:00 +0100dailymail-zm (en)

KAPALA CHISUNKA & MIKE MWENDA, Lusaka A NUMBER of international geographical organisations and Zambian citizens were on Saturday morning reporting experiencing an earthquake which the United States Geographical Survey estimated to be 4.6 in magnitude. The Earthquaker-Report.

Así se vivió el simulacro nocturno de sismo y tsunami en la capital |FOTOS

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 23:32:00 +0100larepublica-pe (es)

. El simulacro previsto para hoy simuló la intensidad de 8.5 grados en la escala de Ritcher. Esta noche se llevó a cabo un simulacro nocturno de sismo y de tsunami en todo el país, el mismo que simuló la intensidad de 8.5 grados en la escala de Ritcher. Entidades e instituciones a nivel nacional se sumaron a la práctica ciudadana.

Empresarios del Barrio Inglés refuerzan oferta gastronómica y de entretención en Coquimbo sábado 09 enero | 10:57 Los empresarios del Barrio Inglés de Coquimbo iniciaron la temporada estival tras conformar una nueva asociación gremial que hoy busca posicionar y reimpulsar a ...

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 15:40:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

iniciaron la temporada estival tras conformar una nueva asociación gremial, que hoy busca posicionar y reimpulsar a la actividad turística en el tradicional sector porteño. Esto mediante la innovación y una potente oferta de diversos servicios diurnos y nocturnos, destinados a turistas y locales.

09/01 | 8h14 Obama, debate e democracia

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 11:43:00 +0100estadao (pt)

09 Janeiro 2016 | 08h 14 Atualizado: 09 Janeiro 2016 | 08h 19. Kim Jong-un, da Coreia do Norte, deu largada no ano que promete ser tão nebuloso quanto a notícia do teste que teria conduzido com bomba de hidrogênio; um ano de crise econômica global, com o tigre chinês no olho do ciclone, e disputas....

Les remous de l'actualité des samedi 9 e dimanche 10 janvier 2016

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 11:31:00 +0100lenouvelliste (fr)

Les funérailles de Maxo Gaspard seront chantées le 9 janvier 2016 Les obsèques du militant de la plateforme «Pitit Dessalines », Maxo Gaspard, tué le 5 novembre dernier à Delmas 33 peu après la publication des résultats préliminaires du 25 octobre, seront chantées le samedi 9 janvier 2016.

Cei mai periculoşi 10 vulcani din lume, care ar putea ucide milioane de oameni

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 10:45:00 +0100obiectiv (ro)

Vulcanologii susţin că pe Terra există o serie de vulcani care, dacă ar erupe puternic în viitorul apropiat, ar duce la moartea a milioane de oameni, deoarece în apropierea lor au fost construite oraşe întregi. Zece dintre cei mai activi vulcani din lume prezintă un risc real de erupţie în....

Il 118 riaggancia il telefono, dal 19 gennaio va in Versilia

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 07:15:00 +0100iltirreno (it)

LUCCA. “Una telefonata allunga la vita”, recitava un celebre spot degli anni ’90. E per molti di quelli che hanno composto il 118 non si tratta di un semplice modo di dire. All’altro capo dell’apparecchio rispondono le voci che non dormono mai, quelle a cui tutti – prima o poi – si affidano nei momenti di panico.

La apocalíptica predicción sobre el 2016 que hizo una anciana antes de morir

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 05:20:00 +0100ideal (es)

Baba Vanga era una mujer búlgara invidente a la que se le atribuyen predicciones tales como el surgimiento y expansión del Estado Islámico, entre otros muchos pronósticos como los ataques del 11-S o el tsunami de 2004 . Esta misteriosa mujer se ha convertido en toda una leyenda en Internet, donde....

Strong quake shakes KP, Islamabad : January 09, 2016, 7:09 am

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 05:02:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

PESHAWAR: Strong earthquake jolts were felt in parts of Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Friday. Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said the earthquake’s magnitude was 5.9, with its epicentre in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region. However, the United States Geological Survey....

Strong quake shakes KP, Islamabad

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 02:09:00 +0100pakobserver (en)

News Strong quake shakes KP, Islamabad Staff Reporter Saturday, January 09, 2016 - Peshawar—Strong earthquake jolts were felt in parts of Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Friday. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said the earthquake magnitude was 5.9, with its epicentre in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region.

Il faut s’attaquer au diabète des aînés, «tsunami silencieux», croit un médecin

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 23:51:00 +0100lactualite (fr)

VANCOUVER – Le diabète chez les personnes âgées constitue toujours un véritable «tsunami silencieux» mais la stratégie nationale élaborée il y a 10 ans au Canada n’est toujours pas mise en oeuvre, déplore un spécialiste. Le docteur David C.W. Lau presse à nouveau le gouvernement fédéral d’agir....

Diabetes 'tsunami' hitting seniors, Calgary doctor warns

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 20:54:00 +0100CBC (en)

Diabetes among seniors is part of a "silent global tsunami" but a national strategy developed in Canada a decade ago has never been implemented, says a Calgary doctor working to raise awareness about the chronic disease. Dr. David C.W. Lau is urging the federal government to take action, adding one....

¿Quiere saber qué ha pasado en el mundo desde su nacimiento? La BBC se lo cuenta en una aplicación

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 20:44:00 +0100teletica (es)

Noticias | Curiosidades ¿Quiere saber qué ha pasado en el mundo desde su nacimiento? La BBC se lo cuenta en una aplicación. Una novedosa aplicación de la BBC le permite a cualquier persona saber qué ha pasado en el mundo desde su fecha de nacimiento. En el sitio http://yourstory.pilots.bbcconnectedstudio.

Cei mai periculoşi 10 VULCANI din lume, care ar putea ucide milioane de oameni - GALERIE FOTO

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 20:41:00 +0100mediafax-en (ro)

1. Iwo Jima, Japonia. În pericol: Japonia, Filipine, coasta Chinei, Shanghai, Hong Kong. În subsolul insulei japoneză Iwo Jima se află o acumulare de magmă care se dezvoltă continuu şi creşte câte un metru la fiecare patru ani. Insula Iwo Jima este cu aproximativ douăzeci de metri mai mare decât era....

Se relajan los requisitos para importar a la UE los alimentos de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 19:31:00 +0100canarias7 (es)

Los alimentos y piensos procedentes de la prefectura japonesa de Fukushima, afectada por contaminación radiactiva por el accidente en una planta nuclear en 2011, hacen frente desde hoy a requisitos menos exigentes para ser importados desde la Unión Europea (UE).

Se relajan los requisitos para importar a la UE los alimentos de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 19:01:00 +0100negocios (es)

Bruselas, 8 ene.- Los alimentos y piensos procedentes de la prefectura japonesa de Fukushima, afectada por contaminación radiactiva por el accidente en una planta nuclear en 2011, hacen frente desde hoy a requisitos menos exigentes para ser importados desde la Unión Europea (UE).

Milioane de oameni pot muri în orice moment: PERICOLUL la care suntem expuși

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 18:18:00 +0100stiripesurse (ro)

Zece dintre cei mai activi vulcani din lume prezintă un risc real de erupţie în următorii 100 de ani, iar asta ar pune în pericol viaţa a câtorva milioane de locuitori. Cercetătorii de la Universitatea din Manchester au realizat o listă a celor mai periculoşi vulcani. 1. Iwo Jima, Japonia.

Cei mai periculoşi 10 VULCANI din lume, care ar putea ucide milioane de oameni - GALERIE FOTO

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 15:59:00 +0100mediafax (ro)

Cercetătorii de la Universitatea din Manchester susţin că este doar o chestiune de timp până când întreaga insulă va exploda. Acest lucru ar duce la provocarea unui tsunami atât de mare încât va devasta întreg sudul Japoniei şi coasta Chinei, afectând grav metropolele Shanghai şi Hong Kong. 2. Chiltepe/Apoyeque, Nicaragua.

Cei mai periculoşi 10 VULCANI din lume, care ar putea ucide milioane de oameni

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 15:49:00 +0100ziaruldeiasi (ro)

Zece dintre cei mai activi vulcani din lume prezintă un risc real de erupţie în următorii 100 de ani, iar asta ar pune în pericol viaţa a câtorva milioane de locuitori. Cercetătorii de la au realizat o listă a celor mai periculoşi vulcani. 1. Iwo Jima, Japonia. În pericol: Japonia, Filipine, coasta Chinei, Shanghai, Hong Kong.

Fighting Australia's bushfire threat

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 15:05:00 +0100bbc (en)

Image copyright AFP Image caption The Waroona bushfire led to emergency warnings across the region. Wildfires like the one which has destroyed nearly 100 home near Perth are a part of life in Australia, but can be devastating and deadly. The BBC asks what can be done to reduce the impact of the fires, and whether the threat is getting worse.

JAPAN NUCLEAR - Japan will use virtual reality system to dismantle Fukushima nuclear plant

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 14:50:00 +0100efe (en)

Tokyo, Jan 8 (EFE). - Japan will use a virtual reality system to help technicians to dismantle the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant, Asahi daily reported in its online edition Friday. The system is located at the Naraha Remote Technology Development Center, 12 km (7.5 miles) from the plant and has a 3.

Strong earthquake jolts parts of Pakistan

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 14:39:00 +0100expressindia (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale today jolted parts of Pakistan, including capital Islamabad, but there was no report of any casualty so far. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said the earthquake magnitude was 5.9, with its epicentre in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region.

Strong earthquake jolts parts of Pakistan

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 14:00:00 +0100economictimes (en)

ISLAMABAD: A strong earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale today jolted parts of Pakistan, including capital Islamabad, but there was no report of any casualty so far. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said the earthquake magnitude was 5.9, with its epicentre in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region.

Japón empleará la realidad virtual para ayudar al desmantelamiento de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 13:58:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

TOKIO.- Japón empleará un sistema de realidad virtual con el que entrenar a los técnicos que trabajan en las labores de desmantelamiento de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima, informó hoy la edición digital del diario Asahi. Situado en el Centro de Desarrollo de Tecnología Remota de Naraha (a 12 km.

Earthquake in Pakistan: Magnitude 5 quake jolts Islamabad, surrounding areas

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 13:13:00 +0100financialexpress (en)

A moderate earthquake measuring magnitude 5 on the Richter scale today jolted parts of Pakistan, including capital Islamabad, the third temblor to hit the northern region of the country since beginning of the year. The United States Geological Survey reported it was 5.0 magnitude earthquake with its origin to the Jarm area of Afghanistan.

5.9 magnitude earthquake hits Pakistan

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 13:03:00 +0100khaleejtimes (en)

Tremors were felt in Peshawar, Malakand, Mansehra, Haripur and Abbottabad. This was the third quake to hit Pakistan since the beginning of 2016. A strong earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter Scale hit Pakistan on Friday, the country's Meteorological Department said.

Strong quake shakes Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Islamabad

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 12:33:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

Jan 8, 2016- Strong earthquake jolts were felt in parts of Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Friday. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) said the earthquake magnitude was 5.9, with its epicentre in the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region. However, the United States Geological Survey reported the magnitude of the earthquake was 5.

La significativa reactivación del cultivo de ostiones en Tongoy

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 12:29:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

La bahía grande de Tongoy, que también abarca el sector de Puerto Aldea, es uno de los principales nichos de producción de ostión en Chile. De acuerdo a los cultivadores, un 30% del total de las semillas de este molusco se vieron afectadas tras los diversos embates de la naturaleza registrados el año pasado.

Permalink to Mild earthquake shakes Kabul

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 11:49:00 +0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

A mild earthquake jolted Kabul city this afternoon with epicenter of the quake reported in northeastern Badakhshan province of Afghanistan. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the magnitude of the earthquake was 5.0 with the epicenter recorded in Jurm district having a location of 36.

Mesmerizing Video Shows All The World's Earthquakes Since 2000

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 11:46:00 +0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

A young boy jumps over cracks in the ground beside a destroyed farmhouse, near the town of Ruichang 27 November 2005, after it collapsed during the 5.7 earthquake 26 November in Jiangxi Province. Rescue teams rushed to the popular tourist spot in eastern China after the powerful earthquake left....

US tells China to end 'business as usual' with NKorea

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 10:58:00 +0100wn (en)

North Korea on Wednesday said it has successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test. The surprise announcement complicates already difficult efforts to curb the country’s push for a working nuclear arsenal. A hydrogen bomb is generally more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Strong quake shakes KP, Islamabad

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 10:55:00 +0100dawn (en)

PESHAWAR: Strong earthquake jolts were felt in parts of Islamabad and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Friday. The United States Geological Survey reported the magnitude of the earthquake was 5.0 and traced its origin to the Jarm region in Afghanistan. Residents reported that tremors were felt in Peshawar, Malakand, Mansehra, Haripur and Abbottabad.

Kim Jong-un celebrates his birthday as world still reeling from hydrogen bomb nuclear test claims

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 07:05:00 +0100themirror (en)

Kim Jong-un celebrates his birthday today as the world is still reeling from North Korea's claims it has successfully tested a hydrogen nuclear bomb. is believed to turn 33, although his exact year of birth is not known. Conflicting sources say Kim was born in 1982, 1983 or 1984 , meaning he may have turned 32, 33 or 34 today.

5 destinos inusuales para unas vacaciones inolvidables

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 06:55:00 +0100lanacion-AR (es)

El mundo se divide en dos clases de personas (en realidad, el mundo se divide en una cantidad innumerable de clases de personas, pero eso arruinaría el recurso dialéctico): los que podrían vacacionar todos los años en el mismo lugar -son los que invierten, por ejemplo, en comprar una propiedad en la....

Entregan gift card a damnificados de Baquedano en Coquimbo

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 05:27:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Hasta el salón del Arzobispado de la Serena, concurrieron vecinos del sector de Baquedano de Coquimbo que resultaron damnificados por el terremoto y tsunami de septiembre pasado, con el fin de retirar sus tarjetas de ayuda consistentes en 525mil pesos para ser ocupadas en materiales, que Caritas y....

Real-time monitoring of mangrove forests starts in Selangor

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 05:21:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

. SUBANG, Malaysia - Conservation of endangered mangrove forests has been given a boost with the start of the first real-time monitoring project in Sabak Bernam, Selangor. The monitoring would enable the local community, researchers and authorities to observe soil conditions, humidity, water....

Se registra en Chile un sismo de magnitud 5,9

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 05:11:00 +0100tiempo (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 tuvo lugar a 49 kilómetros al suroeste de la localidad chilena de Tongoy a las 1:11 GMT, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Universidad de Chile. El terremoto se produjo a 22 kilómetros de profundidad. Por el momento se desconoce si hay víctimas humanas o daños materiales.

Se registra en Chile un sismo de magnitud 5,9

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:08:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 tuvo lugar a 49 kilómetros al suroeste de la localidad chilena de Tongoy a las 1:11 GMT, informa el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Universidad de Chile. El terremoto se produjo a 22 kilómetros de profundidad. Por el momento se desconoce si hay víctimas humanas o daños materiales.

Sismo de mediana intensidad se registró en la región de Coquimbo

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:03:00 +0100radioagricultura (es)

La Serena 1440 AM | Valparaíso 92.5 FM | Santiago 92.1 FM | San Fernando 99.1 FM | Talca 94.5 FM | Los Ángeles 100.5 FM | Temuco 770 AM. Sismo de mediana intensidad se registró en la región de Coquimbo El movimiento telúrico se sintió a las 22:11 horas y tuvo una magnitud de 6,0 grados Richter.

Sismo de 6,0 Richter fue percibido esta noche en la zona norte y central del país

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 03:03:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

SANTIAGO.- Un sismo de 6,0 Richter fue percibido esta noche de jueves en la zona norte y central a las 22:12 horas. El movimiento tuvo su epicentro a 42 kms al oeste de Punitaqui, en la región de Coquimbo, a 32 kms de profundidad. Este se sintió en las regiones de Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso y....

Sismo de 5,9 richter se percibió en la zona centro norte del país

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:54:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 en la escala de Richter se percibió durante la noche de este jueves en la zona centro norte del país. Según datos preliminares del Centro Sismológico Naciona l, el epicentro del temblor fue 49 kilómetros al suroeste de Tongoy. Onemi informó a través de su cuenta de Twitter....

Real-time monitoring of mangrove forests starts in Selangor

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:18:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

Friday, 8 January 2016 Real-time monitoring of mangrove forests starts in Selangor. by rahimy rahim SUBANG: Conservation of endangered mangrove forests has been given a boost with the start of the first real-time monitoring project in Sabak Bernam, Selangor.

Malaysia: Malaysia: Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2016

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:17:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Executive Summary. Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia along the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea. It has a tropical climate with warm weather all year round. Malaysia is geographically located outside the Pacific Ring of Fire. Therefore, it is relatively free from certain severe crises found in neighboring countries.

Grantham floods five years on, residents speak about that fateful day and their lives now

Fri, 08 Jan 2016 01:50:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

On the afternoon of January 10, 2011, a wall of water tore through the Lockyer Valley town of Grantham , between Brisbane and Toowoomba, killing 12 people and destroying more than 50 homes. were the first to be rescued after the inland tsunami hit Grantham five years ago.

Popular vidente búlgara que predijo los atentados del S-11 afirmó que el EI invadirá Europa en 2016

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 23:03:00 +0100prensalibre (es)

Aunque nadie puede confirmar si, en efecto, Bava Vanga hizo tal predicción lo cierto es que en estos días abundan en internet una serie de afirmaciones y pronósticos que la vidente hizo y que se habrían cumplido, como los ataques a las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York en 2011, o el terrible tsunami que acabó con miles de vidas en diciembre del 2004.

U.S. To Launch Radiation-Sniffing Plane Soon To Test Skies Above North Korea For Hydrogen

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 21:23:00 +0100wn (en)

The U.S. Air Force will soon turn to a reliable part of its fleet to test for radiation near North Korea following Wednesday’s alleged successful hydrogen bomb test, a Pentagon official speaking on condition of anonymity and reported by Business Insider via The Washington Post. The U.S.

“Una bomba de hidrógeno haría que Santiago desapareciera”

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 20:25:00 +0100publimetro (es)

La mañana del martes, Corea del Norte anunció por la señal de su televisión estatal haber tenido éxito en una prueba a nivel subterráneo de una bomba de hidrógeno. La comunidad internacional ha respondido con preocupación, amenazando con aumentar las sanciones sobre Pyongyang y pidiendo la....

Centennial flood brings exhibit

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 20:22:00 +0100utsandiego (en)

Chula Vista — A flood is coming to the South Bay, again. It’s the centennial year of the great flood of 1916 that devastated the Otay, Sweetwater and Tijuana river valleys, and the anniversary is being commemorated with an exhibit in the Chula Vista Civic Center Library. The exhibit will go on display Jan.

Estudio asegura que los tsunamis afectan más rápido a las zonas costeras del norte

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:42:00 +0100t13 (es)

El Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres (Cidigen), perteneciente a la Universidad Católica, dio a conocer datos que muestran una considerable diferencia en la llegada del tren de olas a la superficie a raíz de un eventual tsunami, entre las zonas norte y centro sur de Chile.

Graham Hancock rivela un’antica estinzione di popoli antichi dovuta all’impatto di una Cometa

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 17:24:00 +0100segnidalcielo (it)

In una recente intervista di Michael Parker da Antidote, il pluripremiato scrittore Graham Hancock ha parlato dei più profondi misteri delle antiche civiltà della Terra, che misteriosamente sono scomparse, lasciandosi dietro solo indizi che potrebbero aiutare i ricercatori di oggi, a scoprire i pezzi perduti della storia antica dell’uomo.

Tsunamis ocurridos en el norte llegan más rápido a las costas

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 16:32:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Un estudio realizado por el Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres (Cigiden) concluyó que para el terremoto y tsunami originado en Illapel el 16 de septiembre del 2015 las olas llegaron de inmediato a la zona norte del país a diferencia de la zona centro sur que tardaron más tiempo.

News Meteorologist: NKorea test no threat to Guam

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 16:25:00 +0100guampdn (en)

After North Korea’s nuclear bomb test Wednesday, there’s no cause for Guam to worry about radioactive dust, a meteorologist said Thursday. The test was conducted underground, and even if the explosion kicked up dust into the air, U.S. National Weather Service senior meteorologist Mike Middlebrooke....

North Korea’s alleged nuclear testing detected by UoM’s virtual seismic network

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 16:25:00 +0100MaltaToday (en)

An alleged nuclear test carried out by North Korea on Wednesday was detected by a virtual network system at the University of Malta. In a statement, the UoM said that a virtual seismic network operated by the Seismic Monitoring and Research Group at the Department of Geosciences, yesterday detected....

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test-South

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:08:00 +0100trust2 (en)

(Adds Pentagon comment, other details) SEOUL, Jan 6 (Reuters) - North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.

Vecinos y turistas de Tongoy exigen nuevo acceso a playa Socos

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:07:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Pasado un poco más de 3 meses del terremoto y tsunami, la playa Socos de Tongoy trata de sobreponerse del desastre. Hoy por hoy, turistas y la propia gente del balneario se bañan en las aguas del mar que brinda Tongoy, una playa muy similar a las del caribe, con una extensa zona de baño especial....

Le système de surveillance du TICEN maillon fort de la gestion des catastrophes

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:01:00 +0100unmultimedia-fr (fr)

Alors que les experts des Nations Unies réunis à la Troisième Conférence mondiale des Nations Unies sur la prévention des catastrophes qui se déroule à Sendai, au Japon, signalent l’importance des systèmes d’alerte précoce dans la réduction des risques des catastrophes, nous jetons un coup de....

La mujer que predijo el fin del mundo

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 12:39:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Kozhuh, Bulgaria.- Agencias Este 2016 se cumplen 20 años de la muerte de Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, mejor conocida como Baba Vanga, una de las profetas más importantes del siglo 21. Vivió en las montañas de Kozhuh, Bulgaria, y fue reconocida tanto por locatarios como por el Gobierno, que hasta....

Terremoto Oggi Forlì : Dopo le due scosse di ieri altre due registrate questa mattina

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:59:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Terremoto a Forlì e tanta paura per i cittadini, già ieri due scosse erano state rilevate dall' Ingv - la prima, delle ore 16.20 di magnitudo 3, la seconda delle ore 21.28 di magnitudo 2. Questa mattina nella stessa zona in provincia di Forlì Cesena sono state registrate due nuove scosse di cui la prima alle 8:11 di magnitudo 2.

Terremoto al largo delle coste cosentine, magnitudo di 4.1

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:31:00 +0100fai.informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo ML 2.0 è avvenuto nella provincia/zona Costa Siracusana (Siracusa) il 19-11-2015 23:40:06 (UTC) 20-11-2015 00:40:06 (UTC +01:00) ora italiana con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 37.15, 15.71 ad una profondità di 10 km. Il terremoto è stato localizzato da: Sala Sismica INGV-Roma.

KOREA - ASIA - USA - Seoul, Washington and Tokyo "ready for anything" to stop NKorean nuclear threat

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 10:24:00 +0100asianews-en (en)

01/07/2016 KOREA - ASIA - USA Seoul, Washington and Tokyo "ready for anything" to stop NKorean nuclear threat The three governments have agreed to work together, both in the UN and individually, to eliminate the risk of nuclear war with Pyongyang. The White House "still doubts" the effective use of a hydrogen bomb.

Thailand: 46th Regional Training Course on Disaster Management

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 09:25:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

COURSE OVERVIEW. The Asia-Pacific region continues to face human tragedy and heavy economic losses from disasters – the frequency and intensity of which have escalated in recent years. The Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami; recent earthquakes in Kashmir, China and....

Constitución recibe equipo para enfrentar emergencias

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 07:52:00 +0100elamaule (es)

La llegada del nuevo año trajo muy buenas noticias para la Agrupación de Respuesta a la Emergencia (ARE) de Constitución. Esta entidad que surgió a raíz del terremoto y tsunami del 27F del 2010 y que hoy cuenta con 44 voluntarios, recibió un moderno equipo medidor de gases que permitirá actuar con mayor seguridad en operativos de rescates urbanos.

The global community wants ‘significant measures’ against North Korea: Julie Bishop

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 07:30:00 +0100ibtimes-au (en)

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Thursday that the recent nuclear testing by North Korea is a threat to global security, and the international community is in agreement over taking “significant measures” against the country. Bishop said North Korea’s recent activities violated the norms of several international treaties.

UNSC vows measures against North Korea

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 07:21:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

The United Nations Security Council on Wednesday pledged to immediately start working on a new draft resolution for "further significant measures" against North Korea, which claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb despite worldwide opposition. "The members of the Security Council ...

Wie ein Vulkan vor genau 200 Jahren den Sommer stahl

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 06:44:00 +0100derwesten (de)

Als „Jahr ohne Sommer“ ging es in die Geschichtsbücher ein, das Jahr 1816. Unzählige Menschen in Europa verhungerten oder wanderten aus, weil auf den Feldern kaum etwas wuchs, die mageren Ernten im Dauerregen vermoderten, das Vieh verendete. Dass die Not auf eine noch weit verheerendere Katastrophe....

North Korea nuclear test WASN'T hydrogen bomb: South Korea casts doubt on Kim Jong-un's claims

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 06:42:00 +0100themirror (en)

North Korea's controversial nuclear test was , South Korea has claimed. NOT a hydrogen bomb Kim Jong-un boasted that his country had successfully conducted a test of a its yesterday. first hydrogen nuclear bomb The announcement was made on North Korean state TV after a 5.

Earthquake reported near North Korea nuclear test site

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 02:28:00 +0100sbs (en)

North Korea says it has successfully conducted a test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device, marking a significant advance in the isolated state's strike capabilities and raising alarm bells in Japan and South Korea. The test, the fourth time North Korea has exploded a nuclear device, was....

U.S. says cannot confirm DPRK H-bomb test, vowing appropriate response

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 01:20:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. People's Daily Online. (Xinhua) 15:56, January 06, 2016. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 -- The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any 'provocations.

Spotlight: DPRK announces success of first H-bomb test, draws criticism, skepticism

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 01:20:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. People's Daily Online. (Xinhua) 16:30, January 06, 2016. PYONGYANG, Jan. 6 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. The move has immediately given rise to a chorus of condemnations from several countries,....

How Nuke-Sniffing Air Force Planes Are Hunting for North Korea’s H-Bomb

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 01:02:00 +0100gizmodo (en)

Late last night, North Korea said it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb , triggering a mini, human-made earthquake near the test site and causing the UN Security Council to are even more destructive than nuclear bombs, so it’s very scary— but experts think North Korea’s bluffing . How can we make sure? Nuclear debris-sniffing airplanes, duh.

Does North Korea really have an H-bomb?

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 23:55:00 +0100sciencemag (en)

There’s no doubt that North Korea detonated something near where it conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009, and 2013. Seismic stations yesterday recorded a magnitude-5.1 earthquake with a waveform nearly identical to those registered after North Korea’s earlier tests, supporting its claim.

North Korea Blusters With Recent Nuke Test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 21:47:00 +0100patriotpost (en)

As a supposed deterrent to the United States , North Korea tested a nuclear device Wednesday morning, a device it alleges was a hydrogen bomb. Earthquake monitors in that region of the globe picked up a 5.1-magnitude, artificial earthquake, but as to whether the device was an H-bomb — something with....

Seismologists: That was small quake for an H-bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 21:18:00 +0100cnbc (en)

The North Korean government claimed on Wednesday that it successfully completed a test of a hydrogen bomb, but the pariah state's bark may be bigger than the blast, say some seismologists. Yohei Hasegawa, the earthquake and tsunami observations division director of the Japan Meteorological Agency,....

The North Korean bomb test that caused tremors in China: Mystery over rogue nation's 'hydrogen' explosion that split children's playground and shook roads and buildings hundreds of miles away

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:58:00 +0100dailymail (en)

Yanji, Huichun and Changbai - which are located near China's border with North Korea - are said to have felt the tremors the most. Atomic weapons experts and the US have cast doubt on North Korea's announcement, saying the size of the explosion and resulting earthquake was far too small to have come from such a device.

The North Korean bomb test that caused tremors in China: Mystery over rogue nation's 'hydrogen' explosion that split children's playground and shook roads and buildings hundreds of miles away

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:55:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

Yanji, Huichun and Changbai - which are located near China's border with North Korea - are said to have felt the tremors the most. Atomic weapons experts and the US have cast doubt on North Korea's announcement, saying the size of the explosion and resulting earthquake was far too small to have come from such a device.

First H-bomb test a success, North Korea says, but US agencies cast doubt

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:35:00 +0100bdnews24 (en)

The test, the fourth time that North Korea has exploded a nuclear device, unnerved South Korea and Japan and drew world criticism, including from China and Russia, Pyongyang's two main allies. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned North Korea's action, calling it "profoundly destabilising for....

Au Chili, l'architecture à l'épreuve des tremblements de terre

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:15:00 +0100libe (fr)

La plupart des gens, quand un séisme frappe, s'enfuient en courant dans la rue. Mais René Lagos, ingénieur chilien spécialisé dans les technologies parasismiques, adore rester au sommet des gratte-ciel et regarder les immeubles trembler. "Tout ce qui devait s'écrouler s'est déjà écroulé!",....

Roads shake and children's playground splits open in footage of tremors across China caused by North Korea's hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:09:00 +0100mailonsunday (en)

NATO general secretary Jens Stoltenberg sais the test undermined international security and called on Kim Jong Un to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes 'in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner'. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond described the test as a....

Roads shake and children's playground splits open in footage of tremors across China caused by North Korea's hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 20:05:00 +0100dailymail (en)

NATO general secretary Jens Stoltenberg sais the test undermined international security and called on Kim Jong Un to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes 'in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner'. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond described the test as a....

Nuclear experts sceptical of North Korea hydrogen bomb test claims

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:42:00 +0100chathamhouse (en)

Hours after South Korea officials detected an “artificial earthquake” Wednesday, North Korea said it successfully tested a “miniaturized” hydrogen bomb. North Korean state media broadcasted a special announcement that praised the test for bringing the country’s “nuclear might to the next level” and....

This is the Air Force radiation-sniffing plane deploying after North Korea's nuclear test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:37:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

In this file photo, the WC-135W Constant Phoenix aircraft performs touch ‘n go landing exercises at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. (U.S. Air Force photo/Josh Plueger) The U.S. Air Force will soon deploy a WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft to test for radiation near North Korea, part of the U.S.

Police arrest ‘cop killing’ gang

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:12:00 +0100iol (en)

INDEPENDENT MEDIA File photo Durban - Six more suspected members of the Tsunami gang – a violent gang operating in the north of KwaZulu-Natal – were arrested this week. Police spokesman, Major Thulani Zwane, said units including the Special Task Force swooped on the suspects at a homestead in Mbongolwane, near Eshowe, on Monday.

Lucy Jones: Sharing earthquake information to minimize risk to lives and property

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:07:00 +0100WashingtonPost (en)

Federal Player of the Week. Lucy Jones, an internationally known seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, is leading groundbreaking research on earthquakes and turning it into public action that will save lives and property. Through countless interviews, public lectures and local government....

North Korea raises alarm with nuclear test announcement

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:00:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

North Korea said it conducted a hydrogen bomb test in a surprise announcement that caused regional tension and drew swift condemnation, while triggering scepticism that such a powerful weapon was actually detonated. If confirmed, the test would be the fourth time Pyongyang has exploded a nuclear device.

West Aceh to cooperate with Japan on disaster mitigation

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 17:49:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

The West Aceh regency in Aceh has called for a cooperation with Japan to improve disaster mitigation efforts in the region, a government official said on Wednesday. The West Aceh Development Planning Board (Bappeda) Chairman H.T. Ahmad Dadek said that the local government had asked for Japan's....

Ariqueños: ¿Qué pasaría si lo pilla un tsunami en plena playa?

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 17:46:00 +0100elmorrocotudo (es)

¿Qué pasaría si lo pilla un tsunami en plena playa vacacionando? Ante esta posibilidad, dado que como bien sabemos vivimos en el país más sísmico del mundo, la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (ONEMI) y el Consejo Regional (CORE) realizaron una jornada de educación en el camping municipal de la playa Las Machas.

Así fue la explosión de la bomba de hidrógeno de Corea del Norte

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:44:00 +0100rionegro (es)

El 6 de enero la emisora de radio y la televisión central norcoreana han difundido un comunicado oficial de Pionyang sobre la realización con éxito de una prueba nuclear en un polígono militar del norte del país. Se trata de la cuarta prueba de armas nucleares en la historia de Corea y la primera de....

Earthquake near Banning shakes Los Angeles area

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:33:00 +0100bnonews (en)

The earthquake, which struck at 6:42 a.m. PT on Wednesday, was centered about 1 mile (3 kilometers) north of Banning, or 12 miles (20 kilometers) southeast of San Jacinto. It struck about 1 mile (1.6 kilometer) deep, making it a shallow earthquake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Using analytics to ride the 'digital tsunami'

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:41:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

SINGAPORE: The "digital revolution" has changed the way companies in Singapore operate. Companies are beginning to learn more about their customers with the help of new technologies, and this has helped some of them develop better services. For instance, the security cameras at some malls can do more than help staff look out for shoplifters.

"Los Topos": el grupo rescatista que nació en México y buscará a Kurt Martinson

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:36:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

El 19 de septiembre de 1985, Ciudad de México es azotada por uno de los terremotos más fuertes de su historia. La magnitud del movimiento telúrico llegó a 8,1 grados en la escala de Richter y dejó en el suelo un país entero. En medio de la catástrofe y la desesperación, surgió un grupo de....

LIVE: World Condemns North Korea’s Bomb Test Claim

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:17:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

People watch a news report on North Korea's first hydrogen bomb test at a railroad station in Seoul, Jan. 6, 2016. South Korea 'strongly' condemned North Korea's shock hydrogen bomb test and vowed to take "all necessary measures" to penalize its nuclear-armed neighbor.

World Condemns North Korea’s Nuclear Bomb Test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:47:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

The Korea Meteorological Administration Administrator and Yun Won-Tae (R) a Earthquake and Volcano of the Korea Meteorological Administration Director General checks the screen of show a seismic waves from North Korea at the Korea Meteorological Administration center on Jan. 6, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea.

Did North Korea Really Detonate A Hydrogen Bomb? Live Updates On Nuclear Test Claims

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:44:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

The Korea Meteorological Administration Administrator and Yun Won-Tae (R) a Earthquake and Volcano of the Korea Meteorological Administration Director General checks the screen of show a seismic waves from North Korea at the Korea Meteorological Administration center on Jan. 6, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea.

NATO Condemns North Korea's Bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:17:00 +0100ibtimes (en)

The Korea Meteorological Administration Administrator and Yun Won-Tae (R) a Earthquake and Volcano of the Korea Meteorological Administration Director General checks the screen of show a seismic waves from North Korea at the Korea Meteorological Administration center on Jan. 6, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea.

¿Por qué las pick-up de Ford podrían controlar drones?

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:15:00 +0100eju (es)

Ford y el desarrollador de drones DJI quieren hacer que los drones sean útiles ante escenarios de emergencia como rescates en zonas devastadas. Para ello han creado un reto al equipo que consiga crear un software que conecte en tiempo real un Ford F-150 con el dron. El premio: 100.

Spotlight: DPRK announces success of first H-bomb test, draws criticism, skepticism

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:14:00 +0100cctv-en (en)

SEOUL, Jan. 6, 2016 (Xinhua) -- People watch a news report on DPRK's first hydrogen bomb test in Seoul, South Korea, on Jan. 6, 2016. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. (Xinhua/Yao Qilin) PYONGYANG, Jan.

Six alleged cop killers arrested

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 13:41:00 +0100iol (en)

Durban - Six more suspected members of the Tsunami gang – a violent gang, operating in the north of KwaZulu-Natal – were arrested this week. Police spokesman, Major Thulani Zwane, said police units – including the Special Task Force – swooped on the suspects at a homestead in Mbongolwane near Eshowe on Monday.

Zuwanderung - „Die Dinge nicht dramatisieren“

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 13:37:00 +0100FrankfurterRundschau (de)

Wie sieht ein typischer Arbeitstag in der Stabsstelle aus? Das ist sehr unterschiedlich. Der aktuelle Fokus liegt zu 95 Prozent auf der Akquise und dem Betrieb von Flüchtlingsunterkünften. Außerdem versuchen wir, ein größeres Lagebild zu erstellen, etwa über die vielen Integrationsangebote, um Aktivitäten aufeinander abzustimmen.

Alertan sobre importante cantidad de guanacos en la ruta N°3

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 13:30:00 +0100tiemposur (es)

RUTA. A seis días de haber comenzado el año, una gran cantidad de santacruceños emprendieron sus vacaciones y otros están por hacerlo o arribar a esta provincia. Pero aquella persona que lo haga vía terrestre, deberá tener precaución al conducir, ya que una gran cantidad de guanacos se encuentran a la vera de la ruta.

Five major earthquakes that struck India

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 13:28:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

The New Year began with an earthquake, measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale, in the north-eastern state of Manipur. Following this, the disaster management experts at the Union home ministry have warned of a bigger catastrophe - earthquake measuring 8.2 or more on the Richter scale - that may strike the already unsettled Himalayan region.

Hernán Letelier: a 95 anni combatte la solitudine su Twitter

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 13:21:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016) «Sarà comune che un uomo di 95 anni apra un account Twitter ?». Così Hernán Letelier ha esordito nel noto social network dicendosi ansioso di iniziare a comunicare con il mondo intero. L’account @ Letelier 1920 è diventato in pochissimi giorni dalla sua apertura....

The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any "provocations."

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 12:49:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any "provocations." "While we cannot confirm these claims at this time, we....

U.S. says cannot confirm DPRK H-bomb test, vowing appropriate response

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 12:47:00 +0100sinacom (en)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any "provocations." "While we cannot confirm these claims at this time, we....

North Korea's alleged H-bomb test: What we know

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:57:00 +0100daytondailynews (en)

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - JANUARY 06: South Korean watch a television broadcast reporting the North Korea's Hydrogen Bomb Test at the Seoul Railway Station on January 6, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea. North Korea confirmed it has conducted a hydrogen bomb test after South Korea's Metrological Administration....

Doubts after North Korea detonates what it claims is a hydrogen bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:40:00 +0100sbs (en)

North Korea says it has successfully conducted a test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device, marking a significant advance in the isolated state's strike capabilities and raising alarm bells in Japan and South Korea. The test, the fourth time North Korea has exploded a nuclear device, was....

North Korea says successfully conducts first hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:35:00 +0100dailymaverick (en)

North Korea said it successfully tested a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device on Wednesday, claiming a significant advance in its strike capability and setting off alarm bells in Japan and South Korea. By James Pearson and Tony Munroe for Reuters. SEOUL, Jan 6 (Reuters) The test, the fourth time....

Așa arată după ce se machiază. Transformările prin care trece sunt de-a dreptul uluitoare. GALERIE FOTO

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:22:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Paolo Ballesteros este un cunoscut prezentator TV din Filipine. Printre hobby-urile lui se numară și unul mai puțin obișnuit pentru un bărbat: machiajul. Paolo este un adevărat artist, însă, iar transformările prin care trece au lăsat pe multă lume fără cuvinte.

N Korea sparks alarm with H-bomb test announcement

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:14:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

Opponents rush to condemn statement that, if confirmed, would mark fourth time Pyongyang has exploded a nuclear bomb. 06 Jan 2016 10:02 GMT North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects the completed Mirae Scientists Street, in this undated photo released by North Korea''s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on October 21,.

Chilean architecture stands test of earthquakes

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:09:00 +0100saudigazette (en)

People work by an antiseismic sink in a building in Santiago. Chile, the most seismic country in the world, has had to be provided with infrastructure and housing able to minimize the damage caused by frequent and strong earthquakes, their seismic technology exports to Latin America and other countries.

NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR - North Korea announces that it has detonated a hydrogen bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 10:31:00 +0100efe (en)

North Korea announced Wednesday morning on state television that it has carried out its first test of a hydrogen bomb, shortly after an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter Scale was detected by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the country's northeast.

North Korea tyrant Kim Jong-un pictured authorising hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 10:24:00 +0100themirror (en)

This photo shows the moment North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un authorised the nation's first testing of a hydrogen bomb. Wearing thick, black-rimmed glasses and clasping a pen in his chubby fingers, the tyrant signs his name to the note which allegedly authorised the underground explosion.

Spotlight: DPRK announces success of first H-bomb test, draws criticism, skepticism

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 10:00:00 +0100peopledaily (en)

PYONGYANG, Jan. 6 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. The move has immediately given rise to a chorus of condemnations from several countries, with some also expressing suspicion about the announcement. TOTAL SUCCESS.

NK conducts 4th nuclear test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:50:00 +0100koreatimes (en)

North Korea announced Wednesday that it successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions. The claim has yet to be verified. Pyongyang is under U.N. sanctions for nuclear tests it conducted in 2006, 2009 and 2013.

North Korea's Kim Jong-Un Seen 'Signing Order' For 'Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test'

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:45:00 +0100huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

A picture released from the country's news agency KCNA claimed to show the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un "signing" an order for hydrogen bomb test. North Korea said on Wednesday morning it had conducted a "successful hydrogen bomb test." The announcement, made on North Korean state TV, comes two days before the leader's birthday.

North Korea says it has tested its first hydrogen bomb Sky News 5 hrs ago

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:44:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

North Korea says it has conducted its first "successful" test of a hydrogen bomb, hailing the detonation as a "historic" event. "The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the Workers' Party," a state television news reader said.

Spotlight: DPRK announces success of first H-bomb test, draws criticism, skepticism

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:43:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

SEOUL, Jan. 6, 2016 (Xinhua) -- People watch a news report on DPRK's first hydrogen bomb test in Seoul, South Korea, on Jan. 6, 2016. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. (Xinhua/Yao Qilin) PYONGYANG, Jan.

World condemns N. Korea claim it conducted H-bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:42:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

But, he wrote on the North Korea-focused 38 North website, "The North has now had a nuclear weapons program for more than 20 years. This program has yielded three nuclear tests. North Korean nuclear scientists have access to their counterparts in Pakistan, possibly Iran and maybe a few other places.

Alarm spreads after North Korea detonates what it claims is a hydrogen bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:38:00 +0100sbs (en)

North Korea says it has successfully conducted a test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device, marking a significant advance in the isolated state's strike capabilities and raising alarm bells in Japan and South Korea. The test, the fourth time North Korea has exploded a nuclear device, was....

DPRK announces success of first H-bomb test, draws criticism, skepticism

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:38:00 +0100globaltimes (en)

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. The move has immediately given rise to a chorus of condemnations from several countries, with some also expressing suspicion about the announcement.

NUCLEAR WAR THREAT: Security Council meets to deal with North Korea HYDROGEN BOMB test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:28:00 +0100express (en)

REUTERS Jack Fenwick & Levi Winchester North Korea has reportedly caused its own earthquake by testing a hydrogen bomb Massive eruptions were detected near the state’s main nuclear site before Pyongyang confirmed it carried out the test. Officials in South Korea claim the "artificial earthquake" is....

U.S. says cannot confirm DPRK H-bomb test, vowing appropriate response

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 09:14:00 +0100peopledaily (en)

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 -- The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any "provocations." "While we cannot confirm these claims at this time, we condemn any....

'We've joined advanced nuclear states' North Korea launches first HYDROGEN BOMB test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:57:00 +0100express (en)

REUTERS Jack Fenwick North Korea has reportedly caused its own earthquake by testing a hydrogen bomb Massive eruptions were detected near the state’s main nuclear site beforePyongyang confirmed it carried out the test. Officials in South Korea claim the "artificial earthquake" is likely the result....

US says cannot confirm DPRK H-bomb test, vowing appropriate response

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:28:00 +0100china.org.cn (en)

The U.S. government said Tuesday that it could not confirm that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, while vowing to respond appropriately to any "provocations." "While we cannot confirm these claims at this time, we condemn any violation of UNSC....

N. Korea says it conducts successful powerful H-bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:28:00 +0100denverpost (en)

One expert in Seoul said the 5.1 magnitude of the quake set off by Wednesday's test was likely too small to be an H-bomb test. However, the North could have experimented with a "boosted" bomb that uses some nuclear fusion fuel along with more conventional uranium or plutonium fuel, said Jaiki Lee, a....

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test-South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:18:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

Jan 6, 2016- North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.

N Korea raises alarm with H-bomb test announcement

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:09:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

Opponents rush to condemn statement that, if confirmed, would mark fourth time Pyongyang has exploded a nuclear bomb. 06 Jan 2016 06:46 GMT North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects the completed Mirae Scientists Street, in this undated photo released by North Korea''s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on October 21,.

La Corée du Nord annonce son premier essai réussi de bombe à hydrogène

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:09:00 +0100latribune (fr)

Pyongyang a testé trois fois la bombe atomique A, qui utilise la fission nucléaire, en 2006, 2009 et 2013. Ces essais lui ont valu plusieurs volées de sanctions internationales. Sur la photo, le leader coréen Kim Jong Un. (Crédits : KCNA) Si pour le moment, l'annonce de ce premier essai nucléaire....

North Korea 'may not have tested nuclear bomb' despite earthquake detected around site

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 08:06:00 +0100themirror (en)

South Korea's intelligence agency said a device North Korea tested today may not have been a hydrogen nuclear bomb. to have successfully conducted a test of a its The announcement was made on North Korean state TV after a 5.1 magnitude earthquake was detected near its known nuclear test site on Wednesday.

North Korea says it has tested its first hydrogen bomb Sky News 3 hrs ago

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:43:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

North Korea says it has conducted its first "successful" test of a hydrogen bomb, hailing the detonation as a "historic" event. "The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the Workers' Party," a state television news reader said.

N. Korea says it conducts successful powerful H-bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:35:00 +0100omaha (en)

Kim Kwang Hyon N. Korea says it conducts successful powerful H-bomb test. North Koreans watch a news broadcast on a video screen outside Pyongyang Railway Station in Pyongyang, North Korea, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016. North Korea said Wednesday it had conducted a hydrogen bomb test, a defiant and....

La Corée du Nord annonce le succès d'un essai nucléaire

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:32:00 +0100capital-FR (fr)

La Corée du Nord a annoncé mercredi avoir mené avec succès un essai d'une bombe à hydrogène miniaturisée, augmentant ainsi sensiblement sa force de frappe et mettant ses voisins, dont au premier chef la Corée du Sud et le Japon, en état d'alerte. Le Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu prévoit de se réunir....

North Korea claims hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:22:00 +0100euronews-en (en)

North Korea claims to have carried out its first successful test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device. The announcement on North Korean state television followed the detection of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake at the Punggye-ri site in the north of the isolated country. It’s where Pyongyang has conducted nuclear tests in the past.

North Korea Claims Sucessful Test of Hydrogen Bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:05:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

North Korea announced Wednesday that it successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test, a claim that if true would mark a dramatic escalation from the country's previous low-yield nuclear tests. The announcement came after a seismic event resembling an earthquake was detected that regional officials suspected was a nuclear test.

North Korea conducts nuclear weapon testing

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:05:00 +0100ibtimes-au (en)

North Korea has released an official statement on Wednesday confirming that it has successfully conducted a hydrogen nuclear test amid reports of a massive earthquake near the nuclear testing site. The country claimed that testing was its “legal right” to ensure its defense against the United States .

La Corée du Nord déclare avoir mené un premier essai réussi de bombe H

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:02:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Si cet essai est avéré, celui-ci marquerait une avancée importante dans son programme nucléaire. « Le premier essai de bombe à hydrogène de la République a été mené avec succès à 10 h 00 (01 h 30 GMT) le 6 janvier 2016, sur le fondement de la détermination stratégique du Parti des travailleurs » au....

After South Korea Detects "Artificial Earthquake," North Korea Announces Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 07:00:00 +0100gizmodo (en)

South Korea’s weather agency, the Korea Metrological Administration, said it detected an “artificial earthquake” 30 miles north of Kilju, where North Korea’s main nuclear testing site is located. According to the Associated Press , the U.S Geological Survey confirmed seismic activity of magnitude 5.1.

How North Korea's nuclear program went from threats to reality

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:53:00 +0100wn (en)

North Korea conducted its fourth underground nuclear test Wednesday, detonating what the government said was its first hydrogen bomb, a device significantly more powerful than those used in previous tests. The test was conducted in a "safe and perfect manner" with "no adverse impact on the....

North Korea says conducted successful H-bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:36:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

The South Korean Met Agency had earlier reported a 5.1 magnitude earthquake near a nuclear test site in the North. 06 Jan 2016 05:33 GMT North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects the completed Mirae Scientists Street, in this undated photo released by North Korea''s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on October 21,.

North Korea 'hydrogen bomb' test: what we know so far

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:19:00 +0100telegraph (en)

The tremor registered inside North Korea was a "suspected explosion", the China Earthquake Network Centre said on its website. The Japanese government said the earthquake might have been caused by a nuclear test. 2. Pyongyang claims explosion was the country's first Hydrogen bomb test.

Spike in quakes: 851 seismic disturbances recorded in 2015

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:17:00 +0100tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: The number of earthquakes in Pakistan has been rising steadily over the past five years. The Pakistan Meteorological Department recorded about 851 seismic disturbances in 2015. The figures were shared by Met Office Director General Dr Ghulam Rasool while addressing the media in Islamabad on Tuesday.

La Corée du Nord aurait mené un essai nucléaire

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:17:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Si cet essai est avéré, celui-ci marquerait une avancée importante dans son programme nucléaire. « Le premier essai de bombe à hydrogène de la République a été mené avec succès à 10 h 00 (01 h 30 GMT) le 6 janvier 2016, sur le fondement de la détermination stratégique du Parti des travailleurs » au....

North Korea ‘likely’ to have conducted nuclear test: South Korea

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:51:00 +0100financialexpress (en)

North Korea is “likely” to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea’s meteorological agency said on Wednesday. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km (30 miles)....

La Corée du Nord annonce son premier essai réussi de bombe à hydrogène

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:49:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

© JUNG YEON-JE / AFP Il s'agit du quatrième essai nucléaire mené par Pyongyang. Cela représenterait, s'il était avéré, une avancée importante dans son programme nucléaire. La Corée du Nord a annoncé avoir mené mercredi son premier essai réussi de bombe à hydrogène, ce qui marquerait une avancée....

North Korea says it has tested its first hydrogen bomb Sky News 59 mins ago

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:48:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

© Associated Press North Korean leader Kim Jong Un salutes at a parade in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korea says it has conducted its first "successful" test of a hydrogen bomb. "The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am on January 6, 2016, based on the....

North Korea Announces 'Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test' After 'Artificial Earthquake' Detected

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:47:00 +0100huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

North Korea said on Wednesday morning it had conducted a "successful hydrogen bomb test." The announcement, made on North Korean state TV, comes two days before Kim Jong Un’s birthday. Earlier, South Korean officials said they had recorded an “artificial earthquake," the epicenter close to a site....

N Korea 'likely to have conducted nuclear test’

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:46:00 +0100tradearabia (en)

North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km (30....

Se registra en Japón un sismo de magnitud 5,8

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:42:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

Este lunes se ha registrado en Japón un sismo de magnitud 5,8. El terremoto se produjo a las 22:58:22 GMT y tuvo lugar a 172 kilómetros al sudsudeste de la ciudad meridional de Nishinoomote. El foco del temblor se localizó a 10 kilómetros de profundidad, según informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, USGS.

North Korea says successful H-bomb test conducted after 5.1 quake hits

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:39:00 +0100sbs (en)

North Korea says it had successfully conducted a test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device on Wednesday morning. The announcement on North Korean state TV followed detection of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake near its known nuclear test site earlier on Wednesday.

North Korea says it has successfully conducted Hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:39:00 +0100expressindia (en)

North Korea announced today it had successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test, a development that, if confirmed, would marking a stunning step forward in its nuclear development. “The republic’s first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00am on January 6, 2016, based....

North Korea 'Quake' May Have Been H-Bomb Test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:37:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

An earthquake felt in North Korea and beyond may have actually been a nuclear bomb test, regional officials said Wednesday (local time). North Korean news agency KCNA reported that the country's leader, Kim Jong Un, "made the final decision on January 3rd to go ahead with the hydrogen test and....

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test: South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:33:00 +0100economictimes (en)

This picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency shows a firing contest of Korean People's Army artillery units. An earthquake in North Korea on January 6 was a 'suspected explosion', Chinese officials said. SEOUL: North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test....

N Korea ‘likely’ to have conducted nuclear test: Seoul

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:33:00 +0100todayonline (en)

SEOUL — North Korea is “likely” to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea’s meteorological agency said today (Jan 6). The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49km from....

'Artificial quake' near N. Korean test site

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:33:00 +0100newschannel5 (en)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) North Korea says it has conducted a hydrogen bomb test. The surprise announcement that complicates already difficult efforts to curb the country's push for a working nuclear arsenal. The North said Wednesday in a broadcast that the test was successful. A hydrogen bomb is generally more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Answer - Climate change and rising sea levels - E-013603/2015

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:33:00 +0100europarl (en)

1. The EU floods directive (1) aims at reducing flood risks, including coastal flooding. Member States shall take suitable measures in 6-year planning cycles, considering also the effects of climate change. The first flood risk management plans will be finalised by 2015.

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test - South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:31:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

SEOUL - North Korea is ''likely'' to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea's meteorological agency said on Wednesday. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km....

Pyongyang annonce son premier essai réussi de bombe à hydrogène

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:31:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

© JUNG YEON-JE / AFP Il s'agit du quatrième essai nucléaire mené par Pyongyang. La Corée du Nord a annoncé avoir mené mercredi son premier essai réussi de bombe à hydrogène, ce qui marquerait une avancée importante dans son programme nucléaire s'il était confirmé. A l'origine d'un séisme.

North Korea Says It Successfully Tested Hydrogen Bomb, Announcement Follows 5.1-Magnitude 'Artificial Earthquake'

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:29:00 +0100ibtimes-mx (en)

People watch a news report at a railroad station in Seoul on Jan. 6, 2015, after seismologists detected a 5.1 magnitude tremor next to North Korea's main atomic test site in the northeast of the country. North Korea said on January 6 it had successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test,....

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test-South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:28:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

SEOUL North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km....

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test-South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:21:00 +0100trust (en)

(Adds Pentagon comment, other details) SEOUL, Jan 6 (Reuters) - North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake was detected in North Korea Wednesday (Jan 6) near a known nuclear test site in the

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:16:00 +0100australianetworknews (en)

country. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit 49 kilometres from the Punggye-ri site where the North has conducted nuclear tests in the past, triggering concerns that Pyongyang had conducted a fresh atomic explosion. North Korea says it has carried out its first successful test of a hydrogen bomb https://t.

Alleged North Korea nuclear test 'causes earthquake'

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:13:00 +0100france24-en (en)

© AFP file photo. Text by Latest update : 2016-01-06. NEWS WIRES North Korea is “likely” to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea’s meteorological agency said on Wednesday. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.

North Korea conducts test of hydrogen nuclear device

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:10:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

SEOUL (REUTERS, AFP) - North Korea said it had successfully conducted a test of a miniaturised hydrogen nuclear device on Wednesday (Jan 6) morning. “The republic’s first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10.00 am on Jan 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the....

North Korea reports successful hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:10:00 +0100tampabay (en)

North Korea said today it has conducted a hydrogen bomb test, a surprise announcement that complicates already difficult efforts to curb the country's push for a working nuclear arsenal. The North said in a broadcast today that the test was successful. A hydrogen bomb is generally more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

North Korea tests hydrogen bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:08:00 +0100nzherald (en)

BREAKING: North Korea has today announced a "successful" hydrogen bomb test. CNN reports that Pyongyang says they are defending themselves against the United States and demanding North Korean sovereignty be respected. The television news reader who made the announcement said "The republic's first....

N. Korea 'quake' may have been H-bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:03:00 +0100msnbc (en)

An earthquake in North Korea may have actually been a nuclear bomb test, regional officials said Wednesday (local time). North Korean news agency KCNA reported that the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un “made the final decision on January 3rd to go ahead with the hydrogen test and accordingly we have conducted hydrogen bomb test at 10 a.

N Korea says conducted successful hydrogen bomb test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 05:03:00 +0100aljazeera-en (en)

North Korea's top leader Kim Jong-un (in black) watches a firing contest by the military's artillery units on Tuesday [Rodong Sinmun/EPA] North Korea said on Wednesday that it had conducted a successful hydrogen bomb test, hours after a 5.1 magnitude earthquake was detected near a known test site in the country.

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test: South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:57:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test on Wednesday that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, the South Korean and Japanese governments said. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.

North Korea Claims It Has Tested Hydrogen Bomb

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:40:00 +0100skynews (en)

North Korea says it has conducted its first "successful" test of a hydrogen bomb. "The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the Workers' Party," a state television news reader said.

North Korea 'Quake' May Have Been Nuclear Test

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:39:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

An earthquake in North Korea may have been a nuclear test, regional officials said Wednesday (local time), based on past experience. Japans Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters that his government was gathering and analyzing information on the incident.

North Korea likely to have conducted nuclear test: South Korea

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:34:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

SEOUL (REUTERS, AFP) - North Korea is “likely” to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea’s meteorological agency said on Wednesday (Jan 6). The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported a 5.

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test: South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:31:00 +0100reuters (en)

SEOUL North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the isolated country, South Korea's meteorological agency said on Wednesday. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km (30....

Wladimir Pleticosic asume oficialmente como nuevo Gobernador de Limarí

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:31:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

Enfatizando en los desafíos por la escasez hídrica, la emergencia y el trabajo en terreno junto a los alcaldes, el Intendente Claudio Ibáñez se reunió con el recién nombrado Gobernador de Limarí, Wladimir Pleticosic. El Intendente de Coquimbo manifestó que la nueva autoridad tendrá la....

Magnitude-5.1 "earthquake" detected in North Korea

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:28:00 +0100sinacom (en)

A moderate earthquake has been detected at a nuclear test site in North Korea, signaling a possible nuclear test, seismologists say. The moderate earthquake, at 10 a.m. local time on Wednesday, was centered at a nuclear test facility northwest of Kilju in the North's northern region. The United States Geological Survey put the magnitude at 5.

North Korea 'likely' to have conducted nuclear test-South

Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:28:00 +0100sinacom (en)

North Korea is "likely" to have conducted a nuclear test that caused an earthquake near a known testing site in the country, South Korea's meteorological agency said on Wednesday. The United States Geological Survey reported a 5.1 magnitude quake that South Korea said was 49 km (30 miles) from the....

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