M 4.9 in Off Coast Of South Africa from 07 Apr 2016 17:06 UTC to 17:06

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 17 (5.4%)
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All headlines on this Alert

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Caso Tsunami: Suspenden audiencia de forzamiento de acusación en contra de Presidenta Bach

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:40:00 +0200lasegunda (es)

Apenas 10 minutos duró la revisión de la solicitud emanada por la Fiscalía para no perseverar en la investigación del rol que tuvo la Presidenta Bachelet en la muerte de 104 personas en el tsunami de la noche del 27F, pues finalmente se suspendió la instancia en el Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía.

ما هي حقيقة "تسونامي غزة" ؟!

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:22:00 +0200alresalah (ar)

منذ إعلان الاحتلال "الإسرائيلي" إجرائه تدريباً اعتيادياً يحاكي تعرض شواطئ فلسطين لأمواج تسونامي بحري، ضجت وسائل اعلام محلية ونشطاء على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في تناقل الخبر وتضخيمه على أنه حقيقة. وقد وصل الحد في البعض بالإعلان عن موعد تسونامي المزعوم في منتصف أبريل الحالي، وعليه وضع موقع "المجد....

"تسونامي" يبث الرعب لدى سكان قطاع غزة

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:17:00 +0200ruvr-ar (ar)

والتسونامي عبارة عن أمواج بحرية متلاحقة، وسريعة، وعالية تضرب المناطق الساحلية، وتكون على شكل عواصف هوائية قوية محمّلة بالماء، وبسبب سرعتها وارتفاع أمواجها التي فقد تصل إلى 40 متراً، وتغمر الأراضي والمباني القريبة من الساحل وتلحق بها دماراً كبيراً. ووفقاً للدراسات التي أجريت فقد حدث بين 13-14 حالة تسونامي على خط الساحل في إسرائيل في الـ 2.

25 houses damaged in Indonesia's 5.9-magnitude earthquake

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 15:59:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

JAKARTA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- A 5.9-magnitude quake jolted Bengkulu province of Sumatra Island in Indonesia on Sunday, damaged at least 25 houses, Edward Junaidi, senior official of local disaster management agency told Xinhua on Monday. The assessment of the impact of the quake is still underway, he told Xinhua by phone from the province.

Caso Tsunami: Suspenden audiencia de forzamiento de acusación en contra de Presidenta Bachelet

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 15:54:00 +0200lasegunda (es)

Apenas 10 minutos duró la revisión de la solicitud emanada por la Fiscalía para no perseverar en la investigación del rol que tuvo la Presidenta Bachelet en la muerte de 104 personas en el tsunami de la noche del 27F, pues finalmente se suspendió la instancia en el Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía.

Justicia revisa este lunes si la Presidenta Bachelet será o no investigada por caso tsunami

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 15:29:00 +0200publimetro (es)

En el Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía se revisa este lunes la solicitud emanada por la Fiscalía para no perseverar en la investigación sobre el rol que tuvo la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet en la muerte de 104 personas en el tsunami de la noche del 27 de febrero de 2010.

حديث المدينة انتظار المعبر والكهرباء والتسونامي..!

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:58:00 +0200amin (ar)

لم يخلو اللقاء مع د. محمود الزهار من تسريب بعض تفاصيل اللقاءات التي أجرتها حركة "حماس" في القاهرة والدوحة، بصراحته المعهودة والحديث المباشر الذي يعبر من خلاله عن مواقف "حماس" بدون مواربة أو تجميل. ما قاله الدكتور الزهار لم يبعث على التفاؤل أو قرب فكفكة الأزمات التي يعاني منها الفلسطينيون سواء على....

"عمان لحوارات المستقبل" تنظم ندوة حول التماسك الاجتماعي (إعادة موسعة)

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:58:00 +0200petra (ar)

عمان 11 نيسان (بترا)- نظمت جماعة عمان لحوارات المستقبل، مساء أمس، ندوة حول التماسك الاجتماعي، استضافها نادي الفيحاء، بمشاركة وزير الأوقاف والشؤون والمقدسات الاسلامية الدكتور هايل داود ورئيس جامعة اليرموك السابق الدكتور عبدالله الموسى. وقال داود إن التماسك الاجتماعي أحد مقاصد الشريعة الاسلامية ويطلق....

Weather Wise: More active hurricane season?

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:29:00 +0200wtsp (en)

There’s a fairly good chance the answer to that question is yes. The 2015 Atlantic basin hurricane season was fairly quiet. Though 12 named storms developed in all, just four hurricanes developed -- two major -- making for what Stacy R. Stewart of the National Hurricane Center called a “somewhat below average” year.

Japon : une impressionnante simulation de tsunami pour sensibiliser la population

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 13:48:00 +0200atlantico (fr)

par 20Minutes Une vidéo catastrophe simulant l’arrivée d’un tsunami sur la ville de Kamakura, près de Tokyo, a été diffusée par les élus de la ville, qui craignent que les habitants et les touristes ne négligent le danger, cinq ans après le tsunami qui a dévasté le Nord-Est du Japon.

خبير فلسطيني: لا يمكن لأحد في العالم تحديد موعد حدوث أمواج "تسونامي"

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:31:00 +0200alquds (ar)

نابلس - "القدس" دوت كوم - عماد سعاده - أكد مدير مركز التخطيط الحضري والحد من الكوارث في جامعة النجاح الوطنية، والخبير في شؤون الزلازل الدكتور جلال الدبيك، انه لا يمكن لأحد في العالم، من الناحية العلمية، تحديد موعد حصول أمواج المد البحري "تسونامي" باليوم والساعة، شأنها في ذلك شأن الزلازل.

Prevedere i terremoti per salvarci la vita: secondo la Nasa è possibile

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:24:00 +0200ecoseven (it)

I ricercatori della Nasa affermano che le molecole di aria ionizzata possono aiutare nel prevedere i terremoti. Gli scienziati hanno messo a punto metodi di vario genere per prevedere molte tra le tipologie di disastri naturali – tra cui gli uragani, i tornado e gli tsunami – ma per quanto riguarda....

هل سيحدث تسونامي في غزة وعسقلان؟ 11/04/2016 12:08

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:18:00 +0200maannews-ar (ar)

نابلس- معا- أوضح الدكتور جلال الدبيك مدير مركز التخطيط الحضري والحد من الكوارث في جامعة النجاح الوطنية حول تناقلته العديد من وكالات الأنباء والاعلام في المنطقة خبر احتمال حصول امواج مد بحر تسونامي وبشكل خاص على السواحل المحاذية لمنطقة غزه وعسقلان، وبناءً على ذلك أوضح ما يلي: موضوع احتمال حصول تسونامي في المنطقة.

Agnieszka Piskała: Jesteśmy jak inżynier Mamoń – jemy, co znamy. Po zimie Polak przytył 2,5 kg

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:04:00 +0200rmf24 (pl)

„Po zimie przeciętny Polak przytył około 2,5 kilograma. Przeżywam tsunami pacjentów, którzy mają wiosenne postanowienia, żeby zrzucić kilogramy” – mówi gość „Dania do Myślenia” w RMF Classic, dietetyk Agnieszka Piskała. „My Polacy jesteśmy, jak inżynier Mamoń – jemy, co znamy” – komentuje.

Polar. Le cercle de Dinas Bras ***

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:53:00 +0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

11 avril 2016 à 11h45 / Ph. Delacotte / commentaires Quel lien entre le tremblement de terre et le tsunami de Lisbonne à la Toussaint 1755, la mythique forêt de Brocéliande et les ruines inquiétantes d’un château au Pays de Galles ? Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, pour en pr of iter, ....

PICTURES & VIDEOS: lightning and waves captured as storm...

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:28:00 +0200westbriton (en)

A COMBINATION of high spring tides and strong winds swept through Cornwall yesterday bringing floods and culminating with a spectacular lightning display. Cornwall beared the brunt of yesterday's weather which saw 65 mph south easterly winds batter the county alongside huge waves.

10:45 | Monde Une ville japonaise diffuse une effrayante vidéo de simulation de tsunami

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:27:00 +020020minutes (fr)

La vidéo simule en image de synthèses un tsunami déferlant sur la ville de Kamakura. - Ville de Kamakura. M.C. Publié le 11.04.2016 à 10:45; Mis à jour le 11.04.2016 à 10:45. Les images évoquent de douloureux souvenirs au Japon : après un tremblement de terre, une vague de plusieurs mètres de haut....

Dry, breezy, Monday; high risk of rip currents

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:17:00 +0200sun-sentinel (en)

The early part of the new week picks up where the weekend left off with mostly dry conditions, a lot of sunshine and a strong breeze. According to the National Weather Service , it will be partly sunny on Monday with a high near 78. The wind will be out of the east at 13 to 16 mph with gusts up to 21 mph.

Trainer Mitchell Beer relies on Almighty Girl to boost career

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:15:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

Almighty Girl is doing so well since returning from a break, trainer Mitchell Bell is looking to race her sooner than planned. Craig Newitt guides The Quarterback home in the Newmarket Handicap last month. Photo: Getty Images Almighty Girl gave Beer, who has been training in partnership with Max....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude -local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 11:06:00 +0200trust (en)

TAIPEI, April 11 (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Trainer Mitchell Beer relies on Almighty Girl to boost career

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:54:00 +0200smh (en)

Almighty Girl is doing so well since returning from a break, trainer Mitchell Bell is looking to race her sooner than planned. Almighty Girl gave Beer, who has been training in partnership with Max Hinton since December, his first stakes win when she chased down Secret Agenda in the Group Three....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:09:00 +0200nna-en (en)

NNA - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

فرضية غرق قطاع غزة "غير واقعية" غزة 11-4-2016 وفا- محمد أبو فياض قال خبراء جغرافيا وجيولوجيا، إن فرضية غرق قطاع غزة بالكامل أمر غير واقعي، ولا داعي للقلق على سكان مناطق الساحل الجنوبي لفلسطين إذا حدث زلزال في هذه المنطقة، وذلك في ظل الحديث المتصاعد عن إمكانية ضرب "تسونامي" لشواطيء القطاع. وأضاف هؤلاء في تصريحات منفصلة لـ"وفا"، أن العلم في مجال الزلازل لم يتوصل حتى هذه اللحظة إلى معرفة مكان وموعد وقوة أي هزة أرضية ممكن أن تحدث على سطح القشرة الأرضية. وبين الدكتور عبد القادر إبراهيم حماد أستاذ الجغرافيا المشارك بجامعة الأقصى بغزة، أن "التسونامي" هو ظاهرة طبيعية مكونة من سلسلة من الأمواج العالية والمتحركة بسرعة باتجاه اليابسة آخذة معها كل ما يقف في طريقها. فهو عبارة عن مجموعة من الأمواج العملاقة تمتاز بأن لها طولاً موجياً كبيرا جدا، وتكون الفترة الزمنية الفاصلة بين كل موجة وأخرى كبير المزيد

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 10:06:00 +0200ArabicWafa (ar)

غزة 11-4-2016 وفا- محمد أبو فياض قال خبراء جغرافيا وجيولوجيا، إن فرضية غرق قطاع غزة بالكامل أمر غير واقعي، ولا داعي للقلق على سكان مناطق الساحل الجنوبي لفلسطين إذا حدث زلزال في هذه المنطقة، وذلك في ظل الحديث المتصاعد عن إمكانية ضرب "تسونامي" لشواطيء القطاع وأضاف هؤلاء في تصريحات منفصلة لـ"وفا"، أن....

04/11 15:00 Magnitude 5.5 earthquake shakes eastern Taiwan

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:52:00 +0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, April 11 (CNA) An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 occurred at sea off eastern Taiwan Monday, with tremors felt in the Yilan, Hualien and Nantou areas, according to the Central Weather Bureau. The quake, which struck at 13:45 p.m., was centered 46 kilometers east- south east of Yilan County at a depth of 57.

Earthquake in Taiwan: 5.5 magnitude temblor shakes northeast

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:47:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

Earthquake in Taiwan: A quake measuring 5.5 magnitude on Richter scale struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. in Taiwan: A quake measuring 5.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude - local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:45:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

TAIPEI: An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

فرضية غرق قطاع غزة "غير واقعية"

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:39:00 +0200felesteen (ar)

غزة - فلسطين أون لاين قال خبراء جغرافيا وجيولوجيا، إن فرضية غرق قطاع غزة بالكامل أمر غير واقعي، ولا داعي للقلق على سكان مناطق الساحل الجنوبي لفلسطين إذا حدث زلزال في هذه المنطقة، وذلك في ظل الحديث المتصاعد عن إمكانية ضرب "تسونامي" لشواطيء القطاع. وأضاف هؤلاء في تصريحات منفصلة لـ وكالة الأنباء....

11 نيسان 2016

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:29:00 +0200wafa-en (ar)

غزة 11-4-2016 وفا- محمد أبو فياض قال خبراء جغرافيا وجيولوجيا، إن فرضية غرق قطاع غزة بالكامل أمر غير واقعي، ولا داعي للقلق على سكان مناطق الساحل الجنوبي لفلسطين إذا حدث زلزال في هذه المنطقة، وذلك في ظل الحديث المتصاعد عن إمكانية ضرب "تسونامي" لشواطيء القطاع وأضاف هؤلاء في تصريحات منفصلة لـ"وفا"، أن....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:28:00 +0200GulfDailyNews (en)

Taipei: An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

У берегов Тайваня произошло сильное землетрясение

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:22:00 +0200polit (ru)

У северо-восточного побережья Тайваня произошло землетрясение магнитудой 5,5. Об этом Геологическая служба США. сообщает Эпицентр подземных толчков зафиксирован в 44 км к юго-востоку от города Илань. Их очаг залегал на глубине 58,9 км. В столице Тайваня из-за толчков дрожали здания. Пока данных о разрушениях или об угрозе цунами нет.

5.5 magnitude earthquake strikes off northeast Taiwan

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:20:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

File picture shows a staff member of the Seismology Center, pointing on a chart of the earthquake activity detected by the central Weather Bureau in Taipei. A 5.5-magnitude earthquake strucj northeastern Taiwan today. — AFP pic TAIPEI, April 11 — An earthquake measuring 5.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude: local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:20:00 +0200tribune (en)

TAIPEI: An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island’s Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude - local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:53:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Monday, 11 April 2016 | MYT 2:08 PM Earthquake of f northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude - local weather bureau. TAIPEI (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck off the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude: Local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:51:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

TAIPEI - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

"عمان لحوارات المستقبل" تنظم ندوة حول التماسك الاجتماعي

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:47:00 +0200petra (ar)

عمان 11 نيسان (بترا)- نظمت جماعة عمان لحوارت المستقبل، مساء أمس، ندوة حول التماسك الاجتماعي، استضافها نادي الفيحاء، بمشاركة وزير الأوقاف والشؤون والمقدسات الاسلامية الدكتور هايل داود ورئيس جامعة اليرموك السابق الدكتور عبدالله الموسى. وقال داود إن التماسك الاجتماعي أحد مقاصد الشريعة الأسلامية يطلق....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude: local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:43:00 +0200reuters (en)

TAIPEI An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Se registra un terremoto de magnitud 5,2 en la costa de Taiwán

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:43:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,2 ha sacudido Taiwán este lunes. El epicentro se localizó 44 kilómetros al sudeste de la localidad de Yilan, a una pr of undidad de 58,9 kilómetros, informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. ( , por sus siglas en inglés). USGS Se desconoce si hay víctimas o daños en la infraestructura.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 5,5 grade în Taiwan

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:43:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,9 grade in insula Vanuatu Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,9 grade s-a produs, miercuri, in insula Vanuatu din Pacificul de Sud, fara a se declansa o alerta de tsunami, fiind al doilea cutremur inregistrat pe insula in... Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,6 grade s-a....

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude - local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:38:00 +0200reuters-uk (en)

TAIPEI An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude - local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:29:00 +0200reuters-af (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 magnitude: local weather bureau

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:22:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Earthquake off northeast Taiwan measures 5.5 m...

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:06:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

TAIPEI: An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck of f the northeast coast of Taiwan on Monday, the island's Central Weather Bureau said, shaking buildings in the capital Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. In February, a 6.

Mucit gençlerden harika projeler

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:01:00 +0200sozcu (tr)

İzmir İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Türkiye Kalite Derneği İzmir Şubesi ve Yaşar Üniversitesi işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilen “5’inci Yaşamda Kalite Proje/Fikir Yarışması’nda” ilköğretim ve lise öğrencilerinin birbirinden iddialı projeleri yer aldı. Proje ve fikirler arasında hastalığından yola çıkarak....

Alternative education in crisis as more kids 'disengage' after earthquakes

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 07:19:00 +0200Stuff (en)

Christchurch schools that help teenagers with complex behavioural and emotional problems are struggling for money as younger students require help post-earthquakes. Cashmere High School is the managing school for the Christchurch Alternative Education Consortium. It receives $1.

Аналитики рассказали, кто стоит за "оффшорным цунами"

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 07:04:00 +0200glavnoe-ua-ru (ru)

Хотя Панамские документы зацепили гораздо больше украинских влиятельных персон - и президента Петра Порошенко, и главу НБУ Валерию Гонтареву, и главу президентской Администрации Бориса Ложкина - вряд ли утечка была направлена только против Украины, пишет Но он явно ударил по Киеву значительно больше, чем по Москве.

Pulau Pelindung Bengkulu dari Tsunami Terancam Tenggelam

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:46:00 +0200kompas (id)

BENGKULU, KOMPAS.com - Pulau Tikus, Provinsi Bengkulu, dengan sisa luas sekitar 0,6 hektar nyaris seperti sebuah kapal pesiar yang siap kandas di dasar laut. Padahal, luasan wilayah ini sebelumnya mencapai dua hektar. Abrasi parah terus menghantam pulau yang berfungsi sebagai menara suar kapal di Samudera Hindia ini.

Daredevil dentist swaps Hampshire for Nepal

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:21:00 +0200dailyecho (en)

HE SPENT his summer holiday eating piranhas, living on a boat and pulling out hundreds of teeth. Dr Peter Saund swapped his comfortable Eastleigh practice for the Peruvian rainforest and Amazon basin to provide dental care. And previously he trekked to the slums of Kibera in Kenya, and pulled more than 500 teeth from patients.

South Florida sends off more than 600 soldiers to Africa mission

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:18:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

Family and friends of more than 600 Florida National Guard troops crammed a hangar Sunday to send off a South Florida infantry unit to train then swap out with another Florida battalion handling a War-on-Terror security mission in the Horn of Africa. Maj. Gen.

Strong earthquake jolts different parts of Pakistan

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:17:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

KARACHI/LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: Strong earthquake tremors shook buildings in different parts of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan on Sunday, including northern areas of Swat, Mansehra and Azad Kashmir, and as far south as Lahore and New Delhi. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) measured the earthquake at 6.

اخبار عالمية

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:02:00 +0200sonara (ar)

2016-04-10 21:30:30. قال إسماعيل هنية، نائب رئيس المكتب السياسي، لحركة حماس إن المنطقة العربية تشهد ما وصفه بـ"التسويات التاريخية"، معربا عن أمله أن تصب نتائجها في صالح القضية الفلسطينية. وأضاف هنية، في كلمة له خلال لقاء مؤتمر برلماني... 2016-04-10 14:01:06.

NRA to allow NGOs in rebuilding homes

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 04:25:00 +0200ekantipur (en)

Apr 11, 2016- Nearly a year after devastation by the Gorkha earthquake, the National Reconstruction Authority is set to engage non-government organisations in rebuilding houses. The NRA had temporarily barred the NGOs from helping families reconstruct their homes.

Four die as quake rattles KP, Punjab

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 04:20:00 +0200nation (en)

Peshawar/LAHORE - At least four people were killed and dozens others sustained injuries in Peshawar, Swat and Buner after powerful earthquake of 7. 1 magnitude jolted various parts of the country on Sunday. According to PDMA and emergency ward of Lady Reading Hospital, 38 quake-related minor injured were brought to hospital.

Ante cualquier adversidad climática: estos son los vehículos militares rusos más duraderos y fiables

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 02:43:00 +0200rt-es (es)

La Flota y el Ejército de las Fuerzas del Ártico ruso han desplegado una amplia gama de vehículos todo terreno en la región rusa del polo norte, los cuales sirven para la exploración y defensa de sus instalaciones allí presentes. A continuación, les describimos algunos de ellos: Chetra TM-140A.

EU wants control of OUR welfare state: Brussels' secret plan REVEALED

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 01:16:00 +0200express (en)

GETTY David Maddox, EXCLUSIVE Some MEPs fear the EU is planning a 'social union', a centralised welfare state Senior MEPs fear Brussels is planning a “social union” but legislation is being held back until after June’s referendum. Already plans for a common European unemonth by Commissioner Marianne....

Update: 9:53AM AN earthquake was recorded 748 kilometres northwest from Labasa this morning. more...

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 00:05:00 +0200fijitimes (en)

Update: 9:53AM AN earthquake was recorded 748 kilometres northwest from Labasa this morning. The 5.0 magnitude earthquake was recorded at 8:11am at a depth of 10 kilometres. In a statement, the Mineral Resources Department said it was a moderate size earthquake with shallow depth source location.

Jeff Goonewardena appointed Airport and Aviation Services director

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 22:40:00 +0200island (en)

April 10, 2016, 7:04 pm Nimal Siripala, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation hands over official appointment to Jeff Goonewardena, director-Airport and Aviation Services. Former diplomat, hotelier and philanthropist Jeff Goonewardena has been appointed director, Airport and Aviation Services.

Tremors disrupt Metro services in city

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 21:56:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: Delhiites relaxing on Sunday were jolted late in the afternoon by an earthquake making them scramble to safety outside their homes. At 4.01pm, strong tremors were felt in parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region triggering panic among people. "The earthquake, measuring 6.

Je unafahamu kuhusu sayari ya NIBIRU (Planet X)?

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 21:20:00 +0200jamiiforums (sw)

Habarini wana jamii... Natumain wote mko poa katika ujenzi wa taifa letu.... back to the topic: katika pitapita yangu ya kujua mambo ya solar system na mambo ya aliens na UFOs nimekutana na hii mpya ambao inazungumzia kuja kwa sayari ya nibiru au planet X. Kiukweli sina ufahamu nao sana so ninahitaji tupate kuijadili kwa wenye ufahamu zaidi.

Usually concerned with top secret matters affecting ...

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 20:30:00 +0200adhoc (en)

Meldung von reuters.com: LONDON (Reuters) - Usually concerned with top secret matters affecting national security, Britain's eavesdropping spy agency GCHQ was also on the lookout for leaks of a yet-to-be-published Harry Potter book, its publisher has revealed . Defense Against the Dark Arts: UK spies guarded against Harry Potter leak.

Baby Bear burns paws in wildfire and needs Mama Bear now

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 19:05:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

Once upon a time, Baby Bear burned his paws in a Florida wildfire. He made some new friends who rescued him. Now he wants his mama. Firefighters and wildlife of ficers in Lake County want to help him — and think they’ve found Mama Bear. If the two take to each other, they’ll go off happily ever after in the woods together.

Legislators call for family care leave days to be increased

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:54:00 +0200taipeitimes (en)

People First Party Legislator Chen Yi-chieh (陳怡潔) and Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) have proposed an amendment to the Gender Equality Employment Act (性別平等工作法) to extend family care leave for labor from seven days to 10 days, including five days of paid leave like that of civil servants.

Armada chilena descarta tsunami en costas chilenas tras sismo en Afganistán

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:45:00 +0200HoyDigital-DO (es)

Santiago de Chile, .- El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) informó hoy que el sismo de magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El sismo se registró a las 14.

Armada chilena descarta tsunami en costas chilenas tras sismo en Afganistán

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:33:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) informó hoy que el sismo de magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El sismo se registró a las 14.58 hora local (10.

SHOA descartó que sismo de gran intensidad en Afganistán genere tsunami en Chile

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:30:00 +0200lanacion-CL (es)

informó esta mañana que el sismo de 6,6 grados, que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El movimiento telúrico se registró a las 14:58 hora local (10:28 GMT) y el epicentro se localizó a 282 kilómetros al noreste de....

Armada chilena descarta tsunami en costas chilenas tras sismo en Afganistán

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:27:00 +0200caracol (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) informó hoy que el sismo de magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El sismo se registró a las 14.58 hora local (10.

Armada chilena descarta tsunami en costas chilenas tras ...

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:16:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) informó hoy que el sismo de magnitud de 6,6 en la escala de Richter que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El sismo se registró a las 14.58 hora local (10.

الدفاع المدني بغزة: الحديث عن تسونامي غير مبني على معلومات حقيقية نشر بتاريخ: 10/04/2016 الساعة: 17:33

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:12:00 +0200maannews-ar (ar)

الاحتلال يبرئ الحاكم العسكري "اسرائيل شومير" من قتل الشهيد ابو لطيفة; الصحة لمعا: وفاة الشاب "ع، ي" الذي القى نفسه من الطابق الخامس غرب غزة; مصرع فلسطيني بحادث سير شمال الجليل; غزة- عودة خطوط الكهرباء المصرية للعمل برفح; تظاهرة بغزة تطالب بانهاء الانقسام; التحفظ على جميع منتجات الشركات الإسرائيلية....

7 familias de Santa Clara en Talcahuano aún esperan reconstrucción de viviendas

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:07:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Talcahuano y las autoridades de la zona. Desde hace más de 6 años que los vecinos esperan respuestas de las autoridades para la pavimentación de 12 calles, iluminación y reconstrucción de las casas de 7 familias que aún esperan la reconstrucción en sitio propio tras el terremoto y tsunami.

Hiker in narrow escape from lightning and at least 149 reports of people trapped in lifts in Hong Kong downpour

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 16:30:00 +0200scmp (en)

CLP Power is looking into whether a low voltage dip that caused more than a hundred lift stoppages across the city yesterday was caused by storm damage at its Black Point Power Station in Tuen Mun. Emergency services received at least 149 cases of people being trapped in elevators between 9.30am and 11.

Earthquake Shakes Buildings In Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 15:37:00 +0200ibtimes-mx (en)

A man clears the rubble of the house of 50-year-old herbal healer Najib Alam, whose mud-and-stone house was damaged by the 7.5 magnitude quake, in Rehankot village in District Dir, Pakistan on Oct. 28, 2015. Photo: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Shoa descarta tsunami en costas chilenas tras fuerte sismo en Afganistán

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 15:36:00 +0200publimetro (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (Shoa) informó esta mañana que el sismo de 6,6 grados, que sacudió el noreste de Afganistán, no reúne las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. El movimiento telúrico se registró a las 14:58 hora local (10:28 GMT)....

Permalink to Strong earthquake jolts different parts of Pakistan

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 15:26:00 +0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

KARACHI/LAHORE/ISLAMABAD (Monitoring Desk): Strong earthquake tremors shook buildings in different parts of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan on Sunday, including northern areas of Swat, Mansehra and Azad Kashmir, and as far south as Lahore and New Delhi. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) measured the earthquake at 6.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6 6 hit remote ...

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 15:09:00 +0200adhoc (en)

heavy.com schreibt dazu: It's Sunday at the Masters, and Jordan Spieth is trying to hold of f an array of intriguing contenders . What Time & TV Channel Is the Masters 4th Round on Today?. Here's everything you need to know to watch. weiterlesen ... Dazu schreibt reuters.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,6 en Afganistán se percibe en Pakistán e India

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:58:00 +0200t13 (es)

. Según informó la Onemi, el sismo no reúne las condiciones para provocar un tsunami en las costas chilenas. AFP. Un sismo de magnitud 6,6 sacudió este domingo el noreste de Afganistán a una pr of undidad de 200 km y se sintió también en Pakistán e India, aunque no hay de momento información sobre....

Strong earthquake hits Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, casualty not reported yet

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:29:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

. KABUL, April 10, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Photo taken on April 10, 2016 shows the view of Kabul after an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale jolted on Sunday. (Xinhua/Qiu Bo) Afghanistan KABUL/ISLAMABAD, April 10 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 7.

C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 con epicentro nel nord-est di Kabul, in Afghanistan

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:12:00 +0200zazoom (it)

Montolivo : “ C’è stato un confronto - non ce le siamo mandati a dire” : Dopo la sconfitta all’Atleti Azzurri d’Italia contro l’Atalanta, il Milan di Sinisa Mihajlovic si è ritrovato nel ritiro punitivo di Milanello, all’interno delle cui mura la squadra deve obbligatoriamente ritrovare serenità,....

Terremoto magnitudo 6.6 in Afghanistan: scossa avvertita anche in India e Pakistan

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:12:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 10 aprile 2016) Un Terremoto magnitudo 6.6 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan alle 10:28 UTC: secondo quanto rende noto l’istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti USGS, l’epicentro è stato individuato a 39 km ovest-sudovest da Ashkasham, Afghanistan , ad una pr of ondità di 210,4 km La BBC online....

Magnitude-7.8 Earthquake Strikes Off Indonesian Coast

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:05:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

This September 2015 NASA satellite image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on NASA's Terra satellite shows the coast of Indonesia. Photo: Reuters/NASA image by Adam Voiland. A large and shallow magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia Wednesday, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Cutremur de 6,6 grade în Afganistan. A fost resimțit și în Pakistan și India

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:02:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Seismul s-a produs la o adâncime de 200 de km și a fost resimțit totodată în Pakistan și în India, potrivit Institutului american de ge of izică (USGS). Nu sunt deocamdată disponibile informații privind eventuale , precizează Epicentrul seismului a fost situat la 282 km nord-est de Kabul, într-o....

Strong quake hits 39 km off Ashkasham, Afghanistan: USGS

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 13:43:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

KABUL/ISLAMABAD, April 10 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale jolted 39 km of f Ashkasham of northeastern Afghanistan 's Badakhshan province on Sunday afternoon, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 210.42 km, was initially determined to be at 36.492 degrees north latitude and 71.

Strong quake hits 39 km off Ashkasham, Afghanistan: USGS

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 13:37:00 +0200sinacom (en)

KABUL/ISLAMABAD, April 10 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale jolted 39 km of f Ashkasham of northeastern Afghanistan's Badakhshan province on Sunday afternoon, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 210.42 km, was initially determined to be at 36.492 degrees north latitude and 71.

Magnitude 6.6 Quake Shakes Pakistan, Afghanistan, India

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 13:35:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

A man clears the rubble of the house of 50-year-old herbal healer Najib Alam, whose mud-and-stone house was damaged by the 7.5 magnitude quake, in Rehankot village in District Dir, Pakistan on Oct. 28, 2015. Photo: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Forte scossa di terremoto in Indonesia: magnitudo 5.9

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:56:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 10 aprile 2016) Una Forte scossa di terremo, di magnitudo 5.9, è stata registrata nell’isola di Sumatra, nella provincia di Bengkulu. Lo riferisce l’Agenzia Indonesia na di meteorologia, climatologia e Ge of isica, precisando che al momento non si registrano danni a persone o cose. La scossa si è verificata alle 9.

Cutremur cu magnitudine 6 în Indonezia

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:25:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Un cutremur de 5,9 grade a avut loc duminică, în Indonezia, conform seismologilor citaţi de USGS. Cutremurul a avut loc în Oceanul Indian, la o adâncime de 60 de kilometri, lângă Bengkulu, o provincie din insula Sumatra, Indonezia. Autoritățile nu au emis avertizare de tsunami.

World: Developing Tsunami Awareness and Reducing Disaster Risk

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:20:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Given the devastating impacts that can occur from natural hazards, it is critical that families and individuals around the world take steps to reduce their risk with regard to disaster impacts. What matters most—what can truly save lives—is personally taking action.

Cutremur puternic în Indonezia. Ce magnitudine a avut seismul

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:12:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

Judecătorul CCR Daniel Morar a declarat că decizia prin care SRI nu mai poate face interceptări în dosare de corupție reprezintă o decizie "crucială" pentru justitia romana și că judecătorii constituționali au fost conștienți de implicațiile deciziei lor. Nr. unic nr. format vechi : 8365 212 2016 Data inregistrarii 08.

Quelle: sciencesetavenir.fr, vor 11 Minuten veröffentlicht

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 10:34:00 +0200adhoc (fr)

20minutes.fr schreibt weiter: ESPACE - Elle pourrait devenir une petite Terre… . VIDEO. Une planète en train de naître observée pour la première fois. weiterlesen ... 20minutes.fr meldet: GEOLOGIE - Il n’y a pas de risque de tsunami, a précisé l’Agence japonaise de météorologie, après un fort tremblement de terre ce vendredi .

جيرار رايل مفجر زلزال الأسرار يقول لـ'العرب': انتظروا المزيد قريبا بقلم: علي سفر

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 10:18:00 +0200alarabonline (ar)

اسطنبول - إنه الزلزال. أو لنقل إنه تسونامي الوثائق الذي سيطيح بالسياسيين وبأنظمة الفساد والرّشوة والمحسوبية والابتزاز. بهذه الكلمات يمكن اختصار العشرات من التوصيفات التي أطلقت على وثائق بنما بعد أن بدأ الاتحاد الدولي للصحافيين الاستقصائيين ببثها في ساعة متأخرة من يوم الأحد الماضي.

Strong quake hits Southern Sumatra

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 07:15:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: A strong earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale occurred in Southern Sumatera at 10.14am Sunday. According to a statement from the Department of Meteorology, the epicentre of the quake was located 81 kilometres south -west from Bengkulu, Indonesia and 685 kilometer South-West from Pontian, Johor.

Gempa 5,9 SR Bengkulu tidak Berpotensi Tsunami BADAN Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika melansir gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,9 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang sebagian wilayah di Provinsi Bengkulu pada Minggu pukul 09.14 WIB dan tidak berpotensi tsunami. 3 ... 10 April 2016, 11:01 WIB

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 06:40:00 +0200MediaIndonesia (id)

BADAN Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Ge of isika melansir gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,9 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang sebagian wilayah di Provinsi Bengkulu pada Minggu pukul 09.14 WIB dan tidak berpotensi tsunami. Prakirawan Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Bandara Fatmawati, Anjasman di....

Loi travail : pas de raz-de-marée

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 05:51:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

Les opposants à la loi El Khomri restent toujours aussi déterminés mais ils ne réussissent pas à étendre la mobilisation. Hier, les manifestants étaient beaucoup moins nombreux que lors de la précédente journée unitaire du jeudi 31 mars. On reste loin des raz-de-marée de mars et avril 2006 qui....

Papúa Nueva Guinea

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 05:40:00 +0200peru (es)

En Internacionales | 21:38 hrs. Tres hombres naufragaron en una isla pequeña y deshabitada en el Océano Pacífico, pero fueron rescatados gracias a un enorme mensaje que escribieron en la arena. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos localizó el epicentro del fuerte sismo a 131 kilómetros al....

Pas de raz-de-marée contre la loi Travail

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 05:39:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

Les opposants à la loi El Khomri restent déterminés mais ils ne réussissent pas à étendre la mobilisation débutée il y a deux mois. Hier, les manifestants étaient beaucoup moins nombreux que lors de la précédente journée unitaire du jeudi 31 mars. On reste loin des raz-de-marée de mars et avril 2006....

Pas de raz-de-marée contre la loi Travail

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 05:19:00 +0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

Les opposants à la loi El Khomri restent toujours aussi déterminés mais ils ne réussissent pas à étendre la mobilisation. Hier, les manifestants étaient beaucoup moins nombreux que lors de la précédente journée unitaire du jeudi 31 mars. On reste loin des raz-de-marée de mars et avril 2006 qui....

The terrifying tsunami that devastated Britain

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 05:18:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

Some 8,000 years ago, a tsunami with a run-up height of up to 25m swept Scottish islands and the coast line at 80mph. It may have been caused by climate change. Could it happen again? It was an autumn day in the Shetland Islands of Scotland. Perhaps fishing boats were hauling in catch; maybe children were playing on the beach.

Grecja: u wybrzeży wyspy Samos utonęły cztery migrantki i dziecko Co najmniej pięć osób zginęło rano w kolejnym wypadku niewielkiej łodzi z migrantami u wybrzeży greckiej wyspy Samos, na Morzu Egejskim - poinformowała grecka straż przybrzeżna. Ofiary to cztery kobiety i dziecko.

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 04:59:00 +0200tygodnik (pl)

To typowi imigranci ekonomiczni. Problemem jest przeludnienie i brak perspektyw w ich krajach gdzie np w krajach islamskich populacja od lat 60 XX wieku wzrozla 4 krotnie. Działalność organizacji humanitarnych sprowadza się do szczepień, dostarczania żywności, leków.

PDI descartó que osamentas halladas en La Herradura sean de víctimas del tsunami

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 03:38:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

La Brigada de Homicidios de la PDI de La Serena descartó que las osamentas encontradas en las proximidades de la playa La Herradura de Coquimbo correspondan a víctimas del tsunami que afectó a la región tras el terremoto de septiembre pasado. Trabajadores de una obra de construcción de departamentos....

غزة: إشاعة "التسونامي" تثير قلق الأطفال وخبراء يؤكدون استحالة التنبؤ بوقوعه

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 22:55:00 +0200al-ayyam (ar)

كتب عيسى سعد الله: كالمعتاد يظل الاطفال الضحية الرئيسة لخرافات ابدع البعض في اختراعها على مدار التاريخ. ومن خرافات الغولة وجحا وابو رجل مسلوخة الى خرافة التسونامي بقي الاطفال هم من يدفع ثمنها بالخوف والقلق الدائمين . وعلى الرغم من تقليل أولياء الأمور من أهمية مثل هذا الخرافة الذت توقعها وقوعها علماء....

يعيشون على الأمل

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 21:47:00 +0200felesteen (ar)

ما زال خبر مصر في غزة يحظى باهتمام الأغلبية من السكان. منذ أن زار وفد حماس مصر مؤخرا يداهمك سؤال وسائل الإعلام والناس عن النتائج. هل هناك انفراجة متوقعة، أم نحن نرقض في المكان؟! هذا الاهتمام العام يدل على أهمية مصر جغرافيا وسياسيا واقتصاديا لسكان غزة. معايير الجغرافيا والسياسية تفرض على من يدير قطاع غزة أن تكون له علاقات جيدة مع مصر.

Millennium-old 'sunken town' found off Tamil Nadu

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 21:39:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

CHENNAI: When the shoreline receded during the 2004 tsunami, tourists in Mamallapuram swore they saw a long row of granite boulders emerge from the sea, before it was swallowed again as the water hurtled forward. More than a decade later, a team of scientists and divers have uncovered what....

Big media babied Mr. Aquino

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 17:12:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

There is no such thing as a timid media in every nook and cranny of the democratic world. So, why did the Philippine media just shrug off the very public complaint of Mr. Aquino on media’s supposed bias and recklessness? Mr. Aquino used the Publish Asia conference as a bully pulpit to vent his....

Terremoto magnitudo 3.9 al confine tra Slovenia e Croazia

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 16:25:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 9 aprile 2016) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 3.9 si è verificato al confine Slovenia Croazia alle 15:02 ora italiana ad una pr of ondità di 10 km. L’evento è stato localizzato dalla Sala Sismica INGV-Roma. L'articolo Terremoto magnitudo 3.9 al confine tra Slovenia e Croazia sembra essere il primo su Meteo Web.

NOAA issues increased fire danger warning for East Tennessee

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 15:10:00 +0200wate (en)

Smoke rising from a wildfire burning near homes in the Edwina community of f of I-40. KNOXVILLE (WATE) – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says current conditions are creating an increased risk for fires to spread or become out of control due to a wave of dry air sweeping through the area.

Vespa e Riina: l’unica censura accettabile è nel telecomando

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 13:24:00 +0200zazoom (it)

Riina Jr - così Bruno Vespa replica : Ad Enzo Biagi nessuno disse nulla : Lo tsunami di polemiche non si è ancora placato e proprio per questo Bruno Vespa , preso nel fuoco incrociato, ora replica dalle pagine del Corriere della Sera a chi lo accusa per avere mandato in onda l'intervista a Giuseppe Salvatore Riina , figlio del boss mafioso.

Vaudricourt : après plusieurs années de démarches, le Clos de la ferme va voir le jour

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 11:40:00 +0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Le projet : la construction de cinq petits immeubles de quatre logements rappelant les fermes à cour carrée, d’où le nom de « Clos de la ferme ». Il a fallu vaincre des réticences comme celles d’un voisin qui craignait les eaux de ruissellement dues à la configuration du terrain, de fait il y aura....

Nouveau tremblement de terre dans le nord du Maroc

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 11:05:00 +0200bladi (fr)

. 9 avril 2016 - 09h45 - Maroc Un nouveau tremblement de terre a été enregistré vendredi dans le nord du Maroc, indique l’Institut national de géophysique dans un communiqué. La secousse d’une magnitude de 4,4 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter s’est produite au large des provinces de Nador et d’Al Hoceima vers 07h10 du matin.

تدخلات خارجية: قصف تركي على اربيل شمال العراق

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 09:48:00 +0200albasrah (ar)

* الأنبار: إصابة ثلاثة أشخاص بانفجار عبوة ناسفة في حي الأندلس. * طائرات التحالف الدولي تنفذ 18 غارة جوية في العراق. * اعتقال نحو 80 مواطنا في حملات دهم وتفتيش تعسفية في محافظتي بابل وذي قار. * بغداد: تفجيران منفصلان يوقعان 11 قتيلا وجريحا بالعاصمة. * تدخلات خارجية: قصف تركي على اربيل شمال العراق. * بغداد: إصابة ضابط حكومي بهجوم مسلح شمالي العاصمة.

Interfax: Earthquake measuring 4.0 registered off the Kuril Islands

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 08:10:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Moscow. Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences registered an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 on the Richter scale in the Pacific Ocean off the Russia's Kuril Islands, Interfax reported. The earthquake was registered some 75 km south east of the Shikotan Island in the southern archipelago at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Terremoto magnitudo 3.1 al largo di Lampedusa

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 08:07:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di sabato 9 aprile 2016) Un Terremoto magnitudo 3.1 si è verificato nel cuore nel Mar Mediterraneo, al largo della costa tunisina, poco distante da Lampedusa , alle 06:55 ora italiana ad una pr of ondità di 30 km. L’evento è stato localizzato dalla Sala Sismica INGV-Roma. L'articolo Terremoto magnitudo 3.

Terrifying simulation shows tsunami ripping through Japanese city

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 07:20:00 +0200tvnz (en)

The video shows a huge wave bursting into Kamakura, and was released by of ficials who think residents may have become complacent after the 2011 tsunami. Source: NTV.

Japan reminds citizens of tsunami danger with disturbingly realistic CGI PSA

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 05:32:00 +02009news (en)

Concerned that citizens have forgotten the horror of the 2011 tsunami that struck Japan, authorities have released a disturbingly realistic video showing a mock monster wave destroying the historic town of Kamakura. The tourist town's iconic features ancient temples, markets, and shrines are....

Le monde vu de Bamako: Deby sans doute, mais après?

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 05:17:00 +0200abamako (fr)

L’ancien chef rebelle au pouvoir depuis 1991 brigue un autre mandat ce dimanche. Il le fait entre une soci�t� civile r�leuse et une tornade des grenades lacrymog�nes certes. Mais l’info ne sera que D�by succ�de � lui m�me. Ce serait plut�t qu’il perde la partie et qu’il ait reconnue l’avoir perdue.

Reklamasi 800 Hektar, Agung Sedayu Juga Gandeng Perusahaan Belanda

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 05:17:00 +0200kompas (id)

JAKARTA, KOMPAs.com - Selain PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (APLN) dan KSO Ciputra Yasmin, Agung Sedayu Group (ASG) juga menggunakan jasa perusahaan konsultan reklamasi Belanda. Melalui PT Kapuk Naga Indah, mereka menggandeng Witteveen+Bos untuk studi reklamasi pulau C, D, dan E yang merupakan bagian dari 17 pulau buatan di Pantai Utara Jakarta.

Second Buildcon and Wood Expo kicks off

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 05:06:00 +0200thehimalayantimes (en)

Kathmandu. The second edition of ‘Nepal Buildcon International Expo 2016’ and ‘Nepal Wood International Expo 2016’ began at the exhibition hall in Bhrikuti Mandap on April 8. The four-day long expo is jointly organised by Media Space Solutions (MSS), Nepal and Futurex Trade Fair and Events, India to....

Forest officials warning hunters of Black Hills fire risks

Sat, 09 Apr 2016 02:07:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The temporary closure order for the recent Cold Fire area remains in effect until rescinded or through April 2017 to protect natural resources and public safety. Off icials are reminding people that open fire is not allowed within the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District except in established metal fire rings or grills at designated sites.

Ghid de calatorie: 3 tari in care nu te pandeste niciun pericol natural

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 23:16:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

După ce, în runda trecută, a câștigat trei puncte la „masa verde“, grație retragerii lui Inter Olt Slatina, CS Podari vrea să contabilizeze sâmbătă, de la ora 17.00, o victorie importantă și pe teren, chiar dacă o întâlnește pe a ... Post-ul Podărenii vor să o încurce pe Câmpulung apare prima dată....

Государство обязывает их принимать те законы, которым оно следует

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 22:41:00 +0200sb (ru)

Я редко пишу на актуальные темы, мне больше интересны вещи, выдержанные временем. Но сейчас захотелось высказаться о том, что льется у нас из каждого «утюга». Тема беженцев. Слово это стало привычным, что ли. Тема муссируется так активно, как в свое время проблема гриппа обсуждалась или извержение вулкана с труднопроизносимым названием.

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in simulation video released by officials

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 22:14:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in terrifying simulation video released by of ficials because public have got 'complacent' as memory of 2011 disaster fades Clip shows wall of water smashing into Kamakura and flooding the area; Shrines, alleyways and houses are all destroyed in mock natural....

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in simulation video released by officials

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 21:53:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in terrifying simulation video released by of ficials because public have got 'complacent' as memory of 2011 disaster fades Clip shows wall of water smashing into Kamakura and flooding the area; Shrines, alleyways and houses are all destroyed in mock natural....

Twister rolls through Georgia trailer park

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 21:04:00 +0200triblive (en)

Updated 17 hours ago ATLANTA — Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida on Wednesday night with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun....

Detectan radiación alta en un depósito de agua de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 19:20:00 +0200diariodenavarra (es)

El personal de la central nuclear de Fukushima ha detectado unos niveles inusualmente altos de radiación en un depósito de agua subterráneo en desuso e investiga el origen de estas mediciones, confirmó este viernes la empresa operadora de la planta. El pasado 6 de abril, los técnicos de la planta....

La UHU establece la configuración geográfica del Espacio Natural de Doñana durante la época romana

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 18:48:00 +020020minutos (es)

La Universidad de Huelva (UHU) ha establecido mediante un estudio la configuración geográfica del Espacio Natural de Doñana durante la época romana. Así, durante la época romana, la geografía de la desembocadura del río Guadalquivir, el Baetis romano, era bastante diferente a como la conocemos hoy....

La UHU establece la configuración geográfica del Espacio Natural de Doñana durante la época romana

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 18:31:00 +0200eleconomista-es (es)

La Universidad de Huelva (UHU) ha establecido mediante un estudio la configuración geográfica del Espacio Natural de Doñana durante la época romana. Así, durante la época romana, la geografía de la desembocadura del río Guadalquivir, el Baetis romano, era bastante diferente a como la conocemos hoy....

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in terrifying simulation video released by officials because public have got 'complacent' as memory of 2011 disaster fades

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 18:28:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Clip shows wall of water smashing into Kamakura and flooding the area; Shrines, alleyways and houses are all destroyed in mock natural disaster Off icials are hoping footage will encourage people to think about 'escape' Nearly 16,000 people died when tsunami with 40m waves hit Japan in 2011.

Tsunami thunders through Japanese city in terrifying simulation video released by officials because public have got 'complacent' as memory of 2011 disaster fades

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 17:21:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Clip shows wall of water smashing into Kamakura and flooding the area; Shrines, alleyways and houses are all destroyed in mock natural disaster Off icials are hoping footage will encourage people to think about 'escape' Nearly 16,000 people died when tsunami with 40m waves hit Japan in 2011.

RN: suspensión de juicio en caso tsunami deja impune "negligencia del Estado"

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 17:11:00 +0200publimetro (es)

Los presidentes de Renovación Nacional en la región del Biobío, Frank Sauerbaum, y en la del Maule, Gonzalo Montero, criticaron duramente la suspensión del procedimiento en el caso Tsunami contra los seis imputados propuesto por el Ministerio Público, asegurando que es un acuerdo para dejar impune la “negligencia del Estado”.

JNTO to add seven more overseas offices to bolster tourism boom

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 16:35:00 +0200japantimes (en)

DALLAS – Japan will set up tourism promotion of fices in seven cities abroad including Manila, Kuala Lumpur and New Delhi this fiscal year to reel in more foreign visitors, tourism chief Ryoichi Matsuyama said Thursday. “We particularly want to promote the attractiveness of regional destinations in....

11:26 | Caso Tsunami: defensor público representará a Bachelet en audiencia pedida por querellante

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 16:33:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Publicado por Daniel Medina El abogado de la Defensoría Penal Pública Pablo Sanzana será el encargado de representar a la presidenta Michelle Bachelet en una audiencia especial enmarcada en el caso Tsunami. En la audiencia, que se concretará el lunes, se revisará la situación de la mandataria en....

Premio Nacional de Geografía: “Es predecible que para un próximo terremoto en el norte la gente no alcance a escapar en caso de un tsunami”

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 15:45:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

El Premio Nacional de Geografía 2013 y Doctor en Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Hugo Romero, manifestó que “el 70% de los territorios en el país no tiene regulación alguna”. Una situación preocupante ya que, a su juicio, “estos pueden crecer delimitadamente....

Bizarre video waarschuwt Japanners voor tsunami

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 14:45:00 +0200drimble (nl)

Wat gebeurt er als de Japanse stad Kamakura wordt getr of fen door een tsunami? Lokale autoriteiten geven antwoord op die vraag met een... Artikelen in de categorie 'Buitenlands nieuws' ....

Padre de Puntito y Caso Tsunami: Se buscó el mal menor

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 13:33:00 +0200chilevision (es)

La jueza del Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago, Carolina Gajardo, a probó el acuerdo entre los imputados y el Ministerio Público en el marco del caso Tsunami, por lo que los acusados no irán a un juicio oral . De esta forma deberán cancelar un monto determinado en dinero que asciende a 2 35....

23:00 | Talcahuano: Contraloría revisó complejo Mirador del Pacífico en busca de irregularidades

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 13:14:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Inspectores de la Contraloría revisaron los departamentos del Mirador del Pacífico Eliana Véjar , en Talcahuano, luego que los vecinos pidieran que se investigue un estudio de mecánica de suelo falsificado. Lee también: En qué consistió la falsificación del uso de suelo en Mirador del Pacífico de....

Terrifying tsumani warning video of wave wiping out town released after 'people let guard down'

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 12:23:00 +0200themirror (en)

Japanese of ficials have released a harrowing tsunami warning video amid claims residents have become 'too complacent' about the disaster risk. The terrifying CGI footage shows a huge wave engulfing the coast al city of Kamakura, just south of Tokyo. Water then rushes through the streets, rising almost as high as the houses.

Mali : Le monde vu de Bamako : Deby sans doute, mais après ?

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 12:04:00 +0200maliactu (fr)

Le président tchadien Idriss Déby à Paris, le 2 décembre 2012. | AFP/MARTIN BUREAU L’ancien chef rebelle au pouvoir depuis 1991 brigue un autre mandat ce dimanche. Il le fait entre une société civile râleuse et une tornade des grenades lacrymogènes certes. Mais l’info ne sera que Déby succède à lui même.

Le monde vu de Bamako : Deby sans doute, mais après ?

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 11:49:00 +0200afribone (fr)

L’ancien chef rebelle au pouvoir depuis 1991 brigue un autre mandat ce dimanche. Il le fait entre une société civile râleuse et une tornade des grenades lacrymogènes certes. Mais l’info ne sera que Déby succède à lui même. Ce serait plutôt qu’il perde la partie et qu’il ait reconnue l’avoir perdue.

Lebih 10 Tahun Tenggelam, Pulau Jejawi Kini Timbul ke Permukaan

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 11:49:00 +0200bisnis (id)

Bisnis.com , JAKARTA - Pulau Jejawi di Kepulauan Banyak, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, yang hilang tengelam saat bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami Desember 2004, kini sudah mulai timbul kembali ke permukaan dan mulai dimanfaatkan warga dengan menanam pohon kelapa.

Detectaron radiación muy alta en un depósito de agua en la central de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 11:45:00 +0200telam (es)

Niveles muy altos de radiación fueron detectados por el personal de la central nuclear de Fukushima en un depósito de agua subterráneo en desuso, lo que motivó una investigación del origen de estas mediciones por parte de Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), empresa operadora de la planta.

Tokyo Electric Power : High radiation levels detected in abandoned Fukushima water tank

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 10:05:00 +02004-traders (en)

Tokyo Apr 8 (EFE).- Unusually high levels of radiation, detected in an unused underground water tank in the Fukushima nuclear plant, is currently being investigated, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company , or TEPCO , confirmed to EFE Friday. On April 6 , technicians at the plant that was hit....

Detectada una radiación inusualmente alta en un depósito de agua en Fukushima

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 09:18:00 +0200eleconomista-es (es)

El personal de la central nuclear de Fukushima ha detectado unos niveles inusualmente altos de radiación en un depósito de agua subterráneo en desuso e investiga el origen de estas mediciones, ha confirmado la empresa operadora de la planta. El pasado 6 de abril, los técnicos de la planta golpeada....

Detectan radiaci�n inusualmente alta en un dep�sito de agua de Fukushima

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 09:02:00 +0200finanzas (es)

El personal de la central nuclear de Fukushima ha detectado unos niveles inusualmente altos de radiaci�n en un dep�sito de agua subterr�neo en desuso e investiga el origen de estas mediciones, confirm� hoy a Efe la empresa operadora de la planta. El pasado 6 de abril, los t�cnicos de la planta....

Saving Beira

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:06:00 +0200ipsnews (en)

Flooding in some neighbourhoods in Beira. Credit: Andrew Mambondiyani/IPS. BEIRA, Mozambique, Apr 6 2016 (IPS) - Mozambique’s second largest city, Beira, is heading for climate change-induced disaster. Cyclones, floods, storm surges and the rising sea level are threatening to annihilate this....

The heat is on, and the river is rising

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:58:00 +0200yakimaherald (en)

Julia Hannon, 14, trots her horse, Jackson, as her mom, Kari Hannon of Gleed, on her horse, Rusty, watches from the distance at the Riverside Arena in Yakima on Thursday. The Hannons took advantage of the warm spring weather to condition their horses. They’ll have another chance today: It’s going to be even warmer.

شمس بنما اللافحة.. عيسى الشعيبي

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:56:00 +0200islamtoday (ar)

كثيرا ما تكون الحقيقة صادمة، لا سيما اذا أتت متأخرة، وكانت خارج التوقعات وكاسرة للمسلمات، الا ان هذه الحقيقة العصية على الإنكار طوال الوقت الطويل، تظل الضالة المنشودة للمؤمن والمحقق والقاضي على حد سواء، كونها الممر الاجباري لتوطيد الثقة بين الاصدقاء، وتحقيق العدالة امام القضاء، وبناء العلاقات السوية....

Le mondu vu de Bamako: Deby sans doute, mais après?

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 06:40:00 +0200abamako (fr)

L'ancien chef rebelle au pouvoir depuis 1991 brigue un autre mandat ce dimanche. Il le fait entre une soci�t� civile r�leuse et une tornade des grenades lacrymog�nes certes. Mais l'info ne sera que D�by succ�de � lui m�me. Ce serait plut�t qu'il perde la partie et qu'il ait reconnue l'avoir perdue.

Scott Sturgis' Driver's Seat: Toyota Tacoma is reliable, but noisy

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 06:27:00 +0200post-gazette (en)

2016 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport 4x4 Double Cab: Midsize hauler? Price: $38,290 as tested ($33,730 for base TRD Sport 4x4 Double Cab; the Tacoma starts at $23,330, for one row of seats and rear-wheel drive). Marketer’s pitch: “Built for the endless weekend.” Conventional wisdom: Edmunds.

Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:28:00 +0200peru (es)

De acuerdo al informe del IGP , el epicentro de este movimiento telúrico se ubicó a 41 kilómetros al norte de Sullana y a 35 kilómetros de pr of undidad. La norteña ciudad de Trujillo y el distrito limeño de La Punta ( ) son Callao los lugares más vulnerables ante la ocurrencia de un tsunami , según indicios hallados.

Magnitude 6.7 quake strikes off Vanuatu

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:24:00 +0200finlandtimes (en)

A magnitude 6.7 quake struck of f Vanuatu on Thursday afternoon, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The magnitude was initially measured at 7.0, but was later adjusted to 6.7. The epicenter of the quake that struck from a depth of 26.8 kilometers at 2:32 p.m.

Permalink to Avalanches, an Alpine menace

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:24:00 +0200omanobserver-om (en)

A picture taken on January 19, 2016 in Modane, shows a picture of a mountain outlining the area in which French Foreign Legionnaires were killed in an avalanche on January 18 during a training exercise. Five French Foreign Legionnaires were killed on January 18, 2016 during a training exercise in....

Imputados piden disculpas por fallida alerta de tsunami en 2010 en Chile

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:17:00 +0200panamaamerica (es)

El terremoto, de magnitud 8.8 en la escala de Richter, con epicentro en la región del Bío-Bío, fue seguido de un tsunami que terminó con la vida de 156 personas de las 526 víctimas del cataclismo que arrasó con viviendas e infraestructuras en seis regiones de la zona centro y sur de Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010.

زلزال يضرب جزيرة في المحيط الهادي

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:11:00 +0200alsabahpress (ar)

سكاي نيوز عربية : وقع زلزال مدمر بلغت قوته 7 درجات، أمس، قرب جزيرة فانواتو في المحيط الهادي دون الإبلاغ عن خسائر في الأرواح أو موجات مد عاتية تسونامي. وأوضحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجيا الأميركية في بيان أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غرب الجزيرة. وكان زلزال آخر ضرب قرب الجزيرة الأحد الماضي، ووصلت قوته إلى 7.

Chile: Imputados piden disculpas por fallida alerta de tsunami en 2010

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 04:37:00 +0200diariocorreo (es)

en 2010 , of recieron disculpas públicas hoy y reconocieron sus errores cometidos durante la catástrofe. Cada uno de los responsables leyó una declaración, donde acusaron fallas en la "capacidad de reacción" y "precariedad como Estado", durante los acontecimientos en la madrugada del 27 de febrero....

Twister rolls through Georgia trailer park

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 04:06:00 +0200triblive (en)

Updated 22 minutes ago ATLANTA — Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida on Wednesday night with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun....

A LIFE GUARD ... for service

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 03:06:00 +0200tcpalm (en)

"Coming on a boat with my dad from Connecticut in 1973, I was so excited to spend the winter in Florida. As we rounded the corner, I said 'No Way! This is it? A dock, trailer park and lighthouse?' "I was expecting Fort Lauderdale with big buildings, bars and neon. I turned to my dad immediately saying, 'We gotta' leave,' " .


Fri, 08 Apr 2016 02:23:00 +0200malijet (fr)

L'ancien chef rebelle au pouvoir depuis 1991 brigue un autre mandat ce dimanche. Il le fait entre une société civile râleuse et une tornade des grenades lacrymogènes certes. Mais l'info ne sera que Déby succède à lui même. Ce serait plutôt qu'il perde la partie et qu'il ait reconnue l'avoir perdue.

Qué busca la expedición al cráter de Chicxulub, el sitio de México donde cayó el meteorito que se cree extinguió a los dinosaurios

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:57:00 +0200ecuavisa (es)

¿Qué fue exactamente lo que pasó 66 millones de años atrás cuando un asteroide gigante cayó en la Tierra, provocando enormes cambios en el planeta? ¿Cuál fue el alcance del impacto y del desastre ambiental que según se cree llevó a la desaparición de los dinosaurios? Esas son algunas de las....

US ARCHITECTURE/AWARD - Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena wins Pritzker Prize

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:39:00 +0200efe (en)

Chile's Alejandro Aravena was awarded the 2016 Pritzker Architecture Prize in a ceremony at U.N. headquarters that highlighted the social commitment of his artistic creations. Aravena, 48, director of the architecture section of the Venice Biennale and visiting professor at Harvard, received the....

Caso Tsunami se queda sin juicio

Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:26:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Publicado por Juan Pablo Echenique Los detalles del fallo que aprobó el acuerdo entre la Fiscalía y los imputados en el caso Tsunami, que dejó sin juicio oral la investigación por los errores en la alerta de maremoto que significó que 104 personas perdieran la vida la madrugada del 27 de febrero del 2010.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 al largo delle isole di Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:55:00 +0200oggitreviso (it)

Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6,7 gradi della scala Richter è stata registrata la notte scorsa al largo delle isole di Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale Inizialmente l'intensità era stata valutata a 7,0 gradi dal United States Geological Survey (USGS), che però ha poi corretto la valutazione.

Caso Tsunami: imputados piden disculpas y logran acuerdo que los libra de juicio oral

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:35:00 +0200elmostrado (es)

Seis ex funcionarios considerados responsables de una fallida alerta de tsunami, tras el terremoto de 2010 aceptaron hoy un acuerdo con la justicia para suspender el trámite y evitar así un juicio oral, mientras los familiares de las víctimas calificaron la decisión como "una burla".

شمس بنما اللافحة

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:33:00 +0200alghad (ar)

كثيرا ما تكون الحقيقة صادمة، لا سيما اذا أتت متأخرة، وكانت خارج التوقعات وكاسرة للمسلمات، الا ان هذه الحقيقة العصية على الإنكار طوال الوقت الطويل، تظل الضالة المنشودة للمؤمن والمحقق والقاضي على حد سواء، كونها الممر الاجباري لتوطيد الثقة بين الاصدقاء، وتحقيق العدالة امام القضاء، وبناء العلاقات السوية....

Panasonic Overtaking the Euro?

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:31:00 +0200climate-weather (en)

Forecasting the weather is big business. Behind the scenes, billions of dollars are invested on high-powered forecast models that process immense amounts of data each day to provide guidance for meteorologists as they build forecasts. Many of these models are funded by governments.

Cutremur de 6.6 grade în insula Vanuatu. Este al treilea din ultimele şapte zile

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:23:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un nou cutremur puternic s-a produs, joi, 7 aprilie, în insula Vanuatu. Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 3h32min UTC (ora locala 14h32min). Potrivit datelor publicate de Centrul Seismologic Euro-Mediteranean, epicentrul cutremur ului a fost localizat la nord de insula Vanuatu din Oceanul Pacific.

Quake! Apr. 7, 2016, 10:33 AM AST

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 23:04:00 +0200trinidadexpress (en)

The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre has registered a 5.7 magnitude earthquake, a tremor felt in several parts of Trinidad. The earthquake occurred around 8:22 a.m. this morning off Venezuela. The research unit reported that the seismic activity had a depth of 10 kilometres with....

Imponente imagen de un tornado frente a Monte Caseros

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 22:55:00 +0200diarioellitoral (es)

jueves 07 abril 2016 17:20hs Imponente imagen de un tornado frente a Monte Caseros La imagen muestra cómo se presentaba el temporal en los últimos días en el sur de Corrientes. La foto, publicada por Radio Dos, muestra el embudo de un tornado a la altura de la localidad de Bella Unión, Uruguay, frente a Monte Caseros.

Surf a ciegas: Conoce a este gran surfista invidente (VIDEO)

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 22:02:00 +0200diariocorreo (es)

VIDEO: Conoce a este gran surfista invidente Lucas Retamales es un surfista chileno que a pesar de su discapacidad, nada le impidió deslizarse sobre las olas y llegar a representar a su país en el Campeonato Mundial de Surf Adaptado en California. VIDEO: Conoce a este gran surfista invidente invidente.

Cutremur puternic, joi, de 6,6 grade pe scara Richter

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:53:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 3:32. Potrivit datelor publicate de Centrul Seismologic Euro-Mediteranean, epicentrul cutremur ului a fost localizat la nord de insula Vanuatu din Oceanul Pacific. Seismul s-a produs la adancimea de 30 km si a avut magnitudinea de 6,6 grade pe scara bazata pe moment seismic, potrivit .

34 Bühnen sind für die Fête de la musique am 21 Juni zur ...

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:50:00 +0200adhoc (de)

Dazu presseportal.de: Potsdam (ots) - Wie Geschäftsprozesse präzise in Modellen dargestellt, beschrieben und analysiert werden können, zeigt ein neuer sechswöchiger Online-Kurs des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts (HPI) . Neuer Online-Kurs des HPI hilft bei von Geschäftsprozessen. Der englischsprachige MOOC (Massive Open Online Kurs) startet am 11.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:46:00 +0200timesfreepress (en)

A tree is down on a mobile home in the Pike Road Village community in Pike Road, Ala., Thursday, April 7, 2016, after a storm. Strong storms rolled through central Alabama on Wednesday night and Thursday morning leaving damage in their wake. Photo by Mickey Welsh/The Montgomery Advertiser via AP.

14:54 Fiscal del Caso Tsunami: Está claro que esta salida no es satisfactoria para las víctimas

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:25:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Al respecto, 7 de abril de 2016 el persecutor reconoció que esta alternativa no deja conforme a los familiares de las víctimas por la fallida alerta de tsunami esa madrugada del 27 de febrero de 2010. “Está claro que esta salida no es satisfactoria para las víctimas, en los términos que un acuerdo....

Rim Lakes Recreation Area opens for season

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:06:00 +0200wmicentral (en)

HEBER/OVERGAARD — The Rim Lakes Recreation Area, including Forest Road 300, commonly known as the Rim Road, and all adjacent roads are now open for the 2016 season. This opening includes the Woods Canyon Lake Store and Marina and access to Bear Canyon Lake.

After the trauma: Halifax chief confronts PTSD, prioritizes police mental health

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:56:00 +0200680news (en)

HALIFAX – On November 8, 2008, Jean-Michel Blais stood in front of a collapsed primary school in Haiti, watching as 93 bodies, most of them children, stacked up in front of him. The United Nations police team bore through the rubble in search of survivors, and found a girl trapped between the bodies of two other children.

Halifax police chief making mental health, PTSD a priority

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:51:00 +0200ctvnews (en)

HALIFAX -- On November 8, 2008, Jean-Michel Blais stood in front of a collapsed primary school in Haiti, watching as 93 bodies, most of them children, stacked up in front of him. The United Nations police team bore through the rubble in search of survivors, and found a girl trapped between the bodies of two other children.

Caso Tsunami: Ex subsecretario Rosende asegura que fue vocero de la precariedad del Estado

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:50:00 +0200radioagricultura (es)

Mientras que, la ex directora de la ONEMI lamentó lo ocurrido la madrugada del 27F. Los seis imputados en el marco de la investigación del caso Tsunami of recieron disculpas públicas luego que la jueza del 7° Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago validará el acuerdo logrado entre el Ministerio Público y....

Rosende pide disculpas por el 27-F: "Fui vocero de la precariedad del Estado".

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:50:00 +0200t13 (es)

"Fui vocero de la precariedad del Estado y he sufrido las consecuencias", estas son parte de las palabras que pronunció el ex sub secretario del Interior, Patricio Rosende, en la audiencia que suspendió el juicio oral en su contra por la alerta fallida de tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010.

Los acusados por el caso tsunami llegan a un acuerdo con la Fiscalía chilena

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:44:00 +0200telecinco (es)

"Se aprueba la suspensión condicional del procedimiento", ha dicho la jueza del caso, Carolina Guajardo, dando a conocer el acuerdo entre los imputados y el Ministerio Público, según informa el diario chileno 'La Tercera'. Guajardo ha argumentado que, dada la intachable conducta de los acusados y....

After the trauma: Halifax chief confronts PTSD, prioritizes police mental health

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:22:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

HALIFAX - On November 8, 2008, Jean-Michel Blais stood in front of a collapsed primary school in Haiti, watching as 93 bodies, most of them children, stacked up in front of him. The United Nations police team bore through the rubble in search of survivors, and found a girl trapped between the bodies of two other children.

"No lo pueden pagar"

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:01:00 +0200ole (es)

Alejandro Nadur, presidente de Huracán, se dio una vuelta por el Hotel Boca, curiosamente, el mismo día que Adrián Ruoco (representante de Carlos Tevez y Wanchope Abila, entre otros) se reunirá también allí, con dirigentes xeneizes. Sin embargo, el mandamás del Globo se despegó del asunto.

Caso Tsunami: Fiscal reconoce que "una suspensión nunca es una reparación completa a las víctimas"

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:55:00 +0200LaTercera (es)

"Una suspensión nunca es una reparación completa a la víctima, no perseverar nunca va a dejar satisfecha a la víctima", reconoció esta tarde el fiscal regional Metropolitano Occidente, José Luis Pérez, tras la audiencia que resolvió la ocasión en la que la jueza del Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía,....

Patricio Rosende se disculpa en Caso Tsunami: “Fui vocero de la precariedad del Estado”

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:52:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Este jueves la jueza Carolina Gajardo Pablo Bustos aceptó la suspensión condicional del Caso Tsunami, tras lo cual las 6 ex autoridades imputadas leyeron una declaración pidiendo disculpas a las familias. La madrugada del 27F, Patricio Rosende acudió a las of icinas de la Onemi, donde se reunió con....

Las disculpas de Patricio Rosende y Carmen Fernández tras la fallida alerta del 27-F

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:19:00 +0200t13 (es)

"Fui vocero de la precariedad del Estado y he sufrido las consecuencias", estas son parte de las palabras que pronunció el ex sub secretario del Interior, Patricio Rosende, en la audiencia que suspendió el juicio oral en su contra por la alerta fallida de tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010.

Caso Tsunami: Suspenden proceso contra acusados

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:18:00 +0200lacuarta (es)

El pago de 245 millones de pesos y la realización de un seminario de protección civil, figuran entre los acuerdos alcanzados entre la Fiscalía y las defensas, lo que llevó al Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago a suspender el proceso contra los seis acusados del denominado caso Tsunami.

Rosende ofrece disculpas: "Ese terremoto develó nuestra precariedad como Estado"

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:14:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Patricio Rosende of rece disculpas: "Ese terremoto develó nuestra precariedad como Estado" A las palabras del ex subsecretario se sumó Carmen Fernández, quien se quebró al leer su declaración pública y lamentó los errores tras la fallida alerta de maremoto. SANTIAGO.

"Vivo esta pesadilla con dolor": las disculpas de Fernández y Rosendo por caso tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:13:00 +0200publimetro (es)

El Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago decidió finalmente este jueves la suspención condicional del procedimiento contra los seis imputados por el caso tsunami, a cambio del pago de $245 millones para las familias de las 105 víctimas y las disculpas de los responsables.

Resuelven que no habrá juicio oral por caso Tsunami: indemnizaciones se pagarán en cuotas

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:13:00 +0200publimetro (es)

La jueza Carolina Guajardo dictaminó este jueves la suspensión condicional del caso Tsunami, por lo que no existirá juicio oral en la causa. De esta manera, el ex subsecretario del Interior Patricio Rosende; la ex directora de la Onemi, Carmen Fernández; el ex jefe de la central de Alerta Temprana,....

14:02 Patricio Rosende se disculpa en Caso Tsunami: “Fui vocero de la precariedad del Estado”

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:05:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Este jueves la jueza Carolina Gajardo Pablo Bustos aceptó la suspensión condicional del Caso Tsunami, tras lo cual las 6 ex autoridades imputadas leyeron una declaración pidiendo disculpas a las familias. La madrugada del 27F, Patricio Rosende acudió a las of icinas de la Onemi, donde se reunió con....

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 19:04:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

ATLANTA Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

Severe storms tear through homes in 3 southern states

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:37:00 +0200foxnews (en)

Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

Oklahoma Firefighters Struggling to Douse Inferno

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:33:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

Wildfires were devouring large swaths of Oklahoma like a hungry beast Thursday as firefighters struggled to douse the flames. Feeding on vegetation parched by drought and stoked the 50 mph winds, the fires in Oklahoma have merged into one huge inferno dubbed 350 Complex Fire that has already consumed 57,440 acres.

Caso tsunami: Jueza acogió suspensión condicional del procedimiento

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:31:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

No habrá juicio oral contra los seis imputados por la fallida alerta de tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010, luego que la jueza Carolina Gajardo, del Séptimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago, resolviera acoger suspensión condicional del procedimiento. Más información en instantes.

The Latest: Severe weather causes damage in 3 states

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:24:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — The Latest on severe weather in the South (all times local): 11:20 a.m. Along Florida's Gulf coast , several homes were damaged and sporadic power outages reported as severe weather swept through the Tampa Bay area. In Pasco County, of ficials on Thursday said some roads were blocked and power lines were down.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:21:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Windy with a mix of clouds and sun. High 52F. Winds NNW at 25 to 35 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.. Tonight. Partly cloudy skies. Gusty winds during the evening. Low 31F. NW winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph.

موجات تسونامي العاتية التي اجتاحت بريطانيا قديما

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:10:00 +0200shorouknews (ar)

منذ ما يقرب من ثمانية آلاف سنة خلت، اكتسحت موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي)، وصل أقصى ارتفاع لها على الشاطئ إلى 25 مترًا، جزرًا اسكتلندية بالإضافة إلى الشريط الساحلي بسرعة 80 ميلًا في الساعة. وربما قد تسبب في حدوثها التغير المناخي. فهل من الممكن أن تحدث مرة أخرى؟ في أحد أيام الخريف، في جزر شيتلاند....

McVitie’s Ginger Nuts finally back in shops for first time in 4 months

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:08:00 +0200themirror (en)

The McVitie's biscuit factory in Carlisle, Cumbria fires up the ovens again and prepares to return to full production after the plant was flooded as a result of Storm Desmond. Ginger Nuts are back in shops for the first time in four months. Production of McVitie’s biscuits was halted after the....

Floods wreaking havoc 04-Apr-16 49

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:06:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

Torrential rains and flash floods are playing havoc with life and property in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). More than 50 people have died so far while the number of casualties is still rising. Most of the damage was caused by landslides and incidents of roof collapse.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:04:00 +0200tristateupdate (en)

ATLANTA (AP) - Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:00:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:59:00 +0200yakimaherald (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:57:00 +0200startribune (en)

Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said. They had to be taken to a hospital but were conscious. He said several other people received less serious injuries when trailer homes were overturned in Edison, also in Calhoun County.

Storms injure several in Georgia, cause damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:55:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Severe weather rolled through Alabama, Georgia and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said.

The Latest: Severe Weather Causes Damage in 3 States

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:51:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

The Latest on severe weather in the South (all times local): 11:20 a.m. Along Florida's Gulf coast , several homes were damaged and sporadic power outages reported as severe weather swept through the Tampa Bay area. In Pasco County, of ficials on Thursday said some roads were blocked and power lines were down.

Storms Injure Several in Georgia, Cause Damage in Alabama

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:51:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

and Florida overnight with a suspected tornado injuring several people in south west Georgia, authorities said Thursday. Two people were seriously injured when a trailer home was destroyed in Dickey, in Calhoun County, National Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Fournier said. They had to be taken to a hospital but were conscious.

The Exodus Of People Moving Away From California Is Becoming An Avalanche

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:49:00 +0200globalresearch (en)

Over the past ten years, approximately five million people have moved away from the state of California, and as you will see in this article this mass exodus appears to be accelerating. So exactly why is this happening? Once upon a time, it seemed like almost everyone wanted to live in California.

Report: 4 "credible" sex abuse allegations against Hastert

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:48:00 +0200wxow (en)

The Chicago Tribune is citing unidentified law enforcement sources as saying at least four people have made "credible allegations of sexual abuse" against former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert. More >> The Chicago Tribune is citing unidentified law enforcement sources as saying at least four....

The Latest: Severe weather causes damage in 3 states

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:38:00 +0200therepublic (en)

ATLANTA The Latest on severe weather in the South (all times local): 11:20 a.m. Along Florida's Gulf coast , several homes were damaged and sporadic power outages reported as severe weather swept through the Tampa Bay area. In Pasco County, of ficials on Thursday said some roads were blocked and power lines were down.

Nation-Now Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami A massive dust storm almost 100-miles-wide swept over the Texas Panhandle Tuesday night. Nation-Now 17 minutes ago

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:25:00 +020012news (en)

This photo taken Tuesday, April 5, 2016, and provided by Kaitlyn Stone, shows a dust storm near Stratford, Texas. Forecasters say the dust storm, about 100-miles wide, blanketed much of the Texas Panhandle before moving on and dissipating. A massive dust storm almost 100-miles-wide swept over the Texas Panhandle Tuesday night.

Tornado warnings issued amid severe storms, power outages

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 17:23:00 +0200tampabay (en)

Tornado warnings were issued in Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties early Thursday after radar showed storm cells with rotating winds. Several homes in New Port Richey were damaged, of ficials said. Pasco County officials issued a news release saying some roads were blocked and power lines were down.

زلزال يضرب الساحل الغربي لجزيرة جاوة الأندونيسية

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:59:00 +0200dostor (ar)

ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 1ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر الساحل الغربي لجزيرة /جاوة/ الاندونيسية ، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الإندونيسية للأرصاد الجوية وعلم المناخ والجيوفيزياء ،اليوم /الخميس/. وأشارت الوكالة الى أن سكان مدينة /بوندونج/ والمدن المجاورة شعروا بالهزة. وأضافت أن مركز الزلزال حدد وسط البحر على بعد 110....

Texas dust storm looks like a massive tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:19:00 +0200azcentral (en)

Join the Nation's Conversation. To find out more about Facebook commenting please read the Conversation Guidelines and FAQs Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami This photo taken Tuesday, April 5, 2016, and provided by Kaitlyn Stone, shows a dust storm near Stratford, Texas.

زلزال بقوة 1ر6 درجة يضرب الساحل الغربي لجزيرة جاوة الاندونيسية

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:19:00 +0200sabanews (ar)

[07/أبريل/2016] جاكرتا- سبأ: ضرب زلزال بقوة 6.1 درجة على مقياس ريختر قبالة الساحل الغربي لجزيرة جاوة الاندونيسية. وذكرت الوكالة الإندونيسية للأرصاد الجوية وعلم المناخ والجيوفيزياء اليوم الخميس أن زلزالا بقوة 1ر6 درجات على سلم ريختر ضرب, ليلة الأربعاء إلى الخميس, قبالة الساحل الغربي لجزيرة جاوة الأندونيسية.

Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:12:00 +0200usaToday (en)

Join the Nation's Conversation. To find out more about Facebook commenting please read the Conversation Guidelines and FAQs Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami This photo taken Tuesday, April 5, 2016, and provided by Kaitlyn Stone, shows a dust storm near Stratford, Texas.

Terremoto Oceano Pacifico di magnitudo 6.8 : Epicentro a largo delle Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:06:00 +0200zazoom (it)

Terremoto nel Pacifico di magnitudo 6.8: l'epicentro al largo delle ... - Leggo.it : Violenta scossa di Terremoto nell' Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Un sisma di magnitudo 6.8 è stato registrato nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense .

Fiji: Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (29 March - 4 April 2016)

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:52:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

FIJI. Beginning on 4 April, heavy rain from two tropical disturbances continues to fall on communities affected by Tropical Cyclone Winston where thousands of people are still reliant on transitional shelter. Low-lying villages were evacuated. In the north and west of the country, roads were cut and schools closed.

Venezuela earthquake: Tremor hits Gulf of Paria near Maturin and Carupano

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:15:00 +0200bnonews (en)

The earthquake, which struck at 7:52 p.m. local time on Thursday, was centered about 5.2 kilometers south west of Irapa, or 33.4 kilometers west of Güiria. It struck about 83.7 kilometers deep, making it a relatively deep earthquake. The moderate earthquake rattled a large area along the coast of the....

Nation-Now Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami Texas Panhandle dust storm looks like a massive tsunami A massive dust storm almost 100-miles-wide swept over the Texas Panhandle Tuesday night. Nation-Now 38 minutes ago

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:14:00 +0200wtsp (en)

A massive dust storm almost 100-miles-wide swept over the Texas Panhandle Tuesday night. Forecaster Nicholas Fenner told AP the storm flung dust 2,000 feet into the air before dissipating. A cold front with high-speed winds picked up dirt in Colorado and Kansas and spread it around the panhandle....

About 2,000 people evacuated from their homes after El ...

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 14:53:00 +0200adhoc (en)

Dazu chicagotribune.com weiter: Five people were wounded as they left a party bus in the South Shore neighborhood early Thursday, among 11 people shot across the city since Wednesday The driver of the bus said more than 30 people were celebrating a birthday He said he didn't have any problems until he dropped some of them off .

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 14:49:00 +0200panorama-am-en (en)

16:38 French Senator: NKR has proved its viability for more than 20 years and there must be some progress in its recognition and participation in negotiations Chairman of the French Senate European Affairs Committee Jean Bizet is very much concerned about the fresh escalation of violence on...

خبير جيولوجي: العلم لم يتوصل إلى معرفة مكان وموعد وقوة الهزات الأرضية

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 14:41:00 +0200ArabicWafa (ar)

غزة 7-4-2016 وفا- قال أستاذ علم الجيولوجيا بكلية العلوم في جامعة الأزهر-غزة أسامة زين الدين، اليوم الخميس، إن العلم في مجال الزلازل لم يتوصل حتى هذه اللحظة إلى معرفة مكان وموعد وقوة أي هزة أرضية ممكن أن تحدث على سطح القشرة الأرضية جاء ذلك في تعقيب الخبير الجيولوجي على ما تداولته بعض المواقع....

الحريري والحرب على التيار والقوات

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 14:31:00 +0200tayyar (ar)

ابراهيم ناصرالدين - بعد فشل المراهنة على روسيا لإخراج ملف انتخابات الرئاسة اللبنانية من «الثلاجة»، عاد رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري الى «لعبة» الارقام من جديد في محاولة «يائسة» لاثبات ان تحالف التيار الوطني الحر والقوات اللبنانية لا يمثل غالبية المسيحيين، والرهان هذه المرة على الانتخابات البلدية....

خبير جيولوجي: العلم لم يتوصل إلى معرفة مكان وموعد وقوة الهزات الأرضية

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:55:00 +0200wafa-en (ar)

غزة 7-4-2016 وفا- قال أستاذ علم الجيولوجيا بكلية العلوم في جامعة الأزهر-غزة أسامة زين الدين، اليوم الخميس، إن العلم في مجال الزلازل لم يتوصل حتى هذه اللحظة إلى معرفة مكان وموعد وقوة أي هزة أرضية ممكن أن تحدث على سطح القشرة الأرضية جاء ذلك في تعقيب الخبير الجيولوجي على ما تداولته بعض المواقع....

Special Report

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:53:00 +0200tcpalm (en)

"Coming on a boat with my dad from Connecticut in 1973, I was so excited to spend the winter in Florida. As we rounded the corner, I said 'No Way! This is it? A dock, trailer park and lighthouse?' "I was expecting Fort Lauderdale with big buildings, bars and neon. I turned to my dad immediately saying, 'We gotta' leave,' " .

Tornado warnings issued amid severe storms, power outages

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:46:00 +0200tampabay (en)

Tornado warnings were issued in Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties early Thursday after radar showed storm cells with rotating winds. Several homes in New Port Richey were damaged, of ficials said. Pasco County officials issued a news release saying some roads were blocked and power lines were down.

Geminids guide: Spectacular meteor shower will provide 100 shooting stars per hour Birmingham Mail

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:31:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

This weekend sees the beginning of the annual Geminid meteor shower (the Geeminids), one of the most spectacular events of the year for stargazers. For 10 days, starting this weekend, you’ll be able to see as many as 100 shooting stars in the sky every hour in an event that’s considered one of the best and reliable meteor showers of the year.

Geminids guide: Spectacular meteor shower will provide 100 shooting stars per hour Manchester Evening News

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:31:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

This weekend sees the beginning of the annual Geminid meteor shower (the Geeminids), one of the most spectacular events of the year for stargazers. For 10 days, starting this weekend, you’ll be able to see as many as 100 shooting stars in the sky every hour in an event that’s considered one of the best and reliable meteor showers of the year.

Geminids guide: Spectacular meteor shower will provide 100 shooting stars per hour Liverpool Echo

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:16:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

This weekend sees the beginning of the annual Geminid meteor shower (the Geeminids), one of the most spectacular events of the year for stargazers. For 10 days, starting this weekend, you’ll be able to see as many as 100 shooting stars in the sky every hour in an event that’s considered one of the best and reliable meteor showers of the year.

زلزال يضرب جزيرة في المحيط الهادي

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 12:35:00 +0200radiodijla (ar)

وقع زلزال مدمر بلغت قوته 7 درجات، الخميس، قرب جزيرة فانواتو في المحيط الهادي دون الإبلاغ عن خسائر في الأرواح أو موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي". وأوضحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجيا الأميركية في بيان أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غرب الجزيرة، وفق ما أوردت وكالة "رويترز". وكان زلزال آخر ضرب قرب الجزيرة الأحد الماضي، ووصلت قوته إلى 7.

موجات تسونامي العاتية التي اجتاحت بريطانيا قديما

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 11:59:00 +0200sotaliraq (ar)

- منذ ما يقرب من ثمانية آلاف سنة خلت، اكتسحت موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي)، وصل أقصى ارتفاع لها على الشاطئ إلى 25 مترًا، جزرًا اسكتلندية بالإضافة إلى الشريط الساحلي بسرعة 80 ميلًا في الساعة. وربما قد تسبب في حدوثها التغير المناخي. فهل من الممكن أن تحدث مرة أخرى؟ في أحد أيام الخريف، في جزر شيتلاند....

Terremoto nel Pacifico di magnitudo 6.8: l'epicentro al largo delle Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 11:51:00 +0200ilmattino (it)

Violenta scossa di terremoto nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Un sisma di magnitudo 6.8 è stato registrato nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu . Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 20 km....

جيولوجي من غزة: لا يمكن التنبؤ بموعد أي زلزال

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 11:50:00 +0200maannews-ar (ar)

الاحتلال يهدم منشأة صناعية ومسلخاً للدواجن في نعلين; "مدى": 39 اعتداء ضد الحريات الإعلامية خلال آذار; جيولوجي من غزة: لا يمكن التنبؤ بموعد أي زلزال; نقابة المهندسين تطالب بالكشف عن حيثيات اختفاء المهندس حرب; مستوطنون يستولون على ارض زراعية قرب دير غسانة ويشرعون بتجريفها; الاحتلال يتوغل بشكل محدود....

Terremoti. Forte scossa isole Vanuatu, magnitudo 6,8

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 11:05:00 +0200247libero (it)

. Pubblicato il 7 aprile 2016 10:00 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 7 aprile 2016 10:00 USA, NEW YORK – Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 è stata registrata nell’arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب جزيرة فانواتو جنوب المحيط الهادي

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:43:00 +0200al-nahar (ar)

ضرب زلزال بلغت قوته 7 درجات على مقياس ريشتر، قرب جزيرة "فانواتو" جنوب المحيط الهادي دون الإبلاغ عن خسائر في الأرواح أو موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي". ونقلت قناة "سكاي نيوز عربية" الفضائية اليوم الخميس، عن بيان لهيئة المسح الجيولوجيا الأمريكية أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غرب الجزيرة وكان بقوة 7 درجات على سلم ريشتر.

Vanuatu pogodio treći zemljotres za pet dana

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:20:00 +0200blic (sr)

Pacifičku zemlju Vanuatu danas je pogodio još jedan jak zemljotres, treći u proteklih pet dana, ali za sada nije izdato upozorenje na cunami i nema informacija o žrtvama i načinjenoj šteti. USGS: M6.9 #earthquake strikes 102kms west of Sola, Vanuatu, at 6:58 a.m.

6.9 Earthquake Hits off Vanuatu, no Tsunami Threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:15:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast Thursday, the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said. The quake struck at a depth of 32 kilometres (19.9 miles) some 109 kilometres west of Sola on Vanua Lava....

Terremoti. Forte scossa isole Vanuatu, magnitudo 6,8

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:15:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

. Pubblicato il 7 aprile 2016 10:00 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 7 aprile 2016 10:00 USA, NEW YORK – Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 è stata registrata nell’arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia....

Third strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:02:00 +0200Stuff (en)

Another strong earthquake has struck Vanuatu but there was no threat of a tsunami and no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The magnitude 6.7 quake struck today at 3.32pm (NZT) 453 kilometres northwest of the capital, Port Vila at a depth of 26.8km.

7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:00:00 +0200samanyoluhaber (tr)

Merkezi (USGS) 'nin verilerine göre, deprem 'nun 191 kilometre kuzeybatısında, yerin 26,8 kilometre derinliğinde gerçekleşti. Pasifik Uyarı Merkezi , herhangi bir tsunami Tsunami tehlikesinin olmadığını bildirdi. Ada'da can kaybı ya da maddi hasar olup olmadığına ilişkin bir açıklama yapılmadı.

09:23 Vanuatu pogodio treći zemljotres za pet dana

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:56:00 +0200blic-en (en)

Pacifičku zemlju Vanuatu danas je pogodio još jedan jak zemljotres, treći u proteklih pet dana, ali za sada nije izdato upozorenje na cunami i nema informacija o žrtvama i načinjenoj šteti. USGS: M6.9 #earthquake strikes 102kms west of Sola, Vanuatu, at 6:58 a.m.

موجات تسونامي العاتية التي اجتاحت بريطانيا قديما

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:52:00 +0200annaharkw (ar)

منذ ما يقرب من ثمانية آلاف سنة خلت، اكتسحت موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي)، وصل أقصى ارتفاع لها على الشاطئ إلى 25 مترًا، جزرًا اسكتلندية بالإضافة إلى الشريط الساحلي بسرعة 80 ميلًا في الساعة. وربما قد تسبب في حدوثها التغير المناخي. فهل من الممكن أن تحدث مرة أخرى؟ في أحد أيام الخريف، في جزر شيتلاند....

BNPB: No Casualties Reported in W. Java Quake

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:51:00 +0200thejakartaglobe (en)

Mangrove forests protect some parts of Java's south ern coast al areas from tsunami. (Antara Photo/Dedhez Anggara) Jakarta . The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has confirmed that no casualties or damage were reported following a 6.1 magnitude earthquake in the district of Garut, West Java, Wednesday (06/04) evening.

زلزال يضرب جزيرة في المحيط الهادي

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:45:00 +0200albaladonline (ar)

وقع زلزال مدمر بلغت قوته 7 درجات، الخميس، قرب جزيرة فانواتو في المحيط الهادي دون الإبلاغ عن خسائر في الأرواح أو موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي". وأوضحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجيا الأميركية في بيان أن الزلزال وقع على بعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غرب الجزيرة، وفق ما أوردت وكالة "رويترز". وكان زلزال آخر ضرب قرب الجزيرة الأحد الماضي، ووصلت قوته إلى 7.

09:37 للمرة الثالثة في أسبوع.. زلزال بقوة 6.9 «ريختر» يضرب شمال فانواتو

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:38:00 +0200almasryalyoum (ar)

- صورة أرشيفية تصوير : other ضرب زلزال بقوة 6.9 درجات على مقياس ريختر، الخميس، شمال جمهورية فانواتو الواقعة بجنوب المحيط الهادىء دون تحذيرات من احتمالية وقوع موجات المد العاتية «تسونامي»، وذلك عقب هزتين أرضيتين قويتين كانتا قد ضربتا الأرخبيل خلال الأيام الخمسة الأخيرة.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 al largo delle isole di Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:35:00 +0200libero-news (it)

Washington, 7 apr. (Adnkronos/Xinhua) - Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6,7 gradi della scala Richter è stata registrata la notte scorsa al largo delle isole di Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Inizialmente l'intensità era stata valutata a 7,0 gradi dal United States Geological Survey (USGS), che però ha poi corretto la valutazione.

UTE dice que su tarifa "pesa menos en los bolsillos"

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:31:00 +0200ElPaisUY (es)

A pesar del aumento deprecio de la electricidad que se produjo en enero pasado de 9,85%, UTE defendió la política tarifaria aplicada. Señaló que en los últimos años el aumento fue menor al crecimiento del Índice Medio de Salarios (IMS) y a la suba general de precios.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 al largo delle isole di Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:27:00 +0200iltempo (it)

Washington, 7 apr. (Adnkronos/Xinhua) - Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6,7 gradi della scala Richter è stata registrata la notte scorsa al largo delle isole di Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Inizialmente l'intensità era stata valutata a 7,0 gradi dal United States Geological Survey (USGS), che però ha poi corretto la valutazione.

Terremoto nel Pacifico di magnitudo 6.8: l'epicentro al largo delle Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:23:00 +0200leggo (it)

Giovedì 7 Aprile 2016, 08:00. Violenta scossa di terremoto nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Un sisma di magnitudo 6.8 è stato registrato nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu . Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha....

3nd 6.9-magnitude earthquake in a week hits off coast of Vanuatu, no tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:22:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY (AFP) - A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast on Thursday (April 7), the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said. The quake struck at a depth of 32km some 109km west of Sola on Vanua Lava island and 453km from the capital Port Vila at 3.

Terremoto nell'arcipelago di Vanuatu, magnitudo 6.9. Il terzo in pochi giorni

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:17:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 7 aprile 2016) Sydney, 7 aprile 2016 - Un'altra scossa di Terremoto ha colpito nell a notte la zona costiera di Vanuatu . Di magnitudo 6.9 sulla scala Richter, è il terzo in pochi giorni di questa intensità. Il sisma ha colpito nell a notte, alle 5,32 in Italia, ha riferito l'Istituto di Ge of isica americano.

Terremoto 6.8 al largo delle isole Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:17:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 7 aprile 2016) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 è stata registrata dia sismografi dell'Ugs nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu , nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Il sisma secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense....

Terremoto magnitudo 4.1 in Grecia

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:17:00 +0200zazoom (it)

nell'arcipelago di Vanuatu - magnitudo 6.9. Il terzo in pochi giorni : Sydney, 7 aprile 2016 - Un'altra scossa di Terremoto ha colpito nella notte la zona costiera di Vanuatu . Di magnitudo 6.9 sulla scala Richter, è il terzo in pochi giorni di questa intensità.

Três sismos em quatro dias abalam Vanuatu no Pacífico Sul

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:05:00 +0200tvi24 (pt)

Terceiro terramoto ocorreu nesta madrugada. Não foi emitido alerta de Tsunami Um sismo de magnitude 6,9 na escala de Richter foi registado nesta madrugada ao largo do Vanuatu, no Pacífico Sul, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos.

6.9 earthquake hits off Vanuatu, no tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:03:00 +0200thenewage (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast Thursday, the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said. The quake struck at a depth of 32 kilometres (19.9 miles) some 109 kilometres west of Sola on Vanua Lava....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 al largo delle isole di Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:02:00 +0200adnkronos (it)

Pubblicato il: 07/04/2016 08:31. Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6,7 gradi della scala Richter è stata registrata la notte scorsa al largo delle isole di Vanuatu , nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Inizialmente l'intensità era stata valutata a 7,0 gradi dal United States Geological Survey (USGS), che però ha poi corretto la valutazione.

Strong Quake Strikes Vanuatu; No Injuries or Tsunami Threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:55:00 +0200wn (en)

(Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of the Republic of Fiji ) Suva, March 4, 2016- The Fijian Government received $188,679. 25 or Vt10million from the Vanuatu Government to help with relief efforts in the wake of severe Tropical Cyclone Winston.

Sismo de magnitude 6,9 ao largo do Vanuatu sem alerta de tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:52:00 +0200DiarioDigital (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,9 na escala de Richter foi registado hoje ao largo do Vanuatu, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. O terramoto, que teve o epicentro a 32 quilómetros de pr of undidade, foi registado a uma centena de quilómetros a oeste....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 al largo delle isole di Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:51:00 +0200arezzoweb (it)

Washington, 7 apr. (Adnkronos/Xinhua) – Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6,7 gradi della scala Richter è stata registrata la notte scorsa al largo delle isole di Vanuatu, nell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Inizialmente l’intensità era stata valutata a 7,0 gradi dal United States Geological Survey (USGS), che però ha poi corretto la valutazione.

Otro terremoto de 6,9 grados sacude el norte de Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:42:00 +0200radiointereconomia (es)

Bangkok, 7 abr.- Un terremoto de 6,9 grados de magnitud sacudió hoy el norte de Vanuatu, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami, tras otros dos temblores de gran potencia ocurridos en el archipiélago en los últimos cinco días. El seísmo ocurrió a las 14.32 hora local (03.

Earthquake of 7 magnitude strikes northwest of Vanuatu - USGS

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:35:00 +0200trust (en)

SINGAPORE, April 7 (Reuters) - An earthquake of 7 magnitude struck 191 km (118 miles) northwest of the Pacific island of Vanuatu on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning.

Terremoto nell'arcipelago di Vanuatu, magnitudo 6.9. Il terzo in pochi giorni

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:32:00 +0200quotidiano (it)

Sydney, 7 aprile 2016 - Un'altra scossa di terremoto ha colpito nella notte la zona costiera di Vanuatu . Di magnitudo 6.9 sulla scala Richter, è il terzo in pochi giorni di questa intensità. Il sisma ha colpito nella notte, alle 5,32 in Italia, ha riferito l'Istituto di Ge of isica americano.

Terremoti: nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7 nelle isole Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:32:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 7 aprile 2016) Un terremoto magnitudo 6.7 ha colpito la zona costiera di Vanuatu , lo riferisce l’Istituto di Ge of isica USGS. Al momento non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami e non si hanno notizie di feriti o danni gravi. L’evento tellurico si è verificato alle 03:32 UTC a una....

Otro terremoto de 6,9 grados sacude el norte de Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:26:00 +0200eldia (es)

Un terremoto de 6,9 grados de magnitud sacudió hoy el norte de Vanuatu, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami, tras otros dos temblores de gran potencia ocurridos en el archipiélago en los últimos cinco días. El seísmo ocurrió a las 14.32 hora local (03.

Terremoto de magnitude 6,9 sacode o norte de Vanuatu, na Oceania

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:25:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,9 sacudiu nesta quinta-feira (7) o norte de Vanuatu , no Pacífico Sul, sem que tenha sido declarado um alerta de tsunami, após outros dois tremores de grande potência ocorridos no arquipélago nos últimos cinco dias. O terremoto ocorreu às 14h32 locais (0h32 de Brasília) a....

UPDATE1: M6.7 quake hits near Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:19:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 hit near Vanuatu on Thursday, the third strong quake to jolt the South Pacific island nation this week, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake struck in waters around 106 kilometers west of Sola at 2:32 p.m. local time and occurred at a depth of 26.8 km, the USGS said.

Pasifik'te 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:12:00 +0200evrensel (tr)

Güney Büyük Okyanus'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)'nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu'nun 191 kilometre kuzeybatısında, yerin 26,8 kilometre derinliğinde gerçekleşti. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, herhangi bir tsunami tehlikesinin olmadığını bildirdi.

It was the third quake to hit the region in a week, after similarly sized ones on Sunday and Wednesday.

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:08:00 +0200GulfDailyNews (en)

Sydney: A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast on Thursday, the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said. The quake struck at a depth of 32 kilometres (19.9 miles) some 109 kilometres west of Sola on Vanua....

Terremoto magnitudo 6,8 isole Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:06:00 +0200lasicilia (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 7 APR - Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 è stata registrata nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro....

Otro terremoto de 6,9 grados sacude el norte de Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:06:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de 6,9 grados de magnitud sacudió hoy el norte de Vanuatu, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami, tras otros dos temblores de gran potencia ocurridos en el archipiélago en los últimos cinco días. El seísmo ocurrió a las 14.32 hora local (03.

Otro terremoto de 6,9 grados sacude el norte de Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 08:02:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de 6,9 grados de magnitud sacudió hoy el norte de Vanuatu, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya declarado una alerta de tsunami, tras otros dos temblores de gran potencia ocurridos en el archipiélago en los últimos cinco días. El seísmo ocurrió a las 14.32 hora local (03.

Pasifik’te 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:56:00 +0200haber-sol (tr)

Güney Büyük Okyanus'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)’nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu’nun 191 kilometre kuzeybatısında, yerin 26,8 kilometre derinliğinde gerçekleşti. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, herhangi bir tsunami tehlikesinin olmadığını bildirdi.

Magnitude 6.7 quake strikes off Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:55:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

SUVA, April 7 (Xinhua) -- A magnitude 6.7 quake struck of f Vanuatu on Thursday afternoon, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The magnitude was initially measured at 7.0, but was later adjusted to 6.7. The epicenter of the quake that struck from a depth of 26.8 kilometers at 2:32 p.m.

Powerful shallow quake strikes off West Java, Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:52:00 +0200famagusta-gazette (en)

A shallow undersea quake with magnitude of 6.1 jolted western parts of Java Island of Indonesia on Wednesday evening, but it was not potential for tsunami, an official of the meteorology and geophysics agency said. The quake hit at 21: 45 p.m Jakarta time (1445 GMT) with epicenter at 101 km....

Pasifik’te 7 büyüklüğünde deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:50:00 +0200gercekgundem (tr)

Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)’nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu’nun 191 kilometre kuzeybatısında, yerin 26,8 kilometre derinliğinde gerçekleşti. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, herhangi bir tsunami tehlikesinin olmadığını bildirdi. Ada’da can kaybı ya da maddi hasar olup olmadığına ilişkin bir açıklama yapılmadı.

Vanuatu: 6.9 earthquake hits off Vanuatu, no tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:48:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Sydney, Australia | AFP | Thursday 4/7/2016 - 04:28 GMT. A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast Thursday, the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said. The quake struck at a depth of 32 kilometres (19.

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادئ

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:47:00 +0200petra (ar)

واشنطن 7 نيسان (بترا) - اعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجى الأميركية إن زلزالا قوته 7 درجات ضرب منطقة تبعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غربى جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادئ اليوم الخميس. ولم ترد أي أنباء فورية عن وقوع أضرار أو خسائر فى الأرواح أو أي تحذيرات من حدوث موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي".

Indonesia, scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:47:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 7 aprile 2016) Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 è stata registrata nell’arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell’Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Nessun danno a persone o cose, né è stata emessa allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e....

Terremoto magnitudo 6.9 a Vanuatu, nessun allarme tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:37:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Roma, 7 apr. (askanews) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 sulla scala Richter ha colpito nella notte la zona costiera di Vanuatu. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto di Ge of isica americano. Al momento non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami e non si hanno notizie di feriti o danni gravi. Il sisma si è verificato alle 5.

Terremoto magnitudo 6,8 isole Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:36:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 7 APR - Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 è stata registrata nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro....

Forestry Service: Cocke County wildfire likely started by someone burning trash

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:25:00 +0200wate (en)

NEWPORT (WATE) – Firefighters are still battling a wildfire that has spread over 1500 acres in Cocke County. United State Forest Service said the fire is still under investigation, but it was started on private property by someone burning debris. Cocke County Assistant Fire Chief Keith Large said the fire started at around 3:30 p.

Controlled burns are a tool with tradeoffs

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:24:00 +0200yakimaherald (en)

After decades of almost reflexive suppression of wildfires, land managers increasingly are turning to controlled burns, especially in forests. When done under proper weather conditions and oversight, the practice eliminates underbrush that could burn destructively in an out-of-control fire.

Another quake strikes north of Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:24:00 +0200rnzi (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.7 has struck the northwest of Vanuatu, the third large earthquake in the same region this week. The epicentre of Thursday's 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Vanuatu's Torba province. Photo: US Geological Service. The United States Geological Service said the earthquake struck....

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:21:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Another strong earthquake struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of any damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake was the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Sismo de magnitude 6,9 ao largo do Vanuatu sem alerta de tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:19:00 +0200cmjornal (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,9 na escala de Richter foi registado hoje ao largo do Vanuatu, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. O terramoto, que teve o epicentro a 32 quilómetros de pr of undidade, foi registado a uma centena de quilómetros a oeste....

زلزال بقوة 7 ريختر يضرب جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:18:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا قوته 7 ريختر ضرب منطقة تبعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غربي جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي، الخميس. ولم ترد أي أنباء فورية عن وقوع أضرار أو خسائر في الأرواح أو أي تحذيرات من حدوث موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي". هل تتوقع حظر الطيران المدني إلى مصر بعد حادث اختطاف....

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:17:00 +02009news (en)

Another strong earthquake has struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu but there was no threat of a tsunami and no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The magnitude 6.9 quake struck on Thursday 109 kilometres west of the village of Sola and 453 kilometres northwest of the capital, Port Vila.

Sismo de magnitude 6,9 ao largo do Vanuatu sem alerta de tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:14:00 +0200destak (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,9 na escala de Richter foi registado hoje ao largo do Vanuatu, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. O terramoto, que teve o epicentro a 32 quilómetros de pr of undidade, foi registado a uma centena de quilómetros a oeste....

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:13:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Another strong earthquake struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of any damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake was the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Pasifik te 7 Büyüklüğünde Deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:09:00 +0200haberler (tr)

Güney Büyük Okyanus'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Güney Büyük Okyanus 'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)'nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu'nun 191....

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:09:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Another strong earthquake struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of any damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake was the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes northwest of Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:07:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning. — File pic SINGAPORE, April 7 — An earthquake of 7 magnitude struck 191km northwest of the Pacific island of Vanuatu today, the US Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning.

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:05:00 +0200nzherald (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) " Another strong earthquake has struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake struck Thursday 109 kilometers (68 miles) west of the village of Sola and 453 kilometers (281 miles) northwest of the capital, Port Vila.

У побережья Вануату произошло землетрясение

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:03:00 +0200regnum (ru)

, 07:41 REGNUM Землетрясение магнитудой 7 произошло 7 апреля в 191 км на северо-запад от тихоокеанского государства Вануату. Об этом сообщает Геологическая служба США. На данный момент нет информации о разрушениях или жертвах среди населения. Также не была объявлена угроза цунами.

Strong earthquake rattles Vanuatu; no tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:02:00 +0200denverpost (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) Another strong earthquake struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of any damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake was the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Sisma nelle Vanuatu, no allarme tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 07:02:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 7 aprile 2016) (Ultime Notizie - Ultim'ora) Un terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stato registrato a 109 km dalle isole Vanuatu , nel Pacifico meridionale. Non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami . Lo riferisce l'istituto americano di geologia,Usgs. Al momento non ci sono notizie di danni a persone o cose.

6.9 earthquake hits off Vanuatu, no tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:59:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Sydney. A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Vanuatu coast Thursday, the second major tremor in the area in as many days, but there was no tsunami threat or reports of damage, seismologists said, AFP reported. The quake struck at a depth of 32 kilometres (19.

Strong Quake Strikes Vanuatu; No Injuries or Tsunami Threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:56:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Another strong earthquake struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of any damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake was the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Землетрясение магнитудой 6,9 зафиксировано у берегов Вануату

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:56:00 +0200rg (ru)

. Землетрясение магнитудой 6,9 произошло у берегов Вануату в Тихом океане. Эпицентр подземных толчков располагался в 98 километрах к западу от населенного пункта Сола. Очаг залегал на глубине 33 километра. О жертвах и разрушениях не сообщается. Угроза цунами не объявлялась, передает Острова....

زلزال بقوة 7 درجات يضرب شمال غربي فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي - خارجيات

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:53:00 +0200alraimedia (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا قوته 7 درجات ضرب منطقة تبعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غربي جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي اليوم الخميس. ولم ترد أي أنباء فورية عن وقوع أضرار أو خسائر في الأرواح أو أي تحذيرات من حدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي). ليس تربصا بالشريعة قبل ان يطبق حد قطع يد السارق يجب ان....

Pasifik'te 7 Büyüklüğünde Deprem

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:51:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Güney Büyük Okyanus'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Güney Büyük Okyanus 'ta yer alan ada ülkesi Vanuatu açıklarında 7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)'nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu'nun 191....

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:41:00 +0200startribune (en)

The magnitude-6.9 quake struck Thursday 109 kilometers (68 miles) west of the village of Sola and 453 kilometers (281 miles) northwest of the capital, Port Vila. It is the third strong earthquake to strike Vanuatu since Sunday, although none have caused problems.

Earthquake of 7 magnitude strikes northwest of Vanuatu: USGS

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:39:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An earthquake of 7 magnitude struck 191 km (118 miles) northwest of the Pacific island of Vanuatu on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning.

Pasifik'te 7 büyüklüğünde deprem!

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:38:00 +0200haberturk (tr)

Amerikan Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi (USGS)'nin verilerine göre, deprem Vanuatu'nun 191 kilometre kuzeybatısında, yerin 26,8 kilometre derinliğinde gerçekleşti. Pasifik Tsunami Uyarı Merkezi, herhangi bir tsunami tehlikesinin olmadığını bildirdi. Ada'da can kaybı ya da maddi hasar olup olmadığına ilişkin bir açıklama yapılmadı.

زلزال بقوة 7 ريختر يضرب جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي دون خسائر

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:37:00 +0200almasryalyoum (ar)

آثار الدمار جراء زلزال قوي بلغت شدته 7.7 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب غرب باكستان، ما أدى لمقتل أكثر من 216 شخصًا، 25 سبتمبر 2013. - صورة أرشيفية تصوير : أ.ف.ب قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا قوته 7 ريختر ضرب منطقة تبعد 191 كيلومترا شمال غربي جزيرة فانواتو بالمحيط الهادي، الخميس.

Strong quake strikes Vanuatu; no injuries or tsunami threat

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:36:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

Another strong earthquake has struck the Pacific nation of Vanuatu but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The magnitude-6.9 quake struck Thursday 109 kilometers (68 miles) west of the village of Sola and 453 kilometers (281 miles) northwest of the capital, Port Vila.

Terremoti: scossa magnitudo 6.8 a largo delle isole Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:35:00 +0200tgcom (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 è stata registrata nell'arcipelago delle Vanuatu, nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di ge of isica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e del servizio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa 20 km di....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:33:00 +0200telecinco (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este jueves Vanuatu, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños. Según estas informaciones, el epicentro del terremoto se ha situado 98....

Tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 au nord-ouest du Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:32:00 +0200Europe1 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 s'est produit jeudi dans l'océan Pacifique, à 191 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'archipel du Vanuatu , rapporte l'Institut américain d'études géologiques. Pas de tsunami . Il n'a pas été fait état dans l'immédiat de victimes ni d'une alerte tsunami. Un séisme dimanche dernier .

Earthquake of 7 magnitude strikes northwest of Vanuatu - USGS

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:31:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Thursday, 7 April 2016 | MYT 11:51 AM Earthquake of 7 magnitude strikes northwest of Vanuatu - USGS. SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An earthquake of 7 magnitude struck 191 km (118 miles) northwest of the Pacific island of Vanuatu on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

Belum Ada Laporan Kerusakan Akibat Gempa Garut Rabu (6/4) pukul 21.45 terjadi gempa berkekuatan 6,1 pada skala Richter dengan pusat gempa di Barat Daya Kabupaten Garut. 6 ... 7 April 2016, 11:04 WIB

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:29:00 +0200MediaIndonesia (id)

BADAN Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) menyatakan, hingga saat ini, belum ada laporan kerusakan bangunan maupun korban jiwa pascagempa berkekuatan 6,1 SR yang berpusat di Barat Daya Kabupaten Garut pada Rabu (6/4) pukul 21.45 WIB. "Hingga saat ini belum ada laporan korban jiwa dan kerusakan bangunan.

Sisma nelle Vanuatu, no allarme tsunami

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:27:00 +0200rai-televideo (it)

07/04/2016 06:13 Sisma nelle Vanuatu, no allarme tsunami 6.13 Sisma nelle Vanuatu, no allarme tsunami Un terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stato re- gistrato a 109 km dalle isole Vanuatu, nel Pacifico meridionale. Non è stato diramato alcun allarme tsunami. Lo riferisce l'istituto americano di geologia,Usgs.

Earthquake of 7 magnitude strikes northwest of Vanuatu: USGS

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:26:00 +0200reuters (en)

. SINGAPORE An earthquake of 7 magnitude struck 191 km (118 miles) northwest of the Pacific island of Vanuatu on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning. (Writng by Robert Birsel; Editing by Himani Sarkar) ....

Another earthquake hit near Vanuatu

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 06:15:00 +02009news (en)

An 7.0 magnitude earthquake has struck 191 km 118 miles northwest of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, the US Geological Survey reports. There were no immediate reports of any damage or casualties or of any tsunami warning. It was the third earthquake to strike on or near the island nation this week.

Worth named EMS director

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 05:48:00 +0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Marietta Worth is the new McLean County Emergency Medical Services director. McLean Fiscal Court chose Worth recently to replace longtime Director Brian Short, who accepted another job last month. Worth, who has been working in emergency health care for 30 years, is a critical care paramedic and a Level-3 state instructor.

Cocke County wildfire ‘human-caused,’ according to Forest Service

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 04:19:00 +0200wate (en)

NEWPORT (WATE) – Deborah Walker, District Ranger with the United State Forest Service, said a fire in Cocke County is still under investigation, but it started on private land by a person. Cocke County Assistant Fire Chief Keith Large said the fire started at around 3:30 p.m. Monday on Branch Drive of f Maple Lane.

Avalanche playing final games for pride and fans

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 02:22:00 +0200denverpost (en)

DALLAS Before the days of assessment and reckoning begin in earnest, the Avalanche has two games left at Dallas against the Stars on Thursday and at home Saturday afternoon against the Anaheim Ducks. Now that the Avs (39-37-4) have been eliminated from contention for a playoff berth, what's left to....

Winter rains a mixed bag for fire season

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:56:00 +0200utsandiego (en)

A decent amount of winter rainfall has pumped up the moisture level in brush that covers San Diego’s back country, but officials say it’s too soon to tell what that might mean for an upcoming fire season. One fear is that it could lead to worrisome consequences this summer in the form of thick, plentiful, flammable grass.

Humongous black hole catches astronomers off guard

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:42:00 +0200csmonitor (en)

That's a surprise, because NGC 1600, which lies 200 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Eridanus, belongs to an average-size galaxy group, and the monster black holes discovered to date tend to be found in dense clusters of galaxies. So researchers may have to rethink their ideas....

Can we accurately gauge the impact of climate change on extreme weather?

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:16:00 +0200whittierdailynews (en)

The report , from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, marks the first time that scientists have tried to integrate all the information that might allow them to link weather to climate change, says retired Admiral David Titley, former chief meteorologist for the Navy and now....

Can we accurately gauge the impact of climate change on extreme weather?

Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:15:00 +0200dailynews (en)

The report , from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, marks the first time that scientists have tried to integrate all the information that might allow them to link weather to climate change, says retired Admiral David Titley, former chief meteorologist for the Navy and now....

M-6 temblor hits off Java but tsunami threat ruled out

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 23:52:00 +0200japantimes (en)

JAKARTA – A strong earthquake struck Wednesday evening of f the south ern coast of Java, Indonesia’s main island, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-6 quake was located 35.4 km (22 miles) under the seabed.

Funeral for Yorkshire couple who died on Ben Nevis

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 20:36:00 +0200YorkshirePost (en)

A FUNERAL was held today for two Yorkshire climbers who died on Ben Nevis. The couple, Rachel Slater, 24 and Tim Newton, 27, were laid to rest together in Glen Nevis near to Britain’s highest peak. Members of Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team, who led the searches for the couple, were pallbearers at the private service in Fort William.

L'ancien footballeur international, devenu sdf, est mort de froid dans l'indifférence

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 19:08:00 +0200RTLFrance (fr)

Il est mort le 18 janvier, le même jour que l'écrivain Michel Tournier et que le guitariste des Eagles, mais lui est mort dans l'anonymat total, dans un entrepôt désaffecté de Domont dans le Val-d'Oise. "La nuit avait été glaciale, il était sdf, il avait 43 ans , il n'a pas survécu au froid",....

Dramatic Video Shows TV News Crew Saving Man From Wildfire

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 18:50:00 +0200time (en)

Man was trying to fight fire but nearly got caught in the flames + READ ARTICLE. An Oklahoma TV news crew came to the rescue of a man fighting a wildfire in Woodward County , in a dramatic encounter that was captured on video. In the video, KWTV workers Amy and Val Castor recorded a man who was....

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off Indonesia: USGS

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 18:33:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Indonesian island of Java late Wednesday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was immediately issued. The earthquake hit at 9:45 pm local time (1445 GMT), the US Geological Survey said, some 110 kilometres (68 miles) south of the city of Banjar in West Java, at a depth of 35 kilometres.

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off Indonesia: USGS

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 18:33:00 +0200business-times (en)

[JAKARTA] A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Indonesian island of Java late Wednesday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was immediately issued. The earthquake hit at 9:45 pm local time (1445 GMT), the US Geological Survey said, some 110 kilometres (68 miles) south of the city of Banjar in West Java, at a depth of 35 kilometres.

Powerful shallow quake strikes off West Java, Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 18:14:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

JAKARTA, April 6 (Xinhua) -- A shallow undersea quake with magnitude of 6.1 jolted western parts of Java Island of Indonesia on Wednesday evening, but it was not potential for tsunami, an official of the meteorology and geophysics agency said. The quake hit at 21: 45 p.

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off Indonesia: USGS

Wed, 06 Apr 2016 17:57:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit of f the Indonesian island of Java late Wednesday (Apr 6), US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was immediately issued. The earthquake hit at 9:45 pm local time (1445 GMT), the US Geological Survey said, around 110 kilometres (68 miles) south of the....

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