M 4.6 in Georgia from 21 Sep 2016 19:27 UTC to 19:27

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 470
Articles about casualties: 7 (1.5%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Indio Solari: Confundí los síntomas de esta enfermedad con la claustrofobia

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 19:17:00 +0200diariouno (es)

"Se dice por ahí que tengo una enfermedad. Sí, es verdad, Mr. Parkinson viene pisándome los talones. Pero bueno. Así es la vida", fueron las palabras que usó el Indio Solari el 12 de marzo en Tandil para confirmar las versiones que habían circulado sobre su estado de salud.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 18:40:00 +0200furat-alwehda (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 8ر6 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي أمس بعيد فترة وجيزة من زلزال آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال”تسونامي ونقلت “ا ف ب”عن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي قوله عبر موقعه الإلكتروني: إن “الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 28ر9 صباحا وإن مركزه يقع على بعد نحو100 كم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة....

5.0 earthquake rumbles Southern Oregon coast Sunday morning

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 18:15:00 +0200oregonlive (en)

This United States Geological Service map shows the location of a 5.0 earthquake that hit at 5:01 a.m. Sunday morning approximately 93 miles southwest of Gold Beach, Oregon. (United States Geological Service) A moderate 5.0 earthquake shook the coast of Northern California and Southwest Oregon late Saturday.

La particular teoría de Rafael Garay sobre su cáncer: se contagió con radiación en planta nuclear de Fukushima

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 17:29:00 +0200publimetro (es)

El caso de la desaparición de Rafael Garay va dejando nuevos antecedentes día a día, desde que el abogado Ángel Valencia presentara una denuncia por presunta desgracia, hecho que derivó hasta una orden de captura internacional en menos de una semana. Sin embargo, también existen hechos ocurridos en....

10:40 Terremotos de 6,8 em Fiji e de 6,3 em Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 17:02:00 +0200prensa-latina-br (pt)

25 de septiembre de 2016, 10:40 Suva, 25 set (Prensa Latina) Um terremoto de 6,8 graus na escala aberta de Richter sacudiu hoje Fiji 20 minutos depois de se registrar um de 6,3 em Tonga, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. Um relatório do Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico com....

LGUs urged to take part in national quake drill

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 16:39:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Ismael Sueno has called on all provincial governors, city and municipal mayors and barangay (village) captains as well as the different offices of the department to take part in the 3rd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill set on September 28, Wednesday at 9 a.

La teoría de Rafael Garay sobre su supuesto cáncer que desató el troleo en redes sociales

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 16:31:00 +0200cooperativa (es)

El ingeniero comercial Rafael Garay ha estado en el centro de la noticia toda esta semana luego de que pasara de estar desaparecido en Francia , donde supuestamente se realizaba un tratamiento contra el cáncer, a tener una Y es que la historia de Garay dio un giro rotundo cuando se descubrió que....

9:33 Terremotos de 6,8 en Fiji y de 6,3 en Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 15:47:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

25 de septiembre de 2016, 09:33 Suva, 25 sep (PL) Un sismo de 6,8 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy Fiji 20 minutos después de registrarse uno de 6,3 en Tonga, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. Reportes del Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico con sede en Hawai....

Dos fuertes sismos ‘pegan’ al Pacífico

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 14:39:00 +0200elpaso (es)

Wellington Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 km, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños, ni alerta de tsunami. Al amanecer del domingo (21:07 GMT del sábado) un sismo de 6.

زلزالان يضربان سواحل فيجى وتونجا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 14:21:00 +0200alwafd (ar)

فيجي اليوم (الأحد) بعد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لم ترد. تهديدات بحصول أمواج مد عالٍ (تسونامي)، وفق ما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح. الجيولوجي ومركز الإنذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادي. وأشار المركز الأميركي عبر موقعه الإلكتروني إلى أن الزلزال وقع عند الساعة.

De opvallende rol van maan en getijden bij zware aardbevingen

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 13:00:00 +0200hln (nl)

door: 25/09/16 - 12u48 Bron: LA Times © thinkstock. wetenschap Steven Alen Hoe komt het dat sommige kleine aardbevingen uitgroeien tot grote en andere niet? Dat is een kwestie waar wetenschappers weer een iets beter beeld van hebben gekregen na een studie over de invloed van de maan en de getijden.

Leer más sobre Animales con capacidades psíquicas

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 12:49:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

El 26 de diciembre del año 2004, un terremoto de magnitud 9.0 sacudió el océano índico y eso provocó un gran tsunami que cobró cientos de miles de vidas humanas, pero fue curioso para los científicos que entre tanta destrucción no hubo muertes masivas de animales, lo que desató la investigación que....

Terremoto: forte scossa di magnitudo 6.3 tra le isole Fiji e quella di Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 12:33:00 +0200zazoom (it)

- forte scossa al largo delle isole Fiji : magnitudo 6.8 : Un violento Terremoto ha colpito le isole Fiji ieri, ma non sono segnalati pericoli di tsunami. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 6.8, secondo quanto ha riferito l’istituto geofisico americano USGS. L’epicentro è stato nell’oceano. La scossa è stata registrata all 9.

SEISM PUTERNIC – Cutremur cu o magnitudine de 6,9 în Pacific

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 12:29:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

SEISM PUTERNIC Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific. Mai precis, acesta a avut loc în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS). Din primele informații, nu a fost declanşată alerta de tsunami, transmite AFP.Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 11:33:00 +0200almanar (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 8،6 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي)، بحسب ما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي ومركز الانذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادئ. المصدر: وكالات.

12:10 Cutremur puternic în Pacific. Seismul a avut magnitudine de 6,9

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 11:23:00 +0200evenimentul (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS), fără să fie declanşată alerta de tsunami. Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.28 (sâmbătă, 21.

Cutremur puternic în Pacific. Seismul a avut magnitudine de 6,9

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 11:23:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS), fără să fie declanşată alerta de tsunami, transmite AFP. Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.28 (sâmbătă, 21.

Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:57:00 +0200nna-en (en)

NNA - A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9:28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around 100 kilometres (62 miles) northeast of the Fijian island of....

ATENȚIE: DUPA eclipsa, val de seisme!

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:45:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

O mașină condusă de un tânăr de 21 de ani a fost oprită de polițiști pe DJ 194D, între localitățile Baba Novac și Gelu. Tânărul nu avea permis de conducere, iar mașina era radiată din circulație. Incidentul a avut loc în noaptea de sâmbătă, 24 spre azi, 25 septembrie.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:33:00 +0200aljadeed (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 8،6 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي)، بحسب ما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي ومركز الانذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادئ.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:22:00 +0200nna-ar (ar)

وطنية - ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 8،6 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي)، بحسب ما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي ومركز الانذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادئ. =========== هـ ع.

Powerful 6.8 quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: Monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 09:28:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9:28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around 100 kilometres (62 miles) northeast of the Fijian island of Ndoi....

Violento terremoto al largo delle Fiji: magnitudo 6.8

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 09:22:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Roma, 25 set. (askanews) - Un violento terremoto ha colpito le isole Fiji ieri, ma non sono segnalati pericoli di tsunami. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 6.8, secondo quanto ha riferito l'istituto geofisico americano USGS. L'epicentro è stato nell'oceano. La scossa è stata registrata all 9.28 del mattino (23.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:48:00 +0200sabanews (ar)

سوفا ـ سبأ: ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجة على مقياس ريختر سواحل جزر فيجي الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادي. وأعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي اليوم أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد نحو 100 كلم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق 594 كلم. وجاء هذا الزلزال بعد 20 دقيقة من زلزال بقوة 6,3 درجة ضرب على بعد 124 كلم إلى شمال غرب جزيرة تونغا.

Fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 aux îles Fidji, pas d’alerte au tsunami

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:36:00 +0200normandie (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s’est produit dimanche au large des îles Fidji, selon l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 09h28 heure locale dimanche (21h28 GMT samedi) et son épicentre se trouvait à 100 km....

New Zealand's tsunami risk from East Coast offshore area to be revealed in new study

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:34:00 +0200nzherald (en)

A multi-million dollar study will reveal the true threat New Zealand faces from an offshore area thought to be capable of triggering massive earthquakes and devastating tsunamis. It focuses on what's called the Hikurangi subduction zone, where the Pacific Plate dives beneath the North Island off the East Coast.

Cutremur puternic în Pacific. Seismul a avut magnitudine de 6,9

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:15:00 +0200antena3 (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS), fără să fie declanşată alerta de tsunami, transmite AFP. Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.28 (sâmbătă, 21.

Cutremur puternic în Pacific. Seismul a avut magnitudine de 6,9

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:14:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

Primarul din Stănceni, judeţul Botoşani, se afla sâmbătă, la marginea localităţii, unde avea de gând să cumpere un teren pentru a construi o casă. Totul a început după ce proprietarul unei farmacii l-a văzut, s-a oprit şi i-a reproşat acestuia… LIGA 1, ETAPA A 10-A FC VOLUNTARI – STEAUA Meciul se....

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 08:07:00 +0200aleqt (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجة على مقياس ريختر سواحل جزر فيجي الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادئ. وأعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي الليلة الماضية، أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد نحو 100 كلم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق 594 كلم. وجاء هذا الزلزال بعد 20 دقيقة من زلزال. بقوة 6,3 درجة ضرب على بعد 124 كلم إلى شمال غرب جزيرة تونغا.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 07:44:00 +0200petra (ar)

واشنطن 25 ايلول (بترا) - أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي ان زلزالا عنيفا بقوة 8ر6 درجة ضرب قبالة سواحل فيجي اليوم الأحد بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي). وأشار المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي عبر موقعه الإلكتروني إلى أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد....

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 07:42:00 +0200bna (ar)

سوفا في 25 سبتمبر/ بنا /ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجة على مقياس ريختر سواحل جزر فيجي الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادئ. وأعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي الليلة الماضية، أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد نحو 100 كلم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق 594 كلم.

Nova Zelândia: Dois fortes sismos ocorrem no Pacífico com poucos minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 07:40:00 +0200portalangop (pt)

Ainda não há relatos de danos, ou vítimas, nem alerta de tsunami. No amanhecer de hoje, um terramoto de 6,3 ocorreu cerca de 120 quilómetros ao noroeste de Tonga, de acordo com boletins do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS, na sigla em inglês).

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:35:00 +0200soutalomma (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجة على مقياس ريختر سواحل جزر فيجي الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادئ. وأعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي الليلة الماضية، أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد نحو 100 كلم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق 594 كلم. وجاء هذا الزلزال بعد 20 دقيقة من زلزال بقوة 6,3 درجة ضرب على بعد 124 كلم إلى شمال غرب جزيرة تونغا.

Strong Quake Hits Philippine Island of Mindanao

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:27:00 +0200laht (en)

MANILA – A magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck the island of Mindanao in southern Philippines on Saturday, although there have been no reports of victims or significant damage to property so far. The quake stirred panic in some hotels and buildings but authorities have not issued a tsunami alert. The epicenter was located 36 kilometers (22.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:21:00 +0200Sana-ar (ar)

ويلينغتون-سانا. ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 8ر6 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي اليوم بعيد فترة وجيزة من زلزال آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال”تسونامي”. ونقلت “ا ف ب”عن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي قوله عبر موقعه الإلكتروني: إن “الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 28ر9 صباحا وإن مركزه يقع على بعد نحو100 كم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق594 كم”.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:20:00 +0200daralhayat (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6.8 درجة قبالة سواحل فيجي اليوم (الأحد) بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي)، بحسب ما أعلن «المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي» و«مركز الإنذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادئ». وأشار «المركز الأميركي» عبر موقعه الإلكتروني إلى أن....

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea 6,9 în Fiji

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:13:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Publicat: (acum 16 min) // Actualizat: (acum 16 min) // Sursa: romaniatv.net Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS), fără să fie declanșată alerta de tsunami, transmite AFP. Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.

عام / زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:06:00 +0200spa (ar)

سوفا 23 ذو الحجة 1437 هـ الموافق 25 سبتمبر 2016 م واس ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجة على مقياس ريختر سواحل جزر فيجي الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادئ. وأعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي الليلة الماضية، أن مركز الزلزال يقع على بعد نحو 100 كلم إلى شمال شرق جزيرة ندوي الفيجية وبعمق 594 كلم.


Sun, 25 Sep 2016 06:00:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

La Convention internationale sur le commerce d'espèces sauvages menacées d'extinction (Cites) s'est ouverte samedi à Johannesburg en présence de milliers de défenseurs de l'environnement et de représentants de gouvernements, pour débattre des restrictions commerciales visant quelque 500 espèces •••....

Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:56:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

. Wellington - A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday (Sept 25) shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9.28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around 100 kilometres (62 miles) northeast of....

Apogeul unui IMPERIU măreț. DISTRUS de forțele naturii

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:30:00 +0200viata-libera (ro)

În punctul său culminant, Imperiul Portughez s-a întins pe patru continente, teritoriul începând din Rio de Janeiro până în Macao. Însă un cutremur devastator o reuşit să-l dezbine. Primul imperiu global a apărut în 1400, atunci când ţările izolate şi mici au căutat noi rute pentru comerţul cu europenii şi restul lumii.

Care au fost cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100...

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:09:00 +0200gandul (ro)

Care au fost cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani. Cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,3 pe scara Richter, înregistrat în Nepal, pe 12 mai, anul trecut, a avut loc la două săptămâni după un alt seism cu magnitudinea de 7,8 şi se numără dintre cele mai violente din lume.

Fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 aux îles Fidji, pas d'alerte au tsunami (USGS)

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:06:00 +0200izf (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit dimanche au large des îles Fidji, selon l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 09h28 heure locale dimanche (21h28 GMT samedi) et son épicentre se trouvait à 100....

グルメ 米海軍直伝の“ヨコスカ ネイビーバーガー”とは? 年間7万個を売り上げる横須賀「TSUNAMI」

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:00:00 +0200mainichi (ja)

ハンバーガーストリート・松原好秀の「週末はハンバーガー」 第14回「TSUNAMI」 (ツナミ) 年間7万個、6年間で40万個を超えるハンバーガーを売った”モンスター級”の店をご紹介しよう。横須賀の「ツナミ」は、ヨコスカ ネイビーバーガーのまさに”旗艦店”のような活躍を見せる店である。 ネイビーバーガーを代表する人気店. 「ヨコスカ ネイビーバーガー」は、横須賀が市を挙げて取り組む観光振興策のひとつである。2009年1月にスタートして今年で7年目。その開始時から加わる4店のうちの1店がツナミだ。 オーナーの飯田さんは「三浦で最初にサーフィンを始めた」伝説の波乗りで、長らくサーフショップを営んでい....

Fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 aux îles Fidji, pas d'alerte au tsunami

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:56:00 +0200lnc (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit ce dimanche matin au large des îles Fidji , selon l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 9h28 heure locale aujourd'hui, dimanche (21h28 GMT samedi) et son épicentre se....

Forte sismo no mar a sul das Filipinas, sem risco de maremoto

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:55:00 +0200rtp (pt)

O abalo ocorreu no mar, às 06:53 locais (23:53 de Lisboa), e teve o seu centro situado a cerca de 100 quilómetros a sul da cidade de Davao, na ilha de Mindanao, identificou a agência de geologia dos EUA (USGS, na sigla em inglês). O Centro de Alertas de Tsunamis do Pacífico já informou que este forte abalo não criou ameaças de maremotos.

Dos fuertes sismos remecen el Pacífico con poco minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:19:00 +0200elcarabobeno (es)

AFP. Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 km, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños, ni alerta de tsunami. Al amanecer del domingo (21h07 GMT del sábado) un sismo....

Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:11:00 +0200abs-cbnnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9:28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around 100 kilometers (62 miles) northeast of....

زلزالان عنيفان بقوة 6.8 يضربان سواحل فيجى وتونجا فى المحيط الهادئ

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:09:00 +0200youm7 (ar)

الأحد، 25 سبتمبر 2016 04:01 ص. ويلينجتون (أ ف ب) ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,8 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجى الأحد بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونجا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامى)، بحسب ما أعلن المركز الأميركى للمسح الجيولوجى ومركز الانذار المبكر من التسونامى فى المحيط الهادئ وأشار المركز....

Dois fortes tremores ocorrem no Pacífico com poucos minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 04:00:00 +0200correiodopovo (pt)

. Sismos foram superiores à magnitude 6. Dois fortes sismos superiores à magnitude 6 foram registrados na manhã de domingo (horário local) em dois diferentes países insulares do oceano Pacífico separadas por apenas 700 quilômetros. Ainda não há relatos de danos, ou vítimas, nem alerta de tsunami.

زلزالان عنيفان يضربان سواحل فيجي وتونغا ولا خطر من تسونامي - خارجيات

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 03:46:00 +0200alraimedia (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6.8 درجات قبالة سواحل فيجي الأحد بعيد فترة وجيزة من آخر ضرب سواحل تونغا، لكن لا تهديد بحصول أمواج مد عال «تسونامي»، بحسب ما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي ومركز الإنذار المبكر من التسونامي في المحيط الهادئ. وأشار المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي عبر موقع الإلكتروني إلى أن الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 9.

Dois fortes sismos ocorrem no Pacífico com minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 03:12:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Dois fortes sismos superiores à magnitude 6 foram registrados na manhã de domingo (24, no horário local) em dois diferentes países insulares do oceano Pacífico separadas por apenas 700 km. Ainda não há relatos de danos, ou vítimas, nem alerta de tsunami.

Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: Monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:42:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

WELLINGTON: A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday (Sep 25) shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9.28am (2128 GMT Saturday), centred around 100 kilometres (62 miles) northeast of the....

Dois fortes sismos ocorrem no Pac�fico com poucos minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:20:00 +0200em (pt)

Dois fortes sismos superiores � magnitude 6 foram registrados na manh� de domingo (hor�rio local) em dois diferentes pa�ses insulares do oceano Pac�fico separadas por apenas 700 km. Ainda n�o h� relatos de danos, ou v�timas, nem alerta de tsunami. No amanhecer de domingo (18h07 de s�bado, em....

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 estremeció las islas de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:19:00 +0200eju (es)

Foto: @CadenaCuscatlan. Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 ocurrió el domingo en el océano Pacífico cerca de las islas de Tonga pero los expertos descartaron el riesgo de tsunami. AFP. El sismo se registró a las 07h07 del domingo (21h07 GMT del sábado) y su epicentro se ubicó poco más de 120 km al....

Dos fuertes sismos remecen el Pacífico con poco minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:17:00 +0200LaPrensaPA (es)

Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 kilómetros, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños, ni alerta de tsunami. Al amanecer del domingo (21h07 GMT del sábado) un sismo de 6.

Reportan sismo de magnitud 6.3 en océano cerca de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:16:00 +0200informador (es)

WELLINGTON, NUEVA ZELANDA(24/SEP/2016).- Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.3 ocurrió el domingo en el océano Pacífico cerca de la isla de Tonga, pero los expertos descartaron el riesgo de tsunami. El sismo se registró a las 07:07 del domingo (21h07 GMT del sábado) y su epicentro se ubicó poco más de 120....

Dois fortes sismos ocorrem no Pacífico com poucos minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:15:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

Dois fortes sismos superiores à magnitude 6 foram registrados na manhã de domingo (horário local) em dois diferentes países insulares do oceano Pacífico separadas por apenas 700 km. Ainda não há relatos de danos, ou vítimas, nem alerta de tsunami. No amanhecer de domingo (18h07 de sábado, em....

Earthquake of 6.9 magnitude registered in 99 kilometers from Fiji archipelago

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:14:00 +0200itartass_en (en)

WASHINGTON, September 25. /TASS/. The 6.9-magnitude earthquake was registered in the Pacific Ocean in 99 kilometers from the Ndoi Island in the Fiji archipelago, US Geological Survey said on Sunday. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in 394 kilometers from the capital of Fiji — Suva, with the population of over 77,000 people.

Sismo registado perto da ilha de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 02:12:00 +0200sabado (pt)

Por Correio da Manhã Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala de Richter foi registado este sábado próximo de Tonga, uma ilha a norte da Nova Zelândia, mas sem ameaça de maremoto, anunciou o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico. O tremor de terra foi registado às 07h07 locais (22h07 em Lisboa) com o....

斐濟東加外海規模6以上地震 無海嘯威脅

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:57:00 +0200cnataiwan (zh)

(中央社威靈頓25日綜合外電報導)美國地質調查所(USGS)表示,斐濟(Fiji)外海今天早上發生規模6.8強震,但無引發海嘯威脅。 USGS網站表示,這起強震於早上9時28分(格林威治時間24日21時28分)發生,震央位於斐濟恩多伊島(Ndoi Island)東北方約100公里處。 位於夏威夷的太平洋海嘯警報中心(Pacific Tsunami Warning Center)表示,這起地震無引發海嘯之虞。1050925 東加外海6.3強震 無海嘯威脅 (中央社威靈頓25日綜合外電報導)美國地質調查所(USGS)表示,東加外海今天早上發生規模6.

Dos fuertes sismos de magnitud 6,3 estremecieron el Océano Pacífico

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:53:00 +0200noticias24 (es)

(Nueva Zelanda, 24 de septiembre. Noticias24) .- Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6,3 remecieron dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 km, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños , ni alerta de tsunami.

Dos fuertes seísmos remecen el Pacífico con poco minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:50:00 +0200lavozdegalicia (es)

Uno de ellos se produjo a 120 kilómetros de Tonga, el otro ocurrió al noroeste de las islas Fiji. Hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas ni alerta de tsunami. Dos fuertes seísmos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano....

Dos fuertes sismos remecen el Pacífico con poco minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:46:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 km, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños, ni alerta de tsunami. Al amanecer del domingo (21h07 GMT del sábado) un sismo de....

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:45:00 +0200arabnews (en)

DAVAO, Philippines: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:45:00 +0200arabnews (en)

WELLINGTON: A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9:28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around 100 kilometers (62 miles) northeast of the Fijian....

Sisma al largo di Tonga, magnitudo 6.3

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:45:00 +0200libero-news (it)

(AGI/AFP) - Tonga, 24 set. - Un sisma di magnitudo 6.3 si e' verificato al largo di Tonga, in Polinesia. Lo ha riferito l'Osservatorio sismologico degli Stati Uniti. Non e' stato diramato un allarme tsunami.

Dos fuertes sismos remecen el Pacífico con poco minutos de intervalo

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:44:00 +0200eluniverso (es)

Dos fuertes sismos superiores a una magnitud de 6 remecieron la mañana del domingo dos diferentes naciones insulares del Océano Pacífico separadas por 700 km, sin que se hayan registrado reportes de víctimas o daños, ni alerta de tsunami. Al amanecer del domingo (21:07 GMT del sábado) un sismo de....

Séisme de magnitude 6,8 aux îles Fidji

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:34:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit dimanche au large des îles Fidji, selon l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 09h28 heure locale dimanche (21h28 GMT samedi) et son épicentre se trouvait à 100 km....

Terremoto de magnitude 6,3 é registrado no Pacífico, perto de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:28:00 +0200correiobraziliense (pt)

Wellington, Nova Zel�ndia - Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,3 foi registrado no oceano Pac�fico, neste domingo (hora local), perto da ilha de Tonga - informaram especialistas, que j� descartaram o risco de tsunami. O sismo foi registrado �s 7h07 deste domingo (18h07 de s�bado, no hor�rio de....

Sismo de magnitude 6,8 registrado perto das Fiji, sem risco de tsunami

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:28:00 +0200correiobraziliense (pt)

Wellington, Nova Zel�ndia - Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,8 foi registrado neste domingo (hor�rio local) cerca de 100 km ao nordeste das Ilhas Fiji, no oceano Pac�fico, mas n�o h� risco de tsunami. O sismo aconteceu �s 9h28 locais (18h28 de s�bado, no hor�rio de Bras�lia), informou o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS).

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,9 în Insulele Fiji, fără alertă de tsunami (USGS)

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:25:00 +0200agerpres (ro)

5 afişări Mediu Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,9 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul Insulelor Fiji, potrivit Institutului geologic american (USGS), fără să fie declanșată alerta de tsunami, transmite AFP. Cutremurul a avut loc duminică la ora locală 09.28 (sâmbătă, 21.

Séisme de magnitude 6,8 aux îles Fidji

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:22:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit dimanche au large des îles Fidji, selon l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 09h28 heure locale dimanche (21h28 GMT samedi) et son épicentre se trouvait à 100 km....

Fiji: Powerful quakes strike off Fiji, Tonga, but no tsunami risk: monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:22:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Wellington, New Zealand | AFP | Saturday 9/24/2016 - 22:42 GMT. A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off Fiji on Sunday shortly after another hit off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake occurred at 9:28 am (2128 GMT Saturday), centered around....

Tonga: Strong 6.3 earthquake hits off Tonga: USGS quake monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:22:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Wellington, New Zealand | AFP | Saturday 9/24/2016 - 22:11 GMT. A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off Tonga early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 09:07 am (2107 GMT Saturday) and was centered around 124 kilometres (77 miles)....

Strong 6.3 earthquake hits off Tonga: USGS quake monitor

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:21:00 +0200india (en)

Wellington, Sep 25: A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off Tonga early today but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 7:07 am (local time) and was centred around 124 kilometres northwest of Tonga, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said on its website.

19:40 - 24/09/2016 Sismo de magnitude 6,8 registrado perto das Fiji, sem risco de tsunami

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:17:00 +0200em (pt)

Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,8 foi registrado neste domingo (hor�rio local) cerca de 100 km ao nordeste das Ilhas Fiji, no oceano Pac�fico, mas n�o h� risco de tsunami. O sismo aconteceu �s 9h28 locais (18h28 de s�bado, no hor�rio de Bras�lia), informou o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS).

Sismo de magnitude 6,3 registado perto da ilha de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:04:00 +0200jn (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala de Richter foi registado hoje próximo de Tonga, uma ilha a norte da Nova Zelândia, mas sem ameaça de maremoto, anunciou o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico. O tremor de terra foi registado às 7.07 horas locais (22.

Strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake hits off Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:47:00 +02009news (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake has struck off Tonga but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 9.07am Sunday (7.07am AEST) and was centred around 124km northwest of Tonga, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said on its website. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no tsunami threat.

Sismo perto da ilha de Tonga 23:45

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:47:00 +0200observador (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala de Richter foi registado este sábado próximo de Tonga, uma ilha a norte da Nova Zelândia, mas sem ameaça de maremoto, anunciou o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico. O tremor de terra foi registado às 07h07 locais (22h07 em Lisboa) com o epicentro a....

Terremoto de magnitude 6,3 � registrado no Pac�fico, perto de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:46:00 +0200em (pt)

Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,3 foi registrado no oceano Pac�fico, neste domingo (hora local), perto da ilha de Tonga - informaram especialistas, que j� descartaram o risco de tsunami. O sismo foi registrado �s 7h07 deste domingo (18h07 de s�bado, no hor�rio de Bras�lia), e seu epicentro se....

Sismo de magnitude 6,8 registrado perto das Fiji, sem risco de tsunami

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:44:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,8 foi registrado neste domingo (horário local) cerca de 100 km ao nordeste das Ilhas Fiji, no oceano Pacífico, mas não há risco de tsunami. O sismo aconteceu às 9h28 locais (18h28 de sábado, no horário de Brasília), informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS).

Terremoto de magnitude 6,3 é registrado no Pacífico, perto de Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:44:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

Um forte terremoto de magnitude 6,3 foi registrado no oceano Pacífico, neste domingo (hora local), perto da ilha de Tonga - informaram especialistas, que já descartaram o risco de tsunami. O sismo foi registrado às 7h07 deste domingo (18h07 de sábado, no horário de Brasília), e seu epicentro se....

AFP: Strong 6.3 earthquake hits off Tonga

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:15:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Wellington. A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off Tonga early Sunday but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said, reported AFP The offshore quake hit at 7:07 am (2107 GMT Friday) and was centered around 124 kilometres (77 miles) northwest of Tonga, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said on its website.

Fibre optic cable comes to West Coast First Nations

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:08:00 +0200CBC (en)

Geography and technology have long isolated the handful of small Indigenous communities strung along the Pacific Rim Highway from Port Alberni to Tofino . This week community leaders celebrated the completion of a new fibre optic cable network that will bring high-speed internet to their villages, and they hope, improved healthcare and growth.

Sismo sobre 5 Richter se produjo en el norte del país

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 23:46:00 +0200publimetro (es)

A las 17:27 horas se produjo un movimiento telúrico de intensidad 5.2 en la Escala Richter al noroeste de Tocopilla. De acuerdo al Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (Shoa), las características del sismo no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de Chile.

Chile | Lecţia celor mai mari cutremure din istorie

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 23:25:00 +0200digi24 (ro)

Cel mai puternic cutremur înregistrat vreodată, cu magnitudinea de 9.4, s-a produs în Chile. În ultimele patru decenii, în această ţară au avut loc peste 12 seisme cu magnitudinea de cel puţin 7. Cu timpul, Chile a devenit un model de pregătire anti-cutremur. Cea mai importantă lecţie: improvizaţia e pericol de moarte în caz de dezastru natural.

Tsunami sirens to sound during test

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 23:24:00 +0200rnzi (en)

Tsunami sirens will sound along the Canterbury coastline and Northland this morning as civil defence staff carry out tests. Christchurch City Council said sirens will sound for three minutes at 11am, from Brooklands to Taylors Mistake. The sirens would be heard only within a few blocks from the....

Fukushima nuclear zone 'to become world's next macabre tourist hotspot' as visitors get set to don radioactive suits

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 22:12:00 +0200irishmirror (en)

The site of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is set to become a bizarre new tourist attraction, as people flock to visit the radioactive exclusion zone. Just as tourists visited Chernobyl 25 years after the explosion at the Soviet-era nuclear reactor, the Fukushima Daiichi disaster zone is now attracting thousands of visitors.

Fukushima nuclear zone 'to become world's next macabre tourist hotspot' as visitors get set to don radioactive suits

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 21:57:00 +0200themirror (en)

The site of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is set to become a bizarre new tourist attraction, as people flock to visit the radioactive exclusion zone. Just as tourists visited Chernobyl 25 years after the explosion at the Soviet-era nuclear reactor, the Fukushima Daiichi disaster zone is now attracting thousands of visitors.

Filipinos em alerta a réplicas do terremoto de 6,3 dessa manhã

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 21:53:00 +0200prensa-latina-br (pt)

Manila, 24 set (Prensa Latina) As autoridades filipinas convocaram hoje a população a se manter em alerta diante das possíveis réplicas do terremoto de magnitude 6,3 que nesta manhã estremeceu a meridional ilha de Mindanao. A advertência nesse sentido responde à energia liberada pelo tremor....

Civil Defence conducting tsunami warning system test for Auckland

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 21:51:00 +0200newshub (en)

Auckland Civil Defence will be testing out the tsunami warning system at midday on Sunday as part of its twice-yearly exercise. Coastal areas will hear a series of tones to make sure the region's defences are in working order. Auckland Civil Defence head of operations, Aaron Davis, is urging people not to worry if they hear the sirens.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacude el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:52:00 +0200elsiglo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales. El temblor causó el pánico en algunos hoteles y edificios, pero las autoridades no han activado la alerta de tsunami.

1:59 Philippines on the Alert for Earthquake Replicas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:21:00 +0200plenglish (en)

24 de septiembre de 2016, 13:59 Manila, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Philippine authorities called the population today to keep on the alert for possible replicas of the 6.3-degree earthquake that shook the southern island of Mindanao this morning. The warning in this reference answers to the energy....

DCDRRMO: Way natala nga kadaut sa 6.5 nga linog

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 18:11:00 +0200sunstar (en)

WALAY natalang kadaut sa mga propedad human gitay-og og magnitude 6.5 nga linog ang pipila ka dapit sa Davao Region, Sabado sa buntag, Septyembre 24. Wala say natala nga tsunami alert. Alas 6:53 sa buntag, natala ang pagtay-og sa Mati City ug Davao Oriental diin mao ang epicenter sa pagtay-og.

5.4 Magnitude Earthquake Detected In Banda Sea

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 18:04:00 +0200bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 (Bernama) -- A moderate earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale occurred in the Banda Sea, Indonesia at 7.27pm Saturday. The Malaysian Meteorological Department in a statement said the quake's epicentre was 1,698km southeast of Semporna, Sabah. The earthquake did not pose any tsunami threat, it added.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacude el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 17:34:00 +0200ultimasnoticias (es)

UN.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas , sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales. El temblor causó el pánico en algunos hoteles y edificios, pero las autoridades no han activado la alerta de tsunami.

Fuerte sismo de 6,3 estremeció Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 17:22:00 +0200elimpulso (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Sismo de magnitud 6,3 sacude el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 16:33:00 +0200correodelorinoco (es)

El epicentro se situó a 36 kilómetros de la localidad de Tamisan. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales. El temblor causó el pánico en algunos hoteles y edificios, pero las autoridades no han activado la alerta de tsunami.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles Davao Oriental

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 16:28:00 +0200tribuneonline (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early yesterday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 a.m. and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.5 million, they added.

Indonesia 5.4 magnitude earthquake felt in Darwin

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 15:52:00 +0200dailymail (en)

A magnitude 5.4 earthquake in the Banda Sea off Indonesia has been felt near Darwin, Australian authorities have confirmed. The quake struck just before 9.30pm AEST on Saturday, the Bureau of Meteorology said in statement. 'The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has detected an earthquake that....

Este sábado se registró un terremoto de 6,3 en el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 15:51:00 +0200elvenezolanonews (es)

(24 de septiembre de 2016. El Venezolano).- Este sábado la isla de Mindanao en el sur de Filipinas, fue sacudida por un terremoto de magnitud 6,3, sin reportarse víctimas ni daños materiales, Lea también: El sismo causó pánico en unos hoteles y edificios, el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos....

9:44 Filipinos em alerta a réplicas do terremoto de 6,3 dessa manhã

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 15:44:00 +0200prensa-latina-br (pt)

24 de septiembre de 2016, 09:44 Manila, 24 set (Prensa Latina) As autoridades filipinas convocaram hoje a população a se manter em alerta diante das possíveis réplicas do terremoto de magnitude 6,3 que nesta manhã estremeceu a meridional ilha de Mindanao.

Indonesia earthquake felt in Darwin

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 15:10:00 +02009news (en)

A magnitude 5.4 earthquake in the Banda Sea off Indonesia has been felt near Darwin, Australian authorities say. The quake occurred just before 9.30pm AEST on Saturday, the Bureau of Meteorology said in statement. "Based on the magnitude and location of this earthquake the Joint Australian Tsunami....

Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines’ Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 14:41:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

DAVAO, Philippines: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacude el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 14:34:00 +0200globovision (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacudió este sábado la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales. El temblor causó el pánico en algunos hoteles y edificios, pero las autoridades no han activado la alerta de tsunami.

الامارات ووكالة الطاقة الذرية.. رؤية مسؤولة وتعاون نموذجي والتزام دولي

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 14:26:00 +0200wam (ar)

من / مصطفى بدر الدين .. في الذكرى الاربعين لعضويتها بها / الامارات ووكالة الطاقة الذرية.. رؤية مسؤولة وتعاون نموذجي والتزام دولي. أبوظبي في 24 سبتمبر / وام / تظل العلاقة بين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة والوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية نموذجا لما يجب ان تكون عليه العلاقات بين الدول المتحضرة والهيئات والمنظمات الدولية الكبرى .

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 14:15:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early today but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 AM (local time) and was centred around 100 kilometres southeast of the city of Davao on the island of Mindanao, according to the US Geological Survey.

Earthquake measuring 5.3 hits Romania, causing minor damage

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:43:00 +0200phys (en)

The National Earth Physics Institute said the quake hit at 02:11 a.m. Saturday (2311 GMT) and its epicenter was in the eastern Vrancea region, known for its There were reports of minor damage and injuries in the city of Iasi. Emergency situations official Silvia Bolohan told national news agency Agerpres two people suffered minor injuries there.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 în Filipine

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:32:00 +0200ziuaconstanta (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit în această dimineață şi în largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunțat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.

Forte sismo no mar a sul das Filipinas, sem risco de maremoto

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:30:00 +0200DiarioDigital (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala aberta de Richter ocorreu ao início de sábado a sul das Filipinas, mas não há ameaças de maremoto, informaram os serviços de geologia dos EUA. O abalo ocorreu no mar, às 06:53 locais (23:53 de Lisboa), e teve o seu centro situado a cerca de 100 quilómetros a sul....

Ziua în care un cutremur a schimbat axa de rotație a Pământului, iar ziua s-a scurtat! Fukushima, al doilea Cernobîl al omenirii!

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:07:00 +0200a1 (ro)

Era 11 martie 2011. O zi obișnuită în Japonia, cu oameni agitați și străzi aglomerate. La un moment dat, ceva avea să schimbe istoria pentru totdeauna. Un seism cu magnitudinea de 9 grade din reugiunea Tohoku avea să zdruncine țara din temelii. Atunci, Japonia a resimțit cel mai mare seism din istoria sa.

Lista celor mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani: Doar cel din Nepal de anul trecut a făcut peste 8.000 de victime

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:28:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Cel mai grav cutremur, ca număr de victime, din ultimul secol a fost cel 9,1 grade din largul insulei indoneziene Sumatra, ce a fost urmat de tsunami, și care a provocat peste 230.000 de morți. Aceasta este lista DPA a celor mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani: -Cel mai puternic cutremur,....

Terremoto in Romania: sentito anche in Serbia, Ungheria…

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:21:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

Pubblicato il 24 settembre 2016 11.44 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 settembre 2016 11.45. ROMA – Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 Richter si è registrata la notte scorsa nell’est della Romania . Come riferisce l’agenzia serba Tanjug , l’epicentro del sisma, avvenuto alle 2.

Forte sismo no mar a sul das Filipinas, sem risco de maremoto

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:21:00 +0200dnoticias (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala aberta de Richter ocorreu ao início de sábado a sul das Filipinas, mas não há ameaças de maremoto, informaram os serviços de geologia dos EUA. O abalo ocorreu no mar, às 06:53 locais, e teve o seu centro situado a cerca de 100 quilómetros a sul da cidade de Davao,....

Cel mai puternic cutremur din istorie a avut o magnitudine 9.5. Mii de oameni au murit în seism

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:07:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Nici până în ziua de azi nu se cunoaște câți oameni au murit în tragedie, dar estimările variază între 2.200 și 5.700 de morți. “Chile se află într-o zonă de subducție, unde se întâlnesc două plăci tectonice masive. În zona Oceanului Pacific se află placa tectonică Nazca, care se subduce sub placa tectonică a Americii de Sud.

Cutremur puternic în Filipine. Seismul a avut magnitudinea de 6,3

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 12:07:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Autor: Filip Stan Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sâmbătă dimineaţa în largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS, însă nu a fost declanşată o alertă de tsunami, relatează AFP. Seismul a avut loc la ora locală 6.53 (1.53, ora României), la 62 de kilometri adâncime.

Pasifik'te korkutan deprem

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:53:00 +0200yenisafak (tr)

''Pasifik Ateş Çemberi'' deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan Filipinler'de meydana gelen 6.3 büyüklüğündeki deprem büyük korkuya neden oldu. Bölgede tsunami uyarısı yapılıyor. Filipinler açıklarında 6,3 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Yanardağ ve Deprem Bilimi Enstitüsü (Phivolcs) Yöneticisi....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în Filipine

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:43:00 +0200libertatea (ro)

Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sâmbătă dimineaţa în Filipine. Autoritățile nu au declanșat, însă, alertă de tsunami, în urma seismului, relatează AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs în largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în Filipine

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:38:00 +0200indexstiri (ro)

24.09.2016 24.09.2016 Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în Filipine Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sâmbătă dimineaţa în Filipine. Autoritățile nu au declanșat, însă, alertă de tsunami, în urma seismului, relatează AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs în largul coastelor de sud ale Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în Filipine.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 in Filipine

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:33:00 +0200ziare (ro)

Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sambata dimineata in Filipine. Autoritatile nu au declansat, insa, alerta de tsunami, in urma seismului, relateaza AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs in largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anuntat Institutul american de geofizica USGS.

Lista celor mai puternice cutremuri din ultimii 100 de ani: Doar cel din Nepal de anul trecut a făcut peste 8.000 de victime

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:30:00 +0200b1 (ro)

Cel mai grav cutremur, ca număr de victime, din ultimul secol a fost cel 9,1 grade din largul insulei indoneziene Sumatra, ce a fost urmat de tsunami, și care a provocat peste 230.000 de morți. Aceasta este lista DPA a celor mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani: -Cel mai puternic cutremur,....

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:27:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.5 million located 100 kilometres to the northwest, said officials. (Reuters) A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines today but there was no threat....

CRONOLOGIE: Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:19:00 +0200jurnal (ro)

- Cel mai puternic cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 9,5, s-a produs în mai 1960 în Chile, provocând 1.655 de morţi. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,2 a avut loc în martie 1964 în Alaska, Statele Unite, provocând 125 de victime. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,1 în largul insulei indoneziene....

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 11:09:00 +0200deccanherald (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines today but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Cutremur în România. Stiri

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:53:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sâmbătă dimineaţa în Filipine. Autoritățile nu au declanșat, însă, alertă de tsunami, în urma seismului, relatează AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs în largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS. Epicentrul a fost (.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:50:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et son....

زلزال بقوة 6,3 درجة يضرب جنوب الفلبين

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:33:00 +0200alarab-qa (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,3 درجات قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين صباح اليوم السبت من دون ان ينجم عنه خطر حصول امواج مد عال (تسونامي)، كما اعلن المركز الاميركي للمسح الجيولوجي. وقال المركز ان الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 06,53 (22,53 الجمعة ت غ) وان مركزه يقع على بعد حوالى 100 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة دافاو الواقعة في جزيرة مينداناو.

زلزال بقوة 6.3 درجات يضرب جنوب الفلبين أعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي أن زلزالا بقوة 6.3 درجات ضرب قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين صباح اليوم السبت من دون

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:25:00 +0200al-nahar (ar)

أعلن المركز الأمريكي للمسح الجيولوجي أن زلزالا بقوة 6.3 درجات ضرب قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين صباح اليوم السبت من دون أن ينجم عنه خطر حصول أمواج مد عاتية (تسونامي). وذكر المركز أن الزلزال وقع عند الساعة السادسة و53 دقيقة بالتوقيت المحلي مبرزا أن مركزه يقع على بعد حوالي 100 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة "دافاو" الواقعة في جزيرة "مينداناو".

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în Filipine

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:24:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

Un cutremur puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sambata dimineata in Filipine. Autoritațile nu au declanșat, insa, alerta de tsunami, in urma seismului , relateaza AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs in largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anuntat Institutul american de geofizica USGS.

Cutremur de 6,3 în sudul Filipinelor

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:19:00 +0200realitatea (ro)

Un seism puternic, cu magnitudinea de 6,3, a avut loc sâmbătă dimineaţa în largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS, însă nu a fost declanşată o alertă de tsunami. Seismul a avut loc la ora locală 6.53 (1.53, ora României), la 62 de kilometri adâncime.

Asie. Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:14:00 +0200corsematin (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et son....

Strong 6.3 earthquake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:10:00 +0200india (en)

Manila, Sep 24: A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines today but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani. Haiti și Indonezia au pierdut câte 230.000 de oameni în câteva minute. România, pe „harta morții”!

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:05:00 +0200a1 (ro)

Cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,3 înregistrat marţi în Nepal are loc la două săptămâni după un alt seism cu magnitudinea de 7,8 şi se numără dintre cele mai violente din lume, relatează DPA, realizând o cronologie cu cele mai puternice seisme produse din 1900 şi până în prezent.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:55:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et son....

Prie Filipinų dreba žemė: bijoma didelių nuostolių

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:49:00 +0200balsas (lt)

Prie pietinių Filipinų krantų šeštadienio rytą įvyko stiprus 6,3 balų žemės drebėjimas, tačiau apie cunamio grėsmę ir aukas nepranešama, nurodė seismologai ir už stichinių nelaimių pasekmių likvidavimą atsakingi pareigūnai. 6 val. 53 min. vietos laiku (1 val. 53 min. Lietuvos laiku) jūros dugne įvykęs žemės drebėjimas pažadino apie 1,5 mln.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:38:00 +0200ahram-EN (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,3 درجات يضرب قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:38:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,3 درجات على مقياس ريختر صباح اليوم السبت قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين، وفقًا لما أعلنه المعهد الأمريكي للجيوفيزياء، دون إطلاق أي تحذير لوقوع موجات المد (تسونامي). وأوضح المعهد الأمريكي أن الهزة الأرضية وقعت في الساعة 6:53 (22:53 من مساء الجمعة بتوقيت جرينتش) ويقع مركزه على....

Din România-n "Cercul de Foc al Pacificului”! Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 în sudul Filipinelor, fără alertă de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:35:00 +0200a1 (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.53 GMT), la o adâncime de 62,5 kilometri, iar....

Aftershocks possible from Davao Oriental quake

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:26:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

MANILA: The government has urged caution against aftershocks that could occur after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off Mati in Davao Oriental early Saturday. “Aftershocks are expected given the earthquake’s magnitude,” said Hermes Daquipa, science research specialist of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs).

Próximo lunes 26 de septiembre, todos a proteger la vida en Nicaragua

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:23:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Redacción Central | 23/09/2016. Una invitación a todo el pueblo nicaragüense para que se sume al ejercicio nacional de protección multiamenazas el próximo lunes 26 de septiembre fue extendida este viernes por autoridades del Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres (Sinapred).

Potres magnitude 6,3 stupnja po Richteru pogodio filipinski otok, a onda se zatreslo i u Rumunjskoj

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:13:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

Foto: emsc-csem.org FILIPINSKI otok Mindanao pogodio je potres magnitude 6,3 stupnja po Richteru, izvijestio je u subotu američki Geoloki institut. Potres, početno prognoziran da je imao jačinu magnitude 6,5 stupnjeva po Richteru, pogodio je otok Mindanao u petak u 22,53 sati po Srednjoeuropskom vremenu oko 114 kilometara istočno od grada Davao.

Forte terremoto sacode ilha filipina de Mindanau

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 09:07:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,3 atingiu neste sábado (24) a Ilha de Mindanau, no sul das Filipinas , sem que tenha ainda informações sobre vítimas e danos materiais. O tremor causou o pânico em alguns hotéis e edifícios, mas as autoridades não ativaram o alerta de tsunami.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 6.3: non si segnalano danni

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:48:00 +0200tgcom (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 è stato registrato al largo dell'isola di Mindanao, nell'arcipelago delle Filippine. La scossa, che non avrebbe provocato danni a persone o cose, ha avuto ipocentro a circa 70 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro un centinaio di chilometri a sud della località Davao, in mare aperto.

Philippines: fort séisme de magnitude 6,3

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:34:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé ce matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) et son épicentre se trouvait à....

Israelí sobreviviente de selva impulsa “Jungle”

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:31:00 +0200opinion (es)

YOSSI GHINSBERG ESTà EN BOLIVIA PARA HABLAR SOBRE SU HAZAÑA EN EL PARQUE MADIDI, EN 1981. El israelí Yossi Ghinsberg, que sobrevivió en la selva de la Amazonía boliviana en 1981, afirmó que espera que se genere un "tsunami" turístico en el lugar con la película "Jungle", basada en el libro....

Care au fost cele mai puternice cutremure din...

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:19:00 +0200gandul (ro)

Care au fost cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani. Cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,3 pe scara Richter, înregistrat în Nepal, pe 12 mai, anul trecut, a avut loc la două săptămâni după un alt seism cu magnitudinea de 7,8 şi se numără dintre cele mai violente din lume, potrivit DPA.

Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 6,3 al largo di Mindanao

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:13:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Manila 24 set. (askanews) - Un sisma di magnitudo 6.3 è avvenuto al largo delle coste meridionali delle Filippine, senza che al momento sia stato segnalato alcun rischio di tsunami: lo ha reso noto l'Istituto di Geofisica statunitense (Usgs). L'epicentro era localizzato un centinaio di chilometri a....

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:08:00 +0200lacapitale (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) et son épicentre se trouvait à....

زلزال بقوة 6.3 درجات يضرب جنوب الفلبين

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 08:06:00 +0200albayan (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,3 درجات قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفلبين صباح السبت من دون ان ينجم عنه خطر حصول أمواج مد عال (تسونامي)، كما أعلن المركز الأميركي للمسح الجيولوجي. وقال المركز ان الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 06,53 (22,53 الجمعة ت غ) وان مركزه يقع على بعد حوالى 100 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة دافاو الواقعة في جزيرة مينداناو.

Phiippines and Romania hit by earthquakes

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:57:00 +0200cyprus-mail (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.

6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Philippine's island 24-Sep-16

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:55:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

MANILA: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

المركز الاميركي للمسح الجيولوجي: زلزال بقوة 6,3 درجات في جنوب الفيليبين ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:42:00 +0200tayyar (ar)

{{article.title | cut:true:((article.hasVideo || article.mainImage != null) ? 60 : 80):' ...'}} {{article.source.length > 0 ? "(" + article.source + ")" : ""}} {{article.title | cut:true:((article.hasVideo || article.mainImage != null) ? 55 : 80):' ...'}} {{article.source.length > 0 ? "(" + article.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:41:00 +0200lameuse (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) et son épicentre se trouvait à....

1:32 Filipinos atentos a réplicas de terremoto matutino de magnitud 6,3

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:36:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

24 de septiembre de 2016, 01:32 Manila, 24 sep (PL) Autoridades Filipinas llamaron hoy a la población a mantenerse alerta ante posibles réplicas del terremoto de magnitud 6,3 que esta mañana estremeció la meridional isla de Mindanao. La advertencia en ese sentido responde a la energía liberada por....

Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:20:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Cutremurul cu magnitudinea de 7,3 înregistrat marţi în Nepal are loc la două săptămâni după un alt seism cu magnitudinea de 7,8 şi se numără dintre cele mai violente din lume, relatează DPA, realizând o cronologie cu cele mai puternice seisme produse din 1900 şi până în prezent.

Terremotos en Japón y China

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:08:00 +0200lahora (es)

TOKIO, EFE Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala de Ritcher sacudió ayer la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 09:14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a 150....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 sacude la isla filipina de Mindanao

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:05:00 +0200elpais-cr (es)

Manila, 24 sep (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 en la escala Richter sacudió hoy la isla de Mindanao, en el sur de Filipinas, sin que se informara de víctimas ni daños materiales de importancia. El temblor causó el pánico en algunos hoteles y edificios pero las autoridades no han activado la alerta de tsunami.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:04:00 +0200nation (en)

MANILA, PHILIPPINES: A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,8 возникло у берегов Новой Зеландии

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:04:00 +0200rg (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,8 зафиксировано у берегов Новой Зеландии. Об этом сообщает Эпицентр подземных толчков находился в океане в 766 километрах к северо-востоку от города Опотики. Очаг залегал на глубине десять километров. Данные о пострадавших или разрушениях не поступали. Угроза цунами не возникла.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 07:03:00 +0200mizzima (en)

A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and was centred around 100 kilometres (63 miles) southeast of the city of Davao on the island of....

No tsunami threat, significant damage from Davao quake: officials

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:57:00 +0200abs-cbnnews (en)

DAVAO - Davao Oriental is safe from any tsunami threat and significant damages from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that struck the province early Saturday, government officials assured. "The origin of the quake was 42-kilometers deep from the surface that's why there is no threat of tsunamis,"....

0 زلزال بقوة 6.5 درجات يضرب اليابان

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:53:00 +0200al-nahar (ar)

ضرب زلزال شدته 6.5 درجة على مقياس ريختر المنطقة الواقعة قبالة الساحل الشرقي لمنطقة كانتو في اليابان اليوم الجمعة، حسبما ذكرت وكالة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية. ووفقا للوكالة فإن الهزة وقعت عند الساعة 9:14 دقيقة بالتوقيت اليابان، حيث تم تحديد مركزها عند التقاء خط العرض 34.4 درجة شمالا وخط الطول 141.7 درجة شرقا.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:44:00 +0200tribune (en)

MANILA, PHILIPPINES: A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Sismo de 6,5 se registra en Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:35:00 +0200nuevaya (es)

Pese a la magnitud del movimiento telúrico no se emitió una alerta de tsunami. Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 se registró cerca de Mindanao, la segunda isla más grande de Filipinas. El temblor ocurrió a 69 km de profundidad y hasta ahora no existe alerta de tsunami, informó el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS).

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud du pays

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:28:00 +0200direktbroker (fr)

24.09.2016 - 04:45 Uhr Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud du pays. Les autorités n'ont pas déclanché d'alerte au tsunami.

BREAKING NEWS: Cutremur cu magnitudinea 5.3 în zona Vrancea. S-a simțit în Capitală UPDATE

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:24:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Conform datelor preliminare publicate de EMSC, magnitudinea cutremurului a fost de 5,6 grade. Seismul s-a produs la adancimea de 80-100 km . Intensitatea maxima a fost de VI grade pe scara Mercalli. Cutremurul a fost resimtit in Moldova si Muntenia, cu intensitari de la IV la V-VI grade pe scara Mercalli.

زلزال بقوة 6.3 درجات في جنوب الفيليبين ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:21:00 +0200almanar (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6.3 درجات قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفيليبين صباح السبت من دون ان ينجم عنه خطر حصول امواج مد عال (تسونامي)، كما اعلن المركز الاميركي للمسح الجيولوجي. وقال المركز ان الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 06.53 (22.53 الجمعة ت غ) وان مركزه يقع على بعد حوالى 100 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة دافاو الواقعة في جزيرة مينداناو.

Folha Política Audiência de Paulo com Moreira Franco à vista

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:21:00 +0200folhape (pt)

Política | Folha Política | Renata Bezerra de Melo | Audiência de Paulo com Moreira Franco à vista - Folha-PE Enquanto auxiliares do governador Paulo Câmara ainda debitavam na conta de ministros pernambucanos o fato de Pernambuco ter ficado de fora do pacote de concessões do Governo Federal, um dos....

Magnitude-6.3 quake shakes Philippine island of Mindanao

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:13:00 +0200japantimes (en)

DAVAO, PHILIPPINES – A strong magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

زلزال بقوة 6,3 درجات في جنوب الفيليبين ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:11:00 +0200tayyar (ar)

{{article.title | cut:true:((article.hasVideo || article.mainImage != null) ? 60 : 80):' ...'}} {{article.source.length > 0 ? "(" + article.source + ")" : ""}} {{article.title | cut:true:((article.hasVideo || article.mainImage != null) ? 55 : 80):' ...'}} {{article.source.length > 0 ? "(" + article.

USGS: Strong quake rattles southern Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:01:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

MANILA - A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6.53am (2253 GMT or 5.53am Bangkok time Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:55:00 +0200izf (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) et son épicentre se....

CRONOLOGIE: Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:54:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

- Cel mai puternic cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 9,5, s-a produs în mai 1960 în Chile, provocând 1.655 de morţi. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,2 a avut loc în martie 1964 în Alaska, Statele Unite, provocând 125 de victime. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,1 în largul insulei indoneziene....

Un fuerte sismo de 6,3 remeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:44:00 +0200eluniversal-CO (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

خارجي زلزال بقوة 6.3 درجات في جنوب الفيليبين ولا خطر من تسونامي

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:41:00 +0200soutalomma (ar)

ضرب زلزال عنيف بقوة 6,3 درجات قبالة السواحل الجنوبية للفيليبين صباح السبت من دون ان ينجم عنه خطر حصول امواج مد عال (تسونامي)، كما اعلن المركز الاميركي للمسح الجيولوجي. وقال المركز ان الزلزال وقع عند الساعة 06,53 (22,53 الجمعة ت غ) وان مركزه يقع على بعد حوالى 100 كلم جنوب شرق مدينة دافاو الواقعة في جزيرة مينداناو.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:32:00 +0200rpp (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. Localización . El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.

Deep 6.3 quake strikes off southern Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:09:00 +0200rt (en)

A moderately strong 5.6 earthquake hit Romania, 153 km to the North of the country’s capital, Bucharest. The earthquake was registered at 11:11pm GMT by the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). The quake’s epicenter was measured roughly 94 km (58.5 miles) deep.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 05:05:00 +0200business-times (en)

[MANILA] A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami or any casualties reported, seismologists and disaster officials said. The offshore quake hit at 6.53am (2253 GMT Friday) and woke people from their sleep in Davao, a major city of about 1.

Ultiman preparativos para el ejercicio nacional de protección y prevención frente a sismos

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:59:00 +0200el19digital (es)

La Compañera Rosario Murillo , Coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, informó que se están desarrollando los preparativos para el Ejercicio Nacional de Protección ante Multiamenazas que se realizará el próximo lunes a las 10 de la mañana. "Estamos preparándonos para el simulacro nacional este lunes a partir de las 10 de la mañana.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:57:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

DAVAO, Philippines - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Put the clock forward tonight ready for Daylight Saving

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:56:00 +0200tvnz (en)

North Americans have a good way to remember whether to advance or turn bak the clock - "spring forward, fall back". In spring the clock goes forward and in fall - as in autumn - it goes back. Christchurch's tsunami warning sirens will sound for up to three minutes from 11am tomorrow.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 în sudul Filipinelor, fără alertă de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:49:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22. Citește mai departe...

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines, another hits Romania

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:34:00 +0200smh (en)

Davao: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6.53am (8.53am AEST) and was centred 114 km east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines, another hits Romania

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:31:00 +0200theage (en)

Davao: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6.53am (8.53am AEST) and was centred 114 km east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines’ Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:25:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

A view shows the gold mining town of Diwalwal in Compostela Valley, southern Philippines May 25, 2012. — Reuters pic DAVAO, Philippines, Sept 24 — A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island today, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from....

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:23:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et son....

Strong Magnitude 6.3 quake hits Philippines, and another hits Romania

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:21:00 +0200Stuff (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6.53am local time (10.53am NZT) and was centred 114 km east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:18:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

DAVAO, Philippines: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines, another hits Romania

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:16:00 +0200brisbanetimes (en)

Davao: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6.53am (8.53am AEST) and was centred 114 km east of Davao on Mindanao.

Un fuerte sismo de 6,3 estremeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:11:00 +0200elespectador (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Un alt cutremur de 6,3 grade a avut loc sâmbătă dimineață

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:09:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.53 GMT), la o adâncime de 62,5 kilometri, iar....

UPDATE 3-Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 04:05:00 +0200reuters (en)

DAVAO, Philippines A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines, another ...

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:58:00 +0200watoday (en)

Davao: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6.53am (8.53am AEST) and was centred 114 km east of Davao on Mindanao.

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:57:00 +0200india (en)

Manila, Sep 24: A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early today but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 AM (local time) and was centred around 100 kilometres southeast of the city of Davao on the island of Mindanao, according to the US Geological Survey.

Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:53:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

DAVAO, Philippines (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:42:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

DAVAO, Philippines (REUTERS) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday (Sept 24), sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The US Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.3 quake shakes Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:37:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

DAVAO, Philippines (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, sending hotel guests and construction workers running from buildings in Davao, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Un sismo de 6.3 remeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:31:00 +0200LaPrensaPA (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas , sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao , informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 in sudul Filipinelor, fara alerta de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:25:00 +0200ziuanews (ro)

Postat la: 24.09.2016 - 03:55 | Scris de: Ziua News. 0 Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipine lor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de , scrie AFP. tsunami Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:20:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et....

Un alt cutremur de 6,3 grade a avut loc sâmbata dimineața

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:08:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbata dimineata largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anuntat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fara sa fie emisa alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.53 GMT), la o adâncime de 62,5 kilometri, iar....

Terremoto de 6,3 graus gera temor de tsunami nas Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:05:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

MANILA - Um terremoto de 6,3 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado o sul das Filipinas, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas até o momento não há informe de vítimas ou advertência de tsunami. O epicentro do tremor foi situado sob o Oceano Pacífico, cerca de 100 km a sudeste de Davao, na ilha filipina de Mindanao.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:05:00 +0200skynet (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et....

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:03:00 +0200trust (en)

(Recasts with Philippines' seismic agency comments, adds MANILLA dateline) MANILLA, Sept 24 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island -USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:03:00 +0200trust (en)

Sept 23 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday), was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 în sudul Filipinelor, fără alertă de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 03:01:00 +0200agerpres (ro)

20 afişări Mediu Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineață largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunțat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.

На Филиппинах произошло сильное землетрясение

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:58:00 +0200kp (ru)

В ночь на субботу на юге Филиппин произошло землетрясение магнитудой 6,5. Его эпицентр находился в 114 км к востоку от города Давао , расположенного на острове Минданао , очаг залегал на глубине 69 км, сообщает агентство Сообщений о возможных жертвах и разрушениях не поступало, угроза цунами не объявлялась.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:58:00 +0200lavenir (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62 km et....

Un alt cutremur de 6,3 grade a avut loc sâmbătă dimineață

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:55:00 +0200antena3 (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipinelor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de tsunami, scrie AFP. Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.53 GMT), la o adâncime de 62,5 kilometri, iar....

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud du pays

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:54:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'institut géologique américain (USGS). Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 06h53 (00h53 en Suisse) à une profondeur de 62 km.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines’ Mindanao island -USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:54:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

A view shows the gold mining town of Diwalwal in Compostela Valley, southern Philippines May 25, 2012. — Reuters pic MANILA, Sept 23 — A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island today, the US Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.

Terremoto de 6,3 graus abala sul das Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:53:00 +0200jconline (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,3 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado o sul das Filipinas, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas até o momento não há informe de vítimas ou advertência de tsunami. O epicentro do tremor foi situado sob o Oceano Pacífico, cerca de 100 km a sudeste de Davao, na ilha filipina de Mindanao.

Un fuerte sismo de 6.3 remeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:48:00 +0200informador (es)

MANILA, ESTADOS UNIDOS (23/SEP/2016).- Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina....

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:47:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

MANILLA: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:46:00 +0200al-wihda (fr)

Manille - Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise.Le tremblement de terre s'est...

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 în sudul Filipinelor, fără alertă de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:46:00 +0200stiripesurse (ro)

Un puternic seism cu magnitudinea 6,3 a lovit sâmbătă dimineaţă largul coastelor de sud ale Filipine lor, a anunţat Institutul geologic american (USGS), fără să fie emisă alerta de , scrie AFP. tsunami Cutremurul s-a produs la orele 06.53 (vineri, 22.53 GMT), la o adâncime de 62,5 kilometri, iar....

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud du pays

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:46:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'institut géologique américain (USGS). Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 06h53 (00h53 en Suisse) à une profondeur de 62 km.

Forte sismo no mar a sul das Filipinas, sem risco de maremoto

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:45:00 +0200destak (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,3 na escala aberta de Richter ocorreu ao início de sábado a sul das Filipinas, mas não há ameaças de maremoto, informaram os serviços de geologia dos EUA. O abalo ocorreu no mar, às 06:53 locais (23:53 de Lisboa), e teve o seu centro situado a cerca de 100 quilómetros a sul....

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remece al sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:42:00 +0200biobiochile (es)

Publicado por Valentina González Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció al sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao ,....

Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:41:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

. Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early today but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early today but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said.

Un fuerte sismo de 6,3 remeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:40:00 +0200teletica (es)

Manila, Filipinas | Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 5,6 în zona Vrancea

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:39:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 5,6 s-a produs sâmbătă dimineaţă la orele 02.11 în România, în zona Vrancea, anunţă pe Twitter Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului. AGERPRES Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 3,5 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs marţi la miezul nopţii, ora....

Un fuerte sismo de 6,3 remeció el sur de Filipinas (Servicio ...

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:37:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:33:00 +0200reuters (en)

MANILLA A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud du pays

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:28:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'institut géologique américain (USGS). Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 06h53 (00h53 en Suisse) à une profondeur de 62 km.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:26:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

MANILLA A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:23:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

MANILLA (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.

Philippines hit by Magnitude 6.3 earthquake

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:23:00 +0200scmp (en)

Amagnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine’s Mindanao island on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centred 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao, the home city of President Rodrigo Duterte, on Mindanao island.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island - USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:23:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

Latest : World MANILA: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Terremoto de 6,3 graus abala sul das Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:21:00 +0200ne10 (pt)

AFP. Um terremoto de 6,3 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado (24) (horário local) o sul das Filipinas, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas até o momento não há informe de vítimas ou advertência de tsunami. O epicentro do tremor foi situado sob o Oceano Pacífico, cerca de....

Un fuerte sismo de 6,3 remeció el sur de Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:19:00 +0200telemetro (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,3 remeció el sábado el sur de Filipinas, sin que en un primer momento se informe de víctimas ni de riesgos de tsunami. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó bajo el Océano Pacífico unos 100 km al sureste de Davao, en la isla filipina de Mindanao, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

news: Erdbeben auf den Philippinen

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:16:00 +0200bild (de)

Mindanao – Auf der philippinischen Insel Mindanao wurde ein Erdbeben der Stärke 6,5 gemessen. Das Erdbeben ereignete sich in rund 69 km Tiefe und wird mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit keinen Tsunami auslösen, teilte das Pazifische Tsunami Warnzentrum mit.

20:52 - 23/09/2016 Terremoto de 6,3 graus abala sul das Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:16:00 +0200em (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,3 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste s�bado o sul das Filipinas, informou o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas at� o momento n�o h� informe de v�timas ou advert�ncia de tsunami. O epicentro do tremor foi situado sob o Oceano Pac�fico, cerca de 100 km a sudeste de Davao, na ilha filipina de Mindanao.

20:55 - 23/09/2016 Terremoto de 6,3 graus abala sul das Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:16:00 +0200em (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,3 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste s�bado o sul das Filipinas, informou o Servi�o Geol�gico dos Estados Unidos (USGS), mas at� o momento n�o h� informe de v�timas ou advert�ncia de tsunami. O epicentro do tremor foi situado sob o Oceano Pac�fico, cerca de 100 km a sudeste de Davao, na ilha filipina de Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:16:00 +0200smh (en)

Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox. Become a SMH member today! Create account now! Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment,....

Sismo de 6,5 se registra en Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:15:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Pese a la magnitud del movimiento telúrico no se emitió una alerta de tsunami. Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 se registró cerca de Mindanao, la segunda isla más grande de Filipinas. El temblor ocurrió a 69 km de profundidad y hasta ahora no existe alerta de tsunami, informó el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU.

Séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans le sud des Philippines, pas de menace de tsunami

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:12:00 +0200romandie (fr)

Manille - Un fort de séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi matin au large des côtes méridionales des Philippines, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 6H53 (22H53 GMT vendredi) à une profondeur de 62....


Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:07:00 +0200cnataiwan (zh)

美國地質調查所(USGS)說,菲律賓民答那峨島外海發生規模6.5地震。 (圖取自USGS網頁earthquake.usgs.gov) (中央社華盛頓24日綜合外電報導)美國地質調查所(USGS)說,菲律賓民答那峨島外海發生規模6.5地震。 路透社報導,地震是早上6時53分(與台北時間同)發生,震央在民答那峨島納卯市(Davao)東方114.26公里處。 太平洋海嘯警報中心(Pacific Tsunami Warning Center)表示,這場地震的震源很深,位於海底69公里,預料不會引發海嘯。(譯者:中央社張曉雯)1050924 ....

CRONOLOGIE: Cele mai puternice cutremure din ultimii 100 de ani

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:07:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

- Cel mai puternic cutremur, cu magnitudinea de 9,5, s-a produs în mai 1960 în Chile, provocând 1.655 de morţi. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,2 a avut loc în martie 1964 în Alaska, Statele Unite, provocând 125 de victime. - Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 9,1 în largul insulei indoneziene....

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:07:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

MANILLA (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday but was not expected to cause any significant damage, the Philippines' seismic agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.

Philippines: Strong 6.3 quake rattles southern Philippines: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:03:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Manila, Philippines | AFP | Friday 9/23/2016 - 23:49 GMT. A powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the southern Philippines early Saturday but there was no threat of a tsunami, US seismologists said. The offshore quake hit at 6:53 am (2253 GMT Friday) and was centred around 100 kilometres (63....

UPDATE 1-Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island -USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:02:00 +0200reuters (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 02:01:00 +0200theage (en)

Become a The Age member today. Create your account now! Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox. Manila: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said.

Terremoto de magnitude 6,3 atinge costa das Filipinas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:55:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 6,3 atingiu a costa das Filipinas nesta sexta-feira (23), informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS, na sigla em inglês). O epicentro do tremor foi registrado a 62,5 km de profundidade e a 36 km da cidade de Tamisan, no Pacífico.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:53:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island - USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:40:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centred 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:37:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.5, struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday) and was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:31:00 +0200reuters (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday), was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanoa. The quake was deep, 43 miles (69 km) below the seabed, and was....

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island -USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:31:00 +0200reuters (en)

Sept 23 A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday), was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanao. The quake was deep, 43 miles (69 km) below the seabed,....

Strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near Mindanao, Phillipines

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:30:00 +02009news (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 has been recorded near Mindanao, Philippines, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquake occurred at 10.53pm local time (8.53am AEST) with an epicentre 36km southeast of Tamisan, and was estimated at a depth of around 62km.

Autoridades reportan 16 sismos en las últimas horas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:24:00 +0200radiolaprimerisima (es)

La coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Rosario Murillo, informó este viernes que en las últimas horas se registran 16 temblores. "Hemos tenido en las últimas 24 horas 16 sismos; 15 en fallamiento local siempre por el volcán El Hoyo y uno al noreste de Villa 15 de Julio en Chinandega.

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island: USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:23:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday), was centered 71 miles (114.26 km) east of Davao on Mindanoa. The quake was deep, 43 miles (69 km) below the....

Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island - USGS

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:23:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Saturday, 24 September 2016 | MYT 7:13 AM Magnitude 6.5 quake hits off Philippines' Mindanao island - USGS. (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the Philippine's Mindanao island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake, which struck at 6:53 a.m. (22:53 GMT on Friday), was centered 71 miles (114.

Autoridades reportan 16 sismos en las últimas horas

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:19:00 +0200rlp (es)

La coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, Rosario Murillo, informó este viernes que en las últimas horas se registran 16 temblores. "Hemos tenido en las últimas 24 horas 16 sismos; 15 en fallamiento local siempre por el volcán El Hoyo y uno al noreste de Villa 15 de Julio en Chinandega.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacudió Tokio

Sat, 24 Sep 2016 01:01:00 +0200correodelorinoco (es)

El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a 150 kilómetros de la costa de la provincia de Chiba, al sureste de la capital, según informó la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacudió este viernes la región oriental de....

Detienen en México a Fidel Urbina, uno de los fugitivos más buscados por FBI

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 23:53:00 +0200eltiempo-VE (es)

Flash Informativo. 16:40 hs La fiscalía mexicana quiere hacer un nuevo peritaje en el basurero donde según la primera versión oficial fueron calcinados los 43 estudiantes de la normal rural de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos en septiembre de 2014; 11:37 hs Ocho bomberos rusos fallecieron el viernes por el....

Próximo lunes 26 de septiembre, todos a proteger la vida en Nicaragua

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 23:49:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Redacción Central | 23/09/2016. Una invitación a todo el pueblo nicaragüense para que se sume al ejercicio nacional de protección multiamenazas el próximo lunes 26 de septiembre fue extendida este viernes por autoridades del Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres (Sinapred).

Ultiman preparativos para el ejercicio nacional de protección y prevención frente a sismos

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 22:58:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

La Compañera Rosario Murillo, Coordinadora del Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, informó que se están desarrollando los preparativos para el Ejercicio Nacional de Protección ante Multiamenazas que se realizará el próximo lunes a las 10 de la mañana. "Estamos preparándonos para el simulacro nacional este lunes a partir de las 10 de la mañana.

Terremoto de 6,5 sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 20:43:00 +0200ecuavisa (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este 23 de septiembre de 2016 la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 09H14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de....

Ocho bomberos rusos fallecieron el viernes por el colapso del techo de un almacén de plásticos en Moscú cuando intentaban extinguir un aparatoso incendio, dijo el Ministerio de Emergencias del país

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 18:19:00 +0200eltiempo-VE (es)

Flash Informativo. 11:37 hs Ocho bomberos rusos fallecieron el viernes por el colapso del techo de un almacén de plásticos en Moscú cuando intentaban extinguir un aparatoso incendio, dijo el Ministerio de Emergencias del país; 11:34 hs Un total de 162 cadáveres han sido recuperados de las aguas del....

Etats-Unis : Facebook active son « safety check » pour la première fois après des manifestations

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:59:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

If @facebook is instituting a safety check and the Mayor of Charlotte is instituting a curfew, these are not protests. They're riots. NirajAntani (@Rep. Niraj Antani) Massivement adopté mais critiqué. Quand Facebook avait commencé à envisager le safety check après le tsunami de 2011, pour aider les....

PROTESTE Impianto gas di Cornegliano, vertice...

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:31:00 +0200ilcittadino (it)

albe....sei geologo? conosci la commisione ichese? prima informati poi parla altrimenti fai solo brutta figura....poi se vuoi centrali nucleari, discariche, stoccaggio di miliardi di m3 in centri densamente abitati libero di manifestare il tuo pensiero, questo non ti autorizza però nel demonizzare....

La Fundación SGAE organiza el ciclo de lecturas dramatizadas 'El teatro se lee en la Berlanga' del 5 al 10 de octubre

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:29:00 +0200telecinco (es)

Un total de seis obras engloban esta muestra que tiene como objetivo apoyar la creación de nuevos textos dramáticos de autores de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y que tendrá lugar en la Sala Berlanga con un precio de tres euros. A partir de las 19:00 horas se podrá ver 'El mal de la piedra', de....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:26:00 +0200libertatea (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,4 a avut astăzi în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS. Deocamdată nu au fost raportate victime. Cutremurul a avut loc la ora locală 9.14 (3.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a precizat USGS.

Terremoto de 6,5 sacudió Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:53:00 +0200diariodelosandes (es)

Fuente: Globovisión.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacudió este viernes la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se reportan daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a 150....

جمال حكمت و أنسامهِ العذبة (1)

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:38:00 +0200sotaliraq (ar)

القصص والمسرحيات لها سوق رائجة في زمان مضى ، يكفي أن يسمع المرء إسم شولوخوف أو غوتة او تولستوي حتى يتسارع لأقتنائها ، أو يتسارع لرؤياها في صالات السينما فيما إذا تحولت الى سيناريو سينمائي ولذلك جمال حكمت يتطلّع الى أن يكون إسما بارزا من أسماء السرد والقص ، حاله حال آلاف الكتاب الذين يحلمون هذا الحلم....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacudió Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:29:00 +0200globovision (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacudió este viernes la región oriental de Kanto , donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se reportan daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a 150 kilómetros de la costa de....

زلزال بقوة 4ر6 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:25:00 +0200shabiba (ar)

طوكيو - العمانية وقع زلزال بلغت قوته 4ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر تحت سطح البحر جنوب شرقي العاصمة اليابانية طوكيو صباح اليوم. ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وذكرت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية إنه قد تكون هناك تغيرات طفيفة في مستوى سطح البحر ولكن دون خطر على اليابان.

Terremoto submarino de 6.5 grados remueve región oriental de Kanto, Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 15:04:00 +0200peru21 (es)

Eran las 9:14 de la mañana (hora local) cuando un terremoto submarino de 6-5 grados en la escala abierta de Richter remeció la región oriental de Kanto, zona donde se ubica la capital de Japón, Tokio. Hasta el momento no se ha emitido una alerta de tsunami ni se han informado sobre daños o pérdidas materiales.

Japan’s east coast struck with massive quake, no tsunami warning issued

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 14:42:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Japan’s east coast struck with massive quake, no tsunami warning issued. Irish Sun Friday 23rd September, 2016 • Japan’s Meteorological Agency had said the undersea earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.5. • Small tremors were felt in nine Japanese prefectures. • U.S.G.S. measured the earthquake, said it was a magnitude 6.

Free State Government Vows to Crack Down On Gangs After Threat

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 13:39:00 +0200allafrica (en)

The Free State government will not allow a threat, allegedly from a gang, to disrupt schooling in Mangaung, Acting Premier Sam Mashinini has said. "We want all learners, educators, parents and members of the community to rest assured that all our law enforcement agencies are on high alert and will....

La résistance aux antibiotiques: «un tsunami» sanitaire

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 13:32:00 +0200telquel (fr)

Le recours excessif aux antibiotiques provoque la prolifération de nouvelles bactéries plus résistantes. Le risque : la recrudescence de maladies mortelles, jusque là guérissables. « La situation est mauvaise et est en train d’empirer […] certains scientifiques parlent de tsunami au ralenti », a....

Plan for new OSU facility in tsunami zone being questioned by local leaders, professors

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 13:20:00 +0200kptv (en)

NEWPORT, OR (KPTV) - FOX 12 has uncovered Oregon State University plans to build a new marine science facility on the coast, in the center of a tsunami zone. It is a controversial decision administrators made with the use of state funding, and a decision that went against the advice of local leaders, geologists and OSU professors.

Even in earthquake-ready Japan, victims struggle to recover

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 13:17:00 +0200usaToday (en)

MINAMIASO, Japan — Hiroaki Morio and his family finally moved out of an emergency shelter last week, after living there since April when a massive magnitude-7.3 earthquake left their home damaged and perched on the edge of a cliff. The quake — the second big one in two days — left 95 people dead and more than 2,000 injured.

زلزال بقوة 6.5 درجات يضرب اليابان ضرب زلزال شدته 6.5 درجة على مقياس ريختر المنطقة الواقعة قبالة الساحل الشرقي لمنطقة كانتو في اليابان اليوم

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 12:56:00 +0200al-nahar (ar)

ضرب زلزال شدته 6.5 درجة على مقياس ريختر المنطقة الواقعة قبالة الساحل الشرقي لمنطقة كانتو في اليابان اليوم الجمعة، حسبما ذكرت وكالة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية. ووفقا للوكالة فإن الهزة وقعت عند الساعة 9:14 دقيقة بالتوقيت اليابان، حيث تم تحديد مركزها عند التقاء خط العرض 34.4 درجة شمالا وخط الطول 141.7 درجة شرقا.

زلزال شدته 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق العاصمة اليابانية

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 12:13:00 +0200aleqt (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا تحت سطح البحر بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرق طوكيو صباح اليوم. ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وأضافت هيئة المسح أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 232 كيلومترا جنوب شرق العاصمة اليابانية وعلى عمق 10 كيلومترات.

14:49 Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 11:43:00 +0200ca-news (en)

Bishkek (AKIpress) A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 has struck southeast of Tokyo, News.com.au reports referring to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 9.14 am, about 150 km east-southeast of Katsuura city, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 11:36:00 +0200vietnamnet-en (en)

. A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 11:24:00 +0200alarab-qa (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرقي طوكيو صباح اليوم الجمعة، ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وأفادت وكالة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية أنه قد تكون هناك تغيرات طفيفة في مستوى سطح البحر ولكن دون خطر على اليابان.

Sismo de magnitude 6,4 no leste do Japão

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 11:21:00 +0200dnoticias (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 6,4 atingiu hoje a costa leste do Japão, não havendo até agora registo de feridos ou danos. O tremor aconteceu pelas 09:14 (01:14 em Lisboa), a cerca de 150 quilómetros da cidade de Katsuura, indicou o United States Geological Survey (USGS).

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:10:00 +0200albaladonline (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرقي طوكيو صباح الجمعة. ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وقالت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية إنه قد تكون هناك تغيرات طفيفة في مستوى سطح البحر ولكن دون خطر على اليابان.

اليابان: زلزال عنيف بقوة 6.5 درجة يضرب جنوب شرقي طوكيو 23-09-2016 | 10:48 لم ترد انباء عن وقوع خسائر بشرية او مادية

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:00:00 +0200aljarida (ar)

قالت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية ان زلزالا شديدا بقوة 5ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو اليوم الجمعة فيما لم ترد انباء عن وقوع خسائر بشرية او مادية. وأضافت الوكالة في بيان ان مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 230 كيلومترا جنوب شرق طوكيو وعلى عمق عشرة كيلومترات.

اليابان: زلزال عنيف بقوة 5ر6 درجة يضرب جنوب شرقي طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:57:00 +0200kuna-en (ar)

طوكيو - 23 - 9 (كونا) -- قالت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية ان زلزالا شديدا بقوة 5ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو اليوم الجمعة فيما لم ترد انباء عن وقوع خسائر بشرية او مادية. وأضافت الوكالة في بيان ان مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 230 كيلومترا جنوب شرق طوكيو وعلى عمق عشرة كيلومترات.

Moderate quake hits East Coast 1 hour ago

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:54:00 +0200newstalkzb (en)

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has been recorded on the East Coast. Geonet says the quake struck just before 6 this evening and its centre was 65km east of Te Araroa at a depth of 22km. Earlier this month a 7.1-magnitude quake in the area caused a 30cm tsunami and had people heading for high ground.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:46:00 +0200india (en)

Japan sits at the junction of four tectonic plates and experiences a number of relatively violent quakes every year, but rigid building codes and their strict enforcement mean even strong tremors often do little damage. Tokyo, Sep 23 : A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan....

اليابان: زلزال عنيف بقوة 5ر6 درجة يضرب جنوب شرقي طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:45:00 +0200kuna (ar)

طوكيو - 23 - 9 (كونا) -- قالت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية ان زلزالا شديدا بقوة 5ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو اليوم الجمعة فيما لم ترد انباء عن وقوع خسائر بشرية او مادية. وأضافت الوكالة في بيان ان مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 230 كيلومترا جنوب شرق طوكيو وعلى عمق عشرة كيلومترات.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:44:00 +0200newindianexpress (en)

TOKYO: A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan today, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 09:14 AM (0544 IST), about 150 kilometres east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said.

Strong quake hits eastern Japan, no damage reported

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:38:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

TOKYO: A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan on Friday, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 9:14 AM, about 150 kilometre east-southeast of Katsuura city, the said. US Geological Survey There was no threat of a....

На востоке Индонезии произошло землетрясение

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:33:00 +0200trendnews-az-ru (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,1 по шкале Рихтера произошло в пятницу в восточной части Индонезии, угрозы цунами нет, сообщили РИА Новости в Национальном управлении метеорологии, климатологии и геофизики страны. Эпицентр подземного толчка находился в 143 километрах к северо-западу от города Саумлаки в....

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:19:00 +0200wbrc (en)

ATLANTA (AP) - Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Terremoto al largo delle coste orientali del Giappone: magnitudo 6.4

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:59:00 +0200leggo (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 6.4 è stato registrato al largo delle ciste orientali del Giappone. Lo riferisce l'Istituto di Geologia americano (Usgs), precisando che al momento non risultano vittime nè danni. La scossa si è verificata a circa 150 km a sud-est della città di Katsuura.

Terremoto de 6.5 grados sacude sureste de Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:54:00 +0200panamericana (es)

Hace 20 minutos. Un terremoto submarino de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala de Ritcher, sacudió el sureste de Japón , específicamente en la región oriental de Kanto, en Tokio , según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USS). Reportes de la Agencia de Meteorología de Japón (JMA),....

Quake of magnitude 6 strikes off Solomon Islands

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:54:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

Aeriel view of Solomon Islands Quake of magnitude 6 strikes off Solomon Islands SINGAPORE, 8 days ago A shallow earthquake of magnitude 6 struck 89 km (55 miles) west of the South Pacific nation of the Solomon Islands on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey reported.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:44:00 +0200business-standard (en)

There was no threat of a tsunami, added the Japan Meteorological Agency, which measured it at a slightly higher 6.5 magnitude. sits at the junction of four tectonic plates and experiences a number of relatively violent quakes every year, but rigid building codes and their strict enforcement mean even strong tremors often do little damage.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Japan

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:39:00 +0200heraldsun (en)

The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 09:14 am (0014 GMT), about 150km east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said. There was no threat of a tsunami, added the Japan Meteorological Agency, which measured it at a slightly higher 6.5 magnitude. The earthquake struck off the east coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'Est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:39:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu'aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l'immédiat. La secousse s'est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l'est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l'USGS.

Cutremur de 6,4 pe Richter, în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:25:00 +0200jurnal (ro)

Seismul s-a produs la ora locală 09.14 (03.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri est-sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a mai comunicat USGS. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami, potrivit agenţiei nipone de meteorologie, care a anunţat la rândul său o magnitudine de 6,5 pe Richter a seismului. Miercuri dimineaţă, (marţi, 19.

Cutremur de 6,4 grade pe Richter, în Japonia

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:25:00 +0200romanialibera (ro)

Un cutremur cu maginitudinea de 6,4 pe Richter a avut loc, vineri, în largul coastelor orientale ale Japoniei, informează Institutul Geologic American (USGS), citat de RTBF, informează Seismul s-a produs la ora locală 09.14 (03.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri est-sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a mai comunicat USGS.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:24:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Publicat: (acum 25 min) // Actualizat: (acum 25 min) // Sursa: Autor: Filip Stan Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,4 a avut loc vineri în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică USGS şi nu au fost raportate imediat victime sau pagube, relatează Belga,citată de news.

The latest scam to hit Uber: Spooky 'ghost drivers' ruining rides for people

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:20:00 +0200AsiaOne (en)

A new trend of "ghost drivers" has emerged on Uber in China, spooking people into paying for rides they didn't take. The money-making scam, reports of which are starting to go viral on social media in China, is disturbing people because the drivers' pictures show up appearing like Chinese vampires or looking skewed and distorted.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:19:00 +0200business-times (en)

[TOKYO] A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan on Friday, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 9:14am (0014 GMT), about 150 kilometres east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said.

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6,4 sacude Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:13:00 +0200vtv (es)

Tokio, 23 de septiembre de 2016.- De acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. ( USGS , por sus siglas en inglés), un terremoto de magnitud 6,4 escala de Richter ha sacudido Japón. El sismo se ha registrado a 10 kilómetros de profundidad a 149 kilómetros al este-sudeste de la ciudad de Katsuura.

Cutremur de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter, în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:07:00 +0200ziarero (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs vineri în largul coastelor orientale ale Japoniei, a anunţat Institutul Geologic American (USGS), deocamdată neexistând informaţii privind victime sau daune, potrivit RTBF.Seismul s-a produs la ora locală 09.14 (03.

SLC reverse controversial clause after COPE probe

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 08:01:00 +0200dailymirror (en)

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) on Wednesday decided to reverse a controversial clause in the Articles of Association of Cricket Aid (Guarantee) Ltd giving its signatories life-membership of this newly-formed charity arm of SLC. The matter came to light when the Parliamentary Watchdog Committee on Public....

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo 23-Sep-16

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:57:00 +0200dailytimesPK (en)

TOKYO: A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

زلزال بقوة 5ر6 درجات يضرب سواحل اليابان الشرقية

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:54:00 +0200Sana-ar (ar)

طوكيو-سانا. ضرب زلزال بلغت شدته 5ر6 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم سواحل اليابان الشرقية دون ورود أنباء عن إصابات أو أضرار. ونقلت وكالة اسوشيتد برس عن وكالة رصد الزلازل اليابانية قولها: إن “مركز الزلزال كان على عمق عشرة كيلو مترات تحت سطح البحر على سواحل اليابان الشرقية” دون ورود تحذيرات من احتمال حدوث موجات مد عاتية تسونامي.

Cutremur de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter, in largul coastelor estice ale Japoniei. Nu a fost emisa alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:53:00 +0200hotnews-en (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs vineri in largul coastelor orientale ale Japoniei, a anuntat Institutul Geologic American (USGS), deocamdata neexistand informatii privind victime sau daune, potrivit RTBF, informeaza Mediafax. Seismul s-a produs la ora locala 09.14 (03.

Japón: sismo de 6.5 grados remeció el sudeste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:49:00 +0200americatv (es)

Un terremoto submarino de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio , en Japón , sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 09:14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

08h45 Séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large du Japon (AFP)

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:46:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon aujourd'hui, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu'aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l'immédiat. La secousse s'est produite à 9h14, à quelque 150 km à l'est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l'USGS.

Cutremur de 6,5 grade pe scara Richter în largul costelor Japoniei

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:42:00 +0200europafm (ro)

Cutremurul cu maginitudinea de 6,4 a avut loc la ora locală 9.14 (3.14, ora României), la aproape 150 de kilometri de orașul Katsuura. În urma seismului nu au fost înregistrate victime, sau pagube, iar autoritățile au anunțat că nu există pericol de tsunami. Japonia este afectată anual de peste 20% dintre cele mai grave cutremure.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l’est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:40:00 +0200lacapitale (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu’aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l’immédiat. La secousse s’est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l’est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l’USGS.

Sismo submarino de magnitud 6,4 sacude a Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:33:00 +0200radiomundial (es)

Un sismo submarino de magnitud 6,4 sacudió el jueves al sureste de Tokio,Japón, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El epicentro del sismo estuvo localizado a 226 kilómetros al sureste de la capital japonesa, a 10 kilómetros de profundidad según lo detalló el USGS.

Cutremur de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter, în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:25:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

Seismul s-a produs la ora locală 09.14 (03.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri est-sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a mai comunicat USGS. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami, potrivit agenţiei nipone de meteorologie, care a anunţat la rândul său o magnitudine de 6,5 grade pe scara Richter a seismului.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 occurred about...

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:18:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 occurred about 150 kilometers off the coast of Chiba prefecture, a suburb of Tokyo, Friday morning. It did not issue a tsunami warning. The epicenter was about 230 kilometers southeast of Tokyo and the earthquake....

Strong earthquake strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:16:00 +0200usaToday (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning. The agency said there may be slight changes in coastal sea levels, but not enough to cause any damage. The U.S.

Strong earthquake strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:13:00 +0200azcentral (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning. The agency said there may be slight changes in coastal sea levels, but not enough to cause any damage. The U.S.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,4 în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:06:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Cutremurul a avut loc la ora locală 9.14 (3.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a precizat USGS. Niciun pericol de tsunami nu exista, a anunţat Agenţia japoneză de meteorologie, potrivit căreia seismul a avut o intensitate de 6,5.

Un cutremur de 6,4 grade pe scara Richter s-a produs în largul coastelor de est ale Japoniei-USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:00:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Seismul s-a produs la ora locală 09.14 (03.14, ora României), la aproximativ 150 de kilometri est-sud-est de oraşul Katsuura, a mai comunicat USGS. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami, potrivit agenţiei nipone de meteorologie, care a anunţat la rândul său o magnitudine de 6,5 grade pe scara Richter a seismului.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:57:00 +0200Europe1 (fr)

Le Japon, situé à la jonction de quatre plaques tectoniques, est habitué aux séismes. Image d'illustration.@ NICOLAS ASFOURI / AFP. La secousse qui s'est produite dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi n'a pas entraîné d'alerte au tsunami. Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des....

عام / هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية: زلزال شدته 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:54:00 +0200spa (ar)

طوكيو 21 ذو الحجة 1437 هـ الموافق 22 سبتمبر 2016 م واس قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، إن زلزالا تحت سطح البحر بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرق طوكيو صباح اليوم الجمعة. ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وأضافت هيئة المسح، أن مركز الزلزال كان على بعد 232....

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:50:00 +0200lameuse (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu’aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l’immédiat. La secousse s’est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l’est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l’USGS.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan, no reports of damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:32:00 +0200mumbaimirror (en)

Tokyo: A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan on Friday, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 09:14 am (0014 GMT), about 150 kilometres (90 miles) east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:27:00 +0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió la región oriental de Kanto , donde se encuentra Tokio , sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro....

Japón: Terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:12:00 +0200ElComercio (es)

Tokio. Un terremoto submarino de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, en Japón , sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 09:14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de....

Terremoto de 6.3 sacude costas de Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:08:00 +0200nuevaya (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 6.3 grados en la escala de Richter, de acuerdo al USGS, sacudió el suroeste de la capital de Japón, Tokyo, esta tarde, poco antes de las 09.00 -hora local-, según ha informado la Agencia Meteorológica nipona. El movimiento tuvo una profundidad de 10km según lo reportado por el US Geological Survey (USGS).

Magnitude 6.5 quake strikes off coast of Japan's Kanto region, slight sea level changes possible

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:08:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

TOKYO, Sept. 23 -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 struck off the east coast of Japan's Kanto region to the southeast of the nation's capital Tokyo on Friday morning and may cause slight sea level changes in coastal regions, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:05:00 +0200listin (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió ayer la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

6.4 magnitude earthquake strikes off Japan coast

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:04:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Tokyo: A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan on Friday, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 9.14am (4.14am UAE), about 150 kilometres east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said.

Earthquake Strikes under Pacific off Japan

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:01:00 +0200laht (en)

TOKYO – A magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck early Friday some 150 kilometers off the Japanese coast in the Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The shallow quake, with a depth of about 10 kilometers below the surface, struck on Friday at 0014 GMT, following lower intensity quakes in the same area on Thursday.

6.4 quake hits Japan southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:56:00 +0200rt (en)

Japan’s Meteorological Agency that the earthquake “has caused no damage to Japan,” while adding that reported “slight sea-level changes in coastal regions” may be observed. No immediate tsunami warning has been issued. Small tremors were reportedly felt in nine Japanese prefectures, including in Fukushima and Tokyo.

Powerful earthquake hits Japan coast but no tsunami warning issued

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:55:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

People wearing and holding helmets take part in a drill simulating a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Tokyo, Japan Kim Kyung Hoon/Reuters file photo A powerful earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit the coast of Japan but no immediate tsunami warning was issued. Japan's meteorologists have said the underwater....

Terremoto de 6.5 grados sacude sudeste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:52:00 +0200tiempo (es)

TOKIO.- Terremoto de 6,5 en la escala de Richter sacudió el sudeste de Tokio este viernes (hora local), según la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón. El temblor se produjo a 149 kilómetros al sureste de la ciudad de Katsuura, prefectura de Chiba, al sur de la capital del país. El foco del sismo se encontraba a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo -USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:50:00 +0200trust (en)

(Adds no tsunami warning, Japan weather agency quote, adds dateline) TOKYO, Sept 23 (Reuters) - A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

Terremoto de 6.3 sacude costas de Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:47:00 +0200el19digital (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 6.3 grados en la escala de Richter, de acuerdo al USGS, sacudió el suroeste de la capital de Japón, Tokyo, esta tarde, poco antes de las 09.00 -hora local-, según ha informado la Agencia Meteorológica nipona. El movimiento tuvo una profundidad de 10km según lo reportado por el US Geological Survey (USGS).

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:46:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu'aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l'immédiat. La secousse s'est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l'est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l'USGS.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:44:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " A strong earthquake has struck off Japan's east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:44:00 +0200rcnradio (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este jueves la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a....

Terremoto de 6.3 sacude costas de Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:41:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 6.3 grados en la escala de Richter, de acuerdo al USGS, sacudió el suroeste de la capital de Japón, Tokyo, esta tarde, poco antes de las 09.00 -hora local-, según ha informado la Agencia Meteorológica nipona. El movimiento tuvo una profundidad de 10km según lo reportado por el US Geological Survey (USGS).

National › Strong earthquake hits off Chiba

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:40:00 +0200japantoday (en)

TOKYO. A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l’est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:40:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l’Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu’aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l’immédiat. La secousse s’est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l’est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l’USGS.

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:37:00 +0200wtva (en)

ATLANTA (AP) Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 en Japón sin riesgo de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:29:00 +0200lavozdigital (es)

Internacional Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 en Japón sin riesgo de tsunami. El epicentro se encuentra al este de la región de Kanto, una de las áreas metropolitanas más pobladas del mundo Un terremoto con magnitud de 6,3 en la escala de Ritcher ha sido registrado este viernes en el centro de Japón, poco antes de las 09.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:26:00 +0200skynet (fr)

(Belga) Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu'aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l'immédiat. La secousse s'est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l'est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l'USGS.

La paz con ISIS es un mal negocio para el pastel multimillonario de la guerra

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:24:00 +0200eldiario-es (es)

A finales de los 90 tuve la ocasión de trabajar en Indonesia, el país con mayor población musulmana del mundo: actualmente 208 millones, más que India o Pakistan. Ahí conocí a Noorhuda Ismail, que en el 1998 era un joven estudiante de comunicación que trataba de tirar adelante en Jakarta, la capital del país.

Terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:23:00 +0200tvn-2 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con epicentro a 150 kilómetros de la costa....

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 en mer à l'est du Japon

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:07:00 +0200lavenir (fr)

(Belga) Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 est survenu en mer au large des côtes orientales du Japon vendredi, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS), sans qu'aucun dommage, ni victime ne soient déplorés dans l'immédiat. La secousse s'est produite à 09H14 (00H14 GMT), à quelque 150 km à l'est-sud-est de la ville de Katsuura, a précisé l'USGS.

Strong 6.4 quake hits eastern Japan, no damage reported

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:07:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

TOKYO: A strong earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Japan on Friday, though there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The shallow 6.4 magnitude quake hit at 9:14 AM, about 150 kilometre east-southeast of Katsuura city, the US Geological Survey said.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:05:00 +0200expressindia (en)

The quake hit about 150 kilometers (90 miles) off the coast of Chiba prefecture, a suburb of Tokyo. (Google maps) A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers.

A Bali, levée de bouclier contre un méga-projet d'îles artificielles

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:02:00 +0200clicanoo (fr)

Habillés en sarongs, portant des coiffes traditionnelles, des milliers d'Indonésiens manifestent bruyamment contre un méga-projet touristico-immobilier sur l'île paradisiaque de Bali. Ils dénoncent une menace pour l'environnement et la culture, non loin des plages de sable blanc prisées des touristes étrangers.

Harrison County

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:01:00 +0200sunherald (en)

Former Biloxi Mayor Jerry O’Keefe died in August and his home on the beach is listed for sale. The house, damaged by Hurricane Camille, was leveled by Hurricane Katrina but rebuilt with a host of amenities. Biloxi Mayor Andrew ‘FoFo’ Gilich announced on the city’s website he has nominated Mike....

Sismo submarino de 6.4 grados sacude a Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:58:00 +0200eleconomista-mx (es)

Tokio.- Un fuerte sismo submarino de magnitud 6.4 grados sacudió el viernes por la mañana al sureste de Tokio, reportó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). No hubo advertencia de tsunami emitida por el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico en Hawái.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:53:00 +0200columbia (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (12 hora Costa Rica) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:51:00 +0200noticierovenevision (es)

Fecha 22/09/2016 09:11:00 p.m. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este jueves la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.

Earthquake reported southeast of Tokyo A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:44:00 +0200yourerie (en)

Copyright 2016 Cable News Network/Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. (CNN) A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.

Sismo de 6.5 grados sacude Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:31:00 +0200informador (es)

TOKIO, JAPÓN (22/SEP/2016).- Un terremoto de magnitud 6.5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9:14 hora local (00:14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 en Japón sin riesgo de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:30:00 +0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Un terremoto con magnitud de 6,3 en la escala de Ritcher ha sido registrado este viernes en el centro de Japón, poco antes de las 09.00 -hora local-, según ha informado la Agencia Meteorológica nipona. El temblor, que se sintió en buena parte de la región, incluido en Tokio, así como la vecina....

Strong Earthquake Hits off Japan, Causes No Apparent Damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:24:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

A strong earthquake has struck off Japan's east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:24:00 +0200telemetro (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:22:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:21:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake has struck off Japan's east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Strong earthquake hits off coast of Japan

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:18:00 +0200TorontoStar (en)

A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometres. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:16:00 +0200news4jax (en)

(CNN) - A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.4 and said it was centered at sea about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Katsuura. There were no immediate tsunami warnings.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:15:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:13:00 +0200laprensagrafica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:09:00 +02009news (en)

A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 has struck southeast of Tokyo, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:08:00 +0200startribune (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning. The agency said there may be slight changes in coastal sea levels, but not enough to cause any damage. The U.S.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:07:00 +0200dostor (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرقي طوكيو صباح الجمعة. ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وقالت وكالة الارصاد الجوية اليابانية إنه قد تكون هناك تغيرات طفيفة في مستوى سطح البحر ولكن دون خطر على اليابان.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب جنوب شرق طوكيو

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:07:00 +0200tahrirnews (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية، إن زلزالاً بقوة 6.4 درجة وقع جنوب شرقي طوكيو صباح اليوم الجمعة، ولم يصدر مركز التحذير من موجات المد العاتية (تسونامي) بالمحيط الهادي أي تحذير. وذكرت وكالة الأرصاد الجوية اليابانية، أنه قد تكون هناك تغيرات طفيفة في مستوى سطح البحر ولكن دون خطر على اليابان.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:05:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 23 sep (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:05:00 +0200wwlp (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Earthquake reported southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:04:00 +0200Koat (en)

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.4 and said it was centered at sea about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Katsuura. There were no immediate tsunami warnings.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:04:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

Latest : World TOKYO: A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:02:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Sismo submarino de 6,4 sacude sureste de Tokio en Japón

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:02:00 +0200telesurtv (es)

Un sismo submarino de magnitud 6,4 sacudió este jueves al sureste de Tokio, Japón , informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El epicentro del sismo estuvo localizado a 226 kilómetros al sureste de la capital japonesa, a 10 kilómetros de profundidad según lo detalló el USGS.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off the coast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:59:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 617 kilometres south-southeast of Tokyo.

Earthquake reported southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:59:00 +0200wcvb (en)

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.4 and said it was centered at sea about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Katsuura. There were no immediate tsunami warnings.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:57:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

A strong earthquake has struck off Japan's east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Strong earthquake hits off Japan, causes no apparent damage

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:57:00 +0200wivb (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake has struck off Japan’s east coast but caused no apparent damage. The Japan Meteorological Agency said an undersea earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 hit Friday morning at a depth of about 10 kilometers. It did not issue a tsunami warning.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:56:00 +0200caracol (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Sismo submarino de magnitud 6,4 sacude sureste de Tokio

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:53:00 +0200diario-expreso (es)

Un fuerte sismo submarino de magnitud 6,4 sacudió este viernes (hora local de Japón) por la mañana al sureste de Tokio, reportó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) No hubo advertencia de tsunami emitida por el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico en Hawái.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:52:00 +0200trendnews-az (en)

A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, Reuters reported. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo, USGS reports

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:43:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

The quake’s epicentre was 226 kms (138 miles) southeast of the Japanese capital at a shallow depth of 10 km (6 miles), the USGS said. — AFP pic TOKYO, Sept 23 — A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo this morning, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Un terremoto de 6,5 grados sacude el sureste de Tokio sin alerta de ...

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:42:00 +0200noticias-terra-ar (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la región oriental de Kanto, donde se encuentra Tokio, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se informase de daños. El temblor se produjo a las 9.14 hora local (00.14 GMT) a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y con....

Earthquake reported southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:39:00 +0200wesh (en)

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.4 and said it was centered at sea about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Katsuura. There were no immediate tsunami warnings.

6.4 magnitude earthquake hits southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:38:00 +0200Stuff (en)

A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 has struck southeast of Tokyo, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes southeast of Tokyo - USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:30:00 +0200abs-cbnnews (en)

TOKYO, Japan - A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:29:00 +0200reuters (en)

TOKYO A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Strong earthquake hits Japan

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:26:00 +0200newshub (en)

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 has struck southeast of Tokyo , the US Geological Survey says. The quake's epicentre was 232km southeast of the Japanese capital at a shallow depth of 10km. It struck at 12:14am local time (12:14pm NZT). No Tsunami warning has been issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

Japan reports earthquake southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:25:00 +0200cnn (en)

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reports. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the temblor at 6.4 and said it was centered at sea about 150 kilometers (93 miles) southeast of Katsuura. There were no immediate tsunami warnings.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:18:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Undersea quake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo - USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:17:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

TOKYO A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo -USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:15:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

Friday, 23 September 2016 | MYT 8:51 AM Earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo -USGS. TOKYO (Reuters) - A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

Earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:13:00 +0200sinacom (en)

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake's epicentre was 232km southeast of the Japanese capital at a shallow depth of 10km, the USGS said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

6.4 mag quake hits southeast of Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:09:00 +02009news (en)

A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 has struck southeast of Tokyo, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

6.4 magnitude quake strikes offshore near Tokyo

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 03:03:00 +0200CBC (en)

The quake's epicentre was 226 kilometres southeast of the Japanese capital at a shallow depth of 10 kilometres, the USGS said (USGS) A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii.

Earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude strikes southeast of Tokyo: USGS

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 02:56:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - A strong undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck southeast of Tokyo on Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. There was no tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. Japan's weather agency said there could be slight changes in the sea level but no damage to Japan.

Mundo Terremoto de 6,4 graus atinge costa do Japão

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 02:51:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

TÓQUIO - Um terremoto de 6,4 graus na escala Richter atingiu a costa japonesa, a sudeste de Tóquio, na manhã de sexta-feira (hora local). Com baixa profundidade, de apenas 10 km, o sismo gerou temores de uma possível tsunami. O tremor ocorreu a 232 km a sudeste de Tóquio, segundo o Serviço Geológico dos EUA (USGS).

Christchurch's tsunami sirens to be tested on Sunday.

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 01:18:00 +0200voxy (en)

Christchurch's tsunami warning sirens will sound for up to three minutes from 11am on Sunday. The sirens, located from Brooklands to Taylor’s Mistake, are tested by the Christchurch City Council twice a year, on the Sunday that Daylight Saving begins and ends.

Time for milk run

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 01:14:00 +0200illawarramercury (en)

NEW PLAN: Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell says he will bring his next convey to southern Victoria to help struggling dairy farming families. The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners are turning their attention to Victoria’s struggling dairy farmers.

Time for milk run

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 01:05:00 +0200dailyadvertiser (en)

NEW PLAN: Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell says he will bring his next convey to southern Victoria to help struggling dairy farming families. The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners are turning their attention to Victoria’s struggling dairy farmers.

Time for milk run

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:49:00 +0200portstephensexaminer (en)

NEW PLAN: Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell says he will bring his next convey to southern Victoria to help struggling dairy farming families. The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners are turning their attention to Victoria’s struggling dairy farmers.

Time for milk run

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:36:00 +0200maitlandmercury (en)

NEW PLAN: Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell says he will bring his next convey to southern Victoria to help struggling dairy farming families. The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners are turning their attention to Victoria’s struggling dairy farmers.

Time for milk run

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:32:00 +0200theherald-au (en)

NEW PLAN: Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell says he will bring his next convey to southern Victoria to help struggling dairy farming families. The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners are turning their attention to Victoria’s struggling dairy farmers.

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:05:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast....

Facebook activates safety check in Charlotte

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:42:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By searching "Charlotte protest," users can see which of their friends have checked in as safe on Facebook. CNET / Screenshot by Laura Hautala. Are your friends and family in Charlotte, North Carolina okay? Now you can check on Facebook to find out. The social media company activated its "safety....

News Minute: Here is the latest Alabama news from The Associated Press at 3:40 p.m. CDT

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:37:00 +0200fox10tv (en)

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - Authorities say a 7-month old child has died after being left in a parked vehicle outside NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as temperatures climbed into the 90s. NASA spokeswoman Jennifer Stanfield said preliminary reports indicate that a parent....

Facebook activates safety check in Charlotte

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 23:31:00 +0200news-yahoo-in (en)

By searching "Charlotte protest," users can see which of their friends have checked in as safe on Facebook. CNET / Screenshot by Laura Hautala. Are your friends and family in Charlotte, North Carolina okay? Now you can check on Facebook to find out. The social media company activated its "safety....

Expanding aid to flood victims is unfair

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:49:00 +0200newsday-USA (en)

Many people do not realize is that homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage. Separate flood insurance is available to most homeowners, but too few purchase it. Most flood insurance is underwritten by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and can be bought directly from the NFIP or through a private insurer.

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:22:00 +0200wrcbtv (en)

ATLANTA (AP) - Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:11:00 +0200eastoregonian (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast....

Facebook activates safety check in Charlotte - CNET

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:11:00 +0200cnet (en)

By searching "Charlotte protest," users can see which of their friends have checked in as safe on Facebook. CNET / Screenshot by Laura Hautala. Are your friends and family in Charlotte, North Carolina okay? Now you can check on Facebook to find out. The social media company activated its "safety....

News Minute: Here is the latest Alabama news from The Associated Press at 1:40 p.m. CDT

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:07:00 +0200fox10tv (en)

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - Authorities say a 7-month old child has died after being left in a parked vehicle outside NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as temperatures climbed into the 90s. NASA spokeswoman Jennifer Stanfield said preliminary reports indicate that a parent....

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 22:07:00 +0200fox10tv (en)

ATLANTA (AP) - Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:58:00 +0200nzherald (en)

ATLANTA (AP) " Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast....

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:48:00 +0200foxnews (en)

ATLANTA – Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast corner....

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:48:00 +0200foxnews (en)

ATLANTA – Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's northeast....

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:39:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:39:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast....

Drought grips parts of South, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:32:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast....

Drought Grips Southern States, Parches Ground, Withers Crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:23:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's northeast corner, in....

Drought Grips Parts of South, Parches Ground, Withers Crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 21:23:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought was found in Alabama's northeast corner and in....

Minor earthquake shakes North Georgia

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 20:51:00 +0200wrcbtv (en)

Some North Georgia residents experienced a minor earthquake this afternoon. Just before 1:00 p.m. Thursday, a 2.4 magnitude quake shook the area, the epicenter is 21/2 miles deep and about 41/2 miles WNW of Dalton. This quake is too mild to cause any damage, but people may have felt a rumble, as if a semi had passed by.

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 20:48:00 +0200wbtv (en)

ATLANTA (AP) - Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

Drought grips southern states, parches ground, withers crops

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 20:19:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

ATLANTA (AP) — Authorities say extreme drought conditions are persisting in parts of Alabama and Georgia , wilting crops and raising the specter of wildfires. Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly report that tracks drought conditions nationwide, showed the worst of the drought in Alabama's....

As more Hong Kong residents suffer mishaps abroad, the rescue team back home looks to expand

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 18:26:00 +0200scmp (en)

Hong Kong’s immigration authority is looking to expand its team that helps locals who suffer accidents or emergencies outside the city, as the number of calls for assistance rises. In the first eight months this year, there were 1,921 requests from residents outside Hong Kong that needed prompt assistance, a 10 per cent increase on a year ago.

Jardín Infantil de Cáhuil en Pichilemu se prepara para simulacro de tsunami

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 17:21:00 +0200elrancahuaso (es)

En vísperas de la realización del simulacro regional de tsumani y terremoto, la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) dotó a la unidad educativa de la localidad de Cáhuil de un carro de evacuación para niños y niñas, como apoyo a la necesidad de una rápida salida desde jardín infantil, en caso de inundación por efectos de un cataclismo.

CFB Esquimalt jetty project balloons to $781M, 1,400 jobs

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 16:49:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

The Department of National Defence has issued a $72-million tender as one phase of a major project to replace two jetties at CFB Esquimalt. The project has a total budget of $781 million, a significant increase from the $430 million to $530 million initially estimated when the project was first announced in 2013.

Project aims to increase understanding of Hikurangi plate boundary

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:21:00 +0200voxy (en)

A major initiative aimed at improving the resilience of communities on the East Coast of the North Island to natural hazards associated with the plate boundary has been launched at the National Aquarium of New Zealand in Napier tonight. East Coast LAB (Life at the Boundary) is a joint project aimed....

Superbactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques: l'ONU sonne l'alerte

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:20:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

Devant la menace que représente l'apparition de bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques, l'ONU sonne la mobilisation générale lors d'une première réunion spécialement dédiée à ce sujet. Les dirigeants du monde entier ont appelé mercredi gouvernements, médecins, laboratoires et consommateurs à se....

Brasile, tsunami gravitazionale invade la città di Santa Catarina

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 09:55:00 +0200247libero (it)

Onde di marea hanno fatto innalzare il livello del mare fino ad invadere il centro abitato di Santa Catarina. Brasile, tsunami gravitazionale invade la città di Santa Catarina – Santa Catarina in Brasile è stata interessata da onde di marea che hanno fatto innalzare il livello del mare fino a invadere i litorali costieri.

Philippines: Philippines: 119 years after last killer quake, people still lack preparedness - PHIVOLCS

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 09:34:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

By Dominic I. Sanchez. ZAMBOANGA CITY, September 21 (PIA) – About 119 years ago today, the peninsula was devastated by a 7.5 magnitude earthquake when the Sulu trench surrounding the area dramatically shifted. Today, an earthquake expert laments the lack of preparedness in the region, especially among the barangays.

L'ONU appelle à une mobilisation générale contre la résistance aux antibiotiques

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 09:23:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Les dirigeants du monde entier ont appelé mercredi gouvernements, médecins, laboratoires et consommateurs à se mobiliser pour endiguer la menace croissante des superbactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques, qui rend de nombreuses maladies de plus en plus difficiles à soigner.

La Grande Onda del Sol Levante travolge Milano

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 07:31:00 +0200ilgiorno (it)

Milano, 22 settembre 2016 - I giapponesi sono soliti leggere anche le immagini da destra a sinistra. L’onda mostruosa di Kanagawa allunga invece i suoi artigli d’acqua in senso opposto: un trucco sapiente per sedurre ancor più l’osservatore. Gli scienziati della pittura la stimano alta almeno dieci metri, quell’onda.

Quake of magnitude 6 strikes off Solomon Islands

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 06:28:00 +0200tradearabia (en)

Aeriel view of Solomon Islands Quake of magnitude 6 strikes off Solomon Islands SINGAPORE, 7 days ago A shallow earthquake of magnitude 6 struck 89 km (55 miles) west of the South Pacific nation of the Solomon Islands on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey reported.

Base jetty replacement project balloons to $781M, 1,400 jobs

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 06:11:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

The Department of National Defence has issued a $72-million tender as one phase of a major project to replace two jetties at CFB Esquimalt. The project has a total budget of $781 million, a significant increase from the $430 million to $530 million initially estimated when the project was first announced in 2013.

A Hello Kitty lunchbox and bent time: ‘A Tale for the Time Being’

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 04:26:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

“Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.” So said the Buddha. And in her novel “A Tale for the Time Being,” author Ruth Ozeki expands that insight into a time-bending saga that traces intricate, surprising connections between people who are an ocean, a culture and years apart.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة يضرب إندونيسيا

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 04:15:00 +0200akhbarelyom (ar)

: إندونيسيا – سبوتنيك. القاهرة - الخميس , 22 سبتمبر 2016 - 03:37 صباحاً أعلنت المديرية الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية وعلم المناخ والجيوفيزياء، أن زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة بمقياس ريختر تم تسجيله الخميس 22 سبتمبر، قبالة السواحل الجنوبية لجزيرة جاوة الرئيسية في اندونيسيا، من دون الإبلاغ عن أي تهديد لحدوث تسونامي.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة يضرب إندونيسيا

Thu, 22 Sep 2016 03:59:00 +0200akhbaralyom (ar)

: إندونيسيا – سبوتنيك. القاهرة - الخميس , 22 سبتمبر 2016 - 03:37 صباحاً أعلنت المديرية الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية وعلم المناخ والجيوفيزياء، أن زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة بمقياس ريختر تم تسجيله الخميس 22 سبتمبر، قبالة السواحل الجنوبية لجزيرة جاوة الرئيسية في اندونيسيا، من دون الإبلاغ عن أي تهديد لحدوث تسونامي.

بري لم ينس جزين فثأر على «البارد» من الجنرال

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 23:48:00 +0200charlesayoub (ar)

قد يكون الجمع بين الماء والنار على استحالته ممكناً الا ان هذه الامكانية مستحيلة قياساً على الجمع بين رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري والعماد ميشال عون، قامتان متناقضتان في كل شيء من طريقة مقاربة الملفات السياسية وصولاً الى شخصيتي الرجلين، الا انهما يشتركان في الدهاء، تقول اوساط مواكبة للرجلين، فبري داهية....

استكمال سد بخمة وإملاء و تحلية الثرثار... هما الحل الوحيد لإنقاذ العراق ورافديه / الفصل 10 من كتاب " القيامة العراقية الآن "

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 22:34:00 +0200albadeeliraq (ar)

الفصل العاشر من كتاب. القيامة العراقية الآن! كي لا تكون بلاد الرافدين بلا رافدين. خفايا وأسرار العدوان التركي والإيراني على أنهار العراق لتصحيره. يتفق أغلب الباحثين والمهتمين بالشأن المائي العراقي، على أنَّ أهم المشاريع المائية الاستراتيجية العراقية، مشروعان مهمان لم يتم إنجازهما، على الرغم من....

DND announces first major tender for CFB Esquimalt harbour infrastructure

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 22:08:00 +0200gc (en)

September 21, 2016 Esquimalt, British Columbia National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces. The Government of Canada is committed to providing the sailors of the Royal Canadian Navy with the modern, functional facilities they need to complete important operational missions on behalf of Canadians.

Terremoto Oggi / Lazio e Umbria: scossa di M 2.8 in provincia di Perugia (dati INGV in tempo reale, 21 settembre 2016, ore 18.13)

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:24:00 +0200247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI NEL LAZIO E UMBRIA, SCOSSA DI M 2.8 NELLA PROVINCIA DI PERUGIA (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 21 SETTEMBRE 2016) - La terra nel Centro Italia continua a tremare sin dal terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 del 24 agosto 2016. Lo ha fatto anche oggi, infatti, con fenomeni sismici frequenti e....

Donald Trump Appears With Pastor Who Claims He Stopped A Tsunami

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:01:00 +0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke to a group of Ohio pastors on Wednesday, and joining him on stage was Frank Amedia, a man who claims he single-handedly stopped a tsunami from hitting Hawaii. Amedia, a pastor who has referred to himself as an apostle and a prophet , co-hosted....

خفايا الإنتاج والتصوير والإخراج

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 19:44:00 +0200newsabah (ar)

فلم (غودزيلا): مهند النابلسي. كلف هذا لشريط المذهل 160 مليون دولار، وفي العام 2004 أكد «يوشيميتسو يانو» مخرج فيلم «غودزيلا مقابل هيدورال» المنتج بالعام 1971، بأنه حصل على حقوق الملكية الفكرية من شركة «توهو» اليابانية لانتاج هذه النسخة العصرية من «غودزيلا» بامكانات ال»ثلاثة دي والآي ماكس» وبكاميرا....

Violentò una ragazzina di 16 anni mentre era fuori dal carcere per un permesso: detenuto condannato

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 18:58:00 +0200zazoom (it)

La Luna è una “costola” della Terra - strappata via al pianeta in modo violento : Complesse e raffinate analisi chimiche (10 volte più precise dei metodi precedenti), i cui risultati sono stati pubblicati su Nature dal gruppo coordinato da Kun Wang, della Harvard University, hanno rivelato che la....

Terremoto de 6,0 grados sacude costa este de Japón

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 18:03:00 +0200bohemia (es)

Un terremoto de 6,0 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la costa este de Japón, sin reportes de daños humanos o alerta de tsunami, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. El epicentro del sismo de registró a 540 kilómetros al sureste de la ciudad de Tateyama, en el sur de la....

2016 was a summer of extremes

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 17:38:00 +0200yorkdispatch (en)

WASHINGTON — This summer’s weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with record-smashing extremes that scientists warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in losses around the globe,....

Non soltanto Barbera: Confagricoltura Asti traccia una stima di quella che sarà la produzione delle altre D.O.C. e D.O.C.G.

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 17:14:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di mercoledì 21 settembre 2016) Non soltanto Barbera : il Monferrato Asti giano è ovviamente conosciuto per altri vini pregiati, purtroppo non sempre valorizzati come meritano, ma che riscuotono allo stesso modo un enorme successo in tutto il mondo su tutti i mercati internazionali.

10:35 Terremoto de 6,0 graus sacode costa leste do Japão

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 16:35:00 +0200prensa-latina-br (pt)

21 de septiembre de 2016, 10:35 Tóquio, 21 set (Prensa Latina) Um terremoto de 6,0 graus na escala Richter sacudiu hoje a costa leste do Japão, sem informe de danos humanos ou alerta de tsunami, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. O epicentro do terremoto foi registrado a 540....

TERREMOTO OGGI/ Marche: scossa di M2.4 nella provincia di Macerata (dati INGV in tempo reale, 21 settembre 2016 ore 9:15)

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 12:40:00 +0200247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI IN UMBRIA, SCOSSA DI M 3.5 NELLA PROVINCIA DI PERUGIA (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 21 SETTEMBRE 2016) - Il centro Italia è ancora protagonista per il terremoto e le scosse di assestamento nelle province del cratere Macerata, Perugia, Ascoli Piceno, Rieti e L’Aquila: questa volta è....

Madagascar: Normes électriques et télécommunications - Établissement des directives de référence

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 12:26:00 +0200allafrica-fr (fr)

Les infrastructures électriques et télécommunications sont loin d'être épargnées à chaque passage de cyclones. Les vents sont devenus de plus en plus destructeurs et entraînent des coupures d'électricité et de communications téléphoniques. Ces installations sont des cibles vulnérables aux effets des cyclones.

Floods, lanslides leave 20 people dead in Indonesia’s Java

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 11:20:00 +0200iran-daily (en)

Heavy rains in Indonesia have caused the death of at least 20 people on the island of Java as the monsoon season approaches the island country. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman for Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Mitigation Agency, said on Wednesday that the death toll could rise as....

Floods, landslides kill 20 in Indonesia

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 10:43:00 +0200presstv (en)

This file image shows a little boy washing laundry while surrounded by silt and mud after flash floods in Kamulyan Village in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia, June 20, 2016. (Photo by AFP) Heavy rains in Indonesia have caused the death of at least 20 people on the island of Java as the monsoon season approaches the island country.

Scossa di terremoto con epicentro vicino al vulcano Marsili: quali i pericoli

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 10:38:00 +0200247libero (it)

– Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 3.2 è stata registrata nel mar Tirreno, con epicentro a 4 km di profondità. Nei giorni scorsi altre scosse sono state registrate Il sisma, avvenuto in mare aperto, non è stato avvertito dagli abitanti delle isole vicine, ma preoccupa per la vicinanza....

02:02 Catástrofes

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 09:18:00 +0200excelsior (es)

21 de Septiembre de 2016. Fue el de San Francisco, California, en el año 1906, el que despertó a esa ciudad destruyéndola casi en su totalidad, provocando la muerte de más de tres mil personas, la destrucción de 28 mil edificios y la pérdida de sus hogares a más de 225 mil personas que tuvieron que....

Terremoto oggi / Lazio: scossa di 2.3M nella provincia di Rieti (dati INGV in tempo reale, 21 settembre 2016 ore 1:40)

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 08:08:00 +0200247libero (it)

TERREMOTO OGGI NEL LAZIO: SCOSSA DI 2.3M NELLA PROVINCIA DI RIETI (DATI INGV IN TEMPO REALE, 21 SETTEMBRE 2016) - Situazione sismica tranquilla in Italia, nella notte di oggi, ancora prima che il sole sorga su questo mercoledì 21 settembre 2016. Le ultime scosse di Terremoto sono state registrate....

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck in waters off Japan’s sparsely populated Izu Island early Wednes...

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:25:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck in waters off Japan's sparsely populated Izu Island early Wednesday. The quake happened at 1:22 a.m., with the epicenter 400 kilometers from the island. There was no tsunami warning or reports of damage or casualties. Meanwhile, Korea experienced another series of....

This year’s hellish summer weather was predicted by experts decades ago

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 07:17:00 +0200japantimes (en)

WASHINGTON – This summer’s weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in....

Membaca Menumbuhkan Harapan

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 06:41:00 +0200kompas (id)

Alfiatunnur Membaca Menumbuhkan Harapan Zulkarnaini 13 September 2016 1521 dibaca 0 komentar. Musibah gempa dan tsunami tahun 2004 di Aceh membangkitkan semangat kesukarelawanan Alfiatunnur (35). Bersama para sukarelawan, ia membawa buku ke barak-barak pengungsi dan mengajak anak-anak korban bencana membaca.

Normes électriques et télécommunications : Établissement des directives de référence

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 06:23:00 +0200madagasikara (fr)

Les infrastructures électriques et télécommunications sont loin d’être épargnées à chaque passage de cyclones. Les vents sont devenus de plus en plus destructeurs et entraînent des coupures d’électricité et de communications téléphoniques. Ces installations sont des cibles vulnérables aux effets des cyclones.

Magnitude 6.0 quake hits off east coast of Japan

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 05:37:00 +0200aa-en (en)

TOKYO An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 struck off the east coast of Japan early Wednesday morning. The United States Geological Survey, or USGS, recorded the temblor at occurring 540 kilometers (335 miles) southeast of Tateyama city in southern Chiba Prefecture at a depth of 10 kilometers at around before 1.

Myanmar, Indonesia to launch disaster response handbook

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 03:51:00 +0200mmtimes (en)

As one of the nations most susceptible to natural disasters, Myanmar is formulating a response playbook for use throughout the region, according to an official from the Relief and Resettlement Department. A woman surveys flooding in Sidoktaya township, Magwe Region, in July.

CM orders expansion of â Billion Tree Tsunamiâ drive

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 02:21:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has directed expansion of the ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’ to agricultural sector as well. Chairing a meeting on “Water Resource Management, Climate Changes and Billion Tree Tsunami” here, he directed the Forest and Agriculture departments to jointly use equipment and services for the project.

Japonya'da 6 büyüklüğünde deprem

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 02:15:00 +0200turkiyegazetesi (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı. "Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan....

Scorching summer of 2016 a "told-you-so" climate moment?

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 00:54:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

WASHINGTON This was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in losses around the....

Japonya'da 6 şiddetinde deprem

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 00:32:00 +0200gunes (tr)

Japonya'nın doğu sahilinde 6 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı.

2016 on pace to shatter last year’s record heat as summer weather turned weird, violent

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 00:09:00 +0200japantimes (en)

WASHINGTON – Another month, another global heat record smashed. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday said August’s temperature of 61.74 degrees (16.52 Celsius) was .09 degrees (.05 Celsius) warmer than the old August record set last year, and was the 16th consecutive month of record-breaking heat.

M6.0 temblor hits near Izu island chain but spurs no tsunami alert

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 00:09:00 +0200japantimes (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 km) south-southeast of Tokyo. Its depth was measured at 6.


Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:45:00 +0200news4jax (en)

Our forecast for Tuesday afternoon and evening is warm, and humid, with scattered inland storms pushing South and West. Northeastern Florida and Southeastern Georgia can expect more quiet weather after sunset, the inland showers will fade and temperatures will drop into the low 70s overnight.

National › M 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:45:00 +0200japantoday (en)

TOKYO. The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 617 kilometers south-southeast of Tokyo.

Japonya'da 6 büyüklüğünde deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:25:00 +0200ulusalkanalcom (tr)

Japonya'nın doğu sahilinde 6 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı.

Japonya'da deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:09:00 +0200ensonhaber (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı. "Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan....

2016's hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 23:08:00 +0200omaha (en)

Here's when summer's weather turned weird and violent. The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China's Yangtze....

Sismo de 6.1 grados sacude costa sureste de Japón

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:38:00 +0200hsbnoticias (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés ) reporto que este martes a las 16:21 (hora local) un sismo de magnitud 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió la isla de Honshu, ubicada en la costa sureste de Japón. El epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ha ubicado a una....

Japonya'da şiddetli deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:31:00 +0200habervaktim (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı. "Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan....

Japonya'da şiddetli deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:06:00 +0200sabah (tr)

'nın doğu sahilinde 6 büyüklüğünde meydana geldi. deprem ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen deprem in merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı.

Japonya'da 6 büyüklüğünde deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:06:00 +0200yenisafak (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı. "Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan....

زلزال بقوة 6.1 درجة يضرب جنوب شرقي جزيرة هونشو اليابانية

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 22:03:00 +0200dostor (ar)

ضرب زلزالا بقوة 6.1 درجة وقع في الساعات الأولى من صباح الأربعاء (بالتوقيت المحلي الياباني) إلى الجنوب الشرقي من جزيرة هونشو اليابانية. وقالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن الزلزال وقع على عمق 33 كيلومترا وعلى بعد نحو 400 كيلومتر من جزر إيزو إلى الجنوب الشرقي مباشرة من هونشو. ولم ترد تقارير فورية عن أمواج مد عاتية تسونامي أو أضرار مادية.

Here's when summer's weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:56:00 +0200newsok (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China's Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

Here's when summer's weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:47:00 +0200mcclatchydc (en)

The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China's Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

2016's hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:46:00 +0200phys (en)

In this July 8, 2016, file photo, a Filipino girl is carried along a flooded road in suburban Mandaluyong, east of Manila, Philippines, as monsoon downpours intensify while Typhoon Nepartak exits the country. This past summer's weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of....

Here’s when summer’s weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:45:00 +0200therepublic (en)

WASHINGTON The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China’s Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

Japonya da 6 Büyüklüğünde Deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:40:00 +0200haberler (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi.

Here's when summer's weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:39:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China's Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 strikes southeast of Japan's main island - USGS

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:37:00 +0200dnaindia (en)

The quake struck southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 struck in the early hours of Wednesday to the southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake had a depth of 33 km and occurred nearly 400 km (250 miles) from the Izu islands just southeast of Honshu.

Japonya'da 6 büyüklüğünde deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:33:00 +0200aa (tr)

TOKYO. Japonya 'nın doğu sahilinde 6 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı.

Here's when summer's weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:31:00 +0200nzherald (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) " The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: "Flooding in China's Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

Here’s when summer’s weather turned weird and violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:30:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

WASHINGTON The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists: —Flooding in China’s Yangtze Basin from May through August killed at least 475 people and caused $28 billion in losses.

Here's When Summer's Weather Turned Weird and Violent

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:16:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. The summer of 2016 has lurched from one extreme weather disaster to another at great cost in lives and damages. Here are just some of the worst and weirdest, according to insurance statistics and meteorologists:....

عام / زلزال بقوة 6.1 درجات يضرب جنوب شرقي جزيرة هونشو اليابانية

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 21:14:00 +0200spa (ar)

طوكيو 18 ذو الحجة 1437 هـ الموافق 20 سبتمبر 2016 م واس قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالًا بقوة 6.1 درجات وقع اليوم جنوب شرقي جزيرة هونشو اليابانية. ووقع الزلزال على عمق 33 كيلومترًا وعلى بعد نحو 400 كيلومترًا من جزر إيزو إلى الجنوب الشرقي مباشرة من هونشو. ولم ترد تقارير فورية عن أمواج مد عاتية (تسونامي) أو أضرار مادية.

Japonya'da şiddetli deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:57:00 +0200haber7 (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen deprem in merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı. "Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve kuşağında yer alan Japonya....

<![CDATA[Japonya'da 6 büyüklüğünde deprem>

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:56:00 +0200vatanim (tr)

"Pasifik Ateş Çemberi" deprem ve volkan kuşağında yer alan Japonya , 11 Mart 2011'de tarihinin en büyük deprem felaketlerinden birini yaşamıştı. 9 büyüklüğündeki deprem ve sonrasındaki tsunami, 19 bin kişinin yaşamını yitirmesine, binlercesinin yaralanmasına ve ülkenin kuzeydoğu kıyılarında büyük hasara yol açmıştı.

Japonya'da 6 Büyüklüğünde Deprem

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:50:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

Japonya'nın doğu sahilinde 6 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. ABD Jeolojik Araştırmalar Merkezi, yerin 10 kilometre derinliğinde kaydedilen depremin merkez üssünün, Tateyama şehrinin 540 kilometre güneydoğusu olduğunu bildirdi. Ölü ya da yaralının olmadığı deprem sonrasında tsunami uyarısı yapılmadı.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:43:00 +0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 88F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. A few clouds. Low near 70F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Updated: September 20, 2016 @ 12:52 pm; TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 strikes southeast of Japan's main island - USGS

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:43:00 +0200trust (en)

Sept 20 (Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 struck in the early hours of Wednesday to the southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake had a depth of 33 km and occurred nearly 400 km (250 miles) from the Izu islands just southeast of Honshu.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:35:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 kilometers) south-southeast of Tokyo.

2016's hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:31:00 +0200daytondailynews (en)

This summer's weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in losses around....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:30:00 +0200wivb (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 kilometers) south-southeast of Tokyo.

2016's hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:27:00 +0200nzherald (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) " This summer's weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:27:00 +0200nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 kilometers) south-southeast of Tokyo.

زلزال بقوة 6.1 درجة جنوب شرقي جزيرة هونشو اليابانية 20-09-2016 | 20:32 قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.1 درجة وقع في الساعات الأولى من صباح الأربعاء (بالتوقيت المحلي) إلى الجنوب الشرقي من جزيرة هونشو اليابانية.

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:21:00 +0200aljarida (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.1 درجة وقع في الساعات الأولى من صباح الأربعاء (بالتوقيت المحلي) إلى الجنوب الشرقي من جزيرة هونشو اليابانية. وقع الزلزال على عمق 33 كيلومترا وعلى بعد نحو 400 كيلومتر من جزر إيزو إلى الجنوب الشرقي مباشرة من هونشو. ولم ترد تقارير فورية عن أمواج مد عاتية (تسونامي) أو أضرار مادية.

2016's hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:20:00 +0200news-herald (en)

WASHINGTON >> This summer’s weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:18:00 +0200wwlp (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 kilometers) south-southeast of Tokyo.

Sismo de 6.0 grados sacude Japón

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:16:00 +0200debate (es)

Tokio, Japón.- El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos informó que en punto de las 16:21 horas se suscitó un sismo de 6.0 grados en Japón; el epicentro se ubicó a 10 kilómetros de profundidad en la isla japonesa de Honshu. De momento se desconoce si hay víctimas o daños materiales. Tampoco se informa de la posibilidad de que se produzca un tsunami.

Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake Hits Near Japanese Island Chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:13:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. The says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m.

W pobliżu Japonii odnotowano trzęsienie ziemi

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:11:00 +0200tvn24 (pl)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - amerykańska agencja naukowo-badawcza, zajmująca się między innymi trzęsieniami ziemi poinformowała, że na Oceanie Spokojnym w pobliżu Japonii wystąpiły wstrząsy o magnitudzie 6. Zagubiony, przemoknięty koala ratuje się przed powodzią - 18-09-2016.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:07:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m. local time Wednesday with its epicenter located about 382 miles (617 kilometers) south-southeast of Tokyo.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits near Japanese island chain

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 20:02:00 +0200startribune (en)

Purchase: Order Reprint TOKYO — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.0 earthquake has struck in the sparsely populated Izu Islands region south-southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu. USGS reported that the earthquake hit around 1:21 a.m.

Terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atinge sudeste de principal ilha do Japão

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:48:00 +0200noticias-r7 (pt)

(Reuters) - Um terremoto de magnitude 6,1 atingiu nesta terça-feira o sudeste da principal ilha japonesa, Honshu, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. O tremor, de profundidade de 33 quilômetros, ocorreu a quase 400 quilômetros das ilhas Izu, sudeste de Honshu. Não houve relatos imediatos de uma tsunami ou quaisquer danos.

6.1 quake hits near Japan

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:46:00 +0200newshub (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 has struck to the southeast of Japan's main island of Honshu, the US Geological Survey says. The quake had a depth of 33 km and occurred nearly 400 km from the Izu islands just southeast of Honshu in the early hours of Wednesday (local time). There were no immediate reports of a tsunami or of any damage.

2016's Hellish Summer Weather: A Told-You-So Climate Moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:43:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

Yahoo!-ABC News Network © 2016 ABC News Internet Ventures. All rights reserved. This summer's weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon.

2016’s hellish summer weather: A told-you-so climate moment?

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:40:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — This summer’s weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about. The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon. Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion....

Cutremur puternic, de 6,1 grade, &icirc;n Japonia

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:38:00 +0200ziarelive (ro)

Liceul Tehnologic de Electrotehnica si Telecomunicatii, cu sediul in Constanta, pe bulevardul Alexandru Lapusneanu, organizeaza concurs pentru ocuparea unui post contractual in cadrul institutiei. Este vorba despre un post de ingrijitoare.Candidatii trebuie… Cei de la CNN au făcut calculul.

Trzęsienie ziemi na południowy wschód od Honsiu

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:34:00 +0200naszdziennik (pl)

Trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 6,1 nawiedziło w środę rano lokalnego czasu (we wtorek wieczorem czasu polskiego) obszary na południowy wschód od największej wyspy Japonii, Honsiu. Wstrząsy wystąpiły na głębokości 33 km, a epicentrum znajdowało się prawie 400 km od wysp Izu, na południowy wschód od Honsiu.

زلزال بقوة 6.1 درجة جنوب شرقي جزيرة هونشو اليابانية

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:28:00 +0200ara-reuters (ar)

(رويترز) - قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا بقوة 6.1 درجة وقع في الساعات الأولى من صباح الأربعاء (بالتوقيت المحلي) إلى الجنوب الشرقي من جزيرة هونشو اليابانية. وقع الزلزال على عمق 33 كيلومترا وعلى بعد نحو 400 كيلومتر من جزر إيزو إلى الجنوب الشرقي مباشرة من هونشو. ولم ترد تقارير فورية عن أمواج مد عاتية (تسونامي) أو أضرار مادية.

Séisme de magnitude 6,1 au Japon

Tue, 20 Sep 2016 19:27:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 sur l'échelle de Richter a été enregistré au sud-est de Honshu, l'île principale de l'archipel japonais, a rapporté l'institut géologique américain (USGS). Le séisme s'est produit à une profondeur de 33 km, à près de 400 km des îles d'Izu. On ne signalait pas pour l'heure de dégâts ou de tsunami.

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