M 5 in Indonesia on 23 Jan 2017 20:48 UTC

Media coverage of this event

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All headlines on this Alert

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Asteroide diretto verso la Terra: ecco come stanno davvero le cose

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 19:29:00 +0100cinquequotidiano (it)

Il mondo sta per finire. Di nuovo. Almeno così sostiene il sedicente astronomo Dyomin Damir Zakharovich , secondo il quale un asteroide è in rotta di collisione con la Terra e accusa la NASA di nascondere la verità. Tuttavia, da nascondere non c’è proprio niente.

Un asteroide colpirà la Terra? La previsione della Nasa Quotidiano di Puglia

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 19:20:00 +0100msn-it (it)

Tra un mese la Terra sarà colpita da un asteroide che innescherà dei distruttivi tsunami. Si tratta di un asteroide che la Nasa ha identificato nella traiettoria del nostro pianeta e che tiene sotto controllo, anche se passerà a 51 milioni di chilometri dalla Terra intorno al prossimo 25 febbraio. © Google.

Desarrollan una ley matemática que mejora la predicción de grandes terremotos

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 18:57:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Investigadores del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) y de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) han desarrollado una ley matemática que mejora la predicción de la probabilidad de los terremotos de grandes magnitudes. Se trata de una modificación de la ley de Gutenberg-Richter -que ayuda a los....

Preocupación por expectativas y revisión antidrogas: la bitacóra del SuperTanker

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:48:00 +0100t13 (es)

En los tripulantes del Supertanker había preocupación . Apenas llegaron a Santiago vieron el enorme revuelo que generaba la presencia del avión que arribó para combatir los incendios forestales que afectan a varias regiones del país. Previo al arribo de la aeronave, las autoridades debatían sobre la....

Matemático descubre mecanismo para disolver tsunamis con ondas de sonido

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:45:00 +0100adnradio (es)

Los cálculos son completamente teóricos hasta el momento y aún no han sido puestos a prueba en la realidad. Efectos de tsunami, Puerto Viejo. Foto: Agencia Uno. Un matemático de la Universidad de Cardiff publicó una investigación que revelan las bases para disolver tsunamis antes que lleguen a la costa.

В феврале на Землю упадет огромный астероид

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:37:00 +010033live (ru)

19:20 27.01.2017 (обновлено: 19:37:12 27.01.2017 Источник: www.dni.ru Сотрудники американского космического агентства NASA заявили об угрозе для Земли. В феврале этого года нашей планете угрожает гигантский метеорит, который может вызвать масштабное стихийное бедствие в виде цунами.

ناسا تحذر من اصطدام كويكب ضخم بالأرض في فبراير

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:16:00 +0100albaghdadia (ar)

حذر موظفو وكالة “ناسا” من اصطدام كويكب ضخم بالأرض، وذلك في شهر شباط/ فبراير، حيث يمكن أن يسبب حدوث تسونامي ضخم “ميغا تسونامي”. وإلى الآن لم يتم تحديد مكان وقوعه، ولكن يمكن لسكان المملكة المتحدة أن يشاهدوه. وهذه أول مرة يمكن لكويكب ضخم أن يهدد سكان الكرة الأرضية، وقد أطلقوا عليه إسم ” WF9″.

"ناسا": اصطدام كويكب ضخم بالأرض في فبراير

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:07:00 +0100charlesayoub (ar)

حذر موظفو وكالة "ناسا" من اصطدام كويكب ضخم بالأرض، وذلك في شهر شباط/ فبراير، حيث يمكن أن يسبب حدوث تسونامي ضخم "ميغا تسونامي". وإلى الآن لم يتم تحديد مكان وقوعه، ولكن يمكن لسكان المملكة المتحدة أن يشاهدوه. وهذه أول مرة يمكن لكويكب ضخم أن يهدد سكان الكرة الأرضية، وقد أطلقوا عليه إسم " WF9".

NASA: В феврале астероид может вызвать катастрофу на Земле

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 17:00:00 +0100point-md (ru)

Некоторые астрономы говорят, что астероид просто сгорит в атмосфере нашей планеты и никому не навредит. Сотрудники американского космического агентства NASA неожиданно заявили об угрозе в виде огромного астероида, который может упасть на Землю в феврале 2017 года и вызвать масштабное бедствие в виде цунами.

Anwohner viel weniger verstrahlt als gedacht

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:35:00 +0100Welt (de)

D er Tsunami und der anschließende Atomunfall im japanischen Fukushima im März 2011 hat die Welt erschüttert. In Deutschland führte das Unglück zum Wiedereinstieg in den Atomausstieg . Doch von den etwa 10.000 Todesopfern ist kein einziges an den Folgen von Radioaktivität gestorben, jedenfalls gibt....

Apocalisse? Prossimo appuntamento 25 febbraio: un asteroide ovviamente

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:26:00 +0100247libero (it)

MIAMI – Per la decimillesima volta è’ scoccata l’ora dell ‘Apocalisse. Addirrittura il prossimo mese. Stavolta sarebbe niente meno che un’asteroide proveniente da Nibiru a schiantarsi sul nostro pianeta provocando uno tsunami. A diffondere la “notizia” che il mondo sta per finire, questione di meno....

Incendios forestales: Las penas que arriesgan quienes originan información falsa

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 15:31:00 +0100t13 (es)

. Las penas se amparan en el artículo 268 bis del Código Penal y se iguala con los delitos sobre dar avisos que no sean veraces "de incendio, emergencia o calamidad pública a los Cuerpos de Bomberos u otros servicios de utilidad pública". Sanciones apuntan a quienes levantan datos, no a quienes los comparten.

7 najsmrtonosnijih prirodnih katastrofa u povijesti

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 15:22:00 +0100metro-portal (hr)

Prirodne katastrofe uvijek iznenade ljudski rod, skinu nas s naeg trona svemoćne rase koja vlada planetom i pokažu nam koliko smo mali i nebitni prema snazi Prirode - a u zadnje vrijeme zapravo se nije niti dogodila neka stvarno ozbiljna katastrofa... Ipak, neke od njih dale su nam do znanja koliko....

El duro anochecer de Santa Olga, el pueblo devastado por los incendios

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 14:49:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Están ahí. Escapando o cuidando lo que hasta apenas unas horas atrás eran sus casas, o a medio camino, buscando una salida hacia un lugar que no llegó. En Santa Olga, el pueblo de cuatro mil habitantes que esta madrugada fue prácticamente consumido por las llamas, las víctimas se cuentan por decenas....

“Si no hubiese sido por la ayuda (de un camión aljibe) hubiésemos muerto calcinados”

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 13:55:00 +0100elmostrado (es)

Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada de este miércoles, una humilde localidad de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas. Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempo, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

"Asteroide colpirà la Terra il 16 febbraio". Per la Nasa è una bufala

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 13:44:00 +0100agi (it)

Una è una notizia, e arriva dalla Nasa, l'altra è quasi certamente una bufala e viene dall'astronomo russo Dyomin Damir Zakharovichun, un noto catastrofista. Zakharovichun parla di un'apocalisse imminente: "Un asteroide di proporzioni devastanti colpirà la Terra il prossimo mese portandosi dietro....

Metamorfosis Taman Sari Banda Aceh, Dulu Taman Raja Kini Milik Warga

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 13:13:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Banda Aceh - Objek wisata Taman Sari di depan Balai Kota Banda Aceh mulai 'bersolek'. Dulu ini tempat bersantai keluarga Sultan Aceh, kini jadi lokasi piknik favorit warga. Satu unit gedung baru bernama 'Bustanussalatin" tengah dibangun di Taman Sari. Kehadiran bangunan ini menarik perhatian masyarakat.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة يضرب شمال شرقي اليابان

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 12:57:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

أعلنت السلطات المحلية اليابانية اليوم الخميس وقوع زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة على مقياس ريختر شمال شرقي البلاد دون أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار مادية. جاء مركز الهزة الأرضية في البحر على عمق نحو 30 كلم ومسافة نحو 60 كلم قبالة سواحل بلدة كوخي بمحافظة إيواته، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية.

Британский ученый предложил останавливать цунами звуковыми колебаниями

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 11:52:00 +0100ukranews2-ru (ru)

27 января 2017, пятница, 11:27 421 Когда Украина получит безвизовый режим? Британский ученый предложил останавливать цунами звуковыми колебаниями Однако пока предложение Кадри остается лишь теоретической.Скриншот Youtube Физик из Кардиффского университета Усама Кадри предложил необычный способ....

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1-M for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 11:21:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

TOKYO - The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labor-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday.

L’Astrofisico Ronald Shimschuck durante una intervista dichiara: “Nibiru si avvicinerà a 0,3 UA dalla Terra causando disastri globali”

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 11:06:00 +0100segnidalcielo (it)

La settimana scorsa, il dottor Ronald Shimschuck, ha fornito informazioni esclusive sulla crisi imminente Nibiru, in tutto il mondo i governi sono disperati nascondono mentre screditano, in alcuni casi spariscono-tutti gli informatori credibili. Naturalmente, quelli con vera conoscenza scientifica....

Santa Olga, el pueblo que han devorado las llamas en la ola de incendios que asola Chile

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:58:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

Santa Olga era una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución, en la región del Maule, que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas . Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempoen la víspera tuvieron que ser evacuados, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

Santa Olga, el pueblo que han devorado las llamas en la ola de incendios que asola Chile

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:17:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

Santa Olga era una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución, en la región del Maule, que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas . Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempoen la víspera tuvieron que ser evacuados, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1 million for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 10:15:00 +0100in-cyprus (en)

The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday.

Santa Olga, el pueblo que devoraron las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 09:47:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada del miércoles, una humilde localidad del municipio de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempo, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

Japan’s Foreign Workforce Tops 1 Million for First Time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 09:26:00 +0100voanews (en)

TOKYO — The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labor-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly more than a million foreigners, from countries such as China and Vietnam, were working in Japan as of last October, labor ministry data showed Friday.

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1 million for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:52:00 +0100business-times (en)

[TOKYO] The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed one million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday.

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1 million for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:49:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

TOKYO: The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday.

Rapid increase in foreign workers in Japan

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:40:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Business Rapid increase in foreign workers in Japan. Japan's Labor Ministry has reported a record number of foreign workers for 2016 despite the Asian nation's general reluctance to accept migrants. But the labor-strapped country has no other choice. The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed....

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1m for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:34:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday (Jan 27.

Foreign workers in Japan hit the 1 million mark for the first time last autumn: ministry

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:33:00 +0100japantimes (en)

The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labor-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working here as of October, labor ministry data showed Friday.

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1 million for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 08:20:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

JTOKYO - The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday.

Apocalisse vicina? Il 25 febbraio un asteroide potrebbe colpirci e

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 07:56:00 +0100247libero (it)

Apocalisse vicina? Asteroide verso la Terra, ci colpirà o passerà vicino. MIAMI – E’ scoccata l’ora dell ‘Apocalisse? Il prossimo mese, un’asteroide proveniente da Nibiru potrebbe schiantarsi sul nostro pianeta provocando uno tsunami. A diffondere la notizia è il Daily Star che scrive che la NASA....

Foreign workers in Japan hit 1 million for the first time

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 07:26:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO (REUTERS) - The number of foreign workers in Japan surpassed 1 million for the first time last year, as the labour-strapped country struggles to find enough Japanese workers. Slightly over a million foreigners from countries such as China and Vietnam were working in Japan as of last October, labour ministry data showed on Friday (Jan 27).

Apocalisse vicina? Il 25 febbraio un asteroide potrebbe colpirci e…

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 07:20:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 27 gennaio 2017) Apocalisse vicina asteroide verso la Terra, ci colpirà o passerà vicino MIAMI – E’ scoccata l’ora dell‘ Apocalisse ? Il prossimo mese, un’ asteroide proveniente da Nibiru potrebbe schiantarsi sul nostro pianeta provocando uno tsunami.

Scienza e Tecnologia Apocalisse vicina? Il 25 febbraio un asteroide potrebbe colpirci e…

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 07:08:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

Apocalisse vicina? Asteroide verso la Terra, ci colpirà o passerà vicino. MIAMI – E’ scoccata l’ora dell ‘Apocalisse? Il prossimo mese, un’asteroide proveniente da Nibiru potrebbe schiantarsi sul nostro pianeta provocando uno tsunami. A diffondere la notizia è il Daily Star che scrive che la NASA....

Mild Quake Strikes Northeastern Japan; No Tsunami Warning

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 05:38:00 +0100laht (en)

TOKYO – A magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Thursday without a tsunami alert being issued or any reports of damages. The quake occurred at 5:06 pm at a depth of 30 kilometers (19 miles) with its epicenter in the sea, around 60 km off the coast of Kuji in Iwate prefecture, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

"Cuando vamos a combatir incendios nos despedimos de nuestras familias": la lucha de los bomberos voluntarios ante los feroces incendios en Chile

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 05:35:00 +0100bbc-es (es)

Derechos de autor de la imagen Getty Images Image caption Hay cerca de 35.000 bombreos voluntarios en Chile. "Cuando vamos a combatir estos incendios nos despedimos de nuestras familias". Las autoridades chilenas confirmaron que cuatro bomberos y dos policías murieron combatiendo los feroces....

Centenares de casas destruidas dejan incendios forestales en Chile

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:54:00 +0100eluniversal (es)

Una de las situaciones más graves las vivió la pequeña localidad de Santa Olga, donde en la madrugada de este jueves se quemaron alrededor de un millar de viviendas, según informó Carlos Valenzuela, el alcalde de Constitución, comuna ubicada a unos 340 kilómetros al sur de la capital, Santiago de Chile.

A mathematician says he's found a system that could stop tsunamis in their tracks

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:14:00 +0100sciencealert (en)

The pressure of deep-ocean sound waves could be used to stop tsunamis in their tracks, researchers have found, by dissipating their energy across wider areas and reducing the height and speed of these monster waves before they reach land. - which can be caused by earthquakes, landslides, or any....

Santa Olga, el pueblo chileno que devoraron las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:25:00 +0100elpais-cr (es)

Santa Olga (Chile), 26 ene (EFE).- Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada de este miércoles, una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas.

جعجع وجنبلاط غاضبان من عدم دعوتهما لـ«الحلف...

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:12:00 +0100charlesayoub (ar)

دخلت البلاد عمليا في بازار قانون الانتخابات النيابية ، وكل المزايدات التي تتقولب في سياق تصريحات وتغريدات سياسية لا تعدو كونها إثبات وجود في المزاد المطروح علانية أمام الرأي العام العام اللبناني والدولي، من أجل التمهيد للدخول في المفاوضات الجانبية الحامية والجارية على قدم وساق في كل الاروقة السياسية....

Santa Olga, el pueblo chileno que devoraron las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:07:00 +0100noticias-terra-ar (es)

Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada de este miércoles, una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas. Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempo, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

Santa Olga, el pueblo chileno que devoraron las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:03:00 +0100caracol (es)

Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada de este miércoles, una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas. Santa Olga (Chile), 26 ene (EFE).

Santa Olga, el pueblo chileno que devoraron las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 02:59:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

Santa Olga era, hasta la madrugada de este miércoles, una humilde localidad chilena del municipio de Constitución que vivía de la explotación forestal, pero bastaron unas pocas horas para que las llamas redujeran a cenizas sus 1.200 viviendas. Los vecinos lograron escapar a tiempo, pero perdieron casas, muebles y enseres.

[FOTOS] Santa Olga: el pueblo destruido por las llamas

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 01:52:00 +0100elmostrado (es)

"Nos paramos del terremoto, nos paramos del tsunami y nos vamos a parar de esta nuevamente", aseguró el alcalde de Constitución, Carlos Valenzuela.

"Cuando vamos a combatir incendios nos despedimos de nuestras familias": la lucha de los bomberos voluntarios en Chile

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 01:43:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Las autoridades chilenas confirmaron que cuatro bomberos y dos policías murieron combatiendo los feroces incendios en el centro y sur del país, que ya han consumido cerca de 290.000 hectáreas. Uno de los bomberos fallecidos es Hernán Avilés , de 36 años, quien era padre de dos niños pequeño y fue....

Gempa 3,9 SR Guncang Sorong, Tidak Berpotensi Tsunami

Fri, 27 Jan 2017 01:15:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Jakarta - Gempa bumi berkekuatan 3,9 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang Sorong, Papua. Gempa tersebut tidak berpotensi tsunami. Berdasarkan informasi dari situs resmi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), gempa terjadi pada Jumat (27/1/2017) pukul 05.07 WIB. Pusat gempa berada di laut, 341 kilometer sebelah tenggara Sorong.

Puerto de Coquimbo recupera pleno funcionamiento para embarques de carga y pasajeros

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 21:34:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

El terremoto y posterior tsunami del pasado 16 de septiembre de 2015 provocó importantes daños estructurales en el Puerto de Coquimbo, dejando inhabilitado el sitio 2. Esto repercutió duramente sobre las exportaciones frutícolas regionales, por lo que los productores locales optaron mayoritariamente por salir desde los puertos de Caldera y Huasco.

Presentazione a Macomer del saggio: Il mare addosso

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:51:00 +0100247libero (it)

Presentazione del saggio di Nicola Betti, Luciano Melis e Alessandra Murgia: Il mare addosso – L’isola che fu Atlantide e poi divenne Sardegna, Sabato 28 Gennaio alla Libreria Emmepi di Macomer. Sabato 28 gennaio alle 18.00, appuntamento a Macomer con il saggio Il mare Addosso.

"L'impatto ci sarà fra un mese" Leggo

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:35:00 +0100msn-it (it)

Tra un mese la Terra sarà colpita da un asteroide che innescherà dei distruttivi tsunami. Si tratta di un asteroide che la Nasa ha identificato nella traiettoria del nostro pianeta e che tiene sotto controllo, anche se passerà a 51 milioni di chilometri dalla Terra intorno al prossimo 25 febbraio. © Google.

"Un asteroide colpirà la Terra il mese prossimo", la previsione choc: "Tsunami distruttivi" -Guarda

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 19:56:00 +0100leggo (it)

Tra un mese la Terra sarà colpita da un asteroide che innescherà dei distruttivi tsunami. Si tratta di un asteroide che la Nasa ha identificato nella traiettoria del nostro pianeta e che tiene sotto controllo, anche se passerà a 51 milioni di chilometri dalla Terra intorno al prossimo 25 febbraio.

Last ‘Big One’ happened 317 years ago today in the Pacific Northwest — and we’re still woefully unprepared

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 19:11:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

The 2001 Nisqually earthquake destroyed the outside wall of many buildings such as this one in Pioneer Square. State residents are unprepared for a megaquake, with FEMA estimating 9,400 Washingtonians would die. (Tom Reese / The Seattle Times, file) The "Big One" shook the Pacific Northwest 317 years ago.

Sismo de magnitud 5.1 sacudió el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:56:00 +0100radiomundial (es)

Este jueves un terremoto de magnitud 5.1 en la escala de Richter sacudió el noreste de Japón , sin dejar víctimas ni daños materiales. Así lo informaron las autoridades locales, quienes detallaron que el hecho no produjo una alerta de tsunami en la nación, a pesar de que tuvo una profundidad de 30 kilómetros con epicentro al mar.

Sismo de magnitud 5.1 sacude el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:55:00 +0100vtv (es)

Publicado el 26/Ene 2017 a las: 1:21 pm Por: Luis Primera Foto: Archivo. Caracas, 26 de enero de 2017.- Este jueves un terremoto de magnitud 5.1 en la escala de Richter sacudió el noreste de Japón, sin dejar víctimas ni daños materiales. Así lo informaron las autoridades locales, quienes detallaron....

Konec se blíží, už máme jen měsíc. Připravte se na tsunami a zničení měst, varuje vědec

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:59:00 +0100eurozpravy (cs)

WF9 je objekt o velikosti 0,5 až 1 kilometr. Podle NASA proletí dostatečně daleko od planety Země dne 25. února. Ruský astronom jménem Dyomin Damir Zacharovič však tvrdí, že NASA neříká pravdu a že tento objekt už 16. února zasáhne naši planetu. „Objekt zvaný WF9 opustil systém Nibiru v říjnu, když....

بعد تكرارها 3 مرات فى يناير.. خبراء: مصر لم تدخل حزام الزلازل

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:56:00 +0100dostor (ar)

بعد تعرض مصر لهزة أرضية مساء أمس الأول، للمرة الثالثة خلال شهر يناير، ثارت مخاوف لدى المواطنين من دخول البلد ضمن دول «حزام الزلازل». ورغم أن بعض الجيولوجيين رصدوا مركز تلك الهزات، ومصدرها، وأكدوا أنها جاءت عبر الضغوط فى القشرة الأرضية من خلال بؤر زلزالية معروفة فى البحر الأحمر «خليج العقبة» وفى....

Ertingen 26.01.2017 Startkapital für den Asyl-Helferkreis Für die Flutopfer des Tsunami vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra im Jahre 2004 war auch in der Gemeinde Ertingen ein Spendenkonto eingerichtet worden.

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:47:00 +0100szon-de (de)

Startkapital für den Asyl-Helferkreis Ertingen wl Für die Flutopfer des Tsunami vor der indonesischen Insel Sumatra im Jahre 2004 war auch in der Gemeinde Ertingen ein Spendenkonto eingerichtet worden. Die darauf eingezahlten Beträge wurden im Jahr 2005 an die GFT Indi Charities überwiesen und ihrem Bestimmungszweck zugeführt.

Emergenza maltempo e ruolo fondamentale delle province, Bruno: non più ritardi per interventi normativi a sostegno

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:39:00 +0100247libero (it)

“Il maltempo e le alluvioni che hanno segnato gli ultimi giorni, colpendo in modo particolare il Mezzogiorno del Paese, seguendo l’anomala ondata di gelo e le nevicate copiose che avevano già messo in ginocchio il territorio con ingenti danni, hanno determinato situazioni di emergenza in settori....

10:38 Afecta noreste de Japón terremoto de 5,1 grados

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:53:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

26 de enero de 2017, 10:38 Tokio, 26 ene (PL) Un terremoto de 5,1 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter afectó hoy el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami ni dejar pérdidas humanas y materiales, hasta el momento. Según la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón, el sismo ocurrió a....

"Cuando vamos a combatir incendios nos despedimos de nuestras familias": la lucha de los bomberos voluntarios ante los feroces incendios en Chile

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:05:00 +0100bbc-spanish (es)

Derechos de autor de la imagen Getty Images Image caption Hay cerca de 35.000 bombreos voluntarios en Chile. "Cuando vamos a combatir estos incendios nos despedimos de nuestras familias". Las autoridades chilenas confirmaron que cuatro bomberos y dos policías murieron combatiendo los feroces....

Firing a barrage of deep-ocean sound waves at an oncoming tsunami could stop it in its tracks

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:01:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

Destroyed buildings were just some of the devastation caused by the tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004. A mathematician has said that firing sound waves at an approaching tsunami could reduce its impact US Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Philip A. McDaniel / Flickr.

Terremoto de 5,1 azotó Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 15:35:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

El noroeste de Japón fue golpeado este jueves por un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter, sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El sismo alcanzó el nivel 3 en la escala japonesa , que se centra más en las....

Kota Terapung Menjawab Perubahan Iklim Kota di permukaan samudera bisa menyelamatkan jutaan penduduk di negara kepulauan yang terancam perubahan iklim. Tapi berbeda dengan yang lain, konsep milik Institut Seasteading ini bisa direalisasikan dalam waktu dekat. Buka Gallery

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 15:32:00 +0100deutschewelle-id (id)

Bertaruh Nasib. Maladewa, Kepulauan Marshall atau bahkan Indonesia pun ikut terancam oleh kenaikan permukaan air laut sebagai dampak perubahan iklim. Selama ini pemerintah di negara kepualauan terkecil cuma memiliki satu solusi, yakni menyewa atau membeli tanah di negeri orang untuk mengungsi.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,1 golpea noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 15:14:00 +0100elespectador (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,1 en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a las 05:06 de la tarde (hora local) a unos 30 kilómetros de....

5 Hal yang Tidak Anda Ketahui Soal Australia

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 14:40:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Hobart. Setiap siswa sekolahan di Australia tahu jika lokasi benua Australia secara bertahap terus menuju ke sebelah utara. Tapi juga sebenarnya Australia bergerak ke samping, naik, turun, dan seluruh kota-kota bergerak menjauh. Bagaimana kita tahu soal ini? Karena adanya black hole, fenomena langit Lubang Hitam yang besar.

Darf ich die AfD noch wählen?

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 14:13:00 +0100news-yahoo-de (de)

„Ich wähle die AfD trotzdem“, sagt mein Bekannter und zieht damit die ganze Party in seinen Bann. Es ist ein Samstagabend, wir trinken Wein, haben Spaß, tanzen – und irgendwann reden wir über Politik. Natürlich über Bundespolitik, natürlich über die Flüchtlingsfrage. Mein Bekannter ist Mitte 20, hat in Weltmetropolen studiert.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 ريختر يضرب شمال شرق اليابان

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 14:09:00 +0100albawabhnews (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة على مقياس ريختر، اليوم الخميس، شمال شرق اليابان دون أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار مادية أو صدور تحذيرات بشأن احتمالية حدوث موجات مد "تسونامى". وجاء مركز الهزة الأرضية فى البحر على عمق نحو 30 كلم ومسافة نحو 60 كلم قبالة سواحل بلدة كوخى بمحافظة إيواته، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية.

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpeó el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 14:02:00 +0100elpopular-AR (es)

. El sismo ocurrió a las 17:06 (hora local) a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad con epicentro en el mar. Las autoridades no informaron de víctimas o heridos, de daños en infraestructuras o centrales nucleares. Un terremoto de 5,1 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves....

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpea Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:37:00 +0100acn (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autor... Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las....

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة يضرب شمال شرقي اليابان

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:32:00 +0100alarab-qa (ar)

أعلنت السلطات المحية اليابانية اليوم الخميس عن وقوع زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة على مقياس ريختر شمال شرقي البلاد دون أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار مادية. وجاء مركز الهزة الأرضية في البحر على عمق نحو 30 كلم ومسافة نحو 60 كلم قبالة سواحل بلدة كوخي بمحافظة إيواته، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية.

Incendio arrasó con el pueblo de Santa Olga

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:29:00 +0100lacuarta (es)

La localidad de Santa Olga, en la Séptima Región, fue totalmente consumida por las llamas. Alrededor de mil casas resultaron destruídas por el fuego, y cerca de 7 mil personas debieron ser trasladadas a otras ubicaciones. Santa Olga no logró resistir el avance del siniestro, que esta madrugada terminó de consumir lo poco que quedaba en pie.

Un terremoto de 5.1 grados golpea el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:24:00 +0100tvn-2 (es)

Un terremoto de 5.1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó hoy el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad con epicentro en el mar, a unos 60....

زلزال بقوة 5.1 ريختر يضرب شمال شرق اليابان

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:09:00 +0100youm7 (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجة على مقياس ريختر، اليوم الخميس، شمال شرق اليابان دون أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار مادية أو صدور تحذيرات بشأن احتمالية حدوث موجات مد "تسونامى" وجاء مركز الهزة الأرضية فى البحر على عمق نحو 30 كلم ومسافة نحو 60 كلم قبالة سواحل بلدة كوخى بمحافظة إيواته، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية....

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpeó el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:32:00 +0100telam (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades reporten daños personales o materiales. El sismo ocurrió a las 17:06 (05:06, hora en Argentina) a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad....

Un sismo de 5,1 grados sacudió el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:28:00 +0100rpp (es)

Japón se asienta sobre el llamado anillo de fuego, una de las zonas sísmicas más activas del mundo, y sufre terremotos con relativa frecuencia, por lo que las infraestructuras están diseñadas para aguantar los temblores. | Fuente: USGS. Un sismo de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó....

Cutremur puternic în Japonia Un cutremur de 5,1 grade pe Richter s-a produs în nord-estul Japoniei fără să fie activată alerta de tsunami şi fără ca autorităţile să fi informat despre pagube materiale sau ... Joi, 26 Ianuarie 2017, 13:00

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:04:00 +0100telegrafonline (ro)

Un cutremur de 5,1 grade pe Richter s-a produs în nord-estul Japoniei fără să fie activată alerta de tsunami şi fără ca autorităţile să fi informat despre pagube materiale sau victime, relatează EFE. Cutremurul s-a produs la 17:06 ora locală (08.06 GMT) la circa 30 de kilometri adâncime cu epicentru....

Terremoto de 5,1 grados golpea noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:01:00 +0100elespectador (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a las 05:06 de la tarde (hora local) a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad....

Pueblo de Santa Olga se redujo a cenizas debido a incendios

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:56:00 +0100chilevision (es)

26/01/2017 | 07:23 Pueblo de Santa Olga se redujo a cenizas debido a incendios El paso del fuego redujo el poblado de Santa Olga a cenizas, quemando prácticamente todo lo existente. El alcalde de Constitución, Carlos Valenzuela, habló esta mañana con CHV Noticias sobre el voraz incendio que azotó....

Cutremur puternic în Japonia

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:50:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur de 5,1 grade pe Richter s-a produs în nord-estul Japoniei fără să fie activată alerta de tsunami şi fără ca autorităţile să fi informat despre pagube materiale sau , relatează EFE. victime Cutremurul s-a produs la 17:06 ora locală (08:06 GMT) la circa 30 de kilometri adâncime cu....

Malaysia-Indonesia ties at best ever level, says DPM

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:42:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi greets Herman Prayitno receiving a farewell visit by Indonesia n Ambassador to Malaysia Herman Prayitno, in the former’s office at Putrajaya, January 26, 2017. — Bernama pic PUTRAJAYA, Jan 26 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid....

Feliz ano 29!

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:39:00 +0100visao (pt)

"É inverno. Já gela no bidé. Quero lavar os pés e não posso. É lixado não é?" Continuamos em Nagoya, os termómetros baixam aos -2°C e a máxima bate nos 4°C. Está um calor esquisito e, pelas fotografias dos tabliers que me aparecem no Facebook, consta que em Portugal também.

Fuego arrasó localidad de Santa Olga: alcalde de Constitución asegura que se perdieron cerca de 1.000 casas

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:21:00 +0100elmostrado (es)

"Hemos perdido una cifra entre 800 y 1.000 casas (...) las imágenes que manejamos dan cuenta que Santa Olga se quemó", sostuvo el alcalde de Constitución, Carlos Valenzuela, dando cuenta la magnitud de destrucción que hay en esta localidad ubicada al interior de la región del Maule.

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpea el noreste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:20:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 26 ene (EFE).- Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó hoy el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a las 17.06 hora local (8.

زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجات يضرب شمال شرقي اليابان

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:16:00 +0100elfagr (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.1 درجات على مقياس ريختر اليوم الخميس، شمال شرقي اليابان دون أنباء عن سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار مادية أو صدور تحذيرات بشأن احتمالية حدوث موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي". وجاء مركز الهزة الأرضية في البحر على عمق نحو 30 كلم ومسافة نحو 60 كلم قبالة سواحل بلدة كوخي بمحافظة إيواته، حسبما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للأرصاد الجوية.

5.1-magnitude quake strikes northeastern Japan

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:08:00 +0100sinacom (en)

TOKYO, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 struck off the coast off Iwate Prefecture in northeastern Japan, the weather agency said on Thursday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the quake, which struck at 5:06 p.m. local time (0806 GMT), poses no tsunami risk.

Indonesia: Indonesia Country Profile (12-01-17)

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:56:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Key Figures. 258.7 million population (2016 projection) 49.8% Female 50.2% Male. 148 million Number of people living in areas prone to a natural disaster. US$3,346 Lower middle income GDP per capita (2015) Overview. Indonesia , an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, is situated in the ‘ring of fire’.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,1 golpea el noreste de Japón

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:50:00 +0100eleconomista-es (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó hoy el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a las 17:06 hora local (8:06 GMT) a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad con....

CUTREMUR puternic în Japonia

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:49:00 +0100stiripesurse (ro)

Un cutremur de 5,1 grade pe Richter s-a produs în nord-estul Japoniei fără să fie activată alerta de tsunami şi fără ca autorităţile să fi informat despre pagube materiale sau victime, relatează EFE, conform agerpres. Cutremurul s-a produs la 17:06 ora locală (08:06 GMT) la circa 30 de kilometri....

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpea Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:39:00 +0100globovision (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó este jueves el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad con epicentro en el mar, a unos 60 kilómetros....

5.1-magnitude quake strikes northeastern Japan

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:08:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 struck off the coast off Iwate Prefecture in northeastern Japan, the weather agency said on Thursday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the quake, which struck at 5:06 p.m. local time (0806 GMT), poses no tsunami risk.

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados golpea el noreste de Japón sin alerta de tsunami

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:00:00 +0100caracol (es)

Un terremoto de 5,1 grados en la escala abierta de Richter golpeó hoy el noreste de Japón sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que las autoridades hayan informado de daños materiales o personales. El seísmo se produjo a las 17.06 hora local (8.06 GMT) a unos 30 kilómetros de profundidad con....

Japan witnesses trade surplus with falling energy prices

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:24:00 +0100irishsun (en)

. Irish Sun Thursday 26th January, 2017 • Energy constituted major import in Japan after Fukushima tragedy. • With high energy prices, trade surplus had weakened. • December saw exports rise, while imports fell due to drop in energy prices. TOKYO, Japan - Since 2011, when energy imports raised....

ثورة عربية برافعة مصرية

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:13:00 +0100al-ayyam (ar)

إذا كانت الأجندة العربية عموماً، منذ مطلع القرن الماضي حتى الآن، حافلة بالأحداث المأساوية والكثير من النكبات، فإن بعض المحطات المضيئة في هذا التاريخ تستحق التوقف عندها. في الواقع "اختلط الحابل بالنابل"، حتى طغى خطاب الشكوى والإحباط واليأس، إلى الدرجة التي لم تعد معها المحطات الإيجابية محل الاهتمام اللازم الذي تستحق، وكأن الأمة اتشحت بالسواد.

Alcalde de Constitución dice que "todo se quemó" en Santa Olga

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 08:11:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Carlos Valenzuela sentenció que "es un horror lo que estamos viviendo" pero también tuvo palabras de aliento expresando que "Nos paramos del terremoto, nos paramos del tsunami y nos vamos a parar de esta nuevamente". Si bien Valenzuela sentenció que "es un horror lo que estamos viviendo" también....

Bilanz der Schwetzinger "Aktion Fluthilfe": Alle Kinder haben einen Schulabschluss

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 07:24:00 +0100rnz (de)

Der Weg zum "Haus Schwetzingen" Nach dem Tsunami am 26. Dezember 2004 zeigte auch die Schwetzinger Bevölkerung ihr Mitgefühl und ihre Solidarität mit den Opfern der Flutkatastrophe. So ermöglichte die "Aktion Fluthilfe" schließlich den Bau eines Waisenhauses - das "Haus Schwetzingen" - in Sri Lanka.

سورية وقطار المراجعات الاستراتيجية

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 06:37:00 +0100alwakeelnews (ar)

تتوج مباحثات الأستانة بين الحكومة السورية والمعارضة المسلحة، وما تمخض عنها من نتائج "مبشّرة"، محطة جديدة من مرحلة التغيرات الاستراتيجية في مواقف ومقاربات القوى الدولية وبعض القوى الاقليمية الفاعلة في الأزمة السورية، وهي تغيرات وتحولات بدأت وتعززت بالتقارب الروسي التركي، ولاحقا بانضمام إيران بدرجة ما....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.7 strikes off Solomon Islands in South Pacific - USGS

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 05:23:00 +0100trust (en)

(Adds Australia comment, Solomons comment, location) SYDNEY, Jan 20 (Reuters) - A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the South Pacific nation of the Solomon Islands at a depth of 33 kms (20 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said on Friday. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Columnists Republican changes mean a world of pain for blue states Republican changes mean a world of pain for blue states If blue states think they're going to be shielded from the coming Trump tsunami, they're sorely mistaken. Columnists 1 day, 3 hours ago Columnists We can't 'protect' U.S. jobs from American ingenuity We can't 'protect' U.S. jobs from American ingenuity When the president speaks of closed factories scattered across America, has he noticed the shuttered stores? Columnists 1 day, 3 hours ago Editorials Watchdog needed to protect Memphis water Watchdog needed to protect Memphis water Awareness of the importance of the Memphis Sand is growing, but this awareness needs to be converted into action. Editorials 1 day, 16 hours ago Letters Letters to the editor for Jan. 24 Letters to the editor for Jan. 24 "Republicans who fault Democrat lawmakers for skipping Trump's inauguration and challenging Trump's suitability forget history." 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Contributors 3 days, 15 hours ago Editorials How a home-loan program enhances stability of Memphis How a home-loan program enhances stability of Memphis A new home-loan program for low-income people could provide a blueprint for reviving struggling neighborhoods. Editorials 3 days, 15 hours ago Jerome Wright This is the year to judge Mayor Jim Strickland This is the year to judge Mayor Jim Strickland The mayor has laid a good foundation. The question now is how is he going to build it up over the next three years. Jerome Wright 3 days, 15 hours ago Otis Sanford Trump era demands vigilance, not blind reverence Trump era demands vigilance, not blind reverence POTUS 45 is kicking off his administration the same way he kicked off his campaign – with petulance and arrogance. Otis Sanford 3 days, 15 hours ago Contributors Medications that help mentally ill Tennesseans enjoy productive lives are at risk Medications that help mentally ill Tennesseans enjoy productive lives are at risk Treatment advances allow Tennesseans with mental illness an opportunity to beat old stigmas and to live happy, productive lives. Contributors 3 days, 15 hours ago Contributors Don't kill ACA until a new health care plan is in place Don't kill ACA until a new health care plan is in place Shore up and repair the Affordable Care Act. Don't knock it completely down. Contributors 3 days, 15 hours ago Contributors How you can help end cycle of domestic abuse, homicide How you can help end cycle of domestic abuse, homicide We have to change the culture that gives abusive men the space to be abusive without other men saying anything about it. Contributors 3 days, 16 hours ago Opinion 1,000 Words: Change comes from below 1,000 Words: Change comes from below 1,000 Words: Change comes from below Opinion 3 days, 18 hours ago Columnists Why Cooperstown is either a baseball museum or shrine Why Cooperstown is either a baseball museum or shrine Baseball writers who decide who's "enshrined" in Cooperstown's Hall of Fame face an ethical problem. Columnists 3 days, 22 hours ago Letters Letters to the editor for Jan. 22 Letters to the editor for Jan. 22 "My thoughts about the Mayor first year in office. Crime. Crime has been on the risen. The crime rate is getting too far out of hand." Letters 3 days, 22 hours ago Editorials Kids Count report grim for Shelby County children Kids Count report grim for Shelby County children "Kids Count" report paints dismal picture for Memphis/Shelby children. Editorials 4 days, 12 hours ago COLUMNIST Obamacare: A Republican idea Obamacare: A Republican idea Column by James E. Cherry COLUMNIST 4 days, 15 hours ago

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 05:05:00 +0100commercialappeal (en)

If blue states think they're going to be shielded from the coming Trump tsunami, they're sorely mistaken. Much has been written about how the unified Republican front in Washington is going to betray the working-class whites of deep-red Trump country. The coming Obamacare repeal, fewer worker....

Vecina de Santa Olga: "Es lo mismo que un tsunami, pero con bolas de fuego"

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 03:14:00 +0100cooperativa (es)

20170125 22:25 AQUÍ Vecina de Santa Olga: "Es lo mismo que un tsunami, pero con bolas de fuego" La presidenta de la Junta de Vecinos de Santa Olga, Mónica Sepúlveda, relató en Cooperativa la "desesperante" situación que viven en la localidad ubicada entre Nirivilo y Constitución.

Plans to remove nuclear fuel at Fukushima delayed again

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 03:03:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

A plan to remove spent nuclear fuel from Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant hit by the March 2011 tsunami has been postponed again due to delays in preparation, the Nikkei business daily reported on Thursday. Photo: AFP.

Anche le Hawaii tra le locations della serie tv Marvel’s Inhumans

Thu, 26 Jan 2017 01:46:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 26 gennaio 2017) Le riprese della serie tv Marvel’s Inhumans dovrebbero partire nel mese di marzo tra Los Angeles e Chicago, ma a quanto pare le… La notizia completa su universalmovies. Terremoto di magnitudo 7.8 alle Isole Salomone : allerta tsunami alle Hawaii : Un Terremoto di magnitudo 7.

سورية وقطار المراجعات الاستراتيجية

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 23:19:00 +0100alghad (ar)

تتوج مباحثات الأستانة بين الحكومة السورية والمعارضة المسلحة، وما تمخض عنها من نتائج "مبشّرة"، محطة جديدة من مرحلة التغيرات الاستراتيجية في مواقف ومقاربات القوى الدولية وبعض القوى الاقليمية الفاعلة في الأزمة السورية، وهي تغيرات وتحولات بدأت وتعززت بالتقارب الروسي التركي، ولاحقا بانضمام إيران بدرجة ما....

Mori eyes 2020 Games opening gala panel, torch relay through all prefectures

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 22:49:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Yoshiro Mori, head of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic organizing committee, said Wednesday a panel to compile the concept of the games’ opening ceremony will be set up shortly. In an interview in Tokyo with Kyodo News, Mori also said the route for the torch relay preceding the multisport event....

Maltempo, Buno (Upi): 'Ruolo centrale province. Basta ritardi normativi a sostegno'

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 21:19:00 +0100247libero (it)

“Il maltempo e le alluvioni che hanno segnato gli ultimi giorni, colpendo in modo particolare il Mezzogiorno del Paese, seguendo l’anomala ondata di gelo e le nevicate copiose che avevano già messo in ginocchio il territorio con ingenti danni, hanno determinato situazioni di emergenza in settori....

Violenta scossa di terremoto nel Mediterraneo, avvertita nel Sudest

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 21:05:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Isole Salomone - in mare : 6.12 Una scossa Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 è stata registrata alle 10:04 ora locale (00:04 in Italia) davanti alla costa nordovest dell'isola di Makira (o San Cristobal) nell'arcipelago delle Salomone , nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale.

У берегов Крита произошло землетрясение

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 20:35:00 +0100utro-RU (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 5,6 балла произошло 25 января у берегов греческого острова Крит. По данным источника, эпицентр подземных толчков находился на расстоянии около 22 км к востоку от города Палаикастрон. Очаг стихии залегал на глубине 80 км. Информации о пострадавших и разрушениях, а также угрозе цунами нет.

Japan sees trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 20:15:00 +0100arabnews (en)

TOKYO: Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over US policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Vai a Maltempo, Buno (Upi): “Ruolo centrale province. Basta ritardi normativi a sostegno”

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 19:34:00 +0100strill (it)

“Il maltempo e le alluvioni che hanno segnato gli ultimi giorni, colpendo in modo particolare il Mezzogiorno del Paese, seguendo l’anomala ondata di gelo e le nevicate copiose che avevano già messo in ginocchio il territorio con ingenti danni, hanno determinato situazioni di emergenza in settori....

Emergenza maltempo, il presidente Upi: “Non più sopportabili ulteriori ritardi”

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 18:41:00 +0100cn24tv (it)

“Il Maltempo: è allerta a Crotone, sindaco ordina chiusura scuole maltempo e le alluvioni che hanno segnato gli ultimi giorni, colpendo in modo particolare il Mezzogiorno del Paese , seguendo l’anomala ondata di gelo e le nevicate copiose che avevano già messo in ginocchio il territorio con ingenti....

Il team Usar dei vigili pisani dal Prefetto

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 18:05:00 +0100247libero (it)

Il team Usar ricevuto in Prefettura. Il Prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto i Vigili del Fuoco dell'Unità Urban Search And Rescue che hanno soccorso le persone all'Hotel Rigopiano. PISA Oggi il Prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto i Vigili del Fuoco che dal 19 gennaio sono intervenuti in soccorso....

Terremoto, gli ultras d'Italia raccolgono 161mila euro: costruiranno campi sportivi e tribuna coperta ad Amatrice

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:59:00 +0100zazoom (it)

-Rigopiano : orgoglio - vergogna e vaniloquio Terremoto-Rigopiano orgoglio vergogna e vaniloquio (foto Ansa) ROMA – Terremoto in Centro Italia, anzi tre, quattro terremoti in fila in pochi mesi sull’osso dell’Appennino. E Rigopiano, l’albergo dei sepolti vivi dalla valanga indotta dalle scosse, per....


Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:58:00 +0100controradio (it)

Fiorino d’oro ai vigili del fuoco del Comando di Firenze in forza al team Usar (Urban search and rescue) Toscana, composto anche dal personale del Comando di Pisa, addestrato alla ricerca e al soccorso sotto le macerie, che sono intervenuti all’hotel Rigopiano in Abruzzo dopo la valanga che ha....

"Non chiamateci eroi, siamo professionisti"

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:33:00 +0100247libero (it)

Oggi il Prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto i Vigili del Fuoco che dal 19 gennaio 2017 sono intervenuti in soccorso delle popolazioni abruzzesi così duramente colpite dalle avversità meteo. Si tratta dei 16 pompieri che fanno parte dell’Unità Usar (Urban Search And Rescue), uomini che hanno....

Rigopiano, Alessandro Riccetti trovato privo di vita | Lutto cittadino a Terni per il funerale

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:33:00 +0100247libero (it)

Aggiornamento alle 15 – Il sindaco di Terni, Leopoldo Di Girolamo, nella tarda mattinata di oggi si è recato a portare il suo cordoglio e quello dell’intera città ai familiari di Alessandro Riccetti, il giovane di 33 anni morto all’hotel Rigopiano di Farindola.

Hotel Rigopiano: celebrati i Vigili del Fuoco di Pisa in Prefettura

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 14:09:00 +0100pisatoday (it)

Il prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto oggi, 25 gennaio, i Vigili del Fuoco che dal 19 gennaio 2017 sono intervenuti in soccorso delle popolazioni abruzzesi così duramente colpite dalle avversità meteo. Si tratta dei 16 vigili che fanno parte dell'Unità Usar (Urban Search And Rescue), uomini che....

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 13:47:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Video e foto di Giulia Giardino

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 13:42:00 +0100pisainformaflash (it)

Oggi il Prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto i Vigili del Fuoco che dal 19 gennaio 2017 sono intervenuti in soccorso delle popolazioni abruzzesi così duramente colpite dalle avversità meteo. Si tratta dei 16 vigili che fanno parte dell’Unità Usar (Urban Search And Rescue), uomini che hanno soccorso....

Hotel Rigopiano, il prefetto Visconti ringrazia i vigili del fuoco del team Usar

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 13:35:00 +0100gonews (it)

Oggi il Prefetto Attilio Visconti ha ricevuto i Vigili del Fuoco che dal 19 gennaio 2017 sono intervenuti in soccorso delle popolazioni abruzzesi così duramente colpite dalle avversità meteo. Si tratta dei 16 vigili che fanno parte dell’Unità Usar (Urban Search And Rescue), uomini che hanno soccorso....

Rigopiano, Alessandro Riccetti trovato privo di vita - Terni in lutto

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 12:46:00 +0100247libero (it)

Alessandro Riccetti, 33enne di Terni, è stato trovato privo di vita sotto al muro di neve che ha sepolto l’Hotel Rigopiano di Farindola, Pescara, generata dalla valanga, che ha travolto le oltre 30 persone presenti all’interno della struttura. Il ternano, come oramai sappiamo, lavorava come....

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 11:47:00 +0100timescolonist (en)

TOKYO - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

RSE, hacia un enfoque alineado al core business

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 11:24:00 +0100semanariouniversidad (es)

Deben ser pocos los que ignoren que entre Leonard Cohen y Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan, prosperó una amistad prolongada, intensa y profunda. Deben ser pocos los que ignoren que entre Leonard Cohen y Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan, prosperó una amistad prolongada, intensa y profunda. Temporada 2016-2017 en curso se juega con nueve equipos.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 10:55:00 +0100AP (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Geheimnisse der Tiefe: Riesenwellen

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 10:48:00 +0100Welt (de)

Nicht erst seit dem verheerenden Tsunami vor Japans Küste kennt die Menschheit die unberechenbare Gefahr, die von großen Meereswellen ausgeht. Wie erklären das Zustandekommen und das Zerstörungspotenzial der drei gefährlichsten Wellenarten: Riesenwellen, im Deutschen auch als Kaventsmänner bekannt, Monsterwellen und Tsunamis.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:46:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:28:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:25:00 +0100eastoregonian (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:19:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Snow and gusty winds during the morning will be followed by lingering snow showers during the afternoon. High 31F. Winds NW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.. Tonight. Overcast. A few flurries or snow showers possible.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:18:00 +0100nwitimes (en)

But December's data showed a strong rebound in exports to China and some other Asian countries, suggestion a recent uptick in growth in Asia's biggest economy is filtering through supply chains across the region. In the full year, Japan's trade surplus with the U.S. fell nearly 5 percent, to 6.8 trillion yen ($59 billion).

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:14:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:13:00 +0100lacrossetribune (en)

But December's data showed a strong rebound in exports to China and some other Asian countries, suggestion a recent uptick in growth in Asia's biggest economy is filtering through supply chains across the region. In the full year, Japan's trade surplus with the U.S. fell nearly 5 percent, to 6.8 trillion yen ($59 billion).

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:03:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

Muscatine, IA (52761) Today. Mainly cloudy with a mixture of rain and snow showers developing in the afternoon. Temps nearly steady in the mid to upper 30s. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of precip 70%.. Tonight. Mainly cloudy with snow showers around before midnight. Low 29F. Winds NW at 15 to 25 mph.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:52:00 +0100newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:50:00 +0100wbrc (en)

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer. TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:49:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

TOKYO Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:48:00 +0100sunherald (en)

Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:39:00 +0100krmg (en)

Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:39:00 +0100wfsb (en)

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer. TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:35:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:34:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

But December's data showed a strong rebound in exports to China and some other Asian countries, suggestion a recent uptick in growth in Asia's biggest economy is filtering through supply chains across the region. In the full year, Japan's trade surplus with the U.S. fell nearly 5 percent, to 6.8 trillion yen ($59 billion).

Japan Sees 1st Trade Surplus on Cheaper Oil, China Rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:33:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices , though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:31:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:29:00 +0100nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:25:00 +0100news9 (en)

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer. TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:23:00 +0100nbc12 (en)

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer. TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:23:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:21:00 +0100wafb (en)

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer. TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:20:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:19:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan sees 1st trade surplus on cheaper oil, China rebound

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:13:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

Japan posted its first trade surplus in six years in 2016 thanks to a rebound in exports late in the year and persisting low oil prices, though uncertainties over U.S. policy and global growth are overshadowing the recovery. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus in 2016 compared with a 2.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 08:12:00 +0100business-standard (en)

reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower prices pulled lower. imports The 4.1 trillion yen (USD 35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 per cent from a year earlier while dropped 16 per cent. imports Japan's trade surplus with the US fell nearly 5 per cent.

اليابان سجلت في 2016 فائضا تجاريا للمرة الاولى منذ 2010

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 07:41:00 +0100afp-arabic (ar)

اوييم (الغابون) (أ ف ب) - 24/01/2017 - 21:53. امم افريقيا 2017: ساحل العاج تفقد اللقب; استانا (كازاخستان) (أ ف ب) - 24/01/2017 - 17:09. روسيا صاغت مسودة دستور لسوريا سلمتها للمعارضة (موفد بوتين) رام الله (الاراضي الفلسطينية) (أ ف ب) - 24/01/2017 - 16:06.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 07:25:00 +0100theglobeandmail (en)

Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 per cent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:58:00 +0100economictimes (en)

TOKYO: Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 per cent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 per cent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:58:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Mr. Yen Sees Rally Toward 100 in 2017 as ‘Trump Fever’ Ends

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:19:00 +0100bloomberg (en)

The dollar has retreated close to 5 percent against the yen after reaching a 10-month high of 118.66 in December. Trump has yet to reveal details of the “massive” tax cuts and infrastructure spending he’s promised even as he followed through on his protectionist pledges. Just days after his “America First” inauguration speech, the U.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:06:00 +0100krmg (en)

Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 06:01:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Divorcios y comienzos

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:59:00 +0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Lo mejor del divorcio es que las mujeres que me presentan no conocen mis manías, y dada la edad que tengo, para cuando se den cuenta de como soy, ya no habrá remedio, Lo mejor de los comienzos es que ellas piensan que soy terriblemente ingenioso, admiran mis libros, que les parecen dignos del nobel....

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:55:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:54:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

TOKYO Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:52:00 +0100seattletimes (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:52:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Sioux City, IA (51101) Today. Windy with a few snow showers. Tonight. Becoming increasingly windy with intermittent snow showers. Low near 30F. Winds N at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Updated: January 24, 2017 @ 10:07 pm; The 4.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:50:00 +0100newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:44:00 +0100wbrc (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:41:00 +0100brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:40:00 +0100wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:39:00 +0100charlotteobserver (en)

Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:39:00 +0100wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:36:00 +0100wwlp (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:33:00 +0100nwitimes (en)

The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.04 trillion yen ($617 billion) while imports dropped 16 percent to 66 trillion yen ($581 billion), the report showed. The trade surplus with the U.S. fell nearly 5 percent, to 6.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:29:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:25:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:25:00 +0100nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) " Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:23:00 +0100nbc12 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan posted a trade surplus in 2016, its first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower, the government reported Wednesday. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier to 70.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:22:00 +0100news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:19:00 +0100wafb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:17:00 +0100startribune (en)

The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent. Japan's trade surplus with the U.S. fell nearly 5 percent. Japan's trade balance slipped into deficits after the 2011....

Japan reports 1st trade surplus in 6 years on cheaper oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:16:00 +0100actionnewsjax (en)

TOKYO (AP) - Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower oil prices pulled imports lower. The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent.

Japan Reports 1st Trade Surplus in 6 Years on Cheaper Oil

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 05:13:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

Japan reports that it posted a trade surplus in 2016, the first in six years, as lower pulled imports lower. oil prices The 4.1 trillion yen ($35.8 billion) surplus compared with a 2.8 trillion yen deficit in 2015. Exports fell 7.4 percent from a year earlier while imports dropped 16 percent. Japan's trade surplus with the U.

Ciudad Ho Chi Minh y prefectura japonesa estrechan nexos

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 04:53:00 +0100vietnamplus-es (es)

Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, 24 ene (VNA)- Las relaciones entre Ciudad Ho Chi Minh y la prefectura japonesa de Miyagi se han desarrollado formidablemente, con numerosos programas de cooperación en las esferas de economía, cultura, turismo, educación e inversión.

'Hay que estar loco para ser topo, pero un gracias lo paga todo'

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 03:37:00 +0100sipse (es)

Milenio Novedades MÉRIDA, Yucatán.- En guardia permanente, conectado y atento a sus celulares cada minuto para responder de inmediato al llamado de un rescate, terremoto o tsunami, así trascurren los días de Aarón Ricardo Acosta Manzanero, el único yucateco en la Brigada de Rescate Internacional Topos (RIT).

L’économie japonaise sort du rouge pour la première fois depuis Fukushima

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 03:07:00 +0100LeMonde (fr)

. Après avoir atteint un déficit record en 2014, le Japon dégage un excédent commercial pour la première fois depuis l’accident nucléaire de 2011. Le Monde 25.01.2017 à 01h57. Le Japon a dégagé en 2016 un excédent commercial pour la première fois depuis 2010, après cinq années dans le rouge....

Her rosy cheeks give hope to family

Wed, 25 Jan 2017 02:08:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

At 15, Jameen had cancer, then a blood clot in her brain left her immobile, but her family stays strong. It is the third year her youngest daughter is unable to attend school, but Ms Cecilia Ng is still dutifully paying the school fees. Her youngest daughter, Jameen Chong, who turns 18 today, is in a "persistent vegetative state".

Diga Campotosto, i movimenti che allertano gli esperti: 'Il rischio in caso di nuovo terremoto'

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 23:22:00 +0100247libero (it)

ROMA – La zona di Campotosto è quella del secondo bacino artificiale più grande d’Europa nel cuore dell’Abruzzo e di tre dighe, Poggio Cancelli, Sella Pedicate e Rio Fucino, proprio sopra una delle faglie assassine che da agosto a oggi hanno seminato morte e distruzione nell’Italia centrale.

México debe contar con una estrategia integral para defender a migrantes

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 22:56:00 +0100veracruzanos (es)

* De 1965 a la fecha, nuestro país ha enviado 16.2 millones de migrantes a Estados Unidos, subraya el senador Roberto Albores Guillén. * Viene un tsunami para México debido a la ausencia de una estrategia para defender migrantes mexicanos en EU: Álvarez Icaza. México, 24 de enero 2017.

Diga Campotosto, i movimenti che allertano gli esperti: “Il rischio in caso di nuovo terremoto”

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 22:45:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di martedì 24 gennaio 2017) Diga Camposanto, i movimenti che allertano gli esperti : “Il rischio in caso di nuovo terremoto” ROMA – La zona di Campotosto è quella del secondo bacino artificiale più grande d’Europa nel cuore dell’Abruzzo e di tre dighe, Poggio Cancelli, Sella Pedicate e Rio Fucino,....

Cronaca Italia Diga Campotosto, i movimenti che allertano gli esperti: “Il rischio in caso di nuovo terremoto” ROMA – La zona di Campotosto è quella del secondo bacino artificiale più grande...

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 22:30:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – La zona di Campotosto è quella del secondo bacino artificiale più grande d’Europa nel cuore dell’Abruzzo e di tre dighe, Poggio Cancelli, Sella Pedicate e Rio Fucino, proprio sopra una delle faglie assassine che da agosto a oggi hanno seminato morte e distruzione nell’Italia centrale.

Dighe di Camposanto, i movimenti anomali che spaventano gli esperti: "Il rischio in caso di nuovo terremoto"

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 22:28:00 +0100libero-news (it)

Una bomba sotto il lago di Campotosto . La zona è quella del secondo bacino artificiale più grande d'Europa nel cuore dell' Abruzzo e di tre dighe , Poggio Cancelli, Sella Pedicate e Rio Fucino, proprio sopra una delle faglie assassine che da agosto a oggi hanno seminato morte e distruzione nell'Italia centrale.

Terremoto eléctrico

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 20:21:00 +0100CincoDias (es)

Cuando el exsecretario de Estado de Energía, Alberto Nadal, anunció en abril de 2014 un mecanismo para determinar el precio de la luz para los pequeños consumidores (el llamado PVPC), él mismo alertó de que la nueva factura quedaría sometida a la volatilidad del mercado eléctrico (por cierto , el....

في الدفاع عن العولمة بروجيكت سنديكيت 25-01-2017 على الرغم من التحديات العديدة، نجحت العولمة في تحويل العالم إلى مكان أفضل مما كان سيصبح عليه من دونها، ونحن لا نزال في احتياج إلى القضاء على الفقر وتوليد مستويات معيشية أعلى للجميع.

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 20:12:00 +0100aljarida (ar)

على الرغم من التحديات العديدة، نجحت العولمة في تحويل العالم إلى مكان أفضل مما كان سيصبح عليه من دونها، ونحن لا نزال في احتياج إلى القضاء على الفقر وتوليد مستويات معيشية أعلى للجميع. كنت مؤخرا في تشيلي الجميلة لحضور مؤتمر العقود والأسهم الآجلة، وقد أتيحت لي الفرصة للسفر جنوبا إلى طرف أميركا اللاتينية....

Esmeraldas y Manabí se alistan para gran simulacro simultáneo

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:24:00 +0100ecuadorinmediato (es)

Autoridades evaluarán la capacidad de respuesta de las poblaciones y del sistema implementado tras el terremoto del pasado 16 de abril Esmeraldas y Manabí se alistan para realizar un gran simulacro simultáneo. Dos horas y media durará la alerta. Será el tiempo preciso para poder medir la capacidad....

Fukushima radiation levels far lower than previously thought, study finds

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:01:00 +0100cnbc (en)

Radiation levels remaining from the 2011 disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant appear to be a small fraction of what previous measurements suggested, according to a recently published study that followed levels in tens of thousands of people living near the site of the accident.

Caroline Kennedy, uma embaixadora que transcendeu seu papel

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:01:00 +0100zh-clicrbs (pt)

Tóquio A nota escrita à mão era curta; apenas três frases. Porém, teve um efeito profundo em Ayaka Shiomura, legisladora em Tóquio, que havia sido insultada por colegas do sexo masculino por falar abertamente sobre os problemas das mães trabalhadoras no Japão.

12:15 Construyen muro de protección contra tsunamis en localidad japonesa

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 18:32:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Tokio, 24 ene (PL) Las autoridades japonesas finalizaron la construcción de un muro de 12 metros de altura en las costas de Rikuzentakata, en la prefectura de Iwate, para proteger a la localidad de futuros tsunamis, anunció hoy la prensa local. El dique, cuya construcción se inició en 2012, se....

World Nesw Quick Take

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:51:00 +0100taipeitimes (en)

JAPAN. Troops dig cars from snow. The Self-Defense Forces yesterday mobilized to help dig out more than 200 vehicles stuck in heavy snow in the west of the nation, officials said. Tottori Prefecture has seen heavy snowfall since Monday night with a record 1 meter accumulating in one town.

La chilena en EEUU que quiere donar envío de avión para apagar incendios pero gobierno aún no autoriza

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 15:32:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Lucy Ana Avilés ofreció a las autoridades pagar por su cuenta el arriendo, envío y todos los costos del avión Supertanker para combatir la emergencia en la zona central. Se trata de la misma mujer que tras la tragedia del 27F, donó una escuela en Iloca.

Escenas de inundaciones en el Malecón habanero recuerdan las de un tsunami

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 15:21:00 +0100martinoticias (es)

Las escenas de automóviles volcados y arrastrados por el agua se asocian con tsunamis derivados de fuertes movimientos sísmicos como el que arrasó Fukushima, Japón, en 2011. Imágenes semejantes fueron captadas por observadores el lunes en el emblemático Malecón de La Habana, donde los vientos de....

La cattiva informazione sul sisma è uno Tsunami: poche prenotazioni e ci costa 20 miliardi di euro

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 14:32:00 +0100perugiatoday (it)

Il danno indiretto (oltre a quello tangibile su case, monumenti, alberghi, uffici pubblici e privati), causato dalla cattiva informazione e comunicazione a livello nazionale sul terremoto del 24 agosto e del 30 ottobre, non è certamente ipotetico. E soltanto difficili da calcolare perchè continuano....

Italy's civil protection says it's checking reports of a helicopter incident in avalanche area

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 13:21:00 +0100nzherald (en)

. FARINDOLA, Italy (AP) " Italy's civil protection says it's checking reports of a helicopter incident in avalanche area. AP. This story has been automatically published from the Associated Press wire which uses US spellings. Get the news delivered straight to your inbox.

<![CDATA[Tamamlandı! 2 km uzunluğunda!>

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 12:49:00 +0100vatanim (tr)

Japonya'da 6 yıl önce tsunami faciasında enkaza dönen dalgakıranın inşası tamamlandı. Sahilde uzanan dalgakıranın uzunluğı 2 kilometre, yüksekliği ise 12,5 metre... Kyodo ajansının haberine göre, ülkenin kuzeydoğusundaki İwate eyaletinde 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunami felaketinde....

Terremoto, nelle Marche servono 370 stalle, ma ne hanno portate solo due

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 12:38:00 +0100zazoom (it)

- vertice al Mit : “Non sono state evidenziate criticità nelle dighe delle zone sismiche” : “Non sono state evidenziate criticità nelle dighe nelle zone sismiche”: è quanto emerge dall’incontro al Ministero dei Trasporti per fare il punto sulla situazione delle grandi dighe nelle zone sismiche.

Japonya ya Yeni Dalgakıran

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 09:53:00 +0100haberler (tr)

Japonya'da 6 yıl önce tsunami faciasında enkaza dönen dalgakıranın inşası tamamlandı. Kyodo ajansının haberine göre, ülkenin kuzeydoğusundaki İwate eyaletinde 2011 yılında meydana gelen deprem ve tsunami felaketinde yıkılan dalgakıranın yeniden inşası 265 milyon dolara mal oldu.

Campotosto, ansia per la diga Scende il livello dell'acqua

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 08:29:00 +0100ilgiornale (it)

Niente panico, ma neanche indifferenza. Solo così si può pensare di affrontare uno dei luoghi più sensibili al lungo sciame sismico che sta contrassegnando il Centro Italia dal 24 agosto 2016. Il riferimento è alla zona di Campotosto, un piccolo comune di poco più di 500 abitanti, nella provincia dell'Aquila, in Abruzzo, posto a 1.

Se alista un gran simulacro simultáneo

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 06:09:00 +0100diario-expreso (es)

Dos horas y media durará la alerta. Será el tiempo preciso para poder medir la capacidad de respuesta ante eventuales emergencias por un terremoto y posterior tsunami en las poblaciones costeras de Manabí y Esmeraldas, las más afectadas por el sismo del 16 de abril del año pasado.

Último Momento Plus

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:53:00 +0100elpaisonline (es)

El presidente Evo Morales posesionó hoy en la tarde a Pablo Menacho en el cargo de Procurador General del Estado, en reemplazo de Héctor Arce, quien ocupa desde hoy la cartera de Justicia y Transparencia, en la nueva estructura del… "Ya no hay una amenaza por tsunami por este terremoto", indicó el....

ترامب.. الرئيس الخامس والأربعون لأمريكا

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:27:00 +0100ech-chorouk-ar (fr)

Si le président Donald Trump ne met pas fin a israél aujourd'hui 23.1.2017 ALLAH extermine Donald Trump satan les américains et les peuples des pays qui ont des relations avec israél par des tempêtes de neige historique ouragan glacial les séismes plus 7 tsunami volcan les inondations séisme en....

Ho Chi Minh-Ville et Miyagi (Japon) renforcent les liens commerciaux

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:12:00 +0100vietnamplus-fr (fr)

Ho Chi Minh-Ville (VNA) – La mégapole du Sud applique toujours des politiques préférentielles pour les investisseurs étrangers, dont les entreprises japonaises, venant investir dans les secteurs prioritaires de la ville. C’est ce qu’a déclaré le vice-président permanent du Comité populaire de Ho Chi....

Rosario en Multinoticias (23 de enero 2017)

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:06:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Declaraciones de Compañera Rosario Vicepresidenta de la República en Edición del Mediodía de Multinoticias Canal 4. 23 de Enero del 2017: Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes, queridas Familias; buenas tardes de hoy lunes 23 de Enero, en nuestra Nicaragua, Bendita, Linda, Siempre Libre ! Aquí....

Gobiernos locales programan mil 600 millones en proyectos turísticos

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:06:00 +0100el19digital (es)

La Vicepresidenta de la República Compañera Rosario Murillo , informó que los gobiernos locales tienen programado un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas de inversión en proyectos turísticos que generarán miles de empleos durante el año 2017. Tenemos " 63 proyectos de desarrollo turístico con un....

Gran inversión en 63 proyectos turísticos a nivel nacional

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:03:00 +0100radiolaprimerisima (es)

Las distintas alcaldías del país programaron un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas de inversión en proyectos turísticos que generarán miles de empleos durante el año 2017. Tenemos "63 proyectos de desarrollo turístico con un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas que generarán 6 mil 700 empleos.

Erdbeben der Stärke 8.0 vor Papua-Neuguinea: Tsunami-Warnung

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 04:10:00 +0100TT (de)

Port Moresby — Ein schweres Erdbeben der Stärke 7,9 hat die Region um die Inselgruppe der Salomonen und Papua-Neuguinea im Südpazifik erschüttert. Das Pazifische Tsunami-Warnzentrum in Hawaii warnte am Sonntag zunächst vor gefährlichen Wellen bis ein Meter über dem Wasserstand vor den Küsten der....

Strong Earthquake In Bougainville Triggers Several Landslides

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:53:00 +0100pidp (en)

Despite warnings, tsunami never materialized. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Radio New Zealand International, Jan. 23, 2017) – Reports emerging from Bougainville indicate a number of landslides after yesterday's magnitude 7.9 earthquake. The quake in the autonomous Papua New Guinea region struck about 40....

Santi Millán: «Me seducen los que llamo talentos singulares, los frikis»

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:09:00 +0100lavozdigital (es)

Santi Millán reconoce que adolece de falta de talento. Por eso admira el espectáculo de Got Talent España , y de un casting único al que además de magia, se le exige que trasmitan sentimientos. -Cómo afronta esta segunda entrega? -Con muchísima ilusión.

Santi Millán: «Me seducen los que llamo talentos singulares, los frikis»

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:05:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

A pesar de sus dotes como presentador, actor y mono0loguista, Santi Millán reconoce que adolece de falta de talento. Por eso admira el espectáculo de Got Talent España , y de un casting único al que además de magia, se le exige que trasmitan sentimientos. -Cómo afronta esta segunda entrega? -Con muchísima ilusión.

لنعلمهم: {فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ}

Tue, 24 Jan 2017 02:36:00 +0100al-jazirah (ar)

كل يوم نقرأ ونسمع في وسائل الإعلام المتعددة خبراً ما عن كارثة طبيعية في بلد ما قريب أو بعيد، كزلازل اليابان، وإيران، والجزائر، وإيطاليا، وفيضانات الفليبين، والهند، وأوروبا، وتسونامي سواحل المحيط الهادي والأطلسي. والكتب والروايات والأفلام سجلت الأحداث التي مرت بها البشرية في شتى أصقاع الأرض من معاناة....

Declaraciones de Rosario Murillo (23/01/2017) (Texto íntegro)

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 23:44:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Redacción Central | 23/01/2017. Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes, queridas Familias; buenas tardes de hoy lunes 23 de Enero, en nuestra Nicaragua, Bendita, Linda, Siempre Libre ! Aquí estamos, como siempre, trabajando con la Alegría de servirles, dándole gracias a Dios por la Salud, y por la....

Indonesia prepares early to fight haze

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 22:43:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

It is months before the dry season, but Indonesia n President Joko Widodo said now is the time to take action to prevent a repeat of the 2015 haze crisis, given that drier weather is expected this year. "Dryness has begun to show," he told ministers, governors and senior officials yesterday at the....

Gran inversión en 63 proyectos turísticos a nivel nacional

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 22:24:00 +0100rlp (es)

Las distintas alcaldías del país programaron un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas de inversión en proyectos turísticos que generarán miles de empleos durante el año 2017. Tenemos "63 proyectos de desarrollo turístico con un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas que generarán 6 mil 700 empleos.

Gobiernos locales programan mil 600 millones en proyectos turísticos

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 21:39:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

La Vicepresidenta de la República Compañera Rosario Murillo , informó que los gobiernos locales tienen programado un estimado de mil 600 millones de córdobas de inversión en proyectos turísticos que generarán miles de empleos durante el año 2017. Tenemos " 63 proyectos de desarrollo turístico con un....

صحف بريطانية عن ترامب: "تسونامي" يدمر حقوق الإنسان

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 17:27:00 +0100alwafd (ar)

اهتمت الصحف البريطانية، الصادرة اليوم، بالرئيس الأمريكي الجديد دونالد ترامب، وتباينت آراؤها ما بين الناقد له والمدافع عنه والمبرر لما قد يشهده العالم من مآسي ناجمة عن رئاسته دولة عظمى كأمريكا. والبادية مع صحيفة (جارديان) البريطانية، التي توقعت أن يكون تأثير تولي ترامب رئاسة أمريكا على حقوق الإنسان....

Indonesia to apply strict measures against forest fire-related firms

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:17:00 +0100vietnamplus-en (en)

Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia n President Joko Widodo has asked for the application of more drastic measures on companies involving in forest fires in the country, including the withdrawal of their permits, from 2017. Speaking at a national meeting on solutions to forest fire risk in 2017, President....

Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture keen on beefing up ties with HCM City

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:17:00 +0100vietnamplus-en (en)

HCM City (VNA) – Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture hopes to foster connectivity and partnership with Ho Chi Minh City in areas of the prefecture’s strength, including agriculture, aquaculture and education, said a representative of the locality. Kazuyoshi Hatakeyama, Chairman of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship....

"Enfrenté un tsunami que me pasó por arriba, pero no me mató"

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 16:00:00 +0100diariouno (es)

-Creo que esto le va a dar un corte a la impunidad. Porque hay gente en televisión que ha hecho mucho daño. Y hay que tener valor para enfrentarlos porque son una potencia. Para mí, el hecho de haberles iniciado juicio fue terrible. Me censuraron, me discriminaron.

Terremoto, una diga sotto osservazione e scuole chiuse: la paura che ferma l'Italia

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 15:50:00 +0100zazoom (it)

: sismologi in allerta - potrebbe arrivare una scossa fortissima! Ecco dove : I sismologi italiani sono in allerta . Niente allarmismi, ma c'è la paura che possa verificarsi un Terremoto anche di magnitudo 7 nel Centro Italia. Si tratterebbe di una forza distruttiva decisamente più forte rispetto a....

Jokowi Warns Against Recurrence Of 2015 Forest Fires

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 15:34:00 +0100bernama (en)

By Azeman Ariffin JAKARTA, Jan 23 (Bernama) -- President Joko Widodo has warned the country's special team to tackle and prevent forest fires to ensure there is no recurrence of the blaze which occurred in 2015. Describing last year's fire as the severest which the country had ever faced, he said....

Indonesian President instructs authorities to prepare early for forest fires this year

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 14:27:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia n President Joko Widodo has urged all relevant authorities to be ready to fight any forest fires this year. Speaking at a coordination meeting on the issue on Monday (Jan 23), Mr Widodo reminded those present about the devastation in 2015.

"تسونامي ترامب" يهدد العالم -

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:43:00 +0100elaph (ar)

تناولت ثلاث صحف بريطانية كبيرة ثلاثة موضوعات مهمة متعلقة بترامب ومواقفه وما يحمله المستقبل من مخاطر في ولايته، وبينما وجّهت إليه انتقادات في مجالات حقوق الإنسان وعنصريته ومواقفه من النساء، دافع عنه في المقابل دبلوماسي أميركي سابق معروف بالقول إنه "ليس انعزاليًا".

En defensa de la globalización

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:11:00 +0100elobservador (es)

Por Jum O'Neill Recientemente estuve en el hermoso país de Chile para un Congreso del Futuro y tuve la ocasión de viajar al sur, al extremo mismo de América Latina. También recientemente hice un documental para la radio BBC llamado “Reparando la globalización”, para el cual atravesé el Reino Unido....

Sri Lanka: Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (17 - 23 January 2017)

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:40:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

SRI LANKA. As of 17 January, an estimated 644,000 people across eight provinces have been affected by drought and salt water intrusion over the past four months. Batticaloa District in Eastern province is the worst affected with 302,000 people experiencing the effects of drought.

Art. “Rebirth”, un projet dessiné impressionnant sur le tsunami

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:35:00 +0100courrierinternational (fr)

Trois ans, trois mois et douze jours, c’est le temps qu’il a fallu au Japonais Manabu Ikeda pour dessiner son projet Rebirth . Incroyablement détaillée et minutieuse, l’œuvre fait écho au tsunami de 2011 et à la crise nucléaire qui a suivi. Pour le site , “Rebirth The Creators Project représente trois ans à réfléchir au désastre.

Indonesian president demands sterner measures against firms committed in forest fires

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:01:00 +0100sinacom (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia n President Joko Widodo demanded on Monday sterner measures against errant firms committed in forest fire in the country, including by the revocation of their operation licenses starting from this year. "I expect there would be no more warnings in 2017. If you want to freeze them, then freeze them.

Diga di Campotosto, nuovi dubbi sulla tenuta ma l’Enel rassicura

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:34:00 +0100ilcentro (it)

CAMPOTOSTO. Trecento milioni di metri cubi di acqua, uno “tsunami” che investirebbe la vallata circostante, spazzando via tutto quello che incontra sul suo cammino. Uno scenario apocalittico, quello del crollo della diga di Campotosto, evocato e subito dopo ridimensionato dalla Commissione grandi....

Powerful Quake Triggers Tsunami Alert in Eastern Papua New Guinea

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:10:00 +0100laht (en)

SYDNEY – A magnitude-8.0 earthquake shook the island of Bouganville in eastern Papua New Guinea on Sunday, leading authorities to issue a tsunami alert in several countries in this region of the Pacific. The United States Geological Survey, which keeps track of seismic activity worldwide, located....

Indonesian president demands sterner measures against firms committed in forest fires

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:03:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia n President Joko Widodo demanded on Monday sterner measures against errant firms committed in forest fire in the country, including by the revocation of their operation licenses starting from this year. "I expect there would be no more warnings in 2017. If you want to freeze them, then freeze them.

Terremoti, valanghe e frane. Cos’è l’effetto domino nei disastri naturali

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:55:00 +0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Il nostro gruppo di ricerca lavora da tempo in questo Paese, giacché studiamo il comportamento delle calotte glaciali, dall’Himalaya al Karakorum : sono le torri d’acqua dell’Asia, dove abbiamo fatto varie spedizioni scientifiche. Fu perciò enorme l’emozione per il disastro delle valanghe....

Top Asian News 8:37 a.m. GMT

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:49:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

NEW DELHI (AP) — The end is coming, though admittedly it may not look that way at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, when dozens of young Indians have arrived for morning classes at Anand Type, Shorthand and Keypunch College, and every battered Remington is clattering away.

Top Asian News 8:16 a.m. GMT

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:44:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

NEW DELHI (AP) — The end is coming, though admittedly it may not look that way at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, when dozens of young Indians have arrived for morning classes at Anand Type, Shorthand and Keypunch College, and every battered Remington is clattering away.

Top Asian News 8:02 a.m. GMT

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:17:00 +0100news-yahoo-in (en)

NEW DELHI (AP) — The end is coming, though admittedly it may not look that way at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, when dozens of young Indians have arrived for morning classes at Anand Type, Shorthand and Keypunch College, and every battered Remington is clattering away.

Top Asian News 8:01 a.m. GMT

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:14:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

NEW DELHI (AP) — The end is coming, though admittedly it may not look that way at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, when dozens of young Indians have arrived for morning classes at Anand Type, Shorthand and Keypunch College, and every battered Remington is clattering away.

Terremoto, in Abruzzo diga a rischio Vajont? (Forse, ma niente panico)

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 08:41:00 +0100247libero (it)

La diga di Campotosto, in Abruzzo, costruita su una faglia sismica La commissione Grandi Rischi ha fatto un gran pasticcio. Prima ha spiegato che la diga di Campotosto (L’Aquila) sulla quale si trova il secondo bacino più grande d’Europa è stata costruita su una faglia sismica, i cui movimenti....

Terremoto oggi Abruzzo e Lazio, 22 gennaio 2017: scossa M 3.4 in provincia di L'Aquila, M 3.0 Amatrice Dati Ingv ora

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 08:09:00 +0100247libero (it)

Terremoto oggi Abruzzo e Lazio, 22 gennaio 2017: scossa M 3.4 in provincia di L’Aquila, M 3.0 Amatrice – Dati Ingv ora. 23:29 Lieve scossa di terremoto registrata dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia nella serata di oggi , domenica 22 gennaio 2017: alle ore 22:56 sisma di magnitudo 2.

Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea - Earthquake (GDACS, USGS, PTWC) (ECHO Daily Flash of 22 January 2017)

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 07:21:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

A strong 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea on 22 January, triggering a tsunami alert for several Pacific islands, which was later lifted. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) the earthquake occurred beneath the island of Bougainville at the depth of 136 km.

News 1 HRS AGO AP Top Science News at 12:31 a.m. EST

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 07:19:00 +0100wsoctv (en)

Strong quake hits Solomons; some damage but no tsunami. Many farmers still need training after Lake Erie algae. Freeze-dried food and 1 bathroom: 6 simulate Mars in dome. California scientist names moth species after Donald Trump. In Alaska, minus 59 takes toll on cars, pipes, state of mind.

Starkes Erdbeben im Pazifik: Tsunami-Warnung

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 07:10:00 +0100oe24 (de)

Ein schweres Erdbeben der Stärke 8,0 hat die Region um die Inselgruppe der Salomonen und Papua-Neuguinea im Südpazifik erschüttert. Das Pazifische Tsunami-Warnzentrum in Hawaii warnte am Sonntag zunächst vor gefährlichen Wellen bis ein Meter über dem Wasserstand vor den Küsten der Salomonen-Inseln,....

AP Top Science News at 12:31 a.m. EST

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 06:46:00 +0100fox13memphis (en)

Strong quake hits Solomons; some damage but no tsunami. Many farmers still need training after Lake Erie algae. Freeze-dried food and 1 bathroom: 6 simulate Mars in dome. California scientist names moth species after Donald Trump. In Alaska, minus 59 takes toll on cars, pipes, state of mind.

Massive quake hits Papua New Guinea

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 06:07:00 +0100tribune (en)

SYDNEY: A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea (PNG) on Sunday, but there were no reports of casualties or damage after a potential tsunami did not occur. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) downgraded the quake from an initial measurement of magnitude 8.

Fort séisme en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:49:00 +010020minutes (fr)

. TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE L'alerte au tsunami a été levée... L'île de Bougainville en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, près de laquelle s'est produit le séisme dimanche 22 janvier. - Capture d'ecran. 20 Minutes avec AFP Publié le 22.01.2017 à 10:21; Mis à jour le 22.01.2017 à 20:37.

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de 8,0 en las Islas Salomón y Papúa Nueva Guinea

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:42:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 8,0 ha sacudido las Islas Salomón, informa informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por las siglas en inglés). Una alerta de tsunami ha sido declarada para las Islas Salomón, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Nauru, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Vanuatu y Chuuk.

Papua Nuova Guinea: Terremoto 8 gradi magnitudo, allerta tsunami 22/01/2017, di Redazione

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:42:00 +0100infooggi (it)

SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA), 22 GENNAIO - Un violento terremoto, gradi 8 di magnitudo, ha fatto tremare l'isola di Boungaville, nella parte orientale di Papua Nuova Guinea. Le autorita' hanno emesso un allerta tusunami in vari Paesi della zona el Pacifico. L'Usgs, il servizio geologico statunitense, che....

Magnitude 8 quake hits Solomon Islands

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:35:00 +0100sunstar (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A magnitude 8 earthquake hit the Solomon Islands Sunday, January 22. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said it could generate tsunami waves on nearby islands. The United States Geological Survey says the quake hit near Arawa in Papua New Guinea at a depth of 167 kilometers (103 miles).

8.0 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea, tsunami warning issued

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:25:00 +0100geo-tv (en)

SYDNEY: A major 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Papua New Guinea Sunday, the US Geological Survey said, with a tsunami alert issued for the Pacific island nation and neighbouring countries. The tremor struck 40 kilometres (25 miles) west of Panguna on Papua New Guineas Bougainville Island at a depth....

Terremoto magnitudo 8 in Papua Nuova Guinea: rientrato allarme tsunami, non ci sono vittime

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:24:00 +0100ilmattino (it)

Un terremoto 7.8 gradi di magnitudo della scala Richter è stato segnalato tra Papua Nuova Guinea e Isole Salomone, lo hanno confermato le autorità locali. Secondo la US Geological Survey l'epicentro è a 40 chilometri a ovest di Panguna in Papua Nuova Guinea. Escluso il rischio tsunami dopo il terremoto di magnitudo 7.

Strong quake hits Solomons; some damage but no tsunami

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:21:00 +0100dailyjournal (en)

CANBERRA, Australia A powerful magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck deep under Papua New Guinea on Sunday, causing damage and blackouts but no tsunami hours after the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued an alert for nearby islands. The mid-afternoon quake struck at a depth of 167 kilometers (103 miles)....

У островов Папуа-Новой Гвинеи произошло мощное землетрясение

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:17:00 +0100bigmir (ru)

Вчера, 23:25 Комментариев: 0 Сразу после землетрясение было предупреждение о цунами, но позже его отменили. В Папуа Новой Гвинее произошло землетрясение магнитудой 7,9 баллов. Об этом сообщает Сообщений о пострадавших нет. Было предупреждение о возможном цунами.

Powerful earthquake strikes Solomon Islands but no tsunami is reported

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:17:00 +0100thecourier (en)

A powerful magnitude 8 earthquake hit the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, but no tsunami was reported hours after the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued an alert for nearby islands. The quake struck on Sunday at a depth of 103 miles under Papua New Guinea’s most eastern province of Bougainville.

Powerful quake strikes off Papua New Guinea, tsunami alert wound back

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:14:00 +0100trust (en)

(Updates with tsunami threat passing, no reports of casualties or damage) By Harry Pearl. SYDNEY, Jan 22 (Reuters) - A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Papua New Guinea (PNG) on Sunday, but there were no reports of casualties or damage after a potential tsunami did not occur.


Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:08:00 +0100gds-it (it)

WELLINGTON. Un terremoto di magnitudo 8 ha colpito le isole Salomone. Secondo l'agenzia sismologica statunitense il terremoto ha avuto il suo epicentro vicino a Arawa, in Papua Nuova Guinea, ad una profondità di 167 chilometri. Non ci sono notizie di feriti o danneggiamenti.

Forte terremoto dispara alerta de tsunami em Papua Nova Guiné

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:07:00 +0100veja (pt)

Um terremoto de 8 graus na escala Ritcher atingiu neste domingo a ilha de Bouganville, no leste de Papua Nova Guiné , o que levou as autoridades a emitir um alerta de tsunami em vários países do Pacífico. O Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS, na sigla em inglês), que vigia a atividade....

Magnitude-7.9 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:05:00 +01009news (en)

A powerful magnitude 7.9 earthquake has struck deep off Papua New Guinea, causing damage and blackouts but no tsunami hours after an alert for nearby islands. The United States Geological Survey downgraded the Sunday afternoon quake from an initial measurement of magnitude 8.

Papua Yeni Gine’de şiddetli deprem

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 04:57:00 +0100netgazete (tr)

ABD Jeoloji Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yapılan açıklamada, depremin Papua Yeni Gine’ye bağlı Arawa’nın 47 kilometre batısında yerin 154 kilometre derinliğinde meydana geldiği duyuruldu. Herhangi can ya da mal kaybının yaşanmadığı bildirildi. Güney Pasifik kıyılarında tsunami uyarısı yapılırken,....

Mais notícias de Internacional: Temporais e tornado deixam 15 mortos

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 04:27:00 +0100diariodonordeste (pt)

Sul dos EUA. Um forte temporal deixou ao menos 11 mortos e 23 feridos no estado da Geórgia, nos Estados Unidos, ontem. No sábado (21), quatro pessoas morreram devido a um tornado que também passou pela parte sul do país, dessa vez no estado do Mississippi. Ao todo, sete regiões da Geórgia estão em situação de emergência.

Terremoto atinge Papua-Nova Guiné

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 03:38:00 +0100bemparana (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 8 atingiu locais a Papua-Nova Guiné e Ilhas Salomão ontem, mas nenhum tsunami foi relatado, horas após o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico ter emitido um alerta para as ilhas vizinhas. O terremoto atingiu uma profundidade de 167 quilômetros, disse Chris McKee, diretor....

GPD on AMBER Alert costs: you can't put a price on a life

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 03:20:00 +0100kuam (en)

America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response - AMBER Alert for short - is an alert system used across the country to notify the public of a child who has gone missing and is believed to be abducted. Fortunately, an AMBER Alert earlier this month was a false alarm , but it could prove a valuable....

Two escape landslide after 7.9 Bougainville quake

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 02:59:00 +0100rnzi (en)

The quake in the autonomous Papua New Guinea region struck about 40 kilometres west of Panguna at a depth of 136 kilometres. The quake was strongly felt around the region and triggered tsunami warnings for coastal parts. Officer with the Bougainville Police Mark Andersons said a tsunami did not eventuate.

7.9 quake shakes PNG, tsunami alert rescinded 23-Jan-17 23

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 01:53:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

SYDNEY: A powerful 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Papua New Guinea Sunday, shaking homes and sparking a tsunami alert, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage. The tsunami warning for the Pacific island nation and its neighbours was later cancelled.

زلزال في غينيا الجديدة

Mon, 23 Jan 2017 00:31:00 +0100almustaqbal (ar)

وقع زلزال قوته 7.9 درجات قبالة ساحل بابوا غينيا الجديدة امس، ما استدعى تحذيرا من أمواج المد العاتية (تسونامي) في عدد من جزر المحيط الهادئ لكنه رفع فيما بعد ليقتصر على بابوا غينيا الجديدة وجزر سولومون المجاورة. وقالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية ان الزلزال وقع على بعد نحو 47 كيلومترا غربي أراوا على....

Powerful earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea, triggers tsunami alert

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 23:37:00 +0100business-times (en)

Sydney. A POWERFUL 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck Papua New Guinea on Sunday, shaking homes and sparking a tsunami alert, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage. The tsunami warning for the Pacific island nation and its neighbours was later cancelled.

Erdbeben erschüttert Salomonen-Inseln und Papua-Neuguinea

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 23:30:00 +0100news-yahoo-de (de)

Ein schweres Erdbeben der Stärke 7,9 hat die Region um die Inselgruppe der Salomonen und Papua-Neuguinea im Südpazifik erschüttert. Das Pazifische Tsunami-Warnzentrum in Hawaii warnte zunächst vor gefährlichen Wellen bis ein Meter über dem Wasserstand vor den Küsten der Salomonen-Inseln,....

Cutremur Vrancea. 23 de seisme, luna acesta, &icirc;n Rom&acirc;nia

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:49:00 +0100ziarelive (ro)

Este adevărat că zahărul este indispensabil organismului, dar acesta este, de fapt, glucoza, și nu cel rafinat cum este zaharoza. Glucoza este unul dintre carburanții organismului, dar nu e singurul. Și proteinele și lipidele sunt surse de energie. Iată… La numai șapte luni și jumătate după ce am....

Terremoto, la Commissione grandi rischi 'Dighe a rischio Vajont, ma il pericolo non è imminente'

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:32:00 +0100247libero (it)

ROMA. "Non ci sono evidenze che la sequenza sismica sia in esaurimento". Le faglie attive dal 24 agosto 2016, giorno della disastrosa scossa di Amatrice, "hanno il potenziale di produrre terremoti di elevata magnitudo (6-7)". Non solo, in Abruzzo si rischia un "effetto Vajont".

Terremoto, la Commissione grandi rischi: "Dighe a rischio Vajont, ma il pericolo non è imminente"

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 21:57:00 +0100repubblica (it)

ROMA. "Non ci sono evidenze che la sequenza sismica sia in esaurimento". Le faglie attive dal 24 agosto 2016, giorno della disastrosa scossa di Amatrice, "hanno il potenziale di produrre terremoti di elevata magnitudo (6-7)". Non solo, in Abruzzo si rischia un "effetto Vajont".

Terremoti: scossa di magnitudo 5.2 a Sud Est dell’Isola di Pasqua

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 21:33:00 +0100zazoom (it)

: scossa 7.2 a largo delle isole Figi - allarme tsunami : Un maremoto di magnitudo 7.2 al largo delle isole Figi , nel Pacifico sud-occidentale, ha innescato un allarme tsunami sulle coste dell'arcipelago. L'epicentro, scrive il sito dell'istituto geosismico ... : scossa magnitudo 5.

Terremoto causa algunos daños en Islas Salomón, no tsunami

Sun, 22 Jan 2017 21:02:00 +0100aguasdigital (es)

CANBERRA, Australia - Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7,9 remeci� el domingo Pap�a Nueva Guinea e Islas Salom�n, causando da�os y apagones pero sin provocar alg�n tsunami. Horas antes, el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pac�fico emiti� una alerta para las islas pr�ximas, pero luego lo retir�.

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