M 5.4 in United States from 31 Aug 2017 17:46 UTC to 17:46

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Articles about casualties: 6 (0.8%)
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All headlines on this Alert

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Catch up on the biggest news you might have missed over Labor Day weekend

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 17:07:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

North Korea steps up its aggression: North Korea conducted its latest nuclear test Sunday, and Pyongyang claimed that it had successfully created a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. Kim Jong Un’s regime made similar claims last year that were....

16.39u Romeinse verzonken stad na jaren zoeken teruggevonden voor kust Tunesië

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 16:57:00 +0200demorgen (nl)

Al sinds 2010 werd er naar Neapolis gezocht, maar pas deze zomer boekte het Tunesisch-Italiaanse archeologische team resultaten, toen de weersomstandigheden goed genoeg waren voor de zoektocht onder water. Duikers troffen uiteindelijk een gebied van meer dan 20 hectare aan met straten en monumenten die ooit in Neapolis stonden.

Atiza Corea la tensión nuclear. Detona bomba de hidrógeno

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 16:16:00 +0200elmanana (es)

Tokio, Japón. Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos.

A new front has been opened in a controversial debate between meteorology expert Professor Mikdat Kadıoğlu and the country’s top exam body over the possibility of “manmade earthquakes”

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 15:33:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

A new front has been opened in a controversial debate between meteorology expert Professor Mikdat Kadıoğlu and the country’s top exam body, the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), over the possibility of “manmade earthquakes” after North Korea’s sixth and largest nuclear test, claimed to have detonated a “hydrogen bomb” on Sept.

IPOTEZĂ ŞOCANTĂ – Un tsunami ar putea mătura litoralul românesc în orice moment

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 15:05:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

IPOTEZĂ ŞOCANTĂ Un cutremur de mare intensitate care poate provoca un tsunami devastator poate avea loc oricând în largul Mării Negre. IPOTEZĂ ŞOCANTĂ Specialiştii Institutului Naţional pentru Fizica Pământului au avertizat, în ultimii ani, cu privire la falia Shabla şi asupra cutremurelor de....

Horror in the making! North Korean hunger for nuclear bombs puts world on edge of war; see pics

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 14:48:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

Mon September 04 2017, 5:53 pm. FE Online In a direct dare to the US and rest of the world, North Korea carried out its sixth and most powerful nuclear weapon test on Sunday. US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize both North and South Korea, China and “any country doing business” with Pyongyang.

How Much Damage North Korean Hydrogen Bomb Will Cause in New York; All You Need to Know About Kim Jong-un's Latest Weapon

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 14:41:00 +0200india (en)

How Much Damage North Korean Hydrogen Bomb Will Cause in New York; All You Need to Know About Kim Jong-un’s Latest Weapon. Can North Korean Hydrogen Bomb Evaporate New York in Case of Surface Blast? New Delhi, August 04: North Korea on Sunday sent shockwaves in the world , literally, when it....

Condena mundial a bomba norcoreana

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 14:40:00 +0200elpaso (es)

Tokio Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de....

Pakistan aims to increase depleting forest cover

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 13:55:00 +0200gulfnews (en)

Islamabad: Pakistan was once home to beautiful and endless stretches of lush green trees but now most of its regions have a deserted look as the country has one of the highest deforestation rates in Asia. The forest cover of Pakistan has diminished to 5 per cent per cent as against the expected minimum of 25 per cent.

مصادر: اليابان تخطط لبيع أسهم في البريد بقيمة 13 مليار دولار

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 13:42:00 +0200soutalomma (ar)

قالت ثلاثة مصادر مطلعة اليوم الاثنين إن الحكومة اليابانية تستعد لبيع أسهم تصل قيمتها إلى نحو 1.4 تريليون ين (13 مليار دولار) في شركة البريد اليابانية القابضة. وتخطط وزارة المالية لتنفيذ الطرح الثانوي اللاحق للطرح العام الأولي الضخم في 2015 بنهاية هذا الشهر في أول عملية بيع لأسهم منذ إدراج الشركة.

14:24 اليابان تبيع أسهماً في البريد بقيمة 13 مليار دولار

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 13:38:00 +0200annahar (ar)

تستعد الحكومة اليابانية لبيع #أسهم تصل قيمتها إلى نحو 1.4 تريليون ين (13 مليار دولار) في شركة البريد اليابانية القابضة. وتخطط وزارة المال لتنفيذ الطرح الثانوي اللاحق للطرح العام الأولي الضخم في 2015 بنهاية هذا الشهر في أول عملية بيع لأسهم منذ إدراج الشركة، وذلك وفق مصادر مطلعة.

اليابان تخطط لبيع أسهم في البريد بـ 13 بليون دولار

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 13:38:00 +0200daralhayat (ar)

تستعد الحكومة اليابانية لبيع أسهم تصل قيمتها إلى نحو 1.4 تريليون ين (13 بليون دولار) في شركة البريد اليابانية القابضة، وفق ما قالت ثلاثة مصادر مطلعة اليوم (الاثنين). وتخطط وزارة المال لتنفيذ الطرح الثانوي اللاحق للطرح العام الأولي الضخم في 2015 بنهاية هذا الشهر، في أول عملية بيع لأسهم منذ إدراج الشركة.

Japonia szykuje sprzedaż akcji Poczty za 1,4 bln JPY

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 13:03:00 +0200pb (pl)

Rząd Japonii szykuje się do sprzedaży akcji Poczty Japonii wartości ok. 1,4 bln JPY (45,25 mld zł), dowiedział się nieoficjalnie Reuters. Resort finansów szykuje ofertę wtórną akcji po pierwotnej, która nastąpiła w 2015 roku. Może do niej dojść już w przyszłym miesiącu, twierdzą informatorzy Reutersa.

Specialiștii avertizeaza: Un TSUNAMI ar putea lovi oricand Romania

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:36:00 +0200ziuanews (ro)

Acest site foloseste cookies. Navigand in continuare, va exprimati acordul asupra folosirii cookie-urilor x. Specialiștii avertizeaza: Un TSUNAMI ar putea lovi oricand Romania Postat la: 04.09.2017 - 12:58 | Scris de: Ziua News. 0 Un cutremur de mare intensitate, care ar putea provoca un tsunami....

Donald Trump denounces North Korea nuke test: 'They only understand one thing!'

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:31:00 +0200washtimes (en)

People watch a TV news program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017. North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb Sunday in its sixth nuclear test, which ... By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Sunday, September 3, 2017.

مصادر: اليابان تستعد لبيع أسهم في البريد بقيمة 13 مليار دولار

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:30:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

قالت ثلاثة مصادر مطلعة يوم الاثنين إن الحكومة اليابانية تستعد لبيع أسهم تصل قيمتها إلى نحو 1.4 تريليون ين (13 مليار دولار) في شركة البريد اليابانية القابضة. وتخطط وزارة المالية لتنفيذ الطرح الثانوي اللاحق للطرح العام الأولي الضخم في 2015 بنهاية هذا الشهر في أول عملية بيع لأسهم منذ إدراج الشركة.

Specialiștii avertizează: Un TSUNAMI ar putea lovi oricând România

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:26:00 +0200realitatea (ro)

Un cutremur de mare intensitate, care ar putea provoca un tsunami devastator, ar putea avea loc oricând în largul Mării Negre. Specialiştii Institutului Naţional pentru Fizica Pământului au avertizat, în ultimii ani, cu privire la falia Shabla şi asupra cutremurelor de adâncime produse în zona de....

Specialiștii atenționează: Un tsunami ar putea lovi România în orice moment

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:25:00 +0200antena3 (ro)

Un cutremur de mare intensitate, ce ar provoca un tsunami devastator ar putea avea loc oricând în largul Mării Negre. Specialiştii Institutului Naţional pentru Fizica Pământului au avertizat, în ultimii ani, cu privire la falia Shabla şi asupra cutremurelor de adâncime produse în zona de est a Mării....

Ipoteză șoc a specialiştilor! Un tsuami ar putea mătura litoralul românesc în orice moment!

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:15:00 +0200jurnalul (ro)

Un cutremur de mare intensitate care poate provoca un tsunami devastator poate avea loc oricând în largul Mării Negre. Specialiştii Institutului Naţional pentru Fizica Pământului au avertizat, în ultimii ani, cu privire la falia Shabla şi asupra cutremurelor de adâncime produse în zona de est a Mării Negre.

40 tisíc mrtvých za vteřinu? Unikátní přehled nejhorších katastrof z odlišného úhlu pohledu

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:07:00 +0200eurozpravy (cs)

1. Zemětřesení v provincii Šen-si v roce 1556 Při doposud nejničivější zaznamenaném zemětřesení v lidské historii zemřelo kolem 830 tisíc obyvatel v čínské provincii Šen-si. Zničen byl přitom 800 kilometrů dlouhý pás země. Většina lidí v té době žila v zemních obydlích vyhloubených v sprašových svazích a mnoho příbytků bylo nenávratně zdemolováno.

Specialiștii atenționează: Un tsunami ar putea lovi România în orice moment

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:02:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur de mare intensitate, ce ar provoca un tsunami devastator ar putea avea loc oricând în largul Mării Negre. Specialiştii Institutului Naţional pentru Fizica Pământului au avertizat, în ultimii ani, cu privire la falia Shabla şi asupra cutremur elor de adâncime produse în zona de est a Mării Negre, informează jurnalul.

مصادر: اليابان تخطط لبيع أسهم في البريد بقيمة 13 مليار دولار

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:00:00 +0200ara-reuters (ar)

طوكيو (رويترز) - قالت ثلاثة مصادر مطلعة يوم الاثنين إن الحكومة اليابانية تستعد لبيع أسهم تصل قيمتها إلى نحو 1.4 تريليون ين (13 مليار دولار) في شركة البريد اليابانية القابضة. وتخطط وزارة المالية لتنفيذ الطرح الثانوي اللاحق للطرح العام الأولي الضخم في 2015 بنهاية هذا الشهر في أول عملية بيع لأسهم منذ إدراج الشركة.

Little Damage Reported After Earthquake Hits Haiti

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 11:56:00 +0200caribbean360 (en)

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Monday September 4, 2017 – One house was reportedly damaged, but there were no injuries or loss of life when a 4.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in Haiti over the weekend. According to the United States Geological Survey, the quake occurred around 4:14 p.m.

EEUU: Terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacudió a Idaho

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 11:49:00 +0200radiomundial (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se registró este sábado en el estado de Idaho , al noroeste de Estados Unidos (EEUU) , informó el Servicio Geológico del país (USGS, por su sigla en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 28 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Soda Springs, a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, reseña Telesur en su portal web.

Trump apronta una "respuesta militar masiva" a Corea del Norte

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 09:38:00 +0200ElPaisUY (es)

Más temprano Trump, cuyas pasadas advertencias al régimen norcoreano han sido desoídas, había dicho en Twitter que "Estados Unidos está considerando, además de otras opciones, detener todo el comercio con todo país que haga negocios con Corea del Norte". "Éxito perfecto".

Artikel von Thomas Spang

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 08:51:00 +0200fr-de (de)

Richard Grenell wird neuer US-Botschafter in Deutschland - ein Mann, der in der Vergangenheit eher durch Aggressivität als durch Verbindlichkeit aufgefallen ist. Ein Porträt. Hurrikan „Harvey“ trifft die arme Bevölkerung in Houston besonders hart. Sie lebten in den flutgefährdeten Gebieten, haben....

What would ‘mean the world’ for Kolokata

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 07:10:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

Life is great in Saleapaga. And when clean running water becomes available for everyone, Kolokota Fili, believes things will be even better. You see, water access is limited. With many people relocating to higher ground after the tsunami, the water supply is not strong enough to reach them. Yet.

EEUU amenaza a Corea del Norte con “respuesta militar masiva”

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 06:34:00 +0200lostiempos (es)

Mundo | El jefe del Pentágono, James Mattis, prometió que habrá una “gran respuesta militar masiva” por parte de Estados Unidos ante “cualquier amenaza” de Corea del Norte a los territorios del país, incluido Guam, o a sus aliados tras el pavoroso ensayo nuclear realizado ayer por el régimen de....

1. Norcorea prueba una bomba H y crece la tensión en el mundo

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 06:02:00 +0200losandes (es)

Corea del Norte anunció ayer que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de hidrógeno de....

North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Test: What We Know So Far

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:48:00 +0200newsweek (en)

North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb to fit to an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It would be the hermit state’s first nuclear test in a year and its sixth since it began testing nukes in 2006. The pariah state made the announcement Sunday after South Korean authorities....

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Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:37:00 +0200readingeagle (en)

South Korea detected a strong earthquake in North Korea. That development occurred after North Korea's state media claims its leader has inspected... A summit of five major developing countries opened after host Chinese President Xi Jinping called on them to stand together against a growing tide of.

North Korea Nuke Test Poses Threat to US, Trump Says

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:36:00 +0200laht (en)

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump appeared to leave the door open to military action against North Korea on Sunday following Pyongyang’s test of a hydrogen bomb that can be delivered using an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). “Mr. President, will you attack North Korea?” a reporter asked....

North Korea Hydrogen Bomb Test: What We Know So Far

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:32:00 +0200newsweek-USA (en)

North Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb to fit to an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It would be the hermit state’s first nuclear test in a year and its sixth since it began testing nukes in 2006. The pariah state made the announcement Sunday after South Korean authorities....

Carolinas based surf shop opening new location in North Myrtle Beach

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:14:00 +0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

Tsunami Surf Shop is expanding along the Grand Strand, with a new “mega” store in North Myrtle Beach. “It’s larger than the other Tsunamis’,” Kelli Baker, administrative assistant at the company, said. “More stock, more variety.” The store, located at 1238 U.S.

May slams North Korea's nuclear tests as 'reckless and unacceptable' Evening Standard 1 hour ago

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:12:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

Related: North Korea Threatens An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack (Provided by Wochit News) Theresa May has urged world leaders to put pressure on North Korea after slamming the country’s “reckless” nuclear weapons tests. The Prime Minister said the latest test poses an "unacceptable further threat to the international community".

US Says Any North Korean Threat Will Draw 'Massive Military Response'

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 04:59:00 +0200northkoreatimes (en)

SEOUL/WASHINGTON - U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis says any threat by North Korea to the United States or its allies will be met with a 'massive military response ... both effective and overwhelming.' Mattis spoke outside the White House Sunday after he and other top advisers met with President....

What North Korea's Kim Jong Un may be trying to prove

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 04:41:00 +0200newsok (en)

In this undated image distributed on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017, by the North Korean government, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at an undisclosed location. North Korea’s state media on Sunday, Sept 3, 2017, said leader Kim Jong Un inspected the loading of a hydrogen bomb into a new....

Family desperate for running water

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 03:27:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

Tino Samoa of Saleapaga and his family are desperate for a proper running water supply. They are one of the families who have been forced to relocate after the tsunami of 2009. But since they moved, they have been struggling to get water up to where they live.

Trump opens door to attack after North Korea nuclear test

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 03:10:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Threats from North Korea will be met with a ‘massive military response’, US officials said last night after the rogue state announced it had carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet. The US had ‘many options’ which could lead to the ‘annihilation’ of North Korea, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said.

Trump opens door to attack after North Korea nuclear test

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:59:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Threats from North Korea will be met with a ‘massive military response’, US officials said last night after the rogue state announced it had carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet. The US had ‘many options’ which could lead to the ‘annihilation’ of North Korea, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said.

North Korea conducts hydrogen bomb test; U.S. pledges 'massive' response if threatened

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:48:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Jack Kim, Soyoung Kim and Steve Holland. SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, which it said was of an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile, prompting the threat of a "massive" military response from the United States if it or its allies were threatened.

Землетрясение силой 4,0 произошло на Камчатке 03:28

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:44:00 +0200iz (ru)

У побережья Камчатки зафиксировано землетрясение силой 4,0, угроза цунами не объявлялась, сообщила в понедельник пресс-служба управления МЧС России по Камчатскому краю. В сообщении сказано, что землетрясение не ощущалось в населенных пунктах Камчатки. «Эпицентр землетрясения находился в акватории....

"تسونامي" يضرب أركان أفلان الأغواط

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:33:00 +0200elkhabar (ar)

هز تسونامي من الاستقالات الجماعية والفردية أركان حزب جبهة التحرير بالأغواط، تزامنا مع إعداد القوائم الانتخابية للانتخابات المحلية القادمة، حيث قدمت العديد من القسمات وقياديون ومناضلون استقالاتهم، وتم نشرها بشكل واسع على شبكة التواصل الاجتماعي. وبرر هؤلاء ذلك بالوضعية الكارثية التي آل إليها الحزب....

Землетрясение силой 4,0 произошло на Камчатке

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:30:00 +0200izvestia-ru (ru)

У побережья Камчатки зафиксировано землетрясение силой 4,0, угроза цунами не объявлялась, сообщила в понедельник пресс-служба управления МЧС России по Камчатскому краю. В сообщении сказано, что землетрясение не ощущалось в населенных пунктах Камчатки. «Эпицентр землетрясения находился в акватории....

Рядом с Камчаткой зафиксированы два землетрясения

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:20:00 +0200newstes (ru)

Первое землетрясение зафиксировано около семи утра по местному времени. Эпицентр находился в 100 километрах на север от Петропавловска-Камчатского. Второй подземный толчок заметили в 10.19. Эпицентр был удален на 300 километров. Специалисты назвали оба землетрясения слабыми. Угрозы цунами нет.

Sep 03, 2017 7:17PM EDT - Stakes are high after North Korea conducted its most powerful nuclear test to date on Sunday | published: Sep 03, 2017 2:13AM EDT

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:03:00 +0200theglobeandmail (en)

Trudeau issued a statement Sunday that says North Korea's "aggressive" missile testing program" threatens the safety and security of its neighbours and the international community. The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to meet on Monday to discuss the nuclear test.

North Korea conducts hydrogen bomb test; US pledges 'massive' response if threatened

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:26:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

SEOUL/WASHINGTON: North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, which it said was of an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile, prompting the threat of a "massive" military response from the United States if it or its allies were threatened.

North Korea conducts hydrogen bomb test; U.S. pledges 'massive' response if threatened

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:22:00 +0200todayonline (en)

SEOUL/WASHINGTON - North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, which it said was of an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile, prompting the threat of a "massive" military response from the United States if it or its allies were threatened.

North Korea conducts hydrogen bomb test; U.S. pledges 'massive' response if threatened

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:15:00 +0200reuters (en)

SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test, which it said was of an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile, prompting the threat of a “massive” military response from the United States if it or its allies were threatened.

Detona norcoreana bomba atómica siete veces más potente que la de Hiroshima

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:55:00 +0200periodicocorreo (es)

De acuerdo con el sismológico estadunidense, el ensayo norcoreano provocó un terremoto de 6.3 grados de magnitud en la escala Richter en China. Notimex. Naciones Unidas. – La detonación de una bomba de hidrógeno efectuada por Corea del Norte la madrugada de este domingo habría generado una....

US threatens 'annihilation' as Kim detonates H-bomb

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:53:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Threats from North Korea will be met with a ‘massive military response’, US officials said last night after the rogue state announced it had carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet. The US had ‘many options’ which could lead to the ‘annihilation’ of North Korea, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said.

Enhanced 24/7 geological hazards monitoring announced

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:27:00 +0200voxy (en)

Work has begun on the improvements to New Zealand’s geological hazards monitoring as announced in Budget 2017, Civil Defence Minister Nathan Guy and Science and Innovation Minister Paul Goldsmith have announced today. The start of work was marked on a visit to a geotechnical drilling site at St Gerard’s Monastery in Wellington this morning.

US threatens 'annihilation' as Kim detonates H-bomb

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:14:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Threats from North Korea will be met with a ‘massive military response’, US officials said last night after the rogue state announced it had carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet. The US had ‘many options’ which could lead to the ‘annihilation’ of North Korea, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said.

Japan's Princess Mako to marry commoner and lose status

Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:06:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Ancient history. The Japanese imperial family is believed to be the world's oldest, with a myth-filled history that dates back more than 2,600 years. Akihito is the 125th emperor since Emperor Jimmu, said to be a descendant of the legendary sun goddess Amaterasu.

Japan's Princess Mako to marry commoner and lose status

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 23:59:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Ancient history. The Japanese imperial family is believed to be the world's oldest, with a myth-filled history that dates back more than 2,600 years. Akihito is the 125th emperor since Emperor Jimmu, said to be a descendant of the legendary sun goddess Amaterasu.

North Korea Carries Out Its Most Powerful Nuclear Test To Date

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 23:45:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

For more visit , available now on and North Korea carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet on Sunday, claiming it successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb designed to be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korean state television described the nuclear test as a “ Analysts....

World leaders slam powerful nuclear test by North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 23:28:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

North Korea has conducted its most powerful nuclear test to date, sending tremors as far as South Korea and China and drawing condemnation worldwide. A magnitude-6.3 earthquake was detected near a nuclear test site in north-east North Korea yesterday around 12.30pm local time (11.

Corea del Norte anuncia ensayo “exitoso” de bomba termonuclear

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 22:15:00 +0200teleamazonas (es)

Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de hidrógeno....

Exitosa prueba nuclear, dice Norcorea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 21:09:00 +0200el-mexicano (es)

TOKIO.- Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos.

Magnitude 5.3 Quake Strikes Idaho, 41 Smaller Quakes Follow

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 21:07:00 +0200theepochtimes (en)

. A map of the 5.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Idaho on Sept.2. (Screenshot via United States Geological Survey) One of the strongest quakes to hit the region of Idaho in years occurred over the weekend from Saturday, Sep. 2 to early Sunday morning. Southeast Idaho was hit by a moderate magnitude 5.

Sept à Huit : Des habitants de Fukushima regagnent leurs habitations, malgré la radioactivité latente

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:42:00 +0200metrofrance (fr)

JAPON - En 2011, le Japon était frappé par un séisme de magnitude 9. Un tsunami en a découlé, ainsi qu'une catastrophe nucléaire sans précédent. A l'époque, tous les habitants de la région de Fukushima avaient été évacués à cause du taux de radioactivité de la zone.

Australia demands action from UN over North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:37:00 +0200watoday (en)

In this undated image distributed on Sunday by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is said to be inspecting the loading of a hydrogen bomb into a new intercontinental ballistic missile. The United Nations Security Council will meet on Monday at the request of the United....

Nouveau séisme au Japon

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:31:00 +0200bbc-french-africa (fr)

Copyright de l’image AP. Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé le sud-ouest du Japon. Au moins vingt-sept personnes ont été tuées lors des deux puissants séismes qui ont frappé le pays en quarante-huit heures. Neuf personnes avaient déjà péri dans un premier tremblement de terre d'une magnitude....

Australia leads international calls for UN action after North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:31:00 +0200theage (en)

A shallow, 6.3-magnitude earthquake shook North Korea on Sunday with Pyongyang later confirming it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that possesses "great destructive power". "North Korea's reckless conduct poses a grave danger to global peace and security," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:28:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

Australia leads international calls for UN action after North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:26:00 +0200smh (en)

A shallow, 6.3-magnitude earthquake shook North Korea on Sunday with Pyongyang later confirming it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that possesses "great destructive power". "North Korea's reckless conduct poses a grave danger to global peace and security," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull....

Dice Norcorea que su sexta prueba nuclear fue un éxito

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:07:00 +0200elmanana (es)

TOKIO— Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test North Korea has claimed a successful hydrogen bomb test that analysts said was more powerful than previous ones. The test ratchets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:48:00 +0200dw-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

'HOSTILE AND DANGEROUS' Trump REFUSES to rule out attack on North Korea after tubby tyrant Kim Jong-un detonates nuclear bomb and sets off shockwave ten times more powerful than earlier tests

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:45:00 +0200thesun (en)

Donald Trump said the words and actions of North Korea were 'hostile and dangerous' to the US. The test was seen as a direct challenge to Trump, who has vowed to stop North Korea developing nuclear weapons that could threaten the United States . State media has now issued a "severe warning" to America.

North Korea Carries Out Its Most Powerful Nuclear Test To Date

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:42:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

North Korea carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet on Sunday, claiming it successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb designed to be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korean state television described the nuclear test as a “ Analysts have expressed skepticism about the....

N Korea's 'H-bomb' sends global shockwaves US President Donald Trump is mulling a global trade embargo with North Korea and said "we'll see" when asked about a US attack in response to the nuclear tests.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:36:00 +0200yahoo-au (en)

North Korea says its tested an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile, marking a dramatic escalation of the regime's stand-off with the United States and its allies. State television said the hydrogen bomb test ordered by leader Kim Jong Un had been a "perfect success".

Seismologist's Reaction To North Korea's Nuclear Test Speaks For Most People

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:32:00 +0200huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on Sunday, with an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile causing an artificial 6.3-magnitude earthquake in the isolated country. When the test took place, people in the Chinese city of Yanji, on the border with North Korea,....

NK’s most powerful nuclear test a ‘perfect success,’ says leader Kim

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:29:00 +0200shanghaidaily (en)

NORTH Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test yesterday, which it said was an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile. The test marked a dramatic escalation of the regime’s stand-off with the United States and its allies. North Korea, which carries out its nuclear and....

5.3 magnitude earthquake in SE Idaho

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 19:25:00 +0200good4utah (en)

SODA SPRINGS, Idaho (ABC4 Utah) - The United States Geological Survey has confirmed a magnitude 5.3 earthquake has occurred 17 miles east of Soda Springs, Idaho. ABC 4 first received reports of the earthquake around 6 p.m. Saturday evening. It is not immediately known if the earthquake has caused any damage or injuries.

Detona Norcorea bomba termonuclear

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:33:00 +0200elpaso (es)

Tokio Corea del Norte anunció hoy que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de hidrógeno de....

Donald Trump REFUSES to rule out US attack on North Korea as intelligence official says Kim Jong-un tested an "advanced nuclear device"

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:22:00 +0200themirror (en)

Donald Trump today refused to rule out an attack on North Korea as US intelligence officials say there are no doubts an "advanced nuclear device" was tested. The US President said "we'll see" when asked if the US was planning to launch an offensive on North Korea in the wake of a hydrogen bomb test carried out this weekend.

North Korea confirms successful 6th nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:16:00 +0200northkoreatimes (en)

Seoul - North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb on Sunday in its sixth nuclear test, which judging by the earthquake it set off appeared to be its most powerful explosion yet. South Korea's weather agency estimated the nuclear blast yield of the presumed test was between 50 and 60 kilotons, or....

Reportan fuerte temblor telúrico al noroeste de Estados Unidos

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:11:00 +0200juventudrebelde (es)

WASHINGTON, septiembre 3.- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se ha producido en la noche del sábado en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de Estados Unidos, según informa el Servicio Geológico del norteño país (USGS, por las siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 17 kilómetros al este de la....

Norcorea realiza sexto ensayo nuclear con una bomba H

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:42:00 +0200milenio (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pyongyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de hidrógeno de....

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:24:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test. Merkel spoke on the phone Sunday with French president Emmanuel Macron. Her office says both leaders "condemn North Korea's new nuclear tests....

India Condemns North Korea's Hydrogen Bomb Test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:24:00 +0200india (en)

India Condemns North Korea’s Nuclear Test, Says Refrain From Actions That Impact Peace. India Condemns North Korea's Hydrogen Bomb Test. New Delhi, September 3: India has condemned North Korea’s sixth nuclear test and has warned Pyongyang to refrain from actions that adversely impact peace and stability in the region.

Theresa May slams North Korea's nuclear tests as 'reckless and unacceptable'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:22:00 +0200standard (en)

has urged world leaders to put pressure on North Korea after slamming the country’s “reckless” nuclear weapons tests. The Prime Minister said the latest test poses an "unacceptable further threat to the international community". She added that the case for tougher action against Kim Jong Un's regime was now even more pressing.

US Invasion Of Russia Prompts Earthquake Retaliation In Idaho, Yellowstone Supervolcano Warned Is Next

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:08:00 +0200whatdoesitmean (en)

”, a new Ministry of Defense MoD ) report circulating in the Kremlin today all but confirms that Russia has just retaliated against the United States for its invasion of sovereign Federation territory by using its feared earthquake weapon—and whose terrifying power of was, in 2011, chilling....

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 17:04:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:54:00 +0200newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test.

16:08 Gigantische Flutwelle verschluckte römische Stadt: Jetzt...

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:53:00 +0200epochtimes (de)

Eine versunkene römische Stadt wurde am Meeresboden vor Tunesien entdeckt. Ihre Ruinen erstrecken sich über 20 Hektar vor der Küste im Nordosten des Landes und bestätigten laut Forschern „mit Sicherheit“ historische Berichte, wonach die Stadt Neapolis im 4. Jh. n. Chr. durch einen riesigen Tsunami zerstört wurde.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:45:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:44:00 +0200nzherald (en)

Mnuchin says the sanctions package being drafted for President Donald Trump's consideration will make clear that if countries want to do business with the U.S., they will have to cut off North Korea economically. Mnuchin says the U.S. is continuing to work with allies and China to exert pressure on North Korea.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:44:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test. Merkel spoke on the phone Sunday with French president Emmanuel Macron. Her office says both leaders "condemn North Korea's new nuclear tests....

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:38:00 +0200wwlp (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that’s what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:30:00 +0200wafb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:28:00 +0200wbrc (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:26:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

Corea del Norte señala que realizó una prueba "perfecta" de una bomba de hidrógeno

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:26:00 +0200americaeconomia (es)

Corea del Norte llevó a cabo el domingo su sexta y más potente prueba nuclear, que identificó como una bomba de hidrógeno avanzada para un misil de largo alcance, en una dramática escalada del enfrentamiento entre el aislado estado y Estados Unidos y sus aliados.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:25:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Mnuchin described Pyongyang's behavior as "completely unacceptable." Mnuchin says the sanctions package being drafted for President Donald Trump's consideration will make clear that if countries want to do business with the U.S., they will have to cut off North Korea economically.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:20:00 +0200wxow (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:19:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test.

The Latest: US drafting sanctions to cut off NKorean trade

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:19:00 +0200news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at ‘new dimension’

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:19:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 11 p.m. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he is putting together new sanctions seeking to cut off trade with North Korea after it detonated a thermonuclear device in its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:14:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

The White House says the president's team is "monitoring this closely." Trump has reacted to the test by calling North Korea "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States ." 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday.

Trump: Latest North Korea nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:13:00 +0200wtsp (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

Previsioni meteo, prosegue l'ondata di maltempo. Allagamenti e neve ad alta quota

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:11:00 +0200zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 3 settembre 2017) Roma, 3 settembre 2017 - prosegue il maltempo che da ieri si è abbattuto sull'Italia con nubifragi e, addirittura, neve ad alta quota . Le cime più alte delle Dolomiti sono imbiancate da ieri, ma il ...

President Trump denounces North Korea nuke test: 'They only understand one thing!'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:09:00 +0200washtimes (en)

People watch a TV news program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017. North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb Sunday in its sixth nuclear test, which ... President Trump said Sunday on Twitter that North Korea has “become a great....

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:08:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test. Merkel spoke on the phone Sunday with French president Emmanuel Macron.

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at ‘new dimension’

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:07:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea’s provocations have “reached a new dimension” with the nation’s sixth nuclear test.

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:06:00 +0200newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:25 p.m. The White House says President Donald Trump and his national security team plan a meeting later Sunday to discuss North Korea, in the wake of the North's announcement....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 16:04:00 +0200680news (en)

TOKYO – The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test “reckless”....

The Latest: Merkel: N. Korea provocations at 'new dimension'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:57:00 +0200tri-cityherald (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test. Merkel spoke on the phone Sunday with French president Emmanuel Macron.

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:56:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:45 p.m. The office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says North Korea's provocations have "reached a new dimension" with the nation's sixth nuclear test.

Fuerte terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacude Idaho

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:55:00 +0200zocalo (es)

Estados Unidos.- Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se ha producido en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de EU, según informa el Servicio Geológico del país (USGS, por las siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 17 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Soda Springs, a una profundidad de 9,2 kilómetros.

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:54:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test "reckless" in a statement and said "all options are on the table." Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said in a statement that North....

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:49:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

Trump has reacted to the test by calling North Korea “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States .” 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday.

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:44:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

Mogherini said she will meet Monday with Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to discuss North Korea. North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet. The country's state-controlled media say it was a thermonuclear device and a "perfect success." 9:15 p.

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:44:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:42:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The White House says the president's team is "monitoring this closely." Trump has reacted to the test by calling North Korea "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States ." 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday.

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:38:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

The White House says the president's team is "monitoring this closely." Trump has reacted to the test by calling North Korea "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States ." 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday.

The Latest: Trump to discuss North Korea with security team

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:37:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 10:25 p.m. The White House says President Donald Trump and his national security team plan a meeting later Sunday to discuss North Korea, in the wake of the North’s announcement....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:34:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:33:00 +0200wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:27:00 +0200news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

Norcorea asegura que su sexta prueba nuclear fue un éxito

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:27:00 +0200diariolibre-en (es)

TOKIO. Corea del Norte anunció este domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos.

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:25:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:20:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

9:20 p.m. The European Union's foreign policy chief says North Korea's sixth nuclear test represents a "major provocation" and "a grave threat to regional and international security." Federica Mogherini also said in a statement that Pyongyang "must abandon its nuclear, weapons of mass destruction....

Latest: World leaders condemn 'rogue nation' North Korea's nuclear weapon test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:19:00 +0200irishexaminer (en)

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2017 Though the precise strength of the blast has yet to be determined, the artificial earthquake it caused was several times stronger than tremors generated by its previous tests. It reportedly shook buildings in China and in Russia. ..

The Latest: UN atomic energy agency: test of 'grave concern'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:19:00 +0200newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9 p.m. The head of the U.N. atomic energy agency says the latest test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea is of "grave concern." He's urging Pyongyang to heed U.N. demands to stop such testing and mothball its nuclear program.

Norcorea asegura que su sexta prueba nuclear fue un éxito

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:19:00 +0200unionradio (es)

TOKIO.- Corea del Norte anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos.

Corea del Norte asegura que su sexta prueba nuclear fue un éxito

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:17:00 +0200LaPrensaPA (es)

anunció el domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos. Pionyang calificó su ensayo con una bomba de hidrógeno de "éxito....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:14:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

Jens Stoltenberg also said in a statement that "NATO is concerned by Pyongyang's destabilizing pattern of behavior, which poses a threat to regional and international security." He called on North Korea to "immediately cease all existing nuclear and ballistic missile activities in a complete,....

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:07:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

Indonesia: No casualties reported in 5.2 Sumatra quake

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:06:00 +0200azernews (en)

A 5.2 earthquake hit southeastern Indonesia on Saturday, the fourth the country has seen in two days, with no casualties or major damage reported, local officials reported, according to Anadolu Agency. The quake struck Pesawaran, Lampung, on the island of Sumatra, on Saturday at 10.32 a.m.

Norcorea asegura que su sexta prueba nuclear fue un éxito

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:04:00 +0200diariolibre (es)

TOKIO. Corea del Norte anunció este domingo que detonó una bomba termonuclear en su sexto y más poderoso ensayo nuclear hasta la fecha, un gran paso hacia su objetivo de desarrollar armas nucleares capaces de atacar en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos.

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 15:03:00 +0200wxow (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea ‘rogue nation,’ threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:59:00 +0200wbtv (en)

(AP) - TOKYO (AP) The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue....

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:55:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:20 p.m. The European Union's foreign policy chief says North Korea's sixth nuclear test represents a "major provocation" and "a grave threat to regional and international security.

The Latest: UN atomic energy agency: test of 'grave concern'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:52:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

The head of the U.N. atomic energy agency says the latest test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea is of "grave concern." He's urging Pyongyang to heed U.N. demands to stop such testing and mothball its nuclear program. Yukiya Amano says the International Atomic Energy Agency "continues to closely follow developments.

'Very hostile and dangerous': Donald Trump condemns North Korea's sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:50:00 +0200thejournal (en)

Earthquake and Volcano of the Korea expert Ryoo Yong-gyu speaks about North Korea's artificial earthquake. Source: Lee Jin-man via PA Images. Updated at 12.40pm. NORTH KOREA SAYS it has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb this morning, calling the nuclear testing a “complete success” during the announcement on its national broadcaster.

The Latest: Britain, Italy condemn North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:50:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:25 p.m. Britain and Italy are among the many nations condemning North Korea over its sixth nuclear test Sunday. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called the test "reckless"....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:49:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:20 p.m. The European Union's foreign policy chief says North Korea's sixth nuclear test represents a "major provocation" and "a grave threat to regional and international security.

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:47:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:20 p.m. The European Union’s foreign policy chief says North Korea’s sixth nuclear test represents a “major provocation” and “a grave threat to regional and international security.

Corea del Norte prueba bomba de hidrógeno y provoca terremoto

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:46:00 +0200diariodigital-RD (es)

De acuerdo a reportes del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés), y de la Administración de Sismología de China el temblor registrado este domingo es de 6,3 grados en la escala de Richter y su epicentro tuvo lugar a 22 kilómetros al noreste de la localidad norcoreana....

Terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacudió a Idaho, Estados Unidos

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:45:00 +0200vtv (es)

Publicado el 03/Sep 2017 a las: 8:28 am Por: Maryhevelin Hernández Foto: Referencial. Caracas, 03 de septiembre de 2017.- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se registró este sábado en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de Estados Unidos (EEUU), informó el Servicio Geológico del país (USGS, por su sigla en inglés).

The Latest: UN atomic energy agency: test of 'grave concern'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:44:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9 p.m. The head of the U.N. atomic energy agency says the latest test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea is of "grave concern." He's urging Pyongyang to heed U.N. demands to stop such testing and mothball its nuclear program.

Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:44:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

ARCHAEOLOGY > ‘Tsunami-sunk’ Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia. NABEUL, TUNISIA - AFP Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD.

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:43:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

9 p.m. The head of the U.N. atomic energy agency says the latest test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea is of "grave concern." He's urging Pyongyang to heed U.N. demands to stop such testing and mothball its nuclear program. Yukiya Amano says the International Atomic Energy Agency "continues to closely follow developments.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:40:00 +0200nzherald (en)

Federica Mogherini also said in a statement that Pyongyang "must abandon its nuclear, weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner and immediately cease all related activities." Mogherini said she will meet Monday with Yukiya Amano,....

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:37:00 +0200news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:15 p.m. NATO's secretary-general has strongly condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test, calling it "yet another flagrant violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions.

The Latest: EU official: NKorea must abandon nuclear program

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:37:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:20 p.m. The European Union’s foreign policy chief says North Korea’s sixth nuclear test represents a “major provocation” and “a grave threat to regional and international security.

North Korea says it has tested new hydrogen bomb with ‘great destructive power’

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:36:00 +0200globalnews (en)

North Korea said on Sunday it has successfully test ed a hydrogen bomb designed to be mounted on its newly developed intercontinental ballistic missile, producing a greater yield than any of its previous nuclear test s. The hydrogen bomb test ordered by leader Kim Jong Un was a “perfect success”....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea ‘rogue nation,’ threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:34:00 +0200680news (en)

TOKYO – The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea — branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous” to the United States .

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets new

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:34:00 +0200cbs12 (en)

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets. by Jessie Karangu, Sinclair Broadcast Group. WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) -- President Trump condemned North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sunday and warned that the country's actions were "very hostile and dangerous to the United States .

North Korea says it has tested new hydrogen bomb with ‘great destructive power’

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:32:00 +0200cknw (en)

North Korea said on Sunday it has successfully test ed a hydrogen bomb designed to be mounted on its newly developed intercontinental ballistic missile, producing a greater yield than any of its previous nuclear test s. The hydrogen bomb test ordered by leader Kim Jong Un was a “perfect success”....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:32:00 +0200newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

North Korea likely to have conducted another nuclear test — Japanese TV

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:30:00 +0200itartass_en (en)

TOKYO, September 3. /TASS/. Unusual seismic activity in North Korea indicates that the country probably carried out its sixth nuclear test, Japan’s NHK TV reported on Sunday. The Kamchatka office of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences said a 6.4-magnitude earthquake was registered in North Korea on Sunday morning.

The Latest: NATO chief condemns North Korea nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:30:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:15 p.m. NATO's secretary-general has strongly condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test, calling it "yet another flagrant violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions.

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets new

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:29:00 +0200cbs6albany (en)

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets. by Jessie Karangu, Sinclair Broadcast Group. WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) -- President Trump condemned North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sunday and warned that the country's actions were "very hostile and dangerous to the United States .

The country claimed it successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:27:00 +0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

North Korea carried out its most powerful nuclear test yet on Sunday, claiming it successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb designed to be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korean state television described the nuclear test as a “ Analysts have expressed skepticism about the....

Trump Calls North Korea ‘Rogue Nation,’ Threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:24:00 +0200newson6 (en)

President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous” to the United States . North Korea says it has conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date and claiming a “perfect success.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:24:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:15 p.m. NATO's secretary-general has strongly condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test, calling it "yet another flagrant violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions.

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets new

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:23:00 +0200bakersfieldnow (en)

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets. by Jessie Karangu, Sinclair Broadcast Group. WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) -- President Trump condemned North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sunday and warned that the country's actions were "very hostile and dangerous to the United States .

The Latest: UN atomic energy agency: test of 'grave concern'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:22:00 +0200bradenton (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 9:15 p.m. NATO's secretary-general has strongly condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test, calling it "yet another flagrant violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions.

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets new

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:21:00 +0200fox11online (en)

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets. by Jessie Karangu, Sinclair Broadcast Group. WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) -- President Trump condemned North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sunday and warned that the country's actions were "very hostile and dangerous to the United States .

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets new

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:20:00 +0200wlos (en)

President Trump denounces North Korea's H-bomb test in series of tweets. by Jessie Karangu, Sinclair Broadcast Group. WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) -- President Trump condemned North Korea's hydrogen bomb test on Sunday and warned that the country's actions were "very hostile and dangerous to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea ‘rogue nation,’ threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:17:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea — branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous” to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:16:00 +0200houstonchronicle (en)

He also calls for a " united and clear reaction of the European Union." He says the international community "must treat this new provocation with the utmost firmness" to bring North Korea back to the path of dialogue and give up its nuclear and missile programs. North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:16:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea - branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:15:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:14:00 +0200islandpacket (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:14:00 +0200wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea - branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:13:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law." He also calls for a " united and clear reaction of the European Union." He says the international community "must treat this new....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:13:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law." He also calls for a " united and clear reaction of the European Union." He says the international community "must treat this new....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:12:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

'HOSTILE AND DANGEROUS' Donald Trump hits out at North Korea on Twitter as tensions rise over Kim Jong-un's sixth nuclear bomb blast which was TEN TIMES larger than any previous nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:10:00 +0200thesun (en)

Hours after the test, US President took to Twitter, writing: "North Korea has conducted a major Nuclear Test. Their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States . "North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:07:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States . North Korea says it has conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date — and claiming a "perfect success.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea ‘rogue nation,’ threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:06:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea — branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:06:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea - branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:03:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea - branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:03:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:03:00 +0200kswo (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea - branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue....

Donald Trump calls North Korea a ‘great threat and an embarrassment’

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:01:00 +0200metro-uk (en)

He called North Korea an ’embarrassment’ (Picture: AP/ EPA) North Korea’s actions continue to be ‘very hostile and dangerous’, US President Donald Trump has said following their successful test of a nuclear bomb. This morning, the world was alerted to the new nuclear test after it triggered an....

Terremoto de 6.3 grados en Corea del Norte es de origen artificial: Se debió a una prueba nuclear

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:01:00 +0200aporrea (es)

Poco después, la Organización del Tratado de Prohibición Total de Pruebas Nucleares, dependiente de Naciones Unidas, confirmó haber detectado un “inusual evento sísmico” en Corea del Norte. Y especificó que eran de una magnitud “más fuerte que en la anteriores pruebas nucleares declaradas” realizadas por el país.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea ‘rogue nation,’ threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:59:00 +0200tribtown (en)

8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he’s calling “a major Nuclear Test” by North Korea — branding the North “a rogue nation” whose “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous” to the United States . North Korea says it has conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date — and claiming a “perfect success.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:58:00 +0200kansascity (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:58:00 +0200sanluisobispo (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:58:00 +0200thenewstribune (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

Donald Trump: North Korea nuclear test is 'hostile and dangerous' to US Evening Standard

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:57:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

Donald Trump has said North Korea’s “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States ” after the regime carried out its biggest nuclear test to date. The US President’s remarks came after Pyongyang claimed it had carried out a hydrogen bomb test and caused a 6.3 magnitude earthquake.

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:56:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law." He also calls for a " united and clear reaction of the European Union." He says the international community "must treat this new....

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:56:00 +0200theolympian (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

The Latest: Trump calls North Korea 'rogue nation,' threat

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:54:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 8:45 p.m. President Donald Trump has reacted to what he's calling "a major Nuclear Test" by North Korea — branding the North "a rogue nation" whose "words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States .

Donald Trump: North Korea nuclear test is 'hostile and dangerous' to US

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:50:00 +0200standard (en)

Donald Trump has said North Korea’s “words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States ” after the regime carried out its biggest nuclear test to date. The US President’s remarks came after Pyongyang claimed it had carried out a hydrogen bomb test and caused a 6.3 magnitude earthquake.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:36:00 +0200nzherald (en)

In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law." He also calls for a " united and clear reaction of the European Union." He says the international community "must treat this new....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:25:00 +0200gainesville (en)

The Associated Press. TOKYO (AP) " The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday " its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:19:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:13:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:13:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:07:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the United Nations Security Council to quickly react to this new violation by North Korea of international law.

„Harvey“-Opfer kehrt in Haus zurück und macht gruselige Entdeckung

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:04:00 +0200merkur-online (de)

Ein Mann konnte nach der Flutkatastrophe durch Wirbelsturm „Harvey“ endlich in sein Haus zurückkehren. Doch dort machte er eine unheimliche Entdeckung unter seinem Tisch. Houston - Nach und nach schwächt Wirbelsturm „Harvey“ ab, und immer mehr Menschen, die vorübergehend ihre vier Wände verlassen mussten, kehren in ihr Zuhause zurück.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:00:00 +0200newsok (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:55:00 +0200news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:54:00 +0200wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:52:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:46:00 +0200bnd (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members of the....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:44:00 +0200houstonchronicle (en)

North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet. State-controlled media say it was a hydrogen bomb. South Korea's weather agency says the detonation set off a magnitude 5.7 earthquake. 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:44:00 +0200kswo (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:42:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further. The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations.

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:39:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: French leader says UN must react to North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:36:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned “in the strongest possible terms” North Korea’s sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron “calls on the members....

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:35:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 7:25 p.m. French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned "in the strongest possible terms" North Korea's sixth nuclear test. In a written statement, Macron "calls on the members....

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:34:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:34:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations. It says that's the only way settle the Korean Peninsula's problems, "including the nuclear one." The ministry says Russia reaffirms its readiness to participate in negotiations, "including in the context of the implementation of the Russian-Chinese road map.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:25:00 +0200wftv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:22:00 +0200eastoregonian (en)

TOKYO (AP) � The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday � its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6 p.m. China's foreign ministry has condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test. The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:18:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS. The summit of leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is being held Monday and Tuesday in the southeastern Chinese city of Xiamen.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:14:00 +0200islandpacket (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:13:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet. The country's state-controlled media say it was a thermonuclear device and a "perfect success." 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the....

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:12:00 +0200bostonherald (en)

6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS. The summit of leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is being held....

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:12:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS. The summit of leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is being held....

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:12:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:10:00 +0200ledger-enquirer (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:10:00 +0200sunherald (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:05:00 +0200sanluisobispo (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:04:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea’s claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb “deserves the strongest condemnation.” It’s calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further. The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:04:00 +0200kswo (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:03:00 +0200therepublic (en)

6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea’s claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb “deserves the strongest condemnation.” It’s calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further. The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:02:00 +0200news9 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:59:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:58:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea’s claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb “deserves the strongest condemnation.” It’s calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:57:00 +0200kansascity (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:56:00 +0200startribune (en)

The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further. The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:56:00 +0200theolympian (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

Estados Unidos: Un terremoto sacude el estado de Idaho

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:56:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

Después del intenso se han sentido hasta siete réplicas. movimiento sísmico Reportan terremoto en el estado de Idaho. Un terremoto de magnitud 5.3 se produjo este sábado en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de Estados Unidos , informó el Servicio Geológico del país ( USGS , por las siglas en inglés).

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:55:00 +0200thenewstribune (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:54:00 +0200tribtown (en)

6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea’s claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb “deserves the strongest condemnation.” It’s calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further. The ministry issued a statement Sunday urging immediate dialogue and negotiations.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:53:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:53:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

The ministry says Russia reaffirms its readiness to participate in negotiations, "including in the context of the implementation of the Russian-Chinese road map." Under that proposal, North Korea would suspend nuclear and missile tests in exchange for the U.S. and South Korea suspending their joint military exercises.

Sep 03, 2017 5:48AM EDTpublished: Sep 03, 2017 5:16AM EDT

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:53:00 +0200theglobeandmail (en)

The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation. China urged North Korea to "stop taking erroneous actions that deteriorate the situation." North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:52:00 +0200newson6 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:50:00 +0200bradenton (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:50:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:50:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Russia condemns nuclear test, calls for talks

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:49:00 +0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:48:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:35 p.m. The Russian Foreign Ministry says North Korea's claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb "deserves the strongest condemnation." It's calling for all parties to refrain from escalating tensions further.

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:47:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

China's foreign ministry has condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test. The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation. China urged North Korea to "stop taking erroneous actions that deteriorate the situation.

'Extremely regrettable': North Korea carries out its sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:45:00 +0200thejournal (en)

Earthquake and Volcano of the Korea expert Ryoo Yong-gyu speaks about North Korea's artificial earthquake. Source: Lee Jin-man via PA Images. Updated at 10.15am. NORTH KOREA SAYS it has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb this morning, calling the nuclear testing a “complete success” during the announcement on its national broadcaster.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:44:00 +0200bnd (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:44:00 +0200islandpacket (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:43:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

TOKYO (AP) The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:43:00 +0200houstonchronicle (en)

TOKYO (AP) The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: China ‘strongly condemns’ North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:43:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

TOKYO — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:42:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

TOKYO (AP) The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:39:00 +0200ledger-enquirer (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:36:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS. The summit of leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is being held....

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:36:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:35:00 +0200idahostatesman (en)

The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6 p.m. China's foreign ministry has condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test. The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation.

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:35:00 +0200wfsb (en)

TOKYO (AP) - The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday - its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6 p.m. China's foreign ministry has condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test. The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation.

The Latest: Expert says nuke test sends crisis to new stage

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:35:00 +0200wncn (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The Latest on the nuclear test North Korea conducted Sunday — its sixth and largest so far (all times local): 6:20 p.m. A Chinese expert on North Korea says the country conducted its sixth nuclear test Sunday to damage the atmosphere at the summit of the Chinese-led group of large and emerging countries known as BRICS.

BILLEDER Arkæologer finder den romerske by Neapolis

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:35:00 +0200DRNyheder-en (en)

Forskerne undersøger ruinerne efter den antikke by Neapolis ud for Tunesiens kyst. (Fotos fra National Heritage Institute Tunesia og University of Sassari), (Foto: handout © Scanpix) Det var godt vejr og klart vand i området, der gjorde fundet muligt. (Foto: handout © Scanpix) Udskårne monumenter....

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:26:00 +0200startribune (en)

China's foreign ministry has condemned North Korea's sixth nuclear test. The ministry said in a statement Sunday that the Chinese government has "expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation" of Sunday's detonation. China urged North Korea to "stop taking erroneous actions that deteriorate the situation.

The Latest: China 'strongly condemns' North Korean nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:22:00 +0200miamiherald (en)

China urged North Korea to "stop taking erroneous actions that deteriorate the situation." North Korea's nuclear test Sunday was apparently its most powerful yet. The country's state-controlled media say it was a thermonuclear device. 5:10 p.m. South Korea says it wants to answer North Korea's sixth....

Corea del Norte anuncia que ha probado con "total éxito" una bomba de hidrógeno "con gran poder destructivo"

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:20:00 +0200lasexta (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón y de Corea del Sur han asegurado que se ha detectado un terremoto en Corea del Norte cerca del lugar del ensayo nuclear con una magnitud de 6,3, según el Centro Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), lo que supone una potencia diez veces mayor que la de anteriores detonaciones.

North Korea conducts 6th nuclear test, says it was H-bomb

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:04:00 +0200thehindu (en)

North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb on Sunday in its sixth nuclear test, which judging by the earthquake it set off appeared to be its most powerful explosion yet. South Korea’s weather agency estimated the nuclear blast yield of the presumed test was between 50 and 60 kilotons, or five to....

Corea del Norte realiza sexta prueba nuclear; dice desarrolla bomba hidrógeno

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:48:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Por Jack Kim y Soyoung Kim. SEÚL (Reuters) - Corea del Norte dijo el domingo que probó con éxito una bomba de hidrógeno avanzada, en una escalada dramática en el enfrentamiento entre el aislado estado y Estados Unidos sobre su programa de armas nucleares.

María Auxiiadora Dubuc: Movimientos políticos y telúricos en Venezuela

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:47:00 +0200noticierodigital (es)

Pasa el tiempo y no pasa nada en Caracas, pero un buen día soleado, de forma inesperada un sismo nos sorprende, sacudiéndonos a todos, ocurre de manera abrupta, impactante y conmovedora, agita los cimientos más firmes de la realidad que estaba en una supuesta situación de control, poniendo a correr....

Japan confirms North Korea has conducted sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:32:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth nuclear test, the Japanese government confirmed, hours after leader Kim Jong Un inspected what state media claimed was a missile-ready hydrogen bomb. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono confirmed the test after several national....

Japan confirms North Korea has conducted sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:26:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth nuclear test, the Japanese government confirmed, hours after leader Kim Jong Un inspected what state media claimed was a missile-ready hydrogen bomb. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono confirmed the test after several national....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test North Korea has claimed a successful hydrogen bomb test that analysts said was more powerful than previous ones. The test ratchets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:26:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

Japan confirms North Korea has conducted sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:26:00 +0200theolympian (en)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth nuclear test, the Japanese government confirmed, hours after leader Kim Jong Un inspected what state media claimed was a missile-ready hydrogen bomb. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono confirmed the test after several national....

Japan confirms North Korea has conducted sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:26:00 +0200tri-cityherald (en)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth nuclear test, the Japanese government confirmed, hours after leader Kim Jong Un inspected what state media claimed was a missile-ready hydrogen bomb. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono confirmed the test after several national....

La belleza del agua enardecida

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:22:00 +0200elobservador (es)

Fueron las historias contadas por mi padre en mi infancia las que me permitieron imaginar el escenario de lo que puede llegar a ser una catástrofe natural de dimensiones épicas. En mi niñez me hablaba de sus peripecias en el interior del Uruguay, cuando durante las hasta hoy famosas inundaciones de....

Japan confirms North Korea has conducted sixth nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:21:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea on Sunday conducted its sixth nuclear test, the Japanese government confirmed, hours after leader Kim Jong Un inspected what state media claimed was a missile-ready hydrogen bomb. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono confirmed the test after several national....

North Korea nuclear explosion: Kim Jong Un's newest act of aggression sparks new row; check photos

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:19:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

Sun September 03 2017, 12:47 pm. FE Online North Korea nuclear explosion: Kim Jong Un's newest act of aggression has sparked a yet another row. The country has carried out a nuclear explosion earlier in the morning and the first inkling that the world had of something not being right in the area was that it triggered all the earthquake alarms.

NORTH KOREA EXPLOSION - Tremors detected in North Korea caused by nuclear test, says Japan

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:04:00 +0200efe (en)

Lee Mi-Seon, director General of Earthquake and Volcano center of South Korea's Meteorological Administration, speaks as a screen showing seismic activity from North Korea at the Korea Meteorological Administration center in Seoul, South Korea, 03 September 2017. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN.

كشف أثري مذهل في تونس

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:00:00 +0200libyaakhbar (ar)

على 20 هكتارا تحت الماء، تمتد بعض الآثار الرومانية، عثرت عليها بعثة تونسية-إيطالية، في نابل التونسية. وفسر العلماء الأأمر بأنه يؤكد بحسب أن موجة تسونامي غمرت جزءًا من مدينة نيابوليس في القرن الرابع، وفق «فرانس برس»، الأحد. وأوضح منير فنتر مدير بعثة الآثار هذه: «إنه اكتشاف كبير» لأنه يدعم روايات عائدة إلى العصور القديمة.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test North Korea has claimed a successful hydrogen bomb test that analysts said was more powerful than previous tests. The test rachets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:55:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea conducts 6th nuclear test, says it was H-bomb

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:55:00 +0200Hindu (en)

North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb on Sunday in its sixth nuclear test, which judging by the earthquake it set off appeared to be its most powerful explosion yet. South Korea’s weather agency estimated the nuclear blast yield of the presumed test was between 50 and 60 kilotons, or five to....

North Korea conducts 6th nuclear test, says it was H-bomb

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:50:00 +0200india (en)

Seoul, Sep 3 (AP) North Korea said it set off a hydrogen bomb today in its sixth nuclear test, which judging by the earthquake it set off appeared to be its most powerful explosion yet. South Korea’s weather agency estimated the nuclear blast yield of the presumed test was between 50 and 60....

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:50:00 +0200newschannel6now (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

كشف أثري مذهل في تونس

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:49:00 +0200alwasat (ar)

على 20 هكتارا تحت الماء، تمتد بعض الآثار الرومانية، عثرت عليها بعثة تونسية-إيطالية، في نابل التونسية. وفسر العلماء الأأمر بأنه يؤكد بحسب أن موجة تسونامي غمرت جزءًا من مدينة نيابوليس في القرن الرابع، وفق «فرانس برس»، الأحد. وأوضح منير فنتر مدير بعثة الآثار هذه: «إنه اكتشاف كبير» لأنه يدعم روايات عائدة إلى العصور القديمة.

North Korea Claims Successful H-Bomb Test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:37:00 +0200rferl (en)

North Korea says it has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb capable of being loaded onto its long-range missiles. State media said on September 3 that Pyongyang's sixth nuclear test was a "perfect success" and was a "meaningful" step in completing the country's nuclear weapons program.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test North Korea has claimed a successful hydrogen bomb test that analysts said was more powerful than previous tests. The test rachets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:34:00 +0200dw-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

Artificial Earthquake from N. Korean Nuclear Site

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:34:00 +0200kbs-en (en)

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) says that a magnitude five-point-seven earthquake has been detected in northern North Korea on Sunday. The JCS said that an artificial quake was detected at 12:29 p.m. around the North’s Punggye-ri nuclear site in North Hamgyeong Province, adding it is....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:33:00 +0200deutschewelle-sq (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:30:00 +0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea confirms successful test of hydrogen bomb

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:28:00 +0200nzherald (en)

North Korea appears to have conducted another nuclear test, the South Korean government said today after seismic authorities detected an artificial earthquake near Pyongyang regime's known nuclear test site. Source: CNN North Korea says it has successfully conducted a test of a hydrogen bomb that....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test North Korea has claimed to have tested hydrogen bomb that analysts said was more powerful than previous tests. The test rachets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:25:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:22:00 +0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:19:00 +0200deutschewelle-el (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:18:00 +0200deutschewelle-id (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:18:00 +0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:15:00 +0200deutschewelle-mk (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea's state news agency made the announcement after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:14:00 +0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:11:00 +0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:09:00 +0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:08:00 +0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:07:00 +0200deutschewelle-hi (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea says it successfully conducted a test of a hydrogen bomb for an ICBM

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:04:00 +0200ABCnews (en)

North Korea said Sunday that it successfully conducted a test of a hydrogen bomb meant to be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The announcement, made on state-run television, came a few hours after a 6.3-magnitude "explosion" was detected in North Korea , according to the United States Geological Survey announced Sunday.

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test Geological agencies have detected an earthquake in North Korea that signals it conducted its sixth nuclear test. The presumed test rachets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 09:02:00 +0200dw-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims to have conducted successful thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:59:00 +0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:56:00 +0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test Geological agencies have detected an earthquake in North Korea that signals it conducted its sixth nuclear test. The presumed test rachets up tensions after North Korea has conducted repeated ballistic missile tests. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:54:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:51:00 +0200deutschewelle-tr (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:50:00 +0200deutschewelle-ur (en)

North Korea said Sunday it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that can be placed on an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement comes after geological agencies registered a man-made quake in the northeast of the country. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed"....

Neápolis, la ciudad que fue sepultada hace 2.000 años por un tsunami

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:50:00 +0200eltiempo-CO (es)

En el noroeste de Túnez, grandes ruinas submarinas de una ciudad romana han sido descubiertas. La ciudad se llama Neápolis, que significa 'nueva ciudad' en griego, y se cree que fue sumergida por el tsunami que se presentó en el siglo IV DC. Neápolis fue en su tiempo la ciudad más grande del mundo romano.

TUBBY TYRANT'S TREMOR TERROR North Korea detonates suspected sixth nuclear bomb - triggering earthquake ten times larger than any of Kim Jong-un's previous nuke tests

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:36:00 +0200thesun (en)

NORTH Korea has detonated a suspected sixth nuclear bomb, triggering an artificial earthquake ten times larger than any of the rogue nation's previous tests. The 6.3-magnitude 'quake' would be the largest caused by a nuclear test from the country - and it came just hours after the tubby tyrant Kim....

North Korea 'holds nuclear test'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:32:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

Tremors struck North Korea on Sunday, prompting fears that Pyongyang may have conducted its sixth nuclear test. The Japanese government said it has confirmed that the earthquakes detected were a nuclear explosion and has registered a protest with the North Korean embassy in Beijing, according to Foreign Minister Taro Kono.

6.3 earthquake in North Korea 'a nuclear test'

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:27:00 +0200nzherald (en)

The action probably will increase already high tensions between the Trump administration and Kim Jong Un's regime. The US Geological Survey said it had recorded a 6.3 magnitude earthquake at noon Sunday local time, near North Korea's known nuclear test site in the country's northeast region.

Huge tremor detected in DPRK possibly caused by explosion

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:24:00 +0200sinacom-en (en)

A 6.3-magnitude "earthquake" occurred in northeastern DPRK at around 11:30 BJT (0330 GMT) on Sunday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter of the quake, which is suspected to have been caused by an explosion, was detected at a depth of 0 kilometers, said CENC.

North Korea `conducts nuclear test after making hydrogen bomb claims´

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:15:00 +0200wn (en)

North Korea said on Sunday it hasdeveloped a more advanced nuclear weapon that has "greatdestructive power" and leader Kim Jong Un inspected a hydrogenbomb that will be loaded on a new intercontinental ballisticmissile (ICBM). The report by North Korea's official KCNA news agency comes amid....

North Korea believed to have conducted nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:15:00 +0200cna (en)

Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας είπε ότι αποφεύγει το παιγνίδι επίρριψης ευθυνών στο Κυπριακό Τα έργα στην περιοχή Τροόδους παρουσίασε ο Πρόεδρος Αναστασιάδης Εξήγγειλε κι επίσημα υποψηφιότητα για τις Προεδρικές ο Σταύρος Μαλάς Να σταματήσουν οι ενταξιακές διαπραγματεύσεις με την Τουρκία ζητούν Γερμανοί....

North Korea may have conducted sixth nuclear test An apparent “man-made” earthquake that measured 5.6 on the Richter scale was recorded Sunday in Nor

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:11:00 +0200wftv (en)

SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea has appeared to have conducted a sixth nuclear test, Seismological data from the United States Geological Survey showed that an explosion caused a 6.3-magnitude tremor in the northeastern section of North Korea, close to its Punggey-ri nuclear test site.

Quake detected in North Korea after claims of hydrogen bomb

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:04:00 +0200nydailynews (en)

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake was detected in North Korea just hours after Kim Jong Un reportedly inspected a “super explosive” hydrogen bomb the nation developed for its intercontinental ballistic missiles. The U.S. Geological Survey detected a surface “explosion” around 12:30 p.m.

JCS: 5.7-Magnitude Tremor Due to N. Korean Nuclear Test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 08:02:00 +0200kbs-en (en)

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) says that a magnitude five-point-seven earthquake has been detected in northern North Korea on Sunday. The JCS said that an artificial quake was detected at 12:36 p.m. around the North’s Punggye-ri nuclear site in North Hamgyeong Province, adding it is....

‘Earthquake’ detected at North Korea’s nuclear test site

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:48:00 +0200bnonews (en)

The earthquake, which struck at 12 p.m. local time on Sunday, was centered at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in North Hamgyong province, which is where all five of the country's previous nuclear tests have taken place. There was no immediate confirmation on whether a nuclear test had been carried....

South Korean Military Says North May Have Conducted Nuclear Test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:34:00 +0200rferl (en)

The South Korean military has activated its nuclear-crisis response team after it confirmed that an artificial earthquake took place on September 3 near North Korea's nuclear test site. Past earthquakes in North Korea have been caused by nuclear tests.

Atribuyen temblor en norcorea a ensayo nuclear

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:34:00 +0200lostiempos (es)

Un fuerte terremoto a poca profundidad sacudió la República Popular Democrática de Corea (RPDC) ayer, informaron agencias de monitorización geológica. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, siglas en inglés) informó de que se registró un temblor de magnitud 5,6 en la escala de Richter, con su epicentro a 10 kilómetros de profundidad.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:29:00 +0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed" nuclear test. China's earthquake agency said it had detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in northeastern North Korea that was a "suspected explosion.

6.3 earthquake in North Korea believed to be nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:26:00 +0200nzherald (en)

By Anna Fifield. North Korea appears to have conducted another nuclear test, the South Korean government said today after seismic authorities detected an artificial earthquake near Pyongyang regime's known nuclear test site. This would be North Korea's sixth nuclear test, and the first since President Trump was inaugurated.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacude Idaho

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:26:00 +0200zocalo (es)

RT | Estados Unidos.- Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se ha producido en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de EE.UU., según informa el Servicio Geológico del país (USGS, por las siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 17 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Soda Springs, a una profundidad de 9,2 kilómetros.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:23:00 +0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed" nuclear test. China's earthquake agency said it had detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in northeastern North Korea that was a "suspected explosion.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:20:00 +0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed" nuclear test. China's earthquake agency said it had detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in northeastern North Korea that was a "suspected explosion.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:20:00 +0200deutschewelle-tr (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed" nuclear test. China's earthquake agency said it had detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in northeastern North Korea that was a "suspected explosion.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:19:00 +0200deutschewelle-el (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. The South Korean military said it was analyzing a "presumed" nuclear test. China's earthquake agency said it had detected a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in northeastern North Korea that was a "suspected explosion.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:16:00 +0200deutschewelle-ur (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:15:00 +0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

Huge tremor detected in DPRK possibly caused by explosion

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:14:00 +0200peopledaily (en)

A 6.3-magnitude "earthquake" occurred in northeastern DPRK at around 11:30 BJT (0330 GMT) on Sunday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter of the quake, which is suspected to have been caused by an explosion, was detected at a depth of 0 kilometers, said CENC.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:13:00 +0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:13:00 +0200deutschewelle-id (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:11:00 +0200deutschewelle-mk (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:08:00 +0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:07:00 +0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

6.3-Magnitude Tremor in North Korea Near Site of Past Nuke Test, USGS Says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:07:00 +0200nbcnews (en)

A magnitude-6.3 seismic event was recorded in North Korea Sunday that the U.S. Geological Survey says was a "possible explosion, located near the site where North Korea has detonated nuclear explosions in the past." South Korea's Korea Meteorological Agency said it is suspected to be an "artificial earthquake.

FASTMIT: il progetto che studia la pericolosità da terremoto e tsunami sulle coste italiane

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:07:00 +0200247libero (it)

Approfondire la conoscenza e raccogliere informazioni sulle strutture tettoniche nei mari che bagnano l’Italia , con particolare riferimento ad alcune aree campione (Nord Adriatico, Golfo di Taranto, Canale di Sicilia e Mar Tirreno meridionale ”. A riferirlo Giuliana Rossi, coordinatrice di FASTMIT....

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:06:00 +0200deutschewelle-hi (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:03:00 +0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

06:07 World 6.3-Magnitude Tremor in North Korea Near Site of Past Nuke Test, USGS Says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:03:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

A magnitude-6.3 seismic event was recorded in North Korea Sunday that the U.S. Geological Survey says was a "possible explosion, located near the site where North Korea has detonated nuclear explosions in the past." South Korea's Korea Meteorological Agency said it is suspected to be an "artificial earthquake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 07:01:00 +0200deutschewelle-sq (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place, possibly due to a cave-in as a result of the first quake.

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as quake detected South Korea has convened a national security council meeting following a shallow earthquake in North Korea. The quake came shortly after Pyongyang announced it had developed an advanced hydrogen bomb. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:59:00 +0200dw-en (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place. The South Korean military said it was analyzing whether there had been a nuclear test.

North Korea Appears to Conduct Nuclear Test, South Korea Says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:59:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

An earthquake in North Korea on Sunday appeared related to a nuclear test, South Korea’s military said. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said it detected a magnitude 5.6 earthquake around 12:29 p.m. local time near the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in northeast North Korea.

Tremor detected in North Korea may indicate another nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:57:00 +0200wesh (en)

SEOUL, South Korea. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff says an earthquake in North Korea was artificial and it’s analyzing whether the North conducted a nuclear test. South Korean authorities said the quake measured 5.6, while the U.S. Geological Survey recorded the magnitude as 6.3.

Un terremoto de alta magnitud sacude Corea del Norte

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:56:00 +0200elpais (es)

Un fuerte terremoto ha sido detectado en Corea del Norte . El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ha informado de que el sismo se ha producido a unos 55 kilómetros de la ciudad de Kimchaek, al noreste de Pyongyang . Los expertos estadounidenses han señalado que se trataría de un temblor de magnitud 6,3.

Arturo Maldonado: De desastres naturales a políticos

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:56:00 +0200peru21 (es)

Las imágenes devastadoras de la destrucción que generó el huracán Harvey en Houston, la cuarta ciudad más poblada de los Estados Unidos, nos recordaron las imágenes del daño que ocasionó el fenómeno de El Niño costero en nuestro país. Ciudades inundadas, ciudadanos escapando de las aguas, actividad....

North Korea: fears of nuclear test as earthquake detected A shallow earthquake has been detected in North Korea. The tremor came shortly after Pyongyang announced it had developed an advanced hydrogen bomb.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:54:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea may have conducted its sixth nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's Yonhap news agency and China's Earthquake Administration say that a second tremor may have taken place. The South Korean military said it was analyzing whether there had been a nuclear test.

Artificial quake in North raises fear of another nuke test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:51:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

North Korea said that it had developed a more advanced nuclear bomb with “great destructive power,” releasing photos of Kim Jong Un inspecting what his government described as a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States .

Tremor detected in North Korea may indicate another nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:51:00 +0200wxii12 (en)

SEOUL, South Korea. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff says an earthquake in North Korea was artificial and it’s analyzing whether the North conducted a nuclear test. South Korean authorities said the quake measured 5.6, while the U.S. Geological Survey recorded the magnitude as 6.3.

Un terremoto de alta magnitud sacude Corea del Norte

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:51:00 +0200elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Un fuerte terremoto ha sido detectado en Corea del Norte . El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ha informado de que el sismo se ha producido a unos 55 kilómetros de la ciudad de Kimchaek, al noreste de Pyongyang . Los expertos estadounidenses han señalado que se trataría de un temblor de magnitud 6,3.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:50:00 +0200deutschewelle-tr (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:49:00 +0200deutschewelle-el (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:49:00 +0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

North Korea tremors could be nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:49:00 +0200Stuff (en)

China's Earthquake Administration said on Sunday that it detected a second tremor in North Korea of magnitude 4.6, which it termed as a "collapse". A statement on the administration's website said the second quake, measured at a depth of zero kilometres, came eight minutes after the first quake, which it said was a "suspected explosion".

Earthquake detected in North Korea feared to be result of nuclear test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:49:00 +0200washingtonexaminer (en)

. An earthquake near North Korea's nuclear test sight was detected Sunday, raising concerns that Kim Jong Un's regime had conducted its sixth nuclear weapons test. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP) An earthquake near North Korea's nuclear test sight was detected Sunday,....

North Korea may have conducted sixth nuclear test: South Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:48:00 +0200watoday (en)

South Korea's military said the quake was artificial, and it is analysing if it is a nuclear test. The quake happened near the country's known nuclear test site Punggye-ri on Sunday, Yonhap news agency says, citing South Korea's meteorological agency. Meanwhile, China's Earthquake Administration said on Sunday it detected a 6.

FASTMIT: il progetto che studia la pericolosità da terremoto e tsunami sulle coste italiane

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:47:00 +0200restoalsud (it)

Approfondire la conoscenza e raccogliere informazioni sulle strutture tettoniche nei mari che bagnano l’Italia , con particolare riferimento ad alcune aree campione (Nord Adriatico, Golfo di Taranto, Canale di Sicilia e Mar Tirreno meridionale ”. A riferirlo Giuliana Rossi, coordinatrice di FASTMIT....

North Korea may have conducted a sixth nuclear test, South Korea says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:45:00 +0200smh (en)

South Korea's military said the quake was artificial, and it is analysing if it is a nuclear test. The quake happened near the country's known nuclear test site Punggye-ri on Sunday, Yonhap news agency says, citing South Korea's meteorological agency. Meanwhile, China's Earthquake Administration said on Sunday it detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:43:00 +0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:41:00 +0200deutschewelle-id (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:40:00 +0200deutschewelle-mk (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test amid reports of a quake on Sunday that appears to have been man-made. South Korea's military confirmed that an artificial quake had taken place and said it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place. China's Earthquake Administration said it had detected a 6.

North Korea may have conducted a sixth nuclear test, South Korea says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:38:00 +0200theage (en)

South Korea's military said the quake was artificial, and it is analysing if it is a nuclear test. The quake happened near the country's known nuclear test site Punggye-ri on Sunday, Yonhap news agency says, citing South Korea's meteorological agency. Meanwhile, China's Earthquake Administration said on Sunday it detected a 6.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:36:00 +0200deutschewelle-hi (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:35:00 +0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:35:00 +0200deutschewelle-uk (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

Tremor detected in N Korea, may be result of N-test

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:35:00 +0200presstv (en)

This file photo shows a curves chart received from Taiwan showing North Korea’s first hydrogen bomb test, in Taipei, on January 6, 2016. (By AFP) South Korea says an earthquake detected in North Korea on Sunday may have been the result of a new nuclear test by Pyongyang.

North Korea apparently conducts another nuke test, South Korea says

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:35:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

North Korea said that it had developed a more advanced nuclear bomb with “great destructive power,” releasing photos of Kim Jong Un inspecting what his government described as a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States .

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:33:00 +0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:30:00 +0200deutschewelle-sq (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:28:00 +0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South fears nuclear test after quake shakes North South Korea has convened a national security council meeting following a shallow earthquake in North Korea. The quake came shortly after Pyongyang announced it had developed an advanced hydrogen bomb. Go to article

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:28:00 +0200dw-en (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea South Korea has convened a national security council meeting following a shallow earthquake in North Korea. The quake came shortly after Pyongyang announced it had developed an advanced hydrogen bomb.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:24:00 +0200deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:21:00 +0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

North Korea appears to have conducted another nuclear test, its sixth

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:20:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

North Korea said that it had developed a more advanced nuclear bomb with “great destructive power,” releasing photos of Kim Jong Un inspecting what his government described as a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States .

South Korea fears nuclear test as earthquake shakes North Korea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:13:00 +0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

North Korea may have conducted a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday. The quake appeared to have been manmade, Yonhap added, suggesting that Pyongyang had conducted a sixth nuclear test. South Korea's military also called the tremor "artificial" and added it was analyzing whether a nuclear test took place.

05:57 Newsticker Erdbeben erschüttert Nordkorea

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:10:00 +0200Welt (de)

P eking - In Nordkorea hat sich ein Erdbeben ereignet. Das berichtete die amerikanische Erdbebenwarte am Sonntag. Die Stärke wurde mit 5,6 angegeben, wie die amtliche chinesische Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua berichtete. Ischia Drei Kinder nach Stunden aus Erdbeben-Trümmern gerettet Bei einem Erdbeben....

Indonesia: No casualties reported in 5.2 Sumatra quake

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 05:16:00 +0200aa-en (en)

By Hayati Nupus. JAKARTA, Indonesia. A 5.2 earthquake hit southeastern Indonesia on Saturday, the fourth the country has seen in two days, with no casualties or major damage reported, local officials reported. The quake struck Pesawaran, Lampung, on the island of Sumatra, on Saturday at 10.32 a.m.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,3 sacudió a Idaho, EE.UU.

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 05:10:00 +0200radiomundial (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,3 se registró este sábado en el estado de Idaho, al noroeste de Estados Unidos(EE.UU.) , informó el Servicio Geológico del país (USGS, por su sigla en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se situó a 28 kilómetros al este de la ciudad de Soda Springs , a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

Idaho quake followed by swarm, including 3.0 temblor in Cache Valley

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 04:57:00 +0200hjnews (en)

A powerful earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter Scale was the first of swarm of quakes to hit Southeastern Idaho and northern Cache Valley on Saturday evening. The big quake at 5:56 p.m. had an epicenter about 17 miles east and slightly south of Soda Springs and was felt as far south as Hyrum.

BREAKING: 5.3 magnitude earthquake in SE Idaho

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 03:14:00 +0200good4utah (en)

SODA SPRINGS, Idaho (ABC4 Utah) - The United States Geological Survey has confirmed a magnitude 5.3 earthquake has occurred 17 miles east of Soda Springs, Idaho. ABC 4 received reports of the earthquake around 6 p.m. this evening. It is not immediately known if the earthquake has caused any damage or injuries.

annual Halloween Party

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 03:09:00 +0200thedailybeast (en)

TOKYO — It’s been over a month since Japan’s largest organized crime group, the Yamaguchi-gumi, split into two rival factions , and, ever since, people here have been waiting for something to go bump (or be bumped off) in the night. But it appears the first victim in the looming gang war is nothing....

You’re not imagining it — SLC feels tremors of Idaho earthquake

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 03:02:00 +0200sltrib (en)

If you felt the earth move under your feet about 6 p.m. Saturday, you weren’t imagining things. A 5.3 magnitude earthquake hit about 17 miles east of Soda Springs, Idaho, just before 6 p.m. MDT, sending tremors down to Salt Lake City and surrounding areas, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Filling cars with gas directly from trucks to be allowed in disasters

Sun, 03 Sep 2017 01:09:00 +0200ajc (en)

The Japanese government will ease regulations so that passenger cars can be filled with gasoline directly from tanker trucks during disasters. The move is to prevent severe fuel shortages like the one that occurred after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Hawaii Prepares For 'Unlikely' North Korea Missile Threat

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 23:45:00 +0200pidp (en)

Hawaii will begin monthly tests of an 'attack-warning' siren the state hasn't heard since the end of the Cold War in the 1980s. PAGO PAGO, American Samoa (The Samoa News, July 27, 2017 ) – Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea.

Dublin Bay Sailing Club Results for Saturday, 2 September 2017

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 20:40:00 +0200afloat (en)

CRUISERS 0 - 1. Lively Lady (Derek Martin), 2. Tsunami (Vincent Farrell), 3. Wow (George Sisk) CRUISERS 0 - 1. Wow (George Sisk), 2. Tsunami (Vincent Farrell), 3. Lively Lady (Derek Martin) CRUISERS 1 - 1. Bon Exemple (C Byrne), 2. Gringo (Tony Fox), 3. White Mischief (Tim Goodbody CRUISERS 1 - 1. Gringo (Tony Fox), 2.

USA - Trump will Opfer der Flutkatastrophe treffen

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 19:56:00 +0200deutschlandfunk (de)

Im US-Bundesstaat Texas wird das Ausmaß der Zerstörung durch den Wirbelsturm "Harvey" immer deutlicher. Weil die Pegelstände langsam sinken, konnten Bewohner der Metropole Houston die Schäden an ihren Häusern jetzt erstmals mit eigenen Augen begutachten. Präsident Trump traf inzwischen ein zweites Mal im Katastrophengebiet ein.

Veneto sferzato dal maltempo Nubifragio a Mestre e Treviso

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 18:56:00 +0200247libero (it)

VENTO E PIOGGIA. Veneto sferzato dal maltempo Nubifragio a Mestre e Treviso. Allagamenti e grandine. VENEZIA Veneto ancora sotto il maltempo sabato pomeriggio, con un fortunale che si è abbattuto nel veneziano e in centro a Treviso, con grandine e forti raffiche di vento.

Nach dem Hurrikan Harvey: Ausmaß der Schäden in Texas

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 16:52:00 +0200br-online (de)

Knapp acht Milliarden Dollar hat US-Präsident Trump beim Kongreß beantragt, um den Opfern der Flutkatastrophe nach Hurrikan Harvey zu helfen. Die ersten Betroffenen kehren zwar wieder in ihre Häuser zurück. Entwarnung gibt es aber nach wie vor nicht.

Veneto sferzato dal maltempo Nubifragio a Mestre e Treviso

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 16:41:00 +0200corrieredelveneto (it)

VENTO E PIOGGIA. Veneto sferzato dal maltempo Nubifragio a Mestre e Treviso. Allagamenti e grandine. VENEZIA Veneto ancora sotto il maltempo sabato pomeriggio, con un fortunale che si è abbattuto nel veneziano e in centro a Treviso, con grandine e forti raffiche di vento.

Sismo de magnitud 5,1 sacude costas de Indonesia

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 16:14:00 +0200elpaisonline (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,1 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las costas de Indonesia, sin reportarse daños humanos ni materiales por el momento. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, el movimiento telúrico se registró a 80 kilómetros de....

Archéologie : Nabeul frappée par un tsunami au...

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 15:47:00 +0200kapitalis (fr)

Une équipe d’archéologues tuniso-italiens a annoncé à l’AFP qu’une partie de la ville de Néapolis, l’actuel Nabeul, a été frappée par un tsunami au 4e siècle après J.-C. Par Hassen Mzoughi. L’équipe a maintenant «la certitude que Néapolis a souffert de ce séisme» qui date, selon l’historien Ammien Marcellin, du 21 juillet 365 après J.

Un important oras antic roman, distrus de tsunami in secolul al IV-lea, a fost gasit in adancurile marii

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 15:39:00 +0200bloombiz (ro)

Orasul antic Neapolis, o vasta asezare romana disparuta acum 1.700 de ani, a fost redescoperit in largul coastei Tunisiei, dupa mai multi ani de explorari arheologice. Se crede ca orasul a fost acoperit de ape dupa ce a fost lovit de un tsunami in secolul al IV-lea d.Hr.

9:06 Sismo de magnitud 5,1 sacude costas de Indonesia

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 15:16:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

02 de septiembre de 2017, 09:06 Yakarta, 2 sep (PL) Un sismo de magnitud 5,1 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las costas de Indonesia, sin reportarse daños humanos ni materiales por el momento. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, el....

Un oras roman descoperit sub apa confirma teoria conform careia un tsunami l-a scufundat

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:55:00 +0200hotnews (ro)

Un oras roman pierdut a fost gasit in apele din nordul Tunisiei, alaturi de zeci de recipiente antice de sos de peste. Astfel se confirma vechea teorie conform careia asezarea a fost inghitita de un tsunami urias acum 1600 de ani, noteaza Institutul National de Patrimoniu al Tunisiei si....

Un oras roman descoperit sub apa confirma teoria conform careia un tsunami l-a scufundat

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:53:00 +0200hotnews-en (ro)

Un oras roman pierdut a fost gasit in apele din nordul Tunisiei, alaturi de zeci de recipiente antice de sos de peste. Astfel se confirma vechea teorie conform careia asezarea a fost inghitita de un tsunami urias acum 1600 de ani, noteaza Institutul National de Patrimoniu al Tunisiei si....

Un important oras antic roman, distrus de tsunami in secolul al IV-lea, a fost gasit in adancurile marii

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:45:00 +0200business24 (ro)

Orasul antic Neapolis, o vasta asezare romana disparuta acum 1.700 de ani, a fost redescoperit in largul coastei Tunisiei, dupa mai multi ani de explorari arheologice. Se crede ca orasul a fost acoperit de ape dupa ce a fost lovit de un tsunami in secolul al IV-lea d.Hr.

Growing health care model skips past insurance, expanding in Tennessee

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:45:00 +0200commercialappeal (en)

DPC, as it's known, is just what it sounds like: direct care between the doctor and the patient, removing health insurance companies from the process. The result, which is spreading across Tennessee, is less paperwork for physicians and less expensive, more personalized care for patients.

إندونيسيا.. زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجات يضرب جزيرة سومطرة

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:13:00 +0200elfagr (ar)

وذكرت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والمناخ والجيوفيزياء الإندونيسية، أن هذا هو رابع زلزال يضرب إندونيسيا منذ أمس الجمعة. وقالت الهيئة إن مركز الزلزال الذي ضرب سومطرة اليوم يبعد 36 كيلومترا عن مدينة تامبانج جنوبا، وعلى عمق 80 كيلومترا. وقالت الهيئة إن نتائج رصد النشاط الزلزالي رجحت أن الزلزال لن تكون له توابع، وأنه ليس من النوع المدمر.

الزلازل تضرب إندونيسيا وتركيا واليونان

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:02:00 +0200alarab-qa (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 5.2 درجة على مقياس ريختر، إقليم لامبونج في جزيرة سومطرة الإندونيسية اليوم السبت، دون وقوع خسائر.وذكرت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية والمناخ والجيوفيزياء الإندونيسية، أن هذا هو رابع زلزال يضرب إندونيسيا منذ أمس الجمعة. وقالت الهيئة إن مركز الزلزال الذي ضرب سومطرة اليوم يبعد 36 كيلومترا عن مدينة تامبانج جنوبا وعلى عمق 80 كيلومترا.

Un important oras antic roman, distrus de tsunami in secolul al IV-lea, a fost gasit in adancurile marii

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 13:52:00 +0200ziare (ro)

. Orasul antic Neapolis, o vasta asezare romana disparuta acum 1.700 de ani, a fost redescoperit in largul coastei Tunisiei, dupa mai multi ani de explorari arheologice. Se crede ca orasul a fost acoperit de ape dupa ce a fost lovit de un tsunami in secolul al IV-lea d.Hr.

تونس: العثور على مدينة أغرقها تسونامي قبل 1600 عام 2017-09-02

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 13:07:00 +0200arabs48 (ar)

كما أثبت الاكتشاف أن مدينة نيابوليس كانت أكبر مركز في "العالم الروماني" لإنتاج صلصة الغاروم "garum"، وهي صلصة من السمك المخمر تستخدم كبهار، والتي كانت مفضلة لدى سكان روما القديمة. ووصف رئيس البعثة الأثرية التونسية الإيطالية، منير فنطر، هذا الاكتشاف الذي عثر عليه في ساحل مدينة نابل بأنه "اكتشاف كبير"، بحسب وكالة فرانس برس.

Trump-Vertrauter wird US-Botschafter in Bern

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 12:45:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

Edward McMullen wird neuer US-Botschafter in der Schweiz. Das teilte der Pressedienst des Weissen Hauses am Freitag mit, wie der Korrespondent des Westschweizer Radios in Washington berichtete. McMullen tritt die Nachfolge von Suzy Levine an, die nach dem Wahlsieg von US-Präsident demissioniert hat.

Trump nominiert umstrittenen neuen Nasa-Chef

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 10:27:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

Der US-Präsident hat den republikanischen Abgeordneten James Bridenstine als neuen Chef der Weltraumbehörde vorgeschlagen. Die Nomination wird kritisiert. Nachhaltiges Investieren ist bei Schweizer Privatanlegerinnen und -anlegern noch wenig verbreitet. Dabei bringt es einen doppelten Gewinn.

Son Depremler: Muğla Marmaris ve Ege'de deprem mi oldu? İşte Kandilli Rasathanesi ve AFAD son dakika haberleri

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 10:18:00 +0200stargazete (tr)

Son depremleri merak eden vatandaşlar için yeni gelişmeleri bu haberimizde derledik. Muğla Marmaris deprem ile sarsıldı. Son dakika deprem haberi ile vatandaşlar depremin büyüklüğünü ve merkez üssünü araştırmaya başladı. Merkez üssü Akdeniz olan deprem 19.48 civarında gerçekleşti ve büyüklüğü 5.2 olarak ölçüldü.

National memorial for quake, tsunami victims to be built in Fukushima

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 09:30:00 +0200japantoday (en)

The government has announced its intention to build a national memorial in the Fukushima Prefecture town of Namie to commemorate victims of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and those who died while being evacuated due to the subsequent nuclear disaster.

Sismo de magnitude 5,1 registado ao largo da ilha indonésia de Sumatra

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 08:48:00 +0200cmjornal (pt)

Um sismo de magnitude 5,1 na escala de Richter foi registado hoje a sul da ilha indonésia de Sumatra, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami. O terramoto, ocorrido a 80 quilómetros de profundidade, teve o epicentro localizado no mar a mais de meia centena de quilómetros da localidade de....

هزة أرضية شدتها خمس درجات تضرب شرق اليونان

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 08:42:00 +0200Sana-ar (ar)

أثينا-سانا. أعلنت السلطات اليونانية اليوم أن هزة أرضية شدتها خمس درجات على مقياس ريختر ضربت جزيرة رودس شرق اليونان دون سقوط ضحايا أو أضرار بالمكان . ونقلت ا ب عن معهد اثينا لعلوم التحركات الجغرافية قوله إن “مركز الهزة التي وقعت أمس كان في البحر جنوب رودس” ولم تتسبب بتشكل أمواج مد تسونامي عاتية .

No sintieron el temblor que provocó aquel maremoto

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 08:38:00 +0200laprensa (es)

En conmemoración del 25 aniversario del maremoto que arrasó con la franja del Pacífico nicaragüense y mató a más de 170 personas, científicos internacionales revelaron datos del mismo que no eran de conocimiento público y que ayudan a dimensionar la magnitud de aquella tragedia.

بالصور..العثور على مدينة رومانية في تونس أغرقها تسونامي قبل 1600 عام!

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 06:25:00 +0200alalam-ir (ar)

كما أثبت الاكتشاف أن مدينة نيابوليس كانت أكبر مركز في "العالم الروماني" لإنتاج صلصة الغاروم "garum"، وهي صلصة من السمك المخمر تستخدم كبهار، والتي كانت مفضلة لدى سكان روما القديمة. ووصف منير فنطر، رئيس البعثة الأثرية التونسية الإيطالية هذا الاكتشاف الذي عثر عليه في ساحل مدينة نابل بأنه "اكتشاف كبير"، بحسب وكالة فرانس برس.

Sunken City Hit by Ancient Tsunami Discovered

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 05:15:00 +0200newsweek (en)

Archaeologists have found a massive complex of underwater ruins off the northeastern coast of Tunisia, proving that an ancient Roman city that once stood there was devastated by a tsunami 1,600 years ago and was partially lost beneath the waves. The discovery has revealed the Roman city of Neapolis,....

Rosario en Multinoticias (1 de Septiembre del 2017)

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 05:13:00 +0200el19digital (es)

Declaraciones de Compañera Rosario Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua en Edición del Mediodía de Multinoticias Canal 4. 1 de Septiembre del 2017. Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes queridas Familias de nuestra Nicaragua, Unida, Bendita, Siempre Libre! Aquí estamos, conmemorando el 25 Aniversario del....

Compañera Rosario recuerda el 25 aniversario del tsunami del Pacífico

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 05:13:00 +0200el19digital (es)

Aquí estamos conmemorando el 25 aniversario de tsunami que nos dejó casi 200 hermanos y hermanas fallecidas en las costas del Pacífico de Nicaragua , indicó. La Compañera dijo que esta fecha se está conmemorando con un evento científico sobre los sistemas de alerta temprana.

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, missiles

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 02:31:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

TOKYO: Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries and it....

كشف آثار رومانية في تونس غمرها «تسونامي»

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 00:17:00 +0200al-khaleej (ar)

عثرت بعثة تونسية إيطالية على آثار رومانية تمتد على 20 هكتاراً تحت الماء خلال الصيف الحالي في نابل التونسية ما يؤكد، بحسب علماء الآثار، أن موجة تسونامي غمرت جزءاً من مدينة نيابوليس في القرن الرابع. وقال منير فنتر، مدير البعثة، لوكالة فرانس برس: إنه اكتشاف كبير، لأنه يدعم روايات عائدة إلى العصور القديمة.

Poverty, not wealth, is the enemy of the environment

Sat, 02 Sep 2017 00:05:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

Texans will find few consolations in the wake of a hurricane as terrifying as Harvey. But here, at least, is one: A biblical storm has hit them, and the death toll — 38 as of this writing — is mercifully low, given its intensity. This is not how it plays out in much of the world.

Compañera Rosario recuerda el 25 aniversario del tsunami del Pacífico

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 23:24:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

Aquí estamos conmemorando el 25 aniversario de tsunami que nos dejó casi 200 hermanos y hermanas fallecidas en las costas del Pacífico de Nicaragua , indicó. La Compañera dijo que esta fecha se está conmemorando con un evento científico sobre los sistemas de alerta temprana.

Compañera Rosario recuerda el 25 aniversario del tsunami del Pacífico

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 23:09:00 +0200presidencia-NI (es)

Aquí estamos conmemorando el 25 aniversario de tsunami que nos dejó casi 200 hermanos y hermanas fallecidas en las costas del Pacífico de Nicaragua , indicó. La Compañera dijo que esta fecha se está conmemorando con un evento científico sobre los sistemas de alerta temprana.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 22:43:00 +0200kswo (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Nicaragua rinde homenaje a víctimas del tsunami de 1992

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 22:20:00 +0200nuevaya (es)

Este viernes las autoridades del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) honraron la memoria de las 170 víctimas del devastador tsunami en las costas del pacifico de nuestro en 1992. El doctor Guillermo González, del Sinapred, recordó la dolorosa tragedia como un hito para nuestra....

¿Está Chile preparado para enfrentar desastres en el borde costero?

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:58:00 +0200radio-uchile (es)

El terremoto y maremoto del 27 de febrero del año 2010 dejó innumerables secuelas en la zona centro y sur de nuestro país, pero también entregó lecciones sobre cómo enfrentar de mejor manera fenómenos similares en el futuro. Tras esa experiencia, recientemente fue anunciada la construcción de un....

Suomalaisille tutusta lomakohteesta löytyivät valtavat antiikin Rooman rauniot – tuhosiko tsunami muinaisen kaupungin?

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:57:00 +0200IltaSanomat (fi)

Tunisia on suomalaisille tuttu lomakohde. Nabeul kuuluu Hammametin ohella Pohjois-Afrikassa Välimeren etelärannikolla sijaitsevan Tunisian tärkeimpiin lomakohteisiin. Nyt paikka tunnetaan tärkeästä arkeologisesta löydöstä. Löydön teki johtama arkeologien ryhmä, joka etsii tutkimusryhmänsä kanssa Neapolisin satamaa Tunisian rannikolla.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:44:00 +0200wfsb (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:36:00 +0200news9 (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

In Texas chemical-plant fire, failure of backup measures raises new fears

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:58:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

Although the fire and blasts have so far not been as dire as many feared, the loss of control of dangerous materials and the igniting of volatile chemicals spread anxiety and triggered an investigation by the Chemical Safety Board, an independent federal agency.

На дне Средиземного моря обнаружили таинственный древний город

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:56:00 +0200kvedomosti (ru)

Археологи нашли руины разрушенного цунами древнеримского города. Археологи нашли подтверждение тому, что древнеримский город Неаполис, располагавшийся на северо-востоке современного Туниса, в 365 году частично ушел под воду из-за цунами. Об этом пишет со ссылкой на Моя планета.

مدينة رومانية في تونس أغرقها تسونامي قبل 1600 عام

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:13:00 +0200rt-ar (ar)

عثر العلماء على مدينة رومانية قديمة غارقة في البحر قبالة شمال شرق تونس، ويؤكد هذا الاكتشاف نظرية أن مدينة "نيابوليس" قد غُمرت بالمياه جزئيا بسبب تسونامي في القرن الرابع الميلادي. كما أثبت الاكتشاف أن مدينة نيابوليس كانت أكبر مركز في "العالم الروماني" لإنتاج صلصة الغاروم "garum"، وهي صلصة من السمك....

Dykkere finder den romerske by Neapolis

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:07:00 +0200DRNyheder (da)

Arkæologer har fundet, hvad der menes at være resterne efter den forsvundne romerske by Neapolis i havet ud for den tunesiske kyst. - Det er stort fund, siger Mounir Fantar, der leder den tunesisk-italienske ekspedition, til AFP. Under havet har man fundet et stort område med veje, monumenter og....

Un cuarto de siglo después

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 20:03:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Redacción Central | 01/09/2017. El Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (Ineter), conmemoró este viernes el 25 aniversario del desastroso tsunami del 1 de septiembre de 1992 que afectó la costa del Océano Pacífico de Nicaragua. Una ola que alcanzó entre cuatro y 10 metros de altura....

Ancient Rome: Sunken City Devastated by a Tsunami 1,600 Years Ago Discovered off Tunisian Coast

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 19:20:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

Archaeologists have found a massive complex of underwater ruins off the northeastern coast of Tunisia, proving that an ancient Roman city that once stood there was devastated by a tsunami 1,600 years ago and was partially lost beneath the waves. The discovery has revealed the Roman city of Neapolis,....

Atlantis found? Mystery ancient UNDERWATER CITY discovered

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 19:06:00 +0200dailystar (en)

AFP DISCOVERY: Archaeologists have discovered an underwater city in Tunisia The Roman ruins have been discovered off the coast of northeastern Tunisia. It confirms a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD.

Tunisie: une cité romaine découverte sous la mer près de Nabeul

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 18:39:00 +0200rfi-fr (fr)

Publié le 01-09-2017 Modifié le 01-09-2017 à 17:58 RFI Une équipe d’archéologues tunisiens et italiens a annoncé cet été la découverte d’une cité romaine, Néapolis, sur le littoral tunisien, à quelques mètres de Nabeul. Une partie de la ville avait disparu au IVe siècle après J.-C., ravagée par un tsunami.

Hoy la realidad es otra

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 18:31:00 +0200lavozdelsandinismo (es)

San Rafael del Sur | Redacción Central | 01/09/2017. La fuerza de la naturaleza marcó brutalmente a las familias de la zona costera del pacífico nicaragüense un 1 de septiembre de 1992. Entonces un maremoto arrasó con todo a su paso. Cientos de personas murieron y otro gran número quedaron lesionadas.

La noche que un maremoto dejó más de 170 muertos en las costas del Pacífico de Nicaragua

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 18:16:00 +0200laprensa (es)

Hace 25 años, la noche del 1 de septiembre de 1992, un maremoto afectó poco más de 250 kilómetros de la franja costera del Pacífico de Nicaragua. El tsunami dejó más de 170 muertos, más de 3,000 heridos y unas 13,000 personas sin hogar. Esta es la crónica publicada en LA PRENSA los días 2 y 3 de....

Trump ist happy mit seinem Stabschef

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 17:49:00 +0200BernerZeitung (de)

Nachhaltiges Investieren ist bei Schweizer Privatanlegerinnen und -anlegern noch wenig verbreitet. Dabei bringt es einen doppelten Gewinn. Am einfachsten geht das über einen Nachhaltigkeitsfonds. Während Hurrikan Harvey in Texas ­wütet, löst Donald Trump mit der Begnadigung von Sheriff Joe Arpaio einen politischen Tsunami in Washington aus.

Tunisie : Des ruines de la cité de Néapolis engloutie découvertes au large de Nabeul

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 17:34:00 +0200africanmanager (fr)

De vastes ruines romaines sous-marines ont été découvertes au nord-est de la Tunisie, au large de Nabeul, confirmant apparemment une théorie selon laquelle la ville de Neapolis était partiellement submergée par un tsunami au IVème siècle de notre ère. “C’est une découverte majeure”, a déclaré à....

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 17:03:00 +0200manilatimes (en)

PADANG, Indonesia: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75....

Familias del pacífico están preparadas para enfrentar la fuerza de la naturaleza

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:58:00 +0200presidencia-NI (es)

La fuerza de la naturaleza marcó brutalmente a las familias de la zona costera del pacífico nicaragüense, un 1 de septiembre de 1992 cuando un maremoto arrasó con todo a su paso. Cientos de personas lesionadas y otro gran número de víctimas mortales sumaron en la lista del desastre que dejó a humildes familias sin hogar y sin negocios.

Fukushima, le choix du retour

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:43:00 +0200france24 (fr)

Le 11 mars 2011, dans le nord-est du Japon, un séisme et un tsunami provoquaient à Fukushima la plus grave catastrophe nucléaire depuis Tchernobyl. Comme en ex-URSS, le Japon a évacué une vaste zone autour de la centrale, mais contrairement aux Soviétiques, Tokyo a tout fait depuis pour reconquérir ces territoires perdus.

Finding better routes for relief supplies to disaster sites like Houston

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:32:00 +0200homelandsecuritynewswire (en)

Harvey’s trail of destruction through southern Texas this week is drawing attention to the difficulty of providing relief services in a place where roads, ports, and airports are heavily damaged, if not destroyed. One expert uses mathematical modeling and high-powered computing to develop quicker,....

Familias del pacífico están preparadas para enfrentar la fuerza de la naturaleza

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:30:00 +0200elpueblopresidente (es)

La fuerza de la naturaleza marcó brutalmente a las familias de la zona costera del pacífico nicaragüense, un 1 de septiembre de 1992 cuando un maremoto arrasó con todo a su paso. Cientos de personas lesionadas y otro gran número de víctimas mortales sumaron en la lista del desastre que dejó a humildes familias sin hogar y sin negocios.

العثور في تونس على آثار رومانية غمرتها موجة تسونامي

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:27:00 +0200alquds-uk (ar)

نابل (- (أ ف ب) – عثرت بعثة تونسية إيطالية على آثار رومانية تمتد على 20 هكتارا تحت الماء خلال الصيف الحالي في نابل التونسية ما يؤكد بحسب علماء الاثار ان موجة تسونامي غمرت جزءا من مدينة نيابوليس في القرن الرابع. واوضح منير فنتر مدير بعثة الاثار هذه لوكالة فرانس برس “انه اكتشاف كبير” لانه يدعم روايات عائدة الى العصور القديمة.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:24:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:11:00 +0200wbrc (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:02:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. More >> WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Найдены руины разрушенного цунами древнеримского города

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:59:00 +0200vesti-md (ru)

Глава тунисско-итальянской археологической миссии Мунир Фантар сообщил, что специалисты обнаружили на дне моря признаки улиц и памятников, а также около 100 резервуаров, используемых для производства гарума фирменной рыбной приправы, которую очень любили в Древнем Риме, передает По словам Фантара, в IV веке н.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:56:00 +0200foxbusiness (en)

Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods. Arkema executive Richard Rennard said the fire was caused by the chemicals degrading because of the lack of refrigeration. The chemicals that caught fire at the plant outside....

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:51:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable that they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Arkema, which operates the plant, told the government that layers of "mitigation measures" make it unlikely that a worst-case scenario would occur. This week, some of the preventive efforts failed.

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:34:00 +0200philly (en)

CROSBY, Texas When the hurricane blew in, workers at the Arkema chemical plant in Crosby, Texas, faced the problem of keeping the plant’s volatile chemicals cold. The plant had 19.5 tons of organic peroxides of various strengths, all of them requiring refrigeration to prevent ignition.

Ruínas romanas submersas por tsunami são descobertas na Tunísia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:34:00 +0200ne10 (pt)

Uma foto divulgada pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Nacional da Tunísia e pela Universidade de Sassari em 31 de agosto de 2017 mostra arqueólogos mergulhando na costa de Nabeul, no nordeste da Tunísia, no local da antiga cidade romana de Neápolis Handout. Grandes ruínas romanas subaquáticas foram....

Indonesia, registrato un sisma di magnitudo 6.2

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:11:00 +0200ilmattino (it)

Un forte sisma di magnitudo 6,2 ha scosso la regione ovest dell'Indonesia, lo ha annunciato l'istituto nordamerciano di geofisica, chiarendo che il terremoto non costituirà pericolo di eventuali tsunami. La scossa è stata localizzata a una profondità di 49 km, con epicentro al largo della costa dell'isola di Sumatra.

Indonesia, registrato un sisma di magnitudo 6.2

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:02:00 +0200ilmessaggero (it)

Un forte sisma di magnitudo 6,2 ha scosso la regione ovest dell'Indonesia, lo ha annunciato l'istituto nordamerciano di geofisica, chiarendo che il terremoto non costituirà pericolo di eventuali tsunami. La scossa è stata localizzata a una profondità di 49 km, con epicentro al largo della costa dell'isola di Sumatra.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:01:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. More >> WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 14:57:00 +0200newschannel6now (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Archeolodzy odkryli ruiny starożytnego miasta zalanego w IV w. przez tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 14:51:00 +0200kopalniawiedzy (pl)

U północno-wschodnich wybrzeży Tunezji, przy Nabulu, odkryto rozległe podwodne ruiny rzymskiego miasta . Potwierdza to teorię, że w IV w. n.e. starożytne miasto Neapolis zostało częściowo zalane przez tsunami. Archeologom udało się także wykazać, że niegdyś Neapolis było największym centrum....

Brazilian Batallion in Minustah Concludes Operations in Haiti

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 14:44:00 +0200plenglish (en)

Port-au-Prince, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian contingent at the service of the UN Mission for Stablization of Haiti (Minustah) is concluding tonight its operations in Haitian national territory. The ceremony will be presided over by Brazilian Defense Minister Raul Jungmannm, UN Secretary....

Hurricane Harvey reminds us we're all in the same boat | Opinion

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 14:22:00 +0200nola (en)

A family is evacuated from their home as floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey rise Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, in Spring, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)( By Robert Mann, Columnist Why is it we often need a flood, earthquake or other natural disaster to remind us of our common humanity? What is it....

Ruínas romanas submersas por tsunami são descobertas na Tunísia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 13:59:00 +0200ne10 (pt)

Grandes ruínas romanas subaquáticas foram descobertas no nordeste da Tunísia, aparentemente confirmando uma teoria de que a cidade de Neápolis foi parcialmente submergida por um tsunami no século IV d.C. “É uma grande descoberta”, disse à AFP Mounir Fantar, chefe de uma missão arqueológica tunisiana-italiana que fez a descoberta na costa de Nabeul.

Happening Today: Harvey, Penn State, L'Oreal, Mark Ruffalo

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 13:38:00 +0200nbcnewyork (en)

This newsletter will return Wednesday, Sept. 6. White House Preparing $5.9B Request for Harvey Recovery Aid. The White House has prepared a request to Congress for an initial $5.9 billion package in Harvey recovery aid, a first down payment to make sure recovery efforts over the next few weeks are adequately funded.

Megathrust Mentawai Lepaskan Energi, Warga Panik PERLAHAN-LAHAN, sisi megathrust Mentawai terus melepaskan energi. Kekhawatiran segmen Siberut menyimpan energi 8,9 skala Richter (SR) atau apa yang disebut megathrust, mulai tergerus, setidaknya... 1 September 2017, 18:06 WIB

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 13:24:00 +0200MediaIndonesia (id)

PERLAHAN-LAHAN, sisi megathrust Mentawai terus melepaskan energi. Kekhawatiran segmen Siberut menyimpan energi 8,9 skala Richter (SR) atau apa yang disebut megathrust, mulai tergerus, setidaknya kejadian gempa Jumat (1/9) dini hari dengan besaran 6 SR versi BMKG dan Magnitudo (M) 6,3 versi USGS.

Brasil vive 'calmaria antes do tsunami', diz Dilma Atualizado há 4 minutos

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:37:00 +0200gazetaonline (pt)

Ao comentar seu impeachment, julgado pelo Senado há exatamente um ano, a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff previu um agravamento da crise "econômica, política e social" no Brasil num futuro próximo. Em evento organizado pelo jornal "Brasil de Fato" na Associação Brasileira de Imprensa (ABI) na noite....

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:28:00 +0200stromstadstidning (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Over 20 hectares of Roman ruins discovered submerged off Tunisian coast

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:26:00 +0200zmescience (en)

On July 21, 365 AD the pearl-city of Alexandria, Egypt was devastated by a massive tsunami which was triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Greece. Though the ancients couldn’t measure earthquakes at the time , contemporary scientists estimated from the historical records that the largest of the two tremors had a magnitude of 8.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:15:00 +0200kristianstadsbladet (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:12:00 +0200ttela (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:11:00 +0200barometern (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten 11:41

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:10:00 +0200aftonbladet (sv)

Tunisien. Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. – Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:10:00 +0200svd (sv)

Omfattande romerska ruiner har upptäckts utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. Foto: University of Sassari/AFP/TT. – Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och....

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:02:00 +0200goteborgpost (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:58:00 +0200sydostran (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:58:00 +0200ystadsallehanda (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:48:00 +0200trelleborgsallehanda (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Tempête Harvey : au Texas, la Une de Charlie Hebdo choque et agace

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:45:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

Au Texas, on ne plaisante pas au sujet de la tempête Harvey , qui a fait des dizaines de morts ces derniers jours. Dans cet État du sud des États-Unis, la dernière Une de l’hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo a du mal à passer. "Dieu existe ! Il a noyé tous les néo-nazis du Texas", peut-on lire sur le dessin de Riss qui apparaît en une.

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:45:00 +0200trust (en)

TOKYO, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world's most....

Romerska ruiner upptäckta i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:44:00 +0200smalandsposten (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten TT Nyhetsbyrån

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:44:00 +0200msn-se (sv)

© Foto: TT Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten. Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Houston, Harvey y Venezuela

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:30:00 +0200eluniversal (es)

El huracán Harvey ha sido la noticia mundial de esta semana, al haberse constituido en el desastre natural más devastador que ha impactado a Estados Unidos en la última década. Los vientos, las lluvias y las inundaciones que han azotado al sureño estado de Texas, escapan a cualquier pronóstico, o mejor dicho, confirman los peores.

SPONSORED Do You Have an Emergency Plan? Considerations for Seniors

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:29:00 +0200cbs12 (en)

For seniors, preparing for emergency situations by planning ahead and assembling supplies is of paramount importance, even if the circumstances might not be as severe for others. Natural and human-made disasters strike without notice anytime, anywhere.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:23:00 +0200ttela (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:14:00 +0200BT (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:12:00 +0200Sydsvenskan (sv)

Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket. – Den här upptäckten har fått oss att med säkerhet slå fast att Neapel var ett stort centrum för tillverkning av....

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten 10:40

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:09:00 +0200aftonbladet (sv)

Tunisien. Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. – Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 11:01:00 +0200goteborgpost (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:57:00 +0200stromstadstidning (sv)

Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul. Dykare i undervattensexpeditionen har upptäckt gator, monument och omkring 100 behållare som användes för att tillverka garum, en jäst fisksås som var en favorit i det romerska köket.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:54:00 +0200ystadsallehanda (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Tunisie : découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:53:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur vingt hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie , confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au IVe siècle.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:44:00 +0200kristianstadsbladet (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Romerska ruiner upptäckt i tunisiskt vatten

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:42:00 +0200blekinge_lans_tidning (sv)

Den romerska staden Neapolis i Tunisien kan ha svepts bort av en tsunami på 300-talet, visar fynden av ruiner under vattnet utanför Tunisiens nordöstra kust. - Det här är en stor upptäckt, säger Mounir Fantar, chef för den tunisisk-italienska grupp som gjort fyndet utanför Nabul.

Terremoto, forte scossa di magnitudo 6.3 in Indonesia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:33:00 +0200blitzquotidiano (it)

ROMA – Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito la costa occidentale dell’ Indonesia : nessuna allerta tsunami è stata diramata né sono riportate notizie di feriti o danni. Il sisma – rende noto l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS – ha colpito le isole Mentawai nella provincia di....

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:30:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan held annual exercises on Friday (Sept 1) to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large.

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:27:00 +0200wsau (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone....

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:24:00 +0200reuters-in (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone....

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:23:00 +0200reuters (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world’s most earthquake-prone....

Japan is holding drills to prepare for natural disasters... and missiles

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:18:00 +0200timesofmalta (en)

Japan held annual exercises today to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people - the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries and it carries out disaster drills every year on Sept.

Japanese towns hold drills for natural disasters, and missiles too

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:16:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: Japan held annual exercises on Friday to prepare for disasters but this year it was not just the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis that was on the minds of many people: the threat of North Korean missiles also loomed large. Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries and it....

Gare aux PV : la police s'équipe de caméras embarquées

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:10:00 +0200laprovence (fr)

Hé bé, v'là encore aut'chose. Depuis quelque temps, nombre d'horodateurs marseillais exigent des automobilistes s'acquittant de leur ticket de stationnement de renseigner le numéro de leur plaque d'immatriculation. La raison ? Elle est simple, et se nomme "Scancar", une voiture spéciale qui doit équiper sous peu la police municipale marseillaise.

Major Roman ruins discovered underwater in Tunisia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:08:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

The expedition started work in 2010 [National Heritage Institute Tunisia/University of Sassari/AFP] Roman ruins stretching over 20 hectares have been discovered off the coast of northeastern Tunisia , confirming "with certainty" a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD.

Roman ruins sunk by tsunami discovered in Tunisia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 10:08:00 +0200thelocal-it (en)

Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission which made the find off the coast of Nabeul, told AFP.

Monsoon in India: With this agenda, Narendra Modi government plans to tackle urban rain woes

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 09:57:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

The Narendra Modi government is planning at least two initiatives to tackle the issue of urban flooding. The steps are being taken after floods inundated cities such as Chennai in 2015 and Mumbai, which was inundated by floods earlier this week. One of the initiatives is being led by R Chidambaram,....

Japan carries out drills on annual Disaster Prevention Day

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 09:40:00 +0200japantoday (en)

Japan carried out disaster preparedness drills on Friday, dealing with mock earthquakes and other threats just days after its emergency warning system was used for real during North Korea's launch of a ballistic missile over the country. Disaster Prevention Day falls each year on the anniversary of a magnitude-7.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 09:15:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

‘Horny’ teacher sent dirty messages to student

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 09:12:00 +0200qt (en)

WARNING: Graphic content. A MELBOURNE schoolteacher has been suspended for six months after telling a student he was horny in a string of filthy Facebook messages. Yukihiro Nagashima was teaching at Beaconhills College in Pakenham, south east of Melbourne, when he allegedly told the 17-year-old....

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:45:00 +0200estrepublicain (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Roman ruins discovered off Tunisia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:38:00 +0200srilankamirror (en)

Roman ruins stretching out over 20 hectares have been discovered off the coast of northeastern Tunisia, confirming "with certainty" a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian....

Melbourne teacher suspended for six months following filthy messages to schoolgirl

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:37:00 +0200nzherald (en)

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. A Melbourne schoolteacher has been suspended for six months after telling a student he was horny in a string of filthy Facebook messages. Yukihiro Nagashima was teaching at Beaconhills College in Pakenham, south east of Melbourne, when he allegedly told the 17-year-old....

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:25:00 +0200dna-france (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Mens du sov: Harveys vandmasser spreder kemikalier

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 08:06:00 +0200berlingske (da)

Forurenede vandmasser udgør en stor sundhedsfare, efter at Harvey har fået kloakker til at løbe over. Vandmasserne efter orkanen Harvey kan indeholde farlige bakterier fra kloakker, der er løbet over. Sådan lyder advarslen fra den amerikanske miljøstyrelse, EPA. Stormen Harvey ramte kysten i Texas i sidste uge som en kategori 4-orkan.

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:57:00 +0200leprogres (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:55:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Les ordonnances du docteur Philippe

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:52:00 +0200ladepeche (fr)

Après des mois de supputations, le suspense est enfin levé. Les fameuses ordonnances réformant le droit du Travail, qui occupent les conversations et les colonnes des journaux depuis des mois, ont été rendues publiques hier. Pas de grande surprise. Ni tremblement de terre, ni tsunami.

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:42:00 +0200lalsace (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Découverte d'une ancienne cité romaine engloutie par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:39:00 +0200LeBien (fr)

Les archéologues italiens et tunisiens avaient raison : une partie de la ville de Néapolis a été engloutie par un tsunami au 4e siècle après Jésus-Christ. Une thèse confirmée cet été par la découverte de vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares au large de Nabeul, en Tunisie.

Viggianello: anche Rizzo chiede lo stato di calamità

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:18:00 +0200247libero (it)

Anche Antonio Rizzo, sindaco di Viggianello, si è rivolto a Marcello Pittella per ottenere il riconoscimento dello “Stato di Calamità Naturale” dovuto ai danni provocati dall’anomala grandinata caduta su tutta la Valle del Mercure. «A seguito – si legge nella richiesta avanzata dal primo cittadino....

Forskere finder by, der blev slugt af tsunami for 1700 år siden

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:15:00 +0200tv2 (da)

Fundet af gader, monumenter og omkring 100 fermenteringstanke i Middelhavet understøtter teori om Neapolis. Romerske ruiner, der strækker sig over et areal på mere end 20 hektar, er blevet fundet ud for det nordøstlige Tunesien. Fundet bekræfter "med sikkerhed" en teori om, at byen Neapolis blev....

Tropensturm in Texas Ausmaß der "Harvey"-Schäden wird nur langsam sichtbar In Houston kommt die Sonne heraus - und mit dem ganz langsam abfließenden Wasser werden allmählich die Schäden der Flutkatastrophe sichtbar. "Harvey" könnte zum teuersten Naturereignis in der US-Geschichte werden.

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:12:00 +0200general-anzeiger-bonn (de)

Fast eine Woche nach dem Eintreffen des Tropensturmes "Harvey" in Texas werden die Folgen der von ihm angerichteten Verwüstung langsam sichtbar. 100.000 Häuser in den Überflutungsgebieten um die Millionenmetrople Houston und in weiteren Gegenden von Texas und Louisiana seien beschädigt worden, teilte das Weiße Haus mit.

SOS-Fotowettbewerb 2017: Ergreifende Bilder / Gewinnen Sie tolle Preise!

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:10:00 +0200presseportal (de)

Ein Ort des Elends und der Verzweiflung: Im Dezember 2004 wurde die Stadt Medan in Indonesien von einem Tsunami verwüstet. Die SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit starteten in der Folge umfassende Hilfsprogramme in der Inselhauptstadt. Dieses Foto zeigt eine extrem arme Familie, die neben einer Mülldeponie lebt, um hier Brauchbares zu Geld zu machen.

Sismo de 6,2 grados sacude Indonesia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 06:54:00 +0200vietnamplus-es (es)

Yakarta, 01 sep (VNA)- Un terremoto de 6,2 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy el archipiélago de Mentawai, de la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, provocando pánico en la población. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, en inglés), el epicentro del temblor se ubica a....

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia AFP 8 mins ago

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 06:14:00 +0200msn-uk (en)

© Provided by AFP A handout picture released by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute and the University of Sassari on August 31, 2017 shows archaeologists diving off the coast of Nabeul in northeastern Tunisia at the site of the ancient Roman city of Neapolis Vast underwater Roman ruins have....

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:56:00 +0200izf (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C’est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits western Indonesia Updated 4 hours ago

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:50:00 +0200geo-tv (en)

PADANG, Indonesia: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75....

By blev slugt af tsunami - nu er den fundet 1700 år senere

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:36:00 +0200tv2 (da)

Fundet af gader, monumenter og omkring 100 fermenteringstanke i Middelhavet understøtter teori i Neapolis. Romerske ruiner, der strækker sig over et areal på mere end 20 hektar, er blevet fundet ud for det nordøstlige Tunesien. Fundet bekræfter "med sikkerhed" en teori om, at byen Neapolis blev....

USA. Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:35:00 +0200le360 (fr)

Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9 e catastrophe naturelle la plus chère depuis 1900, selon le Centre pour la gestion des catastrophes et la réduction des risques technologiques (CEDIM) de Karlsruhe. Le coût total des catastrophes naturelles survenues en 2017 dans le....

RJ 150: Reflecting on Hurricane Katrina as Houston recovers from Harvey Looking at media coverage of the greater Houston area, it’s hard not to recall the public response to New Orleans

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:31:00 +0200myrecordjournal (en)

Heather O'Connell, a social studies and psychology teacher at Sheehan High School in Wallingford, speaks to members of Club HOPE during a meeting after school Tuesday afternoon September 20, 2005. Club HOPE stands for Helping Other People Everywhere. The club is active in benefiting those in need....

6.2-magnitude quake hits Indonesia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:19:00 +0200vietnamplus-en (en)

An earthquake of 6.2 magnitudes on the Richter scale shook Mentawai islands of Indonesia’s West Sumatra province on September 1 (Photo: US Geological Survey) Hanoi (VNA) – An earthquake of 6.2 magnitudes on the Richter scale shook Mentawai islands of Indonesia’s West Sumatra province on September 1.

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي: زلزال شدته 6.2 درجة قبالة إندونيسيا

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:16:00 +0200ara-reuters (ar)

لندن (رويترز) - قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة في البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج في إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي). إعداد مصطفى صالح للنشرة العربية - تحرير احمد حسن.

Venezuela. Colômbia pondera campos de refugiados para travar “tsunami de pessoas"

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 04:58:00 +0200rr (pt)

Devido a fluxo de venezuelanos que fogem da crise no seu país, a Colômbia está a considerar instalar campos de refugiados na zona de fronteira. A informação foi avançada pelo conselheiro de Segurança da Presidência, Juan Carlos Restrepo, numa entrevista ao jornal “El Colombiano”.

INETER promueve encuentro entre especialistas de la región

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 04:56:00 +0200el19digital (es)

En el marco del 25 aniversario del tsunami registrado en Nicaragua en las costas del Pacífico, el Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER), desarrolló un encuentro con especialistas de la región, que analizaron los avances que han alcanzado en cuanto a la prevención y respuesta temprana ante los desastres naturales.

De la mitología a la ciencia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 04:52:00 +0200elperiodico (es)

Karl Popper proponía que la ciencia debe comenzar con los mitos y con la crítica de los mitos. Y lo cierto es que en el campo de las ciencias de la Tierra un grupo de científicos está impulsando una nueva disciplina denominada geomitología. Esta pretende ligar mitología con ciertos sucesos naturales....

In Tunisia: 'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 04:31:00 +0200pulse (en)

Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. It's a major discovery, Mounir Fantar , the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission which made the find off the coast of Nabeul, told AFP.

Brasil vive 'calmaria antes do tsunami', diz Dilma um ano...

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 03:51:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

RIO - Ao comentar seu impeachment, julgado pelo Senado há exatamente um ano, a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff previu um agravamento da crise "econômica, política e social" no Brasil num futuro próximo. Em evento organizado pelo jornal "Brasil de Fato" na Associação Brasileira de Imprensa (ABI) na....

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:44:00 +0200business-standard (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude struck off the coast of western Indonesia today, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres southwest of the provincial....

End of operations of the Brazilian battalion in Haiti

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:37:00 +0200haitian-truth (en)

Haiti Libre: This Thursday, August 31, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in Camp Jaborandy, located in Tabarre, next to the park of the Unibank, will take place the closing ceremony of the end of operations of the Brazilian battalion and the Brazilian engineering company in Haiti. The two units will cease operations on the following day, September 1, 2017.

Ruínas romanas submersas por tsunami são descobertas na Tunísia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:29:00 +0200zh-clicrbs (pt)

Grandes ruínas romanas subaquáticas foram descobertas no nordeste da Tunísia, aparentemente confirmando uma teoria de que a cidade de Neápolis foi parcialmente submergida por um tsunami no século IV d.C. "É uma grande descoberta", disse à AFP Mounir Fantar, chefe de uma missão arqueológica tunisiana-italiana que fez a descoberta na costa de Nabeul.

In Texas chemical-plant fire, failure of backup measures raises new fears

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:26:00 +0200WashingtonPost (en)

When the hurricane blew in, workers at the Arkema chemical plant in Crosby, Tex., faced the problem of keeping the plant’s volatile chemicals cold. The plant had 19.5 tons of organic peroxides of various strengths, all of them requiring refrigeration to prevent ignition.

Marietta firefighter now leads a dog rescue group

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:26:00 +0200ajc (en)

“We saw Katrina on TV and loaded up my truck and had to go down and help,” said Ron Presley. Presley, a Marietta firefighter with swift water rescue training, became a valuable rescuer in Katrina’s hurricane zones but his focus was not necessarily on the people but their pets.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:16:00 +0200news9 (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

6.2 magnitude quake strikes Indonesia’s Mantawai islands, scene of deadly 2010 tsunami

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:16:00 +0200scmp (en)

. A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early on Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75km southwest of....

Ruínas romanas submersas por tsunami são descobertas na Tunísia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:12:00 +0200em (pt)

Grandes ruínas romanas subaquáticas foram descobertas no nordeste da Tunísia, aparentemente confirmando uma teoria de que a cidade de Neápolis foi parcialmente submergida por um tsunami no século IV d.C. "É uma grande descoberta", disse à AFP Mounir Fantar, chefe de uma missão arqueológica tunisiana-italiana que fez a descoberta na costa de Nabeul.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:07:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 02:05:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:57:00 +0200therepublic (en)

WASHINGTON The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that’s what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:55:00 +0200seattletimes (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that’s what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:50:00 +0200eagletribune (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:49:00 +0200foxbusiness (en)

Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods. Arkema executive Richard Rennard said the fire was caused by the chemicals degrading because of the lack of refrigeration. The chemicals that caught fire at the plant outside....

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:49:00 +0200wfsb (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:46:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:46:00 +0200kswo (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:39:00 +0200wbrc (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:35:00 +0200startribune (en)

Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods. Arkema executive Richard Rennard said the fire was caused by the chemicals degrading because of the lack of refrigeration. The chemicals that caught fire at the plant outside....

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:34:00 +0200nbc12 (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:34:00 +0200tribtown (en)

WASHINGTON The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that’s what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:29:00 +0200wafb (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:25:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

WASHINGTON The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that’s what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:24:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:23:00 +0200wral (en)

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer. WASHINGTON The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

Chemicals burning at Texas plant are unstable if not cooled

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 01:21:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The chemicals that exploded at a Texas plant are so unstable hat they must be kept cool or they can ignite a runaway scenario. Experts say that's what happened when the Arkema Inc. chemical plant lost power after Harvey engulfed the area in floods.

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 00:54:00 +0200business-times (en)

[PADANG, Indonesia] A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75km south-west of the provincial capital Padang at 00.

Major underwater Roman ruins discovered off Tunisia Al Jazeera 52 minuter sedan

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 00:52:00 +0200msn-se (en)

Roman ruins stretching out over 20 hectares have been discovered off the coast of northeastern Tunisia, confirming "with certainty" a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian....

Pagubele și pierderile economice produse de uraganul Harvey sunt estimate la 58 de miliarde de dolari

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 00:30:00 +0200libertatea (ro)

, au declarat joi analiștii dezastrelor din Germania citați de AFP. Dacă s-ar face un clasament al celor mai scumpe dezastre naturale din lume, uraganul Harvey s-ar clasa pe locul la 9-lea, potrivit Centrului pentru Managementul Dezastrelor și Tehnologia Reducerii Riscului (CEDIM) din Karlsruhe, Germania.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات ضرب غرب بادانج في إندونيسيا

Fri, 01 Sep 2017 00:20:00 +0200elnashra (ar)

لإرسال الخبر إلى أكثر من شخص، استخدم ',' بين عناوين البريد الإلكترون. زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجات ضرب غرب بادانج في إندونيسيا. الجمعة 01 أيلول 2017 00:53 النشرة أخبار لبنان والشرق الأوسط النشرة الدولية https://files.elnashra.com/elnashra/imagine/pictures_120_96/7710642_1503291189.jpg أعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية أنّ "​ زلزال ​اً بقوّة 6.

Strong earthquake of magnitude 6.2 hits Indonesian Coast

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:41:00 +0200business-standard (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 has struck off Indonesia's coast of southern Sumatra, with tremors being felt as far away as and Malaysia. According to local media reports, the quake hits 72 kilometres west of Padang, the capital of Indonesia's West Sumatra province at a depth of about 10 kilometres.

Vestigii romane din secolul al IV-lea, acoperite de apele unui tsunami, găsite în Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:38:00 +0200indexstiri (ro)

01.09.2017 01.09.2017 Vestigii romane din secolul al IV-lea, acoperite de apele unui tsunami, găsite în Tunisia Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din....

Sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:27:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

Yakarta, 31 ago (PL) Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las costas de Indonesia, sin reportarse daños humanos ni materiales por el momento. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, el epicentro se localizó a una profundidad....

Séisme de magnitude 6,2 dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:20:00 +0200skynet (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,2 a secoué une région de l'ouest de l'Indonésie dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre est survenu à 00h06 (19h06 HB) à une profondeur de 49 km.

Sismo com magnitude de 6,2 sentido na Indonésia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:10:00 +0200cmjornal (pt)

Um forte sismo de magnitude 6,2 abalou hoje uma região oeste da Indonésia, anunciou o instituto norte-americano de geofísica, sem que tenha sido emitido alerta de tsunami. O abalo foi registado às 00:06 locais de sexta-feira (18:06 de quinta-feira em Lisboa) a uma profundidade de 49 quilómetros, com....

Sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:00:00 +0200radiohc (es)

Yakarta, 1 sep (RHC) Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter sacudió las costas de Indonesia, sin reportarse daños humanos ni materiales por el momento. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, el epicentro se localizó a una profundidad de....

Major underwater Roman ruins discovered off Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:55:00 +0200aljazeera-en (en)

Roman ruins stretching out over 20 hectares have been discovered off the coast of northeastern Tunisia, confirming "with certainty" a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian....

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:54:00 +0200slateafrique (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C'est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

Potres jakosti 6,2 zabilježen u zapadnom dijelu Indonezije

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:46:00 +0200index-hr (hr)

Screenshot: EMSC-CSEM. POTRES jakosti 6,2 potresao je zapadni dio Indonezije u noći između četvrtka i petka, objavio je američki geofizički institut (USGS), koji nije pokrenuo uzbunu za tsunami. Potres je zabilježen nekoliko trenutaka nakon ponoći po lokalnom vremenu (19 sati po srednjoeuropskom) na dubini od 49 km.


Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:34:00 +0200pidp (en)

By Peter Kasia. PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (September 7, 1998 - The National)--- Provincial and Local Level Government Minister Simon Kaumi last night denied reports that 8,000 tons of rice valued at K 4.6 million (US$ 1.98 million) donated by Japan to help drought victims in PNG early this year were no longer fit for consumption.

Séisme de magnitude 6,2 dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:26:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,2 a secoué une région de l'ouest de l'Indonésie dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre est survenu à 00h06 (19h06 HB) à une profondeur de 49 km.

4:03 Sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacude Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:25:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

Yakarta, 1 sep (PL) Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las costas de Indonesia, sin reportarse daños humanos ni materiales por el momento. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, el epicentro se localizó a una profundidad....

Leonardo DiCaprio donó 1 millón de dólares para victimas de huracán Harvey

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:22:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

El actor Leonardo DiCaprio , se sumó a las celebridades que están realizando donaciones de índole económico para los damnificados del huracán Harvey. Antes de él, lo hicieron la familia Kardashian que entregó $500 mil dólares , mientras que la actriz Sandra Bullock, aporto el doble de esa suma, a favor de la causa.

Leonardo DiCaprio dona 1 millón de dólares

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:22:00 +0200larepublica-pe (es)

hizo un aporte millonario a favor de las víctimas del huracán Harvey, que afectó Texas, Estados Unidos. “Estamos muy agradecidos por la generosidad de Leonardo DiCaprio y su fundación”, declaró Brian Gallagher, presidente de United Way Worldwide, ONG a cargo de la administración del millón de dólares que aportó el actor.

Séisme de magnitude 6,2 dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:14:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,2 a secoué une région de l’ouest de l’Indonésie dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Le tremblement de terre est survenu à 00h06 (19h06 HB) à une profondeur de 49 km.

6.2 magnitude earthquake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:07:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia today, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres southwest of the....

Tudorel Toader dă semnale că poate iniția demiterea Laurei Codruța Kovesi: Declarațiile făcute la România TV ce vor provoca un TSUNAMI

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:59:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

. Tudorel Toader dă semnale că șefia în DNA a Laurei Codruța Kovesi se apropie de final. La România TV, mininstrul Justiției a anunțat că așteaptă raportul Inspecției Judiciare pentru a lua o decizie referitoare la viitorul lui Kovesi. Citește mai departe...

Descoperire uimitoare în Tunisia Vestigii romane acoperite de apele unui tsunami în secolul al IV-lea

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:59:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din Tunisia, confirmând astfel, potrivit arheologilor, ipoteza unui tsunami care a distrus o parte din Citește mai departe.

3:46 Brazilian Batallion in Minustah Concludes Operations in Haiti

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:55:00 +0200plenglish (en)

31 de agosto de 2017, 15:46 Port-au-Prince, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian contingent at the service of the UN Mission for Stablization of Haiti (Minustah) is concluding tonight its operations in Haitian national territory. The ceremony will be presided over by Brazilian Defense Minister Raul....

The Thunderstorm Whisperers

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:46:00 +0200theatlantic (en)

Franklin later extended his lightning-rod idea to ships, including British warships, which were eventually outfitted with anchor chains that stretched from the top of their wooden masts to the sea. They aimed to dissipate electrical energy so the masts would stay intact if lightning struck.

6.2 magnitude quake strikes western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:42:00 +0200scmp (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early on Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres (46....

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6.3 sulla costa occidentale

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:39:00 +0200meteoweb (it)

Un forte terremoto Filomena Fotia magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito la costa occidentale dell’ Indonesia : nessuna allerta tsunami è stata diramata né sono riportate notizie di feriti o danni. Il sisma – rende noto l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS – ha colpito le isole Mentawai nella provincia di Sumatra Occidentale, 72 km a nord est da Muara Siberut.

زلزال بقوة 6.2 ريختر يضرب قبالة سواحل إندونيسيا

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:36:00 +0200soutalomma (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجى الأمريكية إن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة فى البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج فى إندونيسيا. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية فى إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي). ويشهد العالم موجة من التقلبات الجيولوجية والكوارث الطبيعية، حيث تعيش أمريكا تبعات إعصار هارفي، وقالت عنه شركة آر.

Vestigii romane din secolul al IV-lea, acoperite de apele unui tsunami, găsite în Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:33:00 +0200stiripesurse (ro)

Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din Tunisia, confirmând astfel, potrivit arheologilor, ipoteza unui tsunami care a distrus o parte din oraşul Neapolis în secolul al IV-lea e.

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي: زلزال شدته 6.2 درجة قبالة إندونيسيا

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:13:00 +0200akhbarelyom (ar)

صرحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة في البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج في إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:09:00 +0200africatime-fr (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C’est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 21:01:00 +0200channelnewsasia (en)

PADANG, Indonesia: A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday (Sep 1), US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about....

Exmagistrado Velásquez seguirá en Guatemala

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:50:00 +0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Se pronunció tras su fallida expulsión por una orden presidencial que desató un terremoto político en el país. El exmagistrado colombiano Iván Velásquez afirmó este jueves que seguirá al frente de la misión anticorrupción de la ONU en Guatemala (Cicig), tras su fallida expulsión por una orden....

eNCA | 6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:47:00 +0200enca (en)

PADANG - A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres....

Colegios de la RM hacen el mayor simulacro de sismo: participaron 1,2 millón de personas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:43:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Colegios de la RM realizan el mayor simulacro de sismo: participaron 1,2 millón de personas El ejercicio emuló un movimiento telúrico de 7,9 Richter y con intensidades de hasta X grados en escala de Mercalli. El tiempo promedio de evacuación de los 2.600 establecimientos que participaron fue de cuatro minutos.

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:42:00 +0200expressindia (en)

An earthquake struck the country’s western Aceh province in December 2016, killing more than 100 people, injuring many more and leaving tens of thousands homeless. (Representational image) A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia today, US seismologists said, but....

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي: زلزال شدته 6.2 درجة قبالة إندونيسيا 31-08-2017 | 20:28

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:41:00 +0200aljarida (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة في البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج في إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:41:00 +0200newindianexpress (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres (46 miles)....

Terremoto de 6.2 grados de magnitud sacude las costas de Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:41:00 +0200peru21 (es)

Aún no se registran víctimas fatales. Aún no se registran víctimas fatales. A 72 kilómetros al suroeste de la ciudad costera de Pariaman, en la isla de Sumatra, Indonesia, se registró un terremoto de magnitud 6.2 grados en la escala de Richter, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

21h35 Séisme de magnitude 6,2 dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie (AFP)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:40:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,2 a secoué une région de l'ouest de l'Indonésie dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été émise. Le tremblement de terre est survenu à 00h06 (17h06 GMT) à une profondeur de 49 km.

Indonesia, scossa terremoto magnitudo 6,2 colpisce costa ovest

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:38:00 +0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Padang, 31 ago. (askanews) - Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 sulla scala Richter ha colpito la costa occidentale dell'Indonesia. Lo hanno reso noto i sismologi statunitensi, ma nessuna allerta tsunami è stata lanciata né ci sono state immediate notizie di vittime o danni.

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي : زلزال شدته 6.2 درجة قبالة إندونيسيا

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:31:00 +0200elbalad (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية إن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة في البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج في إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية "تسونامي".

هيئة المسح الجيولوجي: زلزال شدته 6.2 درجة قبالة إندونيسيا

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:28:00 +0200akhbaralyom (ar)

صرحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة في البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج في إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

Descoperire uimitoare în Tunisia Vestigii romane acoperite de apele unui tsunami în secolul al IV-lea

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:27:00 +0200stiripesurse (ro)

Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din Tunisia, confirmând astfel, potrivit arheologilor, ipoteza unui tsunami care a distrus o parte din oraşul Neapolis în secolul al IV-lea e.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude las costas de Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:22:00 +0200rt-es (es)

El foco se ha localizado a una profundidad de 49,5 kilómetros, a 72 kilómetros al suroeste de la ciudad costera de Pariaman, en la isla de Sumatra. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 se ha registrado este jueves a las 17:06 (GMT) en las costas de Indonesia, informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU.

Descoperire uimitoare in Tunisia Vestigii romane acoperite de apele unui tsunami in secolul al IV-lea

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:22:00 +0200ziuanews (ro)

Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din Tunisia, confirmând astfel, potrivit arheologilor, ipoteza unui tsunami care a distrus o parte din oraşul Neapolis în secolul al IV-lea e.

Vestigii romane din secolul al IV-lea, acoperite de apele unui tsunami, găsite în Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:19:00 +0200jurnalul (ro)

Vestigii romane care se întind pe o suprafaţă de 20 de hectare sub apele mării au fost descoperite de o misiune ştiinţifică tunisiano-italiană în apropiere de Nabeul, o localitate din Tunisia, confirmând astfel, potrivit arheologilor, ipoteza unui tsunami care a distrus o parte din oraşul Neapolis în secolul al IV-lea e.

Large 6.2 magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:11:00 +0200independent-UK (en)

Click to follow The Independent Online A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit in the sea 46 miles (75 km) west of Padang, Indonesia just after midnight local time on Friday. Indonesia's meteorological agency said there was no potential for a tsunami.

Quake measuring 6.2 hits off Indonesia - USGS

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:10:00 +0200trust (en)

LONDON, Aug 31 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit in the sea 46 miles (75 km) west of Padang, Indonesia just after midnight local time on Friday. Indonesia's meteorological agency said there was no potential for a tsunami. (Reporting by Andrew Heavens) Our global editorial team of almost 40....

Sismo de magnitude 6.2 atinge a Indonésia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:09:00 +0200cmjornal (pt)

Um forte sismo, de magnitude 6.2 na escala de Richter, abalou a costa sul de Sumatra, na Indonésia pelas 00h06 locais (18h06 de Lisboa). O abalo teve epicentro no oceano, a 10 quilómetros de profundidade. Segundo a agência sismológica indonésia BMKG não foi para já lançado um alerta de tsunami.

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:04:00 +0200mailonsunday (en)

Neapolis, which means 'new city' in Greek, is an ancient city with remains scattered across the coastal Tunisian town of Nabeul. Nabuel is an Arabian settlement built on top of Neapolis as the old city was crumbling. The site has changed hands many times, starting out as a Greek settlement before periods of Carthaginian, then Rome, then Arab rule.

6.2-magnitude quake hits western Indonesia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:04:00 +0200punchng (en)

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Indonesia early Friday, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The quake hit the Mentawai islands in West Sumatra province about 75 kilometres (46 miles)....

زلزال بقوة 6.2 درجة يضرب منطقة بادانج قبالة إندونيسيا

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:02:00 +0200youm7 (ar)

رويترز قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجى الأمريكية إن زلزالا شدته 6.2 درجة ضرب منطقة فى البحر على بعد 75 كيلومترا إلى الغرب من بادانج فى إندونيسيا بعد قليل من منتصف الليل بالتوقيت المحلي. وقالت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية فى إندونيسيا إنه لا توجد احتمالات لحدوث موجات مد عاتية (تسونامي).

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 20:00:00 +0200dailymail (en)

Neapolis, which means 'new city' in Greek, is an ancient city with remains scattered across the coastal Tunisian town of Nabeul. Nabuel is an Arabian settlement built on top of Neapolis as the old city was crumbling. The site has changed hands many times, starting out as a Greek settlement before periods of Carthaginian, then Rome, then Arab rule.

Tsunami of soil

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:54:00 +0200pambazuka (en)

At least 500 people died and more than 800 were reported missing in Sierra Leone's capital Freetown on August 13-14, when heavy rains swept away everything in their path. Kenyan Poet Shailja Patel reflects on the tragedy. What language have we that can grieve Sierra Leone's mudslide disaster? Its enormity and horror smother thought.

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:44:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

A handout picture released by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute and the University of Sassari on August 31, 2017 shows archaeologists diving off the coast of Nabeul in northeastern Tunisia at the site of the ancient Roman city of Neapolis (AFP Photo/Handout) Nabeul (Tunisia) (AFP) - Vast....

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:43:00 +0200france24 (fr)

NABEUL (TUNISIE) (AFP) - Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle.

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:32:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C’est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

Roman ruins discovered underwater off Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:29:00 +0200middle-east-online_en (en)

NABEUL - Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission which made the find off the coast of Nabeul, said.

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:24:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C’est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:06:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 31 mins ago in Travel Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian....

Tunisie: "découverte majeure" de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami au 4ème siècle

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:05:00 +0200levif (fr)

"C'est une découverte majeure" car elle vient corroborer des récits datant de l'Antiquité, a expliqué à l'AFP Mounir Fantar, directeur de la mission archéologique. Une équipe conjointe de l'Institut national du patrimoine tunisien (INP) et de l'Université de Sassari-Oristano en Italie a mené des....

'tsunami-Sunk' Roman Ruins Discovered In...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:03:00 +0200modernghana (en)

A handout picture released by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute and the University of Sassari on August 31, 2017 shows archaeologists diving off the coast of Nabeul in northeastern Tunisia at the site of the ancient Roman city of Neapolis. By Handout (l’Institut national du patrimoine....

GISCorps Rallies Hurricane Harvey Response

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:01:00 +0200directionsmag (en)

The impacts of Hurricane Harvey are being felt far and wide. As the rain continues to fall, and flood waters rise, an army of citizen-rescuers are answering the call. They are bringing their boats to bear and are plunging into waist-deep waters to help those in their communities.

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 19:01:00 +0200maliactu (fr)

Des vestiges romains s’étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu’un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. C’est une découverte majeure car elle vient....

Taiwan to give US$800,000 to assist US storm victims

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:55:00 +0200taipeitimes (en)

Taiwan is to donate US$800,000 to relief efforts for Tropical Storm Harvey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday, continuing a long history of similar donations. The donation is to help the local government provide disaster relief and help victims in rebuilding, the ministry said in a....

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:51:00 +0200yahoo-au (en)

Nabeul (Tunisia) (AFP) - Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological....

‘Tsunami-sunk’ Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:50:00 +0200citizen (en)

Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. “It’s a major discovery,” Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission which made the find off the coast of Nabeul, told AFP.

'Tsunami-sunk' Roman ruins discovered in Tunisia

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:34:00 +0200afp-english (en)

Vast underwater Roman ruins have been discovered off northeast Tunisia, apparently confirming a theory that the city of Neapolis was partly submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. "It's a major discovery," Mounir Fantar, the head of a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission which made the find off the coast of Nabeul, told AFP.

Zeitgeist: A Constituição pacifista do Japão

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:00:00 +0200noticias-terra-br (pt)

Sociedade japonesa tem forte tradição pacifista, ancorada em conjunto de leis que renuncia explicitamente à guerra. Mas constantes ameaças vindas da Coreia do Norte estão dando fôlego àqueles que querem mudar isso.O pacifismo é um componente essencial da sociedade japonesa desde o fim da Segunda....

Harvey is one of the top 10 most costly natural disasters of all-time

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:57:00 +0200kit (en)

Hurricane Harvey, which at the beginning of the week has hit the US state of Texas with devastating damage and now rages over Louisiana, is in third place among the world’s most expensive storm disasters. This was found out by researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:51:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au IVe siècle. "C'est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

Uraganul Harvey a provocat pagube de 58 de miliarde de dolari în Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:42:00 +0200stiripesurse (ro)

Uraganul Harvey a provocat, până în prezent, pagube de până la 58 de miliarde de dolari (49 miliarde de euro) numai în statul în Texas, estimează o echipă de experţi germani în catastrofele naturale, într-un raport publicat joi, informează AFP. Din pagubele de 58 de miliarde de dolari, 19 miliarde....

Sputtanato e finito in lattina, il lambrusco è ancora vivo e lotta assieme a noi

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:41:00 +0200247libero (it)

Per tre motivi infelicissimi. Primo, l’ignoranza: tutti dicono Lambrusco ma non sanno quello che dicono, perché ci sono più lambruschi in cielo e in terra di quanti ne possa sognare la nostra povera enologia (nove varietà, una tavolozza che va dall’ambrato rarefatto come l’alba tra la nebbia al giallo del grano, fino al viola-nero come il sangue).

O Japão e sua Constituição pacifista Sociedade japonesa tem forte tradição pacifista, ancorada em conjunto de leis que renuncia explicitamente à guerra. Mas constantes ameaças vindas da Coreia do Norte estão dando fôlego àqueles que querem mudar isso.

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:40:00 +0200deutschewelle-pt_BR (pt)

O pacifismo é um componente essencial da sociedade japonesa desde o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que terminou em 2 de setembro de 1945 com a capitulação do Japão, após o lançamento das bombas atômicas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Único povo a experimentar os horrores das armas nucleares, os....

Venezuela: Colômbia pondera campos de refugiados para travar “tsunami de pessoas"

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:18:00 +0200sapo (pt)

Devido a fluxo de venezuelanos que fogem da crise no seu país, a Colômbia está a considerar instalar campos de refugiados na zona de fronteira. A informação foi avançada pelo conselheiro de Segurança da Presidência, Juan Carlos Restrepo, numa entrevista ao jornal “El Colombiano”.

18h14 Tunisie: découverte de vestiges romains engloutis par un tsunami (AFP)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:15:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

Des vestiges romains s'étendant sur 20 hectares sous la mer ont été découverts cet été par une mission tuniso-italienne à Nabeul, en Tunisie, confirmant selon les archéologues qu'un tsunami a englouti une partie de la ville de Néapolis au 4ème siècle. "C'est une découverte majeure" car elle vient....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation donates $1M for Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 16:01:00 +0200CBSnews (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Leonardo DiCaprio joins the growing list of celebrities getting involved in helping Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward United Way Worldwide said....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:50:00 +0200lnt (fr)

L’ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu’ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d’euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d’experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Renesas poursuit sa contre-offensive en se lançant dans les capteurs d’image Cmos Après avoir racheté l’américain Intersil, Renesas Electronics poursuit sa contre-offensive en se lançant dans les capteurs d’image Cmos. Le deuxième fabricant japonais de semiconducteurs, derrière Toshiba, vise les caméras de...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:03:00 +0200usinenouvelle (fr)

Publié le 31/08/2017 À 14H26 Après avoir racheté l’américain Intersil, Renesas Electronics poursuit sa contre-offensive en se lançant dans les capteurs d’image Cmos. Le deuxième fabricant japonais de semiconducteurs, derrière Toshiba, vise les caméras de sécurité.

Uraganul Harvey: Pagube de 58 de miliarde de dolari în Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:00:00 +0200incomemagazine (ro)

Dacă această estimare se va confirma, Harvey va fi a noua cea mai costisitoare catastrofă naturală după 1900, subliniază experţii Centrului pentru gestionarea catastrofelor şi reducerii riscurilor tehnologice (CEDIM) de la Karlsruhe. În plus, costul total al catastrofelor naturale care au avut loc....

Ouragan Harvey: le coût des dégâts estimé à 58 milliards de dollars pour le Texas Si cette estimation venait à se confirmer, l'ouragan Harvey deviendrait la 9e catastrophe naturelle la plus chère...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:56:00 +0200bfmtv (fr)

58 milliards de dollars (soit environ 49 milliards d'euros). C'est le coût des dégâts engendrés par l'ouragan Harvey pour le seul État du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié ce jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de....

Meteorological Dept says weak quake strikes Sapulut in Sabah

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:55:00 +0200themalaymailonline (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 31 — A weak earthquake, measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale, occurred in Sapulut, Sabah, at 6.13 pm today, according to the Malaysian Meteorological Department. It said in a statement that the epicentre of the quake was 16km northeast of Sapulut. The quake did not pose any tsunami threat, it added.

Tempête Harvey. Les dommages pour le Texas estimés à 58 milliards de dollars

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:53:00 +0200OuestFrance (fr)

Tempête Harvey aurait généré jusqu’ici 58 milliards de dollars, soit 49 milliards d’euros de dégâts pour le seul État du Texas. C’est ce qu’estime une équipe d’experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié ce jeudi. C’est une équipe d’experts allemands des catastrophes....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:48:00 +0200LePoint (fr)

L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

15h37 Harvey, 58 mds de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation) (AFP)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:43:00 +0200lorientlejour (fr)

L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

La tempête Harvey a causé 58 milliards de dollars de dégâts pour le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:39:00 +0200parismatch (fr)

Harvey a généré jusqu'ici 58 milliards de dollars (49 milliards d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9ème catastrophe....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:38:00 +0200france24 (fr)

PARIS (AFP) - L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la....

Tempête Harvey – Harvey, 58 mds de dollars de dommages pour...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:36:00 +0200metrotime (fr)

La tempête Harvey a généré jusqu’ici 58 milliards de dollars (49 milliards d’euros) de dégâts pour le seul État du Texas, estime une équipe d’experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Tempête Harvey: 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:30:00 +0200lavenir (fr)

La tempête Harvey a généré jusqu’ici 58 milliards de dollars (49 milliards d’euros) de dégâts pour le seul État du Texas, estime une équipe d’experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe naturelle la....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:27:00 +0200tv5 (fr)

L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:19:00 +0200rtl-BE (fr)

L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Tempête Harvey - Harvey, 58 mds de dollars de dommages pour le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:12:00 +0200skynet (fr)

La tempête Harvey a généré jusqu'ici 58 milliards de dollars (49 milliards d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul État du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:07:00 +0200lexpress (fr)

Paris - L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:04:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 14:02:00 +0200fox13memphis (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Harvey: 58 milliards US de dommages pour le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:55:00 +0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe naturelle la plus chère depuis 1900, selon le Centre pour la gestion des catastrophes et la réduction des risques technologiques (CEDIM) de Karlsruhe. Le coût total des catastrophes naturelles survenues en 2017 dans le....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:50:00 +0200challenges (fr)

Une femme pagaie dans une rue envahie par les eaux à Houston, au Texas, après le passage de l'ouragan Harvey le 30 août 2017. -AFP/Brendan Smialowski. L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe....

Harvey, 58 milliards de dollars de dommages pour le Texas (estimation)

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:49:00 +0200romandie (fr)

L'ouragan Harvey a généré jusqu'ici quelque 58 milliards de dollars (49 mds d'euros) de dégâts pour le seul Etat du Texas, estime une équipe d'experts allemands des catastrophes naturelles, dans un rapport publié jeudi. Si cette estimation était confirmée, ce bilan ferait de Harvey la 9e catastrophe....

Location of new Yogyakarta airport prone to tsunamis: Experts

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:44:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

Located around 200 meters from the coastal line in Kulonprogo regency, the new Yogyakarta airport would be at risk of getting hit by a tsunami caused by an earthquake, experts say. The experts referred to earthquakes in the area as “silent earthquakes”.

Rodrigo Olivares Larraín asumió como nuevo seremi de Vivienda

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:15:00 +0200diariolaprensa (es)

Durante la jornada de ayer asumió oficialmente funciones como nuevo seremi de Vivienda y Urbanismo de la Región del Maule, Rodrigo Olivares Larraín, quien ocupará el cargo que dejó Rodrigo Sepúlveda, quien presentó su renuncia para ser candidato a consejero regional en los comicios de noviembre venidero.

Preparing for earthquake in Bhutan

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:09:00 +0200kuenselonline (en)

Sitting on an earthquake belt in the Himalayas, Bhutan has preparation issues to work on. The two-day consultation workshop on earthquake preparedness in Bhutan that ended yesterday at Paro was aimed at aligning the international and national emergency coordination structure and developing a contingency plan.

Terremoti: una nave di ricerca studia...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:05:00 +0200alternativasostenibile (it)

Fino al 10 settembre saranno impegnati a bordo ricercatori e tecnici di OGS e di altri enti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali ( INGV, Università del Sannio, Università di Malta, Università del Mississippi) e studenti di dottorato della Doctoral School Environmental and Industrial Fluid Mechanics di Trieste (ESFM).

12:18 | DON VIDEO. Leonardo DiCaprio fait un don spectaculaire pour aider le Texas

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:04:00 +020020minutes (fr)

VIDEO. Leonardo DiCaprio fait un don spectaculaire pour aider le Texas après l'ouragan Harvey. DON L’acteur enfin oscarisé a offert un million de dollars pour la reconstruction de l’état après la catastrophe naturelle… L'acteur Leonardo DiCaprio à Edimbourg — WENN.

American-Japanese Society recognizes lifetime contributions by U.S., Japanese citizens with new award

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 12:56:00 +0200japantimes (en)

The America-Japan Society Inc. recognized on Thursday two people for their grassroots work to foster bilateral friendship between Japan and the United States , honoring the recipients — citizens from each of the two countries — with a new award launched this year.

Risikoforscher Wolfgang Kromp wird 75

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 12:45:00 +0200ORF (de)

Risikoforscher Wolfgang Kromp ist 75. „Das Wunschdenken eines Wahnsinnigen“ nannte Wolfgang Kromp einmal seine Vorstellungen zum Umgang mit Atomkraft scherzhaft. Heute feiert der österreichische Physiker, der sich seit über 30 Jahren für Sicherheit in Atomkraftwerken einsetzt, seinen 75. Geburtstag. , geboren am 31.

Il disastro nucleare di Fukushima non ha contaminato i grandi pesci migratori del Pacifico

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 11:16:00 +0200greenreport (it)

Quando, in seguito al terremoto/tsunami delll’11 marzo 2011 e alla catastrofe atomica che innescò, la centrale nucleare di Fukushima Daiichi rilasciò nell’Oceano Pacifico grandi quantità di materiali radioattivi, emersero forti preoccupazioni sulla possibilità di mangiare pesci contaminati e no solo....

To się musi źle skończyć! Apokalipsa jest nieunikniona

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 11:12:00 +0200fakt (pl)

Do Ziemi zbliża się olbrzymia asteroida Florence! Gigantyczny obiekt o średnicy blisko 4,5 kilometra, zbliży się do naszej planety już w piątek 1 września. Czy Ziemia jest w niebezpieczeństwie? Czy czeka nas kataklizm, taki jak zdarzył się ok 66 mln lat temu, kiedy gigantyczna asteroida uderzyła a....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 10:16:00 +0200dailyjournal (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations....

Leonardo DiCaprio, Sandra Bullock donate $1 million each to Harvey relief effor...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:52:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

Leonardo DiCaprio has joined the list of celebrities who have pledged donations to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Through his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, The Revenant actor has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund, reported Variety.

Do, 2017-08-31 07:32 Darmstadt (dpa) «Europas Tor zum Weltraum» liegt in Darmstadt: Das Esoc wird 50 Von ...

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:50:00 +0200greenpeace-magazin (de)

Mit so vielen Satelliten wie heute hat die Esa noch nie zu tun gehabt. Ihre Steuerung erfolgt in Darmstadt, seit 50 Jahren schon. Die technische Entwicklung ist rasant. Darmstadt (dpa) - Die meisten Menschen außerhalb Deutschlands dürften noch nie von Darmstadt gehört haben.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:33:00 +0200therepublic (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations....

DiCaprio donates USD 1 million to hurricane relief efforts

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:28:00 +0200business-standard (en)

has joined the list of celebrities who have pledged donations to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Through his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, "The Revenant" actor has donated USD 1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund, reported Variety.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:17:00 +0200thegardenisland (en)

Evan Agostini From Bullock to DiCaprio, a look stars' Harvey relief giving. FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 08:03:00 +0200sunstar (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia -- The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund, which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Jamie Foxx kündigt große Spendenaktion für Flutopfer an

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:58:00 +0200solinger-tageblatt (de)

Die Not ist groß, nachdem Hurrikan "Harvey" zu schweren Überschwemmungen und Verwüstungen geführt hat. Jetzt wollen zahlreiche Stars mit einer Spendengala helfen. Los Angeles (dpa) - Zahlreiche US-Stars wollen für die Opfer der Flutkatastrophe in Texas einen Spendenmarathon auf die Beine stellen.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:53:00 +0200brownsvilleherald (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Entertainment 1 HRS AGO Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:13:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:12:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:09:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:05:00 +0200charlotteobserver (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Cyclones and climate change: connecting the dots

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:05:00 +0200phys (en)

But what they do know is enough to keep them up at night. The amplifying impact of sea level rise, warming oceans, and hotter air—all incontrovertible consequences of climate change—is basic physics, they say. Likewise accelerated shifts in intensity, such as the sudden strengthening that turned....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 07:02:00 +0200wacotrib (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:59:00 +0200wftv (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:58:00 +0200heraldonline (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:57:00 +0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:57:00 +0200theolympian (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:52:00 +0200islandpacket (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Relocation means no running water since 2009 tsunami

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:44:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

Life might be a beach for people living in the most idyllic south coast of Upolu but that doesn’t mean it’s a paradise. Ask Time Timoteo of Saleaumua and he will tell you that all those beautiful feelings about living in that part of the country quickly disappear when you don’t have water. “Water shortage has always been a problem,” he said.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:43:00 +0200star-telegram (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Growing health care model skips past insurance, expanding in Tennessee

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:35:00 +0200tennessean (en)

DPC, as it's known, is just what it sounds like: direct care between the doctor and the patient, removing health insurance companies from the process. The result, which is spreading across Tennessee, is less paperwork for physicians and less expensive, more personalized care for patients.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 06:13:00 +0200pattayamail (en)

In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 05:55:00 +0200680news (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 05:33:00 +0200whig (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 04:40:00 +0200triblive (en)

Updated 1 hour ago ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 04:36:00 +0200theglobeandmail (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 04:35:00 +0200timescolonist (en)

FILE - In this Feb. 28, 2016 file photo, actor Leonardo DiCaprio arrives at the Vanity Fair Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward relief and recovery for several years.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 04:12:00 +0200tri-cityherald (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Tohoku: Beautiful scenes of an overlooked region

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:55:00 +0200cnn (en)

Editor's Note — CNN Travel's series often carries sponsorship originating from the countries and regions we profile. However, CNN retains full editorial control over all of its reports. (CNN) — Read the policy. Nothing beats Tokyo for bright lights and busy nights. But when it comes to natural beauty , it's hard to top Tohoku.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:34:00 +0200nzherald (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) " The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Hurricane Harvey: Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1 million to United Way Harvey Recovery Fund

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:33:00 +0200financialexpress (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:26:00 +0200cbs46 (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Top Story Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:26:00 +0200fox11online (en)

Leonardo Dicaprio attends the premiere of National Geographic Channel's "Before The Flood," at the United Nations on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. (Photo by Brad Barket/Invision/AP) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Top Story Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:24:00 +0200wlos (en)

Leonardo Dicaprio attends the premiere of National Geographic Channel's "Before The Flood," at the United Nations on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. (Photo by Brad Barket/Invision/AP) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Top Story Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:23:00 +0200bakersfieldnow (en)

Leonardo Dicaprio attends the premiere of National Geographic Channel's "Before The Flood," at the United Nations on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. (Photo by Brad Barket/Invision/AP) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Entertainment Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:22:00 +0200kiro7 (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Entertainment 21 MINS AGO Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:10:00 +0200wsoctv (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:04:00 +0200beaumontenterprise (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Top Story Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:03:00 +0200cbs12 (en)

Leonardo Dicaprio attends the premiere of National Geographic Channel's "Before The Flood," at the United Nations on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. (Photo by Brad Barket/Invision/AP) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:02:00 +0200actionnewsjax (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Top Story Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:00:00 +0200cbs6albany (en)

Leonardo Dicaprio attends the premiere of National Geographic Channel's "Before The Flood," at the United Nations on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016. (Photo by Brad Barket/Invision/AP) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:56:00 +0200startribune (en)

United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey. "We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Leonardo DiCaprio and his foundation," said United Way Worldwide President and CEO Brian Gallagher in a statement.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:55:00 +0200wftv (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:54:00 +0200foxcarolina (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:54:00 +0200seattlepi (en)

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of....

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gives $1M to Harvey relief

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 01:50:00 +0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated $1 million to the newly established United Way Harvey Recovery Fund which will go toward short and long term relief and recovery efforts. United Way Worldwide said Wednesday that the national fund will distribute 100 percent of donations to recovery efforts for those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Participants go through tsunami drills

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 00:29:00 +0200fijitimes (en)

PARTICIPANTS at the 2017 Fiji Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange yesterday went through a phase table top scenario on what to do when dealing with tsunami impact to end of curfew in Suva. Day two of the four-day exercise had participants divided into four groups and being....

Daphne Bramham: Natural catastrophes are the new reality — so why aren't we ready?

Thu, 31 Aug 2017 00:11:00 +0200vancouversun (en)

British Columbians — especially those still displaced by the wildfires or who are on evacuation notice — can readily empathize with Texans suffering in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Neither the B.C. wildfires nor the flooding are close to an end. Even when the immediate danger passes, the recovery and rebuilding will take decades.

More information

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