M 4.8 in Greece on 21 Feb 2018 23:44 UTC

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All headlines on this Alert

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Dominican Republic: At-risk Caribbean island on long road to make hospitals, schools safer

Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:28:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

| Thomson Reuters Foundation Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:43 GMT. "We're waiting for an earthquake to come at any moment" By Anastasia Moloney. SANTO DOMINGO, Feb 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When hurricanes Irma and Maria hit the Dominican Republic last year, 21-year-old Roseli de los Santos....

EU's Tusk warns Poland against 'anti-semitic excesses'

Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:20:00 +0100africatime (en)

Google Chrome Cliquez sur le menu Outils. Sélectionnez Options. Cliquez sur l'onglet Options de base. Danslasection"Page d'accueil", sélectionnez "Ouvrir cette page", puis saisissez "[URL de la page coutante]" dans la zone de texte. Cliquez sur Fermer.

EU's Tusk warns Poland against 'anti-semitic excesses'

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 23:02:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 43 mins ago in World EU President Donald Tusk warned Poland on Friday against "anti-semitic excesses" and other behaviour that risked ruining Warsaw's global standing. Tusk, a former Polish premier, said he had told Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the sidelines of an EU summit in....

EU president: Poland’s conduct on Holocaust risks ruining its global standing

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 22:35:00 +0100timesofisrael (en)

EU President Donald Tusk warned Poland on Friday against “anti-semitic excesses” and other behavior that risked ruining Warsaw’s global standing. Tusk, a former Polish premier, said he had told Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels that negative opinions about Warsaw were turning into a “tsunami.

EU's Tusk warns Poland against 'anti-semitic excesses' Brussels (AFP) - EU President Donald Tusk warned Poland on Friday against "anti-semitic excesses" and other behaviour that risked ruining Warsaw's global standing.

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 22:26:00 +0100yahoo-au (en)

Brussels (AFP) - EU President Donald Tusk warned Poland on Friday against "anti-semitic excesses" and other behaviour that risked ruining Warsaw's global standing. Tusk, a former Polish premier, said he had told Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels....

EU's Tusk warns Poland against 'anti-semitic excesses'

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 22:24:00 +0100diariodelweb (en)

EU President Donald Tusk warned Poland on Friday against "anti-semitic excesses" and other behaviour that risked ruining Warsaw's global standing. Tusk, a former Polish premier, said he had told Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels that negative opinions about Warsaw were turning into a "tsunami".

Treta na Carreta: Rivalidade entre trenzinhos de animação acaba em briga Da Redação

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 22:14:00 +0100uol (pt)

A rivalidade entre duas empresas de animação de festas infantis terminou em briga em Ribeirão Preto. A confusão ocorreu quando um funcionário, que estava de folga, da Carreta Furacão agrediu um animador da Carreta Tsunami da Alegria, que estava trabalhando vestido de Chico Bento. Os donos das duas empresas são irmãos.

Tiny Dinamite al Teatro La giostra di Napoli - Magazine Pragma

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 21:22:00 +0100247libero (it)

Fino al 25 febbraio al Teatro La giostra/Speranzella81 di Napoli -Tiny Dynamite di Abi Morgan. Bruno Tràmice porta in scena, in prima assoluta nello spazio dei Quartieri Spagnoli, il testo della drammaturga britannica, sceneggiatrice del premiato film The Iron Lady. “Volevo scrivere una storia d’amore.

В Азербайджане не разрешили назвать детей именами «Туфан», «Цунами» и «Газах»

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 20:32:00 +0100minval (ru)

В комиссию по именам и фамилиям при Комиссии по терминологии Кабмина Азербайджана родители обращаются, чтобы назвать детей такими именами, как «Туфан», «Цунами» и «Газах», сказала в пятницу Trend зампред комиссии Саялы Садыхова. По ее словам, комиссия не разрешила назвать детей такими именами.

В Азербайджане детей хотят назвать именами «Цунами» и «Газах»

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 18:08:00 +0100trendnews-az-ru (ru)

БАКУ /Trend/ - В комиссию по именам и фамилиям при Комиссии по терминологии Кабмина Азербайджана родители обращаются, чтобы назвать детей такими именами, как «Туфан», «Цунами» и «Газах», сказала в пятницу Trend зампред комиссии Саялы Садыхова. По ее словам, комиссия не разрешила назвать детей такими именами.

Вот какими странными именами хотят назвать детей в Азербайджане

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 17:18:00 +0100day (ru)

В комиссию по именам и фамилиям при Комиссии по терминологии Кабмина Азербайджана родители обращаются, чтобы назвать детей такими именами, как "Туфан", "Цунами" и "Газах", сказала в пятницу Trend зампред комиссии Саялы Садыхова, передает По ее словам, комиссия не разрешила назвать детей такими именами.

Sudirman: Butuh pemimpin bersih lakukan perubahan drastis

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 15:40:00 +0100antarajateng (id)

Banyumas (Antaranews Jateng) - Calon Gubernur Jawa Tengah Sudirman Said menegaskan, seorang pemimpin yang bersih mampu melakukan perubahan suatu daerah, bahkan termasuk hal-hal yang dianggap mustahil. "Perubahan itu tergantung pemimpinnya. Kalau bersih, tidak ada kepentingan pribadi di belakangnya,....

Arco exhibe su «ridículo»

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 09:48:00 +0100elperiodicomediterraneo (es)

Todos han hecho el ridículo en Arco. Y yo, la primera. La veterana galerista alemana residente en España Helga de Alvear entonó el mea culpa tras el maremoto desencadenado por la retirada de Arco de la obra Presos políticos en la España contemporánea, que incluía fotografías pixeladas de Oriol....

Arco exhibe su «ridículo»

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 05:20:00 +0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Todos han hecho el ridículo en Arco. Y yo, la primera. La veterana galerista alemana residente en España Helga de Alvear entonó el mea culpa tras el maremoto desencadenado por la retirada de Arco de la obra Presos políticos en la España contemporánea, que incluía fotografías pixeladas de Oriol....

Rosario en Multinoticias (22 de Febrero del 2018)

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 05:13:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Declaraciones de Compañera Rosario, Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, en Edición del Mediodía de Multinoticias Canal 4. 22 de Febrero del 2018. Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes, queridas Familias de nuestra Nicaragua, Bendita, Unida, Siempre Libre! En estos momentos nos reportan nuestros Hermanos desde el Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto C.

Pacific Partnership Mission Prepares to Enhance Disaster Response Cooperation, Strengthen Ties in Indo-Asia-Pacific

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 04:16:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. Navy News Service. Story Number: NNS180222-06 Release Date: 2/22/2018 10:40:00 AM. From CTF73 Public Affairs. SINGAPORE (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation militaries for the 13th Pacific Partnership mission, scheduled to begin Feb 23.

Pacific Partnership Enhances Regional Disaster Response Cooperation

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 04:16:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

. By Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Micah Blechner, Logistics Group Western Pacific. SINGAPORE, Feb. 22, 2018 The Navy will join allied and partner-nation militaries for the 13th Pacific Partnership mission, scheduled to start tomorrow. This annual maritime operation will help improve disaster....

Pacific Partnership Enhances Regional Disaster Response Cooperation

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 04:16:00 +0100srilankasource (en)

SINGAPORE, Feb. 22, 2018 - The Navy will join allied and partner-nation militaries for the 13th Pacific Partnership mission, scheduled to start tomorrow. The hospital ship USNS Mercy steams in the Pacific Ocean after completing Pacific Partnership 2016 in the Indo-Pacific region, Sept. 12, 2016.

Pacific Partnership Mission Prepares to Enhance Disaster Response Cooperation, Strengthen Ties in Indo-Asia-Pacific

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 04:16:00 +0100srilankasource (en)

SINGAPORE (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation militaries for the 13th Pacific Partnership mission, scheduled to begin Feb 23. This annual maritime operation will help improve disaster response preparedness, resiliency and capacity while enhancing partnerships with....

Fukushima : Depuis le 11 mars, que devient la centrale ?

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 01:37:00 +0100francesoir (fr)

Le 11 mars, le tremblement de terre avait frappé le nord-est du Japon selon une magnitude de 8,9, provoquant un important tsunami. Le monde entier était resté scotché par les conséquences du séisme le plus violent de l'histoire de l'archipel. Un certain nombre d’usines avaient dû être fermées.

Declaraciones de la Compañera Rosario Murillo, Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua (22/2/2018) (Texto íntegro)

Fri, 23 Feb 2018 00:49:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Redacción Central | 22/02/2018. Buenas tardes, Compañera; buenas tardes, queridas Familias de nuestra Nicaragua, Bendita, Unida, Siempre Libre! En estos momentos nos reportan nuestros Hermanos desde el Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto C. Sandino, que reciben a la Selección Nacional de Beisbol de....

INETER atento ante intensa actividad sísmica en el Cinturón de Fuego

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 22:17:00 +0100nuevaya (es)

La Compañera Rosario Murillo, Vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, informó que el Gobierno Sandinista ha circulado una nota del Ineter donde se explica la Intensa actividad sísmica en el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. Explicó que ahí está concentrada el 80% de la sismicidad del mundo, reportando más de 14 mil sismos mayores de 4.


Thu, 22 Feb 2018 21:56:00 +0100guardian-BZ (en)

There are precious few things that Johnny B. understands and tsunami is not on that very short list! The most important thing to know about a tsunami is that it is caused by a disturbance and it has the potential to be extremely destructive. Bing says: “A tsunami or tidal wave, also known as a....

Lisbonne investit dans un système d'alerte aux tsunamis

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:42:00 +0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

La région métropolitaine de Lisbonne (AML) va investir dans un système d'alerte public aux tsunamis, a rapporté jeudi le Jornal de Negocios. Le système est composé de quatre sirènes d'alarme, de deux centres de contrôle et d'un réseau de communication intégré.

Dominican Republic on long road to make hospitals, schools safer Anastasia Moloney

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:18:00 +0100trust (en)

"We're waiting for an earthquake to come at any moment" By Anastasia Moloney. SANTO DOMINGO, Feb 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When hurricanes Irma and Maria hit the Dominican Republic last year, 21-year-old Roseli de los Santos pulled people from floodwaters and helped families to evacuate flooded homes.

Caritas: 34,3 milioni di franchi di donazioni nel 2017

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 19:25:00 +0100247libero (it)

Caritas nel 2017 ha raccolto donazioni per 34,3 milioni di franchi. Nel contempo sono stati realizzati programmi e progetti per 106,7 milioni, dei quali 48,1 milioni in interventi a livello internazionale. Oltre ai progetti su lungo termine per la sicurezza alimentare, l'approvvigionamento idrico e....

Twitter announces crackdown on automation and use of multiple accounts

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 18:03:00 +0100newstalk (en)

Social media site Twitter has announced new rules to prevent users from posting identical content to multiple accounts. The changes will mean users of Tweetdeck will no longer be able to select multiple accounts through which to tweet, retweet like or follow.

Am. Red Cross disaster assistance, Includes supplies to TAOA

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 17:24:00 +0100samoanews (en)

Pago Pago, American Samoa — American Red Cross San Diego/Imperial counties disaster workers along with volunteers from across the US including two from Hawai’i, deployed to American Samoa to provide assistance following the Feb. 9 devastation left behind by Tropical Storm Gita.

LUCERNA Caritas, raccolti 34,3 milioni di franchi nel 2017

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 16:24:00 +0100tio (it)

LUCERNA - Caritas nel 2017 ha raccolto donazioni per 34,3 milioni di franchi. Nel contempo sono stati realizzati programmi e progetti per 106,7 milioni, dei quali 48,1 milioni in interventi a livello internazionale. Oltre ai progetti su lungo termine per la sicurezza alimentare, l'approvvigionamento....

Área Metropolitana de Lisboa compra sistema de aviso sonoro de tsunamis

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 15:27:00 +0100sabado (pt)

Por João D'Espiney - Jornal de Negócios A Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML) decidiu comprar um sistema de aviso sonoro à população face ao risco de tsunami no estuário do Tejo.De acordo com o contrato publicado esta quarta-feira no Portal Base, o sistema adquirido à empresa espanhola LAFCARR, Project & Design vai custar 48,5 mil euros mais IVA.

Magnitude-4.8 quake strikes off Zakynthos

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 10:40:00 +0100kathimerini-en (en)

TAGS: Earthquake Greek authorities say an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 has struck off the western island of Zakynthos, but no injuries or damage have been reported. The Athens Geodynamic Institute said the quake occurred at 01:44 a.m. Thursday in the Ionian Sea west of Zakynthos, at a relatively shallow depth of 5 kilometers.

Earthquake reported as 4.8 on Richter scale 148km from Bulgarian capital Sofia, 17km from Plovdiv

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 10:39:00 +0100sofiaglobe (en)

An earthquake initially reported to have measured 4.8 on the Richter scale, with an epicentre 148km south-east of Bulgarian capital Sofia, happened in the early hours of February 22 2018, according to preliminary data from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre. The epicentre of the quake, which happened at 1.

Naufragó reelección inmediata en la Usco

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 10:16:00 +0100lanacion-co (es)

RICARDO AREIZA. unidadinvestigativa@lanación.com.co. La pretendida reforma estatutaria para establecer la reelección inmediata del actual rector de la Universidad Surcolombiana, Pedro Reyes Gaspar, zozobró ayer en medio de una esperada tempestad. La iniciativa propuesta para extender por cuatro años....

Sur le retour de Grey's Anatomy sur TF1 : "Tu pourrais être Meredith Grey et choper une phlébite à cause d'une chaussette trop serrée"

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 10:13:00 +0100Europe1 (fr)

La nouvelle a été annoncée hier et a réjoui les fans dont je fais partie : le 14 mars prochain, Grey’s Anatomy sera enfin de retour sur TF1 après une diffusion qui s’était arrêté en juin dernier en France, et en novembre aux Etats-Unis. Après ce qu’on appelle, le mid-season.

US Pacific Partnership mission to return to Sri Lanka for a second time:

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 09:59:00 +0100slmuslims (en)

US Pacific Partnership mission to return to Sri Lanka for a second time Thu, Feb 22, 2018, 01:59 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Feb 22, Colombo: The Asia-Pacific's largest humanitarian assistance and disaster-relief preparedness mission will return to Sri Lanka for a second time as....

US Pacific Partnership mission to return to Sri Lanka for a second time

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 09:34:00 +0100colombopage (en)

Thu, Feb 22, 2018, 01:59 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Feb 22, Colombo: The Asia-Pacific's largest humanitarian assistance and disaster-relief preparedness mission will return to Sri Lanka for a second time as the United States continues to cultivate partnerships in the region, according to the U.

Fesoasoani a le Koluse Mumu mo Amerika Samoa

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 08:06:00 +0100samoanews (en)

FA'ASOLO ASIASIGA & TUFATUFA MEA UA AGAVA'A AI AIGA. Ua toa'i taunu'u le Koluse Mumu mai San Diego, ua amata fo'i ona faia asiasiga i fale ma aiga ta'itasi ua mae'a tusia o latou suafa ma talosaga mo ni fesoasoani, peita'i, pe na tusia lou suafa pe leai, ae afai e va'aia le pagatia o lou aiga, e....

Mexican candidate: government erred in not going after arms

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 05:06:00 +0100chron (en)

Aftershocks rattled Mexico over the weekend, as rescuers continued to search for survivors of Tuesday’s earthquake, the country’s deadliest in 32 years. The latest tremor, of 5.9 magnitude, struck on Sunday off the west coast, with its epicentre 99 km southwest of Tonala, in Chiapas, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Ineter atento ante intensa actividad sísmica en el Cinturón de Fuego

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 04:39:00 +0100el19digital (es)

Los especialistas del INETER indican que el cinturón de fuego tiene una extensión de más de 40 mil kilómetros y recorre decenas de país, incluyendo el istmo centro americano. Afirman que todas las regiones del planeta que forman parte del cinturón de fuego están sujetas a una intensa actividad....

Earthquake reported as 4.8 on Richter scale 148km from Bulgarian capital Sofia, 17km from Plovdiv

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 01:12:00 +0100sofiaglobe (en)

An earthquake initially reported to have measured 4.8 on the Richter scale, with an epicentre 148km south-east of Bulgarian capital Sofia, happened in the early hours of February 22 2018, according to preliminary data from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre. The epicentre of the quake, which happened at 1.

Ineter atento ante intensa actividad sísmica en el Cinturón de Fuego

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 23:05:00 +0100presidencia-NI (es)

Los especialistas del INETER indican que el cinturón de fuego tiene una extensión de más de 40 mil kilómetros y recorre decenas de países, incluyendo el istmo centroamericano. Afirman que todas las regiones del planeta que forman parte del cinturón de fuego están sujetas a una intensa actividad....

Ineter atento ante intensa actividad sísmica en el Cinturón de Fuego

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 23:03:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Los especialistas del INETER indican que el cinturón de fuego tiene una extensión de más de 40 mil kilómetros y recorre decenas de países, incluyendo el istmo centroamericano. Afirman que todas las regiones del planeta que forman parte del cinturón de fuego están sujetas a una intensa actividad....

Fukushima operator told to compensate for suicide of 102-year-old ordered to evacuate

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 22:31:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO (AFP) - A Japanese court on Tuesday (Feb 20) ordered the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant to compensate relatives of a 102-year-old man who killed himself at the prospect of fleeing his home. The Fukushima District Court ordered Tokyo Electric Co (Tepco) to pay 15.

Cómo detectar las noticias falsas en redes sociales

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 22:17:00 +0100cope (es)

21 de febrero de 2018 | Actualizado el 21 de febrero de 2018. Internet permite acceder a una inmensa cantidad de contenido informativo. El problema es precisamente que con tantas noticias y tanta viralidad sin control estamos expuestos a ser engañados.

Familias de Canela, Combarbalá y Ovalle mejoran su calidad de vida con obras de reconstrucción

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 21:07:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

“Es muy lindo el cambio, antes esto era pura tierra y se metía a las casas. Estamos muy contentos con que esta calle esté ya casi terminada, hoy día solo falta el cambio de postes” , señaló Elva Estero, vecina de la calle Silvano Contreras de Canela. El terremoto de septiembre de 2015 provocó....

Designing a change

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 18:49:00 +0100thehindu (en)

Born into a middle-class family in Bihar and later moving to Delhi to pursue fashion designing, Uma Prajapati’s two-week trip to Auroville in 1996 changed her and the fashion outlook, setting the stage for a conscious fashion hub. By the end of 1997, the idea of a socially responsible fashion for change took the form of Upasana Design Studio.

Earthquakes Recorded In Vanuatu, Guam: Magnitude 6.8, 5.2 Respectively

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 15:25:00 +0100pidp (en)

No tsunamis; immediate reports of damage By Masako Watanabe. HAGÅTÑA, Guam (Pacific Daily News, May 10, 2017) – A magnitude 5.2 earthquake hit about 8 miles offshore of Yigo Wednesday, May 10. The earthquake was centered about 8 miles northeast of Yigo, at a depth of about 77 miles, according to the U.

Chile sacudido por terremoto de cinco graus, sem consequências

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 14:47:00 +0100prensa-latina-br (pt)

Santiago de Chile, 20 fev (Prensa Latina) A parte norte do Chile, nas regiões de Antofagasta e Atacama, foi sacudida esta manhã por um terremoto de 5,0 graus na escala Richter, mas sem provocar perdas humanas nem materiais. O tremor teve lugar às 06:38 hora local e seu epicentro foi localizado no....

Protecção Civil dos Açores diz o que fazer em caso de sismo

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 11:41:00 +0100sabado (pt)

- Mantenha a calma e conte com a ocorrência de possíveis réplicas; - Não acenda fósforos nem isqueiros, pois pode haver fugas de gás; - Observe se a sua casa sofreu danos graves e saia imediatamente se suspeitar que não oferece condições de segurança; - Caso duvide da integridade dos circuitos de....

Забытый «гарнизон»

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 07:37:00 +0100vb-kg (ru)

История русского мореплавания это, нередко, печальная хроника кораблекрушений и пожаров. Виной тому не только ошибки и нерасторопность капитанов и экипажей, но и роковые мели, и рифы, свирепые штормы, тайфуны и цунами, а также льды и оледенение. Обстоятельства и причины одних кораблекрушений судов....

«Fractura», en los paisajes desolados de Fukushima

Wed, 21 Feb 2018 02:04:00 +0100abc-Andalucia (es)

novela en cierto modo coral , pues varias son las voces que narran la vida de su protagonista, un ejecutivo japonés, el señor Watanabe, quien siendo muy niño vio morir a su familia cuando las explosiones de las bombas nucleares de Hiroshima y Nasagaki -de ambas han quedado huellas en su biografía- y....

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