M 6.1 in Chile on 21 Nov 2012 21:36 UTC

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Magnitude 6.1 quake shakes central Chile, no damage reported

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:51:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A strong earthquake shook buildings in the Chile an capital of Santiago on Wednesday but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and the country's massive copper mines were not affected. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the 6.

Un séisme secoue Santiago du Chili, faisant trembler des immeubles

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:50:00 +0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 a ébranlé le centre du Chili mercredi, ont annoncé les autorités qui ne faisait pas fait état pour l’heure de...

Terremoti: scossa 5.9 a Santiago Cile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:48:00 +0100ilcittadinomb (it)

(ANSA-REUTERS) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 21 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 gradi Richter ha colpito la capitale del Cile, Santiago, facendo tremare molti edifici. Lo rileva il servizio geosismico statunitense, Usgs. I servizi di emergenza cileni fanno sapere che non si segnalano per ora vittime o danni gravi.

Terremoti: scossa 5.9 a Santiago Cile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:47:00 +0100ecodibergamo (it)

(ANSA-REUTERS) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 21 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 gradi Richter ha colpito la capitale del Cile, Santiago, facendo tremare molti edifici. Lo rileva il servizio geosismico statunitense, Usgs. I servizi di emergenza cileni fanno sapere che non si segnalano per ora vittime o danni gravi.

Sismo de 6,1 grados sacude zona central de Chile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:45:00 +0100eluniversal (es)

El movimiento no causó daños a personas, alteración a servicios básicos o infraestructura. historias relacionadas Clinton anunciará en El Cairo un alto el fuego entre Israel y Hamás Obama agradece a Netanyahu por acordar un cese el fuego en Gaza Alcalde mexicano acusa a sus policías de intentar secuestrarlo El demócrata Jesse Jackson Jr.

Magnitude 6.1 quake shakes central Chile, no damage reported

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:42:00 +0100alertnet-rss (en)

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 22:20 GMT Source: reuters // Reuters (Adds revised quake magnitude) SANTIAGO, Nov 21 (Reuters) - A strong earthquake shook buildings in the Chile an capital of Santiago on Wednesday but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and the country's massive copper mines were not affected.

Sismo de 6,1 grados sacude zona central de Chile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:41:00 +0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Un sismo de 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este miércoles la zona central de Chile sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales, informó el Servicio Sismológico de la Universidad de Chile. ...

Temblor de magnitud 6.1 sacude Chile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:41:00 +0100elnuevoherald (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.1 sacudió el miércoles la región central de Chile , pero las autoridades dijeron que no se habían reportado personas heridas ni daños de envergadura.

Registran sismo en Chile de 6.1 grados Richter, El Universal, México

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:39:00 +0100satcaweb (es)

El epicentro se ubicó a 54 kilómetros al suroeste de San Antonio y ocurrió a las 4:36 de la tarde, sin que se reporten daños y heridos

Temblor de magnitud 6,1 sacude Chile, Yahoo, EUA

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:39:00 +0100satcaweb (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,1 sacudió el miércoles la región central de Chile , pero las autoridades dijeron que no se habían reportado personas heridas ni daños de envergadura.

Magnitude 5.9 quake shakes Chile capital Santiago

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:37:00 +0100reuters (en)

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - An earthquake struck the Chile an capital, Santiago on Wednesday, causing buildings to shake, a Reuters witness said.

Sismo de 6,1 grados sacude zona central de Chile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:34:00 +0100hoy (es)

Un sismo de 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este miércoles la zona central de Chile sin que se reporten víctimas ni daños materiales, informó el Servicio Sismológico de la Universidad de Chile. SANTIAGO. Un sismo de 6,1 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió este miércoles la zona central....

Terremoti: scossa 5.9 a Santiago Cile

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 23:27:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA-REUTERS) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 21 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 gradi Richter ha colpito la capitale del Cile, Santiago, facendo tremare molti edifici. Lo rileva il servizio geosismico statunitense, Usgs. I servizi di emergenza cileni fanno sapere che non si segnalano per ora vittime o danni gravi.

Un terremoto de 5,9 puntos sacude la isla indonesia de Sumba

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 22:48:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de 5,9 puntos se sintió la noche del miercoles al jueves en la costa sureña de la isla Sumba, en Indonesia. No se ha dado ninguna advertencia sobre la amenaza de tsunami. El epicentro del terremoto está ubicado a 271 kilómetros al sudoeste de la parte occidental de la isla Sumba, en la provincia de Nusa Tenggara oriental.

Associação Internacional quer garantias da UCI

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:56:00 +0100sabado (pt)

Caso Armstrong foi "tsunami" que abalou fortemente o ciclismo... Por LUSA - Record A Associação internacional de ciclistas (CPA) revelou esta quarta-feira que o caso Lance Armstrong é "inquietante" e fez um ultimato à União Ciclista Internacional (UCI) para que demonstre a sua capacidade na luta contra o doping.

Japonya da Müstakbel İktidarın Hedefi Merkez Bankası

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:29:00 +0100haberler (tr)

Japonya'da 16 Aralık'ta yapılacak seçimlerden zaferle çıkması beklenen muhalefetteki Liberal Demokratların hedefinde Merkez Bankası var.

Entwicklung von Toshiba - Roboter soll vertrahlte Fukushima-Ruine erkunden

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:44:00 +0100RP (de)

Er soll dorthin gehen, wo kein Mensch hin kann: Toshiba hat einen Roboter für den Einsatz in der radioaktiv vertrahlten Ruine des japanischen Atomkraftwerks Fukushima entwickelt. Das namenlose Gerät sogar Treppen steigen.

LINE: la competencia a Whatsapp que llega desde Japón

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:13:00 +0100rtve (es)

Es una aplicación para móviles y ordenador con la que se puede chatear Los envíos son gratuitos, así como las llamadas de voz a través de internet Sus creadores ganan dinero vendiendo dibujos e iconos personalizados Leer la noticia completa

Perú: Presentan protocolo operativo ante tsunami en el Perú

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:07:00 +0100redhum (es)

El Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil – INDECI, la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú y el Instituto Geofísico del Perú con el apoyo de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura – UNESCO, presentaron el Protocolo Operativo del Sistema Nacional de Alerta Tsunami.

Japan's new N-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:24:00 +0100deccanherald (en)

A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration. Despite being home to the largest number of industrial robots in the world, Japan did not have a device capable of....

Abogado querellante en el Caso Tsunami solicitará formalización de cargos contra Bachelet

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:15:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Raúl Meza anunció que llevará a cabo la acción judicial durante la audiencia de sobreseimiento solicitada por el ex subsecretario del Interior, Patricio Rosende, la cual rechazó categóricamente.

Radyasyona dayanıklı robot üretildi!

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:03:00 +0100internethaber (tr)

Japonya'da radyasyondan etkilenmemek için enkazları tırmanabilecek robot üretildi.

Gempa 5,9 SR Guncang Sumba Barat

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:48:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,9 SR mengguncang Sumba Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Gempa ini tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Fuerte temblor de tierra sacude la República Dominicana

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:19:00 +0100rdnoticias (es)

Dos temblores de 5.0 y 3.4 grados sacudieron anoche y esta madrugada a RD Hasta ahora no se reportan daños ni victimas. Juan Manuel Méndez, director del Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE), detalló que los organismos de socorro no habían recibido ningún

Japans new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:03:00 +0100irishsun (en)

Japan did not have a device capable of entering the damaged Fukushima nuclear facility after last year's devastating earthquake and tsunami. Instead, Japan brought in U.S. robots to survey ...

Toshiba shows new robot for nuclear cleanup

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 16:54:00 +0100CBC (en)

Toshiba unveils a robot that it says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Tsunami debris cleanup underfunded, says MP

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 16:46:00 +0100CBC (en)

A British Columbia MP is calling on Ottawa to set aside money to manage debris from the Japanese tsunami expected to wash ashore on West Coast beaches.

Toshiba unveils new robot to help in nuke disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 16:46:00 +0100panarmenian-en (en)

Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said it might use the robot to inspect the suppression chamber of the Fukushima plant.

La Mesa del Turismo pide firmeza con el “tsunami de manifestaciones”

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:36:00 +0100elpais-en (es)

Las 35 entidades, entre ellas IFEMA, Iberia y AENA, aseguran que las protestas callejeras les causan graves problemas

La Mesa del Turismo pide firmeza con el "tsunami de manifestaciones"

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:28:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

La Mesa de Turismo, que aglutina a una treintena de empresas del sector, ha reclamado una legislación "firme y estricta" que proteja los intereses turísticos y económicos de Madrid frente a los centenares de manifestaciones que padece, "que suponen un grave perjuicio para el sector" .

La Mesa del Turismo pide firmeza con el “tsunami de manifestaciones”

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:27:00 +0100elpais (es)

Las 35 entidades, entre ellas IFEMA, Iberia y AENA, aseguran que las protestas callejeras les causan graves problemas

Der "kopflose Hund" für Aufklärungsmissionen: Toshiba entwickelt Roboter für Fukushima-Einsatz

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:03:00 +0100wienerzeitung (de)

Tokio. Der japanische Technologiekonzern Toshiba hat einen vierbeinigen Roboter für den Einsatz in der radioaktiv verstrahlten AKW-Ruine von Fukushima entwickelt. Das noch namenlose Gerät soll Aufklärungsmissionen in für Menschen nicht zugänglichem Gebiet fahren, wie Ingenieur Goro Yanase am Mittwoch erklärte.

Yüksek radyasyona dayanıklı robot üretildi

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:01:00 +0100ensonhaber (tr)

Japonya'da nükleer felaketler sırasında çalışabilecek, yüksek radyasyona dayanıklı robot üretildi.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:57:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Radiation-proof robot may help Japan

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:15:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

TOSHIBA has unveiled a robot that the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Toshiba makes dog-like robot for Fukushima

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:15:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

AN as-yet unnamed, dog like robot has been built to help efforts at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

Japan ex-PM vows to spearhead economic recovery

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:14:00 +0100panarmenian-en (en)

Abe promised to achieve 3 percent nominal economic growth through intensive reform programs over the next five years.

Alluvioni: procedura Ue contro Italia, "prevenzione insufficient"

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:18:00 +0100agi (it)

(AGI) - Bruxelles, 21 nov - La Commissione Ue ha inviato oggi all'Italia un avviso motivato, secondo passaggio nella procedura di infrazione Ue, per la non corretta applicazione delle norme sulla prevenzione delle alluvioni. I paesi Ue sono tenuti ad effettuare analisi sui rischi legati al possibile....

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:10:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

YOKOHAMA A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration. Despite being home to the largest number of industrial robots in the world, Japan did not have a device capable....

Exercice d'alerte au tsunami dans l'Atlantique Nord et Méditerranée

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:06:00 +0100alvinet (fr)

Les 27 et 28 novembre, un tsunami fictif se produira au large des côtes de la Méditerranée et de l'Atlantique du Nord-Est. Cet exercice vise à tester le Système... Source : Techno-Science - Articles similaires

Toshiba makes dog-like robot for Fukushima

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:58:00 +0100sbs (en)

An as-yet unnamed, dog like robot has been built to help efforts at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:42:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

November 21, 2012 6:46 PMYOKOHAMA (REUTERS) - A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:38:00 +0100sligochampion (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:37:00 +0100trust (en)

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 10:35 GMT Source: reuters // Reuters YOKOHAMA, Japan, Nov 21 (Reuters) - A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration.

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:36:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration.

Toshiba unveils dog-like robot for Fukushima plant

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:35:00 +0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

Japanese nuclear reactor maker Toshiba today unveiled a remote-controlled robot resembling a headless dog that they hope will be used at the battered Fukushima power plant, AFP reported. The tetrapod, which weighs 65 kilograms and is about one metre tall, is designed to be able to cover difficult....

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:12:00 +0100drogheda-independent (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:09:00 +0100argus (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:59:00 +0100reuters (en)

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration.

Japan's new nuclear-proof robot gets stage fright

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:59:00 +0100reuters (en)

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Reuters) - A Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and extreme heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima froze on Wednesday on its first public demonstration.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:57:00 +0100express (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:53:00 +0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Qatar Friendship Fund announces five new rehabilitation projects for areas affected by Tsunami

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:46:00 +0100ameinfo-en (en)

Qatar Friendship Fund (QFF) has announced the results of its second round of rehabilitation project proposals. A total of five projects in the fields of child education, healthcare and fisheries will receive approximately $19m in financial assistance. This will provide urgent and sustainable assistance to those in need.

Using disaster warning tools to their best potential

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:46:00 +0100scidev (en)

Stronger links between scientific tools and the environment in which they operate can improve the effectiveness of early warning.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:43:00 +0100herald-ie (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

New robot could help in N-disasters

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:38:00 +0100corkman (en)

Japanese technology giant Toshiba has unveiled a robot which the company says can withstand high radiation and help in nuclear disasters.

Tongariro Yanardağı yeniden faaliyete geçti

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:37:00 +0100radikal (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'daki Tongariro Yanardağı'nın yaklaşık 3,5 ay sonra yeniden faaliyete geçtiği ve 3 kilometre yüksekliğe kadar duman ve kül püskürttüğü bildirildi

Pasifik Ateş Çemberi'nde patlama

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:05:00 +0100stargazete (tr)

Güney Pasifik'teki Tongariro Yanardağı dün faaliyete geçti. Dağ, zirvesinden 3 kilometre yüksekliği kül püskürtürken, bölgedeki okullar tatil edildi, tahliyeler başladı.

Japonyada müstakbel iktidarın hedefi Merkez Bankası

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 10:54:00 +0100aydinses (en)

Japonyada 16 Aralıkta yapılacak seçimlerden zaferle çıkması beklenen muhalefetteki Liberal Demokratların hedefinde Merkez Bankası var. Liberal Demokrat Partisi Başkanı Şinzo Abe ile Merkez Bankası Başkanı Masaaki Şirakavanın karşılıklı...

Yanardağ yeniden faaliyete geçiyor

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 09:50:00 +0100sabah (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'daki Tongariro Yanardağı'nın yaklaşık 3,5 ay sonra yeniden faaliyete geçtiği ve 3 kilometre yüksekliğe kadar duman ve kül püskürttüğü bildirildi. Yetkililer, Kuzey Adası'ndaki yanardağın... Devamı için tıklayınız

Using disaster warning tools to their best potential

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:45:00 +0100scidev (en)

Stronger links between scientific tools and the environment in which they operate can improve the effectiveness of early warning.

Tongariro Yanardağı korkuttu

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:00 +0100stargazete (tr)

Yeni Zelanda'daki Tongariro Yanardağı'nın yaklaşık 3,5 ay sonra yeniden faaliyete geçtiği ve 3 kilometre yüksekliğe kadar duman ve kül püskürttüğü bildirildi.

Tongariro kükredi

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 07:46:00 +0100haberturk (tr)

'daki Tongariro Yanardağı 'nın yaklaşık 3,5 ay sonra yeniden faaliyete geçtiği ve 3 kilometre yüksekliğe kadar duman ve kül püskürttüğü bildirildi. Yetkililer, Kuzey Adası'ndaki yanardağın faaliyete geçmesinin ardından herhangi bir hasar veya yollarda kapanma olmadığını, uçaklar için de henüz bir uyarı yapılmadığını söyledi.

Climate impacts cost Pakistan up to $14bn a year

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 07:12:00 +0100thenews-pk (en)

The ever-increasing roles of the private sector and businesses in protecting coastal areas and maintaining their ecological integrity were the main to

Un letrado simula acento latino como estrategia de defensa

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 06:54:00 +0100FaroDeVigo (es)

Los acusados, Jorge Ricarte C.V., Edgar Alexis J.C., Ancizar Augusto J.Z. y Wiamer N.V., negaron la autoría. La fiscal pide para cada uno 5 años de prisión y multa de 1.800 euros. Uno de los imputados es el exempleado del dueño del chalé y los...

La Niña le costó al país $11,2 billones

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 06:20:00 +0100elcolombiano (es)

Durante el 2011 los desastres naturales en todo el mundo costaron cerca de 360 mil millones de dólares. Aunque se reconoce mundialmente que la prevención es menos costosa, los países siguen invirtiendo más en atender las emergencias. En Colombia, "el remanente del fenómeno de La Niña le costó al país en 2011, 11, 2 billones de pesos".

Peru: Presentan protocolo operativo ante tsunami en el Perú

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 05:52:00 +0100reliefWeb (es)

Source: Government of Peru Country: Peru NOTA DE PRENSA N°494 2012-INDECI-UII El Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil – INDECI, la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú y el Instituto Geofísico del Perú con el apoyo de la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la....

La fin du monde prévue dans un mois

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 03:46:00 +0100alvinet (fr)

La fin du monde est-elle programmée pour le 21 décembre 2012 ? Entre croyances et pragmatisme, les Réunionnais affichent des avis bien tranchés sur la question. -... Source : Linfo - Régions : La Réunion - Articles similaires

El Perú ya cuenta con su protocolo para enfrentar tsunamis

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 03:07:00 +0100ElComercio (es)

El documento detalla acciones y tiempos que instituciones como el "IGP":http://elcomercio.pe/tag/56586/igp y el "Indeci":http://elcomercio.pe/tag/30713/indeci deben cumplir antes de la llegada de la primera ola

Japanese politician argues for nuclear weapons

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:19:00 +0100abc-au (en)

A leading figure in Japan's national elections says his country should acquire nuclear weapons if it wants to be taken seriously.

Japanese politician argues for nuclear weapons

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:16:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

A leading figure in Japan's national elections says his country should acquire nuclear weapons if it wants to be taken seriously.

Japanese politician argues for nuclear weapons

Tue, 20 Nov 2012 23:57:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

A leading figure in Japan's national elections says his country should acquire nuclear weapons if it wants to be taken seriously.

Solar Tsunami Giant Double Sun Eruption Caught on Video

Tue, 20 Nov 2012 23:50:00 +0100irishsun (en)

Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the images over a four-hour period. The giant loops, called solar prominences, occurred between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. ET on Friday. Many times larger than the ...

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