M 4.5 in Türkiye from 24 Nov 2012 16:04 UTC to 16:04

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 222
Articles about casualties: 3 (1.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter based on specific events and keywords

All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Strong earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:36:00 +0100scmp (en)

A strong earthquake struck the eastern part of Indonesia on Wednesday, according to the US Geological Survey. There were no immediate reports of damage. The magnitude-5.5 quake was centreed 56 kilometres under the sea, the US agency reported. Indonesian seismologist Fauzi, who uses one name, said there was no risk of a tsunami.

Ex-renseignement militaire israélien :"le tsunami arabe, une menace sérieuse"

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:18:00 +0100almanar-fr (fr)

L’ex-chef des services de renseignement militaire israélien, le général Zeevi : les conclusions que le Hamas a tiré des leçons de la guerre précédente sont le résultat d’un échange d’idées avec l’Iran, la Syrie et le Hezbollah..

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:12:00 +0100sunstar (en)

TOKYO -- Japan's government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters. As much as a fourth of the 11.

Undersea earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:12:00 +0100irishsun (en)

JAKARTA The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude has hit the eastern part of Indonesia. There are no immediate reports of damage. Indonesian seismologist Fauzi says there ...

Cava de' Tirreni: al Tribunale primi interrogatori per Tsunami 1 su presunti appalti pilotati

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:06:00 +0100salernonotizie (it)

Ora c�� chi parla di azzeramento della giunta municipale di Cava de� Tirreni. �Formattazione� l�avrebbe definita lo stesso sindaco Marco Galdi, indagato insieme a molti consiglieri comunali per l�acquisto dell�ex Cofima e nell�ambito dell�inchiesta Tsunami 1 su presunti appalti pilotati al Comune metelliano.

Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert indonesische Küste

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:43:00 +0100ruvr-de (de)

Das Erdbeben der Stärke 6,3 hat am Mittwoch die Küste Indonesiens erschüttert, berichtet die lokale geophysikalische Agentur. Die Erdstöße, deren Epizentrum in der Nähe von den Molukken-Inseln lag, hatten keinen Tsunami zur Folge. Es liegen keine Meldungen über Opfer vor.

Fort séisme au large de l'Indonésie

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:40:00 +0100ruvr-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 s'est produit au large de l'Indonésie, communique l'agence géophysique nationale. Les secousses dont l'épicentre se trouvait non loin des Moluques n'ont pas provoqués un tsunami. Des victimes n'ont pas été signalées

5.5-magnitude quake hits Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:25:00 +0100upi (en)

JAKARTA, Nov. 28 (UPI) -- A 5.5-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia Wednesday, about 113 miles west of Tual, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Fuerte terremoto sacude Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 13:48:00 +0100ruvr-es (es)

Un terremoto de 6,3 grados de magnitud se produjo hoy, miércoles frente a las costas de Indonesia, según informa la agencia geofísica local. Los temblores, cuyo epicentro se localizó cerca de las islas Moluccas, no provocaron tsunami. Tampoco hay información sobre las víctimas. eds/mo

Felaketin yeni görüntüleri ortaya çıktı

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 13:35:00 +0100haber7 (tr)

Japonya'da geçtiğimiz yıl ülkenin kuzeydoğu bölgesini vuran deprem ve ardından yaşanan tsunami felaketinin yeni görüntüleri ortaya çıktı

Strong Earthquake Shakes Eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:24:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

A strong earthquake struck the eastern part of Indonesia on Wednesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There were no immediate reports of damage. The magnitude-5.5 quake was centered 56 kilometers (35 miles) under the sea, the U.S. agency reported. Indonesian seismologist Fauzi, who uses one name, said there was no risk of a tsunami.

Séisme de 5,5 au large de l'Indonésie, pas de tsunami

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:22:00 +0100lecourrier (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,5 s'est produit le 28 novembre au large des côtes orientales de l'Indonésie, a annoncé l'institut américain de géophysique (USGS), mais sans provoquer de tsunami. L'Agence indonésienne de géophysique (BMKG) avait peu auparavant évalué à 6,3 la magnitude du tremblement de terre.

Japan suspends 35 tsunami reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:19:00 +0100thehindu (en)

Japan’s government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery fr...

Earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:19:00 +0100thehindu (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude has hit the eastern part of Indonesia. There are no immediate reports of damage. Indonesian seismologist Fauzi says...

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:15:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

November 28, 2012 6:46 PMTOKYO (AP) - Japan's government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the earthquake and tsunami in March last year after criticism that the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters.

Séisme de 6,3 au large de l'Indonésie, pas de tsunami

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:10:00 +0100alvinet (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 s'est produit mercredi au large des côtes orientales de l'Indonésie, mais n'a pas ... Source : 7sur7 - Articles similaires

Quake jolts Indonesia, no tsunami alert

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:10:00 +0100thestandard-hk (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said. The Indonesian Meteorology, Geophys...

Endonezya'da şiddetli deprem

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:07:00 +0100milliyet (tr)

ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi, depremin deniz tabanının 56 kilometre altında meydana geldiğini açıkladı. Endonezyalı sismologlar, tsunami ...

Alerte! Séisme de 6,3 au large de l'Indonésie, pas de tsunami

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:06:00 +0100rewmi (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 s'est produit mercredi au large des côtes orientales de l'Indonésie, mais n'a pas entraîné d'alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'agence indonésienne de géophysique (BMKG). L'hypocentre du séisme, qui s'est produit à 15h56 (09h56 en Belgique) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres,....

Strong 6.3 quake off Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:05:00 +0100ruvr-en (en)

A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on Wednesday but no tsunami alert was issued, the meteorology agency said.

5.5 quake off Indonesia, no tsunami alert: USGS

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:57:00 +0100HindustanTimes (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said.

Un sismo de 5,5 grados en la escala de Richter sacude el este de Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:52:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Un temblor de 5,5 grados en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el este de Indonesia. Según los expertos locales, no hay ninguna amenaza de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS) precisó que el epicentro del terremoto está ubicado a 288 kilómetros al norte de la localidad de....

Eine Spende ist das schönste Geschenk! / Aktion Deutschland Hilft startet Weihnachtskampagne mit dem Fokus auf Kindern in Katastrophengebieten

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:52:00 +0100politikexpress (de)

Unter dem Motto "Eine Spende ist das schönste Geschenk" startet Aktion Deutschland Hilft den Spendenaufruf zur diesjährigen Weihnachtskampagne. Das Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen möchte damit in diesem Jahr besonders auf die vielen Kinder aufmerksam machen, die weltweit von Naturkatastrophen oder kriegerischen Konflikten betroffen sind.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 in largul Indoneziei

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:47:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 s-a produs miercuri in largul coastelor din estul Indoneziei, fara sa antreneze o alerta de tsunami, a anuntat Agentia indoneziana de geofizica (BMKG). Hipocentrul seismului, care a avut loc la ora locala 15.56...

Un cutremur de 6,3 a avut loc în largul coastelor Indoneziei

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:47:00 +0100ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 s-a produs miercuri în largul coastelor din estul Indoneziei, fără să antreneze o alertă de tsunami, a anunţat Agenţia indoneziană de geofizică (BMKG). Seismul a avut loc la ora locală 15.56 (10.56, ora...

Cutremur in Indonezia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:46:00 +0100evenimentul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de moment de 5.5 grade a avut loc in largul Indoneziei, nefiind emisa avertizare

Indonesian quake revised down to magnitude 5.5

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:46:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said.

Undersea earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:40:00 +0100CBSnews (en)

Indonesian seismologist says no tsunami risk after 5.5-magnitude quake centered 35 miles undersea; No immediate reports of damage

Strong earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:38:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

A strong earthquake struck the eastern part of Indonesia on Wednesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There were no immediate reports of damage.The magnitude-5.5 quake was centered 56 ...

Séisme de 6,3 au large de l'Indonésie, pas de tsunami

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:33:00 +01007sur7 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 s'est produit mercredi au large des côtes orientales de l'Indonésie, mais n'a pas ...

Earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia; no immediate damage reported

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:24:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia - The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude has hit the eastern part of Indonesia. There are no immediate reports of damage.

Earthquake Shakes Eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:21:00 +0100ABCnews (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude has hit the eastern part of Indonesia. There are no immediate reports of damage. Indonesian seismologist Fauzi says there is no risk of a tsunami. The U.S. agency says Wednesday's quake was centered 56 kilometers (35 miles) under the sea.

Indonesian quake revised down to magnitude 5.5

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:19:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,3 în largul Indoneziei. Nu a fost emisă alertă de tsunami

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:10:00 +0100mediafax (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,3 s-a produs miercuri în largul coastelor din estul Indoneziei, fără să antreneze o alertă de tsunami, a anunţat Agenţia indoneziană de geofizică (BMKG).

Shallow 6.3 magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:09:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

JAKARTA, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake measuring 6.3 Rchter scale struck off Maluku in eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no potential of tsunami and casualty, officials said here. The quake struck at 15:56 p.m. Jakarta time (0856 GMT) with epicenter at 157 km northwest Tual of Maluku....

Strong quake hits off Indonesia

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:08:00 +0100sbs (en)

A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on Wednesday but no tsunami alert was issued, the meteorology agency said.

Strong 6.3 quake off Indonesia, no tsunami alert: Agency

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:06:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

JAKARTA - A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on Wednesday but no tsunami alert was issued, the meteorology agency said. The quake struck at 3:56 pm (0856 GMT) at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) 157 kilometres northwest of Tual in the Maluku island chain, the....

Appalti e mazzette, l'asse Cava-Provincia-Regione

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:00:00 +0100corrieredelmezzogiorno (it)

10:30 CRONACHE Inchiesta tangenti: diramazioni a Salerno e a Napoli. Il testimone chiave è un consigliere: Matteo Monetta condividi Appalti e mazzette, l'asse Cava-Provincia-Regione A SERINO IN PROVINCIA DI AVELLINO

El partido gobernante en Japón promete reducir a cero la dependencia de Japón de la energía nuclear para 2030

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:59:00 +0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

El gobernante Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) ha presentado este martes sus promesas electorales de cara a los comicios generales del próximo 16 de diciembre, que incluyen reducir a cero la dependencia del país asiático de la energía nuclear ...

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:59:00 +0100scmp (en)

Japan’s government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters. As much as a fourth of the 11.7 trillion yen (US$148 billion) budget had been....

El Gobierno de Japón promete reducir a cero la dependencia de la energía nuclear

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:56:00 +0100europapress (es)

El gobernante Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) ha presentado este martes sus promesas electorales de cara a los comicios generales del próximo 16 de diciembre, que incluyen reducir a cero la dependencia del país asiático de la energía nuclear para 2030.

Decision on Strauss-Kahn charges delayed

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:52:00 +0100geo-tv (en)

LILLE: A French court has delayed a decision on whether to drop pimping charges against former IMF chief Dominique

Strong 6.3 quake off Indonesia: agency

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:52:00 +0100geo-tv (en)

JAKARTA: A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia on Wednesday but no tsunami alert was

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 10:23:00 +0100irishsun (en)

TOKYO -; Japan's government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that were not directly related to the ...

JAPÓN: Fukushima, una mancha difícil de limpiar

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:08:00 +0100ipsnoticias (es)

NACIONES UNIDAS, nov (IPS) - El ingeniero industrial jubilado Yastel Yamada tiene 73 años. Este japonés, junto con otros 700 coetáneos, está ansioso por trabajar como voluntario en la limpieza de la central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi, para librar a los más jóvenes de los efectos de la radiación extrema.

El partido gobernante en Japón promete eliminar la dependencia nuclear

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:06:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

TOKIO, 28 (EUROPA PRESS) El gobernante Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) ha presentado este martes sus promesas electorales de cara a los comicios generales del próximo 16 de diciembre, que incluyen reducir a cero la dependencia del país asiático de la...

Pirelli-Kalender 2013: Bunte Bilder statt grauem Gummi

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:35:00 +0100stuttgarterzeitung (de)

Das italienische Unternehmen Pirelli stellt schnöde Autoreifen her, wirbt in seinem legendären Kalender aber mit schönen Frauen aus aller Welt – eine kluge Marketingstrategie.

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:21:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Japan's government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters.

Tents provide disaster victims with shelter – and a measure of privacy

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:21:00 +0100homelandsecuritynewswire (en)

11/27/12 Disasters A charity called ShelterBox gives out tents and other essential equipment to victims of war and natural disasters around the world; the lightweight tents the charity provides can withstand winds of up to sixty-two miles per hour; the charity also provides thermal blankets, stoves,....

Japan suspends dubious reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:15:00 +0100AP (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan's government has suspended 35 projects included in a budget for reconstruction from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami after criticism the spending was not directly related to recovery from the disasters. As much as a fourth of the 11.

Pirelli-Kalender 2013 - Hochglanz und Elend

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 07:44:00 +0100FrankfurterRundschau (de)

Für den Pirelli-Kalender hat Starfotograf McCurry Models in Rio abgelichtet – um „die Welt ein bisschen besser zu machen“.

Japan suspends reconstruction projects

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 07:13:00 +0100news_com_au (en)

JAPAN has suspended projects financed from its post-tsunami Y11.7 trillion budget following criticism the projects had nothing to do with the disaster.

Line, la amenaza de Whatsapp, llega de Japón

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 06:13:00 +0100diariodenavarra (es)

Una aplicación japonesa de mensajería instantánea le declara la guerra al servicio del bocadillo verde al lograr alcanzar los 75 millones de usuarios.

Minifotbal, Campionatul Județean pentru Amatori

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 05:27:00 +0100ziaruldebacau (ro)

Liderele au fost învinse Liderele la zi a Campionatului Județean de Minifotbal, FC Coriolan și Brigada Diverse, din cadrul Diviziei de Bacău și respectiv Diviziei de Onești, au ieșit de pe teren în această etapă învinse, ceea ce demonstrează incă o... Clic pe titlu pentru a citi tot articolul.

El Salvador: Japón dona 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para prevención de desastres

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 04:38:00 +0100redhum (es)

Japón donó hoy 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para el mejoramiento del equipo tecnológico de gestión de riesgos, entre el que destaca la red de monitoreo sísmico y de tsunami. El canciller salvadoreño, Hugo Martínez y el representante residente de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del....

El partido gobernante promete reducir a cero la dependencia de Japón de la energía nuclear para 2030

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 03:31:00 +0100noticias-terra (es)

El gobernante Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) ha presentado este martes sus promesas electorales de cara a los comicios generales del próximo 16 de diciembre, que incluyen reducir a cero la dependencia del país asiático de la energía nuclear para 2030.

El partido gobernante promete reducir a cero la dependencia de Japón de la energía nuclear para 2030

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 03:10:00 +0100telecinco (es)

El gobernante Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) ha presentado este martes sus promesas electorales de cara a los comicios generales del próximo 16 de diciembre, que incluyen reducir a cero la dependencia del país asiático de la energía nuclear para 2030.

Tsunami dondu kaldı

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 02:21:00 +0100sabah (tr)

Antarktika'da Fransız bilim istasyonu Dumont D'Urville'de doktora öğrencisi Tony Travouillon tarafından çekilen "donmuş dalga" fotoğrafı görenleri hayretler içinde bırakıyor. İnternette 'donmuş tsunami... Devamı için tıklayınız

World: Responding to Urban Disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 01:18:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: ALNAP Country: World This paper was written for those involved in planning and implementing relief and early recovery operations in urban areas. Focusing mainly on earthquakes and flooding, it attempts to capture what is currently known about disaster response in urban contexts taking into....

Japón dona 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para prevención de desastres, La Prensa, Nicaragua

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:45:00 +0100satcaweb (es)

San Salvador/ACAN-EFE Japón donó hoy 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para el mejoramiento del equipo tecnológico de gestión de riesgos, entre el que destaca la red de monitoreo sísmico y de tsunami. El...

Japón dona US$ 5 millones a El Salvador para prevención de desastres, El Nuevo Diario, Nicaragua

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:45:00 +0100satcaweb (es)

Japón donó hoy 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para el mejoramiento del equipo tecnológico de gestión de riesgos, entre el que destaca la red de monitoreo sísmico y de tsunami. El canciller salvadoreño, Hugo...

Japón dona US$ 5 millones a El Salvador para prevención de desastres

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:40:00 +0100elnuevodiario (es)

Japón donó hoy 5 millones de dólares a El Salvador para el mejoramiento del equipo tecnológico de gestión de riesgos, entre el que destaca la red de monitoreo sísmico y de tsunami. El canciller salvadoreño, Hugo...

Guide de survie aux catastrophes par la chanson

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 23:36:00 +0100radioaustralianews-fr (fr)

Une œuvre de bienfaisance australienne, Caritas, propose un DVD destiné aux éducateurs de la petite enfance du Pacifique pour qu'ils enseignent des méthodes de survie aux catastrophes naturelles. Ce DVD, selon Caritas, est un moyen efficace et peu coûteux pour aider les jeunes enfants à se préparer....

E' Genovese l'uomo forte del Pd E i renziani puntano in alto

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:50:00 +0100seranews (it)

Entusiasta il ministro della Sanità Balduzzi: grande opportunità non solo per la Sicilia ma anche per tutto il Mediterraneo. Il premier Monti: Siamo contenti di aver creduto come governo in questo progetto

Japanese community gathers for Emperor’s birthday

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:10:00 +0100gulfnews (en)

Japanese Consul thanked UAE leadership for support for last year’s twin tragedies

Westfalenpost: Energiewende / Netzausbau

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 20:41:00 +0100mittelstandcafe (de)

Man könnte es sich leicht machen und sagen: Wer die Energiewende will, der muss auch Stromautobahnen über Wohngebieten tolerieren. Das aber wäre zu kurz gesprungen. Denn die Energiewende ist viel mehr als der Ersatz von Kernkraftwerken durch Windräder, die in der Nordsee stehen.

Malta to set up National Tsunami Warning Centre

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 19:27:00 +0100MaltaStar (en)

The Civil Protection Department (CPD) today announced the participation of Malta in the Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning Systems Exercise (NEAMWave 12) to be held tomorrow, 28th November 2012 from 08.00 to 12.00 hrs at the CPD Headquarters in Ta’ Kandja.

Lloyd's Of London In Global Insurance Warning

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 18:10:00 +0100ananova (en)

The world's biggest insurance market has warned that more than a dozen emerging economies are at risk of major rebuilding costs due to minimal insurance cover for natural disasters. Lloyd's of London said there is a global insurance deficit of $168m (£104m) which now affects at least 17 countries.

Malta to take part in Tsunami Warning exercise

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:54:00 +0100di-ve (en)

Article By: di-ve.com news editorial@di-ve.com The Civil Protection Department (CPD) announced the participation of Malta in the Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Warning Systems Exercise (NEAMWave 12) to be held tomorrow, November 28 from 08.00 to 12.00 hrs at the CPD Headquarters in Ta’ Kandja.

The Impossible

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:48:00 +0100lnt (fr)

L’histoire d’une famille prise dans une des plus terribles catastrophes naturelles récentes. The Impossible raconte comment un couple (Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor) et leurs enfants en vacances en Thaïlande sont séparés par le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004.

CPD to participate in tsunami preparedness exercise

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:43:00 +0100timesofmalta (en)

The Civil Protection Department (CPD) will be taking part in a Tsunami Warning Systems Exercise involving several countries in the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The exercise will be held tomorrow morning. The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and....

"Non ne posso proprio più. Basta con gli SMS solidali"

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:19:00 +0100repubblica (it)

La proposta del responsabile del Fundraising (raccolta fondi) di una grande Ong, Terre des Hommes , che spiega le ragioni della sua avversione articolando...

El Calendario Pirelli, del desnudo al compromiso

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:14:00 +0100abc (es)

Un giro radical es el que se ha dado en la historia del Calendario Pirelli que se ha presentado este martes en el hotel Copacabana de Río de Janeiro. Se acabaron los desnudos de las modelos internacionales más cotizadas y las excentricidades o experimentos de los fotógrafos de moda que firman las....

Simulação de tsunami "invade" hoje a costa portuguesa

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:08:00 +0100sapo (pt)

Um tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 é hoje simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal. Veja como seria observado do espaço este acontecimento extremo.

Opening of the 'Japan tsunami – Hope and Recovery’ exhibition

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:02:00 +0100dg-comm-photos (kk)

Participation of Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the EC in charge of Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration and Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the EC in charge of International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response at the opening of the 'Japan tsunami – Hope and Recovery’....

Indonesia: Island in focus: W. Sumatra needs 300 tsunami shelters

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:42:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: Jakarta Post Country: Indonesia The Jakarta Post | Archipelago | Tue, November 27 2012, 9:56 AM Padang: West Sumatra needs 300 shelters to accommodate people from the danger of possible tsunamis along the extended coastline facing the Indian Ocean.

E' Genovese l'uomo forte del Pd E i renziani puntano in alto

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:36:00 +0100livesicilia (it)

I risultati delle primarie in Sicilia ridisegnano la geografia del potere nel Pd: se Genovese è il nuovo uomo forte dei democratici, gli altri big racimolano ben poco, mentre i renziani raggiungono cifre inaspettate.

Tsunami 1 a Cava de'Tirreni: dopo perquisizioni possibili sviluppi delle indagini

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:31:00 +0100salernonotizie (it)

�Notevoli ed interessanti� sono definiti i documenti prelevati a decine, ieri, nelle case e negli uffici degli indagati nell�ambito dell�inchiesta denominata �Tsunami 1�, su presunti appalti pilotati a Cava de� Tirreni. Gli inquirenti ipotizzano l�esistenza di un �patto di potere� a fini illeciti....

Tsunami Threat to Europe: New Early Warning System Tested

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:38:00 +0100ibtimes-au (en)

Tsunami Early Warning Mitigation System will be tested by four simulated earthquakes and tsunamis.

OECD cuts Japan growth projection

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:25:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Tuesday downwardly revised its forecast for Japan's economic growth, attributing the adjustment to the country's waning government spending on reconstruction following the March 2011 earthquake and the world economic downturn.

Unesco to Test Atlantic and Mediterranean Tsunami Warning System

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:16:00 +0100ibtimes-uk (en)

Tsunami Early Warning Mitigation System will be tested by four simulated earthquakes and tsunamis.

Falso tsunami invade Atlântico

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 13:42:00 +0100sol (pt)

Portugal, França, Turquia e Grécia vão começar hoje a lidar com uma ameaça de tsunami, mas apenas virtualmente, num simulacro à escala do Atlântico Nordeste e do Mediterrâneo que envolve 19 países.

Vulnerability to natural disasters is 'soaring', scientists warn

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 13:38:00 +0100guardian (en)

Sir John Beddington says governments must act in face of climate change, more older people and rapid urbanisation Ageing populations and urbanisation could leave the world's poorest countries increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters, the UK's chief scientific adviser warned on Tuesday. "Vulnerability will go soaring," said Sir John Beddington.

Rebuilding projects not linked to disaster halted

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 13:21:00 +0100japantimes (en)

The government said Tuesday it will halt 35 projects budgeted to support the recovery from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami because they are not directly related to the disasters. The suspended projects funded under the fiscal 2011 and 2012 budgets are worth ¥16.8 billion and are being undertaken by 11 ministries and agencies.

Lloyd's Of London In Global Insurance Warning

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:23:00 +0100ananova (en)

The world's biggest insurance market has warned that more than a dozen emerging economies are at risk of major rebuilding costs due to minimal insurance cover for natural disasters. Lloyd's of London said there is a global insurance deficit of $168m (£104m) now affects at least 17 countries.

Taiwans space programme offers tsunami satellite images to aid relief

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:17:00 +0100irishsun (en)

Taiwan's national space programme offered Wednesday its satellite images of the damage caused by powerful tsunamis that ravaged Asia at the weekend to affected countries and aid groups for ...

Simulação de tsunami "invade" hoje a costa portuguesa

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:07:00 +0100expresso (pt)

Um tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 é hoje simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal. Veja como seria observado do espaço este acontecimento extremo.

L'Unesco organise une simulation de tsunami en Méditerranée

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:59:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

Ce test sera le premier du genre et vise à "s'assurer du bon fonctionnement des flux de communication", a expliqué l'Unesco.

Simulação de tsunami "invade" hoje a costa portuguesa

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:42:00 +0100expresso-sapo (pt)

Um tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 é hoje simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal. Veja como seria observado do espaço este acontecimento extremo.

Simulação de tsunami "invade" hoje a costa portuguesa

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:40:00 +0100aeiou-expresso (pt)

Um tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 é hoje simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal. Veja como seria observado do espaço este acontecimento extremo.

EN IMAGES - L'UNESCO organise une simulation de tsunami en méditerranée

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:31:00 +0100RTLFrance (fr)

Alerte ! L'UNESCO organise mardi et mercredi une grande simulation d'alerte au tsunami en mer Méditerranée et dans l'océan Atlantique, à laquelle participera notamment le Centre National d'alerte aux tsunamis (CENALT) pour la France. Le premier test grandeur nature Ce test sera le premier du genre,....

Terremoto al Comune di Cava: sei arresti per appalti sospetti

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 11:08:00 +0100corrieredelmezzogiorno (it)

condividi Galdi: indagato, continuo a lavorare INDAGINE DEL SOLE 24ORE SULLA QUALITA' DELLA VITA

Portugal: Dramatic display brings past alive - New Zealand Herald

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 10:29:00 +0100theportugalnews (en)

If the past is key to understanding Portugal today, a good place to start is the Lisbon Story Centre, a new attraction on Praco do Comercio, the waterfront plaza which has witnessed so much of the country's history. Opened in former state buildings, a sequence of exhibition rooms with video and....

Rassegna stampa: ecco cosa dicono i giornali salernitani in edicola marted� 27 novembre

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 07:49:00 +0100salernonotizie (it)

Ecco i titoli delle prime pagine sui giornali La Citt�, Metropolis, Mattino e Corriere del Mezzogiorno. Rassegna stampa a cura di Salernonotizie Sul quotidiano LA CITTA� il titolo di apertura �: Appalti pilotati a Cava: 6 arresti . Assessore ai domiciliari, sott�inchiesta sindaco e maggioranza La....

Bufera al Comune di Cava Appalti pilotati, sei arresti

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 07:40:00 +0100lacittadisalerno (it)

In manette l’assessore Carleo, decine di indagati. Travolto il Municipio: perquisizione al sindaco Galdi. Sotto inchiesta tutta la maggioranza di centrodestra. L’opposizione chiede le dimissioni FOTO Il blitz al municipio di Cava de' Tirreni AUDIO: Il procuratore Roberti Il comandante Parrulli LEGGI....

BENCANA ALAM: Karakter Berbeda, Penanganan Harus Bersifat Lokal

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 04:51:00 +0100bisnis (id)

JAKARTAPenanganan bencana di Indonesia harus bersifat lokal, karena setiap bencana memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Bahkan, penanganannya pun harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi fisik, ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya setempat. “Urusan bencana adalah urusan bersama antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan....

Island in focus: W. Sumatra needs 300 tsunami shelters

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 03:58:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

Padang: West Sumatra needs 300 shelters to accommodate people from the danger of possible tsunamis along the extended coastline facing the Indian Ocean.The shelters could save up to 900,000 people ...

Muslim Women Host Fundraiser for Sandy Victims

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 02:13:00 +0100voanews (en)

A group of women in Washington's diplomatic circles decided to use their different cultures to help people in the northeastern United States recover from superstorm Sandy. Benefit was organized by women from predominantly Muslim countries, and brings us this report of "cultural diplomacy" at work.

Lloyd's warns of £105bn deficit in insurance for natural disasters

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 01:32:00 +0100guardian (en)

World's largest insurance market says developing countries such as China, Thailand and Saudi Arabia are under-insured against natural disasters The world's largest insurance market, Lloyd's of London, warned of a $168bn (£105bn) global insurance deficit that leaves 17 rapidly growing countries exposed to the long-term costs of natural disasters.

La ONU pide controles a largo plazo por las consecuencias de la radiación nuclear

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 00:58:00 +0100telecinco (es)

El relator especial de la ONU para el derecho a la salud, Anand Grover, ha declarado este lunes, tras visitar la planta nuclear de Fukushima-1 en el noreste de Japón, que las autoridades japonesas deben vigilar los efectos que tiene la radicación nuclear en los seres humanos a largo plazo y ha pedido un mayor apoyo en la población local.

Sports › Hanyu's skating win raises roof in tsunami morgue

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0100japantoday (en)

Local schoolboy Yuzuru Hanyu's emotional figure skating victory in an arena pressed into service as a morgue after the Japanese tsunami was a tonic for an area struggling to get back on its feet. Sport is being used as part of the healing process in the region of northeast Japan…

WhatsApp es superado por el nuevo chat Line

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 23:57:00 +0100minutodigital (es)

WhatsApp es a mensajería instantánea lo que Bimbo a pan de molde o Kleenex a pañuelos desechables. Mandar un ‘guasap’ se ha convertido en sinónimo de chatear y es una...

Pacific kids learn survival through nursery rhymes

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 23:20:00 +0100abc-au (en)

An Australian charity has developed a DVD which uses nursery rhymes to help early childhood teachers in the Pacific teach techniques on surviving natural disasters.

Pacific kids learn survival through nursery rhymes

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 23:03:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

An Australian charity has developed a DVD which uses nursery rhymes to help early childhood teachers in the Pacific teach techniques on surviving natural disasters.

Pacific kids learn survival through nursery rhymes

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:49:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

An Australian charity has developed a DVD which uses nursery rhymes to help early childhood teachers in the Pacific teach techniques on surviving natural disasters.

Not good enough: UN says Japan is underestimating nuclear fallout risks

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:31:00 +0100rt-en (en)

A UN official charged with investigating Japan’s handling of the health risks from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 says the authorities are not doing enough to protect the population from effects of the accident. Read Full Article at RT.com

Not good enough: UN says Japan is underestimating nuclear fallout risks

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:25:00 +0100rt (en)

A UN official charged with investigating Japan’s handling of the health risks from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 says the authorities are not doing enough to protect the population from effects of the accident. Read Full Article at RT.com

ONU quer monitorar os efeitos da radiação nuclear de pessoas em Fukushima

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:21:00 +0100unmultimedia-pt (pt)

O relator especial das Nações Unidas para os Direitos à Saúde, Anand Grover, elogiou o Japão por realizar uma pesquisa sobre a saúde das pessoas afetadas pela explosão da usina nuclear de Fukushima depois do terremoto e da tsunami, em março de 2011. Edgard Júnior, da Rádio ONU em Nova York. A ONU afirmou que [.

Urgen a Japón escuchar a la población sobre secuelas del desastre de 2011

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 20:26:00 +0100unmultimedia-es (es)

Un experto de la ONU pidió ampliar los estudios de salud sobre las repercusiones de las radiaciones nucleares en las poblaciones afectadas.

Line, la amenaza nipona para WhattsApp

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 20:01:00 +0100elcorreodigital (es)

Una aplicación japonesa de mensajería instantánea le declara la guerra al servicio del bocadillo verde al lograr alcanzar los 75 millones de usuarios.

Line, la amenaza nipona para Whattsapp

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:48:00 +0100DiarioVasco (es)

Una aplicación japonesa de mensajería instantánea le declara la guerra al servicio del bocadillo verde al lograr alcanzar los 75 millones de usuarios.

Eolico unica fonte di energia sopravvissuta all’uragano Sandy

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:39:00 +0100ibtimes-it (it)

Danni a case, strade, fabbriche e centrali elettriche, è quello che ha lasciato Sandy dai caraibi alla costa orientale nord americana. Il blackout negli Usa ha portato disagi per più di 8 milioni di persone, eppure una fonte energetica ha retto. L'eolico ha dato prova di forte stabilità, non solo le....

Line, la amenaza nipona para Whattsapp

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:38:00 +0100lasprovincias (es)

Una aplicación japonesa de mensajería instantánea le declara la guerra al servicio del bocadillo verde al lograr alcanzar los 75 millones de usuarios.

Line, el rival japonés para Whattsapp

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:14:00 +0100elcorreodigital (es)

La alternativa nipona al servicio de mensajería instantánea líder puede usarse además en PC y Mac | Se pueden realizar también llamadas de voz sin coste alguno.

Picture This: Shadow Dance

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:13:00 +0100spiegel-en (en)

Children perform during a gala exhibition at a figure skating event in Sendai, Japan to express gratitude for the world's support following the earthquake and tsunami that devastated their country last year. For reasons of data protection and privacy, your IP address will only be stored if you are....

Proefschrift toont veerkracht Atjehse bevolking na tsunami

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:11:00 +0100nieuwsbank (nl)

[ Maandag 26 november 2012 | Universiteit Leiden ] Na de verwoestende tsunami van 26 december 2004 in Zuidoost-Azie, moesten de slachtoffers hun gewone leven weer oppakken

'BN can win Kelantan as state's ready for change'

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 18:01:00 +0100nst (en)

POLITICAL TSUNAMI LIKELY: Muhyiddin says people in Pas-ruled state are now more aware

Exercício reproduz tsunami desencadeado pelo terramoto de 1755

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:53:00 +0100dnoticias (pt)

Esta terça e quarta-feira o Atlântico Nordeste e o Mediterrâneo vão ser palco de um exercício de tsunami. ler mais

Tsunami test will take commonwealth back to 1755

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:31:00 +0100copenhagenpost (en)

The Danish commonwealth will take part in an international tsunami warning system practise drill tomorrow that will evaluate the realm's information channels during an emergency. The meteorological institute DMI will host delegates from Greenland and the Faroe Islands who will participate in a test....

Perry’s on a mission

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:21:00 +0100nationnews (en)

Making sure all St James residents, particularly those living along the coast, are ready for any natural disaster is the primary concern of St James North District Emergency Organization (DEO) president Phil Perry.

Double-A seating power

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 16:54:00 +0100japantimes (en)

The AA Stool is the lovely result of a collaboration between Torafu Architects and the Ishinomaki Laboratory, a platform that brings together creators in one of the hardest-hit areas during last year's earthquake and tsunami, Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture.

U.N. envoy urges Japan to expand health checks over nuclear crisis

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 16:44:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

TOKYO - A United Nations human rights expert said Monday that Japan should expand the scope of a health surv...

Cameroun: Voici comment Paul Biya sera rangé dans les oubliettes de l'histoire

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:58:00 +0100camer (fr)

Au Cameroun, on commence à entendre que M. Biya pourrait rester au pouvoir jusqu'à sa mort. Quand on sait que le Cameroun est une dictature c’est-à-dire, un pays dans lequel on n’a pas besoin de passer toute une nuit devant son poste pour apprendre le résultat des élections, M.

18-02-2012: La Niña castiga a más de 7 mil familias en Bolivia

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:33:00 +0100bolpress (es)

Los desastres históricos en la región andina están asociados con 30 tipos de eventos, de los cuales el 71% fueron ocasionados por fenómenos de origen hidrometeorológico, que incluyen olas de calor, sequías, aludes, deslizamientos, mazamorras, granizadas, heladas, tempestades, tormentas eléctricas,....

UN says Fukushima nuclear risks underestimated in Japan

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:28:00 +0100irishsun (en)

An anti-nuclear rally was held in Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture, in March to mark the first anniversary of an earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands and set off a nuclear crisis. A UN rights ...

UN says Fukushima nuclear risks underestimated in Japan

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 12:48:00 +0100CBC (en)

A United Nations rights investigator says Japan hasn't fully served the health needs of residents and workers affected by the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

Tsunami watch: Japan's floating junkyard approaches

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 12:32:00 +0100globalpost (en)

Japan's environment ministry expects about 33,000 tons of tsunami debris to reach the western coast of North America by next June. Debris floats in Keehi Boat Harbor on March 11, 2011 in Honolulu, Hawaii, after a tsunami swept through the area. Tsunami waves rolled thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean after a massive earthquake off Japan.

Haida Gwaii quake yields new data

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 11:48:00 +0100CBC (en)

A team of federal government scientists that descended on Haida Gwaii following last month's 7.7 magnitude earthquake is getting new insights into the fault that caused it — and the fear it generated.

10:19 Giappone: Onu tuteli di piu' i propri cittadini dopo crisi Fukushima

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 11:00:00 +0100asca (it)

(ASCA-AFP) - Tokyo, 26 nov - Il Giappone deve fare ''maggiore chiarezza'' sugli effetti delle radiazioni nucleari provocate dalla crisi di Fukushima, ''consultando meno specialisti ed ascoltando di ...

Japonya'ya nükleer kurbanları için çağrı

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 10:30:00 +0100haber7 (tr)

BM, Japonya'nın Fukuşima nükleer felaketinden sonra bölgede yaşayanlarla çalışanların sağlık ihtiyaçlarını ve endişelerini tam anlamıyla karşılamadığını bildirdi

Giappone: Onu, tuteli di piu' i propri cittadini dopo crisi Fukushima

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 10:23:00 +0100asca-listaregioni (it)

(ASCA-AFP) - Tokyo, 26 nov - Il Giappone deve fare ''maggiore chiarezza'' sugli effetti delle radiazioni nucleari provocate dalla crisi di Fukushima, ''consultando meno specialisti ed ascoltando di piu' i propri cittadini'' coinvolti nel disastro, ''una tragedia causata dall'errore umano''.

Strach, biznes i zabawa: Koniec świata już 21 grudnia 2012 [PRZEPOWIEDNIA MAJÓW]

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:44:00 +0100kurierlubelski (pl)

Im bliżej 21 grudnia, tym większa gorączka związana z przepowiednią, że oto nadchodzi już koniec świata. Jedni szykują sobie kryjówki, inni zwietrzyli w tym dobry interes - pisze Hannah Strange.

Ütüyle biftek pişirmeye kalktı

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 08:27:00 +0100haber-turk (tr)

Elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor. Eşine sinirlenip cep telefonunu duvarda parçalayan ya da suya düşüren, kaçan gole kızıp tespihini LCD TV'ye fırlatan tüketiciler, sigortadan zarar tahsili için birbirinden ilginç gerekçeler sunuyor.

Aceh on the mend

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 06:34:00 +0100JakartaPost (en)

Trained: Baby elephant Rosa wrestles with a mahout at the local Community Response Unit (CRU) of Sampoiniet district in Aceh Jaya. (JP/Iman Mahditama)Witnessing all the commotion on the streets of ...

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 05:27:00 +0100scmp (en)

Three weeks before Japan’s first national election since the earthquake in March last year, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the disaster – with many feeling let down by the entire political class. Volunteers and donations had poured in after the magnitude 9.

Myanmar: Union government to spend K 1 billion from K 100-billion-naturaldisaster fund in helping earthquake victims

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 05:16:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: Government of Myanmar Country: Myanmar President U Thein Sein on inspection tour of earthquake-hit areas in Mandalay, Sagaing regions Nay Pyi Taw, 24 Nov - President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein, after inspecting quake-hit areas in Sagaing and Mandalay Regions,....

Comment le Burundi pourrait être solidaire avec le Japon?, par Jean Marie Ngendahayo

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 04:04:00 +0100burundi-news (fr)

Burundi news, le 23/03/2011 Par Jean Marie NGENDHAYO COMMENT LE BURUNDI POURRAIT-IL ETRE SOLIDAIRE D’ AVEC LE PEUPLE JAPONAIS Aujourd’hui, suite au séisme du début du 11 Mars 2011 d’une magnitude rarement atteinte (8,9 sur l’échelle de Richter qui compte 9 degrés au total !) doublé d’un tsunami....

Bir tsunami oldu telefonum ne hale geldi!

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 03:20:00 +0100stargazete (tr)

Sigortadan elektronik cihaz parası almak isteyenlerin yalanları, hayal gücünü zorlayan cinsten. Kumburgaz’da tsunami olduğunu iddia eden de var “Bilgisayarımı virüsler parçaladı” diyen de.

Aizu-Wakamatsu Journal: Hopes of Home Fade Among Japan’s Displaced

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 02:09:00 +0100nytimes (en)

With the slow pace of cleanup efforts, residents of Okuma, a town evacuated in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, have become pessimistic about ever living there again.

'BN can win Kelantan as state's ready for change'

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:37:00 +0100nst (en)

POLITICAL TSUNAMI LIKELY: Muhyiddin says people in Pas-ruled state are now more aware

Apocalipsa, profeţia maya, se amână

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:17:00 +0100ziarero (ro)

Oracole, mediumuri, profeţii. Ideea că sfârşitul lumii a fost prevăzut pentru luna decembrie 2012 de un calendar maya a făcut „reţetă" la Hollywood şi pe numeroase site-uri internet. Dar câteva inscripţii descoperite într-un templu maya din Guatemala răstoarnă previziunile catastrofice - Terra are un viitor de.

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:04:00 +0100irishsun (en)

Japan (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the ...

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:39:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

November 26, 2012 6:22 AMKAMAISHI, Japan (REUTERS) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the disaster - with many feeling let down by the entire political class.

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:37:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

IWAKI/KAMAISHI, Japan (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the disaster - with many feeling let down by the entire political class.

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:20:00 +0100trust (en)

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 21:02 GMT Source: reuters // Reuters By Junko Fujita and Kiyoshi Takenaka IWAKI/KAMAISHI, Japan, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those....

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:13:00 +0100alertnet-rss (en)

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 21:02 GMT Source: reuters // Reuters By Junko Fujita and Kiyoshi Takenaka IWAKI/KAMAISHI, Japan, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those....

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 22:56:00 +0100reuters (en)

IWAKI/KAMAISHI, Japan (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the disaster - with many feeling let down by the entire political class.

Voters in tsunami-hit zone feel let down as Japan election nears

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 22:52:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

IWAKI/KAMAISHI, Japan (Reuters) - Three weeks before Japan's first national election since the March 2011 earthquake, none of the contenders has managed to win the hearts, and votes, of those hardest-hit by the disaster - with many feeling let down by the entire political class. Volunteers and donations had poured in after the magnitude 9.

Scientists warn of tsunami threat in Jutland

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 20:14:00 +0100copenhagenpost (en)

On 26 December 2004, a major earthquake off the coast of Indonesia sent towering waves crashing onto Indian Ocean coasts, from Asia to Africa, killing over 230,000 people and displacing millions more. Since then, the phenomenon of tsunamis has been closely studied in at attempt to predict and....

Surviving Mother Nature's fury

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 19:46:00 +0100btimescom (en)

EVERY month of the year has a story to tell. In December, apart from being the month when most of us pack our bags and head for long breaks, it is also the time when the northeast monsoon brings the rainy season to the country until the end of February, making the waters too choppy for fishermen to....

Elektronik Cihaz Sigortasında Hayal Gücünü Zorlayan ...

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 17:26:00 +0100haberler (tr)

Musab Turan - Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor.

Modern zamanların cihazlarına modern yalanlar

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 14:57:00 +0100dunyagazetesi (tr)

Modern zamanların cihazlarına modern yalanlar Elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan insanlar herhangi bir hata sonucu ürünlerini bozmaları halinde sigortadan para alabilmek için trajikomik yalanlar söylüyor. Devamı İçin Tıklayınız...

'Sigortada hayal gücü zorlanıyor'

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 13:08:00 +0100hurriyetim (tr)

Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor.

Bunu bir virüs yaptı

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:59:00 +0100haber-mynet (tr)

Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor.

Cameroun : Chantal Biya, pourquoi la première dame croule sous le poids des craintes

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:43:00 +0100camer (fr)

Il ne fait plus l’ombre d’aucun doute que la fin du régime Biya est proche. A cet effet, l’épouse du chef de l’Etat, de plus en plus, s’interroge sur ce qu’il adviendra d’elle et de sa famille. Que va-t-elle devenir ? C’est l’une des questions qui câlinent nos esprits dès qu'on envisage l’après Biya.

Ütüyle biftek pişirmeye kalktı

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:34:00 +0100aa (tr)

Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor.

El riesgo de cáncer atenaza Fukushima

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:17:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Aunque tras el accidente de la central de Fukushima en 2011, el aumento de la probabilidad de desarrollar cáncer todavía se considera baja entre los residentes, un reciente estudio muestra una mayor incidencia de cáncer en la región afectada.

Ütüyle biftek pişirdi!

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:03:00 +0100kenthaber (tr)

Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor. Telefonunu suya düşüren kullanıcı yazlığının olduğu Kumburgaz'da tsunami yaşandığını iddia ederken, notebook ekranını parçalayan şahıs bilgisayardaki virüsü sorumlu tuttu.

Larijani: La victoire des Palestiniens à Gaza un tsunami pour "Israël"

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:40:00 +0100almanar-fr (fr)

Larijani aux Arabes: C’est seulement en fournissant des aides militaires que vous aidez la cause palestinienne.

Elektronik sigortacılığında akıl almaz yalanlar

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:25:00 +0100haber7 (tr)

Cep telefonu, notebook, LCD TV gibi elektronik cihazlarını sigortalatan kullanıcıların zararın sigortadan karşılanması için öne sürdüğü gerekçeler hayal gücünü zorluyor

Earthquake hits Turkish region

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 08:36:00 +0100trendnews-az (en)

An earthquake measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale took place in the Turkish Marmaris region on Saturday night at 23:04, Dogan news agency reported.

Trabajadores, aburridos y de confianza

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 08:28:00 +0100elcorreodigital (es)

La imagen positiva que tienen los españoles hacia Japón es indudable. Interesa sobre todo su cultura, su tecnología y su apasionante historia, llena de samuráis y tradiciones exóticas

Trabajadores, aburridos y de confianza

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 08:11:00 +0100que (es)

La imagen positiva que tienen los españoles hacia Japón es indudable. Interesa sobre todo su cultura, su tecnología y su apasionante historia, llena de samuráis y tradiciones exóticas. Sin embargo, po...

Trabajadores, aburridos y de confianza

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 08:11:00 +0100lasprovincias (es)

La imagen positiva que tienen los españoles hacia Japón es indudable. Interesa sobre todo su cultura, su tecnología y su apasionante historia, llena de samuráis y tradiciones exóticas

Trabajadores, aburridos y de confianza

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 08:01:00 +0100DiarioVasco (es)

La imagen positiva que tienen los españoles hacia Japón es indudable. Interesa sobre todo su cultura, su tecnología y su apasionante historia, llena de samuráis y tradiciones exóticas

Tycoon lives by a moral compass

Sun, 25 Nov 2012 01:48:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

A biography on Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary sheds some light into the life and personality of the most-talked-about yet little-known corporate titan in Malaysia.

Magnitude 4.9 quake rocks Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 18:25:00 +0100japantimes (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 shook central Tokyo and its vicinity in the Kanto region Saturday but no tsunami warning was issued, the Meteorological Agency reported. The temblor struck at 5:59 p.m. and measured 4 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale to 7 in Tokyo's Shibuya,....

Los "informantes" de la Onemi: Sepa quiénes le ponen el grado a los sismos en la Escala de Mercalli

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 16:24:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

No son científicos ni cuentan con una máquina especial, pero cada vez que tiembla llaman a la Onemi para indicarle cuál fue la intensidad del sismo. Ellos son los que definen la Escala de Mercalli. Conozca sus ingeniosos métodos para medir los temblores.

Sismo de 4,9 sacude la zona de Tokio sin causar daños

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 16:24:00 +0100eluniversal (es)

El temblor, que pudo sentirse con fuerza en Tokio, tuvo en la capital una magnitud de 4 sobre 7 en la escala japonesa, que se centra más en las zonas afectadas que en la intensidad. historias relacionadas Nigeria ofrece 1,8 millones de dólares por la captura de líderes islamitas<br /> Al menos 1.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:28:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:23:00 +0100indiatimes (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Un séisme de magnitude 4,9 s'est produit dans la région de Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 14:38:00 +0100ruvr-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 4,9 a eu lieu ce samedi dans la partie centrale de l'île principale japonaise de Honshu.

Erdbeben der Stärke 4,9 erschüttert Tokio

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:54:00 +0100ruvr-de (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 4,9 hat am Samstag den zentralen Teil der japanischen Insel Honshu erschüttert. Es liegen bisher keine Informationen über Verletzte und Zerstörungen vor. Der japanische Wetterdienst hatte eine Tsunami-Warnung ausgegeben, aber nach wenigen Minuten wurde die Warnung aufgehoben. Zeitweise wurde der Eisenbahnverkehr eingestellt.

'Hij is zeer begaan met het lot van de mensheid'

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:45:00 +0100ad (nl)

In de schaduw van de verhitte machtsstrijd om de wereldtitel tussen Sebastian Vettel en Fernando Alonso, draait een levende legende morgenmiddag ...

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:11:00 +0100ekantipur (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Simulação de tsunami "inunda" costa portuguesa

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:00:00 +0100expresso-sapo (pt)

Tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 vai ser simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do Nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,9 grade in Japonia. Nu a fost emisa avertizare de tsunami

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:52:00 +0100hotnews (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea preliminara de 4,9 grade s-a resimtit sambata dimineata in orasul Tokyo si zonele alaturate, insa nu a fost emisa avertizare de tsunami, a anuntat Agentia japoneza de Meteorologie, citata de Reuters.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:52:00 +0100irishsun (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency ...

12:12 Giappone: scossa di magnitudo 4 9 vicino Tokyo nessun allarme tsunami

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:50:00 +0100asca (it)

(ASCA-AFP) - Tokyo, 24 nov - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 e' stata registrata nella parte orientale del Giappone, vicino Tokyo, alle 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) facendo tremare gli ed ...

Trzęsienie ziemi w Tokio. Wstrzymano pociągi

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:49:00 +0100money (pl)

Wstrząsy wystąpiły na głębokości 80 kilometrów w prefekturze Chiba, na wschód od Tokio.

Terremoto de magnitude 4,9 perto de Tóquio

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:46:00 +0100ruvr-pt (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 4,9 ocorreu hoje na parte central da ilha principal do Japão, Honshu. Não há relatos de vítimas e danos.

Giappone, scossa di terremoto a Tokyo: magnitudo 4.9

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:37:00 +0100blitzquotidiano (it)

TOKYO – Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 è stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia disabato 24 novembre) con epicentro a pochi chilometri a nordest di Tokyo, nella prefettura di Chiba. La...

Earthquake jolts Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:36:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: An earthquake shook eastern Japan on Saturday, swaying buildings in Tokyo.

Simulação de tsunami "inunda" costa portuguesa

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:34:00 +0100expresso (pt)

Tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 vai ser simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do Nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:29:00 +0100AsiaOne (en)

TOKYO - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Giappone: scossa di magnitudo 4.9 vicino Tokyo, nessun allarme tsunami

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:21:00 +0100asca-listaregioni (it)

(ASCA-AFP) - Tokyo, 24 nov - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 e' stata registrata nella parte orientale del Giappone, vicino Tokyo, alle 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) facendo tremare gli edifici della capitale. Il sisma non ha causato feriti e le autorita' non hanno diramato allarmi per un possibile tsunami.

Un seísmo de 4,9 grados sacude la zona de Tokio sin causar daños

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:12:00 +0100eldia (es)

Internacional - Edicion digital 10:11 Un seísmo de 4,9 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la zona de Tokio sin que se haya informado de daños, ni se haya emitido una alerta de tsunami, informó la agencia meteorológica nipona. Leer

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:11:00 +0100alertnet-rss (en)

Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

National › M4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, Kanagawa

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:11:00 +0100japantoday (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas at 5:59 p.m. Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:11:00 +0100ynetnews (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Un séisme de magnitude 4,9 secoue Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:00:00 +0100alvinet (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 4,9 a secoué Tokyo et ses environs samedi, mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été lancée, a annoncé l'agence... Source : Le JDD - Articles similaires

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:58:00 +0100yediotaharonot (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Simulação de tsunami "inunda" costa portuguesa

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:55:00 +0100aeiou-expresso (pt)

Tsunami como o provocado pelo terramoto de 1755 vai ser simulado para testar o novo sistema de alerta do Nordeste do Atlântico, envolvendo 19 países, entre os quais Portugal.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:55:00 +0100jrep (en)

TOKYO - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,9 grade a zguduit Tokyo. Nu a fost emisa avertizare de tsunami

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:51:00 +0100hotnews (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea preliminara de 4,9 grade a zguduit sambata orasul Tokyo si zonele alaturate, insa nu a fost emisa avertizare de tsunami, a anuntat Agentia japoneza de Meteorologie, citata de Reuters.

Terremoto se produce cerca de Tokio

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:47:00 +0100ruvr-es (es)

Un terremoto de 4,9 grados de magnitud se produjo hoy en la parte central de la isla principal japonesa de Honshu. Por el momento no hay información sobre daños ni víctimas.

Sisma di magnitudo 4.9 scuote Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:44:00 +0100rai-televideo (it)

24/11/2012 11:00 Sisma di magnitudo 4.9 scuote Tokyo 11.00 Sisma di magnitudo 4.9 scuote Tokyo Una forte scossa di terremoto è stata registrata a est di Tokyo, in Giappone. Il sisma, di magnitudo 4.9, ha causato la temporanea sospensione di alcuni collegamenti ferroviari. Per ora non si segnalano danni.

Giappone: scossa magnitudo 4,9 a Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:29:00 +0100ecodibergamo (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 24 NOV - Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 e' stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) con epicentro a pochi chilometri a nordest di Tokyo, nella prefettura di Chiba. La scossa, che non ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami, ha reso noto la Japan....

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:29:00 +0100thestar-my (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Un séisme de magnitude 4,9 secoue Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:28:00 +0100lejdd (fr)

Un séisme d'une magnitude de 4,9 a secoué Tokyo et ses environs samedi, mais aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été lancée, a annoncé l'agence...

Terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 vicino Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:16:00 +0100ruvr-it (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 si è verificato oggi nella parte centrale della principale isola giapponese Honshu. Non sono state segnalate vittime o danni. L'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica del Giappone aveva inizialmente annunciato la minaccia tsunami, ma pochi minuti dopo ha ritirato l'allarme. Il traffico ferroviario è stato sospeso.

Giappone: scossa magnitudo 4,9 a Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:16:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 24 NOV - Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 e' stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) con epicentro a pochi chilometri a nordest di Tokyo, nella prefettura di Chiba. La scossa, che non ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami, ha reso noto la Japan....

Terremoti: Giappone, scossa di magnitudo 4,9 a Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:14:00 +0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 24 NOV - Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 e’ stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) con ...

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:11:00 +0100ruvr-en (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:08:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

TOKYO – An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Giappone: scossa magnitudo 4,9 a Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:07:00 +0100ilcittadinomb (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 24 NOV - Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4,9 e' stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) con epicentro a pochi chilometri a nordest di Tokyo, nella prefettura di Chiba. La scossa, che non ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami, ha reso noto la Japan....

Giappone: scossa di magnitudo 4.9 a Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:05:00 +0100UnioneSarda (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 è stato registrato in Giappone alle ore 17.59 locali (9.59 in Italia) con epicentro a pochi chilometri a nordest di Tokyo, nella prefettura di Chiba. La scossa, ha reso noto la Japan Meteorological Agency (Jma) che non ha lanciato l'allarme tsunami, ha avuto....

Terremoto de 4.9 grados sacude Tokio, El Universal, México

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:02:00 +0100satcaweb (es)

Japón se asienta sobre el llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico y sufre terremotos con relativa frecuencia, por lo que las normas de construcción son muy estrictas y hay rigurosos protocolos de emergencia

Magnitude 4.9 quake shakes Tokyo, no tsunami warning issued

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:01:00 +0100panarmenian-en (en)

The depth of the tremor was 80 km (50 miles) in Chiba prefecture, east of Tokyo, the Meteorological Agency said.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:52:00 +0100reuters (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:51:00 +0100trust (en)

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 09:19 GMT Source: reuters // Reuters (Repeats to match unique story number) TOKYO, Nov 24 (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Sûreté nucléaire: conférence internationale mi-décembre à Fukushima

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:49:00 +0100rian-fr (fr)

Le gouvernement nippon et l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA) organisent du 15 au 17 décembre prochains une conférence ministérielle internationale sur la sûreté nucléaire à la préfecture de Fukushima (Japon), rapporte la chaîne de télévision NHK.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:43:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Magnitude 4.9 quake jolts Tokyo, no tsunami warning

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:40:00 +0100jpost (en)

TOKYO - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 jolted Tokyo and nearby areas on Saturday, but no tsunami warning has been issued, Japan Meteorological Agency said. Some trains were temporarily halted but are now back to normal service, public broadcaster NHK said. There were no immediate reports of damage.

Report: Earthquake shakes Tokyo

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:36:00 +0100itv (en)

9:18am, Sat 24 Nov 2012 Report: Earthquake shakes Tokyo Last updated Sat 24 Nov 2012 An earthquake which measured 4.9 on the Richter Scale has shaken buildings in Tokyo according to Reuters. It's understood that there is no Tsunami risk as a result of the quake.

Geowissenschaften: Das Brummen der Erde

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:15:00 +0100t-online (de)

Für das menschliche Ohr sind die Laute nicht wahrnehmbar, doch die Erde "spricht" zu uns: In 60 Stimmlagen grummelt ihr Inneres. Nun ist es Forschern gelungen, den Planeten quasi zum Reden zu bringen - und dem Untergrund Geheimnisse zu entlocken. Fast scheint es, die Erde wolle mit uns reden. In 60

Sob o primado do intérprete

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 07:59:00 +0100estadao (pt)

JOÃO MARCOS COELHO A palavra "performance" é anglicismo hoje incorporado ao vocabulário brasileiro que designa, na música, o momento em que a obra se

BSH: Deutschland beteiligt sich an Tsunami-Übung NEAMWave12

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 07:59:00 +0100nordic-market (de)

BSH:&nbsp;Sobald die ersten seismischen Daten bei dem &bdquo;Tsunami-Warnzentrum&ldquo; im portugiesischen Institut f&uuml;r Meer und Atmosph&auml;re (IPMA) eingehen, die auf einen Tsunami deuten k&ouml;nnten

Hezbolá: La operación en Gaza debilitó el poder disuasivo de Israel

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 06:39:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Benjamin Netanyahu fracasó en todos los objetivos que tenía cuando lanzó la operación en Gaza, anunció este viernes el líder del partido islamista libanés Hezbolá, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallá.

La semana en imágenes

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 03:29:00 +0100univision (es)

Los esperados días de celebraciones y compras, el letal ataque contra un ex boxeador, una tregua histórica y mucho más en imágenes.

Larijani à Beyrouth : ...Ils n’ont pas les moyens de déstabiliser le Liban

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 01:02:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

De façon impromptue, le président du Parlement iranien Ali Larijani est arrivé hier à Beyrouth dans le cadre d’une tournée qui englobe la Syrie et la Turquie. Larijani, qui arrive au Liban en l’absence du président de la République et du Premier ministre, a indiqué à l’AIB que cette visite est....

Iranian speaker: 'Tsunami' hit Israel during Gaza operation

Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:03:00 +0100jrep (en)

Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani on Friday described the conflict with Hamas during Operation Pillar of Defense as a "tsuanmi" that hit Israel, Lebanon's The Daily Star reported. Lirajani's made his comments to reporters upon arrival at Lebanon's Rafik Hariri International Airport.

Iranian speaker: 'Tsunami' hit Israel during Gaza operation

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 22:32:00 +0100jpost (en)

Iranian Speaker Ali Larijani on Friday described the conflict with Hamas during Operation Pillar of Defense as a "tsuanmi" that hit Israel, Lebanon's The Daily Star reported. Lirajani's made his comments to reporters upon arrival at Lebanon's Rafik Hariri International Airport.

A Tokyo resident on facing his fear and living with earthquakes

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 21:27:00 +0100independent (en)

Everyone who lives in Tokyo mentally rehearses where they will be if the Big One strikes. When I first arrived as a student, I found myself walking through a sprawling, crowded, low-ceilinged shopping centre underneath the city's business district, pondering the apocalypse.

California city building 'tsunami-resistant' port

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:54:00 +0100usaToday (en)

Officials are spending millions to build a harbor to withstand a tsunami expected to hit once every 50 years.

27-F: Las explicaciones que deberá entregar Pérez Yoma a la Fiscalía por su accionar

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:36:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Según consta en la carpeta investigativa, el jefe de gabinete declaró que a su llegada a la Onemi, el mandato de autoridad estaba radicado en Michelle Bachelet y no en su persona.

Un robot para analizar la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:24:00 +0100rtve (es)

Su aspecto es el de un cuadrúpedo; puede caminar y subir escaleras Cuenta con una segunda unidad más pequeña que puede desplegarse desde el robot principal Tiene una autonomía de dos horas, cámaras y sensores de radiación Leer la noticia completa

Giappone, creato dalla Toshiba un robot quadrupede per Fukushima

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 18:42:00 +0100ruvr-it (it)

La società giapponese Toshiba ha presentato un robot quadrupede per esplorare l'interno dell'impianto nucleare di Fukushima, battezzato per l'occasione Quadruped . Pesa 65 chili, è alto 105 centimetri e può sopportare radiazioni fino a 100 millisievert all'anno. Quadruped può camminare su superfici irregolari e su e giù per le scale.

Scholar tries to ease Okinawa's U.S. pains

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:29:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Three years ago, Robert Eldridge gave up his associate professorship at Osaka University to work on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa. He said he thought he could make bigger contributions to U.S.-Japan relations in the prefecture than by teaching about the U.S.-Japan alliance to students at the school.

Tsunami-hit city a hit on Facebook

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:29:00 +0100japantimes (en)

The coastal city of Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, devastated by last year's earthquake and tsunami, has gotten global attention thanks to its use of Facebook. In July, the city set up an official page in both Japanese and English on Facebook, the first municipality to do so among those on the....

Magnitude 6.1 quake shakes central Chile, no damage reported

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:27:00 +0100timesofindia (en)

A strong earthquake shook buildings in the Chilean capital of Santiago on Wednesday but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and the country's massive copper mines were not affected.

Klänge des Planeten: Brummeln der Erde verrät Geheimnisse der Tiefe

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:08:00 +0100spiegel (de)

Für das menschliche Ohr sind die Laute nicht wahrnehmbar, doch die Erde "spricht" zu uns: In 60 Stimmlagen grummelt ihr Inneres. Nun ist es Forschern gelungen, den Planeten quasi zum Reden zu bringen - und dem Untergrund Geheimnisse zu entlocken.

Magnitude 6.1 quake shakes central Chile, no damage reported

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:57:00 +0100indiatimes (en)

A strong earthquake shook buildings in the Chilean capital of Santiago on Wednesday but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and the country's massive copper mines were not affected.

Larijani says Hamas victory "tsunami" over Israel

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:26:00 +0100dailystar-LB (en)

Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani to arrive in Lebanon Friday following his visit to Damascus for talks aimed at resolving the Syrian crisis.

Patinage: Hanyu brille dans le programme court au trophée NHK

Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:20:00 +0100la-croix (fr)

Le Japonais Yuzuru Hanyu, 17 ans, a établi avec 95,32 points une nouvelle meilleure performance mondiale dans un programme court de patinage artistique lors de la première journée du trophée NHK, sixième et dernière étape du Grand Prix ISU, vendredi à Rifu (Japon).

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