M 4.7 in Japan on 26 May 2018 14:01 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1
Articles about casualties: 0 (0%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter based on specific events and keywords

All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Bob Jones on the engineering behind his timber tower plans

Mon, 28 May 2018 02:09:00 +0200nzherald (en)

This country's tallest wooden office block will have revolutionary design aspects including a rooftop device to protect the block during earthquakes, its developer says. Sir Bob Jones, chairman of Robt. Jones Holdings, said all approvals had been granted for the block on the Leaders Building site,....

9:09 Sismo de magnitud 5,1 en la escala de Richter sacude Japón

Fri, 25 May 2018 15:40:00 +0200prensa-latina (es)

Tokio, 25 may (PL) Un sismo de magnitud 5,1 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy la prefectura de Nagano, al centro de Japón, sin reportarse daños materiales ni víctimas mortales. El movimiento telúrico ocurrió a las 21:13, hora local, con su epicentro a 36,9 grados latitud norte y 138,5 grados....

More information

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