Overall Green alert Drought for Madagascar-2023
in Madagascar

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 92
Articles about casualties: 1 (1.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Africa Drought Threat Intensifies, Causing Rise in Elephant Death Tolls Since 2023

2024-05-31T22:16+0200natureworldnews (en)

Drought has impacted Africa for years, aggravating humanitarian crises like widespread displacements and malnutrition due to food insecurity that affects millions of people. While the said natural disaster is notoriously known for destroying communities, it also has devastating impacts on wild animals.

Warming climate intensifies flash droughts worldwide

2024-05-25T17:50+0200thehindu (en)

Sudden, severe dry spells known as flash droughts are rising in intensity around the world, with a notable exception in mountainous Central Asia, where flash drought extent is shrinking, according to new research. Heat and changes to precipitation patterns caused by a warming climate are driving these trends, the study found.

Altri colori ai nostri balconi – Di Davide Brugna

2024-05-23T03:06+0200ladigetto (it)

Anche se giugno si sta avvicinando senza il gran calore dello scorso anno, possiamo pensare a cosa altro piantare per dar un tocco di colore al mio balcone? Abbiamo già visto l'Euphorbia e il Delosperma nella scorsa puntata, oggi scopriamo l'Adenium e la Portulaca.

Severe Flash Droughts Intensify Globally Due to Warming Climate

2024-05-22T18:39+0200natureworldnews (en)

The latest report warns of the potential impacts of an increasingly warming climate, which could intensify flash droughts globally and harm communities and food security. Read here. Researchers raised concerns about the effects of a warming climate on global drought problems. The report warned that it could lead to intensifying flash droughts.

L'agenzia alimentare delle Nazioni Unite cerca 400 milioni di dollari per sfamare milioni di persone nell'Africa meridionale

2024-05-22T15:18+0200marketscreener (it)

Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite (PAM) ha bisogno di 400 milioni di dollari per sfamare milioni di persone nell'Africa meridionale, a seguito di una siccità che ha fatto sprofondare parti della regione nella fame, ha dichiarato mercoledì il programma.

SADC launches US$5,5bn appeal for El Nino crisis

2024-05-22T00:02+0200herald (en)

LUANDA. — The Southern African Development Community (SADC) expressed concern on Monday about the humanitarian situation in member countries due to El Nino-induced droughts and floods, which have affected more than 61 million people in the region. Following an extraordinary virtual summit of heads....

Southern Africa Indian Ocean - El Niño-induced droughts and floods (DG ECHO, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 May 2024)

2024-05-21T13:02+0200reliefWeb (en)

In its Communiqué of 20 May, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) expressed concerns about the humanitarian situation in member countries due to El Niño-induced droughts and floods, affecting over 61 million people. Following an extraordinary virtual summit of heads of state and....

I crediti di carbonio e gli zebù, lettera aperta dal Madagascar al governo italiano

2024-05-21T08:27+0200greenreport (it)

Dopo quelle accuse Tozzi Green ha pubblicato sul sui sito internet una pagina per illustrare «La correttezza del nostro operato – anche alla luce delle Linee Guida OCSE invocate dalle ONG – confutando le fake news circolate sulla vicenda» ed evidenziando le iniziative umanitarie, economiche e....

Southern African countries launch 5.5-bln-USD appeal for El Nino crisis

2024-05-20T23:46+0200english-news-cn (en)

LUANDA, May 20 (Xinhua) -- The Southern African Development Community (SADC) expressed concern on Monday about the humanitarian situation in member countries due to El Nino-induced droughts and floods, which have affected more than 61 million people in the region.

Southern African countries launch 5.5-bln-USD appeal for El Nino crisis

2024-05-20T23:43+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

LUANDA, May 20 (Xinhua) -- The Southern African Development Community (SADC) expressed concern on Monday about the humanitarian situation in member countries due to El Nino-induced droughts and floods, which have affected more than 61 million people in the region.

Southern African countries launch 5.5-bln-USD appeal for El Nino crisis

2024-05-20T19:18+0200china.org.cn (en)

LUANDA, May 20 (Xinhua) -- The Southern African Development Community (SADC) expressed concern on Monday about the humanitarian situation in member countries due to El Nino-induced droughts and floods, which have affected more than 61 million people in the region.

Sadc PF meets over food security

2024-05-20T02:14+0200herald (en)

The SADC PF Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) opened its meeting here yesterday, in preparation for the 55th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC PF that will take place in Angola from July 1 to 7. The meeting underway here, which is running under the theme:....

Sadc launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T11:32+0200zimbabwesituation (en)

In Southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought. The current drought has affected crops and livestock leading to the disruption of lives and livelihoods for an estimated 58 million people in the region. According to a statement by the SADC Secretariat,....

Sadc launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T00:32+0200herald (en)

HEADS of State and Government of member states of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) will meet on Monday next week to discuss the humanitarian situation in the region caused by the current El Niño-induced drought. In Southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought.

Southern African Development Community launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T00:07+0200chronicle (en)

Harare Bureau. HEADS of State and Government of member states of the Southern African Development Community will meet on Monday next week to discuss the humanitarian situation in the region caused by the current El Niño-induced drought. In southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought.

East Africa warned of impending food shortage after floods devastate croplands, kill livestock

2024-05-16T08:04+0200downtoearth (en)

The heavy rainfall and floods that have been battering East Africa since March have submerged thousands of acres of croplands and killed thousands of livestock, leaving the region vulnerable to an imminent food shortage, according to experts. Alongside the loss of life, the agricultural devastation....

Clima: Unicef, “quasi 1 milione di persone in Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania e Somalia colpite dalle piogge intense senza precedenti”

2024-05-10T16:01+0200agensir (it)

“Le inondazioni e le frane in Africa orientale stanno colpendo quasi un milione di persone in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia e Tanzania. Le piogge intense che hanno colpito la regione hanno causato la perdita di centinaia di vite umane, evidenziando la necessità di assistenza umanitaria”.

Unicef: quasi 1 milione di persone in Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania e Somalia colpite dalle piogge intense senza precedenti

2024-05-10T15:40+0200aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - Le inondazioni e le frane in Africa orientale stanno colpendo quasi un milione di persone in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia e Tanzania . Le piogge insolitamente intense che hanno colpito la regione, esacerbate dal fenomeno climatico El Niño del 2023-24, hanno causato la perdita di....

Unicef: in Africa Orienta quasi 1 milione di persone colpite da piogge intense

2024-05-10T12:03+0200redattoresociale (it)

ROMA - Le inondazioni e le frane in Africa orientale stanno colpendo quasi un milione di persone in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia e Tanzania. Le piogge insolitamente intense che hanno colpito la regione, esacerbate dal fenomeno climatico El Niño del 2023-24, hanno causato la perdita di centinaia di vite....

Clima: quasi 1 milione di persone in Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania e Somalia colpite dalle piogge intense senza precedenti

2024-05-10T09:12+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . Le inondazioni e le frane in Africa orientale stanno colpendo quasi un milione di persone in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia e Tanzania. Le piogge insolitamente intense che hanno colpito la regione, esacerbate dal fenomeno climatico El Niño del 2023-24, hanno causato la perdita di centinaia di....

‘When he is older there will be no rain’: how southern Madagascar is coping in a climate crisis

2024-05-09T09:01+0200guardian (en)

In her wooden hut in Vohitsova, Soalignee, 24, nurses her two-month-old son, Manampiaro, the village’s youngest resident. Vohitsova, in Androy region, is a bumpy, four-hour drive inland from Madagascar ’s southern coast. Soalignee, who like many people in the region goes by one name, does not want....

More people in countries with low human development index suffer from climate-related disasters

2024-05-09T07:52+0200downtoearth (en)

April 24, 2024. Countries with Human Development Index (HDI) lower than 0.78, had a higher impact, the findings showed. Likewise, the increasing number of the population impacted by climate-related disasters in countries with very high human development was statistically and significantly lower than....

Meteo. La siccità estrema in Sud Africa mette a rischio la sicurezza alimentare

2024-05-06T06:46+02003bmeteo (it)

siccità. Da ottobre 2023 a marzo 2024 una forte siccità si è diffusa nel Sud Africa, coinvolgendo nazioni come Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe e Namibia, insieme al bacino dello Zambesi e il sud del Madagascar . Le temperature eccezionalmente alte, risalenti al 1960, hanno esacerbato la situazione, portando....

Mapping Global Flash Drought Trends for Disaster Preparedness

2024-04-25T18:07+0200lelezard (en)

WASHINGTON April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flash droughts (FDs), characterized by sudden and severe dry spells, are emerging as formidable challenges to global water and food security, complicating disaster preparedness efforts. With their rapid onset and lasting impact, understanding the mechanisms....

Mapping Global Flash Drought Trends for Disaster Preparedness

2024-04-25T18:01+0200streetinsider (en)

WASHINGTON April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flash droughts (FDs), characterized by sudden and severe dry spells, are emerging as formidable challenges to global water and food security, complicating disaster preparedness efforts. With their rapid onset and lasting impact, understanding the mechanisms....

Southern African scientists call for urgent action as drought bites

2024-04-25T10:33+0200researchprofessionalnews (en)

Crop failures and livestock deaths reported as extreme El Niño summer extends into April. Researchers and agricultural policy experts in southern Africa have said that governments, donors and international actors must immediately take steps to “save lives and avoid further catastrophes” as one of....

Southern African scientists call for urgent action as drought bites

2024-04-25T10:29+0200researchresearch (en)

Crop failures and livestock deaths reported as extreme El Niño summer extends into April. Researchers and agricultural policy experts in southern Africa have said that governments, donors and international actors must immediately take steps to “save lives and avoid further catastrophes” as one of....

Madagascar’s forgotten crisis: poverty and hunger on the front line of climate change

2024-04-24T09:10+0200reliefWeb (en)

The relentless tropical sun is beating down as we start our walk to one of the many isolated rural villages in southeastern Madagascar . Malnutrition is on the rise in these communities, with hundreds of thousands of people facing acute food shortages. We soon reach our first obstacle: a murky, slow-moving river running through lush green forest.

Madagascar’s forgotten crisis: poverty and hunger on the front line of climate change

2024-04-24T08:49+0200EC (en)

The relentless tropical sun is beating down as we start our walk to one of the many isolated rural villages in southeastern Madagascar . Malnutrition is on the rise in these communities, with hundreds of thousands of people facing acute food shortages. We soon reach our first obstacle: a murky, slow-moving river running through lush green forest.

Drought worsens crisis in Southern Africa

2024-04-19T11:40+0200EC (en)

From October 2023 to March 2024, rising temperatures and a severe lack of precipitation have intensified and expanded progressively across Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia, as well as most of Zambezi basin and southern Madagascar . Record-high temperatures dating back to 1960 have been exacerbating the situation.

Pothos, come farlo arrampicare: trucchi infallibili

2024-04-16T10:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 16 aprile 2024) Se amate le piante da interno ma non avete il pollice verde, nessuna paura: alcune varietà tropicali sono davvero molto resistenti e possono sopportare persino periodi non troppo lunghi di siccità, l’ideale per chi è smemorato e non sempre si ricorda di bagnare i vasi.

La ayuda económica como herramienta de colonización

2024-04-11T14:37+0200elcorresponsal (es)

Los países africanos seleccionados por la Unión Europea para recibir asistencia económica no son necesariamente los que más la necesitan sino los que tienen recursos susceptibles de explotación. Por Thomas Rabeil. La Unión Europea anunció que va a ayudar a los 10 países más pobres de Africa con un....

La crisis climática le cuesta más de 80.000 millones de euros a Alemania

2024-04-11T00:48+0200noticiasambientales (es)

La crisis climática le costó a Alemania más de 80.000 millones de euros (81.060 millones de dólares), en daños causados por el clima extremo , según un estudio elaborado por la consultora suiza Prognos por encargo del Ministerio de Economía y Protección del Clima.

Southern Africa drought: Impacts on maize production

2024-04-10T20:04+0200Ifpriupdate (en)

Parts of Southern Africa have been experiencing a severe drought since late 2023, fueled in large part by the ongoing El Niño Southern Oscillation. Falling harvests have led to disaster declarations in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe and affected countries across the region.

Megadrought in Madagascar: Human-Caused Climate Change Worsens Impacts on Communities, Wildlife

2024-04-10T15:43+0200natureworldnews (en)

The latest report warns of climate change effects on megadrought in Madagascar , which can worsen, and result in devastating impacts on communities and wildlife. Human-caused problems can lead to alarming impacts on people's harvests and crops. Madagascar is home to different unique species, plants,....

Madagascar’s drought and climate change

2024-04-10T12:59+0200knowridge (en)

A group of scientists led by the University of California, Irvine, has found a clear connection between the ongoing long drought in southern Madagascar and climate change caused by human activities. Their research, published in the journal npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, shows how changes in....

Il mese di marzo 2024 è il 10° mese consecutivo più caldo mai registrato | L’analisi

2024-04-10T10:08+0200ripartelitalia (it)

Marzo 2024 è stato più caldo a livello globale rispetto a qualsiasi altro marzo mai registrato, con una temperatura media dell’aria superficiale di 14,14 gradi Celsius, 0,73 gradi al di sopra della media del periodo 1991-2020 per marzo e 0,10 gradi oltre il precedente massimo stabilito a marzo 2016.

Quali sono i rischi dei formaggi con latte crudo: le risposte del medico sull’Escherichia coli

2024-04-06T08:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 6 aprile 2024) Anche se la maggior parte dei ceppi di Escherichia coli sono innocui, alcuni pos sono avere gravi conseguenze per la salute umana. Alcuni ceppi sono in grado infatti di produrre una tossina molto potente e nociva, la verocitotossina. Nei casi più gravi questa può essere perfino letale.

Declara Madagascar estado de desastre nacional tras paso de ciclón

2024-04-05T21:34+0200telesurtv (es)

El Gobierno de Madagascar declaró este viernes el estado de desastre natural tras evaluar los daños ocasionados por el paso del ciclón Gamane. LEA TAMBIÉN: El presidente malgache, Andry Rajoelina, afirmó luego de la reunión del Consejo de Ministros, que tomaron la decisión por la cantidad de daños....

2023 Disasters in numbers

2024-04-05T13:47+0200reliefWeb (en)

Executive Summary. In 2023,1 the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) recorded a total of 399 disasters related to natural hazards.2 These events resulted in 86,473 fatalities and affected 93.1 million people. The economic losses amounted to US$202.7 billion.

Global Weather Hazards Summary April 05 - 11, 2024

2024-04-04T22:55+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Droughts persist in southern Africa while flooding continues in most parts of eastern Africa. Africa Weather Hazards The flooding situation in the Sudd wetlands in South Sudan has worsened. Due to a delayed start to the rainy season, insufficient rainfall, and extended dry spells,....

Al alza del cacao ahora se suman problemas de producción de vainilla en Madagascar

2024-04-04T19:40+0200larepublica-co (es)

Los consumidores golosos enfrentan un doble problema con las tormentas que azotan al principal productor mundial de vainilla -un sabor muy apreciado para los helados-, que se suman a los crecientes precios del cacao que afectan al chocolate. La principal región productora de vainilla de Madagascar ....

Doble frente para consumidores: Al alza del cacao se suman problemas con la vainilla

2024-04-04T17:05+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Los consumidores golosos se enfrentan a un doble problema con las tormentas que azotan al principal productor mundial de vainilla -un sabor muy apreciado para los helados-, que se suman a los crecientes precios del cacao que afectan al chocolate. La principal región productora de vainilla de....

The Silent Storm: Climate Change worsens women’s SRH in Africa

2024-04-04T14:15+0200thechronicle (en)

In the vast landscape of Africa, the impact of high heat on human health is becoming increasingly apparent, particularly for vulnerable populations such as women and girls. High temperatures have a range of direct and indirect effects on women’s SRH across the African continent.

Vietnam 15th country at most risks of disasters: Report

2024-04-04T13:31+0200vietnamnet-vn-en (en)

Việt Nam and Yemen share 15th position in the list of countries at the most risks of natural disasters globally in 2023, an improvement from the 12th position in 2022 for the country, according to the latest WorldRiskReport. The dimensions of risks for Việt Nam measured in the report, Exposure and....

Gaza, el clima y el rol familiar en las tragedias, entre los finalistas del World Press Photo 2024

2024-04-04T12:37+0200lavanguardia (es)

El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los trabajos premiados este año por el World Press Photo en las categorías regionales.

Premian reportaje gráfico de las monarcas

2024-04-04T09:57+0200yucatan (es)

ÁMSTERDAM (EFE).— El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas por la ocupación de Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el conflicto armado y la enfermedad centran los trabajos premiados en las categorías regionales del World Press Photo.

World Press Photo: las tragedias copan las mejores fotos del año

2024-04-04T09:35+0200noticiasdenavarra (es)

El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los trabajos premiados este año por el World Press Photo en las categorías regionales.

Việt Nam 15th country at most risks of disasters: Report

2024-04-04T09:16+0200vietnamnews (en)

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam and Yemen share 15th position in the list of countries at the most risks of natural disasters globally in 2023, an improvement from the 12th position in 2022 for the country, according to the latest WorldRiskReport. The dimensions of risks for Việt Nam measured in the report,....

El papel familiar en las tragedias y el clima, premio del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T16:42+0200lostiempos (es)

El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los trabajos premiados este año por el World Press Photo en las categorías regionales.

El papel familiar en las tragedias y el clima, premios del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T14:49+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “ familia ” aplicado a retos como la inmigración , el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades , centran los trabajos premiados este año por el World Press Photo en las categorías regionales.

El papel de la familia en las tragedias y el clima, premios del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T13:37+0200elperiodico (es)

El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática , y el concepto de "familia" aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los trabajos premiados este año por el World Press Photo en las categorías regionales.

leer más Gaza, el clima y el rol familiar en las tragedias, premio del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T13:02+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Imane Rachidi Ámsterdam, 3 abr (EFE).- El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los....

leer más El papel familiar en las tragedias y el clima, premio del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T13:02+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Imane Rachidi Ámsterdam, 3 abr (EFE).- El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los....

El papel familiar en las tragedias y el clima, premio del World Press Photo regional

2024-04-03T11:18+0200infobae (es)

Imane Rachidi. Ámsterdam, 3 abr (EFE).- El sufrimiento de las mujeres palestinas durante la guerra israelí en Gaza, el desastre que urge a combatir la crisis climática, y el concepto de “familia” aplicado a retos como la inmigración, el trauma del conflicto armado o las enfermedades, centran los....

SADC struggles with historic drought

2024-04-02T22:54+0200windhoek-observer (en)

Niël Terblanché. Across the Southern African Development Community (SADC), countries are facing an unprecedented drought crisis, marking some of the lowest rainfall levels in over four decades. recent rains in parts, the late January and February season brought severe dry conditions, leaving Namibia....

The AUC Meets with a High-Level Donor Mission

2024-04-02T21:33+0200au (en)

The Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy (SEBE) welcomed a high-level delegation of donors to the Africa Multi-hazard Early Warning and Early Action System (AMHEWAS) Situation Room on 5 th March 2024 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Unicef: 45 milioni di bambini a rischio di crisi multiple in Africa orientale e meridionale a causa del clima

2024-03-26T14:47+0100aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - Mentre una protratta ondata di calore e la siccità colpiscono diversi Paesi dell'Africa orientale e meridionale, l'UNICEF ha lanciato l'allarme sulla terribile situazione in cui si trovano le comunità vulnerabili che stanno sopportando il peso del cambiamento climatico.

Più di 1.000 bambini muoiono ogni giorno per malattie legate ad acqua e servizi igienici inadeguati (VIDEO)

2024-03-22T14:10+0100greenreport (it)

In occasione della Giornata mondiale dell’acqua, l’Unicef ricorda che «Ogni giorno, oltre 1.000 bambini sotto i 5 anni muoiono a causa di malattie legate ad acqua e servizi igienici inadeguati, uccidendo oltre 1,4 milioni di persone all’anno. A livello mondiale quasi 1 miliardo di bambini (953....

Più di 2 miliardi di persone non hanno accesso all’acqua potabile

2024-03-22T10:00+0100lasvolta (it)

Dei 33 Paesi inclusi nel report, tra cui tra cui Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Madagascar , Myanmar, Sudan, Turchia e Ucraina, il fabbisogno dei fondi per l’acqua nel 2023 ammonta a oltre 3 miliardi di dollari e solo il 36% (pari a 1,1 miliardi di dollari) è stato soddisfatto .

Rapporto sul clima: il 2023 è stato e di gran lunga l'anno più caldo di sempre

2024-03-20T11:31+0100dday (it)

Gli effetti del riscaldamento globale si sono sentiti nel 2023 praticamente in ogni continente del globo, con danni incalcolabili in termini economici e di vite umane, in seguito a inondazioni, cicloni tropicali, ondate di calore, siccità e relativi incendi.

La tasa de elevación del nivel del mar en el planeta se ha duplicado en 20 años

2024-03-19T13:05+0100lavanguardia (es)

La subida media mundial del nivel del mar en el año 2023 alcanzó un nuevo récord, según recogen las mediciones por satélite que se vienen efectuando desde 1993. Para los expertos es una consecuencia más del continuo calentamiento de los océanos (y de su expansión térmica), así como del derretimiento....

Negare l'acqua, un crimine contro l'umanità

2024-03-15T20:22+0100247libero (it)

In Etiopia la siccità e le conseguenze della guerra stanno portando il nord del Paese alla carestia. Oggi nel mondo 1 persona su 4 non ha accesso a fonti d’acqua pulita per bere o lavarsi. Un’emergenza che potrebbe precipitare nei prossimi 30 anni colpendo 1 miliardo di persone in più.

Una tempesta tropicale grande quanto Lombardia e Piemonte lascia al buio il Mozambico: torna la stagione dei cicloni tropicali?

2024-03-14T10:50+0100ohga (it)

Una tempesta tropicale ha lasciato al buio e senza energia elettrica il Mozambico, provocato per il momento 4 morti e distrutto molti raccolti. Torna la stagione dei cicloni tropicali e il Mozambico è il primo Paese a subirne le conseguenze. Dal 4 marzo scorso una tempesta tropicale rinominata....

Southern Africa: El Niño, Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Forecast and Humanitarian Impact (February 2024)

2024-03-13T09:55+0100reliefWeb (en)

OVERVIEW. El Niño brings high temperatures and below-average rainfall to Southern Africa from November to April, significantly affecting agriculture and leading to water scarcity, food shortages, and disease outbreaks. A record mid-season dry spell of over 30 days has affected vast parts of the....

MIL-OSI United Nations: Hitting the ground before disaster strikes: The evolution of DRR in Madagascar

2024-03-11T15:39+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Madagascar ’s location and socio-economic conditions make it especially exposed to a wide range of interconnected hazards. These include, but are not limited to, floods, droughts and cyclones, which, because of climate change, are becoming more frequent and intense, often leaving trails of destruction in their wake.

Il Ciclo di Vita Straordinario del Camaleonte di Labord nel Madagascar

2024-03-07T14:28+0100scienzenotizie (it)

Il camaleonte di Labord del Madagascar ha un ciclo di vita unico: funzionalmente estinto per diversi mesi, si schiude durante le piogge, si riproduce e muore, lasciando uova in attesa. Un adattamento straordinario al clima stagionale. Il camaleonte di Labord trascorre gran parte della sua vita come un uovo.

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 11-12 February 2024

2024-02-11T20:12+0100africaports-za (en)

WHARF TALK: LPG, VLGC tanker SUNNY BRIGHT The Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC), tanker Sunny Bright, underway. Picture: Shipspotting Pictures by ‘Dockrat’ Story by Jay Gates. And still they come. The problem for all gas carrier owners, or gas end users, is that the largest....

El Niño brings hunger and drought to Madagascar

2024-02-11T11:31+0100mg (en)

I n a small village in southern Madagascar , dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. The country has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Niño climate pattern takes hold.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-07T13:13+0100spacewar (en)

In a small village in southern Madagascar , dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Nino climate pattern takes hold.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-07T07:21+0100modernghana (en)

In a small village in southern Madagascar , dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Nino climate pattern takes hold.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-07T05:45+0100seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - In a small village in southern Madagascar , dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Nino climate pattern takes hold.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-07T00:20+0100phys (en)

The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Niño climate pattern takes hold. The country is particularly exposed to extreme weather events such as storms and droughts which experts say are expected to worsen with " Madagascar is....

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-06T19:46+0100urdupoint (en)

In a small village in southern Madagascar , dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. Manindra, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Feb, 2024) In a small village in southern shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-06T18:08+0100terradaily (en)

Manindra, Madagascar , Feb 6 (AFP) Feb 06, 2024 In a small village in southern Madagascar, dozens of women shelter from the scorching sun under a tree as they wait to weigh their children. The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Nino climate pattern takes hold.

El Nino brings hunger, drought fears to Madagascar

2024-02-06T17:36+0100france24-en (en)

The Indian Ocean island nation has suffered poor rainfall since October and fears of worsening hunger loom as the El Nino climate pattern takes hold. The country is particularly exposed to extreme weather events such as storms and droughts which experts say are expected to worsen with climate change.

El Nino phenomenon raises drought, famine concerns in Madagascar - UN

2024-02-02T12:59+0100uniindia (en)

United Nations, Feb 2 (UNI) The effects of the El Nino climate pattern, combined with the climate crisis, are likely to lead to extreme weather events in Madagascar , causing a food crisis in the country, the United Nations warned on Friday. "In recent years, Madagascar has been hit by unprecedented....

ACAPS Thematic Report: Madagascar Cyclone exposure and vulnerabilities (19 January 2024)

2024-01-20T10:03+0100reliefWeb (en)

About this report. Aim of the report: in Madagascar , the cyclone season runs from DecemberApril. This report provides an overview of the country’s cyclone exposure based on historical data from 20002023, its cyclone vulnerabilities, and its response capacities, aiming to inform strategic planning and anticipatory action.

Meteo estremo, 7 nazioni nel 2023 hanno vissuto il disastro più costoso di sempre. L’Africa due dei più mortali

2024-01-19T13:21+0100iconaclima (it)

Il meteo estremo nel 2023 fa segnare un altro triste record: i disastri meteorologici sono costati al Pianeta una cifra di 63 miliardi di dollari . Secondo il report annuale del broker assicurativo Gallagher Re , è stato superato il precedente record di 57 miliardi di dollari del 2020.

Realizzati in Madagascar 3 pozzi di acqua potabile in memoria del pilota pescarese Carlo Mariani [FOTO]

2024-01-02T16:41+0100ilpescara (it)

Tre pozzi d’acqua potabile realizzati nel villaggio di Soamandroso, in Madagascar , che riforniranno centinaia di cittadini garantendo un punto di approvvigionamento sanitariamente idoneo e soprattutto vitale in uno dei luoghi più poveri del mondo, afflitto da una costante siccità.

Pozzi in Madagascar nel ricordo del comandante Mariani

2024-01-01T22:31+0100giornaledabruzzo (it)

Grazie ad una raccolta fondi avviata dopo la scomparsa prematura del Pilota pescarese nell’agosto scorso. “Tre pozzi d’acqua potabile realizzati nel villaggio di Soamandroso, in Madagascar , che riforniranno centinaia di cittadini garantendo un punto di approvvigionamento sanitariamente idoneo e....

Pozzi d'acqua potabile in Madagascar nel nome del comandante Mariani

2023-12-31T01:26+0100247libero (it)

PESCARA. Tre pozzi d’acqua potabile sono stati realizzati nel villaggio di Soamandroso, in Madagascar : riforniranno centinaia di cittadini garantendo un punto di approvvigionamento sanitariamente idoneo in uno dei luoghi più poveri del mondo, afflitto da una costante siccità.

Pozzi d'acqua potabile in Madagascar nel nome del comandante Mariani

2023-12-30T17:55+0100ilcentro (it)

PESCARA. Tre pozzi d’acqua potabile sono stati realizzati nel villaggio di Soamandroso, in Madagascar : riforniranno centinaia di cittadini garantendo un punto di approvvigionamento sanitariamente idoneo in uno dei luoghi più poveri del mondo, afflitto da una costante siccità.

Humanitarian Action for Children 2024 - Madagascar

2023-12-28T10:29+0100reliefWeb (en)

HIGHLIGHTS Prolonged drought, recurrent floods, cyclones and epidemics impact the already vulnerable population living in Madagascar 's south and southeast regions. Climate change has increased the frequency of disasters, and the coming El Niño weather pattern will intensify their impacts. A projected 2.

Save the Children: “il cambiamento climatico uccide i più indifesi”

2023-12-27T16:34+0100ilgiornaledellambiente (it)


Nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone hanno perso la vita per eventi meteorologici estremi

2023-12-21T10:30+0100romasette (it)

Sono almeno 12mila le persone che nel 2023 hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane a livello globale. Vale a dire, il 30% in più rispetto al 2022. A fornire i dati è una nuova analisi di Save the Children, secondo cui gli eventi meteorologici estremi stanno....

Save the Children: nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone sono morte nel mondo a causa delle conseguenze della crisi climatica

2023-12-20T18:20+0100fai.informazione (it)

Secondo una nuova analisi di Save the Children dei dati del database internazionale dei disastri (EM-DAT), nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone - il 30% in più rispetto al 2022 - hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane a livello globale.

Nel 2023 oltre 12mila morti per inondazioni, incendi, tempeste o frane

2023-12-20T16:11+0100interris (it)

Nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone (+30% rispetto al 2022) hanno perso la vita a causa delle conseguenze estreme dei cambiamenti climatici: inondazioni, incendi, siccità, cicloni, tempeste e frane. Lo evidenzia la nuova analisi di Save the Children. Su 240 eventi climatici estremi registrati nel 2023,....

Nel 2023 almeno 12.000 persone sono morte a causa di eventi climatici estremi (+30%)

2023-12-20T13:48+0100greenreport (it)

Secondo una nuova analisi presentata oggi da Save the Children, «Nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone – il 30% in più rispetto al 2022 – hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane a livello globale». Per identificare il numero di persone morte a causa di eventi estremi....

Clima: Save the children, nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone (+30%) hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane

2023-12-20T13:09+0100avveniredicalabria (it)

Nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone – il 30% in più rispetto al 2022 – hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane a livello globale, secondo una nuova analisi di Save the children. Gli eventi meteorologici estremi stanno diventando sempre più frequenti e gravi a causa della crisi climatica.

Clima: Save the children, nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone (+30%) hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane

2023-12-20T12:57+0100agensir (it)

Nel 2023 almeno 12mila persone – il 30% in più rispetto al 2022 – hanno perso la vita a causa di inondazioni, incendi, cicloni, tempeste e frane a livello globale, secondo una nuova analisi di Save the children. Gli eventi meteorologici estremi stanno diventando sempre più frequenti e gravi a causa della crisi climatica.

El preocupante ‘balance’ climático de 2023

2023-12-16T12:35+0100ecoticias (es)

La urgencia no puede ser mayor, y para que quede claro por qué es tan importante y urgente, Greenpeace ha analizado los eventos climáticos extremos de 2023 y alerta que este año será, tristemente, digno de figurar en los peores registros de récords. Según el Servicio de Cambio Climático de....

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