M 4.9 in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands from 20 Oct 2021 19:37 UTC to 19:37

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 106
Articles about casualties: 4 (3.8%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Topic #Earthquake

2021-10-24T18:02+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Taipei, Taiwan (CNN) — A 6.5-magnitude quake has struck Taiwan, according to preliminary data from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). The EMSC said the quake struck at a depth of some 60 kilometers, about 65 kilometers northeast of Hualien City on Taiwan's northeastern coast. Tremors from the quake could.

Terremoti: sisma di magnitudo 3.1 nel Tirreno meridionale

2021-10-24T17:27+0200agenzianova (it)

Roma, 24 ott 17:13 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 3.1 è avvenuto nella zona del mar Tirreno meridionale ad una profondità di 282 km. Lo rende noto l'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) su Twitter.

What causes earthquakes and what have been the most powerful tremors?

2021-10-24T17:22+0200thesun (en)

The earth's crust is made up of different pieces known as tectonic plates. These plates fit toge the r like a jigsaw and continuously move at a rate of a few centimetres a year, in different directions and at different speeds. It's common for plates to slides past each other, bump into each other and move away from each other.

Strong earthquake shakes Taiwan 6.5 intensity was recorded

2021-10-24T15:43+0200archyde (en)

Taipei: (www.kvartha.com 24.10.2021) Strong earthquake shakes Taiwan An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale shook northeastern Taiwan. Homes in the capital, Taipei, were shaken, locals said. No casualties were reported in the incident, however. At 1.11 pm local time, a magnitude 66.8 earthquake shook the region.

In Spain, the sea devours the Catalan coast

2021-10-24T13:41+0200archyde (en)

“It’s a slow-motion tsunami, but it’s a tsunami, a wave that keeps getting bigger. ” Co-coordinator of the report “A coastline reaching its limits” published in early September, commissioned by the Spanish region of Catalonia to take stock of the state of the coast under the influence of climate change, Carles Ibanez is categorical.

13:23 Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Taiwan

2021-10-24T12:32+0200news-am (en)

A Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hit nor the ast Taiwan on Sunday, TASS reports. The shocks were felt in several regions of Taiwan, including Taipei. The epicenter was at a distance of 22.7 km south from Ilan, and the hotbed was at a depth of 66.8 km. There are no reports about deaths and destructions.

Selon un chercheur, un séisme majeur pourrait bientôt se produire dans le nord du Venezuela

2021-10-24T12:11+0200mlactu (fr)

Crédit : Angelo_Giordano, Pixabay, 1665892. Un puissant tremblement de terre pourrait bientôt se produire le long des failles de la plaque tectonique Caraïbes-Amérique du Sud, selon une déclaration publiée par la Pennsylvania State University qui s’appuie sur les recherches menées par le doctorant Machel Higgins et certains de ses collègues.

A 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan… “vertigo like a roller coaster ride”

2021-10-24T12:09+0200archyde (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern part of Taiwan around 11:11 pm local time today (24th) in Taiwan. According to the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan (CWB), the epicenter of the earthquake was Nan Ao, 22.7 km south of Yilan County in northeastern Taiwan, and the depth of the epicenter was 66.

5.4-magnitude quake hits Bengkulu's Enggano Island

2021-10-24T10:57+0200antaranews-en (en)

30 minutes ago Screenshot of BMKG website -- The epicenter of 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Enggano Isl and , Bengkulu Province, on Sunday (ANTARA/ Zubi Mahrofi) Jakarta (ANTARA) - A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hit Enggano Island in Bengkulu Province on Sunday morning, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported.

Beccati in casa con hashish e marijuana. Due arresti nel cosentino

2021-10-24T09:27+0200247libero (it)

COSENZA – Un’ondata di maltempo in arrivo sull’Italia, dovuto a un vero e proprio ciclone mediterraneo, porterà nelle prossime ore piogge e venti di burrasca sulle regioni meridionali. Sulla base delle previsioni disponibili il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha emesso una allerta meteo che....

Taiwan earthquake: Houses 'shake' as intense 6.2 quake sends balcony crashing down

2021-10-24T09:25+0200dailystar (en)

was hit with a massive 6.2 magnitude earthquake which shook houses, destroyed balconies, and shut down the tube system. Terrifying images posted to Twitter showed a balcony had fallen to the ground. It's not clear how many casualties there were after the earth-shaking tremors. The 6.

Calabria Microplastiche in mare, ricerca calabrese finisce su rivista internazionale L'inquinamento da microplastiche negli ambienti marini è particolarmente insidioso, poiché una piccola frammentazione può avere accesso alla catena alimentare

2021-10-24T09:24+0200quicosenza (it)

COSENZA – Un’ondata di maltempo in arrivo sull’Italia, dovuto a un vero e proprio ciclone mediterraneo, porterà nelle prossime ore piogge e venti di burrasca sulle regioni meridionali. Sulla base delle previsioni disponibili il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha emesso una allerta meteo che....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 colpisce Taiwan

2021-10-24T09:02+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato a pochi chilometri a sud della città di Yilan, a una profondità di circa 67 km nella crosta terrestre. Finora non c'è notizia di vittime. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 ha colpito la parte nord-orientale dell’isola di Taiwan. Lo riporta l’agenzia meteorologica locale.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 colpisce Taiwan

2021-10-24T08:56+0200247libero (it)

L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato a pochi chilometri a sud della città di Yilan, a una profondità di circa 67 km nella crosta terrestre. Finora non c'è notizia di vittime. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 ha colpito la parte nord-orientale dell’isola di Taiwan. Lo riporta l’agenzia meteorologica locale.

Rischio nubifragi e forti raffiche di vento. Scatta l'allerta arancione nel cosentino

2021-10-24T08:56+0200247libero (it)

COSENZA – Un’ondata di maltempo in arrivo sull’Italia, dovuto a un vero e proprio ciclone mediterraneo, porterà nelle prossime ore piogge e venti di burrasca sulle regioni meridionali. Sulla base delle previsioni disponibili il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha emesso una allerta meteo che....

Provincia 10 minuti fa Beccati in casa con hashish e marijuana. Due arresti nel cosentino Grazie al fiuto del cane antidroga del nucleo cinofili di Vibo Valentia gli arresti ad Altomonte e San Donato di...

2021-10-24T08:53+0200quicosenza (it)

COSENZA – Un’ondata di maltempo in arrivo sull’Italia, dovuto a un vero e proprio ciclone mediterraneo, porterà nelle prossime ore piogge e venti di burrasca sulle regioni meridionali. Sulla base delle previsioni disponibili il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha emesso una allerta meteo che....

Taiwan, forte scossa di terremoto sull'isola: magnitudo 6.5

2021-10-24T08:48+0200rainews (it)

Lo rivela l'agenzia meteorologica dell'isola Taiwan, forte scossa di terremoto sull'isola: magnitudo 6.5 L'epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato sulla costa nord-est, a pochi chilometri a sud della città di Yilan. I residenti hanno riferito che il sisma è stato avvertito con forza anche nella capitale, Taipei.

Taiwan, forte scossa di terremoto sull'isola: magnitudo 6.5

2021-10-24T08:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

Taiwan | forte scossa di terremoto sull' isola | magnitudo 6 5 L'epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato sulla costa nord-est, a pochi chilometri a sud della città di ... Taiwan, forte scossa di terremoto sull'isola: magnitudo 6.5 (Di domenica 24 ottobre 2021) L'epicentro del sisma è stato....

Calabria 14 minuti fa Rischio nubifragi e forti raffiche di vento. Scatta l’allerta arancione nel cosentino

2021-10-24T08:23+0200quicosenza (it)

COSENZA – Un’ondata di maltempo in arrivo sull’Italia, dovuto a un vero e proprio ciclone mediterraneo, porterà nelle prossime ore piogge e venti di burrasca sulle regioni meridionali. Sulla base delle previsioni disponibili il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha emesso una allerta meteo che....

6.5-magnitude earthquake hits northeast Taiwan: Weather bureau

2021-10-24T07:55+0200channelnewsasia (en)

TAIPEI: A 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck nor the astern Taiwan on Sunday (Oct 24), with residents reporting strong shaking in the capital Taipei. The central weather bureau traced the epicentre of the quake to northeastern Yilan county, and said it hit at a depth of 67km at 1.11pm.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake strikes northeast Taiwan

2021-10-24T07:53+0200taiwannews (en)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) A powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck nor the astern Taiwan at 1:11 p.m. today (Oct. 24), according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The epicenter of the temblor was located 22.7 kilometers south of Yilan County Hall, with a focal depth of 66.8 km.

Iwo Jima è ora un cimitero di navi fantasma della Seconda guerra mondiale: ecco perché

2021-10-24T06:12+0200lastampa (it)

Iwo Jima è un'isola vulcanica del Giappone appartenente alla prefettura di Tokyo, sebbene si trovi 1046 chilometri a sud dalla capitale. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale è stata teatro di uno fra i più sanguinosi scontri del Pacifico fra le forze statunitensi al com and o dell'ammiraglio Raymond....

PM in Saudi Arabia on three-day official visit

2021-10-24T04:38+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Prime Minister Imran Khan reached Saudi Arabia on a three-day official visit of the Kingdom to attend the launch of Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) Summit being held in Riyadh. The Prime Minister’s Office said in a tweet that PM Imran was received by Prince Saud bin Khalid Al Faisal, deputy....

Small magnitude 3.3 quake hits 18 miles northwest of Truckee, California, United States early afternoon

2021-10-24T00:21+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 3.3 earthquake near Truckee, Nevada County, California, USA, was reported only 11 minutes ago by the United States Geological Survey, considered the key international and national agency that monitors seismic activity in the US. The earthquake occurred at a very shallow depth of 1.

Fukui nuclear unit halted after missing deadline on antiterror measures

2021-10-23T23:50+0200japantoday (en)

A nuclear reactor in central Japan's Fukui Prefecture was halted on Saturday, just four months after its restart as it could not meet a deadline set by regulators to implement antiterrorism measures. The suspension of Kansai Electric Power Co's Mihama No. 3 unit came ahead of the deadline on Monday for such measures to be completed.

3 D.C. churches, including District's oldest Black congregation, receiving preservation grants

2021-10-23T23:20+0200washtimes (en)

Mount Zion, organized 205 years ago and located in Georgetown, will receive $100,000 from the fund. “I’m just very very thankful to the National Fund, and just excited to be a part of this program,” said Mount Zion’s pastor, the Rev. Selena Johnson, who noted that the announcement came on her birthday.

2.8 magnitude earthquake felt in western Contra Costa County

2021-10-23T17:30+0200eastbaytimes (en)

HERCULES — A magnitude 2.8 earthquake was briefly felt in the East Bay early Saturday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake, which had an epicenter about 2 miles south east of Hercules, occurred at 6:34 a.m. with an initial depth of about 6 miles, the USGS reported.

2.8 magnitude earthquake felt in western Contra Costa County

2021-10-23T17:17+0200mercurynews (en)

HERCULES — A magnitude 2.8 earthquake was briefly felt in the East Bay early Saturday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake, which had an epicenter about 2 miles south east of Hercules, occurred at 6:34 a.m. with an initial depth of about 6 miles, the USGS reported.

Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, Pages 4259: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geologic Hazards in Shaanxi Province

2021-10-23T11:00+0200mdpi (en)

The spatio-temporal distribution of geological hazards, including collapses, l and slides, and debris flows, in Shaanxi province, China was studied based on data from 1951 to 2018. The potential impact factors, including the geomorphologic types, rivers, roads, rainfall, and earthquakes, were analyzed using Random Forests.

Seismic movement of medium intensity is registered in regions of Valparaíso and Metropolitana

2021-10-23T08:47+0200archyde (en)

© Provided by Publimetro Chile Publimetro After 23 hours and after the seismic movement of slight intensity reported in the south ern part of the country, a medium intensity earthquake was registered in the Valparaíso and Metropolitan regions. The earthquake, according to information provided by the National Seismological Center, reached 4.

Fukui nuclear unit halted after missing deadline on antiterror steps

2021-10-23T07:47+0200kyodonews (en)

A nuclear reactor in central Japan's Fukui Prefecture was halted on Saturday, just four months after its restart as it could not meet a deadline set by regulators to implement antiterrorism measures. The suspension of Kansai Electric Power Co.'s Mihama No. 3 unit came ahead of the deadline on Monday for such measures to be completed.

Japan nuclear reactor halted for missing anti-terror deadline

2021-10-23T07:40+0200nikkei-en (en)

FUKUI, Japan (Kyodo) -- A nuclear reactor in central Japan's Fukui Prefecture was halted on Saturday, just four months after its restart as it could not meet a deadline set by regulators to implement anti-terrorism measures. The suspension of Kansai Electric Power Co.'s Mihama No.

National Fukui nuclear unit halted after missing deadline for antiterrorism steps Kansai Electric Power Co. now aims to make the necessary changes to the Mihama No. 3 unit around September next year and restart operations in mid-October.

2021-10-23T07:24+0200japantimes (en)

Fukui – A nuclear reactor in central Japan’s Fukui Prefecture was halted on Saturday, just four months after its restart as it could not meet a deadline set by regulators to implement antiterrorism measures. The suspension of Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Mihama No. 3 unit came ahead of the deadline on Monday for such measures to be completed.

Terremoto in Calabria oggi, venerdì 22 ottobre 2021: scossa M 2.2 Costa Calabra - Dati INGV

2021-10-23T07:18+0200247libero (it)

Terremoto in Calabria oggi, venerdì 22 ottobre 2021: scossa M 2.2 Costa Calabra Sud Orientale. Trema la terra sulle coste italiane! L’ ha rilevato alle ore 08.04 di oggi , venerdì 22 ottobre 2021, una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.2 al largo della Costa Calabra Sud Orientale (Reggio Calabria) con ipocentro profondo 34 chilometri.

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - San Antonio Province, 25 km south of Valparaiso, Chile, on Friday, Oct 22, 2021 11:13 pm (GMT -3)

2021-10-23T04:44+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic-like event, possible earthquake, reported few minutes ago in or near Chile We are receiving unverified early reports of seismic activity in or around Chile at approximately 02:15 GMT. There are no details yet on the magnitude or depth of this seismic-like event. It may or may not turn out to be an actual naturally occurring earthquake.

PM leaves for Saudi Arabia today on three-day visit

2021-10-23T03:04+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Prime Minister Imran Khan will arrive in Saudi Arabia on Saturday on a three-day official visit to attend the launch ceremony of the “Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) Summit”, being held here in the Saudi capital. The Prime Minister visiting the Kingdom to attend the Summit, at the invitation of....

Ardern’s presser interrupted by NZ quake

2021-10-23T00:06+0200news_com_au (en)

Ms Ardern was speaking to reporters in Wellington when a 5.9-magnitude quake struck around 30km south west of Taumarunui on New Zeal and ’s North Island, just before 11am on Friday. The Prime Minister gripped the lectern and looked concerned, before quickly composing herself as the shaking eased. “Sorry, a slight distraction,” Ms Ardern said, smiling.

A 5.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the East Java city of Malang had reportedly caused damages to local buildings.

2021-10-22T23:52+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta The 5.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the East Java city of Malang on Friday morning, October 22, 2021, had reportedly caused damage to a number of buildings in the Blitar regency. The disaster occurs at around 09:21 AM Western Indonesia Time (WIB), with an epicenter located at 8.84 South Latitude and 112.

5.3 M Earthquake Jolts Southwest of Malang, East Java

2021-10-22T23:52+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta A tectonic earthquake measuring 5.3 magnitudes on the Richter scale jolted South west of Malang, East Java, at 9:21 a.m. Friday, October 22. The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through its official page reported that the quake was centered at 78 kilometers....

SC homeless shelter seeing ‘tsunami’ of people in need after eviction moratorium ends

2021-10-22T20:46+0200live5news (en)

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Housing advocates in South Carolina are seeing a spike in need, unlike anything the y’ve seen this year. Since the eviction moratorium ended at the end of August, families across the Palmetto State have been leaving the place they called home with mountains of debt.

Study Reveals Connection Between Climate Change and Plastics Pollution

2021-10-22T15:35+0200azocleantech (en)

University of Rhode Isl and researchers Andrew Davies and Coleen Suckling say that when a major hurricane churns up storm surges and heavy, drenching rains, the storm washes trash from the land into our rivers and coasts. Among the items being transported are plastics, the ubiquitous consumer material that is found in many products and packaging.

Staff exodus leaves care homes facing ‘tsunami of unmet need’

2021-10-22T12:06+0200thesundaytimes (en)

Social care staff are leaving for roles in tourism or hospitality, with urgent action required to prevent a “tsunami of unmet need” in health and care services this winter, a watchdog has warned. Ian Trenholm, chief executive of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said that staff in both the NHS and....

Staff exodus leaves care homes facing ‘tsunami of unmet need’

2021-10-22T12:05+0200thetimes (en)

Social care staff are leaving for roles in tourism or hospitality, with urgent action required to prevent a “tsunami of unmet need” in health and care services this winter, a watchdog has warned. Ian Trenholm, chief executive of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said that staff in both the NHS and....

Researchers part of team that points to strong connection between climate change

2021-10-22T11:56+0200tunisiesoir (en)

University of Rhode Isl and researchers Andrew Davies and Coleen Suckling say that when a major hurricane churns up storm surges and heavy, drenching rains, the storm washes trash from the land into our rivers and coasts. Among the items being transported are plastics, the ubiquitous consumer material that is found in many products and packaging.

“Tsunami of unmet needs” to wipe out social welfare system in the face of shortage of human resources | UK | News

2021-10-22T11:42+0200eminetra (en)

And hundreds of thous and s of frail pensioners and o the r vulnerable people “will not get the care they urgently need.” Exhausted and depressed social welfare workers have abandoned the sector, adding that low wages and poor working conditions mean they cannot hire new staff.

Are We Prepared for the Next Big Mediterranean Tsunami?

2021-10-22T11:20+0200banksnews (en)

The Mediterranean as seen by ano the r NASA satellite. Credit: Eric Gaba (Sting) Screenshot from NASA World Wind (retouched). Public Domain. The Mediterranean sea straddles two tectonic plates and is lined by large towns and cities. We need to take the tsunami threat seriously, argues Matthew Blackett, a senior lecturer at a British University.

Are We Prepared for the Next Big Mediterranean Tsunami?

2021-10-22T11:06+0200greekreporter (en)

Screenshot from NASA World Wind (retouched). Public Domain. The Mediterranean sea straddles two tectonic plates and is lined by large towns and cities. We need to take the tsunami threat seriously, argues Matthew Blackett, a senior lecturer at a British University. By Matthew Blackett.

'A tsunami of unmet care needs': Care workers are leaving jobs for roles in tourism , regulator warns

2021-10-22T08:53+0200heart (en)

The Care Quality Commission said the sector is under increasing strain, its workforce is exhausted, and care homes that are struggling to fill posts are even having to turn away new patients. The vacancy rate in care homes has steadily grown to reach 10.

“Tsunami of unmet care needs”: Certified care workers are quitting their jobs because of their role in tourism, regulators warn | UK News

2021-10-22T06:36+0200eminetra (en)

Care regulators have warned that social welfare workers will leave the sector for more paid hospitality and tourism roles, leading to staff shortages and a “tsunami of unmet care needs.” The Care Quality Commission has even said that the sector is becoming more and more tense, its workforce is....

Indonesia: Magnitude-5.3 offshore earthquake occurs south of Java, Indonesia, at around 09:21 Oct. 22

2021-10-22T06:34+0200garda-com (en)

Event. A magnitude-5.3 offshore earthquake occurred south of East Java Province, Indonesia, at around 09:21 Oct. 22. The epicenter was about 67 km (42 miles) south-southwest of Dampit, Indonesia. The tremor occurred at a depth of about 80 km (50 miles), and light shaking was probably felt throughout....

Minor quake strikes Central Highlands region again

2021-10-22T06:27+0200vov-vn (en)

VOV.VN - A minor earthquake measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale hit Kon Plong district of Kon Tum province in the Central Highl and s on October 21 evening, according to the Earthquake and Tsunami Warning Centre under the Institute of Geophysics. The latest minor earthquake hits Kon Plong district on October 21 evening.

Minor quake strikes Central Highlands region again

2021-10-22T06:08+0200vietnamnet-vn-en (en)

A minor earthquake measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale hit Kon Plong district of Kon Tum province in the Central Highl and s on October 21 evening, according to the Earthquake and Tsunami Warning Centre under the Institute of Geophysics. The latest minor earthquake hits Kon Plong district on October 21 evening.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits New Zealand – US Geological Survey

2021-10-22T05:55+0200uniindia (en)

Wellington, Oct 22 (UNI/Sputnik) A 5.6 magnitude has been registered in New Zeal and , the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The earthquake was registered at 21:58 GMT on Thursday, with the epicenter located at a depth of 223 kilometers (over 138 miles), 62 kilometers east of the town of Waitara.

“Exhausted” social care staff warns regulators that they are playing a role in tourism and hospitality

2021-10-22T05:05+0200londonnewstime (en)

Social care staff play a role in tourism and hospitality, and care regulators warn that urgent action is needed to prevent the “tsunami of unmet needs” that spills over to critical services this winter. increase. Care Quality Commission (CQC) CEO Ian Trenholm said healthcare staff are “exhausted....

2.4 Magnitude Earthquake Occurs in Jecheon

2021-10-22T02:52+0200kbs-en (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of two-point-four occurred in North Chungcheong Province on Friday. According to the Korea Meteorological Administration, the quake was reported about 26 kilometers south of Jecheon City at 6:51 a.m. The depth of the epicenter was estimated at 14 kilometers.

Nouvelle-Zélande : un séisme d’une magnitude 5,9 recensé

2021-10-22T02:46+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Après l’Australie en septembre dernier , ce mois-ci, c’est la Nouvelle-Zél and e qui a ressenti quelques secousses. En effet, ce matin, aux alentours de 11 heures, le Nord de l’île a ressenti un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,9. Le séisme a été enregistré à une profondeur de 207 km et a été ressenti aussi loin au sud que Christchurch.

Scientists part of team that points to strong connection between climate change, plastics pollution

2021-10-22T02:39+0200sciencedaily (en)

Among the items being transported are plastics, the ubiquitous consumer material that is found in many products and packaging. The problem is that plastic takes an exceptionally long time to break down in the natural environment. Some plastic trash ends up in harbors, estuaries and on land.

Nouvelle-Zélande : un séisme d’une magnitude 5,9 recensé

2021-10-22T02:34+0200la1ere (fr)

Après l’Australie en septembre dernier , ce mois-ci, c’est la Nouvelle-Zél and e qui a ressenti quelques secousses. En effet, ce matin, aux alentours de 11 heures, le Nord de l’île a ressenti un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,9. Le séisme a été enregistré à une profondeur de 207 km et a été ressenti aussi loin au sud que Christchurch.

Jacinda Ardern’s cool response to quake

2021-10-22T02:29+0200heraldsun (en)

Ms Ardern was speaking to reporters in Wellington when a 5.9-magnitude quake struck around 30km south west of Taumarunui on New Zeal and ’s North Island, just before 11am on Friday. The Prime Minister gripped the lectern and looked concerned, before quickly composing herself as the shaking eased. “Sorry, a slight distraction,” Ms Ardern said, smiling.

Jacinda Ardern’s cool response to quake

2021-10-22T02:18+0200news_com_au (en)

Ms Ardern was speaking to reporters in Wellington when a 5.9-magnitude quake struck around 30km south west of Taumarunui on New Zeal and ’s North Island, just before 11am on Friday. The Prime Minister gripped the lectern and looked concerned, before quickly composing herself as the shaking eased. “Sorry, a slight distraction,” Ms Ardern said, smiling.

Urgent action needed to prevent “tsunami of unmet needs” in social care

2021-10-22T01:35+0200eminetra (en)

Care regulators have warned that pressure on the adult social care sector requires urgent action to prevent a “tsunami of unmet needs” that will hurt essential services this winter. According to the Care Quality Commission, working under intense pressure has “exhausted and depleted” health and care....

5.9 magnitude quake has struck 30km south west of Taumarunui

2021-10-22T01:07+0200radionz (en)

The earthquake that rumbled across the central North Isl and just before 11am this morning was originally recorded as a 5.4 magnitide event but is now upgraded to 5.9. Geonet has now revised the reading. It was recorded at a depth of 207km and was felt as far south as Christchurch. It is unclear at this stage whether it caused damage or injuries.

5.9 magnitude quake has struck 30km south west of Taumarunui

2021-10-22T00:59+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The earthquake that rumbled across the central North Isl and just before 11am this morning was originally recorded as a 5.4 magnitide event but is now upgraded to 5.9. Geonet has now revised the reading. It was recorded at a depth of 207km and was felt as far south as Christchurch. It is unclear at this stage whether it caused damage or injuries.

Articolo Terremoto in Friuli: doppia scossa. Tremano Tolmezzo e Zuglio

2021-10-22T00:15+0200quotidiano (it)

Udine, 21 ottobre 2021 - Doppia scossa di terromoto oggi in Friuli . La terra ha tremato nella notte, il sisma più forte alle 2:28: una scossa di magnitudo 3,7 è stata avvertita dalla popolazione nell'area di Zuglio e Tolmezzo , in provincia di Udine. L'epicentro a 5 chilometri a Sud-Est di Zuglio.

Social care staff exodus as Tories need to prevent 'tsunami of unmet need'

2021-10-21T23:13+0200themirror (en)

Social care staff are quitting in droves and urgent government action is needed to prevent a “tsunami of unmet need”, the care regulator has warned. made the desperate plea as exhausted carers leave to take up jobs in tourism and hospitality. Many older and disabled people can at any price in their area.

Scientists part of team that points to strong connection between climate change, plastics pollution

2021-10-21T22:52+0200miragenews (en)

KINGSTON, R.I. Oct. 21, 2021 University of Rhode Isl and researchers Andrew Davies and Coleen Suckling say that when a major hurricane churns up storm surges and heavy, drenching rains, the storm washes trash from the land into our rivers and coasts. Among the items being transported are plastics,....

ESG and shareholder activism: A tsunami is coming to Silicon Valley

2021-10-21T22:47+0200focustechnica (en)

With the increase in attention on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues over the past few years, it’s easy for companies to assume that we’ve reached the crest of the ESG wave. However, we are only at the early stages — an ESG tsunami is headed toward Silicon Valley.

ESG and shareholder activism: A tsunami is coming to Silicon Valley

2021-10-21T22:41+0200techcrunch (en)

With the increase in attention on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues over the past few years, it’s easy for companies to assume that we’ve reached the crest of the ESG wave. However, we are only at the early stages — an ESG tsunami is headed toward Silicon Valley.

'Great Oregon ShakeOut Day' encourages earthquake preparation

2021-10-21T22:35+0200kptv (en)

PORTLAND, Ore. (KPTV) - People around the state took part in earthquake drills this morning as part of “Great Oregon ShakeOut Day.” While earthquakes are rare in the northwest, the Office of Emergency Management says it’s important to be prepared because of the subduction zone fault line off the coast.

Earthquake drill: Great Washington ShakeOut in its 10th year

2021-10-21T20:48+0200kiro7 (en)

October 21, 2021 at 11:29 am PDT By KIRO 7 News Staff For its tenth year, hundreds of thous and s of people in Washington participated in the Great Washington ShakeOut earthquake and tsunami drill Thursday morning. At precisely 10:21 a.m., Washingtonians were encouraged to drop, cover and hold on wherever they are.

Ambon city to get radio-based tsunami warning system

2021-10-21T18:28+0200antaranews-en (en)

Illustration: Officials from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) try a tsunami warning alarm out in Bengkulu. (ANTARA/HO-BMKG/uyu) The system will convey information from various sources to the public. Ambon, Maluku (ANTARA) - A new tsunami warning system will be installed....

La Carnia trema, scossa di terremoto nella notte: 3,8 gradi Richter

2021-10-21T18:24+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

ZUGLIO. La Carnia ha tremato alle 2,28 di giovedì mattina, 21 ottobre. Una scossa di magnitudo 3.8 individuata dalle stazioni dell’Istituto nazionale di oceanografia e di geofisica sperimentale (Ogs), a 6 Km a sud est del comune di Zuglio, ha svegliato gli abitanti dell’Alto Friuli.

Caribbean-South American plate boundary primed for major earthquake

2021-10-21T17:41+0200phys (en)

Faults along the central portion of the Caribbean- South American tectonic plate boundary are primed to produce a powerful earthquake, posing a potentially serious hazard to northern Venezuela, according to an international team of scientists. "Most of the populated cities in this region happen to....

Earthquake drill: Thursday is 10th year of Great Washington ShakeOut

2021-10-21T16:17+0200kiro7 (en)

October 21, 2021 at 7:03 am PDT By KIRO 7 News Staff For its tenth year, hundreds of thous and s of people in Washington will participate in the Great Washington ShakeOut earthquake and tsunami drill Thursday morning. At precisely 10:21 a.m., Washingtonians are encouraged to drop, cover and hold on wherever they are.

TeamTNT Deploys Malicious Docker Image on Docker Hub

2021-10-21T15:03+0200bankinfosecurity (en)

TeamTNT attack life cycle (Image source: Uptycs Threat Research) Researchers at Uptycs Threat Research have uncovered a campaign in which the cloud-focused cryptojacking group TeamTNT is deploying malicious container images hosted on Docker Hub with an embedded script to download testing tools used for banner grabbing and port scanning.

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake hits eastern Japan, no tsunami threat

2021-10-21T14:54+0200aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Oct 21, 2021 17:39 IST. The first tremors were recorded at 5:37 p.m. local time (08:37 GMT), with the epicenter located at a depth of 380 kilometers (236 miles) under water. No tsunami threat was declared.

Drop, Cover and Hold On: Join the Annual Great ShakeOut Drill

2021-10-21T14:53+0200hstoday (en)

The annual Great ShakeOut earthquake drill will take place Thursday, Oct. 21 at 10:21 a.m. local time. FEMA Region 4 encourages individuals and communities to participate and practice the simple safety steps to stay safe during an earthquake. Earthquakes can happen anywhere, anytime. In September a 3.

TeamTNT Deploys Malicious Docker Image on Docker Hub

2021-10-21T14:50+0200govinfosecurity (en)

TeamTNT attack life cycle (Image source: Uptycs Threat Research) Researchers at Uptycs Threat Research have uncovered a campaign in which the cloud-focused cryptojacking group TeamTNT is deploying malicious container images hosted on Docker Hub with an embedded script to download testing tools used for banner grabbing and port scanning.

5.8-magnitude quake jolts Japan, no tsunami warning issued

2021-10-21T14:49+0200dtnext (en)

Tokyo According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor struck at 5.37 p.m. (local time), with its epicentre at a latitude of 32.1 degrees north and a longitude of 138.5 degrees east, and at a depth of 380 km, reports Xinhua news agency. The quake logged 3 in some parts of Tokyo....

Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Hits Eastern Japan, No Tsunami Threat - Weather Agency

2021-10-21T14:02+0200urdupoint (en)

TOKYO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 21st October, 2021) A 5.8 magnitude struck off Japan 's eastern coast to the south of Tochigi Prefecture, the Japan Meteorological Agency reported on Thursday. The first tremors were recorded at 5:37 p .m. local time (08:37 GMT), with the epicenter located at a....

5.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan's Tochigi Prefecture, n...

2021-10-21T12:02+0200sinacom-en (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Thursday struck Utsunomiya city in Tochigi Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 17:37 p.m. local time Thursday, with its epicenter at a latitude of 32.1 degrees north and a longitude of 138.

'It was as if an earthquake had happened' - 55 years since the Aberfan disaster

2021-10-21T12:00+0200southwalesargus (en)

Disaster struck the South Wales village on October 21 1966. More than 150,000 tonnes of coal waste, loosened by persistent rain, slid down a hillside, killing 116 children and 28 adults. Pit villages in South Wales were all too familiar with the danger that mining brought. Until the Aberfan disaster, it was the men underground who faced this peril.

1st LD Writethru: 5.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan's Tochigi Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2021-10-21T11:57+0200china.org.cn (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Thursday struck Utsunomiya city in Tochigi Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 17:37 p.m. local time Thursday, with its epicenter at a latitude of 32.1 degrees north and a longitude of 138.

Nissei promotes soft ice cream with muscat cider in Tohoku region Rikuzentakata [Japan], October 21 (ANI): Takatamatsubara Memorial Park for Tsunami disaster is located in Rikuzentakata city of Iwate Prefecture.

2021-10-21T11:52+0200aninews (en)

Nissei promotes soft ice cream with muscat cider in Tohoku region. ANI | Updated: Oct 21, 2021 13:55 IST. Memorial Park for Tsunami disaster is located in Rikuzentakata city of Iwate Prefecture. A coffee shop cafe here sells soft ice cream, which is very popular among visitors.

5.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan's Tochigi Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2021-10-21T11:41+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Thursday struck Utsunomiya city in Tochigi Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 17:37 p.m. local time Thursday, with its epicenter at a latitude of 32.1 degrees north and a longitude of 138.

Deep M6.0 earthquake hits Fiji region

2021-10-21T11:37+0200watchers (en)

The epicenter was located 695 km (431 miles) SW of Vaini, Tonga and 799 km (496 miles) S of Suva, Fiji. There are no people living within 100 km (62 miles). There is no tsunami threat from this earthquake. The USGS issued a Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

Greece: Magnitude-4.5 earthquake occurs in Crete at around 11:12 Oct. 21

2021-10-21T11:08+0200garda-com (en)

Event. A magnitude-4.5 earthquake occurred in Crete at around 11:12 Oct. 21. The epicenter was about 18 km (11 miles) south -southwest of Irakleion. The tremor occurred at a depth of about 2 km (1.2 miles), and moderate to light shaking was probably felt throughout Crete and sou the rn South Aegean regions.

Terremoto oggi: in Friuli doppia scossa. Tremano Tolmezzo e Zuglio

2021-10-21T09:01+0200247libero (it)

Udine, 21 ottobre 2021 - Doppia scossa di terromoto oggi in Friuli . La terra ha tremato nella notte, il sisma più forte alle 2:28: una scossa di magnitudo 3,7 è stata avvertita dalla popolazione nell'area di Zuglio e Tolmezzo , in provincia di Udine. L'epicentro a 5 chilometri a Sud-Est di Zuglio.

Terremoto, paura in Friuli nella notte: scossa avvertita da Tolmezzo a Udine, DATI e MAPPE

2021-10-21T06:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Paura in Friuli nella notte, per una scossa di terremoto registrata alle 02:28. La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha registrato un evento magnitudo 3.7 nel Nord della regione, in provincia di Udine. Il sisma ha avuto epicentro a 5 km Sud/Est da Zuglio e ipocentro a 13 km di profondità ed è stato nettamente....

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Oamaru students stand up to ShakeOutThursday, October 21, 2021Oamaru students from...

2021-10-21T06:25+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

and co-sponsored by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) to remind New Zealand what to do during an earthquake and tsunami. A week from today, on 28 October at 9:30am, people are encouraged wherever they are in Aotearoa to practice the Drop, Cover, and Hold actions to protect themselves from harm during....

Tairawhiti tops registrations for ShakeOut - Gisborne DC

2021-10-21T02:56+0200voxy (en)

TairÄwhiti tops the leaderboard with the number of registrations for ShakeOut -- our annual earthquake drill and tsunami hĪkoi on next Thursday 28 October. Results released this week show 17 per cent of registrations in Aotearoa have come from TairÄwhiti, with Wellington a close second at 15 per cent.

Oamaru students stand up to ShakeOut

2021-10-21T00:54+0200voxy (en)

Oamaru students from St Joseph’s School will be setting an example of how to respond in an earthquake for more than 500,000 Kiwis next Thursday as the y take part in New Zeal and ShakeOut. ShakeOut is led by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and co-sponsored by the Earthquake Commission....

Regarding the drill, let’s remember the most powerful earthquakes in Hispaniola

2021-10-20T22:15+0200dominicantoday (en)

The country has a high probability of a powerful earthquake, as experts in the field have been warning for some time. This is because Hispaniola, the isl and comprising the Dominican Republic and Haiti, has a system of active geological faults that run through almost the entire territory.

Map: 3.7 earthquake felt in Santa Cruz, Morgan Hill

2021-10-20T18:31+0200eastbaytimes (en)

A 3.7 magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning south of Hollister was felt from Monterey Bay to the I-5 corridor. The quake, at 1:57 a.m., was centered off Cienega Road about 4 miles southwest of Paicines, the U.S. Geological Survey said. It was followed by a 2.6 aftershock around 7 a.m.

Map: 3.7 earthquake felt in Santa Cruz, Morgan Hill

2021-10-20T18:28+0200mercurynews (en)

A 3.7 magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning south of Hollister was felt from Monterey Bay to the I-5 corridor. The quake, at 1:57 a.m., was centered off Cienega Road about 4 miles southwest of Paicines, the U.S. Geological Survey said. It was followed by a 2.6 aftershock around 7 a.m.

Forests protection essential to provide conducive environment to future generations: AJK PM

2021-10-20T17:39+0200app-en (en)

MIRPUR (AJK):Oct 20 (APP):Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi Wednesday emphasized for the need to protect the state asset of huge forests and to maintain the natural beauty to provide a conducive environment to the future generations.

Trema ancora la Sicilia, nuovo sisma lungo le coste dell’isola: i DETTAGLI

2021-10-20T17:32+0200it-geosnews (it)

MESSINA – Un sisma di magnitudo 3.6 si è manifestato alle ore 14,08 di oggi pomeriggio al largo delle coste della provincia di Messina, a poca distanza dalle isole Eolie nel mare Tirreno Meridionale. Il terremoto è stato localizzato dalla Sala Sismica INGV-Roma (Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia).

Terremoti: Ingv, scossa di magnitudo 3.6 nel Tirreno meridionale

2021-10-20T15:11+0200agenzianova (it)

Roma, 20 ott 14:43 - (Agenzia Nova) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 3.6 è stata registrata questo pomeriggio, alle 14.08, nel Tirreno meridionale, a 45 chilometri a nord di Messina, ad una profondità di 193 chilometri. L'evento sismico è stato localizzato dalla sala sismica dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv), a Roma.

Aceh's Nusa Tourism Village designated to provide disaster education

2021-10-20T15:10+0200antaranews-en (en)

Traditional dancers perform the Ratoh Duek dance to welcome Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno to Nusa Tourism Village in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, on Wednesday (October 20, 2021). (ANTARA/Khalis Surry) Banda Aceh, Aceh (ANTARA) - Minister of Tourism and Creative....

Scossa di terremoto magnitudo M3.6 nel Tirreno Meridionale, al largo di Calabria e Sicilia [DATI e MAPPE]

2021-10-20T14:44+0200meteoweb (it)

Terremoto nel Tirreno Meridionale, l'evento si è verificato alle 14:08:22. La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha registrato un terremoto magnitudo ML 3.6 nel Tirreno Meridionale. L’evento si è verificato alle 14:08:22 ad una profondità di 193 km. Non si segnalano danni a persone o cose.

Séisme. Hautes-Alpes : la terre a tremblé dans le Briançonnais

2021-10-20T11:49+0200ledauphine (fr)

Ce mercredi 20 octobre, à 8 h 25, la terre a tremblé à une dizaine de kilomètres au sud de Briançon. Le Réseau national de surveillance sismique (Renass) a enregistré un tremblement de terre de magnitude de 2,4 MLv (magnitude locale verticale). Celui-ci situe le séisme – dont les données doivent....

A Japanese ghost ship sunk by the United States during World War II on Iwo Jima, which was lifted from the deep sea after the sway of the volcano lifted the seabed.

2021-10-20T10:14+0200eminetra (en)

The boat was sunk by the United States after the Battle of Iwo Jima Credit: Alamy. A dramatic photo was released by All-Nippon News after the seabed began to rise due to the activity of the mortar mountain in the western part of Iwo Jima. Thanks to the shaking of the earthquake, the sunken boat is now sitting on the ash.

New earthquake in Arkalochori

2021-10-20T07:56+0200in-gr (en)

A weak earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 on the Richter scale was recorded by the seismological network in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The quake struck 341 km south / southeast of Athens. The epicenter of the vibration, which had a focal depth of 11.7 km, is located 5 km northeast of the city of Arkalochori.

English Edition | 20.10.2021 | 08:24 New earthquake in Arkalochori The epicenter of the vibration, which had a focal depth of 11.7 km, is located 5 km northeast of the city of Arkalochori

2021-10-20T07:38+0200ot (en)

A weak earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 on the Richter scale was recorded by the seismological network in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The quake struck 341 km south / southeast of Athens. The epicenter of the vibration, which had a focal depth of 11.7 km, is located 5 km northeast of the city of Arkalochori.

20 ottobre 1562: a Reggio sprofonda Punta Calamizzi

2021-10-20T07:21+0200247libero (it)

L’effetto combinato di un sisma e dello spostamento a sud della foce del Calopinace portarono il 20 ottobre 1562 all’inabissamento di Punta Calamizzi, l’antico approdo naturale e porto di Reggio. L’antico approdo naturale su cui sorgeva il porto di Reggio sprofondò nelle acque dello Stretto di....

20 ottobre 1562: a Reggio sprofonda Punta Calamizzi

2021-10-20T00:03+0200strettoweb (it)

L’effetto combinato di un sisma e dello spostamento a sud della foce del Calopinace portarono il 20 ottobre 1562 all’inabissamento di Punta Calamizzi, l’antico approdo naturale e porto di Reggio. L’antico approdo naturale su cui sorgeva il porto di Reggio sprofondò nelle acque dello Stretto di....

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