Forest Fire (10440 ha) in United States 23 Apr 2022

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 26
Articles about casualties: 1 (3.8%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 22 Apr 2022

No relief in sight: Northwest India to swelter till July, say experts

2022-05-19T20:48+0200downtoearth (en)

The north-western parts of India, which have suffered the most due to heatwaves in the past three months, may not get respite from the sweltering heat till July, according to experts. One reason for this would be the ongoing westerly desert winds coming in from the Arabian Peninsula that usually....

Sherry takes notice of bushfire incident at Margallah Hills

2022-05-19T03:24+0200dailytimesPK (en)

The Federal Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman took strong notice of the news on social media about people setting or using and implicitly endorsing, even glamourizing bushfires as vanity backdrops for fashion photo shoots in what was claimed to be the Margallah Hills.

Tormentas generadoras de tornados amenazan la ciudad de Nueva York y Washington

2022-05-16T20:41+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — Vientos dañinos, granizo de gran tamaño e incluso tornados azotarán la región más densamente poblada de Estados Unidos en la tarde de este lunes y podrían causar estragos en los trayectos nocturnos. Un meteorólogo de la oficina del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) de Washington dijo por....

Chinook helicopters bolster Turkish defense against wildfires

2022-05-16T14:55+0200dailysabah (en)

As it braces for a season of forest fires this summer, Turkey hopes more aerial vehicles will help in its fight against the potential disaster. More recently, four Chinook helicopters were delivered to Turkey from the United States and six others are on the way to the country, hoping to be ready for....

Cleaner Air Leads to More Atlantic Hurricanes, NOAA Study Finds

2022-05-15T18:34+0200theepochtimes (en)

A new study suggests that the successful efforts in North America and Europe to reduce air pollution have led to an unintended consequence—more The “surprising result” was found by Hiroyuki Murakami, a physical scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Vento e siccità per incendi inarrestabili negli USA occidentali | FOTO

2022-05-12T22:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Dal New Mexico al Colorado e parti del Midwest, oggi sono stati emesse allerte rosse per pericolo estremo di incendi a causa di bassi livelli di umidità, venti irregolari e alte temperature. La stessa combinazione di condizioni meteorologiche ha contribuito nell’ultimo mese a incendi primaverili molto più gravi del normale negli Stati Uniti.

Tree death contributes to climate change more than you’d think

2022-05-12T14:45+0200openaccessgovernment (en)

Trees hold an important place in global climate change efforts, but with tree deaths increasing, could they do more harm than good? Trees have the ability to absorb some of the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, however, all that carbon has the ability to be cast back out into the atmosphere when trees burn up in forest fires.

La siccità alimenta “incendi catastrofici” in New Mexico | FOTO

2022-05-11T21:05+0200meteoweb (it)

Imponenti pennacchi di fumo e nuvole di pirocumuli si levano dagli incendi che stanno devastando il New Mexico (USA) e mentre la siccità peggiora, molti temono che questa stagione degli incendi sarà diversa dalle altre. “ Siamo già in modalità disastro climatico in tutto il pianeta, ma negli Stati....

Video meteo cronaca diretta: Stati Uniti, grossi incendi devastano lo stato del New Mexico, leggi articolo completo

2022-05-08T18:31+0200ilmeteo (it)

Stati Uniti, 8 maggio 2022. Vasti incendi si sono sviluppati, per colpa dell'uomo, nello Stato del New Mexico, con capitale Santa Fe. Il fuoco ormai ha bruciato parecchi ettari di foresta e terreno e i vigili del fuoco trovano estrema difficoltà a domarlo. Sono intervenuti anche i Canadair.

“Working ahead of the curve”: a representative of Avialesookhrana talks about the situation with forest fires in Russia

2022-05-07T08:46+0200tellerreport (en)

The Russian method of fighting forest fires is more effective than that used by a number of other countries. Alexey Naryshkin, head of the public relations department of the FBU Avialesookhrana, spoke about this in an interview with RT. According to him, in order to reduce the number of fires in the....

Climate Change Driving Forests To Smaller And Younger Trees

2022-05-06T18:56+0200qnewshub (en)

Our planet’s forests are adapting to global warming, as one would expect. But their trees are getting shorter and younger. And that’s going to continue for a long time. Burned forest are a natural phenomenon, and can recover if conditions are normal. But conditions are not normal anymore.

El Niño could drive intense season for Amazon fires

2022-05-02T07:17+0200news-uci (en)

Irvine , Calif. , June 29, 2016 – The long-lasting effects of El Niño are projected to cause an intense fire season in the Amazon, according to the 2016 seasonal forecast from scientists at NASA and the University of California, Irvine. El Niño conditions in 2015 and early 2016 altered rainfall patterns around the world.

Parched Las Vegas loses a water source as drought depletes Lake Mead

2022-04-30T20:47+0200buffalonews (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Parched Las Vegas loses a water source as drought depletes Lake Mead

2022-04-30T20:44+0200wacotrib (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Parched Las Vegas loses a water source as drought depletes Lake Mead

2022-04-30T20:38+0200wcfcourier (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Parched Las Vegas loses a water source as drought depletes Lake Mead

2022-04-30T20:31+0200missoulian (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Parched Las Vegas loses a water source as drought depletes Lake Mead

2022-04-30T20:22+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Alaska hit by largest April wildfire in a quarter century

2022-04-28T22:17+0200independent-UK (en)

The largest in April in Alaska in more than a quarter century has reached nearly 10,000 acres. The Alaska Division of Forestry is not currently taking any measures to fight the fire, which, on its current trajectory, is not threatening either the nearby town of Kewthluk or nearby Indigenous land.

USA: programma da 2,5 mld per rafforzare e modernizzare la rete elettrica con gli eventi estremi

2022-04-28T10:02+0200esgdata (it)

L’amministrazione Biden-Harris attraverso il Dipartimento dell’Energia degli Stati Uniti (DOE) ha rilasciato una richiesta di informazioni per ottenere un contributo pubblico sulla struttura di un programma di sovvenzione formula da 2,5 miliardi di dollari per rafforzare e modernizzare la rete....

From destruction to rejuvenation: When forest fires are a good thing

2022-04-27T16:59+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

In a rainforest like the Amazon, massive forest fires are a disaster . They irretrievably destroy the habitat of tens of thousands of plant and animal species. If the rainforest burns down, all nutrients are lost because they are stored in the plants themselves, not in the soil.

Russian smoke gets in U.S. skies

2022-04-27T12:27+0200arkansasonline (en)

Fires are breaking in Siberia this spring, sending billowing smoke into the western United States that's tinted skies pink. Some experts are concerned that Russia may lack sufficient military resources to extinguish the blazes, especially as activity increases in the summer, given its current invasion of Ukraine.

Fires burn in Siberia, but Russian firefighting assets are in Ukraine

2022-04-26T23:42+0200bostonglobe (en)

One of the regions with the largest number of extinguished forest fires was in Siberia's Omsk Oblast. Videos from the Siberian Times showed wildfires raging across Omsk and Tyumen oblasts in Western Siberia, while satellite data also showed several fires across the landscape.

Calidad del aire en los Estados Unidos: el ranking de ciudades con más contaminación

2022-04-26T21:25+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Emisiones de CO2. Contaminación. el enemigo público número uno de las automotrices impacto profundo En la industria Dióxido de carbono. Entre los acusados por el calentamiento global; un vehículo particular arroja más de 23 g/km de este gas por cada litro de nafta consumido en 100 km Shutterstock ....

In Europa la gestione forestale non è in linea con i modelli naturali

2022-04-25T06:13+0200vasroma (it)

Lo studio “Natural disturbance regimes as a guide for sustainable forest management in Europe” pubblicato recentemente su Ecological Applications da un team di ricercatori europei e statunitensi del quale fa parte anche Renzo Motta del Dipartimento di scienze agrarie, forestali e alimentari....

Polveri dal deserto del Sahara, così l’Africa nutre l’Amazzonia

2022-04-24T19:35+0200editorialedomani (it)

Perché così tanto interesse per l’Atto? Perché tra i vari scopi di studio dell’osservatorio vi è quello di esaminare la polvere che sotto forma di minuscoli minerali arriva dal deserto del Sahara, da più di 5mila chilometri di distanza. Ogni granello di polvere trasporta nutrienti chiave per....

USA: Heavy forest fires destroy numerous houses

2022-04-24T13:48+0200tellerreport (en)

Dozens of active fires have forced thousands of people to flee across the American Southwest. The state of New Mexico is the worst affected. The governor has declared a state of emergency. Wildfires have destroyed or damaged scores of homes in the southwestern United States and forced thousands to flee.

Floods, heat waves, fires… Summer 2021, a season of all extremes in Europe

2022-04-22T20:39+0200tellerreport (en)

This is a new alarming observation, less than three weeks after the publication of the last IPCC report. Europe experienced the hottest summer on record in 2021, with 1°C warmer than the 1991-2020 average, Copernicus, the European Union service which studies the evolution of of the climate.

Los incendios forestales deterioran la capa de ozono

2022-04-22T17:11+0200tiempo-es (es)

Incendios forestales deterioran la Capa de Ozono. Hasta el pasado año existía un consenso científico referente a los plazos de recuperación de la Capa de Ozono,los cuales aseguraban que para 2030 la capa de ozono se habrá recuperado en las latitudes medias, seguido por el hemisferio sur en la década....

In Europa la gestione forestale non è in linea con i modelli naturali

2022-04-22T16:01+0200greenreport (it)

Lo studio “Natural disturbance regimes as a guide for sustainable forest management in Europe” pubblicato recentemente su Ecological Applications da un team di ricercatori europei e statunitensi del quale fa parte anche Renzo Motta del Dipartimento di scienze agrarie, forestali e alimentari dell’università di Torino.

Wildfire season explodes early: Blazes burn through northern Arizona, elsewhere

2022-04-21T05:58+0200buffalonews (en)

How wildfires have worsened in recent years A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests,....

Wildfire season explodes early: Blazes burn through northern Arizona, elsewhere

2022-04-21T05:35+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

How wildfires have worsened in recent years A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests,....

Wildfire season explodes early: Blazes burn through northern Arizona, elsewhere

2022-04-21T05:09+0200wcfcourier (en)

Lisa Wells, stands with her dogs Lily, and Bandit, as they wait for family in the parking lot on the outskirts of Flagstaff, Ariz., on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Wells and her family evacuated because of a wildfire that destroyed their home. Felicia Fonseca - staff, AP A wind-driven wildfire burns at the edge of U.

Wildfire season explodes early: Blazes burn through northern Arizona, elsewhere

2022-04-21T05:06+0200wacotrib (en)

How wildfires have worsened in recent years A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests,....

Wildfire season explodes early: Blazes burn through northern Arizona, elsewhere

2022-04-21T04:57+0200missoulian (en)

How wildfires have worsened in recent years A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests,....

Western wildfires bring 'new peak to air pollution,' new study finds

2022-04-20T22:28+0200upi (en)

The research team behind the new report used satellite-based observations of atmospheric chemistry and global inventories of fires to track wildfire emissions from 2002 to 2018 alongside computer modeling to analyze the potential impacts of the smoke, focusing on three regions: the Pacific Northwest, the central U.

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