Forest Fire (7129 ha) in Bolivia 14 Oct 2021

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 13 Oct 2021

Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-11T10:19+0100terradaily (en)

The road through San Matias, Bolivia , is a no man's land. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of once lush forest are now a wasteland of twisted, carbonized tree stumps. It is a protected area, but San Matias -- which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines -- burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season.

Trees bloom amid wasteland left behind by Bolivia wildfires

2021-11-10T17:34+0100missoulian (en)

Leafless trees in Bolivia 's San Matia Protected Area were seen blooming on Oct. 16, after forest fires scorched through millions of acres of land.

Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-10T10:57+0100phys (en)

It is a protected area, but San Matias—which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines—burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season. The practice is legal during May and June, after the rainy season, with each farmer allowed to burn 20 hectares—also in the....

Climate change and fire: endangered Bolivian forests

2021-11-10T10:55+0100floridanewstimes (en)

The road through San Matthias in Bolivia is a no-man’s land. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest, once lush, are now a wasteland of twisted, carbonized tree stumps. Although a protected area, San Matthias, with its self-sufficient farmers, ranches and quartz mines, burns every year as the land is cleared for the next planting season.

Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-10T06:04+0100urdupoint (en)

, is a no man 's land. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of once lush forest are now a wasteland of twisted, carbonized tree stumps. It is a protected area, but San Matias -- which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines -- burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season.

Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-10T03:09+0100digitaljournal (en)

The road through San Matias, Bolivia , is a no man’s land. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of once lush forest are now a wasteland of twisted, carbonized tree stumps. It is a protected area, but San Matias — which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines — burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season.

Climate Change And Fires: Bolivia's Forests In Peril

2021-11-10T02:57+0100barrons (en)

The practice is legal during May and June, after the rainy season, with each farmer allowed to burn 20 hectares -- also in the reserve located in Bolivia 's eastern Santa Cruz department, near the border with Brazil. The limit is often deliberately exceeded, and the fines negligible.

Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-10T02:48+0100yahoo-sg (en)

The road through San Matias, Bolivia , is a no man's land. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of once lush forest are now a wasteland of twisted, carbonized tree stumps. It is a protected area, but San Matias -- which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines -- burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season.

10/11/2021 Climate change and fires: Bolivia's forests in peril

2021-11-10T02:41+0100rfi-en (en)

It is a protected area, but San Matias -- which also hosts subsistence farmers, cattle ranches and quartz mines -- burns every year as land is cleared for the next planting season. The practice is legal during May and June, after the rainy season, with each farmer allowed to burn 20 hectares -- also....

COP26, il punto sull’ottavo giorno: Obama, la Cina e la richiesta dell’Africa

2021-11-09T13:29+0100iconaclima (it)

La COP26 prosegue con la nona giornata di negoziati dedicata a due tematiche principali: identità di genere più scienze e innovazione (ne parliamo a questo link ). Nella giornata di ieri è stato invece affrontato il tema di adattamento, perdita e danno con le testimonianze dirette dei sopravvissuti....

"Le nostre terre, i nostri diritti". Parla Marcial Fabricano

2021-11-05T15:28+0100247libero (it)

Oltre alla questione delle terre, l’ultima marcia si è collocata nel solco del grande dibattito che è nato soprattutto dopo gli enormi incendi del 2019 che, con cinque milioni quattrocentomila ettari bruciati tra savane e foreste nell’Amazzonia e nel Chaco boliviani, rappresentano probabilmente....

Cop26, le conseguenze economiche del riscaldamento globale. Cosa misura il Climate Index 2021?

2021-11-03T17:26+0100scuola24 (it)

che in questa edizione presenta i dati relativi al 2019. Anzi sono stati presi in considerazione i dati più recenti disponibili, per il 2019 e dal 2000 al 2019. Ricordiamo che l’indice in questione è uno strumento che serve a stimare il livello di rischio a cui un paese è sottoposto in virtù dei....

Fires leave trail of dead wildlife, scorched land in Bolivia’s protected areas

2021-10-11T11:54+0200mongabay (en)

Forest fires in Bolivia are showing no sign of abating, with blazes sweeping through ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest, Chaco scrubland, Chiquitanía savanna, and Pantanal wetland. With almost 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) burned to date this year, experts are warning of a repeat of the devastation of recent years.

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