Forest Fire (5485 ha) in Australia 13 Sep 2022

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Articles after 12 Sep 2022

Fighting The Evil Enemy — Forest Fire

2022-10-02T01:55+0200timesofindia (en)

Nagpur: Very few of us are aware of the fact that it is not poaching, but among the most damaging factors affecting our forests is actually the trail left behind by the forest fires. From a few acres, which the fire-fighting staff manage to control at an early stage, to a few square kilometres and....

'Satellite heroes' behind earthquake relief

2022-10-01T12:55+0200ecns (en)

(ECNS) -- Soon after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Luding County, southwest China's Sichuan Province at 12:52 pm on Sept. 5, 2022, the China Center for Resources Satellite Data & Application immediately started emergency rescue work. The Gaofen-3 resource satellite acquired the SAR images of the....

Two-thirds of Earth’s land is on pace to lose water …

2022-09-29T06:39+0200wearecentralpa (en)

The world watched with a sense of dread in 2018 as Cape Town, South Africa, counted down the days until the city would run out of water. The region’s surface reservoirs were going dry amid its worst drought on record, and the public countdown was a plea for help.

China’s extreme weather challenges scientists trying to study it

2022-09-22T02:17+0200nature-current (en)

Many regions of China are just emerging from a record-breaking heatwave that lasted for two months, and which was followed by one of the worst droughts in nearly 40 years. Researchers are now trying to understand the conditions that fuelled such extreme events, because many projections came up short.

China’s extreme weather challenges scientists trying to study it

2022-09-22T02:15+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Many regions of China are just emerging from a record-breaking heatwave that lasted for two months, and which was followed by one of the worst droughts in nearly 40 years. Researchers are now trying to understand the conditions that fuelled such extreme events, because many projections came up short.

China’s extreme weather challenges scientists trying to study it A severe heatwave in parts of China exacerbated a drought and fuelled wildfires.

2022-09-21T20:06+0200nature (en)

Many regions of China are just emerging from a record-breaking heatwave that lasted for two months, and which was followed by one of the worst droughts in nearly 40 years. Researchers are now trying to understand the conditions that fuelled such extreme events, because many projections came up short.

China’s extreme weather challenges scientists trying to study it

2022-09-21T10:19+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Many regions of China are just emerging from a record-breaking heatwave that lasted for two months, and which was followed by one of the worst droughts in nearly 40 years. Researchers are now trying to understand the conditions that fueled such extreme events, because many projections came up short.

While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Sept 20

2022-09-20T00:25+0200straitstimesSG (en)

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

A third of Aussies fear losing their homes to climate change

2022-09-16T19:39+0200samacharcentral (en)

Six in 10 Australia ns (62%) expect climate change will have a severe effect in their area over the next 10 years and globally across 34 countries more than 71%, including a majority in every single country, expect the same, a new study conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum finds.

A third of Aussies fear losing their homes to climate change

2022-09-16T19:20+0200vervetimes (en)

Six in 10 Australia ns (62%) expect climate change will have a severe effect in their area over the next 10 years and globally across 34 countries more than 71%, including a majority in every single country, expect the same, a new study conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum finds.

World Ozone Day: Forest fires pose new threat to ozone layer

2022-09-16T17:20+0200downtoearth (en)

The wildfires that scorched much of Australia from June 2019 to March 2020 were unprecedented in scale and nature. They burned over 33 million hectares, killed or displaced 3 billion animals and caused damage to property, becoming the worst natural disaster in the country.

Scopri di più su Conferenza internazionale dedicata agli incendi boschivi

2022-09-16T09:57+0200regione-toscana (it)

Conferenza internazionale dedicata agli incendi boschivi. L' Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) e la Pau Costa Foundation (PCF) , in collaborazione con la Regione Toscana e l' Università degli Studi di Firenze , ospitano dal 4 al 7 ottobre 2022 presso l'Auditorium di Santa Apollonia in via S.

Segittur presenta una guía práctica de respuesta ante futuros adversos para destinos turísticos

2022-09-15T09:03+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 14 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - Segittur ha presentado la Guía práctica ante futuros adversos para destinos turísticos inteligentes, cuyo objetivo es ayudar a los gestores a prepararse para reaccionar ante situaciones no previstas que alteren el normal funcionamiento de su actividad.

The EU-funded projects helping to fight forest fires

2022-09-14T17:39+0200publicnow (en)

© PTZ Pictures, Shutterstock. The month of August has yet to finish and 600,731 hectares have currently been lost in European countries since the start of the summer season in 2022, the second most damage since 2006 when fire damage numbers began being kept. In comparison 2017, the worst year on record, 987,844 hectares were destroyed by fires.

Economía/Turismo.- Segittur presenta una guía práctica de respuesta ante futuros adversos para destinos turísticos

2022-09-14T16:23+0200bolsamania (es)

Esta Guía, que forma parte de la colección de publicaciones enmarcadas dentro de la Red de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes, analiza siete tipos de adversidades que tienen capacidad de interrumpir lasactividades turísticas, como son las alertas de salud, los fenómenos meteorológicos, los....

Scenario attuale del mercato dei prodotti chimici antincendio e prospettive di crescita entro il 2029

2022-09-14T12:09+0200digitalesiciliana (it)

Si prevede che le dimensioni del mercato globale dei prodotti chimici antincendio registreranno una prolifica traiettoria di crescita a causa del frequente verificarsi di incidenti legati agli incendi sul posto di lavoro negli ultimi dieci anni, rileva Fortune Business Insights™ nel suo rapporto.

Australian flora and fauna in grave danger, the fault of the climate and man

2022-09-14T07:46+0200tellerreport (en)

It is the "shocking" report released by the government that signals environmental devastation. The forest fires of 2019-2020 burned more than eight million hectares of vegetation and killed or moved between one and three billion animals in the country Australia 's flora and fauna are at greater risk....

Terzo previsto La Nina; condizioni di pioggia fissate per l’estate.

2022-09-13T14:52+0200notizieglobali (it)

Il terzo evento consecutivo di La Nia è stato previsto per l’ Australia , il che significa che le condizioni di pioggia probabilmente continueranno in estate per milioni di persone Secondo l’ufficio di presidenza, l’evento La Nia potrebbe raggiungere il picco durante la primavera e tornare a condizioni neutrali all’inizio del 2023.

Copernicus: l’estate 2022 è stata la più calda mai registrata in Europa

2022-09-12T08:38+0200greencity-it (it)

ha pubblicato il bollettino climatico mensile di agosto che riporta i cambiamenti osservati nella temperatura dell’aria superficiale globale, nella copertura del ghiaccio marino e nelle variabili idrologiche La temperatura dell’aria superficiale di agosto 2022: A livello globale la temperatura media di agosto 2022 è stata: 0.

L’estate 2022 è la più calda mai registrata in Europa

2022-09-08T19:56+0200lanuovaecologia (it)

Le temperature sono sta più alte della media in tutti i mesi della stagione. A preoccupare anche siccità e incendi. Sono i dati del servizio europeo Copernicus. L’estate appena trascorsa è stata la più calda di sempre in Europa. A rivelarlo sono i dati del Copernicus Climate Change Service che....

L’estate 2022 è stata la più calda mai registrata in Europa

2022-09-08T16:56+0200greenreport (it)

Secondo il bollettino mensile pubblicato da Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implementato dall’European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts per conto della Commissione europea, «A livello globale la temperatura media di agosto 2022 è stata: 0.

Clima, la conferma di Copernicus: Agosto non è stato il più caldo, surplus idrico per le piogge abbondanti sull’Italia

2022-09-08T15:10+0200meteoweb (it)

Oggi questi dati sono confermati da quelli di Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) che, implementato dal Centro Europeo per le previsioni metereologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con il finanziamento dell’UE, pubblica regolarmente bollettini climatici mensili che....

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