M 8.3 Earthquake and Tsunami (2.4 m) in Chile from 16 Sep 2015 22:54 UTC to 22:54

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a medium humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 8.3M
Depth: 12.52 Km
Event Date: 16 Sep 2015 22:54 UTC
16 Sep 2015 19:54 Local
Exposed Population: 580000 people in MMI
130000 people within 100km
Source: NEIC us20003k7a
Inserted at: 16 Sep 2015 23:24 UTC


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Earthquake Tsunami GDACS score
NEIC 0.7 1.7 1.7
us20003k7a Scaled population (vector) n.a Max wave scenario 0m  
  C1 earthquake n.a Max wave realtime 2.43m  
  C2 earthquake n.a      
  Country Vulnerability n.a      
  INFORM_normalised n.a      
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.
Click on image to zoom it.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1097284 1.3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.7M, 10km N/A 150 thousand (in 100km) 1.8m (at 00:22) 00:06 GEOFON
1097285 1.5 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 33km N/A 120 thousand (in 100km) 2m (at 00:12) 00:08 NTWC    
1097294 2 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 33km N/A No people affected (in 100km) 2.1m (at 00:22) 00:17 PTWC
1097296 1.3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 7.9M, 8.29km N/A 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 1.7m (at 00:32) 00:20 NEIC
1097301 1.7 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 12.52km 8.28 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 2.4m (at 00:14) 00:29 NEIC
1097314 2.1 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 25km 8.29 2.8 million (in MMI>=VII) 3.3m (at 01:00) 00:44 NEIC
1097344 3 16 Sep 2015 22:54 8.3M, 25km 8.37 560 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 3.3m (at 00:40) 01:53 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Tsunami affected locations

The maximum Wave height is  4.6m in Huentelauquen, Chile. This height is estimated for 16-Sep-2015 23:22:00.

Alert Date (UTC) Name Country Wave height (m)
16-Sep-2015 23:22:00 Huentelauquen Chile  4.6
16-Sep-2015 23:28:00 Conchali Chile  4.2
16-Sep-2015 23:32:00 Chigualoco Chile  3.8
16-Sep-2015 23:28:00 Los_Vilos Chile  3.8
16-Sep-2015 23:10:00 El_Romeral Chile  3.1
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 Ingeniero_Santa_Maria Chile  2.9
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 Guaquen Chile  2.9
16-Sep-2015 23:04:00 Totoralillo Chile  2.6
16-Sep-2015 23:00:00 Maitencillo Chile  2.6
16-Sep-2015 23:04:00 Quilimari Chile  2.6
16-Sep-2015 23:02:00 Angostura Chile  2.5
16-Sep-2015 23:04:00 Pichidangui Chile  2.5
17-Sep-2015 00:06:00 Concon Chile  2.5
17-Sep-2015 00:06:00 Las_Ramaditas Chile  2.5
16-Sep-2015 23:44:00 Quintero Chile  2.3
16-Sep-2015 23:44:00 La_Greda Chile  2.3
16-Sep-2015 23:00:00 Quillaicillo Chile  2.1
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Papudo Chile  1.9
16-Sep-2015 23:10:00 Cerro_Colorado Chile  1.7
16-Sep-2015 23:10:00 Laguna_Verde Chile  1.7
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Guanaquero Chile  1.7
17-Sep-2015 01:46:00 Ritoque Chile  1.7
16-Sep-2015 23:02:00 Gauchal Chile  1.6
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Pite Chile  1.6
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 Caleta_Horcon Chile  1.6
16-Sep-2015 22:58:00 Maitencillo Chile  1.6
16-Sep-2015 23:12:00 Renaca_Bajo Chile  1.6
16-Sep-2015 23:12:00 Valparaiso Chile  1.6
16-Sep-2015 23:12:00 Achupallas Chile  1.6
17-Sep-2015 00:08:00 Choros Chile  1.6
16-Sep-2015 23:12:00 Baron Chile  1.6
17-Sep-2015 00:26:00 La_Hacienda Chile  1.6
17-Sep-2015 00:32:00 Espantajos Chile  1.5
16-Sep-2015 23:08:00 La_Laguna Chile  1.5
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 Matanzas Chile  1.4
17-Sep-2015 00:04:00 Coquimbo Chile  1.4
17-Sep-2015 00:00:00 Playa_Ancha Chile  1.4
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 La_Boca Chile  1.4
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 Navidad Chile  1.4
16-Sep-2015 23:12:00 Quintay Chile  1.3
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 La_Compania Chile  1.3
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Punta_Teatinos Chile  1.3
17-Sep-2015 00:08:00 El_Rincon Chile  1.3
16-Sep-2015 23:50:00 Tongoy Chile  1.3
16-Sep-2015 23:48:00 La_Serena Chile  1.3
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Algarrobo Chile  1.3
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Yeco Chile  1.3
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 Penita Chile  1.3
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Totoral Chile  1.2
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Las_Cujas Chile  1.2
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 Tuman Chile  1.2
17-Sep-2015 00:08:00 Totoralillo Chile  1.1
17-Sep-2015 00:00:00 Guayacan Chile  1.1
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 El_Guanaco Chile  1.1
17-Sep-2015 00:28:00 Agua_Dulce Chile  1.0
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Sarco Chile  0.9
16-Sep-2015 23:16:00 El_Quisco Chile  0.9
16-Sep-2015 23:56:00 Trigo_Blanco Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:04:00 El_Tabo Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Iloca Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Casas_Fundo_El_Medano Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 El_Penon Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 La_Higuera Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Chanquiuque Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:36:00 Guilleumo Chile  0.8
16-Sep-2015 22:58:00 Puetro_Aldea Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 San_Antonio Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Llolleo Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Rocas_de_Santo_Domingo Chile  0.8
17-Sep-2015 00:10:00 Cartagena Chile  0.7
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 Constitucion Chile  0.7
17-Sep-2015 00:44:00 El_Peral Chile  0.7
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Curanipe Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Pahuil Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Chevelle Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Las_Lomas Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Infiernillo Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Chanco Chile  0.6
16-Sep-2015 23:18:00 Las_Cruces Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:28:00 San_Ramon Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 03:00:00 San_Antonio Chile  0.6
17-Sep-2015 00:08:00 Pichilemu Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 00:08:00 Los_Ranchones Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Chanihue Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Boca_de_Itata Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Vegos_de_Itata Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 Cajon_de_Mela Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Cerro_Verde Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Los_Morros Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Tome Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Dichato Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 01:28:00 Loanco Chile  0.5
17-Sep-2015 00:40:00 Pichibudi Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:40:00 Los_Treiles Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Lipimavida Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Los_Lobos Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 El_Rodeo Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 El_Barquito Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 Chanaral Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Las_Cruces Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Cahuil Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Chacurra Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 La_Ligua Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Ciruelos Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Boyeruca Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Bucalemu Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 Cabeceras Chile  0.4
16-Sep-2015 23:36:00 La_Villa Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Trogualemo Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Bellavista Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Pullay Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Mellinto Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Cielo Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Buchupureo Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Arinia Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 02:30:00 Colmuyao Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:48:00 Camino_del_Yeso Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:48:00 La_Chimba Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 03:08:00 Los_Palos_Hacienda Peru  0.4
17-Sep-2015 03:08:00 Chacalluta Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 San_Vicente Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Talcahuano Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Quiriguina_I Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 El_Porton Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Andalien Chile  0.4
17-Sep-2015 00:28:00 Pan_de_Azucar Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:28:00 Punta_Grande Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:48:00 Antofagasta Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:08:00 Chusqui Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Ensenada Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Punta_de_Bombon Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:34:00 Pedregal Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 03:22:00 Mejia Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:04:00 Los_Banos Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:04:00 Angola Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:16:00 Huasco Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:16:00 Huasco_Bajo Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:24:00 Michilla Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 Llico Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 Aguapie Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Coronel Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Lota Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Lota_Alto Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Laraquete Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 03:16:00 Chanabaya Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 04:46:00 Corio Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:46:00 Puerto_Flamenco Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 03:02:00 Mejillones Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:00:00 Morro_de_Sama Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:00:00 Punta_Colorada Peru  0.3
17-Sep-2015 01:52:00 Lebu Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Playa_Blanca Chile  0.3
17-Sep-2015 00:58:00 Quebrada_Seca Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:46:00 Cifuncho Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:46:00 Taltal Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:18:00 Peleco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:18:00 Tolten Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:08:00 Arica Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:08:00 Chinchorro Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:28:00 Pacocha Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:28:00 Platanal Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:28:00 Carrizal Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:24:00 Puerto_Caballas Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:46:00 Carrizal_Bajo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:46:00 Barranquilla Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Angostura Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:24:00 Majadas Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:00:00 Pichihuechui Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:32:00 La_Peuca Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Champulli Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:32:00 Lilicura Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Nahuentue Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Puerto_Saavedra Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:16:00 Calderilla Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:34:00 Quiapo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Monolito Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Poposo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Aguada_del_Pueblo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:52:00 Quidico Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Cayulfu Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:24:00 Curinanco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Queule Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:24:00 Maiquillahue Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:42:00 La_Barra Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:42:00 El_Crucero Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:52:00 El_Cardo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:52:00 Camana Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:48:00 Pueblo_Nuevo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:48:00 Huata Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:48:00 Infiernillo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:52:00 Patillos Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:06:00 Clarita Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:06:00 San_Vincente_de_Canete Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Pumillahue Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Traiguen Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Quetalmahue Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Teguaco Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:26:00 Chepu Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:42:00 Alfarillo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Garita_Dona_Maria Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Chancay Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Puerto_Supe Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Medio_Mundo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Pacayal_Grande Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Supe Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:20:00 Caldera Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:20:00 Burro_Muerto Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 Cascabeles Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 San_Ramon Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Cobija Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:10:00 Pozo_Perdido Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:22:00 Chagllianto Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:54:00 Aguada_de_la_Zorra Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:54:00 Punta_de_Lobos Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 Las_Tres_Quebradas Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 Chavina Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:16:00 San_Nicolas Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:16:00 Puerto_San_Juan Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 00:34:00 Tirua Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:42:00 Ilo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:10:00 Jaguey Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:16:00 Guardiania Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:16:00 Yerba_Buena Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 Salinas_de_Otuma Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 Puerto_General_San_Martin Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 Parakas Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:00:00 Ancon Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:00:00 Pasamayo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:06:00 Gatico Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:56:00 Chucumata Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:42:00 Huentemo Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:42:00 Rahue Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:42:00 Cucao Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:02:00 San_Juan Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 02:36:00 Faro_del_Infiernillo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Hueicolla Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:18:00 Chaihuin Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:42:00 Huitrapulli Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 01:42:00 Bahia_Mansa Chile  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 Pescadores Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 Cerro_de_Arena Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 04:44:00 Pisco Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Chira Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Lurin Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Punta_Negra Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 San_Bartolo Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 La_Campina Peru  0.2
17-Sep-2015 03:08:00 Tocopilla Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:08:00 Quillagua Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:50:00 Corral Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:50:00 Niebla Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:54:00 Punta_Negra Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:34:00 Pisagua Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:16:00 Carelmapu Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:50:00 El_Desaire Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:50:00 La_Bodega Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:14:00 Chala Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Campamento_Tres_Hermanas Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:38:00 Laguna_Grande Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:44:00 Pucusana Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:18:00 Avicola_Rio_Bravo Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:18:00 San_Pablo Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 Callao Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 La_Taboada Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 Lima Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:38:00 El_Cobre Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:22:00 La_Barra Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:30:00 Iquique Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:30:00 Alto_Hospicio Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:46:00 Carrizal Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:42:00 Mollendo Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:52:00 La_Punta Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:12:00 Atiquipa Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:12:00 Yauca Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:12:00 Tanaca Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:00:00 Blas_Herrera Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:32:00 Playa_Honda Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:40:00 Paramonga Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:40:00 Patilvilca Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 Guabun Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 01:08:00 El_Banco Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:18:00 Puerto_de_Lomas Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:06:00 Chacao Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:06:00 Bahia_Pargua Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:04:00 Cerro_Azul Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 Bujama_Baja Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 La_Capilla Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 San_Andres Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 Mala Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:10:00 Asia Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:18:00 El_Paraiso Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:36:00 Tres_Puntas Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 00:48:00 Guayusca Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 02:24:00 Islay Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:18:00 Los_Leones Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:08:00 Huacho Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:08:00 Peralbillo Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:22:00 Junin Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:36:00 Chilca Peru  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 Yaldad Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 San_Juan_de_Chadmo Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 Auchac Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 Alqui Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 Trincao Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 04:24:00 Quellon Chile  0.1
17-Sep-2015 03:54:00 Melinca Chile  0.1

See full locations list (RSS)

Initial conditions

Title: " 55km W of Illapel"

Fault parameters

  • Latitude: NaN
  • Longitude: NaN
  • Length: 223 km
  • Width: 62 km
  • Magnitude: 8.3 M

Okada parameters:

  • Slip: 5.7 m
  • Strike: 3 (geogr angle: north=0, south=180)
  • Dip: 15 degree
  • Rake: 90 degree
  • Depth: 13 km

Calculation parameters

  • Calculation space (lon/lat): -92.752, -52.581, -50.752, -10.581
  • Instead of Step -> use Cell size:3.5 minutes

Sea Level

More information

  • Timeline:
    Tsunami calculations performed to this case, click here

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.