Forest Fire (10357 ha) in Canada 26 Jul 2021

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 4 (2.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 25 Jul 2021

Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined

2021-08-12T21:26+0200mycentraloregon (en)

Yelantsevv/iStock. (YAKUTSK, Russia) — Gigantic wildfires are burning across Siberia on a record scale that is larger than all the fires raging this summer around the world combined. The massive blazes in Russia are fueled in part by extreme heat waves and record droughts that scientists are blaming on warmer temperatures linked to climate change.

Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined

2021-08-12T20:55+0200ABCnews (en)

The worst hit region is Yakutia, a vast semi-autonomous republic around 3,000 miles east of Moscow that in winter is one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth. The fires have been burning since late spring in Yakutia and are already among the largest ever recorded. The region is enduring a historic drought that is feeding the fires.

Ener2Crowd, per incendi in Italia +7,1% emissioni nel 2021 (2)

2021-08-12T18:45+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 12 AGO - "Il danno ambientale diretto legato all'aumento della CO2 causato dagli incendi è stimabile in circa 154 miliardi di euro, mentre gli investimenti necessari per compensare queste emissioni vanno dai 123 miliardi di euro necessari a finanziare progetti green ai 246 miliardi di....

British Columbians most worried about climate change nationally: poll

2021-08-12T17:59+0200crestonvalleyadvance (en)

After sweltering heat waves melted records and as wildfires continue to displace residents across the province, a recent poll suggests British Columbians are the most concerned about climate change in Canada . An Abacus Data poll that surveyed 1,500 Canadian adults in mid July explored what impact,....

Clima, Swiss Re: 40 miliardi di danni causati da eventi estremi in sei mesi

2021-08-12T17:43+0200corriere (it)

Gelate invernali, grandinate mai viste e incendi devastanti in estate. Per i danni dovuti a eventi estremi legati al clima i costi assicurativi sono ammontati a 40 miliardi di dollari nei primi sei mesi dell’anno. I dati, forniti dal colosso assicurativo Swiss Re, sono al di sopra della media....

Siberia's Wildfires Are Bigger Than All The Others Raging Right Now Combined

2021-08-12T16:45+0200iflscience (en)

From the Mediterranean to North America, vast portions of the Northern Hemisphere are grappling with extraordinarily fierce wildfires this summer. However, all of these fires combined are still no rival to the blazes currently raging in Siberia. A total of 13.4 million hectares (33.

Quanto costano i disastri ambientali. Report Swiss Re

2021-08-12T16:39+0200startmag (it)

Nella prima metà del 2021 i fenomeni meteorologici estremi come le tempeste di ghiaccio, le forti piogge e gli incendi hanno causato , per il settore assicurativo, perdite economiche per 40 miliardi di dollari. Lo afferma uno studio preliminare della società svizzera Swiss Re. IL SECONDO VALORE PIÙ ALTO DEGLI ULTIMI DIECI ANNI.

Grecia, in due settimane bruciati oltre 100mila ettari di foreste. La situazione peggiore sull’isola di Evia

2021-08-12T15:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 12 agosto 2021) In due settimane in Grecia sono andati a fuoco oltre 100mila ettari di foreste e terreni agricoli. Un record dagli incendi mortali del 2007 che devastarono diverse regioni del Paese. Emerge dai aggiornati del Sistema europeo di informazione sugli incendi boschivi (Effis).

'Airpocalypse' smoke reaches North Pole for the first time ever

2021-08-12T14:31+0200upi (en)

Aug. 12 -- Santa Claus isn't supposed to see smoke. For the first time in recorded history, hazy smoke from raging wildfires in the Arctic has reached the North Pole, and NASA satellites have the images to prove it. A week ago, the space agency's MODIS, an imaging sensor on the Aqua satellite,....

SNF – Extraordinary donation of 15 million euros for the fires

2021-08-12T13:03+0200in-gr (en)

Everyone at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) has been watching the tragic consequences of the fires sweeping countries around the world, particularly Greece, with great sadness. Our thoughts are with the family of volunteer firefighter Vasilis Filoras, who lost his life while fighting the....

Come i cambiamenti climatici sono collegati agli incendi

2021-08-12T12:25+0200fanpage (it)

Il cambiamento climatico dovuto alle attività umane ci sta presentando il conto. Ondate di caldo record e incendi boschivi stanno colpendo con una violenza senza precedenti, mentre continuano ad arrivare notizie di nuovi roghi nella nostra penisola e dal mondo.

Sicilia, caldo record: a Floridia la temperatura più alta della storia

2021-08-12T11:59+0200vanityfair (it)

12 agosto 2021 di Monica Coviello Caldo record in Sicilia. E non è un modo di dire: con 48,8°C raggiunti a Floridia, provincia di Siracusa, durante l’ondata di caldo che ha investito l’isola negli ultimi giorni, è stata toccata la temperatura più alta nella storia europea.

SNF – Extraordinary donation of 15 million euros for the fires

2021-08-12T11:35+0200ot (en)

Everyone at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) has been watching the tragic consequences of the fires sweeping countries around the world, particularly Greece, with great sadness. Our thoughts are with the family of volunteer firefighter Vasilis Filoras, who lost his life while fighting the....

Sicily logs apparent highest ever temperature in Europe at 48.8 degrees

2021-08-12T10:43+0200irishtimes (en)

The highest temperature in European history appears to have been recorded in Italy during a heatwave sweeping the country, with early reports suggesting a high of 48.8 degrees. If this is accepted by the World Meteorological Organisation it will break the previous European record of 48 degrees set in Athens in 1977.

In photos: Where wildfires are blazing around the world - Axios

2021-08-11T12:01+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

A local resident gestures as he holds an empty water hose during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia (Euboea) island, Greece's second largest island, on August 8, 2021. Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP via Getty Images.

In photos: Where wildfires are blazing around the world - Axios

2021-08-11T11:56+0200google-top-stories (en)

A local resident gestures as he holds an empty water hose during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia (Euboea) island, Greece's second largest island, on August 8, 2021. Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP via Getty Images.

Il nuovo Rapporto sul Clima mette in guardia sui rischi legati al cambiamento climatico. È allarme rosso

2021-08-11T10:02+0200borsainside (it)

A tracciare una situazione allarmante è il report del Comitato intergovernativo per il cambiamento climatico (The Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC) secondo il quale la scala dei recenti cambiamenti si mostra inedita. Le conseguenze dell'azione dell'uomo sul clima mondiale stanno....

World NASA: Wildfire smoke reaches North Pole for 1st time in history Kyle Hicks 3:34 PM, Aug 10, 2021

2021-08-10T22:41+0200wkbw (en)

Wildfire smoke has reached the North Pole for the first time in recorded history, according to NASA. The U.S. space agency says the smoke is from hundreds of wildfires burning in Russia, specifically in the country’s Siberian region. “This week, wildfire smoke has traveled more than 3,000 km (1,864....

Swedish expert weighs in on how country can cut emissions in light of IPCC report

2021-08-10T22:39+0200rcinet-ca-en (en)

Forest fires burning in Yakutia in July. High temperatures, lack of rainfall and drier-than-average soil are among the factors that may have contributed to the increasing number of large forest fires in the Northern Hemisphere. (Government of the Sakha Republic) In a nearly 4,000-page report....

World NASA: Wildfire smoke reaches North Pole for 1st time in history Kyle Hicks 3:34 PM, Aug 10, 2021

2021-08-10T22:17+0200abcactionnews (en)

Wildfire smoke has reached the North Pole for the first time in recorded history, according to NASA. The U.S. space agency says the smoke is from hundreds of wildfires burning in Russia, specifically in the country’s Siberian region. “This week, wildfire smoke has traveled more than 3,000 km (1,864....

World News NASA: Wildfire smoke reaches North Pole for 1st time in history Kyle Hicks 12:34 PM, Aug 10, 2021

2021-08-10T22:15+0200ksby (en)

Wildfire smoke has reached the North Pole for the first time in recorded history, according to NASA. The U.S. space agency says the smoke is from hundreds of wildfires burning in Russia, specifically in the country’s Siberian region. “This week, wildfire smoke has traveled more than 3,000 km (1,864....

For The First Time In Recorded History, Smoke From Wildfires Reaches The North Pole

2021-08-10T21:48+0200npr (en)

Smoke From Siberia Wildfires Has Reached The North Pole For The First Time Ever Smoke from forest fires in Siberia also has stretched to Mongolia, Canada and Greenland. The fires are already an unusual occurrence for a region known as one of the coldest places on the planet.

Pikangikum forest fire evacuees in northwestern Ontario expected back home by Saturday

2021-08-10T17:45+0200CBC (en)

Over 1,000 Pikangikum First Nation residents who were forced to leave their homes last month due to forest fires in northwestern Ontario are expected back in their communities by the weekend. Vulnerable residents were removed nearly a month ago due to Red Lake 16, among the fires that have been plaguing the region for weeks.

Mayors say everyone needs to join the climate-change battle

2021-08-10T15:08+0200timescolonist (en)

Governments can’t take on all the responsibility when it comes to fighting climate change, Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes said, responding to a United Nations report released Monday that says there is no doubt human activity has caused the ocean, air and land to warm and create climate extremes.


2021-08-10T12:14+0200latuaeuropavercelli (it)

Caldo record, incendi devastanti, inondazioni e frane in piena estate e "il peggio deve ancora venire". È l'allarme lanciato dal rapporto shock degli esperti dell'Onu sul clima (il Gruppo Intergovernativo sul Cambiamento Climatico o Ipcc), redatto da 234 scienziati di 195 Paesi, a meno di tre mesi....

Perché il cambiamento climatico sarà catastrofico per l'Italia, secondo il rapporto Onu

2021-08-10T10:39+0200fanpage (it)

Il 9 agosto è stata pubblicata la prima parte del Sesto Rapporto di Valutazione messo a punto dagli scienziati del Gruppo Intergovernativo sui Cambiamenti Climatici ( IPCC ) delle Nazioni Unite, il più approfondito studio dedicato all'impatto del riscaldamento globale , al suo percorso storico e alle misure necessarie per arginarne la minaccia.

Globe continues to battle forest fires

2021-08-10T08:26+0200yenisafak-en (en)

According to US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), wildfires continue to rage across numerous areas of the world. Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires.

Forests Turn to Ash as Wildfires Continue Globally

2021-08-10T08:25+0200albawaba-en (en)

Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires. Very apocalyptic video of people in Greece being evacuated from the forest fires by boat: — Murtaza Hussain....

Climate change15 mins ago Once-in-50-year heat waves now happening every decade - UN climate report

2021-08-10T07:59+0200eureporter (en)

Scientists emphasized that these effects of climate change are already here, with events like the heat wave in the US Pacific Northwest killing hundreds in June and Brazil currently experiencing its "The heat wave in Canada , fires in California, floods in Germany, floods in China, droughts in....

Ipcc, il nuovo rapporto smaschera le vane promesse dei governi

2021-08-10T07:23+0200247libero (it)

Che non ci sia margine per tergiversare ulteriormente lo ha dichiarato anche il segretario generale dell'Organizzazione mondiale dei meteorologi, Omm (World Meteorological Organization, Wom) Petteri Taalas, che ha commentato l'ultimo rapporto dell'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Ipcc) dal....

The final warning for climate action

2021-08-10T07:02+0200gulfnews (en)

We humans have inflicted unprecedented and irreversible change on our planet and its climate, beginning a process of forever altering how our environment will act. In a critical report released on Monday, top climate scientists say that the world has very little room and time to change course to avert further disaster and calamity.

Troubling UN climate change report predicts heat extremes with ‘high confidence’

2021-08-10T02:22+0200TorontoStar (en)

From flooding in Toronto to the thawing permafrost in Canada ’s Arctic to the erosion of Prince Edward Island’s shoreline, is already leaving its mark. Now, a troubling new report from the United Nations says that extreme weather will continue with the average global temperature increasing by 1.

Globe continues to battle forest fires

2021-08-09T20:42+0200nation (en)

According to US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), wildfires continue to rage across numerous areas of the world. Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires.

Globe continues to battle forest fires

2021-08-09T19:48+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. According to US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), wildfires continue to rage across numerous areas of the world. Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires.

Globe Continues To Battle Forest Fires

2021-08-09T19:33+0200haberler-en (en)

According to US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), wildfires continue to rage across numerous areas of the world. Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires.

Clima: Onu, riscaldamento +1,5 gradi nel 2030, 10 anni prima del previsto - 2

2021-08-09T11:49+0200247libero (it)

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Roma, 9 ago - 'Questo rapporto e' un allerta rosso per l'umanita'', ha sottolineato il segretario generale dell'Onu, Antonio Guterres, puntando il dito contro le energie fossili che 'distruggono il pianeta' e chiedendo ai Paesi di porre fine alle nuove esplorazioni e....

Clima: Onu, riscaldamento +1,5 gradi nel 2030, 10 anni prima del previsto -2-

2021-08-09T11:46+0200borsaitaliana (it)

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Roma, 9 ago - 'Questo rapporto e' un allerta rosso per l'umanita'', ha sottolineato il segretario generale dell'Onu, Antonio Guterres, puntando il dito contro le energie fossili che 'distruggono il pianeta' e chiedendo ai Paesi di porre fine alle nuove esplorazioni e....

Il fumo degli incendi in Siberia ha raggiunto il Polo Nord, è la prima volta nella storia

2021-08-09T11:17+0200meteoweb (it)

Il fumo provocato dagli incendi che stanno devastando la Jacuzia , la più vasta regione siberiana nota per le rigide temperature invernali, ha raggiunto il Polo Nord , e potrebbe essere la prima volta nella storia : lo riporta il Moscow Times, che cita il sistema di monitoraggio terrestre della NASA MODIS ).

Fires rage around the world: where are the worst blazes?

2021-08-09T09:15+0200guardian (en)

A local resident reacts as he observes a large fire during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia island, Greece’s second largest island Photograph: AFP/Getty Images. Wildfires are raging across Europe and North America as scorching temperatures and dry....

Cambiamenti climatici sotto accusa

2021-08-09T00:24+0200quotidiano (it)

Incendi e cambiamenti climatici, emergenza roghi dalla Grecia alla California Sull'isola greca di Evia, il villaggio di Ellinika è circondato dalle fiamme. A Zante precipitato canadair. Negli Usa le distese aride della Sierra Nevada ormai sono un immenso braciere Roma, 8 agosto 2021 - Incendi e....

Incendi e cambiamenti climatici, emergenza roghi dalla Grecia alla California

2021-08-08T20:12+0200247libero (it)

Roma, 8 agosto 2021 - Incendi e cambiamenti climatici sembrano ormai andare di pari passo. Le fiamme stanno portando devastazione dall'Europa (Grecia, Turchia e anche Italia) al continente americano (il Dixie Fire in California, e boschi in fiamme in Bolivia), poi roghi in mezza Africa centro-meridionale.

Forest fires drive air quality concerns in northwestern Ontario

2021-08-08T17:14+0200CBC (en)

Environment Canada has issued air quality statements for some parts of northwestern Ontario on Sunday due to smoke from forest fires burning in the region. The air quality statements were issued Sunday morning for the Dryden, Ignace, Fort Frances, Rainy Lake, Kenora, Red Lake, Ear Falls, and Pikangikum areas.

Large-scale forest fires in the world caused 343 million tons of carbon emissions last month, ‘highest in history’

2021-08-08T16:23+0200archyde (en)

Observation results showed that the world’s largest wildfire occurred last month due to the unusually high temperature phenomenon. In California, USA, a larger area of ​​forest than Los Angeles (LA) was lost by last weekend due to the large wildfire ‘Dixie’. In Europe, wildfires continue for a long time, causing enormous damage.

Mediterranean apocalypse

2021-08-08T13:22+0200atalayar (en)

I have been spending the hottest summer peaks in southern Spain for almost half a century, which on the positive side is a joy. On the negative side, the effects of undeniable climate change, or rather the climatic catastrophe that is looming over much of Spain in particular, and the Mediterranean basin in general, are being felt quite perceptibly.

Wildfires in Canada and the West blanket Arkansas in a haze of smoke

2021-08-08T12:51+0200arkansasonline (en)

It's been a hazy August in Arkansas, and it'll probably stay that way for the rest of the month. Smoke from forest fires hundreds of miles away has blown into Arkansas and descended to the surface, according to the National Weather Service. "The upper-level pattern is favorable for the smoke to make....

Indigenous peoples must be heard above the roar of Canada’s forest fires

2021-08-08T12:50+0200TorontoStar (en)

As Toronto and cities from Vancouver to Montreal deal with smoke pollution from fires raging hundreds — and even thousands — of kilometres away, it is Indigenous peoples who face the brunt of the summer’s devastating blazes. These infernos grow bigger and more numerous by the day in this....

Last month was the worst July for wildfires since records began

2021-08-07T20:05+0200zmescience (en)

More than half of the carbon emissions came just from two regions (North America and Siberia) that have experienced extremely hot and dry weather in the mid-summer season, according to the Copernicus report. This is only the latest in a series of unwelcomed recent records, as the world is feeling the growing effects of the climate change crisis.

Last month was worst July for wildfires since records began

2021-08-07T10:58+0200zmescience (en)

Fires on forests and grasslands in July released 343 megatons of carbon emissions, which is about a fifth higher than the previous global record for July, set in 2014, according to EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service . This was driven by record heatwaves and prolonged droughts in many....

Wildfires ravaging forestlands in many parts of world

2021-08-07T10:15+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to the US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System. Most regions of North America and South America, the African plateau, Madagascar, the eastern Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

Incendi: 1,5 mld tonnellate di CO2 prodotte in pochi giorni

2021-08-07T10:05+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

A causa degli incendi che si sono sviluppati di recente in Italia, Canada , Grecia, Turchia e Siberia, nel solo 2021 sono state distrutti 3 milioni di ettari di foreste, pari 2,2 miliardi di alberi, con una conseguente immediata immissione in atmosfera di 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2, pari al 4,2% delle emissioni globali del 2020.

Incendi, immessi nell’atmosfera 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2

2021-08-07T00:14+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Roghi immensi ovunque, intere foreste distrutte dalle fiamme, una deforestazione che avanza inesorabile, danni ambientali diretti, legati alle emissioni di CO 2 prodotti dagli incendi, quantificabili in circa 154 miliardi di euro. Sono i dati elaborati da Ener2Crowd.

Incendi, immessi nell’atmosfera 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2

2021-08-06T23:45+0200lasentinella (it)

Roghi immensi ovunque, intere foreste distrutte dalle fiamme, una deforestazione che avanza inesorabile, danni ambientali diretti, legati alle emissioni di CO 2 prodotti dagli incendi, quantificabili in circa 154 miliardi di euro. Sono i dati elaborati da Ener2Crowd.

Wildfires Ravaging Forestlands In Many Parts Of World

2021-08-06T21:18+0200haberler-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to the US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System. Most regions of North America and South America, the African plateau, Madagascar, the eastern Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

I roghi sviluppatisi in Italia, Canada, Grecia, Turchia e Siberia nel solo 2021 hanno distrutto 3 milioni di ettari di foreste. E le emissioni di gas serra sono pari al 4,2% di quelle globali del 2020

2021-08-06T18:40+0200repubblica (it)

Roghi immensi ovunque, intere foreste distrutte dalle fiamme, una deforestazione che avanza inesorabile, danni ambientali diretti, legati alle emissioni di CO 2 prodotti dagli incendi, quantificabili in circa 154 miliardi di euro. Sono i dati elaborati da Ener2Crowd.

July wildfires released record levels of carbon, scientists say

2021-08-06T15:13+0200independent-UK (en)

Last month was the worst July for wildfires across the world in at least 18 years, scientists have said. Parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Siberia caught on fire as a result of extremely weather. The fires in July released 343 megatonnes of carbon, and is “the highest....

Indigenous cultural burning can boost biodiversity, help fight forest fires: Canadian study

2021-08-06T13:16+0200CBC (en)

Forest fires and wildfires now posing concerns in parts of Canada highlight the complicated relationship people have with fire, says the co-author of a new University of Waterloo study that indicates Indigenous fire practices can actually help fight them.

Wildfires Ravaging Forestlands In Many Parts Of Globe

2021-08-06T07:33+0200haberler-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to the Fire Information for Resource Management System of US space agency NASA. Most of North and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as Northern and Eastern Europe have been affected by fires.

Incendi dalla Siberia alla Grecia: "Vi spiego perché dobbiamo combattere i mega fires"

2021-08-06T00:02+0200quotidiano (it)

Roma, 5 agosto 2021 - È l’estate del fumo grigio su New York, del sole rosso e dell’aria ‘affumicata’ per i roghi devastanti in Oregon . È l’estate degli incendi in Canada e in Siberia - distrutti un milione e mezzo di ettari, il fumo è arrivato persino in Alaska - e del Mediterraneo che va a fuoco,....

Rain forecast brings hope to forest fire suppression efforts in northwestern Ontario

2021-08-05T21:10+0200CBC (en)

Kenora 51 has been threatening Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, leading the community to begin evacuating vulnerable residents. Rain is expected in parts of northwestern Ontario, offering hope in the fight against forest fires. (Ontario Forest Fires/Twitter) Rain is expected in some parts of....

Lidar network has potential to track wildfire pollutants across the continent

2021-08-05T19:10+0200phys (en)

Detecting these potential health hazards is part of the objective of a network of micro-pulse lidars—one of which is installed on Western's main campus—that track air particulates such as forest-fire smoke and other pollutants. "Being able to track what's coming into our air quality is really....

Seeking out suspended smoke

2021-08-05T17:39+0200miragenews (en)

Residents of London are more than a thousand kilometers from raging wildfires in northwestern Ontario and Manitoba – but the fires’ impact on air quality was evident. Detecting these potential health hazards is part of the objective of a network of micro-pulse lidars – one of which is installed on....

Anche se gli incendi sono dolosi, i cambiamenti climatici li stanno rendendo più distruttivi

2021-08-05T16:15+0200fanpage (it)

Durante un intervento alla Camera dedicato alla grave situazione degli incendi in Italia , il ministro per la Transizione ecologica Roberto Cingolani è stato chiaro e perentorio: il 70 percento dei roghi sul territorio nazionale è provocato dall' uomo .

Incendi dalla Siberia alla Grecia: "Vi spiego perché dobbiamo combattere i mega fires"

2021-08-05T12:27+0200247libero (it)

Roma, 5 agosto 2021 - È l’estate del fumo grigio su New York, del sole rosso e dell’aria ‘affumicata’ per i roghi devastanti in Oregon . È l’estate degli incendi in Canada e in Siberia - distrutti un milione e mezzo di ettari, il fumo è arrivato persino in Alaska - e del Mediterraneo che va a fuoco,....

La Turchia devastata dagli incendi: 140mila ettari di foreste inceneriti in una settimana

2021-08-05T11:59+0200greenreport (it)

Gli incendi in corso i un po’ in tutto l’emisfero nord – Italia compresa – stanno devastando anche la Turchia do, centinaia di roghi stanno riducendo in cenere foreste un tempo rigogliose e ricche di biodiversità nel sud del Paese. Il Wwf Turkey spiega che «Le fiamme, alimentate probabilmente da....

Manitoba First Nation sending some residents to Winnipeg due to wildfires, smoke

2021-08-05T03:11+0200globalnews (en)

A northern First Nation in Manitoba is sending some of its members south because of smoke and wildfires. Tataskweyak Cree Nation, also known as Split Lake, started transporting members with health concerns out of the community Tuesday evening. The Canadian Red Cross says about 100 residents took a....

Erdogan opens up on worst forest fires in Turkey, death toll rises to 8 – 08/04/2021 – world

2021-08-05T01:59+0200ksusentinel (en)

Turkey has faced the worst forest fires in its history, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday as the blaze spreads through a power plant in the southeast of the country after burning swathes of coastal forest to ashes . Fueled by high temperatures and a strong, dry wind, the flames forced....

Manitoba First Nation sending some residents to Winnipeg due to wildfires, smoke

2021-08-04T23:59+0200timescolonist (en)

WINNIPEG — A northern First Nation in Manitoba is sending some of its members south because of smoke and wildfires. Tataskweyak Cree Nation, also known as Split Lake, started transporting members with health concerns out of the community Tuesday evening.

Residents with health risks evacuating Tataskweyak Cree Nation due to wildfires

2021-08-04T22:16+0200barrie (en)

WINNIPEG -- Another Manitoba community is being evacuated as wildfires continue to burn across the province. On Wednesday, CTV News Winnipeg confirmed Tataskweyak Cree Nation began evacuating its community members with the highest health priorities, along with their companions, on Tuesday night.

Smoke from forest fires causing air quality concerns in Muskoka

2021-08-04T21:16+0200barrie (en)

BARRIE, ONT. -- Smoke from wildfires in northern Ontario and eastern Manitoba is causing high levels of air pollution for parts of Muskoka Wednesday. Environment Canada has issued a for the following regions; Huntsville, Baysville; Town of Parry Sound; Rosseau; Killbear Park.

Wildfire smoke casts haze over Sask.

2021-08-04T19:14+0200barrie (en)

SASKATOON -- Large swaths of central and eastern Saskatchewan are under air quality statements due to smoke from forest fires in British Colombia and the Prairies. “Wildfire smoke is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility at times, due to elevated values of fine particulate matter,” according to Environment and Climate Change Canada .

How Years of Fighting Every Wildfire Helped Fuel the Western Megafires of Today

2021-08-04T18:32+0200homelandsecuritynewswire (en)

Why are wildfires getting worse? Climate change is a big part of it. But, ironically, a chronic lack of fire in Western landscapes also contributes to increased fire severity and vulnerability to wildfires. It allows dry brush and live and dead trees to build up, and with more people living in....

Northwestern Ontario under smoke alerts due to forest fires in region and Manitoba

2021-08-04T17:47+0200CBC (en)

As northwestern Ontario continues its weeks-long battle against forest fires, Environment Canada has issued more air quality statements for the entire region due to smoke that's also drifting in from Manitoba. The alerts by Environment Canada on Wednesday come as 110 fires were reported in Ontario's northwest.

Forest fires spread smoke throughout northwestern Ontario

2021-08-04T17:14+0200CBC (en)

Environment Canada again issued air quality statements for northwestern Ontario Wednesday as more than 110 forest fires burned in the region. The air quality statements apply to the entire region and were issued due to smoke from active forest fires in northwestern Ontario, and eastern Manitoba, causing low air quality and reduced visibility.

How Years of Fighting Every Wildfire Helped Fuel the Western Megafires of Today

2021-08-04T07:56+0200nationalinterest (en)

After so many smoke-filled summers and record-setting burns, residents of Western North America are no strangers to wildfires. Still, many questions are circulating about why forest fires are becoming larger and more severe – and what can be done about it.

Extreme weather as climate change bites around the world

2021-08-04T03:55+0200thenews-pk (en)

Paris: Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions become a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Ontario wildfires leading to poor air quality: Environment Canada

2021-08-03T20:31+0200torontosun (en)

Nine new fires were confirmed in Ontario on Monday, Aug. 2, 2021. Photo by @ONforestfires Twitter Article content. Environment Canada says smoke from growing wildfires in northwestern Ontario is leading to poor air quality in the region. The weather agency has issued air quality statements for much....

Incendi, Wwf “Terra piegata da crisi climatica e distruzione ecosistemi”

2021-08-03T19:41+0200italpress (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Il pianeta in crisi a causa del riscaldamento globale, del disastro climatico e dalla scellerata distruzione di ecosistemi (tra cui appunto le foreste) continua ad essere travolto da una raffica di eventi catastrofici: dalle micidiali ondate di caldo in Nord America, che hanno....

Poor air quality due to northwestern Ontario wildfires: Environment Canada

2021-08-03T19:17+0200globalnews (en)

Environment Canada says smoke from growing wildfires in northwestern Ontario is leading to poor air quality in the region. The weather agency has issued air quality statements for much of the area, including Thunder Bay, saying the smoke is leading to high levels of air pollution and low visibility.

Ambiente Incendi, Wwf “Terra piegata da crisi climatica e distruzione ecosistemi”

2021-08-03T18:50+0200piunotizie (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) Il pianeta in crisi a causa del riscaldamento globale, del disastro climatico e dalla scellerata distruzione di ecosistemi (tra cui appunto le foreste) continua ad essere travolto da una raffica di eventi catastrofici: dalle micidiali ondate di caldo in Nord America, che hanno....

Wildfires ravaging forestlands in many parts of globe

2021-08-03T18:13+0200worldbulletin (en)

Wildfire s have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:56+0200europesun (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:19+0200dhakatribune (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, the world has experienced some of the worst disasters so far. Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:17+0200polandsun (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Heat, air quality warnings in effect for northwestern Ontario

2021-08-03T16:43+0200CBC (en)

Air quality statements and heat warnings were issued for northwestern Ontario Tuesday as more than 100 forest fires burn in the region. Environment Canada issued heat warnings for a number of areas, including: Dryden. Ignace. Fort Frances. Rainy Lake. Kenora. Red Lake. Pikangikum. Sioux Lookout.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T16:14+0200phys (en)

could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored. From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T15:43+0200cambodiantimes (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Deadly Summer of Extreme Weather as Climate Change Bites

2021-08-03T15:21+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T15:08+0200longbeachstar (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites –

2021-08-03T14:07+0200unravelmalta (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored. | Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T13:13+0200news24 (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored.

WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme

2021-08-03T11:32+0200247libero (it)

, incendi record in Turchia, rischiamo di perdere specie uniche e habitat per milioni di persone. WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme, l’ondata di caldo estremo che sta interessando l’Europa meridionale non si ferma e potrebbe essere una delle peggiori di sempre.

WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme

2021-08-03T11:10+0200ligurianotizie (it)

, incendi record in Turchia, rischiamo di perdere specie uniche e habitat per milioni di persone. WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme, l’ondata di caldo estremo che sta interessando l’Europa meridionale non si ferma e potrebbe essere una delle peggiori di sempre.

Extreme Canada fires similar to devastating Australian season

2021-08-03T08:56+02009news (en)

Hundreds of thousands of hectares have already been destroyed, and multiple communities are packed in evacuation centres, many not knowing if they will have homes to go back to as the threat shows no sign of subsiding if conditions don't ease. Dozens of Australian crews are now in the fire-zones,....

The World is Aflame With Massive Forest Fires - NASA

2021-08-03T08:46+0200albawaba-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

Wildfires ravaging forestlands in many parts of globe

2021-08-03T08:39+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

Wildfires ravaging forestlands in many parts of globe

2021-08-03T07:29+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as....

Wildfires ravaging forestlands in many parts of globe

2021-08-03T07:15+0200nation (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

L'estate dei roghi senza fine

2021-08-03T03:33+0200citynews (it)

La situazione più critica a oggi è però in Sicilia , dove i fronti sono centinaia e le criticità altissime. Le fiamme hanno minacciato numerose abitazioni e distrutto un’oasi naturale, quella del Simeto, a Catania, e uno storico stabilimento balneare. Il territorio brucia anche a Enna, Palermo e....

Wildfires Ravaging Forestlands In Many Parts Of Globe

2021-08-03T01:43+0200haberler-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to US space agency NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS). Accordingly, most of North America and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as....

How forest disturbances impact our water

2021-08-02T23:50+0200ubc (en)

FORESTS ARE CRUCIAL TO HUMAN SURVIVAL. From purifying the air we breathe to providing shelter, life-giving water and habitats for animals, our forests support all life. Now imagine a landscape ravaged by forest fires, insect infestations and human impacts like timber harvesting.

Grattacieli, interi quartieri, mulini: tutti in legno. Boom dell’edilizia sostenibile. E la Svezia insegna

2021-08-02T15:40+0200corriere (it)

Più attenzione all’ambiente e, soprattutto, tecnologie prima inimmaginabili. Sono i due elementi all’origine del boom dei «grattacieli di legno». Da qualche anno è ormai sfida aperta tra gli architetti di tutto il mondo per realizzare i più belli e i più arditi edifici eco sostenibili.

Austria: mons. Landau (Caritas), 'domani sarà troppo tardi per combattere le crisi climatiche"

2021-08-02T15:15+0200247libero (it)

Di fronte ai drammatici effetti della crisi climatica, la comunità internazionale è chiamata, “ma anche ciascuno di noi”, ad agire con decisione. Lo ha sottolineato in un post su Facebook il presidente di Caritas Austria e Caritas Europa, mons. Michael Landau.

Austria: mons. Landau (Caritas), “domani sarà troppo tardi per combattere le crisi climatiche”

2021-08-02T15:04+0200agensir (it)

Di fronte ai drammatici effetti della crisi climatica, la comunità internazionale è chiamata, “ma anche ciascuno di noi”, ad agire con decisione. Lo ha sottolineato in un post su Facebook il presidente di Caritas Austria e Caritas Europa, mons. Michael Landau.

L'estate dei roghi senza fine

2021-08-02T14:42+0200citynews (it)

La situazione più critica a oggi è però in Sicilia , dove i fronti sono centinaia e le criticità altissime. Le fiamme hanno minacciato numerose abitazioni e distrutto un’oasi naturale, quella del Simeto, a Catania, e uno storico stabilimento balneare. Il territorio brucia anche a Enna, Palermo e....

L'estate dei roghi senza fine

2021-08-02T14:30+0200europa-today (it)

La situazione più critica a oggi è però in Sicilia , dove i fronti sono centinaia e le criticità altissime. Le fiamme hanno minacciato numerose abitazioni e distrutto un’oasi naturale, quella del Simeto, a Catania, e uno storico stabilimento balneare. Il territorio brucia anche a Enna, Palermo e....

Il centro e il sud Italia sono ancora sconvolti dagli incendi

2021-08-02T13:45+0200247libero (it)

I Vigili del fuoco hanno compiuto 37mila interventi per incendi da giugno a oggi, di cui 1500 solo domenica. Il presidente del Consiglio ha dichiarato lo stato di mobilitazione nazionale per affrontare la situazione in Sicilia dove sono scoppiati più di 250 roghi. solo domenica .

Il centro e il sud Italia sono ancora sconvolti dagli incendi

2021-08-02T13:19+0200wired-it (it)

I Vigili del fuoco hanno compiuto 37mila interventi per incendi da giugno a oggi, di cui 1500 solo domenica. Il presidente del Consiglio ha dichiarato lo stato di mobilitazione nazionale per affrontare la situazione in Sicilia dove sono scoppiati più di 250 roghi. solo domenica .

Village's destruction underlines climate change threat

2021-08-02T04:10+0200chinadaily (en)

Smoke rises above the small western Canadian town of Lytton after wildfires forced its residents to evacuate, in Lytton, British Columbia, Canada on June 30, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] The village of Lytton, in the interior of the Canadian province of British Columbia, was virtually wiped out by fire a month ago.

Canadian Wildfire Smoke Casts Haze Over Twin Cities

2021-08-01T22:18+0200news_com_au (en)

Officials in Minnesota extended an air quality alert until August 3, as wildfire smoke descended on the state, leaving the Twin Cities cloaked in a murky haze over the weekend. Minnesota’s Pollution Control Agency said the smoke, blown from fires burning in Canada , would intensify and worsen in the state over the weekend.

As extreme heat grips Israel, Health Ministry warns against outdoor activities

2021-08-01T13:46+0200haaretz (en)

An extreme heat wave has also hit southeastern Europe. In Greece, temperatures rose to mover 40 degrees (40 F), and the authorities have declared a state of emergency and put up cooling shelters, among other measures. Forest fires have also broken out in Greece, and have threatened homes.

Il fuoco devastante che fa l'inferno in terra: gli incendi nella storia

2021-08-01T11:43+0200247libero (it)

Centinaia di migliaia di ettari di foreste in fiamme, dalla Siberia all’Alaska, dalla Columbia britannica, in Canada , all’Oregon. Nella più vasta e fredda regione russa, la Yakutia, in Siberia, in tre settimane le fiamme hanno raso al suolo oltre 800 mila ettari di foreste di coniferi e tundra,....

Turkey’s forest fires kill 6 and leave thousands homeless – 07/31/2021 – world

2021-08-01T00:12+0200ksusentinel (en)

Turkey has recorded at least 100 forest fires in recent days in the south of the country. The fire killed six and forced thousands of people to seek refuge. Heat waves and low air humidity are factors that lead to forest fires in Mediterranean countries, such as Turkey, during the northern hemisphere summer.

Clima, le spaventose previsioni per l'Irlanda. «Entro il 2050, km di coste sott'acqua. Anche Dublino»

2021-07-31T17:26+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Parte dell’ Irlanda finirà sott’acqua nel 2050 se non verranno prese misure drastiche contro il cambiamento climatico . È quanto emerge dalla mappa interattiva creata da Climate Central , un’associazione no profit americana specializzata proprio su questo argomento.

B.C. campfire enforcement service says 'people aren't getting it'

2021-07-31T15:09+0200CBC (en)

In the past month, despite the hundreds of wildfires burning throughout B.C. and the fiery destruction of the village of Lytton, conservation officers have come across dozens of people ignoring the provincewide campfire ban. The B.C. Conservation Officer Service has issued 47 tickets — totalling....

Finland suffers biggest forest fire in fifty years

2021-07-30T23:55+0200archyde (en)

A large forest fire ravaged more than 300 hectares in five days in a valley in northwest Finland, after an unusually hot start to summer in the Nordic country. The fire, which broke out on Monday July 26 about 25 kilometers south of the small port of Kalajoki, located on the Gulf of Bothnia,....

US, Europe, Russia, other areas worldwide grappling with massive fires

2021-07-30T15:48+0200yenisafak-en (en)

As fires continue to ravage many parts of the world, including the US, European Union countries, and Russia, the number of fires in 2021 so far has exceeded previous whole-year averages in many countries. According to a satellite map by US space agency NASA’s Fire Information and Resource Management....

US, Europe, Russia, Other Areas Worldwide Grappling With Massive Fires

2021-07-30T15:13+0200haberler-en (en)

As fires continue to ravage many parts of the world, including the US, European Union countries, and Russia, the number of fires in 2021 so far has exceeded previous whole-year averages in many countries. According to a satellite map by US space agency NASA's Fire Information and Resource Management....

US, Europe, Russia, other areas worldwide grappling with massive fires

2021-07-30T14:51+0200aa-en (en)

BRUSSELS As fires continue to ravage many parts of the world, including the US, European Union countries, and Russia, the number of fires in 2021 so far has exceeded previous whole-year averages in many countries. According to a satellite map by US space agency NASA’s Fire Information and Resource....

Fuoco, aria, acqua e terra: la nostra crisi climatica mondiale

2021-07-30T06:28+0200oggitreviso (it)

Immagine: fuoco, aria, acqua, terra da EskiPaper Wallpapers 2021 OREGON - 29 luglio 2021 - Una continuazione del mio precedente pezzo, " Il nostro pianeta, il nostro futuro pubblicato qui il 15/07/2021. Come ho riferito allora, la crisi climatica rimodellerà radicalmente la vita sulla Terra nei prossimi decenni.

Heat wave fears set in around the world

2021-07-30T04:56+0200chinadaily (en)

A girl cools off in Skopje, North Macedonia, on Wednesday. Authorities have issued a weather warning as the Balkan country faces extreme high temperatures of over 43 C. [BORIS GRDANOSKI/AP] SKOPJE, North Macedonia-Authorities in several southeast European countries have issued weather warnings in....

Wildfire smoke coming to Vancouver with possibility of lasting returns: Experts

2021-07-30T02:28+0200vancouversun (en)

Article content. “B.C.’s wildfire season started weeks early and peak wildfire season, in August, is still on its way,” he said. A helicopter with a water bucket flies past the Tremont Creek wildfire burning on the mountains above Ashcroft, B.C., on Friday, July 16, 2021. Photo by DARRYL DYCK THE CANADIAN PRESS.

Turkey: Three dead in fires as authorities investigate causes of blazes - including possible sabotage

2021-07-29T23:45+0200heart (en)

According to Turkish agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli, a total of 53 forest fires were recorded on Wednesday and Thursday in the Mediterranean and southern Aegean regions. He said that most of them had now been brought under control. An 82-year-old man was among the three who died....

Turkey: Three dead in fires as authorities investigate causes of blazes - including possible sabotage

2021-07-29T23:43+0200coastfm (en)

A 15-year-old also died in blazes in Lebanon , which have spread northwards into Syria. According to Turkish agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli, a total of 53 forest fires were recorded on Wednesday and Thursday in the Mediterranean and southern Aegean regions. He said that most of them had now been brought under control.

Smoke from Manitoba wildfires causing poor air quality across province's east

2021-07-29T20:57+0200CBC (en)

Smoky conditions caused by wildfires have prompted Environment Canada to issue another air quality statement for much of eastern and central Manitoba. The weather agency said in a Thursday air quality statement that forest fires in east-central Manitoba continue to cause poor air quality for communities near and downwind of the fires.

Disastri naturali e cambiamenti climatici

2021-07-29T18:47+0200247libero (it)

Questi giorni abbiamo assistito al dramma degli incendi in Sardegna, nella provincia di Oristano, in particolare a Santu Lussurgiu e Cuglieri, dove gli incendi hanno raggiunto il centro abitato, che hanno messo in ginocchio tutta la popolazione. Hanno portato alla distruzione di circa 20.

Frightening climate change map shows parts of Ireland under water by 2050

2021-07-29T18:01+0200irishmirror (en)

A map showing how much of Ireland could be underwater by 2050 has five counties in big trouble. Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and extreme because of climate change driven by human activity. Ireland had glorious weather nationwide last week. And scientific analysis has found that events such....

Beetles, drought, and fires are a ticking time bomb in the West

2021-07-29T17:08+0200vox (en)

But there’s another ingredient that could make fires even more severe, and it’s just the size of a grain of rice: bark beetles. These tiny insects prey on a large number of tree species, which can make some forests, especially in the American West, more susceptible to severe wildfires.

Despite wildfires and heatwave threats, B.C. has never used Canada’s cellphone alert system

2021-07-29T13:22+0200theglobeandmail (en)

B.C. emergency officials have yet to use Canada ’s direct-to-cellphone alerting system to warn the public about major threats, despite an unprecedented, week-long heatwave in which hundreds of people died, followed by severe forest fires that razed the village of Lytton and led to the evacuation of thousands.

The most intense heat wave of the summer reaches Europe

2021-07-29T04:42+0200explica (en)

In the coming days the balkan peninsula It is going to become a huge oven that will reach 45 degrees in some areas of Greece, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Romania or Bulgaria in what is already considered the biggest heat wave of this year in Europe, and that will also reach some parts of Italy.

Cambio climático: qué hace una «jefa de calor», el inédito cargo cread...

2021-07-29T00:10+0200el-nacional (es)

La ola de calor en el hemisferio norte está batiendo récords en 2021. Un ejemplo claro de ello es el caso de Lytton, un pequeño pueblo de la Columbia Británica, en Canadá, que registró a principios de julio la temperatura más alta de la historia en el país con 49,5 °C.

Temperatures around 50 degrees: Extreme heat and forest fires in the western United States

2021-07-28T20:05+0200archyde (en)

“It just runs over trees” In addition, the firefighters discovered blazing flames in groups of trees and individual fires that were ignited by widely scattered embers, Cox told the Los Angeles Times. “This increases the rate at which the fire spreads because the fire is actually moving between the canopy of trees,” she said.

Meteo, vegetazione, incuria del territorio: i 3 fattori dietro agli incendi (non solo in Italia)

2021-07-28T16:25+0200247libero (it)

di Emanuele Isonio – “20mila ettari, secondo le previsioni più ottimistiche. Significa che 200 milioni di metri quadrati di terreno sono stati completamente distrutti. Ci vorranno parecchi decenni per ripristinare la condizione del suolo e la sua fertilità, ristabilire gli equilibri ecosistemici e la complessità della macchia mediterranea.

Haze around Sudbury area expected to persist

2021-07-28T10:05+0200TorontoStar (en)

The air quality in Sudbury and surrounding districts is expected to fluctuate over the next few days due to active forest fires in northwestern Ontario and eastern Manitoba. Environment Canada issued a special air quality statement on Sunday for Greater Sudbury and vicinity, including Manitoulin....

Scientists offer method to assess carbon emissions in Siberian wildfires

2021-07-28T09:02+0200itartass_en (en)

YAKUTSK, July 28. /TASS/. The Sukachev Institute of Forest (the Krasnoyarsk scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Siberian Branch) offers new methods to assess emissions of carbon and greenhouse gases in wildfires in Siberia, including in the Arctic zone, the institute’s representative Evgeny Ponomarev told TASS.

Cambio climático: qué hace una "jefa de calor", el inédito cargo creado en Miami para combatir un "asesino silencioso"

2021-07-28T01:15+0200guatevision (es)

Un ejemplo claro de ello es el caso de Lytton, un pequeño pueblo de la Columbia Británica, en Canadá, que registró a principios de julio la t emperatura más alta de la historia en el país con 49,5 °C. Eso provocó incendios sin control que envolvieron al pueblo en llamas y sus 250 habitantes tuvieron que huir para salvar sus vidas.

Cambio climático: qué hace una “jefa de calor”, el inédito cargo creado en Miami para combatir un “asesino silencioso”

2021-07-28T00:56+0200prensalibre (es)

Un ejemplo claro de ello es el caso de Lytton, un pequeño pueblo de la Columbia Británica, en Canadá, que registró a principios de julio la t emperatura más alta de la historia en el país con 49,5 °C. Eso provocó incendios sin control que envolvieron al pueblo en llamas y sus 250 habitantes tuvieron que huir para salvar sus vidas.

¿Qué es una jefa de calor?: el cargo creado en Miami para combatir a un "asesino silencioso"

2021-07-27T23:29+0200elobservador (es)

Un ejemplo claro de ello es el caso de Lytton, un pequeño pueblo de la Columbia Británica, en Canadá, que registró a principios de julio la t emperatura más alta de la historia en el país con 49,5 °C. Eso provocó incendios sin control que envolvieron al pueblo en llamas y sus 250 habitantes tuvieron que huir para salvar sus vidas.

Cambio climático: qué hace una "jefa de calor", el inédito cargo creado en Miami para combatir un "asesino silencioso"

2021-07-27T22:35+0200eldeber (es)

Getty Images. La ola de calor en el hemisferio norte está batiendo récords en 2021. Un ejemplo claro de ello es el caso de Lytton, un pequeño pueblo de la Columbia Británica, en Canadá, que registró a principios de julio la t emperatura más alta de la historia en el país con 49,5 °C.

Sardegna, la ricercatrice Bacciu: “Il post-incendio è un momento delicato, fondamentale una pianificazione integrata del territorio”

2021-07-27T18:23+0200ohga (it)

Si sta parlando molto in queste ore del grande incendio che ha colpito la Sardegna negli ultimi giorni. Un fenomeno che, osservando i database dal 1998 a oggi, rappresenta il più grave incendio da allora e i cui effetti saranno quantificabili soltanto con il tempo, anche se è già evidente la portata....

'L'Italia rischia migrazioni interne per siccità al sud e acqua alta nel Po e a Venezia. Il cemento mangia due metri di suolo al secondo ma ...

2021-07-27T17:23+0200247libero (it)

Negli ultimi cinquant’anni, in Europa , la siccità ha ucciso 650mila persone , le tempeste 577.232 , le inondazioni 58.700 e le temperature estreme 55.736 esseri umani. Un’ ecatombe di quasi 1 milione e mezzo di vittime dovuta al cambiamento climatico .

Another smog warning issued for Montreal due to forest fires

2021-07-27T17:05+0200montrealgazette (en)

A small ferry arrives in the Old Port of Montreal as haze and smog fills the skyline as seen from Ile Sainte-Hélène, on Monday, July 26, 2021. (Allen McInnis / MONTREAL GAZETTE) ORG XMIT: 66463 Photo by Allen McInnis Montreal Gazette Article content. Environment Canada on Monday morning issued a....

Smog alert lifted for Montreal, but not southern and central Quebec

2021-07-27T15:42+0200montrealgazette (en)

A water bomber at work in the northwest region of Ontario. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Article content. While Environment Canada has lifted a smog alert for the Montreal area, smoke from forest fires burning in Ontario and Manitoba continue to shroud parts of southern and central Quebec.

P.E.I. air quality statement issued over distant wildfire smoke

2021-07-27T15:30+0200CBC (en)

Prince Edward Islanders may be seeing and feeling the effects of smoke from wildfires Tuesday and Wednesday. Environment Canada issued an air quality statement early Tuesday morning for the whole province, saying smoke from the distant forest fires may cause a reduction in air quality.

Wildfire smoke prompts P.E.I. air quality statement

2021-07-27T12:50+0200CBC (en)

Prince Edward Islanders may be seeing and feeling the effects of smoke from wildfires Tuesday and Wednesday. Environment Canada issued an air quality statement early Tuesday morning for the whole province, saying smoke from the distant forest fires may cause a reduction in air quality.

Ambiente, la Ue vara un piano ambizioso da applicare senza distruggere l'industria

2021-07-27T11:23+0200247libero (it)

devastanti. E rovinose alluvioni , dopo piogge e grandinate violente. Sono oramai avvenimenti che segnano drammaticamente la nostra attualità e saranno purtroppo sempre più frequenti in futuro. I cambiamenti climatici e il surriscaldamento globale ne sono la causa principale.

Ambiente, la Ue vara un piano ambizioso da applicare senza distruggere l’industria

2021-07-27T10:09+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

devastanti. E rovinose alluvioni , dopo piogge e grandinate violente. Sono oramai avvenimenti che segnano drammaticamente la nostra attualità e saranno purtroppo sempre più frequenti in futuro. I cambiamenti climatici e il surriscaldamento globale ne sono la causa principale.

Caution urged as northern wildfires trigger air quality concerns in southern Ontario

2021-07-27T01:17+0200barrie (en)

GUELPH -- The wildfires in northwestern Ontario are being felt in Guelph and Wellington County, causing hazy and smoky skies and triggering air quality statements. A special air quality statement was in effect for Guelph and much of southern Ontario through most of the day Monday, but was lifted by the evening.

Wildfire smoke expected to hang over Ottawa tonight and Tuesday

2021-07-27T01:17+0200barrie (en)

OTTAWA -- Smoke from wildfires burning in northwestern Ontario will continue to hang over Ottawa tonight and on Tuesday before conditions begin to improve. A smoky haze covered the Ottawa skyline on Monday, with high levels of air pollution due to smoke from forest fires moving into the region.

Smoke from Canadian wildfires 2,000 miles away will make it harder to breathe in Maine

2021-07-26T21:10+0200bangordailynews (en)

People visit Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, July 19, 2021. Smoke from forest fires hangs over the city and the Ottawa River. Credit: Sean Kilpatrick / The Canadian Press via AP The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has issued an air quality alert for the state that will be in effect throughout Monday afternoon and into Tuesday.

Western and Canadian wildfire smoke prompts health alert in Maine

2021-07-26T20:24+0200bangordailynews (en)

People visit Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, July 19, 2021. Smoke from forest fires hangs over the city and the Ottawa River. Credit: Sean Kilpatrick / The Canadian Press via AP The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has issued an air quality alert for the state that will be in effect throughout Monday afternoon and into Tuesday.

Forest fire smoke affecting air quality across northern Ontario

2021-07-26T19:00+0200barrie (en)

SUDBURY -- As smoke from forest fires in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario continues to blanket the northern region, Environment Canada has issued another alert about poor air quality. The smoke is creating high levels of air pollution along with low visibility in some areas.

Ontario seeing more wildfires this year, double the 10-year average: officials 0

2021-07-26T17:17+0200kitchenertoday (en)

Ontario officials say the number of northern wildfires this year is double the 10-year average and the amount of land burned is more than three times the average. This year there have been 902 wildfires so far and the 10-year average is 520. More than 520,000 hectares have been burned this year and the average is more than 153,000.

Smoke from forest fires affecting air quality over stretch of Ontario: weather office

2021-07-26T16:14+0200cp24 (en)

Environment Canada says wildfire smoke is affecting air quality and visibility in a stretch of Ontario today. The weather office has issued an air quality statement for a region spanning from the Toronto area to Algonguin, and to the Kingston area. It says smoke is currently "expected or occurring,"....

NASA Satellites Show Smoke Across North America

2021-07-26T15:07+0200scitechdaily (en)

Skies turned hazy from Pittsburgh to Washington to Boston, as smoke from fires in Canada poured into the U.S. Northeast. While plumes of wildfire smoke from western North America have passed over the northeastern U.S. and Canada multiple times each summer in recent years, they often go unnoticed.

Another smog warning issued for Montreal due to forest fires

2021-07-26T15:01+0200montrealgazette (en)

A view of Montreal including the Victoria bridge during a smog warning issued by Environment Canada taken from the Mount-Royal lookout in Montreal on Tuesday, July 2, 2013. Environment Canada has issued smoke warnings in many parts of Quebec including Montreal due to forest fires burning in the north of Quebec.

Smoke from forest fires affecting air quality over stretch of Ontario: weather office

2021-07-26T14:59+0200barrie (en)

TORONTO -- Environment Canada says wildfire smoke is affecting air quality and visibility in a stretch of Ontario today. The weather office has issued an air quality statement for a region spanning from the Toronto area to Algonguin, and to the Kingston area.

Smoke from forest fires affecting air quality over stretch of Ontario: weather office

2021-07-26T14:47+0200kitchenertoday (en)

Environment Canada says wildfire smoke is affecting air quality and visibility in a stretch of Ontario today. The weather office has issued an air quality statement for a region spanning from the Toronto area to Algonguin, and to the Kingston area. It says smoke is currently "expected or occurring,"....

NASA Satellites Show Smoke Across North America

2021-07-26T14:32+0200focustechnica (en)

Skies turned hazy from Pittsburgh to Washington to Boston, as smoke from fires in Canada poured into the U.S. Northeast. While plumes of wildfire smoke from western North America have passed over the northeastern U.S. and Canada multiple times each summer in recent years, they often go unnoticed.

Smoke from Ontario forest fires triggers air quality warning in south of province

2021-07-26T13:40+0200globalnews (en)

issued a special air quality statement for a portion of southern Ontario after forest fires in northwestern Ontario led to high levels of air pollution. The weather agency said the smoke from the forest fires is causing poor air quality and reduced visibility.

Forest fire smoke sparks air quality statement for Hamilton, Burlington

2021-07-26T13:40+0200CBC (en)

Environment Canada has issued an air quality statement for Hamilton and Burlington on Monday, warning high levels of air pollution are possible because of forest fires in northwestern Ontario. An air quality statement is in place for Hamilton and Burlington on Monday.

Forest fires force smog warning in Greater Montreal area

2021-07-26T13:29+0200barrie (en)

MONTREAL -- A smog warning has been issued for the Greater Montreal area by Environment Canada . "Smog especially affects asthmatic children and people with respiratory ailments or heart disease," the agency states. "It is therefore recommended that these individuals avoid intense physical activity outdoors until the smog warning is lifted.

Canada’s massive wildfires are the result of decades of bad decisions. Time to make better decisions

2021-07-26T12:35+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Take a walk into a Canadian forest. Soak up the quiet. Draw in the smell of the woods. It feels like pure nature. That, however, is a false impression. Canada ’s forests may seem entirely “natural,” but after generations of logging and fire suppression, the human influence on their makeup is distinct.

Ottawa now under severe thunderstorm warning; another air quality statement issued

2021-07-26T02:37+0200ottawacitizen (en)

The earlier thunderstorm watch, issued at 6 p.m., said conditions were ripe, until mid-evening, for “dangerous thunderstorms that may be capable of producing damaging wind gusts and large hail.” It said wind gusts could reach 90 km/h, with hail the size of quarters.

Severe thunderstorm warning issued for Ottawa, western Quebec

2021-07-26T02:34+0200CBC (en)

A severe thunderstorm warning was issued for Ottawa on Sunday evening. Environment Canada said the thunderstorm was located over the City of Ottawa and moving east at 40 km/h as of 8:15 p.m. Sunday. The storm was capable of producing very strong wind gusts around 90 km/h and ping pong ball size hail, the weather agency said.

Air quality weather statements for central Ontario due to wildfire smoke

2021-07-26T01:25+0200barrie (en)

BARRIE, ONT. -- Environment Canada has issued special weather statements over air quality for much of central Ontario. Special air quality statements have been issued due to drifting smoke from active forest fires in northwestern Ontario. The weather statements are in effect for the following....

Regional News Air Quality statement issued for Cornwall area July 25 Posted 18 seconds ago CORNWALL, Ontario - Environment Canada has issued an Air Quality statement for the Cornwall area on Sunday, July 25, 2021. The statement warns of possible poor air quality going into Sunday evening. "Smoke plumes from active forest fires in northwestern

2021-07-26T00:40+0200cornwallseawaynews (en)

CORNWALL, Ontario – Environment Canada has issued an Air Quality statement for the Cornwall area on Sunday, July 25, 2021. The statement warns of possible poor air quality going into Sunday evening. “Smoke plumes from active forest fires in northwestern Ontario might cause deteriorated air quality for portions of eastern Ontario tonight.

Air quality statement issued as wildfire smoke returns to eastern Ontario

2021-07-26T00:25+0200barrie (en)

OTTAWA -- Environment Canada has issued another air quality statement as smoke from wildfires in northwestern Ontario returns to the region. A hazy sky blanketed Ottawa early last week until a cold front and thunderstorm pushed some of the smoky air away from the region.

Special air quality statement issued for Toronto, rest of GTA due to forest fire smoke

2021-07-25T22:12+0200cp24 (en)

Environment Canada issued a special air quality statement Sunday for various regions across Ontario, including the Greater Toronto Area. The statement was issued due to high levels of wildfire smoke in the province, which can cause increased air pollution and reduced visibility.

Poor air quality in Toronto, GTA due to smoke from northwest forest fires: Environment Canada

2021-07-25T22:09+0200citynews-ca (en)

Environment Canada has issued special air quality advisories for Toronto due to smoke which it says has blown in from wildfires burning in Ontario's northwest. Jill Taylor/680 NEWS. Environment Canada has issued a special air quality statement for southern Ontario including the City of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.

High levels of wildfire smoke in Toronto, special air quality statement issued

2021-07-25T22:04+0200barrie (en)

TORONTO -- Environment Canada issued a special air quality statement Sunday for various regions across Ontario, including the Greater Toronto Area. The statement was issued due to high levels of wildfire smoke in the province, which can cause increased air pollution and reduced visibility.

Special air quality statement in effect for Waterloo Region May continue into Monday Jul 25, 2021 3:35 PM Read more >

2021-07-25T21:41+0200kitchenertoday (en)

NEWS RELEASE ENVIRONMENT CANADA Special air quality statement in effect for: Guelph - Erin - Southern Wellington County Kitchener - Cambridge - Region of Waterloo Mount Forest - Arthur - Northern Wellington County Smoke is causing poor air quality and reducing visibility. Smoke is expected or occurring.

In Canada, gigantic fires ravage the Western province

2021-07-25T15:45+0200archyde (en)

“Prepare an evacuation plan” , BC Premier John Horgan urged his fellow citizens in a tweet on Wednesday. More than 310 forest fires ravaged the western province, to the point that the provincial government declared a state of emergency. Norias of Canada ir planes and water-bomber helicopters sweep....

Scientists fear for wildlife in Ontario's boreal forest as wildfires get more frequent and intense

2021-07-25T10:03+0200CBC (en)

As wildfires continue to burn through northern Ontario's great expanse of boreal forest, smothering the deep greens and blues of the land, experts are keeping an eye on the hundreds of animal species living within. Although the 2021 fire season has already been one of the worst in the past decade,....

Crews battle wildfire west of Calgary near Lac Des Arcs 49 mins

2021-07-25T01:50+0200cknw (en)

Fire crews continued to battle a wildfire west of Calgary on Saturday that could be seen from the Trans Canada highway. The work continued all day Saturday with helicopters trying to extinguish the fire from the air while crews on the ground made sure it didn’t spread. At 5 p.m.

Crews battle wildfire west of Calgary near Lac Des Arcs

2021-07-25T01:14+0200globalnews (en)

Fire crews continued to battle a wildfire west of Calgary on Saturday that could be seen from the Trans Canada highway. The work continued all day Saturday with helicopters trying to extinguish the fire from the air while crews on the ground made sure it didn’t spread. At 5 p.m.

Alberta's smoky skies may delay crops, honey harvest

2021-07-24T15:15+0200CBC (en)

The haze this summer may not only be a detriment to human health — it could also have a negative impact on food production. While studies indicate smoke helps seed germination and can even ripen fruit, such as bananas, it may also delay plant maturity by prohibiting photosynthesis.

Alluvioni, incendi, tornado di zanzare, caldo infernale: la crisi climatica bussa forte alle nostre porte

2021-07-24T11:36+0200greenme (it)

Non è un avvertimento, è una triste realtà: la crisi climatica ci sta travolgendo. In poche settimane un concentrato di eventi estremi che hanno un’unica matrice. Dalle temperature insopportabili, agli incendi “naturali” fino alle alluvioni e al tornado di zanzare, il tempo è davvero finito.

More than 80 soldiers deployed to help fight Manitoba wildfires

2021-07-24T02:01+0200CBC (en)

Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry prepare to depart the Canadian Forces Base Shilo to help fight wildfires on Friday. (MCpl HJL MacRae) The Canadian military deployed 86 soldiers from its Shilo base Friday morning to help fight forest fires in eastern Manitoba.

Extreme weather is sweeping the world, with devastating floods and wildfires on 3 continents at once

2021-07-23T20:52+0200menafn (en)

- NewsIn.Asia) July 23 (Insider) – Extreme weather is striking all over the world, illustrating how vulnerable swathes of humanity are natural disasters. Some events — like wildfires sweeping the western US — are seasonal, while others came as a total surprise. Subscribe to our Whatsapp channel for the latest updates on the news you need to know.

Al G20 è stata raggiunta un'intesa su clmia ed energia

2021-07-23T18:08+0200agi (it)

AGI - È stata raggiunta un'intesa di massima al G20 su clima ed energia, i temi più controversi. Secondo quanto viene riferito, ci sarebbe un parziale via libera della Cina ma altri paesi avrebbero confermato le loro resistenze a impegni sull'accelerazione della decarbonizzazione.

Satellite Image Shows Wildfire Smoke Over North America

2021-07-23T13:37+0200ibtimes (en)

Wildfire smoke made news this week for turning skies hazy and the sunset red. Even satellites in space caught the widespread effect of the wildfires. Wildfire smoke from western North America passing over northeastern U.S. and Canada typically go unnoticed as they move at high altitudes, NASA Earth Observatory said .

Forest fires in Canada and USA: Emergency in the west

2021-07-23T03:14+0200archyde (en)

D he smoke from wildfires in the western United States and Canada has also reached the east coast of America. While the plumes fogged the skyscrapers about 5000 kilometers from the fire areas and led to unusual sunrises, the health authorities of large cities such as New York, Washington and Philadelphia warned of pollutants in the air.

A look at Canada’s wildfires in numbers and graphics over the decades Environment

2021-07-22T23:59+0200cknw (en)

Hundreds of wildfires across Canada have forced evacuations and torched homes in the wake of record-breaking temperatures in the western part of the country this year. While it is normal for Canada, which has nine per cent of the world’s forests, to experience wildfires during the summer months,....

First smoke, then fire? BWCA braces for the worst July 20, 2021 4:07 p.m. By Dan Kraker Residents in northern Minnesota woke up to thick smoke Tuesday morning that spread from wildfires burning across the border in Canada, and some people around the Boundary Waters Canoe Area are bracing for a severe fire season that will likely last all summer.

2021-07-22T23:36+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

Just how dry is it in northeastern Minnesota? Ellen Bogardus-Szymaniak, a district ranger for the Superior National Forest, said typically the raspberries would be booming right now. Not this year. "The raspberries look like they've been dehydrated on the vine,” Bogardus-Szymaniak said. “They're tiny.

Air quality a concern as over 110 forest fires burn in northwestern Ontario

2021-07-22T21:28+0200CBC (en)

More than 110 forest fires were burning in northwestern Ontario as of Tuesday morning, with smoke drift leading Environment Canada to issue air quality statements for parts of the region. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) said 18 of the new fires were discovered by early Monday evening.

Smoky conditions over Winnipeg lead to influx in false alarms, medical calls: WFPS 40 mins

2021-07-22T21:21+0200cknw (en)

Days of poor air quality and hazy skies in Winnipeg have led to an increase in false alarms triggered by smoke in the air as well as a spike in medical calls related to respiratory issues, officials say. Jay Shaw, assistant chief with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service said as the air-quality index....

Smoky conditions over Winnipeg lead to influx in false alarms, medical calls: WFPS

2021-07-22T20:52+0200globalnews (en)

Days of poor air quality and hazy skies in Winnipeg have led to an increase in false alarms triggered by smoke in the air as well as a spike in medical calls related to respiratory issues, officials say. Jay Shaw, assistant chief with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service said as the air-quality index....

Air quality concerns heighten due to smoke from 166 forest fires in northwestern Ontario  (Nouvelle fenêtre) 

2021-07-22T19:30+0200radio-canada (en)

An aerial view of the Kenora 51 fire, which is burning in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park. As of Thursday, the fire was at about 136,000 hectares and not under control. Air quality due to smoke is an issue in many areas of the region. Photo: Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry/Provided.

Air quality concerns heighten due to smoke from 166 forest fires in northwestern Ontario

2021-07-22T17:58+0200CBC (en)

Air quality statements have been issued for parts of northwestern Ontario as more than 160 fires burn in the region Thursday, and the region remains under a provincial emergency order. An aerial view of the Kenora 51 fire, which is burning in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park.

Luca Mercalli: «Anche noi diventeremo profughi (del clima)» DeAbyDay

2021-07-22T17:31+0200msn-nl (it)

Nell'arco di un paio di settimane è successo di tutto: la cupola di calore tra Usa e Canada , le alluvioni in Germania e Belgio, gli incendi. Spesso si fatica a cogliere il collegamento tra questi fenomeni così diversi. Come lo spiegherebbe a un bambino? Gli spiegherei cosa sono gli eventi estremi.

Luca Mercalli: «Anche noi diventeremo profughi (del clima)» DeAbyDay

2021-07-22T17:14+0200msn-it (it)

Nell'arco di un paio di settimane è successo di tutto: la cupola di calore tra Usa e Canada , le alluvioni in Germania e Belgio, gli incendi. Spesso si fatica a cogliere il collegamento tra questi fenomeni così diversi. Come lo spiegherebbe a un bambino? Gli spiegherei cosa sono gli eventi estremi.

166 forest fires burning in northwestern Ontario on Thursday morning

2021-07-22T15:43+0200CBC (en)

An aerial view of the Kenora 51 fire, which is burning in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park. As of Thursday, the fire was about 136,000 hectares, and not under control. (Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry/Provided) Air quality statements have been issued for....

La crisi climatica colpisce ancora, da una parte all’altra del globo: gli incendi divorano la Siberia e l’Oregon

2021-07-22T13:39+0200ohga (it)

In Russia è stato distrutto oltre un milione e mezzo di ettari di foreste, e gli abitanti dei villaggi colpiti hanno lanciato un appello disperato al presidente Putin: “L’aria è irrespirabile”. Negli Stati Uniti invece il fumo sprigionato dai roghi nella West Coast è arrivato fino alla costa opposta, oscurando la città di New York.

Luglio 2021 tra alluvioni e allarmi meteo

2021-07-22T08:09+0200cinquecolonne (it)

Non più di due settimane fa, in Canada , un’ ha provocato vasti incendi e cancellato un intero villaggio. Dopo una decina di giorni nel cuore dell’Europa altre città sono state cancellate da una violenta alluvione. In queste ore, la Cina, sta vivendo una situazione simile.

Roghi dalla Siberia all'Oregon: le foreste bruciano. "Frequenza cresce, pericoli per la qualità dell'aria"

2021-07-22T00:33+0200quotidiano (it)

New York, 21 luglio 2021 - Il bosco brucia, dalla Siberia all' Oregon, con il Bootleg Fire . Mentre New York ieri è stata ricoperta da una foschia grigio fumo, provocata proprio dagli incendi, e i servizi di protezione ambientale hanno diffuso uno stato d'allerta per la qualità dell'aria.

Inferno russo: la Siberia brucia avvelenando l'aria

2021-07-21T23:41+0200lasentinella (it)

L'aria è irrespirabile. Il fumo ovunque, tutto brucia. In alcune città i bambini sono stati allontanati per tempo, mandati da qualche parente in zone più sicure. I grandi restano a combattere, a spegnere come possono le fiamme, ma sembra una guerra persa: la Siberia è un tizzone ardente che non vuole sapere di spegnersi.

Smoke From Western Wildfires Drifts to Midwest and East Coast

2021-07-21T23:17+0200courthousenews (en)

CHICAGO (CN) — The skies over Chicago were a dark hazy gray Wednesday morning as smoke from distant West Coast fires settled over the Windy City. Meteorologists with the National Weather Service in Romeoville, about 25 miles southwest of Chicago, said they had noticed the smoke for the past 24 hours....

A look at Canada’s wildfires in numbers and graphics over the decades Hundreds of wildfires are raging across Canada, forcing mass evacuations. A look at how this year’s season compares with past years. Environment 35 mins

2021-07-21T23:00+0200cknw (en)

Hundreds of wildfires across Canada have forced evacuations and torched homes in the wake of record-breaking temperatures in the western part of the country this year. While it is normal for Canada, which has nine per cent of the world’s forests, to experience wildfires during the summer months,....

A look at Canada’s wildfires in numbers and graphics over the decades

2021-07-21T22:48+0200globalnews (en)

Hundreds of wildfires across Canada have forced evacuations and torched homes in the wake of record-breaking temperatures in the western part of the country this year. While it is normal for Canada, which has nine per cent of the world’s forests, to experience wildfires during the summer months,....

Incendi dalla Siberia all'Oregon: le foreste bruciano. "Pericolo aria tossica" Quotidiano.Net

2021-07-21T20:16+0200msn-it (it)

© Greenpeace Russia. New York, 21 luglio 2021 - Il bosco brucia, dalla Siberia all' Oregon, con il Bootleg Fire . Mentre New York ieri è stata ricoperta da una foschia grigio fumo, provocata proprio dagli incendi, e i servizi di protezione ambientale hanno diffuso uno stato d'allerta per la qualità dell'aria.

No ‘return to normal’: Growing threat of fire and floods, as smoke spans a continent.

2021-07-21T19:18+0200nytimes (en)

Elsewhere, severe flooding in central China killed at least 12 people trapped inside a subway in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, according to state media reports. The flooding inundated much of the city and surrounding region, creating scenes of destruction that suggested the death toll could be much higher.

New forest fires in northwestern Ontario hit single-day high amid evacuations

2021-07-21T18:13+0200CBC (en)

Northwestern Ontario saw a record number of new single-day forest fire starts for 2021 on Tuesday, with 70 new ones confirmed. The previous daily record for the year was 46 fires, which were reported June 5, said Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES).

Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T17:05+0200CBC (en)

Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

As hazy skies clear in parts of Canada, a warning about what's still to come

2021-07-21T16:25+0200barrie (en)

TORONTO -- The sky cleared across some parts of Canada early Wednesday and conditions were expected to improve further as the day progressed, amid warnings that the wildfire-induced haze will likely return before long. "I think … the story, for the rest of the summer into August, is 'smoke, smoke,....

As hazy skies clear in parts of Canada, a warning about what's still to come

2021-07-21T16:04+0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- The sky cleared across some parts of Canada early Wednesday and conditions were expected to improve further as the day progressed, amid warnings that the wildfire-induced haze will likely return before long. "I think … the story, for the rest of the summer into August, is 'smoke, smoke,....

Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call July 21 Updated

2021-07-21T15:57+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Canada ’s environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

How the Calgary Region Airshed Zone measures pollutants to formulate air quality health index

2021-07-21T15:54+0200CBC (en)

As wildfires burning in B.C. and Saskatchewan blow smoke into Alberta, the Calgary Region Airshed Zone has been busy monitoring and providing information on the local air quality. The not-for-profit group uses air monitoring stations and sensors to provide real-time data to inform the air quality....

Canada’s extreme weather a wake up call as wildfires rage on: environment minister Canada 31 mins

2021-07-21T15:27+0200cknw (en)

Farmers in the Prairies are also suffering from severe drought conditions, while weather alerts are in effect across Western Canada due to a dense cloud of smoke. “I think the events that we’re seeing this summer are probably underlying that even more for Canadians,” Environment Minister Jonathan....

Canada’s extreme weather a wake up call as wildfires rage on: environment minister

2021-07-21T15:13+0200globalnews (en)

Farmers in the Prairies are also suffering from severe drought conditions, while weather alerts are in effect across Western Canada due to a dense cloud of smoke. “I think the events that we’re seeing this summer are probably underlying that even more for Canadians,” Environment Minister Jonathan....

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T14:54+0200barrie (en)

CALGARY -- Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T14:05+0200ctvnews (en)

CALGARY -- Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T12:44+0200timescolonist (en)

A state of emergency goes into effect in B.C. on Wednesday to prepare for potential mass evacuations as nearly 300 fires burned across that province and threatened communities. Two people died in the village of Lytton, B.C., earlier this month after much of the community was destroyed by fire.

Inferno russo: la Siberia brucia avvelenando l'aria

2021-07-21T12:21+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

L'aria è irrespirabile. Il fumo ovunque, tutto brucia. In alcune città i bambini sono stati allontanati per tempo, mandati da qualche parente in zone più sicure. I grandi restano a combattere, a spegnere come possono le fiamme, ma sembra una guerra persa: la Siberia è un tizzone ardente che non vuole sapere di spegnersi.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T12:14+0200citynews-ca (en)

CALGARY — Canada ’s environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call 0

2021-07-21T10:29+0200kitchenertoday (en)

CALGARY — Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call 0 7/21/2021 1:00:00 AM

2021-07-21T10:13+0200tricitynews (en)

CALGARY — Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

'Defining issue': Federal environment minister says extreme weather a wake-up call

2021-07-21T10:09+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

CALGARY — Canada 's environment minister says extreme weather conditions across the country should be a wake-up call for people resisting taking action against climate change. Wildfires are raging out of control, forcing residents out of their homes, in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. A state of emergency goes into effect in B.

British Columbia to receive federal assistance with ongoing wildfire situation

2021-07-21T02:55+0200news-yahoo (en)

OTTAWA, ON July 20, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, have approved a formal Request for Federal Assistance from the Province of British Columbia to support their....

British Columbia to receive federal assistance with ongoing wildfire situation

2021-07-21T02:53+0200publicnow (en)

News release. Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, have approved a formal Request for Federal Assistance from the Province of British Columbia to support their efforts to combat....

British Columbia to receive federal assistance with ongoing wildfire situation

2021-07-21T02:50+0200finanzen-ch (en)

OTTAWA, ON July 20, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, have approved a formal Request for Federal Assistance from the Province of British Columbia to support their....

British Columbia to receive federal assistance with ongoing wildfire situation

2021-07-21T02:33+0200finanzen-at (en)

OTTAWA, ON July 20, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, have approved a formal Request for Federal Assistance from the Province of British Columbia to support their....

Siberian wildfires burn over 1.5 million hectares of forest as smoke and heatwave choke ‘world’s coldest city’ The Independent

2021-07-21T01:41+0200msn-uk (en)

Enormous plumes of smoke from the extensive fires is impacting 51 towns, settlements and cities in the region, and in Yakutsk, the smog forced the closure of the city’s airport, with all flights in and out of the city suspended. Many people have said they are struggling to breathe, and have....

Forest fires prompt Ontario government to halt some industrial activity

2021-07-21T01:22+0200torontosun (en)

The province has already halted blasting related to road work, the use of mechanized power equipment and powers saws for harvesting or processing wood and all “hot works” like welding and grinding. The Ministry is concerned about the potential for sparks in a region dealing with a severe fire situation.

Siberian wildfires and heatwave choke ‘world’s coldest city’

2021-07-21T00:57+0200independent-UK (en)

The biggest and coldest region in ’s , is grappling with a third straight month of high temperatures accompanied by devastating wildfires which have now burnt more than 1.5 million hectares of forest. In recent weeks average temperatures have soared up to 10C above average, while residents of the....

First smoke, then fire? BWCA braces for the worst Residents in northern Minnesota woke up to thick smoke Tuesday morning that spread from wildfires burning across the border in Canada, and some people around the Boundary Waters Canoe Area are bracing for a severe fire season that will likely last all summer.

2021-07-21T00:25+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

Just how dry is it in northeastern Minnesota? Ellen Bogardus-Szymaniak, a district ranger for the Superior National Forest, said typically the raspberries would be booming right now. Not this year. "The raspberries look like they've been dehydrated on the vine,” Bogardus-Szymaiak said. “They're tiny.

L'incendio più grande degli Usa divora l'Oregon

2021-07-21T00:09+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

L’hanno chiamato "Bootleg Fire", dal nome della vicina località di Bootleg Spring, ed è il più grande incendio tra gli oltre 80 che stanno infuriando negli Usa. Ma è anche il più grande nella storia dell’Oregon, lo Stato che devasta da ormai due settimane.

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