Forest Fire (8222 ha) in Canada 05 Oct 2021

Media coverage of this event

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 04 Oct 2021

3 of the most dangerous risks of living in Los Angeles County, CA Saurabh Los Angeles County, CA

2021-10-19T22:48+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Los Angeles County is a place full of glamour, art, beaches, and other things that are rarely found together anywhere else in the world. The pleasant weather and beautiful landscapes attract visitors from all over the world, who come to be amazed while enjoying one of the most diverse cuisine experiences.

Le manifestazioni delle comunità indigene negli USA, il rapporto di Climate Transparency Report, il più grande impianto eolico collettivo di Italia

2021-10-18T08:21+0200valigiablu (it)

Il round-up settimanale sul cambiamento climatico e i dati sui livelli di anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera. via Global Monitoring Laboratory, Mauna Loa USA, le manifestazioni delle comunità indigene per chiedere a Biden di non approvare più progetti di combustibili fossili.

Edward Struzik: Da Vaia e gli uragani agli incendi: come cambia il clima e cosa fare

2021-10-11T16:25+0200247libero (it)

«Le Dolomiti vivono molto per il turismo, soprattutto invernale. Ma i cambiamenti climatici stanno già modificando le stagioni che saranno sempre più brevi. Il Trentino-Alto Adige ha un’occasione per ripensare il suo sviluppo e programmare diversamente la sostenibilità. Il tempo gioca ancora a suo favore.

Edward Struzik: «Da Vaia e gli uragani agli incendi: come cambia il clima e cosa fare»

2021-10-11T15:36+0200corrieredelveneto (it)

«Le Dolomiti vivono molto per il turismo, soprattutto invernale. Ma i cambiamenti climatici stanno già modificando le stagioni che saranno sempre più brevi. Il Trentino-Alto Adige ha un’occasione per ripensare il suo sviluppo e programmare diversamente la sostenibilità. Il tempo gioca ancora a suo favore.

86% of Canadians live in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines: researchers Health

2021-10-08T23:49+0200cknw (en)

The majority of Canadians live in parts of the country where air pollution exceeds new guidelines set by the World Health Organization, and this could damage their health, researchers say. According to researchers at CANUE – the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium – around 86 per....

Siberia’s 2021 fires were stronger than the fires in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the United States, and Canada combined

2021-10-08T19:18+0200climatescorecard (en)

This Post was submitted by Climate Scorecard Russia Country Manager Michael Oshchepkov. Throughout the past year, the impact of climate change has increasingly become evident by a series of extreme weather events around the world—Russia is no exception.

Russia's Wildfires Dwarfed All Other Fires Across the World in 2021

2021-10-08T13:57+0200vice-com-uk (en)

Media coverage of the 2021 fire season has focused largely on infernos in Europe and the United States, including the record Dixie fire in California. But the wildfires in Russia this summer have been on an entirely different scale, releasing an estimated 970 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide....

Air quality statement issued for Calgary as wildfire smoke blankets sky

2021-10-07T03:04+0200CBC (en)

A special air quality statement has been issued for Calgary and surrounding areas on Wednesday due to forest fires burning near Hudson Bay, Sask. The wildfire in Saskatchewan has been the primary source of surface level smoke in Alberta over the past few days and had prompted a special air quality....

Wildfire smoke blankets Calgary skies, air quality still moderate, says meteorologist

2021-10-07T02:49+0200CBC (en)

Wildfire smoke rolled into Calgary Wednesday afternoon due to forest fires burning near Hudson Bay, Sask. Environment Canada says the wildfire has been the primary source of surface level smoke in Alberta over the past few days. In fact, a special air quality statement affecting parts of central....

Shoal Lake evacuees hope they can return home soon

2021-10-07T01:11+0200CBC (en)

Four-year-old Kaylen Young is restless beside her mother Andrea in a Prince Albert hotel banquet room. The Youngs are part of almost 600 people from Shoal Lake Cree Nation, located about 350 km northeast of Saskatoon, who have been evacuated to hotels in Prince Albert because of smoke from wildfires.

U.S. forest fires, Sask. blaze brings smoke into Alberta

2021-10-06T23:19+0200barrie (en)

CALGARY - Fall is turning out to be similar to this summer in Alberta as wildfire smoke is leaving a stinky smell on the air. The fires, burning in Montana, are having a real impact on air quality in Calgary and Edmonton on Wednesday. Another fire in Saskatchewan is also causing issues in the central part of the province.

2 Indigenous communities under evacuation ask Sask. to do more to combat wildfires

2021-10-05T01:35+0200CBC (en)

Leaders from Red Earth Cree Nation and Shoal Lake Cree Nation say the provincial government should mobilize more resources to battle forest fires in northern Saskatchewan. "If the province does not put more resources into fighting the wildfires, our communities will suffer from its impacts for years....

Northern Sask. wildfires lead to smoky haze in Saskatoon

2021-10-04T23:50+0200barrie (en)

SASKATOON -- Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)has issued a special air quality statement for the city of Saskatoon. "Smoke from forest fires north of Hudson Bay are resulting in elevated (Air Quality Health Index) values," the statement said.

Enviroment Canada issues smoke alert for Saskatoon and areas to east, northeast

2021-10-04T22:48+0200CBC (en)

Saskatoon and areas to the east and northeast are under an air quality alert because of smoke from forest fires burning near Hudson Bay. Environment Canada said winds are pushing smoke from the fires through the northern grain belt this afternoon and evening.

Parts of Manitoba affected by smoke from Saskatchewan forest fires

2021-10-04T15:54+0200barrie (en)

WINNIPEG - Environment Canada has issued air quality statements for parts of west central and northern Manitoba as smoke from the Saskatchewan wildfires is affecting these areas. The weather agency has issued a warning for a number of communities, including Grand Rapids, The Pas and Thompson, saying there are elevated pollution levels.

Sask. public safety agency issues fire ban for east central areas

2021-10-03T23:16+0200barrie (en)

SASKATOON -- As a result of hot, dry conditions in the eastern and central parts of the province, the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) issued a fire ban for a large area of Saskatchewan. The fire ban is effective immediately and covers a large area of land including South of Highway 106 from....

Kerry: verso Glasgow qualche Paese è sulla strada giusta, altri no

2021-10-01T18:15+0200247libero (it)

SkyTg24 : In questo momento c'è un grande dibattito intorno a chi paga i costi della transizione ecologica. John Kerry : Perdiamo 10 milioni di vite ogni anno per l’inquinamento, per i gas climalteranti. L’anidride carbonica che va a finire negli oceani incrementa l’acidità dell’acqua, riscaldandola.

Spazio e clima, Cheli (ESA): “allo studio un satellite che studierà le emissioni di CO2”

2021-10-01T13:52+0200meteoweb (it)

L’ Agenzia Spaziale Europea sta studiando un satellite, battezzato CO2, che studierà le emissioni di anidride carbonica di origine antropogenica “: lo ha annunciato Simonetta Cheli , capo dell’Ufficio Strategia, Programma e Coordinamento presso la Direzione dell’Osservazione della Terra dell’Agenzia....

LA GESTIONE ATTIVA DELLE RIFORESTAZIONI Dalle foreste del Guatemala una possibile soluzione contro incendi e crisi climatica

2021-09-30T19:03+0200rivistanatura (it)

California, Canada , Grecia, Macedonia, Albania, Spagna, Amazzonia, Siberia, Egitto, Turchia, Italia: la lista dei territori stravolti dagli incendi e da fenomeni meteorologici estremi si allunga inesorabilmente, ed è legata agli effetti imprevedibili della crisi climatica in corso.

Google Maps can now tell you if your destination is on fire

2021-09-30T12:41+0200euronews-en (en)

From October, a new wildfire layer will join other Google Maps filters that show traffic conditions, public transport and bike routes. In a blog published on Wednesday , Google Earth & Earth Engine director Rebecca Moore said the feature would give users an easy way to stay updated about multiple wildfires at once.

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